Circuit 41

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The Gray Man Conce Concept You’re Doing it Wrong

Cutting out the Middle Man Residential Security Vehicle Attacks Against Pedestrians EX-MILITARY FACTOR /// SUPERYACHT SECURITY /// RUSSIA WORLD CUP


There is nothing like getting a bit of sun on the body to lift the spirits and recharge those solar-powered batteries of the soul. However, being fair-skinned, I can’t be too cavalier and spend too long in the sun without lathering myself in SPF 50!

maritime op’s are new to you.

I apologise to all long-term readers who hear me say this every year, but the summer season, while still in its infancy, is already proving to be a crazy, busy time for myself. And I know it will be the same for many of you working in the commercial sector. This time of year brings with it many unique challenges and your professionalism, not to mention your humour and sanity, will be tested to the extreme. It involves lots of travel, long working days and soaring temperatures, all of which contribute towards a stressful, high-pressure work environment. Therefore, it’s important to remain mindful and guard against complacency. Years of hard work and tireless dedication can come undone in an instant with one badly chosen response to a frivolous request that comes at the end of a long day, from an extended family member or friend of the principal. Remember, it’s in these moments when reputations are broken, not made! For those of you who might find yourself onboard a super yacht during the summer, Ed Hill has some great tips for you on how to navigate the unique challenges of working in this environment and what to look out for if

Another significant event, on the radar of most security personnel, happening this summer is the FIFA World Cup being held across Russia. At the time of writing it seems to have gotten off to a good start and without any serious incident of note. Lets hope the rest of the tournament continues to be enjoyed by all attendees and passes safely. Our friends at Drum Cussac have put together some great information for anyone who might be attending the World Cup for either their own enjoyment or in a work capacity Finally, to finish with, I’m delighted to announce that the Circuit Magazine will soon be returning to the Apple and Android App stores with its own app. The app will be free to download and readers can choose to subscribe annually or buy and download magazines individually. Both app’s will be released before the end of June, so look out for more information coming soon or simply search for ‘The Circuit Magazine’ in your devices App Store. Let us know what you think, we’re excited to get your feedback! Stay safe and enjoy the summer.

Shaun West Editor



Welcome to the latest issue of The Circuit Magazine - The Magazine for Security Professionals WORLDWIDE. I guess my mind is particularly on our global reach at this moment, as I’m writing this from the lobby of a hotel in Russia. As it happens, the hotel is also hosting a number of dignitaries and their protection teams, and without violating any OPSEC I can say at least 4 different counties are lodged here. As such, I’ve had the opportunity to observe Protectors of different nationalities work their craft. What stuck me was no matter the color of skin or the language spoken, those that are engaged in the business of protecting others all have universal traits. Perhaps it is a language in and of itself, a bond that ties like minded professionals

to a brotherhood (and sisterhood). The Circuit seeks to be an outlet to assist in fostering those ties, and even though its (currently) written in the English language, contributors from Nigeria to Australia have written and shared knowledge for the good of the community. So with that said, my hope is that you find page after page of substantive and engaging reading. In essence, no matter where you are on the planet, if you are in the business of safeguarding others, we want to be one of the links binding you to a global network. Elijah Shaw US Editor




CONTENTS 02 Foreword 04 Contents


06 Cutting out the Middle Man A Better Way to Outsource Military Tasks 16 Safety Tips For Travellers Heading to Russia 22 Working in Superyacht Security: Top Tips 26 Vehicle Attacks Against Pedestrians: How to Mitigate The Risk 33 The Gray Man Concept… You’re Doing it Wrong


41 Russia World Cup 2018 Security Analysis 48 School Shootings Effective Mitigation


56 Value Driven Integration Women in Protection



what to do about school shootings?


64 Ex-Military Factor An Industry Bias 70 McDonaldization of Close Personal Protection

41 64

78 Specialist Operations Academy Promotion 82 Residential Security: The Definative Checklist 92 Staffing an International Team The Major Considerations 99 Classifieds



CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLE MAN A Better Way to Outsource Military Tasks Only an industry spawned from the military could give rise to the array of acronyms used to describe security companies.



Tight defence budgets keep slashing headcounts for active duty personnel, leaving the military no alternative other than to outsource tasks when troops are stretched.



There’s PSC – Private Security Companies. PMC – Private Military Companies. And CSC – Commercial Security Companies— the acronym I believe is most accurate because all security companies exist for one reason only. To turn a profit for their shareholders. No matter which acronym you prefer, the profit motive makes commercial security companies a poor substitute for a professionally trained and managed military. But as much as I’d like to put the outsourcing genie back in the bottle, it’s not going to happen. Tight defence budgets keep slashing

headcounts for active duty personnel, leaving the military no alternative other than to outsource tasks when troops are stretched. And for political elites, private security companies have become an all too important fig leaf for concealing the true human and financial costs of illconceived interventions in foreign lands. I’ve written at length about why commercial security companies are a bad deal for tax payers. And they will continue to be as long as the industry is selfregulated. The foxes minding the commercial security hen house have drafted codes of conduct


CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLE MAN and guidelines, but in the absence of external oversight and enforcement, they’re worse than useless. Just look at the number of contractor deaths that are swept under the rug. Or dig a little deeper and examine the managerial ineptitude and sheer greed which led to those deaths. That’s why it’s crucial to distinguish between the contractors carrying out tasks on the ground, and the security company executives back home. The executives in their plush offices are primarily concerned with maximizing profits in order to secure themselves bonuses, raises and promotions. The contractors by contrast are often former service members who are using the skills they learned in the military to make an honest living and put food on their tables. The

contractors’ aren’t awarded fat bonuses. In fact, their daily wages have been slashed to the bone since the boom years of the early noughties. Few contractors have access to company sponsored pension schemes. Many aren’t paid for travel, or travel days. And most can forget about reimbursement for visa costs. As professions go, security contractor ranks up there as one of the worst in terms of risk-reward. And let me be clear – contractors often face far greater risks than their military counterparts. Contractors are often assigned tasks that do not match their individual skill sets. And even when they do, they often lack the correct equipment and/ or support management to carry out tasks professionally, because the

As professions go, security contractor ranks up there as one of the worst in terms of risk-reward.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 company’s thought process gotten away with looking after their bottom line is towards penny pinching to protect its profit margin. to the detriment of their contractors trying their hardest to operate as I cannot overstate how professionally as possible. important it is for the Skill set mismatches are contractor to have the only the tip of the iceberg. correct skills for their In the military, when assigned task, especially a commanding officer in hostile environments. The self-regulating security makes an outrageous request, subordinates can industry has gone to send a complaint up the great lengths to obscure chain of command. In this need by requiring the commercial security contractors to undergo world, contractors are told an SIA (Security Industry to “give the client what Association) training they want”, no matter how course, or a comparable dangerous or ill advised. variant. These SIA In the military, when an courses are untaken at operation in a hostile the contractor’s expense environment goes pear in finances and time, last shaped, there’s a robust only days to a few weeks support system in place to not months, and have come to the rescue. In the shockingly low failure commercial security world, rates. Weigh that against on the whole, the lads and months and months of military training, and what lasses on the ground are left to fend for themselves. you have is a recipe for a tick-in-the-box certification that impresses clients who Things have only gotten worse as the market for don’t know any better commercial security has while allowing commercial security companies to hire tightened. I’m aware of companies that have taken the cheapest contractors on dangerous contracts they can find, as opposed to those best suited to the more ethical companies wouldn’t touch. For job. example, running convoys along routes where there For too long, commercial was a high probability security companies have



In the commercial security world, contractors are told to “give the client what they want”, no matter how dangerous or ill advised.

the contractors would be ambushed and killed. I know contractors who took those jobs because they had families to support, bills to pay and no other employment prospects brewing. I’m also aware of companies telling contractors that if they didn’t yield to outrageous client demands, they could be easily replaced by another contractor sitting at home waiting for the phone to ring. These abuses have flourished thanks to a toxic mix of tightening defence budgets and self-regulation of the commercial security industry. But those same conditions also hold the key to reforming how military operations are outsourced to commercial security contractors and by extension, how the industry is policed. Commercial security companies and their proponents argue that they offer the same level of professionalism as the military at a fraction of the cost. I’ve already listed several examples of how commercial




CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLE MAN security companies are not and never will be as professional as the military.

Employing a contractor for a specific task for a limited time will almost always be cheaper than employing a full time soldier with benefits.

As for cost – I agree. Employing a contractor for a specific task for a limited time will almost always be cheaper than employing a full time soldier with benefits. But employing a contractor through the middleman of a commercial security company is not the MOST cost efficient alternative. Rather than outsource a task to a commercial security company, the military can cut out the middle man altogether by maintaining its own database of contractors which it then hires directly as needed. The cost savings are obvious. A commercial security company turns a profit by pocketing the difference between what they charge the client –in this case, the military – and what they pay the contractor. When the military hires the contractor directly, there is no mark-up on the contractor. Or equipment for that matter (if indeed the security company actually supplies the



I believe Britain’s MoD and the US DoD could immediately start hiring contractors directly and in doing so catalyse some long overdue reforms. military reforms the way it outsources tasks, it would set the stage for a broader reform of the commercial security industry; one Cutting out the middle man would also ensure the that would finally replace the deeply flawed selfmilitary secures the right contractors with the correct regulatory regime with an skills for the job. Moreover, external regulator. those contractors would This has been my pet be backed up by a robust support system and a chain subject since I wrote and published my first book, of command which keeps The Circuit, over a decade them bound and sound to ago. I argued then as I do carry out an operation to now that self-regulation the best of their abilities. is a debacle and that the only way to ensure a high Even if the MoD and DoD implement this one simple degree of professionalism among commercial security change, there’s still the companies is to create an matter of commercial external oversight body to commercial security with the authority to draft contracts. Such as looking and enforce regulations. after aid organizations in hostile environments In Britain, this external or protecting oil and gas installation as an example. regulatory body would be headed by a serving But I believe if the contractor with the very same equipment they’ve charged the client for).


CUTTING OUT THE MIDDLE MAN MP with no financial ties to the industry. This MP along with a team of experienced, diverse professionals who’ve served in the military and worked on The Circuit, would draft rules and regulations based on their operational experience. Any commercial security company with executives based in Britain, regardless of where it’s incorporated or books its profits –would be required to adopt these rules and regulations or be barred from doing business. To enforce these standards, the team would investigate complaints and perform regular audits. If a company is found to have committed fraud and/or abuse, the regulatory body would have the authority to fine the company and ban its top executives from the industry for life. Starting with the CEO. This external regulatory body would also foster a culture of transparency by maintaining a public data

base of contractors killed or wounded on the job. This includes any contractor working for a British company, or a company headed by a British national incorporated in another jurisdiction. I believe Britain’s MoD and the US DoD could immediately start hiring contractors directly and in doing so catalyse some long overdue reforms. Whether the will exists to do this is another question. I’m dismayed by the number of retired senior officers who have sold their souls for lucrative positions with unethical commercial security companies. But I do believe there are good, serving officers who are fed up with business as usual. True leaders who have the vision and will to cut out the parasitic middlemen who jeopardize operational success for the sake of profit and unnecessarily endanger the lives of the hard grafting contractors on the ground.

Bestselling author Bob Shepherd is a security advisor and 20-year veteran of Britain’s elite Special Air Service. With almost 20-years of private security work to his credit, he has successfully negotiated some of the most dangerous places on earth as both an SAS soldier and private citizen. Combined, Bob has spent almost 40 years operating in conflict areas. Bob is a regular media commentator on security issues and has appeared on CNN International, BBC, SKY News, Al Jazeera English, BBC Radio and various newspapers and magazines. He also shares his insights on security politics through his blog;



Safety tips for travellers heading to Russia

By: Drum Cussac

Keeping the people in your charge safe is an essential part of any security or protection-based role. Yet more often than not, it’s the people you’re protecting that are the weak link in your risk mitigation plans so what can you do? Unfortunately, it’s not possible to hold every traveller’s hand when they’re overseas. Aside from using a people tracking solution such as Drum Cussac’s PeopleMonitor to keep a remote eye on things, it’s worth instilling some best practice behaviours in travellers before they leave.



Travellers should always carry a mobile phone, pre-programmed with important numbers.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 The best practice advice below should be followed by anyone travelling abroad in order to minimise potential security risks and ensure operational continuity: Stay on top of admin (at home and abroad) Travellers should apply for visas well in advance and make sure they have the appropriate travel insurance before leaving. This can prevent costly delays at airports that may result in missed flights, potential re-bookings and wholesale changes to carefully planned journey itineraries. Travellers should carry documents on them at all times and maintain contact with the local Russian consulate to be aware of any sudden change in requirements.

