Children's Lifesaving Foundation's Annual Report 2015

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ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 The Children’s Lifesaving Foundation WE LOVE OUR VOLUNTEERS!

MESSAGE From Maria 2015-the CLF’s 22nd year in operationhas been filled with appreciation for our friends who truly make our work what it is today…our volunteers! For the CLF, our wonderful volunteers (and donors, of course!) are the lifeblood of our work. We want to dedicate 2015 to them, to their love & dedication, and for being there for us, and for the many children and families we serve. Thank you…! We truly could not do this work without you… CLF long-­‐*me volunteers and All our love and gratitude, Maria D’Angelo-CLF Founder & President

Lifesavers Dea Shandera, Mark Lederkramer & siblings Brandt and Dayna Shandera

Enriching Platform:

The CLF’s Enriching program is comprised of activities and events offered to at-risk and homeless youth through our Camp4All and Project Angel Wings Holiday Program. Participants come from agencies such as LA’s BEST, Para Los Ninos, Operation Progress, LA Mission, Covenant House, Midnight Mission, Upward Bound, Alexandria House, and many others annually, including, of course-the children and families who comprise our Vita Network of families. This platform of hands-on and both recreational and emotionally uplifting series of year-long programs allows families and youth to experience life as we feel a person truly should- a life that is powerful-and full of hope, wonder, promise and possibility. To date, more than 24,500 families have been served through the CLF’s Enriching Platform of Programs.


Over 500 homeless youth & their families attended our Beach & Surf Camps at Zuma in Malibu


Agencies served through Camp4All include: Urban Compass, Homeboy Industries, Covenant House, Para Los Ninos & Union Rescue Mission. Our Vita Network teens also attended a week-long overnight camp at Camp Shalom in Malibu.


Our Project Angel Wings Program served over 1,000 at-risk youth with incredible Holiday events and toy give aways in December for very low-income and at-risk students, as well as hundreds of children from LA’s BEST.


Friends such as Topson Downs, California Supply, KAYO of California & the Malibu Kiwanis Club hosted events in December for the at-risk youth we serve.


750 toys and gifts were hand-delivered to the Midnight Mission on Christmas Day, where six of our staff & volunteers helped distribute them to individual children coming from the shelter and surrounding Skid Row area. Hundreds more toys, plus L’Oreal make-up and skincare, were bright down to Homeboy Industries the week of Christmas.


Over 250 volunteers participated in our Enriching Platform of Programs this past year.


Companies such as HULU and Truxton’s, as well as Action-Agape and all of the Malibu middle schools held toy drives for CLF! JAKKs Pacific toy co. donated 1,000 toys alone!

Our friends from the Leo Carillo Jr. Lifeguards who invited us to bring kids from Opera*on Progress to an addi*onal surf camp they run at Heavens Beach in Malibu

Camp4All! We had new Surf Instructors this summer from the Malibu Underdogs, who also created video pieces from our surf camps at Zuma Beach this year! Friends from the terrific non-profit Bridge to Skate joined us once again at Camp4All this year-providing amazing skateboard crafts for the youth we serve. Tim Harvey from Leo Carillo Jr. Lifeguards provided us (once again!) with one week of amazing, intensive Surf Camps at Leo Carillo Beach for youth from the incredible Operation Progress, an agency serving at-risk students in South Central. Plus, another soulful week-long overnight w/Interfaith Inventions at Camp Shalom for the teens in our Vita Network added up another great Season of Camp4All! Over 500 at-risk and homeless youth and families were served by Camp4All in 2015-including children, teens and adults from: Homeboy Industries, Para Los Ninos, Operation Progress, My Friend’s Place, and A Place Called Home.



Surf Instructor Tracy Swanson with Thomas from Homeboy Industriesan afternoon of learning to surf at Zuma!

Surf Instructor Tracy Swanson with Thomas from Homeboy IndustriesAFTER he stood up on the surfboard for the VERY first time! GO THOMAS!

Teen Camp4All at Camp Shalom w/ Interfaith Inventions!

Another great year with Interfaith Inventions at Camp Shalom for the teens in our Vita Network! Twelve of our youth participated once again in a week-long, overnight intensive camp in the Santa Monica Mountains with teens from other faiths & backgrounds. Such a great way for the older children in our Vita Network to experience awesome camp activities (Ziplining! Hiking! Swimming! Archery!) in a fun-filled, traditional camp setting, combined with group intensives on the subjects of bullying and racism in school and in life. We hope to offer this experience to our teens for many years to come…

Vita Network High School Teen Alex Meza at Camp Shalom’s week-long overnight camp in August w/Interfaith Inventions. When Alex was a newborn, he and his mom lived in Exec. Director Maria D’Angelo’s home for many months. He and his mom Monica and little sister Natalie are true members of the CLF family!

