5 Common Mistakes on House Renovations

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5 Common Mistakes on

House Renovations

Underestimating your budget We understand that this might have been one of your childhood dreams and you think you have calculated all the possible spending. However, these jobs cost more than you expect. Make sure that you have an extra 20% to your total budget.

Not hiring a designer In Singapore, commercial interior design firms report that it is not uncommon to encounter a badly furnished house. This is because the owners do not hire a professional home designer. So, they end up living against the standards.

Not knowing what they want There is no room for indecisiveness when it comes to home renovation. Some clients tend to have too many changes during the process, therefore delaying the work. This will cost them more than they have planned.

Neglecting the schedule A timeline is made to be followed by the designer and workers. Purchase the necessary materials beforehand so that there is no time wasted. Although the weather is inevitable, it is best to expect delays as well.

Mixing up measurements When you buy a space in Singapore or any country. You need to get the exact measurements of it. Once you know it, carry them with you always, even when you are furniture shopping.

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