Vb herald August 1

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89th year • Issue No. 7

A non-profit service of the Victoria Beach Club

Friday, August 1, 2014

Move over Tiësto, Avicii, Z edd: this VB masquerade baby is ready to rock the clubs today!!





Senior Tennis Tournament VB Club Raffle Bike Race Teen Scavenger Hunt

August 2-4 Sat. Aug. 2 Sun. Aug. 3 Wed. Aug. 6

All Day 10am-4pm 10:00 am 9-11 pm

Tennis Courts Village Green Sports Ground Club House

CONVENOR John Heppenstall Arroll Stewart & Judy Walker Todd and Sherry Hyra Rec Staff


August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Pin Up For Reference JULY S M 6 7 13 14 20 21 27 28

T W T 1 2 3 8 9 10 15 16 17 22 23 24 29 30 31

2014 F S 4 5 11 12 18 19 25 26


See Map on Back AUGUST S M T



3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31

Membership wristbands are required at all activities


2014 F S 1 2 8 9 15 16 22 23 29 30

REGULAR ACTIVITIES CLUBHOUSE ACTIVITIES Aerobics: Arts & Crafts: Bike Hikes: Duplicate Bridge: Mixed Bridge: Movies: Swimming Lessons: Swimming Inquiries: Yoga:



Mon. Wed. Fri. 10:00-11:00 am Maria Erikson (all ages) Tues. :30-2: 0 PM Rec. Assistants (Ages 7-12) Wed. 10:00 am-noon Rec. Assistants Mon. 6: 0 pm Ken Capelle, Gail & Bob Henderson, Henry Krahn Wed. 1:15 pm Bev Underhill & Shelley Saunders Tues. & Thurs. 7:30 pm Rec. Assistants Mon. - Fri. June 30 - Aug. 8 Safe Swim Team Mon. - Fri. 9:30-10:00 am Kristin Vielhaber Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-11:30 am Susan Marshall, Jane Carroll Mon. & Wed. 11:00 am-noon, 7:00-8:00 pm Tues. Thurs. Fri. Sat. 10:00 am-noon Sun. noon-1:00 pm

SPORTS GROUND ACTIVITIES Children’s Games: Family Recreation: Golf Lessons: Youth Sport:

Library Assistants

Recreation Assistants

(Ages 4-10) Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am Mon. Wed. Fri. 7:30-8:30 pm (Ages 7-16) Tues. & Thurs. 10:00-10:45 am (Ages 10-14) Mon. & Fri. 10:00-11:00 am

Tennis Court Attendants (Ages 5-6) Weds. 10:30-11:15 am & Thurs. 12:30-1:15 pm (Ages 7-9) Tues. & Thurs. 11:30 am-12:30 pm (Ages 10 & over) Mon. & Fri. noon-1:00 pm Adult Tennis Lessons: Mondays 1:00-4:00 pm with Robert Kennedy Wednesdays 11:00 am-4:00 pm Hit with a Pro (Sign up Mondays) Wed. July 9 Kirbyson’s Doubles Clinic Wed. July 16 Bill Serbin’s Doubles Clinic Wed. July 30 George & Kevin Kylar Wed. Aug 6 George & Kevin Kylar (Children’s lessons if space allows) Junior Tennis Nights: (Ages 11-18) Mon. & Wed. 6:30-8:00 pm Adult Tennis Round Robin: Mon. & Fri. (Register) 10:00-10:20 am (Play) 10:30 am-noon Adult GVS (ground stroke, volley, smash) Tues. & Thurs. 10:30-11:30 & Saturdays 11:00 am-noon Adult Tennis Drills Fridays 1:00-2:00 pm Youth Tennis Lessons:






VB Membership Blitz Swim Registration VB Fireworks Rogers Rookie Tournament Girls Tennis Day Flea Market Flea Market Clean-Up Beach Events Bike Auction Teen Movie Night Fishing Derby 200 Metre Open Swim Book Sale Rogers Rookie Tournament Ladies Movie Night Sports Day Masters Tennis Tournament Teen- band on the beach- bbq Junior Tennis Tournament Men’s Golf Tournament Children’s Masquerade 800 Metre Open Swim 30+ Dinner & Dance Sandcastle Building Family Tennis Night Ladies Golf Tournament Teen Movie night Senior Tennis Tournament VB Club Raffle Bike Race Teen Scavenger Hunt Junior Golf Tournament Duplicate Bridge Tournament Volleyball Tournament Dog Show Lake Winnipeg Foundation - Walk-A-Thon Soccer Tournament VB Volunteer Appreciation Cross Country Run VB Club Annual Meeting Novelty Tennis Tournament 55+ Golf Tournament & Dinner Aerobics/Pilates Yoga (Adults & Teens) Duplicate Bridge Mixed Bridge

Fri., Sat., Sun., June 27-29 Sun. June 29 Tues. July 1 Wed. July 2 Fri. July 4 Sat. July 5 Sat. July 5 Sun. July 6 Sun. July 6 Wed. July 9 Sat. July 12 Sat. July 12 Sun. July 6 Tues. July 15 Wed. July 16 Sat. July 19 Sat. & Sun., July 19 & 20 Wed. July 23 Wed. & Thurs., July 23 & 24 Fri. July 25 Sat. July 26 Sat. July 26 Sat. July 26 Sun. July 27 Tues. July 29 Wed. July 30 Wed. July 30 Sat., Sun., Mon., Aug. 2- 4 Sat. Aug. 2 Sun. Aug. 3 Wed. Aug. 6 Wed. Aug. 6 Wed. Aug. 6 Sat. Aug. 9 Sat. Aug. 9 Sun. Aug. 10 Sun. Aug. 10 Fri. Aug. 15 Sat. Aug. 16 Sun. Aug. 17 Sat. & Sun., Aug. 16 & 17 Mon. Sept. 8 Mon., Wed., Fri. Tues. & Thurs. Mon. Wed.

All Day 10:00 am-noon 10:45 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 1:30-3:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 3:00-5:00 pm 10:30 am-noon 2:00 pm 9:00 pm 10:00 am-noon 1:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 1:00-3:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am-noon All Day 9:00 pm All Day

Door to Door Clubhouse Clubhouse Beach Tennis Courts Tennis Courts Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Police Station Clubhouse Pier Pier Clubhouse Tennis Courts Clubhouse Sports Ground Tennis Courts Clubhouse Tennis Courts Golf Course Art Vincent Memorial Pier Clubhouse Clubhouse Tennis Courts Golf Course Clubhouse Tennis Courts Village Green Sports Ground Clubhouse Golf Course Clubhouse Sports Ground Art Vincent Memorial Art Vincent Memorial Sports Ground Clubhouse Clubhouse(registration) Clubhouse Tennis Courts Golf Course Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse Clubhouse

Lise Simonsen, Pamela Beazley, Anita Gubbels Anndrea O’Connor & Tamara Roehr Rob Hester John Guest, Tennis MB, VB Tennis Staff Nancy Sarchuk, Robert Kennedy Joanne Gibson & Deb Covernton Lorraine Cook Bridget Bedard & Laura McDonald Stuart McPherson Rec Staff Jona & Brent Green Swim Instructors Meadows & Poulton Families John Guest, Tennis MB, VB Tennis Staff Shannon MacFarlane Leah & Ted Kosokowsky Steve Cook & Stuart Juzda Rec Staff Melanie Charbonneau & Anil Kaul Karl Hutchison Doug & Kristie Pollard Swim Instructors Tim Scott MacRae, Cook & Meadows Families Bryan & Lisa Yagi and VB Tennis Staff Nadine Parsley Rec Staff John Heppenstall Arroll Stewart & Judy Walker Todd and Sherry Hyra Rec Staff Ed & Adam Boge Fran Pollard & Donna Thain Sophie McGoey & Lisa Lucht Bruce Kliewer Team LWF Rex Neuendorff & Stino Siragusa Wendy Derksen & Leslie Sarchuk The Johnson Family Anil Kaul Stino Siragusa Murray & Susan Spence Maria Erickson Jane Carroll & Susan Marshall Ken Capelle,Henry Krahn,Gail & Bob Henderson Bev Underhill

10:00 am-noon 1:00 pm 7:00 pm 10:00 am-noon 6:00-7:30 pm 9:00 pm All Day 10:00 am-24:00 :00 ppm m 10:00 am 9:00-11:00 pm 6:30 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 7:00-10:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am All Day 10:00-11:00 am 10:00-11:30 am 6:30 pm 1:00 pm


August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach Club

BOARD PAST PRESIDENT Maureen Neuendorff PRESIDENT Anil Kaul 756-2158 VICE PRESIDENT Suzy Hester 756-3016 SECRETARY Wendy Derksen 756-6515 TREASURER Cathy Finnbogason 756-2377 DIRECTOR AT LARGE Leslie Sarchuk 756-2690

Victoria Beach Club

OFFICERS VB HERALD PUBLISHER Lana Meier HERALD EDITOR Barb Pritchard Kevin Dubé MEMBERSHIP Lise Simonsen Pam Beazley Anita Gubbles SPECIAL EVENTS Shauna Filuk Jill Kirbyson SWIMMING Anndrea O’Connor Tamara Roehr TENNIS Bryan and Lisa Yagi PLANNED GIVING Bruce Eyford