Travellers should carry documents on them at all times and maintain contact with the local Russian consulate to be aware of any sudden change in requirements.

Avoid political discussion To mitigate the risk of being exposed to social tensions, travellers in Russia should avoid discussing the current diplomatic row as well as the in-country political situation with locals. If these topics are brought up, foreigners should avoid making controversial remarks. Avoid culturally sensitive topics Travellers should try to


SAFETY TIPS learn some basic Russian phrases in order to appear a bit more savvy. Likewise, travellers should respect local customs and be wary of what they photograph. To mitigate the risk of exposure to social tensions and potential criminality, foreigners in Russia should avoid discussing the Ukrainian and Syrian conflicts as well as nontraditional sexual relations. Stay under the radar Blending into their surroundings can help travellers to maintain a low profile abroad. To minimise the chances of being singled out as a potential victim, encourage travellers not to leave the


plane first - even if riding in first or business class. It’s common knowledge that these ‘wealthier’ travellers have priority when leaving the plane, so don’t put yourself in that category. Likewise, don’t use express customs and passport control queues as this will also mark you out to opportunists. Travellers should always carry a mobile phone, pre-programmed with important numbers. Maintain a point of contact Journeys should always be planned in advance and the itinerary agreed upon between the traveller and

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 their point of contact back home (whether that’s inhouse security, dedicated travel booker, or a travel management company). Encourage travellers to check-in with their contact in every city within 24 hours. Research where you’re staying Liaise with people who have travelled to the region before and listen to their recommendations. Alternatively, do some research into respectable hotels in the region travellers are heading to. Hotels should have good reviews and be thoroughly checked out before anyone checks in. It’s also worth asking the concierge for areas to avoid.

establishments and try to avoid drinking in quiet, local bars where they are more likely to stand out. While it may prove challenging, especially during a major sporting event, we recommend that anyone travelling to Russia limits their alcohol consumption and never accepts drinks from strangers.

Be aware of your surroundings Travellers should follow local news or authoritative social media accounts (e.g. embassies) to stay on top of potential risks in and around their location. Knowing what is going on is essential if you want to avoid confrontations and demonstrations that could turn violent. To mitigate the risk of exposure Travel in licensed incidental violence, vehicles foreigners should maintain For added peace of mind, a safe distance from all travellers should only use public rallies, especially licensed and regulated mini-cab companies. These those organised by the opposition. Foreigners should be booked through the hotel desk with agreed should refrain from taking pictures of such events. pick-up and drop off locations and times. Stay alert to threats Due to the ongoing Only drink in respected terrorist threat, foreigners establishments should closely monitor Travellers should only Russian media and drink at respected



Foreigners should closely monitor Russian media and government warnings as well as their national consular services to remain aware of any threats. government warnings as well as their national consular services to remain aware of any threats. We recommend equipping travellers with regional risk alerts, such as Drum Cussac’s RiskMonitor service. These real-time risk alerts can keep travellers on top of developing threats and help them to stay safe. Give yourself time before matches When it comes to match-days in Russia, we recommend that all travellers get to matches early. This will give them time to get through the enhanced security and bag searches in place at stadiums. Travellers also need to give themselves enough time to reach venues as vehicular traffic

will be restricted. Ensuring traveller safety By staying aware of threats, travellers and security teams can thoroughly prepare themselves for the risks they face at the 2018 Russia World Cup. Whether this means having a greater awareness and understanding of the threat landscape, or actually vetting every step of the journey, working proactively to mitigate the risks is by the far the best approach you can take. Our free white paper provides a security analysis of the upcoming Russia World Cup and offers more in-depth advice for security professionals and travellers heading to Moscow this summer.

Drum Cussac is a global security consultancy responsible for ensuring the safety of more than 11 million people. Our intelligence and analysis services (IAS) offer 24/7 expertise via in-house professional intelligence operators and analysts, cutting edge technology and a comprehensive global network.



Working in Superyacht Security: Top Tips

By: Ed Hill

For most close protection specialists, working on board a luxury yacht is one of the high points of their career.


WORKING IN SUPERYACHT SECURITY There are few roles that are as prestigious as working on board a superyacht, with all the surrounding opulence and grandiose extravagance, while cruising around some of the world’s most glamorous spots. Most would agree that working on board a superyacht is undoubtedly one of the most desirable positions in the security industry. However, as highly prestigious as this type of work may appear initially, the potential for messing up and subsequently losing your job (and reputation) can be high. Each luxury yacht is different, as are its owners, but whether on an anti-piracy task or providing close protection to the owners or guests, being forewarned is forearmed, and some advance preparation and knowledge is advisable. Here are a few basic tips to help make sure you’re well prepared for that coveted role. 1. Get the terminology right Remember that you’re now venturing into the maritime domain with its own terminology. To the uninitiated, left and right become port and starboard,


while front and rear are known as for’ard and aft. To earn credibility, it would be beneficial for you to familiarise yourself with some of the main terms before boarding. Moreover, to confuse matters even further, there are some terms that are unique to the yachting sector. For example, the gangway becomes the passerelle; while the owner’s selection of jet skis, diving gear, submarines or whatever recreational equipment he or she has on board, is known as their toys. The toys are usually stored in the yacht’s garage. 2. Bring your sea legs Sea-sickness is a form of motion sickness in which a deviation exists between visually perceived movement and the vestibular system’s sense of movement. With symptoms such as nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting, if not treated correctly, seasickness can bring the strongest man (or woman) to his or her knees. Not only will this leave your team mates taking on additional duties because they have a man down, it’s also highly embarrassing when the yacht’s crew are

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 carrying on regardless and the tough security guy is incapacitated. However, sea-sickness is preventable, so it’s always a good idea to arrive prepared with a supply of medication, available over the counter at pharmacies, or alternatively you can use a wristband, designed especially for the condition. 3. Loose lips sink ships You may inevitably be bound by a confidentiality agreement, but it’s also an unwritten rule that you should never disclose the name of the yacht that you’ve worked on, or the names of the owners or guests. Once on board, and after meeting the crew, it usually doesn’t take long to realise that there’s often a fair amount of on board politics and assumed hierarchy at play. Similar to the family office environment, you may encounter a culture of back-stabbing and gossip. Superyacht crews may work exceptionally long hours within a cramped environment, they seldom get free time to themselves and not everyone will get on with each other. If you find this to be the case, don’t get involved in any

gossip, instead try to remain impartial. 4. Steer clear of romantic relationships This may sound corny, but for male security operatives, there’s a strong possibility that you’ll be greeted by some stewardesses who may welcome the arrival of alpha-male type “bodyguards.” Keep in mind that many of these girls are hired purely for their good looks, sometimes making them hard to resist for some guys. However, getting involved romantically has the potential to lead to a complex entanglement, which may be detrimental to your professionalism and how it’s perceived among your peers. Keep relations strictly professional, and don’t jeopardise your job or your reputation. 5. Be prepared to muck in One of the most important elements to working on board a yacht is crew integration. If the crew take a dislike to you then you’re pretty much doomed from the outset. When you first arrive, you may be treated with suspicion, especially among a crew that is tight-knit and has



There’s a strong possibility that you’ll be greeted by some stewardesses who may welcome the arrival of alpha-male type “bodyguards.”

already created its own dynamics. Therefore, it’s your responsibility to endear yourself to them and gain their trust. Make a point of asking about any onboard procedures that you need to be aware of, and ensure you adhere to them. Be polite and respectful, avoid being over-familiar and always clean up after yourself. If the situation allows, offer to help with the washing-up after meals, assist with the loading of stores and help the deckhands wash down the boat. Take your ego down

a notch or two, get stuck in, and the crew will respect you for it. Working on board a superyacht is one of the most enjoyable and rewarding roles in the private security industry. At times, the work can be extremely demanding; however, there can also be some great perks. As with all security tasks, etiquette and discretion are key factors to success. Remain respectful, maintain your professional integrity and you won’t go far wrong.

Ed Hill is a former Royal Marines Commando with a Masters Degree in Maritime Security. Ed is the Managing Director of Intrepid Risk Management, a London based company that specialises in superyacht security.



Vehicle attacks against pedestrians: How to mitigate the risk

Time and again I read and watch news about vehicles being used in terrorist attacks against pedestrians, and it’s sad to realize that I’m not too surprised. These kind of attacks are only more likely to happen, with increased frequency, in the future.


VEHICLE ATTACKS Why do I believe this to be so? Anyone keeping watch of the publications and propaganda output by the terrorist organisation ISIS will have observed a great deal of encouragement for the use of vehicles in attacks. Additionally, the considerable media attention received when these attacks happen are incentive to continue the trend. There are very few column inches given to news about operations which prevent these attacks from occurring, despite the relative success authorities have had. This speaks to the sensationalist age we live in where inducing fear is the simplest way to sell news. Why have these attacks become so popular? ● The copycat phenomenon: Terrorists who desire martyrdom read about the success stories of successfully mounted attacks and the praise dolled out by high-level ISIS leaders. ● These vehicle attacks are simple and straightforward to conduct. No prior training is required, just basic driving skills.

media attention they generate. In past years we only heard about these type of attacks happening in war zones or countries with long-running conflicts such as Israel, but now they are a reality in our cities. There is a feeling among people that anyone can become a victim, and of course, that is the overarching goal of terrorism. Not just in the war zones As regular readers may know, I live and work in Finland where the terrorist threat is considered to be low, in general, although we did experience our first terrorist attack this year in the city of Turku, where there was a mass stabbing. The official threat level on our 4-tier scale is currently a 2, Elevated, and the main specified threat, identified by the Finnish security intelligence service, is a lone wolf attack. We are now seeing authorities and security service providers raising their game and stepping up to the challenge. The new norm is to plan for a vehicle attack wherever large crowds gather, such as arenas and concert halls.

In this current climate of regular news reporting of one threat or ● These attacks are cheap, another, people are naturally and there is little operational planning needed to launch one. worried about becoming the victim of terrorism and in particular these types of vehicle ● The weapons (vehicles) are attacks. Although, I am quick readily accessible. They may to point out to people that, belong to the driver, or they statistically speaking, there could be rented or stolen. is more chance of becoming a lottery millionaire than a ● Fear effect: Terror is spread victim of terrorism. In these so quickly by these attacks situations, a little knowledge and because of the widespread



There may be more attackers still active, or there could be secondaries or booby-traps, particularly at the site of the attack vehicle background information can go a long way to help put things into perspective. I hate it when I hear a security specialist responding to the question 'what should we do in situations like this?' with an answer like: 'you have to be aware of your surroundings at all times'. That is very true, of course, but the average person doesn´t know how to be aware unless they get educated in how and what to look for. Awareness skills are something you have to be trained for and practiced in. Here are some of the things I teach when talking about vehicle attacks against pedestrians. This is not an all-inclusive list of what to do, but it will guide you in your thinking. Protecting others • Protecting buildings is simpler than protecting people. When you do your emergency preparedness planning for fires and similar, include these types of scenarios in them.

straight line in the approach to your building. • Strengthen vulnerable buildings with extra layers of protective material and consider using barricades to prevent vehicles from driving into pedestrian areas. Consider carefully where you locate smoking areas and Incident Control Points such as ERV's. • At large-scale events, such as outdoor concerts, keep people inside of a protective barrier (which can come in the form of fences, barricades and such like). Personal Safety • When walking along busy streets, walk with the flow of traffic coming towards you instead of having cars passing from your rear. This will give you early warning and potentially buy you a few extra seconds to react.

• If a street has cars parked on only one side, use that side when walking so that the static • Consider the routes which vehicles serve as a barricade in vehicles are driven into your the event of an incident. Also building or where they intersect if there are fences or uplifted near crowds of people and curbs or similar then make make it difficult to drive in a use of them. In the same vein


VEHICLE ATTACKS make use of all potential and improvised vehicle barriers. • Try to identify and avoid bottlenecking. For example, if a car is coming towards you, there should be some direction to move to avoid it. Remember, tunnelling/bottle-necking can occur when many people are running away from a perceived threat in a narrow confine.

out of the norm, try to find a reason and if you can't raise your guard. However, If you do see something out of place such as people running toward you, then act fast and don't spend too long trying to figure out what's going on. Move to a safer location and assess the situation again. People are often afraid of acting prematurely and looking foolish, but if you don't know what’s happening and something is up, then assertively move to a safer location and assess the situation in a non-panicking way!

• If you sense something is wrong but can't put your finger on what, trust your instincts and extract from the source of concern and then try to identify what was causing you concern. Often, your brain has picked up on something Post-Attack subconsciously before you • Be aware that an attack does have time to process it. not always end at the vehicle impact. The terrorist can, and • Be aware of sounds like cars there are plenty of examples accelerating or crashing. If of it, continue to attack using you hear something that is guns or knives.



