The GB Weekly - 7 June 2024

Page 1

Orienteers run the Bay

Golden Bay hosted an orienteering extravaganza over King’s Birthday Weekend.

Across three days and three different locations, more than 450 orienteers – with ages spanning ten decades – ran, walked, climbed, and waded through spectacular landscapes and over varied terrain.

The meeting, organised by Nelson Orienteering Club (NOC), was the largest sporting event held in the Bay for several years and attracted entries from around New Zealand and Australia. There were also numerous locals on the start list, including experienced competitors Fleur, Lani, and Anya Murray, as well as young novices and wily old veterans.

Saturday’s action took place over the challenging limestone landscape of Canaan Downs – a middle-distance event on very difficult terrain.

The following day, the focus shifted to the wild west coast at Kaihoka, with race HQ based at the “Red Shed” on Wyllie’s farmland. When

The GB Weekly arrived mid-morning, it was a hive of activity; race starters were marshalling athletes to ensure each got away at their precise time – one setting off every 60 seconds.

Around the Red Shed, scores of others made their preparations, warming up, hydrating, and chatting to fellow participants. If it seemed like chaos, it was of the highly organised variety, thanks to months of behind-the-scenes work to map the terrain, design and check the various courses, and organise the logistics.

The weekend’s chief organiser, Annemarie Hogenbirk, explained how the wide range of courses catered for all levels of experience and ability, highlighting two extreme examples:

“The Under 10s course is 2.3 Ks [km] and basically flat; the elite men have to do 9 Ks with 480 metres climb.”

Annemarie said everyone can choose to participate at an appropriate level. “It’s a sport for all ages – and something families can do together.”

Illustrating her point, a few metres away a competitor in the Under 10 category crossed

the finish line, followed a little while later by the oldest person in the event – the legendary Ian Holden. “He’s 91 years old,” said Annemarie. “We had to create a new category for him.”

Other key members of the organising team for the day were mapper Michael Croxford, planner Neil Murray, and controller Julian Maclaren.

Michael reckons he spent “around 300 hours” compiling a highly detailed map of the area “using LiDAR data and fieldwork”.

Neil used Michael’s map to design the category-specific courses, before Julian checked them to ensure they all complied with the relevant rules and regulations.

Michael expressed his gratitude to local landowners for permission to hold the event. “Having access for us is invaluable – it’s essential for our sport, so a big thanks to Jock and Joyce Wyllie, and Jules and Andrew Ferguson.”

Sitting on a grassy hill overlooking the start and finish area, a group of women were...

Continued on page 14

Last week Tasman District Council (TDC) released updates on environmental policy planning in two key areas – natural hazards, and land and freshwater.

As part of its forward planning, TDC has endorsed a Natural Hazards Plan Change work programme to ensure communities are resilient to natural hazards such as earthquakes, severe weather events, and wildfire, and can adapt to the effects of climate change, including sea level rise.

The programme will examine ways of strengthening natural hazards planning within the Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP) to avoid putting more people and new development in harm’s way.

Recent experiences with the August 2022 rainfall event and cyclones Fehi and Gita (February 2018), TDC says, serve as a wake-up call highlighting the very real dangers these hazards pose.

The work will start by identifying issues and options for each natural hazard, building on community engagement exercises carried out in 2019 and 2021, and continue with further community engagement later this year to seek feedback on the issues and preferred options.

Central government’s forthcoming climate adaptation framework is expected set out its approach to sharing the costs of adapting to climate change, which will help council’s future community adaptation planning.

In the other key area, TDC will progress the drafting of the Land and Freshwater Plan Change (LFPC) to the TRMP – a change intended to address priority management issues, including introducing provisions to support the Water Conservation Order for Te Waikoropupū Springs.

The LFPC seeks to address waterbody health, water quality, water allocation and sediment issues across the region, and will focus on addressing areas of risk and filling gaps where existing management and national regulation is not meeting the needs for Tasman freshwater management.

A draft LFPC, informed by discussion with iwi, landowners and water users, stakeholders and interested parties, should be published later this year with public feedback expected to shape the final document.

For more information on the above policies, visit the Environmental Policy Plan Change hub on TDC’s Shape Tasman webpages, or email: freshwater.plan@

Also, see TDC notice on page 9.

THE GB WEEKLY, FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2024 1 TDC policy updates 2538-0931
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Kerrisk Oliver Egan from Peninsula and Plains Orienteers crosses Kaihoka Beach during last Sunday's long distance event. Photo: Jo Richards.

Capturing extraordinary stories

One of Carole Davis’s first memories of arriving in Tākaka was of two men so passionately embracing in the middle of Commercial Street that they held up traffic for some time. She and her husband fell in love with the place and moved here soon after.

Last year Carole joined local writer Charlotte Squire’s course "Write Your Memoir in One Year," and is writing the story of her married life, on paper, including adventures such as freezing and starving in a Department of Conservation hut.

Charlotte is offering her year-long memoir course again, inviting course participants to meet four times in person over the next near, and write their stories at home. They’ll also have 24/7 access to a seven-module online course called Write Your Memoir, and a private Facebook group, if needed.

“We’ll meet once a season at a Parapara home to check in, plan and prepare, and encourage each other,” says Charlotte.

The course also covers writing basics, planning and preparing your story, proofreading and editing, how to publish or print your book, and marketing.

“I encourage people to have fun as they write, and allow their true voices to come out. Your story might seem normal to you, but it’s going to become your children’s history,” says Charlotte.

Write Your Memoir in One Year – Golden Bay – starts Saturday 15 June at 10am.

To learn more and enrol in the course go to: or email:

Live Poets


“Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness.” American poet and civil rights activist Alice Walker.

Inspired by the long shadows of Walker’s ideals, Golden Bays poets Emma Callaghan and Mark Raffills join forces to paint, via the spoken word, their own revolution, to name the unnameable and to wash away the stains that blot our social, political and spiritual landscape.

They bring their show, Wash Away The Stains, to the Mussel Inn on Thursday 13 June after first giving it voice at the Nelson Fringe Festival in March.

“Many would be tempted to tackle topics such as discrimination with anger or frustration,” wrote Wesley Hollis in his review of Wash Away The Stains at the recent Nelson Fringe Festival. “But Emma’s readings are always calm and measured, yet never lacking in passion. Her words are powerful and important.

“Raffills’ delivery is powerful – he knows how to bring his words to life. He plays with language, using rhyme, alliteration and repetition as well as fascinating combinations of words to tell stories and paint mental pictures.”

The Mussel Inn, Thursday 13 June, 7.30pm. $5.



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Emma Callaghan and Mark Raffills feature in this months Live Poets at the Mussel Inn. Photo: Submitted.

School's motif holds layers of meaning

Te Waka Kura o Mohua – Golden Bay High School is entering a new phase of its long and proud history.

This includes stunning new buildings, a new logo, and a new name gifted by Manawhenua ki Mohua, to sit alongside Golden Bay High School. Going forward, you will increasingly see the logo and name on the school buildings and signage, along with other branding such as the website, social media, vans, and letterhead.

The new logo is a tūī motif, designed by the incredibly talented Robin Slow. The tūī is a very appropriate symbol to use as it represents knowledge and kaitiakitanga. The tūī also symbolises drive, leadership, and gaining independence or spreading wings.

The tūī logo is a subset of a broader image with many components and layers of meaning. This image can also be seen above and is a simplified version of a painting that is hanging in the school office.

The name Te Waka Kura o Mohua links to the design and names of the two new blocks. The block with the office, library, staffroom, and administration offices is known as Tokomaru, the ancestral waka of Te Atiawa and Ngāti Tama. This block has two rooflines depicting the two hulls of an ocean-going waka. At the prow or tauihu is a mohua bird. The new teaching block is named Tainui, the ancestral waka of Ngāti Rārua. This block has a section for junior students – Honu (meaning turtle), and a section for older students – Tohorā (meaning whale). These names also link to the ocean-going history of our tūpuna.

As our school moves ahead with these changes, we are ever mindful of the whakataukī, “Kia whakatōmuri te haere

whakamua,” – I walk forwards with my eyes fixed on the past. From Lower Tākaka School in 1860 through to Tākaka District High School (1908), Golden Bay High School (1972), and Te Waka Kura o Mohua – Golden Bay High School in 2024, the school on the Waitapu Road site at the corner of Meihana Street and Rototai Road in Tākaka has undergone a number of changes in name and crest or logo. This history is something that we want capture, display, and acknowledge.

We are very thankful for what we have and proud of the partnership that we are continuing to develop, strengthen, and deepen with Manawhenua ki Mohua. Thank you to all that have been involved in our 164-year journey to date and we look forward to sharing more detail about the imagery and meaning of our new logo in the months to come.

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Golden Bay High School's new tūī motif holds layers of meaning. Images: Supplied.
Grubs Tayline gumboots from $139

"Sow's ear" legislation

It has been suggested to me that the Fast-Track Approvals Bill could be adapted to a more acceptable form but this a case of a sow’s ear with no redeeming features that could turn it into a silk purse of any description.

I find it totally unacceptable in any form. It’s racist in its treatment of Māori land rights, undemocratic in consultation and ruinous to New Zealand’s environment, giving no guaranteed safeguards. I see it as little short of traitorous to our environment and the health of our race relations with Māori. The Bill should be rejected outright.

That these measures are promoted so that the Government can balance the books while giving the rich a hefty tax cut in the process is unconscionable. We must ask ourselves if this is still a democracy or a sneaky dictatorial takeover

Contact your Members of Parliament today with your concerns.

Karen Brookes

Golden Bay RSA AGM

You may have recently attended or read about our ANZAC Dawn and Civic commemoration services – remembering those who sacrificed their lives for our freedom. In order that those sacrifices were not made in vain, our NZ Defence Forces continue to train and operate in areas of conflict or deploy to provide humanitarian aid or help establish peace in war torn countries. Just last month our Defence Force deployed to evacuate Kiwi’s from violence-stricken New Caledonia and immediately afterward flew aid into PNG after a major earthquake. In the years since WWI and WWII, many thousands of NZ Defence Force personnel have trained or deployed to help with such roles and surprisingly, about 60 veterans of this era currently reside in the Tākaka District. Our local RSA is a volunteer organisation who supports many of these veterans and their families and we are constantly on the lookout for new members to help provide that support, to organise commemorations such as ANZAC and Armistice services or assist with other projects. If you’d like to join us please come to our AGM at 7pm next Monday, 10 June, in the Fire Station. Afterwards join us for supper and hear our guest speaker Julia Lee tell about her experiences with the The Canterbury Mounted Rifles and the re-enactment of the Tākaka Mounted Rifles. If you’d like to know more about the RSA and what we do – Google "RSA" and see links to the national RSA website, Facebook, X and YouTube or email us at: goldenbayrsa@gmail. Noel Baigent, president Golden Bay RSA March for Nature

You are probably aware of the proposed Fast-Track Approvals Bill and will have ideas on its’ strengths and pitfalls. I see only greed and climate/environment degradation. We, in Golden Bay, cannot bury our heads in the sand. The threat is here.

Gold prospecting at Sam’s Creek is “on the list” for consideration.

Read “Siren’s Call for Sam’s Creek” (GBW, 24/5) for a clear explanation of the effect this mining would have on land and water. It poses a real danger to farming and agriculture, human and animal health and the amazing Te Waikoropupū Springs.

