Christian living Jan-Feb 2018

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PRAYnksters Caring, with creativity

Baring It All

Thoughts on marriage


For Money’

Our relationship with cash


In 2018

Proverbs 3:1-4 Jesse Fadel, left, and Jeff Agosta, right, of PRAYnksters

Contents January / February 2018 Features Columns


Mattress Donation

Benefits Rescue Mission


Love INC:

10th anniversary

Mob rule


Departments Your Daily Bread: Can’t buy love Understanding Relationships: Baring all

Real Man’s Toolbox: Time for change

from Home: 14 Notes Let’s throw a party! with 17 Outdoors Dougherty:

Hunt like Nimrod

Cover Story —



7 18

10 16

Where Are They Now? Links Players Maximum Health: Why is everything pink?

This: 20 Consider A year of favor

In Each Edition 4

Publisher’s Corner: Seeds of faith

“The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word.”

— Hebrews 1:3 (NIV)

Volume 6, Number 1 Publisher Sandy Jones Editor Gaye Bunderson Sales & Marketing Kimberly McMullen 208-713-6357 • Scott McMurtrey 208-841-4583 • Sandy Jones 208-703-7860 Cover Photo Steve Jones Graphic Design Denice King Contributors Dan Dougherty, Terry Frisk, Dani Grigg, Gail Halladay, Leo Hellyer, Rosie Main, Gary Moore, Kimbra Shaw and Dan Woodworth Website Design SEO Idaho Christian Living is committed to encouraging and instructing individuals in their daily lives by presenting stories of people in the Treasure Valley who are living on a foundation of faith in Jesus Christ and who serve as uplifting examples to others. Views expressed in Christian Living do not necessarily represent those of the publisher. Every effort has been made by Christian Living to insure accuracy of the publication contents. However, we do not guarantee the accuracy of all information nor the absence of errors and omissions; hence, no responsibility can be or is assumed. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2018 by Christian Living Ministries Inc. Christian Living is published every other month and is available in over 600 locations throughout the Treasure Valley, including most grocery stores, convenience stores, medical waiting areas, and churches. If your church would like additional copies please email us today at Annual subscriptions available for $10/year. To start your subscription or give one as a gift send your check or money order, along with complete address information, and a phone number to call in case there’s questions about your subscription to Christian Living Magazine, PO Box 867, Meridian, ID 83680.

Christian Living | January / February 2018 3


Seeds of faith along life’s path

we lived about a mile from Sandy’s parents’ dairy By Sandy Jones farm, where we got all of our farm fresh raw milk “Should old acquaintance be forgot, and never brought (lots of it, with 5 children still at home). Hilda, to mind?” Sandy’s Mom, became good friends with our The famous opening to Robert Burns’ “Auld Mom, and I remember the two of them visiting Lang Syne” fit so well the last couple months of many times. My parents didn’t go to church, but 2017 for me. Hilda did, and Hilda was the first person to take an It all started the week before Thanksgiving. I interest in my spiritual education, and occasionally had the privilege of helping a new friend, Sophia picked me up on Sunday mornings to take me with and her team, with the Meridian City Commuher to the Nazarene Church in nearby Meridian, nity Thanksgiving dinner. My part, you ask? 195 where she would tuck me in next to her on the pew pounds of mashed potatoes! I laugh even as I write in the big sanctuary. this — even after it’s all said and done that number, My mind wanders as I relive this longtime 195 POUNDS, still intimidates me. As they say memory. I start retracing the steps in my spiritual many hands make light work, and in this case it was education. Again, my parents only went to church true. for weddings, funerals and grandchildren’s dedicaSophia had volunteers in before my longtime Sandy Jones tions; yet I’d been to church throughout my childfriend, and Christian Living graphic designer, Denhood, and I begin to recall the many adult friends ice and I showed up. The volunteers had already who’ve poured Jesus into my life, not by preaching at me, but rather, peeled about two-thirds of the potatoes and had them soaking in offering to include me as they went to various church activities. cold water waiting for us. I have many to thank, some of whom have now gone on to receive Denice and I arrived at 4 p.m. and donned our aprons. Armed their great reward, never knowing that the seeds they planted in a with paring knives and potato peelers, we got a crash course on the where things are in the beautiful commercial kitchen at the General young girl’s life would someday sprout and grow into someone who gets to spread the love and joy of Jesus Christ through something as Council Convention Center in Meridian, and commenced on our wonderful as Christian Living Magazine. I would not be who I am grand project. Bless her heart; with all she had to do in other areas, if it weren’t for people like Helen Rowe, who took me to Vacation Sophia later came to join us. By 8 p.m., after hours of laughter, we were done and had even found time to share a pizza. My friendships Bible School with her daughter Connie when I was 7 years old. This is where I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, inviting with Sophia and Denice were only made stronger, and now they Him to live forever in my heart. Helen passed many years ago in each had a new friend. a tragic accident, and I will never get the chance to thank her for This was just the beginning. At the dinner that Friday evening, I making an eternal difference in my life. had the honor of serving guests. During the final meal I ended up Then there was my Grandma, who lived with my Aunt Jerry and visiting with a nice gentleman as his wife was chatting with other Uncle Keith in Indianola, Iowa. Times were different; long disvolunteers. I got the impression they were great friends of some tance phone calls were very expensive, as was airfair. Every three of the volunteers and had come to lend moral support. Finally the or so years Grandma would come visit for a few months. Grandma gentleman asked where I went to school, and suddenly we were LOVED Jesus, and wanted to be sure all of her grandchildren best buds. While I have almost no musical talent, my older brother, knew Him. Being the youngest I was home more and remember Kevin, is extremely gifted, and it seems my new best bud was none other than Mr. Beasley, Kevin’s junior high band teacher. We shared Grandma pouring all she could of her knowledge of Jesus and His love into me. I still carry the leather-bound King James Bible she some great laughs and even took a video and sent it to Kevin, who is now a band teacher himself and lives in Federal Way, Washington gave me for my 10th birthday. It’s falling apart and I’ve had to buy a Bible cover for it; knowing I should take it in for repair, I just can’t — bringing two “old friends” back together. bear to let go of it, and the precious memories it holds. The following day my hubby, Steve, and I served at the Boise And I must mention Barry Cox, the old circuit pastor, who Rescue Mission Thanksgiving dinner in Nampa. This is such a planted the financial seed in my own 7-year-old life that actually humbling experience and is something we’ve both looked forward to doing again. Having grown up in Meridian and South Boise, and paid for Christian Living Magazine as I’ve shared in this column in the past. It seems that the age of 7 was a pivotal point in my early being fairly new to Canyon County, we know very few people here life, something that is not lost on me as I often listen to my own in Nampa, which for Miss Social Butterfly is a good thing — it al7-year-old grandson pray, and find myself surprised at the depth of lows me to focus on the job at hand and not get caught up visiting. his understanding of God and His love. As our shift was coming to an end and the next crew was comLooking back, I grew up in a time when we still opened the school ing in I saw them — Pete and Sandy — lifelong friends of Dave day with the Pledge of Allegiance and a prayer in public school. I and Jerry, my oldest brother and his wife. As the youngest sibling I know there were others who answered the call God placed on their don’t ever remember a time when Pete and Sandy weren’t a part of hearts where I was concerned. I visited many different denominaour family’s circle of influence. Dave and Jerry have lived for many tions throughout my growing up years, and know first-hand that years in western Oregon and try to see Pete and Sandy whenever they can when here to visit, but I almost never see them. Sandy’s ra- there is no one church, that we are THE church. It’s all about Jesus. If I stay focused on Jesus and the commands He gave us, commands diant smile warms every corner of any room she enters and before to love God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves, then leaving that day I had to run grab a selfie with them to share with perhaps He will continue to allow me to plant seeds along life’s way, Dave and Jerry, again touching lives of more “old friends.” knowing that it doesn’t matter if I get to see them sprout and grow, This got me to thinking about connections and reminiscing. You that they will in His perfect time. see I’ve always loved Pete and Sandy, and honestly don’t remember Until next time – God Bless! n a time when our family didn’t know theirs. When I was a little girl

