Christ Embassy Holds Miracle Crusade in Northern Nigeria

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Christ Embassy Holds Miracle Crusade in Northern Nigeria The unusual happened at the recently held kafanchan Miracle Crusade organised by Christ Embassy Church. Several eye-opening miracles manifested and shouts of joy and excitement reverberated in the arena as blind eyes opened.

Over 5,000 people gathered to receive a special touch from God through Pastor Marcel Obode at the Kafanchan Miracle Crusade in Kaduna, Nigeria. As brethren went out publicising the event, it was very obvious that there was a divine presence accompanying them, confirming their words with signs and wonders. It was a publicity with a difference as the community also began to experience the wind of change; Christ Embassy Kaduna drilled boreholes to provide potable drinking water in 2 communities.

It was an unforgettable experience on Saturday, September 17; and as the choir led thousands in a time of worship in the Hausa language, thousands lifted their hands without wrath or doubting. Attendees poured their hearts to the Lord in prayer for Kafanchan. BLW music minister, Deacon Buchi, led

a special time of worship; what a sight it was as the people glorified God in the rain. Over 1,700 people gave their hearts to Christ when Deacon Buchi gave the altar call.

Pastor Marcel, upon mounting the stage, recognised the new converts, who had received free copies of the book, 'Now That You Are Born Again' and the Rhapsody Bible. After speaking concerning the value of the ministry materials they had freely received, he began to teach of the God-life they had also imbibed. As he prayed for the sick, miracles erupted everywhere. A paralysed woman ran, and a man who was born blind regained his sight.

There’s no doubt that the news of this event will spread throughout Northern Nigeria and other parts of the country and this will, in turn, convince those who doubt the very existence of miracles that MIRACLES DO EXIST!

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