Yes: the Water Conservation Order can be ignored completely by the selected “experts” of Ministers for Regional Development, Infrastructure and Transport. Minister Jones is open with his views on Golden Bay people “lotus eaters” and the environment, “a blind frog” impeding development, “Goodbye Freddy”.

Letters (GBW, 31/5) contains clear-sighted comments on this topic and includes an invitation to “March for Nature” on 8 June – in Auckland.

Why not “March for Nature” on that day but here in Tākaka?

My neighbours intend to gather at the Playcentre by Lake Killarney reserve at 9.30am for an orderly “march” to the Village Green by 10am.

How about starting a group in your part of town and join us there?

Golden Bay, New Zealand and the world, must continue


putting environment and green growth ahead of exploitation and greed, to ensure our planet is liveable for our youth and their futures.

We must be good ancestors.

Beth McCarthy "Queen" Victoria's honours list

If I were queen (ha, ha) I would give honours to Cynthia McConville for her generous work on behalf of our feathered friends. Joyce Wyllie would be honored for sharing her many pearls of wisdom (that was an excellent article she wrote warning us about the extreme dangers of explosive fires that can happen during battery charging (GBW, 31/5).

The 101-year-old war veteran who spoke at the 80th anniversary of D-Day, Jake Larson, said he still has nightmares of his horrific war experiences and lamented at the continuation of humans engaging in these deplorable acts, he said the answer "was love". He would get a big hug.

Doesn't never again mean never again?

Victoria Davis

Toxic gold mine waste, should we be worried?

The proposed Sam's Creek gold mine will have a huge toxic waste dump built above the unconfined Arthur Marble Aquifer and very close to the unconfined Tākaka Gravel Aquifer (UTGA). Any leaching of toxic waste from the dump will not be able to be stopped from getting into both aquifers.

My assessment of the properties that are directly above the UTGA and access water directly or via bores are as follows: one milk factory, one water bottling facility, one salmon farm, five schools or preschools, eight accommodation businesses, nine social/cultural facilities, six dry stock farms, 14 dairy farms, 52 commercial businesses, 572 residences.

Some businesses and farms listed have bores that pump from the Marble Aquifer beneath the UTGA which is at equal risk of being polluted. Other farms also access water from the Marble Aquifer but are outside the location of the UTGA and have not been included so the list of potentially affected properties is conservative.

It is unclear whether the Central Tākaka Water Scheme would be affected by leaching into the aquifers but if it was, add the hospital, a school and 50 residences onto the list. If leaching started, it would be unstoppable. The cost to overcome the problem with water reticulation for Tākaka would be huge and what of the properties beyond a reticulated scheme who need more water than falls from the sky, particularly farms?

This is a whole-of-Golden Bay issue. We need to unite for the Bay’s ongoing wellbeing.

Andy Clark

Cast your vote for Special Projects

Golden Bay Special Projects is a chance for you to choose how to spend $38,000 of your rates on local projects.

The Rockville Pool Committee is excited to be one of the seven projects being considered. Our pool needs funds to replace old pipes and install solar panels/pump to retire our diesel furnace. The solar panels will heat the pool and then during the off season will generate income for that’s sustainable! Looking forward to years of Pattisons swimming lessons ahead at our wonderful community pool.

Please drop off the voting form – see page 5 of this GB Weekly – at the TDC office in Tākaka. Or go online, log in and vote for our pool and/or other local schemes at shape.tasman.

Nancy-Jean Bell, Rockville Reserve Committee

Unite to fight gold mine

Commendations to Andy Clark for his whakaaro (GBW, 31/5) and to last week's correspondents for their prompt action regarding Siren Gold. I send out a plea to Golden Bay residents: even if you never write to politicians, make an exception in this case. You owe it to our community and to our precious aquifer, to the land and the people. Kevin Moran has provided the information you need. Ministers' email addresses can easily be found in the internet.

To those who are part of the local organisations listed by Clive James and have organising and lobbying skills, help us

to unite and fend off this insanity. Thank you in advance. Tessa Whiteman March for Nature

Last Wednesday was another great evening at the Dangerous Microphone (6pm at the Dangerous Kitchen). During the evening I shared a poem about the way the Fast-Track Approvals Bill will take away the power of the Te Waikoropupū Springs Water Conservation Order to protect the springs from the danger of an arsenic mine at Sam's Creek. In my over seven years of reading poetry in Golden Bay I have never seen a crowd so indignant and fired up with what the Government's Bill could do to our precious springs. If you want to express your concern for the waters of Mohua come and join The March for Nature, 10am on 8 June. Our time together will begin with a time of sharing, then (for those who want it) a march to protect nature from this pernicious legislation. Kevin Moran


The GB Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Please email your letter to us at by 12pm Tuesday. Include the writer’s full name, home address and daytime phone number. Letters will be printed over the name of the writer; names are withheld only when compelling reasons can be established. Letters must not exceed 250 words. Letters that are too long will not be considered. All correspondence is at the discretion of the manager, who reserves the right to decline, edit, or abridge letters without explanation or further discussion. Links to third party websites will not be published. The views expressed are those of the correspondents and are not necessarily endorsed or shared by The GB Weekly.


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We welcome readers to submit a whakaaro.

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The editor reserves the right to make final decisions on layout of submitted ads. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, The GB Weekly does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. Copies can be bought and we have a subscription service.


New solo show tells familial tale

After reading the story of Angelina , DramaLAB theatre director, playwright, and actor Martine Baanvinger was immediately inspired to create a new solo show.

“My passion is strong women in history,” she says. “Extraordinary women.”

Thus was created Red Heavens, Martine’s interpretation of the personal family story of local esteemed author Gerard Hindmarsh, set on D’Urville Island in the early 1900s.

Its premiere at the Mussel Inn on Wednesday 19 June is the first of five Golden Bay “warm-up” shows preceding a rigorous nationwide Arts on Tour schedule. This venue honours Gerard Hindmarsh on his own patch, acknowledging his connection as grandson to the main characters, Angelina and Vincenzo.

Central to Martine’s interpretation is Angelina, a 16-year-old immigrant bride from the island of Stromboli, north of Sicily, entering a totally unknown life and culture with her virtually unknown husband, Vincenzo. Newly married and thrust into the isolated environment and harsh climate of D’Urville Island, enduring homesickness, loss and grief, Angelina grows into a woman and a mother.

Through Angelina’s eyes, Martine evokes the richness of Angelina’s Italian village but also portrays the conflicting relationship with her cousin Rosa, wife of Vincenzo’s brother. She also introduces the connection, support, and personal growth Angelina finds within her powerful friendship with a beautiful Māori princess living in a nearby bay.

The simple set – a frame and a box both on wheels – describes various objects.

“I love that,” exclaims Martine. “Keeping the simplicity and then transforming the architecture. I present it in a way I think the audience understands. It’s an element of physical theatre.”

Martine’s favourite part of each show is the Q&A afterwards where she steps out of her character into the show’s creator, making the human connection with her audience, sealing together their relationship.

Accompanied by technician Colin Minney, the five Golden Bay performances kickstart the 21 Arts on Tour shows, staged over a month between Invercargill and Whangarei from 12 July, followed by a week in Nelson.

Martine says Gerard has given her his total support; “Working with him has been awesome.” She is also grateful to Arts on Tour, calling the initiative “a lifesaver for artists in New Zealand”.

D’Urville Island, known as “Rangitoto of the South”, is often depicted with a flaring red sky at sunrise, while Stromboli’s active volcano is reflected in a glowing red sky at night. Red Heavens brings both islands together in a moving, artfully told true story.

Red Heavens, From Stromboli to D’Urville Island Golden Bay Tour: Wed 19 June, 7.30pm – Mussel Inn. Fri 21 June, 7.30pm – Pākawau Hall. Sat 22 June, 7.30pm – Village Theatre. Sun 23 June, 1pm and 7.30pm – Village Theatre. Tickets $25 from Unlimited Copies or cash door sales.

For more, visit; or ph 022 652 3078.

Projects that the Board has identified are listed below. We would love to hear from our community – have your say by ranking these projects in order of preference (1 being the most important) at


The Golden Bay Community Board has funding available for special projects in Golden Bay/Mohua and we want to get your feedback on what you want to see funded. There is a total budget of almost $38,000 to spend on the projects.

Golden Bay Community Board

Christmas decorations for Commercial Street and Tasman Street

A welcome to Golden Bay/Mohua sign

Funding towards the Pakawau playground

Funding towards a tunnel house for the hanging baskets

Replacing the fencing outside Dangerous Kitchen on Commercial Street

Upgrading the existing CCTV network

Contributing funding to the Rockville community pool

Alternatively, you can deliver or post this form to the Golden Bay Service Centre, 78 Commercial Street, Tākaka. Consultation closes on Sunday 16 June 2024.


Hapori Whānui ō Mohua
M O O D I N D I G G O J U N E 1 4 B o o k i n g s : 0 3 5 2 5 9 4 2 6 a y d e e @ w h o l e m e a l c a f e c o n z M u s i c f r o m 6 p m D i n n e r M e n u f r o m 5 p m A n e v e n i n g o f p r e - l o v e d c l a s s i c s a m i x o f h i d d e n g e m s & j a z z s t a n d a r d s J o c h a n M a u r e r & W a y n e g r e e n Rose Slow P 035259213 FOR THE BEST DEALS ON WHEELS Ph 03 525 8233 | 19 Motupipi
Martine Baanvinger's new solo show Red Heavens tells the personal family story of local author Gerard Hindmarsh. Photo: Supplied.
St, Takaka

The Deadline Report - Ben Vidgen Investigates Investigative journalist author Ben Vidgen presents a 30-minute show offering quality alternative media backed by quality documented information on the issues not hitting the headlines, but that should be. A double shot of reality, always educational if never pretty. Sundays at 1:00pm and replays Friday nights at 7.00pm.

The Dinner Club Students from Nelson College for Girls present an hour of music chat and fun. The Dinner Club airs Saturday afternoons at 5.00pm and replays the following Wednesday morning at 4.00am.

Do you have a desire to share what you know and your skills via radio? We are always on the look out for volunteer radio programme makers who would like to share their expertise on differing subjects. If you are keen we can assist you with training and support to get you up and running.For further information or talk about your ideas email


MAY 2024

Rainfall Raindays Heaviest fall

Hamama 18.5mm 5 6.5mm on the 14th

Glenview Rd 23mm 6 7mm on the 14th

Rototai 24mm 5 12.5m on the 15th

The lowest rainfall for May since 2004 and lowest yearly total of 260.5mm since 2004.

PŌhara 36mm 6 11mm on the 14th YTD 250mm on 24 rain days.

Ligar/Tata 42mm 6 12mm on the 14th

Locals step into walking business

Local business Kahurangi Guided Walks (KGW) is under new ownership, with former owner Jenni Kingston passing the baton to new business owners – a partnership of three local couples.

Jenni is “thrilled” to be handing over the business to Mary Fingeroff, John Gray, Tom Lake, Bonnie Powers, and Duane and Kirsty Fernandes.

Tom tells The GB Weekly that he and wife Bonnie were attracted to the business as former Outward Bound instructors, and that “all six of the partners bring different strengths to KGW; between us we have over 50 years of [relevant] experience”.

In celebration, a large group of friends, family, guides, and former clients gathered in the Kotinga Hall last Sunday to eat delicious food and celebrate what has been, and what lies ahead. Jenni presented a PowerPoint show and spoke about the history and “memorable moments” of KGW. Present in the room was John Croxford, who started KGW in 1997. There were

many highlights spanning Jenni’s KGW career – starting as a guide in 2007 and taking over ownership in 2015.

