The GB Weekly - 5 July 2024

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Records set at River Inn Hunt

On Monday morning, sitting in the lounge at the River Inn, Paula and Jamie Sixtus reflected on what has been a record-breaking weekend for their Moonlight Hunt.

“It’s beyond my wildest dreams,” says Paula, who, with son Jamie and husband Richard, co-ordinates and hosts the event. “I call myself the orchestrator.”

The record 170 entries – 39 kids and 131 adults – gathered an unprecedented number of animals over the weekend, said Jamie. “Forty-seven deer, 42 pigs, 90 goat tails, and heaps of hares – one kid got 22.”

Another number, perhaps the most important, also set a record, and that was the amount of money raised for the two charitable causes – the Nelson Marlborough Rescue Helicopter Trust and the fundraising campaign to support local lad Jack Holland through his cancer treatment. “It’s pretty overwhelming,” said Paula. “We’ve made over $20,000 – double what we made last time.”

The total is made up of entry fees plus the proceeds from the auction of the game and items donated by businesses and the community. Every single cent counts, says

Jamie. “We give 100 per cent of what we make on the day to charity.”

Before the Sunday afternoon bidding opened, hunters from as far away as Blenheim and Murchison delivered carcasses to be weighed by the 2pm deadline. The entrants ranged from youngsters proudly dragging in hares, to grandparents backing-up their utes to unload stags. On a table inside the inn, a selection of game pies including wild bacon and egg, duck, and fallow deer presented judges with a tasty, but tough, choice.

Outside, the event’s main sponsor, ITM, had fired up the barbeque. “A big shout out to them,” says Jamie. “They were very keen to support us.”

It seems fitting that the Moonlight Hunt should take place over Matariki weekend but it’s very much a sunlight hunt these days. The inaugural event, in 2008, was for one night only with the weigh-in before dawn, but it’s now held over a weekend and attracts entries of all ages from across and beyond the Bay, as well as some families who simply come to enjoy a Sunday afternoon out.

“People came from Nelson just for the auction,” says Jamie. “We had over 300 people

at the auction.”

The auction was expertly conducted by Craig Taylor from PGG Wrightson who rattled through the numerous lots, before the muchawaited prize-giving. In addition to the heaviest, most, and longest categories, dozens of spot prizes were awarded. Some prizes were particularly impressive – the result of very generous donations.

“There was a $1,500 boat for a kid’s prize,” says Jamie. “Also…a $2,000 night vision scope, and a dog box that must be worth $2,000… It’s pretty amazing.”

In addition to providing outdoor adventure for families and raising vital funds for charity, the hunt also benefits conservation, says Paula. “It’s a great way of pest control.”

With this year’s hunt done, Jamie’s thoughts are turning to next year and how the Bay’s biggest hunt can get even bigger. “We may add duck, as it’s in duck season.”

In the meantime, Paula expresses her gratitude to all those who helped make this year’s event a record-breaker. “A huge thanks to all our sponsors and the people who turned up on the day.”

More photos and full results on page 12

Collingwood hosted the Golden Bay Community Board (GBCB) on Monday for its now six-weekly meeting.

Inside the township’s fire station seemed like a good place to be on such a wet and wild afternoon. Fortunately, at least for the duration of the meeting, no weatherrelated dramas occurred.

In contrast to the heavy rain, the agenda was relatively light, which meant the meeting was done and dusted by around 2.30pm.

Public Forum

The single contribution to public forum was from Pākawau resident Bruce Collings who spoke on behalf of the Salisbury Swingbridge Re-instatement Group. Bruce began with a short history of the historic structure, and of the group’s fouryear campaign to gauge local interest in re-instating the bridge before seeking financial support from central government. He said the group has received a lot of encouraging feedback from clubs, organisations, schools, and individuals across Golden Bay. “Thank you to all the groups and associations who supported it, plus the people who signed in support.”

Constituency MP’s Damien O’Connor and, latterly, Maureen Pugh, have both been sympathetic to the cause “but made no promises”, said Bruce, who also made a submission to Tasman District Council’s (TDC) Long-Term Plan.

The estimated cost of re-instatement has risen sharply over the last few years – from $190,000 to $310,000. But, Bruce explained, even if this “pot of gold should fall into our laps”, TDC would refuse to take it on. Consequently, the group now considered that “the matter should be closed and not worth progressing”.

