Floreat 2009

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FLOREAT T H E C H E LT O N I A N A S S O C I AT I O N M A G A Z I N E I S S U E N U M B E R T W O - J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9




ever y day is a sunday

Introduction It is a great pleasure to be able to introduce this second edition of Floreat and to be able to note that both the College and the Junior School are flourishing. This is in no small part due to the efforts of the Headmasters and their staff but it is also true that the members of the Cheltonian Association, in all their various guises, are a most important part of the success of the two schools. As we try to bring our members together I know that it is extremely frustrating for Bridget Vick and the Headmaster that we have had to cancel events because of the appalling British summer. However, we have an exciting series of functions and days out for 2009 which I hope you will put in your calendars and I hope you make a note to attend the first one because if the weather repeats last year’s pattern then you need to get to as many as possible just in case the next one is cancelled. This year we have planned particularly important House Reunions, the first of which will be in London on Thursday 26th March. These will be held every 5 years so OCs please make every effort to attend this year.

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3 - 14


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Barry Sullock (Xt ’51) Floreat and do I really enjoyed the 08 ly for the super on t no u yo te congratula t also for pulling bu t magazine and forma so well. I believe the everything together t is ‘right on’ and Association’s concep in this day and age. ed ed ne exactly what is ll done. Most impressive. We


I hope to meet as many of you as possible over the coming year and know that the Headmasters would welcome your visit to Cheltenham at any time.

Peter Brettell. (B ’71) Honorary President

Your escape to come home to in the Cotswolds from £775,000

A joint-development by:


I am also pleased to report that we have reached an accord with the Cheltonian Society which will be of great benefit to all. The Society will effectively allow the Cheltonian Association to be the point of contact with all Old Cheltonians as well as all others having an interest in either or both schools. To this end Malcolm Sloan will be the Old Cheltonian Administrator, responsible to our Development Director Bridget Vick. Malcolm is so well known to so many of you that I am sure you will agree with me that he will be a wonderful link between the Cheltonian Association and all those who know and love College.


Printed on recycled paper stocks.

M F Rea (NH ’45

great Thanks for a e! new Magazin

Laura Leach (née Curtis) (Cha ’93) I have just received in the post your very first issue of Floreat. What a treat to read something happy and full of memories from home rath er than the worrying news which is being broadcast throughout Kenya at the moment. Well done on a mar vellous first issue. 2




College 2008


Sporting Honours

The many plays performed this year at College show to full advantage the huge talent that is present in current pupils. Lower College’s ‘Whistle Down the Wind’ was a great success, giving a strong indication of the talent that lies in store for future productions, and ‘The Permanent Way’ demonstrated that Cheltonians harbour a vast dramatic ability. House Plays were inspiring: Westal performed ‘Camp Confidence’; Christowe chose ‘A Man for all Seasons’, and Chandos and Newick selected ‘The Canterbury Tales’.

The Chesterton Cup, an annual competition taking place between schools in Worcestershire and surrounding areas, was won in good style by the College 1st XI after defeating Malvern convincingly by 9 wickets. Fittingly the Captain Ollie Cudmore scored the winning run! The 1st XI had a strong season beating off Clifton College, Sherborne and Dean Close School as well as Gloucestershire Gipsies.

Academic 2007-8 was a vintage year academically, amply fulfilling the College’s ambitions to raise the profile of the academic while not letting slip our excellence in other areas.

This year has been full of pleasant surprises. It was crowned by a number of memorable sporting events, the most notable of which was the XV’s unbeaten season, the first since 1957. For those of us fortunate enough to be at the final game against Bromsgrove on the last Saturday of the term, it was an occasion never to be forgotten. Space precludes my mentioning all the other sporting successes, but they have been in abundance, including the U16 XI reaching the national hockey finals and our rackets players and swimmers sweeping all before them. At a time when we are focusing our attention on the quality of the work done in the classroom, it is heartening to know that we are maintaining our traditional strength on the games field. We have also celebrated record results in public examinations. At A Level we are approaching the 80% mark for A and B grades, and at GCSE we are making good progress in raising expectations and, thereby, standards. And with 13 successful Oxbridge candidates, the College is beginning again to punch well above its weight academically. All of this augurs well as we enter what most commentators say will be a period of almost unprecedented economic uncertainty. As ever, we have valued enormously the support of everyone connected with the Association. Thank you and long may it continue.

John Richardson Headmaster Cheltenham College 3


The Upper Sixth was not only a delightful year group, with a wide range of talents and a great knack for fun; they achieved a record set of A-Level results too. Nearly half of their results were A grades (47%); and one-third of the pupils achieved three A grades or better. Overall, just over three-quarters of the results (76%) were grade A or B; indeed all but a handful of all grades were C or better. Not to be outdone, the Fifth Form produced their own record. In GCSE and the harder IGCSE, just over half of the grades (51%) were A* or A, with the great majority overall B or better.

As is shown, enthusiasm for drama grows ever stronger at College and there are now a record number of students choosing ‘Theatre Studies’ at A Level and receiving outstanding marks in the process.

The figures are the more remarkable given the College’s relatively broad entry: we have no desire to become super-selective, and doing very well by pupils of all sorts of abilities and talents remains central to the College’s work. The value-added figures, which measure how good a job we do with the pupils we have, are encouragingly positive.

ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

Our U16 Girls hockey team were triumphant in the County Hockey Tournament following a successful start to the season and a victory at Rugby standing the girls in good stead to take on local Schools such as Cheltenham Bournside, Whitecross, St Peter’s and St Edward’s. Facing the Ladies’ College and Dean Close in the final, the girls fought to the end and a well-deserved goal made them County Champions. At the Regional finals in November they beat Millfield 1-0 in the final and earned the Regional Championship title and they now go through to the Nationals which are in March 2009.

Individual departments pulled off some notable results. At A level, Art, Business, Design, History, History of Art and Latin all achieved A or B grades for over three-quarters of their pupils; Maths achieved A grades for 22 pupils out of 36; and Chemistry and English triumphed with 16 A grades and 7 Bs out of 25 pupils for Chemistry, and 17 out of 31 As for English with B grades for all the rest. At GCSE Art, Design, German, Music and PE all produced very strong results, with Geography putting in a strong showing at A* level. These results translated into superb university applications. 13 candidates achieved places at Oxford or Cambridge, and all the candidates for medical courses were successful. Pupils successfully applied for courses in everything from English to Automotive Design, with interest in every subject area. As ever, one of the delights of such a successful year was seeing individuals’ achievements at all levels: very few were disappointed by their results, and many achieved well beyond what they had imagined. Invidious as it is to pick out three pupils in particular, it was wonderful to see Laura Smallwood come in the top 10 in the country for her A-level Textiles; Alex Sault in the top 5 for History (having only taken it up at A level); and Helen Saunders in the top 5 for Biology. All three girls were typical multi-tasking Cheltonians: all three were devoted to their House and made a huge contribution to it; all sang in the choir, while Alex drummed as few have done before, and Helen rose to grade 8 in Flute; Alex was a stalwart of CCF, and she and Helen rowed with success; Alex took A-level Philosophy mostly under her own steam and won the re-inaugurated Galahad Trophy for academic excellence and leadership; Helen achieved the rare feat of winning a Gold medal in Chemistry Olympiad. You will have seen in the news that a local Headmistress does not believe that girls flourish in co-educational schools: these three might beg to differ. This year has started with all our Cambridge candidates being invited to interview; our Economics and Chemistry teams flourishing in national competitions; and with Chris Bond winning the very prestigious Trinity College Cambridge History essay prize. We’ve started so we’ll finish.

A Man for all Seasons

Camp Confidence

The Permanent Way

College Girl Awarded Sword of Honour Clare Oliver, a member of the College Combined Cadet Force, was awarded the coveted Royal Gloucestershire, Berkshire and Wiltshire Regiments’ Sword of Honour, presented by Brigadier Jolyon Jackson, Colonel RIFLES (South). Clare is the eighth recipient to receive the sword and is also the first girl in the history of the College to hold the position of Head of Corps.

Cheltenham College pupils and Master in charge of shooting, Emma Nuttall, have had a hugely successful summer season in rifle shooting at Bisley in Surrey and the world over. Although the team had a couple of expert marksmen in James Boyd and Lulu Watson, this year’s VIII was the youngest College had ever put-out. At the ‘Devon’ Team Event, Cheltenham College came 7th out of 52 schools, we won the trophy for the highest placed school in the South West, came 4th in the Ashburton Shield where all eight team members shot particularly well at 500 yards: the total at this distance won the College the Country Life Rosebowl. Tom Adams (member of staff) won the total trophy to four by winning the schools’ staff competition, and over the three days at Bisley Lulu Watson was the most successful individual, who came 14th out of 500 cadets!





Cheltenham College Rugby Football Club 2008 Season By Matt Coley (Current Staff)

College and House Prefects 2007/2008

The College XV are unbeaten!

The last stages of the game were extremely hard fought and Bromsgrove threw everything at us. Their pressure finally paid off and they managed to squeeze over for a try wide out on the right. Fortunately the conversion was missed but the 14-12 score line made for a very tense final three minutes. The atmosphere around the ground at this stage was unlike anything I had experienced at a school fixture and when the final whistle blew the noise was incredible. The supporters flooded on to the pitch and the image of Sam Collins, the captain of the XV, being hoisted on to the shoulders of players from the other College sides is one that will live long in the memory. There have been some fantastic games this season and all those who have watched us play have seen a side play with width and pace and with a determination to never back down. We have been involved in some real battles: the draw against Radley, the come back against King’s Worcester, the 11-10 defeat of Marlborough and then the last game against Bromsgrove being the highlights.





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Adrian Morris Headmaster Cheltenham College Junior School Mr Adrian Morris became the new Head of Cheltenham College Junior School in September 2008. Adrian succeeds Nigel Archdale who has been appointed as Principal of the British School of Warsaw, Poland.

Adrian is married to Sue and they have a daughter Hettie, currently enjoying her education in Kingfishers. Senior College Prefect Alex Kirkby – Leconfield Deputy Senior College Prefects Pippa Mitchell – Ashmead Rasim Aliyev – Hazelwell College Prefects Alexandra Sault - Chandos Ben Bishop – Boyne House Carys Lewis – Queen’s Guy Pearson-Gregory – Leconfield James Watkins – Hazelwell James Wright - Christowe John Mason – Newick House Jonathon Ritchie – Christowe Phoebe Scriven – Westal Sam Harney – Leconfield Tiffany O’Neill – Ashmead Will Smith - Southwood


Alex Peterken Deputy Head Cheltenham College Alex Peterken was Head Chorister at Chichester Cathedral, a Music Exhibitioner at Eton and won a Choral Scholarship to Durham where he read Theology at Van Mildert College. He taught Theology and Religious Studies at Charterhouse for 12 years where, amongst other things, he was Head of Higher Education and Careers, the Sixth Form Centre, rehearsed the Chapel and Oratorio choirs, ran 2nd XI cricket and coached hockey and soccer teams. Alex was appointed Housemaster of a large boarding house with a co-educational Sixth Form in 2002. He joined Cheltenham College as Deputy Headmaster in September 2008 and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the College. He has a Master’s Degree in Management and has recently completed a Doctorate on teacher professional development and leadership in independent schools. Alex is married to Clare (an ex-Deputy Headmistress) and they have three children, Verity 7, Dorothea 4 and Thomas, 18 months.

Simon Conner Housemaster of Hazelwell Educated at Sedbergh School followed by a degree in Geography and a PGCE at Durham University, Simon taught at Uppingham School for three years before joining the College in September 2001. He immediately became the Resident Tutor in Hazelwell, a position he held for five years before moving to Boyne House in September 2006. As well as teaching Geography at all levels in College, Simon coaches rugby, hockey and cricket and is responsible for the administration of scholarships. He is a consummate all-round schoolmaster. The College is very fortunate indeed to be able to appoint someone of his calibre. Simon is married to Christina who is Head of Upper School at Cheltenham College Junior School and they have a daughter called Autumn.

Simon says: “I am very excited about the prospect of taking over the reins of Hazelwell from Father Lowton. He has done such a good job over the last seventeen years and we are hoping to build upon the great atmosphere that is present in the House. Hazelwell means so much to me already as I was a resident tutor there for the first 5 years of my time and many of my Upper Sixth will have been my tutees in the 3rd and 4th Form. I met and married Christina whilst in Hazelwell and our daughter Autumn spent her first few months in the House as well. Father Lowton, the Housemaster, even married us and he has pointed out that there cannot be many Housemasters who have done this to their successor.”

Farewell Hazelwell By James Watkins (H ’08) Senior College Prefect Georgia Rawlinson – Queen’s



Adrian considers a school to be effective if it has a common mission, a commitment to raising standards and an atmosphere which is conducive to success. The Junior should be within a framework that aims for inspirational learning through outstanding teaching.

Players: Sam Collins (capt.), Andrew Hay, Will Ripley, Tom McEwen, Luke Peckham, Toby Francis, Milo Thomas, Max Linscott, Will Unwin, James MacLeod, Andrew Lomax, Angus Philip, Max Delamain, Charlie Ross, Calum Heslam, Ali McRobert, Richard Morrisey, Eddy Mason, Oscar Matthews.

Clifton College

J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

Adrian’s main aim is to guide pupils to have a love for learning, whether inside or outside the classroom, and to enable children to understand what it is to be a good human being through core values and standards.

On reflection it is hard to put into words what a special day Saturday 6th December was. I am immensely proud of what the boys have achieved and I am well aware that the emotions and delight at the final whistle may never be matched again. It has been a fantastic journey over the last two years with these players and they fully deserve to bask in the glory of their success for as long as possible. The last College unbeaten XV was in 1957 and all the players from that side came back to watch us last year. This current group of players has now emulated them and the memories, experiences and the unique bond that they now have can be cherished forever.



Adrian was Headmaster of Ranby House School, Retford, Nottinghamshire where he had been Headmaster since 2000 and prior to that appointment was Deputy Headmaster of Chafyn Grove Preparatory School in Salisbury, Wiltshire.

The enormity of what has happened this season is slowly starting to sink in. The final weekend of the fixture list saw the arrival of a very strong and also unbeaten Bromsgrove side. In previous games they had recorded a number of very convincing wins, including a hard fought victory over Millfield, so we were well aware that it was going to be a very stern test. Their forward power was evident from very early on and we found ourselves 7-0 behind after the first five minutes of the game. However, as we have done on numerous occasions this term we started to take the game to the opposition and our forwards began to win good quality ball for the backs to exploit. Although we were unable to score a try in the first half we kicked a penalty to leave the game poised at 7-3 at half time. We have been very much a second half team this year and the arrival of all the other College sides to support on the touchline at half time inspired the XV and they produced one of the best passages of play of the season to score in the corner. The conversion hit the post but we were now ahead 8-7 and very much on the front foot. Bromsgrove were not going to go down without a fight though and both sides pressed hard. The defence shown by the College side was outstanding and eventually the Bromsgrove side conceded two penalties that were converted to give us a 14-7 lead with about fifteen minutes of play remaining.


Deputy Senior College Prefects Oscar Matthews – Christowe Tom Stubbs – Newick House College Prefects Annabel Coaker – Chandos Beth McAleer – Chandos Callum Scott – Leconfield Clare Oliver – Queen’s Ellie Taylor – Westal James McWilliam – Southwood Laura Watts – Ashmead Lulu Watson – Chandos Max Linscott – Christowe Milo Thomas – Leconfield Sam Collins – Newick House Sebastien Frichot – Boyne House

The 2008 Speech Day not only offered the upper sixth the chance to reflect on a memorable five years, but also to say farewell to Father Lowton as he prepares to leave Hazelwell. Having been Housemaster since 1991, we felt it necessary to send him off in some style; perhaps a gnome was not the fitting gift! He had always expressed his desire to have a summer house in his garden back home in Herefordshire, and so a mutual decision was made to raise money to give to him to put towards this domestic project. As the Head of House, I embarked upon the challenge (with fitting help from various individuals) of sending out letters to current parents of pupils and past Greenites asking if they would like to make a donation towards our idea. The response was bewildering, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody once again for their generosity and support. Although inappropriate to say on the day, just over £3,000 was raised and Father Lowton has indeed found a summer house that fits his budget and, most importantly, his elaborate style! By Malcolm Sloan (former Second Master) Nicholas Lowton, as Head of Classics, was one of Richard Morgan’s first appointments at College in 1979, and was affectionately known as one of the seventy niners! He soon established himself as a well-respected schoolmaster both in and out of the classroom. The pastoral side was always close to his heart and it was no surprise that he was appointed Deputy Housemaster in Southwood in 1983, eventually taking over the House when Colin Auger retired in 1984. He relinquished the post of Head of Classics in 1986. He moved on from Southwood to become Housemaster of Hazelwell in January 1991, and took over from Charles Wright as Senior Housemaster in 1994. He gave invaluable support to his House colleagues. He left Hazelwell in July 2008 after 17 years, moving on to the newly created post of Senior Master in September 2008. 6




Cheltenham College Junior School 2008 Celebr08! – 100 years of Cheltenham College Junior School

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to this edition of the Association magazine. In only my second term as the new Headmaster of the Junior School, I am already struck by the vibrancy of this community and there are many examples of outstanding preparatory education. As I expect many people are aware, the highlight of 2008 has been CELEBR08! A wonderful collection of events marking the centenary of the Junior School on its present site. A special time has been had by all but, in particular, those who went on tour to Barbados and Iceland. However, the June pageant was a remarkable success, involving a spectacular son et lumière and firework display following a special Chapel Service, an afternoon of flag waving and a fantastic conga line – what memories and a fitting finale to my predecessor, Nigel Archdale, after sixteen dedicated years of service to the Junior. However, times move on and the pace of learning does not slow down as we start the second century. Our aim to educate the whole child will always be at the centre of the Junior’s endeavours. Enjoy Floreat 2009 and please visit at any time.

Adrian C Morris Headmaster Cheltenham College Junior School

2008 has been a very exciting year for Cheltenham College Junior School. The school has been at its present site for 100 years! The centenary celebrations were marked throughout the year with a fantastic programme of events at the School under the name of Celebr08!

The programme of Celebr08! events in 2008 began with a Sports Tour to Barbados in February; inter-house music competitions; a school production of Joseph; collaborative links with their London link school; and a pupil and staff relay across the Cotswold Way.

The principal aim of Celebr08! was to encourage the staff and pupils at the school as well as the local community to think about the next century and the ways in which it will operate in 25, 50, 75 and 100 years’ time. The school commemorated the past century but Celebr08! was more about looking forward and the Junior School being dynamic in its development over the next century.

A Celebr08! Ball, entitled ‘La Belle Epoque’ with an Edwardian theme, was held at the Junior; former Junior School pupil, Totti Gifford and his wife Nell, set up their famous Gifford’s Circus in June at Cheltenham Racecourse; and there was a reception to launch a new book of the Junior School History by author Tim Pearce (Past Staff).

Celebr08! culminated on Saturday 28 June at the spectacular Celebr08! Day, beginning with all 400 pupils at The Junior doing a conga from Cheltenham College Chapel across the road to the Junior School in brightly coloured t-shirts replicating a colourful pageant. An afternoon party followed where parents, pupils, former pupils and staff came to celebrate together with picnics and afternoon tea. The evening climaxed with a ‘Son et Lumière Spectacular’ with an incredible firework display over The Junior.

Celebr08! Book Review I thoroughly enjoyed reading Tim Pearce’s Celebr08! which he has very skilfully put together. My visits to the Junior have been very few since I left in 1965 and it is therefore fascinating to read of the extraordinary progress the school has made in recent years whilst also reminding oneself of its fledgling steps back in 1908 and of particular poignancy the details of 13 of its first intake who were killed in the First World War. Tim is to be congratulated on his book which is exceptionally well illustrated and brings back many happy memories of the Junior. Simon Bowes (OJ)

The History of Cheltenham College Junior School By Tim Pearce (Past Staff Member & Hon OC) The idea of writing a book about the Junior School was first proposed by Colin Wicken when he was editing the Junior Magazine in the late eighties. This led to the decision to produce a book as part of the Millennium celebrations in 2000. The original research was undertaken in the nineties by Peter Worsley, who organised the Junior Archives and made contact with a great many Old Juniors, including some who had not gone on to the College. Although this project did not come to fruition, the huge body of material, which he accumulated, remained in the archives. Some OCs, notably Col. Ian McKay, continued to press for publication and the fact that the Junior, on its present site, reached its centenary this year provided a very good focus for a companion book to Then & Now which had been published in 1991 to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the College. After I retired as Cheltonian Society Secretary in 2005, I was able to develop this idea and Nigel Farrow most generously undertook to fund the production of such a book. The biggest remaining task, beyond editing the text, was to gather and sort the potential illustrations and this proved something of a challenge, as, inevitably, time and chance had played a part in what was available and had ensured that not all we might have liked to use was either actually there or in good enough condition to reproduce. With a great deal of help from Jill Barlow in the College Archives, present and former members of the Junior School staff, and, in the later stages, Kevin Brown, the producer and designer of the book, we had something ready to go to press in 2007.