Victoria Beach HERALD

THE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD A Message from the Past President I’m sure most people are familiar with the famous children’s story “The Little Engine that Could.” Well I thought I knew the story, but this past year I learned it’s true meaning. It was exactly one year ago that I received one of those phone calls ... you know the one that you remember exactly where you were sitting, what you were wearing etc. This phone call was from my doctor giving me the results of my recent breast biopsy. The results were not good. In fact she was using terms like “very rare” and “extremely aggressive”. And so began my journey up the hill. A hill that looked extremely steep with an engine that seemed very small. And so I chugged up the hill. Starting with surgery, moving on to five months of chemotherapy followed by more surgery. For some reason one day when I was feeling a little discouraged I thought about the story of the little engine chugging up the hill. I realized that I had never actually read the story and decided to “Google” it. I was surprised at the actual story line because I had always thought that it was just by the engine’s sheer determination

and will that it made it up the hill. Not true. It was only with the help of another engine. Wow. How true was that for me. There is no way I could have successfully completed my journey over the past year without the help of many, many people. So much of that support was from the Victoria Beach community. Meals, cards, flowers, books, blankets, visits, phone calls, emails. It was amazing. It was humbling. It was life-giving. One thing I am certain of is that you do not have to look very far to find someone with a little engine trying to climb a very steep hill. Do not underestimate the role you can play. Any act of kindness helps to push the engine farther up the hill. What a wonderful community we are blessed to be a part of. I have met so many wonderful people through my involvement in the VBC. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences. Get involved if you can. You won’t regret it. Maureen Neuendorff

Our Victoria Beach First Responders Who Are They and What Do They Do? They are a group of dedicated permanent residents who saw the need to decrease the response times for emergencies in our area. They are our friends and neighbours with families, jobs and busy lives who are on call 24-7, 12 months of the year. There are 10 First Responders who are all licensed medical technicians. They operate under the umbrella of the V.B. Fire Dept. They use and maintain a non-transfer ambulance that is located at the fire hall, just outside the car restricted area. Their response time in the beach is usually under 10 minutes, compared with 25 to 30 minutes from Pine Falls and over 40 minutes from Selkirk if Pine Falls doesn’t have an ambulance available. They are paid an honorarium if they go on a call but nothing for being “on call.” They use the proceeds of the Best Spot on the Lot raffle to purchase necessary equipment and supplies. If you have never needed to call 9-1-1 here at the beach, you are fortunate. But if you ever need them, they are amazingly quick and efficient. In 2012 during the Sunday dinner hour on the August Long Weekend, we had a guest suffer a heart attack. We called 9-1-1 and within 2 minutes the first of the responders arrived. There were four more there in under 8 minutes (plus a couple of firefighters for extra support). They had her stabilized and ready to move to Selkirk hospital by the time the ambulance arrived 30 minutes after our 9-1-1 call. I believe our First Responders do save lives. So please continue to support them through the Best Spot on the Lot raffle. And if you see them around the beach, stop, shake their hand, and thank them for what they do. They are: Brad Patzer, Tracey Patzer, Desi Anderson, Onale Thomas, Trevor Halgren, Lauren Cullen, Deanne Fariaf, John Wilkie, Brian Danyluk, Joan Merton and Marlene Farell(retired). You can get your raffle tickets Saturday August 2nd, on the village green (across from the bakery) or at the Parking Lot all summer. The draw is August 30th. Thanks, Betty Lodewyks

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Ladies’ Movie Night 2014 – It’s been a great 10 years!!!!! 186 strong the summer of 2014! Thanks to my wonderful, wonderful pals who have made these past 10 years so much fun and so easy. Denise, Sheila, Bonnie, Betty,Meg,etc.etc.etc. and to all of those lovely people who unexpectedly donated additional prizes to the evening. A big thanks to Brenda Vielhaber who so enthusiastically agreed to take on the organization of the not-to-be-missed event, VB ANNUAL LADIES’ MOVIE NIGHT. Victoria Beach, popcorn, a movie, prizes, refreshments, and time to meet and visit are a winning combination for an event that the ladies of VB have come to look forward to year after year. And of course, it wouldn’t be nearly so successful without the wonderful VB rec assistants (girls only, please‌ did you read the sign: NO BOYS ALLOWED!) . Thanks to Bruce Sirrell for always agreeing to let his staff help out the third Wednesday of July at the Club House. Mark your calendars for next year (May I assume that it will be Wednesday July 15th, 2015?) Enjoy the rest of the summer, and thanks for all your support for the last 10 years. My only hope is that Brenda continues the tradition of keeping what the movie selection is a complete mystery in the years ahead. Shannon MacFarlane


About the Herald The Victoria Beach Herald is a service of the Victoria Beach Club. The Herald prints ten issues each summer on Fridays from late June to mid August. The Herald welcomes submissions from readers focused on family events, beach happenings, community issues, etc. Letters to the Editor are always welcome. Submissions should be sent via email to vbherald@shaw.ca. Those without access to email can place written submissions in the VB Herald mailbox behind the cash counter at the Victoria Beach General Store. Submission deadlines are end of day Fridays with the exception of VB Club event convenor submissions for events occurring on weekend days. To read the most current issue of the VB Herald, scan this code with your smartphone or go to http:// victoriabeachclub/current-issue

Season Month 3 Weeks 2nd Car 2 Weeks 1 Week Weekend Daily $3 .00 $26.00 $25.00 $2 .00 $23.00 $1 .00 $ .50 $ . 0

Dr. S. lacovides Dr. P. Dorval Dr. J. Watson Dr. J. Bongiorno Dr. J. Stewart-Hay


August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Council News Newly Elected Council – Your new Council for the next four years is Reeve Brian Hodgson and Councillors Kathy McKibbin, Linda McMillan, Gord Ross and Penny McMorris. For final tallies you can go to www.manitobavotes.ca. Thank you to Wolf Kraft and Liz Foster, who while not successful in this election, were interested, committed and put in plenty of effort in their desire to bring their experience to Council. All elected Council members will be sworn into office at the Council Meeting on Tuesday, August 5 at 1 p.m. in the RM offices in Winnipeg. Councillor Bruce Morrison deserves our heartfelt thanks and best wishes as he steps down from his Council seat. Bruce has worked incredibly hard the last 12 years for the municipality while remaining very active in many other areas and projects within and outside of the VB community. His hands-on, no-nonsense approach to getting the job done will be missed. Bruce and Fay can now take some well deserved time to spend with their family, grandchildren and their many other interests. State of Emergency Update – As part of the Provincial Disaster program we recently had Government approved engineers and surveyors visit and assess the dikes at Albert Beach and Wanasing. The wheels are in motion to repair the dike infrastructure in those areas. Please check our website for updates. Household Hazardous Waste & E-Waste Recycling Event is this weekend at the Public Works Yard. I will have a large U-Haul truck in the Yard where I will be accepting a variety of items that should not go to the landfill. Please go to our website at www.rmofvictoriabeach.

Stump Grinding

ca, click on Community Links and then Local Events and scroll down to the Recycling Event for the list of recyclable items. There is also a list at the Information Office and some were posted on various bulletin boards in the municipality. The event is from noon to 6 p.m. on Friday, August 1 and noon to 5 p.m. on Saturday, August 2 at the Public Works Yard. Fill your carts, your cars, your bikes or share a cab with the neighbours to bring your items to the event. Our items will be taken to a collection point or depot in Selkirk. They collect these materials and move them further down the recycling path to approved, certified Canadian processors. Call me if you have questions or wish to volunteer at 756-6159. Doctors Clinic Is open for patients on Sunday and Monday from 5:30 p.am. to 7:30 p.m. and Tuesday to Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The phone number is 204-7566305 and the address is 124 Birch Avenue. Bears & Garbage - We are living in their back yards and they are now coming over for breakfast, lunch and dinner into our yards. Full garbage bins left sitting on your property for a period of time are an invitation for a bears’ picnic. If you are leaving your property before garbage day please take your garbage with you and deposit it in the bins in your area. Election Thank You Thank you very much to the voters for your trust and support in re-electing me as a Councillor for the RMVB. I can be reached at vb.mcmorris@gmail.com or by phone at 204-756-6159. Penny McMorris, Councillor

Victoria Beach Yacht Club

For Junior and Adult Sailing Lessons, call Jona Green at 756-8292 For Memberships, Racing and Boat Storage, call Ryan Van Berkel, Commodore at 204-291-1775 or vbyccommodore@gmail.com or visit www.vbyc.ca

