A Planetary Order

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A PLANETARY ORDER 10. 01. - 15. 02. 2014 martin john callanan rebecca partridge katie paterson

Galerie Christian Ehrentraut Friedrichstr. 123 D-10117 Berlin Tel/Fax +49 30 44 03 83 85 ce@christianehrentraut.com www.christianehrentraut.com

Planetary Order Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. 2014 Ansicht #1

Planetary Order Guarigione dell´ossesso Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. 2014 2013 Ansicht #2

Planetary Order Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. 2014 Ansicht #3

Martin John Callanan, Rebecca Partridge, Katie Paterson „A PLANETARY ORDER“


ie von Rebecca Partridge kuratierte Gruppenausstellung „A Planetary Order“ bringt drei Künstler/ innen zu- sammen, die sich in unterschiedlichen Medien mit der Er- forschung von Meta-Narrativen der Zeit, Landschaft und systematischer Abstraktion auf zugleich spielerische und ernsthafte Weise beschäftigen. Die Gegenüberstellung von Malerei, Skulptur und internetbasierten Arbeiten be- tont das gemeinsame Interesse an konzeptuellen Frage- stellungen der Künstler/innen, deren akribische minimalis- tische Ästhetik eine weitere Parallele bildet. Die Arbeiten oszillieren zwischen Ernsthaftigkeit und Humor, Romantik und Rationalität, Reduktion und erhabener Größe und vereinen dabei traditionelle künstlerische Arbeitsweisen mit aktuellster digitaler Technik. Die Ausstellung reflektiert ein wachsendes Interesse an der Rückkehr zu metaphy- sischen Themen, welche trotz ihrer Ernsthaftigkeit immer mit einer kritischen Distanz und einem Bewusstsein für das Komische beleuchtet werden. Der Titel der Ausstellung geht auf Martin John Cal- lanans Arbeit „A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Glo- be)“ zurück, einem 3D- bedruckten Globus, der direkt auf dem Galerieboden platziert ist und bei genauerer Betrachtung ein Wolkenbild eines präzisen Moments aufweist. Diese zunächst unscheinbare Arbeit ist tatsächlich eine ambitionierte Visualisierung von wissenschaftlichen Echtzeitdaten der Wolkenüberwachungssatelliten der NASA und der European Space Agency. Callanans Prinzip der Transformation von Daten zu Kunstwerken, die sowohl das Ausmaß von miteinander gekoppelten globalen Systemen als auch unseren Standort darin reflektieren, findet sich auch in seinem aktuellsten Werk „Departure of All“ wieder. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine internetverbundene Abflugsanzeige, welche die Flugin- formationen jedes internationalen Flughafens der Welt anzeigt. Die in Echtzeit aktualisierten Flugdaten geben einen schwindelerregenden Einblick in die Geschwindig- keit des globalen Verkehrs und verweisen zugleich auf einzelne realzeitliche Momente. Katie Patersons Arbeit „As The World Turns“ - ein entsprechend der Erdumdrehungsgeschwindigkeit ro- tierender Plattenspieler - bietet in seiner unmerklichen Langsamkeit einen Gegenpol zu Callanans Position. Nur dem aufmerksamsten Zuhörer offenbart sich Vivaldis „Vier Jahreszeiten“ über die Kopfhörer. Wie bei Callanan entfaltet sich auch Patersons Arbeit in einem weitaus größeren Raum als jenem, den das Kunstwerk einnimmt. Indem der Plattenspieler suggeriert, einen Blick auf die Erde herab zu ermöglichen, aktiviert Paterson einen so- wohl metaphysischen als auch komischen Imaginations- raum. An der großen Wand der Galerie hängt „Notes on The Sea“, ein Dyptichon in zwölf Teilen. In diesen seriel- len, fotorealistischen Gemälden zeigt Partridge ruhige, nebelverhangene Seestücke zu unterschiedlichen Ta- ges- und Nachtzeiten. Das urbildliche, romantische Sujet tritt dabei in einen Widerstreit mit sich selbst ein, indem es Teil eines Systems wird. Partridge spielt in ihren Bildern mit Dauerhaftigkeit, mathematischer Abstraktion und dem Schönen; ihr Versuch, den Inbegriff der romantischen Landschaft zu rationalisieren, erscheint zugleich medita- tiv und absurd.


