CHASE Matters Spring 2010

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Spring 2010

COVER story • Family story: Lewis

Family story: Lewis

NEWS from our team

When Lewis was born he appeared to be a perfectly healthy baby but at about 11 months old, he was struck with a mystery illness which has never been diagnosed.

• CHASE financial situation • Teenagers exams success • Legacies: Make each day count with a gift in your Will

His mother Diane said he had started to crawl, was sitting up and had begun to speak but suddenly everything stopped.

PEOPLE like you • Beach party

“It all happened within the space of a week. He couldn’t move anymore, he stopped talking and eating and became epileptic.”

• Looloo kept running! • Chris Evans becomes CHASE Patron • More activities for children and families Lewis and his family

Fun at Christopher’s

Lewis has three siblings, Alison (16) Mitchell (13) and Rachel (5). They are a close family and enjoy doing things together but Lewis’s illness has not made life easy for them.

• CHASING the sun and Santa • Family Forum

CHASE calendar • Events

Lewis having a giggle with care team member Lyn

CHASE has provided them with a lot of support and the opportunity to spend some quality family time together although Lewis was seven years old before they overcame the fear of approaching CHASE.

“Christopher’s was totally different to what we thought it would be – it was homely and comfortable and Lewis just loves it. The first time I left him there on his own I sobbed all the way home and was phoning all the time but I didn’t need to worry, he adored it.” You can help children like Lewis by taking part in the CHASE Spring Raffle 2010.

To support our Spring Raffle appeal go to

Lewis with Mr Fuzzy at Christopher’s 1 5

CHASE news, legacies and friends Legacies

CHASE financial situation This year CHASE has been maintaining its service to families only by dipping into reserves and this cannot be sustained over a long period. Our deficit, while not growing at the moment is not reducing either and we do not anticipate that next year our fundraising will rise significantly enough to cancel out the shortfall. The Board of Trustees will be considering options which we anticipate will need to be implemented in the new financial year and will almost certainly involve cuts in our service. We have already made as many economies as possible in terms of spend and will now need to look at ways of reducing our service with as little impact as possible on the families we support. We will keep you informed via our website,

Teenagers exams success CHASE is supporting more teenagers than ever and it is vital for us to be able to meet their growing needs. Kimmy says thank you!

A gift to CHASE in your Will… …can make a big difference. However large or small, your gift will help CHASE be there for families in the future – to ensure they receive the nursing care and emotional support they need to enjoy the time they have left together. For details contact Ian Davies at CHASE on 01483 454213 or email

Four of the young people with life-limiting illnesses CHASE supports have already passed A Levels and they are now studying at universities around the country.

for young people at Christopher’s, so we can give these young people space to enjoy the things they love to do – things that other teenagers take for granted.

CHASE care team member Pauline Cheeseman says some of the teenagers she supports are studying media, music and photography at the moment and they will be taking exams next year. Families rely on CHASE to provide support and help outside of school and college to their children, particularly the teenagers. We need to improve the facilities we currently have

Jack playing table football at Christopher’s 2

PEOPLE like you

People Like You - Beach party

Runners - we need you! If you know anyone who has been lucky enough to get a ballot place in the Virgin London Marathon 2010, please encourage them to run for CHASE. We only have eight Gold Bond places in this year’s race so are relying on own place numbers to boost our team. Or if you know anybody who would like to run in this year’s British 10k on July the 11th, we have guaranteed places. Go to 2010events

Strodes College – Beach Party

Students at Strodes College in Egham have been supporting CHASE for two years with some innovative and fun ideas! They have successfully organised all kinds of sales and raffles and last year one of their major achievements was a ‘beach party’ in a local restaurant. They have recently been partying again – this time a pyjama party was the theme and like the beach

party, it inspired some unusual attire, ensured lots of fun for the teenagers and raised over £200. There are lots of ways you can help CHASE either at school, in the workplace, at home – we have lots of ideas. Why not give our fundraising team a call to find out more on 01483 454213, email fundraising or visit

Let’s Lunch in March Do something simple with food this March and help support CHASE. During March on any date you choose, just invite friends to join you for food and fun and help CHASE make a difference to some very special people.