“I feel very sad that the listed and heritage site was allowed to die on our watch,” said Bruce. “That’s the end of it as far as I’m concerned.”

Board chair Abbie Langford responded. “Thank you, Bruce, for all the time and energy involved…”

Special Projects Funding

The board had a lengthy discussion about how the $37,747 in its Special Projects Fund should be distributed.

Guided by feedback gathered from the community ranking the seven projects put forward by GBCB, each member of the board in turn identified what they considered to be the most deserving and explained their reasoning.

Steven Strange and daughter Eden deliver their haul to the River Inn for the Moonlight Hunt weigh-in last Sunday afternoon. Photo: Supplied.

Light Festival ready to fire up


Thank you to the generous, creative people who have kindly submitted their poems for display in our shop windows, as part of this weekend’s Community Light Festival

This weekend's Community Light Festival promises to fill Tākaka’s Junction Green with colour, fire and sound.

Earlier this week, community arts worker Claire French said preparations for the mid-winter event were “all on track”. The only fly in the ointment is the unpredictable weather. "It will be this Friday or Saturday," says Claire. "Check out the Golden Bay Community Arts Council's Facebook page and posters around town for updates."

looking at art installations and grazing on sweet treats.

After darkness descends the main stage will be lit up by The Light Fantastic dance projection show, before things really hot up with a spectacular fire performance. Claire says the fire show will be “amazing” as it will be her swan song. “It’s my last year doing this so I’m going out with a bang.”

Claire says everyone can contribute to the vibe. “Bring a light or lantern and the fancy dress theme is sparkles.”

Whichever day it is, the entertainment kicks off at 3.30pm with activities for the younger ones including face-painting, clowning, and chalk drawing. Live music from The Forge will create the soundscape as people wander around the Green,

She also reminds people to make sure they are comfortable throughout the evening. “Bring some warm clothes and a blanket or a chair to sit on.”

And finally, with large numbers expected at the Junction Green, Claire advises festival-goers to “get there early”.

A scene from last year's Light Festival. This weekend's event promises to be even more spectacular. File photo.

GB Community Board - July

Continued from page 1

Polling well ahead of the other six projects, the upgrading of the Rockville Community Pool was unanimously backed by the board, along with the proposal to replace the wooden fence outside the Dangerous Kitchen and Bay Takeaway. Strongly supported, but with questions remaining, were a contribution to Pākawau playground development, and the construction of a tunnelhouse for the hanging basket volunteer group.

The board noted that members of the community had also made suggestions of their own and, while some of these were discussed, it was agreed that they would be potential candidates for next year’s round of funding.

As for the amount each qualifying project would receive in this year’s round, there was a debate about whether it was better to fully fund a small number or spread the money more widely as contributions or as "seed" funding. The final decision will depend on a scope and feasibility study to be conducted by TDC staff which will be presented to the board at its 12 August meeting, when awards would be confirmed.

Discretionary Fund Application

The board moved on to discuss the smaller awards under the Discretionary Grants Fund. Applications from Tasman Bay Guardians and Golden Bay Community Arts Council for $500 each were approved.

Board Report

Items from previous meeting ( GBW , 24/5): The only outstanding item was Andy Clark’s request for GBCB to hold a public meeting to co-ordinate a community response to Siren Gold’s mining proposal. The board agreed that this was

not something in the board’s remit and a public meeting had already been organised by those concerned.

GBCB meeting with Maureen Pugh, MP: Abbie explained that a summary of this meeting had been communicated to the community (Letters, GBW, 27/6).

Dog Control Bylaw: The board noted that community consultation on the draft Dog Control Bylaw begins at the end of this month and was keen to encourage the public to have their say by submitting feedback.

East Tākaka Playground: A recent report from TDC reserves and facilities staff regarding a recent safety audit undertaken on the East Tākaka Recreation Reserve Playground, had concluded that, “The playground is in poor condition and has multiple areas of non-compliance with playground safety”. Councillor Celia Butler said there were a number of inaccuracies in the report, which left “a lot to be desired”. She agreed to talk TDC’s Lynne Hall about the future of the facility.

