Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith September/October Issue: A Tribute to Our Beloved Hurley Morgan

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Tributes Hurley Morgan Hurley Morgan


Conversations Bryant Lewis


The Unseen Giant: CT Vivien Leroy McKenzie, Jr.


Saving for a Rainy Day



Editor in Chief Cheryl Lacey Donovan Publisher Elissa Gabrielle Senior Editors Hurley Morgan Columnists Leroy McKenzie Hurley Morgan Bryant Lewis

Designer Cheryl Lacey Donovan

EDITORIAL OFFICES P.O. Box 450121 Houston, Texas 77245 832-827-4438

SUBSCRIPTIONS (832) 827-4438


A brother's brother Leroy McKenzie, Jr. You were always one that believed in being authentic. You wrote From your heart and made all others feel your passion. Every word Meant something and took you somewhere. Those that have been Touched by your many writings and characters will forever remember The care in which you told their story. There are people that come and Go in life and then there are those that touch our lives in such a way That we are not the same after we have had the honor of encountering Them. Your leadership was one that others could follow. Those that followed By your example are positioned now to carry on what you have poured Into them. You are the epitome of a LEADER because you were the one That others looked too to deliver when it was needed. You were the One that could be counted on to give his opinion, whether folks liked What you had to say or not. Keeping everything in alignment was what You did. Your gentle spirit was matched by your passion for excellence. You made those around you better. Although you may not be with us in the natural, your spirit, voice and Legacy live on through the words that you have left with us. We will Keep on writing as we know you would have those of us who are Authors like you. Those who impact will keep on impacting because We know that it is what you demand for us to do. So, even though you Are at rest we know that your work and your words will keep on Pouring into others. Your characters have life through the words that You gave them and it is now that we allow them to extend even longer Because you and them are etched in eternity forever. The brothers that You have become a brother to thank you for your friendship and thank You for all that you have given to us……..You are truly what I call… A BROTHER’S BROTHER

From the CEO/Founder Real Life Real Faith Media

There are simply no words to express the profound sadness we feel at Real Life real Faith Media. I met Hurley though our Publisher, Elissa Gabrielle. When he found out abou tthe opening for a Senior Managing Editor for a Contemporary Christian Men's Magazine, hejumped at the chance to participate. He took the vision and wholeheartedly served in that capacity unfailingly. Hurley knew the importance of telling stories for men by men. His Hurley's mental note was a staple for the Real Life real Faith Magazine and shed llight on a subject that is rarely spoken about in African Americal es let alone circles of men. Real Life Resl Faith Media has experienced a great loss with the homegoing of Hurley Morgan, but we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. And if I know Hurley like I think I do, there is no place he'd rather be. Until we meet again Brother Hurley. Cheryl

From the Publisher “You have no idea what your legacy will be because your legacy is every life you touch.” ~Maya Angelou As it relates to legacy. Hurley mastered the art of legacy building just by living his extraordinary life. Hurley lived his legacy. Hurley lived like he meant it. Hurley loved liked his life depended on it. Hurley grounded his purpose in a greater purpose. The greatest legacies in history are people who dedicated their lives to humanity. Hurley dedicated his life to those he loved, to his family, friends, and his community. Hurley Morgan and I began a loving friendship on social media many years ago. He was a friend of a friend and reached out to me through our shared connection. We formed a wonderful and unique bond over the course of time. During those precious bond-building years, Hurley published a book on his own. So, it was a natural transition of Hurley and I to discuss literature in the African American community. I remember Hurley asking to become a part of Peace In The Storm Publishing. I wondered why neither Hurley nor I thought of the idea sooner. I suppose I didn’t mention it because I wasn’t sure how to. I didn’t want to mix our friendship with the business of publishing but I was curious if he wanted to join the Peace In The Storm Publishing roster of talented authors. When he inquired, I felt joy. I was elated. I knew Hurley would be a wonderful addition to our loving and growing family of uber-talented writers. I wanted to be the one to help Hurley soar to higher heights. I wanted to have a hand in Hurley’s literary success. I wanted Hurley to be handled with care – warmly, gently, with honesty and integrity. I wanted the best for Hurley. Hurley and I shared more than words. We shared a love of great music. Notably jazz and hip hop. We also shared an incredibly deep love for our families. We both considered our fathers to be our heroes. When Hurley’s father passed away, our friendship grew stronger. He would often thank me for being there for him. We communicated daily. I knew his heart was broken by the loss. A few years later, my father passed away, and Hurley was there for me every step of the way.This is what friendship looks like. It looks like love, loyalty, commitment and a need to make sure one another are okay.I was proud to be Hurley’s publisher. I was exceedingly and abundantly blessed to be Hurley’s friend.Hurley was a light in a sometimes very dark world. Hurley touched every life in a positive way. Hurley was compassion. Hurley was love. Hurley was beauty. Hurley was talent. Hurley was an angel. Hurley was the G.O.A.T.I can say with certainty that I will never be the same now that Hurley is gone. This loss is massive and unbearable at times. What I can tell is that I thank God often and with a pure heart that I had to chance to know and love Hurley Morgan.My life is better because of Hurley Morgan.And, for that, I am truly grateful.You’ll always be in my heart. Love & Light,Elissa Gabrielle

