Who's Your Ancestor? 2022 Plant Life at CSUMB

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Who's your ancestor? 2022



Created by: Dr. Christine E. Rosales Assistant Professor of Psychology, in completion toward CSUMB sustainability certificate

About this zine: Everything around us is alive and connected (Montgomery & bergman, 2017). We are connected to animal and plant life, from the smallest microbes invisible to the naked eye and the smallest plants, to the largest whale at sea and the Amazon forest (the lungs of the planet). We depend on one another, human and non human alike, to survive. Yet, our interdependence in the web of life is not always recognized. Systems of capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and colonialism disconnect us from this deeper knowledge and create a hierarchy of life- the deserving and the undeserving. In order to survive and thrive, we must resist these hierarchies and live in balance and reciprocity with everything in the web of life. One of the first steps to living in balance with all of life is to notice life wherever it emerges. What is growing or trying to grow around us? How is my own growth/balance interconnected to the growth/balance of this other living being? Another step is to ask ourselves, do our actions support or harm the emergent forms of life around us? How might violence to humans, flora, and fauna around us be normalized? The goal of this zine is but a small step to help encourage readers to notice life at CSUMB, starting with but not limited to plant life. Hopefully, through noticing, we might begin to rebuild relationships with plants, our oldest ancestors, who offer us so much medicine, healing, and love. I also hope that we notice and take action to rematriate the land to Indigenous peoples. In part this means giving the land back to Indigenous peoples who know how to steward and protect the land. Rematriation also means reconnecting with Mother Earth and learning to live in ways that ensure environmental sustainability (Marya & Patel, 2021). Feel free to use this zine as an opportunity for you to scavenger hunt different plants on campus and build a relationship to a plant or two. Outside our classroom and office doors are remedies for depression, heart disease, respiratory illnesses, insomnia, cloudy thinking, and many medicines to promote our health and well-being. Even if a plant does not offer a remedy it tells us something important about the web of life. Go and (re)connect with one of our eldest relatives! This zine is not exhaustive of all the plant life at CSUMB, but captures 52 plants I observed on January 11, 2022. All pictures were taken on my phone at CSUMB. Plant identification was done by using PictureThis plant identification app. Plant identification may not be 100% accurate for some plants listed.

Share your Experience with this zine YOUR SHARES ARE ANONYMOUS

Did you go on a scavenger hunt? (Re)connect with a plant? Learn something new? Go to this link to share your experience, insights, or thoughts: https://tinyurl.com/csumbplant

Plants love us unconditionally and offer us their medicine, even after we have not been so kind to them and the earth. (paraphrased from Atava Garcia Swiecicki, workshop given on January 15th 2022)

"We can’t meaningfully proceed with healing, with restoration without “re-story-ation.” In other words, our relationship with the land cannot heal until we heal its stories. But who will tell them? [...] For the greater part of human history, and in places in the world today, common resources were the rule. But some invented a different story, a social construct in which everything is a commodity to be bought and sold. The market economy has spread like wildfire, with uneven results for human well-being and devastation for the natural world. But it is just a story we have told ourselves and we are free to tell another, to reclaim the old one" -Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding sweetgrass: Indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge, and the teachings of plants (2013, p. 9, 31)

What does decolonization at CSUMB look like in the context of being located on a former military base and the presence of ongoing militarization (e.g. police)? How will we as a society take accountability for the poisoning of the land and privatizing it for military and university use?

Rupa Marya (right) and Raj Patel (left), Authors of Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice

Okinawa, Japan used to have one of the world's highest concentrations of centenarians. After World War 2, American military occupation destroyed the Okinawan diet by occupying the farms and the land. Now "adult children today are more likely to be buried by their parents than anywhere else on Earth." (Marya & Patel, 2021, p. 143)

"There's no possibility of symbiosis when the land on which plants grow is occupied by airstrips and warplanes" (Marya & Patel, 2021, p. 145)

The Canadian government used Mikisew Cree First Nation and Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation land for tar sand extraction. When it was reopened for recreation the land was contaminated by heavy metals. "Local doctors in Fort Chipewyan were alarmed by the elevated cancer rates among Indigenous people in the region. Tragically, harvesting traditional foods in modern times can make indigenous people sick. Heavy metals will endure for generations, entering our children through things as innocuous as commercially available baby food." (Marya & Patel, 2021, p. 145)


"Invasive species" Based on reading "Fresh Banana Leaves: Healing Indigenous Landscapes Through Indigenous Science (2022) by Dr. Jessica Hernandez

The term "invasive species" is a violent word that erases where plants/animals came from and how they are our relatives. Rather than calling plants and animals "invasive species" try shifting to the term "displaced relatives." On Banana Trees as a Displaced Relative in the Americas: "The Western sciences teaches us that invasive plants are pests, unwanted, or do not belong in this landscape. However, to us, invasive plants are displaced like many of us. They were forced from their native lands and like many of us had to adapt to a new environment. Like banana trees, we are forced to uproot ourselves from our native lands and have to adapt to new environments" (Hernandez, 2022, p. 37).

On the Wild Blackberry: "Invasive species" and calling them "weeds" is kind of ignoring the fact that for many white scientists the wild blackberry is actually their relative because you know, where they're from. [...] Sometimes as white scientists they forget that what they deem as the evil or this nightmare is actually their relatives, like their plant relatives that were brought to the Americas from Europe" (Hernandez, 2021, podcast: Raíces Verdes, Season 3, Episode 2).

