Academy Advantage Spring 2024

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AcademyADVANTAGE the

Spring 2024

Join us for an evening of fellowship as we celebrate our 75th year in Christian Education in Western New York! November 1 Gala 29th Annual Christian Central Academy • 2024 Events • June 24 Add your name to the list, email Golf Classic

Dear CCA Community,

Spring Greetings!

As I reflect on 2023 and look fondly toward 2024, I anticipate God doing great things through the ministry of Christian Central Academy. Over the last couple of years God has begun laying the foundation for a revived commitment to a rigorous, God honoring curriculum with a strong emphasis on the conservative values that have made our country great. Preserving traditions that have made a people strong has roots in the Bible. Paul wrote to the believers in Thessalonica that they were called to salvation through the gospel of Jesus Christ. He stated that our great salvation is made possible through the Spirit and belief in the Truth. Paul’s commitment to this truth is reflected in his words which are as follows:

To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter. Now may our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word. 2 Thessalonians 2:14-17 (ESV)

It is our desire at CCA for our students and staff to experience the God of Truth and to hold firm to the godly traditions passed on to them, so they may speak truth and produce good works for God’s Kingdom. It is our vision that CCA graduates have the skills and competencies to fulfill God’s call on their lives. Therefore, it is imperative that we hire and retain quality, God-honoring faculty and staff who wholeheartedly support the mission and vision of the school and have quality programs, curriculum, and facilities to make this vision reality. Student recruitment and retention, along with generous financial support from friends and alumni of CCA will make this possible.

We are excited about what God is doing at CCA, especially through our faculty and staff. We believe CCA has a bright future and a solid, clear path ahead. We ask you to join us as we journey on the educational path God has












WHAT’S Inside
Academy Advantage Spring 2024 Co-Editors LJ Anderson
Ellen Hancock
Vincent Montoro
Designer LJ Anderson
Photography LJ
Heart Studios
Staff On the Cover Principal’s Letter..............3 State of the School Address..............5 Accreditation..............6 Enrichment..............7 Advancement..............8 Hallellujah............10 House System............12 Crusader Athletics.............13 Alumni in Action.............15 First Graders Wyatt Lux, Austin Wagner and Nathaniel Stirling Information Central Find us on Facebook or Join our CCA Parents’ Page . @Christian_Central_Academy

Annual State of the School Address

Psalm 24:1 tells us “The earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” Christian Central Academy belongs to the Lord, and it is a privilege and responsibility of CCA’s Board and Administration to steward it toward His glory!

CCA is in a unique position to provide a conservative Christian, non-denominational, college-preparatory education to its students. As you know, this is not a popular educational philosophy in this secular world, particularly in our state, but it is one that is focused on Biblical truth, Christ-like character development of students, and educational excellence. Further, within this challenging cultural season comes an even greater opportunity to fortify our school’s missional foundation and curate an environment for students to both formulate a deep relationship with God and to be well-prepared for their role in the Great Commission.

Over the last year, we began to implement new initiatives that further align our classrooms with CCA’s mission while providing students with a fruitful educational experience that is centered on the Gospel. The adoption of the new Bob Jones Heritage Studies curriculum in the lower school and their World History curriculum in the upper school has noticeably placed God at the center of human history and pushed back against any revisionist history. Additionally, we have coupled the history programs with the new Christian Studies curriculum by Summit Ministries. Each year the curriculum builds off of itself to enhance the Biblical knowledge that promotes spiritual growth of all students.

These significant improvements are just the beginning. CCA’s Strategic Planning Team (comprised of the Board of Directors and vision-minded administrators and faculty) has recently developed our three-year strategic plan (2024-2027).

Our strategic plan is guided by the following four objectives:

• Create a strong academic community

As an educational institution, our focus will continue to be on providing an excellent education within a Biblical worldview. Preparing young men and women for college and their intended areas of vocation.

• Develop Christian character and spiritual disciplines within our school culture

Our world needs academically prepared students who are also disciples shaped by a Christian worldview, prepared with strength of character to expand God’s Kingdom.

• Recruit, professionally develop, and retain quality faculty and staff

CCA’s faculty and staff are our school’s greatest assets, with our teachers being referred to as living textbooks. They must be equipped to be able to continue imparting knowledge to our students.

• Establish a financially sound school

The first three objectives deserve to be undergirded by financial security so that the mission of CCA is perpetuated for another 75 years or until our Lord returns.

Please pray for our Principal Dr. Vincent Montoro, administrators and teachers, as they work together to develop the underlying goals that will help us best meet these strategic objectives in a three-year time frame.