Planetary Order curated by Rebecca Partridge brings together three artists who, though working in very different media, all explore meta-narratives of time, landscape and systematic abstraction with a combination of sincerity and playfulness. The juxtaposition of painting, sculpture and new media works emphasises the concep- tual concerns of the artists who also share a me- ticulous minimalist aesthetic. The works hover be- tween seriousness and humour, the romantic and the rational, reduction and sublime scale, all with- in a dialogue which encompasses works made both with highly traditional means and the most current new media technology. The exhibition re- flects a growing interest in a return to metaphysi- cal themes, which though sincere, is not without critical distance and awareness of the comical. The exhibition found its name in Martin John Callanan’s A Planetary Order (Terrestrial Cloud Globe) a 3D printed globe which, sitting directly on the gallery floor, on close inspection reveals the cloud cover of one single moment in time. This inconspicuous piece is in fact an ambitious ‘physical visualisation of real-time scientific data’ taken from cloud monitoring satellites overseen by NASA and the European Space Agency. Cal- lanan’s transformation of data into artworks which articulate both the enormity of interconnected global systems and our place within them, continues with his most recent work, Departure of All; a flight departure board displaying the flight information for every international airport around the world. Running in real time, the speed of global transit creates a dizzying account of single moments. Katie Paterson provides a counterpoint to this overwhelm with her imperceptibly slow work, As The World Turns; a record player which, rotating at the speed of the earth, plays Vivaldi’s Four Seasons audible through headphones to only the most attentive listener. As with Callanan, Paterson’s artwork occupies a space far greater than the actual work- activating an imaginative space which is both metaphysical and comic; the record player suggesting the turning earth which we are able to look down upon. Along the long wall of the gallery hangs Notes on The Sea, a (diptych in twelve parts) the series of twelve minimal photore- alist paintings calmly depicts fog veiled seascapes as polarities of night and day. In this work the ar- chetypal romantic image enters into a contra- diction with itself as it becomes part of a system. Playing with notions of duration, mathematic ab- straction, and the possibility of painting a beautiful landscape, Partridge’s attempt to rationalize the epitomised romantic landscape is both medita- tive and absurd.

Planetary Order Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. 2014 Ansicht #4


As the world turns [2010] Katie Paterson 98 x 54 x 40 cm

modifizierter Schallplattenspieler modified record player

Departure of all [2013] Martin John Callanan 120 x 50 x 40 cm

Computerprogramm und Display mit Computer computer program and display with computer

Notes on the sea: day - part 2, II [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: day - part 2, III [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: day - part 2, I [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: day - part 1, II [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: day - part 1, III [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: day - part 1, I [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 2, II [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 2, III [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 2, I [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 1, II [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 1, III [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

Notes on the sea: night - part 1, I [2014] Rebecca Partridge 70 x 56 cm テ僕 auf Holz oil on board

A planetary order [2013] Martin John Callanan ø 30 cm

SLS Nylon (3D-Druck) SLS Nylon (3D Print)

not in the exhibition Stellated Dodecahedron [2013] Rebecca Partridge

Portrait (I) [2013] Rebecca Partridge


テ僕 auf Holz


oil on board

テク 20 cm

40 x 50 cm

not in the exhibition

The fundamental units - Euro* [2013] Martin John Callanan 120 x 120 cm Fotodruck photographic print


MARTIN JOHN CALLANAN Geboren 1982 in UK. Lebt und arbeitet in London und Berlin

Born 1982 in UK. Lives and works in London and Berlin

Ausbildung - Education 2009 - 2011 2003 - 2005 2000 - 2003

Post Graduate Certificate Adult Learning and Professional Development, UCL CALT MFA Fine Art Media, The Slade School of Fine Art, University College London Funded by the AHRC Research Preparation Scheme and Travel Award Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Visual Communication (Photography), Birmingham Institute of Art & Design, UCE

Stipendien und Preise - Grants and Awards 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009

Philip Leverhulme Prize Artist in Residence, Center for Artists’ Residencies and Exchanges, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Live 2011 Grand Prix, Finland (honorary mention award best online project) Screengrab Award, Townsville, Australia (award) File Prix Lux (finalist) Researcher in Residence, Simon Faithfull’s Mobile Research Station, Berlin Sculpture Park, Germany