Tom explains that KGW works to “assist clients to do multiday walks, including the Heaphy Track, Abel Tasman, Cobb Valley, and Old Ghost Road”. KGW is one of only three guided walk companies that operate in the area. “Our clients are mostly older trampers at the point where they would like assistance with logistics and pack weight.”

John told the gathering, “We are pretty excited to keep things going. We want to grow the day trip business and keep people in the Bay and give people in the Bay jobs. We want to help visitors to understand how great the NZ wilderness is.”

Says Bonnie, “It’s very rare to see a small business for sale that has so much heart and so much community involvement.”

The handover ceremony concluded with Jenni passing over the green baton (a stack of KGW drinking cups) and accepting a native plant from the new owners. Jenni plans to continue with KGW in a guiding capacity.

Chain Reaction to play in fundraiser

her last months of school at GBHS and studies music via Te Kura. Her performance will feature many

performed as band versions and a handful of covers including recent releases and old


Entry is $10.

ROSA VOLZ From left, Tom Lake, Duane and Kirsty Fernandes, Bonnie Powers (handing plant to) Jennie Kingston, John Gray, Mary Fingeroff. Photo: Rosa Volz. This Saturday, 8 June, from 7.30pm performers Chain Reaction and Malaika Hollis (who will be supported by the Pulp Funkshun Band) will be playing at the Mussel Inn as a fundraiser for a new sound system and gear at Golden Bay High School (GBHS). Also playing a couple of her songs will be Iman.J (Alyahna) a singer and songwriter from Nelson, supported by Malaika and the Pulp Funkshun Band. Chain Reaction are five 10- to 13-year-olds who play high energy pop, rock, funk and country classics. They temporarily have Levity Beet playing bass as their bass player recently moved to Wellington. Maliaka Hollis is a 17-year-old local singer-songwriter who is in of her original songs favourites in genres.
May 2023 total rainfall was 333mm. Onekaka 48mm 9 15mm on the 15th Bainham 55.8mm 8 15mm on the 2nd Te Hapu 58mm 9 12mm on the 29th Kaihoka 59mm 10 20mm on the 15th Puramahoi 67mm 10 15mm on the 15th Collingwood 87.9mm 10 45.3mm on the 15th FreshFM.NZ
Programmes to listen out for:

Puzzles aplenty at jigsaw library

The Board Gaming in Golden Bay group have set up a free "Jigsaw Puzzle Library" for the community to use. It can be accessed Monday to Friday from 9am through to 4pm in the lounge attached to the Anglican Church Chapel on Commercial Street, Tākaka.

There are more than 50 puzzles readily available each week. They range from 1000, 750 and 500-piece puzzles as well as

kids' regular puzzles and Wasgijs. There are more puzzles waiting to go on the shelves so there will be new ones to try each time you visit.

The library is free to use and instructions on how it works are in the special red folder alongside the puzzles. Puzzle donations for the library and koha towards the running and upkeep of the library are always appreciated. The contact person is Karen, ph 022 655 9725 for more details.

A Kiwi, a Pig and a Natter

Exciting things are happening in our local conservation efforts. We recently worked with local hunting contractors to make sure there are no feral pigs on Onetahua Farewell Spit. Staying out at the tip of Onetahua for three days and three nights, the ground-based hunters used dogs to find the last remaining pig, which was captured after tracking it for 7.5 kilometres. This lone pig had been traversing the entire length of Farewell Spit regularly, perhaps in search of company. We now have the job of keeping pigs out of Onetahua and although some pigs are still living in the Old Man Range, they’re being closely monitored to prevent reinvasion onto Onetahua.

The recent news of finding a great spotted kiwi near Pūponga on one of our tracking cameras was pretty exciting for our team. Once common in this area, there had been no recordings of kiwi here since the 1970s! It shows just how important getting rid of these pests is – and the difference local trappers are making. We’d like to say a huge thanks to Farewell Spit Eco Tours, HealthPost Nature Trust and the other community trappers for their ongoing work in this special area. We’re now working with the Department of Conservation to keep an eye on this special kiwi and find out if there are any others.

We’re excited to be part of the first ever "Mohua Trapper Natter" tomorrow, Saturday 8 June, at Pōhara Hall. Supported by Project Mohua, Tasman Environmental Trust and local trapping groups, this event will bring together community trapping groups across Mohua to learn and share all things trapping. It’s open to the wider community in the afternoon, so come along to learn about trapping and how to get involved with other local trappers, we hope to see you there.

For more information about our inspiring project, visit

Plenty of puzzles at the jigsaw library. Photo: Submitted.
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From left, Mark Soper, Bert Harris, Blair Crawford, Steven Strange, and Aaron McClatchy. Photo: Submitted.

Owned by our customers Investing in your community

Review: The Moon is Upside Down

The Moon is Upside Down is either a very dark comedy, or a gritty country drama with laugh out loud moments. But either way, it allows a cast of beloved Kiwi actors to play some astonishingly unlikeable characters.

Jemaine Clement excels at being funny and sad at the same time. And by sad, I don’t mean unhappy, but hopelessly pathetic, and as morose rural garage owner Mack he has seldom been more frustrating. But he’s a delight compared to his caustic older sister Hilary, played to the hilt by Robyn Malcolm who clearly understands the tone this film is aiming for.

We meet them picking Mack’s recently arrived Russian bride Natalia, (a delightful performance from Greek-Australian actress Victoria Haralabidou), from the airport – a situation milked for all the awkwardness it clearly contains.

Meanwhile, in the nearby city, Faith, (Elizabeth Hawthorne), has bought a block of flats and discovers she has also purchased a deceased resident whose body has lain undiscovered for a month. Somehow it triggers an urge to provide the quickly cremated remains with a dignified resting place, using the departed soul’s painting of a local landscape as a guide.

And at the local hospital, busy anaesthetist Briar, (played by writer and director Loren Taylor), has just managed to fit in a spectacularly unerotic Skype sex call with her long distance partner, Tim. But despite this disappointing session they are looking forward to finally meeting up for the weekend.

Our three principal female characters have now been introduced, and part of the fun is in discovering if, and how, their developing stories will finally intersect.

But not before we are treated to further gruesome ‘romantic’ encounters as Briar and her newly arrived beau park in a quarry, of all places, and poor Natalia endures Mack’s magnificent lack of prowess in their new bridal suite. Plenty is being said here about the visceral awkwardness of relationships, (and the Kiwi male in general), and if you are not too easily shocked, the humour in each situation is inescapable.

Natalia eventually discovers that she has been cruelly duped by Mack and Hilary. But her innate sweetness still causes her to find wonder in the southern hemisphere sky, (her remark about the moon gives the film its title), and determination to somehow improve the lives of the surrounding dairy herds. Faith already has her own mission with a funeral urn and the location of a painting to find, and poor Briar literally runs into her own unwanted assignment while Tim sits uselessly in the passenger seat with debilitating car sickness.

And just when you might believe that all of these personal interactions can’t become more uncomfortable, Rachel House enters the scene as Hilary’s partner "Tuffy", to add further bluntness to every conversation. “Oh, you’re a lesbian,” says thoroughly disillusioned bride Natalia on meeting her, “I wish I was.”

The Moon is Upside Down is great fun, if you can take the joke. But even if it does prove challenging, the performances absolutely cannot be faulted. And this is scarcely surprising given the talent on display. Robyn Malcolm and Jemaine Clement still manage to suggest more sympathetic sides to the ghastly siblings, Rachel House never disappoints and Victoria Haralabidou will win your heart as the most kind-hearted of the lost causes we meet. But it’s probably the multi-talented Loren Taylor in her uninhibited and searingly honest performance who impresses the most. Careening from one bizarre encounter to the next, her ever widening eyes show constant incredulity, while innate kiwi politeness causes her to reflexively thank the people wasting her time, and her life.

And as Kiwis we will recognise that Taylor’s writing and directing, acting tour de force creates a special brand of drama and humour which couldn’t exist in any other part of the world, no matter which way up the moon might be.


Schedule – Friday 7 to Sunday 30 June

Fri 7 4:00 The Garfield Movie (G) Final 7:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R16)

Sat 8 4:00 Cabrini (M) Final 7:30 The Moon is Upside Down (R16) Final

Sun 9 2:00 Carmen Opera (Bizet) $35/$30

7:30 Golda (M) Final

Tue 11 7:00 Village Theatre AGM Doors open 6.30pm, film to follow after meeting

Wed 12 5:30 The Way, My Way (PG)

Thu 13 7:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R16)

Fri 14 4:00 Robot Dreams (G) Once Only

7:30 Joika (M)

Sat 15 4:00 Copa 71 (E)

7:30 The Way, My Way (PG) Final

Sun 16 3:00 Funny Girl (1968) (PG) Classic Cinema (Note Earlier Start)

7:30 Origin (M)

Everyone welcome to our AGM on Tuesday 11 June, doors open 6.30pm for drinks/nibbles, meeting at 7pm and film to follow.

COPA 71 (E) Documentary/Sport 1hr30m

1971 Women’s World Cup, in Mexico City’s Azteca Stadium competing in front of more than 100,000 spectators. It was the last women’s World Cup until the official FIFA event 20 years later.

Wed 19 5:30 Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (R16) Final

Thu 20 7:30 Joika (M)

Fri 21 4:00 Despicable Me 4 (TBC)



27 4:00




Martine Baanvinger delivers a one-women show on the life of Angelina Moleta who travelled from Stromboli in Italy to D’Urville Island. Tickets $25/$10 Unlimited Copies. Saturday 22 June @ 7.30pm and Sunday 23 June at 1pm & 7.30pm.

Movie Descriptions

FUNNY GIRL (PG) Classic 1968 Comedy/Drama/Romance

Barbra Streisand plays comedienne Fanny Brice in this musical biopic. The story follows Brice from her early days in the Jewish slums of the Lower East Side, to the height of her career. 2hr30m

JOIKA (M) Drama/True Story 1hr50m

True story of Joy Womack, who made history as an American ballerina accepted into the Bolshoi Ballet Academy. At fifteen years old leaving family in Texas to travel to Moscow.

ORIGIN (M) Drama/True Story 2hr20m

An adaptation of Isabel Wilkerson's novel exploring racial and social hierarchies. Grappling with tremendous personal tragedy, Isabel sets herself on a path of global investigation and discovery.

DESPICABLE ME 4 (TBC) Kids/Family/Comedy/Adventure

Fourth installment of the smash hit franchise. Gru, Lucy and their girls welcome a new member to the Gru family, Gru Jr, who is intent on tormenting his dad. 1hr30m

FURIOSA: A MAD MAX SAGA (R16) Action 2hr30m Furiosa, the renegade warrior from Mad Max: Fury Road, taking place before she met Max. Snatched from the Green Place of Many Mothers, young Furiosa falls into the hands of a great biker horde.



Set in Aotearoa NZ in 1864, this film tells the story of a pivotal battle in the first land wars, a battle fought with impossible odds between Māori and the colonial forces.

ROBOT DREAMS (G) Animated Drama/Music 1hr40m

Following the misadventures of a dog and a robot in 1980s New York City. During an illfated day-trip to Long Island, friends Dog and Robot get separated.

