Prayerlines March to April 2022

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Prayerlines MARCH – APRIL 2022

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3

The call in action |


Dear praying friends, I’ve been reflecting on Ezekiel 37:1–14 recently. Wonderful words, of dead bones coming to life by God’s Spirit as he breathes into them. And as we lament the challenges of the world, we look to Jesus’ resurrection and the hope we find in him. We see “dead bones” everywhere on the news and in our neighbourhoods – much to lament from Yemen, Sudan, Ethiopia and elsewhere, and if we’re honest with ourselves and God, we have “dead bones” to lament in ourselves as well. Thankfully, as my predecessor at CMS +Philip said recently at the Partnership for World Mission conference, “Joy is 2

not the opposite of lament – lament opens the door to joy.” Ultimately, through lament, we become people of hope and joy because Jesus has risen – the dead comes to life. Easter is the time we see the cross and the desolation of Saturday before the resurrection. Engaging in mission is a statement of faith and hope: that a renewed world is coming – that our world will be made new through the love of God. May you discover that new life and hope afresh this Easter. Yours in Christ,

Alastair Bateman Chief Executive Officer


1 MARCH (SHROVE TUESDAY) NETHERLANDS Mission partner Berdine van den Toren-Lekkerkerker is passionate about resourcing Christian leaders in Africa and Asia through mission education, so they in turn can resource others for a life of mission. Pray for travel to become easier so Berdine can teach in person again, and praise God that technology makes it possible to continue teaching remotely in the meantime.

Berdine van den TorenLekkerkerker

2 MARCH (ASH WEDNESDAY) NORTH AFRICA Please pray for local partner H as he runs discipleship training and offers support to teams across the region. As H invests his time, energy and gifting in people, pray for God’s hand to be upon him and use him to teach people what God wants them to learn, give them the tools he wants them to have and give them what they need to be refreshed.

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3 MARCH (TH) SPAIN Felipe and Sarah Yanez help run two food banks in Malaga, are active in their local church and invest time in informal discipleship. They are in the process of re-establishing English and Spanish classes as well as a ladies’ cooperative. With increasing client numbers and activities, they need more space than they have available at the moment. Pray for them as they look for a new, larger venue.

Sarah and Felipe Yanez

4 MARCH (F) MIDDLE EAST Mission partner R, currently in the UK supporting family, is working remotely with a family of four churches actively involved in various ministries in a country in the Middle East. She writes, “God’s hand is truly on this church. Pray for the newly baptised members of the church and the many who commit to Christ on a weekly basis.”



WEEKENDFOCUS Saturday–Sunday 5–6 March

A GRAIN OF WHEAT FALLS BY IAN ADAMS, MISSION SPIRITUALITY ADVISER A group of Greeks, John tells us, want to see Jesus. His response implies that to truly see him will require sharing in the suffering that will come his way. Jesus [said], “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain....” John 12:23–24a (NRSV) Like those Greeks we yearn to see Jesus. In us, around us, in our world. That seeing will always be joyful, but often costly. May we each have courage this Lent to allow ourselves to fall into the earth, trusting in the grace of God for the falling. Son of Man, give us courage this Lent, we pray, to fall into the earth with you... Amen

Email: ian.adams@

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7 MARCH (M) BRAZIL Rosie and Stu Bayford are based in Recife, where they work with ReVive supporting at-risk girls and are helping launch a community food project aiming to redistribute surplus food that would otherwise go to waste. Pray for them as they seek to meet the needs of the poorest in the community, alongside churchrun workshops to help people get back on their feet and earn a living for themselves.

Rosie and Stu Bayford

8 MARCH (T) CHILE Local partner and church planter Nicolas Fuentes is surprised to find himself leading a prayer and discussion group for a few men twice his age. Two years ago, a man in his 60s asked Nicolas for help and they started meeting up to talk. From there, the friendship has grown into a small prayer group. Ask God to minister powerfully to the men in this group through Nicolas.


Kati and Andy Walsh


In January, mission partners Andy and Kati Walsh arrived in Florianopolis to get involved in various forms of outreach through Vineyard Floripa and teach at the New Wine Discipleship school there. Please pray for them to make a strong start and integrate quickly into the local community, and for Eva (3) as she settles into her new bilingual (Portuguese/English) school. T HE C A LL I N AC T I ON

10 MARCH (TH) PERU Please pray for local partner Victor Condori as he and his church explore new ways of connecting with people in the community. Pray for Victor as pastor to lead the way in reaching out, preaching the gospel and welcoming new people into the church. Please also lift up an online discipleship course Victor is running for some members of the church.

