Circuit Magazine #54

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News • Opinion •

Reviews •

Exclusives •







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02 Contents 04 UK Foreword 07 US Foreword 08 Industry News 14 Newcomers Corner Why Consider A Career In Executive Protection?


20 How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning in Executive Protection 28 The Hostile Planning Cycle 35 Behind the Protector


40 Covert Cameras Part Two 50 Are You Truly Protecting the Client and the Brand? A Resource Guide for Decision Makers


54 The importance of emotional control in the workplace A guide for Executive Protection Operatives


CONTENTS 65 Comms Planning Does Everyone on Your Team Speak the Same Language 72 Tactical Firearms Pistol Shooting – The Necessity of One Handed Techniques

72 80

78 Ask the NABA Network 80 Rumblings of an Islamic State Resurgence in Iraq 90 Cybersecurity fundamentals Weaponising Social Media 96 Global Situation Report With Global Geopolitical partner, Stratfor


104 Trunk Guns 111 Foot Steps Harlan Austin 116 Event Review 120 Industry Events 122 Keeping Your Edge The Great Divide


127 Classifieds



Welcome back to another great issue of The Circuit Magazine, with articles provided from security professionals around the globe! Whilst COVID restrictions are changing day by day, we are doing everything we can to ensure not even a global pandemic can stop these pages turning. Operating in the security industry is becoming more challenging with the constant changing of rules to dictate how we interact with one another and fastmoving border and travel restrictions that hinder our ability to travel to and from different countries. While various vaccine efforts are underway to try to curb and eradicate the threat of the virus altogether, we may have a while go before these efforts bear any fruit. But in the meantime, the world and our role in it as protectors doesn't just stop.

welcome Mr Phelim Rowe, a consummate professional in his own right, as well as a conference and seminar organiser extraordinaire to the team! Phelim has a wealth of knowledge and vast experience in organising security-related events around the world with leading global experts in the sector. We look forward to the energy, enthusiasm, and ideas that he will bring to life to bring even more value to our readers. Phelim gave us a first taste of what's to come when he led the Circuit magazine's very first virtual Learning and Development Forum earlier this month. There was a great turn out from engaged readers and subscribers, and we received valuable feedback from the panellists and participants! Discussions focused around skills required by the EPO/CPO of the future whilst looking at core skill gaps/progression training gaps. We will undoubtedly be looking to hold more events of this kind so keep your eyes peeled for future developments.

Therefore, it is incumbent on us as professionals to adapt and respond to the current set of circumstances we are dealt. We need to stay active and informed of fast-moving developments around the globe. It is almost becoming a full-time job to keep up with the pace of changes as and when they happen! But, as a Circuit reader, I'm going to assume you've got this one covered! With constant changes being the newnormal, having an excellent international network is essential. In a time of imposed isolation, connections really do matter. Who can you rely on and reach out to as support when it matters most? Often, this is what distinguishes a successful and professional operator from a mediocre one.

As always, the team would like to wish you well until our next issue. Now more than ever, the world needs protectors to guide and navigate us through the uncertainties. So, stay safe and stay agile! Shaun West Editor

On a separate and more positive note, the Circuit magazine is delighted to


10 Mar – 22 Mar 2 Sept – 14 Sept


21 Apr - 3 May 30 Sept – 12 Oct




Welcome to the latest edition of The Circuit, the magazine for the security professional. Every month we try and bring our readers a collection of news, articles, tips, and stories from around the planet. With an international cast of writers, as well as readership we can truly say touches just about every part of the planet. (In fact, my personal goal is to take a physical copy of one of the back issues with me to Antarctica when I finally get out there, and then its game over!) However, the beauty within all that is not bragging rights, instead it means that we end up creating the infrastructure of a network that extended right over borders and cultural differences. Without question, every issue I’ll edit an article from a writer and learn something new or find a bit of information that will take me further down a rabbit hole of research. It could be a tactic, piece of kit, or just a fresh perspective. Alternatively, I’ll read the name on a byline, and

then encounter that person on social media. Think about it, If you know there’s a subject matter expert in Ireland, and you have an upcoming assignment there, reaching out for some intel, or even just to share a cup of coffee could pay dividends for years down the road. I tell everyone who will listen that, The World’s A Big Place, but the other part to that statement is that circles are small. The Circuit Magazine connects you with a Brotherhood (and Sisterhood) that widens that circle, so that you can have literally have an ear to the street around the globe and back. Elijah Shaw Editor



Industry News At A Glance

We cast our eye over the main stories impacting the security industry. Here's what's appeared on the radar since the last issue.

Canada rejects asylum request from Kim Jong-il's ex-bodyguard who fears kidnap

Lee told the Star that he began working as a bodyguard for the late Kim Jong-il in 1978. At the time, Kim was the heir apparent to his father, Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea.

2 September 2020 Toronto, Canada

Canada has reportedly rejected an asylum request from Kim Jong-il's former bodyguard. Lee Young-guk, 57, said he fears he will be kidnapped if he is deported back to South Korea. Canada’s Immigration and Refugee Board is said to have rejected a request by the ex-bodyguard to allow him to remain in the country.

Of his job as a bodyguard, he said: "We were paid $100 (US) a month and followed him wherever he went. "Everyone was scared of him because even when he was happy, he was rude and cruel." Kim died in 2011 and was succeeded by his son, the country’s current leader, Kim Jongun.

The board reportedly said that Lee’s statements that he faces persecution in South Korea "lacked credibility". Lee told The Toronto Star through an interpreter: "The situation is bleak. “(The regime) tried to kidnap me when I was in South Korea. If Canada returns me there, I’m a dead man.”

“I find there is substantial evidence … to show the brutality committed by the regime, by the leaders and the common population throughout the regime of Kim Jong-il,” asylum adjudicator Brenda Lloyd wrote in refusing Lee’s claim in a decision released on July 31.

In 2000, Lee joined an exodus of defectors and made it to Seoul via China.

Source >


INDUSTRY NEWS Government outlines next steps for UK’s proposed use of digital identity 10 September 2020 London, UK

The Government will consult on developing legislation for consumer protection relating to digital identity, specific rights for individuals and an ability to seek redress if something goes wrong and also set out where the responsibility for oversight should lie. It will also consult on the appropriate privacy and technical standards for administering and processing secure digital identities.

LEADERS IN the tech, business and civil society sectors have welcomed the Government’s proposals to enable the use of digital identity across the UK, with plans to update existing laws and a new set of guiding principles for policy development. The proposals come after it was revealed that 2.6 million people have made a claim for the Self-Employment Income Support Scheme online since its launch on 13 May 2020, with 1.4 million having no prior digital identity credentials and needing to pass through HMRC’s identity verification service.

Figures issued last year show a 32% rise in identity fraud over five years, with 223,163 cases recorded in that year alone. This is up 18% on the previous year. Source >

Increasingly, people are required to prove their identity to access services, whether that be to buy age-restricted items on and offline or make it easier to register at a new GP surgery. Now, following a Call for Evidence published by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport alongside the Cabinet Office, the Government plans to update existing laws on identity checking in order to enable digital identity to be used as widely as possible. Charlie Hebdo are still going, but now with bodyguards 7 September 2020 Paris, France

still alive, still doing Charlie," said Antonio Fischetti, who has worked for Charlie Hebdo since 1997. Tens of thousands of people protested in Pakistan on Saturday over the republication, chanting "Death to France". In France, criticism has been muted.

More than five years after Islamist militants killed 12 of their colleagues, staff at French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo say they re-published cartoons of the Prophet Mohammad to tell the world they are "still standing"---albeit with a security detail.

The magazine moved its offices to an undisclosed location that several staff described as a windowless bunker. The magazine also employs a private security The gunmen are dead, but on September firm at a cost of about 1 million euros 2 a Paris court began hearing the trial per year to guard the newsroom. of 14 people accused of being their accomplices. To mark the start of the Bodyguards provide by state law trial, Charlie Hebdo republished the enforcement agencies are assigned to cartoons which, when first published, some cartoonists and writers, according turned it into a target of searing anger to several Charlie Hebdo staff. and a global symbol of free speech. "It's to show that we are still standing, Source >


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 French prosecutor seeking court appearance for ex-Macron bodyguard Benalla 7 September 2020 US The French prosecutor’s department said on Friday that it wanted Alexandre Benalla, a former bodyguard to President Emmanuel Macron, to appear in court over allegations

Chief Executive of the Security Industry Authority (SIA) steps down 4 September 2020 London, UK The Security Industry Authority’s Chief Executive, Ian Todd, has announced his decision to step down from the role as a result of “significant changes in personal circumstances”. Mr Todd will leave the role on 16 October 2020. Speaking about his departure Ian said: “It has been an honour and a privilege to lead the SIA over the past 18 months and I am proud of what we have achieved together, particularly rising to the challenges of COVID-19. Whilst I am disappointed that I will not see our corporate plan through to completion, I remain positive that the foundations are strong and that I will be

including the misuse of diplomatic passports and other charges. Benalla, who was sacked in 2018 after a video emerged of him beating a protester in Paris, had been under scrutiny over his use of diplomatic passports. Source >

able to look back, in future, and see an even stronger organisation as a result. I would like to thank the Authority members and all staff for making my time at the SIA such a positive experience.” Elizabeth France CBE, Chair of the SIA said: “We are sorry that, for personal reasons, Ian has decided not to continue as our Chief Executive. He is an excellent Chief Executive and has played an important part in the development of the SIA, leading it through a challenging period. We are keen to see the plans he has put in place delivered and shall immediately appoint one of our Directors as acting Chief Executive to ensure that no momentum is lost while we conduct a formal recruitment process.” Source >



the security and life safety industry. The foundation will focus on helping companies in these fields by encouraging outreach to schools, colleges, and universities; creating research on workforce development; and developing continuing-education resources for those already in the industry.

Two security trade groups join forces to build a nonprofit aimed at boosting employment in the industry. The Security Industry Association (SIA) and the Electronic Security Association (ESA)—are taking steps to strengthen the talent pipeline.

SIA Board Chair Pierre Trapanese said FAST could help solve recruiting challenges for the sectors, which often must compete with the rest of the technology field for new hires.

The groups just announced the launch of a new nonprofit, the Foundation for Advancing Security Talent (FAST), which aims to promote careers in

Source >

SIA: Short-sighted Portland Moves To Ban Facial Recognition Technology 14 Sept, 2020 Portland, OR, US

Councilwoman, Jo Ann Hardesty stated prior to the vote that the council would revisit the ban when there is technology that is not racially biased and is tested by independent third parties.

The Security Industry Association (SIA) has stated that the decision by the City Council of Portland, Oregon, to ban facial recognition technology use by businesses in places of public accommodation, starting January 2021 and to prohibit all city government use of facial recognition technologies are shortsighted decisions that do not consider effective and beneficial applications of facial recognition.

SIA notes that such technology is available in the current scenario, and in July, SIA authored and submitted a letter to Portland’s Mayor and City Council, which noted the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s research paper that documented that high-performing algorithms perform equally well across different demographics.

“Turning back the clock on technological advancement through a complete ban on privatesector use of technology that clearly keeps our fellow citizens safe is not a rational answer during this period of social unrest in Portland,” stated Security Industry Association (SIA) Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Don Erickson.

SIA welcomes working with cities and government on future facial recognition ordinances and policies to ensure decisions are based upon facts and a complete understanding of current technologies and that such policies consider widespread public support for the benefits of this technology.

As part of the council’s discussion, Portland City

Source >

State Owes Private Security Firms 3 Billion 4 September 2020 Nairobi, Kenya

Top on the list of debtors is the Ministry of Sports, which PSIA said has an outstanding bill of Sh25 million, accrued over nine months, for security services provided to all the stadia in Nairobi.

Private security firms have warned of imminent collapse following delayed payments for services rendered to key government ministries, agencies and parastatals.

PSIA chairman Cosmas Mutava called on the government to fast-track payments to cushion Kenya's 700,000 private security guards' livelihoods.

Through the umbrella Protective Security Industry Association (PSIA), the firms yesterday claimed they are owed Sh3 billion for services offered before and during the Covid-19 period. The firms, which largely depend on government for business, complained that the payments had been delayed for more than six months.

"Security provision is the prerogative of the government. What we offer are complementary services. If we don't get paid, then we run the risk of laying off our staff during these tough times and eventually closing shop. The impact of that to the industry would be regrettable," warned Mr Mutava. Source >



Bodyguard's widow rebukes 'uncaring' Foreign Office after his death in Kabul 26 August 2020 Belfast, Northern Ireland

to fly her husband's body directly back to Belfast, his remains arrived home via Dublin. Mrs Taylor said her husband's body had been "shipped up" to Belfast from Dublin "like a piece of lost luggage”.

A north Belfast widow has criticised the Foreign Office for a lack of support over her husband's death in the British Embassy in Kabul earlier this year. Father-of-three Mark Taylor died in mysterious circumstances in the Afghan capital in April. Mr Taylor (46), who had served with the British Army for 14 years, was working as a close personal protection officer for G4S guarding diplomats at the embassy. Almost five months on Jennifer Taylor says she has not been given precise details of the circumstances surrounding her husband's death. Two post-mortems have proved inconclusive.

Mrs Taylor is appealing for more information about her husband's death and has a series of unanswered questions about his final hours, including why a healthy young man would go to bed and "simply not wake up”. North Belfast MP John Finucane said the way the Taylor family had been treated was "absolutely despicable”. "If you wanted to create an atmosphere whereby people are suspicious, then the Foreign Office have done just that through their lack of support for Jennifer," he added.

Mrs Taylor says she feels let down by the Foreign Office, claiming she had not been offered any support or guidance since her husband's body was found on April 2.

The Foreign Office said: "Our staff continue to support the family of a British man following his death in Kabul in April. Our thoughts are with his family at this difficult time."

Despite reaching out to officials for help

Source >


BRITISH BODYGUARD ASSOCIATION The dedicated association for dedicated professionals

Membership starting from £60 13


By: Harlan Austin

Why Consider A Career In Executive Protection? It’s an important question to ask. After all, it is a job that tends to be high stress. It requires you to put yourself in harm’s way to ensure that others are protected. It requires a lot of training and specialized skills. It can be a thankless job when things go well and a firestorm when there is a breach in the protection. And if nothing dangerous is afoot, it can get somewhat boring. It’s physically taxing and

mentally grueling. So why do it? Once you get past your misconceptions about the industry and learn what you are really getting into, you’ll find that it is a great career full of incentives.


NEWCOMERS CORNER IT’S REWARDING People who are wired to protect others are a special breed. They are obviously quite brave. But there is so much more to their character. They are attentive, alert, smart, and adventurous. They abhor the idea of the good


guy getting hurt and the bad guy getting away. Therefore, they are willing to take significant risks to ensure justice is served. Executive protection specialists do get the opportunity to meet exciting, interesting, and


you. So, you will get to see it, but you might not have time off to go explore it. And it will take some time before you are a trusted enough member of the VIPs IT’S A WAY TO TRAVEL team to be invited. You will If your lifestyle permits it, you may consider securing have to pay your dues by working long and hard with a passport because your a successful track record client may need to travel outside of the United States before perks like these open-up to you. and will need his or her protection detail to come IT’S LUCRATIVE along. VIPs get to visit More and more people some of the most exotic are employing protection places the world has to offer. Keep in mind, though, specialists. It’s not just a luxury for the super-rich, while it may be a vacation for them, it will be work for celebrities, or military famous people. They are often in close proximity to celebrities from around the world.