• Assess the situation carefully before going to help any victims. There may be more attackers still active, or there could be secondaries or boobytraps, particularly at the site of the attack vehicle. • Where possible get survivors inside a secure building, avoid silhouetting against the windows and stay clear of the front entrance where a vehicle could be driven in to. However, avoid large crowds gathering inside a single building otherwise the 'safe location' could become a target. • Once inside a building locate the exits, avoid panic, and prepare to leave if the attacks continue in your direction. Call the authorities when you get to a safe spot. What you can start doing now? • Practice first aid skills. In addition to your basic CPR training consider doing a TCCC (tactical combat casualty care) course or other specific courses which are designed to

prepare you with more relevant training regarding these types of attacks. • Mentally practice what are going to do if/when this happens to you, and in different scenarios, such as if you're travelling in a foreign country or with family members. You may have a different approach when you are alone versus when you are with family and friends. • Once the incident has ended help the authorities by following their instruction. • Think in advance of whom you are going to contact to tell you are OK - don't assume they won't be worrying. • Make use of any organised crisis debriefings that are made available to you. To Conclude Remember that these attacks are incredibly rare in the bigger picture! Don't live in fear, but do take a few moments to think about your actions in a crisis like this.

Wille Heino is a seasoned security professional with over 20 years of protective experience. Gambeson is a security training & consulting company based in Finland specialized in Executive Protection services & security training. Contact:


Web: Telephone: +44 (0)1454 610050 Email:


Communications simplified: delivering practical solutions to mission critical users


By: Adam Scholl

The Gray Man Concept… You’re Doing it Wrong

By now, we have all heard of the concept of “being the gray man”. This concept advocates blending in with your environment, and dressing in a manner that does not attract any undesired attention.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 We now see companies capitalizing on this idea, by making different lines of equipment and bags that tout themselves as being “covert” or “discrete”. I am of the belief that if you are wearing clothing that advertises itself as either of these things, it’s anything but. Truly experienced law enforcement, military and security professionals can spot each other a mile away. Often the giveaways are in the clothing and personal accessories that we choose. Watches, shoes and belts are accessories that are often over looked by those attempting to be “Gray”. Wearing Soloman’s or Merrel’s, a Suunto/Garmin/ Pathfinder watch and an Ares Gear/511, or another tactical belt is not being gray. Each of those accessories, gives up information about you, that you say you are trying to conceal.

Watches, shoes and belts are accessories that are often over looked by those attempting to be “Gray”. Wearing Soloman’s or Merrel’s, a Suunto/Garmin/ Pathfinder watch and an Ares Gear/511, or another tactical belt is not being gray.

Dressing like a REI catalog isn’t fooling anyone anymore either. Your Khul pants and button down outdoor shirts are not making me think you are going on a hike. They are letting me know that you are likely someone in the security/LE/Mil profession


THE GRAY MAN CONCEPT… and that information in and of itself tells me a lot about you. It tells me that you may be carrying a weapon, or you may be working currently. It tells me that you may be capable of handling yourself more than the average person. As a bad guy it tells me that you may be a threat to me and therefore I am paying more attention to you not less, as you say you intended. All of this information is information that a true “Gray Man” would want to conceal. Does it even matter? For most of us the idea of being a gray man is largely irrelevant. Unless you are working in a covert profession, where being outed puts you in danger or compromises your objective, there is really no need to be completely “Gray”. Someone seeing you at the airport with your Solomans, Suunto and your Vertx back pack, probably doesn’t put you in any real danger, but it does put you on my radar as a potential asset should things go awry. If your goal is to conceal your true agenda and your capabilities, then being a true “Gray Man” is really much simpler then we are making it.


Why would I want to be “Gray”? Concealment is more than just concealing a firearm or other weapon. True concealment, is concealing your capabilities, intentions and objectives, as well as whatever equipment you may be carrying to support those objectives. True concealment minimizes the information I allow everyone else to know, about who I really am, and what I’m really here for. A good example of someone who should strive to remain as gray as possible is a surveillance professional. A surveillance professional is someone who is paid to obtain information about others that they generally gather through hours and hours of observation, both static and mobile. If I set up to observe my target in a 511 tactical tuxedo, I will stand out like a sore thumb, and thus detract from my abilities to provide the services for which I was retained. On the other hand, if I were to dress in slacks, shoes and a button-down shirt (tucked in), I could probably move around most places quite freely, without attracting any undesired attention. It’s important to remember that if you

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 messenger style bags, then that’s what I want. If everyone is wearing stylish, modern sunglasses and I am wearing wrap around Oakley’s, guess who stands out? Anything that makes me stand out from the baseline makes me more likely to be identified as the Going to a business meeting security guy in the room. If my goal is to blend in, then as an EP professional with I need to make a concerted a client? Dress like the client. Suit, tie, appropriate effort to leave all my cop clothing and accessories at footwear, belt and watch home. Even something as to match (can be selected minor as wearing a rubber for comfort but still nonwedding ring vs a real one tactical). Leave the G can be a tell that I am shock at home and go with something more appropriate someone who is there for for the business setting that security purposes. doesn’t stand out. Metal or What about all my tactical leather bands with analog toys I need to have with style watches are a good me? How will I conceal start in most cases. and carry them without my covert 511 bag and my If you are carrying a bag tactical belt? We all know with support equipment that if we are carrying (medical, AED, spare ammunition, batteries etc.), a firearm, a belt is the then select a brief case that foundation on which your carry system is built. If you doesn’t advertise itself as are carrying OWB then in tactical or covert. Buy a regular leather briefcase and my opinion you are risking exposure and defeating modify the inside to meet your “Gray Man” status. your requirements. I have True concealment is IWB modified more bags than I can count, and none of them and my personal preference is AIWB. I generally use look any different from the holsters that allow me to outside. If everyone at the tuck my shirt in my pants office carries brown leather are truly trying to remain “Gray”, it will likely require a departure from your normal style. Dressing for the environment you will be operating in requires effort, and often means dressing in a manner that contradicts your day to day attire.



over the holster if need be. This allows me to better conceal my weapon, in an environment where printing, or possible accidental exposure of the weapons could compromise my mission. When carrying AIWB, you will find that the need for a super robust, double scuba webbing style belt is not necessary. If you still feel the need for a sturdy belt my recommendation would be to stick with leather as it blends in much better than other materials. There are a variety of companies making quality leather gun belts that really do not look any different than a regular dress belt. Consider making good use of suit jacket


pockets for things like a flat folded tourniquet or a pack of Quick Clot Combat Gauze. Flashlights and knives must also be hidden. The pocket clip sticking out is a dead giveaway and should be avoided at all costs. Consider something like the Raven Concealment Systems Pocket Shield for mounting support gear to be carried inside a pants pocket. The Phlster Flex also offers some great options for concealing spare magazines, tourniquets, flashlights and other support gear below your waistline but out of sight. Take a look at others in the environment you are working in. Dress like


Pay attention to detail and make sure there is nothing in your appearance or demeanor that could give away information about you everyone else. Pay special attention to details like watches, shoes, belts, sunglasses and bags. They are often overlooked when trying to stay “Gray�. Always remember that you may still need to get physical, so wearing clothing that has some flex to it, will allow you to remain capable, without dressing like a slob. Wearing clothing that is too loose fitting makes you look sloppy and unprofessional. Pay attention to hair styles and facial hair of those around you. If everyone in the office is clean shaven, then you should be too. Being gray is really quite

simple. Establish a baseline for the environment you work in, and make sure your clothing, physical appearance and accessories all fit that baseline. Avoid any products that tout themselves as discrete, covert, low viz etc. Dress like everyone else. Pay attention to detail and make sure there is nothing in your appearance or demeanor that could give away information about you, that you are trying to conceal. Dressing like a fortune 500 executive and then pulling out an iPhone in a Magpul case is only going to attract undesired attention. The devil is in the details.

Adam Scholl is a project manager for LaSorsa and Associates where he is currently serving as the Director of Operations for a large-scale project in support of a high net worth client. Adam is a former law enforcement officer who served on violent crime task forces with the FBI and US Marshals during his law enforcement career. After leaving law enforcement Adam worked for the U.S. Department of Defense as a Fieldcraft Instructor where he trained deploying U.S. Military personnel in a variety of areas. Adam owns Scholl Security Group where he instructs classes in Krav Maga and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. For more information please visit and




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Russia World Cup 2018 - Security Analysis By: Drum Cussac

The Russian Federation will host the 21st FIFA World Cup this summer between 14 June and 15 July. This highly anticipated event will attract tens of thousands of foreign supporters and tourists, who will to travel to the country to take part in events. Despite diplomatic tensions between Russia and the West, it’s almost certain that Moscow will not impede travel and operations ahead of and during the 2018 World Cup. The World Cup is Russia’s opportunity to showcase itself to the world and


encourage foreign travel to the country. This means that it is in Russia’s interest to provide foreigners with a positive experience. As such, it is almost certain that the Russian government will not push for the implementation of restrictive measures such as heightened controls at international borders, longer

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 visa processes or police harassment of westerners within the country. However, this does not mean that attending the World Cup is not without risk. Below, we’ll run through the risks travellers face at this summer and the general threat land-scape in Russia. We’ll also provide some safety steps that travellers can follow to minimise and mitigate the risks they face. Key risk to travellers Effective pre-travel education plays an essential role in maintaining the

safety of travellers. With employee safety a core part of any organisation’s duty of care responsibilities, it’s important that both security teams and travellers are aware of the key security risks in Russia this summer: Low-Level Criminality In the cities hosting the World Cup, foreigners are likely to find that petty crime increases in busy areas. This includes pickpocketing and pursesnatching, which can occur in under-ground walkways and at airports, markets and tourist hotspots. Travellers may also face a heightened risk of robbery and assault


SECURITY ANALYSIS in bars and clubs in major cities such as Moscow.

Self-radicalised individuals continue to generate a moderate security risk in Russia. It is highly likely that radical Islamist militants will attempt to conduct attacks in the coming months.

Violent Hooliganism There is a realistic possibility that during the World Cup large groups of rival supporters may antagonise each other with organised hooligan groups posing a threat to both people and property through incidental violence. Recent tensions with the West also increase the risk of sporadic and isolated incidents associated with local nationalist, racist and xenophobic groups. Terrorism Sunni extremist groups linked to the North Caucasus or to transnational organisations, as well as self-radicalised individuals continue to generate a moderate security risk in Russia. It is highly likely that radical Islamist militants will attempt to conduct attacks in the coming months. It is almost certain that Russian authorities will continue to prioritise pro-active antiterrorist operations to mitigate the threat. Cyber-Threats There is a realistic possibility that cyber-attacks may occur during the period of the World Cup. These may



be conducted by entities opposed to Russia with the objective of disrupting the international event. It is also probable that Russian criminals will try to take advantage of poor security measures taken by tourists to conduct acts of cybercriminality. Public unrest While the risk of oppositionled protests is low, it’s likely that groups opposed to President Putin, especially activists linked to Alexei Navalny, will try to use the months ahead of the World Cup and the period of the event to stage rallies in a bid to garner international attention. However, these events are highly unlikely to generate any substantial instability and will only lead to localised disruptions.

Corruption and Intimidation Public officials and local police may demand bribes from travellers, especially when traveling in more remote areas of the country. Russia risk overview Risk arises in many forms and can impact different travellers in different ways . With so many people heading to the World Cup, it’s important to have a situational awareness of the state of play in Russia. This can help you to plan ahead and mitigate potential threats. Our intelligence and analysis team work 24/7 to build their knowledge across 25 different categories of risk. These granular insights then help organisations make


SECURITY ANALYSIS more informed decisions and ensure the safety of their people and operations. Below is the current state of play in Russia: Political Russia is a relatively politically stable state and the situation will almost certainly not change in the short-term, especially in the wake of President Vladimir Putin’s recent re-election as head-of-state. However, corruption scandals linked to state institutions as well as state-owned and private companies can periodically lead to social discontent. Issues linked to poor governance and economic hardships can also contribute to unrest. Nevertheless, the current political structure does not face any serious threat. Despite the current social and economic issues, international and Russian polls continue to show a vast majority of Russian voters have confidence in President Putin. Security Russia faces a moderate security risk, and both


violent and non-violent crime is an issue. Foreign travellers are periodically targeted due to their perceived wealth. Ethnic, xenophobic and, more rarely homophobic, violence occurs. The conflict risk is low, but ongoing separatist insurgencies in the North Caucasus generate a localised risk, with most acts of militancy occurring in the Dagestan, Ingushetia and Kabardino-Balkaria regions. Radical Islamist militants linked to the Islamic State (IS) group and al-Qaeda (AQ) generate an elevated terrorism risk. Due to IS territorial losses in Syria and Iraq, it is highly likely that a substantial volume of Russian and Central Asian militants who originally joined the group will try to make their way back to Russia. Sunni extremists have also demonstrated their capacity to hit major cities nationwide. Cybercrime is a significant concern and foreigners may be specifically targeted by hackers, cyber-criminals and cyber-activists.