Action sheet: The only outstanding action concerned the maintenance of the Pōhara to Tākaka cycleway. It was noted that TDC are planning to trial a new surface material along a short section of the cycleway.

Financial summary

Board member Robert Hewison observed that the annual budget for the Discretionary Grants Fund had been significantly underspent. “We are not getting enough applications.”

After officially receiving the Financial Summary, the meeting ended but, outside, the tempest continued.

The next meeting of GBCB is at the TDC office in Tākaka, on Monday 12 August 2024 at 1pm.

• Driveways

• Patios

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OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Wednesday 9am-5pm




Until 4pm on Tuesday (if space available): classified ads $5; display ads 10% surcharge (min $5).


We welcome your suggestions. Please contact us.


We welcome readers to submit a whakaaro. Please contact us with your idea first.


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Classifieds: 60c/word. Display ads: contact us for details or see the website.

Giving “Boot Camp” the boot


The terminology "Boot Camp" is absolutely wrong. To address negative behaviour of misguided youth, there must be a more positive title, that addresses anti-social youth behaviour.

A name that indicates a positive outcome of anti-social, and criminal, behaviour needs to be created.

There has to be the image of success, and achievement of a change in attitude for the future of wayward youth.

Boot Camp is not the image of such a goal.

I suggest such titles as: Civil Behavior Training Camp; Goalseeking Achievement Camp; Outreach Training Camp; Civil Defense Training Camp; and Life-changing Training Camp.

Certainly the term "Boot Camp" sends a negative image and is not a positive direction for safer communities. Also we must accept a gender neutrality term, as female youth should be included.

It is misuse of the term given to a military establishment. Reg Turner Talent and passion

On Saturday I had the privilege of going to Martine Baanvinger's latest play.

What a superb performance, Martine captured and enthralled the audience with her clever passionate solo show. I understand that Martine researched, wrote, produced, and acted in this one-woman amazing stage play inspired by Gerard Hindmarsh's wonderful book Angelina, the story of his Italian grandmother Angelina Moleta's immigration to D'Urville island. Thank you to both Martine and Gerard for your talent and passion.

Margy Meys

Gratitude for art

I recently went to a band at the Mussel Inn. It was $25 and I thought that was pretty pricey! Then I realised $25 paid for three bands to get to Tākaka. The band was epic. Thought provoking, political and dancing in the crowd. Like so much art. Art has this powerful ability to mesmerise, transport, challenge and open imagination.

That experience was 100 per cent worth my money. It got me thinking, what is art? And where do I support it? On Google, thousands of images are available at our fingertips. Spotify provides us an unfathomable number of songs and YouTube offers anyone the ability to be a film maker. Plus Artificial Intelligence can generate any of this content now.

What about the many actors, musicians, painters, jewellery makers, etc who dedicate their lives to opening our hearts and minds. Yet who often get paid almost nothing and some would say are "not productive members of society".

This is especially relevant here in the Bay as artists contribute so much to our identity as a quirky lovable town.

In a world where productivity and product are so highly

valued, I want to give gratitude to the creative ones whose art has so often catalysed transformation. Without them the world would be quite stagnant.

Miriam Sherratt Government's ferry fiasco

With the breakdown of the ageing, but purpose-built Interisland ferry Aratere, the infrastructure debate on the key link between Te Ika a Maui and Te Waipounamu comes back into raggedy focus. It highlights what is wrong with the way infrastructure decisions are made. Politicians make lousy decision makers. The proposed two new ferries were to be larger, rail enabled meaning safer crossings and easier ships to maintain, and they were cheap. They would take larger rakes of trains and need larger rail yards lifted to cope with sea-level rise and much more resilient in earthquakes. That does cost. The terminals would be modern and comfortable like we have at airports rather that what they are currently.

This government’s plan so far seems to be to build three similar size boats to the present fleet and slot them into the old terminals – cheap as chips! Of course, for so many reasons that is nonsense. Commissioning three new boats will be much more expensive than the cancelled pair. The wharves and terminals will have to be re-built. Having only one boat rail enabled will limit rail efficiency. They are also looking to perhaps sell off the Interislander, which has little value at present and a buyer is likely to do as Fay Richwhite and Wisconsin Central did with Tranz Rail. That will degrade the service. This is not how to do infrastructure and hopefully smarter heads will prevail.