Table of Contents Trees Strawberry Olive Sweet Gum Redwood Long Leaf Pine Maritime Pine Glossy Privet Monterey Cypress Western Sycamore Live Oak Flowers California Poppy Calla lily Common Yellow Woodsorrel Seaside Woolly flower African Iris/Fortnight Lily Common Daisy Herbs Telegraph weed San Luis Purple Sage California Fuchsia Wild Strawberry Cobra Lily/African Corn Flag Yellow Flag New Zealand Flax Rosemary Common Yarrow Common Agapanthus Perez's Sea Lavender

Shrubs Coastal gem Coastal Sagebrush Box Coyote Brush Pride of Madeira California Flannelbush Orchid Rockrose Red-flowering Currant Blueblossom Santa Barbara Ceanothus Broom Mexican Bushsage Pacific Wax Myrtle Jerusalem Sage Pointleaf Manzanita California Coffee Berry Lavender Lavender Cotton California Goldenbush Grasses European Beachgrass Finestem Needlegrass Pampas Grass Succulents Foxtail Agave Sea Fig Mosses Silvergreen Bryum Moss Final Reflection & Sources

Before continuing, remember to:

1. Ask a plant for permission if you would like to pick it. State your needs to the plant. Plants should not just be picked for no reason. Some plants are also illegal to pick from public places, such as the California Poppy. 2. Practice reciprocity- give an offering to the plant: gratitude, prayers, water, assisting it to grow, replanting/replacing what you take, etc. 3. Relationships can be built with the plant by noticing the plant (how it smells, how it grows, its color, etc.) and practicing reciprocity. 4. Ask the plant, "who are you?" NOT "what is it?" Learning to reanimate plants and animals as subjects, as living beings who have "the breath of life within" (Kimmerer, 2013, p. 55) is an important part of resisting a hierarchilization of life- of human beings over all living creation. Using the language of "it" is dehumanizing.

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Strawberry Tree (Arbutus Unedo)

The national tree of Italy. Evergreen. Drought Resistant- prevents desertification, fire resistant (can grow after a fire). Flowers are pollinated by bees. Medicinal properties: The fruits contain antioxidant vitamins- commonly used for jams, yogurt, and alcoholic beverages. The leaves have anti-inflammatory properties and can be used as an astringent, diuretic, urinary anti-septic, and used in the therapy of hypertension and diabetes. (Wikipedia) Where to find on campus? In between BIT building and library & near the main quad (near buildings 14 & 16)

Olive Tree

(Olea Europaea)

Found primarily in the Mediterranean Basin. Some of the oldest known trees (3,500 years old). Evergreen tree. Pollen is a strong trigger for asthma and allergies. Cultivated for olive oil, wood, olive leaf, and olive fruit. Olives are high in vitamin E and have antioxidant properties-- good for the heart, may protect against osteoporosis and cancer Where to find on campus? Near Heron Hall

Sweet Gum Tree (Liquidambar styraciflua)

Native to North America, Mexico, and Central America (Wikipedia). Deciduous tree. Its fruit are spiky round seed pods that can be hazardous if you step on it (can cause ankle sprain). Its seeds may be a renewable source of shikimic acid- important for producing Vitamin K in the body (helps us to clot blood). A commonly used commercial hardwood.

Where to find on campus? Behind library (near BIT building)

Redwood Tree (Sequoioidea)

Among the oldest living beings on earth. (Wikipedia). Native to the coast of California and southern Oregon. “This tree was named for Cherokee chief Sequoyah, inventor of the Cherokee alphabet. The inner bark tea was used by Native American healers to clean the liver and the blood. A hot leaf poultice was applied to sore ears and an infusion of the gummy sap was used as a tonic for those who were weak and run down.” Excerpt From: Ellen Evert Hopman. “Secret Medicines from Your Garden.”

Where to find on campus? Behind CAHSS, BIT, & Library

"And so the tallest trees in the world, redwoods can grow to over 350 feet above the earth, yet on average their roots only travel 10 feet into it. In isolation it should be physically impossible for them to stand. However, these enormous trees do not grow in isolation, their roots each only a single inch thick wraps around the roots of its neighbor, a stubborn foundation of brown fingers clasped in an underground stand and grow." William Nu’utupu Giles Spoken Word Poem “Prescribed Fire” (All Def Poetry, 2017)

Long leaf Pine (Pinus palustris)

Native to Southeastern United States (Wikipedia). Pine is the symbol of everlasting life Winter Solstice plant Resistant to fire and dependent on fire (prescribed fire), which has implications for wildlife who depend on these trees for habitat or food. Long Leaf pine forests are rich in plant diversity The official state tree of Alabama Pine needles will: Attract good luck and abundance, Bless and protect your home, Heal a broken heart, Increase fertility [..] the scent can help break up congestion and ease a cough (Gregg, 2008)

Where to find on campus? In the open field behind CAHSS, BIT, & Library

Maritime Pine Tree (Pinus pinaster)