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


GET SET FOR THE 2014 VB BIKE RACE SUNDAY AUGUST 3rd We are all geared up for another fantastic bike race. Weather permitting, registration will start promptly at 9:30am Sunday morning down at the sports field. Kids ages 4-18 are welcome. All registrants must have their membership wrist bands to register. In order to keep the competition fair, all bikes with gears will be taped at the registration table. Awards will be presented to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for boys and girls in the following age categories: 4 & 5 year olds (short course) 6 & 7 year olds (medium course) 8 & 9 year olds (medium course) 10 to 12 year olds (medium course) 13 to 18 year olds (long course) All the courses will be colour coded with signs along the road for the riders to follow. The course colours will be identified to the riders the day of the race. We are looking for 13 volunteers to be out on the course to make sure the riders stay on track. Please call Todd Hyra at 204-782-8906 to volunteer. Short Course - starts at the sports field, up Sunset to Arthur, follow Arthur to 8th Avenue at the parking lot, down 8th Avenue only to Centre Street, follow Centre Street to the Village Green turning onto Gibson Street then down to the sports field finish line. Medium Course - starts at the sports field, up Sunset to Patricia, follow Patricia to 8th Avenue, down 8th Avenue to Gibson Street and

all the way back to the sports field finish line. Long Course - starts at the sports field, up Sunset all the way to the end where it meets up with 8th Avenue, then up and down 8th Avenue to Gibson Street and all the way back to the sports field finish line. Note of caution to pedestrians and casual bike riders Sunday morning 10am to 11am, please yield to racers along the course paths noted above. All riders must wear their safety helmets, plus proper clothing and footwear (closed toe shoes). Loose gravel and pot holes can make the courses challenging for all riders, so please ride with control. Important, parents please explain the following information to your riders: At the finish line all riders will be given a numbered popsicle stick to mark their order, this number does not reflect their category placement. The popsicle stick must then be handed in at the registration desk for a final tally of the winners in each of the age categories. Trophy winners from last year, if you haven’t already returned the trophies, please return them to Todd or Sheri Hyra at 317-3rd Ave by Friday August 1st. Good luck to all participants. Have fun and race safe! Coordinators The Hyra Family 204 782 8906

D’Aoust Window & Door Ltd. Sells and Installs PVC Windows and Doors For a Free Estimate Call Dan D’Aoust at 204-479-5263 or email sddaoust@shaw.ca


August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

35th ANNUAL VICTORIA BEACH 55+ GOLF TOURNAMENT AND DINNER WHEN: Monday, September 8th, 2014 WHERE: Victoria Beach Golf Course and the dinner is at the East Beaches Senior Scene, #3 Ateah Road. There will be ample parking at the Senior Scene, on Ateah Road, and across the highway. The turkey dinner, catered by the Merry Makers will be at 6:15 pm, and the doors will open at 5:00 pm. TIME: 2 shotgun starts at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm. [Please arrive 30 minutes prior to the start time for registration] ELIGIBILITY: Please note, to play in the tournament, you MUST be a member of at least one of the following: the VB Golf Course; the VB Club, VB Sports Club/Community Centre or the Senior Scene. [Golfer’s spouses/partners may be under 55 and may golf, but cannot win a golf prize.] GOLF SIGN-UP SHEET AND DINNER TICKETS: Available at the VB Golf Course as of August 1st. COST: Dinner tickets are $13.00 [plus golf green fees to be paid on the day of the tournament, if you are not a member of the VB Golf Course]. PRIZES: For flights and individuals. [DONATIONS OF PRIZES FOR THE SILENT AUCTION ARE MUCH APPRECIATED. If you can donate a prize, please drop it off at the golf course by September 2nd.] Submitted by: The 2014 55+ Golf Committee: Murray and Susan Spence Dennis and Gina Roth Ray and Lise Plouffe

Tennis this week x x x x

800m Open Swim Twelve swimmers from the ages of 10 to 43 participated in the 800m open swim race this past Saturday. Wavy waters didn’t stop the swimmers from completing eight long lengths of the pier. It was great to see people in and out of the water cheering each other on! The overall winner on the women’s side, with a time of 13 minutes and 34 seconds was Nicole Walker. On the men’s side, Patrick Peacock took first place with a time of 12 minutes and 40 seconds. Thanks to all the instructors, conveners, and their families for lending a helping hand! FEMALE


18 and under 1. Ella Russell 2. Aidan Pattison 3. Tess Poulton

18 and under 1. Nick Bell 2. Carson Beggs 3. Josh Peacock

Over 18 1. Nicole Walker 2. Rose Bushuk 3. Theresa Cannon

Over 18 1. Patrick Peacock 2. Dan Gibson

Aug 1-Aug 8

Free Adult Tennis Drills with visiting instructors, Friday 1:00-2:00, sign up starts Monday. Adult GVS Tuesday and Thursday at 10:30, and Saturday at 11:00. VB Open Tennis tournament, play starts Aug 2-4 Hit with a pro George and Kevin Kylar, lessons Wednesday Aug 6, starting at 11:00

The Anglican Parish of St. Michael VICTORIA BEACH The Anglican Parish of St. Michael 8th and Pine, VB invites you to worship with us each Sunday in July and August at 9:00 am in a service of Holy Communion. Note: September 7th we will meet at 11:30 am

Please join us… all are welcome!

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


Children’s Masquerade

A record 118 kids came out to the Children’s Masquerade last weekend. The forecast was bleak leading up to the event, and we were ready to quote Trooper, that “every now and then it’s gotta rain…”. But Mother Nature spared us and we were able to stay outside on the Village Green instead of moving indoors to the Clubhouse. There were so many amazing costumes that our judges had a mighty struggle to identify the best ones in the three categories we established. But after much debate we decided that Miss Invisible (Piper Hughes) was Best Original Costume. The Best VB-Themed Costume was the Moonlight Inn Table (Aislin Pritchard). It should be noted the Moonlight Inn table even came with fries for Doug, which shows his vote can be bought through his stomach. The Best Group Costume was the 8 kids dressed as the Flintstones Meet the Croods. The winners all got Moonlight Inn gift certificates. A special mention for our birthday girl/cupcake, Olivia Yarnell, and her brother Eric who was dressed as her present – both beautiful Costume VB sunset Tinkerbell Pink Flamingos Pink Flamingos Pelican from VB Storm Trooper VB Gardeners and the garden party VB Gardeners and the garden party VB Gardeners and the garden party VB Gardeners and the garden party Spiderman Princess VB Cyclist VB Rowing Team VB Rowing Team Kirby Happy Face Cookie VB Beach Boy Copcycle Boba Fett Wicked Witch of VB The Bayview Mermaid Hawaiian Hawaiian Butterfly Fairy Princess Rapper Scarecrow

Name Linden Mila Paige Isla Isabella Liam Emery Rose Violet Hannah Kaelen Abby Jake Hailey Anna Brynn Dayton Carter Jessica Declan Carolina Diana Lila William Juliette Branson Audrey

Blair Blair Edwards Partridge Kraus Hamel Stewart Heiman McAuley Luke McLauchlan Franz Franz Stephens Stephens Dawson Murray-Sinclair Brethauer Preston Preston Corona Corona Sedgick Sedgick Olson Miller Sobie

Age 5 2 7 7 5 7 21 mths 8 mths 10 mths 6 4 3.5 1.5 6.5 mths 6.5 Mths 9 mths 4 1 9 5 4 6 4 1 2.5 8 7

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w w w. k i w i i n s t a l l a t i o n s . c o m

homemade costumes. Word is they are also #1 in the Aaron Burnett fan club. We also usually recognize the youngest participants, of which we had many this year. We had a 4-month old elephant (Chancellor Cushing), a 5-month old Baby Crood (Maeve Harrison), a 5-month old Baby DJ (Vivian Stewart) and twin 6.5-month old rowers (Hailey and Anna Stephens) along with many others. Welcome to VB kids! Thanks to our favourite musical couple – Kim and Aaron Burnett – for entertaining us. Thanks also to our many volunteers who make this event run so smoothly: Luke Bushuk, Dana Poulton, Gillian Hyra, Fran Pollard and our Rec Assistants Brendan and Jessie. Even when we ran out of prizes (sorry about that), the kids were all very well behaved and it was a pleasure again for us to host. See you again next year! Kristie and Doug Pollard Crow Crow Crow Crow Tennis Player Princess Butterfly Elsa the Princess Cinderella Cinderella Ninja Gator Man Baby DJ Startrek Captain VB Hawaian girl VB Tennis Player (Mike Bru) Sleep over girls Sleep over girls VB Parking Lot Taxi VB Parking Lot Taxi Hobbit Turtle Indiana Jones VB Ninga girl Warrior VB Ninja Unicorn Warrior VB Karate Girl Warrior Miss Invisible Ninja

Tessa Luke Brody Lily Ellie Amelia Charlie Kaehla Emma Ronin Jackson Vivian Erin Alexis

Maykut Atkins Atkins Maycut Sobie McLennan Butler Johnson Johnson Enriquez Z Stewart Eldridge Bru

5 4 7 7 4 5 (almost 6) 3 5 3 4 3 5 mths 9 9

Colby Sadie Annie Caitly Brooke Travis Aaron Easton Riley Erin Jillian Piper Cohen

Bru McDonald McDonald Willison Oxenforth Hyra Pattison Hyra Hughes Doiron Doiron Hughes Tennyson

5 7 5.5 10 11 8 8 10 11 7 10 Cont’d on page 8 10 5

Rural Municipality of Victoria Beach Reeve: Tom Farrell Councillors: Karin Boyd, Kathy McKibbin, Penny McMorris, Bruce Morrison CAO: Shelley Jensen, 303-960 Portage Ave, Winnipeg Phone: 204-774-4263 Toll Free: 1-800-513-3839 (MB Only) Fax: 204-774-9834 Chief Police Constable: Stewart MacPherson 204-756-2322 Public Works Foreman: Allan Scurfield 204-756-2286 Public Works (after hours emergency): 204-756-2568 Building Inspector: Curtis Beaudoin Wpg Cell 204-291-8207