2007 2004

Artist in Residence, UCL Environment Institute, London Artist in Residence, At Home In Europe, Riga Centre for New Media Culture RIXC, Latvia Next Level Vorsprung durch Technik Photography Awards (finalist)

Einzelausstellungen - Solo Exhibitions 2013 2012

Noshowspace, London Along Some Sympathetic Lines, Or Gallery, Berlin Horrach Moya Gallery, Palma, Spain Casal Solleric, Palma, Spain

Gruppenausstellungen - Group Exhibitions

2014 2013






A Planetary Order - Martin John Callanan, Rebecca Partridge and Katie Paterson, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. Catalyst, Imperial War Museum North Open Cube, White Cube Mason’s Yard Reason and Emotion, Kunstverein Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen Futureeverything, Manchester Invited by, Bochum The Open Data Institute, London, UK Whitstable Biennale, UK London Open, Whitechapel Gallery, London Deed Poll, Whitechapel Gallery, London (performance) The Present is a Point Just Past, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, University of Greenwich, London Time-Lapse, SITE Santa Fe, USA Transactions, Centro Cultural de España en Guatemala, La Ciudad de Guatemala Make the Living Look Dead, Book Works, The Showroom, London and Spike Island, Bristol, UK Extimacy, Es Baluard Modern and Contemporary Art Museum, Palma, Spain Transactions, Horrach Moya Gallery, Palma, Spain Live 2011 Grand Prix, Finland Regeneration.011, Istanbul, Turkey Urbanea 2011, Inca, Mallorca, Spain Several Interruptions, SCEMFA, UCL, London The MINI Museum of XXI Century Arts, Büro BDP, Berlin FutureEverything, Manchester, UK The World in 100 Years, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria How We Became Metadata, IMCC, London ISEA2010 RUHR, Dortmund, Germany Screengrab Award, Townsville, Australia Museum of Contemporary Art of Vojvodina, Serbia 11 FILE, Brazil File Prix Lux, Brazil Pin Board Project, London Collaborators 2, ROOM, London Rizom Grada, Belgrade Fieldbroadcast Web Biennial 10, Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, Turkey NETescopio, MEIAC Museo Extremeño e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo, Spain FILE RIO 2009, Brazil UCL Artists, London, UK Jyväskylä Art Museum, Finland Space is the Place, ISEA 2009, National College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland Urban Screens Melbourne, Australia Moscow International Film Festival, Russia Encoding Experience, Hunter Street Centre for the Arts, Australia Netaudio Festival, London



ABPP loan exhibition, AKI Enschede, The Netherlands FILE Hipersonica Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Whitstable Biennale Satellite, UK Live Art Falmouth, UK Residence Gallery, London, UK IDFA DocLab 2008 FILE Electronic Language International Festival, Sao Paulo Biennale 3000, Sao Paulo, Brazil FILE Hipersonica Festival, Sao Paulo, Brazil Hz Journal #10, Fylkingen Exploding Cinema, London, UK (screening) UNESCO Virtual Residency, Saar, Germany Dislocate, Ginza Art Laboratory, Japan Velocity, Folly Festival of Digital Culture, Lancashire, UK Trampoline, Year 10, Broadway, Nottingham, UK TakeAway, Science Museum, London, UK Sound:Space Symposium, South Hill Park, UK 8th Pixxelpoint festival, Nova Gorica, Slovenia Convocatoria International Art Tech Media 07 Radio Tower Xchange (RTX), Riga, Latvia Mapping, Bury Art Gallery, Bury, UK Adding Insult to Imagery?, Kipp Gallery, Indiana University of Pennsylvania and Central Missouri State University, USA FRAMED, Slade Centre for Electronic Media (part of Node. London festival), London, UK Paraflows 06 Festival, Blumberg, Vienna, Austria Trampoline/Radiator biennial Festival for New Technology Art, Nottingham, UK NOMUSIC Festival X Resonance 104.4fm, London SightSonic, York International Digital Arts Festival, UK Memefest 2006 - International Festival of Radical Communication, Slovenia ArtConcept Festival, Saint-Petersburg, Russia International Selection, 7th Seoul Film Festival, Korea Concordia University Electroacoustics Series XXIV, Concordia University, Canada


