Real Life Real Faith Women Walking by Faith Magazine November/December Issue 2018

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The Common Sense Holiday Cooking Guide


Women Love Y our Imperfections


Secondary Infertility


Double Blessings



Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Cee Cee H. Caldwell Columnists Rhonda Bolden,, Melinda Lanier Contributors Donna H, Richard Brody, Chris P Bouklanger, Monica Harris, Sharon Lamothe, Nicole Dennison, Adriana N., Nina Amir

Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


Ask yourself what's the worse that can happen


2 0 1 8














Ahh the holidays - A time for joy, a time for cheer, a time for screaming and running in circles.... Holiday cooking is probably one of the most memorable and enjoyable aspects of the season, but it can also be a huge source of consternation and hair loss. Well fret not. I have worked my fingers (and web browser) to the bone to put together these few tips to help get you through the holiday cooking gauntlet. 1. PLAN AHEAD! Okay so this sounds pretty commonsensical, but you would be surprised how many people fly by the seat of their pants when they're cooking. All this can do for you is provide the opportunity for multiple trips to the store for things you could have gotten the first time around had you only PLANNED BETTER! Make a decision about the meals and desserts you want to make, and then draft your shopping list accordingly. Refrain from making last minute changes - don't put that added stress on yourself - remember - IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE FUN! 2. Don't Be Afraid to Make Extra I have members in my family that are NOTORIOUS for either showing up unannounced, or for bringing unexpected guests. But it's the holidays! You don't want to let situations like that cause you stress, and you certainly don't want to have to eek out small portions like the cranky lunchroom lady from high school - so be prepared! Squeeze in that extra chair - the more the merrier!

i3. Embrace Technology - Kitchen Gadgets are Good Things... My grandmother taught me this lesson pretty early in life. Now keep in mind that my grandmother is truly old school. She was born and raised in Edonton Georgia, and she learned how to cook on a potbelly stove that used wood for fuel. I can't imagine trying to get an oven to the right temperature with various sized logs, etc, but she did it. Anyway, she truly appreciates the value of a good kitchen gadget. I remember the look on her face the first time she used an electric knife - now that's entertainment. There's no sight on earth like an elderly woman grinning and hacking away at a turkey leg. Good times. Simply put, there are numerous inexpensive items out there that you can use to organize and prep your food to make this process easier and in some cases even fun! The time you save will is priceless. 4. Use Your Kids

Your kids are your labor force. Have them schlep for you. They have all this boundless energy - why not harness it for the purposes of making your life easier? Also, referring back to Tip #3, your kids will love using those kitchen gadgets when and where appropriate (in many cases they are kid safe). Assign them those jobs where they can make a contribution without making your life more

difficult. And they'll enjoy being included in the preparations! Imagine how proud they will be to tell everyone what they made. 5. Don't Panic! Keep your calm and remember that there is always a solution for any problem you may encounter. Take a step back from your situation and weigh your options. There is always something you can do to recover from disaster. Also remember that Holidays are a time for friends and family. In many cases they will be more than willing to lend a hand if you find yourself in over your head. So sally forth, my confident holiday compatriots, and gird your pork loins for the heat of battle; secure in the knowledge that just a little common sense and advance planning can bring you through the holiday season with style and a minimum of weeping and despair.

The Holiday Season is upon us! Check out [] and browse the many wonderful offers we have for you - you may find some awesome gift ideas! [] provides exclusive offers, deals, and information that may not be available anywhere else - and why go elsewhere? Visit us and see for yourself why our offers are Crazy Good! Article Source: Harris/450449

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Women: Love Your Imperfections Nicole Dennison Whew.That's a loaded topic. Especially, if you're busy professional women trying to do it all. After all, every woman knows that if she does everything right and is perfect in all ways that she'll be deserving of love and get the love she wants. Hogwash! Being perfect will not get you loved. In fact, trying to be perfect makes you irritable. It makes it challenging for other people to be around you. And that makes you one of the most difficult people to love. So, stop striving for perfection! Instead, embrace your imperfections. What Causes Women to Strive for Perfection? To embrace and love your glorious imperfections you must first understand what's driving your strive for perfection. In a word: fear. As women, in general, and busy professional women particularly, the number one fear that drives our strive for perfection is the fear of not being good enough. The judgment from others of not being good enough as a:

Real Life Real Faith | 16

· Mom. · Business owner. · Career woman. · Wife. · Sister. · Daughter. The judgment of self as not being good enough as a: · Person! Yikes! For many women, the fear of not being good enough came from people we loved or looked up to who wanted us to be, do, or have more. Although seemingly innocent and clothed in the 'sheep's clothing' of good intentions, the wolf at our heels frayed our self-confidence and germinated our distrust of self and others. or other women, being self-confident was neither modeled nor valued. As a result, being 'perfect' meant being like someone else they heard praised for their perfection. Either way, "The condition, state, or quality of being free or as free as possible from all flaws or defects," as defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, is an impossible ideal.

As busy professional women, we need RREP&A. That's rest, recovery, ease, peace and acceptance. Without it, we are:

R stands for restless, R stands for relapse into poor health, feel E stands for embarrassed, become P stands for panicked and have A stands for anxiety.

When that happens, we experience Adrenal Fatigue, hormonal imbalances and become bitchy to others. Three Steps to Embrace Your Beautiful Imperfections

Step 1: Love yourself. The first step is the hardest. It is the step that cracks open any resistance you have to the following steps. First, love yourself. You simply must. There's no beating around the bush about it. So, I'll come straight down the center about this: without self-love, there's no love. I know. That's a big one to swallow. Here's how you do it: One afternoon, curl up on the couch with a cup of tea and a pad of paper and your favorite pen. Begin making a list of all the things you've accomplished in your life. List everything great and small. Wow! Right? Look at how much you've accomplished! It's pretty awesome!


Now, re-read the list and acknowledge all you've accomplished. Let it sink in. The first step to embracing your beautiful imperfections is first love yourself.

Step 2: Take care of your love. What the heck does that mean? It means to respect and honor your body and emotions. And to take time to treasure and honor the body and emotions of special people in your life. Your significant other, children and dear friends are all to be cherished. Here's how to do it: Nourish your body with good food, trust your intuition, speak your truth and honor the truth of others, respect one another's body, and lovingly support one another in meeting needs in healthy ways.

Step 3: Love your imperfections. The heart of this article is to realize that your imperfections are, in actuality, your own personal, unique perfections. They're what make you who you are. They are as individual as snowflakes and as precious as diamonds. Embrace your diamonds and snowflakes.

Your imperfections are your lessons. Think of them as guides along your path of accomplishments. Here's how you do it: Remember that list you made in Step 1? Look over that list. Pick out five that you are proud of accomplishing. Write them down on five separate pieces of paper. Then, list the 'mistakes' you made along the way that caused you to achieve your accomplishments.

See? Each 'mistake' was merely a stepping-stone toward your amazing accomplishments. Love your imperfections. Embrace them. Honor them for how they've helped you to become the self-confident professional woman that you know yourself to be. Loving your perfections is freeing. It gives you permission to take the pressure off yourself and relax a little. Follow these three steps and embrace your imperfections now. It will free you to soar within a loving inner space.

Nicole Dennison is a Certified Holistic Health Consultant providing education, guidance, and mentoring primarily to women ready to holistically heal their body and emotions. If learning about self-improvement to live a vibrant life is important to you, visit: Sign up for her FREE video course, "Three Days to Your Vibrant Health." Article Source: F


What you need:Â

6 eggs 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon butter flavor extract 4 cups milk, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon,

I Use a whisk to mix the eggs and sugar in a saucepan over low heat. Stir in 2 cups of milk and cook mixture over low heat. Make sure that you continually stir until it thickens a bit. Remove from heat and mix in the rest of the milk and the butter flavor extract. Chill before serving.

