Golden Informer | Summer 2024

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With features to make your experience easier!



Preparing your property for wildfires


Courts to open mid-summer


Sweet Spots of a Golden


It is summertime once again in Golden. For my family, this marks the first summer we will have a college student returning home and the last summer having a high school student at home. Over the past years, I have noticed that summer has generally been a slower time for our family business but a busier time for my job serving as mayor. Activity in Golden really heats up (pun intended) in July, August, and September.

These are the months to enjoy long days of sunlight, warm weather activities, and informal gatherings of friends and neighbors. It is also when we start seeing the abundance of the growing season with flourishing gardens and fresh produce available, as well as the event season with multiple events by community groups and increased activity at the School of Mines by August and September.

The family-friendly events are my favorite as they bring back great memories of my children bouncing in the inflatable slides on the 4th of July, participating in the parade at Buffalo Bill Days, and making art projects like woven yarn and popsicle stick art from the Fine Arts Festival. Seeing Golden kids and families building their own summertime traditions and making new memories in the city is incredibly heartwarming. Golden in the summer is hopping with so many things to do that I need to remind myself that summer in Golden is also a great time to slow down and relax in the backyard or take a stroll downtown for ice cream after dinner. Since I have access to Golden year-round, I can be selective in what I do on the busy weekends. I love going for walks along the creek early in the morning before people are out and the weather is cooler. I also love attending summer events and will be there more often for the early activities rather than for the night-time festivities.

While my schedule is usually busy, I have flexibility with work hours. I can recreate outdoors and shop downtown during the week and not have to do all my activities on the busy weekends. I recognize the privilege I have as a local able to go at off-peak times when living in a place that is a weekend tourist destination.

It will be busy in Golden again this summer and City staff will be working to keep downtown and the Clear Creek corridor safe and accessible. There will be an increased focus on enforcement to address the bad behaviors exhibited by some individuals so that everyone else can have a more enjoyable experience.

I encourage you to find those sweet spots of time that work for you to enjoy your summer in Golden. There is something for everyone whether you love the busy atmosphere of beer tents and bands or the quiet of the creek on an early morning.

Happy Summer!


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Sign up for Lookout Alert at

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Looking for athletic programs, camps, or memberships?

Sign up for the monthly Parks and Recreation email at


Shea enjoying ice cream in downtown Golden as part of the “Tell Us How You’re Golden” photo contest.


Most of my childhood was spent in and around Golden. Each year, I witnessed change in Golden. During my lifetime, our town has grown from a sleepy, mostly blue-collar, town to a vibrant, mostly white-collar, community that attracts hightech start-up companies, outdoor recreation enthusiasts, tourists, and day-trippers. Had I moved away from Golden after high school and returned in 2024, there would be very little about the town that I would recognize.

I realize that Golden needs to continue to change to maintain its healthy economy and quality municipal services. We need to recognize that change is inevitable. Once we acknowledge this inevitability, we can focus on what is important: working to control and direct change as we plan for the future.

Throughout my life, there has been one constant about Golden: its citizens have always been respectful of one another. With the advent of social media and citizen journalism, we are inundated with unvetted “news”, and we can post our responses online without truly understanding an issue. This makes it increasingly difficult for people to have open and honest dialogue with others. Psychologically, this makes sense: why have a difficult conversation with someone when you can pull out your phone and post your thoughts? The problem with uninformed online interaction is that it often devolves into name-calling or tribalism instead of problem-solving.

Golden citizens are better than that. We can work together to identify problems and work toward solutions to help our town flourish as we work through change. I have challenged myself, and I challenge each of you, to face your fears. If you hear or read something that you fear may be true, before you post a comment online, have a conversation with someone who is working on the issue to talk through it. By engaging with one another, we will surely make Golden even better.


Golden is a thriving community, and at the core are our people.

With a sense of community being one of our ten Golden Values, nothing maintains the character of Golden better than the many, many volunteers across the city. One of the keys to our thriving community is the number of residents who volunteer. As the Aussies would say, “Good on ya, mate.”

Golden’s community has also strengthened with two fairly recent city staff additions, Tammy Tucker, Director of Parks, Recreation, and Golf, and Sarah Vaine, Director of Thriving Communities. Both Sarah and Tammy have broad responsibilities in their roles which include collaborating with citizens and volunteers.