Thank you for your partnership and generosity so that CCA can fulfill its role as a place where faculty, staff, and students will grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.” [Luke 2:52]

To God be the glory!

Christian Central Academy 2023-2024 Board of Directors

Karen Jones - President Gregg Ruhl - Vice President

Jesse Jerge - Treasurer Matt Carson - Secretary

Chris Gasz Jay Sackett Matt Stewart



Middle States Association Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools (MSA-CESS) provides equitable standards and academic excellence through its accreditation process. Christian Central Academy began its second reaccreditation process with Middle States at the end of 2023. Part of that process brought faculty, staff, students, parents, administrators and board members together recently to discuss topics that are set standards in higher education.

For over 130 years, Middle States has helped school leaders establish and reach their school’s goals, develop strategic plans, promote staff development and advance student achievement. (

The accreditation drives success in sustaining and strengthening the integrity and quality of education at each individual institution. Each school must evaluate themselves in addition to an external evaluation from a team of educators from MSA. This includes using the school’s mission, beliefs, and goals as the basis for

daily decision-making; Operating in accordance with ethical practice; Planning for and monitoring the level of student’s performance; Remaining committed to continuous improvement in student learning; Operating in a collegial and collaborative way with all the school’s stakeholders; and, Sustaining its focus on implementing recommendations. Five key areas assessed: Foundations, Governance + Organization, Student Well Being, Resources and Teaching + Learning.

There are benefits for schools that undergo accreditation through Middle States Association such as assisting in managing change and outlining priority areas of improvement. It also justifies student transcripts to higher education institutions.

CCA is the only Christian School in Western New York which is accredited with MSA-CESS. The accreditation scope reaches every state in the US as well as over 100 countries world-wide. Christian Central Academy was first accredited in May of 2011.


January 22-26, 2024

was a week for students to explore other areas of study between Semesters at CCA. Middle and High Schoolers engaged in the following activities to enrich their student life experience.



Auditorium Media Tech


Beginner Woodcarving

Beginning Badminton

Boss Club: Entrepreneurship

Caregiving Across a Lifespan

Christ in Cinema



Evaluation of Musicals

Exploring Languages & Cultures

Expository Preaching

Following Jesus in the Digital Age

Fun Fitness Strength

Funtime Reading Bonanza

Hand Building in Ceramics

Hands-on Science

Handy Maintenance

History of Ancient Israel

History of Ancient Japan

Holistic Foods & Methods

Layout & Design

Living a Healthy Lifestyle

Meal Planning

Mouse Trap Car Competition

Personal Finance


Praise Ensemble and Student-Led Worship Night

Radio Controlled Aircraft

Serving for Jesus

Speed & Strength

Surface Pattern Design

The Power of Music

Ultimate Cooking Course




How do you mark the passing of time?

My wife is a talented wedding photographer. The beautiful images she captures have the power to transport couples back to a special day and significant life event. For ourselves, we will celebrate twenty-five years of matrimony this July. For you, if married, also this marks a defining moment on the timeline of your life. Then it’s likely the birth of your children and the passing of parents or other loved ones that signify new chapters of your life’s story, which also happens to intertwine with the story of others. Reflecting on new life and the passing of others is beneficial for our own lives as the writer of Psalm 90 asks of the Lord, “Teach us to number our days. That we may apply our hearts to wisdom.”

These life events have been important for individuals throughout all times. For societies and large groups of people shared dates like Tax Day, Election Day, the beginning and end of war are times woven into the fabric of their collective history. For agrarian societies thousands of years ago weather, seasons and astronomical events were significantly important, often making their way into written records to aid readers in placing the event in its proper time.

Recently, CCA’s administration decided to extend Easter Recess by one day to include April 8 to avoid significant afternoon traffic issues as expected millions of people flock to our area to view a rare total eclipse. In discussing this with our daughters, I came across a 2017 article related to the Isrealite’s battle at Gibeon in the newly entered Promise Land. This well -known Bible story, in Joshua 10, speaks of the sun “standing still” while Joshua led Israel’s army to victory. If you Google it, you can read the article yourself and their explanation of language translation between “standing still” and the astronomical event of an eclipse. The article shares findings that Cambridge researchers published in the “Royal Astronomical Society Journal Astronomy & Geophysics.” Thanks to this research, Joshua’s battle, halfway between modern day Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, can be accurately

dated to the afternoon of October 30, 1207 B.C. This is the earliest historical record of an eclipse, which also aided in refining the dates of the reigns of two Egyptian pharaohs.

