Ohio Business Magazine - Fall 2019

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Ohio’s Guide to Colleges & Universities Plus: College Directory, Business Scholarships and More







Looking at old rocks. (I’m a geology major.) Brainstorming sessions with advertising professors.


Winning the flag football championship, twice.


Taking the mound in the NCAA regional.


Road-tripping home with my roommate to meet her family.




Meeting my best friend on move-in day.



Calling my parents when I get the job at Intel.


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FEATURES 12 Targeting the New American Dream The mergers and acquisitions market drives our economy. BY TERRY TROY

16 A Lot of Hot Air? What’s happening with wind power in Ohio. BY JILL SELL

4 Publisher’s Letter BY ERIC HARMON

5 CEO Corner Three college presidents on the challenges educators will face in the coming year. BY TERRY TROY

6 Ohio Brands Jeep: From the battlefield to the driveway. BY TERRY TROY


7 Cincinnati LCS enjoys explosive growth, acceptance of Rent Manager program. BY DAVID HOLTHAUS


22 Learn While You Earn Deceunink’s program offers students a way to reduce debt. BY DAVID HOLTHAUS

24 Executive Profile A sit down with YSU’s Jim Tressel. BY TERRY TROY

31 Changing Trends Developments in state funding and demographics promise big changes to higher education. BY CORINNE MINARD

32 College & University Listings

26 Win Win The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges helps businesses like Huntington solve talent shortages through scholarships. BY KEVIN MICHELL

8 Akron Taking the high road on safety: Triple Beam to field-test Cannibuster. BY LYNNE THOMPSON

9 Columbus

51 Gaming Guide

The skinny on skin: New school trains estheticians. BY GAIL BURKHARDT

A wealth of options showcase Ohio’s diverse casino scene. BY NOAH TONG

10 Toledo

54 Manufacturing Summit Re-Cap

Regional chamber celebrates 125th anniversary. BY LYNNE THOMPSON

State experts discussed building a better workforce at the second annual event. BY KEVIN MICHELL

11 Dayton PSA Airlines has a talent pipeline strategy to deliver great service for its customers. BY ERIC SPANGLER 2

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46 Meeting and Event Planner Guide In Ohio, there is a venue that is right for your business and its events. BY NOAH TONG

56 Working the Room Ohio Business celebrates Best Workplaces in Ohio winners. BY TERRY TROY



Family and Veteran Owned

President: Eric Harmon

Editor: Terry Troy


here are not many meetings for our magazines that I get nervous about anymore. However, when we are able to get in front of some very successful people, it still brings some butterflies. Most often my opportunities to be a part of these high-profile meetings are when I sit in on interviews with our journalists. Being in the interview with Jim Tressel for this issue made me jittery. He is an iconic figure not just in football and Ohio, but of the modern day. I found I was able to relax, reconfirming the notion that it’s generally the most successful people who can provide others with the confidence to “be at the table.” Jim has accomplished much as a football coach, but what I walked away with was the passion and dynamic resolve he has for leading Youngstown State into the next decade. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend YSU’s football camps in the early ‘90s as a part of a partnership the university had with local high schools. Jim, being head coach then, actively managed these youth camps. During our meeting I told him of the fond memories I had of those camps—remembering the dedication our high school football coaches exhibited while spending their summer hours with us, when most teachers would be on vacation. Jim provided this needed extra guidance, as did my Bay High educators, led by Tom Kaiser, who put more into the

Managing Editor: Corinne Minard

Contributing Writers: Gail Burkhardt David Holthaus Kevin Michell Jill Sell Eric Spangler Lynne Thompson Creative Director: Guy Kelly

Art Director: Katy Rucker Designer: Becky Mengel Freund Digital Content Coordinator: Danielle Cain

Operations & Finance Manager: Tammie Collins Advertising & Circulation Manager: Laura Federle udience Development A Coordinator: Nakya Grisby Production Manager: Keith Ohmer

game and their students than I could ever comprehend back then. This is our education issue, and it would only be appropriate to thank all our teachers. Thank you for making what we did matter and for giving us all a better future than one we could create alone. Like the titans of industry, you instill the confidence in your students to reach for more. They will soon get their turn to lead and, best of all, it will be here in Ohio.

Publisher Ohio Operations: Amy Scalia Sales: Abbey Cummins Lori Gregorski Brad Hoicowitz Rick Seeney Neena Vazquez Katelynn Webb Events Director: Stephanie Simon

Events Coordinator: Amanda Watt

Editorial Intern: Noah Tong

Ohio Business Magazine Cincinnati Club Building 30 Garfield Place, Suite 440 Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 421-2533 Sign up for a complimentary subscription at OhioBusinessMag.com or purchase a copy at a local bookstore. 4 FA L L

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President, Ohio Dominican University

President, Otterbein University

President, Youngstown State University

One of the challenges facing many small, private universities is positioning themselves as leaders in developing top talent to fill the workforce needs of the region’s diverse business sectors. Ohio Dominican has sought to strengthen its position by establishing valuable relationships with key government and corporate leaders throughout Central Ohio. Through these relationships, we’ve been able to engage in critical dialogue that has helped us respond to the unique challenges that face our local employers, and guide us in the development of innovative programs to meet the region’s workforce needs. As an example, conversations with leaders in the insurance industry led us to create a degree program in Risk Management & Insurance that directly responds to an anticipated talent shortage across the state. In addition, after engaging with leaders in the logistics industry, we created an online certificate program that allows individuals to enhance their professional credentials in that field. Ohio Dominican’s Board of Trustees also has formed a task force to build relationships with local business leaders to explore mutually beneficial partnership opportunities. By responding to Central Ohio’s workforce needs, Ohio Dominican has demonstrated how a traditional liberal arts university can emerge as a talent provider for the region’s employers.

Higher education is facing a number of challenges—demographic changes (especially in the Midwest), pricing concerns, rising debt levels, graduation rates and a generally growing mistrust that colleges are acting in the best interest of society. It is more important than ever that institutions like Otterbein communicate clearly what makes us distinct from other institutions. We believe a focus on affordability will help us open the door to additional students and rebuild trust. Thus, we are launching an aid program that covers the cost of tuition for all Ohio families who make less than $60,000 per year. We are also publishing the next four years of tuition rates now at 2% increases each year—no “gotcha” surprises. Students and families also have concerns about the relevance of a traditional undergraduate program. Otterbein has always had strong placement numbers, but we are now launching on-campus corporate partnerships. Our new program at The Point has R&D staff from a dozen companies (JP Morgan Chase, Nestle, Grote, etc.) working with our students. I don’t know of any other program like it in the country, especially one focused on undergraduates. We will have to innovate. We will have to be different. Not everything we try will work, but I hope Otterbein can provide some solutions to our national higher education problems.

The challenges Youngstown State University faces in the coming year are virtually the same as the challenges faced by every school of higher education in our state. Funding is always a challenge, although I think that Governor DeWine, the State Senate and State House of Representatives have done a great job of being as good as they can be to public universities and community colleges. They also gave us some tuition flexibility, but still managed to keep the cap down, which is a goal of theirs. There is also a challenge in Ohio from a demographic standpoint. In the next 10 to 15 years, we will have 10 to 11% less college-aged students in Ohio. Of course, the other challenge is the national conversation about whether or not someone really needs a college degree; what is the real value of a college degree and is there too much student debt? If you research it well, you’ll find that college is an extraordinary investment when it comes to a lifetime of earning. You have to be smart about looking at the fine print and doing the shopping in terms of what is the best value for you, but college is an extraordinary opportunity. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Mr. Tressel also addresses the role of public universities in regional economic development in our Executive Profile on pages 24 and 25.) w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19



As American as

Apple Pie




o one really knows exactly how the name came into the American lexicon, including the company itself. But like the vehicle it represents, the Jeep name is the stuff of legend. Some claim the name came from a slurring of the letters “GP,” the military abbreviation for “General Purpose.” Others say the moniker was adopted by GIs in the field, the vehicle being named after Eugene the Magical Jeep in Popeye cartoons for its almost magical qualities of Jim Morrison getting out of muddy and sticky situations. So what’s the company’s position? The two theories are “all we’ve ever said or written on the topic,” admits Jodi Tinson, a spokesperson for FCA, the parent company of the Jeep brand. We do know that the first Jeep grew out of a request from the U.S. military for a “light reconnaissance vehicle” that would replace the Army’s motorcycle and modified Ford Model T vehicles. Ford entered the competition with a vehicle called the GP Pygmy, while Willys-Overland produced a vehicle called the Willys Quad, which would later be known as the Jeep vehicle of today. The company was acquired by AMC in 6

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1970, which itself was later acquired by Chrysler. The Fiat Group would subsequently acquire Chrysler in early 2014, the two entities becoming known as Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), the brand’s worldwide corporate parent today. W hate ver it s or ig i n, today the Jeep name is as American as apple pie and it’s one of the fastest growing brands in the country. And its home is the Greater Toledo area. “Jeep vehicles have been built in Toledo for nearly 80 years, so Jeep and Toledo have almost become synonymous,” says Jim Morrison, head of Jeep Brand for FCA North America. “Our employees say they work at the Jeep plant or Toledo Jeep. We are very proud of that because it’s where the rubber meets the road. The heart and soul of every Jeep Wrangler, and now every Jeep Gladiator, is rooted in Toledo.” The company stands by Toledo, investing more than $1.5 billion in its two facilities there, and adding more than 1,700 jobs since 2011. Today, more than 7,500 are employed at the two plants. When you add in the first tier suppliers located within 10 miles of the brand’s facilities, the impact Jeep has on the region’s economy is stag-

TOP: The new 2020 Jeep Gladiator has been receiving accolades and setting sales records since its introduction. BOTTOM: It all started in 1940 with the Willys Quad.

gering. Judging from its investments and recent product announcements, Jeep is not about to leave. Indeed, Toledo is now home of the long-awaited Jeep Gladiator, the brand’s recent foray into the light pickup truck market. “Toledo was an obvious choice as the new home for the Jeep Gladiator for a number of business reasons, but primarily because so much of its DNA comes from the Wrangler,” says Morrison. “But more importantly, it was because of the Toledo workforce. They understand their role in protecting the legacy of the Jeep brand, so it made sense to entrust them with building the newest member of the Jeep family.” The new Gladiator was an instant hit. The 2020 Gladiator dominated the Northwest Automotive Press Association’s 25th annual Mudfest in May, and was named to Ward’s 10 Best Interiors in April. Also, a limited 2020 Jeep Gladiator Launch Edition of 4,190 vehicles sold out in just one day. It all bodes well for this iconic AllAmerican and All-Ohio brand. n




s a high school student in the early ‘80s, David Hegemann helped out with his family’s property rental business, a business that was mostly managed with paper, pen and typewriter at that time. As the computer revolution got under way, Hegemann started dabbling with digital ways to run the business more efficiently. Little did he know that years later, his dabbling would result in a product that would support the growth of one of the fastest growing companies in Cincinnati. Hegemann’s high school project eventually became a product called Rent Manager, a software suite developed and marketed by LCS, his high-tech company based in the Cincinnati suburb of Deerfield Township. The company was incorporated in 1987, after Hegemann graduated from college. An acquaintance asked him to write a version of the software he created for his parents’ business. But it wasn’t until 1995 that LCS was growing enough to warrant his full-time attention. LCS currently employs about 300 people. Most of them—260 or so—have been hired in the last 10 years, says Rachel Huizenga, director of human resources. The company adds about 40 to 50 new employees each year. All of that growth is organic, based on the internal growth of its sales and revenue. It’s growing on the strength of Rent Manager, an integrated accounting, content management,

LCS headquarters in Deerfield Township outside work order and marketing of Cincinnati product used by a wide range of property managers. account in Rent Manager. “They use it to run their This pet profile can help businesses,” Huizenga says. housing providers better Dave Hegemann But the product is not understand the risk for limited to your standard each pet and pet owner. It apartment management also can be used to genercompany, although that is a ate new revenue opportukey customer group. In adnities, such as additional dition to big rental property pet rents, non-refundable companies, Rent Manager fees and deposits. is used by condominium By 2015, LCS had outassociations, commercial grown its previous office rental companies, storage and built a 75,000-squarefacilities, campgrounds, foot, three-stor y office horse stables and even building on 15 acres on Rachel Huizenga salons where stylists rent Waterstone Boulevard at their booths. an estimated cost of be“We cater to all of those different indus- tween $10 million and $15 million. tries,” Huizenga says. “There are a lot of The new headquarters features a highdifferent requirements for property man- tech office environment, with high ceilagers. Our software is able to cater to all of ings, natural light, a large break area and those. It works really well for companies walking trails for employees. Huizenga also touted the company’s that have mixed uses.” One example of the product’s versatility professional development program for is a recent partnership with PetScreening. employees. During their initial 12-week com, a third party service that is used by training, employees are each assigned housing providers to screen household pets a professional development coach who and validate animal assistance accom- continues to work with them to help shape modations. With the agreement, each pet their career paths, identify skills and profile submitted to PetScreening.com will knowledge gaps and foster their profesbe automatically recorded to the tenant’s sional growth. n w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19



Taking the High Road



riple Beam Technologies is preparing to begin field testing a hand-held device that will help police officers determine whether marijuana users are too high to drive safely—technology developed in response to the legalization of medical and/or recreational marijuana by one state after another. Kathy Stitzlein, founder and chief executive officer of the Akron-based startup, explains that the Cannibuster measures THC, the main psychoactive compound in pot, in a saliva sample on a single-use test strip that can be retained for backup testing. She describes it as an improvement over devices, both in use and still in development, that simply detect the presence of THC rather than the exact amount. The proposed impairment level is 50 nanograms per milliliter of saliva in the 14 or so states mulling saliva testing, according to a spokesperson from the Ohio State Highway Patrol. “If you just get a yes/no, it really doesn’t have that much more value than the cop saying, ‘I smell marijuana, I can see the signs of it,’” she says. She adds that getting an impaired-driving conviction currently involves getting a urine sample or transporting the driver to a medical professional for a blood draw. In Ohio, where non-smoking forms of medical marijuana recommended by a physician have been legalized, the legal limit is 2 8