Sarah works with citizens in the management of grant funds generated from the Lodging Tax and given to nonprofits. Many non-profits over the past few months have smiled in appreciation upon receiving their grants to assist in funding recreational, arts, and youth and senior programs. Meanwhile, Tammy’s responsibilities are also vast but of special interest to me is her emphasis on Senior Activities at the Golden Community Center. Her series of public meetings produced several good ideas, many of which she has since adopted including an ongoing monthly meeting with seniors in the community to keep the ideas flowing.

If you would like to get involved and work alongside all of these folks, volunteer opportunities abound with the Chamber’s Farmers Market, the History Museum, Foothills Art Center, Miners Alley Playhouse, Lions 4th of July Celebration, the Welcome Center, the Railroad Museum, the Neighborhood Rehab Project (aka with a smile – BeATool. org), and many more. The list goes on and on! And it can be readily found on the city website just search “Volunteer.”


Laura Weinberg Mayor



Lisa Vitry District One

303-358-0444 lvitry

Rob Reed Ward One

303-503-5945 rreed


Council Chambers | City Hall, 911 10th St. | 6:30 p.m.

July 9* August 13* September 10*

July 23 August 27 September 24

*Study sessions begin at 5 p.m. Check online for up-to-date information at

Patty Evans District Two

720-295-0080 pevans

Paul Haseman Ward Two

303-513-2310 phaseman

Don Cameron Ward Three

720-295-4370 dcameron

Bill Fisher Ward Four



Public comment is welcome on the agenda at all regular business meetings. You may also send comments to City Council directly at You can email; comments submitted before 3 pm of City Council meeting days will be added to the public record.


Scott Vargo City Manager



Jeff Hansen Finance

303-384-8020 jhansen@

Carly Lorentz Deputy City Manager

303-384-8012 clorentz@

Sandra Llanes City Attorney

303-597-5211 sllanes@

Kristen Meier Human Resources

303-384-8017 kmeier@

Joe Harvey Police Chief

303-384-8030 jharvey@

Meredith Ritchie Communications

303-384-8132 mritchie@

Kasey Beal Fire Chief

303-384-8090 kbeal@

Jiles McCoy Innovation and Technology

303-384-8063 jmccoy@

Monica Mendoza City Clerk

303-384-8014 mmendoza@

Rick Muriby Community & Econ. Dev.

303-384-8098 rmuriby@

Tammy Tucker Parks and Recreation

303-384-8120 ttucker@

Theresa Worsham Sustainability

303-384-8117 tworsham@

Anne Beierle Public Works



Sarah Vaine Thriving Communities

303-384-8075 svaine@


Special Events Permits 303-277-8728

Streets Department 303-384-8160

Sustainability 303-384-8117

Trash & Recycling 303-277-8727

Utilities Division 303-384-8170

Victim Outreach 303-202-2196

Water Bills 303-384-8026

Water Quality 303-384-8181



Deadline July 31

Now in its 38th year, Leadership Golden is accepting applications for the 2024-2025 Program. This tuition-free program provides local learning about Golden with 11 sessions from September through April, including Golden history, arts, government, public works, development, education and recreation. These seminars facilitate opportunities for participants to increase their knowledge of the relationships between government, education, business, and the community of Golden. Leadership Golden enhances the abilities of interested residents, future volunteers, and emerging leaders by educating them on the realities, opportunities and challenges in Golden.

Go to for details and complete an application form online by July 31.

To meet and dialog with the Leadership Golden Board and Alumni, you are also invited to attend the “Meet and Greet” reception from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, July 12, at the Golden City Brewery (GCB) at 920 12th Street. Complimentary appetizers and a cash bar will be provided.


The City are working with community members to determine the best ‘secondary route’ of the Peaks to Plains Trail through Downtown Golden. A secondary route would help alleviate trail congestion and create a better trail experience for all users. The City hosted the first public meeting on June 3, 2024, and plans to collect additional feedback in late July and mid-September. Check out www. for more details.

GOLDEN’S PATHWAY TO PLAY: Connecting Nature and Community

The Parks and Recreation Master Plan and the Open Space Master Plan processes will provide engagement opportunities this summer and fall. Planned activities will include pop-ups, focus groups, and open house opportunities for members of the public. A survey will be distributed to randomly selected members of the community. If you are selected, we encourage you to share your feedback through this platform. People who are not part of the random survey selection will have an opportunity to complete the survey online.

Watch for information about dates, times and locations to help plan the future of services related to parks, recreation and open space in Golden.


The City is designing several bicycle and pedestrian safety improvements this summer in Central Golden. These projects were prioritized as Tier 1 projects in the 2023 Pedestrian and Bike Plan:

• Ford and Jackson Street Protected Bike Lanes (14th Street to 24th Street)

• Jackson Street & 24th Street four-way raised intersection

• Ford Street & 14th Street intersection safety improvements

The City hosted the first public meeting on June 18, 2024, and plans to collect additional feedback through Monday, July 2. Learn more about the projects at www.