Lights at the Rec Park – TDC response

Tasman District Council Reserves and Facilities staff are aware that floodlights have been occasionally left on by sports codes who use at the Golden Bay Rec Park sportsgrounds.

To resolve this a timer will be installed and, in the meantime, users have been asked to ensure the lights are turned off after use.

Grant Reburn, TDC Reserves and Facilities Manager Credit where credit's due

What an exciting "last gasp win’"Collingwood ground out over the spirited Tākaka rugby team at the recent, annual Battle of the Bay.

Editor and chief reporter Jo Richards’ lively recount of the event in last week’s GB Weekly (27/6) was welcome reading for one who’s flat battery disallowed attendance.

I lived and breathed the excitement, reading; "green-turf to mud, sticky surfaces, wet ball, cold conditions, slick moves, crowd grew to well over 200", etc. All descriptive, compelling. Lovely words, lovely outcome. But, entirely absent – a passing tribute to the gloriousness of the bright, new-look grounds?

The editor reserves the right to make final decisions on layout of submitted ads. While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of information in this publication, The GB Weekly does not accept any responsibility for errors or omissions or for any consequences arising from reliance on information published. The content of submitted material is not necessarily endorsed by the owners. Copies can be bought and we have a subscription service.

Morris Te Whiti Love


Newly-painted goal posts (gold and black, haha) brightlypainted tables, cleaned and colourful playground, murals emerging… all entirely uplifting, generating plenty of peripheral heat to the crowd and home-team.

Praise may thus have been thwarted for the perpetrator of the bright, new look – but I say now “go NgAngA!"

You are a living Collingwood treasure, weathering many tough storms with dogged determination, remaining undaunted, cheerful and imaginative in all you do. Your kind contribution to the grounds surely supports that community feeling "pride is restored"?

The fruit-trees planted to sustain future players at half-time… good score NgAngA!”

Remember the oft-quoted All Black captain's admission over the years: “Credit where credit’s due!” It goes a long way. Judith Nicholls

Doing good things for people and planet

Greetings from Mohua 2042 and the sustainability strategy. We need your help. We are collating a report of the sustainable actions that have happened across our community over the last two years since the strategy was launched. There has been loads of good things happening in our community and we believe this collation will make inspiring reading. If you have something to share send a short summary to – it can be as short as a single bullet point or a couple of paragraphs. Thanks heaps!

Debbie Pearson


The GB Weekly welcomes letters to the editor. Please email your letter to us at by 12pm Tuesday. Include the writer’s full name, home address and daytime phone number. Letters will be printed over the name of the writer; names are withheld only when compelling reasons can be established. Letters must not exceed 250 words. Letters that are too long will not be considered. All correspondence is at the discretion of the manager, who reserves the right to decline, edit, or abridge letters without explanation or further discussion. Links to third party websites will not be published. The views expressed are those of the correspondents and are not necessarily endorsed or shared by The GB Weekly.


In our article "ArtWalk strides into town" (GBW, 21/6) Marika and Paul, who were pictured on page 3 installing an image, were from Speedy Signs in Nelson, not Speedy Print. Apologies for the error.

Golden Bay Alpine & Tramping Club (GBATC) ANNUAL PHOTO COMPETITION

The GBATC welcomes your snaps! Submit photos in either Kahurangi or Abel Tasman National Parks (max 10 each park) after January 2022. Winners $100, runners-up $50 in two age groups: under 25 yrs and over 25 yrs. Submissions due 1st August. Check the website for details: or email

Salisbury crossing – a bridge too far

Attempts to secure central government grant aid to reinstate the historic Salisbury Swingbridge, first erected in 1887, and destroyed in the 2010 floods, have proved unsuccessful.

The TDC have declined the Long-Term Plan submission requesting readoption of the bridge, in the event that funds were found to reconstruct it.

In view of the above and in consideration of the dire current economic circumstances and debt levels, the group working on this project have reluctantly accepted defeat and ceased any further activity.

We would like to thank all those who have supported us in this endeavour and apologise for our failure.