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The team subsequently received a $50,000 grant from the Ohio Third Frontier TechThe Cannibuster is a nology Validation and Startup Fund, which hand-held device that detects marijuana use and impairment. in turn yielded $50,000 in matching funds from the university. Another $25,000 from the Great Lakes Innovation and Developnanograms of THC per milliliter of blood. ment Enterprise followed. “Even in states that don’t require a court “Since then, we’ve just decided to selforder ... the average time between the fund,” says Stitzlein, who works with traffic stop and getting the blood work is three other Triple Beam employees in an about an hour and a quarter,” Stitzlein says. 800-square-foot lab in the Bounce Innova“With marijuana, that’s quite a long time. tion Hub. “We want to retain ownership The levels peak real rapidly and then start through the preproduction phase.” to drop off.” Potent ial Cannibuster users can sign up to Stitzlein got the idea for evaluate its design in focus developing the device five years ago, around the time groups and/or volunteer the Colorado law legalizing to become one of t he recreational-pot use went half-dozen or so field test into effect, from two of sites at triplebeam.tech. her four children during a A partnership with Schafamily dinner in their Millumburg, Illinois-based ersburg home. The former Sparton Medical Systems design engineering manshould produce a fully ager at a Wooster metal functional prototype by fabricator had begun work early 2020 for testing in Kathy Stitzlein on a Ph.D. in biomedical early spring. Although the engineering at The Unilaw-enforcement commuversity of Akron and was nity is Triple Beam’s target looking for an extra-credit class project. market, it has received inquiries from “They kept insisting to me, ‘Yeah, the employers, labor unions, criminal-justice legalization of marijuana is going to spread officials and even medical-marijuana users everywhere. It’s going to come across the who want to monitor levels of therapeutic cannabinoids. whole U.S.!’” she recalls. “A lot of people assume, ‘Oh, marijuana The idea for a class project became the subject of her dissertation, then an entry users are all not responsible people,’” she in a 2015 student entrepreneurship com- observes. “But there are people that are petition that won her team $10,000 and a very responsible and want to make sure promise of $20,000 worth of mentoring and that, whether they’re using it medicinally advisory services from local entrepreneurs. or recreationally, they are safe to drive.” n




isitors who enter Skin Perfect Academy in Gahanna, a suburb of Columbus, are greeted with clean white furniture, soothing music and pristine cosmetic displays. The pleasing environment highlights the rejuvenating experience of visiting the new medical spa and education center. Despite the calm interior, the academy is booming and expanding. The business hosts advanced esthetics classes to professionals from across the country, in addition to offering spa services to clients. Owner Jaclyn Peresetsky, who has been in the business since 2003, created the academy to fill a need she saw in the med spa community. Peresetsky discovered that many of her new estheticians were not trained in advanced techniques such as facial peels, lash lifting and permanent makeup. It often took a year for estheticians to train others while still servicing their own clients. Peresetsky looked for a school that offered a variety of classes to help with the training. But when she was unsuccessful, she took matters into her own hands. The new Skin Perfect Academy, for-

A welcoming lobby greets new students and clients. The school’s name has since been changed to Skin Perfect Academy.

merly Skin Perfect Unito take three courses from versity, opened at the end Skin Perfect. Garza says of March. It features a fullthe courses will help her functioning med spa with serve clients and boost treatment rooms, as well business at Parkhurst Spa, as a large classroom with where she works in San Jaclyn Peresetsky beds for clients, a makeup Antonio. area and lecture space. “What they had to offer Peresetsky merged her two Columbus (answers) why we would take the option to spas into Skin Perfect Academy, located travel,” Garza says, praising the hospitalnear John Glenn Columbus International ity and Peresetsky’s “amazing” teaching Airport. Estheticians from the company techniques. teach classes and give hands-on training. Peresetsky sees teaching others her skills As of the end of July, 15 students have come and creating more competition as positives from across the U.S. to take various classes, for the fast-growing, $10 billion med spa which range from one to five days and cost industry, as estimated by the American between $695 and $3,800, Peresetsky says. Med Spa Association. “I’m really hoping being conveniently “The better our industry gets, the more located by the airport that (students) come knowledgeable, the more people will take and this will become the main resource for care of their skin,” Peresetsky says. “Bethe country,” she says. “And we’ll be able to cause if people feel they can go to someone bring in a lot of foot traffic and new visitors and trust them and get great results, then into Columbus, and let them realize what suddenly it’s not just people getting their an amazing city it is.” hair and nails done, it’s people working Nurse and esthetician Andrea Garza on their skin... Really we should be one recently came to Columbus from Texas big industry trying to improve.” n w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19





endy Gramza doesn’t hesitate when asked to list a few of the Toledo Regional Chamber of Commerce’s greatest contributions to the economic development of the Glass City and its environs. The organization’s president and chief executive officer notes that in 1948 it raised the money to purchase the land for Toledo’s very first airport and successfully lobbied to establish the port authority. And during the 1990s, the chamber raised over $9 million to help create the Regional Growth Partnership, a privately led economic development group serving Toledo and 17 northwest Ohio counties. “The airport, the port authority, economic development—those are all the agencies that, even today, really drive the economic prosperity of our region,” Gramza says. For an organization that now boasts 2,400 members, from sole proprietorships to large corporations including Owens Corning, the chamber’s celebration of its 125th anniversary has been surprisingly low-key. According to Stacey Mallet, vice president of marketing and communications, commemorations have been limited to online promotions. But Gramza says the restraint in tooting its own party horn does not reflect staffers’ enthusiasm for current endeavors. “The goal right now is to make sure that our traditional economic development is doing its thing and bringing companies to the 10

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region. We have the skilled A “Summer in the City” workforce in the talent program helps college inpipeline so those companies terns build networks and have the workforce they shows students what their Wendy Gramza need,” she says, noting that lives would be like if they the single biggest challenge relocated to the region. for chamber members is sourcing talent. Job candidates with member organizations “We have about 23,000 job openings at any can take customized, individual tours to given time. And the majority of those are in introduce residential areas and amenities. the manufacturing and related industries.” “Everything that we do in that campaign is To meet that demand, the chamber just about creating an emotional connection becompleted a study that examined employer tween the candidate and the region,” she says. skill needs and educational institutions’ But Gramza sees the chamber’s biggest programs to make sure the latter fulfills the task as motivating locals. That involves former. Train is a chamber program that residents either rejoining the workforce pairs business leaders with parents, teach- or become fully engaged in their jobs by ers and school administrators. The program inventing a new technology. It also entails even places participants in classrooms with developing a process to complete a task students to inform them about the skills area more efficiently, or looking for a way to employers are seeking, entry-level positions, advance from that position. The idea is and the subsequent training and education to encourage employers to prompt those needed to be promoted. Train also connects actions by introducing them to internship companies requiring customized employee programs, participating in the chamber’s training with a vocational school or com- Train Ready workforce-reentry program for munity college that can provide that service. the previously incarcerated and removing To lure talent to the Toledo area, the barriers to employment. She points out, chamber has developed an “It Matters for example, that there are other ways to Where You Make It” campaign. The endeavor verify citizenship, etc., than by requesting emphasizes the regional, affordable cost of a driver’s license, identification some Uberliving and accessibility to urban residences, and Lyft-using Millennials don’t have. a thriving nightlife provided by bars and “That’s really what’s on the horizon for us: restaurants, and a first-class Metroparks We have to be absolutely laser-focused on system, etc., as well as additional desirable these initiatives to make sure that we can continue to grow our economy,” Gramza says. n lifestyle attractions.





SA Airlines, a regional airline headquartered at Dayton International Airport, has nearly tripled in size over the last several years. The airline, a wholly owned subsidiary of American Airlines, has grown from 49 aircraft at the time of the American Airlines merger with US Airways six years ago to more than 135 aircraft, says Jenna Arnold, a communications official with PSA Airlines. The airline operates more than 800 daily flights on its Bombardier CRJ 200, 700 and 900 aircraft to nearly 100 destinations. To keep all those flights running safely and efficiently PSA Airlines has more than 5,000 employees, Arnold says. To match that enormous growth the airlines talent acquisition team has tripled in size and talent over the last three years. “With the amount of growth we have seen over the past several years our current goal is to stabilize and build a team to support that growth, our team members and our airline,” says Arnold. To do that PSA Airlines has a talent pipeline strategy that is unique in the market, she says. “Our competitive pathway programs offer an educational, economical and resourceful path to acquiring the skillsets and technical skills to become a pilot or mechanic,” Arnold says. The programs offer monetary support to complete the requirements of the programs, mentorship from its team members

and opportunities to be part of t he PSA culture prior to joining the airline as a full-time employee, she says. “Our pipeline programs are the future of our hiring.” Arnold says PSA Airlines hires people who are excited to PSA Airlines, headquartered at the Dayton International Airport, be part of a growth currently has more than 5,000 employees. culture. “We look for those that are prideful in their work, willing- PSA and those willing to partner and create ness to get it done and are all in,” she says. resourceful opportunities for students that Employees are then provided a new hire want to commit to PSA,” she says. orientation, along with a roadmap of success PSA Airlines also employs a competitive called the PSA Way—focusing on its im- maintenance pipeline program that partperatives, safety, respect, preparedness and ners with select technical schools aimed professional excellence. “We coach, lead, and at covering the cost of a student’s airframe develop talent to this model,” Arnold says. and power plant license. “For each school Arnold says PSA Airlines is in most need committed into this program we extend a of crewmembers supporting its frontline full PSA tool box, monetary sponsorships operation. “This includes pilots, aircraft and engagement opportunities for students mechanics and flight attendants,” she in exchange for partnership to access says. “In 2019 each of these work groups future aircraft mechanics,” Arnold says. experienced an increase in pay to attract The goal of PSA Airlines’ recruiting and talent acquisition programs is all about those that fit our culture.” To help create a pipeline for future pilots delivering quality service to its customand mechanics PSA Airlines partners with ers. “American trusts in PSA to deliver select college aviation programs. “We look for great service for its customers and we will schools that have strong structured training continue our work to operate safely and programs, a pipeline of talent to introduce to reliably for them,” says Arnold. n w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19







here was a time in this country, when Leave It To Beaver was on television and the cost of gasoline was under 24 cents a gallon, that the American Dream consisted of owning a home with a white picket fence. Families had two children with perfectly straight teeth and the fenced in yard had two cats or a dog, depending on your preference. That new home might cost you only $12,000. Despite the current administration’s best efforts to “Make America Great Again,” those days are sadly long gone. They have 12

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been replaced by an ever-increasing appetite for business growth and technological advancements that come almost hourly, all set against an increasingly competitive world market. The present administration cannot put Leave It To Beaver back on the tube nor drop the price of a house down to $12,000. However, its policies have created a fecund business environment that just may fulfill the new American Dream, which is simply economic independence. At the core of this new business model sits the Merger & Acquisition (M&A) market.

For sellers, it’s creating a new class of millionaires, young entrepreneurs who are selling off new technologies to major companies. As such, the M&A market is actually fueling entrepreneurship and technological innovation while creating jobs at emerging small businesses. However, M&A activity is also providing older independent business owners an easy glide path into retirement. And it’s creating new millionaires out of shareholders and stakeholders in companies that are being gobbled up by larger companies in ever increasing numbers.

George Calfo

Scott Mashuda

Monte Repasky

“The advantage (of acquisition) comes in With those underlying market dynamics, is it any wonder the M&A market is the form of speed to market and creating on fire today? immediate solutions,” he says. “We see that According to a report from Deloitte enti- companies are looking to acquire the innovatled “The State of the Deal, M&A Trends 2019,” tion and technology they need to accelerate corporate and private equity executives growth in the short term. But these acquisifocused on M&A anticipate tions also create synergistic further acceleration of deal relationships and strengths flow across 2019, both in the for a long-term impact.” number of transactions and “For mature companies, their size, thus extending organic growth is slow,” of middle-market leaders several years of record M&A adds Scott Mashuda, manactivity. The U.S is also a aging director of River’s have identified leading market for M&A acEdge Alliance Group, a tivity. In its second quarter Pittsburgh-based lower as a top 2019 report, Mergermarket, and middle market banka leading international ing firm with offices in provider of M&A data and Westlake, Ohio. “Growth intelligence, said that all but through acquisition accel10 of the largest deals all tarerates a company’s growth This is up from geted U.S. companies with trajectory in both the short six of the 10 being the result and long-term. An acquiof domestic consolidation. sition may create some in 2017 In SunTrust’s annual shor t-term challenges Business Pulse Survey, such as integration and preparing for an M&A was continuity, but long-term among the top three priorities of business benefits include cost savings, increased leaders in the middle market. The survey operating efficiencies and cross-selling found that 28% of middle-market leaders opportunities,” among others. have identified M&A as a top growth stratToday, stakeholders and shareholders are egy, up from 26% in 2018 and 20% in 2017. demanding speed, “or said in a different way, stakeholders are becoming increasingly THE NEED FOR SPEED impatient because they have capital to de“The reasons companies pursue acquisi- ploy and they have alternatives,” says Calfo. tions are multi-faceted, but one of the most And many companies today have access common themes is speed,” says George to more capital than ever before. AccordCalfo, managing director of SunTrust Rob- ing to Ernst & Young’s most recent Global inson Humphrey. “In some cases, it presents Capital Confidence Barometer, respondents less risk to acquire versus to grow. In an signaled continued growth in corporate era where scale seems to have significant earnings in 2019, even after the high benchbusiness advantages, people are acquir- mark hit in 2018. Technology and globalizaing versus organically growing as a way tion have created a competitive landscape of achieving scale—it’s almost defensive.” and make M&A more of an imperative. Monte Repasky, managing partner of “Using new technology and artificial inErnst & Young’s Cleveland office, agrees. telligence, companies are increasingly able

28% M&A

growth strategy 20%

There are some casualties in the form of displaced employees whose positions have been duplicated in the course of a merger or acquisition. But with today’s robust job market, many soon find new opportunities elsewhere. The reality is that businesses need to grow to survive. Stasis is not an option. So for many businesses, acquisitions have become a business imperative, necessary to compete in a complex world market—a faster way to acquire new customers and technology while facilitating growth.

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to automate routine administrative tasks to free up both capital and talent, which can then be invested elsewhere,” says Repasky. While those two factors have increased business liquidity, the current administration’s general business policies have also contributed heavily to the growth of M&A activity, according to virtually all business leaders queried. “Generally speak ing, government policies, such as the tax cuts at the end of 2017, have had a positive impact on most businesses in terms of cash on hand,” says Calfo. “But the general economic environment has also contributed heavily to cash balances and liquidity in the system. Productivity gains have contributed and so has central bank policy.” 14

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When you think about the M&A market and the business environment, you need to think about critical dimensions, which include confidence, liquidity, financing, appetite and valuation, says Calfo. “And I would say that the most important of those is confidence, and business confidence is quite high right now,” he adds. With smaller companies, the increase in M&A activity is also driven by an aging demographic. Keate Partners out of Cincinnati is an M&A company that specializes in the sale of small to medium-sized businesses. “We have seen a lot more activity this year, and I believe it is a long-term trend that should continue as baby boomers approach retirement age,” says Randy Sircle,

a partner in the firm. “Every day more people hit retirement age, and some of those people are business owners. We have built a niche in representing companies that need professional representation, but not an investment banker.”

