The City of God 2007

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contents 3 Welcome To The City by Pastor Mark Igiehon

4 Easter 2007

• Torry Churches Interdenominational Service • Easter Outreach at Aberdeen City Centre Square

5 Scotland in Perspective

• Aberdeen in the Middle Ages • Great Missionaries of Scotland- Mary Slessor • A Call to Prayer for Scotland by Dapo Nurudeen

6 The Family Corner

• One Marriage, One Flesh – A Mystery by Alero Igiehon

7 Events Kaleidoscope

• The Festival of Life - London,Manchester, Dublin • Peniel – Annual Encounter of His Presence In Aberdeen • Scotland Holy Ghost Service in Edinburgh

8 Highlights from Jesus House Aberdeen by Jimmy Akande

10 Jesus House Inverness – 1 Year on by Ebere Ulelu & Achese Amadi

11 Poem - Letter To God 12 Reaching the Nations: Jesus House Budapest by Emilia Nonji

13 Christian Media & Information Centre 13 Biblical Tips For Healthy Living 14 The Season of Nehemiah by Pastor Mark Igiehon

15 Titbits From Jesus House Int’l Churches by Ebere Ulelu

16 Project Nehemiah – Your Brick for God’s House 17 Junior Corner …All about us 18 RCCG / Jesus House Aberdeen

• Mandate, Beliefs And History • Jesus House Aberdeen Weekly Calendar

19 Statement of Faith of The Redeemed Christian Church of God



he Bible is by far the “book” with the highest sales to date in the world and has stood the test of time for centuries as God’s word to the world. What ingredients make the Bible what it is and how can a Christian magazine provide even a whiff of that winning flavour: a documentary of events from the beginning of the world, reveals God’s nature and will to us, convicts sinners, builds the church and trains its ministers. God’s word remains true, no matter the attempts by “new age” groups to corrupt or discredit its contents and origins. The word of God is life and the sword for overcoming the enemy, it encourages and lifts up the spirit with its joyous psalms and messages. This magazine has been packaged with a biblical bias designed to inform and exhort as you digest the articles. We are trusting God to stir up your heart to take your walk with Him to the next level. Taking a cue from two of the most prolific writers in the Bible: Like Paul we have resorted to exhort, rebuke and encourage and like Luke (in Acts), we have endeavoured to present an orderly account of what the Lord is doing through Jesus House in His body, and its efforts in actualizing its Godly mandate in Scotland and beyond. The Physical and Spiritual state of this Nation is important to the Lord and He looks for men, leaders and churches to stand in the gap for it, so He can bless it. Scottish history is incomplete without great servants of God like John Knox, St. Patrick and Mary Slessor as well as selfless Missions Societies who sponsored the gospel to the ends of the world. What will this modern generation be remembered for? Currently, Aberdeen is the prosperous oil capital of Europe while Inverness is reputedly the fastest growing city in Europe, but can we truly say it Is where God wants it to be spiritually? 3 John 2 says “I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health even as your SOUL prospers”. May the Lord remember Scotland for good and be glorified in this land even as we keep the flame burning for the Revival. God bless you, Idongesit Umoh


The Jesus House Aberdeen & Inverness Magazine Editor-in-Chief Pastor Mark Igiehon Editor Idongesit Umoh Editorial Team Morenikeji Oni, Uche Okorji, Solomon Akere, Idara Akpan, Azu Usiagwu, Ben Enunwa, Tosin Emilorun, Lucky Anuopogena, Victor Yakubu Contributors Alero Igiehon, Jimmy Akande, Dapo Nurudeen, Uzezi Obaro-Okpokpor, Ngozi Vincent-Eloagu, Sudhakar Ponnurangam, Emilia Nonji (Hungary), Ebere Ulelu (Nigeria), Achese Amadi (France) Design/Layout/Printing Imaginovation ( 07956 497 376) Jesus House Aberdeen Worship Centre: Balnagask Community Centre, Balnagask road, Torry, Aberdeen, AB11 8HQ, Scotland Jesus House Inverness Worship Centre: Royal Highland Hotel, Station Square, Academy Street, Inverness Jesus House Office: 49 Derbeth Park, Aberdeen AB15 8TU, Scotland Charity Registered in Scotland SC037926 Tel: +44 (0) 1224 747749 Mobile: +44 (0) 7738 567 595 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 241481. Email: The Redeemed Christian Church of God


Welcome To The


Foreword By Pastor Mark Igiehon (Editor-in-Chief)

elcome to The City of God, an exciting publication which is a testament to the eternal truth that ‘with God, all things are possible.’ Thanks be to the Lord for the vision, divine enablement, resources and the wonderful team that brought this magazine to reality. The magazine you hold in your hands is the result of a vision that took well over two years to come to fruition. It took many fits and stops for this magazine to reach publication. If you have visions, plans and expectations that appear to be delayed, I encourage you, do not give in or give up; Instead, keep at it, work at it, keep nursing it, look unto the Lord and be quick to recognise and utilise divinely arranged opportunities and resources to see your vision translated into fruition. Though it lingers, wait for it! Why the ‘City of God’? Today we live in times when it appears that matters of the Kingdom are being pushed out of daily and society life. It appears that God Himself is now considered by some almost as an anachronism and by others with some personal contempt. Many in our society and nation think that the British society and civilisation have ‘outgrown’ God and we have now arrived at a post-Christian society. It is unfortunate and very damaging that a society, nation and civilisation that owes its heritage, civilisation, advancement and ethos to its Christian heritage now presumes that it has outgrown God and Christianity. Simon Heffer (a self proclaimed atheist) in the Daily Telegraph of Saturday 17th February 2007 lamented: ‘I have a concern for the Church … Our economic development was helped by this country’s conversion to Protestantism, and the liturgy of the Church … is one of our greatest cultural treasures’. We know from history that when a nation or people forsake and forget their Lord and God, it is only a matter of time before distance from God and His word lead to the setting in of great spiritual and moral emptiness. As there is no vacuum in heaven or nature, the spiritual and moral emptiness leads to great havoc to the very fabric of nation, society, family. Ancient Israel found it to be true that distancing from God always led to weakening of the State and breakdown of society. A recent survey has identified the United Kingdom as the worst place of the western affluent world to bring up children in, due to the breakdown of marriages and families. When the UNICEF report is juxtaposed with reports of drunken youths and elders; so many addicted to drugs; young children in drug filled homes, it will take the grace of God for them to be of any use to themselves or the society, it becomes immediately clear that we in Britain are sleepwalking into our own Armageddon, our own version of Rome burning while Nero fiddles. I am reminded that the situation we are in today was so fitly described in scripture about 2000 years ago: What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn’t treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialised themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives.

They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life … So God said, in effect, “If that’s what you want, that’s what you get.” It wasn’t long before they were living in a pigpen, smeared with filth, filthy inside and out. (Romans 1.18-25, The Message) It is interesting that the press, politicians and even government itself, assert that the problem is that of the government and therefore that the government can sort it all out. How very mistaken! The government and politicians have undoubtedly contributed towards the problem. Recall the recent debate about whether Church agencies should be compelled to allow homosexuals to adopt children. Those are the types of policies that together deliver that state of family, marriage and society that we live in today. Government and politicians do not have all the answers. The Church as an institution has largely failed in recent history to provide spiritual and moral direction and backbone to the nation and society and that is in large part, the root cause of the state we find ourselves in today. If the Church takes its proper role as it did in years and centuries gone by and government and society, begin once more to simply respect and fear God and work towards promotion of those vital institutions of God (such as marriage) then, we will be on the right track back to the type of cohesive society that we really need. We need to return to the faith of our fathers.