More and more people are employing protection specialists. It’s not just a luxury for the super-rich, celebrities, or military figures. Bankers, CEOs, high-profile speakers, religious leaders, and many others have discovered the need for personal protection


figures. Bankers, CEOs, high-profile speakers, religious leaders, and many others have discovered the need for personal protection partially because they fear for their safety and partially because they just need to be able to move from place to place without being stopped by people who want to talk to them. For this reason, executive protection agents are finding that their employment opportunities are expanding. The average income for a bodyguard today is $55,000, while some earn multiple six-figure incomes. Polls of executive protection specialists return interesting results in the United States. Most display a wide range of earning potential among agents: • Payscale puts E. P. S. pay between $40,000 per year and $150,000 per year. • Ziprecruiter lists the earning potential at $8.40/hour ($17,500/ year) and $68.25/hour ($142,000). • states the range is more likely $51,000 per year to $79,000 per year. • obMonkey puts the average bodyguard salary at $55,000 per year but notes that many people make upwards of

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 $180,000 per year. As you can see the earnings are all over the map. There is no question that a seasoned, experienced close protection specialist can easily demand a multiple six-figure salary. Much of the variation depends on the definition of the team “executive protection specialist.” If the survey includes security guards in the determination, the numbers will be skewed lower. IT’S FLEXIBLE Some people have a small protection detail for their dayto-day activities, but hire on extra personnel for major events or high-risk situations. When that kind of need arises, you may have the opportunity to take a temporary or parttime assignment for significant compensation. When the job is over, you can return to your normal routine and keep the flexibility to accept jobs as you desire. THE TRAINING IS USEFUL IN MANY OTHER AREAS Of course, as an executive protection specialist, you will learn the ins and outs of caring for your client moving him or her from place to place safely or

protecting their surroundings to ensure their safety. But you will learn many other useful skills like great communication, first aid, emergency management, and fire safety. IT MAKES YOU A SHARP OBSERVER One of the primary responsibilities of an executive protection specialist is to stay alert and aware. Protection agents must prepare for and identify threats when they are at the earliest stages. The best protection specialists can scan the crowd and detect who might be a potential threat. That level of threat assessment heightens your observation skills. THE INDUSTRY IS GROWING More and more people are More and more people are hiring protection specialists. That means that the industry is expanding. With the advent of crimes taking place in areas where crimes never happened before like churches and department stores, protection specialists are becoming more and more valuable. Celebrities and political leaders aren’t the only ones looking for security. Clients include diplomats, business leaders, and other high net-worth individuals.

Harlan Austin is a long time executive protection specialist, having worked with some of the most recognizable names in the entertainment world. He is also the founder of a site developed to educate, as well as connect protection specialists with job opportunities.





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How to Improve Your Working Memory for Better Cognitive Functioning IN Executive Protection.

Our brain is constantly processing information. From making our coffee in the morning to dreaming while we sleep, our neurons are always working to figure out what to do with the information they’re receiving.


HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR WORKING MEMORY Every scenario is carefully calculated within our brains which then tells us how to respond to certain stimuli. In the field of Close Protection, it’s crucial that we train our brains to respond to stimuli in a quick and calculated way so that we are able to execute our responsibilities and keep people safe.

problem ahead of you in whatever way you can. But unfortunately, our brain doesn’t always make the correct decision when in “fight mode” which might cause you to do something that you wouldn’t normally do under less stressful circumstances.

In the field of executive protection, these incorrect decisions can Everyone has a story about the time that they mean the difference between staying responded to stimuli gainfully employed or the wrong way. When we are presented with a not. When the stakes stressful situation – one are so high, mistakes cannot be tolerated. in which our brains are Making the wrong not familiar with – we move in a stressful go into “fight-or-flight” situation can result mode. This response in dire circumstances has developed in like someone getting mammals over millions hurt or cost you your of years as a way to protect themselves from reputation or even your entire career. That’s why impending danger. The long and short of is that it’s crucial to be able we either stay and fight to maintain emotional balance and strengthen in through a dangerous situation or we run away. your synapsis so that your brain can learn Now, as we’ve developed to process information faster. into more a more civilized society, the Working memory term “fight” doesn’t There are three types necessarily mean of memory: long-term, putting up your dukes short-term, and working and getting ready for memory. Your working combat. Often times, memory is a system in it means facing the








Power Processing Speed

the brain that is made up of many components and it allows you to process what you see efficiently in order to make complex decisions based on the stimuli. Essentially, our working memory helps us to filter and manage information.

There are three subparts to working memory: verbal, visual-spatial, and central executive. Respectively, they help to manage what we hear and say, visualize, and do. The central executive working memory essentially works as the



This response has been developed in mammals over millions of years as a way to protect themselves from impending danger; they either stay and fight or run away.

control centre of our mind and is responsible for the manipulation, processing, and recall of information that is necessary for paying attention, solving problems, and making decisions. Working memory is our ability to process and execute both everyday (walking, talking, eating) and highly skilled tasks. There is some connection to working memory and long-term memory in the way that working memory helps us to recall and perform functions that we may have learned 20-30 years ago. At the same time, however, our working memory is always learning new information that helps us to never stop improving. In the field of Executive Protection, your working memory must be strong and agile. We are all born with a certain level of cognitive functioning that improves as we learn and grow. That growth doesn’t necessarily have to stop when you’re an adult. Luckily, there are steps that you can take to improve your cognitive functioning, working memory, and the way you filter and manage information.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Let’s break down the idea of cognitive thinking into 9 different categories. This will enable us to develop a better understanding of limitations in enhancing cognitive skills. Through this, we can better understand how two different individuals, under the same training regime, may get completely different results based on how their brain processes information. This is because of certain unavoidable factors like age, genetics, personality differences, and life experiences shape and mould the cognitive skills we each possess. These various cognitive skills are categorised as follows: Sustained attention The ability to stay focused on a certain task for a sustained period of time. The limitation faced in this can be old age and personality problems. Divided attention The ability to remember certain data or information while focusing on a different task. Some may feel uneasy in performing two different tasks simultaneously. This can be due to personality disorder and age. Selective attention The capacity to be able to focus on a task despite

distractions. Limitations on this skill are old age and personality disorders. Reasoning and logic The ability to problem solve and form ideas. Limitations can be genetic and old age. Long term memory Allows you to recall information stored in the past. The limitation is age and genetics. Working memory The ability to hang on to information while using it. It is affected by old age and genetics. Visual processing Enables you to think in the form of images. Inability to engage in this function can be attributed to lack of creativity and genetics. Auditory processing Allows you to analyse, segment, and blend sounds. With old age and genetics, this can be limited to various degrees. Processing speed Enables you to perform different tasks more efficiently and quickly. Ability declines with age and psychological disorders. 6 Techniques for Improving Working Memory If we have a healthy brain and attention span, there is nearly no limit to what we can learn. This means that if we put in the time and work that it takes



to train our brain and improve working memory, there is no limit to our cognitive functioning. In fact, studies show that working memory training can significantly improve the control that we have on our attention span and help us to be less distracted. Ignoring distractions is crucial in the field of close protection because we always have to be agile and prepared for


anything. In addition, working memory training positively affects the way we filter and manage information which may help to control emotion and anxiety so that we maintain balance and calm no matter the realworld scenario we might find ourself in. So what can do you do improve your brain functioning to perform optimally on your job as a CP? First, we have to

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 recognize that the brain is a muscle. And just like any other muscle in your body, you can engage your brain in activities that strengthen and improve its cognitive skills. Some activities that help in strengthening brain functionality and resultantly increase cognitive function are: 1. Exercise, both physically and mentally: You can improve your working memory by partaking in both physical and mental exercise. Physical exercise, like jogging, going to the gym, or any other physically exerting activity, has been shown to improve concentration, memory, problem solving, and attention to detail. Meanwhile, mental exercise, maybe even more powerful to really challenge your brain and help it to become stronger. 2. Mindful meditation: A pilot study in 2013 in Harvard’s Beth Israel Medical Centre identified the positive effect of meditation on brain function and how it enhances cognitive thinking. 3. Brain-training games: Scientists are developing a better understanding

Just like any other muscle in your body, you can engage your brain in activities that strengthen and improve its cognitive skills.


HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR WORKING MEMORY too automatic. today that the 6. Social connections: individuals engaging in Researchers concluded brain training games that the feeling of like Sudoku and isolation can disrupt chess show improved sleep, increase stress cognitive thinking levels, increase blood compared to those who pressure as well as do not participate in depression. In a such activities. pandemic environment, 4. Working with it will become even puzzles: Solving more important to puzzles and engaging surround yourself with in mentally challenging social connections activities can boost the as these factors cognitive thinking of the contribute optimal brain brain and speed up its functionality and help to processing ability. curb cognitive decline. 5. Push your limits by taking an activity to In the field of executive new levels protection, our cognitive ·Be complex – functioning levels and complexity forces your emotional balance must brain to function at always be working a higher level. Even efficiently. Every driving new routes decision that you make without relying on GPS when you’re protecting can sharpen your brain someone must be the memory zones. best possible decision for · That is something that the situation, otherwise takes practice – just like the consequences may your muscles develop be dire. Putting these “muscle memory” your techniques and practices brain can too. The more to use to improve your you practice something, working memory gives the better your brain you the power to better will be at automatically filter and manage responding to the task. information which is The trick, however, is crucial in keeping others to change it up before safe. it becomes too old and ???



Many readers will be bodyguards or those involved in static or residential security teams. They are employed for one reason - to protect. To protect their Principal or premises from attack, kidnap, intrusion or theft. This article was written about a few years ago and it cannot do any harm to refresh our knowledge. There is no doubt that anyone (or place) that is targeted for attack will have surveillance conducted on them at some stage. Whether it is an attack by sophisticated terrorists, an assassination by a stalker, a burglary by low level criminals or even a journalist trying to get their money shot. All incidents would have gone through some prior

planning in a process what is known as the ‘hostile planning cycle’. As part of this cycle, surveillance is present, and it is at these times when the attackers are vulnerable (if they can see you - you can see them) and therefore possibly be identified before an attack takes place. The cycle is made up of the following phases: PHASE 1: Preliminary Target Selection The threat will initially decide who to attack and why. For example,


THE HOSTILE PLANNING CYCLE to attack the base of an occupying military unit in order to disrupt and obtain publicity. It may be that the attackers have a list of potential targets, therefore they will now move into the next phase. PHASE 2: Initial Surveillance The threat will now conduct their probing recces of a target in order to identify weaknesses and strengths. They will not necessarily be going in close but they will be


looking for: overt & covert security patrols, perimeter protection, access control, CCTV, alarm systems, vulnerabilities, routines such a shift patterns and also escape routes. If they find that their target is too well protected and too risky to attack, they go back to Phase 1 and start again. During this initial surveillance phase, the attackers will be vulnerable to detection, mainly by multiple sightings or behaving unnaturally in the vicinity.


How the security industry would be impacted by the Corona virus going forward and what changes to expect PHASE 3: Final Target Selection Once the threat has carried out their basic intelligence gathering recces, they will select a vulnerable target to attack. They will now proceed to gather as much information as possible to make a successful plan, some of which will again be surveillance led (the next phase). PHASE 4: Pre-Attack Surveillance The threat will now probe deeper at their intended target to obtain detailed intelligence. Rather than just carrying out ‘drivebys’ they may conduct static observations of the site, follow individuals such as VIP’s, staff, or delivery vehicles. They may even infiltrate the site itself under the guise of carrying out deliveries or even obtain employment at the site.

Again, during this phase the attackers will be vulnerable and open to detection. PHASE 5: Planning All of the intelligence the threat has obtained will be collated and used to form the basis of an attack plan; what weapons or explosives to use, how to get in, how to carry out the attack (normally by surprise) and how to escape. PHASE 6: Rehearsal The attackers will conduct rehearsals. They may do this at a safe site with similar characteristics to the target or it may be done over a plan, map or a model. The plan will need to be fine-tuned to rehearse; routes, timings, RV’s, deceptions, the attack itself and also escape routes in the event things go wrong.


THE HOSTILE PLANNING CYCLE PHASE 7: Execution If the threat gets to this phase, there is a chance that they will succeed in their attack plan as it is now too late. However, their mission can still be disrupted by vigilant security. PHASE 8: Escape & Exploitation The attackers will want to escape capture and will have planned an escape route. It is also likely that they will have pre-planned a public statement or video in order to maximise publicity for their cause. CALL TO ACTION During your close

protection duties, if you identify possible hostile surveillance you have to do something about right there and then. If you think, ‘I’ll log it and see if they are still there tomorrow’ or ‘let’s see if they show up again’ it could be the worst thing you could do. If you spot surveillance, what you do not know is what part of the ‘hostile planning cycle’ the threat is at. You don’t know whether they are on a scouting mission, a full blown intelligence gathering surveillance, or the attack is literally around the next corner and is happening now...



THE SALISBURY NOVICHOK AFFAIR On 4 March 2018, Sergei Skripal, a former Russian military officer and double agent for the UK's intelligence services, and his daughter Yulia Skripal were poisoned in Salisbury, with a Novichok nerve agent. Counter Terrorism Command released a detailed track of the individuals' 48 hours in the UK. This covered their arrival from Moscow at Gatwick Airport, a trip to Salisbury by train the day before the attack, (their pre-attack recce/ rehearsal), a trip to Salisbury by train on the day of the attack and return to Moscow via Heathrow Airport. Sounds familiar? In these infamous CCTV images of them in

Salisbury, you can see they have ‘military’ written all over them. • Upright bearing (possibly former military) • Their confident demeanour • Outdoor branded puffa jackets • Walking boots / trainers • Beanie & baseball caps • Short tidy haircuts • Small backpacks / messenger bags These images were taken during their recce / rehearsal phase and on the day of the attack. Investigative journalists ‘Bellingcat’ identified both of them as Russian GRU intelligence officers: Colonel Anatoliy Chepiga and Dr. Alexander Mishkin.

Taken from ‘The Theory of Covert Surveillance’ by Peter Jenkins. To see what’s inside the new book, scan the QR code.





Behind any large delivery service are logistics personnel. Without these individuals nothing would move and production would grind to a halt. Likewise, backing any police force, there are a group of emergency dispatchers that help send, coordinate, and give real time information to responding officers. With airline pilots, there are a team of air traffic controllers that convey critical information to the pilot for a safe flight. And in the same vein, behind any Executive Protection Specialist, one often finds a caring spouse or partner. What is it like for them to live and exist in an indirect role supporting the often chaotic and hectic professional life of


an executive protection specialist? What does the other half of an EP professional really do? What are they responsible for? How does the team at home prepare, live, adjust, and provide stability, when the EP professional is away from home? How does a spouse or partner deal emotionally? I thought I’d explore this rarely exposed aspect of the industry offering a peek behind the veil if you will. To do so, I want to interview the significant other of an experienced protective agent to get

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Emily: Well, spending holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or other special/important events apart would be considered a hardship. I would say, also living apart for great lengths of time and increased day to Good morning Emily, thank you for sitting with day stress. It’s important to say that each person carries me today. So, let’s jump different stresses. Stresses right in. What is it like that you have pertain to to have your significant other as an EP specialist? your job and to your clients. And mine are related to the Emily: Having a spouse daily upkeep and functioning in the EP profession, quite of our home. Having said simply put, it’s hard. It that, being open with can be lonely, frustrating, each other about what is and trying, for both causing the stress can help the protector and the spouse, and requires good communication to make the relationship work. However, having a spouse in the profession is also extremely rewarding. Knowing that the person you love, is selfless enough to risk their lives for the safety of others, is truly something special. However, even though this type of relationship can feel lonely, I think it does a lot for the relationship to genuinely miss someone, and it allows you to really appreciate their presence in our life when time allows. the real scope of what they go through. Lucky for me, I realized I didn’t really have to look far, as my partner seemed to fit the bill perfectly!

Driving a little further, what are some of the hardships associated with having your partner away so much? How does it directly affect the daily harmony of the home?