CLOUDS ON THE HORIZON? While the outlook for M&A activity appears on the surface to be as rosy as an episode of Leave It To Beaver, there may be some impediments to future growth. Will global tensions, our trade war with China and volatile markets have a negative impact on either business confidence or M&A activity? It’s not very likely, according to M&A executives.

“Executives cite a range of challenges It’s a combination of both the liquidity in to their growth plans, but they mainly the system and the notion that there are fall into two categories: the increasing greater supplies elsewhere.” costs associated with doing business and Smaller companies don’t seem to be as increasing competitive pressures,” says greatly impacted by international events Repasky. “In our most recent Capital Con- as they are by the business climate in fidence Barometer, 48% of manufacturing general, says Sircle. executives surveyed listed “The size of companies regulation and political we market typically aren’t uncertainty as the biggest as affected by external conditions as larger companies risks to deal making. This uncertainty includes tariffs are,” Sircle says. “They on key imports like steel.” of manufacturing execu- control their own destiny a A nd m a nu f ac t u r i n g little better than a publicly tives surveyed listed companies tend to be more traded company.” conservative than those in other sectors, especially A NEW SKIPPER AT when inputs are affected by THE HELM tariffs, Repasky says. There is one very large un“ We a r e s e ei n g U. S . certainty on the horizon as the biggest manufacturers look ing that will impact the M&A risks to deal making market: the 2020 election. outside of China and even considering onshoring A new president at t he opportunities,” he says. helm could adversely im“Larger companies are considering emerg- pact business confidence and the M&A ing markets such as Brazil to fuel growth, marketplace. and India is likely to become a target “Anytime there is uncertainty, markets market in the future.” are affected,” says Mashuda. “From a priThe same is true of companies in the vate capital markets perspective, I think middle market. what business owners want to know is: “Tariff and trade tensions can certainly Will the post 2020 president be pro-busicause some folks to re-evaluate capital de- ness? We currently have a pro-business ployment because of the unpredictability,” president and you can see the results.” says Calfo. “You also have some businesses Could election uncertainty actually speed that are subject to tariffs where you might up M&A activity through the end of this year see some margin deterioration, which has and early next year as business owners try a growth impediment to it.” to cash in while there is still time? But liquidity has masked a lot of the “That’s an interesting question,” says clouds on the horizon, Calfo points out. Mashuda. “It may. As you know, markets “We see the Iranians capture an oil don’t like uncertainty and election years tanker in the Straights of Hormuz, and nor- create an uncertain political and busimally we would see oil spike on that news. ness environment. In anticipation of a But that has been muted,” he says. “Why? potential changing landscape, I would


regulation and political uncertainty

say, yes, there is a very real possibility that business owners may accelerate their exit plans in anticipation of a less pro-business environment post-election.” “It would be a very bad thing for our country and our industry if Trump is not reelected,“ says Sircle, who is an admitted supporter of the president. “But it might actually create a short-term boon for our industry as business owners, who are thinking about it anyway, head for the door—especially if some radical liberal gets elected. A lot of business owners might want to sell. “However, in the long term, it would be very bad. All of a sudden you would have too many businesses on the market. And you would have to find buyers, which would be a lot more difficult.” Others are not so sure the election will have that big of an impact. “The administration has been business friendly and that certainly has been a contributor from our perspective,” says Calfo. “However, if folks feel or get a sense that the economic engine is going to continue and the White House isn’t going to derail or change the general direction of the economy, I don’t think it is going to have as much impact as some people may think. Although people will talk about it.” There are people who are already taking steps, Calfo admits. “We do a lot of transactions,” says Calfo. “In the last month, I have heard, not a chorus, but three or four people, who are sellers by the way, who are thinking about a transaction because they are unsure about the election and would like to do something before. “So it is an interesti n g que stion.” n

LEVELING THE FIELD If you are a small to medium-sized business owner that is either close to retirement or thinking of selling, Jim Geuther, market president of the Northern Ohio Region for SunTrust, offers a bit of advice. “One of our core beliefs is that every business will transition,” says Geuther. “Whether it is within the family, or to a management team, ultimately ownership will transition.” So leveling the playing field against professional purchasers is critical. “We see time and time again private companies being approached by a companies, equities or individuals with unsolicited bids,” says Geuther. Which might prompt a private business owner to think about selling, especially if the amount of money offered is appealing. But many private

companies have not done any advanced planning when it comes to selling or transitioning ownership, says Geuther. “That’s when you could find yourself on one side of the table negotiating Jim Geuther against someone who does this sort of thing for a living,” Geuther says. “You need to find a company like ours that has extensive M&A expertise. Someone who makes sure you get all the facts on the table, whether your goal is to sell or transition the business. “Having someone who can level the playing field while you are in the midst of negotiations is always critical.”

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cebreaker Wind is an offshore demonstration project consisting of six wind turbines to be built 8 miles north of Cleveland in Lake Erie. Each turbine is 479 feet tall with its lowest point of the blade 65 feet above the water. If the project is approved, grid connection will be made by underwater cable to a Cleveland Public Power substation. It would be the first offshore wind energy project in the Great Lakes. The $126 million, 20.7-megawatt (MW) project has been called everything from an answer to northern Ohio’s economic woes to a major disaster in the making. Proponents and opponents are huffing and puffing over environmental issues, value and cost of the energy generated, tourist dollars, property values, foreign investment, number of jobs created and more. Icebreaker’s developer is the Lake Erie Energy Development Corp. (LEEDCo), an organization established in 2009. Members include the City of Cleveland, Port of Cleveland and the Cleveland Foundation, as well as Cuyahoga, Ashtabula, Lake, Lorain 16

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and Erie (Pennsylvania) counties. LEEDCo has the financial backing of Fred. Olsen Renewables, a wind energy project developer headquartered in Norway. That global company formed a subsidiary, Icebreaker Windpower, Inc., based in Cleveland. The Ohio Power Siting Board (OPSB), which has final approval over the project, most recently met in August to review what LEEDCo’s vice president of operations, Dave Karpinski, said were “clarifications” of 34 stipulations of the initial Icebreaker proposal. Karpinski anticipates a decision to approve or sink the wind turbines in December. Last year, the Feds—the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers—signed off on an Environmental Assessment conducted by CH2M (now part of Jacobs Engineering Group), an environmental consulting company. But that assessment is a tempestuous topic. In question are the lives of millions of migratory birds, bats, fish, insects and other wildlife. The Black Swamp Bird Ob-


servatory, an internationally known avian research and educational facility in Oak Harbor, objects to the project because the selected turbine site is in the Central Basin of Lake Erie, a National Audubon Society designated Globally Important Bird Area. According to the observatory, more than 300 species of birds use the area for migration and foraging each year. LEEDCo acknowledges a low collision risk of “nocturnally migrating songbirds and similar birds” as they migrate across Lake Erie. The danger risk for eagles and raptors is also low, according to LEEDCo’s environmental document. LEEDCo says it will not install lighting on its turbines that attracts birds. Lake Erie also provides drinking water to 11 million people, recreational opportunities, a respected commercial fishery and much desired lakeshore real estate. The Great Lakes provide 20 percent of the world’s fresh water. LEEDCo says Icebreaker would be the first freshwater project in North America. Karpinski also says it

could establish “Cleveland as a leader in offshore wind power,” attracting and retaining young talent who feel sustainable energy is important. The project, he says, will create jobs (although opponents and proponents cannot agree on how many) and locally generated clean power. But not everyone agrees turbines in the lake are worth the price, and the stakes are high. John Lipaj is a board member of the nonprofit Lake Erie Foundation (LEF), an advocate for a healthy Lake Erie. LEF, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and other groups have called for an Environmental Impact Statement, a more in-depth study used for projects that have potential for great changes. Karpinski claims there is no need because the initial assessment showed no significant concerns. However, money for the assessment came from funds DOE allotted to LEEDCo for the project, an allowable action. Also the DOE says it “utilized data from a variety of sources, including LEEDCo and from subject matter experts hired by LEEDCo.” Those actions created an ill wind with some Icebreaker

opponents. However, DOE claims “while LEEDCo provided technical information… the DOE is responsible for the scope and content of the environmental assessment.” “There is no question most Clevelanders are not really aware of Icebreaker or its intent,” says Norm Schultz, Lake Erie Trades Association president emeritus, representing boating clubs, boating enthusiasts and boat dealers. “This is a proposal that could have an enormous impact on Lake Erie now and for generations to come. It commands the utmost analysis and the Environmental Impact Statement would be that effort.” Karpinski called that demand “a delay tactic.” LEEDCo is looking at potential tax credits as well as a December 2022 deadline for Icebreaker to provide electricity to the grid or forfeit a $40 million DOE grant. If Icebreaker Wind meets with the state’s final approval this year, construction could begin as soon as 2021. The number of turbines in Lake Erie is also a lightning rod for discussion. Karpinski says even if Icebreaker gets final

approval, “nothing gives us the authority to do more than six turbines. “Icebreaker is just one project and any future projects will have to undergo the same scrutiny as this one,” he says. True, but LEEDCo voices have been quoted in news sources and self-generated information as saying “getting this first project built can turn into momentum for more activity.” Estimates for 1,000 to 1,250 individual turbines in the lake have been made. It’s that “foot-in-the-door” fear that inspires blustery concern. Realistic or not, Icebreaker evokes visions of boaters navigating an obstacle course of turbines, damage to the turbines from storms and vessels causing danger and pollution, and the compromise of a beautiful, open lake. LEEDCo-provided information says the chosen Icebreaker site “is not a frequent fishing or boating destination.” The most technologically advanced materials and systems will also be incorporated, the organization notes. For example, the type of foundations that will be built are said to minimize sediment w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19


disturbance during turbine installation—an improvement over pile driving, which has been proven to be fatal to marine life. Still, concerns can’t be blown away easily. “The Lake Erie Foundation is all for renewables and wind energy. But Lake Erie, for multiple reasons, is the wrong place to site wind turbines,” says Lipaj, a financial and investment planner and former sailboat racer, who says Cleveland Public Power will pay more for the MWs generated by Icebreaker than it does now from current sources. “I grew up on Lake Erie in Bay Village. I’m a boater and love the lake. We need to get this right.”

ONSHORE Ohio’s onshore wind power farms are increasing in number, although not at the rate as some neighboring states. Ohio ranks 25th among states for installed wind capacity and also for the number of wind turbines, according to the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). In 2018, wind energy provided 1.4% of all in-state electricity production, ranking Ohio 32nd. In 2018, Ohio generated enough wind energy for the equivalent of 170,400 homes, notes the association. Last month the OPSB held an adjudicatory hearing about the proposed Seneca Wind Farm on 56,900 acres of private land in Seneca County. The plan calls for up to 77 wind turbines that would generate up to 212 MW. It will join 382 wind farms currently operating in Ohio, generating a total 738 MW of installed wind capacity, according to the AWEA. Some wind energy proponents are frustrated by what they call highly restrictive regulations regarding wind power in Ohio. A setback law, passed in 2014, triples the original distance wind turbines are to be set back from property lines. Neighboring property owners must give consent if the turbine is installed within a setback, and critics say that severely delays and curtails new wind farms in the state. In addition, Ohio House Bill 6, unofficially known as FirstEnergy Solutions’ nuclear power bailout bill, contains a provision that some wind power watchers say will stifle new wind projects in the state. The provision allows residents to vote for or against wind energy project construction on unincorporated land, whether it had begun or not. HB 6 also decreases Ohio’s renewable energy goal to 8.5% by 2026. Some critics claimed the law will hurt Ohio’s emerging wind and solar power industries as well as the state’s natural gas opportunities. The controversy over onshore locations 18

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is not quite as turbulent as that for offshore sites, but certainly exists. A number of communities have reaped extraordinary financial benefits from wind farms within their borders. In some cases, Payments in Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) are made by wind power companies instead of property taxes. Local schools, libraries and local governments have benefited from the payments. But wind farms are not universally loved and communities can face feuding factions. Common concerns include environmental harm, safety, noise, uncultivated farmland, aesthetics, fear of wind tower “graveyards” if the site is abandoned and inability to generate enough significant power. Still, the lure of “free,” clean, renewable power is enticing. The U.S. DOE predicts wind power will supply about 20% of American electricity by 2030.