Bruce Collings, Salisbury Swingbridge Group


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SUNDAY 7 JULY 2024 9:00AM – 4:00PM

SUNDAY 21 JULY 2024 9:00AM – 4:00PM

If we need to postpone either shutdown due to weather or an unforeseen circumstance, the alternate dates are Sunday 14 July and Sunday 28 July respectively.


1. If a member of your household is medically dependent on electricity, you should contact your medical provider for advice.

2. Store enough drinking water from wells before the power goes off.

3. If required, fill your car with petrol or charge your vehicle the night before.

4. Please turn off stoves and heaters, and all sensitive electronic equipment before the shutdown, and ensure that they remain turned off until the power is restored.

5. For your protection, treat all lines, electrical installations and wiring as live during the shutdown.


Network Tasman’s contractors will be carrying out essential maintenance on the high voltage transmission lines that provide power to Golden Bay and on the high voltage distribution lines that provide power to the substation at Takaka. Network Tasman will also carry out localised maintenance on the distribution network while the lines are out of service.


7 JULY: This outage will affect most customers in Golden Bay. Customers in Upper Takaka and some customers at the top end of the Takaka Valley will not be affected by the outage.

21 JULY: This outage will affect most areas east of Puramahoi with the exception of customers in Upper Takaka and the top end of the Takaka Valley who will not be affected by the outage.


To benefit the greater community during both outages Network Tasman will supply much of the Takaka commercial district with the use of a portable generator. Some residential customers in Takaka will also benefit from the generator.


Customers will be notified by their electricity retailer for each outage that will affect them.

Customers who will be supplied by the generator will be notified by their electricity retailer of a short interruption to power at around 4:00pm to reconnect to the grid supply.

Network Tasman acknowledges the disruption this outage will cause and regrets the impact on residents, businesses, and visitors. If you have questions or concerns please contact Network Tasman on 0800 508 098 or

If we are unable to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction, Utilities Disputes is a free to use and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities companies. Freephone 0800 22 33 40 • Freefax 0800 22 33 47 • Freepost 192682 •

August is WordFest month

What do you read in your spare moments – on that rare occasion when you can escape for a bit of “me time” during the day? Or, at night, before you turn off the bedside lamp? It might be what you feel you ought to be reading – a highly recommended literary tome that all too often proves to be “challenging”, incomprehensible and downright boring. A book you trudge through and can’t wait to put down. Alternatively, it could be something unpretentious that is nicely plotted, beautifully written, full of identifiable characters, and yet still reveals things about ourselves and the human condition. A book you race through and feel a tangible sense of loss after the last page is read.

Master of the latter style, David Nicholls is a well-known screenwriter and author of the recent Netflix-adapted smash hit One Day. He recently released a new title to add to his previous works that include Starter for Ten, The Understudy, Us, and Sweet Sorrow

The warm-off-the-press You Are Here employs the same successful formula, focusing on two main characters and following the arc of their relationship through peaks and troughs – figurative and literal in this case.

Marnie is a lonely, divorced freelance editor working from home, and struggling to reactivate her social life following enforced isolation during the covid pandemic.

Michael is a somewhat nerdy geography teacher, socially awkward and still reeling from the end of his marriage. Rather than sit around and mope, however, he takes to long, lonely walks through the English countryside.

What the pair of middle-age-adjacent singletons have in common, apart from numerous personal issues, is a mutual friend – Cleo – who also happens to be the deputy principal at Michael’s school and a keen matchmaker.

When Michael announces he plans to tramp the 190 miles across the north of England from coast to coast, Cleo persuades him to take her, her son Anthony, and some of her friends along for the first few days.

From his first encounter with Marnie on the train north, Michael clocks her as an “all the gear, no idea” city dweller. Also in the tramping party is Conrad, a smooth, handsome sports psychologist, a potential romantic partner for Marnie. But Cleo’s intended squeeze for Michael has not turned up. After the first day’s tramp, Marnie is suffering, as are most of the party – from overindulgence as much as sore feet – but with the rain pouring down (this is England’s Lake District, after all) they set off, waterproofs on. Not long after, Cleo, Conrad, and Anthony bail and head back to the inn to get a taxi to the next stop, but Michael and Marnie plod on through the tempest, scrambling up scree slopes and sliding down waterlogged paths.

