Circuit Magazine #59

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OPINIONS It's Make or Break Time

For a PostCovid World

The How-To of





Skills For Protectors







contents ISSUE 59 04









































60 41 122 14




UK FOREWORD Welcome to another content-packed issue of the Circuit! If you love reading the Circuit as much as we do, then you'll love the Circuit Magazine Podcast. We are all busy, but one benefit of our industry, if you can call it that, is the numerous hours we might be waiting for our principals. Why not fill up that time learning and developing your knowledge and staying tapped into the latest news and information in protection? As we head into the second half of 2021, the Circuit team continues to push out great content over many channels, including a weekly newsletter, magazine, podcast, and our exclusive community over in our apps. After getting into our offerings, please like, share, and subscribe if you like what you read/hear and want more of the same. Or even better, leave us a podcast review! The greater our reach, the more interesting people we will attract, which will benefit us all as well-informed operators. Meanwhile, the curtain just recently fell on the Tokyo Olympics. And after the last 18 months, it has been truly inspirational to watch athletes compete at the highest levels to achieve their dreams. Their dedication and determination are something to behold and shows us all that truly anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Life is tough, but opportunities will come your way if you apply and dedicate yourself to your craft, whether in sport or business. It has been a good reminder that we all have the chance to create the life we want with the choices we make.


Some things we will fail in, but as you get older and wiser, you will see that maybe you didn't fail. Maybe you just became more knowledgeable. The way I see it, there are two benefits of failure. One, you learn what doesn't work. And two, the failure allows you to try a new approach. Looking at things from a different angle with a positive mindset means there is a greater likelihood that positive things will happen. So, have a mid-year check-in and ask yourself: What more could you be doing that you are currently not that could help make your dreams a reality? Sometimes taking a moment of pause and reflection to look at where you are and what you have achieved can be extremely rewarding. It may give you the nudge to push that little bit harder to achieve your goals. Or, on reflection, you may decide you are happy with where you are at, which is fine also! Stay motivated and reward yourself for your small wins and share them with those that you love. Thank you all for the continued support shown for our publication. Your kind words and feedback are always greatly appreciated, and it gives us the motivation to continue delivering quality content. Wherever you are, stay safe and stay agile! Stay safe Shaun West Editor

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US FOREWORD Welcome to the latest installment of The Circuit, The Magazine for the Executive Protection Professional. Each and every issue we strive to deliver news, information, and engaging content from around the world. Looking back on our body of work for over the past decade, I’m also proud to say, we do a damn good job at it. 2021 has been an interesting year, for some it has meant a reduction in work stemming from a lack of calls, due to a worldwide pandemic. For others, The global situation has led to increased opportunities, as clients have had to adjust their protective postures. As such, we protectors have had to, at times, both pivot and diversify our areas of expertise. Feast or famine is nothing new in our industry, survivors, will tighten up their belts and weather the

storm, knowing that brighter days are ahead. No matter which category you fall in, The Circuit Magazine offers something for you. You can stay abreast of the latest developments in the field, review new tools to make you more operationally efficient, or simply find inspiration & motivation by reading interviews on others making waves in the industry. It’s all it’s here between these pages, and as a result of the digital edition can literally fit in your back pocket. So what are you waiting for? Dig in, absorb, and upon conclusion let us know what you think! Elijah Shaw Editor 7


Industry News At A Glance

We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here's what's appeared on the radar since the last issue.

England’s Euro 2020 heroes hired security and bodyguards to protect them on holiday after Harry Maguire incident Players were aware of the problems Harry Maguire found himself in when arrested in Mykonos last year.

Chilwell all headed to Mykonos You might think the added security measures are extreme. But when you consider the value of these players — and the potential for disaster — employing bodyguards is not a bad shout. The clubs did not come up with the idea but were certainly not disapproving. And it is a sign of things to come.

So a large number went away with security, who spent their evenings sat at the back of restaurants and bars sipping soft drinks and keeping an eye on things. Mason Mount, Jack Grealish and Ben Source >


INDUSTRY NEWS Getting Shot, Being On Call & Watching The Millionaire Boxer Blow Through Cash In an exclusive interview with Radar, Floyd Mayweather's top bodyguard, Greg La Rosa, pulled back the curtain of the life he feels he was born to lead and is blessed to have, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come without sacrifice. "When I first started working for Floyd, I literally got a call when I was in bed, saying that Floyd needed extra guys out in Miami," Greg told us. "And I literally hopped out of bed, and I'm speaking to the assistant, and she's telling me, 'Yeah, I have a flight for you in two hours. Can you make it here?' And I said, 'Absolutely.' So at the beginning, it was a little bit of an adjustment to explain to my lady, 'Hey, I gotta go to Miami right now.' We're like in bed. She doesn't even have the chance to wake up and register what's going on, and next thing you know, I'm packed up, out the door and headed to Miami." Last-minute calls simply come with the territory, as do first-class flights – "always," says Greg, "always first class with Floyd."

massive, massive sound. It sounded like a car accident without the thump or the base noise. Like someone taking a baseball bat and hitting your car as hard as they can, but even louder than that. Between the first bullet and the second bullet was probably a fraction of a second, but it felt like I had so much time in my head to think about what was happening. I had a few thoughts running, like, 'What was that? A baseball bat? Did someone throw a rock at the car?' And it was a bullet. And then I heard the next one piercing through. At that point, I realized what was going on, so I got down. And as I got down, I got hit in the leg." Of the dozen shots that were fired off in a matter of seconds, six bullets hit the sprinter van, one of which struck Greg. He was shot in the lower leg, he said, right in between where an artery splits into two. Had his artery been hit, Greg was told he would've likely bled out and died within minutes. The shooter vehicle drove off and was not seen again. To this day, he does not know who it was or what their motive could've been. Read the full interview with Greg >

When we asked whether he was on call all the time, Greg laughed and replied, "Every minute of every hour of every day. 365, 24/7." In 2018, Greg took a bullet for the athlete after their caravan of two SUVs and one sprinter van was targeted in a drive-by shooting in Atlanta, Georgia. Police never caught the perpetrators. Following Floyd's appearance at Medusa Restaurant & Lounge, he and his team got into their cars and drove back to their hotel, the InterContinental in Buckhead. Greg was in the last car – the sprinter van – while Floyd was in one of the SUVs up front. Right as they pulled up to the hotel, a vehicle across the street opened fire on the van. Greg was sitting in the backseat on the driver's side. "It was a complete ambush," he told us. "As we're pulling into our valet, the first thing I heard was just a massive,



6ix9ine's Bodyguards Charged in Wild Chase Around NYC Bodyguards for troubled rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine turned New York City into the Wild West last summer, piling into SUVs and chasing a man for 20 blocks with lights flashing after he attempted to record cellphone video of the recording star, prosecutors said Monday (July 19). Five members of 6ix9ine’s security team, including a retired New York City police detective accused of lying and attempting to cover up the incident, were indicted Monday on robbery, false impersonation and other charges stemming from the pursuit last August in Harlem.

department, and Manhattan is not the Wild West,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a written statement announcing the indictments. “As alleged, these highly-compensated vigilantes caravanned through the streets of Harlem with sirens flashing in order to track a man down and steal and break his phone,” Vance said. “A celebrity entourage is not a police department, and Manhattan is not the Wild West,” Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a written statement announcing the indictments.

Tekashi 6ix9ine, whose real name is Daniel Hernandez, was not charged.

“As alleged, these highly-compensated vigilantes caravanned through the streets of Harlem with sirens flashing in order to track a man down and steal and break his phone,” Vance said.

“A celebrity entourage is not a police

Source >


INDUSTRY NEWS Study reveals shocking levels of abuse on frontline security staff A study has reveals the levels of verbal and physical violence and aggression security staff experience on a day-to-day basis while at work. Carried out by, it is the largest piece of research ever undertaken on the subject of violence against security workers. They wanted to highlight the levels of violence that many in the security industry face and the effect that has on the individual. The study found 36% of door staff and security workers are physically attacked on a monthly basis. Some 36% have to use physical force weekly and 51% are Head of Miami security firm linked to Haiti killing denies involvement The head of a Miami-based security firm that hired the Colombian bodyguards suspected of killing Haiti's president denied involvement in his death, saying on Wednesday he had been tricked and that the president's own guards were to blame. President Jovenel Moise was killed last month at his home in Port-au-Prince, and a group of former soldiers from Colombia were arrested in the attack. Haitian officials said Antonio Intriago's company, CTU, Security had hired the former soldiers, which he indirectly confirmed in a statement issued through his lawyers in Miami. "Mr. Intriago had no knowledge of and no part in the tragic events," his attorneys at Lacayo Law Firm said, marking Intriago's first public remarks on the matter. According to the statement, Intriago

verbally abused every time they work. 57% said that an incident has affected their mental state more than 24 hours after the event, while 48% saying that they have had a flashback/nightmare about a specific incident. Sadly, 65% of respondents were resigned to the fact that violence within the security industry was inevitable, while 86% said that they felt that the levels of violence they see and experience whilst at work had increased over the past five years. A large number - 68% - of the workers also said they had not received any ongoing training after gaining their SIA (Security Industry Authority) licence. You can read their full report here > believed that his "unarmed security contractors" had been hired as personal guards in Haiti, but that there was a lastminute change of plans and the men were asked to serve an arrest warrant on Moise. Intriago's lawyers attached the warrant with their statement. The warrant was signed by a judge and dated February 2019. "When they entered the presidential residence, they found the president deceased, his wife wounded, and the house ransacked," the statement said. "It is our belief that the president's own bodyguards betrayed him." "Mr. Intriago was the victim of an elaborate scheme," it said, arguing the contractors had "no part" in Moise's killing. In Colombia, families and colleagues of Intriago's hires have told reporters the men were hired to act as bodyguards. Source >



SIA announces a change to the launch date for the new Close Protection qualification

Changes to the qualification includes new physical intervention skills for close protection operatives.

The new implementation date will allow for full testing of the new skills before they are introduced. The SIA will run a pilot in early 2022 with selected training centres. This will enable those delivering the qualification to provide feedback on the new bespoke physical intervention unit and make any required adjustments to the course before it goes live in April 2022.

The new content will allow the integration arrangement that permits close protection licence holders to work as Door Supervisors to continue.

The changes to be introduced by the SIA have been informed by the views of expert stakeholders and reflect extensive research and discussion with the industry, including a public consultation.


The SIA will run a series of webinars for training providers, operatives and the wider industry towards the end of September. These sessions will outline the content added to the new qualification and also provide an overview of the new bespoke physical intervention skills for close protection operatives. Source >

Membership starting from £5 13




Will Manners still Maketh the Man? Manners & Etiquette In a Post-Covid World

When a gentleman offers his hand—gloved or ungloved—a lady does not recoil and yell, “What are you, crazy?” This is a handshake, and a lady knows it poses her no threat. If she must sanitize immediately afterward, she will do so discreetly. 15

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 If her companion wishes to hug hello, a lady must never moan in ecstasy at the long-missed sensation of human touch. That would be very weird. On being asked to write this article I thought it would be a simple affair but after some quick research I soon realised that like so many my manners had been stifled and I tend to be rather sharp with people as I do not want to stay out too long. "Etiquette is always evolving, it's never set in stone,” says


Massachusetts-based etiquette consultant Jodi Smith. “What's set in stone is the idea of respect for myself and respect for others.” Manners, etiquette, and protocol are three things that have been a part of my world for over 25 years in one form or another. It started with helping friends during my early 20’s with the dos and don'ts of what to wear to a formal function and how to eat at the table. And after graduating as a butler in March 2003, I learned a lot more about the world's dos and don'ts and informed not


Etiquette is always evolving, it's never set in stone,” says Massachusettsbased etiquette consultant Jodi Smith. “What's set in stone is the idea of respect for myself and respect for others.

just friends but work colleagues and employers along with their guests about proper protocol for interactions. Now fast forward to a world that got plunged into a plague situation and left people scrambling; it seemed that manners were one of the first casualties. First, we had to stay away from each other, so families spent less time at the table and instead shouted at each other from the other end of the hall. Tempers frayed as parents started working from home, children had to be homeschooled, and nearly all social activities were cancelled. In a recent article in the Seattle Times Reporter Ligaya Figueras stated that she was appalled by the lack of decorum at the table during meals, especially at dinner time. Other people have even resorted to seeking professional help for their lack of manners at the dinner table. Will this be a growth industry as clients return to fine dining in restaurants and get dressed up again? It may well be. But some think that the more casual approach to life will be more in tune with post-pandemic life. They like the idea of wearing yoga 17

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 pants and t-shirts and track pants to work and out to lunch, even in more formal dining settings. A quick brush of the hair 5 minutes before the ‘office’ meeting now seems to be okay. Several people I know who work from home still get dressed in more casual business attire, but that means chinos and polo shirts for the gentleman and skirts and shirts and even a more casual style of dresses for the ladies. But the thing is that they do get changed out of track pants and pyjamas as they face the trek to the office, which is usually the kitchen table or, if lucky, a spare room set up for the duration. Zoom meetings are the new thing between office colleagues working from home. And while it may be hilarious the first time the cat or the kids are in the background, it certainly isn't after the tenth. Traditionally before the pandemic, we rarely used zoom and other similar styles of meetings. But it was good once in a while when you really couldn't justify the expense of flying or driving. As the virus loomed, much of the technology was problematic as the world's internet connections struggled to keep up. Now it seems that many still struggle to cope with how to mute themselves while listening 18

I think that manners, etiquette, and protocol will be more important than ever as we try to guide ourselves through the pandemic and afterwards. Not just within the office environment but even the social interactions in our own homes.

WILL MANNERS STILL MAKETH THE MAN? to others and not talking over each other. Then there is also the problem with those who struggle with hearing and other disabilities and anxieties that makes communication difficult even under more normal circumstances.

An article in the Sydney Morning Herald suggests that people will seek more of a human connection.

"What we're hearing is people want to come back to the workplace for those human connections," says Lisa Munao, I think that manners, etiquette, head of workplace design and and protocol will be more innovation at Sydney design important than ever as we try firm Davenport Campbell. Her to guide ourselves through firm engaged in a survey about the pandemic and afterwards. return-to-work attitudes with Not just within the office the University of NSW and environment but even the social has put together a toolkit of interactions in our own homes suggested practical measures as many parents may still be and office design solutions working from home and children to keep staff and clients safe may still be homeschooled. while fostering happiness and engagement. It has also been One thing that has changed for suggested that the change in the better is the etiquette of attitude towards mental health public transport and with using will help people be kinder to lifts. Spaces are left. People each other. are more polite. There is no crowding at the doors as people And what about the handshake? attempt to get the first bus, Well, that is one way that train, or lift. People are more humans have greeted each other willing to wait for another less for centuries. It was a way to crowded one and will prioritize show that you held no weapons comfort and safety over speed. in your hands and seal bonds. You may also have to get up The customs of some countries from your desk to talk with such as Japan, which bow upon colleagues as they will be further meeting, have been adopted by apart as new hygiene measures many. Another custom I have are being introduced as many seen adopted is placing a hand companies look to going back to over the heart and nodding on the office. greeting. 19


Eventually, however, experts predict that most of our longstanding rituals and habits will re-emerge as restrictions on our daily lives are eased.

the norm in the United States once more.