OHIO’S LOFTY CONNECTIONS Ohio’s current manufacturing contributions to the nation’s wind power industry may not be as well known as many of the state’s other industries, but the AWEA calls Ohio “a national leader in wind-related manufacturing.” Last year the job category claimed between 2,001 and 3,000 direct jobs in the state. About 60 Ohio factories make wind energy equipment or machinery to build wind energy equipment parts, including Lincoln Electric in Euclid. That company’s global headquarters and Cleveland manufacturing campus dedicated its 443-foot-tall wind tower in 2011. It was designed to produce 2.5 MW of electrical energy, about 10 percent of the electrical needs in the manufacturing plant. Lincoln Electric is a welding equipment and consumable manufacturer. It sells, among many other products, equipment used by wind tower manufacturers worldwide to fabricate and weld together tower sections. The company considers the tower to be a symbol of its commitment to wind tower fabrication and its interest in fast-growing, sustainable industries. The tower, with its glass fiber reinforced polymer blades, has become a landmark in the region. In 2006, Great Lakes Science Center installed its 150-foot-tall wind turbine, originally used on a wind farm in Denmark. The turbine, another well-known Cleveland sight, provides 7% of the museum’s annual electrical needs. “The turbine is the center of our Cleveland Creates 6 program provided to every sixth grader in the Cleveland Metropolitan School District,” says Scott Vollmer, vice president of

STEM Learning at the Science Center. “The kids create their own turbine and experiment to see how variations affect the device’s electrical output. Every day visitors to the Science Center can see the impact of the turbine in real time on a digital dashboard.” Argosy Wind Power, a wind turbine manufacturer, moved its global headquarters to Aurora in 2014. Parker Hannifin Corp. in Cleveland makes wind energy system components, hydraulic systems and motion and control systems for large wind turbines. In addition, Swiger Coil Systems (Wabtec Corp.), based in Cleveland, entered the wind power industry in 2006. Known for its manufactured traction motors and electric coils, the company has worked with the Great Lakes Energy Institute of Case Western Reserve University. Although much of the power created by wind turbines is sold to utility companies, some also goes to private industry. Big name companies buy or want to buy Ohio wind power. In March, Microsoft signed two 15-year agreements with EDP Renewables SA for the Timber Road IV Wind Farm in Paulding County. Microsoft may not necessarily use the power for its own operations, but the power will go into the wholesale power grid, not an unusual business move. That action allows Microsoft to pay a fixed

LEFT: OSU students visit Blue Creek Wind Farm. RIGHT: Lincoln Electric’s wind power turbine at sunset

rate for power generated from the farm, expected to be operational at the end of 2019. Thirty-seven turbines at the location have the capacity to generate 125 MW. “Ohio is important to us because it is part of the PJM Interconnections, which coordinates the movement of wholesale electricity across 13 states and the District of Columbia,” says Cameron Greenberg, WE Communications account executive and spokesperson for Microsoft. “Projects like this enable us to draw power for operations from a greener pool of energy.” Ohio State University is six years into a 20-year agreement with Blue Creek Wind Farm/Avangrid Renewables in Van Wert and Paulding counties to purchase 50 MW of wind energy. Initially the amount was to provide about 20 to 25% of the electrical needs for the Columbus campus. But that percentage has dropped to about 15.7 % of all electricity used on the campus, according to Gina Langen, director of communications, Sustainability Institute at Ohio State. “The amount of wind energy hasn’t changed. But our campus has expanded so our energy needs have grown. So the percentage has gone down. We haven’t purchased any more to keep the percentage at 20 to 25%,” says Langen, adding that campus visitors shouldn’t expect to see wind turbines onsite,

Dave Karpinski

John Lipaj

a misconception many people make when first learning about wind power. “It’s no different from hydroelectric dam power,” says Langen. “You don’t need a dam in your backyard to get the electrons that flow through the wires. But I have been to the wind farm and it’s fascinating to see the huge turbines spinning with all the agriculture going on around it. It’s not like you have to have either farming or wind power. You can have both.” (However, installation of wind towers can initially compress surrounding cropland and crush agricultural drain tiles. Farmers can be compensated by wind power companies for the damage.) Blue Creek Wind Farm also supplies power for FirstEnergy Solutions and American Municipal Power, but the university purchase is one of the largest non-utility company buyers. Langen says investing in wind power is part of OSU’s commitment to sustainable energy and offers educational opportunities to the school’s engineering students and others. One of the criticisms about out-of-state or foreign investors involved in Ohio wind

Scott Vollmer

energy has been that many jobs specific to the industry go to skilled workers those companies bring in, particularly from Europe, which is ahead of this country in wind power. But we are catching up in education. Lorain Community College is one of the few institutions of its kind in Ohio to offer wind and solar training. The school’s Alternative Energy Program offers short-term certificates, one-year certificates and associate degrees. Ohio-based companies are also investing outside the state. American Electric Power (AEP), based in Columbus, is requesting approval to buy three windenergy projects that will supply power in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. Total investment: almost $2 billion. Many energy experts say just one type of power to generate electricity is not enough or practical in Ohio or most places worldwide. Just how much wind power in Ohio will be needed and will be produced is up in the air. The answer, my friend, is blowin’ the wind. Where is Bob Dylan when we need him? n w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19



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Ohio’s Guide to

COLLEGES & Universities

With 14 pubic universities, more than 50 career and technical schools, and 77-plus independent colleges and universities in the state of Ohio, navigating the state’s post-secondary educational offerings can be overwhelming. This guide introduces the state’s many institutions to both those starting their college search and businesses looking to get more involved in the state’s future workforce. Within the following pages, you’ll get up to date on current higher education trends, learn about the scholarship opportunities offered by the Ohio Federation of Independent Colleges and find contact information for the state’s colleges, universities, career centers and more. Read on to learn more about what Ohio has to offer.

BY THE EDITORS w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19



Earning, Learning and Staying Out of Debt BY DAVID HOLTHAUS



new program starting in Ohio this school year will deliver the trifecta for some fortunate college students: real-world work experience, a decent wage and the cost of tuition covered. It’s called Work+ and four employers are participating in its inaugural years along with the Hamilton and Middletown Regional Campuses of Miami University. Students who participate in the program will work part time, typically 20-25 hours a week, with one of the participating companies while taking classes at one of the Miami regional campuses. The students can pursue any major. In return, Work+ participants will receive a wage and tuition. “We want to offer the ability for students to graduate debt free,” says Natasha Williams, lead talent acquisition manager for Deceuninck North America, one of the participating employers. Williams says Deceuninck will host 10 to 15 freshman students in the program this year at its plant in Monroe, Ohio. Deceuninck makes PVC window and door frames and employs about 550 people in that location. “In exchange for us paying their tuition at Miami Hamilton or Miami Middletown, we will expect them to work 24 hours for us in the plant,” she says. The agreement is on a year-to-year basis 22

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and students need to maintain a C averMiami students in the Deceuninck plant age and satisfactorily complete their work probably work in the extrusion or laminaassignments. tion areas, Williams says, and will be cross“We’d love to have them trained to work in other areas. here for all four years,” WilThe students could eventually earn up to $16 an hour if they liams says. The skills gap may Work+ was the brainchild stay until their senior years, leave an estimated of Ohio Senator William P. she explains. Coley, II (Senate District 4), The company introduced who announced it in May the program’s first year by with Rob Brundrett, director, sending postcards to employpublic policy services, of the ees, advertising through inOhio Manufacturers’ Assoternal channels, and through ciation, and Miami University its social media networks. In President Gregory Crawford. the fall, the company plans “It’s our goal that these to get the word out to high over the next students will graduate with schools in the area, Williams 10 years degrees and graduate with says. The students hired so far no debt,” Coley says. at Deceuninck include three The other participating psychology majors, a biology In 2013, companies are Thyssenkrupp major and a computer scioutstanding student Bilstein in Hamilton, The ence major. loan debt nationally Fischer Group in Fairfield Williams says the comwas well over and the West Chester-based pany will hire students up to But ler Cou nt y Reg iona l their junior year, but prefers Transit Authority. Thyssenstudents who are at an earlier krupp Bilstein manufactures stage in their college career, automot i ve su spen sion so they can be trained and products, Fischer Group is a possibly return. “It’s about giving back to the manufacturing and product development company and the Butler community, number one. Number two, we County Regional Transit Authority operates also get workers,” she says. “It’s hard to find buses and other transportation options. good quality workers in manufacturing.”


million positions unfilled



ABOVE: Students in the program have the opportunity to work and earn in Deceuninck’s plant in Monroe.

In Ohio and across the country, there’s a widening gap between the manufacturing jobs that need to be filled and the skilled talent pool capable of filling them. A 2018 study by Deloitte (a financial, consulting and risk management company) and the Manufacturing Institute revealed that the skills gap may leave an estimated 2.4 million positions unfilled over the next 10 years, with a potential economic impact of $2.5 trillion. The study also found positions relating to digital talent, skilled production and operational managers may be three times as difficult to fill in the next three years. “There are multiple advantages to this program,” says Cathy Bishop-Clark, associate provost and dean of Miami University’s regional campuses. “Employers get more consistency in their entry-level workforce. Participants learn both technical and soft skills, and they can potentially create a pathway to a career if they perform well.” The program also addresses the persistent issue of college affordability and student loan debt. National figures show that the costs to students and their parents associated with higher education have increased substantially over the last 35 years, rising several times higher than the general rate of inflation over the same period of time. The substantial rise in higher educa-

William P. Coley II

Gregory Crawford

tion tuition has led to a similar rise in student loan debt. In 2013, outstanding student loan debt nationally was well over $1 trillion, surpassing—for the first time ever—the amount of outstanding credit card debt. And although Ohio’s four-year institutions in recent years have limited in-state tuition increases, Ohio’s universities have the 12th-highest average cost of in-state tuition and mandatory fees, according to the state’s Department of Higher Education. And the state’s community colleges have the 16th-highest prices, the department says. Crawford, Miami University’s president, hopes other universities and businesses will watch how the Work+ program succeeds and join it, bringing its benefits to more students and employers. “I think it’s going to be a model template that can propagate throughout Ohio and deliver a great workforce that Ohio needs right now,” he says.

Natasha Williams

In-state tuition and fees at Miami’s regional campuses amount to $3,143 for students entering school in the fall of 2019. The program is an extension of Deceuninck’s tuition reimbursement program, says Amy Padgett, the company’s North America vice president of human resources. “We see this as a unique opportunity to not only grow and develop our workforce but also give back in our community in a measurable way,” she says. “Work+ will give even more students an exciting career path. They gain hands-on experience in a large manufacturing organization while earning a wage and getting their tuition paid. It’s a win-win.” She says students will benefit by having increased awareness of job requirements and career opportunities, while local companies will have greater access to more skilled workers. Crawford says the Work+ program has been in development for about a year. n w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19


OHIO’S GUIDE TO COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES James P. Tressel, president of Youngstown State University, in his office.

Writing a New Economic Playbook O

nce considered one of the leading manufacturing regions of the entire nation, the Mahoning Valley has faced numerous hardships of late. The most recent challenge is the closure of the storied General Motors Lordstown plant, long considered the economic backbone of the region. 24

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While that closure will no doubt have a serious economic impact on the entire Mahoning Valley, these are people with a strong will and work ethic. Their resolve will no doubt cause the region to rise once again. But increasingly, they are looking to the region’s public university, Youngstown State University, for answers. And they are finding them.

WE SPOKE WITH JAMES P. TRESSEL, PRESIDENT, YOUNGSTOWN STATE UNIVERSITY, ABOUT THE ROLE PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES SHOULD PLAY IN REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BY TERRY TROY The ninth president of Youngstown State University, James P. Tressel has been busy moving the school forward on many fronts since his tenure began in 2014: increasing enrollment, hitting record-setting fundraising levels and improving academics—the school recently announcing its first Rhodes Scholar recipient. Tressel

“...it will all come down to whether we can work together, whether that is K through 12, community college, higher education, charter schools— you name it.” first came to the school in 1986 as its head football coach, leading the YSU Penguins to four national championships. He later took the head-coaching job at Ohio State University, leading the Buckeyes to a national title in 2002. He is the author of two books, and during his storied career has been devoted to education and development of students both on the field and off. Ohio Business recently sat down with Tressel to discuss the role public universities play in regional economic development.


JT: They are. We have a region that is about 500,000 people, and we no longer have a bunch of Fortune 1000 companies. Akron has Goodyear, First Energy and GOJO. Findlay has Marathon Oil. There was a time when we were in the Top Five economic cities in the country. But now steel is gone. So our university has to take a leadership role in the place of companies like Sherwin-Williams, Eaton Corporation or Cleveland Clinic in the Cleveland area. If you include YSU with Mercy Health, which is our biggest health care provider, and the 910th Air Wing 10 miles up the road, those three are our area’s largest employers. We not only are responsible for our workforce, but we also have to take a role in terms of community leadership work. So the part we play in overall economic development is huge.


JT: We are very fortunate that back in 2012 President Obama put the first technology center in the nation here in the form of America Makes, which is a center for additive manufacturing. At the same time, the Youngstown Business Incubator rose

up to be ranked No. 1 in the world. They started with software development, but turned to other things like additive manufacturing. So our university had to pivot. We were always good from an engineering standpoint, but we shifted our focus on advanced and additive manufacturing. We have been able to seize on our good fortune. We won’t bring tens of thousands of employees here like the steel mills once did. But we will bring manufacturing 4.0.

that includes 3D printing or the internet of things, or any other advanced manufacturing techniques. We’ll be able to help them integrate these disciplines into their companies. Remember, that from a size standpoint, many of these companies don’t have an R&D area, like a Boeing, Lockheed or GE. While we will do work with those companies, smaller companies are one area of economic impact that we have been working very hard on.



JT: We are creating an excellent training center in advanced manufacturing that is just starting construction. It is our biggest project, but we have to do it with some very JT: If you work together extraordinary important partners, including America things can happen. All entities have their Makes; the Youngstown Business Incuba- own needs and passions. My experience is tor; TBEIC, which is our energy incubator; that it is simply human nature. But if you and Eastern Gateway Community College, fight off those tendencies and decide to among several others (which work together, it is amazing include the Mahoning Valley what you can do. Manufacturers Coalition, Right now, we have about About Trumbull Career and Techni43% of our population in cal Center, Chofin Career and Ohio that has any education Technical Center, Mahoning above the high school level. County Career & Technical Conventional thinking is that of Ohio’s Center, Columbiana County you need about 65% if you are population has Career & Technical Center even going to compete. and the Mahoning County Because so much of Educational Service Center). education is governed loAll of these partners have cally, it will all come down come together to really seize to whet her we can work this opportunity. It’s very extogether, whether that is citing to see what will happen K through 12, community in the next one or two years college, higher education, as we get this facility up and charter schools—you name running. We have already it. If we don’t work together, been granted $500,000 from the state of Ohio we will continue to struggle. Right now, for operational start up of the new facility. Ohio is not on an upward trajectory from (Called the Mahoning Valley Innovation an economic development standpoint, at and Commercial Consortium Excellence least when it’s compared to some other Training Center.) states. Within the Innovation Center, we will When I was coaching in our state capital, be able to train people, but we will also the only thing that was acceptable was beoffer access to companies w ithin 50 ing the very best in the nation. And right miles, helping them to understand what now, from an education standpoint, we advanced manufacturing is—whether are certainly not the best. n


education above the high school level

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A Win-Win Proposition James P. Tressel, president of Youngstown State University, in his office.