Hurley's Final Editor's Note Greetings,

We are progressively headed towards the end of another year. The news continues to be full of stories pertaining to politics, hurricanes and crazy weather, crime, drugs, mental health issues, and most importantly… racism and race relations. I must admit that all of this can be a bit overwhelming and stressful to hear about and witness. America, America, America…we continue to have many issues to face and fix! As we look around the media, outside our front doors for that matter, we are constantly reminded that there is an issue within the borders of this country that continues to lead to division, outrage, and questions surrounding ethics and morals. So men…we have a responsibility to work towards creating some calmness within the many storms, literal and figurative, that this country currently faces. With MOF we seek to talk about these hot topics even when many appear to ignore or turn their backs in attempts to not have to address them. The mindset appears to be if I ignore, maybe…just maybe…it all will go away. We, at MOF, aim to address any elephants in the room, whether it is popular among the people or not. Our feature for this issue of Men of Faith is Brother Rhyan Lamarr, Christian Hip-Hop Recording Artist, Film Maker, and a true Renaissance Man. Our mission at MOF…is to address an array of topics that men not only want to hear about but also need to hear about. The well-versed contributors of Men of Faith Magazine all write with the goal to educate, uplift, motivate, and inspire. As men of faith we all must do our part in order to make this country a better place. We write with the understanding that men need to be able to do more in order to help rectify the issues that continue to plague our communities. We strive to feed the mind and soul of men while encouraging all men to do their part in supporting the brotherhood of men. We hope that you enjoy this issue! Happy Reading & Much Love! Hurley Morgan Senior Managing Editor




Hurley Morgan

Hurley Morgan was born in Statesville, NC, and currently resides in Charlotte, NC. He earned his B.A. in Exercise and Sports Science from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his M.B.A. and M.P.A. from Strayer University. Most of his professional career has been spent in the Human Services Field. Hurley has been working in the Human Services Field in some capacity or another for over 20 years. Hurley writes under different genres. Hurley writes under pen name Author Hurley Morgan when writing Christian Fiction and Nonfiction writing. Hurley writes under pen name H. M. Trey when writing Contemporary Fiction, Romance, and Urban Fiction. Hurley has been writing with Peace in the Storm Publishing since 2004, which he has released 7 full-length novels. H. M. Trey also works as a senior managing editor and contributing writer with Real Life Real Faith Men of Faith Magazine, which is a digital magazine that is released bi-monthly. From inspiration, to entertainment, to sports, to politics, to business, to mental health, and everything in between‌the Men of Faith Magazine strives to educate, uplift, motivate, inspire, and be a magazine that is written by men for men.