National Success for Junior Choirboy Andrew Swait, Head Chorister at The Junior in 2007/08, has achieved considerable national (and international) success this year. Chosen as one of ‘The Choirboys’, Andrew recorded a CD of Christmas Carols which will be re-released this December. He has also recorded two CDs with eminent musicians, the first in collaboration with James Bowman, countertenor, and the second with the Trinity College Chamber Choir and Alex Ffinch, College Organist. Now used to travelling the world to perform, having done so in Beijing, Krakow, Kiev and Germany, Andrew’s biggest performance this year was at the Classical Brit Awards in the Spring, held at the Royal Albert Hall. He sang Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Pie Jesu with Sarah Brightman, rubbing shoulders with other artists such as Andrea Bocelli. Now at Senior College, Andrew hopes to continue his music at a high standard.






OJs become Senior College Prefects

“Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more”

For 2008/2009 Georgia Rawlinson has been appointed as Senior College Prefect and Tom Stubbs as one of her two deputies.

That’s what it felt like when the cast and crew of Henry V performed at the Artrix Theatre, Bromsgrove to a packed and appreciative audience as part of the national Shakespeare Schools Festival. The atmosphere was electric as the brave CCJS ‘team’ clashed on stage to dramatic music and effective lighting. The focus of the group was superb, with every person attentive and acting to an extremely high standard. The thrill of performing on stage in a professional theatre was just brilliant and it was a feeling that everyone experienced with relish. From the four schools appearing on the night, CCJS were the youngest cast, even performing amongst GCSE groups, but the Junior certainly held their own and produced one of the more entertaining and dramatic shows. The comments made by the festival representative at the end, when all the casts appeared on stage, were extremely complimentary and highlighted the professionalism and focus of CCJS pupils.

See the two OJs pictured below at the end of Parents’ Day 2003 as Yr 7 pupils when they had just been appointed Heads of the Junior! Congratulations to them both on their new responsibilities.

“The Shakespeare Schools Festival is a unique arts-education charity which offers young people, from a diverse collection of backgrounds, the opportunity and support to perform abridged productions of Shakespeare’s most famous plays in their local professional theatre.”


The young people who come to College gain confidence, integrity, a strong team ethos and friends for life. They develop an independence of spirit that epitomises the very essence of College life. It is achieved through the strength of our education, the quality of our staff and facilities, and a vision that puts the pupil at the centre of everything we do. Throughout our history we have received generous gifts from individuals who have shared our vision. Through their generosity, they have sustained the College and have helped secure it for future generations. Its influence, combined with the dedication of our scholars and pupils as they reach for excellence in the classroom, on the stage or the sportsfield, has meant that College has thrived.

Most of the legacies we receive tend to be directed to one of the following but you may have a specific wish which, of course, we would do our utmost to honour:

All our SS Scholars have won ACADEMIC Scholarships or Exhibitions this year! CONGRATULATIONS to them and to everyone who has taught and prepared our pupils so well. Scholars Charlotte Furniss-Roe (Lord James of Hereford Scholarship), Sebastian Constantine, Seb Cheli (The Prain Scholarship), Emma Furniss-Roe, Grace Knudsen, Ben Ringrose. Exhibitioners Henry Mitchell, Rhys Edwards, Will Beresford, Tommy Smith and Jacob Ellis.

CHELTENHAM COLLEGE JUNIOR SCHOOL GIRLS’ U11 HOCKEY - NATIONAL CHAMPIONS! Having secured the County championship title by winning eight out of eight games earlier on in the spring, a tenacious team of Under 11 Girls won the prestigious National Championships, held in Nottingham in May, making them England U11 National Champions.

J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

We have a proud past and we can look forward to an even greater future with your help.

Your Gift…




Many of these gifts have been left to us in our benefactors’ wills. Of course, deciding to leave a gift to Cheltenham College in your will is a big decision and a personal one to be made in your own time. We understand that your family and friends will of course come first, but you may also like to remember College with a gift that would really help many of our future pupils reach their full potential.



• Unrestricted funds – at the discretion of the Headmaster and College Council, your legacy will support the area where the need is greatest at the time of its receipt. • Pupil support – we have a long-term investment fund which generates the Scholarships and Exhibitions we are able to offer talented and ambitious youngsters across the broad tapestry of the school’s life. Then there are families who, through a change in circumstances, are struggling financially and need our support to keep their youngsters at College. Or we might use your gift through the College Bursary for pupils who, though talented, would otherwise have no means of securing an independent education. • Upgrading our facilities – as certain as the passage of time is our need to review the facilities we offer our pupils. We can’t tell what exactly we’ll be creating when we receive your gift but, if your legacy allows us to take a major step forward in our development, you might like us to name the new facilities in your honour. If you would like to discuss a possible gift to College please contact the Development Office on 01242 265694 or email: dev@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk The Association website also holds information and downloadable forms on the various ways of giving. Please see www.cheltonianassociation.com

“I will always be grateful to Cheltenham College. When my husband died the Bursary Fund enabled my son to finish the last four terms of his education amongst his friends and in a stable and consistent environment. Despite our tragic loss the support of the school enabled him to achieve some fantastic grades at A level and he was subsequently accepted into the University of his choice.” (A Past Parent)

“I was so excited when I heard I had won a scholarship to Cheltenham College. There was no chance I could have got there without one and I was very nervous sitting the scholarship exams. I worked and played hard throughout my time at Coll. Made loads of friends, got straight A’s at A level and got my dream… acceptance to Cambridge Uni!” (A recent OC)

“I have included College in my Will so that I can offer future generations of pupils the opportunities it gave me - in many ways I feel it is an important way of saying thank you. Your legacy, like mine, will help make a real difference to the lives of future generations of OCs.” (An OC)

USA TAX PAYERS… Cheltenham College is an Associate of the American Fund for Charities. This is a 501(c)(3) US non-profit organization which supports the work of charitable organizations, like Cheltenham College, by receiving donations from US taxpayers which are deductible for US tax purposes. If you are a US taxpayer and would like to make a donation to Cheltenham College through the American Fund for Charities it will be tax-deductible to the extent allowed by US law. They will ask you to complete a Donation Form and return it with your donation to the American Fund. Please download our 501(c)(3) Form, either from the Cheltonian Association website at www.cheltonianassociation.com (under the ‘Giving’ section) or from the American Fund for Charities (via Chapel & York Ltd) at www.chapel-york.com/services/usfund.htm

STOCKS AND SHARES… Donating stocks and shares or property to Charity, eg the Cheltenham College Charitable Trust, can potentially save donors more in tax than the assets cost originally. As well as potentially reducing your income tax bill, the concessions mean gifts of stocks and shares are exempt from capital gains tax.

Director of Sport at the College, Simon Johnson, said:

‘The Girls’ success is fantastic. It is the culmination of a great deal of hard work by them and the sport staff involved. It is excellent that we are achieving national success in such a young age group as it highlights our commitment to the development of our sporting talent across our entire age range. Our full-time professional sport coaches pay as much attention to the youngest groups as they do with the seniors.The time the coaches invest is essential because we want all of our pupils to achieve success at sport and to enjoy all the sporting opportunities we offer.’ 9 9




BEHIND THE SCENES A look at the Engine Room of Cheltenham College By John Champion (Bursar)


ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

If variety is the spice of life then the Bursar’s life is a pretty spicy one! I’m proud to lead teams that support a College population as big as many self-respecting villages numbering 355 staff and the sheer range and variety of what they do is mind-boggling! It’s no exaggeration to say the support teams keep the College functioning – whether it’s repairing ornate plaster in a grade 1 listed building or putting a plaster on a grazed knee - or any one of a thousand things in between, these are the teams that keep College ticking. Despite the diverse nature of the many different jobs around the campus, we were delighted that over half of the support team were able to make the photograph below. of 25 million litres of water. Believe it or not, they also buy around 400 keys a year!

83 Catering staff At the junior school our catering team serve up a whopping 35,000 eggs and an even bigger 3.5 million peas a year. And at the senior school we get through 88,000 pints of milk and a staggering 37 miles of Clingfilm – enough to stretch from College to the Cribbs Causeway Shopping Centre near Bristol!

Our Grounds team look after 9 cricket squares and 13 Rugby pitches! The squares are cut twice a week and the pitches are cut and swept weekly, as well as being marked out every week using 45 litres of white line concentrate! 8 Tuck Shop staff 25,920 cans of drink and 21,600 chocolate bars are sold per academic year. The most popular item however is the space pencil selling over 150 per day totaling 302,400 per academic year!

10 Medical Centre staff Ann King and the rest of the Medical Centre team see more patients every year than the Tewkesbury A&E minor injuries unit! 23 Administration staff Our Accounts team process over 444,000 financial transactions – that’s fifteen hundred for each and every working day of the year!

109 Teaching Support Staff Chemistry uses around 1500 test tubes every year and 400 of these are washed every week ie 13000 test tubes washed per year! 10 litres of concentrated hydrochloric acid is used every year in various experiments and 2000 filter papers are used annually.

80 Housekeeping staff Debbie Glover and her team get through the equivalent of 16,000 household loo rolls (not personally of course!) and even in these ecoconscious times the laundry still have to consume over 1,500 litres of detergent every year to keep us all clean!

Up to 100 locusts can be found in the Biology department munching their way through 24kgs of home sown and grown wheat during the winter months. Pupils dissect their way through 70 pigs’ hearts and 50-odd eyeballs over the academic year!

37 Estates staff The Estates team change 2,500 light bulbs a year, apply 4,000 litres of paint (enough to cover an area of 50,000 square metres!) and manage the delivery 11


Photograph by Stephen Clarke






Malcolm Sloan

Headmaster Cheltenham College Junior School 1992 – 2008 (16 years)

By Barry Wild (Current Staff)

By Reverend John Horan (President Cheltenham College Council) His appointment as Principal of the British School in Warsaw provided a fitting end to Nigel’s 16 years of distinguished service as Headmaster of Cheltenham College Junior School in July 2008. Nigel Archdale came to Cheltenham in 1992 at a time when Cheltenham College Junior School had either to recover from the most challenging period in its history or dwindle and possibly die. He knew what had to be done to reestablish CCJS and he set about the task with enthusiasm and energy. Over the course of those 16 years, Nigel oversaw change from a boys’ prep school to one which was fully coeducational. Kingfishers, the pre-prep, was not only established but also developed into a hugely successful department recognized as ‘outstanding’ in the recent inspection report. Nigel’s drive led to the refurbishment of the boarding house: thereafter it grew into a real family home for a wonderful mixture of pupils from both home and abroad. He had the vision and drive to convince the school Council that it should invest in a new Assembly Hall and classroom block and in September 2007, after a great deal of preparatory work supported by Nigel, the Senior and Junior schools became one college. It is testimony to Nigel’s influence and enthusiasm that this unification was so successfully accomplished. Teaching, learning and pastoral care are the core of any successful school and Nigel made it his business to ensure that in those key areas as well as sport, music and a myriad of extra-curricular activities CCJS should become a market leader meeting the high standards of both the Senior and many other Public schools. Countless pupils will recall the many and varied pageants in which they were involved, including the CCJS opening of its own channel tunnel under the lake, the millennium celebrations of July 2000 and the Celebr08! innovation, all of which arose from the imagination and creativity of N.I.Archdale. Nigel took great pride in CCJS and what it achieved. His innate modesty never allowed him to blow his own trumpet but there are many former pupils, parents and colleagues who will always be grateful for his stewardship of the Junior as well as the dedicated and unstinting support of his wife, Charlotte. We wish Nigel and Charlotte well in the next phase of their career as we welcome Adrian, Sue and Hettie Morris to Cheltenham and what we hope will be a very happy time for them and the entire CCJS community.

Second Master 1973 – 2008 (35 years) Ask any Cheltonian from the past 35 years to recollect a master at College and “Dr Sloan” is by far the most common response. Malcolm Sloan’s contribution to this school has been enormous on every level. He came to Cheltenham in 1973 as part of his PGCE course and the Chemistry Department was astute enough to recognise his potential, offering him a job as soon as he had finished his teaching practice. His abilities as a teacher were evident to all and his natural authority held the rogue elements in check. In those years he developed an impressive repertoire of chemical demonstrations that had to be scaled back somewhat in the more safety-conscious years that followed. Known to all the pupils as “Paddy”, but certainly never within his earshot, his Belfast version of chemical nomenclature has entered the consciousness of generations of Cheltonians. It was only a matter of time before he was snapped up by Charlie Auger to be assistant housemaster in Southwood and having lived the College bachelor life for a few years he married Cathy, who was the Junior School Catering Manager. The birth of their son Jonathan in 1983 coincided with Malcolm’s takeover of Christowe. Boys’ boarding houses in those days were very different in atmosphere from those of today and he set about civilising a group of semi-feral boys. This was no easy task for a new housemaster with a new family but he succeeded spectacularly well. After a few years Christowe had become a high-achieving house, strong in music and self-confident in its new-found stability. The Christowe boys knew they had a housemaster who could be tough but who had their interests firmly at heart. At the end of his stint as a housemaster Malcolm was the clear choice to assume the role of Second Master in 1994 when his experience in Christowe and his intimate understanding of how College ticked made him an invaluable adviser to Headmasters, Housemasters and to all members of Common Room. Having three children, Jonathan, Caroline and Rachael go through College also gave him new insights into the Cheltonian psyche. Pupils found him a firm disciplinarian but as they progressed through College they perceived the warmth and good humour that lay beneath the gruff exterior. As a criminal investigator he is peerless, and the Cheltenham CID might do well to offer him a retirement job!

Malcolm’s sternest test came in 1997 when he found himself having to steer the College through a very public crisis. The loss of a Headmaster and the resignation of most of the College Council left him in charge of the school for two terms until a new Head took up the reins. His ability to keep the school running and then to help Paul Chamberlain bring College back to health was a considerable feat for which all who lived through that period are profoundly grateful. He is one of those very rare people who have been able to relate to every member of the College community, value their contribution and win the respect of all. We will all miss his sharp wit, his ability to speak the plain truth and the deep love he has for this place.

Geoff Silcock By Dr B Enright (Current Staff) Head of Mathematics 1974 – 2008 (34 years) Geoff Silcock arrived at College in 1974 just a year after Malcolm Sloan. Having studied at Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol and Cambridge, his PhD thesis involved the Mathematics of Atmospheric and Oceanic waves. Some might say that he has been making waves at Cheltenham College ever since he arrived! He was in charge of computing in the early days of ICT before becoming Head of Mathematics in 1992. He has been an extremely supportive and effective subject leader who has championed the cause of Mathematics very strongly. In his time, College has produced many fine mathematicians who have flourished under the wing of the department. Geoff was the trailblazer for entering IGCSE examinations which have now been adopted by many other independent schools, many seeking advice from Geoff in making their decision. He has also been very prominent in the setting and marking of public examinations and has recently been in the forefront of designing a new A Level Mathematics syllabus. Geoff’s patient analytical skills were put to good use in his role as Timetabler at College. His ability to solve the logistical nightmares of arranging classes, rooms and teachers into a framework that changed regularly was quite outstanding and his facility in doing this masked the complexity of the task. He ran the College Sailing Club very successfully for many years, and is himself a very accomplished sailor and instructor - perhaps a real benefit of his PhD thesis! He has been a most valuable member of the College Choral Society and has been an active helper in the Community Service Programme. He served the Common Room as a member of the Salaries and Conditions Committee and later as Chairman. We wish him a long and happy retirement.



Andy Cullen

Hazel Smith

By Nigel Archdale (Past Junior School Headmaster)

By Chris Rouan (Current Staff)

CCJS Head of PE 1989 – 2008 (19 years)

Andy Cullen joined the Junior almost twenty years ago at the end of his distinguished Royal Naval career which saw him serving on Ark Royal and competing for the Navy as a highly respected athlete. Given his sporting pedigree in the Senior Service he was an obvious candidate to join the PE Department and to become Head of Swimming, and subsequently Head of PE, whilst continuing to play a full role in the hockey, rugby and athletics programme too. It fell to Andy to oversee the move of the Junior from the Old College Baths into the outstanding state-of-the-art swimming facility that we continue to enjoy to this day. We also enjoy a highly enviable reputation for the standard of our swimming both at individual, school and national competition level. This is all due to the excellent manner in which Andy was able to nurture and encourage swimming throughout the Junior. When we opened Kingfishers and we became a fully coeducational school Andy embraced this new departure with his inimitable enthusiasm to the mutual benefit of both Andy and our tiniest Kingfisher athletes and embryonic swimmers to become a major factor in our school’s sporting diaspora. The Junior will miss the fun and friendly mischief that Andy has made his hallmark but his legacy lives on through the generations of young sportsmen and women who have found their sporting forte in and out of the pool through the good offices of Andy Cullen. Thank you Andy for all your hard work and support of our school over the last two decades and we wish you and Kris all the very best for your action-packed retirement both in Gloucestershire and in Mediterranean Europe.

Joan Nelder By Louise Parker (Current Staff) Member of Cleaning Staff 1986 – 2008 (22 years)

Joan Nelder aged 79 left College in 2008 after 22 years of service. Best known as the ‘Chapel Lady’ for her dedication to polishing the brasswork, scrubbing the floors and scraping chewing gum off the underside of the pews! There is a strong family connection as her mother also worked in Chapel and one of her sisters worked in a convent. Born in Shropshire, Joan was one of 6, she moved to Cheltenham with her husband who was in the Airforce. They had six children and now have many grandchildren. When not busy in the Chapel, Joan loves gardening and needlework. Joan knew everything there was to know about the Chapel and took great pride in all her daily tasks especially the brasswork (which she even came back to clean after leaving!). With her strict routine and high standards, Joan preferred to work alone although on many occasions she does admit to having ‘seen’ a beautiful blond-haired lady dressed in nineteenth-century clothing standing in the academic pews. Joan admits to chatting to her on a regular basis although she did disappear pretty sharpish when Joan asked for her help! Joan is very sad to leave Chapel and her friends, with no plans for her retirement as yet – she does return as tea girl most Fridays and to get the lottery sorted. We would like to say a big thank you to Joan for all her efforts over the years which have been greatly appreciated and admired.

Lab Technician 1977 – 2008 (31 years)

Hazel has worked at College for over 30 years as Senior Laboratory Technician. She has witnessed many changes - O level to GCSE, traditional to Nuffield style teaching, linear to modular syllabuses and most fundamentally the change in practical work from peripheral and illustrative to central and investigative. She has been at the helm throughout. Teachers and pupils alike have come and gone, but the stability and support she has given to the Biology department has been legendary and certainly she will be remembered with enormous fondness and respect by all who worked with her. As a colleague she maintained the highest professional standards and the many publications, games, displays, projects and class practicals bear witness to her dedication and pride in the department. As a friend she was always there to listen, help and support us through our various crises, whether personal or professional - integrity and kindness were her hallmarks. We miss her greatly but at the same time wish her and Bob a long and happy much deserved retirement.