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 Infrastructural Local infrastructure is generally well maintained in major cities and domestic air travel does not pose significant concerns, although internal flights may use antiquated craft. Road conditions are adequate in cities, though driving can be hazardous in rural areas due to poorly-maintained roads, inclement weather and erratic local driving standards. Electricity and water supplies are available nationwide, but periodic temporary outages may occur, especially during summer months. Health + Medical There are no specific major health hazards in Russia, although food and water should be treated with caution and standard vaccinations are recommended for travel. Medical facilities in major cities are up to international standards. Outside of major cities, medical facilities are

considered significantly poorer and evacuation may be necessary for serious medical cases. Environmental Environmental conditions vary greatly throughout Russia. Inclement weather conditions may lead to travel and service disruptions. Severe rain and wind storms can occur during the summer period, which may periodically result in major power outages as well as localised threats to life in rural areas and major cities alike. Furthermore, extreme heat periodically leads to wildfires during the summer time. Our free white paper provides a security analysis of the upcoming Russia World Cup and offers more in-depth advice for security professionals and travellers heading to Moscow this summer.

Drum Cussac is a global security consultancy responsible for ensuring the safety of more than 11 million people. Our intelligence and analysis services (IAS) offer 24/7 expertise via in-house professional intelligence operators and analysts, cutting edge technology and a comprehensive global network.


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What to Do about School Shootings? School shootings are both a political hot potato and a concern that directly affects those of us in the security industry.

After every such event, the blame begins. Some blame the National Rifle Association (NRA), gun owners in general, and Donald Trump in particular, and call for banning firearms, or at least banning AR-15-type rifles. Others blame video games, violent movies, the culture, or the Kardashians. And the political games continue. As security professionals, we must not allow ourselves to be caught up in either the politics or the hysteria of these debates. Our approach must reflect what we have been trained to do:



I would invest my time and money protecting said principal from other, more likely risks. 49

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 dispassionately apply sound security principles to this security threat. First, we must look at school shootings in terms of risk and threat analysis, as we would with any other potential threat. And from this perspective, we immediately realize that the risks of a school shooting at any public school in America, despite the media hype, is incredibly low. Radley Balko, writing for the Washington Post, notes that out of 55 million public and private school students, fewer than 50 people per year have been killed on public school campuses over the past three years; that includes mass shootings as well as what he calls “conventional homicides.� In other words, the odds of a child being killed in a mass shooting at an American K-12 school are less than 1 in one million. The odds of being struck by lightning are only 1 in 700,000.

This is where the controversy arises, and where emotion begins to muscle in on logic and reason.

Balko goes on to note that school shootings, although taking up massive amounts of the news cycle, actually are quite rare occurrences.


WHAT TO DO ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? He points out that “the average elementary, middle, or high school can expect to see a mass shooting every 150,000 years.” If I were protecting a principal and my threat and risk matrix showed me these odds, I would invest my time and money protecting said principal from other, more likely risks. However, we can agree that despite the incredibly low risk, even one school shooting is too many, and we should do all within our power to safeguard our vulnerable students from these highly unlikely occurrences.

this argument. The only apparent reasoning behind such a ban appears to be the belief that somehow the very existence of these firearms inspires people to become mass shooters. Simple common sense denies this. As security professionals, we know that inanimate objects do not inspire violence. Rather, those intent on perpetrating violence use inanimate objects to achieve their ends. A weapon is a tool—a “force multiplier,” to use a term common to our industry. That force multiplier can be used by those intent to do good or those intent to do evil.

The AR-15 semi-automatic platform is often the weapon of choice for school Thus, how to we shooters, but, perhaps mitigate this risk? surprisingly to those who This is where the believe that banning the controversy arises, and platform will somehow bring where emotion begins to an end to school shootings, muscle in on logic and it is not even the most reason. The least logical and most promoted solution popular firearm used. to this problem is to ban An exhaustive study of firearms in general or at least to ban the AR-15 and school shootings from 1982 other semi-automatic rifles. to 2017 showed that the most common weapons There is simply no objective used were semi-automatic handguns, which were evidence to support



We can talk all day about the merits of the Second Amendment or these recent Supreme Court cases, but this does not mitigate this risk.

used nearly twice as often (in 67 incidents) as any kind of rifle (35 incidents). Shotguns were used in 23 incidents, and revolvers in 18 incidents.

sawed-off shotguns, explosives, and knives. • Cho Seug-Hu, the Virginia Tech shooter, used two pistols to kill 30 students. • Chris Harper Mercer, the Umpqua Community College Shooter, was carrying five handguns in addition to his semiautomatic rifle. • How can anybody argue that banning the AR-15 will lead to an end of school shootings?

Consider the following: • Adam Lanza, the Sandy Hook shooter, used an AR-15 rifle, but also carried two semiautomatic handguns and a semi-automatic, 12-guage shotgun. • Klebold and Harris, the Columbine shooters, used The other roadblock to this mitigation strategy is the a TEC-DC9, a Hi-Point Second Amendment. Two 995 carbine, several


WHAT TO DO ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? recent Supreme Court cases have upheld Americans’ right to individually keep and bear arms—specifically, those types of arms most commonly in use. Semiautomatic handguns and AR-15 style rifles are some of the most popular weapons purchased today. Legally it would be next to impossible to ban any of the firearms commonly used in school shootings.

the shooter will be the only armed person in the vicinity until the police arrive). There are often numerous unguarded entry points. So how do we make our schools hard targets? The answer to this question will be unique to each school, but three obvious answers spring to mind:

1) Hardened facilities: access control is an obvious step. Due to fire codes, We can talk all day about schools cannot do what the merits of the Second Amendment or these recent many courthouses do and funnel all ingress and Supreme Court cases, but egress to one location, this does not mitigate this but they can funnel all risk. So let’s be objective entry to one location, and ask ourselves, what while providing emergency realistic options do we doors at other locations have? throughout the school. Buzzer entries and other If you work in close access control techniques protection or in facilities can all be implemented to security, you know the control access to schools, answer: we cannot just as we control access to guarantee that those with other vulnerable places. evil intent will be unable to acquire the tools to turn 2) School resource that intent into action, so officers: many schools we must make our schools already employ these into hard targets. Schools resource officers (a are the softest targets euphemism for armed imaginable. They are police), and even filled with young, largely defenseless children. They though many civil rights campaigners argue that are often in “gun free putting such officers on zones,” (which means that


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 only a handgun) before he was able to injure or kill anybody. • At Sullivan High School in Blountville, Tennessee, Sheriff’s Deputy Carolyn Gudger confronted and stopped Thomas Richard • At Great Mills High School Cowan (who was carrying in Maryland, a resource two handguns) until other officer stopped Austin officers arrived and shot Wyatt Rollins after he him. shot and wounded two • At Forest High School students. in Ocala, Florida, Marion • At Dixon High School in County Sheriff’s Deputy Illinois, officer Mark James Long sopped and Dallas stopped and arrested Sky Bouche, a arrested potential shooter former Forest High Matthew Milby (who, School student. by the way was carrying school grounds often ends up turning children into criminals, the fact is that several of these resource officers have already stopped mass shootings.


WHAT TO DO ABOUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS? Ironically, the incident happened on April 20th of this year, the same day that a nationwide walkout was planned to protest “gun violence.” 3) Armed faculty and staff: Many in security make obvious our arrogance when we recoil at the thought of allowing teachers to arm themselves, as if only we in the industry have the dexterity and presence of mind to be trusted with such things. This is a false assumption. Hundreds of schools nationwide already allow properly trained faculty and staff to be armed (172 school districts in Texas alone allow this). According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, there has not been one case where a teacher has been disarmed while carrying, and there have been just seven cases of accidental discharges—

six of those were on college campuses, while only one was in a public elementary school, where a teacher’s firearm discharged accidentally in a bathroom. These are just three obvious mitigations that could be implemented, and in fact are being implemented right now, to mitigate the threat of mass school shootings. It is not my intention to provide all the answers needed to stop such shootings; no single essay from one professional point of view could hope to do that. But it is intended to remind those in the security industry to look at this threat as we do all others: objectively and professionally, using risk and threat analysis, and incorporating workable, pragmatic mitigation strategies, rather than wasting our time playing political games and calling for gun control.

Michael has 20+ years’ experience in the design, delivery, and assessment of instructional products for the corporate, academic, security, and healthcare industries. His experience includes program management, curriculum development, assessment development and implementation, and the development and use of computer-based technologies. Michael is an instructor with the Professional Bodyguard Association in the UK.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 By: Monica Duperon Rodriguez

Value Driven Integration

Recently I posted an article on my professional page that stated all the reasons why a female bodyguard is valuable. As a result of that post one of my investigators, a retired female marine and drill instructor, re-posted that article on an all-female marine page she belongs to. What was to come was thought provoking. There were several messages from many female marines asking about how to become a bodyguard, what kind of requirements and licensing there is and why not? It would be a natural progression. After all, they already do a lot of protecting. I was thinking back to my days in law enforcement and how I didn’t know about the profession myself. I was in a great place during my 15 years in law enforcement when a security company approached me to submit my resume for a possible opportunity in security with a high-profile client. My law enforcement career was full of



I had nothing to lose by submitting my resume and in truth, not knowing who the client was made it simple for me. 57

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 great experiences, everything from community policing, teaching, being a SWAT team negotiator, an undercover narcotics detective, just to name a few. I had nothing to lose by submitting my resume and in truth, not knowing who the client was made it simple for me. I did not know it yet, but this was the moment which propelled me into personal protection. You see it was because I was a female, in law enforcement and bilingual that I was selected to go into a new and exciting career. The male client had specifically requested a female. The security company had

insisted on a male protection agent however the client did not want a “big burley guy� making it obvious he had security. And so, it began, my world in security afforded to me by the client. He wanted to go against the typical stereotype of a having a huge man in a suit and dark glasses. He was a very prominent powerful man who preferred to be casual and inconspicuous. He was a man who believed in women being in positions of power. I traveled throughout Africa, Mexico and many more places with this client. After working for this client, I went to work for a royal family from the

Arab clients are not comfortable with men being near their wives and daughters.


VALUE DRIVEN INTEGRATION Middle East, who once again requested a female security professional. Arab clients are not comfortable with men being near their wives and daughters. They will typically request for female security. I have since worked for several clients from the Middle East and I have experienced a great deal of success working with them. I have also had the honor working with male directors of security who have convinced their clients to incorporate women onto their teams. I have found that there are many male supporters of women in our profession and will do what it takes to get women onboard. In these examples, it was the client and the security managers who specifically stated they needed to have female security on their team. I believe that the responsibility to ensure a well-rounded, skill-based team is the hiring security company and the managers making the decisions. Keeping in mind that at the end of the day it is about what the client wants! For example, I was sent home after the client realized I was a female. He wanted a male; the client chose that and had his reasons for it. I did not take it personally as I understand the climate in


which we work, it is always about what makes the client happy! In this example the client was either not properly briefed on who the lead security would be and typically there should be no need to mention gender if it is skill based. Clearly there had been a breakdown in communication that day. Another example, I was recently scrolling down a social media page and read about a female agent who was good enough to go everywhere with a client, however a male counterpart had been chosen to travel with the client. There could have been several reasons for that decision. Having been a team lead and agent in charge, I happen to understand that more times than not the client makes many of the decisions based on their comfort level and specific needs. This may not have been relayed to the female agent thus causing that female agent to feel like her full skillset was not being utilized. The truth is, if the client doesn’t understand there are women who have the same skillsets as the men or have this idea that men must be big to be able to protect, then they don’t know what they don’t know! Similarly, like stated above, if women


do not understand or know that being in protection or a bodyguard is a career option, they too don’t know what they don’t know. It falls upon those already in the industry to change the climate and the parameters in which we work. We have, as security professionals, team leaders and managers, a responsibility to explain to the clients the benefits of having women in security on their team. This not only diversifies the skillset levels and ability of the team, but it keeps the companies in compliance with federal laws. Many security companies

go in front of a potential client and ask very pointedly, “What’s your threat level?” However, as a security professional, I know that it is much more than a “threat level.” Clients want to know how you propose to protect their image, their safety, their overall wellbeing when they travel and beyond. It is an opportunity to speak of how women blend in and are less intimidating, are more versatile in where and how they get into places etc. If gender is never brought up by the client then it is incumbent upon us to make sure the security teams are diversified in not only specialty i.e. medics,


VALUE DRIVEN INTEGRATION first responders, tactical preparedness, negotiators, martial artists, linguists, analysts, logistics etc., but must include different races and genders. I have been asked many times to write about my experiences in the world of security. The truth is I was not prepared to do such a thing until now. I have always felt I have yet a lot to learn. I learned a long time ago to be always a student, never stop learning. I do however recognize that I have had a unique career in security after my long stretch in law enforcement. I dedicate much of my time providing motivation and encouragement for women entering the male dominated world of security. My goal is to encourage woman, and those little girls who are watching today’s female bodyguards. I also encourage men who are fathers of daughters, husbands, partners, men in general, to be supportive and encouraging to the women in their lives. A big part of our responsibility is to listen intently to each other and encourage one another to be the best at everything we do. Only then can we make a positive impact in others’ lives.

