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Get Future Ready

The world is changing. Focusing on the development of transferable skills, professional knowledge, experiences and mindset, is vital for our young people.

An overview of Charterhouse’s FutureU programme.

The Five Pillars

The Charterhouse 10 transferable skills

Life Hacks: increasing professional and personal effectiveness

An Entrepreneurial Mindset: cultivating innovators

Understanding the World of Work: a glimpse into professional life

Personal Brand Development: stand out from the crowd

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The Hub

New spaces. New ideas.

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The Charterhouse Entrepreneurship Diploma

Nurturing the next generation of innovators. Charterhouse is the first UK school to offer its pupils an Entrepreneurship Diploma accredited by the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs.

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Theory into practice

Examples of the exciting range of FutureU taught programmes, events and practical challenges throughout each pupil’s time at Charterhouse.

Get Future Ready

Charterhouse’s pupils are amongst the most future-ready young people in the UK. The School’s FutureU activities are a central element of the Carthusian experience, aimed at ensuring pupils can proactively develop the transferable skills, professional knowledge, experiences and mindset required to thrive throughout their later lives.

The world is changing very quickly. The future workplace and career opportunities are predicted to change hugely in the decades ahead – who would have thought 10 years ago that becoming a Drone Traffic Controller could be a genuine career option?

In addition to our excellent taught academic courses and vibrant co-curricular programmes, it is vital that we emphasise the importance of equipping each pupil with a strong foundation and understanding of the transferable skills, professional knowledge, experiences and mindset that will be required to thrive throughout their later life.


The Charterhouse 10 transferable skills


3. An Entrepreneurial Mindset: cultivating innovators

4. 5. Life Hacks: increasing professional and personal effectiveness

Understanding the World of Work Personal Brand Development: stand out from the crowd

Our FutureU activity underpins Charterhouse’s commitment to ensuring that every pupil not only excels academically, but also develops a future-ready foundation across five forward-thinking themes during their time at School.

The future workforce will need to prioritize adaptability and resilience, embrace change, be open to new challenges, and continually develop the skills that align with the demands of the job market.

Soft skills such as creativity, emotional intelligence, and adaptability will be highly valued in the future job market. It will not just be about what you know but how you can apply that knowledge in diverse and dynamic environments. Today’s young people must become self-aware and agile learners, able to adapt and learn quickly.

These building blocks are embedded into the fabric of the Charterhouse experience, providing our pupils with an invaluable toolkit, alongside their academic results. Carthusians emerge as confident, adaptable, and successful



on the world.



to leave

Every pupil accesses FutureU content throughout their studies at School via a dedicated programme as well as elements being delivered within the academic curriculum, co-curricular, PSHE and the Futures Team. Provision will also continue to be available for all OCs following graduation.


The Five Pillars


The Charterhouse 10 transferable skills











While academic knowledge remains essential, developing an evolving suite of transferable skills will be equally crucial for the future world of work. We provide a blend of formal teaching and handson challenges to develop essential skills such as critical thinking, communication, problem-solving and teamworking. These skills are the backbone of future success, empowering pupils to embrace opportunities and tackle challenges with confidence, irrespective of their chosen career paths.

At Charterhouse we deliver a range of sessions specifically targeted at both understanding and developing specific skills. These are further enhanced through content in our academic courses and co-curricular programmes.

Skills development continues in the workplace long after a Charterhouse education ends. We lay the foundation for this by ensuring that pupils understand the concept of transferable skills, the need to continually evaluate personal strengths and weaknesses in relation to job requirements, and how best to build new skills where needed.

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Life Hacks: increasing professional and personal effectiveness

The FutureU programme goes beyond career development and delves into life skills that contribute to overall success and fulfilment. Workshops on time management, self-awareness, networking strategies, email management, managing stress, and financial literacy (professional and personal) are among the many life hacks that FutureU offers.

Equipped with these practical skills, pupils will be ready to navigate the challenges of adulthood and make well-informed decisions for their personal and professional growth.

An Entrepreneurial Mindset: cultivating innovators

Having an entrepreneurial mindset is about much more than having the drive to begin your own business – we see it as a way of thinking that fosters innovation, resilience, and creative problem-solving.

The Charterhouse Entrepreneurship Diploma (CED) is a key component of our FutureU programme in the Sixth Form. We are the first UK school to offer a professional diploma accredited by the ‘Institute of Entrepreneurship and Enterprise’ (IOEE), providing our pupils with the opportunity to gain a level 3 professional qualification in Applied Entrepreneurship, alongside their A Levels or International Baccalaureate courses.

In a first for Charterhouse, the CED has a blended delivery, mixing teaching, case-studies and AI learning. An entrepreneurial mindset and the skills associated with it benefits all pupils, irrespective of their future plans. The addition of AI learning is a particularly significant innovation. Providing our teenagers with an initial framework for how to begin working effectively with AI will be of huge significance in the years ahead.

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Understanding the World of Work: a glimpse into professional life

I have no idea what I want to do? What is work? How do you ensure that you are employable?

FutureU helps to answer these questions, and many more. Each year we provide a series of lectures, seminars, workshops, 1:1 advice and networking opportunities that bring pupils face-to-face with industry professionals, successful alumni, and renowned experts.

These connections offer invaluable insights into career opportunities. From guest speakers sharing their personal journey to networking evenings with our alumni and parents, pupils will gain a deeper understanding of their prospective career paths, supporting them to make informed decisions about their future.