Jimmy O’Donnell By The Revd Dr R de la Bat Smit (Chaplain) & Andrew Hailes (Catering Director) Member of Catering Team 1987 – 2008 (21 years)

Jimmy joined the College in January 1987 in the Housekeeping department although 4 months later he moved into Catering where he remained until he left in September 2008 at the age of 73! Cheltenham College owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jimmy: over his 21 years here, he has always been fiercely loyal to College, hard working, didn’t believe in sickness and became an icon within the Catering Department. Jimmy has always had compassion for all kinds of people in need, especially children; and he has given up most, if not all, of his spare time to helping others, particularly to collecting for a wide range of charities. He was most active every year during the Gold Cup week, when every night he would go into every pub in town and tap the celebrating crowds in his inimitable style, with his winning Dublin brogue. His huge cheerfulness and optimism enabled him to cope with disappointing responses, but most people, either buoyed up by handsome winnings or by Guinness, opened their hearts and wallets to him. Jimmy would often do walks for charity; one never to be forgotten was a few years ago when he attempted to walk to Oxford and back in a day. We were worried to hear that a lonely figure could be seen walking in the pitch dark along the A40 well after 10pm, but Jimmy simply, like a modern day Forrest Gump, kept going, and raised hundreds of pounds for Great Ormond Street Children’s hospital. And so to retirement, we know that Jimmy hates the thought of not working but we hope he will see it as an opportunity to spend more time on his allotment, continue his work for good causes, and to indulge himself with an extra cream tea in Cavendish House every week. Jimmy will be sorely missed and his departure marks the end of an era: we wish him all the best. 14



before FLOREAT

This year marked the 25th Anniversary of the Leavers’ & Parents’ Ball and it also happened to be our largest … and possibly our wettest!! However, nothing was going to spoil this occasion. The beautiful College Dining Hall proved to be a very suitable alternative for the Reception, and a great marquee and fantastic entertainment helped to keep spirits high and maintain the excellent atmosphere that was apparent throughout the evening.


Photographs by Andy Banks

Another excellent turnout in College Library marked the start of an emotional last day for U6th students who were presented, by the Headmaster, with their OC ties and scarves on the morning of the 5th July. Following the Leavers’ Chapel Service the traditional drinks in the Quad enabled Yearbooks to be collected, College OC merchandise to be bought and plans made for the evening’s revelry at the Ball. Lawrence Anderson, President of the Cheltonian Society, was also present for this occasion.


Farewell Class of 2008





London Gathering – 3rd June 2008



The Hampshire Luncheon By John Balmer (Xt ’78) The Hampshire OC regulars met as usual at the South Lawn Hotel on a glorious sunny day in the New Forest. Our guests included Richard Morgan, James & Jean Toomey, Anne Cadbury, Rev P Warburton, Richard & Jane Le Masurier, Arthur Burnett, Denis Gudgeon, Malcolm Sloan, Lawrence and Janet Anderson. We enjoyed a leisurely lunch and chatted happily until late in the afternoon. A special thank you to Bridget and Rebecca of the Development Office for their kind assistance in sending individual invitations out to so many Association members living in the south and my thanks to those who sent me a reply.

The London ‘division’ of the Cheltonian Association held an inaugural cocktail party in early June in Davy’s Wine Bar, St James. A very convivial evening took place with freely flowing wine and some excellent canapés. About thirty people, a combination of OCs, current and past parents, arrived in the early evening for pre-dinner drinks, along with three members of staff who had kindly come from Cheltenham for the event. The only speech was an excellent short summary of College’s year by Mark Durston. It was very upbeat on all fronts and indeed the predictions for the high standard of examination results later in the year proved to be very correct. The original venue of the East India Club had to be shelved a few days prior to the event, owing to lower than anticipated numbers. Whatever the next event planned, it is hoped that it will have much better support as this is a major opportunity for anyone more geographically removed from Cheltenham to become more closely informed. All OCs particularly, but also London-based past parents, are encouraged to update mailing and email addresses with the Association office to ensure full and correct receipt of future details.

Warwickshire and West Midlands Dinner By Ian McFarlane (N/L ’46) After a lapse of some years, OCs resident in Warwickshire and West Midlands were invited to attend a dinner in April 2008. This took place, hosted by Ian McFarlane, Bryan Harrison (H ’57), and Michael Wyldbore-Smith (L ’62), at the Charlecote Pheasant Hotel, near Stratford upon Avon on 17th April. The event was supported by 17 OCs together with wives and partners. College was represented by Deputy Head Dr Malcolm Sloan and his wife Cathy, who were given a warm welcome. At the reception, conversation flowed freely and those who did not know one another soon did! Guests were then invited to take their place for Dinner at one of the four tables, named after past headmasters Elliot-Smith, Pentreath, Ashcroft and Morgan. These four were chosen as they would have been best known by those present! The well remembered 1st grace was said by Bryan, and Michael said the 2nd grace at the end of the meal. Bryan’s toast to college took the form of a ‘Travel by time back to our College days’ and borrowed Dr Who’s Tardis from the BBC with scientist Dr Malcolm Sloan as pilot, ably assisted by Cathy instead of Donna!! This was an excellent, light-hearted and amusing toast in which many of those present were mentioned along with details of College life from as far back as 60 years ago! Memories came flooding back mostly good it is hoped!! In response, Malcolm, who was about to start his last term before retirement, brought us up to date with College life as it is now, a very different scenario from the days we remember? The biggest change came with the introduction of girls, firstly into the sixth form and ten years ago entry at thirteen.

An Occasion Down Under By Henry Gordon-Clark (Xt ’54) A lunch was held on 2 May 2008 at the Kelvin Club in Melbourne attended by 11 OCs ranging from 39 to 86 in age. The talk around the table was largely about the time at College which bridged a vast gap in time from the 1930s onwards. What I found amazing was the number of times names of masters whom I had known well were mentioned by others who had known them. Frequently someone would mention a name and several others would be able to add their own memories of the individual, whether positive or negative. The names of ‘Boozy’ King, ‘Church’ Rushton, ‘Porky’ Rogers, Ritchie Williams and Holy ‘Mo’ Morrisson were all remembered as well as many others. There was a general consensus that we were all very fortunate to have attended College and a feeling of a strong bond between us arising from this fact. If asked, I would describe the lunch as a very relaxed happy OC event.

The Southwest Luncheon – 3rd May 2008 By Ian Moody (C ’46)

During the 90s we set up a South West Reunion for OCs and their other halves. Since then we have repeated the event annually and it has brought together numbers varying between 25 and 40 each year. It is described as a ‘bring-a-plate’ lunch, which means that those attending bring a plate of food and pay £5 to cover the cost of drinks. This year’s event was held on 3rd May and I was pleased to welcome around 20 Association Members from the South West to my house in Lympstone. The President of the Cheltonian Society Lawrence Anderson and his wife, and Bridget Vick the Development Director from Cheltenham College, were able to join us. Our next event is planned for 2nd May 2009 and we hope that all those Members who may be visiting the West Country at this time and of course those who live in the area will be able to come along.

The final toast was to the Ladies, ably and eloquently given by Michael. They were made to feel very much at ease and of course so important in their role, to which Joan responded amusingly and suitably on their behalf. The evening, which appeared to have been enjoyed by all those present, came to an end all too quickly. It is hoped to organise another event for about 18 months’ time. There are a considerable number of OCs residing in the area; perhaps some of the younger generation can be encouraged to join us ‘oldies’ next time. After all we are still young at heart and would enjoy your fellowship immensely. 17

Photograph of Southwest Reunion. 18




By Timothy Smith (Current & Past Parent)

The County Cricket Festival at Cheltenham College each year is said to be the longest-running cricket festival in the world and the anticipation of the 2008 festival was heightened following the cancellation of the 2007 festival due to health and safety problems and lack of water supply following the July floods of that year. A table of eleven was reserved in the Association’s marquee and much help provided by the Association Office. The setting of the College playing fields with a backdrop of the Victorian pavilion and the College dining hall and chapel, complemented by an array of boundary-side marquees, makes this festival a truly unique experience, provided the weather holds and allows the very traditional English game of cricket to take centre stage.

ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

Carol Service 2008

A DAY AT THE CHELTENHAM CRICKET FESTIVAL Having lived and worked in Cheltenham for well over 25 years and having one son as a current pupil at Cheltenham and one who studied for his A levels there a few years ago, my wife Clare and I decided it would be an enjoyable experience to take up the offer from the Cheltonian Association by reserving places in their marquee for the one-day match versus Nottinghamshire on Sunday 3rd August 2008.


Numbers just keep on growing for this popular end of term Carol Service – or maybe it’s just the delicious mulled wine and mince-pies served in the Dining Hall afterwards!! Whatever the reason we are delighted to welcome back so many of our OCs, past & current parents and friends to this event.

Tea was taken both on the field and in the marquee with fruit much to the fore as lunch seemed to have finished only minutes ago! Gloucestershire’s reply to Nottinghamshire’s innings was thwarted by rain which started to fall at about 6 o’clock and became heavier and heavier until play was abandoned. By this time the guests in the marquee were enjoying convivial conversations on all aspects of College, cricket and life generally. We headed for home shortly after 7pm reflecting on a day out that more than fulfilled its expectations with the exception of the weather which stubbornly remains beyond the control of everyone! The Cheltonian Association could not have been more helpful in all aspects of the day and provided excellent value and hospitality at an event that reaches far beyond cricket lovers in its contribution to Cheltenham life.

Sunday morning dawned grey but dry and our two sons set off for steward and washing up duties at the festival at an early hour.

A spectacular array of lobster together with cold meats, various salads and vegetarian options was accompanied by well chosen, very favourably priced red and white wines, and a well stocked bar was open for the day. In the game itself Nottinghamshire batted first and was subjected to a spirited bowling and fielding display by the home side restricting them to just over 200 runs in their 40 overs.

Photography by Stephen Clarke.

Our table was well positioned to be able to view the cricket whilst dining, and lunch was served from the buffet.

Photography by Andy Banks.

Just after midday we arrived at the Association marquee to be greeted by Bridget, Rebecca and their team with trays of Pimms which were well received by all the marquee’s guests. The sun threatened to break through for a while and a pleasant half-hour was spent chatting to past and present pupils, teachers and cricket lovers.

A Day At The Races By Anne Kirmonde-Paine (Current CCJS Parent) It was lovely to attend the race day organized by the Cheltonian Association on Saturday 15th November at the Open Meeting at Cheltenham Race Course. There were two ticket options, a ‘Base for the Day’ where members were able to use the marquee facilities which included a cash bar and tote and the luncheon package. We opted to have lunch and had a lovely table in the marquee which, situated in the tented village, meant that we had to walk through the fantastic selection of shops before getting to see the horses which I and the other girls loved. A brilliant day was had by all, the food and hospitality were great and it was lovely to be able to go to an event with all the family where the children enjoyed the day as much as the adults.

A Greenite Gathering By Nicholas Lowton (Current Staff) Friday March 7th was the date for the latest Hazelwell Reunion in the vaults of Davy’s Wine Bar off Pall Mall. Thanks to Mark Stewart’s efforts on Facebook, a really large gathering of at least 100 Greenites came together for a very happy and not entirely unbibulous evening. Former Housemaster, Trevor Davies, was able to meet up again with many of his former charges, although there were several there who predated not just him but also his two predecessors.

Everyone there had a good time and I very much thank Bridget and Rebecca for putting in so much effort to make such a memorable day.





Cheltenham College Polo Invitation Day 2008 By Bridget Vick (Current Staff)

The Cheltenham and Eton crowds gathered again for the 7th College Polo Invitation Day at Cirencester Park Polo Club on Saturday 10th May – their biggest event of the year, sponsored by the new entrepreneurial property development The Lakes by yoo near Lechlade, and team sponsors La Martina.

The College Polo Trophy Cheltenhan College – Sophie Kyriazi -1, Dom Heywood 0, Ali Patterson 0, Rory Musgrave 0. Eton College – Felipe Massu 0, Henry Jennings 0, Jose Entrecanales 0, John Sleeman 0. The Old Cheltonian Polo Cup Old Cheltonians – Nick Hine 0, Tom Beim 2, Jamie le Hardy 5, Toby Smith 1. Old Etonians – Tristan Phillimore 2, Ed Magor 2, Mark Emerson 3, Alex de Lisle 2.

The hundreds of parents, and past and current students from Cheltenham and Eton Colleges, were bathed in glorious sunshine as the two schools, and the Old Cheltonians v the Old Etonians battled it out on the polo field. A champagne reception (where commentator Peter Morris explained the essentials of the game of polo!) kickstarted the day at 12noon and, following a short break in proceedings for guests to enjoy picnics and spend their money in the busy Exhibitors’ Marquee, the first chukka of the day started at 2.30pm with Cheltenham (winners for the last 5 years) and Eton eager to win ‘The College Polo Trophy’. A handicap start to Cheltenham of 11/2 goals (due to handicap difference) sadly did not help usually confident players who eventually had to concede to Eton’s more competent team. The Trophy and prizes were presented by Lady Apsley.


Saturday 30th May

We would like to thank Dordogne Direct Ltd, Mili, Gaucho Belts, Floyds Shoes and Indigo Boo Ltd who generously donated 10% of their profits from the Day to the Cheltenham College Charitable Trust. Photograph by Zahra Hanbury

‘The Old Cheltonian Polo Cup’ match followed. Again a handicap difference was awarded which got the Old Etonians off to a good start. However, even with England player Jamie le Hardy representing the OCs, Eton ably added to their score to win the match, claiming back the Cup from last year’s winners, the OCs. Lady Bathurst presented the Cup and prizes to players.

Polo Invitation Day 2009

Photography: Alice Gipps (Cha ‘99) & Andy Banks (Current Staff).





Cheltonian Association Programme of Events 2009


8th February 12 noon South Africa Reunion (Capetown) lunch. All Welcome RSVP: Rebecca Creed email creed.rebecca@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk 25th Ferbruary, 7pm UAE Reunion - Emirates Golf Club, Dubai All Association members living in the UAE More information and invitations to follow. (UAE rep: Debbie Suddaby) email: suddabys@mailme.ae

The largest, grandest and most ambitious OC gathering ever is taking place in London on Thursday 26th March 2009. Individual house reunions have long been a popular feature on the OC calendar, but this time, all houses will be holding reunions at the same time and all within 10 minutes’ walk of each other. The receptions will, as usual, be hosted by housemasters and housemistresses, but we hope that many former housemasters & housemistresses and other familiar members of staff, past and present, will be there. Similar events will be taking place every five years. While many of you might want to go your own ways after the receptions, there will be the opportunity to meet up from 8.15pm at the largest of the venues, Davy’s Wine Bar, Crown Passage, Pall Mall. Do all you can to get as many people as possible turning up: telephone, email, form Facebook groups, do whatever you like, but ensure not just that the whole St James area is a heaving mass of Cheltonians but also that your house has more people turning up than any other. N.B. You should have received your personal House Reception invitation by now. Please let us know if not on 01242 265694.






































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Map for guidance only. NB: Afterwards at Davy’s Wine Bar – map reference 5.


Leconfield Balls Brothers Wine Bar, 20 St James’s Street, London W1D 7HW


Newick House Davy’s Wine Bar, Crown Passage, Pall Mall, London SW1 6QY


Christowe Mulligans of Mayfair, 14 Cork Street, London W1S 3NS


Boyne House The Travellers Club, 106 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EP


Southwood, Day Boy, Thirlestaine & Wilson Franco’s, 61 Jermyn Street, St James’s, London SW1Y 6LX


Hazelwell Just Oriental Bar, Just St James, 12 St James’s Street, London SW1


Cheltondale The Commonwealth Club, 25 Northumberland Avenue, London WC2N 5AP


Chandos, Ashmead, Westal, Queen’s The Arts Club, 40 Dover Street, Mayfair, London W1S 4NP


2nd July Association Orchestral Concert – Pump Room - Pre-Concert Reception College Guests and Association Membersnumbers limited. See website for more information.

27th February 7.30pm Association Cheese & Wine Evening for U6th. Social Club. For U6th Only.

4th July Leavers’ Tie & Scarf Presentation Library U6th Leavers only.

4th March 5.30pm Association Choral Evensong. Drinks in Library following Service. All Welcome. RSVP: The Cheltonian Association, Tel: 01242 265694 or Email: info@cheltonianassociation.com

11th/12th July USA Reunion (rep Robert PrescottWalker) Chapel Choir Tour – NY All Association Members living in USA. RSVP: Robert Prescott-Walker, Email: chrisandrob@verizon.net More information and invitations to follow.

7th/8th March OC Hockey Weekend (Hockey Supper Sat 7th). Girl’s and Boy’s Matches taking place on Saturday and Sunday. OC participation only, all welcome to spectate. RSVP: Mark Durston, Tel: 01242 265609 or Email: durston.mark@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

19th July 12.30pm The Gloucestershire County Cricket Festival Gloucestershire CCC v Essex CCC (oneday match) All Association Members - tickets limited. Invitations to follow.

14th/15th March OC Rackets Weekend [Rackets Dinner Sat 14th] OCs participation only, all welcome to spectate. RSVP: Karl Cook, Tel: 01242 265605 or Email: cook.karl@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk























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6th June 1pm College Regatta at the Boat Club, Tewkesbury All welcome.

26th March 6-8pm House Reunions London. Various locations within 10 minutes walk of each other. OCs only. Individual invitations sent. (date tbc) Kenyan Reunion (rep: Ahluwalias & Ian Parker). All Association members living in Kenya More information and invitations to follow. (date tbc) Germany Reunion (rep Patrick Jung). All Association members living in Germany More information and invitations to follow. 2nd May Devon Luncheon (Rep: Ian Moody) – Lympstone. Association Members living in Devon. RSVP Ian Moody, Email: ian@moody2. eclipse.co.uk Invitations to follow. 30th May Polo Invitation Day Cirencester Park Polo Club. All Association Members. More information and invitations to follow.

19th/20th September College 1st XV v Uppingham at Home - Chapel, lunch, cash bar. Sunday 20th, Touch Rugby Tournament (see page 41). All Association Members. More information and invitations to follow. 19th September 25 Years Anniversary - 1984 Black Tie Reunion Dinner. 1984 OC Yeargroup only. Invitations to follow. 16th December 2.30pm Carol Service All Association Members Invitations to follow.

College Rackets Tour to USA & Canada 11th – 20th February 2009 13th February match v The Montreal Racket Club, 396 Rue Concorde, Montreal. 15th February match v The Racquet Club of Chicago, 1365 North Dearborne Parkway, Chicago.

CCJS – Hockey/Netball Tour to Guernsey 13th – 15th March 2009 Please contact the Association Office on 01242 265694 for fixtures list. Chamber Choir Tour to USA 6th – 14th July 2009 8th July 12 noon Sung Eucharist, Trinity Wall Street, New York. 3.00pm Concert, Trinity Wall Street, New York. 9th July 12 noon Summer Sacred Music Festival Concert, St Barts New York. 10th July 7.30pm Concert, Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Greenville, Delaware. 12th July 10.00am Sung Eucharist, St Thomas’ Church, 5th Avenue, New York 3.30pm Choral Evensong, The Cathedral of St John the Divine, New York. Chapel Evensong Dates: 28th January 6.30pm 4th February 6.30pm 20th May 6.30pm 17th June 6.30pm CCJS Chapel 8th February 5.30pm 22nd March 10.00am Drama 19th – 21st March 2009 ‘The Threepenny Opera’ by Brecht and Weill. If you would like to attend, please RSVP to the Cheltonian Association Office on 01242 265694 or email info@cheltonianassociation.com CCJS Drama 19th/20th March 6.30pm Year 6 at The Junior School Present ‘The Pied Piper’ All Welcome. RSVP: Helen Smith, 01242 522697 or email smith.helen@cheltcoll. gloucs.sch.uk

18th February match v Detroit Racket Club, 626 East Woodbridge, Detroit. 19th February real tennis and rackets match v New York Rackets and Tennis Club, 370 Park Avenue, New York.






ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

if.... Forty Years On Forty years after taking part in the filming of if... at College, and with the recent DVD release, actor and OC Philip Bird (N ’68) watches the film again. ‘Dreams are Reality’ – Paris graffito 1968 If.... what? If we don’t take action, the events in this film could become reality? If we ignore and brutalise the young people in our care, these young people will retaliate with force? Or if the guardians of a society do not show resolve, forty years later there will be anti-social behaviour, casual violence and a lack of respect for the establishment and the rule of law? Rumours abound concerning the making of If.... What is certain is that director Lindsay Anderson (Ch ’41) arrived at College in 1968 with what Headmaster David Ashcroft described as a ‘disconcertingly skinny script’ and proceeded to make a film which actually changed in tone and emphasis during the filming and editing, as riots and running battles on the streets of London, Paris, Prague and elsewhere made headline news.

if.... 25

We boys were initially delighted to be involved. We got to miss lessons, dress up, fire guns, fall down dead and raid the catering trucks for as many buns as we could cram into our pockets. Anderson was charming, encouraging and, to some of us, an inspiration. We were filmed playing rugby, vaulting in the gym, marching on Field Day, and were determined not to let him – or ourselves – down. If we went a little over the top in the

Speech Day sequence, when we pretty much wrecked the inside of St John’s Church, it was only because of our wholehearted commitment to the project. But being film stars also had its downside. We stood for hours in battledress while Anderson composed his shots for the Field Day scene; we sat for hours in Chapel while the director of photography tried to flood the building with light; and we even discovered that the impact of bombs, smoke machines and exploding tea urns is considerably reduced when repeated for take after take. When the film was released, reactions were divided. It won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, but distributors Paramount refused to show it under their banner because it was ‘an incitement to riot’. We performers gloried in its rebelliousness (and the first full-frontal female nude in British cinema) while College governors and the Headmasters’ Conference accused Anderson of deception. Forty years later, If.... is still susceptible of different interpretations, and retains its power to provoke. There are three speeches near the end of the film, setpieces by the Headmaster, the Chaplain and a visiting General, and at the time, declaimed in the cut-glass accents of the

ruling class, they sounded, to these ears, absurdly stuffy, middle-aged and out of touch. But the themes of these speeches – duty and respect, sacrifice and service – not only open a window on to a bygone era but also, perhaps, throw some light on to where we are today. Because if we subject to ridicule the pillars which sustain our society, and If we subsequently allow a Prime Minister to declare that ‘there is no such thing as society’, it is hardly surprising if the bonds which hold us together become fatally weakened.