Many in our society and nation think that the British society and civilisation has ‘outgrown’ God and we have now arrived at a post-Christian society. So the City of God is designed to showcase the Lord and His church and its place in present society; to show its relevance to everyday life; a forum for the practical application of the word of God to successful everyday living. It is aimed at children, young and older and indeed every facet of society. You will find something for you in here. Read it, share it, talk about it and tell us about your experience and views. If you have questions, please send the questions in and we will both respond as well as publish some of the questions and responses in future editions. Initially, the City of God will be published three times every year: Easter, summer and Christmas/New Year editions. Later on, it will become a monthly publication. Enjoy it and may we together make our nation, societies and cities once more like the City of God. Amen.







Bible quote says that “one will chase a thousand and two will chase ten thousand”. Easter 2007 was a glorious one as Torry St Fitticks Church of Scotland, Torry United Free Church and Jesus House Aberdeen, all in Torry came together to worship on Good Friday. This definitely marked the beginning of the advance by the Body of Christ in reclaiming the territory of Torry, Aberdeen for Christ. The Lord was definitely glorified as His children from three different churches came together with one heart and one mind in worship. Tea-time after service was interaction time between the parishioners. Torry St. Fitticks and Jesus House have been close for quite a while and avails Jesus House the use of its facilties for some meetings.



t. Nicholas square on Union street can be aptly described as the city centre of Aberdeen. By His mercy, The Lord granted Jesus House an open door to hold an Easter Outreach program at the square on Saturday 7th April, 2007.The outreach involved a book fair, massive evangelism and “High octane” Music ministration by the Jesus House Gospel singers. With no Easter holidays in Scotland, it was a unique opportunity to remind people of the reason for the season: the redemptive work of our Lord Jesus Christ through his death and resurrection; definitely nothing to do with an egg!

berdeen was probably founded in the 8th century AD as a fishing settlement. However by the early 12th century Aberdeen had grown into a town with a busy little port. Exports from Aberdeen included salted fish, hides and wool. In the early Middle Ages there were actually two settlements, Old and New Aberdeen which later merged together physically but remained legally separate. By the year 1200, Aberdeen may have had a population of around 3,000. That might seem very small to us but by the standards of the time it was quite a large town. There were 4 main streets forming a cross and the market was held by Denburn. Then some of Aberdeen’s inhabitants were immigrants from Flanders (roughly modern day Belgium). They would have spoken French and lived by fishing, weaving and dying wool; or by working leather (some of them were skinners, tanners, glovers and saddlers). The church was very powerful in the Middle Ages and its presence was everywhere. In 1137 Aberdeen was given a bishop, another sign of its growing importance. St Machar’s Cathedral was built in stages in the 14th and 15th centuries. There were friars in Aberdeen. (Friars were like monks but instead of withdrawing from the world they went out to preach). There were Trinitarian friars, Dominican friars (known as black friars) and Carmelite or white friars who arrived in Aberdeen in the late 15th century. Furthermore, in the Middle Ages the church ran the only ‘hospitals’. In 1363 a leper hospital was founded outside the town on Spital Hill. In it monks looked after the lepers as best they could. In 1168 another ‘hospital’ was founded where poor people were given food and shelter. Source: Tim Lambert ( )

GREAT MISSIONARIES OF SCOTLAND Mary Slessor 1848-1915 (Born in Aberdeen)

M Music Team performing

Book Fair


Lives Putting Christ At The Centre Of Our

Mary applied to the Foreign Mission Board of the United Presbyterian Church, effectively offering her life to the people of the Calabar region in Nigeria. After a brief period of training in Edinburgh, she set sail in the S.S. Ethiopia on 5th August 1876, and arrived at her destination in West Africa just over a month later. She was 28 years of age, red haired with bright blue eyes shining in enthusiasm for the daunting task ahead.

ALD, A LETTER FROM STEPHEN MACDON ks, Church Of Scotland. Assistant Minister, Torry St. Fittic

er e, I wonder what impact the East With Easter having come and gon that ve belie we if that is amazing truth story has had on our lives. The know again from death, then we can Jesus died for our sins and rose sinners for die to d worl the into e cam the forgiveness of God. Jesus er story can take away our sin. The East and Jesus is the only one who salvation He the and s Jesu ut abo is It its. is not about eggs and rabb Him. brings to all that will believe in ired which is God’s Holy and insp In this illustration about the Bible we If . lives our in first always put God word, we realize that we should . God love we say to able are put God first, then surely we


May God of bless you all.




- Dapo Nurudeen

“…Men ought always to pray and not lose heart…” Luke 18:1

Choir at St Fitticks

church us that everything we do in The Christian seasons remind a gathering is rch Chu The . word His and must be centered on Christ e, praise God for all that He has don of people who worship God and His word. of ises prom the ugh thro do is doing and has yet to

that tre of our lives. The Bible tells us How can we put Jesus at the cen (Acts 16:31) d save be will you then s, if you believe in the Lord Jesu r life. sin, you make Christ Lord of you and when you are saved from wonderful Good this g brin to and st Chri fess Let us continue to con pel have heard the truth of the Gos News to those who may never before.

In the country, superstition and witchcraft was prevalent and the traditional society had been torn apart by the slave trade. Human sacrifice routinely followed the death of a village dignitary, and the ritual murder of twins was the norm. Her dedicated efforts to forestall this superstition were to prove a resounding success.


the Bible – Psalm 117 What is the shortest chapter in the Bible – Psalm 119 in pter cha est long the is t Wha of the Bible – Psalm 118 Which chapter is in the centre

pters before Psalm 118 and 594 cha Fact: There are 594 chapters 1188. get you and 594 + 594 up after Psalm 118. Add Bible- Psalm 118:8 What is the centre verse in the will for significant about God’s perfect Does this verse say something our lives? Yes!! to depend on man” “It is better to trust in the Lord than

ary Slessor was born on 2nd December 1848 in Gilcomston, a suburb of Aberdeen. In 1859, the family moved to Dundee where Mary developed an intense interest in religion. When a mission was instituted in Quarry Pend, Mary volunteered to become a teacher. During this period, she learned to cope with both physical and mental hardship. This courageous woman described herself as “wee and thin and not very strong”.