THE ROAD TO PATAGONIA (E) Documentary 1hr30m

THE LION IN WINTER (PG) Classic 1968 Drama/True Story 2hr15m Peter O'Toole and Katharine Hepburn lead this classic Middle Ages drama. In 1183 AD, King Henry II's three sons all want to inherit the throne, but when the King won't come to a decision, they and his wife each plot to force him.

A stunning, intimate and unflinching series of love letters, firstly between two people and secondly between humanity and the Earth from the top of Alaska to the tip of Patagonia.

proudly sponsored by NBS
Buy tickets
ꟾ 32 Commercial Street, Takaka ꟾ phone 525 8453
online at
TUES 11 th RED
22/SUN 23
Copa 71
Sat 22 7:30 Red Heavens: Live Theatre
Unlimited Copies) Sun 23 1:00 Red Heavens: Live Theatre 7:30 Red Heavens: Live Theatre Wed 26
Final Thu
Despicable Me 4 (TBC) 7:30 Origin (M) Fri 28 Matariki: Theatre Closed Sat 29 4:00 The Road to Patagonia (E) 7:30 Ka Whawhai Tonu: Struggle without End (M) Sun 30 4:00 The Lion in Winter (1968) (PG) Classic Cinema 7:30 Copa 71 (E) Final


The letter sent recently to property owners in the area of Te Puna Waiora o Te WaikoropupuSprings and the Wharepapa Arthur Marble Aquifer about the draft Land and Freshwater Plan Change 84 (LFPC) is being published to ensure all interested parties are equally informed about this work and we look forward to public feedback on the draft plan change later this year.

You are receiving this letter because you own land within, or next door to, areas that are potentially affected by the Water Conservation Order for Te Waikoropupū Springs and the Wharepapa Arthur Marble Aquifer (the WCO) which will be reflected in upcoming changes to the Tasman Resource Management Plan. Those changes will be called the Draft Land and Freshwater Plan Change (LFPC).

Properties in the WAMARA or adjacent to Te Waikoropupū Springs may be affected by requirements in both the WCO and LFPC. The Council wants to ensure landowners are aware of the WCO and how they can get involved in the LFPC process.

The WCO for Te Waikoropupū Springs has had legal effect in the recharge area of the Springs since October 2023. A map of the Wharepapa Arthur Marble Aquifer Recharge Area (WAMARA) where the WCO applies is available on Council’s website ( – search for ‘WCO’).

The LFPC process started in 2020 and later this year a draft of the plan change will be released for community feedback. Council is keen to raise awareness of this process, so that landowners and the wider community can understand what the proposed changes mean for them and their local catchments. It provides an opportunity to give feedback to Council which will help inform the final version of the plan change that will be publicly notified following consideration of community feedback.

The LFPC is reviewing the freshwater and some related land parts of the Tasman Regional Policy Statement (TRPS) and Tasman Resource Management Plan (TRMP). Together these plans influence land use, water take and use, waterbody management, and contaminant discharges on all properties across the Tasman region.

Key activities likely to be affected by the draft plan change include land uses that generate nutrient, sediment, or pathogen discharges (e.g. pastoral farming, horticulture and forestry and land development), wastewater management, water permits and irrigation, and modification of, and activities in and around waterbodies – including rivers, streams, lakes, wetlands, and springs.

For the Tākaka catchments, the content of the LFPC will reflect the requirements of the WCO and the recommendations of the Tākaka Land and Freshwater Advisory Group (FLAG). The Tākaka FLAG was a collaborative community group supported by Council that reviewed freshwater management in the catchments between 2014 and 2019. Their recommendations report is available on Council’s website.

While we are operating in a time of legislative uncertainty, there are priority freshwater issues in Tasman that need to be addressed as soon as possible. The Council also recognises that some outcomes sought may take time and any change needs to be practical and affordable for communities responsible for making that change. The plan change will focus on addressing areas of risk and filling gaps where existing management and national regulation is not meeting the needs for Tasman freshwater. In setting the priority issues for the draft LFPC we are also mindful of the need for adaptability around the review of the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management and Central Government direction on freshwater management across New Zealand.

For more information and updates check out the Environmental Policy Plan Change hub on Shape Tasman or email us at

Barry Johnson Environmental Policy Manager



Anita Hutchinson Ph 0272 639 220


Godfrey and Trish Watson

Ph 0273 828 760 or email


Brandon and Lesley Sparrow

Ph 0273 638 795


Bart de Jong

Ph 0204 457 120, email

Thank you to the community for the generous donations that we have received to the Kitchen this month. We have had lovely butternut, pumpkins, apples and kiwifruit donated. These donations have contributed to providing delicious meals for our residents and for the people in the community who have meals on wheels delivered by our volunteer drivers.

• Our new Health Coach Tal Batzir has started and will be working closely with Brigette our Health Improvement Practitioner. As part of the extended general practice team, Tal is available to assist patients with meeting their health and wellbeing goals.

Winter illnesses are circulating in the Bay, so we encourage you to wear a mask in public places if concerned, or if you are vulnerable to infection. Vaccinations for Covid and influenza are still available by calling our receptionist.

• We will host several Nelson Specialists, ENT and Gerontolog, in the next few months enabling appointments closer to home and reducing the need to travel.

• Use of the Patient Portal has grown enormously as a convenient way for patients to communicate. However, because of the increased demand and time spent by our clinical team answering portal messages outside of work hours, message responses now incur a $15 fee. The portal message platform is intended for NON-URGENT communication ONLY. Please allow five business days to respond. If you require a response sooner, please ring our friendly reception team 03 525 0060. We are lucky to have seven permanent doctors/nurse practitioners working now in the Bay. To ensure you have continuity of care, we encourage you to plan ahead to ensure that you have appointments with your lead provider. This is particularly important if you are on long-term medications or are managing multiple health challenges. Ring our receptionist to discuss.

If you need emergency care call 111. Same day or routine health care, call us on 03 525 0060

ESSENTIAL TELEPHONE NUMBERS in Golden Bay Golden Bay Community Health - 03 525 0060 Police - 111 or 03 525 9211 Golden Bay Community Mental Health 03 525 7647 or 0800 525 7647 Women’s Refuge - 0800 163 344 Mohua Social Services - 03 525 9728 Work and Income - 0800 559 009 LifeLine - 0800 543 354 'Need to Talk' helpline - (call or txt) 1737 Outline NZ - LGBTIQ+ support - 0800 688 5463 Hey Bro (for men) keeping whanau safe - 0800 439 276 Youthline - 0800 37 66 33
Manaaki Tangata Supporting People Mohua Social Services
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He could turn his hand to anything

Kenneth Donald Scott passed away earlier this month. Hailed as Golden Bay’s “best postman ever”, Ken was a kind, caring, loyal, ever-generous person with a forbearing nature.

Born 22 February 1935 as a fourth-generation Golden Bay local, Ken’s forefathers emigrated from Scotland and settled at Kotinga in 1855. Later, Ken’s immediate family moved to a farm at Uruwhenua, from where Ken and his two sisters attended Upper Tākaka Primary School. He learned to drive a tractor from the age of eight; by 12 he could reverse it with a trailer on.

As a youngster, Ken developed an interest in model planes, which led to a lifelong interest in making and evolving them. His last creations had 60cm wingspans and are displayed at the war museum at Omaka, Blenheim.

Eventually the family moved to Central Tākaka, during which time Ken’s father Bob bought the Rural Delivery business. Ken attended Tākaka District High School, where Dot Papps, who also lived in Central Tākaka, was in the same class. Their friendship group spent time together outside of school, swimming and playing tennis.

During his teenage years, Ken and a friend converted a Model T truck into a car. Having been given some timber, he also built a boat that he used on the river at the Top Rocks.

Upon leaving high school, Ken worked as junior linesman for Power and Telegraph (P&T) for three years. He also attended three months of Territorial Army training, which later led to becoming an RSA member. Finishing up with P&T, Ken drove a Bedford truck for Transport Nelson Ltd, carting freight as far as Blenheim, Reefton, and Westport. He worked long days, from 4am to 4pm.

In 1955 he married Dot and they had three children, Steven, Kim, and Andrea, and now one grandchild, Amy. Tragically, Steven died in 1975, aged 18. Ken considered family to be the most important part of his life.

By 1956, Ken was carting loads of cement up to the building of the Cobb Dam five times per day. On his first trip in, he had an accident. One of the wheels missed a corner, sending the whole truck over a bank, rolling, and coming to rest against a tree just before the river. Somewhat concussed, Ken “came to” walking along Glover’s Flat Road covered in white cement dust, wondering where his truck was.

Described as a “nippy” rugby player, Ken was selected for the Golden Bay-Motueka rep rugby team in the late 1950s. They won the Seddon Shield.

Ken was a foundation member of the Pōhara Beach Sailing Club in 1961 and helped build the original clubhouse. He was commodore for some time and later made a life member. Ken built his own OK Dinghy, having to first build a shed, then a trailer for the vessel.

He became a skilled yachtsman and won many trophies, including the Nelson Marlborough West Coast Freshwater Championship at Rotoiti. He became “King of the Lake” that year. In later years Ken purchased a 4m runabout complete

with cabin and bunks. Many happy hours were spent fishing with family members.

When his father took ill in 1968, Ken took over the Rural Delivery business, a 170km daily route from Tākaka to Upper Tākaka to Wainui. He worked six days per week. Mechanically adept, Ken took great care of the vehicles he used, mostly Hillmans.

Dot learned the ropes in later years so that Ken could have some time off. He visited their grandchild in Perth, took up outdoor bowling and mowed the greens. He and Dot were both keen indoor bowlers as well, with Ken representing Golden Bay-Motueka for many years.

After 38 years as a much-appreciated postie, Ken retired to pursue his many interests. He worked with son-in-law Colin for many years at White Rock Engineering. They bought and restored a 1955 A2 Bedford truck, which was a great source of pride for Ken and a showstopper at the annual A&P Shows. Ken later joined Classic Cars, served on Heritage and Senior Citizens committees, volunteered at Golden Bay Museum, Meals on Wheels, and enjoyed Sit & Be Fit.

Despite “dodgy hips”, Ken won his last Senior Men’s Pairs at 88 years old in 2023, together with the youngest member, aged 16.

Kenneth Donald Scott, "a man who could turn his hand to anything". Photo: Supplied.
Wayne Rothwell, Buxton Lane E: 0274 205 933 Metal Flashings Flues Fire components Bay Spraying 021 0836 4501 Owner Operator Richard Hayward (Dicky) Tiff Price 417 Glenview Road, Takaka 7183 warn & ASSOCIATES Specialised Accounting 03 525 9919 23 MOTUPIPI ST TAKAKA 7110, GOLDEN BAY Unbeatable Professional Qualifications Experience & Service We specialise in solutions for all budgets and needs • Driveways • Patios & paths • Coloured concrete • Exposed aggregate • Floor placing & finishing • Decorative concrete cutting Give us a call today for a free quote (03) 541 8665 MOTUEKA 23 Old Wharf Road, Motueka P: 03 528 7530 E: 36 Months interest free ^Purchases $1,000 & over. Ends 31 March 2022. Lending criteria, $50 Annual Account Fee, fees, T&C’s apply. Standard Interest Rate (currently 25.99% p.a.) applies to any outstanding balance at end of interest free period. $55 Establishment Fee or $35 Advance Fee applies to Long Term Finance Purchases. For full terms and conditions see Example Flooring Xtra Your store address goes in here E: Daniel Bruning - Diggs 027 307 8774 Specialising in residential earthworks and more

Change on the menu at Tākaka café

After 14 years, Geraldine Wee has passed on ownership of the Courtyard Café, the tiny outlet tucked along the pathway leading from Tākaka’s Commercial Street (by Paper Plus) through to Junction and Reilly Streets.