10 August 1, 2014 Pirate Pirate Fairy Flintstones meets CroodsPebbles Flinstone Flintstones meets CroodsWilma Flinstone Flintstones meets CroodsBetty Rubble Flinstones meets CroodsEep Crood Flinstones meets CroodsCrood Baby Flinstones meets CroodsBarney Rubble Flinstones meets CroodsDino Flinstone Flinstones meets CroodsFred Flinstone Flinstones meets CroodsBam Bam Rubble Birthday Present Cupcake Happy Face Cookie Happy Face Cookie with a bite Happy Face Cookie Quarterback Princess Hunter VB Deer Garbage Can Deer Crossing Sign VB Bear Princess of VB Elephant Florida Retiree (aka Duncan McCaig) Fisherman Man with a Big Belly

Victoria Beach HERALD Morgan Mathew Ilsa

Flaherty Flaherty Buchholz

4 2 4








VanWoodenberg 7


VanWoodenberg 10



5 mths










Shea Eric Olivia Charles

Keast Yarnell Yarnell Chaytor

1 almost 3 5 today! 4

Walter Richard Aidan Lucy Parker Aleta Max Stella Will Isla Chancellor

Chaytor Chaytor McNeill McNeill Pollard Pollard Pollard McCaig McCaig McCaig Cushing

8 10 4 7 4 8 6 8 6 2 4 mths

Sullivan Cohen Levi

Cushing Bedard Blunderfield

2 7 6

Sixties Girl Sixties Girl Princess Black bear & cub Frog Prince Queen Elsa VB Hula girls VB Hula girls VB Hula girls VB Hula girls Krazed Cottager Moonlight Inn Table Cirque du Soleil Moonlight Inn Server Cirque du Soleil Moonlight Inn Server Princess Desert Robot VB Naked Chef Cowgirl Mike the Minion Mike the Minion VB Cheerleaders VB Cheerleaders Fisher Fisher Spiderman with a happy face cookie in web California Teen Soccer player Firefly Photographer Sherlock Holmes Princess Police Officer Cowgirl Myself Beach Bum (myself)

Amelia Molly Kathleen Erin Ben Julia Georgia Chloe Rylee Brooke Dylan Aislin

Blunderfield McDonald Henderson Rempel Hilo Hilo Wilson Wlison Kochenash Kochenash Pritchard Pritchard

8 9 11 8 1 3 11 7 12 10 9 11




Grace Norah Callum Jackson Zinnia Sam Ben Isabel Taryn Bennett Annabella

Dube 7 Moreau-Chevrefils 3 Smith 7.5 Zuk 9 Popoff 6 Dyck 6 Dyck 4 Dyck 8 Dyck 10 Sime-Surcon 7 Sime-Surcon 5

Kyle Bushuk Alienor de Nanteuil Pierre de Nanteuil Rachel Garrett Sophie Robinson Eric Robinson Keira Johansson Erik Johansson Dana Poulton Christopher Derkson Gillian Hyra

4 8 7 9 6 8 6 3 12 10 12

See photos on page 16 & 17

Novelty Tennis Tournament August 16th and 17th Well, it’s that time of year again! As we begin to wind down the tennis season at our beloved V.B. courts, I would like to remind everyone that this year’s Novelty Tennis Tournament will be held on August 16th and 17th. The emphasis of this tournament has always been FUN! Players of all skill levels are encouraged to participate. Please be advised that all entrants to the tournament must be Victoria Beach Club members and have their own shoe tag number. I look forward to an incredible weekend of great tennis, laughs and camaraderie! The Novelty’s format is an entertaining finale to another spectacular summer at V.B. Check out next week’s Herald for more information and mark your calendars for August 16th and 17th. See you at the courts, Stino Siragusa 204-996-0121

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Special Events News

Here is our August Long weekend special events and the volunteer convenors: Senior Tennis Tournament: John Heppenstall & Allan Morrish VB Club Raffle: Arroll Stewart & Judy Walker Bike Race: Todd & Sherry Hyra A big thank you to all of these volunteers! This is a busy weekend and we really appreciate all of your volunteer time. Come down to the Village Green to see some tennis and buy your raffle ticket. Be ready for some cyclists on the avenues on Sunday morning – come on out and cheer them on! Right after the weekend, there is more fun for the kids with the Junior Golf Tournament on Wed August 6th. Thanks to Ed and Adam Boge for running this tournament. Also on August 6th is the Duplicate Bridge Tournament at 6:30 PM. Our convenors for this event are Fran Pollard & Donna Thain. Thank you ladies! There are still lots of events to come this summer. Check your calendar so you don’t miss out! See you at the events! Shauna Filuk – 204.756.6642; cell – 204.941.0077 Jill Kirbyson – 204.756.2879; cell – 403-807-1784

GREAT PRIZES VB Club Raffle Saturday, August 2 10:00 – 4:00 Village Green ONE DAY ONLY! DON’T MISS IT! Arroll St ewart 2 04-756-2046 Judy Walker 204- 756-3101 Victoria Beach 2014

Rogers Rookie Tournament Fun Tennis Activities and Games $10.00

Thursday August 7 1:00-2:30 For Kids 6-11



August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Viva VB!

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


Trail Opening & Open House August 9 Have you been on the trail that connects the VB Community Centre with the golf course? It has become quite the popular walking trail in all seasons. It is short trail, about 1½ km return, which winds through the forest. Well it’s time to officially open the trail. You might recall in the summer of 2012 we held a contest to name the new trail. It was a tough choice but the name the judges chose was Fore Evergreen Walk, submitted in by the Warkentin family. Since then we have had a beautiful cedar trailhead structure made by the craftsmen at Allwright Contracting. Drew Allwright donated the staff time to build the structure and he arranged for the Selkirk Home Hardware to donate the materials. Big thanks to Drew for helping us get it built and Kevin Vincent for his attention to detail in building it. A big thank you also goes to the Selkirk Home Hardware for supporting Victoria Beach. Just to make your visit to the trail, or the toboggan hill in the winter, more comfortable, Ateah Realty has generously donated a cedar bench for the trailhead. Thanks to Shanna Karle and Nancy Danwich at Ateah Realty. The trail opening will be held on Saturday, August 9 at 4:00, in conjunction with the Open House at the new community centre. The Open House runs from 3:00 to 6:00 and there will be food and refreshments. This is an opportunity to see the progress we’ve made with the new building. We are not finished yet but thought you might want a peek inside. Once we are finished we are going to have a long list of local businesses, sponsors and individuals like you to thank. If you’d like to find out more, contact the club president Bruce Morrison at 756-6463. Come help us celebrate the new trail, have a look around the new buildings and enjoy some refreshments on August 9. Victoria Beach Community Centre Trails Committee

Hit with a Pro

Wednesday AUG 6 With

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14 August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Yacht Club News Sunday July 20th was the annual VBYC sailors’ derby, a fun day for heavily and lightly salted sea dogs and everyone in between. Around ten boats and sailboards made it out with a variety of ages making up skip and crew. The afternoon began with a BBQ and we ate first, and then sailed to checkpoints around the bay to pull numbered poker chips and a chance at prizes. The wind was nice to begin with but dwindled as the day went on and a few had a slow sail in, but no matter on a beautiful sunny day. The lucky ones got the prizes but everyone had fun!

Many thanks to the volunteers out on the water that helped make it all happen: Jack Olafsson and Ron Pratt in the crash boat, The Green clan on “Bob’s Barge”, and A.J, Rachel, and Ryan in the Crestliner. And of course a huge thanks to Chris Aldridge for organizing this popular event once again. Hope to see y’all out next year. Please note: precious few sailing school spots remain available for both adults and youth for the final week Aug. 4 – Aug. 8, this is your last chance this year to get on the water and learn the basics or up your skillset, supervised and coached by certified instructors. Follow the link at www.vbyc.ca to register. Roger Ritsema

Grab your irons, Ladies!

… if you’ve got a long way to go a “3” will do, if you are a bit tight, maybe a `9` … Of course were talking about the Ladies Golf Tournament happening July 30th. We have 2 tee-off times, 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. Please be there at 8:00 a.m. for the 8:30 round and 11:00 a.m. for the 11:30 round. You need time to register, get instructions and get out to your first hole, so please allow time to do that. For any visitors, the cost is 14.00 plus green fees. We donate a minimum of 3.00 of that for Breast Cancer Research. There will also be a silent auction with many wonderful prizes, so bring your $$$ so you can join in. See you out on the course! We are looking for a convener for 2015, if you would like to take this over please contact, Nadine Parsley, 2014 Convener, 204-7563403.


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August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Walk for Water on Sunday, August 10th !! This annual event in support of the Lake Winnipeg Foundation (LWF) and the terrific work it does will start out at the VB Clubhouse. Registration will begin at 9:15; the Walk will begin at 10. There are 2 routes: 5 km and 2.5 km (taking into account various fitness and energy levels). Help make our beautiful lake healthier and c’mon down to the clubhouse on Aug. 10th! Walk alone, or with your neighbour, or pal, or kids, or siblings, or your Uncle Charlie, or your pooch ---- anything goes. Whether you walk alone or with partners, and whether you bring in $1 or $100, your participation will be GREATLY appreciated. (Or, if walking isn’t your thing, you can still be a part of the event by being a pledger or by making a donation to the Lake Winnipeg Foundation.) Pledge forms are available at all key VB locations as well as at Saffie’s, and, if all goes according to plan, a pledge form will have been inserted into each copy of this issue of the VB Herald. Also, pledge forms and info about the Lake Winnipeg Foundation will be available at a table situated alongside the VB Club Raffle on the Village Green (across from the Bakery) on August 2 from 10 - 4. For more information, contact Deanne McDonald (204 756 2911; deamcd@mymts.net) or Sandy McCaig (204 756 8855; sandy. mccaig@gmail.com).

