Circuit Magazine #44

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44 dress the code

Professional Attire

finding work in protection On the ground in Iraq

Protecting journalists

It just got more dangerous

3 Keys to EP Success

Tiger kidnapping ARE YOU BEING targeted? DUE DILIGENCE



CONTENTS 02 Contents


04 UK Foreword 07 US Foreword 08 On the Ground in Iraq A Medics Experience


16 Men's Professional Attire How to Dress the Code 21 Finding Work in the Personal Protection Industry Hints and Tips 32 Industry Standards Are They Out the Door?


38 Stalkers and Super Fans: When Does Being A Fan Go Too Far? 44 Protecting Journalsits Just Got a Lot More Dangerous 56 Surveillance Training Qualifications?


62 Event Report 65 Three Keys to EP Success



Stalkers and Super Fans: When Does Being A Fan Go Too Far?

38 65

70 Tiger Kidnapping Are you Being Targeted? 80 Incident Report Global Round Up 88 Managing your Digital Footprint 92 Close Protection Strategies The Future of Self Defence Training


98 Keeping Your Edge Measured Response to Your Security 101 Classifieds



Whoosh! That’s the sound of another year flying by as 2018 starts drawing to a close, where does time go? Has 2018 been successful for you and if you could play it back would you do things differently? Only in the last couple of years have I started to look at time and consider whether I’d do things a little differently. To me it is increasingly important to take note of how time can quickly pass you by and to not get carried away chasing the dollar. We all work to provide for our families and to create a better life, yet when working in the protection industry you can sacrifice so much. Time spent away from your family and loved ones brings with it missed Christmas’s, Birthdays, Anniversaries, not being there when someone important to you has passed away…..the list goes on. It’s only as I have got older that I’ve started to take note and try to make some subtle changes, of course in the field we’re in this isn’t always easy. Keeping in your mind why you are in this career and remembering the people you are providing for is important. of course it’s great bringing home good money every month but if you are not there to enjoy the fruits of your labour with your family what is it all really for? Take time to enjoy your hard-earned money with those who are important to you. You will find that nine times our of ten it is not the money that is important to your loved ones but it is the quality time that you spend together. Keep your eye on the

ball and don’t let your family run away from you by spending so much time away and not giving them the attention they deserve. In considering how precious our time on this planet is I’ve had to accept some harsh realities. We’re not invincible, we won’t live forever and we’re not all off to Valhalla to drink mead with Odin at the end of days! A bodyguard is like a professional sportsman, there is a time limit on the period you are marketable as a front line protector. With this in mind you need to plan ahead and not let time run away before embarking on the next stage of your career, whatever that may be. There is nothing saying you can’t work in the protection for many years to come, especially as you have so much experience to give. However it is a natural life cycle, our bodies can’t do what they did in our twenties and thirties in your forties, fifties and sixties. Of course, there are always exceptions to this rule and I’m sure we’re all hoping that’s us, but it would still be wise to plan for your future, stay in the driving seat and not let life take you by surprise. Wherever you are we wish you a great festive season, stay safe and have a great start to 2019!

Shaun West Editor


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2018 is about to wrap up and I have to say it’s been a really good year. From a personal perspective I have a lot to be thankful for; I’m blessed to have my health, a wonderful family and sound piece of mind. From a business standpoint, I literally spend every day working in an industry that I love, and while nothing in life is all roses, I can say without a doubt that the good days outweigh the bad by an overwhelming margin. The other thing that has made this year exceptional is that when I look around I see people becoming more and more active in the field and living out their dreams. While it doesn’t happen overnight, and it just plain can’t happen for everyone, I’m a firm believer that if you have drive, initiative, training, and a dose of what some like to call luck, if you want to be in this business on a consistent basis, you can. I can tell the people who love what they do, it sticks on them like a second skin, they eat, drink and sleep portions of the business. That’s not to say they don’t have other passions and motivations in life (I certainly do) but, they have something that

keeps them engaged even when the detail is over at the end of the day. That could be working on the next assignment, engaging in shop talk on internet message boards, or reading a book or magazine about the industry. It’s that last part that I can again chime in about being thankful about, namely that I’m involved with The Circuit, a magazine that dedicated to the security professional and has been a go to for well over a decade. Within these pages are article upon article made available to the casual reader, but designed for the Protection Specialist who is integrated in the business the same way a stock broker would gravitate towards the Financial Times. So, yes, 2018 has been great to me and the Circuit Magazine has been a part of that blessing that I think will continue for years to come. Elijah Shaw US Editor



By: Jon Dennison

A Medics Experience on the ground in Iraq in 2018.

how the industry has changed and evolved The role of the medic working on the ground in hostile environments has evolved enormously over the last 15 years. For the purpose of this article I will use my experiences in Iraq as this is where I am at present.

who had left the military and qualified as HSE Offshore Medics. Some had not done any ‘civilian’ courses but were hired on the strength of their military qualifications and experience; the guys would generally operate as firstly a PSD team member/ In the early days of ‘private operator, and secondly as a contractor’ work in Iraq team medic. In those days following the end of the the drugs and equipment war in 2003, medics were carried by the medics was generally unregulated and very limited; generally, unregistered, most being FFDs, quick clot, blast ex RMAs (now CMT1s) bandages and if you were



lucky some morphine auto as a lone medic often in injectors, Paracetamol and remote locations. These Ibuprofen. changes have caused multiple shifts in the Over the years, with the industry standard and added involvement of requirements to become a oil and gas companies, Tier 2 Medic. This should alongside government be a good thing but it also contracts, the role of the comes with pitfalls. medic has evolved from working as a ‘team medic’ As the industry grew into a ‘Tier 2’ medic who and moved forward, excarries a comprehensive military medics who had medical kit & medications, no civilian qualifications and is able to function no longer met the


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 requirements set by the oil companies and so the HSE Offshore Medic became the standard. Ex-military medics were, and still are, preferred over civilians but only if they have completed the HSE OSM and are up to date with all their qualifications. Since 2016 there has been another shift in the qualifications accepted within the industry to become a ‘Tier 2’. The oil companies operating in Iraq no longer acknowledge that having the HSE Offshore Medic is enough, and now will only accept guys who are either UK HCPC registered paramedics or HSE Offshore Medics who were previously military CMT1 medics with operational experience.

Problems are starting to arise for companies who are rigid in the pre-requisites set down for their medics as this leaves a shortage of well qualified medics in the industry and the salary is constantly diminishing leaving a huge issue with retention for these companies.

Outside of the oil and gas industry; namely the PSD or De-Mining industries, anyone who has completed a recognised paramedic, nurse or offshore medic course along with ACLS and Advanced Trauma management still meets the requirements to work as a ‘Tier 2’ Medic. Problems are starting to arise for companies


A MEDICS EXPERIENCE who are rigid in the pre-requisites set down for their medics as this leaves a shortage of well qualified medics in the industry and the salary is constantly diminishing leaving a huge issue with retention for these companies. Ex-military CMT1s are finding it more and more difficult to reciprocate their qualifications across to the HCPC in the UK, and as of either March 2019 or 2020 (it is difficult to get a definitive date as it keeps moving) to become a UK paramedic you must have a bachelor’s degree. This means that unless companies are prepared to pay well, they will further continue to fill these positions.

through to anaphylactic reactions to name a few. We also carry around 20 medications; mostly analgesics (IV / IM), anti-inflammatories, anti-histamines, Broncho dilators and TXA for severe haemorrhages. We are in a fortunate position wherein we operate from a US military base and are on a state department contract giving us access to their medical facilities, plus the ‘dust-off’ should we need to Casevac a time critical patient. Luckily in the 6 months I have been on the project I have only had to deal with one serious blast injury after a local shepherd stood on a land mine.

Although obviously not a good experience for the injured party, from my perspective it was an At present I am working invaluable experience. in Northern Iraq on a Firstly, it gave me some de-mining project, and ‘hands on’, as ‘skill fade’ is have come across a few a very real issue on jobs issues which may be like this, and secondly worth noting for anyone it gave me chance to interested in working in work with and assess the hostile environment as the skill level of the a medic. local ambulance crews whom we work with on Firstly, on a positive note the ground. I noted the we carry comprehensive local hospital we took medical kits giving us the the patient to was, in capability to deal with my humble opinion not most situations; from fit for purpose, it was blast injuries, gun shots awash with doctors but


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 nobody was prepared to take charge of the patient and the facilities available were, to say the least, minimal.

limited equipment and a culture which gets very emotional and animated upon seeing their compatriots injured. Once we got the patient into the There were a few alarming ambulance and the crew points brought screaming saw the level of injuries to my attention as I and a not unnoticeable watched the ambulance amount of blood, they fell crew work. These crews apart leaving me to work are recruited from the alone. I attributed this to local population and are 2 things; a lack of training quite obviously not to the and a lack of frontline realsame standard as any ex- life experience. Ultimately pat medic, add to that the the patient survived and fact they have incredibly walked away after a few



I was taught to use every incident as a learning experience, and I honestly think we all learned some valuable lessons that day

days in hospital with the loss of an eye but otherwise intact. It may seem to some that losing an eye is quite dramatic and life changing but bearing in mind the mechanism of injury I think he was very lucky indeed. On a more positive note I was taught to use every incident as a learning experience, and I honestly think we all learned some valuable lessons that day; myself, the local ambulance crew, my ex-pat PSD team and the other ex-pat medics I spoke to afterwards all took something positive away from the incident. Having spoken to the other medics on this contract I have come up with a couple of pieces of advice I think are quite pertinent to anyone considering a career as a ‘Tier 2’ Medic. Firstly, speak to as many companies as possible and find out what each requires before spending hard earned cash on courses. There are qualifications which are essential obviously; Advanced trauma (PHTLS, ALS, ATT to name a few)


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 and ACLS. Secondly, think about CPD and planning time on leave to go away and gain some clinical experience. A massive issue with these positions is ‘skill fade’ -you may do three or four eightweek rotations and treat nothing more serious than a cold. A lot of the guys will either do ‘bank’ work for an ambulance service, volunteer for St. John’s ambulance or pay to go abroad to places like South Africa to get some real time hands on and stay sharp.

you are prepared to stand your ground and set yourself a limit as to what you will work for then there are positions out there. The days of the ‘pop star’ wages are over but it is possible to earn a good living.

We all must start somewhere, and I understand that having a job is better than sitting at home not earning, we all have responsibilities at home, but good medics are at a premium and the work is out there. The problems start to arise when overqualified medics take positions There is still a good living which pay under the to be made working in industry average. The the hostile environment company soon cottons as a ‘Tier 2 medic’ but on to this and realise you must be prepared they can drop the daily to spend time doing rate to boost their profit your research and margins knowing that getting yourself properly ‘we all must work’. This qualified. With nowadays has happened in the being put under more security contracting and more pressure to world and is starting save money at every to rear its ugly head in turn, some out there are the medical industry too offering peanuts, but if unfortunately. With over 15 years’ experience working in the hostile environment sector, Jon has covered the whole gamut of roles from PSD/shooter to Project management. In the past few years, Jon has made the transition from Operator to Remote Medic and is currently working in Northern Iraq as a Tier 2 Medic. Any comments or questions, contact Jon directly at:




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Men's Professional Attire: How to Dress the Code

As the less fashion-inclined gender, we have an uphill hike when it comes to adhering to and succeeding at professional dress codes. For many, reading a dress code term is quickly followed by a Google search and maybe a last minute trip to Joe Banks. Hopefully, this ‘beginner's guide' will shed some light on how to get your ‘GQ' on in any dress code, cover some do's and don'ts and offer some

essential items to start building your wardrobe while focusing on how to maintain your functionality and stay dangerous. First, let's go over the different dress codes. The major accepted terminology includes formal, business, business casual and casual.