New owner Vana has lived in New Zealand for a couple of decades since emigrating from Cambodia. He has worked in the food industry ever since, in cafés, bakeries, catering, and for the past 10 years cheffing in Thai restaurants in Wellington.

Just three weeks in, Vana has added his own freshly baked goodies, some Thai meals, and all-day breakfasts to the menu.

“People are coming in saying they love it...Also we have a big menu, a lot of choice. Mostly a lot of Western food,” said Vana.

Vana says he will make “new and different tasting” Thai curries. Later he’d like to make Cambodian food such as cream curry on noodles, a traditional dish with lemongrass. “It’s so divine.”

Opening nights – as of last Saturday – is a bit of an experiment, but Vana is very keen to open longer hours than the current 7am-5pm. He begins at 7am, baking and prepping for the day. “I work 14-hour days, I work really hard.”

While he is busy in the kitchen, friend and co-worker Ratanak serves customers. Vana says, “He makes good coffee.”

On previous visits to Golden Bay with his partner, Rowan Whiteford, Vana had

noticed the café for sale, but he wasn’t ready to make the commitment, until now. Rowan assists at lunchtimes and helps Vana with the paperwork.

Vana feels very fortunate to have a beautiful place to live. “I love Golden Bay, nice and quiet... and the people friendly and the environment, places to go. It’s an interesting place.”

Looking ahead to summer excites Vana, “It’s

going to be really busy.” He envisages an arrow sign at the Commercial Street entrance and is open to any local artists’ ideas.

Customer Ann Jones expressed her appreciation as she departed the café. “That [curry] was beautiful thank you. The Courtyard Café is carrying on in good hands.”

Visit Courtyard Café Tākaka on Facebook for updates.

Maureen Pugh MP for West Coast-Tasman MOHUA UENUKU SURVEYING Alexis Bourgeois Ph: 021 023 91364 Land Surveying Drone Survey Insurance Brokers • Personal Business AonAgri Rural & Lifestyle • Life & Health Aviation • Construction Marine Aon Global Risk Consulting For all your insurance needs contact Georgia on 027 314 5639 Now in Golden Bay!
New owner of The Courtyard Café, Vana (left) and co-worker/barista Ratanak. Photo: Ronnie Short.

Young Pumas heading to international tournament

Golden Bay’s Pumas are going to be mixing it with city fat cats at an international football tournament next month.

The Under-14 squad are heading down south for the Christchurch International Cup (CIC) – billed as the premier youth football event in New Zealand. The annual tournament, hosted by Christchurch United Football Club at its United Sports Centre, attracts top clubs and academy teams from around New Zealand and Australia.

Standing on the sideline at last Saturday’s home match against Motueka Stingers, Pumas’ manager Andrea Dimmock said everyone connected with the team is excited about the cup competition. “It’s amazing for a small rural club.” She explained that the team has already raised the necessary $5,000 to cover entry fee, accommodation, food and travel cost. “We’ve had so much support from businesses who paid $300 to sponsor a player. And we’ve had ‘Hire a Puma’ where people could pay a Puma to do little jobs.”

The application to participate in the CIC was submitted by player’s parent Kim Whittall after the team expressed a desire to play tournament football – something usually restricted to academy and rep teams.

Watching the Pumas perform on the pitch, it comes as no surprise to learn they have played together for years; coupled with individual talents, there’s an understanding between the players that binds them into a highly effective band of brothers. On Saturday that close-knit team put six goals past the Stingers without conceding.

Speaking after the match, Pumas' coach Flori Dahl said he was “very lucky” to be in charge of the squad. “They’re obsessed: They come up here after school and their parents pick them up at eight.”

It’s that sort of dedication that will stand the Pumas in good stead as they hunt for success next month.

Tākaka Squash Open "maxed out" with full draw

For Tākaka Squash Club, King’s Birthday Weekend means only one thing – the hosting of its annual Open tournament. Last Friday, a field of 46 players from across the Top of the South and beyond descended on Tākaka’s Rec Centre armed with rackets, shoes and other sporting paraphernalia, for three days of high-energy competition.

The opening ties were played on Friday evening – a session that continued past midnight – with the finals and prizegiving taking place on Sunday. A tournament dinner was held for around 70 people at the Rec Centre on the Saturday evening, with all food supplied by the club committee.

On Saturday morning, up on the mezzanine level overlooking the two glass-backed courts, tournament organiser Paul McConnon was busy making sure everything ran smoothly. He was pleased that the event had attracted the largest number of entries for a few years. “We’re maxed out,” said Paul, adding that even the late withdrawal of two entrants hadn’t upset the draw. “Richard and Thomas Tait stepped in at the last minute.”

Amongst those who regularly step up for the event is Chris Baird – one of five players from Waimea Club competing over the weekend. It’s not his first time at the tournament. “Every year I support it,” said Chris, who considers it as one of the best. “It rates up with Kaikōura – nice courts, nice people.”

Returning to his old stomping ground, Paul “Buddah” Childs had travelled up from Canterbury with eight students from Christchurch Boys’ High School. “It’s good to be here,” said Budda.

Meanwhile, on the court below, Thomas Tait was engaged in a tie with Tiff Price – an intense contest but, in line with the weekend’s vibe, played in a friendly, respectful manner.

On Tuesday morning, as she reflected on the weekend, club secretary Sharon McConnon was clearly happy with the way the tournament had worked out. “A great weekend was had by all and both players and spectators were treated to some

great squash and a weekend of Golden Bay hospitality. We had really good representation from our own club this year and some great results and lots of local placings.”

Sharon said the facilities remained the envy of many competitors. “The Rec Centre is still admired by everyone who

comes to play here and, as a club, we are very proud to host here. We had some great comments, including one of praise from an Auckland family who were very impressed and said their club wasn’t as flash as ours.”

For results and acknowledgements see page opposite.

THE GB WEEKLY, FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2024 12 13 Willow St, Takaka I Open 7 days 8am-7pm Shop online at: SPORTS COVERAGE SPONSORED BY takaka
Thomas Tait at full stretch in his match against Tiff Price. Photo: Jo Richards. GBAFC Pumas shortly after defeating Motueka Stingers 6-0 at the Rec Park last Saturday. Manager Andrea Dimmock and coach Flori Dahl are at far right. Photo: Jo Richards.

Bay choppers rise to the challenge


The annual King’s Birthday Challenge took place at the Telegraph Hotel on Sunday 2 June.

The challenge is a series of knockout races with the winner progressing to the next round. The Golden Bay club had a very strong contingent, including Brian Godsiff, Brett Pocock, Ashleigh Radford, Linde Kynast, and Serena and Dave Gowland.

The favourite to take out the Women’s 275mm Underhand Challenge was Emma Riddell from Nelson, who is a member of the NZ Women’s Test Team taking on the Australians in Adelaide soon. In the first round, Emma beat Ashleigh, who was last year’s winner, while Serena beat new axewoman Linde. Serena put on a mistake-free performance in the final but was unable to match the power of Emma, who took it out comfortably.

The Open Challenge events consisted of a 250mm Standing and a 300mm Underhand and were both taken out by Dave

Gowland; the first time in the event’s history that both disciplines have been won by the same axeman. It was a test of being able to handle pressure, as in all the six consecutive races that Dave had to win, the biggest winning margin was just two blows.

Dave beat Willie Abel from Picton in the Standing final, eliminating Rossie Birchfield and Brett Pocock on the way. In the Underhand final, Dave beat New Zealand veteran Stu Cunningham, gaining some sort of revenge for Stu winning all of the silverware at the Golden Bay A&P Show. On the way to the final, Dave eliminated Ray Biggs from Nelson and Rossie Birchfield.

We would like to thank the Telegraph Hotel for food and refreshments, Anatoki Salmon for sponsoring the winners’ prizes, and as always Duncan McKenzie for all of the time and resources he puts into the club.



29 May. Rangihaeata Pairs Session 1: R McDonald/B Burdett 60.32%; H Curtis/J Edmondson 56.35%; J Cooper/J Pemberton 56.35%. H/cap: L Scurr/G Hope 59.17%; R McDonald/B Burdett 56.84%; J Cooper/J Pemberton 53.18%.

31 May. Rainbow Relaxed 1 Session 8: C Mead 67.71%; L Scurr 62.50%; J Massey 61.46%.


Mixed Division 1: 1st Archie Balck (Tākaka), 2nd Jack Breward, 3rd John Lavers (Tākaka); Mixed Division 2: 1st Nicholas Whitley (Waimea), 2nd Hester Davies (Tākaka); Men’s Division 2: 1st William Gallagher, 2nd Toby Gibson, 3rd Brendan Richards (Tākaka); Men’s Division 1: 1st Richard Stephenson (Waimea), 2nd Chris McCarthy (Nelson), 3rd Paul McConnon (Tākaka); Women’s Open: 1st Sarena Harwood, 2nd Christine Palmer (Waimea), 3rd Keren Barcas (Motueka); Men’s Open: 1st Henry Moran, 2nd Jethro Moran, 3rd Brendon Whitley.


Results for elite runners:

Canaan Downs (Women): 1 Marina Comeskey (NOC), 2 Lara Molloy (Wellington), 3 Georgie Whitla (NOC). Canaan Downs (Men): 1 Scott Smith (NOC), 2 Nick Hann (Peninsula and Plains Orienteering Club – PPOC), Nick Smith (PPOC). Kaihoka (Women): 1 Lara Molloy (Wellington), 2 Marina Comeskey (NOC), 3 Piret Klade (Hawke's Bay Orienteering Club – HBOC). Kaihoka (Men): 1 Nick Smith (PPOC), 2 Nick Hann (PPOC), 3 Will Tidswell (HBOC). Sprint (Women): 1 Lara Molloy (Wellington), 2 Amelia Horne (NOC), Georgia Whitla (NOC). Sprint (Men): 1 Cameron Bonar (North West Orienteering Club), 2 Scott Smith (NOC), 3 Will Tidswell (HBOC).

Takaka Squash Club

Thanks to all participants as without them, we have no tournament. Thanks to our squash club committee – we are lucky to have such a great band of helpers. Thanks also to Amanda Tait for the bar duties on Saturday night - we really appreciate this, and to Lou, the Rec Centre cleaner who does an amazing job to make the centre sparkling clean. Thanks to Andyara Milan was on hand once again, to offer sports massages – the first three massages courtesy of First National. Last but not least, thank you to all our very important sponsors – Nelson Building Society, ITM Takaka, First National Golden Bay, Alsco (towels), Wholemeal Café, Fresh Choice, 3BeeHoney and Tiff Price for the drill raffle donation. We may still have some tickets available, so please get in touch with Sharon on 027 525 8255 if you would like one, or message us on the Takaka Squash Club Facebook page.