4 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

shelters or “couch surfing” from friend’s home to friend’s home, their sleep is sporadic, whenyou-can and where-you-can. DownEast Home & Clothing donated more than 700 mattresses to children in need in seven cities during the “giving” month of November 2017. In addition to Boise, mattresses were donated in Salt Lake City, Provo, St. George, Logan, Phoenix and Las Vegas. “We learned about the number of children going without a good night’s sleep,” Bill Freedman, co-founder of DownEast, said. “It’s heartbreaking and we are committed to becoming part of the solution. We are giving those in need a mattress that works for their situation, a bed to call their own and to take wherever they spend each night. We want to give them the good night’s sleep they deserve. Rest is and should be a right.” For more information about the mattress donation program, or about DownEast, visit mattresses-pillows. n

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By Gail Halladay As part of an ongoing initiative, DownEast Home & Clothing, a Utah-based retailer, donated mattresses to hundreds of children in need. In the Boise area, DownEast donated 50 mattresses to the Boise Rescue Mission Ministries’ City Light Home for Women and Children, a domestic violence shelter for homeless women and children. “We will be using these mattresses to ensure that the children we serve and who need a bed will receive one,” Jon Blank, director of Boise Rescue Mission’s Ministry Center, said. “As clients move from the shelter to different housing situations, this will ensure that their children have a bed of their own to take with them, and that they’ll continue to get a good night’s sleep.” Everyone deserves a good night’s sleep — it promotes growth, reduces stress, improves emotional health, increases one’s attention span, and boosts learning. And for children, it’s all the more important. Sadly, thousands of children in our communities regularly go without a good night’s sleep. Whether living in


DownEast donates mattresses to Rescue Mission

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Christian Living | January / February 2018 5

LOVE INC. Anniversary

Local churches impacting lives with love program, where volunteers from 18 churches By Kimbra Shaw come together once a week and serve as teachers, Love in the Name of Christ helps churches help mentors and budget counselors, teaching God’s people; it’s a cooperative ministry of more than principles for how to handle money effectively. 48 local churches networking together to meet The transformation we see is awe-inspiring. Since real needs and help families get back on their feet. 2014, graduates average paying down $7,000 in People in need are a priority in the Bible. debt while they are in the program. More imChurches feel the mandate to care for the poor portantly, they are given the tools that strengthen and those in need. But doing it alone can be families and create long-term sustainable soluoverwhelming. Agencies and organizations have tions. fostered a “crisis management” approach, and New classes start every month and enrollment is anti-poverty spending through our government free. This January, we’re introducing: has surged to $843 billion ( • The Road Map – A course on planning, gov/initiatives/war-on-poverty/); yet roughly setting and achieving goals and objectives for 15 percent of the population in the U.S. is living the year. Doing WITH people, not to them or below the poverty line and real median household for them but with them…that’s what helping income is not keeping pace. Kimbra Shaw churches help people looks like. As people begin The Love INC movement started 40 years to believe and see themselves the way God sees them, they move ago in Holland, Michigan, when pastors and leaders thought, from being in need to being part of the solution. “There’s got to be a better way to help people.” They created • Going the Extra Mile – Creating long-term family sustaina groundbreaking solution that absolutely changed the way we ability takes time. It takes commitment to relationship and it takes meet needs. They created a clearinghouse model to match needs with resources, and equipped the church to go beyond giving out people on the front line — those called to serve and those called to give. Monthly donors share our passion to help families stop stuff to giving a hand up and investing relationally in the lives of relying on crisis management and help churches invest in soluthose they serve. tions that impact lives with love. Today there are over 130 affiliates across the country, and To become a giving partner or to learn more about getting Love INC Boise is celebrating 10 years of “Impacting Lives with involved, you may contact us through our website at www.boiselLove!” Volunteers in our clearinghouse take an average of 120 calls for assistance each month. They listen to each story, verify To celebrate our 10-year anniversary, Love INC Boise is holdthe needs and then connect families with resources to help them ing an Impacting Lives Benefit Dinner on February 22 at Vinework through their need. yard Boise. In addition to dinner, Grammy- and Dove-nominated We’ve seen tremendous growth in local churches getting artist Honi Deaton and Dream will be performing. We’re lining engaged. In the last four years, the number of partner churches up special guests to showcase how the church, through Love INC, has doubled and so has their impact. Last year, churches logged has been impacting the lives of those in need and sharing the more than 7,200 volunteer hours and delivered over $118,000 in vision for the next 10 years. Seating is limited so get your tickets products and services to 1,600 families through Love INC Boise. early through the website. n And they’re on track to exceed that this year. Kimbra Shaw is executive director of Love INC Boise. Many of those services go through the Abundant Living

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6 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

YOUR Daily Bread

‘I Don’t Care Too Much for Money…’ By Terry Frisk I was on my way to work a while back and, while sitting at a traffic signal, the old Beatles song “Can’t Buy Me Love” came on the radio. Hearing the early Beatles songs always brings a smile to my face as I am reminded of my youth. However, this time the words to the second verse caught my attention: I’ll give you all I got to give if you say you’ll love me too. I may not have a lot to give, but what I got I’ll give to you. I don’t care too much for money, money can’t buy me love. I’ve heard this song countless times through the years, but I never really focused on the lyrics until that moment. Even the Beatles who amassed tremendous fame and fortune recognized that money isn’t everything. These words resonated with me and I knew that God was speaking to me about His love. I was reminded of Jesus’s words in Luke 16:13-15: “‘No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.’ The Pharisees, who loved money, heard all this and were sneering at Jesus. He said to them, ‘You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of others, but God knows your hearts. What people value highly is detestable in God’s sight.’”