Business dress should mean one thing and one thing only, a matched suit and tie. This is where you should start your wardrobe by getting a decent pair of black and navy suits. Formal wear is an easy one…you won't have it and will have to rent it. This includes the funny looking tuxedos worn at very fancy dinners. Again, you probably don't and won't own anything for formal dress, just don't confuse the term ‘formal' with a ‘suit and tie.'

is a Haggar ‘Tailored Fit' separate set or the Haggar Performance Stretch Stria separate set. For around $150 you can get a nice looking, well fitting suit for daily wear. Separates are also great as they not only allow you to buy unmatched sizes, but you can also easily buy an Business dress should extra set of slacks, which mean one thing and one is highly recommended thing only, a matched as they wear much faster. suit and tie. This is where Pick a comfortable, rubber you should start your soled, lace-up pair of wardrobe by getting shoes. A great entry a decent pair of black option is the Docker's and navy suits. While Trustee Oxford. For bestmy personal favorite is in-class shoes, the Cole charcoal pin stripe, you Haan 2.Zerogrand Oxford can always add to your are the most comfortable options later, start with and capable shoes I have black and a blue, then add ever worn. For belts, a a brown or charcoal, and good reversible is a even a lighter summer great option; not the color as well, such as a twisty kind but the kind tan. A great entry level where the buckle flips suit, especially if you are over, the twisty kind will like me and never skip break. I travel frequently, chest day (I.E. I have a so I only bring one belt 48-34 chest/waist offset) and my go to is the



DeSantis Econobelt in black. It is rugged, stiff and has a textured interior which makes it a great option for supporting your tools. Business casual is much the same minus the tie and minus the ‘matched' requirement. You can mix and match khakis and a blazer, or stick with the matched set, just lose the tie. Remember, business casual is for casual business, like a seminar or a lunch with a colleague. Casual should be considered a polo and jeans. This way, you won't show up to the event in

your subdued American flag hat, 5.11s and Merrells wondering why people are looking at you funny. 10 Do's and Don'ts ● Select your dress to ‘stay gray:' being on the job is not the time to ‘peacock' to get a glance from the ladies. Fit in, blend, hide in plain sight. Keep it conservative and boring. ● Match your accessories: cuff links, tie and pocket square should match, so should your belt, shoes and socks. ● Get a suit jacket one size larger to allow more arm movement for

Ensure you are groomed appropriately, no body odor and no strong colognes or fragrances. 18

MEN'S PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE driving and do the same with your slacks if you IWB. ● Slacks should fit as to rest on your shoes with a slight bend in material when standing straight up, not bunching up at your ankles. ● Jacket sleeves should be between your thumb's main knuckle up to showing 1/2″ of shirt sleeve and the collar should show 1/4 inch of your shirts collar. ● Wear a watch, but keep

● ●

jewelry to a minimum. Your tie should reach your belt buckle. No skinny ties, nothing flamboyant, wear a tie clip and consider breakables or clip-ons. Tie a full windsor, YouTube is your friend. Shirt-stays are a wonderful thing. Ensure you are groomed appropriately, no body odor and no strong colognes or fragrances. If you have a doubt, you shouldn't wear it.

Joseph M. LaSorsa, CPP® is currently employed as a senior partner managing and conducting: Protective Operations Training Courses, Executive Protection & Bodyguard Services, Risk Management Consultations & Seminars, Workplace Violence Prevention Seminars & Intervention Services, Security Consultations & Seminars, Private Investigations and Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures with LaSorsa & Associates – an International Protection, Investigations & Consulting Firm.


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hints and TIPS for finding work in the personal protection industry Without fail, I receive emails each and every week from people all over the world looking for work. Some emails don’t have any message, just an attachment with their CV, others a brief note saying something like; “Please find attached my CV, contact me if I can be of assistance.” Most are not addressed to anyone in particular, just Dear Sir. Some


have not been blindcopied, so therefore I can see that they have sent the same email to hundreds of others. Often I ask myself in despair... Do people applying for work really think they will get a job like this? Sadly though, the answer is

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 yes, many really do! But believe me, this is most definitely not a good way of finding work and I can guarantee that 99% of all these emails are never even looked at, let alone their CVs opened and read. Yet time and time again people continue to send these kinds of emails out to contractors and employees expecting a reply, and despondent when they don't get one. If I had a pound (ÂŁ) for every time someone has said to me that there is no work in the close protection industry, I would be retired in a quiet little cottage overlooking the sea. Sadly I am not. So listen carefully... There is work worldwide within the close protection industry; in London alone, at any one time there are hundreds of CPOs working full-time and, over the course of a year, probably thousands on temporary contracts for concerts, private parties, special events, shortterm assignments, visits, meetings, conferences etc. Globally there are more countries with the highest threat level (Cat.

If I had a pound for every time someone has said to me that there is no work in the close protection industry, I would be retired in a quiet little cottage overlooking the sea. Sadly I am not


HINTS AND TIPS FOR FINDING WORK 5) than ever before. According to Hot Spots, Category 5 Threat Level means:

for example, which has been on the news because of the troubles there back in 2012, is classed in the third Locations can be highest threat-level affected by rampant (Cat. 3). According to violent crime, volatile Hot Spots, Category 3 situations of civil unrest, Threat Level means: frequent terrorist extremist attacks and/or Incidents of violent open military conflict. crime, terrorism and/or extremist activity occur There are many more more frequently, but are countries with the still sporadic. second highest threatlevel (Cat. 4) too. There are thousands According to Hot Spots, of foreign companies Category 4 Threat Level working in all of these means: medium to high-risk arenas, and many of Incidents such as armed these companies employ robbery, car-jacking, security and protection; civil unrest, terrorism there are still thousands and/or extremist activity of bodyguards can occur frequently, operating in Iraq alone! and there is a greater Also,there is a Global risk that security Human Security Index issues could physically detailing the countries impact individuals and where most people organizations. feel unsafe, with the Russian Federation That's pretty much most deemed to be one of the world! In almost of the most unsafest all these countries, places in the world. almost every single Other countries on the foreign company or Index where people organisation employs feel the most unsafe: security and security Somalia, Iraq, Israel, consultants. Also, Georgia, Afghanistan, countries like Bahrain Korea, Sudan, United


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 States of America, Colombia, Democratic Rep. of the Congo, Palestinian Authority, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Pakistan, Rwanda, Burundi, Dominican Republic, Chad, Zimbabwe, USA Virgin Islands, Philippines, Cuba, South Africa, Central African Republic, Brazil, Nigeria, Iran, Yemen, Belarus, Turkey, Ethiopia, Lebanon, Algeria, El Salvador, Kenya, Ukraine, Eritrea, Cote d'Ivoire, Uganda, India, Kazakhstan, Mexico, China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Nepal, Egypt.

most people spend every single penny they have on their basic training and then absolutely nothing thereafter on finding work. You can have the best product in the world, but it is useless if not a soul knows about it. And in my experience it is mainly the people that don't do anything pro-active about finding work who are generally the ones that then complain time and time again that there is no work. There are over fourteen thousand UK CP licenses alone, so why should an employer pick yours? I am being blunt and to the point, but you So, who says there is no really must ask yourself work? these vital questions if you ever stand a The only reason you chance of operating as a cannot find work is protection officer. that you have not spent enough time So what more can looking for work, or you do to find work in you just don't know close protection? As how to. detailed in a previous article, I believe one Listen carefully, again... of the most important the phone does not things you should do start ringing just is to decide very early because you have spent in your career which ÂŁ2000 on a training environment and in course! Yet bizarrely, which speciality you



wish to work? You cannot do anything significant unless you make this fundamental decision. Do you want to work abroad or on home soil? If abroad, where? Define specific areas or countries and don't just say you can work anywhere, because quite simply; you cannot. So be specific; do you want to go to Iraq, Afghanistan, Liberia, Congo, Russia, Mexico, Eastern Europe, Asia? If you want to work in Europe or the U.S. are you interested in corporate or celebrity


protection? What about events, concerts, galas, opening nights, conferences, witness protection, residential security, corporate security, child protection, stalking consultancy etc.? However, keep in mind that if you only want to work in your home country, the chances of finding full-time work are a lot less. By being more specific it then becomes a lot easier to target your potential client

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 base and develop an appropriate marketing campaign; for example, corporate security in the Russian Federation or event security in Scotland? This makes your target market, when applying for work, a lot more defined and, more importantly, manageable: And, if you have a good idea of where you want to work and in which environment and with whom, targeting employers within your defined sector becomes a little easier too. There are thousands of positions around the world and trying to apply for all of them is impossible and blindly sending your CV off to everyone is a complete waste of time. You have to also look at yourself and be realistic about which sector of CP you want to work in as well. For example, if you are 6'5�, shaven head and built like a brick s**thouse, it is unlikely you will find a position looking after children or aristocracy, or within much of the corporate sector – celebrity protection is probably

more of an option. If you are short and skinny and unimposing, you probably won't get celebrity work, even if you are a combat specialist, but in the corporate world you'd blend in. If you are Arabic speaking it is unlikely you will find a position looking after Arabs on the Circuit in London, as they mainly want non-Arab speaking security so you don't overhear their conversations! Seriously! If you are Indian, it is very unlikely you will get a job protecting a Pakistani client, if you are Jewish you won't be looking after Arabs, and visa versa. Even if you are white, it is unlikely you will be accepted in an all black security team either. So take a long hard look at yourself and then decide where you are going and what you are going to do. Do this first. So, by looking at all of the above and analysing and assessing things in detail, you are now being more defined; who you are and what sector of security you


HINTS AND TIPS FOR FINDING WORK are interested in, and where. Searching for work is now becoming a little easier! Use the Internet extensively as a jobsearch resource, set aside at least an hour a day, every day, day-in, day-out and find out who employs whom, and in what environment. Most people would find excuses not to - how many people reading this would wake up one hour earlier than usual in order to search the Internet looking for work opportunities? I can guarantee... very few. It is easier not to, isn't it? And then, it is easier to complain about why you have not found a single day's work in

close protection (or, for that matter, have changed your life in any other way). Remember... you will only ever get out of it, what you put in! As you are doing your research, start to make a list of employers and contractors within your defined areas of environment, speciality and expertise. As I mentioned, you cannot target all of the thousands of security companies so narrow it down and concentrate on a small selection. If you make it your daily target to find just five security companies worldwide (within your target market), times that by six days a week, you will have thirty possible employer's details. That's 120

Set aside at least an hour a day, every day, day-in, day-out and find out who employs whom, and in what environment. 27

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 a month! If you do this every day for six months, you will have 780 names, addresses and contact details of security companies operating within your specific area of interest. And, as you are getting data, check of course to see if they are advertising positions. If they are, and they suit your CV, then apply! But if their website says they are not accepting CVs, then don’t send them your CV anyway, it won't even get looked at, let alone read and you might even get blacklisted because you simply could not read the instructions on the website. This does happen! But instead keep a note of the company and the website for future reference and check back with them regularly.