THE GB WEEKLY, FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2024 13 SPORTS COVERAGE SPONSORED BY takaka 13 Willow St, Takaka I Open 7 days 8am-7pm Shop online at:
Takaka Rugby Football Club Draw for Sat 8th June U6s
Friday on F1 U10s - 11 15am vs Waimea OB on F2 U12s - 10am vs Nelson on F2 U14s - 11am vs Kahurangi on F1 U15s - 12 30pm vs Nelson Col White on F1 Div II - 2pm vs Huia on F1 Kindy Sponsored by: NBS, Alliance Plumbing, Telegraph Hotel, Fresh Choice Takaka, Strange Contracting, JB Hills, GB Coachlines, TG Contracting, Laser Electrical, GB Builders, Tides Hotel, Diggs Ltd, Super Liquor GB, Motueka Flooring Xtra, GB Tank Cleaning, Pohara Store, Dan Darwen Builders, Consultex Co. Ltd CLUB DAY U15s Girls - Friday 5pm vs Stoke/Nelson at Richmond Home Games Away Game
& U8s - 5.30pm
M Dobbie 68, M Solly 68. 29 May. Stableford: G Allen 35, S Kerr 35, R Heuvel 34. Closest to pin: 3/12 G Allen, 4/13 8/17 R Tait, 9/18 S Kerr.
28 May. Irish Stableford:
Willie Abel from Picton. Photo: Supplied by Brent Topine. Newcomer axewoman Linde Kynast. Photo: Submitted. Dave Gowland, left, competes against Willie Abel in the Standing final. Photo: Submitted.

Orienteers run the Bay

Continued from page 1

...sporting the running tops of their respective clubs –Wellington, Auckland, and Palmerston North. Beverley Holder from the capital said she and her friends regularly attend events around the country and overseas. “We travel away together in a group.”

Visible from the hill, around 2km away, Kaihoka Beach is classic west coast – surf pounding onto flat, firm, grey sand bordered by steep bluffs and enormous sand dunes – and, for orienteers in the Open categories, one of the easier sections of their gruelling course. Viewed from the beach, runners were first spotted as specks descending steep dunes before fording a creek, crossing the beach, and disappearing up a marked route towards Mount Lunar.

A couple of hours later, back at the Red Shed, Beverley and Carol had completed their course and were comparing notes, pointing out particularly tricky spots on the map. They were

clearly already thinking about their next orienteering trip

The next day competitors gathered at Tākaka Primary School for the sprint event, and departed the “quarantine area” (the school hall) in one-minute intervals before navigating the course and tagging each control in the required sequence.

Local participant Lani Murray (aged 16) was “hoping for a good course time, with the objective of making the top 10

competitors in the secondary school grade, and to be selected for the New Zealand Secondary School Orienteering [NZSSO] team”. Lani has competed in the team for the last two years.

On Tuesday morning, looking back on the event, Annemarie described the weekend as "three glorious days of orienteering with beautiful weather in stunning Golden Bay".

See page 13 for elite runner category results.

THE GB WEEKLY, FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2024 14 PUZZLES 236 467 67 2 93 5 62 15 3 9 2 8 © 2024 Syndicated Puzzles 6317 176 4 9821 52 2549 9 584 9685 © 2024 Syndicated Puzzles 497586231 821493765 653721894 315842976 982167543 764935128 138679452 249358617 576214389 STR8TS No. 691 Medium 56342 8754312 476523 78623 69872534 87645 239876 3248967 54678 8 96 4 3 5 1 How to beat Str8ts –Like Sudoku, no single number can repeat in any row or column. But... rows and columns are divided by black squares into compartments. These need to be filled in with numbers that complete a ‘straight’. A straight is a set of numbers with no gaps but can be in any order, eg [4,2,3,5]. Clues in black cells remove that number as an option in that row and column, and are not part of any straight. Glance at the solution to see how ‘straights’ are formed. Previous solution - Easy SUDOKU To complete Sudoku, fill the board by entering numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and 3x3 box contains every number uniquely. For many strategies, hints and tips, visit If you like Str8ts check out our books, iPhone/iPad Apps and much more on our store. The solutions will be published here in the next issue. You can find more help, tips and hints at No. 691 Very Hard Previous solution - Tough
Crossing the creek at Kaihoka Beach. Photo: Jo Richards. Living legend 91-year-old Ian Holden. Photo: Jo Richards. Beverley Holder and Carol Ramsden compare notes at the Red Shed after completing their runs at Kaihoka. Photo: Jo Richards. Fleur and Lani Murray before Monday's sprint event in Tākaka. Photo: Rosa Volz.



9:00AM – 4:00PM


9:00AM – 4:00PM

If we need to postpone either shutdown due to weather or an unforeseen circumstance, the alternate dates are Sunday 14 July and Sunday 28 July respectively.


Network Tasman’s contractors will be carrying out essential maintenance on the high voltage transmission lines that provide power to Golden Bay and on the high voltage distribution lines that provide power to the substation at Takaka.

Network Tasman will also carry out localised maintenance on the distribution network while the lines are out of service.


7 JULY: This outage will affect most customers in Golden Bay. Customers in Upper Takaka and some customers at the top end of the Takaka Valley will not be affected by the outage.

21 JULY: This outage will affect most areas east of Puramahoi with the exception of customers in Upper Takaka and the top end of the Takaka Valley who will not be affected by the outage.


To benefit the greater community during both outages Network Tasman will supply much of the Takaka commercial district with the use of a portable generator. Some residential customers in Takaka will also benefit from the generator.


Customers will be notified by their electricity retailer for each outage that will affect them.

Customers who will be supplied by the generator will be notified by their electricity retailer of a short interruption to power at around 4:00pm to reconnect to the grid supply.

Network Tasman acknowledges the disruption this outage will cause and regrets the impact on residents, businesses, and visitors. If you have questions or concerns please contact Network Tasman on 0800 508 098 or

If we are unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, Utilities Disputes is a free to use and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities companies.

Freephone 0800 22 33 40 • Freefax 0800 22 33 47

Freepost 192682 • •


1. If a member of your household is medically dependent on electricity, you should contact your medical provider for advice.

2. Store enough drinking water from wells before the power goes off.

3. If required, fill your car with petrol or charge your vehicle the night before.

4. Please turn off stoves and heaters, and all sensitive electronic equipment before the shutdown, and ensure that they remain turned off until the power is restored.

5. For your protection, treat all lines, electrical installations and wiring as live during the shutdown.



ROCKVILLE Bowling Club AGM, Wednesday 12 June at Collingwood Memorial Hall, 7pm.

GB RSA AGM, 7pm Monday 10 June at the Tākaka Fire Station. Public invited - new members welcome.

TENNIS Club GB (GBTC) AGM, Wednesday 19 June, 7pm at the community room, Rec Park Centre. We need more help! Love to see you then.

GOLDEN Kids AGM will be held at 4.15pm on Wednesday 12 June, at Golden Kids. All welcome.

GOLDEN Bay NZ Deerstalkers Association AGM, Wednesday 12 June, 7pm at River Inn Hotel.

POHARA Bowling Club AGM will be held in the clubhouse on Sunday 16 June at 10.30am. Members and public welcome. Agenda: Minutes of the last Annual Meeting, Election of Officers, General Business.



Monday 17 June, 7pm

Golden Bay Visitor Centre, Willow Street

GUEST SPEAKER: Craig Boodee, Nelson Regional Development Agency visitor destination manager

Join us for light refreshments RSVP by 14 June to

If you are interested in Abbeyfield and what we do, feel free to join us at our

to be held 7pm on Thursday 27 June at Abbeyfield House, 162 Commercial St, Takaka Enquiries welcome 027 698 1024 or 027 536 9591

Monday 10 June 7.00pm Takaka Fire Station

Key positions are filled but as our organisation relies on volunteers to help organise Commemorations and look after our RSA Veterans, spouses and families - don’t be shy. Please come and join us and also hear our guest speaker Julia Lee tell about her experiences with ‘The Canterbury Mounted Rifles’ and the re-enactment of the ‘Takaka Mounted Rifles’. All welcome - this is a public meeting. Supper provided. Noel Baigent, President Golden Bay RSA


NARCOTICS Anonymous Golden Bay meeting, Mondays 6pm, 42 Commercial Street, hall behind church. All welcome. GB Animal Welfare Society Inc (ex-SPCA). Ph Carol Wells 525 9494, 8am-5pm weekdays.

Hato Hone St John Golden Bay Appeal. On Friday 14 June, we will have a presence at FreshChoice supermarket Tākaka from 10am to 4pm and on Saturday 15 June, we will have a presence outside the Memorial Hall in Collingwood from 10am to 4pm. All monies raised will stay in Golden Bay. MAKE money online. Any passion, hobby, or interest, unlimited earnings, free starter membership, visit for more info.

ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, open meeting, all welcome. Thursdays 7pm, 94 Commercial Street. Hall behind the Catholic Church. Ph 0800 229 6757.

FRESH FM needs your help. Are you willing to host a fundraising event to support local radio? Or help run one? Check out our website We’re a Charitable Trust – a $30 donation (that can be made on our website) is tax deductible.

GB WEEKLY: Stitch ‘n Sew, Tākaka is our agent or you can email us: (preferred). Office hours are Monday-Wednesday, 9am-5pm. Ph 027 525 8679. See our website for advert pricing.

SMITH Rex George – passed away on 27th May 2024, aged 72. Formerly Golden Bay and Motueka. Rex was a much loved Dad, Grandad, Brother, Uncle and friend to many. A private celebration of Rex’s life is to be held and a memorial service will be held in Golden Bay at a date to be advised.

We are pleased to announce the successful grant applicants of our February 2024 Round: Big Brothers Big Sisters Nelson-Tasman $2,000 DramaLAB $2,000 Artaza Studio $1,000 Golden Bay Arts Council $1,000 Golden Bay Grand Stand Community Trust $750 Golden Bay Pottery Club $1,500 Golden Bay Youth Habitat Trust $1,500 Golden Gardeners for Golden Bay $2,000 Golden Kids Early Learning Centre Inc. $500 Hato Hone St John Nelson & Tasman Bays Area Committee $1,000 He Matapuna Ora Charitable Trust $1,800 Mohua Galactic Trust $1,500 T.A.G. – The Adventure Group $800 Takaka Village Green Acquisition Society $2,000 The Funkisphere $1,000 The Village Theatre $1,250 Whenua Iti Outdoors $1,200 AGM Our Annual General
will be held upstairs at the Wholemeal Café, 60 Commercial Street, Takaka
If you are planning to attend,
seating requirements
using the Contact
on our website:
on Thursday, 18 July 2024 at 1.30pm
Us form
RECENT AGM / Hui ā tau - Nō nā tata nei ORGANISATIONS may have their committee members’ names printed in this column for free if emailed to admin@ 7 DAYS Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm Sat-Sun 9am-1pm Ph 525 7265 7 Commercial Street, Tākaka Website: Email: goldenbay@ PUBLIC NOTICES / Pānui a whānui Advertising For all things legal. For all things legal. People First Since 1858 People First Since 1858 Weekly on Wednesdays, by appointment only 0800 452 746 23 Motupipi Street, Takaka By Appointment Only 021 585 965 31 Wallace Street, Motueka 1
Come, Sta y,
Golden Bay Promotion Association, Inc

CRANIOSACRAL = realign. Heals nervous system, trauma, chronic pain, insomnia, physical injuries, immunity, anxiety, busy life. For overall body wellness. Ph Alvina for appointments 027 531 6426.

MASSAGE. Ph Willem 022 134 1726.

MASSAGE. Ph Paul Frika 027 772 7334. 30 years of experience.

MASSAGE AND REIKI. Emma Sutherland (Ameliorate). First one-hour treatment - $45 for GB locals. Ph 027 487 2639. Tākaka and Collingwood.