Native to the Mediterranean region (Wikipedia) Adapted to high intensity fires, will release seeds when in a relatively hightemperature environment for germination as a recovery mechanism. According to WebMd: Maritime pine bark extract is used for asthma, high cholesterol, decline in memory, ADHD, and many other conditions. Maritime pine contains chemicals that might improve blood flow, stimulate the immune system, reduce swelling, prevent infections, and have antioxidant effects. Where to find on campus? Many places around campus, near CAHSS parking lot, in dorm courtyard near Asilomar Hall

Glossy Privet (Ligustrum lucidum) Native to the southern half of China (wikipedia). According to WebMD, the Glossy Privet is used to make medicine: Promoting growth and darkening of hair. Reducing facial dark spots. Rapid heartbeat (palpitations). Achy joints (rheumatism). And several other ailments including: swelling, blurred vision, tumors, dizziness (vertigo), tinnitus, sore back and knees, common cold, congestion, constipation, deafness, fever, headache, liver disease (hepatitis), trouble sleeping (insomnia), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Promotes youthfulness and extends lifespan. Used to induce sweating. Used to reduce side effects of cancer treatment. (chemotherapy).

Where to find on campus? Near Heron Hall

Monterey Cypress Tree (Hesperocyparis macrocarpa)

Coniferous Evergreen tree Endemic to California (Wikipedia) According to Organic Facts: "The unique and important health benefits of cypress may include its possible ability to improve the health of the respiratory tracts, boost the strength of the immune system, prevent fungal infections, boost the health of your hair, increase protection against certain skin conditions, reduce inflammation, and speed wound healing." The foliage is toxic to livestock Where to find on campus? Near Beach hall, Tide Hall, and CAHSS

Western Sycamore (Platanus racemosa)

Native to California and Baja California (Wikipedia)

According to Indiananativeplants.org: "A tea made from the inner bark was used internally for treating common colds, coughs, tuberculosis, dysentery, measles, and hemorrhaging." "This tea was also used as an astringent, a diuretic, an emetic, a purgative, and a blood purifier." "The bark was also eaten to treat internal pains or to become fat. The inner bark’s ooze was used externally for treating sores, smallpox pustules, and infant rashes." "There were also some edible uses for the Sycamore. Like the Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum Marshall), the Sycamore’s sap Where to find on campus? can be tapped and boiled down into either Near CAHSS parking Lot and open field sugar or sweet syrup."

Live Oak Tree (Quercus virginiana) Endemic to Southeastern United States (Wikipedia Evergreen tree

Shows you how to manifest your magnificence (Gregg, 2008). Often last for 800 years or more Its fruit, the acorn, feeds animals and people (Gregg, 2008). Symbolically often represents the tree of life (Gregg, 2008). Winter and summer solstice tree. According to Naturalmedicinalherbs.net: "The bark is astringent. A decoction has been used in the treatment of dysentery. A decoction of the wood chips or the bark has been applied externally as an astringent analgesic to treat aches and pains, sores and hemorrhoids. Any galls produced on the tree are strongly Where to find on campus? astringent and can be used in the In various places, including near main quad area and in front of the Otter Student Union treatment of hemorrhages, chronic diarrhea, dysentery etc".

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California Poppy (Eschscholzia californica)

Helps you manifest your dreams (Gregg, 2008). Bright, cheery, sunny. According to Healthline it can promote sleep when combined with other herbs. According to cookforageferment.com "Wild poppies are edible, the flowers can be used fresh in salads or in baked goods." "Medicinal uses: Opium can be made from some varieties. The juice from the stems of the leaves can be used to treat insect bites. A tea made from the flower petals can be used as a face wash. It will soothe the skin and help clear up the complexion" (Gregg, 2008).

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

Calla Lily

Native to South Africa to north of Malawi (Wikipedia). According to the practicalherbalist.com: Symbolizes purity and innocence. Used at transitional times like weddings and funerals to symbolize a wish for fertility and purity for those who are making the transitions. Flower essence practitioners often suggest Calla Lily flower essence for those who struggle with the balance between gender or sexual forces in their lives. Calls our attention to the connection between the wealthy and working classes (e.g., Diego Rivera's paintings). Toxic flower. Where to find on campus? In many places around campus, including near Asilomar hall and main quad area

Common Yellow Woodsorrel (Oxalis stricta)

Native to North America and parts of Eurasia (Wikipedia). All parts of the plant are edible but should only be eaten in small quantities (high in Oxalic acid, which can harm people with kidney issues; Hopman, 2016) Distinct tangy flavor. Orange dye can be obtained by boiling the whole plant. A poultice of this plant can be used to treat swellings. According to gardeningknowhow.com "woodsorrel has been used topically to cool skin, soothe the stomach, as a diuretic, and astringent. The plant is also useful in treating scurvy, fever, urinary tract infections, sore throats, nausea, and mouth sores. It supposedly helps cleanse blood, and some believe it can help in cancer cases." You'll notice this plant grows in abundance all around Monterey County. According to Atava Garcia Swiecicki, whatever is growing around us in abundance is likely what our community needs to heal. Where to find on campus? In many places around campus, including near CAHSS building 504

Seaside Woolly Flower (Eriophyllum staechadifolium)

Native to the coastline of Oregon and California (Wikipedia). According to Calscape.org: Evergreen plant. Flowers in the Spring and Summer. Various insect pollinators are attracted to these flowers (great nectar plant). Commonly used for butterfly and bee gardens. Requires very low moisture.