if they are recruiting. Ask for the name of the person in charge of recruitment and try to speak to them directly. Ask if they are recruiting and if so, can you send them your CV? If they say no, then don’t send it and don’t try to talk them into receiving it, as, for sure, it will go in the bin and again you might get blacklisted. I remember once someone doing just this, he called me and asked if I had any positions. I didn't. He asked if I was accepting CVs anyway, I wasn't, but a few hours later he emailed it to me anyway. Did I waste my time reading through it, when I get hundreds of CVs sent to me? Of course not. Why would I waste my time reading his CV as I had no positions and wasn't recruiting and I told him this? It makes no sense. So if employers However, saying are not recruiting, be that, many security polite, make friends companies just do not with them and arrange advertise their positions, to call them back at so sending your CV another time. But if either via email or snail- their website says that mail might possibly work phone enquiries are not if - and only if - you welcome, then don't call call them first and ask them either! Remember,


HINTS AND TIPS FOR FINDING WORK wasting the time of a recruitment officer or an HR department of a big security company does not bode well for your future employment prospects. It is important to have a notebook and make a systematic structure of who you have called, who to call back on, where and who you have sent your CV and who has replied. Get names and direct telephone numbers if at all possible, and once you have agreed to send your CV to a


recruitment officer, always follow it up with a telephone call a week or so later. Ask them if they've received it, if they have managed to read it and if not, ask when would be a good time to call them back, and make sure you call back. And if you are told you are not suitable, try to find out why. This is important, as if you get knocked back time and time again because of the same reason, you will want to be doing something to change this. Don't be overbearing and don't

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 harass them, but if you can, try to develop an ongoing rapport with HR, it really does work. For example, one time I had 70 CVs sent to me for a five-man team I needed, but I did tend to look more closely at CVs sent from the people who had called me and whom I had spoken to. It is natural, and if you don’t have the guts to pick up the telephone and speak to people directly, then you definitely don't have the guts to be in this industry! Also, of course, make sure your CV is perfect – no mistakes and no bullshit. In close protection, because of the nature of the job and its tasks and the close dependence on the team, CPOs naturally tend to work with people they know and trust. So, effective networking is still a great resource, as many positions are filled not by adverts on job boards or websites, but via word of mouth and from referrals and recommendations. And so, it is vitally important

to make contact with as many people in the industry as you possibly can, as one of them might just one day give you that vital ‘heads up’ on a great position. Also, join close protection forums as they can also be a good source of information, even if some of the notices and threads are very unprofessional (you will also notice how unprofessional threads usually come from people out of work!). However, there is still a lot of great information to be had via the forums. But don't forget that when a position is posted on the forums, it is viewed by literally thousands of people and personally, I have not heard of too many being filled just by posting them on the forums. I do believe that everyone in this industry should work together, because as a group you can achieve so much more than you could as an individual, but sadly for some bizarre reason


HINTS AND TIPS FOR FINDING WORK some forums compete with each other and many won't even list conferences, seminars, meetings or talks run by other forums or organisations which could be extremely beneficial for CPOs. So join a few forums rather than sticking to just the one or two and always think very carefully before you write or post anything. As well as joining the forums, you must also dedicate a few hundred pounds a year to joining some good security and protection related associations and professional security CV databases, and subscribing to security magazines, as well as attending as many network events as you can. These are not only really great ways of developing your knowledge base, but can also give you some great information on contracting, company take-overs, tendering,

etc., which could help in your search for work. If you read that a security company has just won a bid to provide security somewhere, what is the first thing you are going to do? Yes, contact them! But you do need to know about these things, so get the magazines and join the groups. As one CPO said to me recently; “Apart from as much free networking as I can do, I have also dedicated three hundred pounds a year to job-search services, subscribing to security magazines and to joining security associations. Sure, some money will be wasted but some won't, and hopefully what works will more than compensate for what doesn't.” He also said to me; “If I only get two day's work a year, then it has paid for itself, but you just don't know what is around the corner and who you might one day talk to.” What a great attitude.

Robin Barratt is a security consultant specialising in HR and close protection recruitment. He is based between Norfolk, UK and Manama, Bahrain. Email:



By: David Hammond

Industry Standards Are They Out the Door?

There is an age-old adage, which states that in this world 'you get what you pay for' and nowhere is this truer than in the Protection Industry. As someone who runs their own security company, I know this only too well. However, this lesson was firmly reinforced after I rashly agreed to take on a job that my gut had warned me to avoid. Sometime last year I received a phone call from a colleague who wanted me to do some Close Protection work with him. The timing and price weren’t quite right, but I'd missed a few

jobs, and I was eventually persuaded into travelling for several high-profile, low-risk jobs in the North West of England which would pay a certain fee, plus expenses. The jobs weren't too taxing, just looking after a few celebrities at some book signings. The tasks were done with a minimal fuss, there was the need for a closed box formation for one client who was being harassed



The jobs weren't too taxing, just looking after a few celebrities at some book signings 33

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 and a quick-fire exit for another who didn’t want too much attention, otherwise straightforward. However, I'd noticed a few issues that did not sit comfortably with me. First off, I'd accepted the job from another CPO who had been asked to put a team together. His experience was limited, but he was painting a picture of himself as having worked on many tasks and being highly regarded by his employers, yet I had noticed a few glaring issues with the way he operated. For instance, on one particular occasion, when acting as Personal Protection Officer (PPO) for the client on a shopping trip, he quickly became distracted and got caught up in window shopping himself. As an operator, if you can't keep your concentration while on a simple shopping task what are you going to be like when things really go down?

If you can't keep your concentration while on a simple shopping task what are you going to be like when things really go down?

On another occasion, I witnessed more unprofessional behaviour from another team member who was dealing, rather poorly, with some domestic issues he was having at home. He was bellowing down the phone at his partner and his ex-wife, being extremely vocal and getting highly agitated, while explaining very audibly, to all in earshot, the details of what was going on in his personal life. In this line of work, it's inevitable that you're going to have to deal


INDUSTRY STANDARDS with some sensitive domestic issues, and often when you're on task. Therefore, it's imperative that you find a healthy and professional way to deal with them. It later transpired that this guy was also a door supervisor who apparently has equally poor trouble in controlling his temper while on the job. Thankfully, this individual was removed for the next assignment, which was just as well as I had concerns about working with him and I let the Team Leader know so much. Day two of the task threw up more surprises when I had to hastily conduct a lesson on basic formations when moving on foot with the principal. How could 4 qualified protection officers not know how to form a simple box formation around a principal? Well, it turns out that only two of us were qualified CPO's, the other two were Door Supervisors (DS) promoted to the role of CPO. This, undoubtedly, was a cost-cutting exercise as that same composition was the norm for the duration of the task. I don’t know if this company still exists but what I do know is that the promise of payment was as unqualified as some of their Protection officers! I only ever received half of the agreed rate and


a full three months after the agreed payment date! I'm not normally one to let a debt go, but by this stage, I was just happy to draw a line under it and chalk it down as experience and move on to bigger and better things. I don't operate a Close Protection Officer solely, I am also a Head Door Supervisor, a qualified SIA (Security Industry Authority) trainer, a judo instructor, and I teach conflict management outside of the industry. But in every one of those roles, I take my job seriously; I take a professional approach in all I do. And without wanting to be a perfectionist, I feel confident in saying that I don’t need somebody to tell me how to form a closed box or how to check the exits because I already paid somebody to teach me that in training. A short while later I was negotiating a similar contract, that is until the client let me know that as part of the security I was tendering for there was a requirement for two unofficial CPOs. Troubled by this, I fired off a message to the SIA, asking the clarity. The reply was unequivocal: “Door Supervisors may not be deployed in a Close Protection role. If you are aware of a company deploying Door Supervisors

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 in a Close Protection role you job at a reduced rate. If you should report them as this is a get yourself involved with a breach of licencing conditions.’ company that cuts corners and has a blatant disregard Did I pick up the phone for the regulations governing and make that call to the this industry, and whether authorities? No, it's just not you like it or not, you will in my nature to do so, but it's end up being tarred with only a matter of time before the same brush resulting they'll come unstuck. in reputational damage. However, there is also a So, what are the lessons word of warning for those we can extract from this companies who take us for experience? First off, the price a ride, too; you and your of Close Protection is going company will eventually come down, and it is not helped unstuck – and of course, one by unqualified individuals day, somebody will pick up who are prepared to do the the phone and make that call!

David Hammond is based in the North of England. He runs his own Security Company and is author of Applying the right amount of force: Judo’s contribution to law enforcement. His web address is



Stalkers and Super Fans: When Does Being A Fan Go Too Far? Have you ever noticed how we throw around words nonchalantly, without a giving a second thought as to their perceived meaning?

How many of us use the word “fan” on a daily basis, possibly without realizing that the word is derived from the word “fanatic”. Webster’s Dictionary defines a fanatic as a person who is extremely enthusiastic about, and devoted to, some interest or activity. In the entertainment world, fans are a necessity,

because if there are no fans, there is no one to buy the tickets, the music, the books, movies, or the merchandise. In essence, without fans, there is no celebrity. Fans are however, not limited to the typical entertainment realm of musicians and actors, politicians, company executives, news personalities, and even



The danger comes when the fan’s interests goes beyond that of simple interest, and starts to drift, crossing the line to more of an obsessive or compulsive nature. 39

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 The Rise of Stalking private citizens can also attract their own set of fans One of the most common overt manifestations of the in today’s society. negative and dangerous level of the super fan But what if the interest attention comes in the and attraction goes too form of stalking. A study in far? Psychology Today reported For some, there can be a that an estimated 12 to 16 fine line between the “fan” percent of women and 7 and the more obsessive “super fan” – which usually to 10 percent of men will be stalked at some point has a more negative within their lifetime. This connotation. A super fan data represents the general may be described as a fan that develops an unhealthy population, so one could surmise that for those who obsession with a celebrity live their daily lives in the or other public figure. I’m glare of the public eye, not implying through the those numbers, and the course of this article, that associated risks, could be all, or even most, “super fans” should be considered much higher. a threat, but the potential Stalking can be generally certainly does exist. The defined as a pattern of danger comes when the fan’s interests goes beyond behavior by one person that of simple interest, and against another, which is ultimately intended to starts to drift, crossing the line to more of an obsessive cause harassment, or to intimidate or terrorize or compulsive nature. the victim. This can also Some have even compared include cyber stalking and even cyber bulling – both this change in behavior to that of an actual addiction. of which are being seen in

For those who intend to do harm, social media can inadvertently provide information 40


rising numbers, especially among the adolescent and young adult populations. Social Media Influence Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and all other forms of social media networks allow for an unprecedented level of access to one’s private life, which can also open a door for a would-be stalker. These sites provide a proverbial treasure trove of personal, and at times,


real-time, information. For the celebrity super fan, especially those who may suffer from some form of mental illness, social media offers them a window into the personal life of their obsession, which can often lead to a perceived personal connection, and an increase in the level of obsessive interest. For those who intend to do harm, social media can inadvertently provide information, such as

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 travel habits, familiar faces, or even the location, of potentially targeted individuals, giving a wouldbe stalker split-second access, or at the very least, the possibility of access. It doesn’t even have to be through the intended target’s social media accounts, there have been documented incidents where members of the personality’s entourage or inner circle have been identified, followed or “friended,” and those accounts then used to obtain various information about the actual target. Not all stalkers are harmful, but realistically, all stalkers have the potential to do harm. It’s the often unpredictable nature and unknown intentions that contributes to the level of terror or intimidation that is felt by the intended target of the harassment.