Loo loo kept running! Looloo Mizzi was first inspired to take part in a running event for CHASE back in 2002 when Matthew, the son of her good friend Tina Aston died at Christopher’s, aged 81/2. She was so moved by the work done by CHASE that she and another friend joined Tina to run the Flora Light in Hyde Park. Looloo was nudged to get out her running shoes again in 2009 after seeing a call for runners in the Great South Run on Facebook from Tina, who works at CHASE as an events fundraiser. Looloo launched into a new training programme and was ecstatic when she completed the race in 1.43. 14 – a huge achievement.

For more information or to register Lucy cooks up some fairy cakes and receive your free fundraising

pack with lots of ideas, please call 01483 454213 visit or email

Loo loo Mizzi after the race


Chris Evans becomes CHASE Patron We are delighted to announce that Chris Evans and his wife Natasha Shishmanian have agreed to become Patrons of CHASE hospice care for children. This recognises the support we have received from them over the years since the CHASE service began. Chris said: “I am delighted that CHASE has asked Natasha and I to become patrons. Photo of Chris and Natasha with new born Noah – Taken from internet, by Rex pictures.

“Providing a life-line to families whose child has a life-limiting condition is vital.

“This is our chance to ask all of you to support the work of CHASE especially in these difficult financial times. “Our role very much will be to spread the word and try to raise public awareness of this essential and charitably funded service.” CHASE Deputy CEO Bridget Turner said: “We welcome Chris and Natasha on board as Patrons and look forward to many years of working with them and of course their new baby Noah.”

RECENT VISITORS CHASE has recently welcomed: • Television presenter Gethin Jones and actress Rebecca Brewer who were starring as Prince Charming and Cinderella in panto in Guildford came to visit us before Christmas. • Children’s Hospice’s UK Patron Simon Cowell spent an afternoon at Christopher’s when he took part in a question and answer session with over 100 family members and spent time chatting to families and signing autographs. Dame Jacqueline Wilson with Grace

• Dame Jacqueline Wilson, DBE, brought Tracy Beaker to young fans at CHASE when she read some of her stories to children at Christopher’s.

Simon Cowell signs autographs for Alex and Matthew

More activities for children and families The range of activities for children, teenagers and families at CHASE has been greatly increased over the past year thanks to the hard work by our Education Liaison and Activities co-ordinator Kylie Quincey.

The range stretches to sensory activities at Christopher’s such as cooking and gardening and organised workshops with our music therapist Vicky Kammin as well as events for our Little CHASERS group.

Kylie is responsible for organising all the outside events for the families and children like pantomimes, trips to zoos, and concerts at major venues like the O2 Arena.

Sensory activities provide a great way to find out more about the children, what they like to do and also what appeals to them in sights, sounds and smells which can in turn help with their well being.

Martha and her mum Helen at a Little CHASERS toddlers group party.


NEWS from our team

CHASING the CHASE sailors hit the high seas miles and 8 night hours in four days. of ten siblings supported sun and Santa Abygroup They all had a great time and CHASE hit the high seas in a sailing ship which took them from Southampton to Weymouth and back for the adventure of a lifetime. Ocean Youth Trust South teams up with CHASE every year to offer a special sailing holiday to brothers and sisters and for some it’s the only holiday they have.

Christmas fun in the summer – CHASE Patron Andrew Castle with Millie-May

Chris Lane, who is Chairman of the Ocean Youth Trust South West Sussex Support Group said: “It was a very full and challenging trip for the young crew and group leaders but they were brilliant, completing 157

experienced some strenuous sailing. The OYT Sea Staff said once again how much they have enjoyed spending time with the CHASE young people – they’re special people in so many ways.” The group was accompanied by two members of the CHASE care team, Val O’Donnell and Pam Parker and sponsored by OYT South and CHASE Patron Max Clifford. The 2009 CHASE crew aboard the John Laing.