Lindsay Anderson whilst at College.

If.... is both a snapshot of a particular late-sixties mood which uses the model of an English boarding-school as a metaphor for the repressive nature of English society, and a possibly unwitting signpost to the present-day uncertainty of a nation which has gleefully attacked its own foundations. With many thanks to Julian Verity (Xt ’70), Richard Davies (Ch ’68), Simon Reed (Ch ’69), James Woollett (H ’68), David Preedy (B ’68), David Williams (H ’72), Nick Byrd (B ’71), Nick Lipscomb (L ’68), Mike Nicholls (L ’70), Philip Tuite Dalton (N ’68), Peter Shield (T ’70) and Peter Krakenberger (H ’68) for their variously clear and fuzzy memories.




Plane Fantastic

By Giles Selby (H ’94)

After the quickest shower possible and a rapid brush of the teeth it was an all-out race to don pyjamas, dressing gowns and scurry down to Lower school to savour the last remaining hours of break-time before lights out was declared. We found different ways of occupying our time before bed but I found myself drawing aeroplanes with my friend Luke Morraine-Griffiths (OJ). This passion for aeroplanes never waned and after a degree in Latin American Studies and a 3 year sojourn in sales, sailing instruction, and PR, I decided it was time to test this lingering fascination for aviation and put it to the test. I had the feeling the process of becoming a commercial pilot could take a while and so with my bags packed I enrolled myself into an air school on the coast of South Africa’s Eastern Province. 16 months later I was let loose with a pilot’s licence and all that was left to do was the hard part of finding my first job. Thankfully it came in good time and my new life would start in Windhoek, Namibia. There followed 3 years in a variety of Cessna’s finest flying machines. The views were memorable; if it wasn’t the awe-inspiring brilliance of a sunrise over the Namib Desert or the anticipation of the Zambezi’s crescendo at Victoria Falls, it was the sheer variety and richness of life on the Okavango Delta that filled the windshield. After the day’s business had been done there was just enough time to linger a little longer at the bar to see the sun over the horizon. Although this new life played out continents apart from my old one, I still managed to receive a visit from Mark Christopherson (L ’94) and Tom de Haan (L ’94), two OC friends of mine. But too much of a good thing was limiting my career and it was time to move on. I traded in the grunt of piston power for the sophisticated whine of turboprops. Although not quite as dramatic this new life has brought its own unique view from the cockpit. From the controlled chaos of approaches into Angola’s capital, Luanda, to the sinister calm of spiral descents into Iraq I now find myself once again in the desert but this time the Algerian Sahara. Ironically, with my new posting in North Africa, I have been more in touch with home, as the powers that be deem it essential for the crews to have 5 weeks off every 5 weeks. I have been a willing convert to this routine and used the time to catch up with old school friends and go on unnecessary holidays. It has also allowed me to attend the wedding of Angus Baillie (L ’94), a friend since our first day in the first form at CCJS back in September 1983. May I wish him and his new wife, Shayne, all the very best for the future.

Cheltondale Remembered By Chris Thorp (Ch ’49) Reading F. G. Wallace-Hadrill’s memoir in ‘Floreat 08’ reminds me of my own days during the war and after. I was especially interested in his references to the Cheltenham air raids, the main one of which was Wednesday, December 11, 1940. This one was a major factor in my attending College. At that time we were living in St. Lawrence, Christ Church Road, and I was attending Glyngath School, which used to be across the road from Christ Church. That night one of the bombers dropped a stick of bombs. The last but one bomb landed in the Cheltenham Ladies’ College tennis courts behind our back garden and the final one twelve feet from our kitchen. Needless to say, our house was severely damaged and had to be torn down later. Fortunately we were unhurt, and in January had a new house on Battledown Approach. The time of the bomb was almost a miracle. My father was an ARP warden across the road at the Barlows’ house. At 8.45 he phoned to see if we were all fine and my mother said she was about to go to the kitchen and make a pot of tea. My father told her he came off duty at 9.00 so she should wait. At 8.55 the kitchen disappeared together with two more stories of our house into the basement. The irony of the whole raid was that on the next day Lord HawHaw announced that the bombers had successfully bombed Gloucester! Presumably the navigator saw the tower of Christ Church and thought he had Gloucester Cathedral.


The following September I became a boarder at CCJS and then to Cheltondale. I remember Dick Juckes fondly. He was indeed a perfect housemaster, kind, considerate, and wonderful adviser. Like all Owenites under his care I have a number of entertaining memories too. I was there for his last term and for the first term of H. C. F. Johnston, who was one of my teachers and who at my suggestion directed our 1949 House Play. By another coincidence, my former headmaster at CCJS, Mr Johnson, was also my adviser when I took my Dip. Ed. at Oxford. I also have nothing but praise for Guy ElliotSmith who handled war and post-war tasks with efficiency, including VE day that started with a chapel service at which the names of all known OC fatalities were read. He also later arranged a special showing of the Belsen footage at a local cinema. His advice to me guided me to Oriel College, Oxford where I spent enjoyable years. Of course, it was also his College! He also was responsible for hiring Dr Muller to teach German when another school let him go, presumably because he was German. Dr Muller was a great example of a fine teacher and perfect gentleman. I also remember in 1948 or 1949 we had two boys from Germany who each spent a term with us, a reminder that a whole race should not be condemned for the sins of some. College and the staff were responsible in great measure for my 47 years in full- and part-time teaching from elementary (10/11 year-olds) school to post-graduate courses at University, and I shall be eternally grateful.


-cellent Job!

By Tori King (A ’03)

College asked me to write an article about my current job as Personal Assistant to Dannii Minogue. So here I am, currently flying back from St. Tropez having had a few days holiday and some photo shoots for the X Factor. Not a bad life hey? Here is an insight on how I got here and what the role includes. Leaving College I had no idea of where or what I wanted to do with my life. I went to Uni, to the London College of Fashion, but soon realised it was not right for me despite achieving distinctions and student of the year 05. Whilst there I was working for a temp agency and one day they rang me with an offer of a permanent job as a Hostess for the Honda Formula One Race team. I had 30 minutes to make my mind up, said yes, and found myself travelling around the world for 8 months of the year looking after the Team, Drivers and VIP’s! After two seasons of working and playing hard I decided I wanted a more purposeful and fulfilling job.


months of the year, that’s a lot of clothes shopping!! On the set of the X Factor I am a second pair of hands making sure she has everything she needs and filming from her perspective runs smoothly. The hours are long and demanding but on a personal level the perks are amazing. I travel with her for work as well as personal jollies. It is a job which demands organization out of chaos. I can go to work with a day of admin ahead but within moments of arriving I am leaving on another urgent errand. I have no set job description, every day is different!

Having done a PA course at Queens in London, I spoke to the contacts I had made in F1. As a result I was short-listed for the role of Dannii Minogue’s PA and to my surprise I was offered the job! This really was an offer I could not refuse at the age of 21 with no previous PA experience. There is no easy way to explain what I do other than to say everything and anything. I organize Dannii’s day to day life, from booking appointments, picking up the dry cleaning, present shopping in Harrods, organising red carpet outfits as well as all the small things in between that keep her hectic schedule running smoothly. I do her styling for the X Factor show, this involves preparing 3 to 4 different outfits a week to include one red carpet style and one for the live shows. As the filming of the show runs for 9

The Wanderer Returns By Joseph Clarke (L ’06) On leaving College in ’06, I worked in the famous Cranchy’s Sweetshop in Salcombe, South Devon, in a care home and in a bar. In February 2007, all cashed up, I chucked in my non-stop work routine and took to the road. I flew to Tanzania for a 3 week whistle-stop African taster staying with my twin brother Ed who had already spent 5 months out there on his own gap year adventure. After having schemed, planned and gathered my thoughts at home, I was ready for the next stage. In March 2008 having arrived in New Delhi I took a twelve-hour bus ride to the foothills of the Himalayas, on arriving I was met by a Tibetan stranger, Migmar, my new best friend for 5 months. It is here in Mcleod Ganj, home to the Dalai Lama (spiritual leader of Tibet), that I took on the role of English Teacher, ‘Sir’, for four mind-numbing months. My humble establishment was Nechung Dorje Drayangling Monsatery on the campus of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile. During my Monastery’s puja (3 week ‘holy-time’) I disappeared off to Nepal. A thirty-seven hour bus journey (yes, 37!) delivered me ‘in pieces’ to embark on a whistle-stop backpacking adventure Mk II - a more ridiculous 3 week itinerary than my African taster. It was on this excursion I undertook the typical bungee jump and white water rafting. I returned to complete my teaching placement, at the end of which my older brother, his and my girlfriend joined me. Having visited Ladakh on the Cheltenham trekking expedition, a place worth visiting again, we headed north to Ladakh. Planning my finances with care enabled me to finish my travelling exploits in style. We toured this magnificent region extensively, in a chauffeur-driven 4x4 vehicle, taking ‘in our stride’ the world’s three highest motorable passes, the 180km-long Pangong Tso Lake that stretches 2/3rds into Tibet and as far north as a western traveller can legally venture, to the desolate dunes of the astonishing Nubra Valley - to the sound of Tracey Chapman blaring from every window and air-con vent on the vehicle. I succumbed to a short bout of ear-splitting altitude sickness on the eight-day Markha Valley Trek and then began my journey home. I have finished my first year at St George’s University of London, reading Biomedical Science with a view to doing medicine as a postgraduate degree. Next stop, Tooting, South London, St George’s Hospital. 28


FEATURE ARTICLES... What have you been up to?


Amey Dyckmans (’03) – Graduated from Tilburg University, the Netherlands, having studied International Economics. Then took a Master’s in International Economics at the University of Konstanz in Germany graduating in 2008. Becca Demczak (’04) – Graduated from Oxford Brookes in 2007 with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology. Now works as a Graduate Environmental Scientist. Yit Liang Yew-Booth (’05) – Graduated from UCL in 2008 with a 1st in Physiology. Lucy Clark (’06) – For gap year trained with Police to become a Special Constable. Currently in second year at Plymouth University studying Criminology. Hopes to join the regulars, aiming for CID. Cecily Weinberger (’06) – Travelled in Europe for gap year learning French & Spanish. Currently reading History at the University of Vienna.

Boyne House David Stephens (’03) – Travelled in Africa with Richard Ruberti (Xt ’03) and Shaun Davy (L ’03) and then NewZealand/ Asia with Phil Giblin (S ’03), Douglas White (N ’03) and Henry Harrison (Xt ’03). Graduated in 2007 from Bristol with a 2:1 in Economics, currently working for Close Brothers Merchant Bank in London. John Tulloch (’03) – Graduated in 2008 from the Royal Veterinary College, awarded the honorary position of Dairy Intern at Michigan State University which started in November 2008. Kin Ho (’04) – Graduated in 2008 from Liverpool University having read Architecture. Currently undertaking work experience in London with Stamos Yeoh Architects as an Assistant. Patrick Odenwalder (’04) – Graduated in 2008 from UCL having read Engineering with Business Finance. Ed Kirkby (’05) – Graduated in 2008 from Exeter University having studied Exercise and Sports Science. Charles Goldwait (’06) – At University of Texas, Austin studying Human Biology, due to graduate in 2009. Chandos




Newick House


Joanna Beetson (’03) – Graduated with a BA Hons in Sociology and Social Policy from Newcastle University in June 2007. Amy Orr (’03) – Graduated in 2007 from Edinburgh University with a BSc Hons in Astrophysics and an MSc in Finance & Investment. Currently working in Mayfair in Portfolio Construction. Katarzyna Pawlik (’04) – Graduated in 2008 from UCL with a 2.1 in History of Art. Bea Bowles (’05) – Currently at Manchester University studying towards a BSc in Clothing Technology and Fashion Management with a placement year in Industry. Edward Holland (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Economics and Business Management in 2007. Matthew Day (’04) – Worked in a factory for 6 months and then did TEFL in Shandong Province China. Just finished his 3rd year of Medical Studies at the University of Dundee doing an intercalated degree in Clinical Research. Michael Luk (’04) – Graduated with a First Class Honours degree in Theoretical Physics from Imperial College in 2007; also attained the Part III Maths Tripos at Cambridge in 2008. Currently doing a PhD at Brown University in the States. James Stumbles (’06) – In final year at Oxford Brookes University studying Business Management. Mark Stewart (’03) – For gap year, had a commission with army as a Platoon Commander. Graduated in 2007 with a 2:1 in Economics and Philosophy from UCL. Currently working for KPMG. Alex Gerald (’04) - Passed the RCB and then travelled through Australia, New Zeland, Hong Kong, China and Thailand meeting up with Henry Dumas (H ’04), George Harford (H ’04), and Doug Ross (NH ’04). Currently at Bristol University studying aeronautical engineering. Plans to enter Sandhurst on graduation. Jack Joy (’04) – Graduated from York University with a 2:1 in History. Tom Layton (’04) – In fourth year at Plymouth University doing a Bachelor of Education becoming a Primary School Teacher. In second year took a year out and went travelling in Kenya, teaching at Greensted School near Nakuru. On graduation would like to teach in a London primary state school. Guy Warren-Thomas (’04) – Graduated from UCL in 2008 with a 2.1 in French and Spanish. George Watts (’04) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BSc Hons in Biology in 2007. Hugh Wigzell (’04) – Graduated from York University with a 2:1 in History. Paul Murphy (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Economics and Business Management in 2007. David Miller (’05) – Graduated in 2008 from Durham having read Zoology. Currently working with Deloitte in London. Daniel Tennant-Ralphs (’05) – In final year at Cardiff University studying Italian & Spanish. Managed to fit in appearances on the Weakest Link & BBC Question time during his studies! Samuel Cover (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Geography and Planning in 2007. Simon Glover (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Geography and Planning in 2007. Douglas White (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BSc Hons in Agri-Business Management in 2007. Alexander Wigzell (’03) – Graduated from Newcastle University with a BA Hons in Applied Communication in 2007. Rob Mace (’04) – Graduated in 2007 from Durham University with a 2:1 in History & Politics. Worked for 6 months before travelling around the Far East, now at The College of Law, London, doing a Graduate Diploma in Law and Legal Practice. Doug Ross (’04) – Graduated in 2008 from Bristol University with an MA in Chemistry and now training to be an RAF Officer. George Hood (’05) – Had a gap year in Kenya with Hugh Sancroft-Baker (H ’05) and a brief trip to Italy. In final year at Reading University studying Agricultural Business Management. Hopes to have a career in Farm Business consultancy although ultimate ambition is to farm himself.

FEATURE ARTICLES... Our Gap Year Charlie Straker-Nesbit (Xt ’07) I left College and headed off to Auckland, New Zealand where I was employed as a gap student tutor for a year. I worked at Saint Kentigern’s College, a private school of 1600 pupils of which only 80 were boarders. There was a very varied job description which I uncovered on arrival! I helped as a teacher’s aid, worked in the PE department helping with practical classes and I was also involved in coaching sport, especially cricket and rugby. The boarding house where I resided, Bruce House, was also a fantastic part of my job, helping look after 70 boys on a day-to-day basis. I really know now what College Housemasters go through! In the holidays, I was able to travel the length and breadth of New Zealand, with a variety of people. I visited the majority of the country with my twin sister Lexi and other gap students from Saint Kents. Mostly we went on the Kiwi experience bus programme, but on another occasion we hired a camper van to see parts of the South Island that the Kiwi experience missed. I was visited by a plethora of OCs. In May, Saint Kents hosted a small touch rugby tournament which was dubbed ‘Pommes vs. Polys’, in which Will Sandbach (N ’07), Murray Able (Xt ’07), Ben Nelson (N ’07) and I participated and won. Tori Martin (Cha ’07), Aggi Whayman (Cha ’07) and Kat White (Cha ’07) also came to St Kents and we met again in Pahia, at the top of the North Island. There was also a larger contingent that came out consisting of Ross Crane (L ’07), Harry Osbourne (N ’07), Kia Maclean (Cha ’07), Katie May (Cha ’07), Ben Sibthorpe (BH ’07) and Josh Fehnert (H ’07), which fortunately coincided with the first England All Black rugby test!! The best part of my year away was working and living in a completely different culture, being able to coach and play sport in a different environment and travelling in an independent way. It was a gap year that I wanted to do, and although difficult at the start, it ended up as great fun and gave me an incredible insight into New Zealand and its wonderful people. I am now heading off to Birmingham University to read Geography on a 3 year course.

Alexandra Straker-Nesbit (A ’07) I departed last September to Christchurch, New Zealand to start a gap year, and went to St Albans Cricket club to play for the Ladies. I was flat sharing when I first arrived with the Men’s Premier team Captain and another girl who was at University in Canterbury. I had a mentor who introduced me to Christchurch and became a very good friend. When I arrived I signed up with a nannying company and did babysitting and nannying in the school holidays. I also emailed several Prep schools seeking Sports Coach or Teacher’s Aid jobs. Luckily two schools replied, Selwyn House, an all girls school and Medbury, an all boys school. At Selwyn the job was very varied: I helped in the front office, in the pre-school, occasionally with years 1 and 2, after school care and duties in the boarding house where I was the resident tutor. At Medbury I was taken on as their cricket pro and twice a week I coached the years 4 and 5 boys! After two months I was taken on as the live-in tutor in the girls’ boarding house at Selwyn House. This was awesome because it gave me extra work with food and accommodation!! I trained once a week at the cricket club and also coached the 4th grade team once a week. St Albans had 6 New Zealand caps (‘white ferns’) in the team, so I knew straight away it was going to be a challenge to make the women’s Premier team. However I managed, much to my surprise, and learnt a lot from these individual women and from many of the other more experienced cricketers in the team. I travelled round the North and South Islands with friends both from New Zealand and from England, my twin brother Charlie and with other family members when they came to visit at Christmas. At the end of the cricket season, I flew to Australia to travel the coast from Melbourne to Cairns with Sophie Burness (A ’07). We saw many OC gap students during our travels including Phoebe Smith, Ben Ronald, Katie Duncan, Jack Walkom, James Bennett, David Hutchens, Kylie Marsh and Sam Gifford. From Cairns I headed back to Auckland, Charlie and I then went to Fiji for a week to see some of the Islands in the Yasawi! We spent 5 days island-hopping which was incredible! We returned to Auckland and 3 days later flew home via LA to be greeted by Mum at the airport and begin the next chapter of our lives! All in all it was the most amazing year of my life so far and everything I did gave me great experiences and opportunities. No regrets, just great memories. I am now heading off to Reading University to start a 4 year Art course. 30



Anecdotes of College Life By George Truell (OJ ’36)


Having met Bridget Vick at an OC Luncheon, she bullied me into putting some of my anecdotes, of the College since 1850, on paper and so here we go!