Clients want to know how you propose to protect their image, their safety and their overall wellbeing when they travel 61


There are female agents who have been stabbed, shot at, and more. The point is this is not a career to take lightly! I must state this for clarity and transparency, although I have worked the corporate side of the protection world the majority of my experience has been with corporate families, individuals and royals. I cannot speak to the climate of the corporate executive protection world; however, I have noticed an increase in women working the corporate realm. Corporate clients are who I worked for while in Puerto Rico and although the clients insisted on men only, the security company I was working for made it clear, a female security professional was ready to go and was very competent. One thing should be very clear, this is not a prima-donna, glorified job for the weak minded. You can get hurt on the job. A very well-respected Navy Seal I had the distinct honor of working with once said, “Fake the Funk.” I must add however that this is not a kind of job you just “wing

it”. There are female agents who have been stabbed, shot at, and more. The point is this is not a career to take lightly! You must be prepared to take a bullet and have the ability to take action even in countries you are not allowed to carry a firearm. Many articles have been written and continue to be written about women in security. However, there are still many who are struggling to get the next detail, the next contract, or even the next big one… that long-term client or corporate protection job! If you are a woman today in the industry and you aren’t struggling, you have a duty to mentor others. However, I do understand that sometimes it’s difficult simply because you’re not quite sure how you yourself got there. Mentoring others can be done by simply showing support and by giving advice. You can also give a simple motivational


VALUE DRIVEN INTEGRATION nudge to keep on fighting. Encourage other women to continue working toward seriously being considered for the big contracts; the corporate executives, the “A” list Hollywood stars, or VIP’s from the Middle East. In all fairness, some men also struggle however quite possibly not as much as women. We as women must strive to be the best at what we do and have the ability to showcase those skills whenever possible. As an individual, man or woman, you must take ownership of your success! Failure is what creates the stepping stones to greatness.

If you are struggling, revamp or restructure you resume, get a better headshot, and be prepared to be put to the test. And lastly, a major reason for having success in this industry has been undoubtedly the support that comes from other successful women, female protection agents supporting and boosting other female agents and the men that have their backs! The change of incorporating women in protection was started a long time ago and has gained momentum, keep it going! We’re all on the same team.

Monica has over 14 years of law enforcement experience including, SWAT Hostage Negotiator, Undercover Narcotics Detective, and Field Training Officer. She is now a fulltime, Personal Protection Specialist, based in Florida and has provided personal protection to multiple US high profile families, royal families from the middle east and provided corporate protection services at high level events, including the 2016 Rio De Janero Olympics. Monica is the owner and operator of Progressive Investigations Research and Consulting Corp, A Florida Licensed Private Investigations Agency. Email:



I have a startling piece of mathematical news for those recruiting to the security industry: exmilitary does not equal perfect match. In fact, exmilitary these days says very little. Before former soldiers rush to their keyboards to ask the editor why he has let such sacrilege reach your eyes, let me explain. I am the son of a soldier, I have a very high regard for the British Army, which in my opinion has been the best in the world since the days of Oliver Cromwell, who created the first People’s Army. Even in the days of conscription, the British Army and its personnel acquitted themselves with distinction in Malaya and Korea. In

very difficult circumstances (isn’t all conflict difficult?) they continue to do the bidding of this nation’s rulers across the world in a way that is reflective of the society from which they have come. In doing so the British Army have nurtured some outstanding individuals who on returning to civvy street have adapted to their new environment and made massive contributions in the security industry and elsewhere.





For a company to boast that all its personnel are all ex-military is not really an indication of a great deal

Yet the assumption that the skills required for military service will make an individual a good door supervisor or executive protection officer is simply wrong. And that observation is made before we take into account that there is such as a thing as bad soldiers as well as good ones: there are Bloaters and Walters out there, dear recruiter. I know this because I have met some of them. Worse

I have worked with a few, both on the doors and in close protection. On the doors many seem to think that the fact that they have shown undoubted courage in a war zone means they know how to break up a bar brawl. It’s an interesting concept, since no bar brawl that I have seen in the UK has involved anything more than basic tactics on an instinctual level: no strategy and certainly no guns or air support have been involved. More to


THE EX-MILITARY FACTOR As far as Close Protection goes in the UK I would be more likely to look for somebody who has an equivalent period of work in As a disappointing aside, in a major police force such as fact, I have had to deal with the Met. Such an individual both serving and ex-soldiers will have a better grasp of who have disappeared into the laws in the UK, probably have a greater experience the murky world of drug of physical intervention, will abuse and drug dealing. I have good communication am fully conversant with skills and will be used to the way that our society working as a facilitator has let down some of the with an understanding young men who have of multi-agency done the fighting for this collaboration. country, and as a student of sociology and psychology Calmness under pressure I am not passing any is something that the judgement on them here, British Army has a merely pointing out that the route that some young deserved reputation for. soldiers take does not make But fundamentally its basic purpose is the generation them ideal material for of violence. Of course at civilian security work. a deeper level the military existence is as much as The issue of recruiting about the utility of violence ex-military is even rather than the violence more glaring in close itself. It is possible to argue protection. Executive CP that door work and close is not a particularly close approximation of a warzone protection also have the utility of violence at their battlefield. Certainly the core but in reality door work British Army has a level of is about containing violence expertise in this area, but that expertise is not spread and close protection is across its entire personnel, about avoiding it. Thus the mentality required so for a company to boast that all its personnel are all for door and cp work is different to that of front line ex-military is not really an soldiering. indication of a great deal. the point, however, their experience lends nothing to the far more useful skill of de-escalation.


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 At this point, as well, it is probably prudent to address the different kinds of violence that we are talking about. With a few exceptions the British Army do not dwell too much on unarmed combat for the simplest of reasons. The job of killing is done at a distance on the modern battle field. In civilian UK, killing doesn’t come into the equation at all. So we have – and do – have long and heated discussions about how the SIA’s idea of containment of violence is not fit for purpose (which it isn’t) and we debate about whether CPs should study martial arts (they should) and we all have to understand what we can and can’t do legally to contain or stop violence. Such considerations do not have to bother the average 20-something year old squaddie as he sights his SA80. That is not to say, as I am at pains to point out, that former soldiers do not make good security operatives, but it is a quantum leap to suggest that going from military to civilian security is a natural

Having served in the forces is something that one can feel a sense of pride having done, but it is not the be-all-and-end-all 68

THE EX-MILITARY FACTOR progression and therefore recruiters and clients should be wary of making such an assumption.

up perceived confrontation, needing the rest of the team to work on him to keep him calm.

To put some personal perspective on this, I had worked the doors with an ex signals bloke that didn’t have my back and I had an ex infantryman who seems to have fought the entire Taliban on his own – he didn’t have my back either; I did CP with a another ex-infantryman who was star-struck by his principal, so didn’t do his job and another who clearly had PTSD and was keen to ramp

There are some fantastic individuals out there who are good at security, some have military experience, some do not. Having served in the forces is something that one can feel a sense of pride having done, but it is not the be-all-andend-all in civilian security and the quicker recruiters realise that the better it will be for everybody – except the Walts and Bloaters of course.

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McDonaldization of Close Personal Protection



Followers of Facebook, other social media, members of North American Bodyguard Association, The International Bodyguard Association, readers of protection textbooks and attendees at executive protection schools receive generalized instruction and share information, beliefs and thoughts about various aspects of providing close personal protection services. What is usually not addressed are various issues of the big picture of society and security and how the industry has become McDonaldized. We often ask, “Why do we do things this way” The most common answer is, “Because we have always done it this way!” We follow the same basic standards, procedures and practices because they have been time tested and work. With McDonalization, the process undergoes development with practitioners always seeking a better, smoother and faster way to accomplish the desired affect. Sociologist Max Weber (1864 – 1920) observed society with a view he termed rationalization. “… which is the process of replacing traditional and


emotional thought with reason and efficiency. Weber believed that most societies throughout history were governed by tradition and that the most significant trend in modern sociology is an increasing rationalization of every part of our daily lives.” In 1993 George Ritzer resurrected themes of Weber and called it “The McDonalization of Society”. His analysis centered around four primary principles: Efficiency, Predictability or standardization, Calculability, and Control. According to Ritzer these elements are found in the phenomenon of fast food restaurants and has spread to the whole of society from self-checkout lines in stores to standardized testing in schools, to almost every facet of life.


Most societies throughout history were governed by tradition and that the most significant trend in modern sociology is an increasing rationalization of every part of our daily lives • Efficiency is a focus on minimizing the time required to complete individual tasks as well as that required to complete the whole operation.

the same on a momentto-moment and daily basis.

Now, how does all this relate to close personal protection? “The process of McDonaldization takes • Predictability and standardization are found a task and breaks it down in repetitive and routinized into smaller tasks. This is repeated until all tasks production or service have been broken down delivery processes and to the smallest possible in the consistent output of products or experiences level. The resulting tasks are then rationalized to find that are identical or close the single most efficient to it method for completing each • Calculability is a focus on task. All other methods are then deemed inefficient and quantifiable objectives discarded. • Control is to ensure that The result is an efficient, workers appear and act


MCDONALDIZATION OF CLOSE PERSONAL PROTECTION logical sequence of methods that can be completed the same way every time to produce the desired outcome. The outcome is predictable. All aspects of the process are easily controlled. Additionally, quantity (or calculability) becomes the measurement of good performance.” In close personal protection efficiency is seen in finding the quickest and safest ways to move the protectee from point A to point B and back again. It is the role and responsibility of the advanceman to look at all possible options and select ways most efficient and timely. Efficiency is found in total team work – everyone involved with the movement and overall security of the protectee; including listening to suggestions made by the protectee and staff. In the contemporary world, technology has brought us advances never dreamed even twenty years ago; GPS, mapping, palm sized phones/computers, transmission of data and photos of the routes, venue, potential trouble spots, etc. All intended to make the assignment


safer, yet doing it in a way improving efficiency. In writing there is a saying, “Don’t use five words when one will do”’ In martial arts, the saying is “Don’t make five moves when one will do”. In protective services, efficiency is key by taking advantage of all methods and techniques available in “the new school” of doing it smarter, faster and better. An assignment does not end when the physical protective responsibility is completed. After action reports should be prepared with suggestions for improvement and how to increase everyone’s efficiency; maybe elimination of choke points, ways of moving the spectators or guests to the venue - Everyone seeking ways their contributions and movements could be more efficient. The after action report will become a record available for future assignments; increasing the efficiency of advances and movements and potentially eliminating wasted effort. Everyone seeking ways their contributions could be more efficient. The second principle of McDonaldization,

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 predictability, or standardization, is a cornerstone of close personal protection. A protection operator should be able to move from one assignment to the next without having to resort to retraining. The principles of protection remain invariable regardless of who or where the assignment demands. The curriculum taught at “principles of protection� seminars and schools are predictable and standardized, with the only variation being the presenter and method / manner of presentation. Calculability in protective services is a given requirement inherent in the principles of protection. Calculations begin immediately with the estimation of manpower, assets required and costs. As the advance is conducted, the advanceman calculates time and distance the protectee travels or is exposed in vulnerable areas. Estimates are made of anticipated public attendance and calculations are made about the most advantageous way to move the protectee through, around or past the crowd.

A protection operator should be able to move from one assignment to the next without having to resort to retraining 74




people are the greatest cause of uncertainty, unpredictability and inefficiency in any routine. A soon as a protectee ventures into public areas, giving a speech, performing in a stage show or merely signing books or autographs, a close personal protection agent must be wary of the crowds and determine ways of controlling them. This is done through utilization of psychological and physical barriers such as stanchions and theater ropes, fences, Control, the fourth concept “bottlenecks”, mechanized metal detectors or physical of McDonaldization is searches, anything that first noted in ways of keeps an overzealous fan controlling fans and or a potential attacker spectators, because Calculability is important in determining the likelihood of the potentiality of an act against the principal. One hundred percent security is never a guarantee, but with a calculation of potential threats and analysis of threat data and physical examination of the protectee’s immediate and surrounding environment, the odds can be reduced to be more in the favor of the protection team, regardless if the team consists of one or more protectors.