11 MARCH (F) GUATEMALA Mission partner Azaria Spencer works with street children and young people at risk through Street Kids Direct. Pray for Azaria as she coordinates a new arts-based mentoring centre and considers new programmes and activities to help young people explore their creativity and develop new skills in different areas.

Azaria Spencer

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FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 12–13 March

A BREAK FROM DOING BY ANDREW AND LISA PEART, WORKING TO STRENGTHEN COMMUNITIES, SEE PEOPLE FLOURISH AND FURTHER GOD’S KINGDOM THROUGH HOSPITALITY AND RELATIONAL LEADERSHIP IN SANTA CRUZ, BOLIVIA This is what the Lord says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16 Sometimes we need to take a break from doing, be still and breathe deeply of the truth that yes, the Lord is who he says he is. We need to hit that pause button, rest in him and allow him to minister to our hearts. Jesus did this frequently: retreating to the solitude of a remote town or up a mountain, well away from the noisy crowds, to pray to his Father in heaven. We recently booked a little getaway to the Isla del Sol, wanting to see a new part of the country. Getting there was not straightforward and included clambering up the rock-faced side of the island for 8


Being guided along the ancient paths

a solid hour in the cool lake air and strong sun at 4,000m! As we reached our hotel, out of breath, legs wobbling, arms raised rejoicing as if we’d just reached the summit of Everest, our eyes were raised from the ruggedness of the difficult path to the breathtaking splendour and majesty of our Creator God. Totally, 100 per cent worth it. Our getaway ended up being so much more than just seeing a new part of the country. God took us to the crossroads of the ancient and sometimes scary paths of Isla del Sol, far away from the noise of the city and everyday demands of life, so that we could reconnect with him, ask where the good way is, walk with him, listen out for his voice, trust his promises, and find rest.


Praise God for the work he has done in Andrew and Lisa’s rest, and pray for them to keep breathing deeply of the truth that God is who he says he is. PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2


14 MARCH (M) THAILAND “Pray for the gospel to bring real hope to those who are struggling with the effects of COVID-19 on their livelihoods and families,” write Jason and Tracy Day, mission partners working as personnel manager seconded to OMF (Jason), and as child protection officer, housewife and mum (Tracy). Pray also for the Thai government as they look to balance COVID-19 restrictions with trying to help restore the devastated economy.

15 MARCH (T) PHILIPPINES Please pray for mission partner Tim Lee (based in the UK) and his work with the team at Jigsaw Ministries, who seek to improve the lives of children and families living in poverty by sharing God’s love in practical ways. As Tim mentors Jeanette Sotto, director of Jigsaw, and implements a three-year leadership training course for the organisation, pray for God to empower Jeanette and the rest of the team to take over leadership.

Tim Lee

16 MARCH (W) SOUTH ASIA Mission partner F is a theological education consultant helping to provide the right materials for Theological Education by Extension (TEE) and facilitating classes throughout the country where she is 10


based. She asks for prayer for an upcoming TEE gathering where equippers will gather for fellowship, mutual encouragement and to develop ways to share their expertise more widely with those who need it.

17 MARCH (TH) TAIWAN Mission partner Catherine Lee supports the church, chaplaincy and kindergarten ministry of the Diocese of Taiwan. She writes that this year is the Year of the Tiger, which is considered the unluckiest of all the animal years. Christians in Taiwan often say how they are free of superstitions; pray for more people to find freedom in Jesus through Catherine’s work and other Christians. Pray for Catherine, too, as she plans her upcoming home leave.

