The Chatham Voice, June 8, 2017

Page 6



Life-saving choices abound Statistics Canada figures state that the community of Chatham-Kent has the highest death rate from heart attacks per capita in Ontario, second highest in Canada. That statistic alone is reason to take a long, hard look at the state of our personal health, and how ready we are to deal with a potential heart attack or stroke. During this week, deemed Local Food Week in Ontario, we are so fortunate to live in an area where we only have to go a short distance to get farm fresh fruits and vegetables as well as beef, chicken, pork and eggs. Yet we don’t take advantage of the opportunities to eat healthy that are all around us. That makes the donation of defibrillators during Paramedic Week to the area and the project to make the public aware of where defibrillators are located for use in the community even more important. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, one person dies every seven minutes of a heart attack or stroke in Canada. But if people have access to and are trained on the defibrillators, they can save a life because getting to the person right away can make all the difference in the world. Medavie EMS personnel and local firefighters do their best to get to priority calls like possible heart attack as quickly as possible but if the person can be treated immediately at the scene, the chances of survival go way up. And with the incidence of heart disease in our community, making defibrillators available and training people on them and how to do CPR are more important now than ever. Even at home, someone should be certified in CPR and it is the law in Ontario that every work place must have someone trained in CPR. How to recognize the signs and symptoms of a heart attack or stroke is something everyone should know and that information is readily available on the Heart and Stroke website at Read up on it, get certified and get healthy because the life you save one day may be your own.

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No rules for NHL playoff hockey Sir: It appears that the referees have two rulebooks, one for the regular season and one for the playoffs. The Don Cherry mentality of “let them play” has taken hockey to a new low in these playoffs. The amount of illegal slashing, cross checking, hooking, elbowing, high sticking, running the goaltenders and scrums after the whistle with no penalties being called is turning the game into a farce. But the referees will call a delay of game penalty for a player knocking the

puck over the sideboards from his own end. Why is this still a penalty but all the other nonsense is not? Where has the head of officials gone during these playoffs because if he were doing his job he would fire all the playoff referees on the spot. At times it is like watching a combination of boxing, wrestling, dancing and mixed martial arts on ice! Perhaps someone should promote this new ice sport during the summer months to prepare

the NHL players for the coming season. Wonder why hockey registrations are going down? What parent would want their child participating in a sport where trying to injure another player is top priority. What fan wants to pay $100-200 to see a game live and watch Sidney Crosby sitting in the press box with a concussion? When is the last time you saw a fight in an Olympic or World Championship hockey

game? Isn’t it time to ban fighting like every other sport has with immediate ejection from the game? Just for once I would like to hear a hockey TV analyst be honest about what he is viewing. I have been a hockey fan all my life and recently finished watching Canada play Sweden in the finals of the World Championships and it was a joy to watch hockey at its finest with all infractions being called by the rule book. Reg Johnson Chatham

Shame on us, Chatham-Kent Sir: Is it just me or have we, as a community, become entirely oblivious to what 2017 represents for us as Canadians? One of the things that bothers me immensely has to be the lack of patriotism that exists within parts of this country. Patriotism is not just a part-time endeavor. It is a role we should all

be participating at actively in order to prosper, as a community … as a country. This most wonderful homeland of ours allows many privileges and yet, it seems that many of us are quite content at expressing very little in the way of love for their native land.

Patriotism is the love that people should be feeling and demonstrating openly for their country. For the most part, as Canadians, we are all pretty gosh darn good when it comes to boasting about our country however, sad as it is, we do very little to openly showcase

our passion for it. Outside of our troops, the Canadian Flag is our most recognizable feature. It’s our pride and joy; our Identity. Proudly flying our Canadian Flag should be a constant ongoing practice and not just a one day, one weekend, one week of parading it around.

Continued on page 7

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