Questions? Contact Steph Piperno, City Planner, at or 303-597-5242.


It’s no news to Golden residents that traveling around town can be challenging, especially during peak tourism and festival season. In response, City staff is looking into if a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) program will be beneficial for the City of Golden.

TDM looks to improve travel through multiple channels, such as public transit, walking and biking options, infrastructure, teleworking, and carpooling, and promotes solutions that move trips to off-peak hours. TDM can also include strategies to expand people’s travel options through, parking management, subsidies, and educational programs.

City Staff are working to determine which strategies may work best for the City of Golden to meet the following goals:

The Planning Department will propose a draft plan to City Council at the July 9 Study Session to review the draft program goals and various implementation strategies. There will be an opportunity for public comment in Fall 2024:

• Offset transportation impacts from new development by providing transportation options that support people of all income levels.

• Develop a safe and connected transportation network with the goal to achieve zero traffic-related fatalities by 2035.

• Support existing greenhouse gas emission reduction

goals by reducing the number of trips taken in single occupancy vehicles.

• Promote improved public health and happiness levels through walking, transit, carpooling, and bicycling incentives.

Questions? Please reach out to Steph Piperno at spiperno@


The City’s new paid and permit parking program took effect May 1. Over 4,700 Golden Resident permits were issued, allowing residents to park for up to two hours daily in the Downtown garages and Golden Community Center lots without registering at a kiosk or the pay-by-phone system (the Golden Resident permit does not allow parking in the neighborhood permit zones).

More consistent enforcement will ensure adequate parking space for everyone Downtown, along 10th Street and the Golden Community Center lots and in our neighborhood permit zones. Illegally parked vehicles are receiving violations, so please be sure to follow the signage and register your license plate. Visit to view a map of available parking areas, register for a permit, pay for parking or appeal a violation.

Interstate Parking of Colorado, the City’s contractor, can be contacted in several ways:

• Visit for more information on permit registration, available parking options and to pay or appeal a violation. City Hall staff no longer oversee the violation appeal process and will forward any inquiries to

• Email ParkGoldenCO at parkgoldenco@ (email is preferred)

• Call 720-885-3035 if you’re unable to email

Note that the phone and email are not monitored 24-hours a day but will be responded to promptly.

City staff will present a program update at the August 13 City Council study session, City Hall (911 10th Street) at 5pm. Public feedback on the parking program can be sent to or in-person at the meeting.

Questions? Contact Matt Wempe, Principal Planner, at or 303-215-8884.


The City is proud to launch its brand-new city website, a project that has been a year in the making. This platform is designed with residents in mind, offering all the loved and used features and more, from City Council to Boards and Commissions, Parks and Rec, Public Safety and beyond.

This website was crafted to meet the needs of City of Golden residents and community members. We have rethought how to serve you better based on what you search for, ask about, and email in, making it easy to find what you’re looking for and engage with the community.

The website is organized differently than in the past. Rather than the traditional government website format, this site layout is intended to feel more natural and intuitive. It’s designed to provide a more user-friendly experience. This new look offers even more information than before, organized in an easier-to-use format. It may take some getting

used to initially, but the search functionality will be able to help site visitors find what they’re looking for if it’s unclear.

The photos featured on our site showcase our residents, community members, and City staff to highlight the essence of what we do, who we are, and how we enjoy our community. When you live in a place as beautiful as this with as many wonderful, smiling faces, how could it not?!


There are some incredible new features that well help make the user experience event better:

FixIt! Reporting Tool

Encounter a broken streetlight or a pothole? Use the “Fix It!” tool to report infrastructure issues around the city. Users must register to report an issue. If someone else has already noted a problem, users can “second” an issue, but City staff have already been notified and will add it to their queue of work depending on the severity and urgency of the request.

Parks and Trails Search Functionality

Need picnic tables and a tennis court for a Monday night pick-up game? Simply select the features needed, and watch the list adjust to the parks that offer those amenities. No more guessing!

New Resident Guide

The new residents guide will walk newcomers through everything necessary to get settled in smoothly including ways to engage with and learn about the City as well as critical information on Lookout Alert, local medical facilities and schools.


Stay informed with the news notification system. Sign up to receive email or text alerts when specific pages are updated and never miss an important update.

