CPC Life Advent 2019

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Awaiting the Light


very year CPC joins with Christians around the world for a season known as Advent. Advent is the four-week period leading up to Christmas and one of two seasons of preparation on the Christian calendar. That simply means that we spend an extended period of time getting ready for something really, really important! If you’re anything like our family, Christmas certainly means preparation! We spend months preparing for Christmas in some form or fashion. There are travel plans and logistics, gift lists, shopping, invitations, menus, decorating . . . and the list goes on! The preparation can feel exhausting at times, but we know that the effort is essential for creating a meaningful experience. This is true with Advent, as well. As a church community, we want to spend four weeks intentionally preparing our hearts for one of the greatest moments in history: the birth of our Savior! Our worship experiences will be focused on darkness and light, and our sermon series is called “Our Light Has Come.” As hard as it is, we need to spend time sitting with the darkness. The purpose is to remind ourselves that we all experience seasons of want, brokenness, pain, and suffering. We do this so that our hearts are ready to hear the good news on Christmas day, good news that God Himself has come to drive the darkness away.

As hard as it is, we need to spend time sitting with the darkness. We do this so that our hearts are ready to hear the good news that God Himself has come to drive the darkness away. We want to intentionally prepare your hearts for this joyous occasion by preaching texts from the book of Isaiah, showing that the world was just as restless hundreds of years before Jesus came as it is today! It is a world in need of help, and Isaiah paints beautiful pictures of what this promised help will look like. Just like the people of the Old Testament, we need a Savior to step into our mess and that same light to shine in our darkness. The beautiful thing about Jesus is He comes for each and every one of us—a light for the whole world. To help us sit in the stark contrast between darkness and light, we are intentionally preparing the sanctuary to visually reflect that same journey. Therefore, this year you’ll notice we’re intentionally withholding the lush green and bright red from the sanctuary for most of December. We hope the beautifully simple design we’ve created will invite you to consider the darkness and draw your own heart into preparation for the arrival of the Light. The best part of any season of preparation comes from the crescendo of all the efforts. The work of many hands, for many months, comes together and creates a beautiful mosaic of family and celebration. In the same way, we hope Advent is a season of preparation for us as a church that pulls us toward the light of Jesus, that we may find ourselves basking in the glory of our Savior, the One who has come for us.





Christmas Eve Services

Celebrate the gift of Jesus Christ—the Light of the World! Tuesday, December 24

Contemporary Services

11:00AM, 1:00PM, and 3:00PM This upbeat service engages all ages and includes a message by Pastor Emily Hamilton and carols led by the Contemporary worship band. Childcare available for ages 6 weeks-3 years.

Traditional Communion Service

5:00PM This service includes carols, Scripture, a meditation by Pastor Ron Hawkins, and ends with Communion and a beautiful candlelight experience. Childcare available for ages 6 weeks-3 years.

Traditional Lessons and Carols Service with choir

9:00PM This service features the choir and instruments, carols, Scripture, a message from Pastor Ron Hawkins, and a beautiful candlelight experience. No childcare.

Candlelight Communion Service

11:00PM This reflective, contemplative service finishes with candlelight at midnight, welcoming Christmas Day. Pastor Petey Crowder shares a message. No childcare.

SimpleGifts Christmastide Concert Tuesday, December 10 • 7:00PM

Celebrate Christmas with the Celtic-Old World sound of traditional carols and hymns. Cost: $30/adult; $20/student; $25/senior at Pathway Bookstore or at cpconline.org/events $35/adult; $25/student; $30/senior at the door


A Light in the Darkness Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” JOHN 8:12


y birthday is six days before Christmas, so I’ve always been a bit standoffish about the hubbub. I will agree to a Christmas tree right after Thanksgiving because it smells delightful, but for everything else, I say, No! Wait! Not Yet! My birthday first. Then Christmas. Recently I’ve changed my tune a bit, at least in part, because I needed the hope and anticipation of Christmas. As Advent begins, I set up my nativity, select some carols to listen to, and watch The Nativity Story bring Jesus’ birth to life. But still I'm sometimes uncomfortable with the bustle of Christmas that surrounds me—the 24/7 Christmas music, the Hallmark movies, the decorations covering the stores starting in October— because it skips over all the hardship and darkness, the pain and suffering, the loneliness, the fear, the waiting. And I think that if we completely ignore the struggle, we miss some of the story.