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Lifestyle feature

My Story of Secondary Infertility SHARON LAMOTHE

I had had sex while he was in the I thought I would take the time to

, honestly, I now had my hands full

share my story of personal struggle to

with a 4 year old and a 94 year old! I

become pregnant with my second

stopped everything and simply lived

child. Secondary infertility is no joke

my life with flashes of what might

and when you had no troubles

have been while I taking care of my

becoming pregnant with your first

friends children on occasion. My in-

(wanted but not planned) you go into

laws often asked when we were

that phase of adding onto your family

going to give our son a brother or

thinking that it will be as easy as

sister until one day I just snapped and

stopping your birth control pill. Not so,

told them that no other siblings were

at least not for me!

on the way and to please stop asking!

My son was 3 in 1989 when my

(I think that is the polite version of my

husband and I decided to add a


number two in the child category of

Fast forward to 1995 when on

our family of four. I say family of four

vacation in Las Vegas/ CA/ Grand

because we had my elderly

Canyon with my in-laws, their friends

grandmother living with us at the

and our son. My husband, son and I

time. (She was in our care from age

rented a car and broke away from

89 to age 100 but that is another

our main group to visit California and


I started to get sick. Really ill and

When I didn't get pregnant as planned

miserable, I made noises about

that first year of trying, I decided to

finding a clinic to give me something,

ask my OBGYN about my options.

anything, so I could finish our trip. My

(Notice I say "my" options because my

husband insisted that I must be

husband was never involved! No one

pregnant and he and my then soon to

asked him to come to an appointment

be 9 year old went to the nearest

nor was his sperm tested... it was

drug store to buy a pregnancy test.

decided that it must be a problem

(and a rose and some chocolate and

with me!) She told me not to worry

a blueberry muffin... ) It had been a

and gave me a couple of prescriptions

LONG while since I had taken a home

including clomid. Needless to say to

pregnancy test and, certain I was

those of you who have taken clomid,

NOT pregnant, that this was all food

life's a bitch and I was the biggest one

poising! I had my son read the box

in my house! It did nothing good for my

while I went into the bathroom to pee

attitude nor for getting me pregnant.

on the stick. When I came out

Taking my basal body temperature

wondering what I was supposed to

Every Single Day on top of it all just

look for (no easy + sign or spelled out

made matters worse and me sinking

results like it is now) my son looked at

further into a funk.

the test and then fell off his bed dramatically, like a teenager who just

I finally gave up on that avenue of

realized his girlfriend was pregnant!

procreation. My OB said that I could

"You ARE pregnant, MOM" he

go to a fertility clinic but that would

shouted! And then, "You didn't 'you

have cost money we didn't have and

know'!!??" worried that his father and

same room on our vacation. I was in shock and my husband was smug and I couldn't even think how in the world this could have happened. We welcomed our daughter in 1996, a few months less than 10 years between our two kids. No miscarriages, or stillbirths but the haunting monthly (or bi-monthly or quarterly) proof that I had failed to provide a sibling for our son slowly diminished as I threw myself into caring for our family of 5 (my grandmother passed away in 1999).

After my daughter was born I did feel a connection to those who couldn't have children at all or struggled with secondary infertility. Which was why, I think, volunteering (after a medical exam and discussion) to be a gestational surrogate for friends of ours in Florida, (who struggled having their first and wanted a sibling), was not such a shock for my husband. We both knew just how that felt. Long story short, I was able to be a surrogate twice and that changed my life forever. From secondary infertility survivor to gestational carrier to working with a third party reproductive attorney to agency owner to consultant, I have been able to touch so many lives and share my story with hundreds of hopeful intended parents and surrogates over the past 20 years. Let's all come together everyday to talk and share about these issues. You are not alone and neither am I! Let's not have one more person feel segregated and misunderstood. We all have important stories to share. Thank you for reading mine! h ttps://