BEHIND THE PROTECTOR test during your relationship with an agent. And both must be willing to recognize and fix the areas of In your opinion, how does weakness in order for the relationship to be successful. a partner/spouse’s help at home ease the stresses Honesty, commitment, and effort must be of equal on a protector? Emily: I believe making their burden. time at home special is one Along those same Along way, i.e. doing extra around the house so they can enjoy those same lines Emily, how can those constant that time at home, let them deployments effect know you appreciate the relationships? And sacrifice they are making what’s needed in order working, and not being able for those relationships to come home every night. to survive? Most importantly, let them Emily: When on know they are loved and deployments or away on missed by their family. details, I should say, it can be at times hard to keep Do you feel like the EP profession is a noble one? in touch and communicate with your spouse. Different If so, why? time zones, work/sleep Emily: Extremely. Noble, schedules, etc. make it as defined, is “showing fine difficult to stay in contact personal qualities or high with your spouse and moral principles and ideals”. can cause tension in the An agent would be only as relationship. The inability good as their word, morals, to stay in contact can also and willingness to sacrifice for the greater good of those increase the feelings of loneliness when away for they protect. lengths of time. In order to survive, both parties Speaking of being must reassure each other noble, what character they are missed, loved, traits do you believe a and appreciated for their partner/spouse of an EP professional must have to sacrifices. And both navigate this profession? must be committed to making the relationship Emily: I think as a spouse, a priority, which can be one must be independent, hard sometimes, when flexible, understanding, “priorities” are different patient, and trusting. More when away then when at often than not, all these home. qualities will be put to the a relationship last and grow in this profession, in my opinion.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 A well-known priority in protection work is safety, how has having a partner/ spouse involved in EP made you more security minded? Or has it? Emily: My head has never been on more of a “swivel” my entire life, haha! In all seriousness, being with a professional protector definitely makes you more security minded. You find yourself changing the way you view a large crowd, looking for the nearest exits at your local movie theater, and sitting with nothing behind you to ensure a clear view of your surroundings. I can’t tell anyone how many times I’ve done a security sweep of my whole house before bed without even realizing what I’m doing.

it doesn’t work for you, don’t get involved with someone who is in or wants to be in this industry. You will feel lonely. You will question if you “can do this anymore.” You will want to give it up sometimes more than once. You will wish for more time to spend with them. And at times, you will feel like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. However, if you are both in it together, you can have a successful relationship. The strong relationships will survive.

One thing I noticed was a reoccurring theme within this interview were the terms “commitment” and “trust” … some of the same attributes we use with clients. I’m living proof of the importance of a committed and trusting relationship, as without my What advice would you significant other at home give a new couple where and the solid foundation that one of the parties may provides, I believe I would be entering into the EP not be able to do my job profession? at the level that I do it. For Emily: Advice to new couples, hmmm, just be sure! those who are in a similar This is going to sound blunt… situation, I think you will but, be sure this is the person know what I’m talking about. And those just coming into you want to be with and the industry, I hope these you’re willing to weather the storm with them. If you have words help you in your journey. never done a long-distance relationship, or already know

Mark Roche is a US Based, full-time Executive Protection Specialist who works full time with a HNW Family. He is also a FAA Licensed Drone Pilot, specializing in EP related uses, and a graduate of multiple close protection programs.



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CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 By: Ben Gunn, Olchon & Associates Ltd

Leading on from the Covert Camera article in Issue 53, we will now consider the four phases of a temporary covert camera installation. Not unlike other types of security installation, some can be complex, while others can be relatively straightforward when it comes to obtaining the correct siting for each camera. Every installation is different, and the procedures outlined are to be used as a guide rather than dictating governance. Once the fundamental questions highlighted in Issue 53 have been addressed, and the decision to install temporary covert

cameras into a location has been endorsed, planning should be conducted in detail. Lest we forget, the installation and data collected from the hard drives may end up in a tribunal or a court of law and used as evidence. Therefore, if the data obtained from a covert camera installation are to be used for anything else than crime prevention or lack of compliance with the law, then a professional covert camera installer should raise this as an immediate issue.




CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Phase 1: Planning A professional covert camera installer may have several stakeholders to appease, including representatives from the client, a disciplinary board, a legal advisor, and/or the police. Meeting their expectations, are at the forefront of any plan, and the decision making throughout should pass each consideration; Is it legal? Will it be intrusive? Is it reasonable? And every decision should be proportionate to the installation’s aim and objectives. My suggestion is to consider all eventualities with the appropriate people involved. I recommend that the police and a legal representative are at least invited to attend the planning meeting(s) at the onset, and if there’s non-attendance, they should be kept informed on the outcomes.

To Know principle. If they need to know, they should have some knowledge of the impending installation, and if required, ask them for their professional contribution and guidance. If they don’t need to know, then in simplistic terms, and quoting from a wellknown film starring Robert De Niro – then ‘they are not in the circle of trust’! Each installation must be accountable and appropriately managed under local laws and legislation. The options below are not exhaustive, and for each scenario, there could be other extraneous considerations in planning that may have to be part of the thought process:

Documentation. Just as the data that is produced from the covert camera is crucial, the drafting of clear and unambiguous documentation is always I cannot depict every highly recommended. I scenario in a short am not referring to formal article. However, it is not unreasonable to state that proposals and quotations, and other businessa planning group may related documents be as small as the client between the client and and the installer or have installer, but the crucial multiple stakeholders. planning decisions are The fundamental theory documented, in either for successful covert a planning document, operational planning is or a statement/scope of adherence to the Need


COVERT CAMERAS work, or similar. While compliance with the site health and safety (H&S) is essential, a specific H&S risk assessment should provide appropriate protection when the equipment is being installed and extracted, which is usually during unsociable hours and can be in small, inconspicuous spaces. The installer should be able to produce these documents on behalf of the client. Procedures. Simultaneously, with the drafting of the documentation, the installer should also be


able to guide you on their standard procedures, and be able to briefly document their operating procedures on being compromised, equipment failure, exchanging equipment, and their evidence gathering process while also considering any other anomaly that may arise. Intelligence. Not dissimilar to a police or military operation, the plan is based on information gathered or presented to you by the intelligence source that has brought you

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 to the planning phase. This information could, in theory, be evidence from peripheral equipment, third parties making a claim or statement, or some basic facts – for example, someone stole the laptop! Aim. It is essential that all stakeholders agree to the aim of the task. This will be an overriding statement of intent on what the covert camera installation hopes to achieve. Objective(s). In tandem with the aim, the objectives will highlight what procedures in definitive, measurable statements are to be made in order to achieve that aim. These objectives underlie all the planning outcomes. Start/End Date and Time. It is also essential for all the stakeholders to agree on the period of time that the cameras are to be functional. This may be based on the client’s budget, their aspirations, or the intelligence supporting the installation, but the installer needs to plan for the duration, and will then select and consider the options available, the type of equipment, and the appropriate power source.

In simplistic terms, and quoting from a well-known film starring Robert De Niro – then ‘they are not in the circle of trust’! Each installation must be accountable and appropriately managed under local laws and legislation.


COVERT CAMERAS Site Visit. A pre-installation site visit will be required by the installer, and all risks must be mitigated, thus ensuring that the task is not compromised before it commences.

The Operational Requirement of each camera rather than a whole CCTV system is to be considered and may include: • Field of View (FOV) of each camera, ensuring the client is in full agreement. Equipment. There are several options • Colour or black and white (mono). open to the installer. It is not uncommon for a small • Data storage facility (HDD) for each camera, hole to be drilled, into a or if the camera is partition wall, in a ceiling connected to a SIM card, or in a piece of furniture wireless, or over the that will accommodate a internet to transmit to pin-hole size lens. Other a remote receiver, an options include cameras encryption process is to be inserted into an item required to protect the that is already in situ, or a data. completely new replication • Audio. This can be a system that will not look contentious decision out of place in the area of with a covert camera. interest. Legally, eavesdropping onto conversations If the installation is for has to be carefully a considerable time, the considered, and may not planning should also pass the ‘Is it intrusive?’ include dates and times and ‘Is it legal?’ tests. when the installer will The laws of the country replace the hard disk you are operating in drive (HDD) and batteries will help guide this (if applicable). Not only decision. The obligatory will the installer come siting of a sensitive with camera equipment, microphone that will pick but they may also carry up any audio needs to tools including drills, be addressed, as, for screwdrivers, torches, the majority of covert electrical test equipment, camera installations, cleaning equipment, and audio is not an option. a small vacuum cleaner • Frame Rate or Frames (battery operated) to Per Second (FPS) – live ensure the areas of video at 25 FPS+ is interest are cleared of all recommended. However, signature.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 this may be influenced by the location, duration of installation, power source, and the memory size of the HDD. • Operational timings – the client may stipulate the cameras are only to be live (or recording) between certain hours. • Motion sensor settings. Whether the cameras are to be activated by motion detectors, or sensors, as this will impact the saving of the battery life, and also HDD space. • The exact location of where the cameras will be placed is to be articulated in a statement or by using a supporting diagram, map, or images. It is

often suggested that at least 2 camera angles are employed, possibly from above (in a ceiling) and from a reasonable height in regard to the area of interest. This will obviously be dictated by the aim and objectives. Lighting. If the area of interest is predominantly dark, the installer may have to consider IR (infrared) options or additional lighting, which may raise suspicion and, therefore, will not be conducive to a covert camera task. Constraints. There may be several restrictions or limitations that


COVERT CAMERAS may hinder the installation. It is therefore suggested that these are listed or documented to protect the planners if questions are asked post-extraction. Cover Story. As part of the Installation and Extraction phases, a Business Cover Identity (BCI) may be required. A BCI is simply a fabricated business that may stand up to a basic third-party or open-source search, and most importantly, protect the identity of the installing company. BCI’s could be of any business type, but telephony, cabling, and electronic companies that are usually working out of hours and would have a legitimate reason for being in the building. Supporting documentation to the BCI, including a Letter of Authority signed by the client’s point of contact, business cards etc. may also divert the attention of any inquisitive individuals, lest we forget, there may be others in the building or the areas of interest at the same time, possibly including security, facilities management, or employees that you may have to explain your reasoning for working in the building. As an absolute minimum, a cover story that will protect the identity of the installer is to be agreed upon with


the client. Personnel. It is not uncommon for covert camera installers to work alone although due to the type of risks highlighted in the H&S Risk Assessment, two-person teams may be required. Signage. Finally, if the client does not already have CCTV in-place, my advice on compliance is is to ensure that appropriately worded signage similar to ‘CCTV in operation’ is positioned close to the area of interest. I accept, that there may be occasions, in particular in dwellings, that this may not be feasible. Phase 2: Installation If the planning phase has been conducted in detail, the installation phase should be easier. To ensure the task remains covert and is not compromised it is crucial not to leave any sign of the installer’s presence in the area of interest. • Before any work commences, and furniture or items are temporarily removed, images are to be taken on a mobile phone of the areas of interest. • An inventory of the installer’s equipment is to be checked prior to

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 entering the premises and accounted for prior to leaving the property. • All residual signature or evidence of the installation, including dust particles, wood or plasterboard dust (from drilling), etc. are to be cleared from the area.

to when it relates to evidence gathering of data and providing master copies of the HDD to the authorities.

A commercial installer should be prepared to draft a comprehensive report and if required, provide details for a Witness Statement in support of a legal case. If the installer These procedures, although somewhat fastidious, will ensure wishes to keep their identity undisclosed, legal advice may that the area of interest is left exactly as it was found, and will guide you with providing a non-attributable statement in not raise any suspicion. support of the impending case. This will depend on the country Phase 3: Extraction and jurisdiction they were The extraction phase will take employed under. less time compared to the installation phase, but the Finally, some guidance on the guidance provided in Phase 2 murky waters on legislation in still applies. There may be a the UK. requirement to exchange the HDD and replace batteries The Private Security Industry supplying power to the Act 2001 (as amended) allows equipment. Therefore, there for private investigation may be several installation activities, security consultants, and extraction phases before and precognition agents. the final extraction of the However, there is no current equipment. For each site visit the meticulous adherence to the Security Industry Authority (SIA) licensing for private planning outcomes should be investigations, covert applied. surveillance, and covert camera legislation or standards to Phase 4: Collation of adhere to in the UK. Evidence and Reporting. The planning phase should have documented and catered for the The operator of a CCTV system in the UK has certain process of gathering evidence. responsibilities due to the This evidence gathering is implications of the Data the main reason why the Protection Act 1998. A CCTV expectations of the police or Code of Practice has been legal representative are met, and why they are invited to the produced by the Information planning group meetings. Legal Commissioners Office to guide the use of CCTV. procedures must be adhered


COVERT CAMERAS The Information Commissioner has responsibility for promoting and enforcing the Data Protection Act 1998, the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the Environmental Information Regulations, and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations. The latter is of particular relevance for a camera that transmits the data to a receiver.

Act 1997. Where applicable all necessary measures should be taken to minimise the risk of collateral intrusion and privacy of third parties not subject to covert camera surveillance.

The Regulation of Investigatory Power Act 2000 (RIPA) provides guidance for covert and public sector work, and is also a useful guide for commercial operatives, but clearly, and I stress, RIPA is The Data Protection Act 1998 (UK) has an exemption for public sector work. clause for ‘crime prevention’ There are also professional tasks and could benefit private investigations/covert membership networks that will give guidance on private camera installations. investigations, including covert activities. GDPR compliance on data protection and privacy My final emphasis on (EU) is also useful, but BREXIT may throw up other advice and legislation, which remains ever present implications. throughout this article, is to engage with the Furthermore, consideration and adherence must be held local police and legal representatives as early to the Human Rights Act, as possible in the planning specifically Article 8 (Right stages of a covert camera to Privacy) 1998, and the Protection from Harassment installation. Ben is a former member of the British Army spending 29 years out of a 33-year military career in UK Special Forces – 19 years in the Regulars and a further 10 years in the Reserve. He had a unique military career; initially expeditionary and latterly, 4 years seconded to Intelligence and a further 4 years in a Counter Terrorism liaison role. Ben is a businessman, incorporating a UK Special Forces tenet into his business planning; ‘the unrelenting pursuit of excellence’ and as such, has established under his directorship, a truly global company based in London, offering a multi-service approach to the security of any asset; protecting People, Property (including Intellectual Property), and Possessions. E: T: +44 (0)203 1903030 W:



By: Michael Brown Jr., EPS, CAS

In the era of social media and lying on your captions, for the sake of “faking it until make it,” many “EP Specialist” are being hired not based on their skillsets or qualifications but strictly off their social media following. We’ve entered into a generation of social fame. The more followers we have on social media dictates how successful we are in our respected industry. I have seen this first hand in the celebrity

protection sector. Managers and artist are using social media to hire individuals and are often forgoing following recommended hiring procedures like: ordering background checks, verifying state licensing and credentials, and ensuring there is proper insurance coverage, etc. Bypassing the proper hiring procedures can be detrimental to your organization. It would devastating to hire a



We’ve entered into a generation of social fame. The more followers we have on social media dictates how successful we are in our respected industry.

security company/security personnel and then find that the armed security personnel around the protectee is a felon and/or the company does not have the proper insurance coverage nor license to handle a liability. There have been many incidents in the entertainment industry where clients have suffered the consequences of hiring inadequate security, leading to lawsuits, embarrassments and protection failures. I’ve personally have known of a security company who did not follow proper hiring procedures and unintentionally hired a convicted felon while the client was on probation. The repercussions of this oversight could have cost the client his career and worse led him back to prison. Why are these scenarios still happening? The only thing that makes sense to me, is that people lack knowledge. The bible states in Hosea 4:6, “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” if God felt the necessity to share this revelation with us then I too must educate our potential clients to avoid them from making perishable decisions. In life we educate ourselves before purchasing products or services but do not seem


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 to follow the same steps is why it is so important when seeking security. Most to partner with vetted security professionals will tell vendors in the operational you what you want to hear state. It is also key to but not what you need to ensure the security firm is know. Here are some general properly insured and that things to look for in hiring a their insurance is current security service provider: and up-to-date • In the US, many security • Every state has a form of firms will mislead clients guard card or background on their operational check requirement, hiring capabilities, telling clients through a license security they can work in all 50 firm helps ensure you are states with their license, not hiring someone with this is not true at all. The a felony or with a criminal only way to work in all background. Beware of 50 states is to have a hiring someone with no vetted-network of licensed security credentials that vendors that can pick could mean that the up the security coverage individual cannot pass a outside of security firm’s background check. operational area or state. • One of the biggest myths Make sure the company in security in the US is that you hire has an active an armed security license, security license in the state conceal carry permit, or they’re operating in. LEOSA “HR218” from • A security company can one state will cover you have an insurance policy in every other state. A that covers the security security exposed “armed” company in multiple license is only good in states, however, the states the state it is issued in. outside of the issuing Conceal carry licenses are state can still require for for “personal” use only not the policyholders to have for work. LEOSA “HR218” official license and permits is a national security act within the operating state. passed in 2004 for any This can be misleading “good standing” police because although the officer active or retired security company is that allows them to insured in multiple states carry in all 50 states but there could be different the bill clearly states, regulations required in “not for monetary gain/ each state, ultimately work.” Many clients hire leaving security company’s retired or off-duty police open to liabilities. This officers because of their



misunderstanding of this act. If the police officer uses his weapon on a protection detail, the officer and employer will be open for criminal and civil charges for violation of the law. • If security personnel are driving, they should be insured under a separate commercial automotive policy aside from the security company’s general liability policy. Most general liability policies cover the security company’s standard business operations which may not include driving the client’s vehicles. • Proprietary teams are in-house security teams exclusive to a specific corporation, under the guidance of a director of security. These security teams are insured through the corporation which

takes on all civil and legal liabilities. The majority of these organizations’ protective details are unarmed, due to the legalities/liability reasons; when they need additional support, they partner with security firms in the state they are traveling to. In summary, it is important for management teams and decision makers to be well informed and equipped to make important decisions such as choosing a security firm. There can be costly consequences to making a poor decision. Above, I listed basic points to consider before hiring a security company. Be mindful of not getting caught up in the fluff of “big names” and social media followers but be cautious of the misleading and grey areas of securing your client.