Last year, when I was in the midst of a season of isolation and suffering, I found myself thinking about Mary’s experience in a new way. Her life wasn’t easy. Her situation, though containing glimmers of light, was dark. She joyfully anticipated the birth of the Christ child, celebrating God’s gift and trusting Him. But she also left her town, hid her pregnancy for months, and then when she returned, her fiancé almost walked out on her. Even once Joseph decided to stay, Mary would have been shamed by her community. How lonely her pregnancy must have been!

enced an uncomfortable journey during an extended season of hardship. He came into a fallen world where people experience mourning, pain, unrealized dreams, uncertainty, and conflict— which is still our world today. And that’s exactly why the birth of Jesus is such good news. Jesus is light that comes into that darkness. He is with us in whatever we are going through, through whatever doesn’t make sense. He gives us glimmers of light in the present, and a hope for a future without darkness. A future spent with Him when death, mourning, crying, and pain are no more.

As I lived through my own dark circumstances, I remembered that Jesus was born to parents who had just experi-

This year, as I wait for Christmas, it’s not going to be because of my birthday that I say, Wait. Not Yet. Instead, I want to bring new intention to my season of Advent by focusing on what I’m waiting for: Jesus, the Light of the World, come down into darkness, who is with us and gives us hope, comfort, and joy in this life . . . and forever.

A N N A L I S A B U O L serves on the C O M M U N I C A T I O N S T E A M as D I G I TA L M A R K E T I N G M A N A G E R .






The teen years are defined by a search for identity, belonging, and purpose. And when teens don’t have positive voices speaking truth into their lives—if hopelessness takes root—it can affect the trajectory of their lives. In every community there are teens with hidden stories. Stories that are buried beneath the surface. Insecurities and hidden struggles. Lies people have told teens. Lies teens have told themselves: I’m stupid. I’m a burden. I’m worthless.

TREEHOUSE IS ON A MISSION TO END HOPELESSNESS AMONG TEENS. TreeHouse believes no circumstance is a dead end and no teen can be counted out. Because hope—living hope in Jesus—is a game changer. TreeHouse wants to instill in every teen a belief in their God-given value and worth. Ending hopelessness takes safe, grace-based environments. Healthy relationships and committed mentors. It takes invested communities. It is a mission for teens, but it is a mission about all of us. We can only end hopelessness together. Teens need communities that see them. That create safe places for them to belong. Communities need teens who know they have value to add. Who care about their future. We ARE that next community. With this Christmas Offering, Christ Presbyterian Church is about to launch a new partnership as we become the site for TreeHouse Edina. Because hope grows as teens learn about a loving God.

To give: make checks payable to CPC and write “Christmas Offering” in the memo line. Gifts can also be made at cpconline.org/christmas-offering

A lot of preparation and groundwork has already been laid to establish TreeHouse Edina at CPC. Our Christmas Offering will help launch this site by funding: 2 full-time staff 1 intern 2 vans onsite technology program and marketing supplies site insurance e xpenses for trips and activities outside of programming Along with supporting TreeHouse Edina with space at CPC and funding start-up costs through our Christmas Offering, the CPC community will have opportunities to support and serve TreeHouse teens through meals and mentoring opportunities. Stay tuned to learn about how you can be involved as TreeHouse Edina becomes a reality in 2020!





