HM Letter to Parents September 2017

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Contents Page 1

Summer Work Dining Hall

Page 2

Prospectus GCSE Results

Page 3

A Level Results

Page 4

A Level Results Cladding Staff Art Success

Page 5

Scout Camp in Edinburgh

Page 6

Staff News Calendars

Page 7

Samuel Klein National Swiming Sucess

Page 8

News From Chigwell Talk on Drugs and Alcohol And Finally

Summer Work

The school support staff have been working very hard throughout the summer. The IT

network has been upgraded, there has been extensive redecoration and improvement in the boarding houses and indeed across the School, and the drainage of the 1st XI football

pitch has been improved. The maintenance team have built a much needed extension which will provide purpose-built storage for instruments.

Dining Hall

A great deal of work has been going on over the summer to extend the dining hall. Phase

one has been to raise the floor of the existing dining hall and to widen the servery

entrance. This work was completed at the end of the weekend just in time for us to use the dining hall again this term.

Phase two will continue through this term and will provide an extension which links the dining hall to the Swallow Room, therefore giving us three linked spaces. The aim is to give pupils more space to eat in more comfort and to speed up lunchtime. The work should be completed by Christmas but the site is completely enclosed in the meantime.



Over the summer, work on the new school prospectus was completed and copies will be issued on Open Day. As with the school video link, the aim was to use fewer words

but more images to convey life at Chigwell. An electronic version of the prospectus is here. You can also see the video here.

GCSE Results

The week after A level results, GCSE students came into school to collect

their results. Over a quarter of pupils achieved a very impressive seven A*

grades or more, with four students from the year group of eighty six achieving ten A* grades or better. Indeed the most common grade awarded to

Chigwell students at GCSE was an A*

with 37% of results achieved being at

this top grade. 68% of grades were A or A* and 89% were at least a B grade.

This too was a very happy occasion for the vast majority of students, for the teachers who had worked so closely

with them and students’ parents who were, like us, justifiably proud. Our aim

is always that students achieve the best

results that they can and equipped with

these, many will now be looking

forward to the next stage of their education.


A Level Results

Sixth Formers and their teachers

celebrated excellent A level results in

the middle of last month. Over 83% of results were at B grade or above with over 50% at either A or A* grade. A quarter of students achieved at least

three A grades and the most common

grade achieved of all the exams sat was a grade A. Some students also opted to

natural sciences, business/management,

in addition to their three or four A levels,

spread of others. Two students have

take the Extended Project Qualification

history and psychology but with a wide

and of these 60% achieved an A or A*


grade. These results enabled students



to secure some excellent university


places, nearly three quarters to Russell



degree very


surveying and business and IT.

Group universities.




At this stage in their lives, it is important

that students choose the course and institution that is right for them. This

year, the most popular destinations for Chigwell




Exeter, Oxford (approximately 10% of leavers will go to Oxbridge), Warwick,

Birmingham and York universities. In terms of courses that Chigwellians will

We are delighted that the students and


successfully to achieve these results.

be taking, the most popular this year are economics,



(approximately 10% of places are for medicine or veterinary medicine),





A Level Results


Following the tragedy in the Grenfell

Tower, we have checked our buildings to ensure that they do not contain the same cladding (polyethylene bonded

insulation between aluminium panels).

Most Chigwell buildings are constructed in brick or with blockwork cavity walls

and we are reassured that not only have we not got the same combustible

At this time of year, there is a danger

material in school, we also have much

that we simply focus on statistics and it

better emergency escape routes.

is important to remember that these

usual, fire drills will be carried out and

Middle Sixth leavers made a significant

we use external consultants to check

contribution to the Chigwell School community


fire alarms and smoke detectors as part

and we value all their

of our regular health and safety audit.

individual achievements. They deserve every success and happiness in the

Staff Art Success

next stage of their lives beyond school

Congratulations to Miss Sharon Wales

and we hope they will stay in touch

who has had her painting selected as

with us here.

part of Evolver Prize 2017. Meanwhile, in October the art department will be

exhibiting the work of Steve Dowson who studied with Mr Edwin Aitken.

Steve has been in the national press recently because he volunteered to

donate a kidney to his friend and fellow artist who was suffering from a rare

condition. The kidney was transplanted with the use of a surgical robot.