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Continued on page 9

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We all have our struggles with money. Scripture has much to say on the topic with over 2,000 verses devoted to money and material wealth. Our attitude toward money is a major factor in our relationship with God. However, it is a very difficult subject for Christians to discuss. We work hard to provide for ourselves and our families. So, when we read in Matthew 19 about Jesus telling a rich man to sell all his Terry Frisk possessions and give the money to the poor to achieve eternal life, we struggle with how we respond. But, Jesus knew that the rich man’s love of money and possessions was standing in the way of his relationship with God. We can build our relationship with God without giving everything away. How do we do this?

Christian Living | January / February 2018 7

REAL Man’s Toolbox

Books to motivate change for the better

As we read “Whole: Restoring What Is BroBy Leo Hellyer ken in Me, You, and the Entire World” by Steve Well, here we are entering into the year 2018, Wiens, he tells us, “There are things that need the beginning of another adventure. At the to change in me; they just won’t be changed by beginning of a new year many people make feeling bad about myself or trying really hard to resolutions, things they want to change to hopefix them. That isn’t how wholeness works. The fully improve themselves in the coming year. The journey of wholeness is not a self-improvement problem with most resolutions is that they don’t project. It’s a journey of loss, trust, transformalast very long as we live our daily lives. I have a tion, and eventually hope.” suggestion; why don’t we make a resolution that Wiens takes us on a journey with him, explorcan truly have impact on us as individuals and ing the facets of what it is to be broken and then can greatly improve the world around us? to enjoy how it feels to be reassembled by God as My suggestion is that we resolve in 2018 to do a wonderful man or woman. what we can as individuals to bring the United In “Disciplines of a Godly Man,” author Kent States of America back to God. According to Hughes sparks a burning passion for godly discithe United States Population Clock, the populapline in the hearts of all who read it. Discipline is tion of the United States is 326,357,661 (as I am Leo Hellyer a subject that all of us need to hear about more, writing this column). That is a huge number, and you are probably wondering, “How can my changes bring about but there are few authors or pastors who jump into the subject very often. Hughes goes for it. He will get your attention and help healing to a nation of over 326 million people?” OK, I agree, you move toward change and accountability in your personal life. this is a very big project, but we have to start somewhere. It is Change needs to start somewhere, and it can start in you and amazing how one little spark, under the right circumstances, me. As we go about our daily lives, we need to direct our focus can turn into a raging fire. We need to do two very simple things to start with, which will toward heaven and seek God’s guidance and direction. We need to follow the scriptures and assemble ourselves together as believstart a spark of change in our nation. First, we need to delve into God’s Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth, the BIBLE, ers, while at the same time being in the world, and facilitating change. As long as God allows us to stay on this sphere of dirt our Owner’s Manual. This one solitary book has all of the and water, we need to be all about change. Every day we need to answers that we need for any situation that we might face. One verse out of the book of 2 Chronicles lays out the second simple be doing what we can to become more and more Christlike. We also need to be stepping out of our comfort zone and sharing the thing that we need to do to spark change in our nation. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 the Lord told Solomon, “If my people, who are truth that God has set out for this world — the truth that all have fallen short of the glory of God, but that God loves us so much called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek that He provided a way that we can be saved, and live with Him my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from for eternity. heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” If we are going to bring change to our nation, it needs to start In this one Scripture verse we have two promises from the in us. My prayer for each of us is that we will humble ourselves Lord. He will forgive our sin, and heal our land. Along with these promises, there are four things that we need to do: humble before God and seek godly change in our lives, and as we come ourselves, pray, seek God’s face, and turn from our wicked ways. closer and closer to God Almighty that we will bring others along on the journey by our words and actions. We all know that there There are four great books that address these four areas of our lives that we need to work on to start change and healing in our needs to be change in our nation; we need to start that change today, in ourselves. n land. The late author and conference speaker Jerry Bridges uses the Beatitudes to reveal a pattern for humility in action in “The Leo Hellyer is a non-staff pastor with a local church and has been married to his wife Norma for 45 years. The couple volunteered with the Boise FamilyLife Ministry Team Blessing of Humility.” for 20 years. They are both employed by Boise Rescue Mission Ministries, Norma at In “Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God,” wellCity Light Home for Women & Children and Leo at River of Life Rescue Mission. known pastor Timothy Keller examines the many facets of the Leo is also the President and Chief Firearms Instructor with Helping Hands Firepowerful act of prayer. Keller also discusses ways to personalize prayer and how to establish an individualized practice of prayer. arms Training LLC. If you have questions about Real Man’s Toolbox, or need other assistance, Leo may be reached at or 208-340-5544. We offer free pregnancy tests, limited ultrasounds, STI testing as well as other related services.

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8 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

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Money Continued from page 7

Terry Frisk is a partner in the firm B2B CFO, providing financial advisory services to small businesses. He also counsels individuals on personal financial matters through the Cathedral of the Rockies Budget Counseling ministry. He may be contacted through e-mail at

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Stewardship: Recognize that everything you are and have comes from God. Be thankful for these gifts from God and devote them to His kingdom and glory. Through prayer, ask God how to best utilize the resources He has given you. Then, set goals to help you achieve His plan for you. Prepare a budget to help you control your finances so that you can live within your means. Without a budget, your spending can get out of control, resulting in debt, which is the next item. Debt: Avoid incurring debt whenever possible. Save for major purchases like automobiles, appliances, recreational items, etc. and pay cash for them. When buying a home, select a modest home with a mortgage payment no more than 25 percent of your income. If you use a credit card, keep track of your purchases like you would your checkbook and pay the balance off each month. Giving: God expects us to give, not only to our church, but also to other individuals and organizations in need. The Old Testament prescribes “tithing” or giving one tenth of your income which some still follow today. Scriptures in the New Testament teach giving should be proportionate to your abundance (2 Corinthians 8), which may be above or below one tenth of your income. Let prayer guide you in how you give. Even though money can’t buy love, developing a healthy attitude about money can go a long way toward nurturing our love for God. Make 2018 the year you take control of your finances so your finances don’t control you. n

Christian Living | January / February 2018 9

WHERE Are They Now?

Links Players hitting par on growth plans

Where Are They Now?

Links Players’ leadership includes, from left, Connie Johnston, Jim Waters, Tom Purdy, and Jerry Johnson. (Photo by Gaye Bunderson)

By Gaye Bunderson Editor’s note: Christian Living featured Links Players, a golf-based faith organization, in its June 2016 issue. The group is flourishing in the valley and has set goals for more expansion in the future. We recently reconnected with members for an update.