MCDONALDIZATION OF CLOSE PERSONAL PROTECTION to spend time learning protection principles. A briefing session regarding the instant assignment is the only necessity prior to Summary assuming the assignment. Close personal protection has standardized methods, Calculability is done by the protection agent when procedures, and practices that have stood the tests of measuring crowd size, time and circumstances. In potential threats, the best any business, improvement ways of movement of the protectee in terms of time, comes in many forms. distance and vulnerability. The four concepts of McDonaldization, Efficiency, Control comes in many Predictability, Calculability, forms; maintaining and Control are inherent movement of the protectee in the evolution of close in relation to the public, personal protection. of the venue, the entire Technology has increased atmosphere surrounding efficiency of protective the protectee. advances and intelligence gathering through the A protector is constantly use of GPS, mapping of seeking and inventing routes and sites, instant methods and means of messaging, etc. increasing the efficiency, predictability, calculability The principle of and control of his Predictability in close responsibility to the the personal protection person being protected. In follows standard practices doing so, he is following the developed through experiences and situational George Ritzer model training. A practitioner can of McDonaldization of move from one assignment society. to another without having away from the immediate vicinity of the person being protected.

Dale June is a former U.S. Secret Service Agent assigned to the Presidential Protective Division at the White House plus serving in the Sacramento and San Diego field Offices and holds a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice is from George Washington University. He currently teaches at National University, Los Angeles and is the author/co-author of nine books about protection and Homeland Security/Terrorism.



Specialist Operations Academy

Specialist Operations Academy (SOA) was launched in May 2017 to provide the gold standard in security driver training. security professionals from both Police and military backgrounds. The PWG group are a specialist accredited security provider, delivering a range of highly innovative, intelligent security solutions and services to a diverse range of clients across the UK. The aim is simple: to provide extraordinary security that protects, detects and eliminates emerging risks to SOA is the training arm of the PWG Group which has a team of businesses, people and assets. Delivered by industry leading instructors within first class facilities in Greater Manchester. The specialist course offers advanced security driving skills for individuals looking to transform their driving careers or enhance their prospects within the close protection industry.

The course has been a huge success to date and attendees have all come away with new driving skills and knowledge that will benefit themselves and their employees for years to come. Here is what our customers had to say:Carla Skrytak



With the growing risk of car related crimes and car jacking we identified a gap in the market to provide a specialist advanced driving course with a dedicated security element for those drivers escorting or driving high net worth individuals or dignitaries. The course provides a very high standard of practical training that will help to improve road safety and minimise risk against potential threats.


To distinguish ourselves from the competition we wanted to provide ‘The Gold Standard’ service. To meet these high standards we partnered with RoSPA to provide a course that was truly fit for purpose and would help to raise the standards for professional drivers. The RoSPA name is synonymous with driving safety and having this accreditation provides SOA with that stamp of approval and respect within the


First class training. Can’t fault the Instructors who between them have a vast range of knowledge. They’ve been there and done it. What more do you need. Tony Clarke industry. Thus offering complete peace of mind and confidence to the drivers that they’re attending the best advanced security driver training available. Specialist Operations Academy brings you the most comprehensive 7 day RoSPA accredited security driving course available. Delivered by subject matter experts whom are former Greater Manchester Police Elite VIP and Special Escort Group trainers with a combined experience of over 50 years. Protective driving is a complex task and requires a higher level of training. SOA recognised this and developed a security chauffeur course to provide the necessary skills required.

Unlike other courses we look to all environments, offering luxury, armoured car and 4x4 vehicle training both on and off road. We aim to ensure the experience relates to real life scenarios and situations where possible. Since inception SOA has built a strong reputation based on high levels of performance and unwavering commitment to provide excellence in course presentation and delivery to ensure the highest standards of safety. For more information go to: Here is a link to a video overview about the course:


WIN A FREE PLACE ON THE SPECIALIST OPERATIONS ACADEMY Advanced Security Driving Course (worth £1,300) Specialist Operations Academy (SOA) brings you the most comprehensive 7 Day RoSPA Accredited advanced security driving course available. Delivered by subject matter experts, whom are former Greater Manchester Police Elite VIP & Special Escort Group trainers with combined experience of over 50 years. Who should enter? If you’re a CP operative looking to advance your career then this course is ideal for you. Add another string to your bow, another valuable accreditation to your CV. How do I enter? It’s easy, simply tell us which independent body accredits the SOA advanced security driving course? Send the answer with your contact details to The winner will be selected at random on Friday 30th July and contacted to arrange course dates.

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Residential Security Checklist

The information presented here follows on directly from the in-depth article featured in the last issue of the Circuit. 82

RESIDENTIAL SECURITY CHECKLIST What follows is list of things you will want to consider when planning the security for your principals residence. Not everything will apply to you but take what does and use it, a lot of the considerations here can be applied to most houses or apartments. Use it as a practical checklist every time you’re asked to conduct a residential security survey to reduce the risk of overlooking anything

even if there are legacy procedures in place from a previous security company. The more thorough you are in this stage the more effective your planning will be. Always plan security in depth, you want as many rings of defense as possible.

Has the residence been searched for IEDs, electronic surveillance devices or contraband  Have several means of communications; landlines and cellular. Check them regularly!  Plan escape routes. These considerations are  Has the residence best undertaken before been searched for IEDs, occupation of the residence. electronic surveillance You won’t always have this devices or contraband? opportunity but do your  Any defects to best to review each point, floodlighting or other

Prelims & Planning

Has the residence been searched for IEDs, electronic surveillance devices or contraband


CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 security lights should be fixed ASAP.  If you are in an apartment block, is the reception manned 24hrs a day and If yes, are the people manning it competent? Consider a penetration test.  What alarms are in the residence, are they working and when were they last tested?  Do all padlocks have spare keys and who has them?  Are the padlocks of good quality and difficult to pick or shim?  Are all weapons in the residence legal and are they secured when not in use?  What firefighting equipment is there in the residence and is it in a serviceable condition?  Are there any fire alarms and do they work? Fire is the largest cause

of loss and damage to private and commercial properties. Fire prevention is, therefore, one of the highest residential security concerns.  Flooding is a major threat to property and equipment, common causes include taps that have been left running, leaks in plumbing systems or faulty air conditioning systems, heavy rain or snowfall.  Make arrangements for power cuts, keep spare batteries and bulbs for torches, several means of communications and check them regularly.  If you have a backup generator ensure it is serviceable and you have plenty of fuel in a secure location.  Document, with photographic evidence, all valuable artwork, jewelry etc.?

Are all weapons in the residence legal and are they secured when not in use? 84

RESIDENTIAL SECURITY CHECKLIST Does your client and all family members know the members of the security team and know how to contact them in an emergency?  Do all family members know how to raise the alarm?  Have your staff and employees been profiled and had background checks?  Use a mailbox or virtual office address rather than your residential address.  Know the location and safest routes to safe houses, emergency rendezvous points, hospitals, etc. 

this is from the perimeter wall outwards. Identifying a threat at this stage will give you the best chance of defeating it, with maximum response time.

If the residence overlooked, what sniper or surveillance positions are there?  Check to see if the residence under surveillance.  Where along the routes in and out of the residence could an ambush be concealed? Consider putting the residence under protective surveillance.  Regularly photograph or video the areas surrounding the residence and always watch for It can seem a little daunting suspicious vehicles and when you first sit down people. to consider all the weak points and vulnerabilities 2. Perimeter Defense of a specific location, so Depending upon the size it’s going to help you to and location of the property think methodically. Think in stages, like the layers of this could range from a piquet fence to a moat, this an onion, starting with the is your first line of physical outer layer and then work defense. inwards. 

Rings of Defense

1. Outer Cordon Anything which falls on the outside of the boundry line of the property. Typically,


Does the residence have a fence or wall around it and can it realistically keep out intruders?

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 can be put on the inside Are there gates to the of perimeter walls also to residence, can they stop tangle up and alert you to an intruder or a car, are anyone jumping over. the gates locked at all times and what are the  Consider putting a gravel procedures for greeting walkway around the visitors. outside of your house so you can hear anyone  Is there anything to help approaching or stalking criminals climb over the around. garden walls or gates, such as trees or poles around the exterior of the 4. Main Residence The family home or primary property? asset. 3. Inner Cordon This is the space between  If the residence is in an the perimeter and the apartment block, are building(s) constituting the there fire escapes or main residence. This could scaffolding that could give include driveways, gardens, the criminals a way in? swimming pools and out  Do your doors have buildings. peepholes- peepholes are best positioned at the side of the door or in the  What security lights are wall so, you cannot be there, do they work, shot through the door. If when are the lights using a peephole always turned on and where is distinguish any lights their control switch? If the behind you. control switch is outside, move it inside.  Consider an armored layer on the inside of  Lights should shine away main doors. for the residence not on to it.  Are all doors to the residence solid and are  Consider attaching lights the doorframes solid, triggered by movement most times a doorframe detectors outside of doors will break before the lock and venerable areas. on the door.  Consider putting thorny bushes under windows  Are the locks on the and around the perimeter doors of a good quality of your garden to deter and have you changed intruders. Thorny bushes them since taking over 



the residence?  Consider using deadbolts at the top and bottom of a door and wedges in conjunction with the normal locks.  Can the locks be unlocked from the outside, if a window is broken or can the door hinges be unscrewed?  Have all unused entrances and exits secured.  All windows need to be secured on all floors of the building. It is a fact that in 90% of burglaries, access is gained through windows. Check that windows are properly shut, secured and if


possible alarmed.  Use laminated glass and heavy curtains where there is a threat from IEDs as they will help prevent flying glass. Wood blinds also work for extra privacy and protection.  Beware of casting shadows against windows which can be seen from the outside.  All skylights and roof doors need to be secured and preferably alarmed. Roofs need to be secured and monitored.  Is the attic of the residence adjoined to another roof or attic from which someone could

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 gain access?  Are all valuables insured and kept secure?

Security Room/Team

Is there a requirement for a permanent physical security presence? Will there be a dedicated security room/area on site? If so, this will increase your considerations. Consider installing a video phone to greet visitors and cameras to cover the doors and surrounding areas.  Do you have control of all the keys to the residence and have a list of everyone with keys?  If you are working with a residential security team (RST) do they know their orders?  Are the RST from a quality trustworthy company and have they been vetted and well trained?  Do an assessment on your security personnel and evaluate how much you can really trust them; will they fight, flee or just rollover if there is a problem.  Make sure the RST patrols the grounds at all times in all weathers; bad 

Make sure the RST patrols the grounds, at all times, in all weathers; bad weather is the best time for raids as guards are usually seeking shelter and un-alert.



No vehicle should be given access to the grounds weather entering and upon exiting is the best time for raids the residence. as guards are usually  If a key is lost or an seeking shelter and unemployee fired who has alert. access to keys change your locks.  If you are using guard dogs, make sure that  No vehicle should be they are well trained and given access to the preferably under the grounds of the residence control of their handler. without a member of the security team at least  Do you and the RST know physically checking the their rules of engagement interior of the passenger and the laws for use of compartment. You never force know- your personal driver flashing his light and laying on his horn at the gate might have a gun in the back of this head or a bomb in the  Is the residence ever left trunk of his car. unoccupied, if yes it  Keep all sensitive and needs to be searched security documentation before re-occupation? secure and confidential.  Always use counter Keep computers and hard surveillance drills before

Standard Operating Procedures (SOP’s)



All contractors must have appointments and must be searched before entering and leaving the residence. drives secure and  Contractors should be password protected. accompanied at all times.  Do not discuss sensitive  If suspicious of visitors, or security related turn them away or keep subjects in front of them outside and staff, consider giving preferably illuminated, them disinformation on until their credentials are such things as travel and verified. Also consider business plans. that they could be testing your security or a  Don’t let any of the distractio while others try security personnel get to access your residence. over familiar with any of the other staff.  All deliveries should go through the RST and  All contractors must have be checked for anything appointments and must suspicious, have a be searched before secure area to isolate any entering and leaving suspicious packages. the residence. Searched when entering to check for contraband, IEDs or electronic surveillance devices and when leaving to make sure they are not stealing anything.

 Think like criminal and plan for every eventuality!

Orlando Wilson has worked in the security industry internationally for over 25 years. He has become accustomed to the types of complications that can occur, when dealing with international law enforcement agencies, organized criminal and Mafia groups. He is the chief consultant for Risks Inc. and based in Miami but spends much of his time traveling and providing a wide range of kidnapping prevention and tactical training services to private and government clients.