hile Ohio employers increasingly seek college graduates with bachelor’s degrees or better—amid the talent crunch caused by declining unemployment rates, no less—it has become harder for students to attend Ohio’s independent colleges and universities over the last decade between rising tuitions and reduced state funding. This underscores the importance of the work done by The Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges (OFIC), a 69-year-old organization that connects Ohio corporations to its 33 OFIC member campuses throughout the state and their 80,000 students. Columbus’ Huntington Bank is one of the longest-tenured corporate partners of OFIC. What started in 1956 with monetary donations that were distributed to Ohio’s independent colleges has continued and evolved into creating scholarships with that money. Over the six-decade relationship, Huntington has funneled over $1.4 million to OFIC and created 565 scholarships. “I would hope, right then and there, that sends the message: We believe in the mission and we believe in the support to those students,” says Diana Westhoff, vice president and senior business risk analyst at Huntington Bank and herself a graduate of an OFIC member school, Otterbein University. OFIC started raising money from corporate donors for scholarships in 1986, which has now become the primary outlet for distributing funds back to its member schools. These scholarships can be customized for each company by choosing to focus the scholarships on specific fields of study or parts of the state near where they are

headquartered, for example. The criteria can be shaped to fit what the company identifies as a need for its workforce. No matter the form, each scholarship’s goal is twofold: Companies provide a path to a degree for young Ohioans, especially those from low-income families or who are the first in their family to attend college, while they also get to build a relationship with the scholarship recipients during their time at school, allowing for the opportunity to hire them after graduation and fill a need for talent in the company. This campus-to-career connection provides demonstrable return on investment for each company by reducing the pressure and overall cost of recruiting talent. Huntington Bank takes an active role in each scholarship, identifying students who are interested in the financial sector and who could benefit the company as full-time employees, then providing meet-and-greet events and other opportunities for them to get a feel for Huntington as potential employer. If the timing is right, a position is open and the student wants to join the company, they can be hired on after graduation without skipping a beat. That’s how Jordan Nishizaki, who was one of the 18 recipients of the Huntington-funded scholarships who graduated last year, was hired on as an auditor shortly after he finished his schooling at OFIC member campus Mount Vernon Nazarene University. “Oh my gosh, he impressed everyone,” Westhoff warmly recalls of the impression Nishizaki made at last year’s Huntington meet-and-greet. “He’s been wonderful here and is already just hitting things out of the


Member Campuses 80,000 students


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BY KEVIN MICHELL ballpark with his knowledge and skills.” To OFIC President Bill Spiker, it’s examples like Huntington’s that are emblematic of how these corporate-funded scholarships benefit every person and entity involved, from the company to the student recipient to the independent school that they attend. Beyond that, it even benefits the state economy by keeping talented workers in Ohio after graduation. As more companies participate in creating scholarships with OFIC, the statewide impact becomes more tangible and effective. “These small incremental steps can add up to truly have an impact on the growth and vitality of the state of Ohio,” says Spiker. Since Huntington started customizing its scholarships to fit its down-the-road hiring needs, it has solidified a campus-to-career connection that creates a positive holistic impact through providing a path to students, helping OFIC schools maintain enrollment and giving the bank a stable talent pipeline. “It is a great example of a full circle relationship that provides dollars for a student that is identified, that is introduced to Huntington and that becomes an employee,” Spiker says. These scholarships can be scaled to businesses of any size—small or midsize businesses can achieve the same campus-tocareer connection as Huntington through their own targeted scholarships. Spiker points out this program can work for any company seeking candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree. Between the diverse skills developed and the unique programs offered at the 33 OFIC schools—such as Wilmington College’s agricultural program, for one—businesses can continually bring in well-rounded and prepared workers to plug into any aspect of their company. That’s not just because corporations are getting college graduates through OFIC




scholarships; they’re getting workers who have benefited from what Ohio’s independent colleges can offer that larger schools often cannot. Spiker attributes this to the smaller campuses allowing a greater focus on each student’s success. OFIC member schools can support students’ needs more directly, which is one of the reasons why they demonstrate better graduation rates, particularly regarding first generation students, low-income students and students of color. It’s a better environment for students to find a career they’re passionate about, which enhances the efficacy of OFIC scholarships. Westhoff, as an alumna of Otterbein, agrees. “I can speak to the independent college attention you get, the quality of professors, and just the level of study and academic events,” she says, pointing out that the experience can better prepare students for corporate life. “You just bring a different quality to the workforce.” “With OFIC partnering with these independent colleges to get that pipeline of qualified workers,” Westhoff adds, “there is intentionality in really working with those students and getting them ready for the workforce.” Spiker says that companies and foundations interested in exploring the potential of their own OFIC scholarships can get involved with minimal effort. Particularly with smaller


and midsize businesses, there can be some worry that the company’s talent needs may make them feel they can’t partner with OFIC to create a talent pipeline sized to their needs. “It’s as easy as a quick phone call or email and we’ll come to you,” says Spiker. In addition, OFIC will be holding informational events at its 33 member campuses that will be open for companies and students and their families to attend to learn more about OFIC’s work as well as its annual Evening of Excellence dinner on April 22, 2020, in Columbus. n


1) Bill Spiker (LEFT) and Jordan Nishizaki (MIDDLE) at the OFIC’s Evening of Excellence. 2) OFIC’s annual CareerFest invites students from all of its 33 members schools to learn more about careers in Ohio. 3) OFIC facilitates business-student relationships with events like CareerFest and scholarships. 4) Only students from OFIC member schools are invited to attend CareerFest. 5) OFIC works with businesses and its member schools to create scholarships for Ohio residents, including students of color. w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19



OFIC Members







Main Campus






Satellite Campus


28 11







20 14


27 10 24 4






5 31 18

(#) Indicates number of Ohio satellite campuses 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Ashland University (7) Baldwin Wallace University (2) Bluffton University (2) Capital University Cedarville University Defiance College Denison University University of Findlay Franciscan University of Steubenville

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

Franklin University (20) Heidelberg University Hiram College John Carroll University Kenyon College Lake Erie College Lourdes University Malone University Marietta College

19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

University of Mount Union Mount Vernon Nazarene University (4) Muskingum University Notre Dame College Oberlin College Ohio Dominican University (1) Ohio Northern University Ohio Wesleyan University Otterbein University

OFIC solicits corporate donations and distributes funds to member colleges and universities to help students in need — impacting local and providing opportunities for corporations to boost their 2 8 economies FA L L 2 0 19 . w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com pool of college-educated workers.

28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

Tiffin University (6) Ursuline College Walsh University (2) Wilmington College (3) Wittenberg University The College of Wooster

info@ofic.org 614.469.1950 www.ofic.org

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f you think that college tuition in Ohio is more expensive than it was 10 years ago, you’re not wrong. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, in 2007 the average in-state total price for school (tuition, board, etc.) was $28,378 and out-ofstate was $30,359. In 2018, it was $38,207 for in-state and $40,755 for out-of-state. This is an increase of about 35% for each. And having a college degree is becoming ever more important. The Ohio Department of Higher Education predicts that in 2020, 64% of jobs in Ohio will require a post-secondary degree or high-quality credential. But according to the U.S. Census Bureau, in 2017, only about 30% of state residents age 25 or older had a bachelor’s degree or higher. The Higher Education Compact of Greater Cleveland says this places the state of Ohio in the bottom third of all states in terms of educational attainment. The state is working toward a goal of 1.7 million more adults, or 65% of residents, to have college degrees or certificates by 2025, but as of August 2017 the state has only attainted 43% of its goal. Unfortunately, the cost of getting a college degree, as well as the shrinking population, is not going to make hitting this goal any easier. In the 2016 Afford-

ability Diagnosis, which was published by need students. While the state granted aid researchers at the Penn Graduate School to 35% of first-time undergraduate students of Education and Vanderbilt University’s in 2008, in 2017 it only did so for 13%. The Peabody College, Ohio was ranked as the Higher Education Compact of Greater 45th least affordable state to attend college. Cleveland says that Ohio ranked 12th The reasons for Ohio’s tuition hike are highest in the nation for students taking many, but much of it stems loans in 2016, with students from the amount of money who borrow graduating with the state spends on higher the 11th largest debt load: an Since 2007, the education—according to the average of $29,353. average in-state total Higher Education Compact Shifting demographics price for school of Greater Cleveland, Ohio will also make hitting Ohio’s spent just 7% of state and fedgoa l of 1.7 m i l l ion more eral expenditures on higher residents with degrees or certificates difficult. Aceducation while on average cording to “Knocking on other states spend 10%. In the report “Demographthe College Door,” a report ic Shifts and Enrollment by the Western Interstate Trends in Higher Education,” Com m ission for H ig her from Kent Sate University at Education, the number of Stark, Ohio was one of 19 states that re- high school graduates in Ohio peaked in duced their spending in higher education 2011 at 137,000 and will decline to 111,000 in fiscal year 2018—the majority increased in 2032. WICHE predicts a 20% decline in their spending. The report also states that the number of high school graduates over while Ohio did increase its spending in the those two decades. two- and five-year periods leading up to Total state enrollment has remained 2018, it did so at lower percentages than relatively steady over the last few years, the country average. but as demographics change and tuitions In addition to directing less funds to increase, increasing the number of Ohioschools, Ohio is giving out less aid to in- ans with degrees will only get harder. n

increased by about


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Ohio is full to the brim with educational opportunities. From public colleges and universities to private religious schools, there is no shortage of options. With assistance from the Ohio Department of Higher Education, we compiled a list of public and private colleges, universities and career and technical schools in the state to help you find the best one for you and your family. Visit ohiobusinessmag.com for a digital directory.

Did we miss one? Please let us know by emailing us at eharmon@ohiobusinessmag. com so we can add the school to our list next year.

Local. Affordable.

RESPECTED. MiamiOH.edu /Regionals 32

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Allegheny Wesleyan College 2161 Woodsdale Road, Salem, OH 44460 330-337-6403 • awc.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree

Aultman College 2600 Sixth St. SW, Canton, OH 44710 330-363-6347 • aultmancollege.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree

Case Western Reserve University 10900 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106 216-368-2000 • case.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Antioch College 1 Morgan Place, Yellow Springs, OH 45387 937-767-1286 • antiochcollege.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree

Baldwin Wallace University 275 Eastland Road, Berea, OH 44017 440-826-2900 • bw.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree

Cedarville University 251 N. Main St., Cedarville, OH 45314 800-233-2784 • cedarville.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree

Antioch University Midwest 900 Dayton St., Yellow Springs, OH 45387 937-769-1800 • antioch.edu/midwest • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post-master’s Degree

Belmont College 68094 Hammond Road, St. Clairsville, OH 43950 740-695-9500 • belmontcollege.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

Central Ohio Technical College Newark Campus, 1179 University Drive, Newark, OH 43055 740-366-9494 • cotc.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate

Art Academy of Cincinnati 1212 Jackson St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-562-6262 • artacademy.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Bluffton University 1 University Drive, Bluffton, OH 45817 419-358-3000 • bluffton.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree

Ashland University 401 College Ave., Ashland, OH 44805 419-289-4142 • ashland.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Bowling Green State University Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH 43403 419-372-2531 • bgsu.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Master’s Degree, Post-master’s Degree

Athenaeum of Ohio 6616 Beechmont Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45230 513-231-2223 • athenaeum.edu • Private Master’s Degree

Capital University 1 College and Main, Columbus, OH 43209 614-236-6011 • capital.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Central State University 1400 Brush Row Road, PO Box 1004, Wilberforce, OH 45384 800-388-2781 • centralstate.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree Chatfield College 20918 State Route 251, St. Martin, OH 45118 513-875-3344 • chatfield.edu • Private Associates Degree Christ College of Nursing & Health Sciences 2139 Auburn Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45219 513-585-2401 • thechristcollege.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree Cincinnati Christian University 2700 Glenway Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45204 800-949-4228 • ccuniversity.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

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OHIO’S GUIDE TO COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science 645 W. North Bend Road, Cincinnati, OH 45224 513-761-2020 • ccms.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree

College of Wooster 1189 Beall Ave., Wooster, OH 44691 330-263-2000 • wooster.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree

Cincinnati State Technical & Community College 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45223 513-569-1500 • cincinnatistate.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

Columbus College of Art and Design 60 Cleveland Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 614-224-9101 • ccad.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Clark State Community College 570 E. Leffel Lane, Springfield, OH 45505 937-328-6028 • clarkstate.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate Cleveland Institute of Art 11610 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44106 800-223-4700 • cia.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree Cleveland Institute of Music 11021 East Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44106 216-795-3107 • cim.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Cleveland State University 2121 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115 216-687-2000 • csuohio.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree

Columbus State Community College 550 E. Spring St., Columbus, OH 43215 614-287-5353 • cscc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate, Two but less than 4 year certificate Cuyahoga Community College 700 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115 216-987-6000 • tri-c.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate Defiance College 701 N. Clinton St., Defiance, OH 43512 419-784-4010 • defiance.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree Denison University 100 W. College St., Granville, OH 43023 740-587-0810 • denison.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate



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Eastern Gateway Community College 4000 Sunset Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952 800-682-6553 • egcc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Edison State Community College 1973 Edison Drive, Piqua, OH 45356 937-778-8600 • edisonohio.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate, Post Baccalaureate Degree Franciscan University of Steubenville 1235 University Blvd., Steubenville, OH 43952 740-283-3771 • franciscan.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree Franklin University 201 S. Grant Ave., Columbus, OH 43215 614-797-4700 • franklin.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree God’s Bible School and College 1810 Young St., Cincinnati, OH 45202 513-721-7944 • gbs.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree Good Samaritan College of Nursing and Health Science 375 Dixmyth Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45220 513-862-2631 • gscollege.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree

Heidelberg University 310 E. Market St., Tiffin, OH 44883 800-434-3352 • heidelberg.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Kettering College 3737 Southern Blvd., Kettering, OH 45429 937-395-8601 • kc.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Hiram College 11715 Garfield Road, Hiram, OH 44234 330-569-3211 • hiram.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Lake Erie College 391 W. Washington St., Painesville, OH 44077 855-467-8676 • lec.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree

Hocking College 3301 Hocking Parkway, Nelsonville, OH 45764 740-753-3591 • hocking.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate, Two but less than 4 year certificate

Lakeland Community College 7700 Clocktower Drive, Kirtland, OH 44094 440-525-7000 • lakelandcc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

John Carroll University 1 John Carroll Blvd., University Heights, OH 44118 888-388-2977 • sites.jcu.ed • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post-master’s Degree Kent State University 800 E. Summit St., Kent, OH 44242 330-672-3000 • kent.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Less than one year certificate, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree Kenyon College 106 College Park Drive, Gambier, OH 43022 740-427-5000 • kenyon.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree

Lakewood College 2231 N. Taylor Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44112 800-517-0857 • lakewoodcollege.edu • Private Associates Degree Lorain County Community College 1005 N. Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035 800-995-5222 • lorainccc.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate Lourdes University 6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, OH 43560 800-878-3210 • lourdes.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post-master’s degree

Malone University 2600 Cleveland Ave., NW, Canton, OH 44709 800-521-1146 • malone.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree Marietta College 215 Fifth St., Marietta, OH 45750 800-331-7896 • marietta.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree Marion Technical College 1467 Mt. Vernon Ave., Marion, OH 43302 740-389-4636 • mtc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Mercy College of Ohio 2221 Madison Ave., Toledo, OH 43604 419-251-1313 • mercycollege.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate Methodist Theological School in Ohio 3081 Columbus Pike, Delaware, OH 43015 740-363-1146 • mtso.ed • Private Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Miami University 501 E. High St., Oxford, OH 45056 513-529-2531 • miamioh.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree research/scholarship, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate, Post-master’s Degree