It’s the often unpredictable nature and unknown intentions that contributes to the level of terror or intimidation that is felt by the intended target

The Mental Health Factor Do mental health issues play a role in incidents of stalking? The short answer is, possibly, but not necessarily always. It’s also worth mentioning that a person could have traits of a diagnosable mental health disorder, but not


STALKERS AND SUPER FANS have the quantity needed to legally and ethically assign a diagnosis based on the criteria in the Diagnostics and Statistical Manual (DSM), which is universally used by mental health professionals to diagnose a mental, behavioral, or substance use disorder. It’s also important to note that stalking itself is not a mental health disorder. Research conducted in both the United States and Australia has suggested that at least 50% of stalkers who have entered the criminal justice system do indeed have an identifiable mental health condition of some kind, with personality disorders, psychotic disorders, depression, and substance use disorders being the most common (McEwan et al., 2009; Mohandie et al.; 2006.). Commonly found disorders have included Schizoid and Schizotypal Disorder, as well as Schizophrenia

and Paranoid Personality Disorder, which are known to have associated delusions and hallucinations. Other disorders even more commonly associated with stalkers include Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Histrionic Personality Disorder, and Antisocial Personality Disorder. Even those who do not meet full criteria for a diagnosis often have traits of Narcissism and/ or Antisocial Personality Disorder. At this point, it should be emphasized again that this information is not meant to say or infer that only individuals with mental health issues are prone to stalking behaviors, nor is it intended to insulate that every individual with one of the aforementioned disorders is destined to become a stalker but we as protectors must try and pick up on behaviors and intent as early as we can.

Jason Poston, CAS, PPS, LCSW is an Executive Protection Professional and a licensed mental health and substance abuse therapist, with more than 10 years combined experience working with youth and adults with mental health, behavioral health, and substance use disorders.



breaking news: protecting journalsits just got a lot more dangerous

Politics and motives aside, I think everyone can conclude these are very dangerous days for journalists, advocates of free speech or anyone else for that matter that voices an opinion. The recent case of Saudi Arabian columnist, Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered inside of the Saudi consulate in Istanbul perfectly highlights this worrying trend which saw 2018 become the

most dangerous year on record for journalists. Recently released figures from Reporters without Borders (RSF) state that, in 2018, more than 80 reporters have lost their lives from incidents related


PROTECTING JOURNALISTS to their work, 348 found themselves imprisoned and a further 60 held hostage. These figures are up 15 percent on the year previous.

Most security consultants across Europe and the US do not consider the threat from Police or Government Agencies but, all it takes in most places these days is for one of For the security consultant your critics to make an who is providing services accusation against you, to journalists, activists and you will find the police or opposition politicians knocking on your door. these clients can give you This is where you need to some unique challenges know your rights and have as the threats can include a good attorney's phone harassment and arrest number to hand. by local or state police, as well as threats from If you believe your opposing parties, etc. home or office could be raided, or that of your Personal safety and client, you need to take security is something precautions, and again, many take for granted know your legal rights. especially in Europe and You should take a look the US, but these days at the overall security there are extremists on of your home and office all political sides, from all even if you don't have religious backgrounds. an active threat against So, if you or your client you. Consider a CCTV are voicing your opinions system externally and on any form of media, internally, preferably especially if you know with the footage your views may upset uploaded to the cloud or offend others, then with trusted 3rd party you need to think about access. There are many your security as well as cases of kidnappings and that of your family's and assassinations where colleagues. criminals will disguise themselves as police, When you're considering this is a very complicated your personal security, situation, and you and you need to think of all your client need to know threats and make plans your right and what to do to avoid or if necessary, in this situation to verify deal with any issues. police IDs.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 In my opinion, the basis of all personal security is counter-surveillance and being aware of your surroundings. Before the criminals attempt an assassination or kidnapping, they will put you under some form of surveillance, be it physical or electronic. The favored places for targeted attacks are at the victim's homes, workplaces or vehicles, so be extra vigilant approaching or leaving these locations. If you take regular routes to work, use the same coffee shops, etc. ensure you are carrying out,

at the very least, some basic counter-surveillance drills. Here I list some recent examples assassinations of journalists and will highlight some similarities and make some recommendations of possible precautions that the victims could have taken. 17 January 2017, Honduras Igor Padilla, a presenter with Canal HCH, was shot in the city of San Pedro Sula where he was filming. Apparently, he received a phone call and Igor Padilla



Before the criminals will attempt an assassination or kidnapping they will put you under some form of surveillance be it physical or electronic. stepped out on the street to take it where he was ambushed by four men in police uniforms. He died of multiple gunshot wounds on the way to the hospital. In such situations counter surveillance and being aware of what's happening on the street is your best defense. Employing trained protective surveillance personnel is also an option but finding trained and trusted security personnel is always a big problem.

claimed to be frustrated by the lack of police action or concern. He knew he was under threat and he should have taken precautions when entering and leaving his home and office. In many places, weapons for selfdefense are prohibited but having a basic reaction plan in place for an attack is essential.

24 May 2017, Russia Dimitri Popkov, the editor of a local newspaper in the Krasnodarski province, was shot five times in his backyard April 23, 2017, sauna. He had stated Maldives before his assassination Yameen Rasheed, a that his newspaper's prominent blogger, investigations had was stabbed to death become "an obstacle for in the stairwell of his local officials who are apartment building, police now threatening and later blamed religious intimidating journalists." extremists for the attack. He had received multiple He knew he was upsetting threats to his life and had people but perhaps


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 thought his high-profile status would protect him, it didn't. As I said earlier, homes are favored locations for attacks, and we can assume he will have lowered his guard while in his sauna. Some CCTV and essential counter-surveillance may have helped him live a little longer. 29 April 2017, Turkey Saaed Karimian, the founder of the Persian-language GEM TV channel, and his business partner were shot dead in Istanbul by masked gunmen who opened fire on their vehicle. The assassination vehicle and weapons were later found burnt.

She knew she was under threat but took no serious precautions. You should always report threats to the police, but most police departments will not take the threats seriously without solid evidence.

For them to be ambushed, they must have been watched, followed or had a fixed routine. This was a professional hit, so once the ambush was in motion, they were dead men. Countersurveillance and awareness are the essentials that can save your life‌


PROTECTING JOURNALISTS 17 January 2018, Brazil Jefferson Pureza Lopes was shot and killed in his home by two gunmen that forced their way in. He had been receiving threats and was a critic of local government officials. He knew he was under threat and should have at least upped the security in his home and had procedures in place on how to greet visitors and what to do in the event of an attempted break-in or attack.

Facebook page " Enlace Informativo Regional" and had been critical of local officials; he had been receiving threats and also offers of bribes to stop writing about the officials, but he kept writing.

They knew where he worked, so he was an easy target. He knew he was under threat so he should have taken precautions. If you are going to be critical of potentially dangerous people anonymously then ensure you are 100% March 21, 2018, Mexico anonymous! Leobardo Vรกzquez Atzin, a local reporter in the 15 May 2018, Mexico Veracruz state, was shot Juan Carlos Huerta, a and killed at a restaurant TV host and Director of he owned. He had a radio station, was shot anonymously started a and killed as he left his Daphne Caruana Galizia



home in Villahermosa, the capital of Tabasco state.

his girlfriend were found shot dead in their home. Kuciak had been working This was a targeted on stories concerning assassination, I expect the fraud by government gunmen were waiting for officials and prominent him to leave home. Again, businessmen. the home was the location of the attack. Maybe some Once again, the victims CCTV covering the street home was the location of and possible surveillance the attack. Basic plans location could have and procedures should identified out of place have been in place for people, those hanging such things as answering around for no reason the door to strangers and before he left the house. alerting others that there was a potential problem. 25 February 2018, Slovak Republic From these mixed Jan Kuciak and examples you can see investigative reporter and some of the fundamental


PROTECTING JOURNALISTS mistakes these people made, these are just a few of the attacks on journalists from 2017 to present. Extrajudicial Arrest, Kidnapping or Killing of The recent murder of the Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at Saudi Arabia's consulate on October 2, 2018, in Istanbul, Turkey, highlights the issues that can occur when people, who for a wide variety of reasons are targeted for extrajudicial arrest, kidnapping or assassination by government agencies. The incident with Jamal Khashoggi was preceded in 2018 by the very murky assassination attempt of the former Russian GRU officer and double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter in the UK. The UK government claims it was a political assassination ordered by the Russian Government, but there are many inconsistencies and gaps in that story, and regardless of what the real story is, it was still a possible political assassination attempt. For most people when


they think of kidnappers and the like, they will have visions of masked criminals snatching people from cars and off the street, they will not be thinking of police or government agencies; false or extrajudicial arrest is the same as kidnapping and happens regularly. From a kidnapping and crisis management viewpoint this can be the most challenging type of incident to deal with because the abductee has been snatched by an organization that has the local law on their side. If you, your friends, clients or associates think they could be targeted politically for whatever reason then you need to have a crisis plan in place. Even in supposed firstworld countries it's very easy for people to be arrested for being vocal about their beliefs. In first-world countries, if charged and convicted, activists and journalists can still get jail time and hefty fines. In nonfirst-world countries, journalists can endure all types of issues ranging from assaults, jail time, sexual assault or assassination.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 The basis of all security or crisis plans is the threat assessment, and this needs to be very thorough and cover all aspects of the personal security of those that could be targeted and include a lifestyle check to identify anything where they could be set up for an arrest. Police and government agencies planting evidence is also an issue that has been around since law enforcement first evolved and must be taken into consideration, the result of such actions can lead to long prison terms for the victims if they are unable to prove they were set up.

Decent local private investigators or trusted people need to be at hand to follow-up on potential arrests or disappearances to confirm what has actually occurred. Most of the time family members, friends or associates will not be in proper emotional state to do a logical follow-up investigation and could end up getting arrested themselves. Personally, I have little time for attorneys, most are leaches, but there are a few good ones out there, you need to find them and have their numbers at hand in case



The basis of all security or crisis plans is the threat assessment and this needs to be very thorough and cover all aspects of the personal security of those that could be targeted.


of any legal issues or arrests. Over the years I have seen quite a few clients retain the services of supposed high-end attorneys who have done absolutely nothing for them. Always have bail or payoff money available, in many countries a quick donation to the right people can solve problems, so, have the funds available and know the right people. In more complicated locations know the procedures for bailing someone out of jail if they are arrested, have the money available and have a bondsman's number ready. Get a support network in place that in the case of an arrest or political abduction can be alerted to make the relevant people aware of the situation, this could mean alerting embassy's, politicians or journalists. Its best for this to be done through third-party players as those that are directly associated with those arrested or detained could also be targeted and its best they are not seen to be antagonizing the situation.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 Unlike conventional kidnap for ransom situations, social media can play a significant part preventing someone going from being arrested to disappeared and being found dead in a ditch somewhere. Police, government agencies and their associated political groups, for the most part, have a public image of being respectable and they will try to maintain that. They can defend themselves for arresting and investigating activist's etc. but, if people who were last seen in their custody turn up dead, it can result in unwanted questions and attention. Have a social media crisis response plan in place! For me, the essentials of personal security is counter-surveillance, always be aware of what's going on around you, always be mindful of who is watching or following you and keep your communications and computer security tight. In incidents where you

must attend a meeting be very careful and try to choose neutral, public locations and have someone watching your back who is able to video and report any potential threats or hostile incidents. In such cases as Jamal Khashoggi, where he went into the Saudi Arabian consulate, a location where he knew he was not welcome and had absolutely zero personal security but went anyway to pick up a marriage license, all I can say is look for other options and don't put yourself in dangerous situations. Could the marriage license have been posted, could he have sent a courier or attorney, or could he have waited? It always best to avoid any potentially hostile situations, but if because of your career or personal beliefs you can't avoid them, then at least have a crisis plan in place.