Personal Brand Development: stand out from the crowd

In the digital age, personal branding plays a pivotal role in future career success. FutureU recognises this importance and offers guidance on crafting an authentic personal brand. From optimising LinkedIn profiles to body language, the art of networking and creating impactful CVs, pupils learn how to showcase their strengths, accomplishments, and unique qualities effectively. Building a compelling and authentic personal brand will set pupils apart from the competition and provide access to exciting opportunities.

Who you are also matters – that is why we live every element of School-life through our 5 core values of perseverance, responsibility, moral-courage, open-mindedness, kindness. Everything at Charterhouse begins with kindness. Understanding our own personal values can have a profound impact on individuals within a professional setting too.

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New spaces. New ideas. Home of the FutureU Programme

Funded entirely by philanthropy, The Hub – Charterhouse’s newest facility, provides a range of spaces where every pupil can explore and develop a foundation in the types of skills, knowledge and experiences that will be needed to thrive throughout their lives.

A boardroom, a tech-rich seminar space, group working pods and a 200-seat lecture theatre all combine to create an environment that mirrors the type of modern open-plan flexible spaces seen in universities and business, providing opportunities for collaboration, risk taking, presentations and team-work.

We have purposefully chosen not to teach these topics within a traditional classroom setting, in order to encourage all pupils to think differently, learn quickly while taking risks and to provide opportunities to connect with individuals around the globe via technology.

The Hub and the FutureU programmes based within it, are located centrally within the School’s historic campus – emphasising our commitment to place this important activity firmly in the School’s DNA, working alongside our academic courses.

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The Charterhouse Entrepreneurship Diploma: Nurturing the next generation of innovators

Charterhouse is the first UK school to offer its pupils an Entrepreneurship Diploma accredited by the Institute of Enterprise and Entrepreneurs (IOEE).

Sixth Form pupils have the opportunity to gain a Level 3 professional qualification in Applied Entrepreneurship, alongside their A Levels or International Baccalaureate courses. In addition, upon successful completion of the CED, pupils will gain sixteen UCAS points. This is the first time such a programme has carried UCAS credits.

Delivered by a blended programme of taught classes, supplemented by case studies and guest speakers, The CED frames theoretical learning within real life applications. Another innovation sees the addition of AI technology to provide advice and feedback to pupils throughout the course.

Sandip Patel, Head of Entrepreneurship, explains the practical and theoretical skills the Charterhouse IOEE Diploma offers:

In a first for Charterhouse, the programme has a blended delivery, mixing teaching, case-studies and AI learning – as our Diploma uses the latest AI technology to help pupils with advice and feedback. The Diploma will give our sixth formers problem-solving skills, adaptability and employability. We firmly believe that an entrepreneurial mindset and the skills associated with it, benefits all pupils, irrespective of their future plans.

The addition of AI learning is a particularly significant innovation. We already know that job applicants come into increasing contact with AI during the first phases of the recruitment process. Providing our teenagers with an initial framework for how to begin working effectively with AI will be a huge support in the years ahead.

The CED forms an important part of Charterhouse’s commitment to preparing all pupils as completely as possible for their future.

An entrepreneurial mindset can be of benefit to everyone and we’re taking the lead on entrepreneurship and employability. Extensive opportunities lie ahead for exciting projects with our partners, both in the maintained sector and internationally. We have purposefully chosen not to teach these topics within a traditional classroom setting, in order to encourage all students to think differently, learn quickly from taking risks and to provide opportunities to connect with individuals around the globe via technology.

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Theory into Practice

Events and Activities

All pupils have access to an exciting range of FutureU taught programmes, events and practical challenges throughout their time at Charterhouse.

The following are just some of the examples of the types of activities available:

Personal brand: expanding your network

Successful networking takes thought and practice.

Pupils develop a well-rounded understanding of networking principles and the skills necessary to create meaningful connections, foster professional relationships, and leverage their network for personal and career growth.

Effective networking offers a wealth of opportunities to connect, learn, grow, and collaborate within their industry and beyond. Pupils also have the chance to put theory into practice.

Life hacks: email management

A session designed to give pupils the essential skills and strategies needed to effectively handle their email communications within both an academic and business setting.

In a rapidly evolving digital work environment, where email remains a primary mode of communication, being adept at email management is essential for staying on top of tasks, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, and fostering positive professional relationships.

The principles of prioritisation, organisation, and clear communication can be applied to various aspects of work and life.

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In Conversation: speaker series

From a Lawyer sharing career insights, to an Explorer explaining the importance of resilience, who better to inspire our pupils‘ future career and personal plans, than those who have ‘been there and done that...’

Throughout the year pupils have access to a range of inspiring speakers and panel debates designed to both broaden and challenge their views.

Professional networking evenings

Bringing our community together to debate and network is a central strand of the continuing value of a Charterhouse education.

Each year we host a number of professional networking evenings, connecting alumni and parents. Pupils also attend, providing an invaluable opportunity to both practice the art of networking, as well as seeking first-hand advice, insight and mentoring opportunities.

Speedy careers

In order to expose pupils to a wide range of career ideas as soon as possible, we host an annual speednetworking style event.

Pupils have the opportunity to speak with over 50 alumni and parents from a huge range of professional backgrounds, providing a broad understanding of the world of work and the professions that may lie ahead of them.

An introduction to transferable skills

Developing transferable skills should not be a passive exercise. This important introductory session outlines the importance of the continuing assessment and enhancement of skills and behaviours, and their place within the future workplace.

The session provides pupils with the toolkit to monitor and develop their own skills development and offers an important perspective on the competitive nature of the graduate marketplace.

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Charterhouse Godalming Surrey GU7 2DX


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