Forget mulligans, divots and sand traps. Well, don’t forget them completely, just don’t focus on them too much. Put your mind instead on fellowship, in a place you might least expect it: the golf course. The Treasure Valley Links Players Fellowship launched in 2016 as the local affiliate of Links Players, an international golfers’ organization. The fellowship started out with three original cofounders at two area golf courses: Centennial Golf Course in Nampa and Purple Sage Golf Course in Caldwell. About 10-12 men met regularly for fellowship and golf. Now, Treasure Valley Links Players has grown to 32 members at five courses and includes a women’s fellowship as well. Beginning golfers and experienced golfers are all welcomed. “The amount of time you’ve been golfing has nothing to do with it — you can still be a bad golfer,” Jerry Johnson, local Links member in charge of media, said. “Skill level is not relevant.” “We want to be known for our fellowship, our fun, and our commitment to each other. We want to be an inclusive, not an exclusive, group of golfers,” Connie Johnston, who does marketing for the group and leads the women’s fellowship, said. In a brief written statement titled, “Where Are We Now?”, Johnston listed three defining elements of the local Links organization that remain ongoing in 2018: 1. “We’re still taking Jesus golfing with us.” 2. “We’re still golfing with generosity.” 3. “We’re still providing a safe place to grow in the Word.” Links fellowships start each meeting with prayer, praise, and Bible study. They have a daily devotion they get from the international organization, so each fellowship follows the same lesson

10 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

each week. They also take time to discuss the giving projects they are working on. One of their original projects was Advocates Against Family Violence; they have also supported Chrysalis Transitional Living and Cole Valley Christian School through participation in golf tournaments. Investing in local ministries is a way to put their faith into action, Johnston said. One of the original co-founders of the local affiliate, Tom Purdy, said the members who meet at his chapter in Nampa throw money into a pot (there are no membership fees), and at one point, they had $2,000, which they gave to a young man to support him in his mission trip. Jim Waters, who’s helping start new chapters in the area, said Treasure Valley Links Players Fellowship also takes on service projects. They helped rebuild and repaint a gazebo at a Caldwell women’s shelter. “I got the nickname ‘Spotty’ because I had paint going everywhere,” including on himself and others, he said. Each fellowship at each course is led by the same person each week. “You have to be willing to share your story and be transparent,” Johnston said. The fellowships strive to be a place where people can be open and honest, and prayer requests are always welcomed. Not only do members NOT have to be great golfers, they’re more than welcome to come as they are as people: unfinished projects still under construction. “Fellowship is more important than golf,” Johnston said. “We know each golfer has a story, and we are eager to listen to each story and be willing to share our stories of redemption and faith.” “We’re changing the conversation while golfing,” said Purdy. “We don’t keep score,” Johnson said. “I go out and try to be the kind of person other people like to be with, to be a good example for people.” “We’re not just one denomination. We’re just all Christians,” said Waters.

Treasure Valley Links Players wants to continue its upward growth. Current fellowships are held at Centennial (Nampa), Ridgecrest (Nampa), Purple Sage (Caldwell), and Lakeview (Meridian); the women meet at Falcon Crest (Kuna). The goal is to ultimately start more fellowships at more courses in the valley. Links is striving to “reach critical mass and become well known at each local course,” Johnston said. Links members also want to continue to invest in local ministries and to create partnerships with other faith-based groups to better serve the community. One of the big items on their 2018 agenda is what they are calling “un-tournaments,” where believers may connect outside the walls of a church. Jerry Johnson said the un-tournaments (or non-tournaments) will be just for fun: no scores, no winners, no losers. There will be raffles, and more importantly, an opportunity for fellowship outdoors on a beautiful golf course. Exercise will be a side benefit. The un-tournaments will take place off and on from May to September. Links Players will also have a booth at the Boise Golf & Travel Show February 9-11 in the North Expo building at Expo Idaho. (For more information, go to https://www.expoidaho. com/event-calendar/event/101-boise-golf-travel-show.) The group had a successful showing at the event last year, with more than 40 people stopping by the Links booth for information. “We’re excited about where we’re going,” Johnston said. They’re marketing themselves and making plans for the future, with long-term goals and promotional ideas. “We’re embracing technology, even though putting and chipping may be more our strengths,” she said. “We are creating an online presence to promote Links and introduce golfers to our events and provide a relevant, God-view of life through really great devotionals provided by Links International.” Go to to check them out. Some of the die-hard members of Links love to golf all year long, weather permitting. And some continue with the fellowships throughout the year, no matter what, as well. “It becomes a habit,” Purdy said. “When you meet once a week, it becomes part of your life.” n

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Christian Living | January / February 2018 11



Group brings giving twist to

A key part of PRAYnksters is getting their “giving mobs” on video and posting the video online. PRAYnksters’ Jeff Agosta is shown holding a microphone and next to him is co-founder Jesse Fadel. Check out PRAYnksters videos on (Courtesy photo)

By Gaye Bunderson Jeff Agosta loves pranks so much his youngest foster daughter’s first word was “Boo!” The 34-year-old said he’ll go wherever God takes him and use whatever talent he has for Him, even if it’s a passion for playing pranks. “I want to show God’s love without shoving it down people’s throats. People already see the negative in church and Christians,” he said. PRAYnksters got off the ground three years ago. It was in an experimental phase, and it needed some tweaking. One day, while Agosta and his wife Tia were out walking in their neighborhood, they ran into Jesse Fadel, associate pastor at Eastwind Community Church in Boise. It was an accidental but pivotal meeting for PRAYnksters. The threesome started talking, and before you know it, they were all fired up about PRAYnksters and the ways it could go and grow. “PRAYnksters was in a rough form at that point. Jesse was instrumental in helping form PRAYnksters as it is today,” Agosta said. “Jeff and I discovered we both had an interest in video production, an interest in helping to reshape people’s perceptions about Christians, and a desire to make an impact for God in

12 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

our community,” Fadel said. “I came up with the cheesy but appropriate PRAYnksters name after we did a test-run video together, running around downtown at the Saturday market dressed as Mario and Donkey Kong. We wanted to make sure we could have fun together and do some courageous and adventurous things before jumping into a partnership.” Agosta and Fadel’s complementary personalities intertwine in a way that benefits the group. “He’s grounded. I’m eccentric,” said Agosta, who feels he brings talent, passion for God, and a sense of humor to PRAYnksters. He likes goofy videos and having fun. Fadel said, “I bring my connections as a pastor, my heart for people, and my desire to tell compelling stories to the team. Jeff has marketing genius, an insatiable drive for craziness and an audience, and a similar love for helping people.” There are other members of PRAYnksters who help comprise “the team,” and more information about them may be found at Something PRAYnksters is uniquely known for is its “giving mobs,” a term Agosta coined and which is a play on the term “flash mob,” a popular modern phenomenon where people gather to perform what seems like a spontaneous event, but which is usually planned ahead of time.