Help us stock the shelves for families experiencing homelessness! This year we’re inviting you to make a difference by collecting necessities—from socks and undershirts to hair products and toothbrushes—for all ages! Families Moving Forward will distribute our donations to those in need.


a card for the needs of a specific age/gender.


new products that you or your family would wear.


unwrapped items back to CPC.


for the families receiving your items.

Cards available in the Great Room November 30-December 8; Donations will be accepted December 4-15.


Saturday, December 7 • 9:00-11:00AM Join women of all ages for brunch, laughter, and a special Advent message from Pastor Emily Hamilton, who will share about her time in Congo, connecting it to the hope we have in Christ through seasons of unrest and waiting. Plus, you’ll hear a faith story from Laura Mulliken and special music from Ashley Crowder.

Cost: $15. Sign up: cpconline.org/events

Join us for a Kids’ Ministries Family Christmas Wednesday, December 18 6:25-8:00PM • Sanctuary

Together we’ll remember the Christmas story as CPC kids play angels, shepherds, and wise men. Kids ages 4-11 can come dressed in costume, or they can pick a costume out when they arrive at church! We invite your whole family to join us in admiring the awesome wonder of the marvelous Christ who came down to earth.

S TA FF SP OT LIGH T ANNIE MICHEL FAMILY: husband, Geoff; married 27 years; daughters Ellie (23), Lexie (21), Olivia (19), and Cassie (18) and son, James (5/20-5/22/1995). HOMETOWN: Edina HOBBIES: singing, reading, baking, going for long walks GUILTY PLEASURE: chocolate and sweets; spending an afternoon reading a book FAVORITE CHRISTMAS SONG: “Mary, Did You Know?” FAVORITE CHRISTMAS DEVOTIONAL: Come Let us Adore Him by Paul David Tripp

HOW DID YOU COME TO CPC? I grew up and got married at Colonial Church, but after we got married, Geoff and I decided that we wanted to find a church for us. So we were going to do the big church search. A friend from high school recommended CPC, so we decided to try it out that first Sunday . . . and we never left!

TELL US ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT PATHWAY BOOKSTORE . The mission of Pathway is to be a resource for drawing people closer to Jesus. That includes coming alongside staff to help them with their ministries and studies, as well as our congregation. And now with so many Christian bookstores closing, we are serving even more people outside our congregation. We are both a service and a ministry. The Pathway staff are often the first face and interaction that people have as they come to CPC during the week, so our ministry is being available to listen to people. They might be looking for a card to celebrate a birth or a wedding, or they might come in for really hard reasons—a sister’s kid just passed away or a neighbor’s son committed suicide or they are dealing with an aging parent. They are looking for a gift or a resource . . . or simply looking to share with someone. I’m grateful to be in a position where I can meet people in their joy and in their hard places.

about having Christ come into your life. And that afternoon, sitting on a swing in my backyard, I asked Jesus into my heart. The simplicity of that can seem boring, but I’ve learned that it’s a good story! I’m just so thankful for the fact that my parents knew Jesus and talked about Him at home and that I attended a church that taught about having a personal relationship with Him. And then to come to CPC, where I’ve had so many opportunities to grow and to serve others.

W H AT A RE YOU LE A RNING A BOUT NOW IN YOUR WA LK W ITH JESUS? I tend to try to do things on my own—I’m a huge perfectionist, which is really hard when you are a Christ follower, because following Jesus is all about how we need Him and can’t do life on our own. I need to remind myself that it’s not about me and trying to be perfect, it’s about listening and loving Him and knowing that He’s got me. I’m working on letting Jesus lead me and to love people and see people with His eyes.

DO YOU H AV E A FAVORITE CHRIS TM A S TR A DITION IN YOUR FA MILY? Cookies and more cookies. Lots of baking goes on in our house! But my favorite tradition is that each year we go caroling and deliver cookies with a group of CPCers. We visit people from our church, and it’s such a wonderful experience to hear their stories and to be invited into their homes and lives.