Michael Brown Jr., EPS, CAS, is a Certified Anti-Terrorism and Executive Protection Specialist, Director of Security, and Agency owner.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 By: Denida Zinxhiria Grow

The importance of emotional control in the workplace A guide for Executive Protection Operatives Usually, I write articles based on my experience as a security professional, but this one will be addressed from another perspective. That of the person who has a degree in Psychology and has also spent many hours studying behaviours. I would like to combine my two educational backgrounds and discuss how specific behaviours can negatively affect the security industry. If you are a service provider, you must always have in mind that people you employ and place with clients are the people who represent your brand. Their mistakes will harm you more than it will harm

them. Most companies are losing contracts due to the toxic or unprofessional behaviour of their operatives. No matter how good a CV looks on paper, attitude, and behaviour at work are crucial when you place someone to protect another human being who has his/her own personality traits. Placing the right candidate with any specific client goes much beyond hiring a good HR




CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 manager, especially when your company is handling contracts of thousands of dollars and clientele of specific social, financial, and celebrity status. We all are aware of the ongoing news reports and social media posts regarding the complaints of some colleagues about their former clients, claiming how their clients were ‘’rude’’, ‘’cold’’ and ‘’non-friendly’’. Now, these people worked for well-known companies, so someone obviously thought they would be ok to be hired and placed with specific clients. The fact that they can so easily speak on public forums makes you wonder if NDAs were signed at all before

hiring. Again, just one interview and a CV are not enough when you hire someone, especially in this line of work. While the majority of the industry will say that speaking publicly about your client is unacceptable and unprofessional behaviour and that it also breaks the code of confidentiality, there seems to be an alarming trend regarding security providers reporting their former clients or talking about them in public. Now there are many reasons why someone may choose to do so. One, it can be to sell his/her story. Many news media outlets and reporting outlets are


EMOTIONAL CONTROL IN THE WORKPLACE paying a lot of money for stories like this. Two, that person found his/her inner writer and is writing a book about that client... again bedtime gossip sells. Three, by going public, they believe they can gain publicity and attention for future employment. Although many serious and high-class companies will never hire someone like this, there will always be that one company who will see nothing wrong with it and place this person with another client. Unfortunately, ethics and professionalism in the security industry doesn’t mean the same for all of us. While at least some positions have the minimum requirements, apparently for others, there don’t seem to be any ethical requirement standards at all... While specific company or personal ethics seem to vary quite a bit, and discussing the three mentioned reasons above appears to have no worth, there is another valuable and important trait that we can identify with and improve significantly. This is the inability, of some people, to control their emotions in the workplace. These people have a very specific view of how people


should treat them, and anything different makes them unable to process their feelings and they cannot control them. They feel hurt, insulted, or perhaps someone was unfair to them and they want to talk about it publicly to gain attention and receive a pat on the back. As we mentioned earlier, since all of us have different definitions when it comes to ethics and professionalism in the security industry, many will see no problem. No issues in posting pictures with their clients (jeopardizing their safety), talking about their private moments, what they saw or heard while working for them, or basically breaking every rule of the client’s confidentiality. If the client doesn’t trust you, you will be gone and with you a contract for the company you were working for. Now let’s focus on our topic: Emotional Control in the Workplace. According to Gross’ definition, (1999), ‘’Emotional control can be thought of as a facet of emotion regulation, but refers primarily to attempts by an individual to manage the generation,

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 experience, or expression of emotion, and/or one's emotional responses.” In other words, emotional control is each individual’s ability to manage emotions that may be disturbing, disagreeable, hurtful, insulting, and being able to remain calm and effective at his/her performance. As human beings, we are emotional and we cannot suppress our emotions, but we can learn how and when to manage them. It is ok to be hurt or bothered by specific words or behaviours at work, but how you control your emotional response to a specific trigger is very important for your efficiency and professionalism at work. How many of us, in the course of our day, have been told or asked to do something and we thought…

Emotional control can be thought of as a facet of emotion regulation, but refers primarily to attempts by an individual to manage the generation, experience, or expression of emotion, and/or one's emotional responses

‘How can he talk to me like that?’ ‘Who he/she thinks he/ she is?’ ‘That is not why I was hired!’ And I am sure many of us have been angry, sad, insulted, etc. Someone may ask why it is important to manage our emotions at work. Before answering that, we first must explain how


emotions work. Humans are emotional creatures, and our brain was designed for survival and perpetuation of our species. The amygdala is the portion of the brain that is responsible for our emotions and basically works as our brain’s radar for threat. Now threat can have different meanings, not only a physical threat, but it can also be when we hear something we don’t like or we don’t agree with, or something that may challenge what we knew and believed up until that moment. When the amygdala detects a ‘’threat’’ we have the so-called ‘amygdala hijack’ or ‘emotional hijack’. During this state, we cannot innovate, we cannot learn anything new or process new information, and we rely on old behaviours or patterns. During this hijack, we cannot focus on our professional tasks or duties because our brain will primarily think about what is bothering us at that moment. Also, our memory is highly affected, and we will recall only that which is most related to the incident/threat and not other things that may be important for our work. Now, as security professionals, being tasked with someone else’s security, can you see how being able to manage your emotions at work can affect your performance and why it is important? And keep in mind that many studies performed around the world have proven that being able to manage your emotions

Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

"To be good at what we do you must know that it's more than just a job." Byron Rodgers


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 competently brings quit that day, he failed on substantially better business several fronts. One, to think outcomes. that the client may have had a bad day, (which later on, As a security professional, we found out he had just you will spend most of your received the news his extime being the shadow of a wife had filed for a divorce). person who is paying you. Two, the client is NOT our That person has his/her own friend, and his/her reaction life beliefs, ethics, attitude, to anything may be, and emotions, life worries, etc. most likely is, the result of How that person addresses something unrelated to us you is his/her choice, right and not to be misconstrued or wrong. However, how . In this case, the client later you react to it and manage apologized, which is rare, the feelings associated but some will not. with their behaviour is your responsibility. Have No matter what type of in mind that while your client you happen to be job is to protect them, providing services for, they are not your ‘buddy’. always keep in mind, the They have their own job/ client doesn’t have to be responsibilities of keeping friendly to you, or care how sales and numbers up, your morning or night has creating new products, been, doesn’t have to say making sure pay checks hello or good morning or to employees are paid at even converse with you at the end of the month, and all! At the end of the day, other important obligations. it is not personal and it They have so many issues cannot be taken as such. to deal with and you are This may very well be how not one…You are to be they see social interaction. a help, not a hindrance. While it may seem rude Professional protection, not for someone not to say a ‘Buddyguard!’ hello, for them, it may be natural. For them, you are Once, one of our clients just another employee. used obscenities while Also, have in mind that speaking to one of our you will be in contact with colleagues. While the many people in their lives colleague was literally in of varying backgrounds and tears (imagine a security levels of power. The client’s professional being in tears wife, PA, butler, nanny, or in front of the person he is general public all may say protecting) and decided to something, at some point



As a security professional, you will spend most of your time being the shadow of a person who is paying you. That person has his/her own life beliefs, ethics, attitude, emotions, life worries, etc. How that person addresses you is his/her choice, right or wrong

in time that will upset you. Also, never forget that emotions are highly transferable and someone may have had a fight at home with his/her children or significant other and carried all those emotions to work. An emotional outburst at work can take your focus from performing your duties best and show you are incapable of controlling your own feelings. Being insulted or feeling you are not treated fairly will probably make you feel angry and anger will increase your heart rate. According to a study done by Prof Cynthia Fisher from Bond University, School of Business in 1997, the most common negative emotions experienced at work are frustration, worry, anger, dislike, and unhappiness. Should we repress or suppress our emotions? No. Can you manage them? Yes, we all are able to minimize those emotional hijacks. Most of us are highly aware of what can trigger our emotions. We know what topics or events can affect us emotionally. So paying attention and being able to recognize when those signs of destructive emotions are starting to build, we have



more chances to stop an emotional hijack. Here are some techniques: · Know your triggers. This can help you to recognize what upsets you. · Be respectful. If a person is rude, there is no need to react to it with rudeness and feed it. You can remain firm and professional without being aggressive. Most of the time, those people will

calm down once they realize that they are the only one in the room shouting or being rude. · Use exercise to blast your anger. Hit that treadmill, set some PR’s, roll on the mats… exercise will help to release any physical tension in your body. · Never bring your negative emotions from home to work and vice versa. What happens at home stays at


EMOTIONAL CONTROL IN THE WORKPLACE home and what happens at work stays at work. · Clarify the situation. Many times it was just a miscommunication or misunderstanding. · Use the 10-seconds rule. If you feel your temper rising, count to 10 to recompose yourself. If needed and if possible, get some distance and excuse yourself from the situation, reassuring them you will get to this matter as soon as possible. · If for some reason you had an emotional outburst, apologize to anyone involved with it and take responsibility by recognizing you reacted badly. · Speak about the incident to your supervisor. If there are behaviours, language, or incidents that are irritating you and you are not able to see past them, then you should seek another position

with another client. Either way, inform your company regarding any incident. Most of the time companies are not aware of a situation until it becomes unfixable. · If you are a service provider, make sure you do an internal audit regularly regarding the operational effectiveness of your operatives. Ask them, listen to them, and also be ready to place them somewhere else if they seem burned out by a specific client/detail. At the end of the day, keep these in mind, 1) the client is not your buddy, 2) it is not personal, 3) clients need to see that the person assigned to their protection not only is physically trained for the hard task, but also that he/she is emotionally stable, calm when all else is chaotic and can show restriction and strength when necessary.

Denida Zinxhiria Grow is the Founder and CEO of Athena Worldwide, Athena Academy and Nannyguards. She is an experienced and well trained Executive Protection Specialist, Security Consultant, and Instructor with 18 active years in the private sector. She has been operating in different countries and cultures and has managed security teams of all sizes. She uses her personal experience to help others learn what it takes to master the ins and outs of the Security Industry and empower women in the security industry. Denida also holds a BSc in Counseling and Psychology.



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Surveillance Training Course Handbook A R TE






By: Andy Clark

No matter how many people I talk to, no one has ever disagreed with me that communications forms a vital part of any successful operation. And I’m not just talking about security operations here, but any operation.

There’s a reason that communications are always one of the first things a military unit gets up and running. Because without good communication, those controlling the operation are deaf, dumb and blind. And in those circumstances, things quickly deteriorate into chaos. It’s an anomaly then that so little importance seems to be attached to ‘comms’ both during planning and training. Having a competent ‘signaller’ on the team, who


is well-trained and wellversed in multiple forms of communication has to be an advantage, right? Think back to the military example I gave earlier, the signaller clearly forms a vital part in any unit, whether on the frontline or back in the Ops Room. But most securityrelated courses only pay lipservice to the importance of communications, if it is ever mentioned at all. And since I’ve also brought up the subject of Ops Rooms, let’s talk about those

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 as well. I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve walked into what has been referred to as an Ops Room and had to try to keep my ‘poker face’ intact! We can’t change the way people think and react overnight, but let’s start to sow some seeds that might just take root and start to expand beliefs and mindsets.

been made in the area of mobile communications that we just take it for granted that when we want to contact someone, we can. Unless we’re in an extremely remote or rural location, and even then, it’s not that often you find somewhere that you can’t even make a phone call, even if you can’t get online. So progress has made us We all know the saying blaze about the need for “Prior Planning Prevents a comms plan, or training Piss Poor Performance” in how to communicate and I’m sure it’s applied effectively and efficiently. regularly by many. But No need, right? Anyone can how does that apply from use a phone… But one day a comms perspective? First this apathy will unravel into and foremost, someone a world of pain. Hopefully, (your sig’s guy) needs it will only lead to an to have responsibility for embarrassing moment comms and for the comms when the gate isn’t open plan. Too often it is left to when the Boss’s car individuals and that is when approaches. But it could be things can go wrong. Be much more serious… honest, when was the last time you included comms Proper Communications as a specific action in any Planning general planning or SAP So, let’s cover some of activity? If you did, well the areas that should done. You are ahead of the be addressed when pack, but I’d say you are in considering comms the minority. Why is that? planning. First, as I already said, make someone Why isn’t proper responsible. Nominate communication planning, your comms guy and task training, and operational him or her with drawing implementation taken more up a comms plan, both seriously? The answer strategically and tactically. is simple: progress. In the past two decades, After you’ve nominated so much progress has someone, what necessary



There’s a reason that communications is always one of the the first things a military unit gets up and running because without it those controlling the operation are deaf, dumb and blind, and in those circumstances, it would quickly deteriorate into chaos.!


components should they include in a solid comms plan? In the first instance, you need to consider why you need to communicate. What’s the reason? Your reason for communicating timely and effectively will inform later choices. In its broadest sense, we communicate to pass information to individuals or to groups, to allow decisions to be made to facilitate the smooth flow of an operation. But there might be other whys. Maybe the why is to spread misinformation. If, for example, you know or suspect that you are being eavesdropped and you want to mislead your adversary to throw them off track. So, it is very important to figure out your whole range of whys first. Next comes the what. What are we going to communicate? The what will be very much influenced by the nature of the operation itself. For example, a mobile surveillance task will often entail running commentary on the progress of the target relaying location, speed, distance and coordinating backup vehicles to take over in the event that circumstances arise which may call for it.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Whereas a CP operation will be concentrating on managing the movement of a number of team members, whilst staying alert for potential threats, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible, and trying to interpret the actions of the Principal. In these two examples, the what is very different and requires a different ‘language’, which brings us to the how. The how actually has two elements to it. The first is the language we use (Part 1). And the second is the physical mechanism we use to deliver the information, i.e. why, what and how (Part 2). This article will mainly cover Part 1, a.k.a. the language. We will save Part 2, a.k.a the physical mechanisms for the follow-up article in this series.