'flash mobs' PRAYnksters members learn of a person in need, then set about raising funds and working out a way to give the money to the individual without his or her knowing and in a surprising and fun way — similar to a flash mob but with a Christian twist. Families can be unsuspecting giving mob recipients also. One of their most famous giving mob moments was the time PRAYnksters gave $13,000 to a Nampa mother diagnosed with cancer. Though mobs are generally thought of as unruly and bent on destruction, the mob that gave money to Amanda Kofoed of Nampa in 2016 surrounded her with support and encouragement. She didn’t know almost 200 people were coming to give her a surprise display of love and generosity. PRAYnksters creates a video each time it holds a giving mob, and posts it online. Some of the videos have gone viral, being viewed in places as far away as China and Ukraine. They’ve also gotten the attention of local and national news outlets. “My favorite part of all this is when people replicate what we’ve done,” said Agosta. In other words, people see the video and perform their own giving mob to fill needs. They then post their videos online and the process repeats itself until more and more people are performing acts of kindness. “This is one idea I wanted to do, and we’ve done it,” Agosta said. “It’s giving in a fun and creative way. Find someone with a tangible need, create an inspirational video that’s shareable, and make it something that affects the people that are part of it.” He said people who’ve participated in his giving mobs include every walk of life, from believers to atheists. PRAYnksters precedes its mob moments with a prayer; no one is forced to participate, but Agosta’s hope is that they enjoyed doing good for someone else and can take something from that. PRAYnksters holds a giving mob about every other month and generally gets help from someone on the inside of a situation — someone who knows the individual or family in need and who can help set up a time and place for the giving mob to show up. It’s the element of surprise that is essential to the impact of the event. “You want that big reaction,” Agosta said. PRAYnksters uses as its defining scripture Philippians 4:6 — “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” — and boils it down to “Fear Nothing, Pray About Everything.” Agosta said he isn’t a particularly fearful person, but there’s always been something about that scripture that spoke to him. “In my mind,” he said, “we’ve already won, so we shouldn’t have that stress of life,” he said, explaining Christ gained the victory for all of us through His sacrifice on the cross and freely allows everyone to partake in the victorious life through grace.

Jeff Agosta, left, and Jesse Fadel, right, dressed up like Donkey Kong and Mario and hit the Capital City Public Market in downtown Boise one Saturday. The co-founders of PRAYnksters wanted to try being “courageous and adventurous” together. (Courtesy photo)

Agosta has a day job working in the marketing department for Friends of Zoo Boise. He loves that his job allows him to express care for the planet and its animal inhabitants. “I get to help people and God’s green earth,” he said. He wants to be a filmmaker and, along with his human resources degree from Idaho State University in Pocatello, he earned a digital media certificate from Boise State. Original funding for PRAYnksters came from his video collection, which he sold on eBay. He now buys and re-sells other videos in a program he calls Games 4 God, to get continued funding, and said people also make cash donations to PRAYnksters. Agosta is sometimes restless about the growth of PRAYnksters, which has gone through growth spurts followed by lulls. He’s always raring to go. “I’m like, ‘I want this!’ But I always need to ask, ‘But what does God want?’ I have to wait on His timing,” he said. “We serve a fun and creative God,” said Fadel. “I think we reflect Him well when we serve others in fun and creative ways. Following Jesus is exciting, and we want people to experience that joy and fulfillment.” n

“Jeff and I discovered we both had an interest in video production, an interest in helping to reshape people’s perceptions about Christians, and a desire to make an impact for God in our community.” ~Jesse Fadel Christian Living | January / February 2018 13

NOTES From Home

27 kids and 1,380 square feet of fun By Dani Grigg This past holiday season, as soon as my Pinterest feed started filling up with lovely little Christmas treats and crafts, I started feeling wistful, like I do every year. This time, though, I guess it was early enough in the year and at a calm enough moment that my brain was free to come up with its best idea yet: a kids’ Christmas party. I thought of the beautiful invitation I could make — it would be white! It would feature a gingerbread house! It would have those fanciful little colored dots of varying opacities fading in and out around the border! I would download a new font! I thought of the whimsical decorations I would put up — lots of lights, lots of snowflakes, lots of nutcrackers — and the clever little treats I would make. Oh, was it going to be beautiful. And wonderful. The kids would be thrilled. My home would be filled with joy and love. As someone whose favorite app is Pinterest, this was SUCH a good idea. I started work on the invitation right away. I got the dots just right. The new font was perfect. Then I made a list of the children I wanted to invite. This was where I ran into trouble. I love kids. Their excitement for life and their strange perspectives make me happy. My kids’ friends, my friends’ kids… I love them all and there were so many on my list. I was still going strong at 35 names before I realized I had a problem. I should mention that my 1,380-square-foot house does not include a ballroom or a banquet hall. I went to my husband with the dilemma. He said, “Yeah, that’s WAY too many.” I didn’t want to move it to a different venue where I’d have to set up and tear down the day of, so I asked him how many he thought we could accommodate in our home. I already knew the answer. ZERO. Socializing is not a priority for my husband. We bought ourselves a hot tub for our 10-year wedding anniversary in

2016, and now that he’s got that, me, and our two sons, he has everything he needs in life. He advised me that it would be crowded and miserable and that I would leave people out and they would be hurt. These were some valid points. But I thought of the invitations and the decorations, the faces I love and the extra magic of Christmas. I explained how beautiful and wonderful it would be. He smiled dubiously then again firmly told me it was not a good idea. So I firmly told him that was all the input I needed on the subject and forged on ahead. I painfully trimmed my list down to 24 kids, then let it inch back up to 27 (plus moms). I figured out how we could squeeze a third folding table for gingerbread house making into our living space and realized not everyone I invited would be able to come. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and sent out the invitations. The replies came in. Everyone I invited was excited to come. I’ll jump straight to the ending: It was a beautiful, wonderful party filled with joy and love. We had to vault over a couch to get to the photo booth and a jingle bell toss game (a table was blocking the usual route) and it was too loud to play the carolguessing game I’d planned, but every face there was a person my family loves. It was Christmassy and festive. My husband lingered at work until he thought there was a good chance everyone might be gone. This is one of the biggest differences between my husband and me. Some of the things that bring me joy bring him stress. And some of the things that bring him joy bring me boredom. I’m learning to accept that he won’t share in my excitement about some things, and that I’ll need to seek that fulfillment elsewhere. I have to remind myself that’s O.K., and that’s why I have friends and kids and other family members. One person Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted Help Wanted


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14 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

A party for 27 kids (and their moms) came off smoothly in the Griggs’ 1,380-square-foot home during the holiday season. (Courtesy photo)

can’t be everything to me. (Just read Anna Karenina. It’s a recipe for disaster.) But my husband is many things to me. He’s my comfort, my strength and my partner. I have no doubt he loves me. I have no doubt he loves the Savior, and his commitment to follow Him bolsters my own. That’s why I know I made the right choice in marrying him, even when I’m building gingerbread houses and anticipating the joy of 27 kids at Christmas by myself. n

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Christian Living | January / February 2018 15


Everything is pink, but should it be?