Once again, as the holy scriptures are proven to be correct, we would do well to be reminded of God’s sovereignty spoken of in Daniel 2:21. The prophet, with all his geo-political overtones, declares it is God who changes times and season, deposes and raises up kings, and gives wisdom and knowledge. Praise the Lord for how He marks the days and nights, and seasons (Psalm 104:19), and reveals His glory to us by the celestial works of His hands (Psalm 19:1).

This coming September will mark the beginning of my fourth year serving our wonderful Christ-centered educational community. More importantly it marks the beginning of Christian Central Academy’s 75th anniversary! CCA’s diamond anniversary will certainly be a beautiful time on its historical timeline (Ecc 3:11a). It has caused me to consider what our creator may be doing in our time, with our school, and for His glory (Ecc 3:11b). While we will not fully grasp what God is orchestrating, I want to discern the season (Ecc 3:1) so I know how best to engage and be faithful. Proverbs 20:4 warns that sluggards have nothing to show at harvest time because they do not plow when it’s time to do so. We will celebrate a 75-year harvest this fall, but I’m asking you to join me now in sowing more seed into a Western New York ministry that has been producing Christ followers for 75 years. CCA is good soil, and now is the time and season to sow!

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

is the Director of Advancement. His children have attended CCA since 2010.

Exciting things are happening in the CCA Music Department!

The music program has brought back musicals to the curriculum while keeping time-honored traditional music education that has made musicians great since music began in school curriculum in 1830. Music teachers, Mrs. Melody Shipley and Mrs. Beth Ellen Hancock, have worked collaboratively to make music valuable for the students (and parents) of Christian Central Academy, sometimes arranging music for various ensembles to allow students to experience a wide range of musical genres.

Elementary music education begins with musical terms and history, teaching rhythm, solfege and Orff instruments, then adds instruments in later years, including recorder in third grade and ukulele in fourth grade. Fifth grade focuses on music theatre, singing and composing. Students are also encouraged to learn a band or orchestra instrument beginning in fourth grade.

The instrumental program is growing. Students are excited about the music they are performing, especially when they have had input into the selection of pieces. Mrs. Shipley teaches Grades 4-12 Band while Mrs. Hancock covers Grades 4-12 Orchestra. The HS orchestra had the opportunity to play in multiple venues outside of regular concerts this year, including the CCA Gala Fundraiser and an art show.

At one of this year’s Christmas concerts, instrumentalists in grades 4-12 all performed on the same night. It was inspiring to hear the growth in the groups. From the beginners, having played only 3-4 months, to the upper school with as many as 10 years’ experience playing all together. The students are


performance will offer three shows, April 25-27. Tickets will be available on March 15. ACTS: A City Rising is a contemporary musical about the true events of the early church and Saul’s conversion found in the book of Acts. In the near future, the choral music department hopes to join forces with the Drama Club to perform a Broadway musical.

An enormous blessing this year is new Music Melody Chairs. Although it may seem like a small thing, this standard Music Department equipment has been long sought after. Not only are these more sturdy than the previous chairs, but they comfortably assist students in getting the maximum benefit from good playing and singing posture. They also provide consistency and a professional look to the stage and classrooms. This purchase was made possible by donations from generous parents of CCA music students!

In order to do all of these exciting programs, the music department has partnered with CCA, parents, and students to form the CCA Harmony Organization. The CCA Harmony Organization is similar to a Booster Club, but MORE. It will help with fundraising, grant writing, concerts, props, trips, and all things music. There are big goals and dreams for the Music Department and thus for Christian Central Academy! But this cannot be done without parent support, students and funds. The Music Department is excited to have this organization and looks forward to adding new members to join in expanding the musical possibilities at CCA.

For Mrs. Hancock and Mrs. Shipley, the most exciting thing is the most important thing. The main goal of the music department is to raise up students who love music and love

currently working on their Spring Concert, “From the Stage,” which will include Broadway, Ballet, and Opera music.

In the choral music department, the new musicals have invigorated the students and given a clear goal for each age group to work towards. Each of the musicals has a message of faith that teaches CCA students about who God is and how a believer should respond. In December 2023, elementary students presented “We Three Spies.” The MS/HS spring

Jesus. This is exciting: to see students love to worship and play skillfully. As Psalm 33:3-5 says, “Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. For the word of the LORD is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love.” God loves the students at CCA and the goal and mission of the music department is to teach the students to worship and play skillfully for the Lord.


lasting notes

For the past 21 years, CCA has been home to the music and band teacher, Melody Shipley. A music and Bible undergrad with a masters degree in music, Mrs. Shipley didn’t plan to teach, but God opened the doors and she plans to stick with Him.