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OHIO’S GUIDE TO COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Mount Carmel College of Nursing 127 S. Davis Ave., Columbus, OH 43222 614-234-4266 • mccn.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Northwest State Community College 22600 State Route 34, Archbold, OH 4350 855-267-5511 • northweststate.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate

Mount Saint Joseph University 5701 Delhi Road, Cincinnati, OH 45233 800-654-9314 • msj.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Notre Dame College 4545 College Road, South Euclid, OH 44121 877-632-6446 • notredamecollege.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s degree

Mount Vernon Nazarene University 800 Martinsburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 866-462-6868 • mvnu.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree

Nyskc University 24 E. Main St., Seville, OH 44273 330-975-4302 • nyskcedu.org • Private Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Ohio Christian University 1476 Lancaster Pike, Circleville, OH 43113 844-726-7937• ohiochristian.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree

North Central State College 2441 Kenwood Circle, Mansfield, OH 44906 419-755-4800 • ncstatecollege.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

Ohio Dominican University 1216 Sunbury Road, Columbus, OH 43219 614-251-4500 • ohiodominican.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree

Northeast Ohio Medical University 4209 State Route 44, Rootstown, OH 44272 800-686-2511 • neomed.edu • Public Doctoral Degree - professional practice

Ohio University 1 Ohio University, Athens, OH 45701 740-593-1000 • ohio.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Less than one year certificate, Master’s Degree, Online, Post Baccalaureate Degree Ohio Wesleyan University 61 S. Sandusky St,. Delaware, OH 43015 800-922-8953 • owu.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree

Oberlin College & Conservatory 38 E. College St., Oberlin, OH 44074 800-622-6243 • oberlin.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Muskingum University 163 Stormont St, New Concord, OH 43762 740-826-8211 • muskingum.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s degree

Ohio Northern University 525 S. Main St., Ada, OH 45810 419-772-2000 • onu.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Otterbein University 1 S. Grove St., Westerville, OH 43081 614-890-3000 • otterbein.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree Owens Community College 30335 Oregon Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551 567-661-7000 • owens.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

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Payne Theological Seminary 1230 Wilberforce-Clifton Road, Wilberforce, OH 45384 937-376-2946 • payne.edu • Private Master’s Degree

Saint Mary Seminary & Graduate School of Theology 28700 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092 440-943-7600 • stmarysem.edu • Private Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

The Modern College of Design 1725 E. David Road, Kettering, OH 45440 937-294-0592 • themodern.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree

Pontifical College Josephinum 7625 N. High St., Columbus, OH 43235 614-885-5585 • pcj.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Shawnee State University 940 Second St., Portsmouth, OH 45662 740-347-1749 • shawnee.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate

The Ohio State University Student Academic Services Building, 281 W. Lane Ave., Columbus, OH 43210 614-292-6446 • osu.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/ scholarship, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree

Rabbinical College of Telshe 28400 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092 440-943-5300 • telsheyeshiva.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Rhodes State College 4240 Campus Drive, Lima, OH 45804 419-995-8320 • rhodesstate.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Rio Grande Community College 218 N. College Ave., Rio Grande, OH 45674 740-245-7206 • rio.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate Rosedale Bible College 2270 Rosedale Road, Irwin, OH 43029 740-857-1311 • rosedale.edu • Private Associates Degree, Certificate

Sinclair Community College 444 W. Third St., Dayton, OH 45402 800-315-3000 • sinclair.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Southern State Community College 100 Hobart Drive, Hillsboro, OH 45133 937-393-3431 • sscc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Stark State College 6200 Frank Ave. NW, North Canton, OH 44720 330-494-6170 • starkstate.edu • Public Associates Degree, One but less than two years certificate Terra State Community College 2830 Napoleon Road, Fremont, OH 43420 419-334-8400 • terra.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate

The University of Akron University of Akron, Office of Admissions, Simmons Hall 109, Akron, OH 44325 330-972-7111 • uakron.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Less than one year certificate, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft, Toledo, OH 43606 800-586-5336 • utoledo.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree other, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Less than one year certificate, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree


alumni live & work in Ohio.

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OHIO’S GUIDE TO COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Tiffin University 155 Miami St., Tiffin, OH 44883 800-968-6446 • tiffin.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree Trinity Lutheran Seminary 2199 E. Main St., Columbus, OH 43209 614-236-6856 • capital.edu/trinity/ • Private Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Tri-State Bible College 506 Margaret St., South Point, OH 45680 740-377-2520 • tsbc.edu • Private Master’s Degree Union Institute & University 440 E. McMillan St., Cincinnati, OH 45206 800-861-6400 • myunion.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree United Theological Seminary 4501 Denlinger Road, Dayton, OH 45426 937-529-2201 • united.edu • Private Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

University of Cincinnati 2600 Clifton Ave., Cincinnati, OH 45221 513-556-0000 • uc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/ scholarship, Less than one year certificate, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate, Online, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s Degree, Two but less than 4 year certificate University of Dayton 300 College Park, Dayton, OH 45469 937-229-1000 • udayton.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s degree University of Findlay 1000 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840 800-472-9502 • findlay.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree University of Mount Union 1972 Clark Ave., Alliance, OH 44601 800-992-6682 • mountunion.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree University of Northwestern Ohio 1441 N. Cable Road, Lima, OH 45805 419-998-3120 • unoh.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree


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University of Rio Grande 218 N. College Ave., Rio Grande, OH 45674 800-282-7201 • rio.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Master’s Degree Ursuline College 2550 Lander Road, Pepper Pike, OH 44124 440-449-4200 • ursuline.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Valor Christian College 4595 Gender Road, Canal Winchester, OH 43110 800-940-9422 • valorcollege.edu • Private Associates Degree Walsh University 2020 E. Maple St., North Canton, OH 44720 800-362-9846 • walsh.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Washington State Community College 710 Colegate Drive, Marietta, OH 45750 740-374-8716 • wscc.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate Wilberforce University 1055 N. Bickett Road, PO Box 1001, Wilberforce, OH 45384 937-376-2911 • wilberforce.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree

Youngstown State University 1 University Plaza, Youngstown, OH 44555 330-941-3000 • ysu.edu • Public Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree professional practice, Master’s Degree, One but less than two years certificate, Post Baccalaureate Degree

Wilmington College 1870 Quaker Way, Wilmington, OH 45177 937-382-6661 • wilmington.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree Winebrenner Theological Seminary 950 N. Main St., Findlay, OH 45840 800-992-4987 • winebrenner.edu • Private Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree Wittenberg University 200 W. Ward St., Springfield, OH 45504 800-677-7558 • wittenberg.edu • Private Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, Post Baccalaureate Degree, Post-master’s degree Wright State University 3640 Colonel Glenn Highway, Dayton, OH 45435 937-775-1000 • wright.edu • Public Bachelor’s Degree, Doctoral Degree - professional practice, Doctoral Degree - research/scholarship, Master’s Degree, Post-master’s Degree Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45207 513-745-3000 • xavier.edu • Private Associates Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Certificate, Doctoral Degree, Master’s Degree

Zane State College 1555 Newark Road, Zanesville, OH 43701 740-588-5000 • zanestate.edu • Public Associates Degree, Less than one year certificate, One but less than two years certificate, Online

Technical Colleges Alliance Career Center 500 Glamorgan St., Alliance, OH 44601 330-829-2267 • accrtw.org Apollo Career Center 3325 Shawnee Road, Lima, OH 45806 HS: 419-998-2908 • Adult: 419-998-2824 apollocareercenter.com Ashland County-West Holmes Career Center 1783 State Route 60, Ashland, OH 44805 419-289-3313 • acwhcc.org Ashtabula County Technical and Career Center 1565 State Route 167, Jefferson, OH 44047 440-576-6015 • atech.edu

Auburn Career Center 8140 Auburn Road, Concord Township, OH 44077 440-357-7542 • auburncc.org Buckeye Career Center 545 University Drive NE, New Philadelphia, OH 44663 330-339-2288 • buckeyecareercenter.org Buckeye Hills Career Center/Gallia-Jackson-Vinton JVSD 351 Buckeye Hills Road, Rio Grande, OH 45674 740-245-5334 • buckeyehills.net Butler Technology & Career Development Schools Fairfield Township Campus: 3603 Hamilton-Middletown Road, Fairfield Township, OH 45011 West Chester Bioscience Center: 8450 Capstone Blvd., Wester Chester, OH 45069 Monroe Natural Science Center: 640 Hamilton Lebanon Road, Monroe, OH 45050 LeSourdesville Main Adult Education Building: 101 Jerry Couch Blvd., Middletown, OH 4504 Liberty Township Public Safety Adult Educational Complex: 5140 Princeton-Glendale Road, Liberty Township, OH 45011 513-868-6300 • butlertech.org C-TEC 150 Price Road, Newark, OH 43055 740-364-2832 • c-tec.edu Canton City Schools 2800 13th St. SW, Canton, OH 44705 330-438-2556 • ccsdistrict.org

Bethany Theological Seminary

615 National Road West, Richmond, IN 47374 765-983-1800 • bethanyseminary.edu


s the graduate school for the Church of the Brethren (an Historic Peace Church), Bethany has offered education focused on scholarship, spiritual formation and practical experience for 115 years. In 1994 Bethany moved from the Chicago area to Richmond, Indiana, to partner with the Earlham School of Religion.

Bethany offers a master of divinity, master of arts in theopoetics and writing, a certificate of achievement in theological studies, and specialized certificates in biblical peacemaking, intercultural biblical interpretation, just peace and conflict transformation, theology and science, and theopoetics and theological imagination.

Bethany has a reputation for being ahead of the curve: • A ministry formation program respected in the Association of Theological Field Educators • The only degree in the cutting-edge field of theopoetics • Many courses offered via synchronous video, including with Nigerian students overseas • A scholarship program enabling students to graduate without incurring additional debt • Choosing long-term solvency 25 years ago by divesting of a large campus and partnering with Earlham School of Religion, including a joint campus and curriculum

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OHIO’S GUIDE TO COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES Choffin Career & Technical Center 200 E. Wood St., Youngstown, OH 44503 330-744-8700 • choffinctc.com

EHOVE Career Center 316 W. Mason Road, Milan, OH 44846 419-499-4663 • ehove.net

Lorain County JVS 15181 State Route 58, Oberlin, OH 44074 440-774-1051 • lcjvs.com

Collins Career Technical Center 11627 State Route 243, Chesapeake, OH 45619 740-867-6641 • collins-cc.edu

Fort Hayes Career Center 546 Jack Gibbs Blvd., Columbus, OH 43215 380-997-6126 • ccsoh.us

Madison Adult Career Center 600 Esley Lane, Mansfield, OH 44905 419-589-6363 • mlsd.net

Columbiana County Career & Technical Center 9364 State Route 45, Lisbon, OH 44432 330-424-9563 • ccctc.k12.oh.us

Four County Career Center 22-900 State Route 34, Archbold, OH 43502 419-267-3331 • fourcounty.net

Mahoning County Career & Technical Center 7300 N. Palmyra Road, Canfield, OH 44406 330-729-4100 • mahoningctc.com

Columbus City Schools Adult & Community Education 2323 Lexington Ave., Columbus, OH 43211 614-365-6000 • ccsoh.us

Grant Career Center 718 W. Plane St., Bethel, OH 45106 513-734-6222 • grantcareer.com

Maplewood Career Center 7075 State Route 88, Ravenna, OH 44266 330-296-2892 • mwood.cc

Columbus Downtown High School 364 S. Fourth St., Columbus, OH 43215 380-997-4213 • ccsoh.us

Great Oaks Career Campuses 110 Great Oaks Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45241 513-771-8840 • greatoaks.com

Medina County Career Center 1101 W. Liberty St., Medina, OH 44256 330-725-8461 • mcjvs.edu

Cuyahoga Valley Career Center 8001 Brecksville Road, Brecksville, OH 44141 440-526-5200 • cvccworks.com

Greene County Career Center 2960 W. Enon Road, Xenia, OH 45385 937-372-6941 • greeneccc.com

Miami Valley Career Technology Center 6801 Hoke Road, Clayton, OH 45315 937-854-6297 • mvctc.com

Delaware Area Career Center South Campus: 4565 Columbus Pike, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-548-0708 North Campus: 1610 State Route 521, Delaware, OH 43015, 740-363-1993 delawareareacc.org

Hannah E. Mullins School of Practical Nursing 230 N. Lincoln Ave., #3, Salem, OH 44460 330-332-8940 • hemspn.com

Mid-East Career & Technology Centers 400 Richards Road, Zanesville, OH 43701 740-454-0101 • mid-east.k12.oh.us

Knox County Career Center Schools 306 Miamisburg Road, Mount Vernon, OH 43050 740-397-5820 • knoxcc.org

Millstream Career Center 1150 Broad Ave., Findlay, OH 45840 419-420-3342 • millstreamcc.org

Eastland-Fairfield Career Center 4300 Amalgamated Place, Groveport, OH 43125 614-836-4530 • eastland-fairfield.com

Indiana Tech Main Campus

1600 E. Washington Blvd. • Fort Wayne, IN 46803

Northern Kentucky Campus

809 Wright Summit Parkway, Ste. 310 • Fort Wright, KY 41011

888.832.4742 • IndianaTech.edu/cps


ndiana Tech educates students beyond its home base in Fort Wayne, Indiana, with regional campuses throughout the Midwest, as well as online programs that meet the needs of students worldwide. The private, not-for-profit university offers career-oriented degree programs at the associate, bachelor’s, master’s and Ph.D. levels, as well as graduate certificates. Each program aligns with an in-demand career, including project management, engineering, business, cybersecurity, accounting, information technology, computer science, health care administration, criminal justice and more. Busy working adults find Indiana Tech an ideal fit, with class schedules that allow students to take one class at a time and still make rapid progress toward a degree. Classes start throughout the year, so students can begin their education at any time. The university is

accredited through the Higher Learning Commission. For more information or to enroll today, contact the Northern Kentucky admissions team at 859-916-5884.