Where to find on campus? Behind BIT building

African Iris/Fortnight Lily (Dietes iridioides)

Native to Southern Africa. Evergreen, drought resistant. Needs full sun. Blooms Spring through Fall. According to Monrovia.com the flowers of the Fortnight Lily glow in the dark. According to Gardenia.net, parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested, handling plant may cause skin or allergic reaction. According to plants.ces.ncsu.edu: it is "used in traditional medicine to treat cold, flu, headache, toothache, malaria, bruise and various infections."

Where to find on campus? Along main quad area- buildings 12, 14 & 16

Plains Doze Daisy/Common Daisy (Bellis perennis)

Native to western, central, and northern Europe. Perennial herbaceous plant. "Attract love, protect children, enhance feelings of safety, happiness, and joy" (Gregg, 2008). According to WebMD: "People take wild daisy tea for coughs, bronchitis, disorders of the liver and kidneys, and swelling (inflammation). They also use it as a drying agent (astringent) and as a "blood purifier." Some people take homeopathic wild daisy for preventing problems during childbirth, pain and soreness, and minor bleeding." "The sticky leaves were often used to help wounds heal" (Gregg, 2008) Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

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Telgraph Weed (Heterotheca grandiflora)

Native to the southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico (Wikipedia). According to Calscape.org: Deciduous plant. Requires very low moisture. A perennial herb. Commonly used in bee gardens. According to the Santa Monica Mountain Trails Council: Strong aroma. "Blooming in the Summer makes this plant essential to the survival of pollinators and visitors that appreciate the delightful flowers in a season where there are fewer plants in bloom." "Chumash used the oils to repel fleas (Chumash Ethnobotany page 95). Antibacterial and antifungal properties have been associated with the chemicals produced by Heterotheca grandiflora." Where to find on campus? In the open field area behind CAHSS, BIT, and the library

San Luis Purple Sage (Salvia leucophylla)

Native to the southern coastal mountain ranges of California and Baja California (Wikipedia).

Flowers during the Spring and Summer. Very fragrant and pleasant. Supports bees, hummingbirds, and other pollinators. Associated with inner wisdom and used to clear away blockages and purification (Gregg, 2008). According to the growers-exchange.com it is: "the most effective medicinal variety of Sage but stands cold the least. It can be made into teas to aide in digestion, used as an anti inflammatory agent for insect bites and can relive chest colds and congestion."

Where to find on campus? In the side courtyard of BIT building

California Fuchsia (Epilobium canum)

Native to dry slopes and in chaparral of western North America, especially California (Wikipedia). Flowers during the Fall and Summer. Supports hummingbirds and butterflies Requires low moisture. Fuchsia fruit are edible and you can eat the flowers too. According to Gardeningknowhow.com: "Eating fuchsia berries and flowers. adds Vitamin C and many other nutrients to the table while brightening up all your dishes."

Where to find on campus? In the courtyard of CAHSS building 504

Wild Strawberry (Fragaria vesca)

“According to Native American tradition, the whole plant—leaves, berries, and roots—can be taken as a springtime blood-cleansing tea, which is both laxative and diuretic. Strawberry leaves and fruits are a good food during pregnancy and menstruation. Modern studies are showing that strawberries help clear cholesterol from the blood.”- Excerpt From: Ellen Evert Hopman. “Secret Medicines from Your Garden.” "Skywoman buried her beloved daughter in the earth. Her final gifts, our most revered plants, grew from her heart. In Potowatami, the strawberry is the ode min, the heart berry. We recognize them as the leaders of the berries, the first to bear fruit" (Kimmerer, 2013, p. 23). Where to find on campus? Behind and around BIT building

Cobra Lily/African Corn Flag (Chasmanthe) Endemic to Cape Province in South Africa (Wikipedia). According to plants.ces.ncsu.edu: Perennial Herb. Drought resistant. Attracts humming Birds are dispersed through birds and water. Flowers through Spring and Summer.

Where to find on campus? In front of building 12 (next to OSU)

Yellow Flag (Iris pseudacorus)

Native to Europe, western Asia and northwest Africa (Wikipedia). According to plants.ces.ncsu.edu: Herbaceous perennial. Flowers bloom during Spring and Summer "The rhizome has been used in herbal medicine. The plant also has the ability to take up heavy metals out of water." According to fine gardening.com: "Extremely adaptable. Self-seeds freely along streambanks and edges of ponds. Flourishes in both shallow and deeper waters." All parts of the plant are toxic to livestock and other animals (Nyis.info).

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax) Evergreen perennial. Native to New Zealand and Norfolk Island (Wikipedia). Flowers June to July.

According to gardeningknowhow.com: "This flax is named for its fibrous leaves, which were once used to make baskets and textiles. All parts of the plant were used with medicine made from roots, face powder from flower pollen, and old blooming stems roped together as rafts." According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: "The roasted seed is used as a coffee substitute. An edible nectar is obtained from the flowers. Very wholesome eating. A long hollow grass-stalk or straw is used to suck it out of the flowers. An edible gum is obtained from the base of the leaves."