SH A RE A BOUT YOUR FA ITH JOURNE Y. I grew up in a Christian home and was always super involved in Sunday school and with the youth group. When I was eight, I heard a sermon by the pastor at Colonial. I don’t remember what exactly he talked about that day, but he must have said something

A N N I E M I C H E L has served as P A T H W A Y A S S O C I A T E since 2019.






Wednesday, December 18 • 12:00PM • Chapel A traditional service with a short message by Pastor Rich Phenow, hymns, Communion, and prayers. Lunch follows in the Westview Room.


Sundays, December 1 & January 5 • 10:30AM & 12:00PM • Room 200 Want to learn more about our church, staff, and programs? This informal time is a great place to hear about CPC and how to get connected!


Due in the office by Monday, December 16 To donate toward CPC’s beautiful poinsettias and greens in memory or in honor of someone, fill out a form in the office, at the Blue Wall, or at cpconline.org/events. Suggested donation: $15 per plant.


they can attend the beginning of worship with their families. At 11:00AM, all elementary kids begin in the service with their families, and then are dismissed for Kids’ Church in the MPR. There will be no programming on Communion Sundays: December 8, January 5, and February 2.


Wednesdays (no programming December 25 & January 1) Dinner (5:00 – 5:30PM for choir families & 5:30-6:15PM): Enjoy dinner with your family and fellowship with other CPCers at our weekly dinner. Food options will change weekly. Cost: $5/person Choir for K-5th graders (5:30-6:15PM): Kids develop a love for music, learn biblical truths, and improve musical and dramatic skills, all while praising God! Choir kids registered for Club will be guided to the MPR. Club for K-5th graders (6:25-7:30PM): With this year’s theme, “Around the World with Jesus,” kids will grow in their understanding of what it means to be disciples of Jesus as they cross cultures traveling from one destination to the next. December 11 is Club Fun night! Invite a friend and have some Christmas-themed fun with us! Sign up: cpconline.org/kids Cost: $20 Choir Only; $20 Club Only; or $35 Choir and Club

Wednesday, December 4 • 7:30PM • Sanctuary Come worship with us as we enter into the season of waiting.



Saturday, December 7 • 9:00-11:00AM • Westview Join women of all ages for an Advent message from Pastor Emily Hamilton, a faith story by Laura Mulliken, music with Ashley Crowder, and delicious food. Cost: $15. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Wednesday, December 4 • 7:30PM • Sanctuary Come worship with us as we enter into the season of waiting.



Friday, February 7, 6:00-9:00PM & Saturday, February 8, 9:00AM-5:00PM Gather with other women to watch and be blessed by the teaching and worship of the live IF:Gathering. Sign up: cpconline.org/events


Wednesday, December 18 • 6:25-8:00PM • Sanctuary New this year! We’ll remember the Christmas story as CPC kids play their part as angels, shepherds, and wise men. Stay afterward for cocoa and cookies. More details on page 8.


No registration, but kids must check-in at the Family Check-In area. More details at cpconline.org/weekend-programs. Saturday 5:15PM service: Loving childcare provided (6 weeks3 years). Sundays 9:30 and 11:00AM services: Nursery (6-weeks-2 years): Loving childcare provided. 2-year-olds: Families may choose to keep their child with them at the beginning of the service OR take them directly to Room 216. Preschool: Preschool families may choose to keep their kids with them at the beginning of the service OR take them to the classroom. At 9:30AM 3-year-olds are in Room 213 and 4-year-olds-PreK are in Anderson Hall. At 11:00AM all preschoolers are in Anderson Hall. Elementary: At 9:30AM, we offer Sunday school for kids (K-5th) on the 3rd floor. Kids can be dropped off before the beginning of the service OR






Wednesdays, December 11 & 18 • 6:25-7:30PM A high-energy, engaging program for 6th-8th grade students. Sign up: cpconline.org/students joshm@cpconline.org or brooksw@cpconline.org