Catherine Lee

18 MARCH (F) SOUTH ASIA Please pray for congregations and pastors in rural areas in light of worsening communal tensions in the country where mission partners E and R are involved in teaching theology (E) and pastoral care, liaison and admin for Asia-CMS (R). Pray particularly for 30 rural pastors attending ongoing training run by a man from E and R’s church. PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2



FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 19–20 March

TURNING OBSTACLES INTO OPPORTUNITIES BY JASON AND TRACY DAY, CALLED TO SHARE THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND LOVE AND KINDNESS OF GOD THROUGH THEIR ROLES AS OMF PERSONNEL MANAGER ( JASON) AND CHILD PROTECTION OFFICER, HOUSEWIFE AND MUM (TRACY) IN CHIANG MAI, THAILAND Although the COVID-19 situation in Thailand has resulted in much illness, loss of income and a damaged economy, it has also created many opportunities. We have been encouraged to hear messages on turning obstacles into opportunities and to hear about God’s work all around the country bringing the gospel, genuine hope and help to all who will receive it. As well as online Zoom prayer groups springing up to pray for people, situations and nations, we also hear of many initiatives from the Christian community to overcome obstacles in their communities. One is a pregnancy crisis centre, helping those who have found themselves expecting a baby, yet struggling in the downturn of the 12


“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day…”

economy and loss of jobs. It is proving to be a good way to show the love of God, by giving practical help and support in a loving, caring way. Another Christian group has developed business rescue packages, providing temperature-checking equipment, hand sanitiser and masks in order to enable small businesses to re-open in compliance with government COVID-19 regulations. Other groups are sharing the gospel, providing food to the needy, training to churches and resources to help adults and children alike, resulting in many coming to know Christ as their saviour. May you be blessed by God who turns every obstacle into an opportunity. “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”. (2 Corinthians 4:16–18)


Pray for these expressions of God’s love to make a long-term impact on people.

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21 MARCH (M) SOUTHALL It’s a particularly pressured time for mission partner Dave Bookless and his wife Anne. As well as Dave’s roles as director of theology with environmental organisation A Rocha International and vicar of St Mary’s Norwood Green, family health issues have added to a burden that sometimes feels overwhelming. Pray for Dave, Anne and their mothers, who need increasing help.

Dave Bookless

22 MARCH (T) CORNWALL Mission partners Festo and Grace Kanungha ask for prayer for events telling children and young people about Jesus in the run-up to Easter, which is part of their work to establish new worshipping communities in and around Liskeard. Pray also for Festo, who is from Tanzania, as he continues to get used to the local culture and climate.

Grace and Festo Kanungha

23 MARCH (W) CARLISLE Pray for Garry Ion in his work of sharing Jesus’ love with people over carpentry and cuppas through Men’s Shed, a carpenter’s workshop run by the charity Restore Cumbria. Garry gives thanks for positive 14


conversations and fellowship among men from all walks of life who have come together through Men’s Shed. Pray for Garry and others as they seek to network with local churches and expand the ministry through increasing the number of sessions and holding events elsewhere.

24 MARCH (TH) IPSWICH “While we were protecting ourselves from COVID-19, I have had to protect families from threats due to having become Christians,” writes mission partner Michael Green, who serves among Middle Eastern people in the UK through evangelism and discipleship. Praise God for the work Michael has done in protecting many fellow believers, including rescuing a woman and her daughters from Hezbollah. Pray for God’s protection for Michael himself, who struggles with his health.

25 MARCH (F) SOUTHALL Please pray for Kailean and Kim Khongsai, mission partners serving in creation care through Christian environmental charity A Rocha. Kailean and Kim are excited that local churches are inspired to take up ecoprojects following an eco-church demonstration event last year. Pray for them as they help churches determine how to express their care for God’s world and put their plans into action.

Kailean and Kim Khongsai

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FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 26–27 March

GOD IN TIMES OF UNCERTAINTY BY MISSION PARTNER ANN-MARIE WILSON, FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF 28 TOO MANY, A CHARITY WORKING TO END FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION (FGM) IN THE AFRICAN COUNTRIES WHERE IT IS STILL PRACTISED I always say that I enjoy change and variety – unless it is unplanned! What I have learned in this last pandemic season is that planning is now so 2019! I experienced this first-hand when a trip in March 2020 was suddenly cancelled. I found myself in shock and loss, trying to work out how to lead our charity forward. Categorised as clinically extremely vulnerable, I shielded in my home. I initially found the respite a blessing, yet missed people, 16


“I realise that it is ultimately God who plans, not me, and I have discovered his faithfulness more deeply.” structure and shared productivity. Not commuting meant I could take a proper lunch break, unwinding on a garden swing with a healthy meal. Church friends, old and new, helped with shopping, some meals, banking and prescriptions. Over the winter I was able to borrow an old static exercise bike to keep fit – and it became the basis for a fundraiser for 28 Too Many! Others joined in, and we raised over £15,000 – matched to £28,000 by a very generous donor. As I reflect on these last two years, I take strength from Jeremiah 29:11: “’For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” I realise that it is ultimately God who plans, not me, and I have discovered his faithfulness more deeply. I hope that you, too, are encouraged through this, and that you can find the time and space this season to discover the very personal comfort he has for you in your own journey.