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients.




By: Peter Jenkins

The Changing Face of Surveillance Training Qualifications?

I feel qualified to write this article as I have been involved in the commercial surveillance sector for the past 25 years, that’s what I do. Things are afoot in the surveillance sector in respect of qualifications and I am hoping that the ‘powers that be’ do not let things slide down a slippery slope as they did with the Close Protection qualification when it was introduced by the SIA in the UK. Some would argue that it is not ‘fit for purpose’, some would say that it is. Think of this… There is a big difference between being ‘highly trained’ and ‘having undergone basic training to

obtain a licence’. The SIA does not state on their website that you have to be a super highly trained bodyguard to obtain a licence, it states that you have to undergo 140 hours of training. If that is what it says on the tin, that’s what you get. Either way, set the SIA aside as, they have nothing to do with our sector (yet) but I have heard criticism on social media that some surveillance qualifications are not worth the paper they are written



on and this is true to some extent but it’s all down to the training provider.

in the qualification title ‘Level 3 Certificate’. The ‘Level 3’ part tells me what the level individual has been assessed Let’s get something straight, at, and the ‘Certificate’ part if someone knocks on our tells me they have had 140 door with a Level 3 Certificate hours of training, that’s it. in Close Protection, I Similarly, if someone holds automatically understand a Level 3 Award in Mobile that they are not experts or Surveillance they have highly trained. The answer is attended a medium to basic


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 60 hour period (Level 3 / Award), so with that in mind, I would not expect them to be an expert of super highly trained, but at least capable to a certain level. You can only do so much in that time, so the quality comes from the level of instruction provided over that training period combined with the students aptitude. Not a lot of people know this, but when you undergo a CP course, the training topics, subjects, outcomes are already written out in a Specification Document. This specification is what every CP training provider has to work to, as a ‘minimum’ requirement within 140 hours of guided learning hours. The course is listed on what is called the Regulated National Qualifications & Credit Framework (NCF) – It is a national qualification, setting out minimum standards written by a bunch of blokes back in 2001 or so. Individual CP Training companies then deliver the course covering all of the learning outcomes from the specification. The course is made ‘good’ or ‘bad’ by the level of instruction, experience, facilities, exercises and guided learning hours etc. Within Surveillance it is

much different but soon to be changed. Today, there are a number of companies offering ‘accredited’ surveillance training courses, but NONE of these courses are the same product, they are all different. Any training provider that offers these ‘qualifications’ in surveillance is offering their ‘OWN’ product in what is classed as a ‘Customised’ qualification that has been endorsed by an accrediting body such as the likes of Pearson / Edexcel, Highfield, Industry Qualifications, NCFE or City & Guilds. For example: The ISS Level 4 Award in Surveillance is classed as a ‘Customised Award’. It is a qualification that ISS designed; set the content, the learning outcomes and the strictness of the assessment test. Now then... another surveillance training provider may also offer a similar sounding qualification, but their course will also be a ‘Customised Award’ and it would have been designed by them to cover what they feel is right and to their own standards. Therefore, no two surveillance qualifications are the same if they are from different training providers.



I attended a meeting recently where a rep from another major surveillance company admitted that they had not failed a student in the past 11 years, they issue everyone with a ‘pass’.

You would expect them to be, but this is far from the truth. ‘Super Spook Surveillance Ltd’ can push out a Level 3 or 4 Award / Certificate but it could be all classroom theory based with minimal vehicle work, without fully covert comms’ or structured assessments and so on. A disgrace maybe, but training providers can do what they want so long as they ‘map’ it out and have it accredited as their work. I attended a meeting recently where a rep’ from another major surveillance company admitted that they had not failed a student in the past 11 years, they issue everyone with a ‘pass’. I felt sorry for those who had paid money to this company to be given a worthless piece of paper in return. So what of the future…? For those familiar with the MOD ELCAS Scheme, military folk are given an allowance to pay for civilian training. ELCAS state that the course attended has to be at Level 3 (or above) and on the regulated NCF (as mentioned above). A few months ago, the UK MOD stopped allowing service men and women to attend surveillance courses as the qualifications were not listed on the NCF.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 A very short sighted and poor decision as far as the MOD are concerned – in one swoop, they disadvantaged many service leavers of a choice. As a consequence, the accrediting bodies are now devising a ‘general’ qualification in surveillance that will be put up on the regulated NCF as a national qualification, just like the one in Close Protection. The course is currently being designed and a number of people are involved in its implementation. I just

hope that the final course structure, content and assessments do it justice, unlike the controversial CP course. Free For All? When this course is up on the NCF, anyone running a security company or training company (or wanting to start one up) will be able to offer surveillance training qualifications. The accrediting bodies will set a criterion to deliver it (demonstrate instructor competency & experience etc), but I can see them



I might be rather cynical, but I remember life before the SIA. There were three or four CP training companies offering 4 week CPO courses at the time and it was good training. being flannelled by those who have minimum experience claiming to be experts and qualified trainers to offer the course. The accrediting bodies after all, make their money from issuing certificates and so ‘volume’ may be high on the agenda and something to keep an eye on. I might be rather cynical, but I remember life before the SIA. There were three or four CP training companies offering 4 week CPO courses at the time and it was good training. Walk in the SIA, who develop a 140 hour NQF course and throw it open to the world to deliver. There are now 96 companies listed on the SIA site offering the ‘off the shelf’ CP qualification. I am sure it will go the same

way with surveillance training when the qualification is put up on the NCF. Every man and his dog will be offering it and short cuts will be taken to be competitive. The companies at the top of the tree have a head start as reputation speaks a lot. However, to compete, the others will have to cut the price to a bare minimum and so will result in them using minimum staff, inferior equipment, less time in vehicles etc and generally turn out poorly ‘trained’ students. There is a big difference in being ‘surveillance trained’ and having ‘attended a training course’, so be careful who you part your hard earned cash with. It will be interesting to see how many companies spring up by this time next year.

Peter Jenkins is Director of ISS Training Ltd, a security consultancy and specialist training company. ISS specialises in Covert Surveillance, Intelligence and photography training.



By: Phelim Rowe CTG Intelligence

Chuck Tobin, President & CEO, AT-Risk International discussing the effect of psychology in EP and corporate security with special guest

The IPSB (International Protective Security Board) third annual conference has just concluded in Las Vegas with a wealth of around 300 operators with additional corporate security accounts and select solution providers. Emerging from traditional associations and institutes like the ESI, EPI and Nine Lives the IP-SB annual conference since its inception in 2016 has developed in to a US and also international

staple in the EP and executive security calendar. Topics high on the agenda this year included: â—? Understanding the


EVENT REPORT psychology of potential aggressors ● Incorporating technology into EP work and dynamic risk assessments ● Collaboration with other branches of executive security including celebrity, family office and public sector actors ● The importance of specialism to achieve career success as a solo operator ● International child slavery rescue and response ● Covert surveillance and operational adaptation As well as several key Brian Jantzen, EVP, AS Solution with Yvonne Dubois, Freelance EPO and others discussing the inclusion of technology into EP work

talks on the global security landscape and the relevance of understanding local political contexts for operators at all levels The event was, as always, an excellent opportunity for networking and also contained a special women in protection reception as well as the traditional whole forum mixers. Delegates were also treated to professional headshots, recruitment exercises and the much anticipated pre-conference shooting event.

Byron Rodgers, CEO, Bravo Research Group discussing EP developments and priorities with Christian West, CEO, AS Solution and Ivor Terret, Founder and GM of Enablement Advisors

IP-SB President Kristin Lenardson giving the opening speech at the 2018 international conference in the Westgate Las Vegas



Three Keys to EP Success From time to time some of the newer Executive Protection Specialist’s ask me questions about how to excel quicker and create opportunities. As such, I always tell them that starting out in a career in EP can be challenging, more than likely it’s going to be slow going at first. The reasons for this are plentiful, some within your control and some that are not. The good news is that as I look around the industry, a greater number of specialists are entering our craft and being hired with greater frequency. Having said that, critical mistakes are also


being made with nearly as much frequency. It’s as if some have thought that because you have gone through your initial training and exceled, that you are immediately qualified to be the body man next right next to the Principal. Not true. There are many variables as to an agent’s success or defeat in EP. The keys discussed in this article are what work for me, and

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 I hope by the end of the article you can put them to use as a tool for you as well. Patience The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset.

support themselves while they pursued a career in EP, because full time work wasn’t readily available. All cases are different, and some are fortunate to gain employment right away, but for the majority it’s a waiting game so you must have patience.

Let’s break down that definition a little bit further and see how this key directly affects your career in EP. So, “the capacity to accept or tolerate delay” this is a component that most will encounter during the initial stages of EP, Delay. The reason for this, as I stated earlier, is the expectations you have coming out of training, don’t match the availability of work. Most people (like myself) initially had a job to

The key, however, is during this time while you work doing something else to keep the bills paid, is to also start doing things to get noticed in the industry. You have to learn who the “movers and shakers” are, learn whose agencies are doing the type of protection work you would like to do (corporate, VIP, celebrity etc.). From here you may want to associate yourself with different EP groups online, in person,


THREE KEYS TO EP SUCCESS or agencies that have consistent work and/or clients.

You have to learn who the “movers and shakers” are, learn whose agencies are doing the type of protection work you would like to do

Next, start building a “network” of your own, people that can help you excel. I always encourage folks to find a mentor that is willing to guide you and teach you the craft as they are priceless. Lastly, encourage others that may find an opportunity before you, even if by appearances they are less qualified. Karma is real, and the ways you unselfishly promote others and wish them well, comes back to you many times over. Persistence Firm or obstinate continuance in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. Here is where the “rubber meets the road” and if you are not persistent you will fail. Persistence is a key attribute you must possess in order to compete in this industry. This business is 24/7 and your mindset, commitment, skill level, willingness to learn, and willingness to make it happen are subsets of persistence you will need to determine your fate in the field. Long hours, travel, client needs, family needs back home, different attitudes, fans, managers, are all



Think about it, we don’t get “do overs,” or extra chances, if we get it wrong, someone could lose everything. part of this craft. If your persistence is lacking, you will fail. On the flip side, if you can be persistent in all aspects of your career in protection work, there is a great chance you will find an abundance of success. Professionalism The conduct, aims, or qualities that characterize or mark a profession or a professional person.

industry. We are the ones who are up in the morning, last ones to go to sleep at night and prepared to drop everything in case the Protectee calls. This is the area where many give lip service until it’s time to do it at a high level over and over again. No matter the amount of repetition, professionalism cannot be replaced with compliancy, if you do, your time will be short.