Wednesdays, December 11 & 18 • 7:45-9:00PM • Anderson Hall A night of fun, large-group learning, and small-group discussion for 9th graders. Sign up: cpconline.org/students ashleyc@cpconline.org


Wednesdays, December 11 & 18 • 7:45-9:00 PM • CPC A great night full of fun and an authentic space for kids to just be themselves. We start the night in Westview for large group learning followed by small group time to process what was just heard. ericaf@cpconline.org


Tuesdays, December 3 (off-site) & 17 (Fellowship Hall) • 6:30-7:30PM CPC’s ministry for kids and students with special needs will go bowling on December 3. We'll sing carols and make gingerbread houses on the 17th. vanc@cpconline.org


Sunday, December 15 • 10:45AM • Westview This service celebrates that we are all children of God, invited to worship Him in our own way. Led mostly by students with special needs. Noises and movements are welcome—they are all pleasing to God! Brunch follows. vanc@cpconline.org


Sundays • 9:30 or 10:45AM (Not meeting December 22 & 29) Sunday Communities foster a sense of belonging and growth with people of similar life stages through fellowship and discussion-based teaching. • E3: millennial couples (9:30AM - Room 116) • CATALYST: married couples with young kids (9:30AM - Room 201/202) • ALLOY: mostly 30s-40s (9:30AM - Room 205) • S.A.L.T.: late 40s-60s (9:30AM - Fellowship Hall East) • A.C.T.S.: late 50s & up (9:20AM - Fellowship Hall Center) • MORE: active retired folks (10:45AM - Fireside Room) • CREDO: intergenerational (10:45AM - Room 10) Learn more: cpconline.org/sunday-communities


Connect with others and deepen your relationship with Jesus. For more details and to sign up: cpconline.org/groups • Couples with Kids: First Thursdays • 7:00-8:30PM • Member homes •S oul Keepers (50s & Up): Every other Wednesday • 7:00-8:30PM • St. Louis Park • 20s & 30s: Every other Thursday • 7:00-8:30PM • St. Louis Park • Christ in Career: 1st & 3rd Saturdays • 8:30-10:00AM • CPC


Mondays • 9:30-11:30AM • Room 116 OR Tuesdays • 7:00-8:30PM • Room 116 James Madsen leads this intergenerational discussion-oriented class for men and women. In January we will begin a new study on the book of Jonah, learning how it connects to our faith today and our need for Jesus. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


Wednesdays • 11:00AM-12:00PM • Room 303 Rick Byron leads this lively discussion on the book of Romans. We meet every Wednesday except when Edynamoes is held. debc@cpconline.org


Wednesdays, December 4 & 11 • 6:30-7:30PM • Room 10 Grow as a family in faith this year! Join other parents for fellowship and learning while your kids are at Club. Childcare provided. Cost: $25. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


Thursdays, December 5 & 12 • 7:00-8:00PM • Room 204 Jump in to week 3 of our 7-week study of The Justice Calling by Bethany Hanke Hoang and Kristen Deede Johnson. Copies of the book are available in Pathway bookstore. Come when you can! More info and sign up: cpconline.org/events


Thursdays starting January 16 • 6:30-8:00PM • Anderson Hall This nine-week series from Dave Ramsey offers practical, biblical resources for financial management. FPU will help you take control of your money, plan for your future, and transform your life. Cost: discounted price of $75/ household for the first five households to register, then current price on Ramsey website. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes


Connect with others and deepen your relationship with Jesus. For more details and to sign up: cpconline.org/groups • Tuesday Morning Group: Tuesdays • 6:45AM • CPC • The Dads’ Group: Wednesdays • 6:30-7:30PM • CPC • Thursday Morning Groups: Thursdays • 7:00-8:00AM • CPC • Friday Guys’ Group: Fridays • 6:10-7:00AM • Calvary Church, Edina