“We will return to shaking hands,” she says. “It may not be until 2025, but eventually we will.” Jodi Smith is certain, for example, P.S. An excellent article for the that shaking hands — a gesture of post-Covid world has also been goodwill that dates back as far as published by Debora Robertson of 5th century Greece — will become Country Life magazine in the U.K. Susanne Danceris a professional Butlerof 25 years having served as a Valetand Ladies Maid to prominent HNW’s and corporations. Susanne isa self-professed etiquette & protocol geek, a social historian, a cancer and migraine warrior as well as being an avid book collector. 20



Protective Tactics for Attending High-Risk Meetings Arranging and attending high-risk meetings is an easy way to set someone up for kidnapping, assassination, sexual assault or robbery. Because of this, meetings in highrisk situations can be extremely dangerous and should always be treated with caution whether you are attending for personal business reasons or with a client. First, high-risk meetings should be kept as secret as possible and planned well in advance. When under a high-level threat, you want to exchange the maximum amount of information with those you are meeting within the shortest possible time. Second, you will need to select a suitable meeting location, be it a coffee shop or a hotel suite. This 22

will depend on how many people you'll be meeting with, what's to be discussed, and the threat level. It would help if you always had a reason and cover story for being in that area in case the meeting is compromised. Next, make sure that everyone involved in the meeting has a covert way of alerting the others that they have been followed or are under active surveillance. You can do this by using codes or signs en-route to the meeting location or quickly posted comments on online chat boards or social media sites. This way, if one person is compromised, they should not


compromise or endanger the rest of the participants. Cell phones should not be used or taken to sensitive meetings as they can be tracked and used as listening devices. They should also not be used to warn others that you are under surveillance. Calls and text messages would lead straight to those you were meeting with. You should designate a low-tech

method, such as drinking soda instead of coffee or putting the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the hotel suite door, which could signal the others that things have gone bad. Whenever you meet people for the first time, you should always use pre-arranged signs and countersigns to confirm their identity. The simplest thing is a 23

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 pre-arranged question and answer. meeting location you would be This works better than checking ID channeled. cards as the person you're meeting • How will you get to the meeting with might be the right person, location: walking, using public but you may only know them by a transport or driving? pseudonym. In a basic context, you • If driving, where will you park want to make sure that the limo your car, will it be secure or driver meeting you at the airport is hidden, how long would it your real driver and will take you take you to get back to it in an to your hotel, not into months of emergency and what are you captivity or to a garbage dump! going to do if it’s compromised? • What will you wear for the Considerations for Attending meeting and will you need a Meetings change of clothes; remember • Do you know in detail the it’s always easier to dress down meeting location? If not, then than up. You can always take off check it or get someone trusted a sports coat and shirt and put to check it. them in a plastic bag. • Things to take into consideration • Will you be carrying any include the facilities (bathrooms, weapons and is there any risk of cafés, taxis, payphones, etc.), being searched? potential surveillance positions, • Always be aware of what’s going location of surveillance cameras, on in the environment around escape routes. you; watch for warning signs • Will it be daylight or dark? posted by the those you’re • What is the condition of meeting with that could indicate pedestrian and vehicle traffic, they have been compromised, what are people wearing, age any unusual activity, people and type of people in the area? waiting in cars or vans with • Make plans and procedures blacked out windows, fit young for all possible emergencies men with short hair hanging identified in your threat around for no reason, read assessment. the body language of those • Consider where along your waiting in possible surveillance route to the meeting location positions, etc. you would put surveillance • When you reach the meeting personnel to watch you if you location, sweep the area for were the opposition and identify anything suspicious, you might where on your approach to the not be under surveillance but 24


Make plans and procedures for all possible emergencies identified in your threat assessment. •

the person you’re meeting with could be. If you can, select a good position at the meeting location from where you can view as many entrances as possible, be close to escape routes and view what’s going on the street outside without being in clear view from outside. Locate those you are meeting with and exchange passwords, consider walking them to another location to identify if they are under surveillance. If you are going to eat and drink, consider the method of payment; credit cards leave a paper trail. Also, do not leave your food or drink unattended or let anyone fetch you a drink from the bar, etc. as this is an opportunity to

drug it. Under a high threat make sure you do not leave anything behind from which fingerprints or DNA samples could be taken. During the meeting constantly watch for physical, video and audio surveillance, if you have the manpower get a trusted associate to do this for you and to watch your back. Keep the meeting as short as possible and when it’s is over, leave the area as quickly as possible and conduct several counter-surveillance drills, consider changing your appearance if necessary. If further meetings are required, they would have to be varied for different times of day and days of the week.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 25


cyber security fundamentals

Security and Technical Debt Collection You cannot work in close proximity to technical people, particularly those who build systems, for long without hearing the term “technical debt” bandied around.

Technical debt is what you are adding to every time you choose an easy or quick solution now, rather than looking at longerterm strategies. It is the technical expression of ‘failing to plan is planning to fail.’ And it has consequences. Suppose a technical system is held together with metaphorical 26

prayers and duct tape. In that case, it will often be too fragile to effectively maintain (i.e. trying to update or patch it is likely to cause an outage or just break it irreparably). Given the earliest systems in an organisation are also often the most important to its operation, the most critical systems are usually the ones carrying the most technical debt.



CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 While it’s often thought of as just adding friction to systems, possibly the occasional outage, it is much more insidious and damaging when we consider that most technical debt also involves what I like to call security debt. If you can't update a critical system to maintain it effectively, it will be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats. Known vulnerabilities are a key factor in most cybersecurity incidents, and these exist because systems go unmaintained.

the internet to allow remote or centralised monitoring, and carry enough technical debt that they are often impossible to maintain. Manufacturers for some of these systems no longer exist, and their expense means that they are certainly not refreshed every few years as other IT systems should be.

The first known and most famous attack against ICS systems involved the Stuxnet malware, uncovered in 2010. Stuxnet is still one of the This is a big enough problem on most sophisticated cyberweapons its own, but then we look at the developed to date and has been world of Operational Technology repurposed to carry out other (OT) and Industrial Control Systems attacks after the one that (rightly) (ICS), and things get worse quickly. made it famous. OT refers to technologies used to manage physical systems, often To keep the story short, the but not always industrial (building Stuxnet malware was developed HVAC, access control systems, lifts, to compromise Microsoft Windows etc., are also OT systems). ICS is machines to gain an initial foothold a subset, specifically the systems on a network, after which it would that monitor, manage, and control seek out the controllers which industrial processes. automated gas centrifuges for separating nuclear material. OT, ICS, and CNI Estimates are that Stuxnet ruined The most important OT processes roughly one-fifth of Iran's nuclear are those in Critical National centrifuges and set back the Infrastructure (CNI), everything national nuclear programme for from power plants to water several years. treatment facilities. These systems were often automated before Stuxnet was developed to be security was a major concern in subtle; it did not simply cause the way it is now, connected to centrifuges to fail but introduced 28


Many security researchers look for ways to break or exploit ransomware, finding ways to decrypt files that don't require any communication with the attacker.

random variances in their operations which caused them to fail faster. It’s estimated that it was a year after release before it was discovered, and the discovery was more luck than planning. It isn’t only malware that we need to worry about affecting CNI systems. While the Colonial pipeline attack did not involve any targeted ICS systems (it was down to a compromised password, and the shutdown was precautionary), if the attackers had aimed at indeed causing chaos rather than deploying off-the-shelf ransomware, the attack would not have been detected as quickly. It potentially would have affected the pipeline's ICS systems. Given the control those systems had, the damage could have been much more significant. The attackers showed no signs of attempting to breach those critical systems. In another recent case, an attack against a Florida water treatment plant was down to old software being used (that technical debt again). And while it was detected and further safety measures were in place, the attackers adjusted the amount of sodium hydroxide (used in small quantities to lower the acidity of water and in large concentrations capable of causing 29


chemical burns) upwards about 100 times. Fortunately, it was detected. But in this case, we are seeing attackers deliberately and maliciously trying to cause damage. Whether they want to send a message and know that other measures would prevent the attack or genuinely attempting 30

to poison the water supply is unknown, and only limited information is shared. So far, there are only two attacks confirmed to have destroyed equipment (though a recent hospital ransomware attack has been held directly responsible for

SECURITY AND TECHNICAL DEBT COLLECTION a loss of life). The Stuxnet attack damaged nuclear processing centrifuges in a very careful way. A second attack, some years later, occurred in Germany, where a steel mill was compromised. The attackers managed to disrupt the control systems of a blast furnace to enough of a degree that it resulted in ‘massive’ damage, believed to be through overheating and removing the ability for the furnace to be shut down. More seriously, or at least more impactfully, shortly afterwards, the Ukraine power grid was deliberately targeted with a strain of malware named ‘Black Energy’, resulting in over 200 000 customers losing power. A year later, the same happened with a different attack using more sophisticated malware known as Crash Override. Both of these were perfectly capable of being much more serious, as the attackers chose only to cut the power and not reconnect it out of phase, which would have been catastrophic.

Another attack in 2017 was the first deliberately targeted at safety systems designed to enforce emergency shutdowns when human life is at risk. The attack was initially believed to be a malfunction in the equipment until the security team sent in to investigate determined it was due to malware and was part of an effort to develop the capacity to cause physical harm. Realistically there aren't any easy answers to this technical debt problem. The effort and expense needed to update these systems are beyond what the organisations who own them are willing to or able to afford. The alternative solution of fully isolating the facilities requires re-engineering processes highly dependent on interconnection and effective communications. It is vitally important whenever designing a new system to consider the technical decisions being taken carefully. The risks of not doing so are becoming more visible every day.

James Bore is an independent cybersecurity consultant, speaker, and author with over a decade of experience in the domain. He has worked to secure national mobile networks, financial institutions, start-ups, and one of the largest attractions’ companies in the world, among others. If you would like to get in touch for help with any of the above, please reach out at 31


Size vs.Skillsa.k.a: The Unfair Advantage My dad taught me a valuable life lesson when I was very young, maybe 12-13 years old. Well, to be fair, he taught me many life lessons.




CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 However, this lesson sticks out because I still think about it and even use it to this day. My dad told me that every person on this planet has an ‘Unfair Advantage.’ Something God-given that a person does exceptionally well or better than anyone else. He told me that some people could naturally run fast or dunk a basketball without even really trying. Some can figure out complex equations in their heads like Einstein or even maintain a full head of hair well into their old age. Whatever gift you possessed that you did better than anyone else was your unfair advantage. According to my dad, my height was my unfair advantage. I was very tall even at 13 and lacked spatial awareness, which made me very goofy and frequently the target of bullies. My dad would always try to help me take control of my ‘Unfair Advantage’ by telling me, ‘Throw your shoulders back!’, ‘Push that chest out!’, ‘Walk with authority and ‘Take command of the room as you walk in. Lessons that I still practice today. My dad actually had me practice walking into a room, pause at the doorway and make eye contact with every single person inside before entering. ‘Now that’s how you take command of a room and use your size to your advantage!’ he would 34

say. Use your unfair advantage to your advantage. Unfair advantage, command presence, size, whatever you want to call it, I learned to master it early on due to my dad. Soon, the bullies left me alone as I carried myself with enough command presence and confidence to make them think twice. Fast forward to my late teens in NYC, and I began bouncing at bars and clubs at 17 years old due to my size. Eventually, my size got me other security gigs like escorts (my introduction to EP). Ultimately, my size got me a job interview, resulting in my becoming the Director of Security for a smallsized entertainment company. I knew through research that the owners of this entertainment company wanted someone who was ‘big’ to protect their talent, and I certainly fit the bill. Throughout the 1980s, as long as you were a big guy, filled out a suit nicely and had a willingness to fight, security jobs were easy to obtain. Size was the standard. Fast forward to the mid-1990s, the NY based entertainment company was now a California based entertainment company. I’m doing very well for myself between being the Director of Security and picking up red-carpet suit and tie

SIZE VS.SKILLS-A.K.A: THE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE events on the side. But then law enforcement came calling.

I began bouncing at bars and clubs at 17 years old due to my size. Eventually my size got me other security gigs like escorts (my introduction to EP) and then ultimately my size got me a job interview which resulted my becoming the Director of Security for a small sized entertainment company.

I had always wanted to protect and serve, so I gave up my sixfigure salary and went to the LAPD with a starting salary of $37,500 (your motivation cannot be money, or else you will limit yourself). After a nice career in law enforcement, I naturally decided to fall back into the security game. I leveraged my contacts and was able to get mid-level security details as an ODO (Off Duty Officer). Still, the higher-level details that had come naturally to me in the '80s eluded me here in the 2000s. I didn’t understand it. I mean, I had my size, my Unfair Advantage after all!!! So, I decided I needed to figure this dilemma out. I started talking to people doing the highend work and looked at job postings for security positions. I was reading things like ‘Medical Training Necessary’, ‘Graduate of a Recognized EP School’ and ‘High Degree of Emotional Intelligence”. Huh?? They might as well have been speaking a foreign language because I didn’t understand it. While I was enjoying my law enforcement career, the security industry grew up and changed in 35

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 a big way. Standards were being put in place. No longer was size the sole determining factor in who got work. Experienced and trained practitioners were now the standard. I was far behind the power curve, and I knew it. Sure, I could still make a fair living as an ODO, but I have always been an overachiever and wanted to work the higher-end details. I knew what I had to do: adapt or die. I had to reinvent myself and learn from the bottom up. I read books, attended conventions, took EP school after EP school, and networked like a fiend. The floodgates didn’t open up overnight. It took a lot of work, but I got there, and you can too.

that this industry that we are in is client-centric. The client makes the decisions, and we have to be able to meet the client’s needs. And like any client, they make decisions based on their needs, wants or knowledge. It does no good to get on social media and complain about it. To attack a job poster for posting what the clients are asking for is ridiculous. The detail leader is not going to go back and ‘educate’ the client on your skills. It’s great that you think you can kick everyone’s ass who is picked for the detail; however, your attitude alone would be a disqualifier for me.

Case in point -- recently, a lastSo why the biography about my minute detail fell into my lap. journey to enlightenment? Quite The client was particular in his simply, I am noticing a disturbing needs and requested a bio and trend in our profession which, picture from every candidate to to be honest, I thought we were handpick his team. One of the above as a class of protection client's requirements was that he professionals. I have been on both wanted "Big Guys' over 6'4". I had sides of the coin on the Size VS a limited number of practitioners Skills argument. An argument that who fit that bill, so I posted on a I see people are very passionate few professional boards on which (and sometimes quite rude) about. I am active. I was blown away by I guess I don't really understand the number of negative comments this when I see it, though. regarding these requirements. Unfortunately, I see it a lot. My size Many people angrily replied to say has landed me jobs, and my size that they considered themselves has prevented me from getting to be just as good (or better) as jobs. anyone over 6'4" and that I needed to educate my client on this We all know (or should know) dynamic. In my opinion, this was 36


very unprofessional for a group of professionals. This attitude has got to stop; otherwise, this infighting will keep a negative cloud over our heads. It is not a personal attack on your abilities as a practitioner if a client wants ‘bigger guys’ and you don’t fit that bill. That's their preference, and that's what they get. It is not a reflection on you or your abilities in any way, shape, or form. If someone posted a need for a security detail looking for fat guys, would your response be the same? I was having a conversation about this very thing with a colleague recently. He told me that he had posted that he needed female EP agents for a detail. He told me that he had received a text from

a 'professional' claiming that the detail requirements were unfair and that he could kick any female EP agent’s ass who was on the detail. Really? I’m no expert on psychology, but my best-educated guess is that these types of practitioners have some deepseated issues going on. A couple of years back, I took a pretty awesome covert EP course because I felt like that was a direction I wanted to go in. Well, guess what? My size, my command presence, my 'Unfair Advantage' worked against me at every turn. I don't blend well into the background with my size. I accepted this fact and moved in a different direction, still grateful for the awesome opportunity 37

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 to obtain this training. Having size may get me the occasional job, but it will exclude me from various low profile or covert jobs. I think my friend Michael W. Trott summed it up perfectly well in his book, The Protected: “…in some scenarios, a large framed person can be necessary – especially if physical deterrence is the goal. But good security officers and protective agents come in all shapes, sizes and packages with varied backgrounds. I have worked with competent, confident and skilled men and women who were shorter than 5'6" with an average build who have performed brilliantly.” I have absolutely no issues with the size of the guy or gal standing next to me on a detail. If you are qualified, you are qualified. I have worked alongside some amazing

practitioners of all shapes and sizes. However, if the client wants something specific, whether it be bigger guys, female agents or “black militant” types (yes, that was an actual request I have received), then so be it. It is not a reflection on you. What IS a reflection on you is your unprofessional reaction to the client’s request. I (and many other business owners who staff these types of details) will put an automatic red flag next to your name, so we know not to use you in the future because your attitude is all wrong. We need to be better than that. Support those who are qualified (yes, height may be a qualification for a detail). Be supportive, not destructive. Be happy that someone landed a detail, not unhappy because it wasn't you. As an industry, we need to help each other out. Next time it could be you. Remember, a high tide lifts all boats….