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Penta Career Center 9301 Buck Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551 419-661-6555 • pentacareercenter.org Pickaway-Ross Adult Education Center Main Campus: 895 Crouse Chapel Road, Chillicothe, OH 45601, 740-642-1200 Circleview Campus: 424 E. Mound St., Circleview, OH 43113, 740-642-1277 Chillicothe Campus: 1410 Industrial Drive, Chillicothe, OH 45601, 740-642-1288 Ross County Aspire/GED: 40 W. Fifth St., Chillicothe, OH 45601, 740-779-2305 pickawayross.com Pike County Career Technology Center 175 Beaver Creek Road, Piketon, OH 45661 740-289-4172 • pikectc.org Pioneer Career & Technology Center 27 Ryan Road, Shelby, OH 44875 877-818-7282 • pctc.k12.oh.us Polaris Career Center 7285 Old Oak Blvd., Middleburg Heights, OH 44130 440-891-7600 • polaris.edu Portage Lakes Career Center 4401 Shriver Road, Uniontown, OH 44685 330-896-8200 • plcc.edu Sandusky Career Center 2130 Hayes Ave., Room 117, Sandusky, OH 44870 419-984-1100 • sandusky-city.k12.oh.us

Scioto County Career Technical Center Main Campus: 951 Vern Riffe Drive, Lucasville, OH 45648, 740-259-5526 North Campus: 750 Fairgrounds Road, Lucasville, OH 45648, 740-259-5526 Pike County Campus: 175 Beaver Creek Road, Piketon, OH 45661, 740-289-2282 sciototech.org

Vanguard-Sentinel Career & Technology Centers Tech Center: 1306 Cedar St., Fremont, OH 43420, 419-332-2626 Senteniel - SCTC: 793 E. Township Road, #201, Tiffin, OH 44883, 419-448-1212 Adult Education: 1306 Cedar St., Fremont, OH 43420, 419-334-6901 vscc.k12.oh.us

Southern Hills Career & Technical Center 9193 Hamer Road, Georgetown, OH 45121 937-378-6131 • shctc.k12.oh.us

Vantage Career Center 818 N Franklin St., Van Wert, OH 45891 419-238-5411• vantagecareercenter.com

Tolles Career & Technical Center 7877 U.S. Highway 42 South, Plain City, OH 43064 614-873-4666 x4248 • tollestech.com

Warren County Career Center 3525 N. State Route 48, Lebanon, OH 45036 513-932-8145 • mywccc.org

Tri-County Career Center 15676 State Route 691, Nelsonville, OH 45764 740-753-3511 • tricountyadultcareercenter.org

Washington County Career Center 21740 State Route 676, Marietta, OH 45750 740-373-2766 • thecareercenter.net

Tri-Rivers Career Center 222 Marion-Mt. Gilead Road, Marion, OH 43302 740-389-4682 • tririvers.com

Wayne County Schools Career Center 518 W. Prospect St., Smithville, OH 44677 330-669-7070 • wayne-jvs.k12.oh.us

Trumbull Career & Technical Center 528 Educational Highway, Warren, OH 44483 330-847-0503 • tctchome.com Upper Valley Career Center 8811 Career Drive, Piqua, OH 45356 937-778-1980 • uppervalleycc.org

Indiana Wesleyan University

2912 Springboro West Road • Dayton, OH 45439 937-298-4430 • indwes.edu


ndiana Wesleyan University is a Christian university focused on the liberal arts and professional education. IWU has been a brick-and-mortar institution since 1920, but we implemented an innovative learning format in 1985 that focused on the unique needs of adult learners with busy schedules. IWU has over 30 years of experience in flexible learning formats and over 20 years of experience in online education. We’re recognized for our high-quality, affordable online programs, in character, scholarship and leadership, and programs that can even fit the lives of military we believe education can change the world. students and their families. Our students believe it, too. In fact, 23% of our We’re passionate about breaking down barriers alumni return to us to further their education. to provide opportunities for people to develop Why? Because at IWU, we’re shining brighter. EDUCATION PROFILE w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19


Lake Erie College

391 West Washington St. • Painesville, OH 44077 440-375-7075 • lec.edu/parkermba


he Lake Erie College Parker MBA equips business professionals for challenging managerial roles. When they graduate, the Lifelong Learning Guarantee ensures tuition-free access to even more professional development, indefinitely.

Face-to-face evening courses are available at locations on the east and west sides of Cleveland, while a 100 percent online option is available for those who prefer more flexibility. Admission to the program is determined on the basis of demonstrated professionalism, intellectual capability for successful completion of the program and the potential for leadership. The program requires 36 total credit hours, which consists of nine required courses and three electives. Students can take courses 100 percent online or face-to-face at Lorain County Community College in Lorain, Ohio, or Lakeland Community College in Kirtland, Ohio. Lake Erie College’s Parker MBA program is accredited by the International Assembly for College Business Education (IACBE). Fewer than 10 percent of business programs have achieved the quality assurance that IACBE accreditation provides.


Lourdes University

6832 Convent Blvd., Sylvania, OH 43560 419-885-3211 • 800-878-3210 • lourdes.edu


Catholic University in the Franciscan tradition, Lourdes delivers a personalized education second to none. In addition to its flagship programs—nursing, education, business and the social sciences—Lourdes now offers bachelor’s degrees in craft beverages, exercise science and digital and media studies.

This fall, entering freshmen will benefit from the iWolf Power of Innovative Learning program. Delivering a dynamic and relevant learning experience in a technology-rich environment, each student receives an iPad Pro and select 100 level courses are designed with the full support of mobile technology.

Responding to industry needs, students can choose from several graduate programs including online MSN and MBA degrees, a doctor in nursing practice or the master of education in special education degree. Lourdes prepares graduates for success. In fact, graduates are often the candidates of choice among employers. Currently, more than 5,500 alumni live and work in Ohio. EDUCATION PROFILE 42

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Marian University

3200 Cold Spring Road • Indianapolis, Indiana 46222-1997 317-955-6300 • 800-772-6264 • marian.edu


arian University is the only Catholic university in Indianapolis. In 2018, it served over 3,500 undergraduate and graduate students. Its high-impact, experiential curriculum provides hands-on learning for students from 45 states and 23 nations. In U.S. News & World Report’s 2019 Midwestern rankings Marian was named No. 10 Most Innovative Regional University, No. 24 Best Value University, and No. 38 Best Regional University. We also offer national championship NAIA athletic programs. Marian University opened its College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2013, making it the first new school of medicine in the state of Indiana in over 110 years. Several new facilities have opened at Marian recently: Evans Center for Health Sciences (housing the Leighton School of Nursing and College of Osteopathic Medicine), Norman Center (home of the Byrum School of Business) and a new dining commons, student fitness center and indoor arena/convocation center. EDUCATION PROFILE

Miami University Regionals

Middletown Campus

Hamilton Campus

4200 N. University Blvd. • Middletown, Ohio 45042 1601 University Blvd. • Hamilton, Ohio 45011 513-785-3111 • miamioh.edu/regionals


iami University Regionals serves our region with open access to a Miami University degree at three campuses and online, offering one of the lowest tuition rates for four-year public institutions in Ohio.

Miami University Regionals offers a nationally ranked education close to you at one of our three locations—Hamilton, Middletown, and West Chester. And, for students looking to fit college into their busy lives, Miami University Regionals E-Campus delivers high quality online courses and 100% online degree options.

As the regional system of Miami University, Miami Regionals offers 18 bachelor’s degrees and 13 associate degrees entirely at its regional campuses. Our One Miami relocation option allows students to begin one of over 100 majors on the regional campuses and relocate to the main campus in Oxford. Regardless of which campus you start or finish at, as One Miami, you would join the Miami Family and earn a Miami University degree. Our Miami Tuition Promise allows families to plan the cost of their four-year college education without surprises, and with one of the lowest tuition rates for four-year public institutions in Ohio, a bachelor’s degree can be affordable at Miami University Regionals. Your success matters. Our outstanding faculty and staff provide personalized attention and consider your success as our highest priority. We offer free tutoring, disability services, student employment opportunities, and professional advising to support you through your education. Of our recent alum, 96% are employed or furthering their graduation. Our Career Services and Professional Development Office support students from start to finish and beyond! Our regional campuses offer a vibrant student life with championship athletics, more than 50 student organizations, community service learning opportunities, arts programming and performances, and more! With nearly 5,000 students attending classes on our beautiful campuses or online, you will have an incredible experience as a Miami University Regionals student! See for Yourself! Schedule your visit today! MiamiOH.edu/Regionals/YouChoose

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Marietta College

215 Fifth St. • Marietta, OH 45750 800-331-7896 • marietta.edu

Industry leaders, educated citizens, difference makers—Pioneers.


or nearly two centuries, Marietta College has stood as the beacon on the hill for young adults seeking to better their lives and to turn their life’s passions into actionable good in the world. One of the finest liberal arts colleges in the nation, Marietta offers nearly 50 undergraduate programs, including the best liberal arts-based Petroleum Engineering curriculum in the nation and an Education program that boasts a 100 percent job placement for its graduates. The college also offers graduate programs in Physician Assistant Studies, Psychology and Athletic Training. At Marietta, students learn from talented faculty members who are respected in their fields and wholly dedicated to teaching the next generation of leaders. These professors share their knowledge with students and challenge them to develop their skillsets through serious research, experiential opportunities and internships. Every student completes Marietta’s rigorous General Education Curriculum, which builds strong communication skills and exposes students to new ideas and interests. Our varsity athletic teams compete in NCAA Division III and against some of the best in the nation as a member of the Ohio Athletic Conference. Marietta has won six national championships and 61

conference titles, including an OAC-record four consecutive men’s basketball titles (2014-18). More than 25,000 living members of The Long Blue Line proudly support their alma mater and help current students gain internships and connections into their chosen industries. This support, in addition to the vibrant growth on campus, is one of the reasons why The Chronicle of Higher Education named Marietta College one of the Great Colleges to Work For.

Marietta’s timeless education began in 1797, when descendants of pioneers of the Northwest Territory established the Muskingum Academy. The institution was chartered in 1835 by the state of Ohio, making Marietta College one of 37 Revolutionary Colleges and home to the 16th oldest chapter of the most prestigious academic honorary, Phi Beta Kappa. From its earliest moments until well into the future, Marietta College cherishes its role in educating individuals and inspiring them to Bring Forth a Pioneer!




or every business seeking to rent a venue for their corporate event, there exists a venue that perfectly suits the needs of their clients. Luckily for everyone involved, Ohio has a vast collection of unique venues that businesses across the state are sure to value greatly. Designated as a National Historic Landmark in 1975, Cincinnati’s Music Hall is home to the renowned Cincinnati Opera, Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, May Festival and Cincinnati Ballet. For busi-


nesses looking to immerse themselves in a legendary venue where the likes of Frank Sinatra, Bruce Springsteen and Prince have performed, Cincinnati Music Hall can also be home to a memorable corporate function. “Cincinnati’s Music Hall is among Cincinnati’s most recognizable and beloved buildings,” says Beth Troendly, rental manager at Music Hall. “It is a very dramatic and unique venue, and not a typical meeting space.” Not typical, indeed. In the past, Music Hall programming has included sporting

events, traditional exhibits, circuses and even speaking appearances from President Theodore Roosevelt and President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Today, Music Hall resides in the Overthe-Rhine neighborhood, and across the street from Washington Park, with no


“Indiana Tech has been an outstanding education partner. The university provides our employees with classes that make it easy for them to fit going back to school in with their busy lives. That level of service is just phenomenal.” We offer nearly 40 online degree programs. Learn more about how an education partnership with Indiana Tech can help your organization. Chris Hargett Director of Operations, Employee Engagement Heartland, A Global Payments Company

For more information, contact: Greg Perigo Director of Strategic Business Partnerships 260.422.5561, ext. 2463 | GJPerigo@IndianaTech.edu



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Music Hall is located in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood in Cincinnati.

shortage of events to keep audiences entertained. Apart from year-round shows and performances, Music Hall receives weekly requests for business gatherings such as fundraisers, receptions and meetings. The premier venue is just one reason why Music Hall is a terrific venue for a business event.

“Each of our functions are customized for our client’s request,” Troendly explains. “We have a very talented, professional and hospitable staff at all levels. Prov iding an exceptional guest experience is extremely important.” Guests can expect top customer service at any of the venue’s rental spaces. Need to accommodate hundreds of people for your cocktail reception or formal dinner? The Music Hall Ballroom or Foyer is an excellent option. Looking to organize a small, comfortable gathering? The P&G Founders Room is a furnished reception area that sits 30 people. Corbett Tower, Wilks Studio and Taft Suite also provide businesses

spacious alternatives to give each business the memorable event they desire. There’s no shortage of rental spaces at Music Hall for businesses to consider. That’s why Troendly thinks it is a good idea for businesses to do their research before deciding to book. “We encourage interested clients to speak with our staff, not only to get a better idea of our venues and the services we provide, but also to allow our staff to ask the client questions about their event they may not have considered,” she says. “It is also important to get date availability upfront, as our spaces book very quickly due to demand. “When possible, it is always recommended that clients see the spaces in person to get a better idea and feel for the spaces,” Troendly continues. To assist clients, Cincinnati Music Hall handles the “booking, event management, housekeeping, concessions and bar service,” she says. “We also provide ticketing services if required.” There’s no shortage of fantastic locations as you venture north either. Situated in Columbus, 1400 Food Lab is an ideal venue

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Music Hall in Cincinnati offers a variety of spaces, including its foyer (LEFT) and ballroom (ABOVE).


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for business events since it is “something different and more interactive,” says Karen Chrestay, the general manager.

1400 Food Lab is a commercial kitchen, production and event space for rent designed to help aspiring food entrepreneurs, professional chefs and food enthusiasts. It offers weekly open house tours to showcase the features and equipment Food Lab has to offer local businesses—no appointment necessary. Contrary to the hotel ballroom environment other venues may offer, small businesses are welcomed into a formal dining room at the 1400 Food Lab. The main dining room normally seats 50 guests, although it’s possible to accommodate up to 155 guests by opening other areas of the facility. “Overall, there is a very industrial feel to the space,” Chrestay explains. 1400 Food Lab is no stranger to holding private business events at its Dublin Road location, as it often hosts companies for corporate team-building days, cooking competitions and private cooking classes just to name a few. “All of our events are customized,” Chrestay says. “We work really closely

with the contact person to see what they are looking for.” Businesses based in the Glass Cit y looking to book a venue for corporate functions should consider the historical Oliver House. First opening its doors in 1859 as a pre-Civil War hotel, the Oliver House is now the home of Toledo’s very own Maumee Bay Brewing Company. Seven private lobbies and rooms can be rented, offering a variety of unique event spaces for groups as small as 20 and as big as 250. Rental room fees vary from $75 to $1,800, allowing any business to book a venue no matter their budget. L’Ambiance Banquet Hall, equipped with a full kitchen, bar and liquor license, is another option for businesses in the surrounding Toledo area. This large, multipurpose facility is perfect for corporate retreats, conferences and other private events. Boasting 4,000 total square feet and a maximum capacity of 230 guests in its largest room, L’Ambiance Banquet Hall is sure to add a touch of class to a business’ day away from the office. n

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THREE CASINOS. ONE GREAT CHOICE. Earn mychoice® benefits at Hollywood Casino Columbus, Hollywood Casino Lawrenceburg and Hollywood Gaming Dayton. E IC O CH




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he Buckeye state boasts a strong collection of casinos. Each one brings its own unique appeal to the table, but which one is right for you? To provide a glimpse into a few of the choices consumers have in the area we explored the features of each location and how casinos differentiate themselves from the competition—so you don’t have to.