Mondays, January 6-March 2 • 9:30-11:30AM • Anderson Hall Join us for Twelve Women of the Bible: Life-Changing Stories for Women Today with teaching from Lysa Terkeurst, Naomi Zacharias, and others. Be encouraged to draw near to God as you learn lessons from women like Rebekah and Mary Magdalene. Sessions include DVD teaching, small group conversation, fellowship, and prayer. Cost: $10. Sign up: cpconline.org/classes

MOMS IN THE MIDDLE (for moms of tweens and teens) LARGE GROUP Thursday, December 5 • 12:00-1:15PM • Anderson Hall Lisa Frost, Christian Life Coach, will inspire us with “Finding Joy in Our Identity in Christ – A Fulfilling Life Before and After the Empty Nest.” Cost: $5 at the door. Sign up: cpconline.org/moms-in-the-middle NEEDLEWORK GUILD

Saturday, December 14 • 10:00AM-2:00PM • Fellowship Hall Our mission is to make warm garments and blankets for local agencies that serve those in need. We have yarn, fabric, and knitters to get you started. Edie Kosa at 952.920.1753

MOM’S MORNING (for moms of young children)

LARGE GROUP Wednesday, December 4 • 9:30-11:30AM • Westview Jeremiah and Vanessa Gamble, creators of Theater For The Thirsty, will be performing their original musical, A Misfit Christmas. Limited childcare available; contact momsmorning.cpc@gmail.com to check on availability. Program cost: $60/year; childcare cost: $55/child. Sign up: cpconline.org/moms-morning SMALL GROUP Wednesdays, December 11 & 18 • 9:30-11:30AM Join a small community of women where it’s safe to be honest about life’s challenges. Develop meaningful relationships through Bible study, prayer, and Christ-centered support. Limited childcare available: $55/child. Sign up: cpconline.org/moms-morning CPC LIFE








Friday, December 13 & Saturday, December 28 • 10:00AM-12:00PM This ministry seeks to share God's love, comfort, and peace through the knitting and gifting of shawls. Prayers for the recipient are knit into each shawl. Over 100 shawls were gifted this past year! More knitters, experienced or not, are needed. Tutoring is provided. Janice Velgersdyk at 612-986-5902

Tuesdays • 1:00-2:30PM • Fireside Room Carolyn Beatty leads an in-depth study of the Gospel of Luke using the ESV Scripture Journal available in Pathway for $6. This group generates lively discussions and cares for one another. Carolyn Beatty at 612.729.3143 Connect with others and deepen your relationship with Jesus. Visit cpconline.org/groups • 30-Somethings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays • 6:00-8:00PM • CPC • Titus 2 Women: 1st, 3rd, & 5th Wednesdays • 9:30-11:30AM • CPC • Wednesday Night Moms’ Group: Wednesdays • 6:30-7:30PM • CPC


Meets every Wednesday • 9:30AM On the first and third Wednesdays, we meet in a home for food, fellowship, devotions, and prayers. On the other Wednesdays, we serve at Feed My Starving Children and at CPC. Barb Bucha at 952.470.4414


Wednesday, December 4 • 11:30 AM • Fellowship Hall Join us for lunch and a Christmas program from Grace Notes Trio. The program will feature songs from the past and present that will stir fond memories and get your toe tapping to the beat. Cleo Wedge at 952.922.2769 Sign up by Sunday, December 1:


Saturday, December 7 • 6:30PM • Fellowship Hall Please join us for our annual Christmas Dinner celebration. Enjoy a catered dinner and a special presentation by Deb Kielsmeier. Horizons is an inviting community of active retirement-age singles and couples. Cost: $25/person Details and sign up: cpconline.org/events.


This group is for parents and family members of someone who is LGBTQ. Discuss together how to best love and support our loved one and each rgarton1@msn.com other.