Keith has a background in Executive Protection, RST, Travel Security, Black Product Movement and Security Driving spanning over 39 years! Keith has worked with UHNW clientele, high profile celebrities and corporate C-Suite executives alike. He is also retired law enforcement officer having served proudly with both the LAPD and BHPD (Beverly Hills). Keith is also a lifelong learner with an advanced degree in security management (CPP) and a graduate of many E.P., security driving and tactical schools. Keith also instructs at a local EP Academy helping to shape and mentor the next generation of EP practitioners. 38




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Surveillance Training Course Handbook A R TE



By Peter Jenkins ISS TRAINING LTD 40


The following is Part 2 of an earlier installment of this article, which was published in Issue 58.


Behavioral Analysis:

Warning Signs to Look for in Violent Extremism/ Active Killer incidents Following on from what was discussed, in order to deeply understand how these incidents occur, we need to understand the differences between the radicalization and recruitment processes that enlist Homegrown Violent Extremists and Active Killer incidents.

Radicalizing Homegrown Violent Extremism (HVE). Radicalization of HVAC is the process of developing extremist beliefs, emotions, and behaviors. The extremist beliefs are profound convictions opposed to the fundamental values of society, the laws of democracy 41

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 and universal human rights, advocating the supremacy of a particular group (racial, religious, political, economic, social etc.). The result of radical interpretations of mainstream religious or political doctrines of these extreme views tends to justify, promote, incite, or support violence to achieve any number of social, religious, or political changes. This is also referred to as the desensitization of radical theories. The radicalization process creates a sense of new social norms and violent ideation for an individual.

violent extremist mobilization are observable behaviors that could help determine whether individuals or groups are preparing to engage in violent extremist activities, such as conducting an attack or travelling overseas to join a foreign terrorist organization. Indicators are grouped by diagnosticity—meaning how clearly, we assess the behavior that demonstrates an individual's likelihood of engaging in terrorist activity or lone actor attacks.

Some common characteristics or clearly defined traits (though not all-inclusive) may be indicated in A homegrown violent simple comparisons of people extremist (HVE) is a person who are more open to terrorist of any citizenship who lives recruitment and radicalization or operates primarily in the tend to: United States or its territories • Feel angry, alienated, or and who advocates, engages disenfranchised. in, or is preparing to engage in • Believe that their current or support terrorist activities in political involvement does not furtherance of a foreign terrorist give them the power to effect organization's objectives, but real change. who acts independently of • Identify with perceived victims foreign terrorist direction. of the social injustice they are Because HVAC are acting to fighting. further the goals of a foreign • Feel the need to take action terrorist organization, they are rather than just talking about considered foreign intelligence the problem. threats under the authorities of • Believe that engaging in the intelligence community and violence against the state is domestic public safety entities. not immoral. • Have friends or family Behavioral indicators of sympathetic to the cause. 42


Once an individual achieves radicalization and recruitment, they are now transitioning to mobilization of violent acts. Below are the behavioral categories associated to violent mobilization indicators

• Feeling withdrawn or an outcast from society. • Believe that joining a movement offers social and psychological rewards such as adventure, camaraderie, and a heightened sense of identity. These characteristics are valuable indicators of an individual that a company's HR departments or educational system can use when evaluating an individual(s) work or school performance. Once an individual achieves radicalization and recruitment, they are now transitioning to the mobilization of violent acts. Below are the behavioral categories associated with violent mobilization indicators: Preparation – The process of developing and displaying the act to commit violence. Motivation – The process of developing and displaying a mindset oriented toward committing a violence. Concealment – Hiding violent act-related activities from scrutiny. During this process for each category, the individual will show a gradual increase in 43

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 commitment to mobilization, which could occur within weeks or months prior to the deployment of the mission. Domestic terrorism, in general, has many motivations depending on the special interests of the individual or organizations, ranging from radical ideation to other forms of extreme doctrines.


Terrorist Planning Cycle: The Four (4) critical areas of the planning cycle to observe suspicious behaviors or potential terrorist activities prior to deployment are highlighted below: • • • •

Initial Surveillance Final Target Selection Pre-Attack Surveillance, and… Rehearsal (Dry runs)









BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS The four critical areas are the best point of disruption toward a potential attack as they are viewed as the most vulnerable to detection prior to mission deployment. The Exception - Escape and Exploitation Suicide bomber(s) do not care about dying, imprisonment, or torture at the time of their attack. Because of this, there is no need for an escape plan. Suicide bombers want to impact human life or infrastructure significantly and are willing to die for it. Pre-Attack Operations: During pre-attack preparation, terrorist activities are most vulnerable to detection and can best be halted. Depending on the scope of the attack, preparation may occur over a period of months and, in some cases, years. During this time period, observable behaviors and activities before a terrorist attack generally represent the best opportunity to detect and disrupt the HVE's plans. It is equally important to know that all pre-attack operations do not rigidly follow the eight steps of this process, depending on the extent or lack thereof, can fluctuate in time or process. Prior studies and examination

of behaviors that resulted in a disrupted terrorist attack revealed a cycle of planning and preparation that could provide indicators for preventing similar attempts. The terrorist attack planning cycle is not a static, linear process but could begin in several stages with variances in details, sequence, and timing. An individual's mobilization to violence often provides observable behavioral indicators such as pre-attack surveillance, training, and rehearsal. These indicators potentially allow third-party observers and law enforcement to identify individuals moving to violence, circumstances that may allow for disruption of planned attacks. Not all acts of terrorism can be prevented. Maintaining vigilance and situational awareness and observing for anomalous behaviors within your environment, we maximize our opportunities to identify a potential threat and the ability to prevent a possible situation by initiating a plan of action. Lone-Actor/Active Killer (NON-Homegrown Violent Extremism) Not every active killer situation is domestic terrorism. We hear about people after investigations that had a particular grievance that exceeded their rational 45

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 coping capabilities that were not associated with extreme ideologies. We hear about incidents that witnesses say "the writing was on the wall", or they're not surprised about "that person". This is because most of these people saw something that seemed off or not correct. These people did not recognize the signs or believe they saw a possible threat. Most people in past study cases stated that they were hesitant to report concerning behaviors to management or authorities because they feared getting someone in trouble. Most of the time, people could not articulate what seemed "off" or made them feel uncomfortable to say something at all. There is not one specific warning sign or behavior that is shown. Most active shooters have about 3.5 behavioral stressors at the time of the shooting. It is important to know that people do not just "snap”. There are observable behavioral cues displayed anywhere, between days, weeks, or even months before an attack. Studies also show that at the beginning of an individual's grievance, at one time or another, some of the behavioral stressors were displayed during the person's behavioral change. 46

When a person of concern for targeted violence is unable to resolve the negative emotional burden of unachieved justice, he could then progress to a violent ideation: the idea that violence is an acceptable, or even the only, means of achieving justice.

BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS Some Common Motives an individual can experience: (not all inclusive) • Extreme anger or disgust. • Perception of being persecuted (wronged). • Quest for justice (as defined by the offender). • Revenge for a perceived grievance. • Paranoid or extreme ideation. • Desire to solve a problem perceived to be unbearable. • Depressed mood. • Antisocial or narcissistic traits. • Major loss of relationship or employment. • Preemptive strike. • Magnify and incubate insults. • Extremization of blame. • Desire for notoriety or recognition. • Desire to kill or be killed.

like a salve on a wound. For this reason, a sudden turnaround by a formerly angry, depressed, or menacing person of concern should not be presumed as good news.

Pre-Attack Behaviors of an Active Killer – Six Steps to the Pathway of Violence: 1. GRIEVANCE – Bad experience or feel that they have been wronged. There are two parts to this: 1Factual; that this has actually occurred, and 2- Perceived; without factual evidence or exaggeration of one's selfinterpretation of the situation. At this point, it becomes a fixation and a needing for resolution. The individual loses the ability of selfsoothing and to process the situation rationally. When a person of concern 2. IDEATION – for targeted violence cannot Becomes Obsessed. The resolve the negative emotional grievance or situation burden of unachieved justice, he consumes their life. could then progress to violent Individuals start fantasizing ideation: the idea that violence violent acts or interest in is an acceptable, or even the previous acts of violence. only, means of achieving justice. 3. RESEARCH & PLANNING – Unable to shake off a grievance This includes generalized and its accompanying anger, target or initial target despair, humiliation, or other selection. Once a person negative emotional responses, of concern decides that the person of concern may violence should, or must, eventually conclude that be used to seek justice for violence is justified, necessary, real or perceived wrongs, and his only choice. The under most circumstances adoption of this idea can be he must then begin to profoundly relieving, almost 47

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 think and plan. The person of concern then considers when, how, and where to offend. He can craft and refine his plan by researching methods, the planned target, past offenders, and previous targeted violence incidents. The person of concern may consider both practical and symbolic reasons when selecting potential targets. As with other steps along the pathway, research and planning need not cease when the next step begins; it can and may comingle with other steps. 4. PREPARATION – This includes final target selection; The person of concern may acquire the equipment, skills, and/or any other resources necessary to conduct the attack. This can include obtaining weapons and gear as well as familiarization of and practice with the weapons. The person may conduct an actual or virtual rehearsal of any aspect of the attack (e.g., driving the intended route to the site). It can also include farewell writings or other end of life planning, or creation of artifacts meant to be left behind to claim credit and explain the motive. 5. BREACH – This is the point of no return; This step involves circumvention of security measures or boundaries at the target 48

The person of concern may acquire the equipment, skills, and/or any other resources necessary to conduct the attack. This can include obtaining weapons and gear as well as familiarization of and practice with the weapons.


Above diagram illustrates the Six steps to the Pathway to Violence detection vulnerability and areas of noticeable behaviors:

location. Breach activities can include conducting dry runs, engaging in approach behaviors to include stalking, and testing security at the target location. This definition could be expanded to include cyber intrusion behaviors where these breaches may be intended to identify security plans and weaknesses, gain protected information about a target, or otherwise further an attack plan via unauthorized access to systems. Breach behavior may occur immediately prior to an attack, or earlier. 6. ATTACK – Physically conducting the act of violence; An offense may involve violence against both preplanned and

opportunistically chosen targets. Both practical and symbolic acts may occur. The violent offense is the culmination of a highly personalized quest for justice which may, ultimately, only be fully understandable to the offender. Like the Terrorist Planning Cycle, critical points in the process make the individual more susceptible to detection and vulnerability. Six steps to the Pathway of Violence: Detection Vulnerability 1. Grievance 2. Ideation 3. Research & Planning Phase 1 – Physical Action 49

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 Below diagram illustrates the Attack Planning Cycle (Domestic/Foreign Terrorism) in correlation with the physical actions to the Pathway of Violence (Pre-Attack Behaviors of an Active Killer):

4. Preparation Phase 2 – Physical Action 5. Breach Phase 3 – Physical Action 6. Attack Phase 4 – Physical Action Conclusion: We are just beginning to see the possible implications of the pandemic isolation and the results of the uprising of online radicalization and recruitment to the most vulnerable and susceptible individuals that are 50

manipulated or encouraged to act out violently toward our society and our way of life. Our nation’s youth are at risk of online radicalization and recruitment like never before. They are by far the largest demographic being targeted by extremists, especially online. It is, therefore, our duty to protect them. Prioritized attention to the generation under 30 years old (digital natives across race,


“It Takes a Community to Protect a Community.” religion, ethnicity, location, socioeconomic levels, ideology, and gender) is required to prevent violent ideologies from influencing this segment of our population.

we have a shared responsibility to be more proactive and to protect our most valuable resource: family, friends and neighbors that make us who we are as a society.

Instead of waiting for an incident to happen, becoming more proactive is the responsibility of all individuals and organizations. By changing the culture from being dependent on government entities to involving more public partnerships from corporations to small businesses to community outreach programs,


• Pathway to Violence: Fredrick Calhoun & Steve Watson, Contemporary Threat Management – 2003. • Pre-Attack Behaviors: Federal Bureau of Investigation – Behavioral Analysis Unit • World Internet Penetration Rate: https:// • Active Shooter Incidents/Statistics – Open-Source Information: NBC, ABC, CBS, FOX, CNN. All other public media outlets.

Craig A. Burns is the President and CEO of TACT Consulting, LLC, a behavioural detection and analysis company that specializes in pre-attack behaviours of an active killer, behavioural threat assessment, situational awareness training and public/special events in high-risk venues such as political events, parades, and concerts and sports entertainment. He has 25 years of experience in private and public sectors, specializing in security operations and physical security with multiple corporate 500 companies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security/Transportation Security Administration Behavioral Analysis, Threat Assessment Division. Craig Burns has held positions with the National Training Team assigned out of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) as a Behavior Detection Supervisor. 51

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Opinions Are Like… Marcus Aurelius said, “everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth." We live in a time where people's opinions invade, dictate, and in some instances, ruin lives. Businesses opinions sell merchandise. Financial and political people tell you where to invest your money or who you should vote for. Opinions are very personal, varying from

person to person, but they all have in common that they are nothing but a singular view of a singular event or action. It's your view and belief into whatever that event is or should be, and these views are constant every minute of every 53

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 day. For example, what are you going to eat and why? What route to work are you taking and why? What gas are you putting in your vehicle and why? What source of liquid intake do you choose, and again, why? Opinions are your personal preferences and views, and (at least from an American perspective) they are protected by freedoms we have as citizens. You are entitled to your opinion. You may express that opinion at any time and wherever you may be. Social media has expanded those opinions beyond the regular outlets, such as print, T.V., the media, and radio. The expansion of social media platforms has now emboldened anonymity as a defense. People that would never have the courage to voice their opinion(s) in a face-to-face conversation can now spew that opinion on social media with zero cares given. Some good, some bad, some far out, and some dangerous for a multitude of reasons. There is also no shortage of opinions from managers, advisers, accountants, trainers, record executives, etc. Then there are the men and women of E.P. that have to understand and navigate the possible perils of having and voicing an "opinion." I was told and taught early in my career that executive protection specialists don't have opinions. If 54

Nobody asked you for your opinion, and that opinion is usually solely based off of your ambitions to be seen at this event with your client and not about the client or their wishes.

HAVING "OPINIONS" CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOU your client asks for your opinion, you should give your client an educated discernment of the facts as you know them to be NOT your opinion. And therein lies the difference. Whether you are a specialist that works 100 hours a week or just 10 hours, minute by minute decisions have to be made. And each decision is a catalyst to whether the client has a safe transition from place to place at a given time. I've seen instances where offering an opinion has even cost specialists their jobs. So, how you can navigate this and avoid not falling into the same situation? The best way is to try and make your professional judgments your voice and not your feelings, guesses, or opinions.

The client is talking to a publicist about an appearance that the client has pending that day. You are present during discussions. The client is hesitant about going because of the event's lack of importance to them or their image. As the publicist tries to convince the client to appear and why, you chime in and say, "well, such and such will be there, and last year I worked that event with so and so, and it was off the chain, you should go!" Cue the noise the "X" makes when you get an answer wrong on the Family Feud game show.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Nobody asked you for your opinion, especially if that opinion is based on your ambition to A major mistake that will shorten be seen at the event with your your shelf life as a specialist client. Maturity in our craft is is engaging in and offering an realizing that many things don't unsolicited opinion. Usually, require your opinion. The other this is done by newer specialists major problem is that specialists that are not used to the level have a lot to say about a life of protection they are involved they've never lived, so how is in. That's not to say that there your opinion even relevant? It's aren't experienced specialists not going to be long before you that do it daily because there are looking for another client to are. The mistake is made when work for. you confuse your opinion as a position of power or importance. We've all heard the saying, And that usually annoys the "stay in your lane." It most hardened of clients. sounds so unambiguous and straightforward, but it’s the It usually goes something like hardest practice to perfect for this: many. Whether it’s a need to be 55

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 involved, a sense of importance, or a "know it all" complex, many careers are sidelined because of one or a combination of any of these.

you allow your opinion (which you're entitled to) to permeate your daily views on social media, they will follow you every day. If you have nothing but horrible things to say about a particular Another constant vehicle of political party, how can you failure for many in our industry protect a person of that party? is their personal opinions being If you have nothing good to cast on social media. Most say about a person and who specialists don't realize that their they love, how can you provide opinion of the world is also a authentic protection to someone confession of their character. If of that realm? If you constantly


HAVING "OPINIONS" CAN MAKE OR BREAK YOU espouse to "know it all" on social media, then that attitude will likely get you overlooked for working a detail because you "know it all.” Now you may ask, “well, how in the hell do I keep my client safe if I can't give her/him my opinion?” Here is where many in our industry fail to realize why the soft skills you must possess and perfect are the most important skills you must have in E.P. Is a well-planned and accurate discernment of the facts being given to your client an opinion? Are your plans for your clients' movements on a given day based on facts or opinions? Can you articulate a fact-based plan to your client when asked without your opinion becoming relevant? Can you navigate through other people's opinions using what you can and disregarding what you can't (staff, managers, advisers, publicists) to accurately and safely provide protection without interjecting your opinion? If there is an AOP, at what point is your opinion going to matter? But if your actions are based on factual planning, it might be the difference between surviving the attack or not. Your opinion of the adversary means nothing. Remember that.

from earlier, and you have NOT given your unsolicited opinion. Your client, during her deliberations, asks you for your INPUT or SUGGESTIONS on attending the event. Can you provide your professional security input and not an opinion? The client might say: "I'm concerned about some things having to do with attending this event. One is the length of my time there. Secondly, access to the event and how long it will take because I have another appearance to make afterwards. Lastly, my safety while there because last year there were problems associated with the event. What are your thoughts?" Sounds like manager questions, huh? This is why you must be well versed. These are usual questions a client might ask her manager, but you are a manager of her health and well being while attending an event.