On 13th January, 1915, after a prolonged bout of fever she passed on. The grave of Mary Slessor, marked by an imposing cross of Scottish granite, is in the heart of the country she served so well. She was accorded a state funeral, and in 1953, the new head of the Commonwealth, Elizabeth II, made her own pilgrimage to the graveside. Mary Slessor is still remembered in Scotland, especially Aberdeen and Dundee and there is worldwide interest in her work. A plaque in her honour can be found on Belmont street, opposite the Robert Gordon University campus at Aberdeen City centre. Source: Dundee Central Library - Local History Centre

2007 has so much to bring our way, for the Lord is set to do exceedingly above our imagination (Eph 3: 20), but we have the responsibility to pray, for God said “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and PRAY,…” (2Chro 7:14). • Lord, restore UK, Scotland, Aberdeen and Torry to its glory days in Christendom (Joel 2:24-26)

Inewari, Sandy & Christy at Aberdeen & Inverness Thanksgiving service at St Fitticks

• Let the hearts of the people seek after Your kingdom and open every eye to understand Your love for their souls. For You do not wish that any should perish… ( John 3:15-16)

• Every counsel and pronouncements that will destroy lives and future of the people shall not stand (Is 8:10). The counsel and purposes of God for Scotland in 2007 shall be established. • There shall be no violence or catastrophe in this Land. (Isaiah 60:18). Nothing will hinder the furtherance of the gospel and word of Salvation. • The Lord shall raise labourers from the people and also send more labourers from all over the world to this land as help (Matt 9: 37-38). • We ask that there shall be great unity amongst all the Christians in Scotland. • The Lord will make His church a voice and raise up men after His own heart to rule over His children. (Acts 2:44)

alnagask Community Centre opened in Torry in 1982. Over the years there have been a variety of clubs and activities run at the community centre such as sports, meetings, parties, Church services and a toddlers crèche. It has hosted the services of Jesus House Aberdeen for three years running. Balnagask Community centre is a great asset to the local community and thanks to the wonderful committee chaired by Hazel McAllan, it has flourished and will continue to do so. Not bad for a centre run by volunteers!! The Golden Jubilee was marked by a Gala Day on Saturday, 2nd June, 2007. Highlights included Artwork unveiling, Tap dancing, Highland dancing, Hair braiding and Face competition and of course, music ministration by Jesus House Gospel Choir and Children’s choir.

Fact file: One in Ten persons attend church weekly in UK (BBC News) THE CITYof GOD SUMMER 2007







he Festival of Life (FoL) event in London is the largest gathering of Christians for service in Europe and provides a forum for christians to gather together for a night vigil spiced with music, worship, ministration, prayer and testimonies. This event holds twice a year and is an interdenominational all night program hosted by the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) in March/April and November.

By Alero Igiehon


1+1 = 1 …God’s Equation of Marriage revealed

or this reason (..marriage), a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh (Genesis 2: 24). Surely this is a mystery! Well, read on as this is revealed. The concept of one flesh and marriage is that marriage is meant as a permanent union, fusion and bonding between a man and woman where they become one flesh. Sometimes this is really difficult to grasp! What is/are the forces at work to make this fusion? A mystery!

Marriage is indeed a beautiful union to be guided by the following Godly principles:

Well, here is the good news. These mysteries are all revealed in God’s living Word as recorded in the bible by holy men of God under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Through the revelation given to Apostle Paul in his letter to the Ephesians (Eph. 5:25 – 32), he states “ Husbands love your wives as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her…Eph. 5:25” Aha! The bride of Christ is the church of believers. Christ so loved His bride – the church to the extent that He gave His life for her! Setting a standard for marriage partners – Second mystery solved.In Eph 5:22 he states “Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord”. Thus, submission is another essential bonding element for marriage.

• Husbands ought to love their wives and wives should submit to their hubands. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, woman was made from one of the ribs of man and they are one flesh in marriage. God has designed that we should not be alone, but enjoy beautiful relationships with one another in His sight.

Marriage is a permanent union by God between man and woman and designed by God to be beautiful, fruitful, honourable, one that should not bring about shame... God created woman out of the ribs of the man in Gen. 2:22 and had prepared a beautiful abode for them in the garden of Eden, setting the scene for a fruitful, beautiful and permanent relationship between the man and the woman in the sight of God. Oh! And it was recorded that the man and woman were not ashamed, signifying moral innocence and a honourable and acceptable relationship by all standards.

• It is a permanent union by God between man and woman and designed by God to be beautiful, fruitful, honourable, one that should not bring about shame, but should be acceptable by all moral and ethical standards. Without these, there really is no marriage.

• Marriage is a most natural union to aspire to and has been likened to a chemical reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water. As water was created by God to occur naturally, . God designed that water would remain in that natural state by ensuring there is mutual and strong attraction between the elements that keep them in a bonded state. In the same vein, marriage comes about by natural (Godly), mutual and strong attraction with the understanding that an inseperable union (one flesh) is formed.

Why Get Married and Stay Married !?

To be married is God’s desire for us. Ask of the Lord for the man or woman He has formed for you for this lifelong relationship; do the honourable thing in the sight of God; nurture the fusion and rule out a breaking up. Only death should separate a married couple. With love and true marriage (one flesh), surely divorce has no place!

The spring meeting for 2007 was held at the ExCel centre, London on 13th April, 2007 with over 35,000 attendees. It was graced by the Mayor of London and other dignitaries! Usually held in London, it has also been hosted in other European cities like Manchester and Dublin. It is the European version of the Annual Holy Ghost Congress, hosted by the RCCG in Lagos, Nigeria which draws over 4 million attendees and is reputedly the single largest gathering of Christians in the world for a worship service.

The RCCG General Overseer, Pastor E.A. Adeboye with the Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone

In 2006, the Festival of Life was held in Dublin, Ireland (21st July) and the UK midlands in Manchester (28th July).The meetings are usually graced by the General Overseer of the RCCG, Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Ph.D) and other ministers. The FoL clocked 10 years in 2006 and looking back to its humble beginnings, it is definitely obvious that the Lord’s divine favour is on the program.




Cross-section of the congregation at the Festival of Life event.


cotland’s seat of power received a Holy Ghost impartation as RCCG Scotland held its Quarter 2 Holy Ghost Service in Edinburgh. It could not have come at a better time. As Pastor Gbenle declared, as with the surprise of the victory of the new government, so is the surprise of the explosion of the gospel and the revival in Scotland coming. It will catch many unawares. The night vigil was attended by people from Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Dundee, Perth, Inverness, Fraserburg, Glasgow and other cities of Scotland who came with thanksgiving and an expectation to meet

with God. It was an incredible night in which the Lord confirmed that He was with His children: Miracles of healing, testimonies, prayers, excellent messages and a most inspiring session of praise and worship that will be remembered for some time to come. Scotland Area Pastor Chris Gbenle coordinated proceedings with the assistance of other ministers. In His message, he reiterated that God can do the impossible, buttressing this with the story of the Israelites who were provided with Manna and water for 40 years in the desert. We looking forward eagerly to Scotland Festival of Life!



The breaking up of a marriage between man and woman that have become one flesh is sure to cause excruciating pain with part of your flesh being cut off. In some cases, referring to our earlier analogy that one flesh could be related to fusion and bonding, attempting a separation or breaking up will be impossible as the two can no longer be distinguished as separate entities. As the break down of water into its elements is unnatural, so is the break down of marriage. By its make-up, water requires loads of energy/intense heat – could be electricity etc. over a long period of time to break down the elements with unavoidable losses. So it is in marriage! God bless you.

Couples Breakfast, Hilton Treetops Aberdeen.

Peniel 2006

GK Real performing at Peniel 2006

t was a wonderful time in God’s presence as He visited His people in the land of Aberdeen for a magnificent encounter at Peniel 2006, an annual special 4-Day program in July. It was hosted by Jesus House Aberdeen at the Aberdeen Beach Ballroom with praise-worship, prayer sessions, seminars and ministrations by Pastor Mark Igiehon and other Guest Ministers.