Excess weight, lack of physical activity, conBy Rosie Main sumption of alcohol, and a diet devoid of plant Everything is pink — from shoes, shirts, hats, foods are all tightly connected to cancer. If purses and even grade school kids’ uniforms playone-third of cancers can be eliminated by only ing on the football field. living those 2 of the 5 Essentials, imagine how Why have billions, and possibly trillions, of dolwell you’d improve your chances if you lived all lars been donated to cancer research and still can5. Along with diet and exercise, you also need: cer statistics are getting worse and more people a maximized mind, a maximized nerve supply, are dying of cancer every day? and minimized toxins. The following paragraphs We can put a man on the moon and time it include more information on those 3 Essentials. perfectly. We can understand quantum physics. Mind: There is really no end to the damaging Do you really think cancer is harder to figure out effects of stress hormones. Many of the deleterithan that? It’s NOT! ous effects that these hormones can cause when But conventional medicine is no closer to a they reach unhealthy levels directly or indirectly “cure” than they were 40 years ago. Because they lead to diseases such as cancer. Evidence shows are focused on the wrong thing. that stress can actually increase a tumor’s abilThe cancer/tumor isn’t the main issue; the Rosie Main ity to grow and spread ( In fact, internal environment of the body is. They can women undergoing treatment for breast cancer keep studying the cancer/tumor as much as they want, but if their approach does not take the entire body function had improved survival rates when there was a reduction in stress hormones. into consideration, they will keep coming up with treatments that Nerve supply: There is compelling evidence on spinal care, the target just the cancer/tumor, which is the symptom — it’s secondimmune response, and cancer. Researchers have known for a long ary to the sick body. time that there is a critical link between the body’s central nervous Remember, cancer doesn’t make you sick; a sick body over time system and the immune system. causes cancer. If you just get rid of the cancer, even naturally, Toxins: Toxins are as sneaky as they are ubiquitous and deadly. you’re still left with the same sick body that caused cancer. That For example, fruits and vegetables are healthy, right? Not necesis why the only cure is getting to the cause and getting the body sarily, not if they’re wrapped in plastic as virtually everything is back to health. nowadays. Each day we eat so many foods that come in contact If they want a different result, they are going to have to change with plastics and phthalate, a substance added to plastic to make their ideas about cancer. Albert Einstein once said, “You can’t it more flexible. The government has actually established an solve a problem with the same level of thinking that existed when average daily amount that we can safely ingest before increasing the problem was created.” Trying to solve cancer by injecting more toxins or pouring more our risk of disease. Therefore, we can be drinking water instead of soda like we’re supposed to in order to avoid sugar — another money into making more toxic drugs is not the answer. You can’t cancer causer — but if that water is in a plastic bottle, you expose grow health through medications or surgery. You have to create yourself to high levels of phthalates and other chemicals. health from within and remove the interference that created the Plastics damage hormone receptors, hurt sex drive, cause problem in the first place. fatigue, harm brain chemistry, accumulate in organs, and lead to You can’t find something if you’re not looking for it. illness. They’ve been specifically linked to cancers of the prostate, There’s an overwhelming amount of evidence showing the lifebreast, lung, and thyroid. Many plastics also contain BPA. style-cancer link. In fact, there is no un-linking the two. Despite BPA has become extremely controversial and is illegal in some this proof, a recent study by the American Institute for Cancer countries. Scientists are concerned that BPA, a xenoestrogen, is Research (AICR) revealed that nearly half of Americans believe linked to certain types of cancer, lowered levels of testosterone, there’s almost nothing they can do proactively to avoid cancer. and other serious health effects, such as obesity, attention deficits, • 49 percent were aware that diets low in fruits and vegetables lowered sperm counts, and can cause early puberty onset. Probincrease cancer risk. lems can occur even at low doses. • 46 percent cited obesity as a risk factor for cancer. To start maximizing your health no matter what, implement the • 37 percent knew of alcohol’s link to cancer. 5 Essentials: 1) maximizing your mindset, 2) maximizing quality • 36 percent were aware of the link between diets high in red nerve supply, 3) maximizing nutrition (eating right), 4) maximizmeat (which we have shown is due to commercial or processed ing optimum oxygen and lean muscle (through exercise), and meat and not meat fed and raised naturally) and cancer. The side effect to this misinformation was revealed in a poll that 5) minimizing toxins. This is the way we can honor our temple showed over 40 percent of women believed they will be diagnosed for Him. God does not make junk, and as it states in John 10:10 (NIV): “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I with breast cancer at some point in their lives. This is well over three times the actual number for this diagnosis. This level of pes- have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” God wants to restore our health, and we must believe that simism about the future is really disturbing. It reveals that people feel victimized by this condition rather than believing they can do greater is He who is in us than he who is in this world. Health comes from a body and spirit that trusts in His amazing power to something to avoid having cancer. heal and restore, and a willingness to take action. n There are 5 Essentials of Maximized Living, all of which have been proven to improve immunity — which is the key factor in Rosie Main, DC, owns Main Health Solutions at 2300 W. Everest Lane, preventing or overcoming cancer. Studies show that an astonishSuite 175, in Meridian. She is also the host of Maximized Living Radio on ing one-third of cancers worldwide could be wiped out through 94.1 The Voice and KIDO 580 AM. For more information, visit Maxijust two of these essentials: diet and exercise.

16 January / February 2018 | Christian Living

Outdoors With Dougherty

Mighty hunters like Nimrod, or not?