Initiatives and Plans

Interested in what’s happening in Golden? Visit the “Initiatives and Plans” section under Government. It consolidates all city-wide, neighborhood-specific, and master plans in one convenient location.

Curated Search Functionality

Not sure how to find what you’re looking for? Type in your inquiry into the search bar or icon and get curated information on topics most applicable to the Golden community.

We hope you enjoy the new site and see some familiar faces and information of our community! We are proud to be a leader in digital accessibility as well with continued efforts to meet the state and federal legislation by July 2025.

Feedback, comments or questions about the new website? Email Meredith Ritchie, Director of Communications and Community Engagement, at

Create Defensible Space for Your Home

The City of Golden developed a comprehensive Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) in 2007, most recently updated in 2021, which provides homeowners with a valuable resource for how to create defensible space on private property.

Wildfire is a year-round threat; dry and windy conditions are common along the Front Range and natural plant life like grasses can dry out and become susceptible to ignition within as little as one hour when exposed to direct sunlight.

To create defensible space between open-space vegetation and homes, consider the following:

• Assess your home’s exterior including wooden fences, juniper trees, cordwood stores, and shake shingle roofs. If possible, these items should be replaced or removed from your property

• Compost or discard piles of leaves and other yard waste; these can harbor embers that fall from the sky which can ignite new fires even if the wildfire is further away.

For more information visit https:// department/index.php

In addition to creating defensible space, be sure to sign up for ‘Lookout Alert’ and know what you need to take with you in the event an evacuation or pre-evacuation order is issued for your area.

• Clothes, medications, a method of payment, ID’s, and valuables would need to be gathered quickly; having a prepared go bag can be helpful.

• Develop a plan on where you would evacuate to, such as a friend or family member’s house, preferably away from the foothills or mountains above Golden, as wildfire spreads more rapidly upslope and uphill.

• Evacuation routes cannot reliably be predetermined, as wildfires are unpredictable. You may not be able to leave your neighborhood in the usual manner so know multiple ways to exit your neighborhood and be prepared to follow direction from emergency services. Departing earlier than later is the safest decision to make for both you and your family.


Explore New Opportunities to Dispose of It!

Jefferson County is expanding its program for residents to drop off SLASH material collected from their homes from June 1 through October at Tin Cup Ridge Slash Yard, 151 S Rooney Rd., Golden, CO.

Slash is woody debris such as tree limbs, branches, bark, pine needles and cones. This material can build up on properties, adding to potential fire hazards. Removing slash from your property can help mitigate the potential for wildfire to spread throughout your community.


Sat- Sun in June - July: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.*

Thurs - Sun in September - October: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.*

*Last arrival: 3:30 p.m.


Dump fees are based on six cubic yards (162 cubic feet) of material: six yards is one load. This is equivalent to:

• Truck bed full to truck cab height

• Trailer up to eight feet long by five feet wide by four feet high

Loads outside these parameters will be charged accordingly. The cost to drop off a single load is $24. Credit cards only.

Sign Up for Alerts

For more information on the Rooney site and dates and locations of other mobile sites, or to sign up for Alerts, visit:

Logs: max length 8 ft., max diameter 6 in.


The Golden Police Department prides itself on supporting the safety of our unique community through an active partnership. For many of the Golden PD, they highlight of their work is engaging with citizens in positive environments. Golden Police Department has numerous community engagement programs.

Coffee with a Cop is an informal venue for citizens to have coffee with law enforcement and engage in honest dialogue about anything the citizens would like to discuss. This could be asking questions, discussing specific issues of a neighborhood or simply socializing. The next Coffee with a Cop is Wednesday, October 2, time and location are TBD. Please check for updated time and location information.

National Night Out occurs annually on the first Tuesday in August; this year it will be August 2. Golden Police Department hosts this festival-style event in Parfet Park with music, free food, helicopter landing, police cars, motorcycle demonstrations and so much more. This has proven to be an effective and enjoyable event to engage with our diverse community.

Youth and Citizen’s Academies provide accurate training to our citizens on topics such as K9, drug enforcement,

traffic accident investigations, dispatch, patrol duties, DUI enforcement, SWAT team, crime scene investigations, firearms simulator, taser and so much more. This is real training based on real-life scenarios.

For more information on these and other community engagement programs, please visit


On May 14, City Council approved an Automatic Aid Intergovernmental Agreement between the Golden Fire Department and Pleasant View Fire Department. This agreement replaces a preexisting agreement and will reduce response times to calls for both agencies. Automatic aid allows Golden Fire and Pleasant View Fire to balance call volume in Golden among three fire stations instead of two and strengthen the relationship between our agencies to best serve the community at large.