GK Real, the famous UK Gospel band put up a five-star performance at the evening concert which included the Jesus House Choir. They led an extraordinary praise and worship session that brought down the presence of God and lifted up the hearts of everyone.


Revd. Ajetunmobi ministering


Event Facilited by Men’s Fellowship: Dotun (Coordinator) takes a break

Guest ministers included Revd David Omo-Osemwingie from Nigeria, Chris Gbenle, Senior Pastor, RCCG Scotland, Pastor Jide Odunlami and Akin Monehin (both of Jesus House, Port Harcourt, Nigeria); Pastor Mrs Gbenle of Fountain of Love, Aberdeen and Pastor John Skipper from Perth.

Peniel 2007 comes up 5th – 8th, July at the Aberdeen Beach Ballroom and promises to even more glorious than the 2006 edition. Like Jacob, you will encounter the Lord at Peniel 2007.





t the end of Oscar road in Torry, Aberdeen is the Torry Community Sports Centre. Its basketball court sits 200 comfortably, but on June 7th, 2004, six people gathered to hold the very first service of Jesus House Aberdeen, a parish of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The church’s mission statement was clear. We were in Torry to preach and teach about the one true God, win souls for Christ and touch the lives of the people in Aberdeen. Saturday evangelism took us to every pub, betting house, nook and cranny in Torry. Every house or flat in Torry received at least a copy of the Jesus House tracts. We met both born-again Christians and those requiring help: backsliders, drunks, clairvoyants, atheists, the afflicted, jobless and the divorced. Prayers were made to redeem the lost as that’s what it was all about- Souls! By September 2004, we moved over to the Balnagask Community Centre, also in Torry.The church banner erected every Saturday evening was constantly brought down. Initially it was taken away but later, the culprits would walk to the church and return the banner. Definitely, God was touching those lives.

2. Isaac was a man of meditation. Gen. 24:63, Ps 1:1-2.

Revd Israel Rajappah is a missionary fulfilling Christ’s mandate in his home country of India. Not an easy task by human imagination with over 1.2 billion people to reach. He is the managing trustee of Ephphatha Divine Tabernacle, India ( and a partner of Jesus House Aberdeen in its Missions thrust. The City Centre House Fellowship was privileged to host him. His ministration was a study of the life of Isaac: Why Isaac was blessed by God and its application to our lives..

3. Isaac gave himself as a living sacrifice to the Lord and did not resist his father Abraham as they proceeded together for sacrifice and the sacrifice initially turned out to be Isaac. Gen. 22:1-2. We should emulate this as stipulated in Rom. 12:1.

1. Isaac was blessed because he was a child of promise. We are entitled to every promise of God because we are His children of promise.

His conclusion was that we should give our lives totally to the will of God and have a close walk with Him.

4. Isaac was a man of faith and obediently sowed during famine and reaped a hundredfold, Gen.26:12. We should sow our talents and gifts in God’s service.

TESTIMONY – FASTING BREAKS YOKES (Is 58:6) Sunday Service at Jesus House

- Sudhakar Ponnurangam

I am from India and I have been worshipping in Jesus House Aberdeen for more than 2 years. I have experienced many good things in my life since I drew closer to God, but I had never fasted before. I therefore wish to testify that fasting breaks yokes according to the word of God. During one of our regular Thursday Good Life meetings at Archibald Simpson bar, we held a discussion on Fasting and I was encouraged to fast and pray for my uncle who was suffering from cancer and was to pass on in a few weeks according to the doctors. I did so and to the glory of God, my uncle was healed and is recovering. I am believing God for total recovery from the cancer.

One of the initial prayer points for the church was for God to bring in the labourers, as the harvest is plenty. Since then, we have witnessed the hand of the one true God (Is 43:10), the God of “suddenly”, the God of “open doors”, the God of resurrection, the Mighty Warrior, the God of the impossible, the incomparable God, the Lord Almighty is His name. God has moved the church from good and moving us towards great in Jesus name, as God’s blessings have been evident.

Praise the Lord. Halleluyah.

Below are some of my learnings from this journey thus far: • Go with what you have and God will definitely bless you with more: We kicked off all necessary church programmes despite our size: Sunday School classes, Children’s class, Bible study. As the labourers trooped in, so did the harvest. Holy Communion service holds first Tuesday of the month and a ‘Good Life fellowship’ is held every Thursday in a pub or restaurant.


Good Life Fellowship, Thursdays at Bar Ici Centrale, Aberdeen

2006 BUS TOUR OF THE GRANITE CITY Jesus House Aberdeen Family, December 2006

• Missions and church planting is a must. Through our limited finances, the parish has birthed Jesus House Inverness and Jesus House Budapest and is supporting them fully. • Make it a goal to let the larger community know there is a church in the neighbourhood: The church’s presence began to spread to the greater Torry community. The church was invited to the Torry Gala (2005 and 2006) where the children’s choir gave a remarkable performance. The children’s choir also performed at the LIVE 8 concert in 2005. We have had outreaches in Torry (schools), Banchory and Dundee. There is now a dedicated evangelism team.

n a mood of expectancy, 80 newcomers to Aberdeen city boarded two coach buses for a luxury guided tour of the Granite city on 8th October, 2006. This Third Annual Bus tour of Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire took participants to several places of interest in the environs. This event is organized annually by Jesus House for new arrivals to Aberdeen and aims to give them an appreciation of the beautiful and historical sites in the Granite city.

Building, the second tallest granite building in the world, St. Machar Cathedral (probably the oldest church structure in Scotland) and Kings Chapel at the University of Aberdeen. Other special spots visited include Stonehaven, the beach, the ancient seaport, and the famous Salmon Fish Pond at Banchory where fishes playing and jumping out of water provide a spectacular display to the marvel of tourists. The stopovers enabled the participants to sightsee, interact with the locals, take photographs and relax.

Historical attractions visited include the famous Marischal College

The tour was indeed informative, exciting and remains a key feature in the annual Jesus House calendar.

Aberdeen Bus Tour

Welcoming Newcomers to Aberdeen

• Cultivating an attitude of expectancy: Though the church may have started small on the outside, in the inside it was growing and we had a vision. We have just succeeded in buying a church building and will be moving in soon!! The journey this far has been the journey of faith. To God be ALL the glory.

Jesus House Service



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Jesus House


“Oh Come let us adore Him! Oh come let us adore Him, oh come let…” Carols, Hymns, Gospel Soul, African Gospel, Orchestra music, Scottish Music all came together to bless the people of Torry as the Salvation Army and Jesus House Aberdeen choral groups blessed the people of Torry with various musical renditions at the Salvation Army’s Torry Carol Night which was held at the Torry Academy Hall on 24th December, 2006.

Torry Carol Night with Jesus House Gospel singers

Choir ministering at Salvation Army Service, Torry



Anniversary Music Outreach, City Centre Square


By Uzezi Obaro-Okpokpor

nverness is the major city of the Scottish highlands and a favourite destination for tourists. Here, Jesus House Inverness opened its doors for worship on Sunday 16th April 2006. During a prayer visit by Pastor Mark Igiehon, there was a miraculous encounter with an Invernessian gentleman, which encounter confirmed that the leading of the Lord to start a mission here. This was actualized after a weekend of outreaches, evangelism and a dinner. The work commenced immediately with pioneer parish pastor Hyacinth Meze posted there from the Aberdeen church. Since the inauguration, the Lord has been faithful and the Church has been growing tremendously. The Lord went there before us to prepare the way by blessing the Church with dedicated members who have been vessels in the Lord’s Hands committed to His work. The Lord has been sustaining and building His church with miracles in diverse areas, miracles of Healing, Restoration and Provision and we give God the Glory for all of these. We believe that the Lord will continue to move us forward, give us more open doors for the gospel and establish His Church.