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16 August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Victoria Beach HERALD

August 1, 2014


18 August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Masters Tournament 2014 What a weekend of fantastic tennis! The competition and camaraderie over the weekend made for a very successful tournament. Thanks to all the players for participating and displaying good sportsmanship. We encourage more players to take part and help grow and develop our wonderful tennis community. Don’t forget, by doing so you are helping to resurface our courts! I would like to thank Tony and Leslie Holland for their donation of an elegant, hand-crafted trophy for the men’s 65 plus singles category. What about another trophy Tony, for the over 75 category. If it exists, we many get some entries for you to play against! I would also like to thank Brian and Lisa Yagi for their organization of the courts and their hands-on efforts to make the tournament run so smoothly. Thanks also to our wonderful young court attendants: Sophia Buller-Courage, Julia Lucht, Ben Charbonneau and Sam Brownell, for their help in the tournament. Due to a small rain delay, we would like to thank the following squeegee people; John Heppenstall, Margaret Meulendyk, Alan Morrish, Dave Derksen, Gord Bell and the court attendants for their

speedy effort in getting the courts ready for play in record time. This year’s Masters Tournament ran so smoothly due to the hard work of many volunteers. Thanks to those who helped to put on matches and keep order where chaos might have reigned. Margaret Meulendyk, due to injury, might have missed out on the tennis, but you provided great support and assistance. John Heppenstall, Peggy Ansons and Elly Black were also instrumental in making the tournament a great success! While we acted as a Junta, as the named convenor, I would like to state that the tournament was only made possible by the hard work of the other members, Lorraine Cook, Stino Siragusa and Sophie McGoey. The tennis community owes them a great debt for stepping forward. Steve, you missed a great tournament, hope you are around next year. Your gregarious nature and bubbly personality were greatly missed. For your information, three bottles of wine are due to the above mentioned people. Convernor Stuart Juzda

Ladies 55 plus doubles winner Jane Turk Rhonda Ladies Doubles 40 plus winners Ann Manning Lisa Lucht runners up Rhonda Manning Hedy Manning runners up Susan Spence Sally Lawler Heppenstall

Ladies Singles 40 plus winner Lisa Lucht runner up Melanie Charbonneau

Mens 40 plus doubles winners Geoff Kirbyson Mens 40 plus singles winner Roland Burrell Jamie Dawson runners up Matt Heiman Don runner up Geoff Kirbyson Bushuk

Mens 55 plus doulbes winner Brian Hyska Stuart Juzda runners up Tim Walker John Brownell

Mens 55 plus singles winner Gord Bell runner up Mens 65 plus singles winner Stuart Juzda runner Stuart Juzda up Tony Holland

Mens Doubles 65 plus winners Jim Millican Tony Holland runners up Allen Willoughby Bob Lawler

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


Victoria Beach Community Church It’s hard to believe that summer is half over. We have had a good month of July, with great speakers and music. Anyone wanting to sing with the choir should arrive about 10:30 for a quick run through of the music -- and everyone is welcome.

Mixed Doubles 40 plus winners Lisa Lucht Francois Masse runners up Bill and Jane Turk

Next Sunday, Aug . 3Rd, we welcome Paul Boge and the following Sun., the 10th will be Wayne Larstone. We thank them for being able to lead the services. Our services start at 11a.m. for the month of august and we welcome all cottagers and guests - you’ ll find us very friendly so come and join us..

Mixed Doubles 55 plus winners Bob and Sally Lawler runners up Peggy Ansons and Terry Angus

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20 August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Volleyball Tournament

In Memorium — Marjorie Pritchard

The volleyball tournament is Saturday, August 9th at 9 AM. Everyone is welcome! Please call (204) 756-6645 to register your team. Teams must have at least 2 female players. There is a competitive and recreational side. Hope to see you there! Sophie McGoey & Lisa Lucht

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Bright red lipstick, Black Cat glasses and the coolest car ever, a Nash Metropolitan, are some of the iconic memories of our dear mother, our aunt, our friend, and our grandmother, Marjorie Pritchard. Our Marj was unique, talented, and with an inner spirit unlike any other. You knew she was right and if you thought not, you soon would see her point. In the true VB spirit, Marjorie volunteered her time to our community from being Board treasurer (when kids paid in pennies for the movies ), canvassing for memberships, to flea markets, silent auctions, and dances; the list goes on and on. While having tea with Maureen Swystun and Vivian Moore a plan was made to add to the green spaces along Arthur at 4th and 1st. Marj designed the planters and planted the flowers. Over her lifetime at VB she enjoyed the company of her friends, playing bridge and attending numerous social events with her husband Noel. My brother and I feel extremely fortunate that our parents gave us the gift of living our summers at VB. This is a magical place that brings people of all ages together to work as one for the benefit of many. We will be having an intimate life celebration of Marjorie for her closest friends on August 3rd at 1pm - 311 Sunset.

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


8 At The Gate Sunday July 20, 2014 Twenty-two riders out, missing about half a dozen regulars! We ride EVERY morning at 08:00. We welcome all riders. We usually don’t have quite this many out but “there more the merrier”. It also means that Bob has more people to draft behind. With a large group like this we split into three groups: “l’Echappee” 35km/h, “le Peleton” 30km/h & le Gruppetto 25km/h. For information please call Bob Marshall VB 204 756-8255, cell 204 261-4292 or email jmarsha@mymts.net.

Wednesday Afternoon Bridge Update Five tables of contract bridge were enjoyed by all twenty players. Winners were Gail Henderson, Andrea Moore and Harold Wiens. Play begins at 1:30 to approximately 4:00pm. Please come, enjoy and arrive by 1:15; you do not need a partner.

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22 August 1, 2014

Policeman’s Corner Bears & Bicycles: Bears and bicycle stickers. Two issues that are evident every year and this summer is no different. FACT: • we are in bear country at Victoria Beach. Even if you do not see them, they are here. • they are motivated by food.... berries, acorns or your bird feeders and your kitchen food scraps. If a bear is in your yard, you have a food that attracts him to your place. • they are, for the most part, private animals and do not like being around us, just our food. • they are smart and resourceful and can get into your shed, cabin or your unlocked car. • make lots of noise when you are biking or walking the trails..... whistle, sing,talk loudly etc. • call Police if a bear is trying to get into your cabin or is persistent about remaining on or near your cabin. • Police will contact Natural Resources if a bear trap is required. If put on your yard, you must sign for it and it is your responsibility as it is on your property. • do not give your child a sandwich and tell them to “go and feed the bear and I will take a picture.” Laugh not. I witnessed that myself at the parking lot. • bears can run very fast. Unlikely that you will outrun or outclimb a bear. Prevention is the best answer … be loud and do not have food attractants on your property. • One lady I spoke to a few years ago was gardening and backed up into a bear. Thinking it was a large black dog she told it to “shoo“ and returned to her gardening. A few seconds later she realized what was sharing her garden space with her and she left and went into her cabin. The bear was happy doing what he/she was doing and felt that this person was no threat to her. • be aware that if a sow has cubs she will defend them and will do so vigorously. • If you see a bear in your yard, call Police to let us know. We will attend if we can but will not always attend if there is no risk to life or limb and we are busy with another call. • Anyone can call the Natural Resource Office Bear Line at 204754-2000. BICYCLES: • bicycle stickers are $2.00 from the Info Booth. If you don t like to lock your bicycle, then buy and sticker and when someone you do not know rides your bike somewhere and abandons it, we can return it to you if it has a sticker. • bicycle helmets are a good idea for everyone and mandatory by law for persons under 18. • bicycle bells and horns are a good way to notify people you are riding up behind them. Bears will skedaddle when they hear one as well. Good investment.

