smooth out your folds on a flat surface
turn this zine inside-out to use as template for your own!
make zines out of flyers, letters, found paper, wrapping paper, or anything else you can fold. try larger sheets of paper! tabloid is a great size, gives you more space for your art, and is easy to fold.
tips and trick continued
EASY this is a super easy how-to for a an 8 page folded zine. this type of zine is great because it is only one sheet of paper making it very cost effective, easy to assemble, and easy to distribute. tips and tricks!
try not to be too precise with your layout, folding will change the position of your artwork on each page slightly.
things you will need: 8.5� x 11“ paper (either blank or printed with your zine content) and scissors.
you should now have an 8 page folded zine! fold the two cut panels down so that the paper looks like a plus sign from above fold in half along the length of your paper
keep the paper folded in half and fold both edges back to centre
things you might like to have: pens, pencils, markers to create on the fly, correction fluid, glue sticks, stickers, rubber stamps and stamp pads, collage materials.
start here with sheet of paper
open the paper and fold in half along the width
use scissors to cut the middle line
use the reverse side as a poster! use a bone folder for a super crisp fold! you should be able to find one at any art or craft store. continued on last page