ENG Sleeping Beauty : Short Story Reading

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Sleeping Beauty

Once upon a time, in a kingdom nestled among rolling hills and lush forests, a king and queen who longed for a child lived. Their wish was granted when Aurora, their beautiful daughter, was born. They hosted a grand feast to celebrate her birth and invited all the fairies from across the land to bless the newborn princess.

However, they forgot to invite one wicked fairy who harbored resentment towards the royal family. Angered by this exclusion, the wicked fairy appeared uninvited to the feast and cursed the baby princess. She proclaimed that on Aurora's sixteenth birthday, she would prick her finger on a spindle and fall into an eternal sleep. Thankfully, a good fairy who had not yet bestowed her blessing intervened. Although she couldn't undo the curse entirely, she softened its impact. Instead of dying, Aurora would fall into a deep slumber, along with the rest of the kingdom, until she was awakened by true love's kiss.

Desperate to protect his beloved daughter, the king ordered all spinning wheels to be banished from the kingdom and hid Aurora away in a secluded castle deep within the forest. .

There, she was raised by the three good fairies who altered her name to Briar Rose to keep her true identity a secret. As the curse took effect, Aurora fell into a deep sleep, and the entire kingdom fell under a spell of slumber. The good fairies put everyone to sleep to ensure Aurora wouldn't be alone when she woke up.

“Years passed, and on Aurora's sixteenth birthday, while exploring the castle, she stumbled upon a hidden room. In the room lay an old spinning wheel covered in dust. Entranced by its mysterious beauty, she reached to touch it, pricking her finger on the sharp spindle.

Years passed, and rumors of the sleeping kingdom spread far and wide. Eventually, a brave prince heard of the enchanted castle and ventured to awaken the sleeping princess.

Guided by the good fairies, the prince made his way through the thorny forest that surrounded the castle and finally reached Aurora's chamber. Overwhelmed by her beauty, he leaned down and kissed her gently on the lips.

Aurora stirred from her deep slumber at that moment, and the entire kingdom awoke with her. The curse was broken, and joyous celebrations echoed throughout the land as Aurora and the prince were united in true love.

Fill in the Word Companion Activity

Once upon a time, in a nestled among rolling hills and lush a king and queen who longed for a child lived.

Their wish was granted when Aurora, their beautiful , was born.

They hosted a grand feast to celebrate her birth and invited all the from across the land to bless the newborn .

Years passed, and on Aurora's birthday, while exploring the , she stumbled upon a hidden room. In the room lay an old spinning covered in dust. Entranced by its mysterious beauty, she reached to touch it, pricking her ________________ on the sharp spindle.

Fill in the Word Companion Activity

Guided by the good , the prince made his way through the thorny forest that surrounded the and finally reached Aurora's chamber. Overwhelmed by her beauty, he leaned down and her gently on the lips.

As the took effect, Aurora fell into a deep sleep, and the entire kingdom fell under a of slumber. The good fairies put everyone to to ensure Aurora wouldn't be __________ when she woke up.

Aurora stirred from her deep at that moment, and the entire ________________ awoke with her. The curse was broken, and joyous ________________ echoed throughout the land as Aurora and the were united in true love.

Parts of the Story Mountain

Write the word or simple sentence


Characters Setting

Plot Theme

Parts of the Story Mountain

Write a word and paragraph


Paragraph Characters


Word Word

Benefits of Prior Knowledge Stories

Using stories in language classrooms that students have prior knowledge offers several benefits:

Using stories or topics that students have prior knowledge of in the language classroom enhances comprehension, confidence, vocabulary acquisition, critical thinking skills, and retention, making it a valuable and effective teaching strategy.

Enhanced Comprehension:

Students are more likely to understand and engage with stories they already know Prior knowledge of the plot, characters, and themes helps students comprehend the text more easily, allowing them to focus on language acquisition and deeper comprehension

Increased Confidence:

Familiar stories comfort and inspire language learners. When students are familiar with the content, they feel more capable of understanding and discussing the story in the target language, leading to increased participation and engagement in the classroom

Vocabulary Acquisition:

Prior knowledge of the story allows students to focus on learning new vocabulary within the familiar narrative. This facilitates vocabulary acquisition as students encounter new words and phrases in a meaningful and memorable context.

Linguistic Transfer:

Students can transfer their knowledge of the story from their native language to the target language This facilitates language learning as students can connect the two languages, identify cognates, and apply their existing language skills to the new context.

Critical Thinking Skills:

Familiar stories allow students to engage in higher-order thinking tasks such as analysis, evaluation, and synthesis Students can focus on exploring the story's deeper meaning, identifying themes, analyzing characters' motivations, and making connections to their own lives and experiences

Retention and Recall:

Prior knowledge of the story improves retention and recall of language structures and vocabulary. Students are more likely to remember new language elements when they encounter them in a familiar context, leading to improved long-term language learning outcomes

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