His elder brother R H Truell was at College from 1851-1855 and was in the Cricket XI and Rugger XX. He joined the Army, served through the Indian Mutiny and the Egyptian Campaigns of 1882 and 1885, then retired and was President of the Cheltonian Society in 1887-1888. At College he won a ‘Steeplechase’ race for which the prize was a silver-knobbed riding crop which he gave to the College Museum (where is it now?!). When my Father E G S Truell was at Christowe (1891-1896) the organization of the rugger XV was different from now in that at a scrum the sequence for the forwards was ‘first up first down’ and so the first three to arrive were the front row and so on. My Father was one of the two ‘halves’ who played ‘left’ and ‘right’ thus on the left side of the field he was ‘scrum half’ and on the right side he was ‘fly half’. When did that system change? At least some of the

ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

Did you know? By Jill Barlow (College Archivist)

W H A Truell

I was born in Cheltenham in 1926 and lived there until I was ten. My Father E G S Truell was at Christowe from 1891-1896, and being, like me, a keen games player as well as being an enthusiastic OC he took me to watch many matches at the College. In 1933 my GrandFather W H A Truell, who had been at the College from 1853-1862, came to live in Cheltenham and also came to matches. I remember him telling me of the time he captained the Cricket XI in 1862 against Marlborough, he opened the batting and carried his bat through the innings. Batsmen 2-5 could only muster two runs between them but the tail wagged and the last man made 35 the second top score! I wonder how many they added for the last wicket? He was also in the Rugger XX – when were the teams reduced to 15 and how were the twenty organised? Those were the days when, due to fear of typhoid, all the boys drank beer. I hold a quart pewter mug inscribed ‘Cheltenham College 100 yards scratch scurry W H A Truell’ – proper prizes in those days!!


E I M Barrett

E G S Truell

Ian Moody

cricket grounds had no boundaries and in an inter-house match in 1896 my Father opened the batting for Christowe with E I M Barrett (who later played for Hampshire) who hit the first ball for which they RAN ten and the second for a seven! In those days every boy had to take his own silver spoon and forks to College! My Father went on to Sandhurst and was on parade in the Mall for Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee. Later he served in the Boer and Great Wars and was in the Home Guard in World War 2. My brother M P S Truell was at the Junior where he once converted ten tries in a 1st XV match, that being in the days when the ball was held just off the ground until the moment of kicking! He was then in Christowe from 1934-1938. From Sandhurst he went to France where he was wounded in 1940 and became a POW for five years. I was a Day Boy at the Junior for the Summer and Winter terms of 1936 during which I cycled 2 miles to and from school daily. In those days there were 170 boys in the school and Mr Johnson was Headmaster. The school was well organised and had good teaching standards. I remember having to do prep, carpentry, boxing and swimming in the evenings. We were split into patrols which were equivalent to the Senior School houses, I remember playing Cricket for my patrol and was a member of the Rugger and Cricket ‘under eleven’ teams which I greatly enjoyed. The family moved to Dorset and so I changed schools. In September 1939 I was due to go to Christowe but, as the College was requisitioned and moved to Shrewsbury, I went to Canford instead. In our village of Lympstone (in Devon) there are several OCs, one of whom is Ian Moody (Cheltondale 1942-1946) who is a keen OC and runs a splendid annual OC luncheon which is well attended and which led to these rambling anecdotes!

The formal opening of College on its present site took place in June 1843 with Prize Giving in the Great School Room, now Big Classical. Speech Days in the following years were held in Big Classical with the boys of the Classical Department on one side of the room wearing white roses and the boys of the Military or Modern Department on the other wearing red roses, thus beginning the tradition of Speech Day buttonholes. Big Modern, the other large room in the original building, served as gymnasium, classroom and museum before becoming the library. Old Junior was built in 1865 while Alfred Barry, later Bishop Barry, was Principal of College. It is his statue which stands above the door, unveiled in 1908 on the day the foundation stone of the new Junior School was laid. When the Junior Department moved out, the building found other uses. In 1936 it became the Edward Wilson Biological Laboratories which is why there is a memorial plaque to Edward Adrian Wilson, biologist and explorer, on the outside wall. The building is now divided horizontally and houses the Geography Department and the Social Club. In the wall of the Chapel Quad is a plaque commemorating the introduction of rugby football to College in 1844. One of the earliest regular games was between College teams calling themselves Grasshoppers and Fireflies. Preston (Lancs.) still has a rugby team called the Grasshoppers which was started by Old Cheltonians. The rugby/hockey pitch at the College Lawn end of College Field is called Tucker because in 1852 ‘tuck stalls’ were built along Thirlestaine Road offering (among other delights) pigeon pies, fruit pies and lemon ices to players and spectators. Reeves Field is named after its donor, Hugh Reeves (H 1884), a solicitor who in 1923 gave 14 acres of land in Charlton Park to College for playing fields. A keen rower as well as a football player, he also gave the land for the Boat House in Tewkesbury. He was a lifelong supporter of College, a Life Member of Council, President of the Cheltonian Society in 1923, Trustee and Secretary of the Cheltonian Trust and Endowment Fund 1919-1943 and Treasurer of the Old Cheltonian Lodge for 25 years. The College Legacy Society has also adopted his name. The almost illegible plaque in the north wall of Lee Close (between Common Room and New Block) reads ‘This quadrangle is named LEE CLOSE in recognition of the long and devoted services to this College of Viscount Lee of Fareham (L 1886) P.C. G.C.B. G.C.S.I. G.B.E. President of the Council’. It was unveiled in 1940 to mark the retirement from Council of Lord Lee, soldier, diplomat and politician who was MP for Fareham 1900-1918, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries 1919, and First Lord of the Admiralty 1921-22. He gave Chequers to the nation as a country house for the Prime Minister and, with Samuel Courtauld, started the Courtauld Institute of Art.

Being Head Boy of Cheltenham College Junior School By Tom Lushington (Current Pupil) On the last day of the school year the Headmaster took his last assembly. Spirits were high, and all of the year 7 pupils’ thoughts were on who was going to be the next generation of monitors and prefects. I had put my name down wanting to be a prefect. As the credit certificates were handed out my mind started to think about what the next minutes might reveal! Initially all the monitors were read out and then the prefects, my name wasn’t read out and my heart sank but I wasn’t too disappointed just pleased for all the new prefects. I then listened to the heads of houses and finally the heads of school. The Headmaster read the names of the new Heads of School. He announced the names: Adrian Montagu, Constance Tombalstone, Gabbie Goff and Tom Lushington. I sat fixed to my seat! It was only when Mr Walton said “Well done Lushy, up you go” that it sank in and I instantly felt a wave of emotions. Being head boy is a demanding job and includes responsibilities such as showing new parents round the school, supervising pupils and helping teachers, directing people to their lessons and helping students with their maths. There are extra tasks as well. For example, in the boarding house it varies from talking to homesick children to clearing away the dishes. My day usually starts with Benji complaining about getting out of his bed; we all feel it’s too early but we eventually find our way to breakfast and then on to classes. During Tuesday break time it is my job to make sure everyone is outside or during wet break watching a movie in the assembly hall. At lunch time on Tuesday there is a meeting with the Headmaster, Heads of School and the prefects to talk about the good and bad points of the week – normally to discuss various student issues and to get advice on how he would like things done around the school. My life is made easy with the help of all of the prefects, there is a saying ‘many hands make light work’ and if it wasn’t for the prefects being Head Boy would be a lot harder. I like Wednesdays because there are usually sports matches, and I really enjoy rugby. Often I am away at a match and don’t get back till 7pm when I need to go and do my prep. When there is a school production on, I help with the filming and lights with Sami Weyers. On Monday nights I do rugby training and Thursday I do Kayaking. Each night I fall into bed exhausted but always look forward to the following day. As a Head boy I have found each day varied, busy and often exciting. It is a role that I have come to enjoy and a responsibility that makes school life all the more exciting. 31

The Royal Arms below the window of Big Classical are those of H.R.H. Princess Elizabeth who visited College in 1951 (hence E.P. rather than E.R.). When she came as Queen 40 years later, she gave permission for the new day girl house to be called Queen’s. The original Cadbury Room was a large room at the top of Thirlestaine House intended for use by Council and for other special meetings. It was redecorated and furnished by the gift of Mrs Anne Cadbury and named in memory of her late husband, Martin Cadbury, who served on College Council from 1962 until his death in 1969. From 1974 to 1976 it was in Southwood but the room was required for boarders and for 2 years Council meetings had to take place in the Library. In 1978 it moved to its present location (just off the Library), the former Bursar’s secretary’s office, and was opened for use at the October 1978 Council meeting. The Jack Ralphs Studio was named in honour of the English master and Day Boy Housemaster who made such a great contribution to College drama during his 25 years here. Jack Ralphs died in 1987 and the theatre, converted from an old science lecture theatre, was first used for plays in 1988. The official opening by PJ Kavanagh in November 1990 was part of the 150th Anniversary celebrations and was followed by a production of ‘Ring Round the Moon’ by Jean Anouilh.

Then there’s the Hardy Lecture Theatre called after H.H. Hardy (1919-32), the first Headmaster (his predecessors were Principals), the Homfray Room in the Junior School, named after Barbara Homfray who taught there from 1956 to 1961, the Pallister Library which takes its name from John Pallister who taught at College from 1948 to 1976 and was Head of Science from 1962. 32




A walk above the clouds Climbing up to Uhuru Peak (5895m), Kilimanjaro, Tanzania.


By James B Quibell (Xt ’93)

By Patricia & David Baker (Past Parents)

I boarded at Cheltenham from 1988 to 1993 in Christowe, under the infamous and excellent Dr. Sloan I then studied a BSc Hons at Roehampton Institute, and rowed for the London Rowing Club. I married Thomasin Caff in 1998 moving to South Africa in 1999. I worked as a church youth worker and was then appointed Housemaster at Stanford Lake College, a co-ed day/boarding independent school with 275 students. I am now Deputy Headmaster and HOD for the Outdoor Education department. We have 3 children: Sarah 8, Sam 6, and Alice 5 months.

You expect your children to outlive you - it is one of those things you take for granted, until something happens to change that. Our son Tom was diagnosed with lymphoma in October 2007 at the age of 28. How could it be? The MRI scan was supposed to be for back pain – the legacy of an Oxford rowing career. Instead it revealed multiple cancerous growths. We were devastated. Things were made worse initially by uncertainty over whether it was the sort with a good chance of survival – Hodgkins, or the other sort - Non-Hodgkins. Nor did we know how far it had spread. Further tests brought some good news, some bad. Good – it was, thank heavens, the ‘right’ sort. Bad – it was at an advanced stage, just about to attack other parts of his body. He started chemotherapy immediately – a punishing process by which poison is injected into the system to kill the cancer. It also does severe damage to the rest of the body but it is the only treatment available. To see him linked up to the tubes pumping in the chemical concoctions and the after-effects was heartbreaking. If only it could have been one of us – like any parent we would willingly have taken it on ourselves to spare him. Tom was far more mature than we were, coping brilliantly. His example gave us courage. We were glad he was married – his wife Leona was a tower of strength. When he was given the all-clear in May, the relief was inexpressible. The experience has given us all a new perspective on life. There always remains the threat of it returning necessitating more treatment, but Tom found out from his Consultant about some promising new research – called immunotherapy - into why the body’s own immune system doesn’t recognise these cells as a threat,

We thought climbing Kilimanjaro would be a good way to celebrate Stanford Lake College’s 10th anniversary and so I organised such a trip for 17 students, 3 past pupils, 2 staff, 3 parents and 2 guests (27 in all). allowing them to multiply. If recognition could be triggered maybe the body could cure itself, avoiding the need for chemotherapy. But finance to continue was in short supply. So Tom has set himself the challenge of raising the necessary money to fund a 3 year research project into this aspect of cancer treatment. As part of the fundraising he got himself back to fitness and, together with some friends, undertook at their own expense a 700km sponsored bike ride over the Alps – La Route des Grandes Alpes – in September. We are tremendously proud of him and his commitment to doing something to help others avoid what he and so many have to go through in the hope of being cured. If you would like to know more about the research project and see an amusing blog of the trip, please log on to:http://blog.bpmlogic.net/tombaker and www.justgiving.com/tombaker1

The Langrishe connection

By Nick Langrishe (Xt ’60)

The Langrishe connection with College started back in 1899 with my grandfather Lt. Col. Richard B, a powerful rower who also went for a rugger trial for Ireland. I have fond memories of him as he gave me my first beer at the Irving Hotel. He was followed in 1926 by my father Lt. Col. Richard C G who was also very sporting – in Malaya he taught my brother and me to water-ski, often together, as the boat was powerful enough to pull 2 skiers. Like my father, my uncles John (PJD) and Hugh also went to Christowe in 1930 and 1936 and finally my brother Major Richard D and I followed them in 1955 and 1956; Richard was another natural sportsman who played in the Christowe 1st XV for 3 seasons as hooker with me joining him in the 3rd year when we won the pot.

Our best results are a 2nd at the last British Adult National Championships at Silver Compulsory Dance, and we have just returned with a 5th place at the World Adult Championships, Oberstdorf at Silver. 33

Situated in Tanzania, East Africa with Uganda and Kenya to the North, Malawi and Zambia to the south and the Indian Ocean and Zanzibar to the East, Kilimanjaro is a collection of three mountains, Shira Ridge 3962m, Kibo 5895m and Mawenzi 5149m. It is also the highest free-standing mountain in the world, the highest in Africa and one of the world’s largest volcanoes.

My Kilimanjaro disappointments • A bout of gastro starting on summit night and the necessity for a strong course of antibiotics. • The commercial nature of the trip resulting in lots of litter and strong-smelling ablutions!!

The Route There are many routes to reach the summit of Kilimanjaro, we wanted a slow climb to allow ourselves opportunity to fully acclimatise and so we walked the Lemosho Route which took us 7 days. Taking this route helps reduce altitude sickness of headaches, nausea and sleeplessness.

What did Kilimanjaro mean to me? Some say that to summit Kilimanjaro is a very spiritual experience. I would agree and I know many of our group experienced a strong spiritual awareness. Furthermore it was about survival and stumbling my way to the summit. As HOD of Outdoor Education there was a well-defined expectation to reach the top!!

• From a starting point at 220m we made our way to Forrest Camp at 2650m. • Camp 2 was on the Shira plateau at 3610m. • Camp 3 at Barranco 3950m took 10 hours walking high to 4500m and camping low. • Camp 4 at Karanga was an easier 4 hours settling at about 4000m. • The final camp is Barafu at 4600m, again an easier 4 hours. From here we made our ascent to Stella Point at 5700m and on to Uhuru Peak the summit at 5895m.

Kilimanjaro is much more than a summit. It is the life-lesson that to set goals is theoretical; to achieve them takes hard work, persistence and determination. Labor omnia vincit! Some averages • 25,000 tourists attempt the summit each year; 70 per day • There are 3 porters for every client; 75,000 porters • 100,000 people a year on and around the mountain.

Submitted by John Waters (BH ’60 & Past Parent) The Sir Alan Cobham Memorial Award for 2007 has been won by Cheltenham-educated Charlie Waters (BH ’02). Charlie was a student at Cheltenham College Junior and Senior School from 1994 to 2002 before gaining a degree in Biology at Southampton University. He also played hockey for Cheltenham Town and represented Gloucestershire as well.

PJD Langrishe RCG Langrishe

The prestigious award is made by the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators to the most meritorious student pilot graduating from a college or school of civil or military aviation. Particular consideration was given to the candidate’s progress through the course, including qualities of character, leadership, involvement in sport, recreation and voluntary service in addition to flying and academic achievement. The presentation of the award was made by Sir Stuart Rose, Chairman and Chief Executive of Marks and Spencer plc, at the Guild’s Banquet held in the Guildhall in the City of London. Charlie attended flight school at Flight Training Europe’s facility based at Jerez Airport, Spain where he gained his Private and Commercial Pilot’s licences with distinction. He was elected President of the Student Body and, during his tenure, had to deal with a series of difficult problems which were a challenge to both Management and Students. He was able to work closely with Management and address each problem with abundant common sense and good manners, all this while striving for and achieving top marks in his qualifications.

Hugh Langrishe

RB Langrishe

My Kilimanjaro High points • Reaching the summit is of course brilliant. It takes several hours, days or in my case a couple of weeks before you are really pleased you did it. • The sunrise over Africa is slow, orange and beautiful. • Team work of the group and especially my 2i/c dragging me the last 20 metres to Stella Point! (5700m). • All of our 17 students making it to the top, and the way they helped each other.

The Sir Alan Cobham Memorial Award

My wife, Anna, and I started adult ice dancing in the 1990s – that Torvill and Dean stuff you see on the television every winter. Initially, you compete at inter-club events which are friendly and cater for all standards, before moving on to Open Competitions, which are serious and include Compulsory Dances (set patterns) and Free Dances (lifts, spins and twizzles) and finally up to National/International events, which may have the full TV treatment with a ‘Kiss & Cry’ and international judging system.


N Langrishe (centre back row) R Langrishe (2nd from left middle row)

Since leaving Jerez, Charlie was recruited by British Airways and now flies as a First Officer in their Airbus A320 fleet.

Photographs of Award Ceremony (Charlie Waters, Sir Stuart Rose and the Master of the Guild of Air Pilots and Navigators) and of Charlie in BA uniform. Sir Alan Cobham was a British aviator and pioneer of long-distance flight who promoted “air-mindedness” in the British public in the 1930s. Indeed it was he who persuaded Gloucester and Cheltenham Town Councils to invest in Staverton Airfield. During WWII, his company Flight Refuelling relocated to Staverton when its base at Ford in Sussex was bombed by the Luftwaffe.




Memoirs of An OC I was recently invited to contribute to a small inclusion to the ‘Floreat’ exploring memories of my time at Cheltenham College between 1925 and 1929. I remember with great affection the glorious school buildings, formal gatherings in the library, the classrooms with the fixed wooden desks and the artistically inscribed initials thereon (strictly against regulations). Mortar boards and grey flannels, brown Scottish tweed madeto-measure in ‘Plants’. I can recall the sight of six tailors sitting cross-legged whilst stitching our garments to order. I was a Day Boy during my schooling and I remember cold showers being offered but seldom chosen. In the early years, I was chosen to cox the rowing IV and many happy hours were spent in and on the river. One unfortunate incident necessitated the fatal instruction ‘abandon ship’ whilst we failed to control the capsizing of the boat and crew, who struggled to the bank clutching their oar. I am particularly grateful to the College for the careful nourishing of musical appreciation, Mr Taylor and his evocative choral music, and also the theatre studies, two interests which have sustained me ever since, together with lifelong friendships formed, particularly with Morrell Irving and Alfred Jarrett-Kerr. My contemporaries at that time include Arrowsmith who held the office of Head of College.

A Homage to Henry Purcell

350th Anniversary Concert St John’s Smith Square November 22nd 2009 at 7.30pm

Grayston Burgess (Xt ’50) was a Senior Chorister at Canterbury Cathedral when he350th came to College Anniversary Concert in 1946. StHe excelled in John’s Smith Square both Sport (1st Hockey and November 22nd 2009 at 7.30pm Rugger) and Music (Choral Scholarship to King’s College Cambridge). He left to go to King’s Cambridge where he married Mary Bryan the Under-Matron of Boyne Come Yehe Sonsmet of Art whilst House whom at College. Celestial TheyMusic had three daughters and were married Ode for St Cecilia’s Day (1692) for 44 years before she died of cancer in 1997. IN AID OF THE PRINCE’S DRAWING SCHOOL

Come Ye Sons of Art Celestial Music Ode for St Cecilia’s Day (1692)


Grayston can be contacted on grayston@btinternet.com

On leaving Cambridge Grayston became a professional Singer and Conductor. He is putting on his final Concert at St John’s Smith Square in London on 22nd November 2009 entitled ‘Homage to Henry Purcell’. He would be delighted to meet any OCs who happened to be around for this special occasion.


By Kenneth Apps (Day Boy ’29) He executed his often difficult duties with great dignity and innovative imagination and, as such, was a great personal hero to me and an outstanding example of the calibre of Cheltenham College. The school year was rounded off with the junior T A Cadet Camp which was huge fun and offered outstanding training for Army Qualification entrance exams. Although I was extremely happy during my time at Cheltenham College, I never really applied myself academically more than absolutely necessary. I do still recall that I failed to complete that essay on Lord Nelson, in spite of having to buy the book myself out of my pocket money! Nevertheless, I emerged well equipped to pursue a career with the R I C S and worked in London until the outbreak of war. I have been lucky enough to enjoy a long and happy married life, and a variety of interesting occupations with the Civil Service. I have also farmed, sailed, gardened and spent many happy hours with the Royal Shakespeare Company. I have lived in various parts of England and Ireland settling, ultimately, in South West Scotland. I much enjoyed my visit to the 2007 Christmas Carol Service which provoked many happy memories of a hugely fulfilling, instructive and thoroughly enjoyable period of my formative years.

