CITE Transportation Talk - Spring 2022

Page 17

Photo: Patricia Jekki\unsplash

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Transportation Equity in Action

Tools to support more equitable infrastructure development at the City of Toronto By Matthew Davis, City of Toronto

Equity issues have been a part of transportation

Indigenous, low-income, racialized, and new

infrastructure planning and development for decades.

immigrant persons being negatively impacted at a

Much of the transportation infrastructure that we use

disproportionate scale.

today was planned and built with little to no consideration of short and long-term equity impacts

There has been a recent awakening of sorts regarding

on the affected communities and environment.

equity in transportation infrastructure. Some may

Political influence further exacerbated the lack of

argue this awakening was sparked by the events

equity in transportation infrastructure, as funding for

following the death of George Floyd in the United

projects repeatedly went to areas with the most vocal

States, while others feel that equity has always been

and well-connected residents with access to levers of

an issue worth addressing in the transportation arena.

government. Over time, the combination of these

In either case, the term “transportation equity” has

factors resulted in a systemic void of equity

become a buzzword in the field of transportation

considerations in financial investment, project

planning and engineering as of late. Many have

planning and prioritization, and–ultimately–delivery of

struggled to define it, as transportation equity can

transportation infrastructure projects. In many

mean different things to different people depending

jurisdictions, this confluence of factors contributed to social inequities among various communities with

Continued on page 15...



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