tributes for hurley morgan I have been agonizing these past couple of days since my piece of the world was shattered after hearing about the sudden passing of our Editor and Author Hurley Morgan, about what did I want to convey to you about him. For me, Hurley was just inspirational. I’ve been writing for Real Faith…. for a couple of years, but there was a period of about 5-6 months where nothing was coming out of my head for an article. But Hurley never was discouraged, always telling me how appreciative he was about the contributions I had made, and I will get the feeling back, as of course he understood about getting “writer’s block.” And when I did regain the energy and started contributing with regularity, Brother Hurley, as I called him, never stopped showing his appreciation. What’s sad for me is that I never took the opportunity to know Hurley on a personal level like so many others on here have. One story I will share is about Mr. Morgan and his Love, Jessica. I remember the first time I saw a picture of the two of them together, Jessica looks like she’s about 15 years old. So I was going to make a comment saying what a nice picture of him and his daughter!!! Knowing him now, I’m sure he would have had a good laugh, and I hope Jessica is reading this and having a good chuckle now!!! The last time I communicated with Hurley was the week before his passing and I told him I had voted for a literary award he, and the magazine both had been nominated for. I was planning on reaching out to him earlier in the week letting him know that I was planning on ordering his book that had just come out on Amazon. I am crying as I am writing this because I robbed myself of the opportunity to know a real Angel of God. So many will share the extraordinary moments they had with this Extraordinary Brother, and I will smile, and be envious of those moments. However, what I do have is knowing that I always will have him looking down on me, encouraging me, inspiring me. Brother Hurley’s passing will be a reminder to me that tomorrow really isn’t a given to any of us, so make sure you are doing all you can in making TODAY a successful day. Finally, ask yourself what is your legacy? There is no doubt that Hurley has left a tremendous legacy for all to cherish. I believe the best way to honor his memory is creating a legacy of your own. Do what you do best and share with others. Real Life Real Faith | 15

tributes for hurley morgan Make an impact, doesn’t have to be a large impact, just make a difference. To the G.O.A.T. I’m going to miss you my Brother, thank you for believing in me, know that your impact on me will last a LIFETIME. ~Bryant Lewis Hurley Morgan and I became friends four years ago. He was a phenomenal human being. He was a genuine friend. He would take time to help you even when he had his plate full of projects. I've called on him to read rough drafts of mine and he always made time. When I needed a listening ear he was there, a laugh he was there or just to talk. I've never met an author who could write effectively in every genre until Hurley. I enjoyed reading his book and then having a chat. He was one of my closest friends and literary brother. I will miss him forever. There will never be another Hurley Morgan. I was blessed to have known him. ~Letisha Author Hurley Morgan aka Author H.M. Trey, my pen-mate, friend, and brother, a Gentle Giant with literary prolific words he happened to put in books. Your writing IS FIRE! The legacy and memories of you will be with us all forever. Rest well now, we will see you in the morning ~Sharel Gordon Love In this world, you are rarely blessed and favored to meet and share energy with truly positive people. Because of this, many can assume that the world is filled with negativity by how its promoted and rewarded. But, there are times, when genuine people shine so brightly, their energy peels away the deception and illuminates just how beautiful the human spirit can be.

Real Life Real Faith | 15

Hurley Morgan aka HM Trey was one of those people. You could feel the love and light in everything he did, especially his ability to weave words like silk on paper. Everything he did was filled with love and light. He gave of himself, without expectations of rewards or recognition and despite his talents, he did not boast or announce them. He let his light and talent speak for him. For a soul like his, it just never seems enough to simply say, may he rest in peace, because energy is never destroyed, it is only transferred or transformed. So, it is only fitting that in your passing, I want to say, soar My Brother, be free, be unlimited, by eternal. Your presence on this plane of existence will be sorely missed and the world is a lesser place without you in it.. ~Navi Robins I never got the opportunity to meet Hurley Morgan in person, but I know him to be a great author. His talents and the work that he left behind speaks for him and will forever live in the hearts of others. Hurley crossed the finish line and become our champion! Well done Sir! Veronica Rivers,AuthorAfter The Storm Publishing. ~Veronica Rivers H.M. Trey…..a legend in the making. Power, passion, and purpose flowed effortlessly from every word penned by this artistic genius. Not only did he love to write; he loved to inspire others to reach their potential in the craft. Hurley, unselfishly mentored others; even from a distance. Hurley, I was not afforded the opportunity to connect with you as I would have liked to, but I will be forever grateful for the advice and support that you rendered to our PITS family. It is because of your tutelage that I was able to get my works into the hands of many Goodreads readers; after many years of unsuccessful attempts. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends. The Peace In the Storm Publishing group have lost a jewel. In the words of Elissa Gabrielle, you are and will always be the G.O.A.T. Love,Sherabim Joy