In this profession, it’s not enough to simply say you are one, you have to prove it, time and again. Think about it, we don’t get “do overs,” or extra chances, if we get it wrong, someone could lose everything. In fact, your professionalism oftentimes determines your length of service in this

I hope you see how these keys to success complement each other, and why I personally believe they need to be combined to be successful. While these keys represent my opinions. I believe anyone can take them and use them to develop long and successful careers.

Mark Roche works full time as a US-Based Executive Protection Specialist and a graduate of multiple close protection programs.






Tiger kidnapping Could you be targeted?

Over the years there have been many articles in Circuit Magazine about the kidnapping threat, and rightly so.

As we know, the danger of kidnapping is always a concern amongst high-level executives, especially when operating and traveling to some regions where kidnapping occurrences are more common. In this article, however, the topic is focused on one particular method of kidnapping, and that is what's known as tiger kidnapping. Background Tiger kidnapping is always conducted by serious organized crime groups. Although the kidnapping phase itself is fast, traumatic, and often violent, to be able to go through the many stages of the process, it requires intelligence, insider knowledge, surveillance and


resources from a hostile group - these types of incidents are not carried out by low-level opportunist criminals. The phenomenon started back in the seventies with tactics used by the Irish Republican Army (IRA). The IRA kidnapped people in order to get them to place car bombs against British political and military targets. The phenomena, which started as a terrorist tactic, soon developed into what has become known as tiger kidnappings, with the aim of obtaining large amounts of cash. After proving to be a successful tactic, the trend quickly spread and soon grew into a global phenomenon. During the 1980s, incidents were isolated, mostly

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 targeting cash-in-transit vehicles. Then in the 1990s, we witnessed the evolution of tiger kidnappings, which saw criminals starting to focus on larger scale businesses, mainly cash handling premises and retail banks. At the turn of the century, the threat evolved further with more cases reported, more substantial amounts of money taken, and the geographical locations varied. It is thought that the name, tiger kidnap, originates from the way tigers hunt their prey, where they move slowly and stealthy taking their time to carefully close in on their prey before suddenly attacking with violence and ferocity.

world and had a devasting impact on its business.

As the initially targeted sectors, such as banks, post offices, and cash-intransit companies, began to implement security countermeasures to tackle the threat, criminals responded by adapting their modus operandi. Criminal groups now turned their attention to different institutions that were considered to be high value/low-risk targets, such as retail jewellery stores and the diamond trade. The phenomena spread to Belgium, one of the largest diamond trade centers in the

The Take Over Kidnappers survey their target for an extended period before they pounce. Next, they will look to take over the targets house and its occupants. Statistically, this will most likely be executed in the hours between 1800 to 0400. At some point, the family is taken hostages and are separated from the targeted person.

The Kidnap Cycle Tiger kidnapping is a complex crime. In fact, it involves two separate crimes. First, the targeted person, their family members, or associates are abducted. The second crime is extortion, whereby the criminals will attempt to gain, under duress, something of value that the target either owns or has the power to deliver. Usually, the objective is to steal money or other valuables but could include anything from robbery to murder, or coercing the victim into carrying out an act of terrorism, like placing a bomb.

Crime by Proxy Next, the criminals will inform the victim of what they want them to do and threaten harm to their family



Following the decision to attack the chosen target, criminals start to do surveillance on the target followed by operational planning.

if they don't act accordingly. Once the victim has been instructed on the plan the criminals will dispatch them to the designated location, often their place of work, to steal the assets they want possession of, and then arrange the drop-off. The Transaction Finally, in order for the victim to secure the safe release of their loved ones the ransom needs to be dropped off/ exchanged at a defined location. More often than not, if the plan is executed accordingly, the hostages will be released. The premise is that the targeted person has access rights to money vaults, diamonds or other valuable assets, and so they don't attract attention when carrying out the crime on behalf of the criminals. The victim is scared of criminals harming the family so usually the police are only alerted after the crime has been committed and so the criminals have time to vanish. Preparation Phase Tiger kidnappings are well planned and prepared. Criminals target the victims' weaknesses and vulnerabilities. Where workplace might be well



Kidnappers surveil their target for a long period of time before their start to act. Statistically between 1800hours to 0400hours they take over the house and its occupants.

protected against traditional crime, many of the victims don't have protection or significant security measures at home, and so the criminals capitalize on that weakness.

decision to attack a chosen target, the criminals then commence surveillance on the target followed by operational planning; insider knowledge is often utilized during this phase. The purpose of surveillance is Let's look at the usual modus to gather information about operandi of the criminals. routines, timings, routes, First, as in any serious and vulnerabilities in order crime, the criminals will to come up with an efficient assess their options and plan. identify the target based on individual risk factors. Statistically, most tiger The initial intelligence kidnappings are executed gathering is first done by: by open-source analysis, - Organized crime groups then, when the potential with a minimum of 2-4 targets are narrowed down persons included in the the final target selection is operational phase. conducted. Following the - Lower Level criminals may


TIGER KIDNAPPING be used in the initial stages. - Criminals who are trained in weapons handling and could also be ex-military. - Criminals with experience in committing violence and threatening people. - Criminals are usually experienced in other crimes like robberies, drugs, burglaries, but there are trained and practiced groups dedicated to kidnappings only. Who is at Risk? Tiger kidnapping is a viable threat to anyone that has regular and authorized access to vaults, safes or places where cash and other valuables are stored. Also, at risk are those with access to digital money, like authorization to transfer money, and there have even been cases of holders of cryptocurrencies being targeted for kidnapping. Persons at risk could be anybody from a cash handling manager, cashin-transit guards, jeweler shop owners, or the family members and co-workers also. I have found in training sessions that it is common to think that only company CEO's, or bank managers are at high risk to tiger kidnapping, but the reality is that everybody who has


access to valuables is a target. It could be the night shift guard working in a cash handling center or a shift manager in a jewelry store. In their target selection phase, the criminals are considering your security awareness. When considering where and who to attack they are looking for soft targets. A soft target is someone who has little, or no personal security measures in place and is not aware of the threat. The Tiger Kidnapping Case of Colin Dixon One of the most publicly known examples of tiger kidnapping is the Colin Dixon case. Dixon, the manager of the Securitas depot in Tunbridge, Kent, UK, was driving home In February 2006, when he was stopped by what he thought was a police patrol car. Two men, dressed in police uniforms, told Dixon he was being arrested for speeding, they handcuffed him and placed him in the backseat of the assumed police car. It quickly became evident to Dixon that these men were not real police officers and they told him to remain calm and obey any orders. To enhance the message the criminals held him at gunpoint, then, after some time, he was moved to a van and bound.


On personal side the social media is gift from heaven to criminals gathering Intel about persons they are interested in. At the same time as Dixon was being kidnapped, his wife, Lynn, was visited by two men in police uniforms at their home. One of the would-be officers informed her that her husband had been in an accident and that she should accompany them to the hospital. They suggested that she should bring their small child with them. Once under their control the bogus policemen revealed their true identity and threatened Mrs. Dixon, at gunpoint, to comply. The family was taken to a farm, and Mr. Dixon was informed that they had kidnapped his family also. Now, realizing the full extent of the situation, Dixon was made to give information about the Securitas depot. Armed with this insider information the criminals finalized their plans and launched into the next phase of the operation. They deployed a convoy to the depot and gained entry with Dixon's access rights.

The security guard on duty opened the door to his boss who was accompanied by one of the criminals still dressed as a police officer. The guard was restrained, and Dixon led the rest of the convoy into the depot. All 14 Securitas employees were tied up, and within 75 minutes, the group loaded ÂŁ53m in bank notes in their truck and made their escape. The Dixon case illustrates the earlier stated point that Tiger Kidnapping is not the undertaking of amateurs. Later, when the case went to court, eight people were accused of having been involved, and it was shown that the insider knowledge they'd acquired had provided the group with the vital details of the depot layout and security systems. It was also revealed, during the court case, the extent the group went to and the emphasis they placed on conducting surveillance on the Dixon family.


TIGER KIDNAPPING Mitigating the Risk There are many things which can be done to reduce the threat of tiger kidnapping. One of the first things to consider is the online presence of your company/entity. One of the easiest and fastest ways for criminals to gather intelligence on you is from readily available open source information. Knowledge can be collected from official web pages, company info web resources, google earth and other maps, the list is extensive. For gathering personal information, about a potential target, social media is a one-stop-shop for everything you need. You should routinely conduct


reviews of your online profiles, giving consideration to what you put out there, such as photos, locations, and routines. To perform simple countermeasures to physical surveillance, the persons at risk have to use varied routes and timings for their travel to and from work and other regularly frequented places. Surveillance can be conducted by cameras located in strategic areas and used remotely to secure the premises. You should also consider your verification process when strangers knock at your door. As we learned from the Dixon case, it is not


Tiger kidnapping is a real threat and has to be taken seriously. uncommon for criminals to disguise themselves as officials such as police or package delivery.

or vaults on their own. It is the responsibility of all at-risk organizations to put together anti-tiger kidnapping protocols and The threat of insider train the workforce in knowledge being utilized by them. Companies need the criminal organization a stealth way to alarm can be reduced when the police and co-workers of a workplace implements situation when it occurs, policies such as background and they must identify the checks. Organizational key personalities at risk. measures to mitigate these risks could include guidance Conclusion on how to maintain a low Tiger kidnapping is a real profile and awareness threat and has to be taken of what information is seriously. If you or the posted online - ongoing principal you're tasked training of staff is vital to to protect, work in an reduce the overall threat. environment that deals Improving the security with physical money or has of valuable assets can be access to valuables, take achieved by limiting and the time to train yourself controlling the volume of on the threat. Do thorough access to safes and vaults. risk assessments of your The single most important workplace and assess thing is to implement physical security systems protocols that prevent any and countermeasures and individual employee, no don't forget to do the same matter their position from to your private residence being able to access safe's and lifestyle. Wille Heino has over 20 years of security experience from private and government sectors. In addition to working in disclosed government organization, mr.Heino runs a security consulting & training company gambeson in Finland. To Contact: /


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Mali & Niger Dozens Killed Following Attack in Menaka, Mali, near Niger Border At least 40 people have been killed in a series of attacks on Tuareg settlements in the Menaka region, close to the border with Niger. The attacks were carried out by assailants on motorbikes who opened fire indiscriminately on the nomadic camps between Tuesday, 12, and Wednesday, 13 December. The attacks on the Tuareg nomads have occurred in a state of tension between them and the Fulani ethnic groups. Earlier in December, 15 Fulani civilians were killed by armed attackers in the country’s Mopti region. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), tens of thousands of people have been displaced due to the ongoing violence along the border between Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso. Nigeria Boko Haram Militants Launch Fatal Attack on Army Base in Bama District, Borno State Two government soldiers have reportedly been killed


in an attack by suspected Boko Haram militants on their military base in Gulumba village, in Bama district of Borno State. The attack was begun by a suicide bomber detonating their explosives at the entrance to the base, with gunmen following in the attack. Soldiers successfully fought off the attack, with two wounded in addition to the fatalities. Morocco Militant Cell with Suspected Ties to IS Dismantled in Bani Mellal, Béni MellalKhénifra Region Security forces carried out a raid targeting a militant cell in the city of Bani Mellal, Béni Mellal-Khénifra Region in early December. It is indicated that six militants were arrested, suspected of planning attacks nationwide. According to the General Directorate of Territorial Surveillance (DGST) and the General Directorate of National Security (DGNS), the cell allegedly had links with the Islamic State (IS) militant group. Police seized multiple weapons and bomb-making materials, as well as IS propaganda.