REBECCA PARTRIDGE Geboren 1976 in UK. Lebt und arbeitet in Berlin

Born 1976 in UK. Lives and works in Berlin

Ausbildung - Education 2009 - 2011 2003 - 2005

Royal Academy Schools, London. Post Graduate Diploma in Fine Art Bath Spa University College. BA (Hons) Fine Art Painting

Stipendien und Preise - Grants and Awards 2012 2011 2010 2008

Cortijada Los Gasquez, Andalucia, Spain Transart Summer Residency, Berlin CCA Andratx – Art Foundation Mallorca, Spain Nes Artists Residency, Iceland FringeMK Painting Prize shortlist 2010 Terra Summer Residency, Giverny, France Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi, India

2007 2006 2005

Doygner De Sognac Award The Vincent Harris Award for Painting TIPP International Course in Contemporary Art Tihany, Hungary

2007 2001

Works on Paper, IVI, Clerkenwell, London From Micro to Macro The Mercer Art Gallery, Harrogate, North Yorkshire

2007 2006

ASP.KRK.RAS.LDN, Wisnicz Castle, Nowy Wisnicz, Poland Premiums, Sackler Galleries, Royal Academy of Art, London Arrangement, Rhodes + Mann, London

Einzelausstellungen - Solo Exhibitions 2011

2010 2009

Cabinet Paintings. The Gallery of Wonder, University of Newcastle, UK In the Day Time, CCA Andratx – Art Foundation Mallorca, Spain Helena Goldwater, Rebecca Partridge, Art First Projects, London Space, Sky, Mind, Gallery Adular, Sweden Guy Allott, Rebecca Partridge, Number 3, Pately Bridge, UK Bilderkosmos, The Centre For Endless Progress, Berlin Light Lines, IMA Design Village, Berlin

Gruppenausstellungen - Group Exhibitions








A Planetary Order - Martin John Callanan, Rebecca Partridge and Katie Paterson, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin. Amerika; Idea;fantasy; dream; myth; image, Camberwell Space, London USA, Gig Munich Natural History, Art First, London Verstand und Gefühl: Landschaft und die Zeitgenössische Romantik Kunstverein Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen Compendium II , Art First, London Works by CCA Artist-in-Residence Program Artists: Oana Farcas, Patrick Fitzgerald, Carsten Fock, Tobias Hantmann, Alexandra Medilanski, Anders Moseholm, Rebecca Partridge, Hanneline Røgeberg, Sherman Sam, Helga Schmidhuber & Martin Wöhrl Kunsthalle CCA Andratx, Mallorca Time Being: Being Time, The NeuroBureau, Baumwolle Spinnerei, Leipzig Film screening “No Beginning No End” Kántrýdagur festival, Skagaströnd, Iceland The Perfect Nude, Charlie Smith, London Reason And Emotion: Landscape and the Contemporary Romantic Baroniet Rosendal, Norway New Horizons: Landscape and the Contemporary Romantic Kunstraum T27, Berlin The Perfect Nude, Wimbledon Space, London Young Art Oslo, Scandic Vulcan, Oslo, Norway Neuro-Cartographies, Human Brain Mapping Conference, Quebec, Canada No Beginning No End, Film Screening British Shorts Film Festival, Berlin Biennale of Light Art Austria, Kunstverien Perchtoldsdorf, Vienna FringeMK Painting Prize, online exhibition Geographies of Art: Sur le Terrain (group exhibition and international symposium) Terra Foundation for American Art, Paris ArteinLuce 2009, Olympic Village, Turin, Italy Colour Explosion, Menier Gallery, London The Anthology of Optimis, www.anthologyofoptimism.com Figuring Light: Colour and the Representation of the Intangible Duncan Bullen, Jane Bustin, Richard Kenton Webb and Rebecca Partridge, Djanogly Gallery, Nottingham Terra Foundation Fellows, Musee d’Art Americain, Giverny, France Rise and Fall, Sanskriti Foundation, New Delhi, India Best of New Graduates 2007, Harrow School Gallery, London



KATIE PATERSON Geboren 1981 in Glasgow. Lebt und arbeitet in London und Berlin

Born 1981 in Glasgow. Lives and works in London and Berlin

Ausbildung - Education 2005 - 2007 2000 - 2004

Master of Fine Art, Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, London, distinction BA (Hons) Fine Art, Edinburgh College of Art, 1st class