1918 – 2008 Ninety Years of Remembrance Ninety years on from the end of the First World War we remember the 3,541 Cheltonians who served of whom 675 died. 1058 British decorations made which included 6 VCs, 382 MCs, 275 DSOs, 7 DFCs, 200 Foreign Honours and 1,440 Mentions in Dispatches.

By Geoffrey Dalzell-Payne (H ’45) Of the sundry killings of British troops after their surrender during and just after the retreat to Dunkirk, the slaughter of a body of men from the Royal Warwickshire Regiment has been written about most. Now H. Sebag-Montefiore in his splendid ‘Dunkirk’, published in 2006, has detailed a horrific massacre of ninety-seven soldiers of the Royal Norfolk Regiment, an atrocity of unimaginable bestiality. It was carried out by members of the 1st Battalion of the 2nd Infantry Regiment of the S. S. Deathshead (Totenkopf) Division on 27th May 1940, in frustration at the superb defence against odds uncounted put up by the Norfolk men under their Cheltonian commanding officer, ‘thirty-seven year old Major Lisle Ryder, who was to play such an important role in the heroic fighting.’ L. C. D. Ryder (L ’20) was one of five in his distinguished family who went to Cheltenham. The head of the family was Lord Harrowby. The family seat was, and still is, Sandon Hall, just two miles outside Stokeon-Trent, where the earl had 5,000 of his 20,000 acres, the other three estates being each in a different county. The total rental income in the mid 1880s was £20,000 pa equivalent to well over a million pounds a year today, though the richest family member was the Ryders’ cousin Baroness Burdett-Coutts, for long head of the eponymous bank and Europe’s wealthiest woman. She made one of the Ryders a partner in her bank. Ryder’s brothers were Maj. E. T. D. (L ’23), a Ghurka regular killed in the aftermath of the Singapore debacle and Capt R. E. D. (L ’25), the gallant leader of the St Nazaire Raid, for his part in which he won a V. C. He was in the Dieppe Raid too, and from 1950 a Norfolk MP. Their father was Col. C. H. D. Ryder (Day Boy 1884), a great explorer and SurveyorGeneral of India, while their uncle Lt. Col. W. I. Ryder (Day Boy 1883), was Churchill’s superior officer in the latter’s baptism of fire during the 1897 Malakand campaign, in which Ryder was wounded; he was played in the film ‘Young Winston’ by Peter Cellier. Lisle Charles Dudley Ryder joined the Norfolk Regiment and later served with the West African Frontier Force before returning to his British regiment. Following in his father’s footsteps as an explorer, he was in the 1934 Graham Land Antarctic Expedition, its ship ‘Discovery II’ being commanded by his brother Robert. In the B.E.F. of 1939-1940, Lisle Ryder’s 2nd Battalion formed part of 4 Brigade in 2 Division. Having retired from the River Scheldt, Ryder’s men were ordered to join in the manning of the La Bassee Canal, vital in keeping open the escape corridor to the Dunkirk port and beaches. Ryder’s men were in the very centre of the divisional front. ‘They were being given the most difficult assignment handed to any unit in the B.E.F. It is doubtful whether any battalion in these brigades suffered more torment on and around the canal line than the 2nd Royal Norfolk men. To begin with no one had anything like enough sleep… In the course of a meeting during the night of 24-5 May, Ryder told the company commanders that they must abandon any thought of having a good night’s sleep: instead, they must prepare for action… The battalion’s companies were to move up to the canal line immediately, in the dark… It would have been a difficult assignment for a full-strength, well-rested battalion, but it was immeasurably harder for an understrength unit whose men were suffering from varying degrees of sleep deprivation. At this point, the battalion consisted of just 450 officers and other ranks.’ On 25th May, the Germans attacked several times without properly breaking the Norfolk line but inflicting numerous casualties. By the next morning, the left-hand company only had nineteen men left, while the right-hand company was reduced to a 2nd lieutenant and seven men, having been overrun by tanks, so a Norfolk captain told that subaltern to retire to the battalion H.Q. in the village of Le Paradis. When the captain got back to H.Q. he told Ryder what he had ordered. The latter was angry at the news. ‘Go back’, he said. ‘Put the two companies together, and command them yourself.’ The cross roads were to be held at all costs – to the last man and the last round. He concluded his orders by saying: ‘Keep them back with your own pistol if necessary.’ Meanwhile, Duriez Farm, the H.Q. site, was being fortified for defence on all four sides with loopholes everywhere and straw against the corrugated-iron barn wall. At 4.30am on 27th May, the Germans started shelling the farm in which Ryder’s men were now trapped, but Ryder was in radio contact with Brigade H.Q. and, for a time, by telephone with what remained of the forward companies. There were survivors from those companies, but very few, so ‘it has been impossible to describe all the nail-biting incidents that doubtless took place as these men stood their ground against the much stronger enemy troops and armour’. The farm’s cellar was filling up with wounded men; the dead lay around


R.E.D. Ryder

E.T.D. Ryder L.C.D. Ryder

G. Dalzell-Payne

the central yard; shell fire was heavy and constant; ammunition was running out. At 2.45pm, Ryder was told by radio that he was free to escape, but, surrounded as he was by vastly superior numbers with armour and artillery, that was impossible. Ryder told the officers that any men left alive when light failed should try to escape. He then went round the men giving them the chance to make a run for it, saying that any who stayed could either fight on or surrender. As there was now only ammunition for one hour more, all agreed to surrender. Some officers and men got away from the farm, by now burning, and surrendered, and it is from one, Captain Hastings, that the tale of Ryder’s gallant feat of arms later became known. When some of those remaining in the farm went through a door and waved a white towel, they were shot down; ‘but Ryder insisted they should try again, and, five minutes later, the towel was waved out of the door once again. This time there was no firing’. In its fearless and defiant last stand, Ryder’s shrunken battalion had accounted for 710 S.S. men, according to German sources. An horrific example of bestial German conduct was now to befall Ryder and his dauntless little force, ‘the drawn-out torment suffered by one group of Royal Norfolk soldiers after they were captured at Le Paradis… The description of the massacre was so harrowing that it prompted the writer of the (1947 War Crimes) Report to state at the beginning: ‘The bringing to justice of those guilty of this brutal crime should become a crusade with every man serving in the Army today.’ Ryder and the other ninety six prisoners were, after enduring many cases of individual severe physical maltreatment, marched to Creton’s Farm. ‘There they were taken to a meadow and lined up in front of a pit… It was the presence of two machine-guns trained on them that first alerted Pooley’ – one of the two sole survivors, whose eventual escape was a wonder; the other was O’Callaghan – ‘to what might be in store for them… The next event both Pooley and O’Callaghan remembered was the German order to open fire, whereupon both guns began to fire at them… Then the machine guns stopped firing and, for a short period, all that could be heard were the cries and moans of the wounded and dying… A metallic rattle told Pooley and O’Callaghan that bayonets were being fixed. Then there were more shots, accompanied by screams of terror and pain, as the German soldiers moved among the prisoners, shooting them with pistols and bayoneting them. A German witness described (to the War Crimes Interrogation Unit) a particularly poignant scene in the midst of the carnage. He recalled seeing an older man raise himself on one elbow and point with his other hand to his heart, as if asking to be finished off. If that was what he was asking, his wish was swiftly granted… It is possible that this witness was describing the tragic death of Major Ryder who, at thirty-seven, was much older than most of the other soldiers.’ It did not take long for the more law-abiding elements within the German army to discover the evidence left behind by the S.S. at Le Paradis.’ The S.S. justification for its vile atrocity was that the Norfolk defenders had used dum-dum bullets, and had lured the S.S. from cover by waving a swastika-like flag before wiping them out by machine-gun fire, entitling their captors to ‘take our revenge for the treacherous and villainous fighting tactics adopted by the English by shooting the remainder who took part in the cowardly ambush following a court martial. Reports which give a different account are malicious and false. Evidently this report did not satisfy the officer dealing with the investigation at XVI Corps. He wrote back to ask a number of penetrating questions. ‘Sadly, the S.S. never had to reply, being swiftly removed from XVI Corps control. Lisle Ryder’s dauntless defence of his sector on the La Bassee canal and the desperate tenacity with which he conducted the last stand at Duriez Farm merit comparison with many a deed of classical valour. Though details of Ryder’s exploit eventually came to light, this lion-hearted officer was given no official recognition of any kind, yet his prowess, born of strength of character, intrepid bravery and selfless devotion to duty, can match at least some of the feats which won fourteen Cheltonians the Victoria Cross. 36



By Guy Dodd (H ’59 & Past Staff Member 1966 – 1982)

1866 – 1871

1872 – 1893

1893 – 1908

1908 – 1923

1923 – 1936

1936 – 1940

1945 – 1958

1958 – 1966

1966 – 1973

1973 – 1982

1982 – 1994

1994 to date

Rev H E Bayley

W R Porcher

G G Pruen

J Williams

G Gray

J I Mosley

E C Lamplugh

C G Browning

G Wilkin

G Dodd

C Wright

K Cook

My first contact with Leconfield was indirect. When I arrived at College in January 1955 my form master was Jim Mosley who had been housemaster when the Second World War broke out. He was an avuncular schoolmaster and on his birthday he arrived wearing gold-rimmed spectacles and sent one of us out to buy ice creams for the whole class. He had fought on the Somme and won a Military Cross; by 1955 he was a widower and the small boys of the most junior form must have seemed rather an irrelevance, but he was kind to us and we loved him. I was never quite sure why ‘Pop Mo’ didn’t return to Leconfield after the war ended – perhaps because he had by then lost his wife and the concept of a married couple running the house was firmly entrenched in College thinking. As a boy in Hazelwell I remember Leconfield as the rather gaunt building next door. Built to the same plans as Newick and Christowe, the house never displayed Cheltondale’s and Hazelwell’s attempts at architectural charm and the large copper beech which grows on the College Road side of the house is a welcome camouflage. Behind it Leconfield stretches like a super tanker, business-like but unlovely. It is a comment on the still tribal nature of College in the fifties that I don’t think I ever set foot in Leconfield as a pupil. The housemaster at the time was the kindly and respected Eric Lamplugh, soon to be succeeded by Kit Browning. Kit was an English gentleman to his finger tips and when Helen and I took over Leconfield in 1973 we felt that we didn’t quite live up to his standards. He was reputed to dress for dinner each night and Ernie Hopkins, the houseman, never tired of starting a conversation with ‘in Browning’s day….’ with the implication that we weren’t really up to it. Kit and Liz Browning were followed by the Wilkins. Guy Wilkin was astonishingly efficient - another challenge where the Dodds missed the target. Leconfield in 1973 still showed some of the formality of an earlier era. The housemaster wasn’t really very welcome down the “boys’ side”, juniors in the front desks of the sweatroom were not expected to turn round 37

to look at their adolescent seniors, and there was an unnerving custom of boys arriving to stand in front of the housemaster’s desk if they were in trouble, to the side if the call was for something routine. Fagging, only slightly disguised by use of the word ‘orderly’, still survived – just. Funnily enough that system wasn’t all bad; an understanding and generous prefect could provide his orderly with a few home comforts, like a share in a cake from home, and a near-adult ear to listen to problems. But it was better when it died a natural death. A quarter of a century on we still see the Leconfield years as a defining period in our lives. It was full immersion schoolmastering which brought with it the enormous privilege of close relationships with the boys and their families. Many of the parents became real friends and we still see some of them and their sons, often now with children of their own. Some parents made us smile, there was the charming military liaison officer who apologetically came into the sitting room bearing a brief case which he couldn’t leave in the car because ‘it contained military secrets.’ It was still there, by the arm of the chair, long after the parent had departed and we resisted the temptation to supplement the housemaster’s salary by offering it to the Soviet Embassy. Another parent used to go out to good parties on a Saturday night and would ring at about midnight, well oiled, to enquire in an off-hand manner how his son was getting on. It wasn’t a good moment for chat. I remember early in our time an army officer parent coming out of the senior sweatroom where he had been to see his son. He muttered ‘Disgusting!’ to me and disappeared. I never did discover what I had been missing. The most vivid memories? A succession of outstanding heads of house who made a larger contribution than they probably realize to the well-being of Porcherites. Prefects who took the first years camping on summer week-ends. Rugby pots finals (my memory is of many finals and no triumphs – a situation rapidly rectified under my successor Charles Wright) seemed always to be played in the mud and a gathering gloom, illuminated occasionally

by the headlights of cars turning into College Lawn. We had greater success in the house relays – a splendid end of summer event involving just about every member of the house. Victory called for a house barbecue and there was great skill, perfected by Helen, in collecting and cooking all the ingredients between the announcement of the result and the start of the party a couple of hours later. Entertaining for large numbers has never since been a problem in the Dodd household.

containing the essentials for the move to our temporary quarters, met the stone work. It was then I realized that the lower arch is a good bit higher than the upper.

Another, more predictable, occasion for celebration followed the house play. Lindsey North directed a succession of ambitious productions: Rhinoceros, Journey’s End and Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme all stick in the mind. Rhinoceros had many of the younger boys making papier mache masks and Journey’s End gave the electronics wizards their opportunity with the need for World War I pyrotechnics. (Interestingly the character of Osborne in Journey’s End was based on Gordon Wallace-Hadrill’s father. Gordon, once housemaster of Cheltondale, wrote the first of these pieces on the boarding houses.)

Memory erases the worst things and I don’t think there were many of them. The phone ringing as we came back through the door after our holidays – and it happened more than once – was all too clear a signal that we were on the job, in or out of term time. One hundred and fifty, sometimes more, pairs of socks waiting for the laundry was pretty unforgettable and the wafts of Pot

Then there were those frightful house dances, all too reflective of an age of rather stilted official relations between the sexes. A crowd of girls was imported from the Ladies’ College and paired off with the lined-up boys as they arrived. Like the animals into the Ark they entered the dance hall, aka the sweatroom, two by two. Those unhappy with their pairing – usually the girl – would plead illness and retreat. When word got about that the housemistress was on her way to vet the proceedings a certain formality descended and lasted until she could be persuaded to retreat to the private side. Stripping the house bare before the refurbishment of the mid seventies was scarcely in the housemaster’s job description but it was entertaining – Health and Safety would not have approved of the old wardrobes dropped from the second storey: the crashes were very satisfactory. We had to move out of Leconfield of course and the boys lived in Southwood and the two Roseleighs. The upper quad arch still bears the scar of where the top half of a hired van

I’m not sure how the boys viewed the changes when we returned to College Road. Some, I think, regretted the passing of the Victorian, institutional character of the house but the new bedsits and the smaller dormitories were a huge and civilising improvement.

Noodles from the boys’ kitchen only a bit better. The Bath Road bomb scare, which involved the bomb squad from Hereford, a clock on the top of the post box in the Bath Road opposite Thirlestaine House, some downcast Porcherites and some indignant (but perhaps over-jumpy) policemen, was an unusual happening. But it has since provided good dinner party conversation and at the time prompted the generous gift of a crate of wine (‘Good Ordinary Claret’ from Berry Bros and Rudd – I remember it still) from the parents of one of the miscreants. It wasn’t all bad. Monday evenings were our escape when with other housemasters we took off to a pub in order, as we said, ‘to recover from the week-end’. With no resident tutor and 75 boys in the house we weren’t joking. The Golden Hart at Nettleton Bottom was

a favourite. In the winter we always hoped for a blizzard so that we could ring David Ashcroft with a ‘sorry, snowed in’ – but it never happened. David paid his housemasters the compliment of giving us all a huge amount of independence and we really were allowed to run things as we wished. It is something for which I have always been grateful. I wouldn’t have the energy to start again tomorrow but neither Helen nor I would have missed the experience for anything. Thank you, Porcherites of our time. Porcherites are welcome to call on 01326 375673 or email gandh@doddg.fsnet.co.uk

Guy Dodd whilst Housemaster.

Guy Dodd whilst at Hazelwell.




Keeping it in the Family

A different kind of work experience

The McWilliams

The Hines

By James McWilliam (Current Student)

By Nick Hine (H ’88)

My grandfather, Sir Michael, entered College in 1946 from a prep school in Kenya, where he was born. Cheltondale was chosen because its housemaster, Juckes, promised to arrange trout fishing on the Churn. He played the clarinet, rugby and athletics and sang in the choir, and was appointed Senior College Prefect. He went up to Oriel College, Oxford and read PPE. My grandfather joined College Council in 1977 and was President from 1988-92. His career took him to C.E.O. of Standard Chartered Bank and then Director of SOAS.

I (no relation to Giles Hine of Corse Lawn Hotel fame) joined College in 1983, initially in Wilson and then Hazelwell. I spent the two previous years,’81 – ’83, at The Junior.

My uncle Robert entered Cheltondale from Beaudesert in 1975. He enjoyed rugby and tennis, and was made Head of House by Jack Ralphs. He regards his best achievement as reorganising the 6th Form social club on to a viable basis. He read economics at UCL and then a banking career in the City where he still works for RBS. Some of his closest friends today are Owenites. (Note the Cheltondale tie in the photo.) My father, Martin, joined College in 1977, also from Beaudesert. By this time there were girls in the 6th Form, in addition to joint lessons with CLC for economics. He was awarded the Ronald Guthrie Bedford Economics prize before going to UCL to read geography. He became a Managing Director at ING Barings before leaving in 2002 to become an entrepreneur. He has recently acquired a software company, which has just relocated to Cheltenham. My sister, Olivia, and I came to College as day pupils when my parents moved from London to Gloucestershire, respectively to Queen’s and Southwood. By this time of course College was fully co-ed. My sister has recently been awarded her rowing colours, demonstrating that College has now fully embraced girls in all aspects of its daily life. We were surprised though to find that over 10 masters who had taught my father and uncle were still teaching at College! In my last year it is an honour to be Head of House and Captain of Boats, and we are both proud to be third generation Cheltonians.

Sir Michael McWilliam, Olivia McWilliam, James McWilliam, Martin McWilliam, Robert McWilliam

Like Father Like Son New third formers Hugo Stewart and Duncan Jacques joined Hazelwell in September of 2008 exactly 40 years after both of their fathers David Stewart and Rod Jacques joined the house. The boys are pictured here on their first day at College with the OC Fathers, their Mothers, new Housemaster of Hazelwell Simon Conner and the two Fathers’ former Housemaster, Trevor Davies. 39


Brother Will, two years senior, started polo as a College sport under the stewardship of the then Headmaster, Richard Morgan. Richenda Hine (née Aubrey) joined College in ’86 when Chandos was the only girls’ house. Previously educated at Heathfield, Ascot, Richenda recalls those early years of College’s co-educational intake as ‘pioneering’ and ‘character-building’; despite the challenges, she was then, and is still today, impressed by the positive work ethic at College. Having first sat next to me in an Economics lesson, we soon started going out together. Gap Years ’89 – ’90 were followed by marriage in 1990 - and to mutual parental surprise, a university boycott in deference to business. As the first OCs to marry, the arrival of Rosabella (’92) and Richard (’93) was celebrated by their baptism in College Chapel. Rosabella joined College in ’05 (22 years and 19 years after her father and mother respectively started at College). Formerly Persia Head of House at The Junior, she started at College as a day girl, recently becoming a boarder in Chandos in September ’08. Richard joined College in ’06 and, although technically a day boarder in Hazelwell, his overnights at College quickly exceeded those at home, leading to full boarding status. 25 years after polo was first introduced to College (by ‘Uncle Will’), Richard has been a regular in the College Polo Team. As OCs, Richenda and I both concur that, whilst much in the world has changed in the last quarter of a century, the values enjoyed at College whilst we were both there still prevail today – the balance in College life between education and sport, rural and urban issues, being paramount to an individual’s schooling.

