Poetry and Comics #13

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Poets, writers and artists met to exchange words and pictures in collaborative collage, with a specific focus on the intersection between poetry and comics.

Feb 2015


Lashara van Heerden @Lasharavh Kirsten Irving @KofTheTriffids Harry Man @HarryManTweets Lorraine Mariner @lorrainemariner Richard Scott @the_opera_hour Chrissy Williams @chrissywilliams


economy of line is paramount each panel and page must be carefully constructed consider how much will fit on the page choose whether to prioritise ideas or form comics are generally at their best when the words do not repeat the effects of the art and vice versa juxtaposition is an important tool the reading process is one of interpretation rather than perception the reader is inextricable from the art what happens off the page is as important as what happens on it all the right notes, not necessarily in the right order

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