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Native to the Mediterranean region (Wikipedia). Evergreen shrub. "Modern herbalists use it for people with: Cloudy thinking, menopausal brain fog, liver headaches (pain behind the eyes), stagnant depression (used with holy basil, lavender, and/or damiana), and postural hypotension (low blood pressure with dizziness that occurs when standing up) and to prevent atherosclerosis" (Winston & Maimes, 2007). The antioxidant compounds (flavonoids and essential oils) that are in rosemary extract also can help prevent oxidative diseases, including atherosclerosis, diabetic neuropathies, cancer, and arthritis. A few drops of the essential oil are used in shampoos and hair rinses to keep black hair black and prevent dandruff" (Winston & Maimes, 2007).

Where to find on campus? Near buildings 14 and 16

Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe, and North America (Wikipedia). Helps with creating energetic boundaries Helps you create the future of your dreams, the courage to change, increase psychic power, and release negative energy (Gregg, 2008). "When you carry Yarrow, it will banish fear and infuse with the courage to face whatever issues you are holding back" (Gregg, 2008). Perennial herb. Requires low moisture. Supports carnivorous insects, butterflies, bees. " A tea made out of Yarrow is a wonderful remedy for severe colds and will relieve the aches and pains of the flu" (Gregg, 2008). According to Calscape.org, Yarrow has been used to help clot blood. Where to find on campus? Near walkway in front of CAHSS 504 building

Common Agapanthus (Agapanthus praecox)

Native to the Kwa-Zulu Natal and Western Cape provinces of South Africa (Wikipedia). Herbaceous perennial Blooms best in full sun "Considered to be both a magical and a medicinal plant, used to treat heart disease, paralysis, coughs, colds, and other ailments, and the leaves are used as bandages (the plant does contain chemicals with anti-inflammatory and other properties). However, the plant’s sap can cause minor irritation or dermatitis in susceptible individuals, and will cause severe pain in the mouth if ingested." (https://hort.extension.wisc.edu/articles/agapanthus/) Where to find on campus? Near buildings 12, 14 & 16

Perez's Sea Lavender (Limonium perezii)

Perennial herb. "Perez’s sea lavender is native to the Canary Islands, a Spanish archipelago located just off the southern coast of Morocco" (thenaturecollective.org). "Sea lavenders are found in coastal habitats such as beaches, salt marshes, coastal prairies as well as saline and alkaline areas" (the naturecollective.org). In terms of the California sea lavender (a slightly different variety), "the young leaves of California sea lavender were boiled and eaten as vegetables by the Kumeyaay. The Ohlone tribes, of San Francisco and Monterrey Bays, made a decoction of the plant for medicinal use such as treatment of internal injuries and urinary problems, or cleansing the blood. Recently, it has been reported that the extracts of California sea lavender can help prevent some types of food poisoning." (thenaturecollective.org) Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

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Coastal Gem (Grevillea lanigera)

Small evergreen shrub endemic to Australia Prefer full sun to partial shade Drought tolerant and adapted to seaside locations (landscapeplants.oreganstate.edu) Attracts hummingbirds (landscapeplants.oreganstate.edu) and bees, and are excellent nectar sources (sfgate.com) "Named after Charles Francis Greville, who was one of the founders of the Royal Horticultural Society in 1804." (sfgate.com)

Where to find on campus? Behind CAHSS building 504

Coastal Sagebrush (Artemisia californica) According to Calscape.org: They are a "highly aromatic shrub that grows in coastal sage scrub, coastal strand, chaparral, and dry foothill communities." Extremely drought tolerant Tough and easy to grow Supports various wildlife including: California Gnatcatcher, Quail, various other birds, insects.

According to ethnoherbalist.com: One of the most medicinally useful plants The Kumeyaay, from the San Diego region, dried out sagebrush leaves then prepared a tea from the foliage. This decoction was used to treat skin lesions. The tea was also drunk as a means to reduce fever symptoms. The bitter leaves are antimicrobial in nature. For this reason – the fumes from a burning bundle of sagebrush leaves were considered to help clear out a respiratory tract infection. The Cahuilla and Tongva people used California sagebrush as a gynecological aid. A decoction was used to ease menopause trauma. The plant was also administered at the beginning of a menstral period – and to ease the pains associated with childbirth. It is thought that the plant stimulates uterine mucosa, this activity would help expedite childbirth. The Cahuilla people of the Coachella Valley region smoked the dried leaves of California sagebrush, for pleasure.

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

Common Box (Buxus Sempervirens)

Evergreen shrub/small tree that is native to Europe, northern Africa and Western Asia.

Native to western and southern Europe, northwest Africa, and southwest Asia (Wikipedia). According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: All parts of the plant are poisonous, especially the leaves and bark. Has been used as a sedative and to treat syphillis. The leaves and the bark are alterative, antirheumatic (helps with arthritis), cathartic (laxative), cholagogue (promotes the flow of bile), diaphoretic (induces perspiration), febrifuge (reduces fever) oxytocic (hastens childbirth) and vermifuge (helps with parasitic worms). The leaves have been used as a quinine substitute in the treatment of malaria. The wood is diaphoretic, in full dose it is narcotic and sedative, in overdose it is convulsant and emeticocathartic. The leaves have been used in France as a substitute for hops (Humulus lupulus) in making beer.

