Higher View - Issue 23

Page 116


We chat to Bulgari’s Executive Vice President Silvio Ursini about opening the first Bulgari hotel in China, why Beijing was the perfect location for its launch, and what we can expect from its upcoming Shanghai sister property. 我们对宝格丽(Bulgari)执行副总裁西尔维奥·乌尔西尼 (Silvio Ursini)先生进行了采访,谈到了中国第一家宝格丽酒 店及其选址北京的原因,以及即将在上海落成的第二家酒店。 Tell us why Bulgari initially decided to start designing one-of-a-kind resorts? It all began in the early 2000s, when Bulgari wanted to further enhance its high jewellery image by exploring and mastering experiential luxury. The idea was to offer the hospitality of a jeweller, which is very personalised and warm, yet distinguished and sophisticated. We wanted to take this ethos to the next level. The luxury hotel business has become an innovative, yet legitimate, way of leveraging our brand and building up our brand awareness. We have the opportunity to offer an experience that extends beyond the store and dedicate much more attention to a wide clientele with a new and complete lifestyle experience. As a luxury brand we know how to pamper and build a true relationship with our customers. With hotels and resorts in Milan, London and Bali, why was China next on the list? Bulgari Hotels and Resorts were born to be a nest for a refined tribe of global travellers who want to feel at home while they’re away from home. When we first opened Bulgari Hotel in Milan it became, and still is, “the place to be” for the local and jet-setting crowd. When we opened London, and more recently in Bali, we provided guests with an exclusive destination that was intimate and private, while still offering all the luxury services. The same strategy is what brought us to China. Our customers are demographically different, but the one thing they have in common is that they all appreciate attention to the smallest details and all the attention we devote to ensure their comfort. Beijing is quite a large city. Why did you specifically pick out the Chaoyang 116

district for the country’s first Bulgari Hotel? Bulgari is always scouting new, prestigious and exclusive locations around the world as potential resort destinations. We’re not worried about the length of the process; what matters most is the result. We invest time to find the only place in a city that can really guarantee an extraordinary experience. This is mainly because we do not want to create just “another” luxury hotel, but rather a unique hotel in a unique location. And this is why we chose Chaoyang. It’s a real oasis in the midst of the hustle and bustle of such a vibrant city. From the windows of the hotel you can discover a hidden side to Beijing – century-old pines, fishers alongside the Liangma River and the changing seasons through nature. The ultra creative district of Sanlitun is also just a few minutes away. How does China’s fast-paced capital city resonate with the brand? Beijing is a perfect match for the profile of our hotel brand portfolio. The city has so much rich history and an increasingly cosmopolitan clientele. It’s the capital of the country and home to some of the most important landmarks and palaces of the world. We are a brand


宝格丽最初决定设 计 独具 特色的酒店和度假村的原 因是什么? 这一 切 都始 于2 0 0 0 年 初, 那时宝格丽想通 过 对体 验 式奢 华的不断探索和 追求 来进一步 升华我们作为高 端珠宝商的形象。于是,我 们 就有了进军酒店业的构 想,我们的价值理念是个性 热情、尊贵高雅。并且,我 们希望把 这种价值理 念提 升到一个更高的层次。豪华 酒店业务 使我们可以 充分 利用我们的品牌、强化我们 的品牌意识,这是一种非常 创新而合理的方式。这样除 了奢侈品精品店以外,我们 就能够提供更多体验,同时 将更多的注 意力集中到更 具广泛意义的客户身上,为 他们带来一种全新的、完美 的生活方式。作为一家奢侈 品牌,我们懂得如何与客户 建立真正的关系以及 如何 对其进行呵护。

专享属于自己的一份私密空 间。我们在中国也将采用同 样的策略。我们的宾客虽然 属于不同的群体,但却有一 个共同点,即他们非常欣赏 我们对于细 枝 末节的注 重 和 我们为了宾 客的 舒 适而 付出的所有努力。

北京是一个相当大的城市。 那么为什么特别挑选朝阳区 作为中国第一家宝格丽酒店 的所在地? 宝格丽一直在世界各地四处 寻觅盛名在外的高端区域, 探讨在那里 建 造我们新的 酒店或度假村的可能性。我 们不担心整个过程会持 续 多长时间,我们最看重是结 果。我们会把大量时间用在 寻 找一座城 市中唯一 一 个 真正能保证非凡体 验的地 点。这主要是因为我们不仅 仅是要建造“另一个”豪华 酒店,而是要在一个独一无 二的位 置 建 造 一 个独一无 二的酒店。这就是我们选择 继米兰、伦敦和巴厘岛之后, 朝阳区的原因。它是北京这 宝格丽为什么把目光瞄准了 样一座充满活力的喧嚣城 中国? 市中一片真正的绿洲。透过 宝格丽 的酒店及 度假村天 酒店的窗户,您可以发现北 生 就 是 为来自世界 各的旅 京隐 藏的一面— — 这 里有 行者打造的精致家园,让他 古老的松树,还有人在亮马 们不管离家多远都能有宾 河上悠然地钓着鱼,甚至还 至 如 归 的 感 觉。在 米 兰 的 可以看到季节变化留下的印 第一家 宝格丽 酒店开业 之 迹,极具创意的三里屯距此 后,它就成为了米兰本地人 也只有几分钟的路程。 以及国际游客的“归宿之地” ,此后在伦敦以及最近在巴 作为中国的首都,北京的节 厘岛开业的酒店亦是如此。 奏很快,这如何与宝格丽的 客人在享受我 们 提 供 的所 品牌产生共鸣呢? 有奢华服务的同时,还能够 北 京能 够与我们 酒店的品

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