Chat Bout - The CB Group eZine - May 2018

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group TBT is a living better wellness program that focuses on employee health and wellness. Fitness instructor and Personal Trainer Dervon McKellop of the IT Department is committed and motivated to help shaping and changing lives through exercise and nutrition. The focus is not just about exercise but about the 8 habits of living better “NEW START” N utrition E xercise W ater S unlight T emperance A ir R est T rust in God

CB eZine


Living Better TBT

“Total Body Transformation” With Dervon McKellop

Health is a great treasure. It is the richest possession mortals can have. Wealth, honour or learning are daily purchased. If it be at the loss of the vigour of health. None of these attainments can secure happiness if health is wanting. The time to heal has come and that is what Living better with “TBT” is all about. Sessions are held Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays @5:30pm for a minimal cost at the group office courtyard. Join us for CrossFit, weight loss challenge, work on the summer body (those abs), obstacle challenge and dance aerobics (rock that body). These activities help to support team building and camaraderie amongst co-workers. Come join us today. See you soon. Total Body Transformers “TBT”. 12

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