So, without interjecting your opinion, you can say: "Sir/ma'am, along with the management team, I have planned our arrival to the closest time possible, so you don't have to wait around. Our time to the event is such and such Now let's take the same scenario time from here barring traffic, 57


This is why you must be well versed; they are usual questions a client might ask her manager but, you are a manager of her health and well being while attending an event. which I'll check on before our departure. In the event of traffic, we will take such and such route and arrive at such and such time. I have also arranged to enter through the 'such and such' entrance, which will cut down on the distance and time to your event space. I don't anticipate it taking long. Also, in my consultations with the event coordinator and my safety concerns, I've consulted with the event managers earlier today. I have strong representation from the event sponsors that they have increased and changed the venue security. The attendees to which the problems of the prior event can be attributed to will not be attending this year. However, should an occurrence take place, we will do the following. We will depart at 'such and such' time, and be arriving at your next event at, 'such and such,' time."

And there you have an “educated discernment of the facts as you know them to be", not your opinion. Does that mean that those plans will 100% come to fruition? Absolutely not. So have a plan. I once heard an A-list celebrity say to their security professional after he offered an unsolicited opinion to her say, “that’s your opinion, this is my life, so what you have to say means nothing!” Keep your opinions out of E.P. They don't matter, even if it pertains to security. Base your decisions and advice on your client's safety on the factual, tireless, thankless, advance work you've hopefully done. The facts you have gathered can provide the best security you can for your client, over your or anyone else’s “opinions,” and make no doubt about it. This strategy will increase your worth.

Mark Roche is a US Based, full-time Executive Protection Specialist. He is a FAA Licensed Drone Pilot, specializing in EP related uses and a graduate of multiple close protection programs. 58


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workplace Discrimination I could have claimed sexual discrimination in the workplace but didn’t, and lost the job I loved. Here’s why I wouldn’t change a thing.

I walked into, no, I barged into a profession that has historically been male dominated and I did this at the highest level of law enforcement, as a United States Secret Service Agent. I did this by choice. I expected there to be doubters, critics, chauvinists, and jackasses alike. And, there were. There were also men who were tremendous supporters, authentic cheerleaders, and firm believers that female agents were not only necessary in the Service, they we are more than capable of doing the job. That being said, I learned early on to keep my head down, keep my nose clean, and do my job. Oh, and never let them see you sweat. Ever. Just over one year later… “Don’t put that away too quickly. I’ll be back,” I said. 61

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 I had just handed over my service weapon to Renee Porter*, The US Secret Service’s Washington Field Office Manager. She ticked off a box on her list and passed it back to me for my initials. I initialed. “I’ll be back,” I said, again. Renee passed the form back to me for my signature and smiled. “I hope so, Agent Wilkas” she said. It was May 1992 and, up until this point, I had been carving out a successful career for myself within the United States Secret Service (USSS). My most recent protection detail was keeping watch over the grandchildren of President George H. W. Bush. Of 2,000 Agents, I was one of 180 women working in the USSS at that time, and I was nailing the job. I had not just been a standout in training, I had become a wellrespectedand well-liked Agent in just over one year on the job in the most influential field office of the Secret Service – the Washington Field Office. The USSS was my second career choice, behind working for the FBI. That didn’t work out due to an unfortunate technicality. When I studied in Seville, Spain my junior year of college, I experimented with a very small amount of hash, mixed in with tobacco, and rolled into a cigarette. Hash was decriminalized (i.e. it was considered legal) in Spain and, thus, I felt I was not doing anything wrong or illegal. When I filled out my application form honestly, I learned the FBI felt differently. 62

Now, that issue came back to haunt me and the USSS let me go because of it. Almost a year into being a Secret Service Agent, the FBI notified the USSS about my file and the hash admission. I wound up in an Internal Affairs investigation with the USSS. I was interviewed for hours on two separate occasions by two male Internal Affairs agents who, from the get-go, seemed to have presumed my guilt vs. my innocence. They played the good cop/bad cop game which, having been trained in the same academy, was so transparent to me, it was almost comical. While I continued my duties as a Secret Service Agent, the investigation moved forward. Several months later, I was called into the office of the Special Agent in Charge of the Washington Field Office and told that the Secret Service has decided not to renew my contract, effective two weeks from that day. I was devastated to lose my dream job. And, in the sleepless nights leading up to losing my job, I wondered what I should do if the other shoe did, in fact, drop. Should I fold and walk away, or should I double down and move forward, hiring an attorney to help me reverse the Service’s decision to not renew my contract, confident I had truth and a solid work record on my side? I didn’t feel like I had any choice but

WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION to pursue this case, all the way to the end. I had done nothing illegal, I’d passed my polygraph, and after internal affairs spent hours grilling me, they had come up with nothing that would justify letting me go as an Agent. If nothing else, I was not going to let the government intimidate me into backing down, crawling away, or giving up on myself or my dream. They might have been ready to dismiss this case, but this was my life, my future. So, in the end, the decision was easy. I had to pursue this case; after all, I was the one who had to look myself in the mirror.

The trouble was, once I started discussing the case with lawyers, USSS Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) counselors, other agents, and the head of the USSS Women Agents Association, I was blatantly told the same thing: to win my job back, I should claim sexual discrimination. It was the only clear path to victory. I did not feel that I had been treated unjustly nor was I currently being treated adversely because I was a woman. It was unnerving that, for almost everyone I talked to, gender discrimination seemed to be the automatic, go-to claim.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 Gender discrimination is a serious issue many women in the workforce face -- I won’t discredit that. Still, it’s one thing to ask whether I had experienced any disparate treatment that I would attribute to me being a female; it’s another thing to outright push this tactic and make major assumptions without asking the appropriate questions. Moreover, I knew the dangers if I used this strategy and won. I would always be known as an Agent who got into hot water with the Service, was let go, and was brought back because I sued based on sexual discrimination. I would be an Agent people, especially supervisors, treated with kid gloves for fear I was sue happy. I would be one of those Agents that male agents did not interact with so as not to get wrapped up in a dreaded sexual discrimination case. Was that fair? No. I wasn’t going to blackmail the Service into letting me back in. But, I didn’t want the USSS to look the other way and just let this go. I wanted them todo what is right. On October 29, 1992, I followed my attorney, Peter Carre, into a Washington, DC conference room in USSS headquarters. It all felt so surreal. I almost couldn’t believe it was actually happening. The day had finally arrived—my chance to have my say, to make my appeal for my job directly to the director of the USSS, Peter Mick*. After 64

I would always be known as an Agent who got into hot water with the Service, was let go, and was brought back because I sued based on sexual discrimination.

WORKPLACE DISCRIMINATION an hour of fighting valiantly and presenting an incredibly wellresearched defense, including having me speak candidly to the director, Peter rested his case. The Director, after whispering back and forth with the government attorney that served as his counsel in this case, asked me just one question – “Do you believe you lied when you filled out your application to the Secret Service” My five-minute response essentially expressed that I did not believe I was lying on my application to the Secret Service and that I not only loved being a Secret Service Agent, I felt I was born for the job. Fortunately, I had found work as both a private investigator and a protection agent shortly after leaving the USSS. At this point in time, I was working for the Organization of American States (OAS) as the only female on a security team of eight. A former Special Forces soldier and I were teamed up and tasked with protecting the OAS Ambassador sent to Peru during two separate election missions. So, after my meeting with the Director of the USSS, I returned to my private sector protection mission in Lima, Peru. In early December, I received a phone call from Peter, my attorney. The Director had decided to uphold the Service’s decision to not renew my contract. In other words, I was not going back to work as a Special Agent with the United States Secret Service.

It was hard to break the news to my parents, who had always rooted for me and supported me in this line of work. It was hard to get used to it myself: the fight was over and I had lost. I was no longer Mary Beth Wilkas, US Secret Service Agent. In the wake of this devastating news, I went on one of my customary 10-mile runs and took stock of what I held onto in the wake of this massive shift. My reputation, for one. I was looked at and remembered as an excellent and solid Agent who sought the truth. The dozens of phone calls I had received, once my colleagues realized I was no longer present in the Washington Field Office and beyond, confirmed that. I still had my integrity and the ability to hold my head up. I was able to face my parents and not cringe at the thought that I’d lied and violated what they’d taught me about right and wrong. That’s what mattered to me most. As I continued on my run, I realized that, while I took this fight as far as I could, there were things much more important to me than the United States Secret Service. This was one of my most pivotal realizations. Yes, the Secret Service meant a lot to me. But being a USSS Agent was not who I was; it was what I did for a living. If things did not work out, I would still be the same person, just one that had 65


Psychology of Crime and Violence at The George Washington University in Washington, DC. In addition, I conduct tele-mental health sessions and conduct I’m glad I was faced with that fork. Had I not, I don’t think I would have mental health trainings. ever gone back to graduate school, let alone twice, to obtain a master’s All workplace sexual discrimination degree in Forensic Psychology and should be summarily snuffed out. As for me, I’m glad I defied the a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. lawyers, career advisers, I would never have been exposed colleagues, and bosses who to the consistent challenges, the suggested I use that unfortunate varied levels of missions, or the claim to keep myself employed. danger I was in in the world of international executive protection. I wouldn’t be Mary Beth Wilkas Janke, former United States Secret I would likely not have met the Service Agent, consultant in the phenomenal man I married, fields of forensic and clinical moved to the east coast, and started teaching psychology at the psychology and professor at George Washington University, if university level, which is where not for maintaining my integrity I am now in my career. I teach and telling the truth. Abnormal Psychology and the experienced a major redirection that sent me down a totally unforeseen fork in the road.

Dr. Mary Beth WilkasJanke is a former United States Secret Service Agent and current consultant in the fields of forensic and clinical psychology and professor at George Washington University, where she teaches Abnormal Psychology and the Psychology of Crime and Violence.She is the author of the book ‘The Protector.’ Download the prologue for free: 66


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The Modern Shotgun By Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS



At a time when the world seems dominated by carbines, some ask, is the modern shotgun still a viable option in today’s defensive strategy? My answer to that question is an astounding: absolutely! The shotgun is one of the most versatile weapon systems available within the protective arsenal, particularly with the advancements in modern ammunition and weapon technology. Also, when it comes

to security and protective services in the USA outside of exceptional circumstances (natural disasters/ government-appointed), most security or protective services rarely can carry a carbine legally from a working capacity. Things to consider when selecting a shotgun: • What is the intended purpose of the shotgun? • Will it be primarily used for home protection or as a duty weapon? • If this is a duty weapon are there specific departmental/agency requirements one must consider (i.e., pump action only)? • What factors are most important in your selection criteria (capacity, maneuverability, concealability, simplicity, continuity of fire, accessories etc.)? • How much time will you devote to training? • Is the gauge appropriate for my intended application? • Do I need a barrel with rifling for enhanced accuracy? • Do I need a cylinder bore to accommodate a wider variety of loads? 69

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 While shotguns will range in gauge, my recommendation for personal defense or duty is 12 gauge, as it gives you the greatest variety of accessory and load options. Whether your need is velocity or penetration, there are various recoil-friendly loads available for the 12 gauge. When it comes to barrel length, I would consider barrel lengths in the 18 – 22 inch range based on need, whether tactical considerations of manoeuvrability or maintaining continuity of fire. Also, ask yourself if you prefer tubular, box, or drumtype magazines? Pump Shotguns Pump Action – gets its name because the shooter pumps the movable fore-end/forearm

back and forth to open and close the action. The pumping action empties the chamber and loads a new cartridge or shot-shell from the tubular magazine. It is easy to work for both right and left-hand shooters. While we inherently understand the value of lights for handguns and carbines, lights for shotguns have almost become an afterthought. Remember, lights allow us to verify the noise we hear is indeed a threat. That same logic and sense of responsibility reside across all weapons systems. Below, please find two of my favorite shotgun integrated forearm light systems: the Streamlight TL Racker and the Surefire DSF.

My favorite Pump shotguns (Price range approximately $429 - $850) Brand

Barrel Length



Mossberg 500 Tactical


Ghost Rings

5 +1

Mossberg 590 A1

20’ or 18.5”

Ghost Rings


Remington 870 Exp Tactical


Ghost Rings/ Predrill

6 +1

Kel Tec KSG (Bull Pup)


Pop Up

14 +1



My favorite Semi-automatic shotguns (Price range $700 - $1849) Brand

Barrel Length



Mossberg SPX 930


Ghost Rings/ Predrill


Beretta 1301 Tactical


Ghost Rings




Adjustable Rifle


Benelli M4


Ghost Rings/ Predrill


Box or Drum (Price range $579 – Varies based on availability and import ban in the USA )


Barrel Length



Mossberg M


Ghost Rings

5, 10, 15, 20

Saiga 12


U Notch & Bead

10, 12, 20 Import Ban




12 Import Ban

Integrated shotgun light forends (Approximately $125 - $349) Streamlight TL Racker The Streamlight TL Racker is one of the most affordable light integrated pump-action systems out there. It features 1,000 lumens and 20,000 candela to produce the most powerful dedicated shotgun forend on the market. This massive level of power cuts through the darkness with ease.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 The Surefire DSF was the original gangster integrated shotgun weapon lights. They have been around for decades, ever since 60 lumens was a lot of light. The latest Surefire DSF series has been modernized over time. The Surefire DSF features a low 200-lumen setting or a high 600 lumens. The beam spreads and fills your peripheral vision with light. This light shines through a room, an alley, or a dark field with sheer unbridled intensity.

The Surefire DSF $350 DSF controls consist of seven different buttons. That sounds like a lot, but six of the buttons are designed to be ambidextrous controls. The seventh is a universal kill switch to keep the light from accidentally turning on. Three left, and three right controls allow you to access a momentary mode, a constant mode, and a button to swap the setting from high to low. 72

These massive controls take only a light touch to activate and deliver tactile feedback. The DSF configuration sees the light situated as a big hump in the pump. And this hump keeps your hand from moving forward in a push/pull technique. Ammo Considerations Penetration – shotguns should be set up to allow sufficient penetration to handle the job. Over penetration should be avoided to reduce the ability of accidental injures (speciality setups…00 buck, slugs, birdshot on ammo carriers). When a shotgun is selected primarily for antipersonnel use, the choices of ammunition tend to decrease significantly and are typically limited to: • Birdshot • Buckshot or • Slugs Birdshot is rarely used for anything beyond home defense where engagement distances tend to be very close. Birdshot will often have sufficient stopping power for traditional home encounters or historic pistol defense distances. Birdshot size 71/2 is typically a good choice. Care should be considered when selecting the hotter birdshot loads as the increased velocity may lead to

THE MODERN SHOTGUN increased/over-penetration, which may not be required inside 10 yards.

long range. • To maximize your ability to neutralize a threat.

Most shotguns will pattern differently with different types of ammunition. Consequently, trial and error are necessary to find the optimal ammunition for your weapon and your desires. The most important selection in buckshot should be pattern reliability. While the best efficiency is obtained by keeping the shot charge together as far as possible, thereby minimizing its shot spread; however, shot spread is what gives you the greatest margin for error.