Melody Shipley began her musical passion around 5th grade with piano and flute. She continues to play flute as a member of the Buffalo Wind Symphony but piano remains her favorite instrument. Mrs. Shipley accompanies CCA’s Elementary Chapel services each week, in addition to worship music at Fieldstone church on Sunday mornings where her husband leads on guitar.

Music is a robust part of the human experience. “It taps into so many parts of life,” Shipley explains. Emotion, expression and enhancement come to mind; describing how music affects us all. “You don’t have to be academically minded to participate in music but it does help connections in the brain to assist in other subjects leading to smarter students,” she shares.

The best part of teaching at a PreK-Grade 12 school is watching the students grow. Mrs. Shipley is with them when they first start to play their instruments in fourth grade and then year-after-year as they grow into high school musicians. Watching the students see the possibilities when older groups play with younger ones is very rewarding.

“Performing in public is a skill you learn over time. Practice until you get it.” She advises students: to be prepared, the world won’t end if you make a mistake, and the audience will appreciate the performance more than anything. Non-

This year for ECMEA All County Festival, CCA had 11 students from choir, band and orchestra in grades 4-12 compete for a place in the All County ensemble!

“{Music} taps intoso many parts of life. ”

musicians don’t always pick up on the mistakes. One example of this was when Shipley herself practiced too much right before a performance and lost her peak, the excitement descipated and she was fatigued playing the piece. She strives to teach this balance between preparation and performance in her classroom.

When the students were required to sit or stand 12 feet apart during the pandemic, it was difficult maintaining a robust music program at CCA. “Everyone can participate in music in some way. It is something you can do all your life,” is Mrs. Shipley’s philosophy, noting many emotional and health benefits to singing.

On the inside, she is thrilled to work with Mrs. Hancock and the energy she has brought to the department. “She balances me,” Mrs. Shipley commented and expressed appreciation for how her co-worker for the last two years complements her in many ways.

Mrs. Shipley enjoys challenging herself with the trombone and learning the language Korean. When she has bus/door duty you may find her reviewing her Korean flashcards. Her classroom is decorated with cat posters including a few dogs with the cats to appease the students interests. She also hopes to continue to compose. You can discover some of her work on

Beth Ellen Hancock (left) and Melody Shipley (right)


House of Bonhoeffer has been out in front for the majority of the 2023-2024 school year. Even weeks before Christmas break, they held onto first place by seven points. Now, a month later, purple is the new reigning color enjoying a nearly thousand-point lead over the other two houses.

According to Student Activities Coordinator, Jessica Fancher, “House of Edwards participated more in Spirit Weeks, both at Homecoming and Christmas. And there are more Edwards students in our Musical Theatre Dance Club.”

This year House of Bonhoeffer won the Christmas Trivia and Capture the Flag competitions and racked up the most awards at the Fall Sports Banquet. They also have the most students participating in the new Weightlifting Club.

House of Lewis has earned many of their points through students participating in the All County Music Festival.

A new initiative from Mrs. Fancher is House Leaders. Students applied and were interviewed to be a part of the House Leadership Team. “We have leaders representing each grade from 6th-12th. Our leaders meet monthly to help plan our Pep Assemblies, service projects like Every Child Christmas Drive and our Easter Basket Drive for the City Mission as well as fun school-wide activities.” She offers a special shout out to the 7th grade Leaders who helped tremendously with Christmas Candy Grams!

Community service hours are credited for the winning strategy the House of Edwards has used for their great gains.

House System is two year’s in to finding a competitive spirit and comraderie.
House Games

Christian Central Academy Plays for IAC Soccer Championship

In a season that saw the Varsity Soccer Crusaders set out to claim a soccer championship, the team came just one game short of claiming the title. The team posted an impressive overall record of 9-5 with a regular season record of 8-4. The four losses came in either overtime or by the narrow margin of one goal. The Crusaders scored 44 goals while conceding only 20.

Round one of the playoffs held at Sahlen’s Field in Elma featured a match against Central Baptist Christian School. The game was a thriller from start to finish. Regulation time produced a 1-1 draw which was followed by two ten minute scoreless overtime periods. The penalty kick shootout tipped the scale in favor of CCA but only after an exciting exchange of nine kicks. The victory thrust the Crusaders into the IAC championship game against arch rival The Gow School. The championship battle with Gow did not disappoint as the game produced a very exciting battle in an attempt to claim the IAC crown. Gow won the title by a narrow margin of 2-0.

The team was led in scoring by Josiah Bailey (Soph) who scored 21 goals and 3 assists. Outstanding leadership was provided by the captains Nathan Tyson, Oredi Sumuni and Senior Dominic Fagan.