Victoria Beach HERALD

Howdy VB Kids! Another great week at the beach. Lots of fun stuff coming up for week 6. The movies this week are: August 5- Free Birds (PG 91 mins) August 7 - Smurfs 2 (PG 105 mins) Arts and Crafts this week is proud to join forces with the Victoria Beach Walk for Water. Kids will have a chance to show what the lake means to them by creating “stained glass”. Some of their creations will be on display at the annual Walk for Water on August 10. As a reminder, crafts run on Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30. The Bike Hike will be to Wanasing beach. Make sure to wear a helmet. Remember your bathing suits and a towel. Another teen event on Wednesday August 6 is the Scavenger Hunt! Meet at the clubhouse at 8:45pm. Special thanks to my Fire Marshall Gord Poulton for his time and donation of wood for the fire. It was a great success! Have a great week! Bruce Sirrell Rec Director

Senior Tennis Open On this Weekend

#vicbtennis The Senior Open tennis tournament starts on 8:00am Saturday August 2, 2014. The draw will be posted at 3:00pm on Friday August 1. If you are in the tournament, make sure that you are aware of what number match you are and please be on time for your competition. Follow us on Twitter for match updates - #vicbtennis. See you at the courts! John Heppenstall - Chair Allan Morrish - Co - Chair

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

With the VB Senior Open Tennis Tournament upon us, I thought this article by Jeff Salzenstein would be appropriate. Jeff broke into the top 10 at the age of 30. He is now an on-line teaching professional out of Denver Colorado. The following is from his website jeffsalzensteintennis.com. Question: How do you have the courage to go for your shots under pressure? Can you relate to this question? It doesn’t matter what your level is, all players face the challenge of having courage in competition at one time or another. How do you have the guts to go for your shots and “play the right way” especially in key moments of a match when the outcome is still undecided and momentum can swing either way. Focus on the process. To have courage to go for your shots, it’s much better to focus on staying in the present moment and avoid focusing on the actual result of winning and losing. This is one of the biggest problems that you might be plagued with as a competitive tennis player. You want to win TOO badly and focusing on the outcome dramatically affects how you think AND feel physically... which in turn impacts on how loose you feel when you want to go for your shots. It’s natural to want to win badly, but you have to stay in the “now” by taking slow, deep breaths and looking at your strings between points...as well as reminding yourself of your game plan. Staying process oriented doesn’t mean you’ll actually have the courage to go for your shots all the time, but by playing each shot and point to the best of your ability, you give yourself the best chance to play big. Discipline your mind: You really have to become aware of your thoughts. What do you think about and say to yourself in the heat of the moment? Catch your thoughts as they arise and if you notice that you tend to be pessimistic under pressure, immediately shift to having more uplifting thoughts by repeating positive words and phrases throughout your matches. If you notice that you say things like “you always choke” or “you always miss that shot,” change your


language to something like, “you play great in the clutch” and “you can make this shot right now.” To get in a peak state to go for your shots, you must become more conscious of your thoughts and inner dialogue as you play so that you can retrain yourself to be your own best friend and to be super positive, especially in the tight situations. Trick your mind: This tip is a bit odd, but it can really work. There were times on the ATP tour when I actually told myself before a point to “try to miss.” I know this sounds strange, but I can only share from my experience what actually worked in real pro matches when I felt scared. Sometimes I noticed that my body would tighten up, and I would miss routine shots. But when I actually told myself to miss at different times, my body would relax, and I felt more free to swing. There were times when I actually made more balls when I tried to miss compared to when I really wanted to make a shot or win a point. Weird. Another trick to play on your mind is to continually tell yourself that you’re just playing a practice match. Sometimes you have to find way to take the pressure off by acting like your matches are really just practice. Deep down, you know it’s not practice, but by “tricking” your mind away from match like intensity, you can decrease the tension in your body and mind enough to play with more courage just like you do in practice. Smile at your mistakes: You make mistakes and you berate yourself. You miss a shot and you judge yourself harshly. You miss another shot and you feel yourself get more nervous. How about just smiling :). Turn the corners of your mouth up instead of down, and your approach to the game will lighten up...and when you feel lighter on the inside from smiling, you’ll shift your perspective on how to approach the match. Just by smiling you can forgive yourself fast and learn from your mistakes with a light heart so that you can put yourself in position to go for your shots. Play the margins: You might not know this, but when things get tight, there’s a good chance you’re aiming too close to the lines. You might miss wide when you get nervous. You might swing less aggressively. One of the biggest changes you can make is to bring your margins way inside the sidelines and to aim to big, safe targets. When you feel tight and are afraid to go for your shots, you should still play aggressively with good racquet head acceleration. But this can only work when you aim safer. Instead of missing wide and swinging conservatively, play a point where you literally aim down the middle, but hit the ball big. This approach can help you get over the nerves and play with courage because you have reduced the risk Continued on page 24

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August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

of missing wide. So there you have it, 5 keys to playing with courage. At least one of these tips should help you have a breakthrough the next time you feel like playing it safe and not going for your shots with confidence and conviction. Special thanks this week goes out to the following people: Geoff Kirbyson, Matthew Heiman, and John Blair for co-hosting Friday’s adult tennis drills. John Heppenstall and Allan Morrish for hosting the VB Senior Open Tennis Tournament

Special Note George Kylar, of Kylar Tennis Academy, and his son Kevin will be offering an afternoon of lessons for youth and adults on Wednesday, August 6th. George and Kevin are just back from two months of tournament play in Europe. George is a keen tennis enthusiast who will again be bringing the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Tournament to Winnipeg. He is also a much sought-after professional, working out of two tennis clubs in the city. George has coached the number 1 tennis players in Manitoba for the past 20 years. Sign-up sheets for George’s lessons are now available at the kiosk.

Tennis Photo History Only 24 hours before the historic picture of all past and present tennis court attendants, head tennis attendants and head tennis convenors. This historic picture will be taken at the courts on Saturday, August 2 at noon, immediately after the presentation of the Vilis Ansons Memorial Trophy. We’d like to have as many past court attendants as possible so please spread the word. All attendants are asked to bring a note with their name and the years they worked. The photo will be printed in the 2015 August long weekend issue of the Herald. Maybe a centerfold. Add that to your resume.

Calling all court attendants Past and present for a once in a lifetime photo of all those who have helped shape our tennis community. A Group Photo of all past court attendants, Head tennis attendants Noon, Saturday, August 2, At the Tennis Courts

Will this picture provide any insight into the type of person who becomes a court attendant? Has being a court attendant altered their lives? Can we make any comparisons? As a group are they brighter, funnier, happier, have more hair than the general population? Only with full participation can we truly make any conclusions. This might be the first of a giant trend to sweep our resort area. Next, all the VB swimming instructors, librarians? Imagine….. all the bakery workers. This could be huge! I could sell the pictures, maybe calendars? Coffee table books? I could go to different communities, I could franchise, I could…. See you at the courts, Bryan and Lisa Yagi




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August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


Here are your 2014 Rec Assistants Brendan

Head Rec Assistant Hey! For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Brendan Proulx. I am going to be the 2014 Head Rec Assistant for the Victoria Beach Club. I am very much looking forward to seeing all the amazing people I met last year (and some new ones!). I have just graduated from J. H. Bruns Collegiate with Honours and can’t wait to get started again with this amazing summer job opportunity!

Jessie Hi everyone, my name is Jessie and I am very excited to be spending another summer at VB as a rec assistant. I currently live in Toronto but I have been coming out to VB for as long as I can remember. During the year I enjoy playing on several sports teams, as well as competitive ski racing. I will be attending the National Ski Academy in the fall. Some of my favorite activities to do as a rec assistant are bike hikes, and arts and crafts. When I am not working I spend time at the beach and/or eating bakery food. I cannot wait to see all the new and familiar faces at all the events this summer!

Elora Hi everyone, my names Elora. I’m 17 and going into grade 12 at Kelvin High School. I’ve been coming down to the beach my whole life and a lot of you have probably seen me around the beach, the park or working at the moonlight Inn or the library. During

the year I spend my time coaching cross-country skiing as well as travelling to compete with team MB. I also teach swimming lessons during the school year. I’m very excited to be working with the VB club as a Rec assistant this summer and hope to get to know a lot of new people!

Jenna My name is Jenna Cech-Manek and I am really excited to be working as a Rec Assistant this summer. I just finished Grade 11 at St. Mary’s Academy. I enjoy being physically active, playing sports, reading and dancing. I love spending my summer in VB. I am looking forward to pier jumping, game nights, movie nights, hanging out with friends and the banana chocolate chip muffins from the bakery! Can’t wait to meet everyone. Let’s make this the best summer ever!

Mia Hi guys! My name is Mia and I’m very excited to be working with the rec program this summer. I’m 16 years old and going into grade 12 at Kelvin High School. I love being down at the lake during the summer and I’ve always wanted to be a Rec Assistant. You may have seen me around the beach working at the Library or the Moonlight Inn. During the school year I play squash competitively and also work as an assistant coach. I can’t wait to meet lots of new kids and have a great summer at the lake!

2014 Victoria Beach Golf Course Rates

MEMBERSHIPS: Family - Adult Couple Single - Adult Junior - 13 to 17 Child - 12 & under 2 or more children,

Seasonal $ 425.00 $ 290.00 $ 170.00 $ 120.00 $ 180.00

Monthly $ 245.00 $ 175.00 $ 110.00 $ 80.00 $ 120.00

Two Weeks $ 175.00 $ 120.00 $ 105.00 $ 70.00 $ 110.00

same family (12 & under)


9 holes Weekdays - $13.00 Weekends - $15.00 Children - $7.00/round (12& Under Weekdays and Weekends)

LOCKERS: Seasonal Monthly Daily - $2.00

Lower Locked $35.00

Upper Locked $ 30.00

Lower Open $ 30.00 $ 25.00

Upper Open $ 25.00 $ 20.00

Manager: Karl Hutchison All above fees/memberships include GST. Children 12 & under may not tee off Saturday, Sunday or Holidays until after 10:00 am and must be accompanied by an adult.