To pattern your shotgun, you will need to go to the range bringing with you your shotgun, shotgun shells and some pieces of cardboard at least 40-inches square. To assist in centering the pattern as much as possible on the paper, draw a black 2-inch dot in the center of the paper. Place the paper against an appropriate backstop and measure the precise distance you desire to evaluate. Step up to the distance line, aim

Shot size

Diameter in inches

Number of Pellets




0 Buck



00 Buck



000 Buck



It allows you to make shots under tougher conditions than often possible with a rifle or handgun (single projectile bullet). Also, steel shot often creates massive wound cavities. Benefits of Understanding the Spread or Pattern of your shotgun • To increase the ability to hit moving targets. • To minimize mis-hits/collateral damage when firing at close or

at the black dot and fire. After placing your weapon on safe, walk downrange and draw a circle around the pattern. To accurately evaluate your patterns, fire a minimum of three patterns of each load, shot size and choke at each distance of interest. Continue this process with multiple types of ammunition from multiple manufacturers until you find the optimal load and manufacturer 73

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 type that best performs in your weapon. For home defense, it is highly recommended that you become familiar with the farthest distance you may have to engage an adversary in your home potentially. Understanding the engagement distances in conjunction with your pattern associated with them will Distance

Pattern Size

tactically is probably not realistic if your adversary is armed. At this distance, proximity can negate skill. Yellow Light Zone – Typically 10 to 30 yards, the shot pattern could expand at this distance and create a pretty defined spread, which may allow you to use that spread to enhance your ability to hit a moving target or give you more margin for Load


7 yards 10 yards 15 yards 20 yards 25 yards 50 yards

enhance your effectiveness with the tool. Maximizing your Shotguns Effectiveness – Engagement Considerations Green Light Zone – Typically within 7 yards, the shot pattern has not had any discernible ability to expand at this distance. If the target is hit at this distance, the impact is usually pretty decisive. Heightened accuracy is typically associated with the operator's ability to index the muzzle or the sights on the target. A perfect sight picture at this distance is usually not required, and 74

error. This is the distance where the shotgun typically outperforms most handguns. You should use the sights to help enhance accuracy. When dealing with moving targets, this is where the saying "you don't aim a shotgun, you point one" applies. You allow the benefit of the pattern spread to aid you in hitting your target. Red Light Zone – Historically beyond 35 yards (30 – 50 yards), is where the shotgun may start to lose a large degree of its effectiveness. You may increase the reach by switching to slugs, used a restrictive choke, or higher velocity ammunition. With


shot vs slugs, this is where the adversary may have the ability to walk through the pattern because the pattern becomes so wide the pellets may go around the target or have reduced/limited impact. This is the distance where some shotguns may be rendered less effective. Switching to slugs allows your shotgun to be still effective and become a short-range rifle, and with training, it may enable you to engage an adversary up to 100 yards. Sights are highly encouraged at this distance, particularly since you are firing a single projectile.

Conclusion Pump Action It is hard to beat the Kel Tec KSG with its bullpup operating system and 15 round capacity and a small footprint in concealability and capacity. If you want battletested, the Mossberg 590A1 and the Remington 870 variants have been serving the military, law enforcement and civilians for decades and offer the most varieties of aftermarket considerations from side saddles, weapons lights, and recoil friendly buttstocks etc. 75


Semi Auto When semi-automatic becomes the operating system of choice, few semi-auto shotguns cycle faster than the Benelli M4. Unfortunately, the downside with the M4 is the limited capacity of 5 +1 and the lack of aftermarket accessories. The Saiga 12 and the VEPR 12 are kings of capacity when it comes to the box feed or drum magazines with 10, 12 and 20 round options. There are incredibly reliable, battle-tested and are built on the Kalashnikov platform. The two

major challenges are heavy from a weight standpoint, and while there are many in operation in the USA, the weapons were banned in 2014 from import after the Russian annexation of Crimea. However, outside of the USA, they are some of the most sought after combat shotguns. That affectionately moves the Mossberg 930 SPX to the front of the class from an assessable price point, generous capacity (8 + 1), aftermarket accessories and reputation of the Mossberg name.

Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to several print, broadcast and online media. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction. 76


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CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 By Monica Duperon Rodriguez

Empowering Strong Women Through Training

Whether you call it Executive Protection, Close Protection, or Bodyguards, the industry is ever-changing no matter what you call it. The most important thing the terms have in common is that continuous learning is essential, or you will quickly become a “has been.” The profession requires many perishable skills that, if left unpracticed or untapped, will fade.


EMPOWERING STRONG WOMEN THROUGH TRAINING dominated by male counterparts is an adventure. You must be of a certain mindset to be successful in this career. It is difficult for women from military and law enforcement backgrounds to completely understand, as highlighted by the dynamics and challenges that come to those two maledominated professions. By and large, women in the industry are used to training mostly with men Working in a profession such as Executive Protection that is typically and rarely with other women. To Talented and motivated professionals understand this and continuously train and educate themselves in current methods. They also take note of changing strategies to be most effective in their pursuit for the opportunity that will set them apart from other men, and a small number of women, in the industry.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 put this in perspective, according to The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum, along with the National Organization of Women Law Enforcement executives, women make up only 13% of total officers in the United States. From the perspective of a woman who has been in law enforcement and is currently active in the executive protection field, having the opportunity to train with women is in many ways different from what has been the norm for most women in the industry. Most women are unfamiliar with being in a course with other women. On average, a course will have two women participating. I have not been able to find exact numbers or specific data that list how many women are in executive protection. However, considering other maledominated professions such as the ones mentioned above, women represent 13% of the police force in the United States. For example, the air force had 913 men or 73.5 % in their 2019 graduating class, and 329 women or 26.5% in the same graduating class, which is an increase of 4.6% compared to the previous year. We do know that the number of women in executive protection, or women in protection, is a sparse number and 80

one which we want to increase as there should be opportunities for everyone, specifically for women, due to a high demand in today’s job market. I recently attended a class for Celebrity Protection at ICON/ ESI located in Grand Junction, Colorado. The number of women participating was encouraging, with three total women in the class. This was a number I am not used to, and I am happy to say there would have been four; however, Monica Couto, a 6-degree martial artist from Portugal, was unable to attend due to COVID-19 restrictions and mandates. Although I have learned 99% of my skills in law enforcement and executive protection by actual hands-on experience, I attended the course because I had not been through a formal course in many years. I felt it was a great opportunity to remain contemporary in my field and craft, as continuous learning is extremely important, especially in a profession where clients rely on us for their safety and protection. It is very important to remain relevant, boost self-confidence, stay motivated, learn new methods, and it may even help with critical thinking techniques, all of which are of high value.


According to The National Law Enforcement Memorial and Museum, along with the National Organization of Women Law Enforcement executives, women make up only 13% of total officers in the United States.

The women in the training course were nothing short of amazing as I got to meet with them after class one evening for dinner. I learned much about these women and left the meeting more pumped and inspired than ever before. One woman, Madonna Baker, had a similar path as I did in law enforcement. She is a fellow hostage negotiator and law enforcement professional and is currently starting her own business in private investigations and security located in Georgia. The other woman was not in law enforcement or the military; however, I was honored to have been in her presence. A few weeks earlier, I purchased a book for my small library packed with industry resources, motivation, and other self-help. The book I was adding to my library was “The Lioness Within,” by Graciela Casillas, a World champion in kickboxing and martial arts. Graciela is described as "…the first female pioneer to be accepted and recognized in a martial arts world dominated by males” by Dan Inosanto, the Founder and Head Instructor of The Inosanto Academy of Martial Arts. Imagine my excitement when I realized Graciela Casillas was also in this class. Another fun fact I learned about Graciela is that she was the 81


The pandemic has brought many people to realize that there is more out there, and there is a deepseated need to be fulfilled. There is a renewed need to value family and to appreciate where we are in life. first female to graduate from an ESI’s executive protection course in 1980. And, tellingly of the industry at that time, ESI did not have another female graduate from this course for another fifteen years after Graciela. Madonna Baker Madonna served in the Navy for eighteen years then as a reservist for an additional six years. She also served as a police officer for eighteen years, where she was an instructor, a hostage negotiator, and a detective in the crimes against children division. She later served as an investigator for the Georgia Board of Education. I asked her why she was taking an executive protection course. Describing herself as a natural protector, she said a protector's mindset was all she's ever known. She is the eldest child and protector of her siblings. She is currently working as an insurance adjuster, which is difficult to feel like she's 82

made a difference or a positive impact as an adjuster. She feels out of place because she is not serving her purpose. The pandemic has brought many people to realize that there is more out there, and there is a deepseated need to be fulfilled. There is a renewed need to value family and to appreciate where we are in life. Having discovered this, she began to think about ways to fulfil her purpose, especially during the unstable and uncertain pandemic. As a certified pistol instructor through USCCA, she decided to start a woman’s gun club. Called Beauty and the Heat, what started as a small gun club of 4, quickly grew to just under 40 women. Madonna went into close protection training because she heard great things about the course and wanted to implement new skills into her current business, ML Baker and Associates - a full-

EMPOWERING STRONG WOMEN THOUGH TRAINING service investigations and security company. We discussed the cost of training as some people tend to use cost as a reason they cannot attend formalized programs. Madonna explained she really had nothing to compare it to but was determined to sign up because she says, "It's about that brand, and I know I am worth the investment." Graciela Casillas Graciela is a traditional martial arts champion and the first to win two world titles in boxing and kickboxing. Recently the International Women's Boxing Hall of Fame [IWBHF.COM] announced their 7th IWBHF Induction Ceremony, which includes Graciela Casillas to be inducted into the hall of fame on August 14, 2021. Graciela retired undefeated and as a pioneer in women's combat sports. After her retirement, she because a teacher of the art and even developed her method of introducing low kicks. Graciela had worked in executive protection. However, shortly after that, she got married and had children. She then focused on family, working in

academics at a local college. That aside, Graciela was an instructor in self-defense and protection for many years, focusing on helping women learn to protect themselves. Graciela started her studio, Casillas Martial Arts Academy, which she was forced to close due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Her mission now is to learn other ways to teach and empower women, which was one of the reasons that led her to attend a training course. Echoing Madonna, she noted that training is an investment in self-development and a necessary priority to excel in this profession. Like Madonna Baker and Graciela Casillas, I understand that education comes at a cost. It will either cost you time, effort, or money and most often, all of the above. Investing in your brand, skills, and area of focus is paramount to both growth and success. "A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong."

Monica Duperon Rodriguez Sr. Manager, Global Corporate Security and Risk Management (Executive Protection and Solutions) 83



In an industry that is sometimes overrun with bravado, hubris and Instagram-worthy range videos, it can be easy to lose sight of what the core function of an executive protection agent is: protecting our client. 84

LIFE & WORK SKILLS In an industry that is sometimes overrun with bravado, hubris, and Instagram-worthy range videos, it can be easy to lose sight of the executive protection agent's core function: protecting the client. But we're not just protecting their life. We're also protecting their peace of mind, productivity, brand, and ability to do business. Too much focus on the pew-pew and not enough focus on the pow-wow can have severe implications for all of the above. Pop quiz: What do you think is greater, the number of executive protection agents who have been fired because their client got killed? Or the number that got fired because a client’s wife/manager/ trusted advisor straight-up didn’t like them? I think anyone who has been around the industry longer than five minutes probably knows the answer to that question. The way you interact with other human beings is crucial for employability and longevity and to be the greatest asset you can be to your client. This article will lay out some simple tips to help you improve your conflict management skills both when dealing with the public and when interacting with stakeholders. WHO’S WHO AND WHO MATTERS Like most things in the EP world, conflict management begins

with exhaustive planning and preparation. Learn everything you can about your client. Learn about the people in his/her life. Learn about who they value. Learn about who they listen to. Figure out who is a cornerstone in their life that isn't going anywhere because it's going to be very important that you keep that person happy wherever possible. Sure, you might be "doing your job" when you tell your client's oldest friend that he can't use the sterile bathroom, but the way you do it is going to be important. We spend a lot of time in security talking about threat vectors, and for good reason. It’s important to understand where threats are coming from and where we may be vulnerable. Any protection team worth their salt should be doing this. But how many are looking at opportunity vectors? A client who is currently seeking large scale investment might not want you being abrupt with guests at their cocktail party. Also, consider what's happening with your client's profile and consider how your actions may help or hinder that. Hypothetically, suppose you were protecting the billionaire owner of a football team who is currently being grilled in the media over off-hand comments made about fans of the team. In 85

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 that case, it's probably not going to play well if you're seen on camera pushing a fan down the stairs who tried to get a bit too close for comfort. Again, there's "doing your job" and doing your job well. UNDERSTANDING THE TWO UNIVERSAL DRIVERS OF CONFLICT After years of working in various conflict-rich environments, I've concluded that there are only two base drivers of aggression or hurt feelings.


#1. Respect The second someone feels disrespected, it triggers a deeprouted response in our brain that makes us defensive. Remember, we’re not too far removed from a time in our history where respect and acceptance of our pack was everything. Respect gave you mating rights. It gave you the protection of your tribe. It gave you survival. Being shunned by the tribe left you very cold, very lonely and probably very eaten.

LIFE & WORK SKILLS The easiest way to de-escalate someone who is feeling disrespected is, shockingly, to show them some respect. There are several ways we can do this, and the application of these techniques will depend upon context and operational pressures, but to get you started: • Introduce yourself by name and find out their name, then use their name. People like people that know them. • Address them with the formality you think they’d prefer (not everyone wants to be “sir”) • Listen. Don’t interrupt. Listen. And show them you’re listening with your actions. Listen. • Give them time to articulate the cause of their grievance without hurrying them. • Listen some more. • Tell them what you’re going to do with the information you gained from listening. #2. Power Disempowerment is a horrible feeling. Anyone who has been handcuffed, even in training, knows that it has a noticeable psychological impact. What if they play a joke on me and don’t let me out? Not being in control of our destiny and having to rely upon others is an uncomfortable feeling. While many of the things we all get frustrated with may not seem like

they're about power, they are. For example: • Can’t get your toddler to go to sleep and out of ideas? Disempowered. • Being charged extra just before boarding your flight because your carry-on luggage is overweight? Disempowered. • Government shutting down your gym over public health concerns? Disempowered. Anytime we’re in a situation that we can’t find an immediate resolution to, we start acting out as a rebellion against the feeling of disempowerment. If left unchecked, disempowered people often find tragically profound ways to exercise whatever power they feel they have left – sometimes with murderous or suicidal intent. If someone is feeling disempowered, you don't need to fix the problem. You need to help them feel more in control. • Give them options. Human beings would rather have three courses of action we don’t want to take than be given only one option. • Give them information. People will put up with a lot of inconvenience and even hardship if they understand the reasons why it’s happening. Compare waiting 87


at a doctor’s office without any communication, versus waiting and being told it’s because the doctor is currently dealing with an emergency. People like to be informed. This also shows respect. • Enact a change that satisfies their demands or, if not practical, tell them how you’re going to escalate their problem to the person who can make such decisions. The promise of future power lessens the sting of a present lack of power. JUST BE MORE LIKEABLE I get it. Not everyone in EP is a

people person, although it certainly helps if you are. But by doing the simple things above, you can build better relationships with clients, the people they care about, and the stakeholders that make them who they are. You'll become a better listener, a better problem solver, a better intelligence-gatherer, a better networker, and you'll be more likeable. What I've outlined above works just as well with a pushy fan as it does with a difficult spouse. Use this information liberally, as there's literally no downside to being better at conflict management.

A security and workplace violence expert, Joe Saunders is the host of the Managing Violence Podcast and state manager at Risk 2 Solution. He has dedicated his life to protecting the vulnerable and equipping other protectors to do the same. He is based in Melbourne, Australia.






By Orlando Wilson

Operating as a Commercial Sniper

The Myths and Facts The sniper and sniping are topics that have been romanticized and surrounded by many myths and misconceptions. In Issues 37 and 38 of the Circuit Magazine, I address some of these myths in my article “Countering Snipers.”