Democratic Republic of Congo Thousands March to Meet Presidential Candidate in Lubumbashi, HautKatanga Province Thousands of local residents have converged in the vicinity of the Lubumbashi International Airport (FBM) because of a rally attended by an opposition candidate. Martin Fayulu is the candidate of the Lamuka Electoral Coalition, which is a coalition of opposition parties. Reports indicate that supporters of the UNAFEC, PND, UNADEF and ECIDE opposition parties are at the rally. The rally is a part of a campaign by the opposition prior to the upcoming presidential elections due to be held on Sunday, 23 December.

(50cm) of snow. Thousands of flights were cancelled across the region due to the weather. Governor Roy Cooper has declared a State of Emergency. The North Carolina State patrol responded to more than 670 collisions over a weekend period and a winter weather advisory was in place until 0900hrs (1400 UTC) on Tuesday, 11 December.

Mexico Dozens Arrested During Protest in Support of Migrants at San DiegoTijuana Border The U.S. Border Patrol has arrested 32 people during a protest on the San Diego- side of the Mexican border with Tijuana. Around 300 people were participating in a demonstration organised by the American Friends Service Committee to show United States Fatalities and Thousands support for the caravan of Central American migrants without Power as that had reached the U.S Snowstorm Hits North border but are struggling Carolina to gain entry into the U.S. At least three people More than 30 people were have died in snow-related arrested for trespassing incidents and 144,000 after they entered an people were without enforcement zone at the power after a snowstorm border and one person was hit North Carolina. Some areas of the state received arrested for assaulting an officer. as much as 18.5 inches





Bolivia, Santa Cruz

Bolivia Students Demonstrate in Santa Cruz over Nomination of President for Re-election Hundreds of students from the Autonomous University Gabriel Rene Moreno (UAGRM) have taken to the streets in Santa Cruz to demonstrate against the candidacy of incumbent President Evo Morales for the January 2019 presidential primary elections. The head of the Movement for Socialism (MAS) party lost a 2016 referendum over whether he should be allowed to run for a fourth term, but


has been nominated by MAS as their candidate in the election after the Supreme Tribunal of Justice of Bolivia ruled that all public offices have no limits. Protesters have argued that this is counter to what it says in the constitution. Students gathered at the Departmental Electoral Tribunal (TED) before marching to Plaza 24 de Septiembre. Imagery in local media shows students letting off fireworks and there have been reports on social media that a fire has been started at the TED.

Iraq Multiple Casualties Reported after Turkish Airstrikes Target PKK Militants in Northern Iraq According to reports from local media sources, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) has carried out several airstrikes against targets in the Sinat-Haftanin and Metina regions of Duhok Governorate. The airstrikes targeted militants from the Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) and TSK announced that five militants had been killed in the operation. A number of shelters were also destroyed in the airstrikes. Turkey has in recent months carried out regular strikes against PKK militants in northern Iraq. Yemen Yemeni Government and Houthi Rebels Sign Ceasefire for Al Hudaydah International media sources report that leaders of the delegations from the Yemeni government and the Houthi rebels, in Yemen have agreed to a ceasefire for the port city of Al Hudaydah. This agreement has been reached following talks in Sweden, brokered by the United Nations (UN). Al Hudaydah, the

fourth largest city of the country, has great strategic importance due to its position and assets. Egypt Multiple Militants Killed following Airstrikes near Libyan Border Egyptian forces claim to have killed at least 27 suspected militants following a series of airstrikes in the western desert area near the Libyan border. The strikes reportedly destroyed 61 vehicles containing weapons and ammunition. It is further indicated that a sizeable number of militant hideouts were also destroyed, but this is yet to be confirmed. Over the past three years, roughly 1,200 vehicles carrying weapons, ammunition and militants have been destroyed by airstrikes. Hungary Reports of Clashes between Riot Police and Anti-Orban Protesters in Budapest According to local media sources there have been sporadic clashes between riot police and around 1,000 anti-Orban protesters outside of the parliament building in Budapest.




GLOBAL ROUND UP The demonstrators are protesting the recent passing of a controversial labour law which raises the amount of overtime employers can demand from workers and is widely referred to as the “slave law”. The clashes between riot police and protesters reportedly occurred when the crowd moved towards a side gate, and threw objects at police, who responded with pepper spray.


France Security Threat Level Raised Nationwide following Shooting in Strasbourg Interior Minister Christophe Castaner has announced that the French government have raised the security threat level

to its highest level after a terrorist-related shooting in Strasbourg city centre. Following the incident several hundred additional security force members have been deployed to Strasbourg. Authorities have also implemented increased border checks and have strengthened security at Christmas markets nationwide. The highest security level ‘Urgence Attentat’ indicates an imminent risk of a secondary terror attack. Belgium Police Carry Out Arrests following Clashes with ‘Yellow Vest’ Protesters in Brussels At least 100 people were arrested following clashes between police and protesters affiliated Belgium, Brussels



with the ‘Yellow Vest’ movement in Brussels. Some 400 demonstrators had gathered in the Art Lois and Porte de Namur area of the city whilst police deployed to sensitive areas of the city in anticipation of unrest. Police reportedly deployed tear gas and water cannons to disperse protesters who gathered in the vicinity of the nation’s parliament and outside of the office of the Prime Minister, and were throwing objects at police. A number of train services were prevented from stopping at Brussels Central Station as a result of unrest and the Parc Metro station was also subject to closure.

Philippines National Parliament Votes to Extend Martial Law in Mindanao The Senate and the House of Representatives have approved the request of President Rodrigo Duterte to extend martial law in Mindanao for another year, until the 31 December 2019. Furthermore, extensive powers granted to security services to arrest persons of interest without a warrant, have also been extended. Past introduction and extensions of the martial law triggered demonstrations in the country’s major urban centres, including Manila, Mindanao and Davao. The martial law was proclaimed




GLOBAL ROUND UP in the region in May 2017, following the increase of attacks by the Maute and other extremist Islamist groups. The martial law was then extended for one year in December 2017. In recent years, hundreds have been killed and hundreds of thousands have become internally displaced people due to the conflict between extremist groups and security forces.

Shullukia, He was rushed to hospital but was declared dead on arrival. The clashes occurred when rival rallies for opposing candidates for the Noakhali 4 constituency converged. Political tensions remain high ahead of the national election on Sunday, 30 December.

Vietnam Fatalities Reported after Heavy Rains Cause Flooding in Quang Ngai Bangladesh Province Political Leader Killed According to regional in Partisan Clashes in media outlets, at least Noakhali District 13 people were killed in According to local media Quang Ngai province after reports, the general several central provinces secretary of one of were affected by rainthe ruling Awami Jubo induced flooding. Torrential League party’s youth downpour has lashed six wings has been killed in provinces in the centre clashes with opposition of the country since last Bangladesh National Party Saturday, with some areas (BNP) supporters in the receiving nearly 50cm (19 Noakhali Sadar upazila in) of rain. Fatalities were (sub-district) of Noakhali also reported in the south district in the division of central province of Binh Chittagong. Mohammad Dinh, but exact figures are Hanif was reportedly hacked yet to be confirmed. More indiscriminately with sharp than 200 people have been weapons and shot in his legs killed in weather-related during a vicious attack in disasters this year, down the village of Dakkhin Char from 389 last year. Drum Cussac is a global security consultancy responsible for ensuring the safety of more than 15 million lives across hundreds of organisations on a daily basis. Our Intelligence and Analysis Services team specialises in providing in-depth analysis of global risks via inhouse experts, cutting edge technology and a comprehensive global source network. Web:



In the world of protective services, we are often charged with the responsibility of having to manage and reconcile between safety and access for our protectees. As business owners, employees, independent contractors or just private citizens we too are challenged with the dichotomy of managing our personal and professional lives on social media.

Some people feel if they just separate their personal and business online pages that will give them a de facto firewall that protects them from potential exposure, liability or consequences. While many social media


MANAGING YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT platforms may give you the opportunity to create separate pages, the reality is many customers, and potential employers want to understand exactly who they are doing business with or considering for employment. As a business owner or independent contractor many customers, and in particular, millennials want to know the face behind the brand. Many marketing consulting companies even encourage authenticity for their clients to let their customers or consumers get to know them on a personal level as that is often seen as the way to build enthusiastic advocates of their respective brands. As business consultant, Carla Jones, often says, “People buy from and connect with who they know, like and trust.” When it comes to employment, before most companies will consider extending an offer of employment, they too will seek to do background checks, inclusive of vetting your digital footprint to look for a good fit of the individual with their company culture or client base. I have often heard people


say, “You can’t tell me what to put on my personal Facebook page.” They are 100% correct that is protected by their First Amendment Rights, but it does not mean you won’t be held accountable for those words or actions. How many times have we seen individuals make disparaging remarks against individuals, ethnic groups or religious groups only to be later identified on social media and fired by their employers, so yes, our words do matter so expect to be held accountable for them. When it comes to acts of violence and particularly mass casualty incidents, I have always said: “Monsters always start out as Gremlins.” So as more and more individuals and law enforcement agencies start looking to identify preincident indicators to help prevent a crisis, they too are reviewing social media pages in efforts to mitigate potential risks, particularly by people who may have forwarded them tips. There are always signs, and more and more people are learning to recognize them. But with the enhanced scrutiny, there will also be abuses by people with personal vendettas looking


When it comes to firearms or combative related groups, they seem to bring out a disproportionate number of alpha personalities or keyboard ninjas. to thwart an individual or company’s growth. Don’t give them any potential openings due to your own reckless comments and actions.

and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal,” the draft bill states.

New York Senate Bill S9191 A proposed bill in the New York State Senate could mean that anyone wanting to buy a pistol or renew their permit will be subject to a review of their internet history and social media accounts going back up to three years.

If the bill passes, investigators would be able to look for posts or searches that contain threats to the health or safety of others; intentions to carry out an act of terrorism; or commonly known profane slurs or biased language describing the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person.