Real Life Real Faith | 15

tributes for hurley morgan Literary Parasol Keeps Us Covered Even Though Hurley Morgan Stands No More. Rest in Love, my literary brother, Hurley Morgan. Your soul, let it be at Peace. Thank you for the words in print that are etched on all of us. Thank you for your verbal love and understanding and insight. It was a pleasure working and learning with you. Be peaceful in the storm. The world will miss your mind and soul. The world will miss your teaching and wanting more knowledge. You queried into the search of writers who wanted to share their feelings and opinions. You welcomed other points of view to expand everyone's search for the truth and give their facts in various venues imprints. Brother Hurley edited with a flare to develop a writer's voice. If anyone ever edits another's work, they must trust, and I wholly feel advanced in what their voice was meant to be. Brother Hurley expanded his gifts of love and expertise to shine bright for writers to inhale and exhale with complete confidence. One day, he said to me, "You are an Encyclopedia Britannica," and we shared a huge laugh, as I said I do remember the Encyclopedia Britannica man knocking on the door as a child. His response was, "You old with knowledge." I'll remember that convo when I think of our past. My consciousness grew through him, as my life experienced a man with integrity and a soul. He offered a lifeline of written wealth in the middle of the storms of life. I expect he is holding a literary parasol that lets the sunshine come through for us to think, write, and print truths and love for all to see. ~Alvin L.A. Horn

Real Life Real Faith | 15

tributes for hurley morgan John 16:33 My deepest condolences to the family and friends of our beloved , Hurley. A writer I was not granted the fortune to work with but surely admired , his presence in the writing world will be missed . There were so many things left unwritten , yet even more placed on paper from him. Truly , a diamond amongst gems .Thank you to his family for sharing him so selflessly. My prayers are with you all. To my PITTS family , let us push forward with the same verve and tenacity that Hurley moves with. Peace , Love , & Blessings to you all. -Toni

Real Life Real Faith | 15

To my dear Hurley, For 1,155 mornings, I rolled over to see your bright smile.For 1,155 days, you walked by my side.For 1,155 nights, I never went to sleep without saying goodnight. You were my favorite snack partner, my shoulder to cry on… my everything.Every person and situation you touched, you left a lasting impression. The pain and the void left from your absence is insurmountable.I had never smiled so much, nor have I been this happy until you walked into my life, Hurley.My heart aches.My eyes are tired.You are a unique spirit, and I am more than proud of having the opportunity to spend this time with you. Our home is not as warm anymore. Our home feels like an empty shell.I see your presence everywhere. A hummingbird flew uncharacteristically close to me; it almost landed on my heart. I know it could not have been anyone but you. I close my eyes and hear your voice.I asked you not to leave me. I needed you here, but I realize God needed you much more. I love you now, and I will love you forever. Thank you for bringing out my best. You will always be in my heart. Rest well, my King.Always to be

YOUR Mrs. Morgan.-Jessica

The conversation Bryant Lewis Just so you know, this is not about what you might be thinking. However, this conversation is no less important. I don’t need to tell you that we are in the middle of the most trying period of our lifetime. The conversation I want to have is about race relations, and the tension that exists. It’s a conversation between Blacks and non-Blacks that I believe is a necessity that should go a long way in fixing what ails us. For those that don’t follow me on Facebook, I have a very diverse group of friends and associates, so I decided to put together a Zoom meeting with those interested parties, to discuss the thing that divides us. I managed to have two nights of conversation with an equal amount of black and non-black people on. There were also an equal amount of men and women who took part in this discussion. And while I planned for 90 minutes tops, our conversations ended up being 2.5 hours each night, and quite frankly could have gone longer, but for the fact it was getting late. What I saw and heard was quite a mixture of honesty, tears, doses of Black reality that did bring those aforementioned tears to all who took part. I started the conversation by asking the non-black participants on the panel what did they see during the last few weeks with the deaths of Floyd, Aubery for the world to see, along with the murder of Breonna. I was told by all of them that they didn’t realize to the extent of what’s been our hell for over 400 years. Some hadn’t grown up around black people, and in the case of one, I was the only black person he had known during our childhood. But for me the turning point was the personal stories that were told by each of the black members on the panel. One told the story of his cousin being shot by a New Jersey state trooper. Another told his story about being asked out of a car and harassed by local police at the age of 16. Then I told my story, how I lost a job because I had the arrogance to tell a VP I couldn't make his project my number one priority since I had a brand that had been a high priority for weeks before his. I believe that if I was white, my boss would have backed me on this, and I wouldn’t have been let go. NOMADIC