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August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Sports Day Results Editor’s Note: Due to space limitations we regret we could not fit in all of the Sports Day results. Those omitted last week are presented below. POTATO SACK RACE Mixed 4 and Under 1. Ethan Bowles 2. Thomas Holtmann 3. Charsley Goetz Girls 5 Years 1. Annabella SimeSurcon 2. Shayne Markesteyn and Sydney Stibbard (tie) 3. Cassie Reid and Sierra Rei (tie) Boys 5 Years 1. Sam Dyck 2. Noah Bueckert 3. Declan Preston Girls 6 – 7 Years 1. Maggie Sirrell 2. Maddie Keiser 3. Chloe Wilson and Bryn Orvis (tie) Boys 6 – 7 Years 1. Bennett SimeSurcon 2. Hopalong Cassidy 3. Archie Andrews Girls 8 – 9 Years 1. Alienor de Nanteuil 2. Rachel Garrett 3. Beatrix Potter Boys 8 Years 1. Nicholas Carlson 2. Calvin Hesse 3. Ryan McKee Boys 9 Years 1. Troy Martin 2. Brett Kaiser and Ian Prestige (tie) Girls 10 years 1. Caitlyn Willison 2. Juliana Zeilstra 3. Ella Russell Boys 10 Years 1. Eric Fontaine 2. Peter Rabbitt 3. Jackson Sirrell Girls 11 – 12 Years 1. Dana Poulton

2. Linnea Kosokowsky 3. Jenica Kelly Boys 11 – 12 Years 1. Xavier Champagne 2. Andrew Kaul 3. Thomas Girls 13 – 19 Years 1. Tess Poulton 2. Sami Hester 3. Rachel Beazley Boys 13 – 19 Years 1. Cameron Russell 2. Ian Willison 3. Jared Siragusa Women 20+ 1. Elora Adamson 2. Kristie Pearson 3. Phyllis Diller Men 20+ 1. Dermot McDonald 2. Kevin Goetz 3. Patrick Peacock SLOW BIKE RACE Girls 7 and Under 1. Stella McCaig 2. Emma Eftekhar 3. Siera Reid Boys 6 and Under 1. Ryland Orvis 2. Sam Dyck 3. Cadel Cheop Boys 7 years 1. Bennett SimeSurcon 2. No Neymor 3. Biker Suarez Girls 8 Years 1. Piper Hughes 2. Alienor de Nanteuil 3. Petal Turnerr Boys 8 Years 1. Calvin Hesse 2. Aaron Pattison 3. Mario Goetze Girls 9 Years 1. Jessica Preston 2. Taylor Swift 3. Hannah Montana Boys 9 Years

1. Jack Clement 2. Joseph Anderson 3. Branden Lailey Girls 10 Years 1. Riley Hughes 2. Ella Russell 3. Amy Edwards Boys 10 Years 1. Matthew Kaul 2. Eddie Partridge and Jackson Sirrell (tie) 3. Ryan Wall Girls 11 Years 1. Rachel Garrett 2. Madison Guarino 3. Kennidi Stubbs Boys 11 Years 1. Lance Armstrong 2. Andreas Davison 3. Loring Roehr Girls 12 Years 1. Dana Poulton 2. Linnea Kosokowsky 3. Rylee Kochenash Boys 12 Years 1. Jared Siragusa 2. Andrew Kaul 3. Mark Edmonds Girls 13 to 15 years 1. Rachel Beazley 2. Sami Hester 3. Hermoine Granger Boys 13 to 15 years 1. Harry Potter 2. Ian Willison 3. Jaxin da Roza Women 16 – 34 years 1. Elora Adamson 2. Katness Almostbeen 3. Jessie Hoole Mens 16 – 34 years 1. Cameron Russell 2. Jamie Boge 3. Stefan Keith Women 35 – 42 1. Lisa Zeilstra 2. Kathy Melville 3. Shirley Partridge Men 35 – 44

RMVB Garbage Pickup Summer Schedule Door-to-door pickup is as follows: MONDAY - Albert Beach, all areas south of Arthur Road and west of Ateah Road, including Ateah Road TUESDAY - All avenues in Restricted Area north of Arthur Road including Sunset Boulevard WEDNESDAY - Municipal garbage enclosures in all areas. Garbage is to be placed in garbage bags and left in containers (preferably bear-resistant ones). Containers are to be placed in the front yard - not on the road allowance - by no later than 8:30 am.

PICK-UP IS FOR HOUSEHOLD GARBAGE ONLY. TRAVERSE BAY LANDFILL: PTH#11 - 3 miles east of PTH#11 & #59 intersection. OPEN DAILY - 9 am to 5 pm.

1. Dean Cushing 2. Gettin Messi 3. Jason Stubbs Women 43 plus 1. Maggie Hughes – Rozzi 2. Tamara Roehr 3. Marsha Brady Men 45 – 50

1. Mike Oxenforth 2. Where is Bob 3. Garry Roehr Men 51 Plus 1. Elmer Hughes 2. Gord Beazley 3. Jeff Hollins Egg Toss 1. Cathy Carlson and

Nicole Clement 2. Avery and Blake Edwards 3. Christopher Derksen and Matthew Carlson Brett and Kevin Kaiser (tie)

BALLOON BUM BREAK Heat 1 1. Thomas and Eddie Partridge, Christopher Edwards, Matthew Kaul and Jack FilukScott 2. Scott, Stephen and Logan Mitchell, Beverley Evans and Addison Mawhinnwy 3. Mark Edmonds, Julia Beazley, Kate and Margo Kilbery and Al Heat 2 1. Dana Poulton, Andew Kaul, Jackson Sirrell, Tia Davison and Aidan Pattison 2. Jack Menec, Xavier Champagne, Branden Lailey, Sam Menec and Matthew Garrett 3. Ryland Nechwediuk, Josh Stubbs, Jack Clement, Tayem Gislason and Josh Peacock Heat 3 1. Matthew and Nick Carlson, Daniel and Christopher Derksen and Jenn Cech-Manek 2. Ian Willison, Jared Siragusa and Jake Martin 3. Tessa, Ainsley and Annika Niblock, Hilary and Paige Robson Heat 4 1. Abby, Tom and Kathy Melville, Sue Hodgson and Robin Gislason 2. The Roehrs 3. Linnea Kosokowsky, Annika Falkenberg, Abi Popel, Hilary and Paige Robson Heat 5 1. Three-way tie a. Garry and Loring Roehr, Nathan Glavina, Judy Klassen and Carolyn Bergen b. Luca Eftekhar, Josh and Kai Peacock, Matthew Waldman ad Cadel Cheop c. Ella Russell, Riley Hughes, Amy and Blake Edwards and Jillian Doiron 2. Avery Edwards, Georgia and Yvette Wilson, Brooke Oxenforth and Caitlyn Willison 3. The Dumphies

Tennis Courts Update Another busy week at the courts! Congratulations to all Junior Tennis tournament participants on an exciting tournament. The future of tennis at Victoria Beach looks great! Also thanks to Melanie Charbonneau and Anil Kaul for organizing the tournament as well as all the volunteers who helped out. As always, the regular activities were buzzing with energy. Hope to see some more new faces out in the coming weeks! Here are last week’s round robin results: July 21 1) Betty Hansford/Derek Zeilstra 2) Karl Ruban/Michael Kerr 3) tie Nicole Masse/Alison Strome and Pamela Borutski/Ken Mitchell July 25 1) Peter Duke/Jim Marchand 2) Arroll Stewart/Teresa Young 3) Karl Ruban/Amanda Morel John Guest

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


2014 Victoria Beach Junior Tennis Tournament Results The annual tournament was a huge success with our largest draw coming from the parent-child recreation: 32 entries in total! Next was the boys singles under 12 followed by the girls singles under 12. A true and hard fought match was had between the girls & the boys from the respective Stewart/Morel families. (Girls won!!) We would like to thank the Yagi’s for their guidance and the tennis attendants for their help. We are passing the torch onto new convenors: Brad & Anndrea, Lisa & Derek Z and Philippe C. We know the tournament is in good hands. We had a lot of fun organizing and running the tournament. Working with a very supportive tennis community always helps. To all the players: “ keep coming to the courts, hitting the ball and having fun. “ Melanie, Marnie, Anil & Geoff 2014 Results Event Champion(s) Finalist(s) Boys Singles 18 Connor Davies Luke Charbonneau Boys Singles 16 Alex Kirbyson Cole Paige Girls Singles 16 Lydia Morel Tess Poulton Boys Doubles 18 Quino Da Roza & Luke & Ben Derek Finnbogason Charbonneau Boys Doubles 14 Chris Edwards & Alex Kirbyson & Thomas Partridge Eddy Partridge Girls Doubles 14 Tess Poulton & Dana Poulton & Kendra Hancock Aidan Pattison

Mixed Doubles 14 Amy Edwards & Dana Poulton & Eddy Partridge Andrew Kaul Girls Singles 14 Dana Poulton Emma den Haan Girls Singles 12 Linnea Kosokowsky Georgia Wilson Boys Singles 12 Stefan Barre Chris Edwards Boys Singles 14 Thomas Partridge Alex Kirbyson Parent-Child The Champagne’s The Mawhinney’s Recreational Xavier & Philippe Addison & Gord Parent –Child Lydia Morel & James Morel & Competitive Ali Stewart Justin Stewart Please note: the winners from the under 18 categories are eligible to play in the VB Open Tournament on August long weekend.