Praise God for the comfort he has helped Ann-Marie to find in this latest season, and pray for new opportunities to open up over the next few months. PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2








1. Argentina 2. Belgium 3. Bolivia 4. Brazil 5. Britain 6. Burundi 7. Cambodia 8. Central African Republic 18






9. Chile 10. Colombia 11. Czech Republic 12. DR Congo 13. Ecuador 14. Egypt 15. Ethiopia 16. Germany 17. Guatemala







18. Honduras 19. India 20. Israel/Palestine 21. Jordan 22. Kenya 23. Lebanon 24. Madagascar 25. Malawi 26. Malaysia








27. Mozambique 28. Moldova 29. Nepal 30. Netherlands 31. Nigeria 32. Pakistan 33. Paraguay 34. Peru 35. Philippines











36. Romania 37. Rwanda 38. South Africa 39. South Sudan 40. Spain 41. Sri Lanka 42. Sudan 43. Taiwan 44. Tanzania



45. Thailand 46. Uganda 47. Ukraine 48.Uruguay















North Africa

Middle East

South East Asia PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2


28 MARCH (M) UGANDA A new vicar is needed at Christ Church in Gulu, as well as a successor to the retiring principal at Archbishop Janani Luwum Theological College, where mission partner Malcolm Pritchard encourages spiritual development and a faithful understanding of the gospel. Pray for the recruitment process that is underway, for God to provide the right person for each of these roles.

29 MARCH (T) TANZANIA Mission partner Heather Johnstone runs the Rehema Project in Mara, which seeks to empower the most disadvantaged women and children in the area. Heather writes that the project is still hard hit by the pandemic and the ladies are without work, as customers have not returned to the cafe and shop. Pray for guidance and wisdom Heather Johnstone for Heather as she looks for ways to revitalise or even reinvent the project, and for the Rehema team to be able to provide for themselves and their families once again.

30 MARCH (W) SOUTH AFRICA Currently on home leave for the first time in over three years, mission partners Caroline and Dick Seed ask for prayer for a useful time of reconnecting with family and churches. Pray also for their role in the 2022 Africa Mile Deep Strategy meeting just after Easter, where they will be speaking about their Bible lecturer training programme at George Whitefield College and other aspects of Theological Education Development Services.



31 MARCH (TH) TANZANIA Mission partner Stephen Hatch works as a maths teacher and head of the science department at the secondary school at St John’s Seminary in Kilimatinde. Ordained a deacon at the end of last year, Stephen asks for prayer as he adapts to sometimes daunting new responsibilities. As Stephen relies on God, pray for God to accomplish even more through him as a result.

Stephen Hatch

1 APRIL (F) UGANDA Please pray for mission partners Neil and Sue Browning: for Neil in his work as a surgeon at Moyo Hospital and for Sue in her work as a lecturer at Kajo-Keji Christian College (KCC). Pray for Moyo Hospital to be able to provide more basic essential consumables for patients and for patience and guidance for Neil as he works on fundraising. For Sue, as she travels weekly to KCC in South Sudan, pray for safety on the roads and peace in the area.

Sue and Neil Browning

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FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 2–3 April

MAKING A REAL DIFFERENCE BY CAROLINE AND DICK SEED, WHO RESOURCE KEY THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTIONS ACROSS AFRICA AND BEYOND We are so thankful for everyone who contributed this year and made the work of training and consulting for theological education possible! We worked out that over the past five years, about 100 lecturers have completed the full training and another 50 have done at least the first phase. As one of the GWC (the theological college where we are based) lecturers said to us recently, “It’s beginning to make a difference to theological education in Africa.” We are so encouraged that recent participants found the course well-designed, even transformative, and that they came away from the course enthused, hopeful and with valuable tools for teaching the Word of God. It is only a drop in the ocean, really, but every trained lecturer goes on to have an impact on many students, so it is a reason to give thanks and to continue to ask the Lord to raise up people to train others.