Intelligence Massage

Remedial - Therapeutic - Deep Tissue Myofascial Release

Samantha Specht - Ph 022 044 3323 Dip Mass MSTM

Providing Golden Bay with: Professional, Diagnostic, Clinical Physio & Massage Therapy services

ACC registered Provider

• Sports & Accident injuries

• Complex musculoskeletal conditions

• Clinical reviews / Second opinions

• Orthopaedic / Post-operative rehabilitation

• Postural / Biomechanical correction programmes

• Clinical Massage Therapy

No GP referral required

Ask us about our no-cost initial Physio assessment Call 0800 749 739 for info or an appointment today

NATURAL nail care studio: Specialising in non-toxic high quality pedicure services, difficult nail conditions. Ph/txt Amy Anderson 020 4079 0646.

Providing hypnotherapy, NLP and Clifton strengths coaching to the people of Golden Bay & beyond! Rachael - 022 637 0497 I

Marjo van Dijk

Structural Integration & Clinical Myofascial Practitioner 027 781 6865

Lolly Dadley-Moore RCST, PACT Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy OPTIMISING HEALTH

Can address pain, injury, trauma, life transitions. Pivotal for immunity health and post viral syndrome. Working with individuals, children and babies. Ph 027 338 9504 ꟾ


Abel Tasman Accounting Limited Xero Certified, Public Practice CA. Taxation services and general business support for clients of all shapes and sizes. Available evenings and weekends. Ph Bronwyn 027 268 4010,

ACCOUNTANT and tax advisor. All Inland Revenue returns filed for big and small businesses and individuals. Self-employed and rental property reports prepared. Day and evening appointments available. Ph Susan Ayton Shaw 929 7507 or email

ACCOUNTANT. Long-standing market leader with unbeatable professional qualifications and experience. Warn & Associates, ph 525 9919.

ARBORIST, qualified, ph Jack Stevens 021 211 5580.

ARCHITECT services. Building and resource consents. Residential, commercial and industrial. Chris Pyemont Architects, ph 021 0278 4729.

ARCHITECTURAL design, residential housing. Ph Peter Fersterer 525 8132.

CARS wanted. Will pick up for free (some conditions apply). Motueka Auto Parts. Ph 03 528 9576.

CHIMNEY cleaning, handyman. Ph Ry South 022 513 3947.

CHIMNEY sweep and firebox maintenance. GB Chimney Cleaning ph 027 458 7679.

CLEANER. AJ's Cleaning Services. Visit for more information.

COURIERS. TG Couriers delivering between Golden Bay and Nelson five days a week. Ph 027 717 7188.


GOLDEN Bay Storage, Tā kaka. Dry, safe, secure, alarmed, insurance approved. Furniture trailer available. Ph Marg 027 222 5499,

HANDYMAN/ maintenance, small building, carpentry, chainsawing. Other jobs to be discussed. References provided. Ph Shaun 027 880 3535.

HEAT pump installation, sales and servicing. Ph Dave McKay 027 404 4740, 525 8538.

KRW Contracting. Tiling, Ardex licensed waterproofing applicator, blocklaying and bricklaying. Ph Ken 021 307 019. No job too big, no job too small.

LAWN mowing and garden maintenance. ProMow Services NZ ph 027 458 7679.

LAWNMOWING. Pākawau, Bainham, Tākaka to Wainui. Ph N Shaw 525 7597, 027 212 4020.

LAWNMOWING,, ph 027 690 0769.

MOHUA Glass and Glazing. Ph 027 410 9105, mohuaglass@

PAINTING and interior, exterior plastering. Licensed qualified local tradesman. Ph CM Coatings 027 222 0507.

PENINSULA Plasterers for all your interior plastering needs. No job too small. Quality assured. 20+ years’ experience. For a free quote ph Craig 027 472 4376.

SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED. Ph Shane 027 647 4913.


STUMP grinding specialist. Tree care and property maintenance. Ph Carl 027 263 5353.

TĀKAKA Garden Services, for all your lawn and garden needs. Ph 027 525 8006 or 525 8806.

TEST and tag, your place or mine. Ph Marina 027 454 9443.

TILER. Professional wall and floor tiling and design. Wayne Robinson Tiling. Ph 027 576 1620.

WINDOW cleaning. Ph Willem 022 134 1726.

WINDOW cleaning,, ph 027 690 0769.

Mastermind Networking & Business Mentoring. Winter Business Series 6 x 90-min sessions. Master your time, achieve goals, grow “being the boss”. Small group. Powerful outcomes. Invest in your future. Business-Plan for summer 2024/2025 or activate your start up. Or join a Business Growth Thinktank/Mastermind Network group $35/session. Ph Fiona Newey 027 23 222 13

ELEMENTAL Design and Build: New builds, renos, refits, alterations. Environmentally-conscious builders specialising in natural builds., ph 022 087 6396,

FLORIST, local florist for flowers for all occasions, call now and place your order 027 758 1138 or online www. Teresa Brough Designer Florist.

FREEVIEW TV, radio, HiFi, WiFi, electronics. Ph 027 246 2432.

FRUIT pruning, sustainable property advice and management, edible landscaping, soil testing, garden mentoring. Sol Morgan, GroWise Consultancy, ph 027 514 9112.

GOLDEN BAY DIGGER HIRE 1.7 tonne. Ph 027 713 0684.

GOLDEN BAY ROOFING Maintenance, leaks, repairs and roofing supplies. Licensed Roofer. Ph 027 395 0037.

Renovations, alterations, extensions, new builds, decks and all your repairs and maintenance needs

Grant Lawrence 027 485 5987

H e a l i n g w i t h G r a c e & ♥ 0 2 1 3 4 6 6 4 2 H e a l i n g w i t h G r a c e & ♥ 0 2 1 3 4 6 6 4 2 ♥
Takaka a ratonga
If you’re HEALTH & WELLBEING / Hauora
Mahi a ratonga


BUILDING to lease from 4 July. 65A Commercial Street, good street frontage, modern build. Excellent condition, parking, has been used as a café and office. Plenty of potential. Competitive rent. Talk to us, ph 020 4111 2626 or email

LOST AND FOUND / Ngaronga/Kitenga

LOST. Missing: Neutered tabby cat from Nguroa, Kaihoka. Missing since 20 May. Please ph Marjorie 524 8361.


Golden Bay Community Health is a Rural Integrated Health Centre consisting of a Medical Centre, Urgent Care, Allied Health, Community Nursing, Well-Child, Maternity, In-Patients and Aged Residential Care.

We are currently recruiting for the role of: Registered Nurses - Rural (Permanent & Casual positions available)

This is an exciting opportunity for experienced Registered Nurses to join our dedicated team on a temporary basis to work in a flagship integrated rural health centre in one of the most beautiful regions of Aotearoa.

FOR SALE / Hei hokohoko

FIREWOOD, good selection. Ph Bay Firewood 027 769 6348.

EATING OUT / Kai wahi kē


New season’s Bare root price Last week!

Ph 525 9868 or 027 306 9508

To apply for the role please visit professsionals/careers/job-vacancies/registered-nurse-ruralpermanent-amp-casual-positions-available Vacancy open until filled.

Youth Support Worker

orientated interventions to service users as part of a multidisciplinary team

The prospective recruit will:

• Demonstrate excellent communication and problem-solving skills

• Hold relevant mental-health-specific experience

• Utilise initiative

• Have a full clean driver’s license

• Be computer literate

The successful candidate will maintain a caseload, participate in a mental health crisis on-call roster, and be supported by mental health professionals in an empathetic & collaborative team

For more information, a detailed job description, and our TWM application forms, please visit our webpage

If this is you, please send your complete application to Application close: OPEN

Golden Bay Community Health is a Rural Integrated Health Centre consisting of a Medical Centre, Urgent Care, Allied Health, Community Nursing, Well-Child, Maternity, In-Patients and Aged Residential Care.

We are currently recruiting for the role of: Registered Nurses - Rural (Fixed Term up to 8 weeks)

This is an exciting opportunity for experienced Registered Nurses to join our dedicated team on a temporary basis to work in a flagship integrated rural health centre in one of the most beautiful regions of Aotearoa.

To apply for the role please visit professsionals/careers/job-vacancies/registered-nurse-fixedterm-role-up-to-8-weeks

Vacancy open until filled.


- Fresh Produce - Natural Health Products - Bulk Foods - Housekeeping Products 525 8677


GOLDEN Bay Anglican Parish warmly invites you to join them on Sunday, 10am at Tākaka or 4.45pm at Collingwood (starting with a cuppa). Fellowship gatherings (fellowship, songs, prayer and bible study) held fortnightly, 2, 16 and 30 June; traditional services (with a speaker) held on alternate fortnights, 9 and 23 June. NB: Reps from The Voice of the Martyrs will be the speakers on 23 June.

SACRED Heart Catholic faith community winter timetable: Mass, 4pm, 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. Service of the Word, 9.30am, 2nd Sunday of month. All warmly welcome.

ST Andrews Presbyterian Church extends a warm welcome to join us at 10am for a time of worship and fellowship with Ian Davidson. We extend a warm welcome to join us for a soup and dessert luncheon on Wednesday 19 June, 12 noon, at the Takaka Bowling Club rooms.

Kahurangi Christian Church

EATING OUT / Kai wahi kē

ANATOKI SALMON fishing and café. Catch your own lunch or order from the menu. Open every day from 10am-4pm. www.

COLLINGWOOD TAVERN. Open 7 days, 11am till late. Catering and large group bookings available. Ph 524 8160.

COURTHOUSE CAFÉ, Collingwood. Open 7 days, 8am-3pm. Ph 524 8194.

DANGEROUS KITCHEN. Open Wednesday-Saturday, 9am8pm. For bookings and takeaways ph 525 8686. DE-LISH DELICATESSEN . Sumptuous, delicious food. Lunches, catering, coffee, chocolate, cheeses and epicure items. Weekdays from 6.30am. Ph 525 7111. GOOD AS GOLD CAFÉ, Tākaka. Open Monday-Friday, 7am4pm. Ph 525 8193.

MOLLY B’S, Pōhara. Open 5 days from 9am, weekend brunch 9-11am. Monday and Tuesday open from 3pm. Ph 525 7678. NIKAU BAR AND CAFÉ, Pōhara. Open 7 days, 8.30am to late. Bookings ph 03 970 3992.

O’SHA. Open Tuesday-Sunday, lunch 11.30am-2.30pm and dinner 5-8.30pm. Ph 525 6117.




For bookings: aydee@wholemealcafe co nz 035259426

GB RSA AGM, 7pm at the Tākaka Fire Station. Public invitednew members welcome.


GB WEEKLY DEADLINE: noon on Tuesdays. Late fees apply until 4pm Tuesdays, if space is available. Stitch ‘n Sew is our agent in Tākaka. Or you can email us: or phone us 027 525 8679.


COSTUME HIRE, open by appointment, ph Diane 525 8097 evenings. Returns to Joan ph 525 8338.

O NEKAKA PLAYGROUP, all welcome, Wednesdays 10am12.30pm, Onekaka Hall.



DAYTIME BADMINTON, Rec Park Centre, 9-11am. All welcome. Ph Kerry 027 525 7007.

GOLDEN BAY SENIOR CITIZENS. Instead of usual meeting, meet at Golden Bay Museum at 2pm to see museum collections. Followed by afternoon tea in town.

The Mussel Inn Coming Up...

Every Monday night at 7.30pm: SINGALONG ‘ROUND THE PIANO with Craig Denham. All welcome.