Where to find on campus? In the open area behind CAHSS, BIT, and the library

Coyote Brush (Baccharis pilularis) According to Calscape.org: Evergreen shrub. Fire resistant. Grows in California, Oregon, and Baja California. Has two subspecies. This plant is very attractive to insects, especially when they flower. According to gardeningknowhow.com Also called Chaparral Broom. Chaparral zones frequently experience wildfires to which the plant is equally well adapted. Leaves are coated with a resinous substance that retards fire. In addition, the thick dense roots and stout crown help the plant regenerate after the upper growth has been consumed in a fire. Close relation to sunflowers. An herbaceous perennial, coyote bush has evolved several adaptive strategies to thrive in poor soils with loose vertical soil. It has a wide root system and waxy leaves, which protect it from moisture loss. Baccharis is a native plant and has been used for several purposes by indigenous people. If ingested, the bush does have the ability to cause pregnancy termination. Native people used it as a material for hunting tools, such as arrow shafts. The fluffy female seed heads were part of stuffing for toys and other items. Coyote bush uses also extended to some medicinal therapies, such as using heated leaves to reduce pain and swelling.

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504

Pride of Madeira (Echium candicans)

According to the nature collective.org "Pride of Madeira is a dicot angiosperm in the borage family (Boraginaceae)." According to herbrowe.wordpress.com: "Pride of Madeira may be poisonous if consumed and the plant is covered with bristles which may irritate the skin if the plant is touched No part of the plant is edible. Pride of Madeira may also be toxic to animals and people if the plant is consumed and caution should be taken when handling plants."

Evergreen flowering shrub. Native to the Island of Madeira (Island in the Atlantic Ocean Southwest of Portugal). Fast growing plant that attracts pollinators (can you spot the bee in the picture on the left?). A displaced relative- considered an "invasive species" in California. Ironically, the native population on Madeira is threatened by the same types of human activities that threaten the native plants in California (e.g. wildfires; naturecollective.org).

Where to find on campus? In front of building 12 (next to OSU), in the front and sides of Heron Hall

California Flannelbush (Fremontodendron californicum)

According to Calscape.org: Native California Evergreen shrub. Blossoms bloom in the Spring. "This plant is one of the most intolerant of all California natives to summer watering. After its first year, even indirectly watering this plant within a few feet of its trunk in the summer will usually kill it." "Hairs covering the leaves can irritate skin and eyes, and get caught in clothing if brushed." Supports bees and butterflies. According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: The bark can be used as a poultice-- similar Where to find on campus? properties to Slippery Elm Bark, which is a In dorm courtyard near gentle and effective remedy for irritated states Asilomar Hall (building 203), of the mucous membranes of the chest, urinary and near buildings 12 and 14 tubules, stomach and intestines.

Orchid Rockrose (Cistus purpureus)

Evergreen shrub. Native to the Mediterranean/Southern Europe. According to gardenia.net: Will grow in poor soils and tolerates coastal conditions. Although each flower lasts only for a day, this vigorous shrub provides a succession of flowers for weeks in late Spring and early Summer. According to Monrovia.com: Oil harvested from the rockrose plants was known as labdanum, a valuable alternative to rare whale ambergris in the ancient perfume trade. According to webmd: People use rock rose for panic, stress, anxiety, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.

Where to find on campus? Near buildings 12, 14 and 16

Red-Flowering Currant (Ribes sanguineum) Deciduous Shrub. Native to the Western United States and Canada (Wikipedia).

According to Nativefoodsnursery.com: The berries of the Red-flowering Currant are a native food for both humans and wildlife. Native American peoples, wild foragers, and sustainable gardeners have and continue to value this plant as food using the berries both fresh and dried. Harvest the berries in late. Summer/early Fall when they are purple-black, plump, and just barely beginning to soften to the touch. Giving this plant full sun and ample water is likely to increase the juiciness and sweetness of the berry.

Where to find on campus? In front of building 12 (next to OSU) and in BIT courtyard

Blueblossom (Ceanothus thyrsiflorus) Evergreen shrub with a pleasant fragrance. Endemic to California and Oregon.

According to Calscape.org: Flowers bloom in Winter or Spring. Its flowers are important for bees and butterflies, and its seed pods are an important food source for birds and small mammals. Requires low moisture. According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: "A green dye is obtained from the flowers. All parts of the plant are rich in saponins - when crushed and mixed with water they produce a good lather which is an effective and gentle soap. This soap is very good at removing dirt, though it does not remove oils very well. This means that when used on the skin it will not remove the natural body oils, but nor will it remove engine oil etc."

Where to find on campus? Alongside the library (planted in between strawberry trees)

Santa Barbara Ceanothus (Ceanothus impressus) Evergreen shrub. Endemic to the Central Coast of California. Pleasant fragrance. Flower from April to May. According to Calscape.org This plant likes full sun and requires low moisture This plants supports many birds and insects, including various moths and butterflies. According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: A green dye is obtained from the flowers. All parts of the plant are rich in saponins - when crushed and mixed with water they produce a good lather which is an effective and gentle soap. This soap is very good at removing dirt, though it does not remove oils very well. This means that when used on the skin it will not remove the natural body oils, but nor will it remove engine oil etc.