In the following article, I will talk about precision rifle and sniper training for close protection operations. To start with, let's kill a central myth right off the bat. And that myth is that jobs for commercially employed snipers are widely available and accessible. That is not true. You will not do a sniper course and then be hired as a sniper in a war zone. You will not find any companies that are advertising such jobs. If they are, then I'd be dubious. In days gone by in Iraq and Afghanistan, I understand some security companies employed defensive marksmen, but those jobs are non-existent these days. If such jobs do happen to exist, they will go to those with many years of military and law enforcement

sniper training and experience, not someone who has just completed a week-long SIA CP course which likely consisted of virtually non-fail firearms. Let’s be clear: the only people who can legally use snipers are militaries, law enforcement and government agencies. Private security guards and contractors can only work on defensive operations. And in most locations, they can only work armed when with a client or on a client’s property. Anyone with experience in responsibly managing armed contracts will tell you that the insurance liabilities for a commercial sniper would be out of this world, as would the criminal and civil liability if they snipe someone by mistake or if they even shot a bad guy intentionally. 91


So, if someone on FaceBook is telling you contractor sniper stories or offering you contracts, I would say they are delusional because you’re not going to be sat on the roof of an office block somewhere with a .50 Barret earning $1000 a day. Now, some of you reading this might be considering a career as a mercenary. To start with, in most 92

places, such work is illegal and not paying as well as it did many, many years ago. Take a look to see what the volunteers in the wars in Dombass and Syria were earning, if anything at all. I hear the Ukrainian army is now looking to recruit foreigners at €1200 a month. I think they are planning some type of foreign legion, which will be a regular and disciplined military unit.

TACTICAL FIREARMS investigated by the UK police for terrorism offenses, even though he was fighting the Islamic State extremists. Precision Rifle & Sniper Training for Close Protection So, what are the practical applications for precision rifle and sniper training in the close protection context? First, it is always a benefit to learn how to operate as many variants of firearms as possible, as you never know what you might need to use or maybe come across and have to verify if it's unloaded and safe. Most precision and sniper rifles are what's called “bolt action.” You need to manually operate a bolt to cycle the rounds from the magazine to the chamber to load and unload the gun. Bolt action rifles are ubiquitous for hunting, and many sniper rifles are just upgraded hunting rifles. In Syria, the YPG were using foreign The Remington 700 is a classic volunteers, some in sniper roles. example of this. Bolt action rifles One such unpaid or minimally paid are very simple to operate, and volunteer was a UK citizen called the various models from different Jac Holmes. Jac had no formal manufacturers are relatively military training but proved himself similar. in combat and was a commander of a YPG sniper team. He was killed There are various semi-automatic in Raqqa in 2017 while clearing sniper rifles around. If you can mines. The chances are if he had operate the main military rifles like returned to the UK again, he the M-4, AK and G-3, you should would have been arrested and have no problems safely unloading 93


and loading these rifles. The basic principles apply to all firearms: keep them pointed in a safe direction and keep your finger off the trigger! All hunting, precision and sniper rifles need to be "zeroed" to shoot accurately. This means the sights 94

on the rifle need to be set to the point of impact of where the bullets land, at a specific distance, when fired from the rifle. There are many different types of scopes and sighting systems. If you understand the basics of how to zero a scope to a rifle, you should be able to work with most systems.


It might be difficult to justify that you shot someone in self-defense if they were 300 meters away, unless of course they were shooting at you accurately… operations? It depends on where you are working and what you’re doing. I would say that learning the basics of how professional snipers operate will help you better formulate realistic operational If your client has land, it may be plans and procedures if you’re easier to obtain a hunting rifle operating in hostile environments legally than a pistol. But it might or working with a client who is be difficult to justify that you shot under an active threat. Meanwhile, someone in self-defense if they basic fieldcraft and counter skills were 300 meters away, unless, of can be employed when providing course, they were shooting at you accurately. Remember, if you shoot estate security or operating in rural someone with a pistol or a rifle, be environments. sure you can justify your actions beyond any reasonable doubt and Bottom line: As with any training and knowledge, you need to ask also expect to get arrested and go through a legal nightmare! yourself, "do you need it, and how can you apply it." If you have the time and think it could be useful, it As for sniper training, is there any might be worth the money! relevance for close protection In many places, bolt action rifles are available for sporting and hunting purposes, and as with any firearms, they could be used for self-defense.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients. 95


When Push Comes to Shove Combat Principles for Executive Protection The role of the protector is and has always been to prevent harm and the potential of it from affecting a protectee. Although prevention is the primary goal, there are times where proactive, effective physical intervention may be required. This is not to be confused with arrest and control techniques used in other related security fields. Those techniques have merit, but the goal of this article is to highlight combat principles agents can apply when cover and evacuation is not an option, and the threat is imminent. 1. At All Distance Do Damage In most self-defense communities, 96

the phrase “manage the distance, manage the damage” is used to explain the importance of range. Although this is true for most combat and even competition environments, as a close protection professional, the proximity between you and your principal is... well, close. So that means the threat has to get in close, and you may not be afforded the luxury of having venue staff or even another close protection agent to assist in meeting that threat before they breach the protective bubble.


It’s your job to be dangerous at all ranges. While the attacker is afforded the ability to pick the distance, you dictate the level of damage due to your skills and willingness to inflict pain in an effort to protect. We can improve our effectiveness with range by ensuring that we practice a wide variety of striking techniques during our training. For instance, elbows, webbed hands, knees, palm strikes, and even head butts are all excellent tools that can be used when it's time to mitigate a threat to our protectees physically. Another useful training tool is Tim Larkins' Target Focused Training

series. In this series, Tim Larkin breaks down effective methods of strikes to vulnerable areas of the human body that will cause damage regardless of if the person is intoxicated or under the influence of any controlled substance. Of course, it is not our goal to go around breaking limbs but enhance the exposure to resources that will ensure the safety of those we protect. 2. Every Strike Must Count I have always admired the martial arts system Kenpo. I am not here to advocate one style over the other nor argue their effectiveness; I like how the style's whole purpose is to get in and deliver a lot of 97

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 devastating strikes as quickly as possible and get out of range even quicker. This philosophy matters to us as protectors because we cannot afford to stand and trade blows with attackers. This would do more harm and expose the protectee unnecessarily. Striking plays a significant role in almost all combat sports and martial arts, not including grappling systems. How we as protectors must practice striking may differ from the average pugilist. It is great to have a solid grasp of boxing combinations and footwork, but that may not always be applicable in neutralizing an attacker that has breached the protective bubble.

they should be devastating enough to cause the attacker to address the pain while we make a swift exit with our protectees safe from danger.

How to hit and where to hit is usually understood by most. But unlike boxers, protectors cannot afford to bait an attacker with a jab while we set up for a four-piece combo. Nor can we jab someone in the nose as a warning to keep their distance. Once the decision is made to throw a strike in the defense of our protectee, it must be quick and devastating and preferably no more than one or two blows using any one of our striking tools. Once these strikes are delivered, I am not saying that the attacker will immediately hit the ground or hunch over in pain while we bask in glory. Instead, once effective strikes are executed,

During your training, be sure to incorporate focused striking both on the heavy bag and the mirror. You should visualize where strikes are landing and execute them to near perfection for many repetitions. Then gradually add speed and power. This will help make your ability to strike under pressure much more effective.


Be cautious of using kicks in these situations because in certain environments or depending on what you're wearing; they could end up decreasing your effectiveness and leaving you and your protectee exposed. Also, be cautious of using closed hand strikes. I am not saying they are not effective, but if improperly placed, your hand could easily be injured, thereby leaving you less effective overall at performing your duties.

3. There is no pain compliance Many martial arts and combat sports systems teach a wide variety of control holds and joint manipulation techniques. These techniques have their place in training and should definitely be practiced often, but they may not


I am not saying they are not effective but if improperly placed your hand could easily be injured making you overall less effective at performing your duties. be the best option when danger is imminent to your protectee. For instance, take a moment and recall the movie“Taken” starring Liam Nesson. In one of the beginning scenes, Nesson was providing protective services to a highprofile pop star. Once a threat was introduced, he attempted to evacuate but met an attacker with a knife. With a swift block and strike, Nesson was able to disarm the attacker and pin him down as another agent quickly came to take over. In this situation, Nesson did not have time to fully lock the arm and give verbal commands to the attacker to drop the knife. Nor could he afford to wait for the attacker to "tap out.” This means for us as protectors that we must be ready to do what's needed to quickly and efficiently neutralize an attacker.

attacked?" Then drill scenarios to test your thought process. Have your one or two "go-to" techniques always ready to roll to prevent over-complicated responses that could cause you to be ineffective when the time comes to execute them. And remember, you must fully execute the techniques you practice for their intended purpose.

Final Thoughts The situation will always dictate the tactics used to solve the problem. Along with combat training, protectors should also be sure to maintain a high level of fitness and athleticism. Being in shape goes a long way when it comes to executing any kind of combative technique. Also, be mindful of the self-defense laws that govern your state or country. Once you understand how these principles line up with your personal protective detail, be sure to stay Going forward, as you continue ready so that you do not have to to practice your control holds and locks, think, "how could a technique worry when the time comes to like this be used if my client was perform. Devon is the owner of Kingdom Risk Mitigation Services , a self-defense company based in Los Angeles California. He can be reached at 99


By Ryan Bohl

The Inevitable Unraveling of Saudi-UAE Ties The once-close Saudi-Emirati relationship is weakening — or, put in another way, normalizing — as overlapping economic competition and strategic differences on issues like Yemen and the Muslim Brotherhood finally pop up into the public spheres.

It is not a shift towards a virulent rivalry like others in the region, but rather a turn away from a period of unprecedented closeness that emerged after the Arab Spring in 100

2011. And like the external factors that brought Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates close for nearly a decade, changes in regional and global geopolitics are

THE INEVITABLE UNRAVELING OF SAUDI-UAE TIES now again forging new wedges between them by periodically putting their interests at direct odds. From Rivals to Fraternal Nations In the mid-20th century, Saudi Arabia and the tribes that would become the United Arab Emirates watched one another warily. War was averted thanks to British intervention, but the Saudis kept pressing on the Emirati border until the 1974 Treaty of Jeddah ceded Emirati territory to Riyadh — including the United Arab Emirates’ only land border with Qatar. After the United Arab Emirates gained independence in 1971, the Saudis and Emiratis became less adversarial as they bonded over mutual desires for a stable oil market, concern about Iraqi and Iranian expansionism, fear of jihadist terrorism, and a need to keep the United States engaged in the region’s security. Personalities mattered too: the close bonds between Emirati and Saudi rulers helped cement ties. This cooperative relationship went into overdrive in the 2010s. The Arab Spring in 2011 shocked the region’s political establishments, especially the Arab Gulf states whose royals had survived decades of existential threats from communism, nationalism and

militant Islamism. Riyadh and Abu Dhabi collaborated closely to boost fellow monarchies in Jordan and Bahrain with economic aid and, in Bahrain’s case, troops. Fear of revolution, and those who fanned its flames, led to the blockade of Qatar in 2017. A key Emirati-Saudi demand to end the blockade was for Doha to abandon support for the Muslim Brotherhood, the international movement that had briefly most benefited from the Arab Spring. As the effects of the Arab Spring were still being felt, the United States and Iran signed the Iran nuclear deal in 2015, a deal that the Saudis and Emiratis saw as a green light for Iranian expansionism throughout the region. Meanwhile, in the royal palaces, new leadership came into place. In Abu Dhabi, Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed secured de facto control of his country and changed its foreign policy toward a more confrontational, adventurous path. Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, the rapid rise of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in 2016 brought policies that echoed bin Zayed’s own security mindset. Together they began the military intervention in Yemen, a campaign designed to roll back the Houthis and, by extension, the threat of Iranian influence on Saudi Arabia’s southern border. 101




After large protests by Shia Saudis faded from view and the United Arab Emirates completed its own purge of the Emirati Muslim Brotherhood, dissent in both countries now appears on the margins of the internet and in hushed conversations rather than in street protests or government buildings.

A Difference of Opinion But now it’s becoming clear that such closeness between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates could only last as long as the region’s geopolitics incentivized it. The Arab Spring, for example, has largely passed. While its effects are still being felt in Syria and Libya, where civil war and political paralysis continues, counterrevolutionary forces have either reasserted control or prevailed in critical countries like Egypt, Jordan, and Bahrain. In Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, revolutionary sentiment has been muted. After large protests by Shia Saudis faded from view and the United Arab Emirates completed its own purge of the Emirati Muslim Brotherhood, dissent in both countries now appears on the margins of the internet and in hushed conversations rather than in street protests or government buildings. This ebbing in anti-state challenges has created a split of opinions on how to deal with groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and, by extension, Qatar. In January 2021, Saudi Arabia was the first to announce the end of the blockade on Qatar, which it began to see as an unnecessary risk — especially once former U.S. President Donald Trump, who had shielded Riyadh 103


from criticism over the move, lost re-election. The United Arab Emirates, which even as late as November 2020 was signaling it was still in the blockade for the long haul, grudgingly went along with the shift. But while Doha now has a Saudi ambassador, the Emiratis notably have yet to restore a full-time ambassador (even as the United Arab Emirates 104

has rapidly established diplomatic representation with Israel). In Yemen, geographic and strategic realities have also begun to set in. Initially, Emiratis and Saudis were equally committed to rolling back Yemeni Houthi rebels. But as the war dragged on, it became clear the Yemeni conflict was more of a Saudi problem than an Emirati one.

THE INEVITABLE UNRAVELING OF SAUDI-UAE TIES saw their coalition falling away. The bad blood caused by that move continues to linger as Saudi political commentators, almost certainly with state approval, now criticize the United Arab Emirates’ Yemeni strategy.

The United Arab Emirates was not willing to expend the troops and treasure on a military campaign to fully defeat the Houthis, but it didn’t have to either. Buffered by geography that kept Houthi threats of attack mere threats, the Emiratis could focus on a limited campaign instead. And in June 2019, that’s what they shifted to — alarming their Saudi allies who

Enter the Post-Oil World Meanwhile, internationally, the impetus for a global green energy revolution has gained steam, threatening to destroy the oildependent economies of both the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. But while there is a fair bit of economic divergence between the two Arab Gulf countries, there too is also enough overlap to produce economic friction. In tourism, Saudi Arabia hopes to copy Dubai’s high-end luxury lure while also aping its penchant for chasing Guinness World Records (Saudi Arabia is, for example, still technically building the Jeddah Tower, which, if ever completed, would be the world’s tallest — stealing the mantle from Dubai’s Burj Khalifa skyscraper). But with similar climates and attractions, Saudi Arabia finds itself in the same market as Dubai rather than discovering a new wellspring of tourists. Saudi Arabia is also pursuing new transport and infrastructure projects that have put it on an implicit path of 105

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 competition with the United Arab Emirates — from its new national airline that will invariably end up trying to muscle out Dubai’s Emirates Airline market share, to its growing ports along the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf that Saudi hopes can unseat Jebel Ali as the logistical linchpin between Asia and Europe. Saudi Arabia has already signaled it will play hardball to win these contests. In February 2021, it announced it would sever state contracts with businesses that didn’t have their regional headquarters in the kingdom — a clear shot at Dubai, the preferential place for most businesses to set up shop. Then, in July 2021, Riyadh also imposed tariffs on goods produced in free zones or with Israeli involvement — policy decisions that directly affect the free zoneheavy, Israel-friendly United Arab Emirates. The Emiratis, meanwhile,


have also proven willing to counter with their own policies: They’ve already offered citizenship to highly qualified foreigners and investors, dropping any cultural or religious requirements from nationalization, in a bid to lure the best and brightest to their shores permanently. And at OPEC, the Emiratis were more willing to publicly break with the Saudis to gain the production level they wanted — a move that could presage more maverick negotiating in the future. More Splits Ahead And there are yet more differences ahead. One of them is on Israel, which the United Arab Emirates normalized ties with and which the Saudis have not. Though Saudi Arabia has notable pro-Israel factions trying to change public sentiment in favor of normalization, Riyadh under King Salman remains committed to the traditional Arab

THE INEVITABLE UNRAVELING OF SAUDI-UAE TIES Peace Initiative and is thus unlikely to overtly cooperate with Israel. The new tariffs that targeted Israelisupplied goods or services may only be the beginning of a more overt attempt by Riyadh to limit the United Arab Emirates’ gains from normalization with Israel. In Yemen, relations between the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia could readily turn for the worse — especially as the former’s client, the Southern Transitional Council, continues to seek eventual secession from Yemen, which the latter wants to keep unified. In previous phases of STC-Yemeni government violence, the Emiratis have played the role of mediator to roll back tensions. But new rounds of fighting could see Saudi newspapers and even official diplomats become more openly critical of the United Arab Emirates’ backing of the STC, something that would further strain diplomatic ties. Finally, in the realm of economic competition, both sides look likely

to gird themselves for a long-term contest. The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia will probably both shift policies and create incentives to win over businesses and tourists, while trying to take advantage of one another’s comparative disadvantages. But they are also likely to gamble on big-spending projects meant to undercut one another’s economies — even if it’s not necessarily clear it’s economical to build such projects. Neom in northwest Saudi Arabia is already a longshot project. But if the futuristic megacity is ever completed, it could be a major attraction that lures businesses and workers away from the glitzy malls of Dubai. That prospect alone could keep a project like Neom alive longer than if it were exposed to the full force of the free market. Though the ties that bind will continue to do so in major strategic matters, in the coming decade Riyadh and Abu Dhabi will chart different, sometimes competing, courses.

