Sleeping Pills – The Right Treatment for Your Insomnia and Anxiety

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Sleeping Pills – The Right Treatment for Your Insomnia and Anxiety Sleeping pills have long been shunned by society due to the various stigmas associated with them. People taking these pills were considered drug addicts. This was also because of the fact that people have been using these pills for recreational purposes. What most people don’t realise is that these pills can truly help a person suffering from anxiety or insomnia.

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 Have you ever been through a situation where you suddenly felt immense fear or this feeling that someone was out there to get you? Has this feeling intensified since then? Do you now spend your time alone in your house, away from your family’s and friends’ company? Last but not least; are you having trouble lately in falling asleep?

If your answer was a resounding “yes” to all these questions, then you are going through a bad case of insomnia and anxiety. One of the major factors that causes insomnia is anxiety. Since both of them are closely related, you can kill two birds with one single treatment. There are hundreds of sleeping tablets sold under different names on the market. Whether it’s a brand name or generic variation, people need to understand that before starting a course, they should thoroughly research it to make sure that they are taking the right one.

Sleeping Tablets Precaution You will find dozens of precautions listed on the internet about what to do and what not to do when taking sleeping tablets. The usual: take it before bedtime, don’t take it if you have any lung, liver or kidney disease, don’t mix it with opioid or other medicine, etc. However, the most important thing to remember is that these tablets only work if they are taken in the right dosage. Exceeding the dose, even by 0.5 mg can impair your motor skills, and make it difficult for you to function properly throughout the day. Some tablets have a half life of 100 hours with peak times of 3 hours. When the dose is increased, the peak time also increases, which can cause side effects but nothing severe.

Causes of Anxiety Anxiety can be caused by genetics and, external and medical factors. Anxiety passed through genetics or caused due to external factors can be treated with sleeping tablets. But, for medical factors, you need to make sure that both medications do not pose any side effects when taken together. Following are the causes of anxiety:

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Stress at work Trauma from past events such as victimization, accident or abuse Stress from school Stress in professional and personal relationship Stress about finances Stress from a medical illness Intoxication from a drug like amphetamines or cocaine Psychological problems

Symptoms of Anxiety            

Palpitations Stomach upset Shortness of breath Sweating Chest pain Trembling Sense of choking Nausea Dizziness Slow motor skills Numbness or tingling Hot flashes or chills

Causes of Insomnia             

Gastrointestinal problems like reflux Nasal allergies Arthritis Chronic pain Endocrine problems like hyperthyroidism Asthma Neurological conditions like Parkinson's disease Low back pain Stress Poor sleep habits Eating too much at night Sleep-related disorders such as sleep apnoea Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine

Symptoms of Insomnia   

Waking up early Irritability, anxiety or depression Waking up in the middle of the night

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Having difficulty in falling asleep Increased accidents Feeling tired all the time Daytime sleepiness Difficulty in focusing on tasks Ongoing worries about future

Sleeping Tablets for Insomnia and Anxiety Zopiclone Zopiclone is a Z-drug that is used for short term treatment of insomnia. Since the tablet has few side effects and withdrawal symptoms, it is the most common tablet recommended by physicians. It has a low dependency rate and short half life, making it the most tolerable medicine. Zopiclone works as a tranquilizer on the central nervous system. The chemical GABA keeps the nerve cells balanced which induces a calming effect and helps you fall asleep easily. Though it can be used for long term treatment too, but after some time, it might stop giving the expected results.

Zolpidem Zolpidem and Zopiclone are somewhat similar kinds of Z-drugs. Zolpidem produces GABA, which inhibits the neuron activity and gives the brain rest from the constant hum drum of life. Due to its sedative quality, a person is able to let go of all the stress and sleep easily.

Xanax Amongst benzodiazepines, Xanax is considered as one of the strongest drugs. It also works by suppressing activity in the central nervous system and inducing sleep. Since there’s a possibility that people might experience some side effects, it is recommended to start a course with a dose as low as 0.5 mg.

Diazepam Diazepam is a benzodiazepine and affects the brain activity in a completely different manner. It affects the central nervous system to calm down brain activity, same as the sleeping pills belonging to the Z-drugs category do, but the site at which GABA binds with the receptors is different. It also affects the transaminase activity and is used to treat other symptoms such as seizures, alcohol withdrawal and muscle spasms As mentioned earlier, sleeping pills should be taken according to the symptoms you are experiencing. With the causes and symptoms mentioned above for insomnia and anxiety, you will have no trouble in distinguishing what you are going through. To get sleeping tablets for either of these problems, visit Cheap Sleeping Pills. The online pharmacy offers you the benefit of buying sleeping pills easily with discreet delivery direct to your home.

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