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KITCHEN ACCESSORIES TO MAKE HOLIDAY COOKING Chris P Boulanger EASIER For me, one of the best things about the holidays is all the food. But I know if can be stressful to deal with cooking for a large family or even a small one. In my family, everyone brings a dish to help take the pressure off the host, but that still leaves a lot to take care (turkey, stuffing, mac n' cheese) and a lot of time spent in a hot kitchen while everyone else is lounging around. If you are responsible for cooking holiday meals, then you probably enjoy the cooking. That said there is no reason that you can't make the whole process less stressful and a bit more efficient. To help you, I've compiled a list of kitchen accessories and tools that can help you prep, serve and clean more efficiently. These items won't make the actual cooking faster but they should shorten the time you spend in the kitchen before and after cooking. The Holiday Cook's Prepping Tool Kit Kitchen Utensil Holder - I'm not talking about the drawer that you keep all your spatulas and stuff in. I'm talking about a container that sits on your counter near the stove and holds the utensils that you are going to need for your marathon holiday cooking session. Having everything out and ready to use will cut down on the time you spend searching through drawers. It will also ensure you have the right tools for the job. Measuring Spoons - I'm sure you have a set, but do you have all the sizes that you need? Take a look at your recipes and make sure that you have the right measuring spoons and cups to get things right. Having a good set of these and measuring cups will take a lot of the guess work out of getting your ingredients together. Spice Racks - Similar to the utensil holder, you want to have all your essential spices at hand and in plain sight. Digging around in the pantry or drawer is going to add time and annoyance to your prep work. It's best to sort your spices and have the ones you use right out in front. Blenders & Food Processors - Nothing is better than a blender or food processor for saving you time in the kitchen. If you don't use yours that often, then make sure that you have all the pieces, that everything is clean and that you have a convenient place to plug it in. The Holiday Cook's Serving Tool Kit Serving Trays - These are great for bringing food out of the kitchen and getting everything back into the kitchen. A good set of serving trays lets you carry a lot at one time and clear the table(s) faster. The fewer trips you have to make back and forth the better. Party Tubs - These are essential if you have a lot of people coming through the house. There is nothing more frustrating than having people come in and out of the kitchen while you are working because they need to grab a drink. Put a party tub in your living room or on the back porch and you can shift that traffic away from you. The less distractions and interruptions you have, the faster you can get everything finished. This also takes the responsibility for drinks off of your plate.

Serving Carts - If you are dealing with a large number of guests, then a serving cart may be a better investment than the serving trays. A good cart will let you move several courses, dishes and anything else you need into the dining area and out again with a minimum of hassle. Instead of needing 3, 4 or 5 trips to the kitchen, you can do it all in one. You can also set one of these in a living room, den, or rec room and have people serve themselves snacks or drinks. The Holiday Cook's Cleaning Tool Kit Tupperware - I know this seems obvious, but one of the hardest things to handle after the meal is what to do with all the leftovers. Make sure you have containers large enough to store the turkey or ham, as well as, enough of them to put away all the side dishes. Another advantage of having Tupperware is that they are stackable, so you can save space in the fridge. Trash Cans, Recycle Bins & Kitchen Composters - More courses and more guests means more garbage. Get a larger trash can for your kitchen so you can make fewer trips outside. If you recycle, then strategically placing a few recycle bins around the house can help you keep trash sorted, so you have one less thing to think about. Last, a kitchen composter will let you build a nice compost pile for your garden. Dish Drainer - You cook more, you serve more and so you create more dirty dishes. Upgrade your kitchen dish drainer to something that can handle twice the amount of dishes you usually have after a meal. If you have a double sink then you can add even more space by getting one that mounts over the sink. The more dishes you can clean and dry at once, the less time you have to spend in the kitchen after the meal. Bonus Tip: Delegate I'm sure you take your holiday cooking seriously but that doesn't mean you have do everything yourself. Put together a list of chores for the kids and relatives: get the teenagers into the kitchen to help you chop vegetables, have your younger kids set the table (with some supervision), make sure someone has responsibility for getting the garbage out before and after dinner; have someone help to clear the table and store everything and last put the kids in charge of the dishes.