I can tell you that the stories we told sent shockwaves through my white friends, and as I mentioned earlier, brought tears to the eyes of most. A breakthrough came from our two-evening conversation. First, the non-black participants said that they have become more aware of the 400+ years of plight of their Black brothers & sisters, and will learn more about our past, and be more empathetic of our present. Secondly, they now understand that being silent about racial injustice is being compliant, and so, they are willing to break that silence and stand with us in our battle. There was a question about schools teaching our children more than just the Civil War, Booker T. Washington, Harriet Tubman and MLK. There was question about us teaching non- blacks about our history, which prompted one black person saying: “It’s not our job to teach, it’s your job to learn on your own.” I disagreed with him on this, because we all should be teaching and learning every day, but that’s a conversation for a different time. Overall, everyone absolutely appreciated the opportunity to speak, listen, and share their feelings for those two nights. And while my heart was filled with joy, there was a twinge of sadness. Sadness because after a week of posting an invitation on Facebook to join in the Zoom get together, I got 16 out of 300+ names to participate. We need, as Americans, to have the guts to call out our white friends and family about being beside us, and face our past, present and how to fix our future. We need this, we need this badly. I will end this by writing this from Psalm 120:6-7: Too long I have lived among those who hate peace. I am man of peace, but when I speak, they are for war. Let’s ALL BE FOR PEACE!!!

Procedures for Self-Quarantine under Covid-19

Self-quarantine is recommended for individuals who have been directly exposed to the new Coronavirus or have history of travel in infected or heavily populated areas.

Stay at home.

Wash your hands.

Limit all your nonessential travels.

Practice good hand hygiene by washing your hands with soap and water or using alcohol or hand sanitizer.

Unless you're going out for food, medicines or other essentials.

Check your temperature. Check your temperature at least two times a day.

Watch for other symptoms. Aside from fever, Covid-19 symptoms include cough, difficulty breathing, and fatigue.

Practice social distancing. If you need to go out, maintain at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance from others.

Source • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (

Stay in a specific room. If you're sick or suspect yourself to be sick, it's best to stay in a designated room or area away from others. If possible, have a designated toilet and bathroom as well.

Call your doctor or hospital before visiting. If you need to seek medical attention whether for viral symptoms or other medical care reasons, contact your doctor or hospital ahead of time so they can prepare and take precautions for your arrival.

THE UNSEEN GIANT...REV. DR. C.T. VIVIAN AND THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Leroy McKenzie On July 17, 2020 we lost one of the most powerful giants of the civil rights movement. Now the name may not be familiar to many but the Blackprint that he has left for us is beyond impactful. The individual that I am speaking of is Reverend Dr. CT Vivian. I will admit that I had not heard the name prior to hearing of his death, so I went on a search to find out who this great man was and the contributions that he made to the movement. As I moved through the information that I was able to pull up via the internet and other sources, I came to find out just how important Dr. Vivian was to the movement and even beyond. He first began his fights for civil rights when he, along with other students from other Universities, developed a systematic nonviolent campaign for justice. These students would bring together some 4,000 protestors/demonstrators that would march on City Hall in Tennessee and force the then Mayor Ben West to publicly concede that racial discrimination was morally wrong. This great protest led to many of those students becoming a part of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC). He would later join the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), replacing member of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE). Dr. Vivian would be appointed to the executive staff of the SCLC and would stand to be one of Dr. Kings most leaned upon advisors on staff. Dr. Vivian would become well known for an incident that happened at one of the demonstrations that he would attend. At this event, a voter registration drive, he would confront then Sheriff Jim Clark. He would give a riveting speech and afterwards he would be struck by the Sheriff. This event gained national exposure and would show Sheriff Clark as the racist that he was. He would later, in the late 1960’s write the first book on modern Civil Rights Movement. The name of his book is BLACK POWER AND the AMERICAN MYTH. He was the creator and visionary behind the Program entitled: VISION. This program would send students in Alabama to College: This program would become known as THE UPWARD BOUND PROGRAM. .

This program has been instrumental in many young students progression from high school to college. I am a proud alum of this program and was one of the greatest things that I was














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program that still exists today.

Dr. Vivian’s accomplishments would be too long to list but we honor him by acknowledging him as one of the silent Giants of the Civil Rights movement as well as one of our great leaders and Pioneers.