Golf Update Hello golfers, just a quick update, the ladies golf tournament is coming up shortly on Wednesday, July 30th. The juniors golf tournament follows the week after on Wednesday, August 6th. The season is short, so come out and enjoy the gem we have in our own backyard. See you soon. Karl Hutchison






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August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

Super Soccer Sunday August 10th

Best Spot on the Lot “Now, where did I park my car, was it on 6 or 7? I sure hope it’s not under a light.” Would you like to have the “best spot” in the parking lot? Get your tickets now. They sell out every year. Second prize is 4 free taxi rides and third prize is a $50.00 gift certificate to Carol on Leon’s. The proceeds support our Victoria Beach First Responders. Contact Betty Lodewyks at 11 Pine Rd., 204-756-2927 or the Parking Lot for tickets. Thanks again to Betty and Ab Hansford for their work in running this raffle over the last few years. Betty Lodewyks

It is time for the annual V.B. Soccer Tournament taking place at the Sports Field on Sunday, August 10th. We will kick-off the day with the Kid’s Division (7 to 10 years) at 9:00 A.M., followed by the Youth Division (11 to 14 years) and finally the Open Division (15 years and up), starting at approximately 11:00. The goal for the day is fun and participation. Teams will consist of a keeper and five players on the field with a minimum of two members of the opposite gender on the field at all times. You may have as many substitutes on your team as you like. Individuals who do not have a team need not worry, just sign up (early) and we will find a team for you! It is important to note that bare feet or running shoes will be acceptable footwear for the day, absolutely NO cleats will be allowed! We encourage you to bring water and sunscreen. Please submit your team name, division category and roster no later than 6 P.M. on Saturday, August 9th (no exceptions!) You can call either Stino or Rex at the numbers listed below, or feel free to drop off your submission at 311 2nd Avenue. Are your playing days over but still love the game? Why not come down and volunteer to referee a game or two? We appreciate anyone interested in refereeing to come down to the Sports Field on Sunday to help out, or give Stino or Rex a call. If last year’s champions could return the trophies to the Sports Field on the day of the tournament that would be greatly appreciated! See you on the field! Stino Siragusa Rex Neuendorff 204-996-0121 204-756-2504

(204) 891 2575 Painting, Lawn Care, Dump Trips, Window Washing, Pressure Washing, Staining "NFSJDBT t &.&" t "TJB

August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


Have a nice(er) drive home! By now we’ve all seen the work being done on Highway 59. I was curious to see what the new intersection will look like at the Grand Beach turnoff, so I asked the province for a map and a brief explanation of how traffic will flow once it’s completed. As we all know, the existing intersection currently has the free flow of traffic on Hwy. 12 going in and out of Grand Beach, with traffic from Hwy. 59 from the north having to stop to access the main highway when travelling south. The province says this configuration worked well for vehicles travelling to and from Grand Beach. However, anyone north of this location often had a tough time accessing Hwy. 12 and Hwy.59 going south during peak times, like on Sunday nights in the summer when everyone heads home at the same time. The province says the new the configuration will improve the overall operation of the intersection. It means southbound traffic originating from north of the intersection will no longer have to stop to access the main Hwy.59 southbound lane. We’ll go straight through. And traffic going in and out of Grand Beach will still have a high level of accessibility to Hwy. 12, with a dedicated left-turn lane for northbound traffic, and a right turn cut-off with a parallel lane to allow traffic leaving Grand Beach to merge with the southbound traffic on Hwy. 59. The new intersection is the biggest part of this summer’s improvements to Hwy. 59, including new asphalt, paved shoulders

A Victoria Beach


Scott Thain

and culverts, north of the Hwy. 12 intersection to Gull Lake. - Bruce Owen

Sandcastle Contest: results will be published with photos in the August 8th issue of the Herald.


August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD

CLASSIFIEDS Need a handyman? For prompt, courteous and reliable help, call Mike’s Handyman Service at 756-6163 or 799-1703. THE HOME FRONT: Hopscotch and Heartache While Daddy was at War is an award-winning memoir by Margaret Dennis Owen. Available at at the Victoria Beach Grocery or at 407-6th Avenue (phone 204 756 2647). Sun Country Arts & Crafts Inc. Arts, Crafts & Collectibles Sale V.B. Sports Club Sat. AUG. 9 - 10 am TO 4 pm, Tables/ $ 20Contact Dale 204-586-0897. Cottage for Rent - Very comfortable 2 story, 2 private bedrooms, 5 bed ‘barracks’, 2 bathrooms. 3 Beech @ Bayview. Sept 2014 and Victoria Day-Thanksgiving 2015. Phone (310)230-3298 or rhos. dyke@gmail.com Beaches Bike Repair. Servicing the East Beaches area. Pickup/Delivery and mobile available. Fast, friendly service of all makes and models. Call Jim at 756-6716. Work Wanted - Duncan your local plumber (Journeyman with 22yrs experience ). Small jobs a specialty. Fast, reasonably priced service. Property management, opening and closing too. When it breaks call/text 431-228-3032!

Welcome back everyone – for another great summer! Victoria Beach Restricted Area

Victoria Beach LAKEFRONTS

1 Elm Ave $159,900 4 Elm REDUCED $154,900 6 Beech REDUCED $330,000 26 Gibson Drive $129,900 119 8th Ave REDUCED $167,900 307 8th REDUCED $169,000 311 7th REDUCED $129,900 405 8th Ave SOLD $196,900 421 6th Ave $174,900 424 7th REDUCED $119,900 15 Scott Dr $145,000 3 Thomas Dr REDUCED $179,900 122 6th Ave $149,900

317 Sunset Blvd SOLD$375,000 333 Sunset Blvd SOLD $349,900 417 Sunset Blvd REDUCED $299,000 419 Sunset Blvd REDUCED $275,000 345 Sunset REDUCED $499,900 147 Victoria SOLD $367,000 47 Hampton 1 acre $165,000 10 Bella Dan Sandy Bay $389,000

Victoria Beach Non Restricted Area 45 David Rd SOLD $295,000 45 Lakeview Sandy Bay $174,900

Victoria Beach LAKEFRONTS 9 Bayview Blvd 13 Pelican Point Rd 103 Sunset Blvd

$299,900 $625,000 $599,900

Victoria Beach Vacant Land 4 Evergreen Rd $29,900 6 Evergreen Rd $29,900 29 Evergreen Rd $31,900 20 Evergreen Rd $29,900 23 Lakewood Rd $29,900 28 Mike Bay REDUCED $35,900 7 Birch Haven Rd SOLD $39,900 43 Lakeview SOLD $40,000 47 Lakeview SOLD $40,000 343 8th Ave Restricted Area $95,000 343 8th Restricted Area $95,000

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Come & enjoy paradise at VB!

CLASSIFIEDS ROCK STAR JEWELRY (North Vancouver) sale. Sunday, August 3 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at 206 5TH Ave. Rain date – Monday, August 4 - same times. SUMMER JEWELRY SALE Handmade jewelry by Barb and Carmyn Campbell Sunday August 3 11am-3pm 1 Sandy Lane (off McCawley Rd in Sandy Bay) Bike or walking access only please Victoria Beach Re-cycles. Free bike rentals. Look for green fenders. Honour system. Fix or build new ones at VICTORIA BEACH PEDALGOGY. Free tools, parts & Lessons. Donations of bicycles, parts, art, or baking appreciated. 326 8th Avenue. Call to set up a lesson. (204) 756-2020 or (204) 898-5165.

Library News Hello Everyone! It’s been another fun week at the Library! Our gummy worm jar guessing contest is still underway, and every child gets one guess with each book she/he takes out. Here’s just another gentle reminder to return any overdue library books. You can return them when we are open, or simply through the slot in the library door. Happy Reading! Emily and Tess Victoria Beach Librarians

Bridge News Our annual Victoria Beach Duplicate Bridge tournament will be held on Wednesday, August 6th. Please arrive by 6:20 PM at the clubhouse. Cost is $5.00 per person. Come with a partner or, if you don`t have one, call Donna at 2733. We had five tables of duplicate bridge on Monday, July 21st. Congratulations to Bev Underhill & Bob Laumeyer who came first in the North - South position and Fran Pollard & Donna Thain who came first in the East - West position. Please arrive Mondays at the clubhouse by 6:20 to play duplicate bridge. Cost to play is $1.00 and cold drinks are also sold for $1.00. If you need a partner, call Ken at 3612. Please support the Victoria Beach Club by buying a seasonal membership, as we would not have bridge if it were not for the Victoria Beach Club. See you Monday at 6:20

Victoria Beach HERALD

August 1, 2014


V.B. Club Membership August Already? Wow! It is hard to believe that the August long-weekend is upon us and that we have already finished five weeks of fun in the sun (and rain)! Fortunately, we still have two weeks of fun programs and special events ahead of us! If you are just arriving at the beach (as many do for family gatherings beginning with this weekend) and have yet to get your annual calendar and beach bracelets, you can do so when you purchase your membership at one of three places: the Tennis Courts and Library during their regular hours, and between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm at the Information Booth at the VB Gate. If you are here just for the weekend and don’t think you will use a membership but want to support the VB traditions you hold dear, please consider making a donation to the VB Club - you can do so anywhere memberships are sold. You will receive a tax receipt for any donation of $20.00 or more. Looking ahead to next summer - Pamela and Lise have completed their two-year term as Membership Convenors, but are happy to show new Convenors “the ropes” and lend a hand for next year. Please give one of us a call if you are interested in getting involved. This is a great role for getting to know your beach community! We would love to hear from you too if you would like to take on a canvassing route for the Membership Blitz on the July long-weekend. Happy August everyone! Pamela Beazley (204-756-3682) Lise Simonsen (204-791-3852) Anita Gubbels (204-756-3096)

Randy & Onale Thomas Shop yard open Saturdays 9am - 1pm

32 August 1, 2014

Victoria Beach HERALD


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