Automatic aid is contingent on the minimum staffing of three personnel per fire apparatus, which includes a firefighter, an engineer, and an officer (as prescribed by the State of Colorado), and the use of a common incident command system.

While we hope you never need fire rescue, know if you do, it will be the closest available fire truck because that’s what matters most in an emergency.

Don’t Toss It. It’s Legitimate!

If you’ve recently recieved a ticket in the mail that looks like the one above, it is legitimate photo radar ticket issued by the City of Golden.

the payment, and the Arizona address is for the photo radar vendor. The Arizona address is used in case the ticket cannot be delivered and needs to be returned. Please submit your payment as instructed on the ticket to resolve your speed violation. RECEIVED A TICKET THAT LOOKS LIKE

There are two out-of-state addresses on the ticket: one in Seattle, Washington, and one in Tempe, Arizona. The Seattle address belongs to the vendor that collects


Here’s a Few Tips to Reduce Water Waste

In 2019, Community Sustainability Advisory Board (CSAB) members and City Council adopted water savings goals for Golden, including 15% gallons per capita per day reductions in water by 2030. A Waste of Water Ordinance is one of many tools that will help the City meet this goal. Waste of Water (Ordinance 2206) and Golden’s Drought Management Plan (Resolution 2942) were adopted by Council on April 25, 2023.

For more information on the waste of water allowed and prohibited activities, visit

In addition to following the Waste of Water Ordinance, there are many resources available to assist in using water more wisely.

Follow outdoor watering best practices at

Register for a free account on Aquahawk to evaluate your water use at

Repair indoor and outdoor leaks

Participate in city programs through Resource Central such as Garden in a Box, Slow the Flow, WaterWise Seminars, and Lawn Replacement at

Apply for irrigation rebates for soil moisture sensors or smart irrigation controllers at community/sustainable_golden/rebates

Use efficient irrigation equipment such as drip irrigation to water-wise gardens.

Implement rain gardens

Limit artificial turf and rock material to avoid heat islands and additional non-pervious surfaces.

Communicate with landscapers on replacing turf with drought-tolerant vegetation.


Using Drought-Tolerant Vegetation Saves Water and Looks Incredible

Catherine and Barry in their native vegetation garden. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Implementing native vegetation is a great way to be efficient with water use since plants native to Colorado require less water use. Resident Catherine HansenStamp, a “Wild Ones” member, lives in a sustainable passive house and has taken advantage of the native plants in the local ecosystem. Over the past few years, Catherine and her husband, Barry, have continued to remove non-native species and replace them with native vegetation, making sure to integrate keystone species. The Stamps do not use any pesticides or irrigation on their over half an acre lot, showing that going native is a great way to save water and provide a sanctuary for animals, birds, and insects.

Following is a list of native plants that can help make your landscaping waterwise and fire-wise:

1. Symphyotrichum ericoides – White Heath Aster

2. Cleome serrulata – Rocky Mountain Bee Plant

3. Mentzelia nuda – Bractless Blazing Star

4. Monarda fistulosa – Wild Bergamot or Bee Balm

5. Ericameria nauseosa – Rabbitbrush (and Danaus plexippus – Monarch Butterfly)

6. Castilleja integra – Indian Paintbrush

Learn more about the Wild Ones at


From mid-June through the summer, City staff and volunteers gather on the creekside patio of the Golden Natural History Museum (923 10th St) every Monday morning from 7:00 - 9:00 a.m. for Clear Creek corridor cleanup.

Volunteers can check-in at the table on the patio anytime beginning at 7:00 a.m., sign a participation waiver, receive a parking permit, and get instructions for the activity. We’ll provide safety vests, gloves, bags/buckets, and any other tools needed. Help for as long as your schedule allows but clean-up officially wraps up by 9:00 a.m.

This year, in addition to creek corridor cleanup, City staff and volunteers will also expand coverage to nearby streets to pick up trash along flat surfaces of the trails and sidewalks and in parks and parking areas.

For further information and to sign up, scan the QR Code:


Please note that this is an independent volunteer activity, and while we welcome volunteers of all ages, we require that children under age 16 be under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian at all times.

If you’re unable to join us on Mondays but still want to contribute to creek cleanup or have any questions, please contact Rheana Rogers at rrogers@

New Pickleball Courts Set to Serve Up Some Excitement

New pickleball courts open at Tony Grampsas Memorial Sports Complex mid-summer 2024. The courts can be easily accessed from the parking lot, located just south of the playground. The courts, designed specifically for pickleball, are constructed with a post tension concrete slab, fencing and lights. A new picnic pavilion completes the project, along with new connecting sidewalks. Additional enhancements planned for later in 2024 include parking lot and path improvements that will make it easy for vehicles and pedestrians to navigate the complex.