By Angus Philip (Current Pupil) I had the opportunity of a once in a lifetime trip this summer, and found myself heading to Afghanistan. Being in Kabul was a surreal experience, and the image of soldiers and armoured vehicles cruising through the roadside stalls and fruit sellers is something that was both unforgettable and slightly disturbing. The various cultural differences (I barely saw a woman while I was there) were also staggering. The city was still riddled with the scars of 30 years at war, and one could be driving through what seemed like an affluent area, turn a corner and see a building completely razed to the ground. It was occurrences like this, combined with the ever-present military personnel, that gave the city such a bizarre feel, and one that no amount of reading could have prepared me for. These ruins gave constant reminders that the country was in turmoil, and must have brought back horrific memories for the inhabitants. The bulk of my trip was centred on mine clearance, as I was staying with the chief of staff for the United Nations mine action programme. The presence of these mines (laid by the Russians in the 80s to protect their supply routes, and since then local war lords and Mujahadeen leaders to protect their villages) is one of the worst legacies of the conflicts, and a mammoth task to take on, as Afghanistan is one of the most mined countries in the world. Following the mine action team, I was able to see huge amounts of the country. In the first week I was able to visit the Northern provinces of Baghlan and Kunduz. The Salang tunnel (Soviet constructed tunnel 2.6 km long that crosses the Hindu kush) was definitely a highlight but the scenery and diverse culture of the North was also fantastic. The highlight however was definitely the trip to one of the more famous locations in Afghanistan, Bamiyan. This area is famous for the pair of giant Buddha carved into the mountain and destroyed by the Taliban in 2001. The mine clearance team had to do a survey on the local heritage sites to see if tourism was a possibility for the future. The mines were preventing development and people from entering these sites. The irony is that they were also the only thing preventing the looting of these sites! Seeing the Buddha was breathtaking, even in their current sorry state. The site optimizes the beauty and miraculous diversity seen throughout Afghanistan, so brutally destroyed by war. Again I was fortunate enough to visit some live minefields, which gave me my adrenaline hit for the summer! The fact that I had limited funds meant that I had to sleep on the floor of the office with the Afghans for a couple of days, while the other ex-

pats stayed in a very nice 3 star hotel. It added to the experience but the food made the school meals seem of Michelin quality. Aside from these two trips I worked in a tv station for a millionaire with gold teeth named Faizel Karim Faizel, attended a 4-hour meeting in Pashtu (in 40o heat), and was woken up by gunfire, although I was assured it was only locals shooting cats! It is an experience that I will never forget and one that has opened my eyes to a wider world of cultures and problems. How the Western governments think the situation can be resolved is beyond me, but I hope it is soon, as it was truly the most remarkable country I have ever witnessed and one that, without these problems, could flourish.

Fred Whitaker (N ’68)

the Empire if it’s found me down at the mouth of a flooding Tweed The Floreat is certainly reaching the outermost fragments of river (New Zealand)! were unsure when the practice of boys going ‘officially’ to the With regard to the College at the Races article, Martin and Lynn along as games were always called off on a pretext by the slunk We 60s. mid Gold Cup stopped. It had surely discontinued in the the TV cameras found two boys climbing under a railing on the master concerned on Gold Cup day; there was an occasion when Housemaster’s study upon their return. It may have been their to ed summon be to d surprise far side of the course, they were so hard to avoid. tried had they ent JFLB (not quite sure) who administered the punishm I left. I bet he didn’t wield the bamboo too often. After I’d after aster Housem a I was pleased to read that Gerald Vinestock became homework. Being from a New Zealand school whose my crack at been at College about a fortnight he invited me to have another that being an option at my previous school. I was instead, me beat he that ed request I College, regulations differed somewhat from been a disappointment to him! have would work my afraid astonished to discover that he wasn’t permitted to. I’m during WWII. They were very common ceased ’ beatings orial ‘prefect that The Cheltondale page (Floreat 08 page 27) tells me to ‘go and get a cane boy’ from a rack boys invited daily masters – almost daily at my previous school in NZ in the early 60s and Gerald. of request my Hence outside the masters’ common room. publication. Thanks for going to the expense and trouble of mailing me the




OLD CHELTONIAN GOLFING SOCIETY (OCGS) The OCGS is College’s largest sports Club with over 100 members and College was one of the original group of public schools to form a golfing Society in the 1930s. The Society is made up of two separate halves - the elite, 8 handicap and below golfers who represent College in the various elite Old Boys’ competitions such as the Halford Hewitt and Mellin, and the non-elite OCGS majority who play in a variety of handicapped friendly matches against other Societies and in the Festivals held in the Spring, Summer and Autumn. The participants’ ages range from the just-left 18 year olds through to those in their 80s and thanks to the handicapping system all have a chance to win some splendid OCGS silverware as well as enjoying some gentle exercise and good banter. This is really the essence of the Society and the new Committee are keen to expand activities across the country and in particular to attract the recent leavers who enjoy the occasional round of golf. It is a chance to socialise and network with fellow Cheltonians whilst trying to perfect one’s swing and avoid the rough!! The Society is fortunate in being able to play on some of Britain’s leading courses and considerable efforts are made to subsidise Under 25s so as to ensure their participation whilst making their first steps up the financial ladder. The Cheltonian Society’s annual grant to the OCGS goes exclusively on subsidies and efforts are made to keep costs down for younger members. The OCGS membership fee is currently £20 per annum. Please see below the details of the main OCGS contacts plus the provisional 2009 Fixture List. The OCGS web-site is kept relatively up-to-date and both the Secretary, Charlie Elliott, and College Liaison, Simon Collyer-Bristow, are always happy to field phone-calls and email enquiries from OCs and interested College pupils. Main OCGS Contacts : John Miller, President : millermj@btinternet.com 01883 624148

Peter Richards, Halford Hewitt Captain : prichards@ihg.co.uk 0208 995 8617

John Watts, Captain : thewildwatts@aol.com 01932 874039

Simon Collyer-Bristow, College Liaison : scb@crfc.co.uk 01285 760228

Charlie Elliott, Hon Secretary : celliott@elliott-t-l.co.uk 01451 870995

SPORTS... OCGS 2009 Provisional Fixture List 21st February Halford Hewitt Trial at Royal Cinque Ports Golf Club, Kent 22nd February OCGS vs. Radley College at Royal St Georges, Kent. Match Manager - Peter Richards 1st - 5th April Halford Hewitt at Royal Cinque Ports GC & Royal St Georges GC, Kent Match Manager - Peter Richards 23rd March Lorreto Match at Piltdown Golf Club Match Manager - Angus Baillie TBC Spring Meeting & College Match is 26th April at Blackwell Golf Club/ Minchinhampton. Match Manager - Charlie Elliott 10th May Grafton Morrish Qualifying at Royal Ashdown Forest Golf Club. Match Manager - James Tucker 6th June the Alba Trophy at Woking Golf Club. Match Manager - Peter Richards 30th June OCGS vs. the Medical Golfing Society at Denham. Match Manager - Peter Richards TBC OCGS Summer Meeting at Minchinhampton Golf Club Match Manager - Simon CollyerBristow 24th June Marlborough Match at Woking GC Match Manager – Henry Rees 2nd - 4th July the G. L. Mellin Salver, the Peter Burles & the Bunny Millard at West Hill 3rd July Centenary Dinner at West Hill. Match Manager - John Miller TBC Sherborne Match at Hamptworth GC 28th July. Match Manager – Henry Rees 30th July OCGS vs. Old Decanians at Walton Heath 2.00pm. Match Manager - Angus Baillie 17th September OCGS Autumn Meeting at Denham GC Match Manager - John Watts 24th - 27th September Grafton Morrish at Hunstanton GC and Royal West Norfolk GC. Match Manager - James Tucker

7th May 2005, the 60th anniversary of VE Day when the OCs were playing the annual OC v College Golf Match. They are all gathered outside a tree on College Field commemorating the 100 runs scored by John Tucker (front row 8th from the right) in 1945. John sadly died 21st June 2008 – he was a keen supporter of College Golf and his son James (NH ‘85) is currently secretary of Denham Golf Club and a stalwart of the OC Halford Hewitt Team.

OC TOUCH-RUGBY TOURNAMENT If sufficient interest is expressed, we hope to run a touch-rugby tournament for OCs on Sunday 20th September 2009. If you are interested, please contact Matt Coley, email coley.matt@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk, tel: 01242 705583.


2nd October the Edward Harris Cup at Rolls of Monmouth Match Manager – Henry Rees The Annual Match between OCGS and the College Golf Team takes place as part of the Spring meeting and the two top College golfers are invited to attend the Autumn Meeting, so furthering the tie between the current and past students.


NEVER TOO OLD FOR HOCKEY! At 8.15am every Saturday an enthusiastic group of parents gather on the astro turf pitch for parents’ hockey. There is time for a chat whilst a few stragglers arrive – there’s no detention for being late. Then it’s a thorough warm up before the serious stuff commences. Teams are picked and we push back for an hour of competitive but good-spirited hockey. Subtle adjustments are made at half time to even the sides up. Shortly before 10am and irrespective of the score-line we agree it’s time for the golden goal. Being a competitive bunch efforts are raised for these final few minutes and once it’s all over we head to Morans for coffee, bacon butties and cakes and, of course, more socialising. Parents’ hockey started some 14 years ago and there are two or three of the originals still playing. In recent years we have extended it to include Tuesday evenings throughout the summer. There is also a fixtures list with games against other local club sides plus challenge matches against the likes of the College Common Room. Fixtures on warm summer evenings attract lots of players probably as much for the post-match refreshments at the pub as for the hockey. We are even planning a parents’ hockey tour to Jersey in Spring 2009. The players would like to think the hockey is fast and furious but in reality it’s just fun and friendly and, without a shadow of doubt, it’s a great start to the weekend for all of us. The level of skills ranges from ex-international players to those who never touched a hockey stick till they were in their 40s. Ages range from 30s to 60s but most are in their 40s with increasing numbers hitting the big 50! Regarding fixtures, we play the following teams at various stages in the year, some are one-off matches and others are double fixtures with home and away games. Opponents are: Dean Close Parents – always a big grudge match!, College Common Room, Ladies’ College Common Room, Richard Pates Parents, Pate’s Puffins – Ladies’ team, Newent Men’s Veterans, Newent Mixed Veterans, Lansdown Men’s Veterans, Lansdown Mixed Veterans, Gloucestershire Police, The Chelsea Building Society, Malvern Dipsticks, Gullivers Sports Travel, The Medics and anyone else who will play with us!

New parents are most welcome and if you would like to join us please call/text Greg Poole on 07768 664377 or email: greg@selectcottages.com

OC Hockey Weekend A great evening was had by over 30 OCs at the Hockey Dinner held on Saturday 2nd February 2008. Memories and stories were exchanged and a few old local haunts revisited including the Bee Hive. The OC v OC match was a great game demonstrating past acquired skills, it was great fun and a good warm-up to the main game. Eleven OCs were selected from this match to play against the College 1st XI side. The OC v College match was a good game and the strong College side impressed the OCs with their play; however, experience won the day with a final score of 2-0 to the OCs. We would like to thank John Waters for presenting the Cheltonian Society Cup to the OC team, which the College have yet to lift! It was great to see such a large number of OCs of varying ability making the weekend a firm fixture in people’s diaries. Thank you also to all those OCs, past and current parents who provided a strong support for both games. The 2009 event is scheduled for 7th & 8th March: please do come and support. Cash Bar. 42



Old Cheltonians Cricket Club By Martin Stovold (Current Staff) & Trevor Davies (Past Staff) The Club is beginning to thrive after spending some years in the doldrums and recorded its best ever effort in the Œ Cricketer Cup, since joining this prestigious competition for 32 Public Schools in 1969. Victories over the Old Wellingtonians and Harrow Wanderers enabled us to reach the quarter finals in 2008 before losing to eventual losing finalists Old Cranleighans. The side is captained by Michael Cawdron and we now have a strong nucleus of players who are playing regular good club cricket. The standard of the competition is very high and offers the opportunity for OCs to play competitive cricket on some of the best grounds in the country. In 2009 we have been drawn away to Old Cliftonians (Sunday 14th June) in a local derby. The 2nd Round, if victorious, will be at home against Shrewsbury Saracens or St Edward’s Martyrs (Sunday 28th June): please come and support. The club also offers other fixtures against the College XI and Gloucestershire Gipsies at Stowell Park, the home of Lord Vestey. Sadly with such a wet summer these fixtures did not take place in 2008. However, we are keen to increase the number of fixtures and would like to hear from any Old Cheltonians who would like to organise and manage a fixture. All fixtures are excellent social occasions and do allow you to meet old friends and make new.

SPORTS... Old Cheltonians RACKETS Club The 8th Old Cheltonian Rackets Weekend (March 2008) By Karl Cook (Leconfield Housemaster) Slowly but surely this weekend has grown into both a fixed and popular fixture in the national rackets calendar. The trusty formula of OC pairing up with non-OC means that there are over 30 players enjoying the riches of Cheltenham’s court. Ben Snell (L ’02) and Dicken Green, as holders, presided at the top of the draw as number one seeds: the youngest old boy, Charles Cooper (L ’07) and partner James Coyne played impressively on Saturday afternoon to book their place in the semi-final with a 3-2 victory over Mike Stout (L ’01) and Ben Bomford in arguably the match of the tournament. The other half of the draw saw Andrew Stout (H ’01) and Will Hopton, fresh from Eton’s courts, look formidable in defeating the much-fancied Nick James (BH ’06) and James Fuller. Number two seeds, the College captain Sam Harney (L) and ex-Gloucestershire batsman Matt Windows, eased through to Sunday’s semi with brutal finishing, leaving Mike Cawdron (W ’93) and Reg Williams, Windows’s team mates in a past life, in their wake. The excellent Dinner held at the College, to which all OCs and their partners both on and off the court were welcome, was 40 strong. Karl Cook, Charlie Liverton (BH/S ’92), Mark Briers and James Coyne all spoke. Cheltenham’s nightlife was lightly sampled later that evening. Sunday’s first semi saw tee-totaller Hopton and Stout move swiftly past a slightly lack-lustre Harney and Windows, 3-0, whilst Cooper and Coyne sweated triumphantly in knocking out top seeds Snell and Green. The final was a little one-sided in the end as the superior rallying skills of Hopton, coupled with Stout’s serving and calling, was too much for Cooper and Coyne, and they secured the

Another excellent OC cricket match took place in the Summer Term at Reeves Field. A fine team of OC cricketers, ably captained by Rob Baggott la Velle, was the OC 4th XI Pub Team. This was the inaugural match set up to enable great school friends to keep in touch and enjoy some cricket along the way. The College 4th XI just beat the OCs (who really should have won!). Thanks go to Mr Durston who umpired this match and generally kept law and order! It is hoped to make this an annual event. Anyone wishing to play in Old Cheltonian cricket fixtures should contact Martin Stovold, E-mail: stovold.martin@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk Address: Newick House, Sandford Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7AW. Tel: 01242 705530 or MB: 07789 938516 or Trevor Davies, 26 College Rd, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Tel: 01242 574201

Cheltenham Gold Racquet trophy by a similar scoreline, 3-0. The Plate competition was also concluded on the Sunday, where four OCs battled manfully, whetting the appetite of the gallery before the main final. Jo Clarke (L ’06) and Andrew MacLeod (BH ’03) beat Tom Floyd (Xt ’05) and Olly Snell (L ’04) 25-6. A great weekend of which the home team can be proud. 2009’s weekend is March 14/15 – please contact Karl on 01242 265605 or email cook.karl@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk or Charlie on 07786 855521 or email Charlie.liverton@neptune-im.co.uk for details. 2009 Rackets Tour of USA and Canada Cheltenham College matches against: 13th February 2009 - The Montreal Racket Club 15th February 2009 - The Racquet Club of Chicago 18th February 2009 - The Detroit Racquet Club 19th February 2009 - New York’s Rackets and Tennis Club Please do come and support us if you can! For further information please contact Karl Cook.

James Stout - A New World Champion James Stout (H ’02), based in New York, ran away with the Rackets Singles World Championships title on Saturday 8th November at Queen’s with a scoreline of 15-11 and 15-6. In the first game, it took 20 minutes to get past the half way mark, but thereafter his superiority came to the fore, and in the final game of the Single title Harry Foster only got 6 points on the scoreboard. The match was played in front of a large OC contingency, creating a packed and excitable gallery, with applause and hollering at almost every point.

Old Cheltonian Rifle Club By Dr Jeremy Langley (L ’86) First, it is incumbent on me to say that The Old Cheltonian Rifle Club (OCRC) does not meet perhaps as often as it should! During the 1980s and 90s the club met once a year on Ashburton Day at Bisley Camp, Brookwood in Surrey to both meet and socialize with the current Cheltenham College Shooting Team and then to compete in the Public Schools Veterans Competitions. On average there are around 70 teams from 40 schools competing for the Schools Veterans Challenge Trophy. In the early 90s Cheltenham used to regularly put-out 3 teams (5 people per team) for this competition and indeed won it once during those times. However, in the last five years or so we have let this tradition slip somewhat and probably only met and competed once in that timeframe. 43

In an effort to reverse this trend, I invite anyone who shot during their school years or indeed afterwards at University etc. to provide me with an up-to-date set of contact details (Name, E-mail and Telephone Number would be best). There are clearly many OCs who have left during this millennium that I have no contact details for at all. So please, if you would like to be informed of any shooting events or indeed help in organising anything along those lines, drop me a line on jdslangley@googlemail.com

Old Cheltonians ROWING Club The current First VIII has laid down the gauntlet to eights of previous generations to race at the College Regatta on 6th June 2009. This will be followed by a Dinner at The School Dining Room at which Old Cheltonians are particularly welcome. Richard Besse (BH/C ’84) is particularly keen to get a crew together, please contact Patrick Weir, email: weir.patrick@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk at Cheltenham College if you wish to be considered for a crew. Last Year’s Dinner welcomed a number of old boys. Many Old Cheltonians continue their rowing and were to be seen at Henley Regatta competing in their University eights. Peter Stuart (S ’06) (London), Gareth Crossley (L ’06) (Cardiff), Julian Harrison (L ’07) (Manchester), Henry Linscott (Xt ’07) (University College London), Alex Gerald (H ’04) (Bristol) were all seen competing in their University crews.

We will be shooting in the ‘PS Vets’, in 2009 – but how many teams we enter is up to you!

Former College rowing coach Zac Purchase achieved Olympic Glory by winning the Lightweight double sculls at the Beijing Olympics this Summer.

Date 2009: Thursday 16th July. Date 2010: Thursday 15th July.

In an attempt to bring CCBC into the 21st Century Richard Watton (H ’08) has founded a group on facebook called Old Cheltonian Boat Club. This is a useful page for keeping in touch with old College crewmates. Do feel free to join. 44



MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE CHELTONIAN SOCIETY I wholeheartedly endorse Peter Brettell’s ‘Introduction’. I am delighted that, at the Annual General Meeting on 10 May 2008, members voted for the Society to become a distinct, but mutually supportive organisation, with the Cheltonian Association and considered that it was the best way to move on to support College and look after OCs. My message now is simple: make contact and keep in contact – Malcolm Sloan (01242 265664 email sloan.malcolm@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk) or Lawrence Anderson (01902 337404 email jmanderson32@btinternet.com) There is much that we as OCs are able to do for College, especially during these challenging times, so please visit, telephone, email or write and we will let you know! LJC ANDERSON (Th ’59) Cheltonian Society Executive Committee:


LJC Anderson (Th ’59)

The Trustees of the Cheltonian Endowment Trust were pleased to make the following Awards (to the Lower Sixth) to enable:

PFD Badham (Th ’65)

OJ White (BH) to retrace the Iron Curtain in Central Europe by train

PS Hammerson (L ’62)

FP Hall (Q) to participate in an intensive French course in Bordeaux

E Hollingsworth (Th ’64)

ER Taylor (W) to visit museums and art galleries in Paris

PMC Mason (H ’71)

DE Hughes (Cha) and RM White (Cha) to foster a link between College and a primary School in Uganda - See below.

ICH Moody (Ch ’46) SJH Pattinson (NH ’62) CN Peace (H ’60) and AM Wilkinson (L ’62)

and GAP Year Awards (to the Upper Sixth) to enable: H Baillie (NH) to work in a cheetah sanctuary in Namibia E Banham (Cha) to work in a wildlife sanctuary in the Rift Valley in Kenya The Society gave a postgraduate grant to R Tulloch (BH ’03) towards his travelling costs on taking up a oneyear internship in the Veterinary department at Michigan State University.