Project Angel Wings Holiday Program Each year over 500 children from shelters, and service organizations dealing with the most at risk youth, attend great Holiday parties in December, receive toys and enjoy the benefits of this Enriching component. Friends, companies and our very own Santa present each child with his or her very own personalized gift bag filled with 7 or 8 new gifts of the latest new toys and gifts, and enjoy a great breakfast & catered lunch! Each December, a DJ, festive crafts, games, and a incredible feeling of community and family spirit complete the day. Wonderful local groups & national company friends such as Topson-Downs, California Supply, KAYO of California and the Kiwanis Club of Malibu sponsored these heart-warming events this year- with great toys donated by JAKK’s Pacific, Action-Agape, HULU, Truxton’s and the Malibu School District families and students.


At-Risk Children Served in December through Project Angel Wings: Over 1,000!

We also create awesome toy and gift distributions at MIDNIGHT MISSIONON CHRISTMAS MORNING! Here is our Program Director Sean McCaffery with CLF & Midnight Mission friend Dick Van Dyke, who goes each and every Christmas morning to personally hand out out toys to the children. We additionally brought hundreds and hundreds of toys donated from JAKKs Pacific & Action-Agape there last year, as well as L’Oreal products to Homeboy Industries. Over 1,000 youth were served through Project Angel Wings.

Project Angel Wings Holiday Event at Camp Hess Kramer-plus Toy GiveAways at Homeboy Industries & Midnight Mission!

Field Trips! The CLF was invited to: An All-Inclusive Dodgers Game & A Private Screening & Dinner on the Fox Lot this year!

(ABOVEJ This screening of the animated film “HOME” on the 20th Century Fox Lot, (sponsored by Fox GIVES) was so amazing. We also enjoyed an AWESOME In-N-Out Burger Dinner, sweets, and FOX Goody Bags!

(LEFT:) Our Founder, Maria D’Angelo, was awarded a Community Hero Award from the LA Dodgers, and we took 50 kids & parents to a Dodgers game on July 5thcomplete with FREE snacks and DODGER DOGS! #YUM and #YAY!

Living Platform: Our Vita Network Families The CLF’s true key to success is treating our “clients” like familyand many have become just that. Not simply to our staff and network of volunteers, but for each other. One of our most memorable moments this year was celebrating the birthdays of the Romero family at Pitfire Pizza in Veniceand People Magazine was there to capture it on video!

u  Three New Families/young people were moved into new apartments, thanks to one VERY special sponsor! u  Over 1,100 make-up hair and skincare products were distributed u  150 clothing outfits for women and girls were distributed u  Over $1,700 in gift cards were distributed for birthdays and holidays u  Over $60,000 through in-kind donations from great friends from OSEA, Butter Super Soft and MKI were distributed, who donated great, new clothing, shoes, make-up and skincare products for our families

The Living Platform

THE LIVING PLATFORM The CLF’s Living Platform of Programs takes an integrated approach to domestic support for the very at-risk family: Our Living Platform stabilizes and rehabilitates transitional families committed to improving their lives by moving them out of shelters or unsafe neighborhoods, and into new apartments, and also by financially and emotionally aiding these families through time, where they become a part of our vital "Vita Network" of families. After qualifying for the program, we work with our resource partners to secure housing, furniture, appliances, clothing and food. The CLF provides families with financial and credit counseling, interview coaching and mentorship opportunities on an as-needed basis. Their children have full access to our Learning and Enriching Platform of Programs. These families form the Vita Network, a community dedicated to the ongoing support and socialization of families. To date, what was initially known as the “Adopt-A-Family” Program has successfully transitioned, moved and/or aided over 60 families, moving many of them out of shelter and/or highly unsafe urban environments.

Randy De Leon is one of three individuals families being moved into a new apartment by generous sponsorsKen & Cindy Oder.

Randy served two tours in Afghanistan with the US Marines over the past two years, and we are so thrilled to have him home. We have known Randy since he was in middle school, and it is an honor to be able to help him make a new start. We are so grateful to Ken & Cindy Oder Family for their great support- along with moving two other, very deserving families.

Marine Sergeant Randy De Leon, with his lovely sister Enid, both ac*ve in our Vita Network Program since they were very young.