Pickleball courts are open to the public for drop-in play, on a first come first served basis, and hours align

with Tony Grampsas Memorial Sports Complex park hours, with lights available until 11:00 p.m.

New this summer, Introduction to Pickleball and Skills & Drills classes are available to support people interested in joining in on this exciting game. Information and registration can be found on the recreation website.

Shared court facilities at Lions Park and Hockey Stop remain available for use, according to existing procedures.

Golden’s first dedicated pickleball courts will be a great addition to the City’s recreational opportunities.


From Lil’ Tykes to competitive players preparing for High School tryouts, Fossil’s junior camps and clinics are in full swing. Over 80 juniors have been out for programs this Spring and another 300+ will be joining this summer!

Beginners (as young as age four) start with the Lil’ Tykes program and the Learn to Practice half-day camp. Katie Johnson, PGA, mother of two young boys, and Matt Metzger, PGA, take the Lil’ Tykes out for an hour at a time. Partcipiants check out the fossils on Hole #12, learn basic athletic movements, sportsmanship, and swing a few golf clubs.

Learn to Practice is headed by Nik Tyson, PGA alongside Brandon Martin, PGA and Michael Frame, PGA. Longer practices for the seven-10-year-old beginners help them get the basics of course etiquette, the swing, golf lingo and how to practice properly. Nik, Michael and Brandon have as much fun out there as the juniors and camps often include drenching a coach or two with water balloons and water guns (especially on the hot summer days).

PGA Junior League is the most recognizable program at the facility with Juniors decked out in their team blue or orange colors. This year, the Junior League travels again for

the first time since 2018, playing at Hiwan, Heather Ridge and Foothills. Adam Finch, PGA Head Professional, has grown the program over the years and Fossil Trace now fields seven teams of eight every Spring, Summer and Fall.

Operation 36, a national program offered at over 3,600 facilities, has juniors ranging from ages six to 17, practicing together, earning chips to spend on prizes and golf gear. Juniors play nine holes, starting from 25 yards off the green, trying to shoot 36. Once they shoot par (36) they move back to 50, then 100, 150, 200, Gold Tee Boxes/250 on par 5s and from the Gold Tee Boxes. Six Fossil Trace students have made it this far back and are considered “Elite” by Operation 36 national standards. These impressive juniors are 8, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 14 years old!

Fossil Trace Golf Club welcomes everyone from firsttime golfers to seasoned professionals and is a familyfriendly place where everyone can learn the game together. All programs at Fossil Trace are run by professionals, professionally run, and they run on fundamentals, sportsmanship and fun!


Take a Look at your Home’s

Heating and Cooling Systems

Summer is a great time to take a look at your home’s heating and cooling systems, and now is an even better time to check out Golden’s sustainability rebates for improving your home’s energy efficiency.

Rebates are doubled for income-qualified applicants. Some rebates require a City of Golden building permit and proof of a matching Xcel Energy rebate.

Home Heat Pumps:

Heat pumps use electricity to provide both heating and cooling to a home. In the winter, a heat pump extracts heat from the outside and moves it inside. In the summer, it keeps

your home cool too – heat pumps are not only more efficient overall, but a heat pump can replace both your furnace and air conditioner.

Golden has residential heat pump rebates for air source models, ground source models and mini-split systems ranging from $300 to $2,400, depending on qualifications.

Home Insulation:

City rebates are available for general air sealing, wall insulation, attic air sealing and belly insulation for mobile homes. Rebates: $200-$1,000.

Electric Equipment:

Community Sustainability Advisory Board expanded the list of rebates for a variety of equipment this year, including upgrades of electric panels, electric vehicle charging stations, induction cooktops, evaporative coolers, heat pump clothes dryers and water vapor fireplaces. A bonus rebate for homeowners willing to go all-electric and remove their gas meter is also offered. Rebates: $200-$2,000.

Golden’s rebates can often be stacked with other federal, state and Xcel Energy rebates, so if you may be in the market for replacement equipment this year, consider connecting with a local contractor to determine how many rebates you may qualify for. There are lots of ways that you can be more conscious of your water usage. Check out Water Wise Seminars, Garden in a Box, or Slow the Flow at


The waste we generate significantly impacts our communities. Recycling saves money, conserves resources, extends landfill life north of Golden, promotes local economy, and cuts greenhouse gas emissions. Golden aims to divert 80% of recyclables by 2030. Colorado’s municipal waste diversion rate is 15.8%, but Golden’s Pay-As-You-Throw program achieves about 33%. However, not all have access to recycling. Renters or business tenants may lack services, leading to higher transport costs to drop-off locations.