I've only started doing the holiday cooking in the last few years, but I've been helping out around the kitchen since I was a kid. Seeing how other people work (or don't) in the kitchen has given me a lot of ideas about how to making the cooking part of the day much easier. I hope these ideas help you this holiday season. Article Source: 029




DOUBLE BLESSINGS CONVERSATIONS WITH GOD Kathy Robbins Maqsood We had requested a meeting with our pastors after service. Pastor preached about how God

obedience. Double blessings have been unlocked. A deeper level of intimacy and trust has ignited in my

takes our brokenness and purifies these parts,

heart.These blessings may arrive from nameless

then puts them in a setting to reflect His glory

faceless vessels through whom Father has chosen to

and minister to others who are broken. The

pour His Many times you walk out things in your own

colors he spoke about were the exact colors I

personal life when you are called to a prophetic

had been shown to place as the packing for this

calling. This has been true in my life. I want to share

offering. I was so blessed. And they also released

something that recently happened.

that double blessing over our lives. Â

Our pastor had been preaching for one week about giving a firstfruit offering to the Lord. A firstfruit

I inherited my mother's coffee maker eight years ago.

offering is the first of anything one receives. You may

Recently it had been sputtering but I kept tinkering

give a portion or the entire substance. Financially we

with it to make it work.But it finally died.I was given a

have been in a difficult season for several years so I was

commercial brand coffee maker but the electrical

asking Holy Spirit what could we give. I clearly heard

breakers could not handle that power.Only God knows

him tell the specific gift I was to give.The offering He

what level of power you are equipped to handle. So

requested was something so precious to me. I was so

the next day I was ministering to a worker from the

shocked. In the back of my mind I always knew I could

gas company when Fed-Ex arrived with a package. We

sell this gift in a time of emergency. UNTIL NOW! I

opened it and an anonymous person from another

asked Holy Spirit to search the motives of my heart for

state had sent me a coffee maker. I was beside myself.

four days but had deep peace. Only God's peace could

Later I went to leave the house and sitting at the door

release me to do this without fear of loss.

was a package from UPS. You're right!!!! It was the same exact coffee maker from another anonymous

Sunday morning Holy Spirit awakened me very early


and this offering was on His mind. His presence was hovering. Before leaving for church I told my

Go ahead and release to the Lord or to an individual that which God is pricking your heart to release. He has a blessing to release to you through your

precious husband what Holy Spirit had spoken to




me. He agreed with my decision. I had cleansed the "offering" and packaged it to give to the one He had instructed me.I asked my husband to pray as the spiritual head of our home to release a blessing over the offering which he did. Then he released the blessing of Father over me AS WELL as HIS own personal blessing over me. As Christ is to the Church, one's husband is to be to his wife. Instantly I knew his words had unlocked something in the spirit over me: DOUBLE BLESSINGS. blessings upon your life. Recognition was not important to these individuals.They have an audience of one. Sowing the seed was special to them. Meeting another's need was important to them.Being the arm of the Lord extended is important to them. Releasing the double blessing over them was special to me. When a testimony is shared it unlocks that same power to whosoever will believe and receive. Why a coffee maker? I don't know except that it represents a vehicle through which He can bless me and pour out to others. He gives seed to sow. I was reminded of Elijah and the widow woman and the empty vessels. This sacrifice was from my days as a widow. It was time to release that particular treasure from the past to step into the double blessings, double anointing of this new season.