At CHASE we like to think we provide some innovative and fun times for the families we support and one of the main fun activities of the year is our Summer Fun Day. In the summer of 2009 we found a great excuse to dress up in Christmas gear and get into the Christmas mood with our CHASING the sun and Santa theme. There were scores of activities and fun things to do, even a Great Wheelchair Slalom Race. This year’s Summer Fun Day is already in the planning with the theme – CHASE goes to the Movies.

Family Forum

Volunteer News

We are planning to set up a family feedback forum in 2010 which will be held at Christopher’s twice a year.

We need to expand our base of events volunteers for big events such as the London Bridges Walk, Loseley 10K run, London Marathon, the Brighton Marathon etc. These volunteers will be asked to help with marshalling, car parking or cheerleading at specific events only.

This will be an opportunity for families to hear about CHASE from the management team and also have their say about development at CHASE and the service in general.

We are recruiting people to help us at these events so if you would like to help or know anyone else who would be willing to join us, please contact our Volunteer Services Manager Erica Quaile on 01483 230960 or email


CHASE calendar

Children’s Hospice Week 2010 In 2010 Children’s Hospice Week is moving from September to May. The charity week, from 15 – 22 May, will have the theme of ‘Heroes’ to raise awareness of children’s hospices and the many heroes within them. There will be a national children’s art auction, called ‘This is my Hero’ and a whole host of hero related activities to get involved in.

CHASE Virtual Tour wins award

Corporate Supporters Employees from Interval International, a corporate supporter from London have reached their £4,000 fundraising target for CHASE. They have raised this money through a variety of activities from dress down days on Fridays to cake sales, a Halloween quiz, raffles, participating in CHASE events and even a sponsored beard shaving! Frankie Martin, Marketing Executive at Interval International said:

Kervin Boodhe, Frankie Martin, Shauneez Lovato, Nick Hallett from Interval International

“Attending the open day at Christopher’s and seeing what a happy place it is has really inspired us to step up our fundraising”.

Support from companies fundraising for CHASE provides vital income so if you or someone you know works for a company that could fundraise for CHASE please contact Natalie or Elena on or call 01483 454213.

Night Walk

put it in your diary now – although this is still subject to confirmation.

CHASE will be organising a night walk to celebrate Children’s Hospice Week at the end of May. We have earmarked the date as May 22nd so

Keep an eye on our website for details – nightwalk

EVENTS CHASE Virtual tour CHASE has won an award for it’s state of the art virtual tour on the internet. The tour is aimed at prospective families who may be apprehensive of approaching us – they can now see inside Christopher’s and what happens in each of the rooms, from the comfort of their own homes. Visit to see the tour for yourself!

For details of all these events, contact our fundraising office on 01483 454213 or visit our website

25th April – Virgin London Marathon. Run for CHASE or support on the day. Details from Tina Aston on 01483 454213.

6th March – CHASE Spring Ball in The Conservatory at Painshill Park, Cobham. Godalming Friends of CHASE. Tickets £75 from Louise Healey 01483 898539 or

27th April – Richmond Friends of CHASE ‘Art Reception’ – a new event for CHASE at Goldsmiths Hall, City of London. Tickets £80 each. Contact CHASE Fundraising office on 01483 454213

18th April – The inaugural Brighton Marathon. Run for CHASE or support on the day. Details from Tina Aston on 01483 454213.

22nd May – Night Walk. Details from Diana de Moura Stewart on 01483 454213.

Would you like to receive CHASE Matters by email instead of by post? Or would you like to be kept up to date with our e-newsletter instead? Sign up at or call us on 01483 454213. CHASE matters is produced by the CHASE Marketing Department. Any comments or suggestions are welcome at: CHASE, Loseley Park, Guildford, Surrey GU3 1HS. Telephone 01483 454213, fax 01483 454214 or email

Registered Charity No. 1042495

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