By: Mark “Six” James CPO, EPS, CAS

Staffing an International Team

I have often said, “While protective service is often dynamic, it should never be random.” That statement has never been truer then when it comes to staffing an international team.

Situation should always dictate the tactics, the tools and the team. I remember coming home from an international trip one day and a fellow associate in the protection business mentioned, “I saw your client’s social media posting, you guys were just in Switzerland? If you ever need an extra hand, I got you.” I then said, “I will keep that in mind but what languages do you speak, outside of English? Because between the two gentlemen that I had working with me on the

detail we had 12 languages covered, in addition to basic protective services training one gentleman was also a trained paramedic and the other was also a trained EOD (explosives) expert.” As you look to enhance your marketability ask yourself what do you bring to the party? What is your specialty, and what teams/ details have the greatest need for those skills? When it comes to staffing an international team, I have five major considerations I look for in the team’s



I will keep that in mind but what languages do you speak, outside of English? 93

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 41 composition: ● Operational ● Operational ● Operational ● Operational ● Operational

another role on this team? Capability I look for people who can Chemistry check their ego at the Relevance door and not undermine Flexibility the current detail leaders Capacity authority? Secondarily, does the team have the Operational Capability ability to establish rapport refers to a diversity of quickly while maintaining mission specific skills whether professionalism to soft or hard, designed to understand the peculiar enhance the effectiveness nuances of each specific of the team by mitigating client. known mission risks or hazards and better facilitate Operational Relevance both the client and team’s speaks to the ability to objectives. The required navigate linguistical, competencies may refer religious, cultural and to such skills as general environmental nuisances. communication, specific Does the team have the language or languages, appropriate communication de-escalation, negotiating, skills? Can they speak the computer skills, analysis, local language, are they medical, driving, defensive street savvy, do they have tactics, firearms skills, EOD, the relevant emotional K9, surveillance detection, intelligence? Do they have skiing, diving, etc. Maximize cultural, religious, ethnic and the diversity of the team, gender tolerance? Can they whenever possible whether identify the baseline of the gender, age, ethnicity, size local area to understand the or religion, this allows you to normal environmental pulse elevate or lower the profile, of the area? If you can’t through role adaptation or recognize normal, you won’t cultural familiarity. be able to identify variances. Does the team have the Operational Chemistry ability to blend in? refers to team orientation, client indoctrination and Operational Flexibility acclimation. How well can the speaks to the creativity, team members work together initiative, problem solving, to facilitate the needs of the and ownership skills required client. If you are used to for the team to get quick being a detail leader traction and maintain can you willingly play operational readiness



If you are used to being a detail leader can you willingly play another role on this team? I look for people who can check their ego at the door and not undermine the current detail leaders authority?

throughout the duration of the detail. On international assignments there are always a ton of moving parts and you need team members who can hit the ground running with little to no ramp up time or can change course midstream based on environmental or mission dynamics. Managing logistics for example are often some of the biggest challenges internationally. Operational Capacity speaks to operational stamina. Protective services, surveillance or surveillance detection are rarely 9 5 jobs. Does the team have both the energy and experience in working the required shifts or hours or ability to navigate the terrain in some cases? Does the team have the global travel readiness that's borne from having the global travel experiences in understanding how to alter their body clock before and during an assignment to adapt to a detail that will involve a radical adjustment in time zones. Two final points understand in advance the stamps in a respective team member’s passport or consider having a second passport to use when traveling to counties with known hostilities toward each



other. Since the USA allows you to have two passports many American may use a second passport when they travel to Israel, for example and their other passport when they travel to other countries in the Middle East. You don’t want your entire team detained because they question a team member’s travel profile or worse lose a team member in the process because they deny them access into the country. Whenever possible and particularly in third world countries consider

supplementing the team with local authorities. I remember a couple of years ago during trip to an African country, I hired two members of the equivalent of their Country’s Secret Service. This allowed us to move about the Country with ease and we were able to bypass without harassment, traditional hostile law enforcement or military check points and roadblocks, which often look to extort money from foreign nationals. I wish you all safe travels and may you always travel under the safety of the wings of the Angels.

Mark “Six” James is Founder and Executive Director of Panther Protection Services, LLC. He is an internationally published author, keynote speaker, security consultant to educational institutions and frequent contributor to a number of print, broadcast and online media, and the author of a number of security, firearm and protection publications. Panther Protection Services is a full-service protection agency focusing on Risk and Crisis Mitigation, Protective Services, Self-Defense Training, and Firearm Instruction.


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A.B.I. Solutions A.B.I Solutions is a dynamic, forward thinking company, specialising in surveillance, security and investigations with local, national and internationalexperience. A.B.I provides a wide range of services to the corporate sector and individuals alike. W - Amanda Campbell A highly motivated and experienced female operative both CP and Surveillence training T – 07596542249 W - E - Ambassador Security Management ASM MK Lions Arena, Grafton Court, Snowden Drive, Winterhill, Milton Keynes, MK6 1AJ, GBR. After successfully gaining ACS (Door Supervision and Manned Guarding) along with ISO 9000, we here at ASM have a dedicated management team with hundreds of years combined experience in the security industry. W: E: T: 08458335750

designed to help both individuals and New Companies build for the future as well as support others with training needs. T: 07725970954 W: E: Briareus Security Our aim is to give a complete, discreet and professional service to all of our clients, be they large corporations, small businesses, local authorities or private individuals, all tailored to meet their individual needs. W: E:

Mark Corder - Chief Executive of Carmdale Ltd Suite 3 219 Bow Road London E3 2SJ Mark is a former Senior Police Officer specialising in counter-terrorism; firearms; public order; training and also physical, Critical National Infrastructure and nuclear security, having had responsibility for the security of the UK’s nuclear deterrent. A former Head of Operations, Operational Support and Training, Mark has been involved in a number large-scale incidents (including 7/7) and has also worked at the Office for Security and Counter Terrorism (OSCT) at the Home Office as part of a review into Critical National Infrastructure security. Mark has an MBA via the OU. E: T: +44 (0)844 995 9900 W: Alastair Christie Advice on site security, perimeter fencing, lighting, CCTV and manning requirements. Monitor and advise on guard force setting up site procedures and guard SOP’s. T : +44 (0)7736 328112 E :

Ark Personal and Asset Protection Ark, 2b Crow Lane, Rochester, Kent, ME11RF, GBR A small, efficient, highly descrete company employing ex special forces and detectives for all civil and corporate covert needs. E: T: +0044 01634 845526

Control Risk Management Solutions CRMS - Ireland Executive Close Protection Operations & Training (B Tec Level 3 Diploma Edexcel) Threat & Risk Assessments, Consultancy Services. W: E:

Argus Europe County Durham Argus Europe has been providing specialist training for high-net worth clients and their families for close to 20 years, worldwide. Argus Europe now offer accredited training for CPO’s, Surveillance Operators and Private detectives. Argus Europe is an operational company working globally with an extensive variety of contracts. W: T: +44 (0) 8456 123 843

Crest Security & Surveillance Ltd 51 The Crest, West Heath, Birmingham, West Mids, B31 3QA, GBR Highly experienced Security Consultant with a proven record of accomplishment in the field of protective security. Skilled in all phases of risk assessment, operational planning, logistical organisation, implementation of security measures, security team leadership, project coordination, and delivery of security advice to a high profile clientele. E: T: 447977071427

Atlantian Business Solutions Group Rutland, LE15 6SD, GBR Atlantian Business Solutions has been


CSI Protection Ltd International, GBR A well established security consultant and personal protection operative providing high or low Key protection to high risk and prestigious clientele. Specialising in the maritime industry as a consultant for private vessel protection on super yachts world wide. W: E: Custodia Custodia is an independent client focused Specialist Security & Risk Management Company, specialising in Risk consultancy and Security project management. Providing a comprehensive portfolio of Risk mitigation solutions to assist Businesses and individuals to plan for, manage and mitigate risk. T: 01432 277693 W: DF Risk Management Solutions DF Risk Management Solutions N.I. is a modern, professional risk management company, with a diverse range of global strategic experiences and a team of executives who possess dynamic but complementary backgrounds. T: +44 (0)7837642686 +44 (0)7758743918 W: www.dfriskmanagementsolutionsni. com Executive Protection Officer Worldwide CP services W: First Class Executive Security Nottingham, UK, Nottingham based, fullservice company specializing in Bodyguards and Security Consulting services. Extensive experience in VIP security, also caters for public and private sectors. W: T: 0115 9266466 G6 Global G6 are specialists in all types of radio, telephony and satellite communications for both voice and data with particular emphasis on covert communications installations in both vehicles and fixed locations. In addition, our range of personal covert radios and bespoke accessories is extensive. W: T: +44 (0)1454 610050 Gordon Russell Highly trained frontline Close Protection Operatives available for UK and International contracts. Our experienced CPO’s can offer bespoke packages to meet all clients needs, including a variety of language skills. All SIA licenced, BBA member E: T: +44 (0)7917 281 004 Gareth Evans - CPO, MSO Reliable dedicated hard-working

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 39 security professional, with outstanding communication skills. Strategic approach to problem solving combined with exceptional interpersonal skills, quick to grasp new concepts and information. Highly motivated, results-driven and thrives under pressure. Strong leadership and management skills with proven experience committed to continuous personal and professional development. E : T : +44 (0)7900058603 James Izett All close protection task undertaken, including training tasks. Medic (Registered with the HPCSA, Registered FAAW instructor and Assessor E : T : +971 (0)505 574 350 Janice Gurney Proficient and diligent Security Professional gaining extensive knowledge and experience within the security sector. Proactive individual who has a logical, flexible and conscientious approach to all challenges undertaken, ability to work as a member of a team or as an individual willing to work anywhere. T : +44 (0)7885 793061 E : International Centre of Special Training International Centre of Special Training is an international training and security company based in the United Kingdom. Its priority objective is to provide services to the highest level. W: T: +44 796 736 55 65 IPSS Security Northfield, Aberdeen, AB16 7EX Security and protection services - UK and overseas. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1224 69455 W: ISS Training Ltd Riverside Cottages, Nidd Walk, Pateley Bridge, Harrogate, HG3 5NA ISS Training Limited are providers of specialist covert surveillance training courses and publications to the security and investigative industries, enforcement agencies and specialist military units. Formed in 1990, we are the longest established surveillance training ompany in the United Kingdom. Our credibility and reputation is widespread and we offer nationally recognised qualifications. BBA Member. T: + 44 (0) 1423 712265 W: Jason Morris Security Hertfordshire, UK Providing a wide range of Door supervision/ security for V.I.P and prestige venues, Concerts, Functions, Corporate and Personal Security, Weddings, Private Parties, Gala Dinners, Business Awards & School Proms, Close Protection and Body Guarding Static Guarding and Stewards. T: 01462 478900 W: E:

John Featherstone Security professional with operational experience gained in a variety of theatres. Main specialities close protection and surveillance. T: 24hrs : +44 (0)7702 740722 E: W: K9 Support Services Ltd K9 Support Services UK Ltd is a supplier of specialist drugs and explosives dog/ handler detection service (which includes arms & ammunition) to individuals, businesses, and the public sector. T: 0845 643 6393 E: Logas International Tyne & Wear, SR1, GBR Front line SIA, International CPO. Private Investigation and Surveillance operator. E: MLK Security and Protection Services Swindon, UK Close Protection Officer and Door Supervisor E: T: 07917654978 LJE Security Services North Yorkshire, HG1, GBR Close Protection, Residential Security, Asset Protection, VIP red carpet Security and Private Investigation. E: One Events Grantham One Events offers you a stress free solution in the organisation, putting together and running of an event. Thisis accomplished by having a group of specialised companies from different industries working together for a more complete service for you. TEL: 0870 974 6779 W: Paul Lovatt – CPO After serving 15 year in the Army a move to the Security Industry was a natural step, during the last 10 years I have worked in almost every role in the industry from Door Supervisor and loss prevention to Operations Manager and Director. I have been responsible for the creation and implementation of highly successful crime reduction schemes across Yorkshire working closely with other agencies in the areas of responsibility. Currently I am responsible for the overall running of large events security teams from stewards to Close Protection Officers. Operational planning, contingency planning and flexibility are I feel among my key strengths. E : paul@deltasecurity-eventmanagement. T : +44 (0)7506726336 Paul Tyler – VIP Protection & Concierge Specialist in discreet personal protection & surveillance. A good current working knowledge of London & its challenges gained through ongoing high risk security operations. Experienced in dealing with high net worth clients with all matters security & concierge striving go the extra mile to exceed expectations through


thorough planning & interaction with all involved parties. A strong communicator with a smart appearance who remains synonymous with the principals lifestyle, whilst discretely ensuring a safe environment is maintained at all times, physically capable of adopting a higher profile when required to do so. Demonstrates sound judgement and capability to operate with great levels of autonomy. Exceptional interpersonal skills with the ability to understand, interact & connect with a diverse range of people. E : T : +44 (0)7552515604 W : Plymouth Close Protection Highly versatile, physically fit and accomplished security professional with cumulative experience in the areas of security management, close protection, crisis management, risk assessment, emergency management, asset protection and security training. E : W : T : +44 (0)1752 500807 PPSS Group Body armour and stab vests provide a functional solution to individuals who require extra protection in their chosen vocation. All PPSS (formerly ASEO) body armour and stab vests are certified by the UK’s Home Office (HOSDB) and offer unrivalled protection from blunt trauma caused by a punch, blow or kick. Based on our professional frontline experience and extensive research we can confirm that an impact based assault is a more likely event than an attack involving an edged weapon or firearm. T: +44 (0) 845 5193 953 F: +44 (0) 1765 603 512 E: W: Presence Security Presence Security (“ PS ”) is a bespoke security company providing protection for private individuals and VIPs, as well as security services for businesses and organizations. T: 0800 002 9734 E: Prestige Risks LTD 27 Old Gloucester Street, London, WC1N, 3AX, GBR. Close Protection Secure Chauffeurs Surveillance Residential Security Executive Protection Security Guards Asset Protection T : +44 (0)207 5588182 E : W : Prometheus Medical Ltd Prometheus deliver unrivalled bespoke emergency medical support in the form of specialist equipment, training, strategic advice and deployed clinical care. T: (+44) 1568 613942 W: Prosec Consultancy Ltd 10 Oakfield business park Westbury, BA13 4WF.