The Varsity Soccer Crusaders are indeed a unique team. Playing in the predominately all boys IAC, the Crusaders roster features eight girls. Many of these young female student-athletes are starters and all make significant contributions. These ladies demonstrate toughness, dedication and commitment. Pulling together, side by side with the boys makes for a very special camaraderie.

There were many memories made over the course of the season. The excitement created for our CCA family will live on. Thank-you for all the support.

The Annual A. Leslie Lawrence Basketball Tournament was held at the end of fall. Four teams: Grand Island, Tonawanda, Buffalo Academy Science Charter School and CCA battled it out in a three-day competition. This year Grand Island took home both the Varsity and JV wins, but our Crusaders are still fighting to defend their 2023 IAC championship win.

Senior and Athletic Prefect Dom Fagan reflects on the season so far, “Playing for the team this year from last year feels like a whole new school. With a new coaching staff and losing a couple of key players, it’s been a battle of if we could thrive or not. As the season goes on, we continue to improve day by day and ultimately strive to bring home a trophy for the second year in a row.”

JV coach Jordan Martin shared some stats for his players at the tournament. Jordan March (16 points) and Elijah Acosta (11 points) were leading scorers vs. Buffalo Science. In the consolation game vs Tonawanda, the leading scorers were Parker Dietz (13 points), Elijah Acosta (11 points), and Vinny Cervino (8 points).


Mark Siegel, Foundations of Faith: A Family’s Chronicle in the CCA Tapestry CCA, Class of 1987

Meet Mark and Lisa Siegel! Mark, an esteemed graduate of Christian Central Academy Class of 1987, carries a rich legacy closely tied to CCA’s foundational history. His father, Don Siegel, was instrumental in emphasizing the importance of a Christian education rooted in unwavering values which helped to shape CCA’s journey during the 1970’s.

Mark and Lisa’s story began in Miss Chaffee’s 5th-grade class at CCA, blossoming into a 31-year marital journey filled with love, three wonderful daughters, and the joy of a son-in-law. From their early days in Alaska to establishing roots in northeast Tennessee near family, including Mark’s sister Carrie (CCA class of ‘88), their bond has flourished.

Together, Mark and Lisa spearhead Siegel Services, a testament to their entrepreneurial spirit, specializing in outdoor construction projects such as erosion control and trail building. Beyond their professional accomplishments, they ardently mentor the next generation, instilling the essence of a strong work ethic.

The lessons and values imparted by their parents, especially Don Siegel’s pivotal role in preserving CCA’s legacy, continue to shape their lives. Mark and Lisa’s narrative, deeply rooted in their CCA beginnings, epitomizes enduring friendships and cherished values.

Let’s celebrate the remarkable journey of Mark and Lisa Siegel, a beautiful blend of family, business, and mentorship, all nurtured within the CCA community!

His educational journey took him from CCA to the University of Notre Dame, where he studied business, graduating in 2012. Then continuing on to Canisius College for a Masters in Sport’s Administration in 2014.

While pursuing his Master’s, Andrew interned with Buffalo Bulls Athletics and worked part-time for Canisius basketball. Initially, it seemed like his dream career in sports was unfolding seamlessly. However, a transformative experience awaited him.

“On a short-term mission trip to Arrowhead Bible Camp in fall 2013, God unmistakably called me to something bigger than my own plan,” Andrew shared. This divine intervention led him to join the hunger relief organization, Rise Against Hunger in Philadelphia. In 2015, after just a year in Philly, Andrew relocated to Pittsburgh to establish a new Rise Against Hunger office.

In 2017, Andrew’s life took another meaningful turn when he met his wife, Heather, in a North Way-Wexford Christian Community small group. Their journey together has been marked by blessings, including the birth of their first daughter in December 2021, purchasing a home in March 2022, and eagerly awaiting the arrival of their second daughter in March 2024! Heather works remotely for the University of Colorado-Boulder, while Andrew transitioned from corporate fundraising with the American Cancer Society to become the Regional Director of Development for Ethnos360.

Andrew’s path, deeply rooted in faith and purpose, reflects the transformative power of listening to one’s calling and following where God leads. Let’s celebrate Andrew Moser’s inspiring journey and his dedication to making a meaningful impact in the world!

As we celebrate the accomplishments of these esteemed alumni, we’re reminded of the lasting impact CCA has on the lives of those who walk its halls. We invite CCA Alumni to continue sharing their stories, for within each narrative lies inspiration and the power to motivate the generations that follow. If you are willing to share your story, we would love to hear from you! Share YOUR Good News! Please complete the form by scanning the QR code or visiting.

Andrew Moser, an Inspirational Journey of a Life Redirected CCA, Class of 2008


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