1 minute read

Amanda Amanda Martin Martin


“There’s nothing like baking or cooking for the ones you care about, ” says


Amanda. “It’s a guaranteed way to make someone smile and feel loved, all while raising your own spirits. ”

Amanda bakes from the heart and she always makes sure to include a dash of love!

Amanda started baking at a very young age. “I grew up watching my mom, nana and aunts. They were always making something fabulous for their families, ” says Amanda. “I guess you could say it runs in my blood!”

In 2019 Amanda lost her husband, and at the time she really amped up baking and began selling cakes and cookie boxes during the holidays for extra income. “It became a form of therapy for me” .

Amanda’s full time job is being a mom and homeschooling her daughter Hannah.

She is also a published author. “I wrote and published a book last year about my story called, “Love, Grit & Grace " , says Amanda. “It’s my life long mission now to encourage women who have been in similar situations as me and offer them hope and support. ”

One of Amanda’s dreams is to start a foundation for young widows and their children and provide them with magical Christmases and make some of their dreams come true. “I’d also love to write and publish a cookbook and donate some of my proceeds back to this foundation. ” says Amanda.

Amanda’s is known in her community for making the best cakes, today she shares with us a confetti cake to celebrate Valentine’s day.