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By Dan Dougherty The Bible does not make much reference to hunters. However, in Genesis it actually names one of the greatest. Genesis 10: 8-9 (NIV) states, “Cush was the father of Nimrod, who became a mighty warrior on the earth. He became a mighty hunter before the LORD; that is why it is said, ‘Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD.’” I wonder if he was a deer hunter? Another deer season has come and gone. It is always one of my favorite seasons of the year. It is a time to be out in God’s great outdoors with friends and family. The beauty of fall is displayed by the changing colors of the aspen leaves and tamarack trees. It is all framed by the many shades of green of firs and pines, backdropped by snowcapped mountains and a beautiful sky. My first hunt this year was with my friend Dave La Roche, like me another retired school teacher. We took my trailer up and camped at McComas Meadows above the South Fork of the Clearwater River near Harpster. We were there the end of October. We wanted to get Dave a whitetail. Not having a whitetail tag, his general deer tag was only good for a couple more days. We hunted a couple days but did not see much. The early season deer were all now hiding, the weather has not yet changed, and still a couple weeks yet to the rut. We did see a bunch of big wolf tracks, but no wolves. On our last day, I had my scope on several large, fawn-less does but didn’t shoot. I was hoping in a couple weeks during the rut to connect on a large buck. Dave did not have the opportunity to shoot one. Next year he is going to get a whitetail tag to hunt the late season. We left my trailer in storage in Harpster before heading home. Ten days later my wife Peggy and I were taking our 15-year-old granddaughter Emma up to hunt with us. She had shot her first deer at 13 but did not hunt last year. She had shot a mule deer and now wanted a whitetail. We headed up on a day after school to hunt for four days. Emma is a sophomore at Boise High. She is a good student taking several advanced classes. Both her parents and teachers had no problem with her missing two days of school. As we passed through Ontario on our way to Weiser and Highway 95, Emma got quite excited. It was her first time out of the state of Idaho. Peggy and I decided since their parents work so hard, we should take the kids on some trips and broaden their horizons. Reaching Grangeville that evening we spent the night at a Super 8 Motel. We greatly appreciated their free breakfast for us and several other hunters at 5:15 in the morning. Continued on page 22

Christian Living | January / February 2018 17


Naked and they felt no shame

face ourselves; we get married to get away from By Gary Moore ourselves, to camouflage who we are. Those of us who are married know that even I’m sure we’ve all had the experience of walkthough we don’t like to admit it, marriage is reing past a mirror and being shocked by what ally a great revealer, because we’re living in very we saw. Your hair standing up in a weird way; close quarters. Who we really are starts to be ladies, your slip showing; men, your fly open; exposed whenever we get close to others over lettuce stuck in your teeth. At times mirrors are an extended period of time. How we act under real lifesavers. If it weren’t for the mirror, you pressure in unguarded moments is always tellmight have gone all day looking pretty ridicuing. Most of us are pretty good at covering up lous. our negative parts under normal conditions; we Marriage is a mirror. By living so closely with even fool ourselves into thinking we are better another human being, you start to get a picture than we are. But close relationships tell on us. of what you really look like. You start to see This is especially true in marriage. where you need to adjust and change. This is Genesis 2:25 says Adam and Eve “were both one of the reasons why the research shows that naked, and they felt no shame.” Based on Gen- Gary Moore marriage makes people’s lives richer and more esis 3:7 we know that this is referring to them productive — if they adjust to the needed changes. Unforbeing physically naked. However, I want to suggest an additunately, many expect marriage to be something that makes tional meaning for “naked” within the marriage relationship. them look better, not something that reveals where they don’t In a free, emotionally naked relationship, if there are things look so good. And, rather than see where we need to change, to discuss, they are discussed. If there are issues to resolve, we opt to project our own negative images on our spouses and they are resolved. It means you can discuss misunderstandpoint out where they need to change. ings and miscommunications, as well as how one spouse feels Pressure and irritation don’t cause us to be who we are. Presabout what the other is doing. In a relationship free of shame, sure and irritation reveal who we are. a husband and wife can even risk sharing their different ways If we believe our spouse’s job is to make us look better of approaching love, friendship, and life in general, and do it instead of being a mirror to help us see who we really are, we openly — no smoke and mirrors, no pretenses. will think our marriage has issues whenever one of our faults I think God’s marriage design is for us to be emotionally “naked,” so that all the ways we are unique and different from is revealed. We will get angry at the “mirror” — our spouse — because he or she didn’t tell us what we wanted to hear. each other can come to the forefront. But sin changed our And, we end up communicating to him or her: “This marwillingness to do that. Because of sin’s effect on the human race, most are not comfortable with marriage being a revealer; riage isn’t good. You’re doing something wrong. We need to get this fixed.” we want marriage to be a cover. We don’t go into marriage to FREE Bibles • Pray y for U.S. Armed Forces FREE Bibles • Pray for U.S. Armed Forces

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If this is your view, until you change your view of marriage and see it as God designed it — as a tool to help you work on yourself so you can become all you were created to be and ultimately to become more Christlike — any attempts at changing your marriage will end in failure. Many people are in the wrong place mentally when it comes to their marriages. We tend to think marriage is the place where we are promised happiness and love, not the place where we learn to love each other and face the ugliest parts about ourselves. We think marriage is the place where we should experience unending romantic love, where husbands are a girl’s best friend and where wives give their husbands all the sex they want when they want it. Dream on. This is not where marriage is. If you are there, you are in the wrong place. When you are willing to understand each other — mutual understanding — new vision and hope will emerge. You will immediately become energized to work on your marriage, even if it is full of trouble. Remember, your marriage doesn’t cause you to be who you are, it reveals who you are. It begins with mutual understanding. I have witnessed the success of this approach with countless couples that I have coached over the past 12 years. Embrace becoming naked emotionally… n

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Christian Living | January / February 2018 19


‘Let’s let favor be seen in 2018’

By Dan Woodworth By this all people will know that you are My 2018 is a New Year! I had been seeking the disciples if you have love for one another. Lord in the last month of 2017 and I have heard Now let’s put them together in Proverbs 3:1, His Living Word for 2018: Let’s Let Favor Be Romans 8:2 and John 13:34-35: Seen in 2018! Don’t forget that the law of the Spirit of Life Do you believe that the supernatural favor of in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law our Living Lord is available to us today? Let’s see of sin and death, but let your heart keep My His answer to that question revealed in His Living new commandment by loving one another Word in Proverbs 3:1-4 in the original Hebrew: just as I have loved you. By this all people My son, do not forget my law, but let your will know that you are My disciples if you heart keep My commandments, for length of have love for one another. days and long life and peace will they add to When we believe and receive His Living Word, you. Do not let mercy (lovingkindness) and the Word becomes flesh. truth forsake you; bind them around your I know that what I just wrote is true because it neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. works for me, My Most Beautiful Beloved Bride, So will you find favor and good sense and Irene, and our Spectacular Sensational Son, Dan Woodworth understanding with God and man. Chris, and you, our Faithful Friends and Future Did you notice that there is not one place where our Living Friends. Lord asks us to ask for favor? He simply tells us how to obtain We speak these words of Spirit and Life at least twice a day favor. every day. These words are real in our lives and they will become Now let’s look at the combination of the old and new testareal in your life if you say them out loud every day. ments. Notice the new law in Romans 8:2 in the original Greek If we speak and do Proverbs 3:1 (Your law of the Spirit of Life compared to the old law in Proverbs 3:1: in Christ Jesus and Your commandment of Love), then our LivFor the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set you ing Lord promises us that we will experience length of days and free from the law of sin and death. long life and peace in Proverbs 3:2. The new testament is the fulfillment of the old testament. The Next, He commands us in Proverbs 3:3: old testament is the shadow and the new testament is the subDon’t let mercy (lovingkindness) and truth forsake you. stance. In other words, if we fail in one point of the law in the old Bind them around your neck. Write them on the tablet of testament, we fail in the whole law of the old testament, resulting your heart. in sin and death. Jesus came to this earth, and through His cruIn other words, meditate on His mercy and truth. Live in mercy cifixion and resurrection, He fulfilled the old testament law and and truth. graciously gave us His new testament law which human ability How? was unable to do. This is what I speak and do, and it always works for me: Listen to His words of Spirit and Life in John 13:34-35 in the Thank You, Lord, for filling me with Your mercy and original Greek: truth. I will live in Your mercy! I will live in Your truth! A new commandment I give to you: Love one another. Work for me, in me and through me with Your love, mercy Just as I have loved you, you must also love one another. and truth!