The bill, referred to as S9191, was drafted by State Senator Kevin Parker from New York’s 21st Congressional District with the intention of keeping firearms out of the hands of potentially violent people. S9191 “requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed

This would mean accessing personal accounts and applicant’s login details to social media platforms such as Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, and Instagram. While I don’t think the above-proposed bill has a chance of passing as it violates too many constitutional rights, it


MANAGING YOUR DIGITAL FOOTPRINT does, however, show the ongoing desire for more accountability by those desiring to be armed.

out a disproportionate number of alpha personalities or keyboard ninjas. Have you researched the groups you desire to When it comes to your join or did you again just social media platforms, hit click? Take the time many individuals have a to understand the people desire to have high social behind the group and pay media followings. Some attention to the spirit of the will approve anyone just chat threads. Do they lean to increase their following hard toward the extremes count. Do you just hit whether toward anticonfirm or do you even religion, ethnicity, gender, take a moment to review or government? You don’t the social media profile want to find yourself on of the requestor? When a some government watch social media friend makes list when it comes to airline an inappropriate or biased travel or renewing your comment on your page, professional credentials do you let it live or do you because the group is seen delete it and inform them as a terrorist organization those views are inconsistent or militia group. with your personal views? Because we often are We spend our entire lives seen as cosigning another mitigating risks for our person’s point of view if we clients, let us make sure don’t act on it. Remember we are doing the same due many people assume birds diligence when it comes of a feather often flock to managing our personal together. brands and businesses. Remember protecting When it comes to firearms your digital footprint is as or combative related important as protecting groups, they seem to bring your clients. Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to a number of print, broadcast and online media, and the author of a number of security, firearm and protection publications. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction.



Close Protection Strategies: The Future of Self Defence Training Consider this, when broken down to its most basic components, the vast majority of traditional self-defence courses only teach defensive responses to an attack once it has begun. I am of the opinion that’s not only a bit late, it’s also certainly not enough to survive a Mass Casualty Event in these days and times. In light of that, I have found that RealityBased Self Defence (RBSD) systems take things a bit further by teaching pre-fight tactics such as: creating safe distance; using nonaggressive body language; reading pre-fight indicators; and applying verbal deescalation techniques. Yet all of that is still not enough to effectively survive a terrorist attack in a public

space, especially if you’re with family or friends. It was several years ago now that I recognized that the basic strategy of Close Protection provided a simple but effective survival plan that could be applied to civilians. That basic strategy as I see it is as follows: • Avoid a confrontation if possible • Protect the Principal at all times • Escape the location as quickly as possible.




CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 In short: Avoid; Protect; Escape. And it’s a strategy that’s becoming more and more important as the level of violence increases in our society. In contrast to the survival plan that these three tactics create, most traditional self-defence courses only offer the tactic of “Protect.” And most RBSD systems only offer the tactics of “Avoid and Protect.” Where’s the Escape? How do I get myself, my family and friends, out of the chaos of a terrorist attack or an Active Shooter event? It is there where the basic Close Protection strategy of Avoid,

Protect, Escape becomes a simple but effective survival plan for even the average citizen. Firstly, in order to have an “Avoidance” capability, people will need to know something of the pre-fight tactics of RBSD systems: • creating safe distance • using non-aggressive body language • reading pre-fight indicators • and applying de-escalation techniques. Next comes the “Protection” capability which can vary depending on where people


CLOSE PROTECTION STRATEGIES live geographically, and what laws might restrict or hinder their response to an attack. So while I might recommend that people learn to defend themselves standing, on the ground, and sitting in a confined space such as a car, bus or plane, they might also need to learn the basics of using a handgun or foldingknife safely and defensively. However, in many countries where carrying handguns or knives is illegal, people are going to need to learn how to use everyday objects as defensive weapons. These might include a TacPen, a TacTorch, a small water-bottle, a rolledup magazine, or even an umbrella.

suddenly grab the back of their wife/partner’s head and push her forward to escape a dangerous situation. You can always give it a try if you’re in doubt as to how they will respond, but I wouldn’t recommend it. In fact, I always advise Trainees to discuss the Escort & Escape techniques they've learned, so that no one (wife or children) is caught by surprise in the event of an immediate evacuation.

Learning to escort a loved one out of a dangerous situation complements other important escape tactics such as knowing the safest exits from a This then brings us to shopping center or other learning an “Escape” venue and understanding capability which is the realm the difference between of the Close Protection Concealment (not being Operative. seen), and Cover (solid protection). This is a very Most useful to ordinary important difference to people are expressions understand in an Active of Safe Escort & Escape Shooter Event. techniques. These could include for example: Also useful is a simplified • a rear escort technique version of the Night • a side escort technique Evasion & Escape tactics • a front escort technique used by most militaries. • and techniques for For example: Silhouette escorting two people Shadow - Screen. simultaneously (family or friends). The tactic of “Silhouette” refers to not creating a The range of techniques human silhouette (shape) is important because an simply because it’s so easily ordinary person can’t just recognised. To do this you


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 need to avoid being backlit by lighting or the night sky, and use shadows and screens to disrupt the shape of your body.

planning cycle and regain the advantage • and thereby maximize the safety of the Principal, and the Protectors.

The tactic “Shadow” refers to using natural shadowing at night to hide in or move along in. But while you move, it’s important to avoid making long shadows of your own that will attract the attention of your pursuers.

Not surprisingly, this strategy is extremely useful to business executives as well… especially when they're traveling overseas on business, or with their family.

The tactic “Screen” refers to using anything that can hide some-or-all of your body. That might be for example: a car (cover); or just a bush (concealment).

The basics can be taught very easily. All that’s needed is: • an introduction to the basic techniques • a hand-out describing the basic techniques (plus a pen) • then form two opposing groups to go and practice the techniques.

Together, “Silhouette, Shadow and Screen” in an Active Shooter Event at night is a guideline to: As an example (pictured seek immediate cover or right), one of the featured concealment (preferably photos shows me in the cover); then make a plan to background playing the role use shadows and screens of a Black Hat (a criminal)… to escape the location as following a potential victim safely as possible. (a White Hat) around a shopping center… waiting to Finally, we come to an make contact (if I can) in a emerging new trend vulnerable location. These in the Close Protection can include choke points such Industry which is as a narrow walk-way, the teaching Operatives entrance to a car-park, or in to apply the basics of this case a public toilet. In Anti Surveillance. The response to being followed, strategy is generally the White Hat(s) exercise described as follows: a range of observation • to identify hostile techniques to determine just surveillance (from who is on their tail... then individuals or groups) apply a basic Cleaning Run to FEMALE FITNESS REQUIREMENTS • to disrupt the hostile shake that tail.


CLOSE PROTECTION STRATEGIES I’ve found that two modules work well for both new-comers to the Security Industry, and business executives traveling overseas: Module 1: Anti Surveillance Basics and How to apply a Cleaning Run Module 2: Applying a Phone-Camera to check behind, and collect evidence.

For Security Personnel, the psychological advantage is that both these exercises allow them to play the role of a Black Hat… and thereby gain experience in how bad guys think and act when they’re surveilling a potential victim. As such, the techniques above which have evolved out of Close Protection and military techniques can be taught to protectee’s, family and friends helping to ensure their survival in a crisis.

Wayne Roy has over thirty-five years’ experience in teaching martial arts, and now specializes in designing Reality-Based Protection programs for civilians and security personnel.



Keeping Your Edge: Measured Responses in Tour Security (Part III) In the previous installments of this ongoing series, we discussed the challenges faced by Protectors who work with entertainers that spend at least some portions of their career involved in stage performances.

Keeping Your Edge: Action vs. Reaction

We also talked about some of the missteps Protectors have made when trying to respond to stage crashers, the more extreme of which have landed their client in the headlines for reasons they didn’t want, and the agent on the unemployment line.

By: Elijah Shaw

Touring places the Protective Agent in a difficult position, both literally and physically. Depending on the nature of the tour and the configuration of the stage, it could be essentially you vs. thousands. I say that because the seasoned


KEEPING YOUR EDGE agent will want to get into the mind state where he views everyone as a potential threat, with the likelihood of that potential turning into actual the closer proximity they are to the stage and therefore the Protectee. A good visual reference would be to think of yourself as King Leonidas with any additional members of your detail as well as the house security assigned to the stage, as your band of 300 Sparta warriors. 300 vs. thousands defending the pass, and it’s your preplanning, real-time observations, and rapid responses, that could spell the difference between victory and defeat.

layer upon layer of security measures, all acting in support of the mission (concentric rings) then the odds of a smooth show are much more likely. Alternatively, if there is a breakdown or weak spot at any portion of any layer, Murphy’s Law can almost guarantee that it will be exploited. In the event that the breech does occur, how we respond to it must then be the only concern. We can’t waste precious time wondering what went wrong and who is to blame, instead we must RE-act which is painfully slower as we have lost the initiative. In short the adversary has gotten to make the first move which automatically puts us on defense.

As mentioned previously, the name of the game is prevention. If you can harden the target with

Backing up a step, we should discuss positioning he Bodyman assigned to the entertainer on

It’s your preplanning, real-time observations, and rapid responses, that could spell the difference between victory and defeat. 99

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 stage. For the purposes of this discussion, let’s imagine that it is us as the Solo Protector supported by the house event staff. With the Performer on an elevated stage, the decision will need to be made to secure a position in the pit, effectively placing yourself closer to the audience than the audience is to the entertainer. Alternatively, and in my opinion the more advantageous option 90% of the time, is to take a position in the wings of the stage, either stage left (SL) or stage right (SR). If someone makes it onto the stage it is then your responsibility to intercept before then can reach your client. However, once you make contact with the individual what you do next may have major implications. Yes adrenaline is pumping, yes you might still not have a clear idea of the

crashers intentions, and yes, you need to assume the worst. However, with that said, if you get too aggressive in the manner of your response you had better believe that all of the cameras and smartphones that prior to were capturing the show, will now be focused on you. There has been a multitude of cases where the stage crasher has been for all intents and purposes assaulted on stage by the security staff, before being escorted out. Their injuries, combined with the footage that has now been uploaded to social media sites and spreading viraly, gives them the opportunity to press for criminal and/or civil damages. Don’t believe the saying all publicity is good publicity when it comes to entertainers. If you are responsible for damaging the brand, when the show ends that night it might also be curtains for you.

Elijah Shaw is the National Director of the North American Bodyguard Association and the CEO of ICON Global, and International Executive Protection Consulting Firm. Elijah, who has been featured in Inc. Magazine, Entrepreneur, and Portfolio, runs the ICON Academy, an EP Training Program specializing in Celebrity & VIP Protection. He also currently sits on the Board of Directors of Executive Security International (ESI), the United States oldest Executive Protection Training School.




United Kingdom 3D Security Ltd Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1TG Based in Taunton 3D Security provides security services for a wide range of clients. Whether you need a security guard in Somerset, event security in Leeds or Close Protection in London we will provide a solution for your needs. T: +44 (0)1823 253 001 W - E -

A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750

designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E:

Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E :

Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526

Control Risk Management Solutions CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E:

Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843

Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427

Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been


CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: www.dfriskmanagementsolutionsni. com Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, fullservice company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/ security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E:

John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E: MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : paul@deltasecurity-eventmanagement. T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through


thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525 RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E:

Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our


extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E : Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. Our graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W : Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 44 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for Self-Protection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W:

Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: Info@ContractFrontPhotography. com W: www.ContactFrontPhotography. com Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E:

Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Entering into our 10th year, Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: www.pantherprotectionservices. com Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. I am now looking to make a continued significant contribution within similar High Risk contracts. E:


T: +40 (0)746 642 739 SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: members/saldrix E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E:

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THE TEAM: UK Editor: Shaun West US Editor: Elijah Shaw

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Managing Editor: Jon Moss Art Direction: Peter Falkous

CONTRIBUTORS: Jon Dennison Orlando Wilson Joseph M. LaSorsa Robin Barratt David Hammond Jason Poston Peter Jenkins Mark Roche EPS Wille Heino Mark “Six” James Wayne Roy Phelim Rowe

Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865


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