Praise God for the impact this theological training is having across Africa, and ask God to raise up more people to train others.


4 APRIL (M) MIDDLE EAST J and R write that a recent crisis with J’s local Bible translation colleague D has been defused. D’s tribal elders were able to start a reconciliation process with the local militia which has resulted in D and his family being able to move back into their house and the children going back to their old schools. Praise God that D is able to continue translation work at home as long as this is kept quiet.

5 APRIL (T) THE HOLY LAND Mission partner Anne Plested is an English teacher and fundraiser at Bethlehem Bible College. As people study at the Bible college’s newly established Bethlehem Institute of Peace and Justice, pray for God to use these students to sow seeds of peace in the people around them and help the Land move towards peace with justice and equal rights for all.

Anne Plested

6 APRIL (W) LEBANON In Aleppo, Syria, after 10 years of war and migration, only 10 per cent of the Christian population remains. Please pray for mission partners Nabil and Sarah Shehadi as they serve and encourage this “remnant” church PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2


from their base in Lebanon through Alpha, Marriage and Parenting courses as part of their work with Alpha International. Several courses have been run recently with some of the historic churches in Aleppo, among them Syrian Orthodox and Armenian Catholic.

7 APRIL (TH) SPAIN/NORTH AFRICA Pray for mission partners M and T as they seek to purchase a property to establish the Place of Springs – a house to offer hospitality for people working in hard places, where they can encounter God, be debriefed and develop as leaders. Pray for the remaining practicalities to fall into place. Pray too for M as she completes training as a debriefer, and that many people will be helped through this ministry.

8 APRIL (F) CZECH REPUBLIC Mission partners Lea and Petra Williams moved in the autumn to lead the Anglican congregation in Brno and are passionate about developing a vibrant Christian community where people can explore faith, meet Jesus and grow as disciples. They ask for prayer for a new meeting space where they can relaunch services and the church can get used to gathering in person again.

Lea and Petra Williams




FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 9–10 April

CREATING A FREE SPACE BY LEA AND PETRA WILLIAMS, WHO BEGAN TO LEAD THE ANGLICAN CONGREGATION IN BRNO, CZECH REPUBLIC, LAST YEAR The position of our new home has been key in forming relationships, as it overlooks a former well that functions as a meeting point for the community. During our early weeks, the weather was warm and people would gather at the well in the evenings to share news and a drink as they enjoyed the setting sun. We were quickly welcomed into community life, and now receive knocks on our kitchen window throughout the day from neighbours wanting to chat! Our children, Ted and Olivia, have also been making friends and go off playing and riding their bikes. We’re also starting an PR AYER LI NE S – M A RC H – A P R I L 2 0 2 2


English group at the request of the local mayor. As we reflect on the importance of the well to this community, we cannot help but reflect on Jacob’s well and Jesus’ meeting with the Samaritan woman. While they exist miles and centuries apart, both witness to the transformational potential of invitational conversation and simple acts of charity. In the spiritually charged gospel encounter we read of how Jesus, after receiving the woman’s hospitality, moves from being a guest to divine host, offering her the “gift of God” and “living water” (John 4:7). We feel that this way of inhabiting the world gives us, and all people who seek to lead a missional life, a way to create space, welcome our neighbours and draw those we serve into the hospitality of God’s love. Or in the beautiful words of Henri Nouwen: “Hospitality… means primarily the creation of a free space where the stranger can enter and become a friend instead of an enemy. Hospitality is not to change people, but to offer them space where change can take place.” (from Reaching Out, 1976)

“We were quickly welcomed into community life, and now receive knocks on our kitchen window throughout the day from neighbours…”



Pray for Lea and Petra as they become part of the local community and begin building relationships.


11 APRIL (M) ARGENTINA Many of the older Christian leaders in northern Argentina have died over the past couple of years, and area bishops Mateo Alto and Crisanto Rojas are keenly aware that the next generation needs to take their place. Pray for Mateo and Crisanto as they catch up on ordinations as well as train and select new leaders.

12 APRIL (T) BRAZIL Daniel and Sarah Brito Medeiros are involved in dance ministry (Sarah) and advocacy (Daniel) through ReVive, a charity which looks after girls who have been abused or who are at risk. Sarah has recently started a new dance ministry for local women and children outside of ReVive. Pray that God will use this ministry as part of his transformation plan for Recife.

