1 minute read

Laura Laura Krell Krell


Laura loves spe g y kitchen For her baking is about making memories and she has found it to be very therapeutic


"I love to create special moments with my family when we’re baking together, ” says Laura. “I can remember baking with my grandmother for as long as I can remember. She is the reason for my love of baking and we made so many memories together throughout the years. I always had the best time staying at her house and baking the time away. I even have recipe cards that I would write with her in my handwriting from barely old enough to write!”

Laura’s friends and family had always encouraged her to start a baking business, and she recently did just that by starting Sugarheart Baking Co.

“One special thing about my baking business is that I am able to bake for people that have certain allergies, ” says Laura. “Growing up with a milk allergy myself, and family members with nut allergies, we were never able to really enjoy desserts at parties or celebrations I found it extremely difficult to find a local baker that would be able to make desserts for special occasions with ingredients that I could eat AND it tasted good, so I just decided to figure it out on my own!”

Laura’s signature dish is her vanilla bean decorated sugar cookie. “My goal (with my business) is to offer delicious baking “ activities” and help people create special memories and moments together” says Laura.

Follow Laura’s 5 Tips for Decorating Sugar Cookies of your own!

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