The highpoint has been the Anniversary Weekend which took place from the 14th – 15th April and took the city of Inverness by storm. A musical outreach was held on the High Street on the 14th and it was a glorious time of song, dance, worship and evangelism. A Scottish Prayer Group also graced the occasion showcasing Scottish dance, bagpipes etc. The Anniversary Luncheon on Sunday 15th was glorious and the hand of the Lord is definitely upon the work.

Letter to


We thank God for the past year and trust that the Lord will take us to higher grounds on every side this year. 2007 will be our year of Heaven on Earth indeed as we follow Him wholeheartedly in Jesus Name. Amen Anniversary Service/ Luncheon Pictures

By Prison Inmate, Inverness prison

Key activities to date include a Prayer Conference with guest minister Pastor Owen Morris of the Christian Outreach Centre on 10th, February 2007; A visit by Pastor Jide Odunlami of Jesus House Port Harcourt for a Special Anointing Service on the 18th February, 2007 and a Special Love Feast for the Homeless on Saturday, 10th March, 2007. Various Guest Ministers have blessed the church including Pastor Akinlalu of Jesus House Paris, Pastor Williams of the Redemption Ministries, Nigeria and Pastor Soji Oni, Provincial Pastor of RCCG Rivers 4.

God the Father,God the Son, God the Holy Ghost Please be with me, in this place I call my home Its not easy being a Christian as You can see. When people tell me the apple never falls far from the tree I sit here in prison alone in my cell While my family and friends have walked away and left me in here, to deal with this pain.



he revival in Scotland has taken a turn for the better as the Lord has commenced to send Field Marshals to reinforce and empower the mission. Pastor Soji Oni a Provincial Pastor of RCCG Rivers 4, overseeing over 300 churches was the Guest Minister of the Inverness parish on 27th May, 2007. Accompanied by his wife, they provided the needed tonic to the parishioners, that indeed their labours and prayers to the Lord were getting attention. In his message of encouragement, he dwelt on the heart as the major battle arena where a Christian has to win before the physical. The Lord encouraged Joshua several times to reassure him that he would help him in his mission. In this manner, the fears in Joshua’s heart were allayed and victory was guaranteed. A reception dinner at a riverside restaurant completed a wonderful day in the annals of the Inverness parish.


Lord, everything I had to my name has been taken away Lord, You have shown me the price that I must pay for me to understand why You died on the cross so I can be born again You died on the cross of Your own free will But thank you especially for dying for me. Lord, there are a lot of things I don’t understand. But please show me and guide Me with Your loving hands I don’t know what the future will hold on where I go. But thank you for saving my soul

Fact file: Inverness, Scotland is one of few cities in UK with positive growth in number of Christians (Newspaper report) THE CITYof GOD SUMMER 2007 11





Written to Change your world It’s a poem we might have heard before, heard from some one or never heard before. It’s a poem that has changed the lives of many that have read it around the globe. But do we really know the true story behind it. In Footprints, Margaret shares from her heart the inspiration behind her poem. Grab a copy and explore the amazing love for us by God.

This devotional from the General Overseer of the RCCG has become the best friend and companion of millions across the globe. With its simple and practical messages, this devotional provides daily spiritual food for growth in every dimension of life. A must-have for every family. Order your copies from the RCCG Jesus House, NW2 1LT, Brent Terrace, London

Margaret Fishback Powers



By Emilia Nonji

ungary is best known for its footballing prowess in the 60s and 70s and as a former bastion of communism. Thanks to the removal of the iron curtain, great things are happening for the Lord in Hungary. Indeed the Hungarians are hungry for the gospel and we have a mandate to supply that need. Jesus House Budapest was planted by Jesus House Aberdeen in May, 2006 and to the glory of God, has been standing as a testimony for the Lord. The Church which meets at 1080 Futo Ut 1, Budapest has been growing steadily. Services hold 4pm every Saturday while a night vigil holds first Friday of every month. The Church coordinator is Emilia Nonji while Samuel Denis (a professional footballer) is assistant coordinator. The 1st Anniversary Celebration of the church kicked off recently with various activities to glorify the Lord: An anniversary meeting

held on the 19tth of May and was a wonderful time in God’s presence with over 40 attendees. It included a worship session with an exhortation and was rounded off with a sumptuous lunch. An outreach is planned for 30th June with the theme “ Pressing Forward”. This will be spiced up with a crusade, concerts and other activities. The Hungarian brethren at Jesus House Budapest are looking forward to hosting brethren from around the world who are keen on supporting the evangelization of this former bastion of communism. The harvest in Hungary is plenteous and you are encouraged to pray, support and make visits to support this work. A Missions trip is planned later in the year to encourage the brethren there and grow this field. If you would like to support the work there or visit the field on short term missions assignment, please contact the Church. God bless you as you respond.



Check out the new collection of Mary Mary three great albums in this Special edition made specially for you.

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RECOMMENDED VIEWING AMAZING GRACE The struggle for the abolition of the slave trade was the consuming passion of William Wilberforce. John Newton wrote the famous hymn “Amazing Grace” Olaudah Equiano was a freed slave from Nigeria. Together, they fought the Slave trade to the very end. This blockbuster film released to mark the 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade is a must-see Christian movie. It is certified to touch your heart strings

Jesus House Budapest Anniversary Celebrations

Jesus House Budapest Anniversary Celebrations

BIBLICAL TIPS FOR HEALTHY LIVING • Pray. • Go to bed on time. • Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed. • Say No to projects that won’t fit into your time schedule, or that will compromise your mental health. • Delegate tasks to others who are capable. • Simplify and unclutter your life. • Less is more. (Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.) • Allow extra time to do things and to get to places. • Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and difficult projects over

Jesus House Budapest Anniversary Celebrations

Outreach by Christians in Budapest

PRAYER REQUESTS FROM HUNGARY • We want to win Hungary for God • We want God to use us to further the work. • We need a place for Sunday Worship • Pray for the continuity of the work as some leaders prepare to relocate • Pray for the government leaders in Hungary • Pray for the students and footballers in the fellowship Jesus House Budapest Meeting


time; don’t lump the hard things all together. • Take one day at a time. • Separate worries from concerns. If a situation is a concern, find out what God would have you do and let go of the anxiety. If you can’t do anything about a situation, forget it. • Live within your budget; don’t use credit cards for ordinary purchases. • Have backups; an extra car key in your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc. • K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut). This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble. • Do something for the Kid in You everyday. • Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line. • Get enough rest. • Eat right. • Get organized so everything has its place.