The CLF’s Learning Platform of Programs fosters hope by inviting students from the families in our Vita Network to stay informed, active and connected to their community, enabling them to achieve their goals, attend college and follow their dreams. Focused with a weekly Care through College Program, the students participate in individual, one-on-one tutoring sessions from our staff and "Lifesaver" tutors, experience great workshops, receive classroom project preparation, fresh school supplies, go on special Field Trips and Outings, and have access to computers . Upon graduation from high school, qualifying students are provided with college scholarships. (provided through the McHugh-O’Donovan Family Foundation Shining Stars Scholars Program) their entire four years at university, an astounding opportunity for personal growth and academic and career success. Dream Mentors and special visits to companies help to greatly inspire the student's worldview, career goals and overall outlook on the world at large. Our Dream Mentors component enjoyed hearing from new friends like a real LA county fire man, award-winning blogger and writer and an occupational therapist! The Learning Platform of Programs has awarded more than 50 scholarships to date, (and counting!) ensuring that these children fulfill their very highest potential. These students remain in our programs from a very early age until high school graduation, and beyond. It is our goal to be that stabilizing support system to see them get the very same opportunities as anyone else attending school in Los Angeles. Our tutors assist them with homework, book reports, college applications, spelling bees. Dream Mentors from all walks of life come and speak and motivate children in believing that their own dreams will become a reality. We operate this program out of our great friend’s space- the Boys & Girls Club of Venice.

The Learning Platform

The Learning Platform

-TEN students currently in college -Over 500 notebooks, brand new backpacks and other school supplies distributed -ONE New #CodingisCool Computer Science Workshop in Fall of 2014 & being continued successfully -FOUR new DreamSpeak Mentor speakers -45 At-Risk Students Served through this Program this year -Well over 650 Volunteer Hours clocked in through Care through College

Young students in our Care through College Program in Spring 2015


Patrick is one of our most dedicated volunteer Tutors for several years, and just got an amazing new jobwith Teach for America! We are so very proud of him! His warmth, sweetness and intelligence has truly impacted the lives of our students.

#CodingisCool ~ WAY cool! This past Fall, we started a new workshop to teach computer science AND accelerate our students’ interests in the STEM-sciences. #CodingisCool will make learning about computers, programming and development engaging and exciting to our Care through College students. Current funding from Google, Time Warner Cable’s Connect A Million Minds, and the Abbot Kinney Festival Foundation will allow our youth to learn to code, programand within months- create great computer apps & video games! (Special thanks to our good friend and instructor Elliot Mebane of Roguish, who designs the course and could NOT be a more compassionate, generous instructor, and the Venice Branch Library for hosting us!)

Esme and her brothers in last year’s #CodingisCool Workshop!

CLF 2015 Fundraisers

Sex and the City writer and producer Cindy Chupack at the Tea and Empathy a7ernoon for CLF at former Malibu Mayor Sharon Barovsky’s home in Malibu

Thank You Whole Foods Montana Avenue Store for a great 5% Day on April 1st!

Spirit of Giving Brunch-2015

The Spirit of Giving Brunch was a great success, held on April 18th, 2015 at the Malibu Jewish Center. Amazing speakers and our own CLF “kids,” now young adults, spoke about what the Spirit of Giving means to them. Next year’s brunch is scheduled on Saturday, April 16th, 2016! (from LeRJ CLF Vita Network “kids” Randy De Leon, CLF Program Director Sean McCaffery, Jasmin Romero, Enid De Leon & Cris*an Lopez-­‐& in front-­‐ Giovanni De Leon. (From Left:) Spirit of Giving Brunch Guest Speakers Heather McCloskey Beck, Kathy Eldon-Founder of Creative Visions, Composer and Singer extraordinaire from Agape International Rickie Byars Beckwith, parenting author Susan Stiffelman. CLF Founder Maria D’Angelo and Malibu real estate mogul Sarah Kosasky.

Volunteer Spotlight: Alex Fields

Alex Fields is a recent addition to our CLF Family. He has been an incredible support to the CLF’s programs, and he and his family have financially supported many CLF events. So many of our youth look up to Alex as a true father figure. He is so compassionate, empathetic, smart and sweet-one of the best role models we could hope to ask for, for the children we serve.

VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT: Nancy King Nancy King has been volunteering for the CLF for several years, and has taken a special interest in really helping two brothers succeed. She also set-up a great screening of the must-see documentary, The Mask We Live In, directed by Jennifer Siebel Newsom, in November, for our Vita Network families, and the families of the boys & Girls Club of Venice. We are so grateful to volunteers like her- for their love, support and great dedication.

Our “OLD SCHOOL” Lifesavers-Volunteers who

have been hanging with us for a good long time!

•  Mark “Kramer” Lederkramer: Our Jewish

Santa from Brooklyn, “Kramer” has been an incredible light in all of our lives.

•  Lupe & her staff at California Supply: Mark and Cha-Cha Weinstein’s company, California Supply, has been hosting truly amazing Holiday Events for the CLF for about twenty years! Lupe and her staff at Cal Supply are truly phenomenal people-and friends.

•  Paul & Lorie Campbell:

What can we say? Paul and Lorie are simply the best. Tireless volunteers, mentors and friends for the families we serve-they truly personify our ideal volunteer-youth relationship.