Where to find on campus? Near main quad, buildings 14 & 16

Broom (Cytisus scoparius)

Native to Western and Central Europe. Helps you sweep negativity and limitations out of your life (Gregg, 2008). "Medicinal uses: Broom Straw is a wonderful tonic for the bladder and kidneys. It will help cleanse the urinary system and give you renewed energy." (Gregg, 2008). Where to find on campus? In the open field behind BIT and CAHSS

Mexican Bushsage (Salvia leucantha)

Native to subtropical and tropical conifer forests in Central and Eastern Mexico (wikipedia). According to herbcottage.com: Sometimes called "woolly sage" "One of the fastest growing Salvias with a heavy disposition." "In the right climate, Mexican Sage flowers almost all year." According to thespruce.com: Has three varieties, Midnight (deep purple), pink, and white. Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies "Makes gorgeous, long-lasting additions to floral arrangements."

Where to find on campus? Near Asilomar Hall

Pacific Wax Myrtle (Morella Californica) Previously called (Myrica Californica)

Where to find on campus? Near main quad, buildings 12, 14 & 16 According to Calscape.org: An evergreen shrub. A native plant found in northern and central California. "Fast growing and long lived." "Makes an excellent small garden tree." Supports various insects including moths and caterpillars. According to greatplantpicks.org: Also called California Bayberry. "Drought tolerant once established." According to naturalmedicianlherbs.net: "The bark and root bark is used in the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders and infections." A grey-brown and a maroon-purple dye are obtained from the fresh or dried berries. A wax covering on the fruit is extracted by scalding the fruit with boiling water and immersing them for a few minutes, the wax floats to the surface and is then skimmed off. The fruit is then boiled in water to extract the wax from the pulp and once more the wax is skimmed off. It is then strained through a muslin cloth and can be used to make aromatic candles. Candles made from this wax are quite brittle but are less greasy in warm weather.

Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis fruticosa) Native to the Mediterranean regions of Turkey and Syria. Fast growing, warm season evergreen plant. Drought tolerant. A close relative of mint. Fights diarrhea. Good for bone health. According to specialtyproduce.com: "Jerusalem sage contains some vitamin K to assist with faster wound healing and essential oils that provide phenolic compounds with antioxidant and antimicrobial properties." "Antioxidants protect cells from free radical damage, and the anti-microbial properties help prevent harmful organisms from hurting the body. In European and Western Asian folk medicines, Jerusalem sage is commonly steeped into a tea to soothe the body, aid digestion, calm the throat and stomach, and curb hunger cravings."

Where to find on campus? In front and around CAHSS building 504

Pointleaf Manzanita (Arctostaphylos pungens)

According to Calscape.org: This plant is "native to the southwestern United States and northern to central Mexico, where it grows in chaparral and woodland, and on desert ridges." Evergreen shrub that flowers during the Winter and Spring. It is a food source for many kinds of wildlife, and it is harvested by people and made into jam in many parts of Mexico. The seeds require scarification by wildfire before they can germinate. According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: An infusion of the leaves is used in the treatment of diarrhea. An infusion is also used in the treatment of the rash caused by poison oak, Toxicodendron diversiloba. A yellowish-brown dye is obtained from the leaves. The edible parts of the plant are the fruit, which can be eaten raw or cooked. "An agreeable acid flavour but the fruit is dry and mealy. Hard to digest, the fruit should be eaten in moderation. It can be dried and ground into a powder and then used as mush or as a flavouring in soups etc. A cooling drink can be made from the fruit."

Where to find on campus? Near main quad, buildings 14 & 16

California Coffeeberry (Frangula californica)

According to Calscape.org: Evergreen shrub. Makes a great fire resistant hedge. Also called the "California buckthorn." Has berries that look like coffee. Flowers during the Spring and Summer. Various insects and moths are attracted to this plant. According to parkconservancy.org Coffeeberry bark is a popular herbal remedy for chronic constipation. Berries were gathered historically by west coast Indian tribes for culinary as well as medicinal purposes. The berries are sweet and edible. The bark can be used to treat poison oak (sandiego.edu).

Where to find on campus? Near Asilomar Hall, building 203


(Lavandula angustifolia)

An evergreen shrub. Flowers from June to September. "Best known as a carminative for people with gas, nausea, and vomiting. Lavender also is a nervine, antidepressant, and a mild nootropic agent. Lavender essential oil can be used topically for burns and fungal infections and as an antibacterial medication for cuts and wounds" (Winston & Maimes, 2007). Helps with emotional and gastrointestinal tract stagnation (Winston & Maimes, 2007). As an essential oil or tea helps with falling asleep, nervous headaches and exhaustion, mildly elevated blood pressure and old age induced anxiety. (Winston & Maimes, 2007).

Gives you a fresh spiritual outlook (Gregg, 2008). Antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsive, and antidepressant (Gregg, 2008).

