6 Acne Factors When To Visit A Dermatologist

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OVER-THE-COUNTER PRODUCTS ARE NOT WORKING Sometimes when your skin becomes immune to the over-the-counter product, it will stop working eventually, and it could lead to the potential of worsening the acne.

LOSING YOUR CONFIDENCE Aesthetic appearance helps to boost a person’s confidence, but when acne breakout strike, whether mild or severe, it could cause anxiety, social, and psychological distress, and this is the time to see a dermatologist.

ACNE BECOMES SUPER PAINFUL If you see your acne hurts when being touched, then chances are it has inflammation hidden underneath the surface of the skin, and the worst-case scenario, if these acne doesn’t heal or subside on its own.

ACNE KEEPS ON COMING BACK When the acne keeps on coming back, the chances the bacteria is still there, and it keeps causing inflammation, and simple treatment will not work because the root is hidden deeply in the skin.

LEAVES POSTINFLAMMATORY PIGMENTATION AND ACNE SCARS Not all acne leaves a trace, but there times even when you didn’t poke the acne on your skin, it will leave some marks and scars, and when that time comes, you should get an acne scar removal by going to a dermatologist to get proper treatment.

MASS PRODUCE OF CYSTIC ACNE Cystic acne isn't like any other acne, because it is large and inflamed red colour, often they are painful because it has infection lies deep within the skin, and the only way is to get rid of its roots by having a laser treatment for acne.

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