Sarah and Daniel Brito Medeiros

13 APRIL (W) ECUADOR Before the pandemic, mission partner Sharon Wilcox had been planning to run training to help others do what she does: teach life skills and help enable people with disabilities to become independent. Please pray for God to make this possible in 2022, and to enable young people across Ecuador to become independent.

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14 APRIL (MAUNDY THURSDAY) HONDURAS Lindsey and Steve Poulson mentor and create safe spaces for at-risk children and young people to grow, as well as supporting local project development and helping people to establish small businesses. They ask for prayer for the kids, young people and volunteers/staff of the projects with which they work to continue to grow in the knowledge of the love of God and see transformation in their lives and families.

Steve and Lindsey Poulson

15 APRIL (GOOD FRIDAY) BRAZIL Becky and Evaldo Reid Rodrigues ask for prayer for each of the girls at ReVive, who have all been given space in the charity’s safe houses because they are at risk or have been abused. Pray for obstacles to be removed and for families and churches to partner with ReVive so they can start a fostering service. Pray for God to make a way for each girl to be grafted into a family, to either be reunited with her original family or become part of a new family.

Becky and Evaldo Reid Rodrigues


WEEKENDFOCUS Saturday–Sunday 16–17 April EASTER SUNDAY

MUCH FRUIT BY IAN ADAMS, MISSION SPIRITUALITY ADVISER We resume our reflection on Jesus’ response to the Greeks who wanted to see him (John 12:20ff). In Lent we prayed for courage to fall into the earth, to share in his sufferings. Now at Easter we imagine what may, in God’s grace, be coming into being. Jesus [said], “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Very truly, I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” John 12:23–24 NRSV This seems to be the way in which God’s Kingdom grows. Seeds falling, bearing much fruit. Falling, rising. After the falling of Lent may this Easter be a season of great blessing to you and to the people with whom you live, work and pray. Time for thankfulness, time for joy! Risen Jesus, we thank you for holding us in the falling time; now, we pray, in the rising time, bring much fruit in us, around us, in our world. Amen

Email: ian.adams@

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18 APRIL (M) SOUTHAMPTON Pioneer student Angela Rena Collins Itzstein, studying on CMS’s Africafocused MA pathway, asks for prayer for balance as she juggles her role as children and families team leader at her church, family life and her studies. Pray for God to guide her as she divides her time and energy and balances enjoying family life and recharging her batteries with her studies and ministry, abiding in God through it all.

Angela Rena Collins Itzstein

19 APRIL (T) BRITAIN Pioneer student Maria Skoyles is CEO of the Dorcas Dress Project, which works with people living in various forms of poverty around the world through the medium of dressmaking. Maria has recently organised English lessons for garment factory workers in Leicester who are isolated even from each other because they have no language in common. Pray that as they learn some basic English, these too often unappreciated people will enjoy connecting and sharing stories about life and faith.

20 APRIL (W) OXFORD Pray for God to prepare future pioneer students ahead of next month’s pioneer open day. Pray for God to draw the right people to the event and for God’s clear guidance for each person as they discern whether CMS could be a good fit for them. 30


21 APRIL (TH) READING Pioneer student Carol Atkins is preparing for ordination this July before beginning her curacy. Pray for Carol and her family as they go through the process of selling their home and look for the right house in their parish. Please also pray for Reading Foodwise, a new project Carol is involved with to help reduce food insecurity in the area.

Carol Atkins

22 APRIL (F) POOLE Pioneer Paul Bradbury asks for prayer for Poole Missional Communities, which hosts a number of Fresh Expressions and supports a team of pioneers. Lift up local pioneers, who are running a woodland outdoor church, building community through a watersports library, working with people on a social housing estate, leading a Poverty Truth Commission across the area and more. Please pray for Paul and the community as they seek to follow the Spirit and work with the wider church to reimagine church for the 21st century. Paul Bradbury

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FOCUS Saturday–Sunday 23–24 April