Tuesdays, December 3 & 10 • 6:30-8:00 PM • Room 205 This group is for people who are recently divorced or in the process of divorce. We welcome you wherever you are on the emotional spectrum of divorce. Learn more at cpconline.org/care


No Meeting in December; Please join us for the Candlelight Memorial Service on December 3 at 7:00PM in the Sanctuary. michelled@cpconline.org


Friday, December 13 & Saturday, December 28 • 10:00AM-12:00PM Does your child experience emotional or mental health issues? You are not alone. Join other parents, friends, and caregivers as we care for one another on our journeys. Meetings include sharing time and occasional guest dbrown@dcbrowninc.com speakers.






(Short Term Assistance Reaching Seniors) is a ministry designed to support seniors at home during their recovery from an accident, illness, or fall, or returning home after a hospital/rehab stay. Judy Brink at 952.920.4364


Help kids feel known and loved while learning about Jesus and the Gospel by helping out weekly, biweekly, or monthly. karenr@cpconline.org

A.R.M.S. (Active Retired Men Serving) VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Thursdays • 8:00AM-12:00PM • donuts and coffee at 10:00AM This dedicated group works on various projects to keep the building in prime condition! We welcome both men and women of all ages and skill levels. noelc@cpconline.org

NEAR BLOOMINGTON LOAVES & FISHES Friday, December 20 • Third Friday of the month, year-round; Meal Prep: 2:00-4:00PM, Serve: 5:00-7:00PM • Creekside Community Center Individuals, small groups, and families with children are welcome to volunteer and serve a hot meal to those in need. Meal prep is best for volunteers ages 16 and older while serving is best for volunteers ages 7 and older. Sign up: cpconline.org/events

CALVARY DROP-IN MEALS Sunday, December 22 • Fourth Sunday of the Month, November-April • 12:30-3:00PM • Calvary Church, 2608 Blaisdell Ave. S., Minneapolis Volunteers will help to prepare a meal, serve food, and visit with nearly 100 guests in need, then clean-up after the meal. All adult and child volunteers age 9 and over sign up online. Children under age 9 are also welcome. Sign up: cpconline.org/events

FAR 2020 GO!TRIPS *Dates subject to change

March 15-19 Dominican Republic with International Justice Mission June 13-22 Israel-Palestine with Nazareth Evangelical College June 22-27 Colombia with Opportunity International June 15-19 Benton Harbor, Michigan, 9th-12th Grade Trip October 15-18 NEW! Civil Rights Journey to the American South November 15-25 NEW! South Asia with CPC’s Local Partner For more information contact leslieb@cpconline.org.

Small group fun for ninth graders

First graders receive Bibles in worship

Women Who Inspire event

Fun on Wednesday nights

Mosaic worship





The months of October and November have been incredibly productive as we continue to move forward in our Senior Pastor search. We want to extend a big Thank You! to our congregation—we had an amazing number of participants in this stage of our journey. • 800+ completed the Congregational Survey • 70 people were selected to participate in 7 focus groups • additional meetings were held with Elders, Transition Teams, and our staff

Your responses have been essential for your Senior Pastor Search Team, guiding and informing us of the qualities the congregation desires in our next Senior Pastor. It is clear that CPC knows what they seek! There was an amazing commonality of expressed need and desire by all groups and ages that worship here. The feedback we received from the congregation was used to help create the Job Opportunity Profile, which outlines the role of Senior Pastor at CPC and what qualifications and characteristics we are seeking. That profile will be finalized and available on our website the first week of December (cpconline.org/transition). Vanderbloemen, our search firm, will actively begin recruiting, accepting applications, and engaging in the pre-selection stage. They anticipate that it will take 12-14 weeks to recruit and select a round of candidates for us to interview. If you have a candidate recommendation, please feel free to contact the Senior Pastor Search Team at spst@cpconline.org. To learn more about the transition process, FAQs, our transition teams, or to read the Job Opportunity Profile, visit cpconline.org/transition. We are so grateful for your continued prayers for our staff, our congregation, the work of the Senior Pastor Search Team, and Vanderbloemen.