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His final outcome and promise is radically revealed in Proverbs 3:4: So you will find favor and good sense and understanding with God and man. Let’s do a quick review. If we: 1. Allow the law of Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus to set us free from the law of sin and death by walking in the Spirit and 2. If we love one another as Jesus has loved us and 3. If we live in His mercy and truth then 4. We experience and enjoy Overflowing, Supernatural Favor and good sense and understanding with God and man. What I speak and do every day is: Thank You, Lord, that the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. As I live in Your Love, Mercy and Truth, I experience and enjoy Overflowing, Supernatural Favor with You and with people all day today! Notice that I don’t ask or beg or plead for favor. You don’t need to either. I experience and enjoy Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. Why? Because I speak His promise in Proverbs 3:1-4 out loud many times a day. Let me give you some examples of His Overflowing, Supernatural Favor: My Most Beautiful Beloved Bride, Irene, and I have faithful, fantastic, fun, gracious, giving friends. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We bought our house and moved into our house with no down payment or closing costs. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We were blessed with our two cars as gifts from people. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We were chosen as Volunteers of the Year in 2001 by a prison ministry. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor.

We were chosen as Volunteers of the Year in 2009 by the Women’s and Children’s Alliance. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We won a trip to Israel from February 22 through March 3, 2016, with all expenses paid ($8,000) and we did not need to pay any taxes on it. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. I bought a $1,500 black wool suit for $6. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We have received many other examples of Overflowing, Supernatural Favor that would take up many pages in this article. Why? Because we speak and do Proverbs 3:1-4. We believed and received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. I am not sharing these examples of Overflowing, Supernatural Favor to brag or boast. In our own human ability we could have never received any of these examples of His Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. We are not unique. Many people that we know who are just like us and you have received Overflowing, Supernatural Favor. Do you believe that you are worthy to receive His Overflowing, Supernatural Favor? I do! Do you know why? Because God is not a respecter of persons (Acts 10:34). If He did and does it for us, He will do it for you. Believe and receive and do Proverbs 3:1-4. Instead of a trying to do a New Year’s resolution as a wish, I challenge you to: Believe that you have Received His Overflowing, Supernatural Favor all day every day! Let’s Let Favor Be Seen in 2018! n Dr. Dan Woodworth earned his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) degree from the King’s University in Los Angeles in 2009. His passion is to encourage and empower people with the transforming power of hope and healing to become all they are created to be. He and his beautiful bride, Irene, have planted three churches. They are in the process of creating a cross/cultural, cross/generational healing community solving pressing problems in Boise and beyond. He may be reached at

Christian Living | January / February 2018 21




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22 January / February 2018 | Christian Living


Continued from page 17 We hunted that morning near the city of Clearwater. We saw several groups of deer at close range. They were all moving and never presented a good shot. Later in the morning Emma spotted a doe and buck walking through the trees. The buck kept going but the doe stopped. Emma had about a 40-yard downhill, broadside shot. When she finally shot, the deer jumped and ran off. We checked for blood but there was none — a clean miss! We saw the deer running uphill in the distance. That afternoon Emma had another nice doe standing broadside at about 45 yards. As she was pointing her gun at it I kept thinking, “Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!” The deer walked off but stopped about 10 yards farther, presenting another shot. Emma fired, another miss. I asked her why it took her so long to shoot. She said, “Grandpa I have never shot with a scope. I can’t find them. I’ve just been pointing my barrel at them and firing.” I should have taken her out shooting. Her father said she was a better shot then her brothers. I did not know she never used a scope. I can remember my frustrating experience with my first scoped gun, hunting with little pre-hunt preparation. We had her start practicing using the scope and getting the right eye relief. Instead of taking the trailer out of storage and camping, we stayed in one of the Lytle cabins on the river. They had a cancellation so we jumped at the chance. We have stayed in them several times before with our sons and their friends. The cabin provided a beautiful view of the river and was perfectly located in the middle of our hunting area. The next day as we were traveling the Peasley Creek road, we came across a white pickup parked off the road. The occupants were skinning a hanging deer. It was Gary Tuttle, his son Luke and Luke’s girlfriend. Peggy had grown up with Gary. We spent many of our hunting

years staying at the South Fork campground with the Tuttles and the Valley Pentecostal crew. Gary had just shot the nice doe. Luke had a nice 6 x 5 rutting buck with its swollen neck, skinned and covered in the back of the pickup. They were heading back to Caldwell shortly. Gary was bringing back his 98-year-old father, Leo, the next week to try for his deer. Leo shot his deer last year at 97. I could not help but think I would not still be hunting in 30 years. I would probably be on a Heavenly excursion with my father to the constellation Eridanus to fish the Celestial River. The next day I missed several shots at a very large doe at about 150 yards. Peggy was standing by me with her gun. I asked her why she did not shoot? She answered that it was my deer and she had never seen me miss. In the last 12 years I hadn’t. In the next two days several more deer were missed. We all had our chance. In talking to a friend he said we should have prayed harder. Peggy and I agreed that we do not pray for success, but for the opportunity, and keeping us all safe. What we do with the opportunity is up to us and our preparation. The reward of the hunt is not the kill but the good time spent with friends and family in God’s beautiful outdoors. The evening Yahtzee games, good conversation, and physical exercise also make for a good hunt. In a conversation with Cliff of Cliff’s Gun Shop after church one Sunday, he asked if I had sighted in my guns this year. That is a ritual we do every year, but for various reasons we did not get it done. I also should have taken Emma out and made her familiar with a gun she had never shot before. I guess it best can be said, “Nimrodian hunters, we weren’t!”

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Christian Living | January / February 2018 23

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