The Violet | Summer 2011 {Updated}

Page 87



As you let go of attachments to things and impossible-to-achieve stand-

Letting go of things and simplifying your mindset opens up a lot of room

ards, you may realize that you actually care about different things than you

in your life. Being able to recognize what’s actually important to you builds

thought. Having done away with all of those things you used to agonize

confidence and security, and you may start to notice that your life is actu-

over and worry about leaves your schedule wide open to do a little bit of

ally worth celebrating. And why shouldn’t you celebrate your life? Your

simplifying. Clean out your closet, your car, your kitchen cupboards, and

morning cup of coffee? Yep, that’s definitely a celebratory moment. Lighting

even your mind. Keep only what you really need and really love. When you

the candles at night and taking a hot bubble bath while playing music in

start to feel attached to something, remind yourself that the purpose of life

the background? That too - you deserve it. Give yourself permission to kick

is simple. Get through it, and enjoy as much of it as you can. Connect with

back, watch a movie, and drink one too many glasses of wine on a week-

people, and grow old with grace and dignity.

night. Who needs a reason to invite friends over to eat a good dinner and laugh all night long? Not you! Life is reason enough. Take advantage of as many opportunities as you can to enjoy moments and make memories, and don’t feel guilty about it for even a second.

SUMM ER 2012

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