Your Senior Pastor Search Team






Tina and Brian Janeshek welcomed a daughter, Juliana Joy, on October 2. Sarah and Scott Johnson welcomed a son, Thomas Scott, on October 7.

Steve Sundquist passed away on October 20 at the age of 64. He is survived by his wife Colleen Wallentine; children Maddy, Taylor (Phil) Kramer, Beck, Danny (Mackenzie), and Kevin (Megan).

Kathleen and Benjamin Riley welcomed a daughter, Ida Mae, on October 12.

Donald Hunstad passed away on October 21. He is survived by his daughter Colleen (Bradley) Hagg.


Jane Dingley passed away on October 29 at the age of 89. She is survived by her daughter Diane.

Elyse Monte and John Ebeling were married on September 28. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated. Courtney Quilty and Scott Schofield were married on September 28. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated. Courtney Pahl and Aaron Paetznick were married on October 12. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated. Tristin Hatch and Evan Bisbee were married on October 19. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated. Amy Krautbauer and Alex Cauble were married on October 26. The Revs. Richard and Jody Phenow officiated. Nicole Bettes and Noah Winden were married on November 9. The Rev. Richard Phenow officiated.


Marie Nelson passed away on September 19 at the age of 96. She is survived by her sons R. William (Nancy) and Ward (Kari). Alonzo Olivier passed away on October 5 at the age of 90. He is survived by his wife Joan. Mary Kirsch passed away on October 17 at the age of 86. She is survived by her husband Victor and sons Kyle (Kelly) and Kevin. Brian Rumsey passed away on October 19 at the age of 64 years. He is survived by his mother Helen Rumsey. Gary Burke passed away on October 20 at the age of 81. He is survived by his wife Faye and daughter Rachel (Bill) Springer.

Sara Jeffers passed away on November 5. She is survived by brother Charlie (Jackie Nesbitt).

RECENTLY HOSPITALIZED Nikki Abramson Pat Eckblad

Arlene Joern-Peter Nora Kittendorf

Phyllis Levitt Marilyn Pertl


Jordyn Farris leaves her position as Associate Director of Elementary, emphasis 2nd and 3rd grade.


Missions YTD Total Missions Giving*: $72,366 *Given through special offering, above and beyond missions’ dollars we budget for partners. Ministry Fund Revenue/Expense Update September 2019 YTD revenue actual: $1,398,296 September 2019 YTD revenue budget: $1,239,409 October 2019 YTD revenue actual: $1,727,168 October 2019 YTD revenue budget: $1,555,976 YTD (10/31/2019) We are ahead on giving revenue by $171,192. We are under on expenses by $193,941. CPC fiscal year 2020 began June 1, 2019 and ends May 31, 2020.


You can set up or update your recurring giving at cpconline.org/give. If you prefer to give by cash or check, commitment cards can be found in the pews and placed in the offering plate.


All contributions to the church must be received or postmarked by December 31, 2019 to be credited for 2019. You can mail your gift or drop it off in the CPC office at the north entrance through December 31 by 5:00PM. Contributions made during services on December 28/29 will also be credited for 2019.

Candlelight Memorial Service Tuesday, December 3 • 7:00PM • Sanctuary

Begin Advent with a time to honor loved ones you have lost over the years and set your hearts on the coming Messiah.

Advent: A Thrill of Hope

Wednesday, December 4 • 7:30-8:30PM • Sanctuary Join us for a modern service for all ages, where we will worship and enter into this season of waiting.

Christmas Eve Worship

Tuesday, December 24 11:00AM, 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 9:00, and 11:00PM See page 4 for full descriptions and childcare options.

Christ Presbyterian Church | 952.920.8515 | cpconline.org | facebook.com/cpconline | @CPCEdina | #cpcedina

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