•  Sol Emami:

Sol has been amazing. A finance and math wiz, she was our Education Coordinator for two years, before moving on to becoming a partner in her financial firm! A great advisor and true, amazing friend.

•  Dea Shandera & Family:

Dea and her children Brandt and Dayna have been our official face painters at our Project Angel Wings Holiday Programs for going on fifteen years, as well as promoting CLF’s work through Dea’s own PR company. They truly exemplify a giving, caring family, and are a great example for the families we serve.

•  Joe Sprofera:

Joe was probably one of the most dedicated tutors at our Care through College Program. An actual “rocket scientist” and long-time employee of Northrop Grumman, Joe was a huge help and influence on the students in our Care through College Program. Now a proud husband and father of two, Joe continues to support our work through his employer’s matching gift program.

How Your Company Can Help!

Julia Hobbs and her staff at Julia Hobbs Speech Therapy collected

funds to take out two special girls-Itzel and Arrely, out to a great ladies’ lunch, and for a great shopping trip at Old Navy on the Third Street Promenade. This is a GREAT way to get your department, store or company (large or small) involved in our work: Plan an outing, shopping trip, field trip excursion to a cool, new L.A. place, or purchase tickets for our organization to organize an outingall of these are perfect, fun ways for you and your co-workers and employees to get involved and really make a difference. Julia and her staff are planning a second shopping trip, as well! J

Key Foundations & Companies who sponsor our programs Topson-Downs of California The Oder Family Foundation Ken & Cindy Oder McHugh-O’Donovan Family Foundation Bellamici, Inc. The City of Malibu Fields Family Trust Foundation Time Warner Cable’s CAMM Pepperdine C4C

Carrie Estelle Doheny Foundation Rags for Riches Foundation St. Matthew’s Parish Thrift Shop Google Kiwanis Club of Malibu The Soroptimists of West LA Abbot Kinney Festival Foundation Grindstone Entertainment Fox GIVES! Whole Foods Montana Avenue


Agape International Spiritual Center Action-Agape Sacred Service Saturday & David Silverstein Sharon Barovsky (for the use of her beautiful home for an event) Boys and Girls Club of Venice Bridge to Skate Butter Super Soft Clothing Store Camp Hess Kramer Cirque du Soleil Create Now DirecTV Fox GIVES! Hotel Marina Del Rey (Hotel MDR) HULU Julia Hobbs Speech Therapy Malibu Elementary School families for our Toy Drives! Malibu Underdogs Amber Matsumoto Suzanne Matteson Mending Kids International OSEA Skincare The Los Angeles Dodgers Pitfire Pizza-Venice Pepperdine C4C Spruzzo’s Restaurant in Malibu & Ray The Thonson Family-for their amazing Holiday crafts! Truxton’s Restaurant-Santa Monica

Our ADORED VOLUNTEERS! Action-Agape Toy Drive Donors & Amazing "Gift –Wrappers” Lori Allen Braden Anderson Ellen Poyer & Family Jasmin Romero Mario Arevalo Mike Bayless, Wil Guido & their great staff at Fox GIVES! Jessie Rosen Barry Brooker & Family Kristin Bungart Julian Carrasco Cindy Chupack John & Cathy Cygan Pat Benatar & Neil Giraldo California Supply Staff & LUPE! Paul Campbell & Lorie Metz Campbell Garrett Damico Amazing Dream Mentor Speakers! Sol Emami Alex Fields Terry, Jan & Jonathon Forrester Yovanny Herculano Julia Hobbs & the staff at Julia Hobbs Speech Therapy David Keller Nancy King Mark “Kramer” Lederkramer Cristian Lopez Malibu Underdogs Aileen Martinez Faith & Dylan McCaffery Patrick McCaffery Mollie Meyer Marla & Jeffrey Michaels & Family Trent Michaels Pepperdine C4C Board & MBA Student Members

Pt. Dume Marine Science School Students Lisa Schwartz Dea Shandera & Fam! SMC’s PTK Honors in Action Ari Stiffelman Susan Stiffelman Patrick O’Sullivan The Thonson Family Topson-Downs Staff Christopher Rojas Georgia Van Cuylenberg Dave Wein The Weinstein Family Melanie Wizan Kathleen Yore Donald Zinman

THANK YOU… WE LOVE YOU ALL, are so GRATEFUL, and truly could NOT do this work without you!

HOW YOU CAN HELP RIGHT NOW: EMAIL US at: VOLUNTEER & sign up to get that process started by going to our website at: YOU CAN ALSO: Sign up for our email list, make a donation, set up legacy giving, become a Corporate Event Sponsor, organize a field trip, or start a scholarship in yours or your family’s name! (Just check out the “Get Involved" Tab!) Or CALL US at: (310)-450-3701 to chat



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