Ryan Bohl is a Middle East and North Africa analyst at Stratfor. He holds a bachelor's degree in history and a master's degree in education from Arizona State University, where he studied Middle Eastern history and education. He studied a summer at St. Catherine's College at the University of Cambridge and lived for five years in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. 107

ASK THE NABA NETWORK The Protectee is running late for a business meeting that could have dire financial repercussions if they miss it. Five blocks away while navigating heavy traffic your (non security) driver bumps a bike messenger causing him to spill over. The Protectee angrily demands, "what do we do now?" The client is a non-celebrity but recognizable in various circles and unpopular to some. What is your next course of action? Charles I don't know all the prerequisite of the scenario (hired driver, regular driver, transportation company etc) however if it were a hired driver (from a company) I would just have to drive my client the rest of the way and leave the driver on site to deal with the situation. Obviously, I'd leave my contact info and info of the vehicle for the traffic report (this way you avoid a hit and run misunderstanding). Also, I don't want my client involved, the person hit may see an opportunity to sue if he recognizes them. Call ahead to the meeting and inform them of the situation


Protective nomad Depending on the size of the detail, there are several ways to manage this scenario. Option one Is only recommended for a large detail. Activate the spare car ASAP which is always behind somewhere in the convoy. Second option is recommended for smaller mid-sized details that has at least a security escort car and the principal vehicle. The escort vehicle can be used ASAP to take the P to their meeting while dropping some team Members to manage the principal vehicle and the incident. The third option is for single vehicle detail. Keep the P safe in the vehicle while you call an Uber or grab a clean Taxi and let the driver manage the incident but make sure he keeps in touch and of course show some empathy to the victim before leaving the scene with the P. Khary Grant I like what Charles said. As long as the car can be moved go with what he said.

Protective nomad Great option Charles but am not sure of the local laws in all countries but once a vehicle that has knocked someone down leaves the accident scene without proper paperwork done, that's legally considered a hit and run in most countries I've worked in and that may be a bigger legal issue that would eventually drag the P into the incident particularly if the vehicle is registered to the P.

Charles88 @Protectivenomad agreed I was just going off of my knowledge of local law. If the driver remains at the scene and the biker is not fatally injured, then the vehicle could leave. If you never attempt to exchange info, then it turns into a criminal act. If that biker is killed, then yes the car must remain as it's now a crime scene. That's at least here in California as far as traffic collisions.

Aaron D Roberts I think in this situation it is vitally important to keep the client’s identity secure. Leaving the driver on scene and transporting the client in the vehicle or simply giving the bike messenger contact information is the route I would take as well.

The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related. 109


Global Situation Report ANALYSIS

Each issue our global geopolitical partner, Stratfor, provides an indepth analysis of global incidents via in-house experts, cutting edge technology and through a comprehensive globally sourced network. Here is your summary from the last 30 days.

India: Modi Chairs U.N. Security Council Meeting on Maritime Security Aug 10, 2021 Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi chaired an Aug. 9 U.N. Security Council (UNSC) meeting on maritime security that resulted in the adoption of a statement reaffirming that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the legal framework for maritime activities. Why It Matters: This was the first high-level U.N. meeting chaired by an Indian prime minister and comes less than a week after India assumed the UNSC’s month-long presidency. The focus on maritime security signals India’s desire to secure influence in the Indian Ocean amid China’s expanding naval presence in the region. China: Troops Disengage From Gorga Region of Disputed Border Aug 6, 2021 India and China have completed troop disengagement from the Gogra area of eastern Ladakh as part of an agreement reached during the two countries’ latest round of military talks aimed at de-escalating tensions along their disputed border, Livemint reported Aug. 6, citing an announcement made by the Indian military. 110

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT Why It Matters: This marks the second such disengagement in the contested border region of Ladakh, with Chinese and Indian troops withdrawing from the Pangong Lake area in February following the 9th round of high-level talks between the two countries’ military officials. The next round of talks will likely focus on negotiating a drawdown of troops from the Hot Springs area. Afghanistan: Taliban Kills Government’s Top Media Officer in Kabul Aug 6, 2021 Taliban fighters assassinated the Afghan government’s top media and information officer, Dawa Khan Menapal, in Kabul on Aug. 6, Al Jazeera has reported. The killing comes days after the Taliban warned that it would begin retaliating against government officials if air raids against the group continued. Menapal was a member of Afghan President Ashraf Ghani’s inner circle and a vocal critic of the Taliban. Why It Matters: Afghan security forces will be unable to fend off the Taliban from critical cities in the south without air support. However, if air support continues, the Taliban will also continue targeting government officials within Kabul. President Ghani will, in turn, have to determine whether his security forces will be able to protect all critical cities in the south where fighting between the two sides remains intense, while also protecting Kabul and the government officials that reside within the capital city’s borders. If a major city in the south were to fall, Kabul would be cut off from both the north and south of the country, making it more difficult for the current government to use critical transportation routes necessary to maintain a stronghold in Kabul. North Korea: U.N. Report Details Nuclear Complex Activity, Extensive Smuggling Aug 6, 2021 The North Korean government conducted a series of tests at the Yongbyon nuclear complex between December 2020 and February 2021, Nikkei Asia reported Aug. 6, citing a leaked U.N. report that will be officially released in September. The draft report also detailed extensive North Korean smuggling, including the export of upwards of 364,000 tons of coal from North Korea to China's Port of Ningbo-Zhoushan from February-May 2021, in addition to illicit oil imports and $1 million worth of luxury goods smuggled by Chinese companies into North Korea. Why It Matters: Amid massive economic hardship, North Korea is continuing to quietly build up its nuclear capabilities while focusing on measures to maintain the flow of foreign currency through coal exports, feed its military machine through energy imports and service the elite through luxury goods. 111


FEATURED ASSESSMENT Israel Attempts to deter rocket fire from Lebanon risks triggering a greater conflict with Beruit and Hezbollah on its northern border, while also inspiring Gaza militants to resume attacks on its southern border.

Gauging Pakistan’s Position Amid the Turmoil in Afghanistan

As the battle for control of Afghanistan unfolds following the withdrawal of foreign troops, Pakistan will aim to consolidate its influence in the country.

Syria If government and rebel forces in Syria fail to ink a new cease-fire agreement, an escalation of fighting in the south could inspire unrest in other regime territories and send a new flood of refugees into Jordan.

Pakistan has historically relied on its good relationship with the Afghan Taliban to keep TTP fighters in check. As it awaits the rise of the ultimate power bearer amid the turmoil in Afghanistan, Islamabad will focus on preventing violence in its western provinces that poses a serious threat to CPEC-related Chinese investments.

Georgia The dissolution of Georgia’s power-sharing agreement threatens the legitimacy of upcoming October elections and could result in the loss of Western economic support.

• Current U.S. estimates suggest that the Afghan government will fall within the next six months.

Turkey A potential new wave of Afghan refugees is creating a fresh surge of nativism that could attract more international criticism and increase the risk of violent protests in the country.

• Pakistan supported the Taliban government following the Soviet withdrawal and civil war after 1992.


Pakistan’s future actions in Afghanistan will be guided by its ties to the Taliban, as well as its strained relationship with the current Afghan government.

• Many Afghan officials have publicly denounced Pakistan’s role in strengthening the Taliban’s capabilities by providing funds, arms

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT and a safe haven to Taliban fighters and leaders. As Taliban fighters continue to gain ground amid the withdrawal of international forces in Afghanistan, there are three main ways the conflict could unfold: An all-out civil war. The Taliban’s gains could push Afghanistan into a larger civil conflict, with various ethnic groups and local militias fighting for local territories as the Afghan government scrambles to defend provincial capitals and cities. A successful Taliban offensive. The Taliban currently claims to control 85% of territories in Afghanistan). Should the group surround the provincial capitals and wait for the fall of the Afghan government, Pakistan would also likely let the fighting play out. A political solution. This outcome, while unlikely, would entail the Taliban and the current Afghan government reaching a power-sharing agreement. Pakistan would likely seek to work together with the newly formed government to control the growth of terrorist groups in border regions, thus limiting the near-term security threat. With prolonged conflict in Afghanistan the most likely scenario, Islamabad will focus on mitigating or containing the resurgence of the Pakistani Taliban, which poses a security risk to Chinese projects under the strategic China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Cuba New U.S. sanctions indicate President Joe Biden will take a harsher-than-anticipated approach to Cuba, which will hamper Havana’s efforts to attract new private investment. Iran Iran’s rejection of a draft agreement with the US to rejoin the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) increases the probability of stalled nuclear talks failing. Israel The new Israeli government is pushing ahead with expansionist projects in the West Bank at the risk of provoking unrest among Palestinians and criticism from allies abroad. South Africa Military troops will help contain the immediate turmoil following former President Jacob Zuma’s controversial arrest. But a larger security presence on the ground will also risk triggering additional clashes with Zuma’s supporters.



Mexico: Mexico Sues American Gun Makers for Facilitating Arms Trafficking Aug 5, 2021 The Mexican government filed a lawsuit against 11 U.S.-based arms producers and distributors in a U.S. federal court, accusing the companies of having knowingly participated in “commercial, negligent and illicit practices that facilitate the illegal traffic of arms to Mexico,” El Pais reported Aug. 4. Why It Matters: The lawsuit is unlikely to yield a quick and clean ruling, as Mexican litigants will first have to demonstrate to the court that they have the right to sue the companies in the first place, and then after that, overcome several legal barriers that shield the arms industry in the United States. While the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden is working to dismantle immunity laws that protect American gun-makers, Mexico will not be able to successfully make a case without a new U.S. law that assigns liability to manufacturers when their products are used illegally. Iran: UAE-Owned Tanker Hijacked in Gulf of Oman Aug 3, 2021 “Heavily armed” hijackers seized the Panama-flagged Asphalt Princess tanker while it was transiting the Gulf of Oman on Aug. 3 and demanded that the vessel set sail for Iran, Lloyd's List has reported. A source speaking to Sky News said that 8 or 9 individuals were believed to have boarded the tanker, which is owned by a Dubaibased firm, while it was around 60 nautical miles east of the UAE port of Fujairah. Why It Matters: The seizure is reminiscent of several Iranian-linked naval incidents that occurred in quick succession in 2019. If Iran’s involvement is confirmed, this latest incident would mark a significant escalation in Tehran’s other recent acts of 114

GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT maritime aggression, with Iranians actually boarding the ship. Unlike the tanker attacked by a suspected Iranian drone off the coast of Oman last week, the Asphalt Princess also has less of a direct connection to Israel. Myanmar: Coup Leader Appoints Himself as Prime Minister Aug 2, 2021 Myanmar military leader Senior General Min Aung Hlaing appointed himself as prime minister in announcing the formation of the country's caretaker government from the current State Administration Council (SAC), Irrawaddy reported Aug. 1. Min Aung Hlaing pledged to hold elections in August 2023 when the state of emergency concludes, and also said he would work with any future Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) envoy on Myanmar. Why It Matters: Myanmar's military government will continue to entrench itself in power as it uses its current position to weaken opposition to its rule and extend control over insurgent-controlled border areas in the country. The coup leaders initially promised to hold elections within two years upon seizing power in February. Guatemala: Mass Protests Call for President’s Resignationes Jul 30, 2021 Tens of thousands of Guatemalans took to the streets on July 29 to demand the resignation of President Alejandro Giammattei and Attorney General Maria Consuelo Porras, marking what were the largest and most widespread protests in the Central American country since 2015, Reuters has reported. Why It Matters: Demonstrations in Guatemala have gained momentum in recent weeks as citizens protest rural poverty and hunger, the president’s poor handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, and pervasive corruption throughout the country’s institutions. Sustained pressure from the protests may push the Guatemalan government to reinstate anti-corruption prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval, who was fired last week.



event preview

London 28 - 29 September, 2021

International Security Expo returns to London this September

International Security Expo will return to Olympia, London from 28 - 29 September, reuniting the entire security market at the show’s first face-to-face event for over 18 months.

Thousands of vetted visitors will come together under one roof looking to source the latest security and protection products and solutions for Government, CNI, major events, law 116

enforcement, military, and more. Security professionals from around the world will be able to peruse the stands of hundreds of global exhibitors, each showcasing

EVENT REVIEW cutting edge innovations and next-generation capabilities. The line-up includes the likes of HS Security Group, Mitie, Bastion Security Products, ADANI, Leidos, Heras, Marshalls and more. Plus, for the first time in the show’s history, International Security Expo will be co-located with a brand-new cyber security event, The International Cyber Expo, which will bridge the gap between the physical and cyber security industries. Aimed at Government and CISOs, it will deliver premium learning opportunities around cyber security risks and threats, detection and response, as well as showcase the very latest technology and services that protect the digital and physical future of businesses.

suppliers. While a number of dedicated zones will enable exhibitors to demonstrate their product capabilities, technological advancements, and high-level solutions. The Disaster and Resilience Zone will showcase the latest products to remain resilient during a crisis as well as the solutions to recover and the tools to rebuild from. Exhibitors include SHERP, Everbridge, Safeguard Medical, Fischer Panda, Pilgrims Risk Management Group, and GardaWorld, as well as SCEG which will be hosting its very own pavilion within the Zone. Visitors will be able to learn from thoughtprovoking presentations and panel discussions in the zone’s dedicated conference theatre sponsored by Everbridge.

An enhanced Perimeter Protection Zone will feature As a major-scale event, the latest products from International Security Expo will fencing, barriers, bollards, offer security and protection video surveillance and intruder specialists an exclusive detection, with a Live Testing Lab opportunity to source, test and showing these physical security buy the latest game-changing solutions from the world’s leading products in action. The zone will



host exhibitors including Barkers Fencing (part of HS Security Group), Fastline Steel Services, Sellox, ARX Security, Rezizt and Surelock McGill. Plus, the event’s exceptionally popular Drone & Counter UAV Zone will return for 2021, hosting exhibitors including Robin Radar, SeeQuestor, D-Fend Solutions, Metis Aerospace Ltd, NSO Group, Live Link Aerospace and Riegl. With innovation at the heart of the event, this year’s freeof-charge and CPD certified educational programme is set to deliver the latest insights, analysis and invaluable perspective from world-leading security, police and cyber industry experts, discussing mitigation strategies, best practices and high-level policy. 118

In his first public outing since taking over from Neil Basu, the UK’s Assistant Commander of Counter Terror Police, Matt Jukes, will deliver a presentation on current counter-terrorism priorities and the developing challenges facing the UK today. He will explain how statesponsored activities, the rapid growth in extreme right-wing terror and how the threat has developed, throughout the pandemic. In a session on operational deployment and use of behavioural detection, Darren Stanton, The Human Lie Detector, will be joined by Richard Foreman, Director of Profile Aware Ltd to outline the importance of behavioural detection, and how

EVENT REVIEW Chairman of the International Security Expo Advisory Council and former UK Security Minister, Admiral the Rt Hon Lord West of Spithead GCB DSC PC DUniv said: “The UK is ideally suited to being the global centre of excellence for security given our long Referencing recent case studies, history in counter terrorism, joint Sergeant Peter Lucas, Community approach between government and the private sector and the and Business Engagement, reputation our intelligence National Project Servator and security agencies have Team at City of London Police, worldwide. International Security will focus on how operations, Expo is the high-end security community engagement and event that showcases that centre communications can be used to of excellence, and I am delighted disrupt hostile activity at major that so many major brand names events, with an introduction to exhibit.” hostile reconnaissance. CPNI developed their behavioural detection. Promising a fun and interactive discussion, they will carry out a series of practical exercises to offer tips and teach attendees some basic techniques.