HOLLYWOOD GAMING AT DAYTON RACEWAY A trip to Hollywood Gaming at Dayton Raceway guarantees a memorable experience for all guests.

“The excitement we create on the floor is what really keeps the energy high,” says Dan Kennedy, vice president and general manager of Hollywood Gaming at Dayton Raceway. “We have something exciting going on every day to keep our guests engaged and entertained. Whether it’s one of our many jackpots, someone winning a new car, getting a great meal or just enjoying the music with friends, there is always an opportunity to win big.” Located at 777 Hollywood Blvd., guests can expect a packed 2019 events lineup ranging from car shows to craft shows to comedy shows. Summertime concerts include performances from Lonestar, Cassadee Pope and Spin Doctors. Starting in September, live harness racing will occur five to six days a week while parimutuel betting is offered all year. Although Dayton Raceway offers these events plus more than 1,000 video lottery machines its approach to handling guests makes its officials most proud. “Our dedication to customer service is what sets us apart from the competition,” says Kennedy. “We pride ourselves in treating our guests like family and making sure

they feel at home when visiting us. We have great food options, exciting promotions and energetic entertainment to keep each day fresh and unique.”

JACK CINCINNATI CASINO JACK Cincinnati Casino is in possession of an intangible asset every successful business craves: a prime location. Positioned on the outskirts of downtown Cincinnati, JACK Cincinnati Casino is a walkable distance to major Queen City spots such as Paul Brown Stadium, Great American Ballpark and Over-the-Rhine. As if that w w w.ohiobusinessmag.com . FA L L 2 0 19


GAMING GUIDE 2019 wasn’t enough, free complimentary parking provides the first impression to adults in search for a fun night out. Once inside “customers experience over 2,000 slot machines, 85 table games and 30 poker tables,” says Chad Barnhill, senior vice president of regional operations and general manager. Here gamblers can also choose among blackjack, craps, roulette or carnival games. The Synergy Table Game Experience, however, is unique when compared to its regional counterparts. “Synergy Table Game Experience has gained a lot of traction in the last 14 or 15 months,” says Barnhill. Characterized as dealer-assisted table action, this style of gaming requires just a $5 barrier to entry. The room is an altogether different environment for customers that may enjoy live DJs and the ability to watch sporting events while playing along. If gaming isn’t your thing, Barnhill says there’s still plenty of reasons to visit JACK Cincinnati Casino. “We’ve done much more for the guests concerning food offerings and now guests are considering us as a standalone food option and entertainment option,” says Barnhill. “There’s food promotions offered almost every day of the week at one of our restaurants.”

HOLLYWOOD CASINO COLUMBUS As the self-proclaimed “Biggest & Best Casino in Ohio,” Hollywood Casino Columbus at 200 Georgesville Road insists on constantly improving the customer experience. “We are always evolving our offerings for our guests and listening to their feedback about what they want,” says Jason Birney, vice president and general manager of Hollywood Casino Columbus. “We have added to the square footage of our gaming offering and continue to add the latest and greatest product to the floor as it debuts. We’ve also added an A sia n nood le ba r restaurant and a new daiquiri bar.” Additionally, the casino is introducing a new rewards prog ram called Mychoice, allowing lucky guests to win trips to places such as Las Vegas and St. 52

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Kitts. “We are also the only central Ohio gaming facility to offer table games with selections ranging from blackjack to craps to exciting linked-progressive games such as Mississippi Stud,” says Birney. “Recently, we’ve had to expand our table games offering because our guests are telling us they want more,” says Birney. Ultimately, Birney believes the staff at Hollywood Casino Columbus is the secret to success. “Our team members are by far our best asset. They work hard every day to bring amazing experiences to our guests and we would not be where we are today without them.”

HOLLYWOOD GAMING AT MAHONING VALLEY RACE COURSE For customers interested in live racing and simulcast entertainment Hollywood Gaming at Mahoning Valley Race Course is striving to be the casino, or racino, of choice. Guests can watch live races onsite and from around the world at a convenient location right off Interstate 80 and state Route 46. Large groups, subject to special accommodations, are made to feel right at home when hosting a special event. “We have a large banquet space downstairs that leads out to the race course, which is ideal for large parties, conferences and

special events,” says Alex Rangel, director of marketing. “We also offer space for more intimate gatherings on our second story, which overlooks the race course or gaming floor.” Free play is offered to groups who choose to have an event with Hollywood Gaming at Mahoning Valley. Guests looking for entertainment now have the option of attending free outdoor concerts featuring national acts such as Piff the Magic Dragon and Candlebox. There’s no limit in dining options either. Skybox Sports Bar offers a casual sit-down experience known for its burgers and steaks. At Take 2 Grill customers will find anything from wraps to mac and cheese in this food court. Finally, there is H Lounge Bar, which provides additional entertainment in the form of bands and Keno machines. Although certain to have a tremendous time while at the casino, guests can also leave the casino assured with the knowledge that Hollywood Gaming at Mahoning Valley benefits the local community. “We partner with our community and team members on a daily basis to benefit Mahoning Valley with efforts such as our toy drive, blood drive and food drive,” says Rangel. “We believe our dedication to serving the community sets us apart from our competitors.” n


1) Miami Valley Gaming

6000 OH-63, Lebanon, OH 45036


2) Belterra Park Gaming + Entertainment


6301 Kellogg Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45230

3) Eldorado Gaming Scioto Downs

6000 S High St, Columbus, OH 43207

4) Hollywood Casino Columbus

200 Georgesville Rd, Columbus, OH 43228 in Franklin County

5) Northfield Park Live & Simulcast Racing

10777 Northfield Rd, Northfield, OH 44067

6) JACK Cleveland Casino

100 Public Square, Cleveland, OH 44113

7) Hollywood Gaming at Dayton Raceway


777 Hollywood Blvd, Dayton, OH 45414

8) Hollywood Casino Toledo


1968 Miami St, Toledo, OH 43605

9) Hollywood Gaming at Mahoning Valley Racecourse

655 N Canfield Niles Rd, Youngstown, OH 44515

10) JACK Cincinnati Casino


1000 Broadway St, Cincinnati, OH 45202

11) JACK Thistledown Racino

21501 Emery Rd, Nor th Randall, OH 44128 in Cleveland

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Building a Better Workforce




ven though 1 in 8 Ohio jobs are in the manufacturing sector and the state has seen a 14% increase in those jobs over the last nine years, manufacturing companies face a talent crunch. Qualified and skilled workers have lately left the industry in droves and a lack of students entering the field after school has left manufacturers with more questions than answers regarding how to find, attract and retain talented employees. This predicament provided the backdrop for Ohio Business Magazine’s second annual Ohio Manufacturing Summit. Early in the morning of May 16, representatives of manufacturing companies, higher learning institutions, municipalities and many other organizations gathered at Centre Park of West Chester’s event center to participate in networking and hear a panel discussion on the workforce challenge facing the industry. Moderated by Greg K nox of K nox Machinery in Franklin, the roundtable participants included Andreas Brockmann, head of technical training for Festo Didactic in Mason; Debby Combs, director of advanced manufacturing for Cincinnati’s Partners for a Competitive Workforce (PCW), a United Way initiative; Dean Kales, training instructor at Grob Machining in Bluffton; and Robin Rutschilling, operations manager for Clippard Instrument Lab in Colerain, a suburb of Cincinnati. After introductions from Ohio Business Magazine’s Brad Hoicowitz and its president, Eric Harmon, the discussion kicked off in earnest and largely focused on getting young people on the verge of entering the workforce to fill the manufacturing industry talent gap. Combs and PCW have worked on building the skills of the present and future workforce in Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana for more than a decade. In her work focusing on manufac54

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turing for PCW’s Advanced Manufacturing Industry Partnership (AMIP), Combs stressed the importance of developing partnerships—even among otherwise competing manufacturers—and knowledge sharing. “All of us have a vested interest in assuring that manufacturing careers are seen as viable, living-wage, excellent careers,” she said. “So, we’re all working together as a team to do that.” These partnerships are guided by AMIP’s strategy for connecting a talent pipeline between educators and employers, emphasizing a commitment from manufacturers to work with schools and organizations like Partners for a Competitive Workforce to create opportunities that show students a viable, dynamic path from schools like Great Oaks and Butler Tech to long careers for companies

between employers, students and schools while also agreeing on the importance of educating parents of students that manufacturing doesn’t have the negative connotations it had 30 or 40 years ago. All the panelists agreed that schools aren’t the only venue where advanced manufacturing education and training should happen. Companies like Clippard bring in high school juniors and seniors for job shadowing and on-site experiential learning. Rutschilling thanked the educators in attendance for their role in steering interested students towards the potential in manufacturing and creating curricula that allow for whole days of each week to be spent learning at job sites. Brockmann and Kales both work for German-owned companies and pointed out the benefits of European-inspired apprenticeship

“All of us have a vested interest in assuring that manufacturing careers are seen as viable, living-wage, excellent careers. So, we’re all working together as a team to do that.” —Debby Combs, director of advanced manufacturing for Cincinnati’s Partners for a Competitive Workforce like Clippard and Knox. And it’s not just about winning over the students—Combs pointed out it’s every bit as important to convince moms and dads that this line of work is viable, stable and far improved from the days of dangerous, dirty and loud shop floors. Knox, moderating this edition of the summit after helping Ohio Business Magazine bring it to life last year, noted that AMIP and Combs’ work had created an important and valuable link in the region

programs. With regards to Festo Didactic in particular, its Mechatronics Apprentice Program Partners initiative allows employers—even ostensible competitors to Festo—to enroll employees or working students in training for the skills that are crucial to the present and future of manufacturing. The two-year program has students spend two days a week on learning at Festo and Sinclair Community College, with graduates receiving an associate degree in mechatronics.

“This is very important, to partner with a college,” Brockmann said. “You have to find a good school. It’s not just about what your needs are, (it’s) what the kids need for their career.” Grob, as well, quickly adopted apprenticeship as a way to train young people and get them involved and interested in a manufacturing career. Being in Bluffton, the company works hard to be a visible and active employer to the surrounding area, including nearby cities Lima and Findlay. “We do a lot of outreach,” Kales said. “Our doors are always open—we have schools coming in all the time, bringing a STEM class in or just bringing juniors and seniors in.” Working with Rhodes State College in Lima, Grob brings students into its training department for three days of the week and provides specialized on-the-job training over the course of the four-year program. During Grob’s 29 years in Bluffton, 367 employees have come from the apprenticeship program (including 20 that just started in June), of which 64% still work for Grob including three senior managers, nine supervisors and 10 foremen. Kales and Rutschilling both stressed the importance and the benefits both of their companies have seen by investing real money and time into training students and recent entrants to the labor force. But

ABOVE: From left: Andreas Brockmann, Dean Kales, Debby Combs and Robin Rutshilling TOP RIGHT: Moderator Greg Knox MIDDLE RIGHT: Event attendees Randy Cloran, Joe Besl and Ken Baker BOTTOM RIGHT: Beth Vice and Keith Carlson of Von Lehmann CPA & Advisory Firm

retaining young talent involves more than simply paying for their manufacturingfocused education. “The important thing is staying involved with your students from when you first meet them,” Rutschilling observed before adding that Clippard’s involvement with nine area schools allowed the company to find the right programs for each student’s unique need. “To retain them, you have to figure out what their passions are, what they like to do.” After a round of audience questions, the discussion closed with a final piece of advice for the Great Oaks students in attendance, with Knox stating that manufacturers are becoming more willing to invest in and spend on students that want to commit to this career path but they’re looking for quality “attitude and aptitude.” After the event, attendees and panel participants stayed to converse with representatives from the summit’s partners and sponsors, which included EGC Construction, the Tristate Tooling and Manufacturing Association, Commerce Bank, Von Lehmann CPA & Advisory Firm and Great Oaks Career Campuses. n

Summit Sponsors

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Celebrating Those Who

Celebrate Employees BY TERRY TROY




t may have been the fourth year Ohio Business Magazine recognized the Best Workplaces in Ohio, but it was the first time we brought them all together to enjoy each other’s company. “When we first began this awards process and recognition feature in print four years ago, we had to really think, ‘What makes a great workplace?’” says Amy Scalia, publisher of Ohio Operations for Ohio Business Magazine. “Many factors contribute to this, from 401(k) plans to company outings, but it’s more than that. It’s a place where a person feels valued. Looking through the winners of Ohio Business Magazine’s fourth annual Best Workplaces in Ohio feature, we found that there are many companies that are making their employees feel that way, and that they are finding really innovative and impactful ways to do so.” Winners of our Best Workplaces in Ohio 2019 were all invited to venue sponsor Industrious Columbus Joseph in our state capital’s trendy urban arts district Short North to enjoy cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and light entrées. The event supported Mercy Bracelets for Haiti. “We were thrilled to have many of the winners at the first-ever Best Workplaces in Ohio event and recognize them in person for their efforts to attract and retain the very best to Ohio’s business community,” adds Scalia. “Industrious was the perfect place to play host to this event, as they represent an innovative workplace for emerging and established businesses alike. It’s a unique, and growing, concept that doubles as a co-working space with everything from hourly to dedicated workspaces, as well as an all-inclusive corporate event venue! They were an integral part of making our inaugural event a success.” Obviously, we can’t wait for for next year’s event. n




1) American Family Insurance’s Dorris Gibbons and OB’s Amy Scalia. 2) Sherlock Services’ Mark Schneider and OB’s Brad Hoicowitz. 3) Guests enjoyed a selection of snacks, hors d’oeuvres and light entrees. 4) The event attracted well over 100 guests from across the state. 5) Deceunink’s Amy Padgett, Helen Peyton and Natasha Williams. 6) OB Publisher Eric Harmon congratulates the winners. 7) Sharp’s Bill Stille and Terry Grooms.


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