#ChasetheImpact2020 #BeUnstoppable #focused #disciplined #consistant #socialjustice #silentgiant #mindsetofgreatness #civilrightsmovement * was source of information on Rev. Dr. CT Vivian

Managing COVID-19 Stress Tips on looking after yourself

Take a break from the news. Information overload can be upsetting. Make an effort to switch off your screens once in a while. Source: WHO

Take care of your body. Meditate, eat well-balanced meals, take deep breaths. Aside from staying safe, stay healthy. Source: WHO

Make time to unwind. Use a few minutes of your day to do something you enjoy. Source: WHO

Source: WHO

Connect with others. Talk to people you trust about your concerns and how you're feeling.

The situation may be overwhelming, but coping with stress will make you, the people you care about, and your community stronger. Source: WHO

Hurley's Mental Note Understanding Secondary Trauma: What Does It Look Like? In the previous article, I spoke of what trauma is and what does secondary trauma actually look like. In this article I want to expound on the topic of understanding secondary trauma. As a recap, trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. More specifically, as mentioned in my previous article, trauma can be caused by an overwhelmingly negative event that causes a lasting impact on the victim's mental and emotional stability. There are different types of trauma, one of them being secondary trauma, or Secondary Traumatic Stress. Being that I want you to understand the effects of secondary trauma, you must know what secondary trauma is. As noted in my previous article, secondary trauma, or Secondary Traumatic Stress, can be defined as the emotional duress that results when someone hears about the firsthand trauma experiences of someone else. For example, hearing about the trauma of abuse,violence, war, natural disasters, and other adverse events are all events that can cause someone to experience Secondary Traumatic Stress. As one can see, if this is what secondary trauma can come from, most people can be dealing with it and not even know what it is that they are dealing with. This type of trauma is also considered indirect trauma. For me, the goal in this series on secondary trauma is to help you understand what secondary trauma is, the signs and symptoms of someone suffering from secondary trauma, what happens if you ignore seeking help for secondary trauma, and the types of treatment that is out there for secondary trauma. Now that we know what secondary trauma is defined as, how does one know if they are suffering from secondary trauma? Glad you asked‌below you will learn what the signs are. These may not be all the signs, but will be enough to get the drift of what you should look for.

Physical Signs: Exhaustion Insomnia Headaches Increased susceptibility to illness Sore back and neck Irritable bowel, GI distress Rashes, breakouts Grinding your teeth at night Heart palpitations Hypochondria Emotional/Psychological Signs Emotional exhaustion Negative self-image Depression Increased anxiety Difficulty sleeping Impaired appetite or binge eating Feelings of hopelessness Guilt Reduced ability to feel sympathy and empathy towards people Anger at work and other settings Diminished sense of enjoyment/career (i.e., low compassion satisfaction) Depersonalization – spacing out during work or the drive home Disruption of world view/heightened anxiety or irrational fears Insensitivity to emotional material/numbing Difficulty separating personal and professional lives Suicidal thoughts Behavioral Signs Increased use of alcohol and drugs Anger and Irritability at home and/or at work Avoidance of people Watching excessive amounts of TV at night Consuming high trauma media as entertainment Not returning phone calls Avoiding social events

Impaired ability to make decisions Problems in personal and professional relationships Difficulty with sex and intimacy due to trauma exposure Engaging in frequent negative gossip/venting Impaired appetite or binge eating Now that you know what secondary trauma is and the signs that become present when someone may be suffering from secondary trauma, have you or anyone you know have shown any of the above symptoms? If they are past symptoms or current symptoms are you willing to seek help? In my next article in the series I will be addressing what happens when you don’t seek help for secondary trauma, any trauma for that matter. I will leave you with this however…as men we have to stop worrying about what others think about us when we it pertains to mental health and seeking help for it. We have to get past our egos and the crazy beliefs that therapy doesn’t work. We have to remember that just like any other organ in our body, we must take care of our brain and its health. Just like not taking care of your heart can cause attacks on your heart, not taking care of your brain can cause attacks on your brain. And when trauma in the brain goes untreated you can suffer mental, emotional, and physical damage to your body. Again, tune in to my next article that will address what happens when trauma goes untreated. Remember…if we know better, we do better!



Rest In Power H.M. TREY

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