Pace is ultimately the most important. People who don’t practise this tend to speak far too quickly, frequently causing the message to need to be repeated and wasting vital seconds.

Speak the Same Language to Get on the Same Page To begin, the language or the how of Part 1 will differ according to the scenario. And also, to a large degree, your previous operational experience. I was recently on a surveillance operation where an ex-HMRC guy was working alongside and exSBS surveillance operator. Honestly, they may as well have been speaking different languages! And in fact, they actually were!! Being professionals, they eventually figured it out. But it could have been their undoing


COMMS PLANNING and the undoing of a lot of preparatory work. As a starting point, there are generally three golden rules that apply to language, no matter what words you are actually using: #1. A for Accuracy. #2. B for Brevity. #3. C for Clarity. Next, you need to figure out, experts in the communications world, refer to as the ‘pro’ or procedural words. We all know what they are, but do we all interpret them in the same way and fully understand their implications? Take for example the word “bravo.” Bravo to most people is the phonetic spelling of the letter “B.” But to many surveillance operators, the word Bravo indicates the target vehicle, whilst Alpha is the target male, and Echo the target female. A crucial part of your communications training should ensure that VP or Voice Procedure is understood and wellpractised. It’s massively underestimated, but good VP can make a huge difference to the smooth running of a task. And it also sounds consummately professional to anyone who happens to be within earshot. And you never know who may be listening, which leads nicely


on to delivery! How a Message Gets Delivered Matters Let’s consider the three Ps of communicating a message: Pitch, Pace, Pause and Tone. Okay, that last one isn’t a P…! If you were talking on the phone, Pitch, Pace & Tone would be very different. There are even courses you can go on to teach you how to get them all right if, for example, you are a telemarketer or telesales person. However, it’s different on the radio when you are also being mindful of your A, B, C’s. (Accuracy, Brevity, & Clarity) As a rule, your pitch and tone should be even. And whilst there is nothing stopping you using some intonation in your voice, it isn’t really necessary. Generally, the information you are delivering will be factual, succinct, and to the point. Therefore, your emotional state should not really be evident from the tone of your voice. Pace, however, is ultimately the most important. People who don’t practise this tend to speak far too quickly, frequently causing the message to need to be repeated and wasting vital seconds. Almost everyone would do well to slow down the pace of their

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 communication. Not only does it add to clarity and accuracy, but it ensures costly and embarrassing mistakes don’t happen.

MIKE-ECHO-DELTA-twoone-dot-zero-zero hours”

Languaging protocol is key to ensuring that everyone on the team is operating Lastly, let’s talk about under the same set of numbers and difficult facts and responding words. If you are timely and effectively to going to give a string of circumstances that might numbers, it’s sensible to arise. For this reason, alert those listening to the languaging should be fact by inserting the promade clear through a word ‘figures’ into your communications plan message. For example, and practised in regular “We will be departing the training scenarios, until residence at (figures) it is second nature to all. 21.00”, where ‘21.00’ is This is even more crucial delivered “two-one-dotwhen under considerable zero-zero hours’ and not pressure or at the end “twenty-one hundred.” of a very long working day. And if you have a difficult or important Next time, I’ll dive deeper word to relay, one which into Part 2 which will is vital and not to be cover different forms of misunderstood, then physical communications spell it using the phonetic devices, their pros and alphabet (which should cons, and some of the be second nature to all). key things to take into But again, alert those account when making a listening to the fact you selection. We’ll also cover are going to spell a word the Ops Room, what it by saying, for example: does, why it’s there and “RV at the Medici, I spell how it should be run. G6 Global has been delivering critical communications since 1999. Communications connects everything that we do, and we will find the most robust and appropriate solution to your communications needs. We recently partnered with Syops Solutions who specialise in delivering communications training that will raise your teams communications skills to the next level. For more information, email G6 Managing Director Andy Clark at


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By: Orlando Wilson

Pistol Shooting – The Necessity of One Handed Techniques 72


It amazes me how many people attend supposed tactical firearms training classes and come away having never been shown or even understand the importance of shooting one handed. Stance” of two hands cupping each other at the waist or solar plexus is nothing more than a clear give away they you have done a Micky Mouse EP course. Not only does this body language tell people you’re a security goon, but it also gives the bad guys access to your hands which they can easily gain control over while they steal your firearm from you! If your providing protection to Think about it, how many clients, you also have to times a day are your hands consider that if there is a busy or you’re in situations where you could not get into hostile situation you will be using your hands to guide a range perfect stance or and maneuver your client to shooting position? Think of your daily activities starting clear them out of any line of fire and get them safely to from the morning, walking cover. to your car, carrying a brief case or equipment for work, driving, sitting at your desk, Suffice it to say, that in eating lunch, driving home, this line of work there are sitting in a restaurant, using a myriad of ways where your hand positioning the toilet, etc. may be compromised. For example, you also need to The same applies if you're be able to access and use protecting a client. We your handgun with both all know that the close hands, say, if you fall and protection rulebook that break your wrist or fingers says, “Always keep your hands free.” And that might of your gun hand. Or if your make sense in a classroom, dominate hand gets slashed by a blade in a hostile but in reality, becomes a situation. You must consider guideline to think about. Meanwhile, the “Bodyguard and be prepared for what Yes, shooting a pistol with a two-handed grip is for most people more accurate and is better for competition shooting or passing range qualifications. But, in the real-world when your reactions need to be quick and you need to respond to attacks in all environments, you may not have the space or time to get into your range perfect position.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 you are going to do then. Given the multitude of unexpected situations one might encounter in the real-world, it often surprises me that a number of experienced shooters have never practiced shooting or drawing from a holster one-handed or weakhanded. These are basic skills if you are serious about carrying a handgun for defensive or close protection purposes. Importance of Proper Training Emphasis When putting together

a training program you need to clearly understand what you want the students to be able to achieve by the end of the class or course. Over the years I have trained many clients who needed to be trained quickly to be able to use a pistol for selfdefense. My emphasis is always on close quarter one-handed instinctive shooting. Most defensive shootings happen up close, conversational range, so there is no need for using the sights on the pistol as long as the shooter can point shoot,



Most defensive shootings happen up close, conversational range, so there is no need for using the sights on the pistol as long as the shooter can point shoot

which if taught properly, can be relatively easy. At conversational range, there is also no need for twohanded grips. The pistol can be shot from the hip or with one armed extended. Multiple rounds can then be fired into the torso of the target as long as the shooter has a good grip; can pull the trigger fairly well; and is not flinching too badly. It’s that simple. What’s required in the vast majority of hostile situations is that the shooter to pick up a pistol and fire multiple rounds into an assailant at conversational range. The goal is to drop the opposition as quickly and efficiently as possible. It’s about neutralizing the threat, not certificates, pats on the back, and group hugs. A few years ago, a female police academy recruit going through one of the police academies in South Florida came to me for help as she was having a problem passing a low light shooting qualification. Turns out that she had been shown various “tacticool” techniques of how to hold a flashlight and pistol, which she apparently had difficulty mastering. However, she had never been shown how to point shoot one-handed. Once we built up her confidence and ability to shoot one-handed, it did not matter how or where she held the flashlight. Problem



solved. She was not a bad shooter after all. She had just been poorly trained, with emphasis being placed in all the wrong areas.

when working with a client that two handed pistol techniques and fixed range stances will not be possible. If your training for close protection scenarios, you Focus on Basics must practice clearing the Shooting is not difficult, but client from lines of fire, people often complicate guiding them to cover, it with overly technical shooting 360 degrees, techniques that have no shooting while driving, or bearing and relevance is whatever the situation calls reality. Once you understand for. Therefore, you need to and have mastered the be as flexible as possible basics, its just a matter of with your pistol techniques! practice, practice, practice. Having the confidence and As I said earlier from a close knowledge to be able to protection perspective, use a pistol with strong there will be many times and weak hands and with

Shooting is not difficult but, people complicate it with overly technical techniques that have no relevance is reality 76


one- and two-handed grips will greatly enhance your operational effectiveness. From crossing obstacles to clearing buildings, onehanded pistol techniques can make movement easier and enable you to make the maximum use of cover.

supported, strong hand unsupported, weak hand supported, and weak hand unsupported. You should practice this drill dry fire (no live rounds in the weapon) before you go to the range; when at the range, fire one shot from each stance to start with Basic Pistol Transition and work up to double Drill to Practice taps. With practice, you I was shown this drill in should be able to change Eastern Europe in the from stance to stance very 1990’s and still train people smoothly and quickly. You with it today, it’s simple need to be as fluid and and relevant! There are flexible with your weapon only four ways to hold a as possible. handgun; strong hand

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients.



I’m seeing people ruin professional relationships and even careers just by having a “hot take” on every controversial issue. The stuff you say on social media lives on, even if you delete it an hour later. So, the question for this issue is:

Elijah Shaw Do you need to have a public opinion on everything that happens in the world, and within 2 seconds of it happening? Burgess Shucker Another meaning for “quiet professionals”

Christopher Quirk My team and I are working the riots and protests in DC. Still blows my mind when I catch another protection agent wearing a blue lives matter hat or black lives matter mask. Like brother, we are working and hired for a job meaning we have no opinion on either side and should be completely apolitical. Let's keep our cool shirts and thoughts to ourselves until we're home.

Leo J Strand As I always tell my guys, even if you win the discussion, you lost the principal...


Dudley Green When I'm on duty in a protector role my personal opinion does not matter or should ever be an issue while I'm working for a principal. However, I don't feel it's right not to be able to express your opinion on your own time especially if it's telling the truth about a topic regardless of what other perceptions maybe. However, in my protection career I have never breached protocols of discussing anything to do with a principal no matter what my opinion may have been.

Wesley Swanson Jr. Working in Cyber Security field as well as physical security, I have always told my friends think before you hit enter, there is no such thing as absolute deletion in the digital world, it’s there forever.

Brian Kiesel Amen especially with the year we're having and the elections coming this fall. Chad Reynolds I occasionally post very mild opinions about things. But I try to be (somewhat) neutral on *which side* I sympathize with. I’ve pulled all my “support” from either side. I can’t afford to have my name linked to it. Blue Lives crowd is getting too rogue. And BLM is not condemning violent behavior at their rallies. So, I’m out. I can’t support either side. I’ll just sit here, watch my Netflix and try to love everyone equally.

Rocky Cruz I hate that your personal views do affect your professional endeavors but it’s the world we live in now! With that being said, when you are on your professional role why would you even wear anything that would be conceived a view point? The NABA network is a fantastic community for getting help and advice on all matter’s security related.



By: Thomas Abi-Hanna

Rumblings of an Islamic State Resurgence in Iraq

• The militant group will HIGHLIGHTS continue to build off of • The Islamic State has the momentum it has increased the scope and already gained and scale of its operations in increase its operations Iraq due to its internal in Iraq, and potentially cohesion and strength, elsewhere in the region, as well as a lack of significant pressure from over the next several months. the forces opposing it.



• The developments will undermine Iraqi stability and energize grassroots militants to carry out attacks around the world, even though the Islamic State remains far from re-establishing its caliphate. In a world preoccupied with COVID-19, the Islamic State may have faded from international headlines. But a spike of attacks across large swaths of Iraq over the past month shows the group remains a potent threat capable of returning with a vengeance. A lack of pressure from opposing forces and a


groundswell of internal support have enabled the Islamic State to increase its insurgent and terrorist activity in its core territory, which threatens to not only further destabilize Iraq but energize other jihadists to carry out attacks across the globe. While the Cat's Away Using the lessons learned following its previous defeat in 2010, the Islamic State has amassed money, manpower and resources to pick itself back up again, while opposing foreign forces have either withdrawn or been distracted by

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 The Big Picture The Islamic State lost control of its last sliver of territory in March 2019, but has been looking to revitalize itself ever since. The group still has branches stretching from West Africa to the Philippines, though Iraq and Syria remain its most important pieces of territory. Both countries remain fragile states facing crises and stark internal divisions, which the Islamic State has sought to exploit using the tens of thousands of fighters and hundreds of millions of dollars that remain at its disposal. other issues. The group has had enough time to recover and recuperate following the loss of its final remaining core territory in March 2019 and the death of its leader Abu Bakr alBaghdadi in October 2019. The United Nations estimated the group still commands up to 20,000 fighters, has access to hundreds of millions of dollars and earns up to $4 million a month, which — according to estimates from the Center for Global Policy and The Washington Post — it has used to replenish itself.

Qassem Soleimani in January — have further eased pressure on the Islamic State by diverting the attention of two of the most powerful actors in Iraq away from the jihadist group and toward each other. In March 2020, the United States began repositioning forces in Iraq away from the Islamic State's areas of operations near Mosul and Kirkuk, as well as in the Anbar and Ninevah governorates, in order to focus on the threat posed by PMUs in other areas in Iraq, where the Islamic State is much less active.

Meanwhile, numerous military exchanges between U.S. forces and Iranian-backed militias in Iraq, also known as Popular Mobilization Units (PMUs) — most notably around the time of the killing of Iranian Gen.

The COVID-19 pandemic has also prompted European countries to temporarily draw down their forces from the fight against the Islamic State. Between March 19 and 25, the Czech Republic, France, the Netherlands



and Spain all announced they were temporarily pulling out of Iraq, while Germany and the United Kingdom indicated they were downsizing their presence. While these countries expended far less manpower and resources than the United States in Iraq, they still played a key part in the U.S.-led coalition against the Islamic State.

health and political crises. The country finally formed a government in May, the primary focus of which will be managing a burgeoning protest movement, as well as containing the country's COVID-19 crisis. Fears of spreading COVID-19 have also forced Iraqi security forces to limit their movements in recent months.Â

Following the collapse of the Iraqi government in December, Baghdad has been bogged down in a myriad of economic,

The Mice Will Play With both its regional and Western enemies distracted, the Islamic State has recently


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 increased the scale and scope of its attacks, kidnappings and other operations across northern and western Iraq. These operations are meant to intimidate locals, weaken security forces, foment instability and serve as propaganda boons for the group. According to the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project and the Center for Global Policy, the number of violent incidents in Iraq linked to the Islamic State spiked by 58 percent between March and April alone. When comparing the number of attacks from April of last year (21) to April of this year (87), the number of attacks jumped by over 300 percent.

According to the Middle East Institute, the group has recently been conducting nighttime raids, multipronged coordinated assaults and suicide bombings.

The Islamic State has also begun testing the waters for more sophisticated attacks. According to the Middle East Institute, the group has recently been conducting nighttime raids, multipronged coordinated assaults and suicide bombings. This marks a notable uptick from the typical drive-by shootings, mortar attacks and roadside improvised explosive devices (IEDs) it had done in previous months. On April 28, the group launched an attack against intelligence


RUMBLINGS OF AN ISLAMIC STATE headquarters in Kirkuk. Such a direct attack against a government building had been a rare occurrence since the group lost its remaining territory in Iraq in 2017. The Islamic State has been able to increase the sophistication for a number of reasons: ▪ The lack of external pressure, for one, has given the group more time to construct larger devices and plan more sophisticated operations.