Sat 8th MALAIKA AND PULP FUNCTION. Supported by CHAIN REACTION and IMANI.J. $10 school music gear fundraiser.

Thu 13th ACID ON THE MICROPHONE - Featuring EMMA CALLAGHAN & MARK RAFFILLS. 7.30pm. All welcome.

Sat 15th TAKADIMI - Tabla Raga Jazz fusion. $30 tix @ undertheradar. $40 door.

Sun 16th MUSSEL INN BEER TASTING COMPETITIONregister NOW to secure your place and get practicing!

Wed 19th RED HEAVENS - The true story of Angelina Moleta - a new play by Martine Baanvinger. $25 tix @ Unlimited Copies.

Thu 20th QUIZ - 7.30pm. All welcome. Sat 22nd DELUSIONAL DISCO DRONGOS WINTER WARMER KNEES UP. $10 tix, $15 door.

For more details see

93 Commercial St, Takaka. Pastor: Rodney Watson 0275 114 266 Jesus said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind… You shall love your neighbour as yourself.” Matthew 22:37 Sunday Service 10 am All Welcome
Sunday 9 June 10:30am Onekaka Hall Contact Robin Swafford, 022 604 9678
PPT 20 hrs/week, plus after hours on on -call roster
Mental Health Service
is seeking a dynamic Youth
Worker to deliver focused-based, recovery-
Te Whare Mahana - Community
for Police
TWM National DBT Service – 163 Commercial Street TWM Community Mental Health Service – 34 Motupipi Street TWM Employment Service – 84 Commercial Street
until filled! Consent

TEA AND TALK, Old School Café, Friday 21 June, 10.30am. Hosted by Pakawau Rural Women. All

Ph Joyce 03 524 8364.

UPPER TAKAKA COUNTRY CLUB PIG HUNT, Saturday 3 and Sunday 4 August. More info to

HATO HONE ST JOHN GOLDEN BAY APPEAL, Friday 14 June at FreshChoice supermarket Tākaka, 10am-4pm. Saturday 15 June, outside the Memorial Hall in Collingwood, 10am-4pm.


Friday: Light winds. A few cloudy areas at first otherwise fine. Light frosts in sheltered areas

Saturday: Light winds. Mainly fine. Early frosts and briefly mild for a time during the day

Sunday: Northerlies becoming strong. Rain developing and becoming locally heavy in the afternoon

Monday: Northerlies with rain at first. Winds tending westerly from late morning with showers and increasing fine intervals

Tuesday: Southwesterlies developing. A few showers at first then becoming mainly fine

GOLDEN BAY WEATHER FORECAST Valid from Friday 7 until Tuesday 11 June Disclaimer: This forecast is a personal interpretation complied from public information provided by NZ Metservice and other public sources. It is a local forecast and no liability is implied or accepted. Sollys Contractors are proud sponsors of this weather forecast. Enquiries phone: 03 525 9843 SOLLYS Contractors am pm 369369 noon Jun 14 Friday am pm 369369 noon Jun 13 Thursday am pm 369369 noon Jun 12 Wednesday am pm 369369 noon Jun 11 Tuesday am pm 369369 noon Jun 10 Monday am pm 369369 noon Jun 9 Sunday am pm 369369 noon Jun 8 Saturday S E R T E M 0 1 2 3 4 5 H L 10:47am11:15pm 4:37am 4:59pm H L 11:26am11:50pm 5:12am 5:35pm H L 12:07pm 5:51am 6:14pm H L 12:28am12:53pm 6:35am 6:56pm H L 1:12am 1:41pm 7:26am 7:43pm H L 2:02am 2:34pm 8:24am 8:35pm H L 3:00am 3:30pm 9:25am 9:35pm Bad Fair Fair Good Good Good Good Best at 6:37 pm 6:18 am Best at 5:58 pm 5:37 am Best at 5:16 pm 4:55 am Best at 4:32 pm 4:08 am Best at 3:44 pm 3:18 am Best at 2:51 pm 2:23 am Best at 1:54 pm 1:24 am Rise 12:47 pm Set 11:40 pm Rise 12:27 pm Set 10:39 pm Rise 12:05 pm Set 9:34 pm Rise 11:39 am Set 8:27 pm Rise 11:08 am Set 7:18 pm Rise 10:27 am Set 6:12 pm Rise 9:36 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:50 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:50 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:50 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:49 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:49 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:48 am Set 5:07 pm Rise 7:47 am GOLDEN BAY TIDE WATCH - TARAKOHE TIDE TIMES SUN AND MOON BILL HOHEPA’S MAORI FISHING GUIDE ©Copyright OceanFun Publishing, Ltd. TAKAKA FUELS & FISHING Proudly sponsors Golden Bay Tide Watch 2 Commercial Street, Takaka ꟾ Ph 525 7305 1 Commercial st, Takaka Roots Gig
THURSDAY MATARIKI WEEKEND OPEN MIC 20TH JUNE from 8:30 pm til late LAST ONE FOR WINTER! SATURDAY 15TH JUNE WINTER FUNK VOL 2 FULL SPECTRUM DRUM & BASS YAKKA | WILLOW | JARGON I NUGz - $10 friday JUNE 7th GALANJAH 12 TILL LATE - FREE COMMUNITY LIGHT FESTIVAL MINI RAVE AND FIRE PERFORMANCE 7- 9 pm FREE sparkly after PARTY 9PM $10 Lambi Kitty I TwoToTango I Outer Orbit friday JULY 5th U3A welcomes Sasha Borissenko – journalist, barrister, musician and social justice activist. As national representative for Community Access Media Alliance (here, Takaka Fresh FM) she will discuss its uniqueness, its history and its move into the digital age. Senior Citizens’ Hall, Friday 21 June, 10.30am All welcome. Non-members a gold coin please. Supported with funding from TDC Community Grant. golden bay museum te waka huia o mohua mon 9 june until 31 Oct 2024 Mon - Fri 10 - 4 Sat 10 - 12 haveyou anyidea? collection selection ? ? ? ? ? collection selection
Presents This dynamic play is inspired
New Zealand
Golden Bay Tour WED 19 JUNE, 7.30pm – MUSSEL INN FRI 21 JUNE, 7.30pm – PAKAWAU HALL SAT 22 JUNE , 7.30pm – VILLAGE THEATRE SUN 23 JUNE, 1pm – VILLAGE THEATRE SUN 23 JUNE, 7.30pm – VILLAGE THEATRE Tickets: $25 / $10 youth Tickets at Unlimited Copies (Cash only) or door sales if any available. or contact 022 6523078 LATER EVENTS
From Stromboli to D’Urville Island
by the book ‘Angelina’ by
author Gerard Hindmarsh.
UPCOMING EVENTS / Mea pakiri haere No cover charge No Rego = Rock covers Golden Bay Blue = Bluegrass and Country Two Beers Later = Kiwi and American Rock and Blues
. 00 pm BE THERE The Antigone Project
Micky Delahunty
by Ronnie Short Saturday 15 June 7 pm Sunday 16 June 2 pm Tickets from Paper Plus Adults $20 Students $15 Gold Card $15
Teentheatre 2024 Presents by

13 Buxton Lane, TAKAKA


Located in the heart of Takaka's CBD, Pipeworx is the only dedicated plumbing supply store in the area The long-established business has many loyal customers & a full range of plumbing supplies and pumps

With a secure lease until 2033 A copy and a full information pack is available to genuine purchasers Contact me today

James Mackay 027 359 0892

164 Collingwood-Bainham Main Rd,


Discover the rural lifestyle in this family home on 3 6 ha of pristine land Featuring a rumpus room, study & sep laundry Outside, there are two large sheds & fenced paddocks for livestock & stunning views complete the package Call now

James Mackay 027 359 0892





Tucked behind the trees, this delightful home is on just over 1600sqm of gardens Plenty of space for cars/caravan/boat & double garage Large, covered entertainment

Open living spaces bask in sunshine, connecting to a patio for summer gatherings A woodfire keeps you cosy in the winter Stunning mountain views established gardens & fruit trees and a fully fenced section Call today for more information

Jana McConnon 021 245 2197

Paul McConnon 027 504 2872

65a Selwyn Street, POHARA


Enter a private oasis, including lawn, a paved courtyard & enchanting patio/barbeque area The sunny, secluded home is just a skip, hop & jump down to the walkway to picturesque Pohara Beach The perfect lock & leave or permanent home Act now

Jana McConnon 021 245 2197

Paul McConnon 027 504 2872

618a Abel Tasman Dr, CLIFTON


Looking for a modern home to enjoy? This vacant property is ready for its new owners With all the mod cons of a newer build, and a private back section The location is superior with Pohara beach & Motupipi School nearby Call Belinda today

Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840

25 Motupipi Street, TAKAKA


Centrally located iconic accommodation Deceptively spacious & licenced for 28 pax With a fully self-contained separate owners’ accommodation It is YHA approved Call me for all of the information and to view

Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840

12 Coote Street, TAKAKA


Located in the Greenways Subdivision, this generous sized 1432m2 section is the perfect site for your new build! Services include power, phone & sewer connections Close by is the recreation centre, hospital & town Call James today

James Mackay 027 359 0892

McShane Road, WAINUI


Located on a ridge overlooking magnificent Wainui Bay, we offer three sections subject to title; Lot 1


All three blocks offer amazing views & are sizes are approx Call me now

James Mackay 027 359 0892

THE GB WEEKLY, FRIDAY 7 JUNE 2024 20 A s k i n g $ 9 9 5 , 0 0 0 3 1 2 850m2 221 Patons Rock Rd, PATONS ROCK OCEANS OF OPPORTUNITY This modern beachside home is the perfect addition to your family, a place to create long lasting memories Excellent sea views and positioned just across the road to Patons Rock beach Call us today for more information Jana McConnon 021 245 2197 Paul McConnon 027 504 2872 Viewings by appointment (03) 525 8800 e: info@goldenbayproperty com • w: goldenbayproperty com • 50 Commercial Street, Takaka • Licensed REAA 2088 - MREINZ Sharon McConnon Sales Manager 027 525 8255 Paul McConnon Salesperson 027 504 2872 James Mackay Principal/AREINZ 027 359 0892 Belinda J Barnes Agent/AREINZ 021 236 2840 Jana McConnon Salesperson 021 245 2197 Mickayla Ormsby Salesperson 027 297 8477 Golden Bay This home has multiple attractive qualities - too many to mention, that you really do need to view Come along to my open home 513 Abel Tasman Drive, TAKAKA O f f e r s O v e r $ 8 2 5 , 0 0 0 HIDDEN
family gatherings
outdoor living 3 2 1621sqm Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840 Open Sun, 9th|1-2:00pm
area ideal for
2+ $ 4 5 0 , 0 0 0 + G S T
Business A s k i n g $ 7 7 9 , 0 0 0 3 1 2 450sqm
Viewing by appointment O / O $ 7 6 5 , 0 0 0 3 2 2 902sqm
Viewing by appointment
$ 1 , 2 0 0 , 0 0 0
Viewings by appointment 3 6145ha 3 2 2+ (if any) GOING CONCERN $ 7 7 0 , 0 0 0 8 4 870m2
+ G S T ( f a n y )
Commercial F r o m $ 7 0 0 , 0 0 0
by appointment
7100sqm Asking $700,000 Lot 2
8768sqm Asking $800,000 Lot 3
A s k i n g $ 3 1 5 , 0 0 0
Viewings by appointment A s k i n g $ 7 2 0 , 0 0 0 3 2 2 2 904sqm

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