Scout Camp in Edinburgh

The scouts travelled to Scotland for their annual summer camp at the start of the

summer holidays. As well as day trips to

Edinburgh and Stirling Castle, they

participated in a series of daredevil activities including an obstacle course and the scariest 3G swing in Europe. Campfires

with fellow troops from France and Scotland were a special highlight. The

scouts showed remarkable proficiency in

putting up tents and building complex

pioneering structures, although they were

somewhat less skilful at washing-up. The

weather was kind, by Scottish standards,

and everyone returned home tired, grubby but excited by their adventures.


Staff News

We have a number of new colleagues

Housemistress of Penn’s and Mr Robert

be joining the Junior School – Mr

of Swallow’s.

joining us this term. Four teachers will

Richardson will be Acting Housemaster

Christopher Anderson, Miss Sarah

going to be Assistant Housemaster of

Munro, Mrs Joanna James and Mrs Anna

Penn’s and Head of Science (Teaching

Tapper. Mr Richard Hume will be joining

and Learning), and Mr Jack Twinn will be

the maths department, Miss Antonia

Head of Modern Foreign Languages.

Ross will be joining the English

We also send our congratulation to two

department, Mr Michael Wright will be

colleagues who got married over the

joining the music department and Mrs

summer break. Mr Robert Richardson

Teresa Kwiecinska will be joining the

married Louise and Miss Flo Tellwright

history department. The new Head of

married Edward and will now be known

Psychology will be Miss Emma Taylor

as Mrs FitzGerald.

and the new Swallow Librarian will be

She will also be

Acting Assistant Housemistress of

Mrs Sara Bloomfield. In addition, Mrs


Rebecca Williams will be joining us as

We were delighted to hear that Mrs

Director of Teaching and Learning, and

Samantha Lawrence and her husband

Reverend Gary Scott is going to be Chaplain.

Mr Graham Sexton is

Creag were joined by Mia-Rose on

Mrs Mireilla Zrinzo will be

Saturday morning. She weighed 5lb 3oz

covering Mrs Hizer’s maternity leave in

and Mum and baby are very well – as is

the Junior School, Dr Ioana Nitescu will

the proud Dad.

be covering Ms Cassell’s maternity leave in the science department and Mrs

Reena Patel is joining the Pre Prep as a


Teaching Assistant.

As usual, pupils will be given a copy of the

We also have a number of internal

blue calendar with details of all events

appointments. Mr Simon Coppell has

taking place this term. If you have not

been made Head of Sixth Form, Mr Ian

received a copy, please collect one from

Goddard will be Housemaster of

either the Junior or Senior Receptions.

Lambourne, Miss Janey Foster will be


Samuel Klein

National Swimming Success

We send our congratulations to Samuel

Klein who was selected to represent Great

Many congratulations to Jasmine Iley who

Britain in the Maccabi table tennis in

won the 200m backstroke event in the

Miami. Sam flew out with some fifty other

ASA National Summer Meet held in

athletes to compete with over 3,000

Sheffield. Jasmine achieved a time of

children from all over the world. He was

2:20.80, three seconds ahead of the next

placed as the youngest competitor in the

competitor which is a fantastic result. Not

under 16s age group and he won Gold in the






to be outdone, her sister Emily competed


in the British National Finals where she

This was a fantastic

won a silver medal in the 50m freestyle

achievement and he went on to win a

and a bronze in the 100m backstroke.

silver and two bronze awards for doubles.

Emily achieved this despite being a year younger than other competitors. We are

very proud of both girls and will continue to follow their success with great interest.


News From Chigwell

The latest edition of News from Chigwell has been produced, giving a flavour of some of the many activities that took place at school during last academic year. This is available on line here. If you would like a copy, you are welcome to collect one from Reception.

Talk on Drugs and Alcohol

Once again, Bob Tait will be giving a talk to parents about drugs and alcohol on Monday 2nd October at 4.15pm in New Hall. His last presentation was extremely informative and much appreciated by the parents who attended and we hope that many more of you will be able to attend on this occasion.

And Finally

The beginning of a new school year is

always an exciting time with the

opportunity for everyone to throw themselves wholeheartedly into work and

everything else on offer, having had the benefit of a break. There will be many

occasions over the next few weeks for parents to come into school and I look forward to seeing you then. With best wishes Yours sincerely

Michael Punt


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