▪ It has also seized weapons, explosives, ammunition and other materials during raids against villages and security forces to use in these operations. ▪ Weapon inflows from Syria, where the group is also gaining momentum, has further bolstered its strength. No Signs of Slowing In the absence of significant pressure from the forces opposing it, the Islamic State will likely

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 continue to increase in the coming months, building off of the momentum it already achieved. The anti-Islamic State forces are unlikely to be either willing or able to muster formidable countermeasures to contain the group in the coming months, much less drive it back. The United States, for one, has an agreement with Iraq that it will not redeploy its troops to areas of intense Islamic State activity. And amid rising U.S.-Iran tensions, the White House will likely remain preoccupied with containing PMUs in central and southern Iraq. Likewise, European nations are unlikely to redeploy its troops back to Iraq in the near term, as it remains unclear if there will be the political will to do so once the COVID-19 pandemic passes. The Iraqi government, for its part, will struggle with the immediate economic and health fallout from COVID-19 for at least the next several months. Political stagnation and social unrest could plague Baghdad for years beyond that as well. Iraq's new government said it would

prioritize counterterrorism efforts and the fight against the Islamic State, but its ability to do so will be constrained by a decrease in international support and internal political strife. U.S.-Iranian tensions will also remain high for the foreseeable future, raising the risk for further exchanges between U.S. forces and Iranian-backed PMUs that keep two of the Islamic State's primary opponents fighting each other instead of it. Going Global? The Islamic State's expanding operations will make the group and its adherents a greater threat on a local, national, regional and potentially international level. The group's attacks, kidnappings and other operations will compound the already high threat to personnel, facilities and infrastructure in northern and western Iraq, and will also pose a resurgent threat to the capital of Baghdad itself, where attacks by the group have dramatically decreased in recent years after the Islamic State lost its remaining Iraqi territory. To be clear, the Islamic State is still years



The United States, for one, has an agreement with Iraq that it will not redeploy its troops to areas of intense Islamic State activity. And amid rising U.S.-Iran tensions, the White House will likely remain preoccupied with containing PMUs in central and southern Iraq.

away from being able to recapture territory and reestablish its so-called caliphate, which remains the group's ultimate goal. But by undermining Iraq's already fragile economy and security situation, such attacks risk setting back reconstruction efforts in areas that Iraqi authorities recaptured from the Islamic State in 2016 and 2017. There is also the risk that the Islamic State could use Iraq as a staging ground for attacks in other regional countries such as Jordan, Iran and Lebanon. The group has launched attacks from Iraq into these places in the past and is intent on doing so again. The group has also been increasing its insurgent activity in Syria, which could serve as another springboard for launching attacks into neighboring Jordan and Lebanon. The Islamic State's surging activity in Iraq will play a role in reenergizing grassroots militants elsewhere in the world, who have no direct connection to the group but are still



inspired by its ideology to carry out attacks. While there is no precise science for determining when and where an attack will take place, these are most likely to spring up in locations where attacks by grassroots militants occurred during the peak of the group's power in 2014 and 2015, including Western European countries such as Belgium, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Middle Eastern countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia also face a heightened risk of being targeted.

Returning With a Vengeance Since beginning its initial resurgence in Iraq during 2011, the Islamic State has morphed from a local insurgent group to a global movement, with branches that have continued to launch attacks in areas ranging from West Africa to Afghanistan. And without sustained pressure from its adversaries, including the United States and Iraq, the group is well-positioned to continue its resurgence in its core territory — a development with potentially grave global consequences.

Thomas Abi-Hanna is a global security analyst with Stratfor's Threat Lens, a best-in-class protective security product that enables clients to anticipate, identify, measure, and mitigate risk. In this role, he tracks trends related to terrorism, industrial espionage and criminal activity, specializing in transnational militant groups including al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Mr. Abi-Hanna received his master's degree in international affairs from the Bush School at Texas A&M University, with concentrations in intelligence and Middle Eastern studies. He speaks conversational Arabic and has studied in Lebanon.




By: James Bore

Last issue we spoke about techniques used on social media to isolate and recruit individuals.


CYBERSECURITY FUNDAMENTALS This time we’re going to be looking more at how conspiracy theories and opportunistic misinformation is misused and amplified to break down trust in authorities and experts in order to cause harm. Often these misinformation attacks end up focusing on particular individuals as being behind shadowy conspiracies. The psychology behind the misinformation was mostly covered last time, so we’re going to look more at the mechanics that enable them. We’ll take a look at fake social media accounts, botnets, and automated amplification to exploit social media algorithms. Botnets Botnets consist of computers, or other devices (the Mirai botnet, one of the largest known for a time, ran on CCTV cameras), compromised and enrolled into a central control system. While one of the most common usages is generating traffic for Distributed Denials of Service (DDoS) attacks, combined with a bit of scripting they can be used to generate and control fake social media profiles with a much lower risk of detection. Using multiple


devices in a botnet means that source IP addresses are masked, and one of the easiest ways to detect coordinated creation of fake profiles is correlating sources. In the simplest form, this sort of generation scripts the manual steps that would be taken to generate a profile, creating a virtual browser, clicking buttons, and entering information. Fortunately, less effort is spent on these than should be, leading to some common weaknesses. Fake Profiles It’s the work of a few minutes to manually set up a fake social media profile, and while there have been very limited improvements to filtering systems none of them really do much to prevent it. Verification via phone number or e-mail isn’t effective, as it’s trivial to create a burner number or e-mail address for an account. One of the most effective checks used to be a reverse image search on profile pictures, but with the emergence of services like https:// thispersondoesnotexist. com/ that’s no longer an option. Of course what can be

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 carried out manually is much faster to automate. With some effort put into scripting it’s possible to generate hundreds of fake profiles in minutes, using different source IP addresses, auto-generated e-mail addresses for verification, and some username generation. This is where one of the weaknesses comes in and you will occasionally hear, particularly on Twitter, comments that usernames followed by strings of numbers tend to be bots. The mistake that can be made is assuming this means they are entirely run through scripts and automation – they are generated by botnets and scripting, but often at least partly run manually.

As you’d expect, one of the targets for this disinformation is denying the existence of troll farms, and discounting claims of their existence as conspiracy theories.

Amplification Social media application interfaces are used to monitor and reply to comments, as well as broadcasting messages. Because the troll farms (a term referring to buildings where these campaigns are coordinated) control so many accounts they also use them to rebroadcast posts which match whatever narrative they are trying to develop. This activity is combined with combing various sources



for new disinformation to throw into the mix, sowing more confusion and furthering the agenda of distrust. As you’d expect, one of the targets for this disinformation is denying the existence of troll farms, and discounting claims of their existence as conspiracy theories. The effect of this is easy to see – when there is a lot of disinformation around, throwing more into the mix just


increases mistrust. If a coordinated campaign can convince people to be equally sceptical of all information, finding the accurate information becomes as much a matter of chance as anything else. The trick then becomes simply filling people’s feeds with as much disinformation as possible – if you can crowd out reliable information and overwhelm people’s ability to critically think through sources, the system

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 breaks down. Targeting Individuals Where this gets dangerous to a highprofile individual is where those who are convinced by this information are easy to recruit. With the human talent for pattern recognition, these scattered opportunistic pieces of disinformation are tied together into meta-conspiracies which are then pinned on individuals. The people

who are convinced by these meta-conspiracies are demonstrably dangerous. Last time I mentioned arson attacks on 5G towers, but there are plenty of documented incidents of these types of theories inspiring domestic terrorism, including bombings and shootings, in various countries. Recent examples of these theories targeting heads of state (a reinvention of David Icke’s shape-shifting


CYBERSECURITY FUNDAMENTALS lizards controlling the world conspiracy) include Bill Gates and George Soros (microchips in vaccines), and many others. Alongside the use of a fake social media event to coordinate an armed militia of 200 people in America recently, the weaponization of social media is a threat which anyone providing protection services for a high-profile individual needs to seriously consider. Protection Prevention of this sort of weaponization relies on education and effective action by social media platforms. Education is not effectively scalable and cannot be comprehensively deployed, and social media companies have not shown any indication that they can address the threat effectively. Recent attempts such as Facebook’s striking off of a large number of accounts run by a Romanian troll farm are a good sign, but barely make a dent in the problem. A good threat intelligence programme is needed to

protect against this kind of threat, making sure that any such attempt to weaponise social media against an individual is detected as early as possible so precautions can be taken. Some effort can be made to counteract the claims, but denial is rarely effective against these movements. The only advantage of the rapid development and deployment of these manoeuvres is that attention spans are often short term. So while the threat can develop from nothing unexpectedly, if precautions are taken, it is also likely to also subside quickly. Further Reading If you are interested in these threats and would like to read more, then there are a few different sources. The Internet Research Agency is the best documented case, Active Measures by Thomas Rid is one of the better books on the subject, and it’s an area where more and more threat intelligence providers are sharing research on the subject.

James Bore is an independent cybersecurity consultant, speaker, and author with over a decade of experience in the domain. He has worked to secure national mobile networks, financial institutions, start-ups, and one of the largest attractions’ companies in the world, among others. If you would like to get in touch for help with any of the above, please reach out at



Global Situation Report ANALYSIS

Each issue our global geopolitical partner, Stratfor, provides an indepth analysis of global incidents via in-house experts, cutting edge technology and through a comprehensive globally sourced network. Here is your summary from the last 30 days.

Peru: Congress Threatens to Impeach President as Political Crisis Erupts Sep 11, 2020 Members of Peru’s Congress submitted a request to begin proceedings to impeach President Martin Vizcarra over his alleged recorded conversation with officials at Peru’s Ministry of Culture, in which they seemingly agree on a cover-up scheme regarding government contracts awarded to a singer for services within the ministry. Why It Matters: The authenticity of the recordings has not yet been proven. And while the issue doesn’t seem to be of any national relevance, it has nonetheless erupted into a sudden political crisis in Peru that could either escalate quickly or fade away. China, India: Countries Agree to Disengage Troops Along Their Borderr Sep 11, 2020 Chinese and Indian officials agreed to rapidly disengage troops along their countries’ shared border during a meeting on the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) in Moscow. Why It Matters: This was a highly anticipated meeting and appears to have yielded a top-level consensus between the two sides that could allow them to decrease tensions before the winter compels them to move back to their cold-weather positions.



FEATURED ASSESSMENT Venezuela Sep 11, 2020 Disputes within Venezuela’s opposition over whether to boycott the country’s Dec. 6 legislative elections will likely enable President Nicolas Maduro to remain in power.

Security in the Sahel Is Poised to Worsen

India Sep 9, 2020 China's growing presence along the two countries' border prompts India to more assertively defend its claimed territory and raise tensions.

• In Mali, large-scale protests in Bamako began in opposition to corruption, controversial election results and the government's inability to quell the resurgence of militant activity. • In Burkina Faso, militant activity began spilling over from Mali in 2017 to northern parts of the country but soon spread throughout Burkina Faso, destabilizing the country and creating a new base for militant attacks into neighboring countries like Benin and the Ivory Coast. • In Niger, militant attacks killed more people in the first six months of 2020 than in all of 2019. The country faces spillover violence from two fronts: from insurgents based in Mali and Burkina Faso in its west, and from insurgents based in Nigeria to its southeast.

Middle East Sep 4, 2020 Pan-Islamism and its vision of a singular caliphate are now increasingly seen as a threat to stability in the Middle East. Even the countries that still claim to embody the movement’s ideals, such as Qatar and Turkey, are only doing so as a means to a nationalist end.

Recent political upheaval in Mali and the Ivory Coast threatens to compound intensifying instability in the Sahel and could spill over into other West African countries.

Structural weaknesses in these governments in the Sahel will leave them vulnerable to bouts of political unrest, insurgent and terrorist activity, and other disruptions.


Russia Sep 1, 2020 Moscow's push to limit the powers of future presidents could expose current President Vladamir Putin to potential challenges in upcoming election cycles.


Japan Aug 14, 2020 Japan has long operated beyond the pacifist constraints of its post-war constitution, but a growing and more assertive China is accelerating Tokyo's development of offensive its capabilities. US Aug 7, 2020 With the drawdown of U.S. forces in Germany underway, a reduction of U.S. forces in South Korea is now more likely than ever, given evolving U.S. defense priorities and longstanding trends on the Korean Peninsula. Greece Aug 27, 2020 Turkey's expansion of energy exploration in the Mediterranean is prompting Greece to cautiously exercise its international maritime rights in order to protect its own claims to offshore economic resources in the region. UAE Aug 26, 2020 The United Arab Emirates' desire to simultaneously upgrade its defense ties with Israel and the US will probably create political controversy in both countries, though the benefits of deeper security cooperation with Abu Dhabi is more likely to earn greater support in Israel than Washington.

Endemic corruption, abuses committed by various security forces and the COVID-19 pandemic have compounded the adverse impacts of the insurgency. • Abuses by government security forces or allied militias in Mali and Niger against civilians further undermine the trust of local populations in their governments. • The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic undermined the effectiveness of security forces by diverting time, manpower and resources from fighting these groups and toward containing the virus. As instability in the Sahel continues to grow, jihadist groups will further undermine the security of these countries and pose an increasing threat to coastal West African countries. The Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project indicated that the number of violent events in the Sahel linked to these militants ballooned from 147 in mid-2017 to 999 in mid-2020. • Jihadist militants have previously managed to attack economic hubs in coastal West Africa, and have called for additional attacks. • The primary threat will remain along these country's northern borders given the proximity to militant bases in Burkina Faso and Mali. These groups pose a substantial threat to countries in the region, but do not yet pose a threat of transnational attacks against countries such as the United States, Europe or the Middle East. There are multiple reasons the Sahel will not become another hub for transnational attacks similar to Syria or Iraq. • The Sahel does not have the same historic and religious significance to draw the levels of foreign fighters that Syria and Iraq attracted in the mid-2010s. • While the COVID-19 pandemic has not stopped the groups from conducting operations in the Sahel, restrictions on movement due to COVID-19 have constrained their activities outside the region.


GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT Mali: Clashes Erupt Between Police and Protesters in Bamako as Transition Talks Continueh Sep 10, 2020 Clashes between protesters and police delayed the start of a conference in Bamako on the post-coup political transition in Mali. Why It Matters: The three-day consultations come ahead of the Sept. 15 deadline set by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) before the group begins lifting the sanctions it imposed following the coup.

U.K.: London Unveils Post-Brexit Internal Market Bill Sep 9, 2020 SThe U.K. government has published the text of its Internal Market Bill, which would give London the power to overrule certain issues outlined in the Withdrawal Agreement it negotiated with the European Union last year, including those related to customs and trade rules in Northern Ireland. Why It Matters: If approved by parliament in its current form, the proposed bill would violate some aspects of Brussels and London’s Withdrawal Agreement. This raises the risk for the collapse of ongoing EU-U.K. trade talks and a no-deal British exit from the EU single market on Jan 1, 2021.



Hong Kong, China: Protests Against Election Delay Result in 289 Arrests Sep 8, 2020 Pro-democracy activists in Hong Kong held demonstrations on Sept. 6 protesting against the government for delaying the legislative council elections that were meant to be held on that day, the South China Morning Post has reported. While anonymous activists put a call out to 50,000 people to attend, turnout appeared to be below that benchmark. Police arrested at least 289 people, one of which is being detained on suspicion of violating the new national security law after chanting proindependence slogans. Why It Matters:Â This is the largest protest since July 1 despite overall turnout was lower than planned. The new restricted environment due to the national security law and COVID-19 may have deterred many from joining the demonstrations. Authorities appear to be maintaining a strategy of making limited use of the national security law, preferring instead to use less controversial powers.


GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT U.S., China: Washington Imposes New Movement Restrictions on Chinese Diplomats Sep 3, 2020 Senior Chinese diplomats in the United States will now be required to obtain prior approval from the U.S. State Department before visiting university campuses, staging cultural events of more than 50 people outside the embassy or consulates, or holding local government meetings. Why It Matters: These new restrictions are part of an ongoing diplomatic tit-fortat between the United States and China over a variety of issues, including Hong Kong’s political crisis, human rights abuses in Xinjiang and China’s activities in the South China Sea. Afghanistan: Kabul Resumes Prisoner Releases, Moves Toward Talks With Taliban Sep 2, 2020 A Taliban spokesman said the group had released at least four captured Afghan commandos in exchange for the Afghan government releasing an additional 200 Taliban prisoners, BBC reported Sept. 2. An Afghan official said that additional prisoner releases are expected in the coming days. Why It Matters: The mutual prisoner exchanges have put the government and the Taliban back on track toward holding direct talks in Doha, which are expected to begin shortly after the full prisoner release is complete. Belarus: Lukashenko Promises Constitutional Referendum Aug 31, 2020 Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko announced that a planned constitutional reform and referendum vote will be put up for public debate. Why It Matters: Adjustments to the current Belarusian constitution have been in discussion for several years. But amid the country’s current postelection crisis, Lukashenko has recently become more vocal on the topic in the hopes of quelling growing demands for political change without having to resign or hold another election. Afghanistan: U.S. Military Officials Accuse Taliban of Violating Peace Deal by Conducting Rocket Attacksl Aug 31, 2020 Three U.S. military officials claimed the Taliban was behind a series of recent rocket


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 attacks against U.S. positions in Afghanistan, violating the U.S.-Taliban peace deal, The New York Times reported Aug. 30. Why It Matters: Taliban leaders have denied the group’s involvement in the incidents, which could indicate a lack of cohesion within the group and possible splintering. Continued rocket attacks could also force the U.S. government to release a public response officiating the military officials’ claim. The White House, however, may be reluctant to do so for fear of jeopardizing its peace deal with the Taliban, which paves the way for U.S. President Donald Trump’s desired military withdrawal from the conflict in Afghanistan.

Egypt: Security Forces Arrest Prominent Muslim Brotherhood Leader Aug 28, 2020 Egyptian authorities announced that Mahmoud Ezzat, the acting leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, was arrested after authorities raided an apartment in Cairo. Why It Matters: Ezzat’s arrest will likely impact the Muslim Brotherhood’s operations and influence its future direction as an organization, particularly in Egypt where Ezzat and his predecessor Mohamed Badie (the group's two most prominent leaders) are both now facing life sentences.


GLOBAL SITUATION REPORT Russia: Hospitalized Opposition Leader Likely Poisoned, Says Doctors Aug 24, 2020 The hospital in Berlin where Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny is being treated said that he appears to have been poisoned, with initial clinical tests pointing to intoxication with cholinesterase inhibitors. Why It Matters: Navalny’s alleged poisoning of points to a potential attempt by either the Kremlin itself, or local political actors in Russia who support the Kremlin’s position, to suppress opposition activities in the country.

U.S., Iraq: Al-Kadhimi Visits White House in Second Round of Strategic Dialogue Aug 20, 2020 Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi met with U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House after five U.S. companies (Chevron, Honeywell, Baker Hughes, General Electric and Stellar Energy) signed agreements with Iraq’s ministries of oil and electricity, Reuters reported Aug. 20. Why It Matters: Al-Kadhimi’s visit to Washington is largely dedicated to strengthening commercial ties between U.S. companies and Iraq’s oil and gas and electricity sectors under his nascent leadership. Strategically, the visit is also about the future of U.S. troops in Iraq, as Iraq’s government seeks to preserve a close working relationship with the United States, while at the same time maintaining functional ties with Iran.



One of the biggest ongoing phenomena is the firearms space is the concept of a trunk gun. Whether it is a handgun, shotgun, or a rifle, firearms are simply tools.


TRUNK GUNS When it comes to any tool, you first must ask what is your objective? Let’s begin by considering the history or evolution of this phenomenon. The precursor to trunk guns were probably truck guns. These were often rifles placed in the back of pickup trucks, which allowed ranchers and farmers who were working the land or tending to herds to deal with verments, predators, or other threats to their crops and livestock. And occasionally, to put down injured livestock. It historically also had the ability to be used for hunting or defense, if required. Truck guns gave their owners additional firepower or reach when their handguns may not have been sufficient. Meanwhile, for decades police officers often carried trunks guns in their patrol cars for when they needed enhanced firepower. The most frequently carried trunk gun for police officers was the shotgun. The shotgun is a very formidable adversary and is used by many departments, private security firms, and civilians who need simplicity and enhanced firepower as cost-effective option.


Better funded departments, agencies, and civilians have moved from shotguns in favor of carbines for the ease of firing, reach, penetration, capacity and the need to keep up with the firepower being carried by today’s professional predators. Trunk Guns are Luxuries First, in my humble opinion, a trunk gun is a luxury because the speed of violence often does not afford us the convenience of time or place to pick the engagement or the tempo of the event. In reality, more often than not, you may have to fight with what you have at hand. Whether that is your handgun, blade, or vehicle, because unless you are doing armed security in high risk areas or working high profile government sites, rarely do people carry long guns on their person. Also, if I could predict the time and place of a potential encounter I would just choose to not be there as opposed to getting into a firefight. Transitioning to the Trunk Gun Considerations If I am thinking about transitioning to a trunk gun either the situation has significantly deteriorated

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 to where a tactical escape or the ability to move to hard cover is not available. Or it could be that I am in a scenario where I am significantly overpowered and outgunned. Other considerations could be where I may need to proactively prepare for the trouble I see ahead, with the consideration that I might be forced to engagement as I move through an environment. Or it could be that I am responding to a call for assistance where I may not momentarily be the focus of the threat, which would allow me to proactively transition to the additional firepower in a low risk environment. Speed of Violence and Vehicle Gun Fighting When time is life, what is the most efficient way to problem solve the issue? If this is an immediate close proximity threat, is the threat best resolved with the operator attempting to access their firearm or should we let the vehicle do the fighting? For years, drivers have been transitioning from the brake to the gas pedal and can do that in a nanosecond. What is most likely to change the bad guy’s channel, seeing a 5,600 lb. projectile (a Ford F150) coming at him

or a 55-grain hollow point bullet? When it comes to a deadly force situation, and particularly the concept of vehicle gun fighting or fighting in and around the vehicle, typically the only way I am doing that is if my vehicle is disabled. If not, I am driving into, around, or over the threat. Level up If you have decided a trunk gun has a place in your self-defense arsenal, then you may want to consider leveling up to give you increased reach, accuracy, capacity, penetration or stopping power over your handgun. Rarely would I look to transition to another pistol caliber weapon. Long guns with their three points of contact offer enhanced stability and also aide in increased accuracy and ability to manage recoil on initial shots and subsequent follow up shots. Transitioning to a rifle caliber ammunition often allows you enhanced reach. And AR style weapons, whether rifle or pistol, offer you enhanced capacity. If your trunk gun is a shotgun, shotguns are devastating, particularly when loaded with 00 Buck or slugs. They have a proven reliability and many states allow private security officers to carry shotguns


TRUNK GUNS as patrol options, but rarely authorize carbines. Don’t Step on the Wrong Side of the Law One significant advantage of an AR Pistol if you have a CCW is it may be more beneficial if you will be crossing state lines because it is a pistol and covered by your CCW in states that reciprocate with your home state. An example of law, under Georgia law, O.C.G.A. § 16-11-126 states: “Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a weapon or long gun on his or her property or inside his or her home, motor vehicle, or place of business without a valid weapons carry license. Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun may have or carry on his or her person a long gun without a valid weapons’ carry license, provided that if the long gun is loaded, it shall only be carried in an open and fully exposed manner. Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 long gun may have or carry any handgun provided that it is enclosed in a case and unloaded. Any person who is not prohibited by law from possessing a handgun or long gun who is eligible for a weapons carry license may transport a handgun or long gun in any private passenger motor vehicle.� All states are not as firearm friendly as Georgia, so consult an attorney in your home state or pending states of travel to stay up to date with current laws as you don’t want to carry a felony. Responsibility Starts with Securing your Weapon Every year law enforcement departments pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to replace firearms stolen from the trunks of officer’s vehicles. Whether you are a law enforcement officer, private security operator, or

a civilian, as a responsible gun owner you must take steps to ensure our firearms are secure. There are a number of great security devices on the market today including weapons clamps, storage boxes, firearms safes and console, rear seat, trunk, or bed vaults. All of these may be accessed through a variety of methods from keys, codes, dials to biometric options. Another consideration for your trunk gun is to carry it in a bag. The benefits of carrying it in a bag is that it provides you the element of concealability, lets you grab and go, and gives you the assurance of knowing you are carrying both the secondary weapon and spare ammunition in the event of a protracted engagement. If I am carrying it in a bag, I like low-profile messenger style bags or backpacks without molle straps so that the bag does not scream



“shooter.” Also, the other benefit of the bags is you can get them with bulletproof inserts and carry an individual first aid kit (IFAK). Six’s – Six Sense onTrunk Guns 1. Learn to be proficient with your EDC, the best gun you have is the one you have on you at the moment of the initial encounter. Trunk guns are luxuries remember the bad guys often dictates the time, place and cadence of the encounter. Rarely will it be convenient. 2. Level up from your EDC. Don’t trade one handgun caliber round for another handgun caliber round.

3. Trunk guns must be stored securely but easily accessible. Remember time is life. 4. The AR pistol platform fitted with some type of stabilization brace offers you the greatest options for accuracy, reach, penetration, capacity and transportability particularly if you have a CCW. 5. Know the laws in your home state and states of travel, so you don’t carry a felony. 6. Never leave your trunk gun in your vehicle overnight. Stay safe, and whatever trunk gun you decide on, take time to master accessing it as much as operating it.

Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to several print, broadcast, and online media. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction.


An Introduction to Celebrity Protection and Touring WORKING WITH THE MEDIA

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Miguel DeCoste

FOOT STEPS By: Jose Casillas

Episode 6: Harlan Austin Founder Bodyguard Careers Harlan “Hucky� Austin, has a career many would say was touched twice by the angels of fortune. First as the personal protector for arguably one of the biggest stars in the world. And again, as the creator


and brainchild behind Bodyguard Careers, which at one point was the most trafficked website in the industry.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 I had a chance to sit down with Harlan and get some additional insight into his time in the profession. Q: For those who don't know of you or haven't read your blog, you had an extended relationship as the protector to the music superstar, Prince. How did you get in the position itself and what type of skills and/or experience helped you keep the position? A: When I started working for Prince most of the bodyguard schools that are popular now weren't around back then. Or if they weren't in their infancy, they weren't around. My childhood best friend was Princes’ bass player. I was a freshman in college playing football and when I wasn't playing my friend would bring me out to rehearsals to just watch the band. Prince had this bodyguard by the name of Charles, AKA, "Big Chuck". One day he asked me if I was ever interested in becoming a bodyguard. He was a big guy, very old school. But years later, I learned that there's more to just this industry than just being a big guy. Our greatest tool is our mind and being able to communicate and having soft skills is what keeps you on the job. Learn to adapt into the environment you're in.

I had people who understood the protection industry and guided me and helped me make smart and wise decisions. The music industry is a cut throat business and if you don't have allies you're going to have a hard time.


FOOT STEPS Q: After you established a very amazing breakthrough right off the bat, how did you develop going forward? A: I can't tell you how important it is to have a mentor. I had people who understood the protection industry and guided me and helped me make smart and wise decisions. The music industry is a cut-throat business and if you don't have allies, you're going to have a hard time. I had mentors who had nothing to do with protection, but they had been in the music industry for years and they were able to guide me. They helped me have a relationship with a client. Getting work isn't hard in this industry. The hard part is staying on a detail. You have protectors that have years working with artists and that's impressive because that means they get it. And they know how to navigate the environment they're in. Another thing I learned is that if you can't sell yourself, then why should anyone hire you? This is where the soft skills come into play. I'm also big on continuing education so to be proficient I began reading a


lot of books. My first book was "Dead Clients Don't Pay." I have an association with EPI. Jerry Haying and I are good friends. Also, what Elijah Shaw has done is very solid as well in regard to ICON. Q: A seasoned protector such as yourself, you've been there and done that. Especially in the realm of celebrity protection. What are a few similarities and differences that you've seen in throughout the years? What was the most difficult aspect in celebrity protection that you had to prevail in, if any? And how did you adjust to the lifestyle? A: Celebrity protection is still the same in the regards of long nights, huge crowds, nightclubs, concerts and traveling. This is something you have to adjust to. I tell a lot of people to do their research first. Not just on the job, but on the client. If they like to enjoy family dinners every night, then celebrity protection isn't for them. I didn't see my child for 8 months and it was really depressing for me. This is when I transitioned into contract security. Corporate security might be a better route for those that enjoy

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 getting 8 hours of sleep and having a set schedule. Regardless of the client, the fundamentals of protection are the same. You'll have a couple of nuances and changes in environment. Q: On your website you offer phone consultations for those who have need a little extra help gaining employment in this industry, in various subjects such as marketing, how to interview and where to seek employment even if that means to travel. What is some advice you would give to our readers? A: I would suggest looking at resumes of seasoned veterans. This will give you an understanding on what you need. And most importantly, be patient. Not everyone will get put on that once in a lifetime detail.

an EP position. Tony Scotti and Joe Autera (VDI) are extremely knowledgeable, and I recommend anyone to go to them. Make sure you build your resume and set yourself apart from the bunch. Another hack I tell a lot of young people is to go on the website and look at a position they're interested in and take note of the requirement and become the shape that fits into place.

Q: In your blog you write about numerous topics such as networking and a surplus of other advice on the Executive Protection industry. What inspired you to create a blog with so many gems of knowledge that most people would "gatekeep?� A: I simply started the site because I wanted to give back. I believe with my heart and soul that if Building your resume is important, but don't expect you give, everything will instant results. Think about return back to you. When I started my website back in where you want to be 2005 there weren’t really and build up to it, as it's any websites on EP so all about strategy. One when someone asked me of the things I often tell how to get in the industry, people is that I would go I shared some information to a driving school before with him. Around the I went to an EP school because you're most likely same time, I was told I should write a blog. And it to get a driving job than


FOOT STEPS was very gratifying when someone told me that the information I put out really helped them accomplish X, Y, and Z. Importantly, I believe having a humble mindset is crucial to have in the entertainment industry because if you and the client have two big egos then that won't last very long. Q: Given your extensive knowledge and experience, what has been a success story as a mentor and as a protector in this industry? A: One of my success stories is when I mentored this young kid and to see him where he's at right now, makes me proud. When he got put on a detail, I told him to be more than just "the big guy." Some clients are comfortable with having a big guy around, but better yourself, be the individual that's sharp. He's now working with Facebook’s EP team and it feels satisfying to know that I had a small part in

his journey. My biggest success story overall was creating the blog. I had no technical skills at all and to know that I have a website that can help thousands of people is a comforting feeling. Q: If someone were to retrace your footsteps on your journey thus far, is there anything that you would have them do differently? Is there anything you would advise others to avoid? A: I would tell them that unless they had a strong military or law enforcement background, to start training right away. The options in the 1980’s weren't that great, so take advantage of the programs out now. I would also recommend taking in as much information as you can. Listen to podcasts such as Conversations in Close Protection or Executive Protection Lifestyle. A word of caution: avoid lying about your experience or your clientele because it's a small industry and eventually the truth gets out.

Jose Casillas is a Los Angles based Executive Protection Agent who specializes in red carpet events, movie premiers, & estate security. He also teaches martial arts and works as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT). His monthly series Footsteps is designed to give some closer insight to individuals in the Executive Protection industry.



event rEVIEW Circuit Magazine Hosts Learning and Development Forum for Security Professionals

Virtual event Friday, September 4th, 2020.

The Circuit Magazine held a Virtual Learning and Development Forum on September 4, 2020, that was attended by Executive Protection specialists and experts from around the globe, including the UK, US, Europe, Latin America, Middle East and West Africa. The goal of the Forum was to highlight the emerging training and development priorities that should guide and inform the working CP in the current pandemic world and beyond.

The recent pandemic has resulted in many companies needing to pivot their products and service delivery new and innovative ways in order to continue to reach their customers and audiences. In the training


EVENT REVIEW and educational space, this has meant many providers have taken to offering virtual training and dispensing selfaccredited awards. While, in a general sense, this is understandable and even applauded, it has given rise to opportunist and half-baked, poorly implemented systems. Being uniquely placed at the heart of the protection community, the Circuit Magazine brought together and connected thought leaders in this space to dig deep to discover whether online training has a place in this industry and how practitioners can navigate this potential minefield to make valuable investments in their education and development.

tactical medical skills still an area of neglect?”, the event featured key industry heavy hitters, all of whom generously contributed informative and valuable expertise and perspectives on a range of relevant and timely topics. Participants also gleaned tips and insights on how to go beyond their paper CVs and better navigate their careers in a post-COVID world. “For me, part of it is getting a sense of a person’s character and then that way I have additional assurances of the skillset they’re presenting for, what they’re trying to say, and if they are managing themselves well.”