Expanding access to recycling services is a 2024 City Council goal, supported by the Community Sustainability Advisory Board. The Board seeks input on a universal recycling ordinance to provide equitable recycling access for all tenants, businesses, and visitors. This summer, the City engages multi-family property owners, businesses, and downtown tenants for feedback. For details, visit www.



Affordable housing can have a variety of definitions, but the City of Golden uses two main metrics:

1. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) definition of affordable housing is spending 30% or less of a household’s before-tax income. This aims at establishing housing affordability across income levels.

2. Golden’s Affordable Housing Committee’s recommendations to increase affordability in Golden target housing developments that serve income levels averaging 60% area median income (AMI) for rental housing (which is $52,140 for a single person) and 100% AMI for homeownership (which is $86,900 for a single person).


The most common opportunities for affordable housing in Golden include naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH) or subsidized affordable housing:

• NOAH is housing that is affordable naturally, typically due to age, type, or size of the housing.

• Subsidized affordable housing is housing that is intended to serve lower-income brackets and usually has restrictions on who can live there based on their income level. These properties are often awarded subsidies to incentivize keeping the rent or for-sale price affordable.


In 2022, Golden completed a Housing Needs and Strategies Assessment to better understand our housing situation in Golden:

• Nearly half of the for-sale housing in Golden was affordable only to households with incomes at or above 160% AMI (approximately $130,000/yr) for a single-person household.

• Around 47% of renters are considered costburdened in Golden. This means they’re spending more than 30% of their income on housing. Nearly 90% of all renters with incomes at or below 80% AMI ($69,520 for a single person) are estimated to be cost-burdened.

• There are more jobs than available housing in Golden. According to the assessment, there are 2.3 jobs for every one housing unit. This is reflected in Golden’s commuting patterns as less than 5% of Golden’s workforce lives in Golden.


The City of Golden offers a wealth of events year-round to satisfy your every interest! This calendar features just a few of the many exciting things happening, but you can find more events on

ANNUAL FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION: Thursday, July 4, 11:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.

Brought to you by the Golden Lions Club and many community partners at Lions Park, enjoy free entertainment includes live music by Jewel and the Rough, and Ryan Chrys and the Rough Cuts. This year, kids can join the Junior Jubilee with jump houses, face painting and age-appropriate activities sponsored by the City of Golden. Food and adult beverages for sale or bring your own picnic. Note: there will be NO fireworks display.

MOVIES AND MUSIC IN THE PARK: Friday, July 5, music at 7:00 p.m., movie at sunset

Join us for a free night of movies under the stars in Parfet Park! Food is available for purchase from food trucks on site and dessert from Em’s Ice Cream truck. Support our local student groups and buy fresh popcorn! Enjoy the good vibes with Matthew Rising followed by all-time classic, Shrek for July’s event!

THE GOLDEN FARMERS MARKET: Saturdays, June 1 – Oct. 5 (closed July 27), 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Presented by the Golden Chamber of Commerce, the farmers market features 70 vendors of produce and artisanal foods and goods. Food trucks are onsite to enjoy breakfast or lunch by the creek.  Leashed, friendly dogs are welcome.  Parking in the area is by permit or paid, please pay attention to signs when visiting the market. Proudly serving SNAP customers. Learn more at

BUFFALO BILLS DAYS: Friday, July 26 - Sunday, July 28

This annual event features a craft festival, live music, Mutton’ Bustin’ and a hometown parade (held at 10 am on Saturday, July 27). Food and beer available for purchase on-site.  Learn more about the parade route, event schedule and parking information at


Celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Golden Fire Department’s Annual Pancake Breakfast at Fire Station 21 (911 10th St. Golden, CO). Advance ticket sales are available during regular business hours at Fire Station 21. 100% of suggested donations ($5 for 12 and under, $10 for 13 years and older) support the Golden Fire Foundation, a 501c3, whose funds are used to pay for the breakfast, provide additional training opportunities, purchase specialty rescue equipment, and enhance member appreciation.


Family fun every last Tuesday of the month through September. The event features costume-themed bike rides, beer from New Terrain, food from Bobs Atomic Burgers and music from A Brother’s Fountain. Gather at Calvary Church (13th & Arapahoe), kegs are tapped at 5:30 p.m., the Cruise begins at 6:30 p.m. and the fun continues until 9 p.m. July’s theme is Olympics - cheer on team USA and wear your red, white & blue!