A SUMMER TO REMEMBER By Daisy Hughes & Rachel White (Current U6th Students) “Well that’s very brave of you” was the response we received every time we admitted that no we would not be spending our summer holiday on an exotic island in the Mediterranean but would instead be travelling to Uganda for a month having been awarded a travel scholarship by the Trustees of the Cheltonian Endowment Trust. Our ultimate aim was to find a suitable school that would provide a good link and a possible exchange with the Geography Dept at College. A Government Minister, The Hon. Tim Lwanga helped us identify a school with equivalent qualities to those of College. Nyakasura School, Fort Portal, is set on the side of the Great African Rift Valley, an area rich with Geographical features: hot springs, crater lakes, volcanoes and tropical rain forest, all of which has benefited our Geography A-level studies. Nyakasura is a mixed boarding school of about 750 pupils for ages 13-18 with a history of producing eminent politicians, such as The Hon. Tim Lwanga and prominent Ugandan businessmen. While once thriving it is now run down and dilapidated having suffered badly during the days of Idi Amin. During our visit we gave a series of power-point presentations, including the 2012 Olympics, British animals and agriculture, all with pictures to give them visual understanding. The most successful was about school life at Cheltenham College. Our talk lasted only 20 minutes but the questions lasted an hour. They were stunned by the school, in awe of the buildings and overwhelmed by the difference in fees with ours amounting to 30 million Ugandan shillings per term whilst theirs are only £90, yet this still didn’t stop them from swarming up to us at the end and asking how to get here! During our stay we travelled a total of 3000km on some interesting ‘roads’ covering all four corners of Uganda. We toured around Kampala, gaining an insight into Uganda’s history and current life. We sat in the Houses of Parliament and studied Idi Amin’s underground prison where the blindfolded public were crammed in with no hope of escape across the electrified moat (all off-limits to the usual tourist). Other highlights to the trip were staying in the midst of two national game parks (warthogs and hippos surrounding our tent), abseiling 100 feet down the Sipi falls whilst admiring a view stretching 250km across the plains of Africa. We were lucky enough to experience the thriving coffee industry, Uganda’s biggest export, being guided round from mother gardens to participating in the coffee tasting at the factory finishing process. An exhilarating/terrifying day of a tandem bungee jump and white water rafting down the White Nile’s grade 5 and 6 rapids was a great way to finish an incredible experience. We very much hope that the link between Nyakasura School and Cheltenham College will continue. With many thanks to the Cheltonian Endowment Trustees, John Magnay and family, The Hon. Tim Lwanga and Nyakasura School. Photo 1 – A speciality – a football hand made out of banana leaves and plastic bags. They were delighted when we arrived with four brand new footballs and a pump along with multiple other gifts kindly donated by the Marketing Department. Photo 2 – The Headmaster, Rwankijuma Kantu, proud of his Cheltenham College umbrella, said how honoured they felt that out of all the schools in Uganda, we had chosen them.

CHELTONIAN SOCIETY... John Bowes 1921 – 2008 By Guy Dodd (H ’59 & Former Member of Staff)

John Bowes joined the staff in 1949 and he finally stepped back from College affairs in 2003, having edited his last copy of the Cheltonian Society’s ‘Who’s Who’. It was a half century of varied and immense service to College. The chronology is straightforward enough. John was educated at The Downs, Colwall, Bryanston and St John’s, Cambridge, where he rowed for the 1st VIII. His undergraduate career was abbreviated by the war and he joined the RAF. He gained his wings and as an outstanding pilot spent three years as a flying instructor, itching to be involved in the action - something he achieved only towards the very end of hostilities when he flew Mosquitoes in a photo reconnaissance squadron. He earned the King’s Commendation for Valuable Service in the Air. Uncertain about his post-war future, he worked briefly for BOAC – later to become British Airways – and then had a spell in the Colonial Office. Neither lived up to his expectations and, having enjoyed his own schooldays, he decided to teach. After two years at a prep school in Scotland he was appointed to College to teach History. In no time he was running the Boat Club and had talked the Bursar into funding the change from fours to eights. He took over Hazelwell in 1957 and for fourteen years was an outstanding housemaster. In 1972 he became Second Master, serving David Ashcroft and then Richard Morgan with outstanding loyalty, sensitivity and efficiency. College staff retired at sixty in those days and in 1981 he ended his teaching career and became Secretary of the Cheltonian Society. In his ten years he computerised the Society’s administrative systems and produced three editions of the excellent Who’s Who, the last one at the age of 82 when his formal links with College were long over. In the nineties John served on College Council and was a Governor and then Chairman of Governors of The Downs, his old prep school. Inevitably he became less involved in College life after his spell with the OCs came to an end and he had the good sense to leave others to continue those things to which he had given so much. He became Membership Secretary of the Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust and then Treasurer of the Emthonjeni Trust which supports HIV/Aids victims at a centre in the Eastern Cape, South Africa, a post which he gave up less than a month before his death. The dry facts tell only a part of the story. He was a man of great vitality and a wide spread of interests. When he was housemaster of Hazelwell he built a sailing dinghy, climbed the Matterhorn and became an expert amateur radio enthusiast. He was no mean fly fisherman and was an expert ornithologist and photographer, justifiably delighted when his pictures were published in RSPB magazines. He espoused computer technology with enthusiasm and was e-mailing his friends in the weeks before he died. He joined a Cheltenham College which was rightly proud

of its sons’ contribution to two world wars but was a school that retained a certain stiffness and formality. John was determined to foster a softer, more liberal and modern ethos and he always greatly admired Alan Elliot-Smith, his first Headmaster at College, who was trying to achieve just these things. He managed to be a friend of the boys, while never making the mistake of selling out to teenage values – in fact he had a healthy dislike for adolescent boorishness and was not afraid to confront it. He shared with them a sense of adventure and a delight in the slightly unusual. Cheltonians of his day talk about trips to the boathouse to ‘see that it was all right during the floods’ and taking a boat to row across the flooded fields and through the gates just for the fun of it. On a whim, late one wild November night, he took the Hazelwell prefects to the top of Leckhampton Hill to stand against the storm and marvel at its power. He was behind the great expansion of College societies which broadened the base of the education immensely and he was also one of those who oversaw the introduction of the Community Service programme. It was exciting to be in Hazelwell under John. He and his wife Phyll brought something new to housemastering, an accessible humanity and a real sensitivity to the needs of all Greenites. But John was no soft touch and we respected him; a direct look from those sharp blue eyes would bring us into line without the need for words. He shared in our laughter and, long after our school days were done, continued and developed friendships with his former pupils. He was a man of total integrity. You didn’t always have to agree with John, in fact he would have thought the less of anyone who did, but right up to his final days he would respond positively to new ideas and engage in an argument with relish. I have mentioned Phyll. She and John were married in 1948 and it was a marvellous partnership. She was bubbly and cheerful and shared with John a delightful, and ever so slightly scurrilous, sense of humour. There was a rumour amongst us boys in Hazelwell that she had once been a jazz pianist – I don’t know if it was true but the concept fitted wonderfully. He missed her terribly after her death in 2001 but typically his response was positive. Even in his eightyeighth year he drove to Scotland – ‘never more than two to three hundred miles a day’ - to see old friends and to watch birds, and was planning a trip to Switzerland with some of his oldest friends next year. He was not going to let the grass grow under his feet. For such an active person his end was kind – a stroke from which he never recovered consciousness and a peaceful death a week later. It was the script he would have written for himself. John leaves a son and a daughter, Simon and Sue, and three grandsons.

Photo 3 – Chapel filled with Nyakasura students fascinated to find out about life at Cheltenham College.





2007-8 Marriages Peter Shaw (H ’91) married Elizabeth Hoare in Wootton St Lawrence Church on 14th June 2008.

H H Maharaj Sahib Shivrati (Raghav Raj Singh) (Xt ‘97) married Shelja Singh on 21st November 2007 in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India.

ANNOUNCEMENTS... 2007-8 Deaths Mr D J M Vincent (NH ’56) died on 25th April 2006 aged 68. Mr W G Walker C B E (Ch ’54) died 26th April 2007.

Angus Baillie (L ’94) married Shayne Morton in St Peter’s Church, Leckhampton on 20th September 2008.

G M Bailey (S ’96) married Anne-Marie Reynolds on 1st December 2007 at Clearwell Castle. Chris Walford (S ’96) was best man.

The Hon William Molesworth (H ’78) married Natalia Androsova in London on 14th February 2008. William’s brother Robert (H ’77), Viscount Molesworth, was represented, being in China at the time.

Kate Parker (Current Staff) married Dan Ritchie in St David’s Church, Moreton-in-Marsh on 25th October 2008.

Andrew Schuman (S ’86) married Sophie Ratcliffe in Keble College Chapel, Oxford on 5th April.

Emily Crowther (Cha ’96) married Kamal Bal on 19th April 2008 in Pitville Pump Rooms, Cheltenham. Mark Crowther (NH ’88) and Sam Crowther (NH ’92) were ushers and Alison Towers nee Crowther (Cha ’89) gave a reading.

Second Lieutenant Nathan Evans (XT ’01) married Vanessa Cottrell at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst on 12th April 2008.

Fergus Llewellyn (Current Staff) married Tamsyn Strachan (Current CCJS Staff) in Chapel on 29th March 2008.

Alexandra Herbert (née Mynors) (Cha ’93) and her husband Stephen are pleased to announce the birth of their son Jonathan Mark born on 30th April 2007. Zoe LaValette-Cooper (Current Staff) and her husband Richard are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Hannah Jasmine born on 19th February 2008. Simon Bullers (S ’87) and his partner Hazel are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Eva born on 8th March 2008. Philippa Byrne (Past Staff) and her husband John are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Rebecca born on 11th March 2008. Huw O’Callaghan (NH ’95) and his wife Mandy are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Cerys Catherine born on 11th March 2008.


Simon Johnson (Current Staff) and wife Miko are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Marnie Tia born on 16th October 2008.

Brendan Enright (Current Staff) and Sarah Millyard (Current Staff) are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Josephine Lily born on 16th May 2008. Katie Alvey (née Ellis) (Cha ’97) and husband Christian are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Rosie May born on 29th May 2008. Jim & Mel Walton (Current CCJS Staff) are pleased to announce the birth of their son Milo born on 4th August 2008, a brother to Sonny born on 4th April 2005.

Ben Cliff (Current Staff) and wife Lucy are pleased to announce the birth of their son Jamie on 3rd November 2008. Bean Chapman (NH ’03) and wife Anna are pleased to announce the birth of their son Tom born on 21st November 2008.

Mr A G Barter (H ’68) died on 30th July 2008 aged 58. Mr A L G Stuart (Ch ’34) died on 16th August 2008 aged 90.

Mr R B Edbrooke (L ’31) died on 1st March 2008.

Brigadier James Alexander (C ’48) died on 14th August 2007 aged 76.

Mr R P B Curtis (Ch ’38) died on 6th March 2008 aged 87.

J F L Bowes (Hon OC, Past Parent & Past Staff Member) died on 4th October 2008 aged 87.

Mr G W A Hunt (Xt ’52) died in August 2007.

Mr W R Denny (XT ’38) died on 20th March 2008.

Brigadier R M B Walker (N ’50) died on 17th October aged 76.

Mr J E C Morrison (L & S ’41) died on 6th October 2007 aged 84.

Mr H C Jessop (Day Boy ’58) died on 1st May 2008 aged 68.

Mr D H Cardew (NH ’33) died on 19th October 2008 aged 91.

Mr I MacArthur (Xt ’42) died on 30th November 2007 aged 82.

Mr C E Jessop (West ’26) died on 27th May 2008 aged 100.

Mr P R Holden (BH ’75) died on 6th September 2008 aged 51.

Mr J Bartlett (Day Boy ’31) died on 14th December 2007 aged 94.

Mr R G Everitt (Hon OC & Past Member of Staff) died on 31st May 2008.

Mr J H J L Wilson (NH ’44) died on 5th December 2008 aged 81.

Mr R O C Mellor (H ’33) died on 31st December 2007 aged 93.

Mr W A Cook (Xt ’31) died on 13th June 2008 aged 95.

Mr M G C Pimbury (Day Boy ’47) died on 6th December aged 77.

Mr W E G Buckley (Past College Doctor from 1966 to 1992) died 12th January 2008.

Nick Nelson (Current Staff) and his wife Kate are pleased to announce the birth of their son Raif James born on 6th May 2008.

Mr B McConkey (XT ’39) died on 30th January 2008 aged 85.

Mr T M H Wright (BH ’64) died on 6th August 2007 aged 61.

Mary Daws (Cha ’95) married Leon John Collyer at St Luke’s Church in Bath on 29th August 2008.

Giselle Amiry (Current CCJS Staff) and husband Laith are pleased to announce the birth of their son Charles Luca born on 9th October 2008.

Mr C Apperley (Past Staff) died on 30th July 2008.

Mr R Gardener (Past Staff) died on 17th February 2008.

Mr A J Sumption (BH ’36) died on 8th January 2008 aged 88.

Howard Thomas (H ’90) and wife Katie are pleased to announce the birth of their son Charlie on 10th April 2008, a brother to William born on 6th October 2005.

Major J H A Bryden MBE (N ’38) died on12th January 2008 aged 87.

Mr P W Stancliff (Ch ’55) died in June 2007 aged 68.

Susanne Schonfeld (Cha ’97) married Sebastian Gaede on 21st June 2008.

Andrew Bays (L ’87) and wife Katie are pleased to announce the birth of their son Billy, born on 12th August 2008, a brother for Charlie.

J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

Mr T A G Pocock (Day Boy ’43) died 7th May 2007 aged 81.

Tim Allen (H ’96) married Emily Bond on 14th June 2008.

Jonathan Dimmer (W ’92 ) and his wife Kate are pleased to announce the birth of Edie Grace on 3rd April 2008, a sister to Maia born on 6th October 2005.


Mr J Walford (H ’44) died on 3rd February 2008 aged 80.

Mr A M Ruffer (XT ’31) died on 1st January 2008 aged 94.

2007-8 Births


Mr B M Sullock (Xt ’51) died on 15th June 2008 aged 75. Mr J F Tucker (N ’49) died on 21st June 2008 aged 76. Miss C Turner (Cha ’96) died in June 2008 aged 29. Mr F W M Arkle (S ’39) died on 24th July 2008 aged 86.

Dr R W Lyle (Day Boy ’46) died on 24th August 2008. Mr A L Prain (Ch ’69) died on 6th September 2008 aged 56.

Mr L J E Percival (W ‘94) died in November 2008 aged 33. Rear Admiral E F Gueritz (E ’37)) died on 21st December aged 89. Brigadier D S Sole (S ’35) died on 31st December 2008 aged 91.

Notices Please contact: Bridget Vick or Rebecca Creed on 01242 265694 or email info@cheltonianassociation.com The Cheltonian Association, Cheltenham College, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD with information on the following notices:

NEWSHOUNDS We need you to notify us of any relevant pieces of news ie notable achievements, honours, births, marriages or deaths etc. Please do also draw our attention to anything you see in the national or local press. NB: We intend to provide full obituaries in next year’s publication so any information in this respect would be gratefully appreciated.

2010 FLOREAT FEATURES Your School Report How did your school report reflect your career path?... or didn’t it?! Please let us know of any amusing anecdotes, accurate career predictions or statements that totally contradict your chosen profession. The 1980s All those who left in the 1980s – please let us know what you have been up to since leaving College for our ‘Where Are They Now?’ feature.



We need to identify all College, House, Sport, Drama, Music ties, hats, blazers and scarves. Please let us know what was in existence during your time at College. If you are able to loan us samples for photographing we would be extremely grateful.

We are planning to re-introduce the Careers Evenings for our Sixth Form. It would be great to hear from those of you who would be willing to give an individual or group talk on your profession.


J K Best - Boyne Housemaster 1926 – 1940

If you are still receiving correspondence from the Association Office for your son or daughter, why not let us have their current contact details so we can send news & invitations directly to them!

Gavin Roynon is researching the life of Rev J K Best and would love to hear from anyone who knew him so please contact Gavin by email gavin.roynon@amserve.com or post to Loddon Acres, Loddon Drive, Wargrave, Berks RG10 8HD.

Contact us as above or click on the ‘update your details’ section of our website at www.cheltonianassociation.com







ISSUE TWO J A N U A RY 2 0 0 9

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Chapel Interior

To Order: Sheaffer Fountain Pen & Pencil Full Set £35 Fountain Pen only, £25

By Post: Please download order form from our website at www. cheltonianassociation. com and post together with cheque payable to ‘Cheltenham College Services’ to Cheltonian Association, Bath Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 7LD.

Paperweight £12.50 Then and Now by Tim Pearce £10 Celebr08! Book by Tim Pearce £20


Then and Now + Celebr08! £25 Cheltenham College Chapel by Nicholas Lowton £10 Who’s Who 5th Edition 2003, edited by J F L Bowes £20 College Chapel Choir, 2007 CD £10 Salve Puerule CD Trinity College of Music Chamber Choir featuring Andrew Swait treble (Current Student) and Alexander Ffinch organist (Current Staff) £10 College Chapel Choir, 1999 CD £5 Jig 2006 CD £5 Gaudete! CD £5 Pewter Trinket-box £10 Pewter Tankard £12



By Phone: Please call Rebecca Creed in the Association Office on 01242 265694. Please note there is a one-off charge of £2.95 per order for postage and packaging. This excludes College prints which are charged as indicated.

Cheltenham College is a great school in every sense. Founded in 1841, we quickly grew to become one of the largest boarding schools in the UK with a distinctively Christian foundation and emphasis on scholarship and public service. Proud of our history and occupying beautiful buildings close to the centre of the Regency town of Cheltenham, we have a tremendously positive ethos where pupils with all sorts of talents and interests are happy and flourish.

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Junior School Open Day Saturday 21 March 2009 at 9.30am To register for the Senior College Open Day, please contact our College Registrar on 01242 265 680 or email ryan.emma@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk To register for the Junior School Open Day, please contact our Junior School Registrar on 01242 522 697 or email roskilly.lucinda@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk www.cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk

Don’t forget HOUSE REUNIONS 26th MARCH 2009!! (RSVP now... info@cheltonianassociation.com)

Bone China Mug £4.50



Richard Mottram (Ch ’33) le House, as I was there icle relating to Cheltonda art the in d many happy ste ere int The article brought back I was particularly Pigg was the housemaster. ed with Mr eiv n rec whe 3 are y 193 the and t 9 tha 192 between azines in the knowledge mag the g din sen p kee memories so please great pleasure. Chris Thorp (Cheltondale ’49)

I thoroughly enjo yed Wal lace -Hadrill’s article and also the pict ure on page 14 of Hywel Phil lips who was my seni or by t wo yea rs in Che lton dale !

Peter Beauchamp (H ’46)

recent interesting events, I was asked Taking Floreat issue one page 3 at its word requesting in College the three sons of Mrs Yang’s by my Chinese friends Mr & Mrs Yang to show them where President of China might have urated grandfather, Field Marshal Yang Shikei, the first inaug find they had lived with the to able were lived in 1914. By checking through the Archives we they were called back to before term then Headmaster at his home Southwood for their one and so the Chinese couple them of photo a China with the threat of the European war. We found returned to Tientsin impressed. established any big game sport fishing Finally I would like to know if any Cheltonian has Marlin caught off Bay of Islands, New records? I have just the one record of an 163 kg striped sea so energetically to throw the hook out Zealand. Tragically this Marlin jumped out of the rd motion and so drowned, no mean feat of its mouth that it lassoed its tail, preventing forwa considering the depth and the strength of line used!

Edward M Warrick (Ch ’41)

Aimée Riecke (Cha/Q ’96) What a delight to finally receive some news again from College. On opening the very presentably designed issue of Floreat what sprang to my eyes first were two ‘it’s’ in the introduction text where it should have been its. It made me chuckle and think of Mrs Rooney in my Latin A-Level lessons, I am still not quite sure why exactly, probably because she was amazing in spotting details. Nonetheless, I greatly enjoyed reading Floreat and am sure I will do so in the future: it is nice to be able to follow what developments the schools are going through.

I was very interested to read the first issue of Floreat – my con gratulations to all concerned in its production. The article by Gordon Wallac e-Hadrill was of special interest as he was my contemporary at Cheltondale. The Colleg e has always kept very quiet about our Rev iew ‘Good & Proper’ even though we must have been very patriotic and raised some much nee ded funds for the War Effort!

Tony Cotton (H ’48)

gazine which I hope will Thank you for sen ding me the ma sure that polo and horse be successful although I am not ge in these difficult days. racing quite project the right ima in regard to the note However, I was pro mpted to write Rugby Article). Surely Sir at the foot of p26 (50 years on and TGL Jackson on the Philip Mo ore played for Englan d ore my time. wing for Scotland? Both just bef Peter Davidson (H ’58)

Congratulations on your first issue of Floreat. A great publication but now I have to wait a whole year for the next one!

Cheltonian Association Cheltenham College Bath Road Cheltenham Gloucestershire GL53 7LD   Contact Details: Tel:  01242 265694 Fax:  01242 265630 Email:  info@cheltonianassociation.com www.cheltonianassociation.com   Contact: Bridget Vick, Association Director Rebecca Creed, Association Manager

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