Helping to shape the agenda, a carefully curated Advisory Council made up of the most credible Government, industry and leading academic stakeholders has been formed to ensure the exhibition accurately reflects the security industry and covers the full spectrum of security trends. An impressive 62 industry experts sit on this panel, including the likes of Dr Jamie Shea, Deputy Assistant Security General at NATO, Philip Whittaker, Head of Security Projects Operational Security group, HM Prisons and Probation Service, and Patrick Holdaway, Head of Operations at National Business Crime Unit (NBCC).

International Security Expo, Event Director Rachael Shattock added: “This past year has shown us that we live in unprecedented and uncertain times and as such, protecting our security for all eventualities is more important than ever before.” “As the world begins to open up again, we are delighted to host the show’s first physical event in over 18 months and connect the security industry through face-to-face meetings. With such an incredible Advisory Council behind us, we’re confident we can deliver an event that no security and protection professional can miss.”

For more information and to register to attend the International Security Expo visit: 119


Security 500 Conferences (Washington DC) 15 Nov, 2021 Washington, DC

Seventh Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Forum

27 January 2022 London, United Kingdom

IPSB 8-12 December 2021 Las Vegas, NV

GSX+ 27 – 29 Sept 2021 Orlando, FL

Expo Seguridad Mexico 2-4 November 2021 Mexico

Fifth Annual Physical Cyber Convergence Forum 19 August 2021 Phoenix, United States


ISC East 17 – 18 Nov, 2021 New York City, NY

Intersec 16 – 18 Jan, 2022 Dubai, UAE

INDUSTRY EVENTS The Security Event 7 – 9 September Birmingham, UK

DSEI 2021 14-17 September London, UK

Counter Terror Expo 14 – 16 Sept, 2021 London, UK

Close Protection World security and networking conference 13 November 2021 London, UK

International Security Expo London 28 – 29 Sept, 2021 London, UK

ISNR 20-22 Feb 2022 Dubai, UAE

EXPO 2020 1 October 2021 – 31 March 2022 Dubai, UAE

Do you have a security event that is not listed here that you would like our readers to know about? Contact us: 121


Keeping Your Edge: An excerpt from Introduction to Executive Protection By Elijah Shaw & Dale June

Challenges of International VIP

Keeping Your Edge: It is a very natural phenomenon to go abroad making the same assumptions about how people act, and things work that you would find in your domestic environment.

Action vs. Reaction

But these assumptions can get both you and your client into trouble. Each part of the world presents its own unique set of challenges, and a protector who travels internationally will do well to always keep this fact in the forefront of their mind. For example, you may know that 122

By Elijah Shaw

in the United Kingdom, firearms are hard to obtain, and even the police traditionally do not carry them, instead opting for a variety of nonlethal weapons like the ASP baton. However, when the threat level is elevated, let’s say for a major sporting event hosted in the UK, you will see law enforcement armed with a variety

KEEPING YOUR EDGE of semiautomatic rifles - heavy firepower. A protector moving his client into this area of operation, - a VIP who will be attending the games - will want to take the preceding into consideration. Question if the officers who previously move about unarmed, received regular training and a high level of proficiency with the long guns now slug across their chest? Will they be more on edge, because of the added stressors inherent in the assignment and therefore be less accommodating to you and your VIP? You will

have to plan for the specifics of the countries you will be visiting, including contingency planning, because you can’t assume that what you know from your experience in the US, or wherever your home country is, will apply elsewhere. Things will be different Part of knowing that things will be different is recognizing that, no matter how much you plan, you are going to have to make some decisions on the fly. Unless this is a repeat visit, you may not


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 have a local network of trusted providers. One way to get initial referrals for local providers is from the client’s concierge service, if they use one. Even better is to reach out to a colleague who may have local connections. Embassies and consulates may also be helpful, though if you are traveling in relation to a major international event (see below), they may not have time for you, because they may have their hands with a whole host of other challenges. Also, for travel to areas under a State Department travel advisory, the embassy or consulate may not be too forthcoming with assistance, because you are not supposed to go there in the first place. Language issues and customs It’s entirely possible you may not speak or read the local language, and if you don’t happen to have a team member fluent in that language, you may need to hire a local translator (and needless to say, you need to vet that person – I’ve even seen a client hire a second translator to make sure that the first was relating everything back accurately). And then there is the issue of local norms and traditions. You (or your client) may find yourselves inadvertently violating social customs or even breaking unfamiliar laws, especially 124

For travel to areas under a State Department travel advisory, the embassy or consulate may not be too forthcoming with assistance, because you are not supposed to go there in the first place.


in nondemocratic countries. Depending on where you are geographically, you may well stand out physically, based on your height or skin color, and even if you try to be discrete, you will be noticed. Because of those differences from the norm, it is entirely possible that locals may even think that you, the protector, must be a celebrity, and ask you for your autograph.

Conversely you cannot be visibly offended then, that a culture can be quite different from what you know. If example, when you go into a restaurant, you may see animals on the menu that would be considered beloved pets back home. Censorship and intellectual property theft The free expression that you and 125

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 your client are accustomed to on social media and other internet use in the West may be illegal or restricted in the countries that you visit in performance of your role. Before you go, you should know and plan for the reality that your communications will be monitored. Some countries are known to tap into communications of foreign visitors – and especially the kinds of high-profile/net worth individuals who utilize our services. The reason why may be a variety of things, from keeping tabs on interactions with local problematic citizens, or even to steal trade secrets that your client might have in the form of data. This theft of intellectual property could be anything from obtaining an unreleased recorded from a popular musician, to stealing technology design plans from a businessman.

Operationally, this means that, from the moment you get off the plane, you – and your client – should assume that your phone and laptop and any other electronics have been compromised. Prepare for this before the trip, making sure that your devices do not contain sensitive trade secrets or other material, because if you don’t, local hackers, sometimes with official backing, can tap into those devices, obtain the data and/or designs, and reverse-engineer as needed to produce a knockoff or beat a high value product to market. To mitigate the risk, you might decide to leave those electronics at home, and bring new, burner phones just for this trip. Keeping in mind even conversations are susceptible to wiretap, sensitive information must be transmitted carefully.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and is available now worldwide. 126


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Email: United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Alex Morgan - Close Protection Officer I am a hardworking, enthusiastic and committed person. Adaptable and driven, I have great attention to detail and high standards. I am honest, reliable, friendly and work well as part of a team as well as on my own initiative. I am also a good listener who has the ability to communicate with people at all levels. I am comfortable, both taking and issuing direction. I am looking for the opportunity to apply and expand my skills. E: T: 07775 636964 Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along

with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750 Amber Security and Protection United Kingdom At Amber Security and Protection Ltd we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke and tailored Close Protection, Residential Security, World Class Travel Security and Risk Management service to all our National and International clients. The Directors and Senior Operators are former military, law enforcement or special forces personnel who are fully operational SIA licensed close protection operatives who have over 40 years experience in both the military and civilian private security sectors. E: info@ambersecurityandprotection. com T: 07425868014 (07540392093) W: https://ambersecurityandprotection. com Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 Atlantian Business Solutions has been designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E: Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E:


T: 447977071427 CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: Daniel Gentry Close Protection Operative I am a former RAF Regiment Gunner with 8 years experience, including various command roles and operational tours of Iraq and Afghanistan. My previous role as a behaviour specialist saw me de-escalating potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis. These two jobs combined have put me in a position where I am now very effective at managing not only a variety of situations but also a variety of different people, often from very diverse cultures. E: T: 07445181281 DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular

CLASSIFIEDS emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : King Cobra Security Ltd King Cobra Security are a Milton Keynes based company, incorporating Certificated Enforcement Agents, Security and Surveillance officers carrying services for the Domestic & Corporate Sector. Being one of Milton Keynes leading and vibrant companies not scared by trying new technologies sets us out from the rest. We are capable of tasking agents throughout the UK & Internationally when required. E : T: 0330 223 5099 W: International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international

training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 E: Adam McErlane Close Protection & Client Management A qualified/licenced close protection operative and live events technician from the UK. • 12+ years of experience operating within the live events sector as on operational technician/engineer (Touring & In-House) • Extensive knowledge of the operational procedures, security protocols & logistical processes of large tours and venues. • Personal protection/client management experience (unlicensed) for a high net-worth individuals. Personal Qualities - • Determined, motivated & hard working. • Punctual and reliable. • Able to work independently & as part of a team • High ethical & moral standing. • Act quickly and decisively when required. • Working knowledge of defensive tactics in hostile situations. • Patient & Tolerant in stressful situations with others. • Rudimentary understanding of the Spanish languages. • Effective communicator with a diplomatic approach. • Very resourceful & able to find solutions to complex problems. • Possess good foresight & vigilance. • Years of experience working long & unsociable hours. • Physically fit & Healthy E: T: +44 7751953009 Michael Boreland Close Protection Officer Since leaving the British Army in 2006 I have been working in hostile environments for private security companies in various roles ranging from Training & Close protection. I have successfully managed a training wing in Afghanistan providing security operations training for local nationals & Expats conducting operations in the region I believe with my skills and experience of the employment I have done in the past I would be an asset to any organisation taking myself on as an employee. Marcin Gebler Close Protection Officer I have experience with work as an armed security officer, an armed security guard at army unit and army airport, an armed officer responsible for searching and identifying explosive devices, an armed CP in Poland. I have experience with work as a mobile patrol security officer and static security guard in UK. I have experience with work as a security officer at hotels, production sites, private households in UK. I am SIA CP and DS licensed. First Aid at Work Level 3 completed in 2020. Firearms Training Course Combat Pistol 1 for CPOs Shockfire in Poland 2020. E: T: + 44 07799907528 MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E:


T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: Oliver Mike Close Protection Operative I came from Hungary and live in the Uk in London since 2014. I was a Police Officer for 23 years as a CounterTerrorism Specialist. Next to the police I became a Close Protection Operative and self-defense instructor (Krav Maga). I was a member of the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). During my service I have been protecting Hungarian Prime Ministers, Interior Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ambassador of Israel and other politicians of other countries. E: T: +447413190349 W: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound

CLASSIFIEDS judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Peter Jenkins Peter Jenkins is the director of surveillance training company ISS Training Ltd. He has been managing his own commercial and corporate investigation business in Yorkshire for the past 25 years. Previous to this, Peter spent 12 years in the Royal Marines where he specialised in various roles which included reconnaissance, intelligence, counter terrorism and instructing. He continues to carry out surveillance work on a regular basis and regularly instructs on surveillance training courses internationally. E: W: Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807

E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W:

Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E:

Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525

Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset T : +44 (0)207 5588182

RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W:

PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W:


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Stephen OCallaghan Founder & Managing Director Strategically oriented Close Protection Security Specialist with a proven track record for providing effective leadership and exceeding performance objectives. Has been responsible for implementation of security standards in hostile and non-hostile job roles, security awareness and education, coordination of sensitive investigations, analysis of emerging industry trends and threats and the evaluation of overall team effectiveness. Ability to develop and maintain effective working relationships within a team, whilst at all times keeping the main objective and security needs at the fore front. E: T: +44 7306395194 W: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Steve Pittman - Security Manager of Operations I have been active in the security industry for over 25 years in various roles including close protection where I have been


responsiblefor the the welfare of high net worth individuals in low and high risk situations . I have also a vast amount of experience in many other areas of there security industry including Door Supervision, Security Management, Event Security, and Residential Security. I have recently finished a diploma in Private Investigations and am a member of UKPIN. E: steve@covert T: 07818800778 W: Company Website: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: Vas Sotiropoulos London, UK I am a security operator with over nineteen years of experience in close protection, counter-surveillance, diplomatic protection, door supervision, and CCTV monitoring in the United Kingdom and Greece. Second Lieutenant in the elite of the Hellenic Army, the Special Forces. Undertaken a number of close protection courses run by the Greek Ministry of Defence, the VIP Protection Unit of the Hellenic Police, and the Surveillance Department of the US Embassy in Athens. Highly motivated and confident relocated to the UK for further career progression and to

CLASSIFIEDS install my own footprint in the private security sector. Fully licensed Close Protection Officer by the British Security Industry Authority. E: T 02038882020 W:

after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W:

VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W:

Javier Galan Spain - Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771

Wagtail UK Wales, UK Wagtail UK are international specialists in detection dogs and dog handler training. Established in 2003, Wagtail UK provides detection dogs and related services for government agencies such as UK Border Force, HM Revenue & Customs, Police, Trading Standards and Armed Forces. Wagtail International School of Excellence in North Wales is a fully approved training centre endorsed by Highfield Awarding Body for Certification. T: +44(0)1745 561166 E: W: Westminster Security Ltd London, UK Westminster Security Ltd are an independent, industry leading private security company in London; providing security and investigation services throughout the UK, EU and worldwide for our clients. We specialise in close protection services; providing ex-military and police bodyguards to many national and international companies, heads of state, royalty, high-profile personalities, CEO's, private individuals and families. T: +44 (0)207 123 4544 E: W:

Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Nemesis Protection Ruma, Serbia Nemesis Protection is a Risk Management Company specialized in providing viable, bespoke, optimal, feasible and cost-effective security and training solutions for corporations, government institutions, and private clients worldwide. Nemesis Protection offers a full spectrum of services including Risk Advisory, Close Protection, Asset Protection, Security Driving, Surveillance & Private Investigation, Information Security, Transport Security, Staffing, and Specialist Security Training. T: 00381644679650 E: W:

Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E :

TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W :

Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. zOur graduates are more recognized, respected and sought

Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 59 independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E:

Wille Heino, Security Specialist, Owner Finland Gambeson is a security training & Consulting Company specialized in countering modern day threats. - Security & safety planning for different events. - Security training: Active shooter/Terrorism awareness/Surveillance detection/ Other. - Security consulting. We are specialized in executive protection related services. Local knowledge, trained and licensed close protection offers, mission support, other. E: W: Zika Rakita Managing Director Ruma 22400, Serbia Accomplished, result-driven, and highly motivated Close Protection Operative, conducting protective operations internationally. A background encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and undertaking Close Protection operations in both corporate fields and hostile environments. Proven in achieving results and completing tasks on time, discreetly, and to the highest standards. A confident communicator with the ability to sensitively solve a range of clients’ and colleagues’ problems and inquiries. With the ability to use sound judgment and understanding the operational balance and needs. E: T: 00381644679650 Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop


putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/ medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778

CLASSIFIEDS W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/ CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel,

NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E: New Zealand Security Investigations & Risk Solutions LTD We are dedicated to providing professional and effective security solutions for your personal or business security requirements. S.I.R.S is one of the only security companies in New Zealand with ISO 9001 and ISO 18788 Running the most advanced security management system TrackForce to help S.I.R.S security operations with real-time reporting and lone worker technology. With a combination of Military and Security industry experienced staff. We offer high-quality security services and industry recognised training programs with international qualifications in Close Protection, Bodyguards, Maritime Security, Hostile Environment, Firearms Training, Door Supervision, Private Investigations, Surveillance, CCTV Operations, Event Security, Mobile Patrols and Static Guards. S.I.R.S has the expertise and flexibility to meet a wide variety of client needs. E: T: 02040787549 W:


Life can be testing, no matter what you fight. - Keep Fighting.

FOP is for you, whether you wear uniform, a suit, or gym kit. 138


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THE TEAM: UK Editor: Shaun West US Editor: Elijah Shaw

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Managing Editor: Jon Moss Art Direction: Pete Falkous


Susanne Dancer Orlando Wilson James Bore Keith Ortiz Craig Burns Mark Roche EPS Mary Beth Wilkas Janke Mark “Six” James Monica Duperon Rodriguez Joe Saunders Devon Taitt Jose Casillas

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865


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