CLASSIFIEDS Prosec Consultancy Limited are dedicated in providing a professional service, which covers a whole range of security services throughout the security industry. T: 01373 228055 W: E: ProTouch Security ProTouch Security is one of the UK’s key providers of event safety, event security, crowd management, door supervisors, stewards, event management and health and safety. T: 01724 279 522 W: Python Security and Protection Ltd Providing Close Protection Officers and Door Supervisors for Events and Venue Security. E : Radoslav Savkov - CPO / Security Consultant Oxford - United Kingdom I would introduce myself as a high calibre Security professional with strong customer oriented skills and managerial experience in the Security Industry, interested in a challenging position, which would fully utilize competences gained and provides opportunities for professional and personal development. With 15 + years of international experience in the sector at all levels and a military background (National Service) as well as a practical Close Protection experience in an executive environment, corporate intelligence and investigations. As a Security professional, I never consider my training and development as a complete, therefore I always look to update further my skills and knowledge. In personal plan I am very loyal, discreet , independent and willing to embrace challenges. E: T: +44 (0)7886591525 RSM Security UK Ltd London, UK RSM Security UK Ltd offers the experience and expertise necessary to provide security personnel of the highest calibre when you need them. T: 07850091979 or 07792948523 W: E: RWSSI Rob W is a professional security consultant with world wide experience and capabilities in Security, Surveillance and Investigation; I can support you to overcome any problems and enable you to achieve your goals E: T: +44 (0)7818 220985 SDS Solutions SDS solutions provide our clients with protective solutions that are second to none, our consultants will discuss every aspect of the problems that you are facing that dictate the need for a protective solution, we promise our clients a tailor made service to meet individual requirements. Whether based in the UK or abroad our protective service T: 01453 887815 E:

Shadow Close Protection A leading company specializing in Executive Protection as a professional sector, with participation in high and low risk missions, providing global security solutions and consultancy to individuals, corporations and national agencies worldwide. W: E: T: + 30 6948539664 Shaun West United Kingdom SIA licensed, Highly Experienced Frontline CPO. Ronin SA trained. Providing security for both corporate and hostile environments. E: T: +44 (0)7830 109 601 W: Mark Claydon-Smith – CP Team Leader and Medic I have spent 13 years in the Royal Navy Culminating in the rank of SNCO Petty Officer. In 2004 I started my security career and have worked in Hostile environments. I have held several positions including Operations Manager, Team Leader and Rig Site Manager. I have worked in Kurdistan, Afghanistan and Iraq as well as the UK and Europe. E : T : +964 (0)7815 970433 Philip Shearman MSyl – CPO, Risk Manager A professionally Qualified Close Protection and Surveillance Operator and Team Leader with over twenty two years of experience gained in the Military Police, the last fifteen of which were spent with the Military Police Close Protection Unit, working in various hostile countries throughout the world. Since leaving the Army in Nov 06 I have worked in the Private Security sector. I have gained valuable experience in demanding and challenging operational environments, where I have proved to be a self motivated and resourceful individual, performing well under pressure, communicating effectively at all levels whilst exercising tact, diplomacy and integrity. E : T : +44 (0)7930 277586 Spotllght Protection Services Essex based business which provides a broad and growing range of security services to businesses and organisations large and small. T: 07870560208 E: W: VIPA Tactical Training A specialist training academy dealing with four specific areas of combat: VIPA Civilian Self Protection Program, VIPA Close Protection Combat System, VIPA Police Defence Tactics and VIPA Military Close Quarter Combat. BBA Member. W: Yoji Security We established Yoji Security in response to our perception of declining professional standards across the security industry. We strive to provide first class customer service in everything we do, drawing on our


extensive experience in the fields of special operations, intelligence, counter terrorism and close protection. T : +44 7903231076 E : Europe & Africa International Security Academy P.O.Box 5833, Herzeliya, 46000, ISRAEL. Our graduates are more recognized, respected and sought after by Distinguish Protection service “consumers” and by most of the “Providers” of Protection services worldwide. Organisers of the 2008 International Summit of Protection Officers. BBA Member. T: + 972 9 950 0969 W: Javier Galan Spain Security specialist available for operations around the world. E: T: 34.637080771 Military Grade Encryption Phones PO Box 52310, Limassol, CYPRUS Built-in encryption software which converts your voice to encrypted data using a constantly changing mathematical formula. It uses a dual layered RSA/AES combination and a changing session key which modifies the encryption algorithm every second. € 1,398.00 + VAT. All prices include new Nokia N73 phone. BBA Member. T: + 357 7777 7276 W: TPT Firearms Training Bratislava , Slovakia and Rome , Italy We know from our extensive experience within the industry that it can be daunting when initially carrying a firearm and being responsible for protecting a clients life, but learning the proper techniques and having the ability to understand the weapon will make the job a lot easier and more enjoyable. Hopefully you will never have to use the weapons you carry, but should this prove necessary you will be confident and knowledgeable enough to handle the situation professionally and effectively. T : +44 (0) 7734101910 E : W : Security Concierge Group SCG Special Projects Ltd, Avenida, Bartolome Vicente Ramon No 10, B16, Ibiza, 07800, ESP Security Concierge Group is a privately owned and fully independent provider of exceptional security services to an interesting and varied range of clients. T: 00 34 600 665 275 W: E: Americas Bodyguard Careers Bodyguard Careers is an informational site with the purpose of providing bodyguards with all the information and tools necessary to succeed in the Close Protection Industry Canadian Use of Force Systems

CIRCUIT MAGAZINE ISSUE 39 7975 Yonge St. # 7124, Innisfil, ON, L9S 1L0, CANADA A professional Use of Force and Defensive. Tactics organization teaching a full range of controlled response options for SelfProtection and Use of Force considerations in public and professional environments. BBA Associate Member. T: + 1 705 456 4333 W: Contact Front Photography Contact Front Photography is the world’s 1st photography studio dedicated to the Close Protection Professional. Stop putting generic or pirated photos on your website; instead commission custom shots to best represent you or your agency. T: +1 (612) 369-6134 E: W: Decisiones Estratégicas Buenos Aires – Argentina Executive protection specialists we have experienced in all Latin America, for multinationals companies, also providing support in project throughout Latin America to consulting first the US. and UK. We have a team of specialists and psychologists in assistance and crisis negotiation. T: +54(911) 6415 1941 E: jbenitez@d– W: www.d– Detective Lacerda P.O.BOX 25996, São Paulo, 05513-970, BRAZIL Providing the full range of security and investigation services throughout Latin America. BBA Member. T: + 55 (11) 3452 4388 W: Giovanni Rossi South Africa Doctorates in Criminology, Vessel Security Officer, ASP Instructor, ISSPC Member, BBA Member, IAPPA Member, American Bodyguard and Protection Instructors Association - Lifetime Member E: T: +2783 415 9205 USA Global Bear Protection PO Box 11488, Jackson, Wyoming, 83002, USA Provision of British and US Ex Special forces security/medical specialists. T: 307 413 3619 W: E:

The Team: Editor Managing Editor International Editor Art Direction

Shaun West Jon Moss Elijah Shaw Peter Falkous

Icon Services Corporation 1043 Grand Ave. #312, St. Paul, MN 55105, USA A full service security and investigative agency specializing in providing high-level security and bodyguards to international celebrities, public figures and corporations. Licensed, bonded and insured, our diverse roster of clients reads as a virtual who’s who in the corporate, motion picture, fashion and recording industry. Entering into our 10th year, Icon has been the hand picked choice to provide Executive Protection to everyone from Superintendents to Supermodels. BBA Member. T: + 1 651 695 8778 W: Imperial Protective Service, LLC 15849 N. 71st Street, Suite 100, Scottsdale , Arizona, 85254, USA Imperial Protective Service’ (IPS) is a security consulting and services firm founded in 1978. IPS provides both national and international corporate, executive and celebrity protective services. BBA Member. T: + 1 480 281 1588 W: Panther Protection Services 3695F Cascade Road, Suite 2207, Atlanta, GA 30331 Panther Protection Services is a full service protection agency offering such services as threat assessment, executive protection, self-defense training, firearms instruction, and high risk tactical protection. Our executive protection specialists have over 75 years of experience. Panther can handle your protection needs whether around the corner or around the world. Member: BBA and NABA T: (404) 349-9117 W: Rouven Rohler - Security Consultant / HSE liaison Romania I am a very fit and mentally robust Security Specialist with quality experience gained in the security (Military, Maritime and Commercial Operational Security (Oil& Gas). I have improved the effectiveness of protection teams and significantly enhanced clients’ awareness. My career commenced in the Australian Army, which included hostile environment deployments to Iraq and the Solomon Islands and I have since been operating on various contracts throughout Afghanistan and Iraq. I am now looking to make a continued significant contribution within similar High Risk contracts. E: T: +40 (0)746 642 739 Our Sincere Thanks to all those that continue to contribute their wisdom and experience for the enjoyment of others The Circuit is compiled, edited and published in the UK and US bi-monthly. W: E: T: +44 0191 645 0865

Contributors: Dr Amy Burrell Ed Hill Michael Jensen Drum Cussac Orlando Wilson Wille Heino Jon Moss Adam Scholl Mark “Six” James Monica Duperon Rodriguez Dale June


SILVER STAR PROTECTION Executive protection, site and event security with global experience. Serving southern Minnesota with integrity and professionalism. Former USSS, ICON Alumni. available for domestic and international travel. Robert E. Jones Manager/CEO W: E: TSICS (T6) Miami, Florida, USA TSICS (T6) provides the following services in Central America: Executive Protection, Individual Bodyguard, Close Protection Training, Corporate Invest. W: members/saldrix E: T: +502 6645 6822 Tony Scotti’s Vehicle Dynamics Institute 1162 St. Georges Ave, Suite 277 , Avenel, NJ 07001, USA The first name in advanced driver training, offering our highly acclaimed Protective/ Evasive Driving Programs. Designed specifically for today’s executive chauffeurs, executive protection professionals and others who are responsible for providing safe and secure transportation services. BBA Member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 W: Vindex Personal Protection & Investigation Inc. 497 Hooksett Rd #365 Manchester NH 03104 603.289.3161 / Full service Private Investigations & Executive Protection. 10 years combined Law Enforcement, Private security, close protection work, & security contracting. NY Mayors, U.S. President’s, NFL owners, and VIP’s are some of the protection work I’ve gained experience with. ICON alumni, NABA member. T: + 1 732 738 5221 E: W: Asia Pacific Asia Protective Group Ltd Asia Protective Group (APG) is a Hong Kong based risk management company, specializing in executive protection, overseas travel security and security consultancy services. APG has an extensive network of security specialists operating throughout the Asia Pacific region. W: E: E: DISCLAIMER While every care has been taken to ensure that the information contained in this magazine is both accurate and up-to-date, The Circuit accepts no liability in any part for loss or damage incurred by reliance on information contained in this magazine through omissions, errors, howsoever caused. ©COPYRIGHT Copyright remains with the authors and contributors at all times. No part of this publication can be copied or reproduced in any way whatsoever without permission from the publisher AND the author / contributor.



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