A CRITICAL PART OF THE LIFE CYCLE BY PIONEER MINISTER AND DOCTORAL STUDENT PAUL BRADBURY At the beginning of this year I visited St Catherine’s Chapel, in the woods above Milton Abbey. From the late 10th century, a Benedictine community lived and worshipped in the abbey, until the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII in 1539. However, the church still plays a part in the life of the place and recently a new expression of Benedictine life has formed, a dispersed community of prayer inspired by the Benedictine tradition and centred on the Abbey. Leaving the chapel, rotting wood is everywhere along the path, an encouraging sign of the renewed appreciation of the critical importance of death and decay to the life of a wood. The death of a tree and its slow recycling into the earth through the work of huge numbers of insects and fungi is now understood to be a significant part of the life cycle of tree and forest ecosystems. One particular rotting ash tree catches my eye. Its branches are 32


“At the moment, something big is happening in the Church. Something akin to the cultural upheaval of the Reformation which swept nations into its orbit in the 16th century.” lined with round black knobs: the fungus commonly known as King Alfred’s Cakes, which I know for its use in bushcraft. When dried and cut open, one of these can supposedly hold a spark in a tinder box all day long. At the moment, something big is happening in the Church. Something akin to the cultural upheaval of the Reformation which swept nations into its orbit in the 16th century. Call it what you like; secularism, liberalism, consumer-capitalism, the age of individual expression – the net effect is a marginalisation of the Church and the faith it is founded on. In such times the Christian faith has often found the spark for its future in the small and communal movements of Christian life that emerge on the edges of the institution. It was the Benedictine movement that was credited with incubating the Christian faith through the dark ages and into an era of flourishing Christian spirituality in the medieval age. I take the small King Alfred’s Cake from my pocket, a spore-bearing body drawn from the slow death of a part of this wood. And I wonder if it is not to the small, the communal, the prayerful and the simple expressions of Christian faith that we might turn to for hope for the future in a secular age? These are the sparks that will carry the Christian life and hope from the decay of the present to light the fires of the future.


Pray for God to accomplish his will through the different parts of the Church’s life cycle and fan the sparks into flame in his time.

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25 APRIL (M) UGANDA Mission partner Nicci Maxwell, usually caring for babies and children and their families at Potter’s Village, is currently on home assignment in the UK. Pray for Potter’s Village, the local hospital and community health centres to flourish in her absence as local healthcare workers take more responsibility. Pray for Nicci as she tries to visit all her link churches, and for her to return to Uganda with renewed vision and enthusiasm for all that needs to be done.

Nicci Maxwell

26 APRIL (T) TANZANIA Mission partners Ben and Katy Ray have a passion to show God’s love for the most marginalised in Tanzania. For several years, they have provided training and employment opportunities for people with disabilities through their management of the Neema Crafts Centre. As they prepare to move to Arusha later this year to continue their work there, pray for God to provide the right person to take over the Neema Crafts Centre.

27 April (W) DR CONGO “Please keep praying,” writes local partner Bisoke Balikenga, who runs a peace centre in Bunia where church and local government leaders can meet to be equipped to work for peace and abused women can find refuge. Pray for the women currently going through trauma healing and learning practical skills at the centre, for their time at the peace centre to be a stepping stone to a brighter future.



28 April (Th) ETHIOPIA Chris and Suzy Wilson are based in Addis Ababa and specialise in helping church leaders to navigate conflict and encourage peace and reconciliation. They ask for prayer for wisdom to know how best to offer their skills and time in response to the immense need.

Chris and Suzy Wilson

29 APRIL (F) UGANDA Mission partner Helen Kisakye, who uses dance to help change attitudes towards disabilities through SPLASH dance company, is currently in the UK with daughter Melina. Pray for her as she visits link churches and reconnects with people in person after a long time away. Please pray for Helen’s family also as her dad has treatment for cancer.

WEEKENDFOCUS Saturday 30 April–Sunday 1 May

Send us a prayer We invite you to write to us with a prayer request and we will count it our privilege to pray for you:



Sun, moon, sky, stars, mountains, valleys, heights, plains, fountains, pools, rivers, seas, whatever flies, crawls or swims, lift up your voices to the glory of Christ. Today the world’s Redeemer returns victorious from the inferno. (Ancient prayer depicting the whole of creation worshipping the risen Christ) Procession of Prayers, no. 13, page 299

Cover: Joseph Forson, student on CMS Pioneer Mission Leadership training

Church Mission Society Watlington Road, Oxford, OX4 6BZ T: +44 (0)1865 787400 E:



Church Mission Society is a mission community acknowledged by the Church of England Registered Company No. 6985330 and Registered Charity No. 1131655 (England and Wales) and SC047163 (Scotland).

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