• Listen to a tape while driving that can help improve your quality of life. • Write down thoughts and inspirations. • Every day, find time to be alone. • Having problems? Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip small problems in the bud. Don’t wait until it’s time to go to bed to try and pray. • Make friends with Godly people. • Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand. • Remember that the shortest bridge between despair and hope is often a good “Thank you Jesus.” • Laugh. • Laugh some more! • Take your work seriously, but not yourself at all. • Develop a forgiving attitude (most people are doing the best they can). • Be kind to unkind people (they probably need it the most). • Sit on your ego. • Talk less; listen more. • Slow down. • Remind yourself that you are not the general manager of the universe • Every night before bed, think of one thing you’re grateful for that you’ve never been grateful for before. GOD HAS A WAY OF TURNING THINGS AROUND FOR YOU. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31) - Anonymous.

Fact file: The Average US Christian owns Nine Bibles! (Christian Today News) THE CITYof GOD SUMMER 2007 13

consider closely how Nehemiah built for the Lord. Welcome to the season of Nehemiah.” I Cor 3.9. See 1Cor 3.9-17.




By Pastor Mark Igiehon

here is a time and a season in the life and ministry of saints when little or no preparation, effort or planning is required. The grace of the Lord works in a certain fashion to meet and supply without effort. The Lord sent out the Twelve and the Seventy-Two in Luke chapters 9 and 10 for ministry, preaching and travel. On both occasions, our Lord specifically directed them not to worry about bags, breads, provisions, money, extra clothing or even accommodation. Everything will be provided divinely without preparation or planning on the part of the disciples. But the time came when the Lord Himself signalled a change and announced the coming of a new season. In the new season, the disciples were required to plan, prepare, provision, strategise and be equipped for battle (Luke 22: 35-38). Our times are also changing, we are moving into a new season, a season of change, a season of change of strategy. The new season is a season of building for the Lord. It is a season to begin building not just physical structures but spiritual magnificent and enduring edifices for the Lord, beginning with your own life and then the lives of those around us and the greater society. Nehemiah was outstanding for the building project that he executed for the Lord. His building project was not outstanding because of the magnificence. If magnificence was the issue, Solomon’s temple could not be equalled. The building and re-building work that we are called to undertake for the Lord and His Kingdom is quite similar to Nehemiah’s project of rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s project was outstanding for the background, circumstances, the opposition and how it was accomplished in the face of great challenges. So Nehemiah will be our example and we shall build and re-build like Nehemiah did and do even more. We shall


Building Project Number One A good building project starts with identification of what exactly needs to be built. A man, company, government or a group of people for example, can set off to build a residential house or a road, factory, office block or a dam. For our project , we are called to build up first and foremost, ourselves! So each person to himself or herself, is building project number one. You are your own building project number one. Jude 20 speaks to us to build up ourselves in the our most holy faith: “… dear friends, carefully build up yourselves in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the centre of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life! (The Message). Some may wonder, how and why is it necessary to build up myself. Perhaps we are already Christians and have been so for a long time. Have we not been building all this time? Our building work in reality starts with the Lord Himself. He actually starts the building project that is you and I, He started Project Number One, He invited and invites us still to walk with Him and to cooperate with Him, so we can be built into magnificent edifices. If you accepted the invitation and started the great project, congratulations! If you have not yet accepted the Lord’s invitation to become His son or daughter and to give your life to the Lord and become born again, now is the time to quickly hand your life over to the Lord so that you can commence the most important and greatest project of life. Project Number One begins with a man or woman handing over their lives to the great God and maker of our souls. Indeed, “If God doesn’t’ build the house, the builders only build shacks” Ps. 127.1a (The Message). There are many types of buildings, some of thatch, some of wood, some of brick, some of marble. Some are tiny apartments, some are large flats, some are large town houses, some are flimsy structures. The type of building you and I are called to build are spiritual houses, temples of the living God. There is a new urgency and a change to the season and the Lord is now calling us to build like we have never built before. The days of a casual, sporadic walk, a focus on church-going only, Christian lives without spiritual depth is now old season.

… dear friends, carefully build up yourselves in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the centre of God’s love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ.

When Nehemiah heard about the state of the walls of Jerusalem which were broken down, the gates burned down and the low spiritual state of the remnant, he was so touched and broken down. Then he determined to do something, to rebuild. What is the state of

your walls? Is your gate standing? And the condition of that which remains? My prayer life? Is my obedience to the Lord complete? Is the Lord first in my life or an afterthought? My word life? Is my focus the miracles, testimonies and divine provisions or is the kingdom my first priority and focus? Are we studiously and carefully following Him? As we change our focus and become centred on building up ourselves in the most holy faith, walking with the Lord, then things begin to happen, we begin to experience God in ways unspeakable and unimaginable and then we begin the real journey to fulfil our high calling to settle our eternal home and then to build others and the society around us, as so fitly declared in 1Peter 2.5: Ye also, as lively stones, are built up as a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ” ( KJV), “Present yourselves as building stones for the construction of a sanctuary vibrant with life, in which you’ll serve as holy priests offering Christ-approved lives up to God” (Message).

and then doing the word of God. We have been commanded not just to be hearers but doers.

The Building Blocks In the task of building ourselves and the world around us, in the Lord, one key component and vital building block is the Word of God. We must focus and re-focus on the word of God. Our focus must be careful study of the word of God, careful listening, deep meditation

“Now I commit you to God and to the word of His grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” 1 Cor 20.32.

“But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards.” Mt 7. 24-27 (The Message) The Jews at Berea were commended for the noble way they handled the Word of God they had heard. The Bereans received Paul’s message with eagerness, enthusiasm and readiness of mind, met with him daily and then examined for themselves whether Paul’s message was supported by scripture. Upon that basis, many of the Bereans became believers (Acts 17.10-12). How wonderful if we can build up ourselves in the word by taking time to read and study the word for ourselves on a daily basis.

This is our portion.

TITBITS FROM JESUS HOUSE INT’L CHURCHES By Ebere Ulelu (Jesus House Port Harcourt Missions, Nigeria) and Achese Amadi (Jesus House, France)


The growth of RCCG Jesus House Port Harcourt, Nigeria to become the largest RCCG Parish worldwide in 2005 has been attributed by many to be due to the “Jesus” in the Church’s name (the name above every other name). The apostolic and missionary mandate of the church was evident from the beginnings in 1995 with the founding fathers supporting missions work in China and other tough, impregnable fields. To date the church has made international inroads to Aberdeen, Inverness, San Diego, Perth (Australia), Sydney, Brussels, Paris, Budapest, Rouen, Angola and several areas in Nigeria. The Lord has prospered the church and provided able stewards with kingdom vision. Pastor Mark Igiehon was the pastor of the church in 2003 before moving to Aberdeen to establish Jesus House Aberdeen. Jesus House became the Provincial HQ of Rivers 3 in 2005 and the Province quickly established the first RCCG parish in Libya and a second is about to be planted. Two Spanish and one English speaking Churches have been planted in Equatorial Guinea while indigenes of Seychelles and Morocco are being sponsored to Missions School in preparation for ministry in their countries. On the home front, Church planting is a must and Easter 2007 saw the planting of two new parishes by Jesus House in the rural areas of Ndoki, Nigeria. As usual, the growth rate has been phenomenal, with attendance hitting 110 persons within a few weeks.

From the first day, attendance recorded was over 60 persons including adults and children, excluding Jesus House brethren. However there was an incident afterwards with some youth of the village blocking the entrance to the church. Their grievance was that the church did not go to perform some traditional rites. This incident affected attendance the next Sunday, but the Lord helped us to settle amicably with the people and current average regular attendance is 110 persons. PRAYER NEEDS Pray for greater wisdom and divine direction for the Pastor Oladimeji. That God will use him to raise disciples who will in turn evangelize in the entire village and surroundings for Christ. Join us to pray that the strong hold of sorcery in the land be broken through the washing of hearts by the blood and Word of life.