MOVIES AND MUSIC IN THE PARK: Fri., August 2, music at 7:00 p.m., movie at sunset

Join us for a free night of movies under the stars in Parfet Park! Food is available for purchase from food trucks on site, and dessert from Em’s Ice Cream truck. Support our local student groups and buy fresh popped popcorn! It’s a Honky Tonk night with music by Eric Golden followed by Pixar’s latest, Elemental.

COFFEE WITH COUNCILORS: Saturday, August 3, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Join your Councilors in the Golden Community Center Bear Creek South Room (1470 10th Street). This month’s event features Theresa Worsham, Sustainability Manager, who will speak on Sustainability, Trash, Recycling, and Compost.

NATIONAL NIGHT OUT: Tuesday, August 6, 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Connect with local law enforcement at this national community-building event that promotes policecommunity partnerships in Parfet Park. Bring the whole family for live music, root beer floats, police vehicles and services, Airlife helicopter landing and more! Free to attend.

GOLDEN FINE ARTS FESTIVAL: Sat.- Sun., August 10 & 11, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

A prestigious, juried art show in the heart of downtown golden.  Sponsored by the Golden Chamber of Commerce and featuring over 100 artistists, food and live music. Festival hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. Dogs are discouraged - please leave your furry friends at home. Learn more at https://www.

THE GOLDEN BIKE CRUISE: Tuesday, August 27, 5:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Family fun every last Tuesday of the month through September. The event features costume-themed bike rides, beer from New Terrain, food from Bobs Atomic Burgers and music by the Dollhouse Thieves. Gather at Calvary Church (13th & Arapahoe), kegs are tapped at 5:30 p.m., the Cruise begins at 6:30 p.m. and the fun continues until 9 p.m. August’s theme is Barbie & Ken!

MOVIES AND MUSIC IN THE PARK: Fri, Sept. 6, music at 7:00 p.m., movie at sunset

Join us for a free night of movies under the stars in Parfet Park! Food is available for purchase from food trucks on site, and dessert from Em’s Ice Cream truck. Support our local student groups and buy fresh popped popcorn! Dress in pink and rock to Dressy Bessy followed by blockbuster Barbie.

COFFEE WITH COUNCILORS: Saturday, September 7, 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Join your Councilors on location at Tony Grampsas Memorial Sports Complex (4471 Salvia Street, Golden). This month’s event features Tammy Tucker, Parks, Recreation, and Golf Director, who will speak on updates to the park and the Parks and Open Space Master Plan.

GOLDEN CHOIR REHEARSALS BEGIN: Monday, September 9, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Fall season rehearsals begin September 9 and continue every Monday through December 2 at Calvary Episcopal Church’s Great Hall, accessible from 14th Street. For new singers, register on any of the first 3 rehearsal nights between 6:30 and 7:00 p.m. There is a fee to join. The choir is inclusive, and there are some scholarship funds available. There is no audition; however, singers must be able to match a tone. Fall Concert December 7.

SIDEWALK SALE: Saturday, September 14, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Deals and smiles on every corner at the 8th annual Sidewalk Sale! Don’t miss the Golden Sidewalk Sale in vibrant downtown Golden. Roam Washington Avenue and stroll up and down the side streets looking for shops sporting balloons signaling a sale. With many shops and restaurants participating, you’re sure to find great deals in Golden!

COMMUNITY CLEAN UP DAYS, 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Bring your non-hazardous and unwanted junk for free disposal by the City! Proof of residency by state-issued ID required; utility bill is not accepted as proof. Learn more at for list of items that can and cannot be accepted.


Sunday, September 22, 7:45 a.m.

Golden’s biggest annual race will take place for the 18th year running! Follow the same great course through downtown Golden under the Welcome Arch with a start and finish at Golden High School.  The Golden Gallop is a fundraiser to support the Golden Schools Foundation which provides funding for all seven Golden area schools. Learn more at


GOLDEN BIKE CRUISE: Tuesday, September 24, 5:30 – 9:00 p.m.

Family fun every last Tuesday of the month through September. The event features costume-themed bike rides, beer from New Terrain, food from Bobs Atomic Burgers and music by the Gnarbillys. Gather at Calvary Church (13th & Arapahoe), kegs are tapped at 5:30 p.m., the Cruise begins at 6:30 p.m. and the fun continues until 9 p.m. September’s theme is Zombie Prom!

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