Kathy Robbins-Maqsood is a native and lives in Asheville, . North Carolina. She is a teacher, speaker, prophetess, psalmist, and missionary. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Reflections of Hope Ministries and Reflections of Hope-Pakistan. Kathy may be reached at


Six Ways to Invite God to Thanksgiving Dinner Nina Amir

a spiritual experience. If we possess these, we are well

Just like the Pilgrims so long ago, when most people sit down to Thanksgiving dinner they express gratitude for the heaping plate of food before them. Unlike the Pilgrims, however, whose thanks were offered specifically to God in heartfelt prayers, today too many people's words of gratitude are offered in a cursory manner. Before putting that first forkful of turkey into their mouths, they say their prayers as a necessary formality without much thought to a Divine Presence.

on the way to creating a meaning-full and spirit-full holiday.

In addition, incorporating any or all of the following six steps into a Thanksgiving celebration will help change an empty holiday observance into a meaning-full and spirit-full one: 1. Voice your intention to have a spiritual experience.

It's easy to find ourselves feeling physically full but spiritually empty at the end of the Thanksgiving holiday feast. Much like other holidays, religious or otherwise, many of us forget to invite God to our Thanksgiving table.

You can simple state your intention aloud or write it on a piece of paper Intention has an awesome ability to manifest. So, clearly intend that this Thanksgiving celebration will feel and be spiritual for you. Imagine that your intention serves as an invitation sent

In other words, we don't look at the bigger picture. We don't factor in how God might have had a hand in creating the food we are about to eat, in the abundance and prosperity that made it possible to purchase and prepare the feast or in our safe arrival at the Thanksgiving table. Thanksgiving offers a wonderful opportunity to put God into the picture, which transforms the holiday into a spiritual and meaningful one.

upward, outward, inward - wherever you believe God resides - to the Divine. After all, if you don't invite God to dinner, God won't know to show up.

2. Have faith that God will arrive. It's difficult to have a spiritual experience if you don't, first, believe in God, and second, have faith that you can have an experience of God. You can't 'believe it when you see it' with God. You have to believe it so

With a little thought and planning, we can

you can see it.

transform empty Thanksgiving observances into

3. Develop the courage to let God in. Fear represents

meaning-full and spirit-full rituals and traditions.

the largest thing that stops most people from having a

And we don't have to be particularly religious to do

spiritual experience. They are afraid of what the

so. To achieve this, we need only have a belief in

experience will be like, how it will change them, how it

God and a desire to have this particular holiday be

will affect their lives. You have to have courage to 23

experience God. If you are too afraid to open the door when your dinner guest rings the bell, you'll be dining alone. 4. Create a sanctuary. This is a specially decorated andvprepared space in which you plan to serve your Thanksgiving dinner. When you make the effort to create a sacred space for any celebration or holiday observance, you will find your festivities automatically take on a more spiritual atmosphere and energy. In other words, create a sacred space. In the Old Testament, God tells the Jews, "Build for me a sanctuary and I will dwell among you." (Exodus 25:8-9) Create a space in which God can "be" with you. 5. Remember to thank God. Create prayers especially for this day. If you don't want to write your own prayer, use an existing one from your own faith or from some religious or spiritual tradition. Prayers, being what they are - words spoken to God automatically give the meal a spiritual bent and cause us to remember God. 6. Take on the role of spiritual leader. Don't rely on anyone else to make this year's Thanksgiving observance a spiritual experience for you. Take responsibility and make it that for yourself and for the other people sharing the holiday with you. Don't be afraid to try something new or to be creative. Bring spiritually symbolic items to your table or share spiritual readings. Orchestrate the meal in a way that feels spiritual to you, and other people will feel that energy as well. By taking these six steps toward a meaningful and spiritual Thanksgiving observance, you can ensure that you not only invite God to your Thanksgiving celebration but that you feel - if not actually see -God sitting at your table. Nina Amir, the author of From Empty Practice to Meaning-Full & Spirit-Full Prayers & 7 Simple Steps, is currently writing Setting a Place for God, A Woman's Guide to Creating Sacred Space & Inviting the Divine to Dwell Within It. Enroll in her FREE teleseminar, "How to Transform Empty Holiday Celebrations into Meaning-Full and Spirit-Full Observances," on 11/13 at 5:30pm (PST) by visiting Article Source:

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