We have started a fellowship inside Paris- every Saturday at the Comfort hotel, Porte de clichy from 10am to 12noon, thereafter tract are distributed for about 30minutes. Meeting Centre c/o Eglise Réformée, 29/31 Chemin des Maigrets, 78160 Marly - Le - Roi Pastor : Samuel Eleko Tel :+33157692478 Email: Meetings: Sunday Service 2:00 – 5:00pm Friday 7:00- 8:00pm


Jesus House Rouen is commencing an outreach to Dieppe. Please pray for the success of this missionary assignment. Meeting Centre Le Gospel 1 Rue Louis Blanc. Rouen (Metro Stop:Europe. Direction Technopole) Sunday Service: 12:00 – 2:00pm

MESSIAH SANCTUARY, ABIA, NIGERIA (NEWEST JESUS HOUSE PARISH, PLANTED EASTER, 2007) This missions field is a strategically located village and the Missions Team carried out detailed research before the church was planted. The crew working with the missionary on ground reached the youth and were able to draw many of them during the crusade and church planting. The physical and spiritual growth has been phenomenal. They see the church as their own because they are involved and active. Some of them are involved in the security of the place.

Jesus House Paris



Project Nehemiah RCCG Jesus House Aberdeen

plished. Some can give more and some can give less. We therefore appeal for you to help retain and re-build God’s house with your ‘brick’ of £1,000 (or equivalent in Naira, Euros, Dollars) or more or less.

Charity Registered in Scotland: SC037926

Holburn Street , Aberdeen THE MIRACLE HAPPENED!

This Church building will not become another pub or casino or night club! Many altars have been desecrated. Visiting Aberdeen, you will see magnificent church buildings now turned to pubs, casinos, night clubs and restaurants. But we thank the Lord because the magnificent former Holburn West Church of Scotland right in Aberdeen’s city centre will remain as a place of worship and the altar not desecrated. Looking for a permanent tabernacle, we bid for this building in March 2007 and the LORD miraculously gave us success over and above 19 companies. Otherwise the building would have become a club or pub. Early this year, the Lord spoke to us that this is the year of Nehemiah, the season to begin the project of rebuilding the broken walls of individual lives as well as of the Kingdom in these parts. We now better appreciate that this is indeed the year to redeem, rebuild and reclaim for the Lord. When Nehemiah commenced the great task of rebuilding the broken walls of Jerusalem and broken fabric community and society, the people of the nation joined. Governors in other regions to whom letters were written, also supported the rebuilding project: Neh. 2:7-9. We write to you, appealing to you to support us and the Lord in retaining, redeeming and rebuilding this altar and magnificent Church.

Your Brick!

And whoso shall receive one such little child in My name receiveth Me. (Mathew 18:6). So interesting to know how much God cherishes little ones, and so happy we are to tell you all that we do in our children’s church and all we’ve learnt about Jesus.We promise to reach out to you and bless you in every edition when you read all about us.














3. MOTHER OF JESUS – Luke 1:30-31







4. THE NAME OF ABEL’S BROTHER – Genesis 4:1-2







We appreciate every gift such as when the Lord highly commended the widow for her mite: Luke 21.1-4.







We have between now and June to raise the initial payment of some £500,000. We look forward to your strong support. The Lord bless you as you help build His house







Once a church, now a nightclub

Your Brick for God’s House


Our call is for such a time! God has called us for such a time! David, Solomon, Esther, Nehemiah, Joseph of Arimathea (Luke 23.50), Mary Slessor, European Churches and Christians (who supported missionaries to Africa and other places) used their resources to fulfill God’s call. Now is our season. The vision that the Lord has given to us concerning this tabernacle is not merely a building for Church service. With its prominent location, it will become a base for unique ministries to the community, society as well as a Christian Resource Centre. We believe that this building has a role in the revival. The building will also serve us well in our ministry to support government and society to enhance family and societal cohesion and values as well as comprise a conference centre. We are committed to this Kingdom work.As members we are making inspiring and ‘dangerous’ gifts and pledges for this great work. For Solomon’s Temple project, in addition to David’s provision, the Lord moved others to support Solomon. Solomon sent an appeal to Hiram, King of Tyre for help: 2Chro.1.3-16. We appeal to you, just as Solomon appealed to King Hiram, please join us, support us in this great project for the Lord! Please send your cheque to the undersigned made payable to ‘Jesus House Aberdeen’, or post : Project Nehemiah, Jesus House Aberdeen, 49 Derbeth Park, Aberdeen AB15 8TU, Scotland or RCCG Jesus House Port Harcourt, Rumuibekwe Estate, Aba Road, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Please include your name and contact details at the back of your cheque. Please note, that if you are a UK tax payer, your gift qualifies for Gift Aid. You can also contribute your gift online by visiting our website: www. and following the process detailed for online giving. If you have any questions, please speak to Jimi on +441224748168 or +447828879990. The Lord will remember you for good concerning your brick and your good deeds for His house. Neh. 13:14

JESUS o t m e po Special Y FAMILY..

SS M God BLE . s my life s God ble hope. y m ou all I give Y might. ou all my heart. I give Y e. h all my it w u evermor o Y iour for I love v a s ss y le m b u are y and Lord, Yo my famil s s le b o ou t I need Y ermore. . e my lif ou forev Y o t y a ill pr God I w



Bible Story Of David And Goliath The Giant David was a little shepherd boy keeping the sheep while his brothers went out to war. One day when David went to visit them, he saw this big giant scaring people. So, he said, I’m going to fight this giant but everybody said, you are too little and you do not know anything about war. So He said, ‘I am going to do it because my God will help me. So they said he could. They put the armour on him but he took it off and instead took five rocks and a sling and went to fight. When the giant saw him, he said, I will beat you easily and threw a spear at him. David took a rock and threw it on the giant’s head with his sling and he fell down. Then David took his sword and cut off his head and won the battle. By Oghosa Igiehon


By Anu A

Testimony Corner

There are many things the blood of Jesus has done for me. I’ve been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, I’ve been set free from sin There is no holding back I AM FREE. By Dylan Adam-Espie I really enjoy learning about Jesus and praying to God and Jesus. I enjoy coming to Church all the time. By Faithe Kirk

JESUS HOUSE CHILDREN – A BLESSING TO THE COMMUNITY Every Christmas, the Balnagask Community Centre, Torry is invaded by the children for a fun-filled time the annual party hosted by Jesus House for children in Torry .It is always an exciting time as the children dance, sing,and romp away. The children’s choir became quite famous after their performance at the Aberdeen LIVE8 concert in 2005 and has since been in demand at music events within Aberdeen and have also appeared many times in the local newspapers. They have performed at the Torry Gala, In concert at the Torry Carol Service and various functions within and outside Aberdeen. Definitely, a blessing to the community.