Stipendien und Preise - Grants and Awards 2014 2013 2012 2011

Solo collaboration with Rambert Ballet, London, forthcoming Future Library, 100 year commission with Situations / Slow Days Oslo, Norway Honorary Fellowship, Edinburgh University Artist in Residence, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge Best Emerging Artist award, Artistic Landmarks in Contemporary Experience Joanna Drew Travel Bursary, the Hayward Gallery John Florent Stone Fellow, Edinburgh College of Art

2010 2009 2008 2007

Leverhulme Artist in Residence Award, Physics & Astronomy Department, UCL Whitstable Biennale commission Vauxhall Collective commission Darwin Now Award, British Council Creative 30, Vice/Yahoo/Independent Julian Sullivan Award, Slade School of Fine Art, London

Einzelausstellungen - Solo Exhibitions 2014

2013 2012

Solo show, Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, forthcoming Solo show, James Cohan Gallery, New York, forthcoming Solo touring exhibition In Another Time, Mead Gallery, University of Warwick Eveningness, Fundação Leal Rios, Lisbon, Portugal Winter is Gone, Casa Encendida, Madrid, Spain Dark Matter, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, UK Katie Paterson, Kettle’s Yard, Cambridge Katie Paterson, Selfridges, London Campo del Cielo, Field of the Sky, commission for the Olympics,

2011 2010 2008

Exhibition Road Show, London Inside this Desert, BAWAG Contemporary, Vienna 100 Billion Suns, Haunch of Venison, London FOCUS, Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, USA PKM, Seoul, Korea James Cohan Gallery, New York Streetlight Storm, with Turner Contemporary Albion, London Encounters: Katie Paterson, Modern Art Oxford

Gruppenausstellungen - Group Exhibitions






A Planetary Order - Martin John Callanan, Rebecca Partridge and Katie Paterson, Galerie Christian Ehrentraut, Berlin Outer Space, Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany, forthcoming Curiosity: Art, Wonder & the Pleasures of Knowing, forthcoming, touring show Turner Contemporary, Margate Castle Museum & Art Gallery Norwich de Appel, Amsterdam Dissident Futures, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts in San Francisco, forthcoming Foreign Bodies / Common Ground, the Wellcome Trust, London, forthcoming Tipping Point, Wolverhampton Art Gallery, UK, forthcoming Kunsthalle Winterthur, Switzerland, forthcoming Kunstverein & Stiftung Springhornhof, Neuenkirchen, Germany, forthcoming The Piano, Art Gallery of Alberta, Canada, forthcoming Now Here is also Nowhere, The Henry Art Gallery, Seattle, USA LIGHT SHOW, the Hayward, London, UK The Unseen, Guangzhou Triennial, China Metaphoria, Museu de Arqueologia, Guimaraes, Portugal Nuit Blanche, Toronto Expanded Drawing, Casal Solleric, Palma Light and Landscape, Storm King Art Center, USA The Sculpture Show, Scottish Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh Marking Time, Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney Exposure: Matt Keegan, Katie Paterson, Heather Rasmussen, The Art Institute of Chicago Meer licht (More light), Museum de Fundatie, Zwolle, Netherlands Seeing is Knowing: the Universe, Weitz Center for Creativity, USA Incheon Woman Artist›s Biennale, South Korea Nuit Blanche, Paris Mystics or Rationalists? Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh As the World Turns, Anna Schwartz Gallery, Sydney Constellations, Cornerhouse, Manchester Wild Sky, Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg Space. About a Dream, Kunsthalle Wien, Austria Transmission, Haunch of Venison, London Cage Mix, BALTIC, Gateshead, UK Systematic, 176, London Whitstable Biennale Wouldn›t a Title Just Make It Worse? Central Reservation, Bristol noire et pourtant lumineuse, Matthew Bown Gallery, Berlin



PERFORMA 09, New York Life-forms, Bonniers Konsthall, Stockholm Universal Code, The Power Plant, Toronto Earth-Moon-Earth, Lakeside, Nottingham Altermodern: Tate Triennial 2009, Tate Britain, London Dead Air, FRAC Collection Aquitaine, France Flow, CCAndratx, Mallorca ARTfutures, Bloomberg Space, London

Galerie Christian Ehrentraut Friedrichstr. 123 D-10117 Berlin Tel +49 30 44 03 83 85 ce@christianehrentraut.com www.christianehrentraut.com

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