Where to find on campus? In front of building 16 and 14 (dining hall)

Lavender Cotton

(Santolina chamaecyparissus)

According to missouribotanicalgarden.org: It is native to the Mediterranean area (southern Europe and northern Africa). Plants appreciate regular moisture during the first year, but tolerate drought once roots are established. Is a small, semi-woody, tender subshrub with aromatic, evergreen, silver-gray foliage. Flowers may not appear if plants are regularly trimmed/sheared. Foliage has historically been used as an insecticide and moth repellant. Produces gold/yellow flowers According tonaturalmedicinalherbs.net "The leaves and flowering tops are antispasmodic, disinfectant, emmenagogue [stimulates or increases menstrual flow], stimulant and vermifuge [anti parasitic]. Cotton lavender is rarely used medicinally, though it is sometimes used internally as a vermifuge for children and to treat poor digestion and menstrual problems. When finely ground and applied to insect stings or bites, the plant will immediately ease the pain. Applied to surface wounds, it will hasten the healing process by encouraging the formation of scar tissue. The leaves and flowering stems are harvested in the summer and dried for later use." Where to find on campus? In CAHSS building 504 courtyard

California Goldenbush (Ericameria ericoides)

According to Calscape.org: An evergreen shrub. Also known by the name "Mock Heather." Endemic to California. "A species of flowering shrub in the daisy family." Blooms yellow flowers in the summer. Supports a variety of wildlife, including bees, butterflies, and other pollinators. Likes full sun and requires very low moisture. Where to find on campus? Near building 14 and 16

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European Beach Grass (Ammophila arenaria) A displaced relative, considered an "invasive species." According to Wikipedia: Known by common name "Marram Grass." Native to the coastlines of Europe and North Africa. A perennial plant that is highly adaptive in the sand. According to cal-ipc.org: A clumping perennial grass. "Native plants often cannot compete with dense stands of European beachgrass." According to Naturalmedicinalherbs.net: "The flowering stems and leaves are used for thatching, in basketry, making brooms etc." "The rhizomes are used for making rope and mats. A fibre obtained from the stems is used for making paper." "This plant has an extensive root system and grows naturally in sand dunes along the coast where it is very important for its action of binding the dunes and therefore allowing other plants to grow. It is much planted in sand dunes and other similar habitats for erosion control." Where to find on campus? Near BIT building

Finestem Needlegrass (Nassella tenuissima)

Also known by the name Mexican Feathergrass. Native to Southwestern United States, Northern Mexico, and Argentina. A displaced relative, considered an "invasive species" (invasive.org). Drought tolerant (izelnativeplants.com). "Provides a fine textured accent for rock gardens and mixed borders" (missouribotannicalgarden.com." Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504 parking lot

Pampas Grass (Cortaderia selloana)

Native to southern South America (wikipedia). Displaced relative, considered an "invasive species" (wikipedia). "This plant is tolerant of a wide range of soils, coastal and sandy conditions, is highly salt tolerant, drought tolerant, and is highly resistant to deer grazing" (plants.ces.ncsu.edu). According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: An evergreen perennial. "A fibre obtained from the leaves is used for making paper. The leaves are harvested in the autumn, they are cut into usable pieces and soaked for 24 hours in clear water. They are then cooked for 2 hours with lye and then beaten in a blender. The fibre makes a yellow paper."

Where to find on campus? Near CAHSS building 504 parking lot

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Foxtail Agave (Agave Attenuata) Native to the plateau of central West Mexico. (Wikipedia). According to gardenia.net: It is an evergreen succulent perennial. "It bears greenish-yellowish flowers which give way to seed pods and many new plantlets." Drought tolerant. According to an article by Rizwan et. al. (2012) published in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences, "the plant may provide a substitute for niclosamide [treats tapework infestations] and be used safely for snail control by rural communities and has been proposed as a contact poison for Bulinus africanus [tropical freshwater snail]" (p. 6441).

Where to find on campus? In front of building 12 (next to OSU) & CAHSS courtyard

Sea Fig

(Carpobrotus chilensis) Edible succulent. Evergreen Perennial. Native to Southern Africa A "displaced relative" (Hernandez, 2022) not an "invasive species." According to naturalmedicinalherbs.net: Said to taste like strawberry. The plant is moderately fire-resistant and can be used in barrier plantings to prevent the spread of forest fires. According to Wikipedia: Can be a laxative if eaten in high quantity. Can be consumed raw or cooked (especially the leaves). Can be made into pickles or chutney. The leaf juice is acerbic (sour) and slightly antiseptic. It can be mixed with water to Where to find on campus? treat diarrhea, dysentery, and stomach In various places, including the open cramps, and can also be gargled to alleviate field behind CAHSS, BIT, and the laryngitis, sore throat, and mouth infections. library.

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Silvergreen Bryum Moss (Bryum argenteum)

A cosmopolitan species common to urban areas where it can be found between cracks on sidewalks, poor soil, and rocks (fs.fed.us). One of the most common urban mosses of inner cities (wikipedia). Where to find on campus? In the open field behind CAHSS, BIT, and library

There are many more plants than these.. Perhaps the greatest realization in curating this zine is that we are surrounded by an abundance of plant life. We need to know their names and how they are involved in the web of life, regardless of whether they are native, "invasive," wild, or artificially planted. Dr Seuss's Lorax pleaded in the face of corporate capitalism and environmental degradation that they "spoke for" the trees. In addition to advocacy, we must also learn to listen to the trees and plants. Our survival depends on it.

"We have always known that plants and animals have their own councils, and a common language. The trees, especially we recognize as our teachers [...] We Pecans have learned that there is strength in unity, that the lone individual can be picked off as easily as the tree has fruited out of season. The teachings of Pecans were not heard, or heeded." Kimmerer (2013, p. 15)

Sources Utilized In addition to wikipedia, California Native Plant Society, webmd, and many other general online sources:

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