For this great Kingdom project, we now know that ‘bricks’ are needed Hearing the wonderful news of the successful bid that the Lord had made possible, we spent time praising and thanking the Lord for the great miracle of succeeding against 19 developers, something that perhaps had never happened before. We also saw the great challenge of raising the purchase price of £1.1 Million (one million one hundred thousand pounds). We were however encouraged knowing that this is the Lord’s house, the Lord’s project. We received of the Lord that though one million pounds sterling is large, when broken down, it is actually £1000 each in 1000 places. If 1000 persons give £1000 each, the purchase price is well accom-


The sanctuary

Jesus House Children’s party

Children’s Choir performing on stage


GENERAL INFORMATION ON RCCG THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD (RCCG) Pentecostal Bible believing Church Over 8000 parishes in 80 nations Founder: Pa. Josiah Akindayomi in a vision from God General Overseer: Pastor Enoch Adeboye (Ph.D)

Tel/Fax: 01224 747 749 • Jesus House (JH) is a church based in Torry, Aberdeen and part of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) • In obedience to the biblical commission, JH commenced services Sunday 6th June 2004 with one family and one other. • Initially services held at Torry Sports Centre and moved to the Balnagask Community Centre Torry in September 2004 • Membership and attendance has steadily grown and now between 120 and 160 on Sundays • The Balnagask Community Centre has a maximum capacity of 150 • Starting Sunday 18th March 2007, we now have two services on Sundays: ‘Fresh Fire Service’ (9.30AM) & ‘Celebration Service at (10.45AM)

Pastor E. A. Adeboye RCCG MANDATE • Make sure you will go to heaven • Take as many people as possible with you to heaven • Live a life of holiness • Preaching throughout the world • Planting churches JESUS HOUSE MISSION • To make heaven & take as many people along with us • To live holy, joyful, purposeful, productive, rich, and preaching lives • Scotland and the nations for the LORD RCCG JESUS HOUSE ABERDEEN Charity registered in Scotland - Charity Number SC037926 Place of Worship: Balnagask Community Centre, Balnagask Road, Torry Aberdeen AB11 8EH Postal Address: 49 Derbeth Park, Aberdeen AB15 8TU

• JH is active in the community beyond the four walls of Church i.e. we are to be a ‘Church outside Church’ preaching the gospel and impacting the society • We work closely with community associations as well as other churches and are closely associated with the Salvation Army and Torry St. Fitticks Parish (Church of Scotland)

• JH Aberdeen is a plant of Jesus House Port Harcourt in Nigeria, as are other plants/parishes across the World including older parishes in Nigeria, the Netherlands, Australia, France, Belgium and newer missions in the US, Libya, Angola and Equatorial Guines • In 2005/2006, RCCG Jesus House Port Harcourt was the largest parish in the RCCG Worldwide with an attendance over 3,000 persons on Sundays

Parent Charity in UK: The Redeemed Christian Church of God (Charity Number 1084767) A worldwide Chruch organisation established since 1952 Address: Redemption Hose, 53 Theobald Street, Borehanwood, Hertforshire WD6 4RT • RCCG started in the UK in 1988, first as a home fellowship and to the glory of the LORD, as of today, there are 305 parishes spread across the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland • RCCG has a global organisation. In the UK, the organisation has a 3-man executive council.

• We have also had the opportunity of holding assembly for a local school • Tuesday Bible Study/House Fellowships: presently hosted at 5 homes across Aberdeen: Bridge of Don, Torry, City Centre 1, City Centre 2 and Kingswells

• In RCCG, there is no differentiation between clergy and laity as all ministers, volunteers and members work cooperatively with the Lord in the Lord’s vineyard

JESUS HOUSE PORT HARCOURT, NIGERIA • RCCG Jesus House Port Harcourt is our parent parish


Creator of heaven and earth, who made man in His own image and likeness.


• For ease of working, churches or parishes across the UK, work and cooperate as zones and areas. Across Scotland, there are over 10 parishes as of today

•Thursday Nights at Bar ICI Centrale on Aberdeen’s Union Street: open and interactive discussions on the life issues


SOME RCCG WEBSITES • • • • • • •


The three persons of the Godhead; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit-Three in One.


Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary


Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of mankind on the cross at Calvary, was buried and rose from the dead on the third day. He ascended into heaven and is forever seated at the right hand of God the Father.


The Comforter and Teacher of all things who dwell within us, uniting us to Jesus Christ.


This is freely available to all who believe in Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and is manifested by the gift of speaking in unknown tongues.


A gift from God through grace and faith in Jesus Christ; that all who believe in Him may be saved by turning from sin to repentance, trusting in His death and resurrection and are born again by the Holy Spirit.


It was shed for us on the cross at Calvary, cleanses us from all sin and grants us access into the presence of God.

JESUS HOUSE ABERDEEN WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday: Fresh Fire Service at 9.30am and Celebration Service 10.45am respectively Tuesdays: Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7pm Thursdays: Good Life Meeting, ICI Centrale bar, Union St (by KFC), 7pm Saturdays: Evangelism 1.30 – 2.30pm Prayers/ Counselling: 24 Hour Helpline: 07738567595. Evening Pastor Mark on 01224 747749 Worship Centre: Balnagask Community Centre Balnagask Road, Torry, Aberdeen, AB11 8HQ Tuesdays (7 – 8pm) - House Fellowship/Bible Study Centres Centre: Kingswells Address: 49 Derbeth Park, Kingswells, Aberdeen. Contact: Pastor Mark Igiehon Phone: 01224 747749 Centre: Torry Address: Flat 1 Right, 116 Abbey Road, Torry AB11 9PE Contact: Bonahis Oko Phone: 07891 717 851 Centre: Bridge of Don Address: 31 Harehill Road, AB22 8RH Contact: Wale Oni Phone: 01224 826399


Centre: City Centre 1 Address: 201 George Street, Aberdeen AB25 1HY Contact: Kingsley Anao Phone: 01224 630616 Centre: City Centre 2 Address: 46c Union Glen, Aberdeen AB11 6ER Contact: Solomon Akere Phone: 01224 582564 Centre: Bieldside/Cults Address: 9 Springdale Road , Bieldside, Cults. AB15 9FA Contact: Bro Dapo Otunla Phone: 01224 861785/ 07798 505 181 (Note: The Bieldside House fellowship holds alternatively on Sundays) Thursdays (7pm- 8pm) - Good Life Fellowship Venue: Bar ICI Centrale Address: 150 Union Street, Aberdeen (Next door to KFC) Contact: Solomon Akere Phone: 07877 316 804 N/B: Food and Drinks served free! For more details please call our 24 hour Helpline number:

07738 567 595.


Jesus will come again to earth in glory and the dead in Christ will rise and those who are alive in Christ will be translated into the presence of God for eternity.


The infallible and authoritative word of God given to direct all men and women to salvation.

WELCOME TO ABERDEEN! Aberdeen is a lively, cosmopolitan city located in North East Scotland. Since the 1970’s, the city has been the hub of the UK’s energy industry and has enjoyed a high quality of life and a low unemployment rate. Employment Opportunities Jobcentre Plus: Tel 01224 618000 Bed & Breakfast Accommodation £20 - £40 per night. Tel: 01224 288828 Rented Flats

£300 - £700 per month. Tel: 01224 632949, Transport First. Bus: 01224650065 , Emergency Services Brigade, Ambulance, Police and Coastguard: Dial 999 Medical Services Register with nearest GP. For Surgeries Tel 01224 358447. Emergency dental services 01224 558470. Source:Aberdeen City Council



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