Elijah Shaw on assessing From topics such as: a CP beyond just the “Does an academic degree training and qualifications add to your employment listed on his or her prospects?” and “Are resume.



Not only did participants gain from the expertise presented, they also participated and engaged in the highly interactive workshops as a unique and effective learning and development tool. Various workshop presenters highlighted real-world scenarios that a working CP might encounter and how to best overcome them. “The principal was able to continue on and her secretary didn’t get fired.”

Special Thanks… Special thanks must go out to all our participants and esteemed speakers and panellists who held nothing back and delivered a truly memorable experience. We’re indebted to each and every one of you for the time you gave and the selfless dedication in sharing of your valuable professional experience and knowledge.

In an era of unprecedented uncertainty facing the modern close protection specialist, we set out with the goal of Kristian Zerkowitz on ‘preventing further casualties’ providing some guidance and when the battlefield is a client direction, without knowing, for sure, that this type of with ill-fitting stiletto heels. format would meet the needs. Based on the feedback we The event was extremely have received from you, well-attended, with almost both during the event and all participants staying post-event, we believe that until the very end as the it has indeed been a valuable curtain came down after addition and welcomed 4 hours of jam-packed resource. And given that it sessions. 80% of attendees was so well-received, we will were solo practitioners, look to bring you more in the actively pursuing careers in near future. protection, while the other 20% comprised of employers, The only question which small business owners, and remains is what topics should training providers. we cover? And again, this is where we look to hear from The event itself was of much you, our valued readers. If greater value than other you’d like to suggest a topic online event formats due to for our next event, drop us participants feeling included, an email at info@circuitvalued and acknowledged which, in turn, helped develop with your suggestions. our existing community.


EVENT REVIEW Event Programme The forum was compressed into an intensive 4 hours of discussion and training split across 8 sessions. Session 1: How can today’s CPO make sense of the training landscape? Discussion panel featuring Ivor Terret, Director, Enablement Advisors; Angie Clarke, Retired. Metropolitan Police; Sean Colsey, Director, Minerva Elite; Jacquie Davis, COO, Optimal Risk; Mike O’Neill, MD, Optimal Risk Session 2: Future direction of the Circuit Magazine and British Bodyguard Association. Fireside chat with Jon Moss, Chief Editor, Circuit Magazine. Session 3: Healthcare Planning and Training in a Pandemic Environment Workshop delivered by Paul Steward of Platinum Oak Ltd. Session 4: The importance of academic training in intelligence and security Discussion panel featuring Kevin Weekes, Director, Zenrs, Gavin Wilson, Wilson James, Samantha Newbury, University of Salford. Session 5: Tactical Medicine Training Workshop delivered by Kristian Zerkowitz, Chief Operating Officer, Auriex Global Session 6: What Wider Skills Does Today’s EP Professional Need to Succeed? Discussion panel featuring Elijah Shaw, Editor, Circuit Magazine & Director Industry Icon, Anton Kalaydjian, CEO, Guardian Professional Security, Joe LaSorsa, LaSorsa & Associates. Session 7: Developing Infosec Skills as an Executive Protection Professional Discussion and presentation delivered by James Bore of Bores Session 8: TRM & hotel security skills for the EP agent of tomorrow Workshop presented by Mac Segal, Vice President of Business Development and Consulting, AS Solution

If you’d like to suggest a topic for our next event, drop us an email at with your suggestions.



Virtual Events Corporate Security Modernization Forum DMV 25-Sept, 2020

ISC West Virtual Event 05-Oct, 2020

SOC of the Future Munich Forum 08-Oct, 2020

Corporate Security Modernization Forum Tri-State 20-Nov, 2020

Executive Office Risk Management Forum 03-Dec, 2020

GSX Plus 21-25 September, 2020

Behavioural Analysis Week 5-8 October, 2020



Live Attendance Events (Monitor the event sites for Covid19 updates and any changes to schedules) Managed Security Services Forum Sept 17, 2020 London, UK

Security 500 Conference Nov 16, 2020 Washington, DC

Sicherheits Expo Munich 21-22 October, 2020 Germany

International Security Expo 2020 Dec 2 – 3, 2020 London, UK

Sicherheits Expo Munich 21-22 October, 2020 Munich, Germany

Intersec Middle East 24-26 January, 2021 Dubai

Sixth Annual Executive Security and CP Technology Forum London 28th January, 2021 London, UK

Safety and Security Expo Asia 30 March - 1 April, 2021 Singapore

LAAD Defence and Security Brazil 6 - 9 April, 2021 Brazil

IFSEC Global 18-20 May, 2021 ExCeL London, UK

ASIS Europe 2021 31 May – 2 June, 2021 Prague, Czech Republic

Fifth Annual Cyber Physical Convergence Forum London 10-June, 2021 London, UK

International Security Expo London 28-29 September, 2021 London, UK

Security 500 Conferences (Washington DC) 15-Nov, 2021 Washnington DC, United States

ISC East 17-18 Nov, 2021 London, UK

Do you have a security event that is not listed here that you would like our readers to know about? Contact us:



Keeping Your Edge:

Listen in Totality “If a person shows you who they are, believe them.”

Someone said this quote to me a long time ago and it really resonated. It was one of those things where the more I thought about what it actually meant, the more insight I gained from just those few short words.

Keeping Your Edge: Action vs. Reaction

The quote itself originated from the American poet, Maya Angelou. And while it’s very unlikely social media was on her mind, or even a thing, when she drafted it, I think it’s very fitting on how it plays into society today.

By: Elijah Shaw

All across the world, people are using social platforms as a soapbox to stand on and display their views, popular or otherwise. While the medium was originally conceived to bring people together, these


KEEPING YOUR EDGE days, it seems to be responsible for widening the divisions between individuals. There are a number of reasons for this, many which speak to the dissatisfaction of the population, the manipulation by the tech corporations to generate revenue, and simple biology in the form of the release of serotonin when the “like” button is displayed.

tactics, both above board and underhanded, are going to be utilized in order to gain market position and share.

However, in the past, all of this would have been done while still keeping an eye on your personal brand or reputation, whatever that may be. No one was looking to jeopardize their business opportunities by alienating and/ or offending whole demographics. In the Whatever the driving past, we might have factor may be in looked at each other as people airing out their business rivals, but we grievances on the Facebooks, Twitters, and never sought to openly Instagrams of the world, denigrate because of I wouldn’t have guessed a person’s religion, race, political or socioearly on it would be so economic status. Of prevalent in the Close course, these things do Protection community. happen covertly. Biases Don’t get me wrong, have existed since the ours has always been dawn of man. However, an industry populated these days, the filter by Alphas. And by its has been removed and very definition, the the floodgate has been term means there opened wide. will be infighting in order to establish dominance on a variety In one breath we call ourselves, of fronts. Additionally, “professionals,” and the economics of the in the next, we are profession, and the denigrating whole rules of supply and groups that others, who demand dictate that


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 we also call professionals, identify with. And here’s the kicker: It doesn’t happen face to face, it happens online, with all the anonymity and “keyboard courage” the platforms promote. The same individual who will like a meme that uses an ethnic slur on their home page will also list dozens of that same ethnicity as their social media friends and not see the disconnect between the two. Don’t get me wrong, I know there is a fair amount of ribbing and hazing that goes on in a group, particularly a group with such a large membership pulled from the military and law enforcement. With that said, the level of vitriol now being exhibited has far surpassed that. It’s great to have different views, but in our profession, we have always at least tried to act impartially. Now all

pretext has been thrown out the window and the lines in the sand have been drawn. The thing I would caution is that there is no coming back from some things. You may think that your words are only you blowing off steam, but if you put it on the internet, plan on it living forever. Also beware jumping on the bandwagon on a hot button topic. Most of these are hot for a reason, usually being discussed shortly after the moment of incident, and with much more conjecture than fact. It’s been proven that “engagement” on social media offers a type of high, in and of itself. But in that quest for likes and thumbs up don’t end up handicapping your career. Those posts might end up painting a picture of you that won’t hang in a museum, but instead collect dust in a pawn shop.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in international publications such as Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School. His book, An Introduction to Executive Protection & Touring: A Guide to Mastering the Business of VIP Security, hit the Amazon best sellers list, and is available now worldwide.







Email: United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E - A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Alex Morgan - Close Protection Officer I am a hardworking, enthusiastic and committed person. Adaptable and driven, I have great attention to detail and high standards. I am honest, reliable, friendly and work well as part of a team as well as on my own initiative. I am also a good listener who has the ability to communicate with people at all levels. I am comfortable, both taking and issuing direction. I am looking for the opportunity to apply and expand my skills. E: T: 07775 636964 Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750

Amber Security and Protection United Kingdom At Amber Security and Protection Ltd we pride ourselves on providing a bespoke and tailored Close Protection, Residential Security, World Class Travel Security and Risk Management service to all our National and International clients. The Directors and Senior Operators are former military, law enforcement or special forces personnel who are fully operational SIA licensed close protection operatives who have over 40 years experience in both the military and civilian private security sectors. E: T: 07425868014 (07540392093) W: Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526 Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843 Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E:


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counterterrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E : Control Risk Management Solutions - CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E: Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427 CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: Daniel Gentry Close Protection Operative I am a former RAF Regiment Gunner with 8 years experience, including various command roles and operational tours of Iraq

and Afghanistan. My previous role as a behaviour specialist saw me de-escalating potentially dangerous situations on a daily basis. These two jobs combined have put me in a position where I am now very effective at managing not only a variety of situations but also a variety of different people, often from very diverse cultures. E: T: 07445181281 DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, full-service company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350


CLASSIFIEDS Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : King Cobra Security Ltd King Cobra Security are a Milton Keynes based company, incorporating Certificated Enforcement Agents, Security and Surveillance officers carrying services for the Domestic & Corporate Sector. Being one of Milton Keynes leading and vibrant companies not scared by trying new technologies sets us out from the rest. We are capable of tasking agents throughout the UK & Internationally when required. E : T: 0330 223 5099 W: International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E: John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W:

K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E: Michael Boreland Close Protection Officer Since leaving the British Army in 2006 I have been working in hostile environments for private security companies in various roles ranging from Training & Close protection. I have successfully managed a training wing in Afghanistan providing security operations training for local nationals & Expats conducting operations in the region I believe with my skills and experience of the employment I have done in the past I would be an asset to any organisation taking myself on as an employee. MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: Oliver Mike Close Protection Operative I came from Hungary and live in the Uk in London since 2014. I was a Police Officer for 23 years as a Counter-Terrorism Specialist. Next to the police I became a Close Protection Operative and self-defense instructor (Krav Maga). I was a member of the International Krav Maga Federation (IKMF). During my service I have been protecting Hungarian Prime Ministers, Interior Ministers, Foreign Ministers, Ambassador of Israel and other politicians of other countries. E: T: +447413190349 W: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Peter Jenkins Peter Jenkins is the director of surveillance training company ISS Training Ltd. He has been managing his own commercial and corporate investigation business in Yorkshire for the past 25 years. Previous to this, Peter spent 12 years in the Royal Marines where he specialised in various roles which included reconnaissance, intelligence, counter terrorism and instructing. He continues to carry out surveillance work on a regular basis and regularly instructs on surveillance training courses internationally. E: W:

T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF. Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W:

Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations.

Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525 RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W:



I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586

RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E: Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Steve Pittman - Security Manager of Operations I have been active in the security industry for over 25 years in various roles including close protection where I have been responsiblefor the the welfare of high net worth individuals in low and high risk situations . I have also a vast amount of experience in many other areas of there security industry including Door Supervision, Security Management, Event Security, and Residential Security. E: steve@covert T: 07818800778 Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector.

Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: Vas Sotiropoulos London, UK I am a security operator with over nineteen years of experience in close protection, counter-surveillance, diplomatic protection, door supervision, and CCTV monitoring in the United Kingdom and Greece. Second Lieutenant in the elite of the Hellenic Army, the Special Forces. Undertaken a number of close protection courses run by the Greek Ministry of Defence, the VIP Protection Unit of the Hellenic Police, and the Surveillance Department of the US Embassy in Athens. Highly motivated and confident relocated to the UK for further career progression and to install my own footprint in the private security sector. Fully licensed Close Protection Officer by the British Security Industry Authority. E: T 02038882020 W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Wagtail UK Wales, UK Wagtail UK are international specialists in detection dogs and dog handler training. Established in 2003, Wagtail UK provides detection dogs and related services for government agencies such as UK Border Force, HM Revenue & Customs, Police, Trading Standards and Armed Forces. Wagtail International School of Excellence in North Wales is a fully approved training centre endorsed by Highfield Awarding Body for Certification. T: +44(0)1745 561166 E: W: Westminster Security Ltd London, UK Westminster Security Ltd are an independent, industry leading private security company in London; providing security and investigation services throughout the UK, EU and worldwide for our clients. We specialise in close protection services; providing exmilitary and police bodyguards to many national and international companies, heads of state, royalty, high-profile personalities, CEO's, private individuals and families. T: +44 (0)207 123 4544 E: W:


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 54 Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E :


Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. zOur graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain - Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: Nemesis Protection Ruma, Serbia Nemesis Protection is a Risk Management Company specialized in providing viable, bespoke, optimal, feasible and cost-effective security and training solutions for corporations, government institutions, and private clients worldwide. Nemesis Protection offers a full spectrum of services including Risk Advisory, Close Protection, Asset Protection, Security Driving, Surveillance & Private Investigation, Information Security, Transport Security, Staffing, and Specialist Security Training. T: 00381644679650 E: W: TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W : Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W:

Wille Heino, Security Specialist, Owner Finland Gambeson is a security training & Consulting Company specialized in countering modern day threats. - Security & safety planning for different events. - Security training: Active shooter/Terrorism awareness/Surveillance detection/Other. - Security consulting. We are specialized in executive protection related services. Local knowledge, trained and licensed close protection offers, mission support, other. E: W: Zika Rakita Managing Director Ruma 22400, Serbia Accomplished, result-driven, and highly motivated Close Protection Operative, conducting protective operations internationally. A background encompassing planning, organizing, leading, and undertaking Close Protection operations in both corporate fields and hostile environments. Proven in achieving results and completing tasks on time, discreetly, and to the highest standards. A confident communicator with the ability to sensitively solve a range of clients’ and colleagues’ problems and inquiries. With the ability to use sound judgment and understanding the operational balance and needs. E: T: 00381644679650 Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for SelfProtection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services


CLASSIFIEDS throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E: Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison - Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience.


Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E: New Zealand Security Investigations & Risk Solutions LTD We are dedicated to providing professional and effective security solutions for your personal or business security requirements. S.I.R.S is one of the only security companies in New Zealand with ISO 9001 and ISO 18788 Running the most advanced security management system Track-Force to help S.I.R.S security operations with realtime reporting and lone worker technology. With a combination of Military and Security industry experienced staff. We offer highquality security services and industry recognised training programs with international qualifications in Close Protection, Bodyguards, Maritime Security, Hostile Environment, Firearms Training, Door Supervision, Private Investigations, Surveillance, CCTV Operations, Event Security, Mobile Patrols and Static Guards. S.I.R.S has the expertise and flexibility to meet a wide variety of client needs. E: T: 02040787549 W:

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Harlan Austin Luiz G. Neto Peter Jenkins Mark Roche EPS Ben Gunn Michael Brown Jr. Denida Zinxhiria Grow Andy Clark Orlando Wilson Thomas Abi-Hanna James Bore Mark “Six” James Jose Casillas

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865

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