As they plod on, the banter between the two is genuinely witty, warm, and real, and points towards a developing intimacy. In the days following, they continue their GORETEX-clad quest but, like the route they are navigating, their personal journeys remain full of challenging ups and downs. Given a second chance at happiness, will they risk it? Or will fear force them back into a life of loneliness?

With August on the horizon, it will soon be time for WordFest 2024 – a month-long celebration of the wonderful world of words.

During August, Tākaka Memorial Library will buzzing as it hosts a variety of talks, competitions and activities for readers, writers, puzzlers and wordsmiths. A variety of other wordy events

will also be happening around the Bay including a public debate on large language models aka Artificial Intelligence.

While details of events are yet to be finalised, updates will be published in The GB Weekly

In addition to our extra puzzles, book reviews and give-aways throughout the month, The GB Weekl y is running a writing competition with prizes on offer for authors and poets of all ages.

The GB Weekly Writing Competition

This year, writers can choose between submitting

• a poem (up to 10 lines)

• or a very short story (up to 60 words)

There are three age categories:

• Primary: Up to Year 6.

• Secondary: Year 7-10.

• Open: Senior students and members of the public. Prizes: PaperPlus vouchers will be awarded to the winners in each age category to the value of $25 (primary), $50 (secondary) and $100 (open).


Entries close at midnight on Sunday 18 August

and must be submitted by email with subject heading “The GB Weekly WordFest Competition” to:

All entries should be the authors own work and not have been entered to any previous competition.

The judge’s decision is final.

The GB Weekly will publish winning poems and stories plus a selection of other entries.

Speaker needed for AI debate

A public debate on so-called Artificial Intelligence large language models (LLM), like ChatGPT and, Meta AI, is scheduled to take place at Tākaka Library during WordFest.

The one-hour debate will specifically address the question: Should we worry about large language models?

The event will follow a classic debating format with two speakers advancing alternative arguments to the question posed. Each is allotted 10 minutes, plus five minutes to comment on the other speaker’s presentation, before the floor is opened for questions from the audience.

The organiser, Clive James has already secured one of the two speakers but is looking for someone to put their hand up to argue the case that people should be worried about LLMs.

Anyone who is interested in being the second debate

speaker should contact Clive James at:

WordFest: a month-long celebration of the wonderful world of words. File photo.

Bay rooster tops pecking order

A Golden Bay rooster has topped the pecking order at a major poultry show.

Peter May’s black Australorp triumphed in the South Island Championships at the annual show held by the Ashburton Fanciers Society over the weekend of 21-22 June.

Now back home in Motupipi with his certificates and trophies, Peter sings the praises of his big bird. “The Australorp is a good, all-purpose heavy breed,” says Peter. “It’s good to show, eat, and [the hens] good layers.”

The heritage breed is a cross between black Orpington stock, brought to Australia from England in the late nineteenth century, and a variety of other breeds. It is one of eight poultry breeds created in the “clucky” country that are officially recognised by the Australian Poultry Standards.

By contrast, the young prize-winner’s history – from egg to cup-winner – has been short and sharp. “He hatched in November,” says Peter. Six months later the rooster picked up a trophy at the Nelson Poultry & Pigeon Association show. “He beat his father to be champion of the breed.”

Although Peter is no stranger to poultry shows, it was only after he moved from Canterbury to Golden Bay and gave up farming, horse riding, and hunting that he could devote sufficient time to his feathered friends.

“I’ve always had heritage breeds, and I showed a bit in Canterbury. But I’ve only started seriously in the last

few years.”

It is something that is clearly done for love not money. “There’s no financial reward,” says Peter, who is a member of the Nelson Poultry & Pigeon Association. Although the association holds its regular meetings and shows in Hope, there is a strong Golden Bay connection; Tania Holmwood is association secretary and husband Trevor is the show manager.

To encourage more people in the Bay to take up the hobby, Peter says local breeders are looking to establish a local network.

“We’ve been talking about getting a poultry interest group going in the Bay, to get together and talk chooks.”

His advice for anyone interested in starting is to find a reputable breeder. “The easiest way

is to buy fertile eggs, that way you get the best genetics.” Peter explains that eggs can be sent through the mail, and now is the time to get cracking. “In August there’s a good market for fertile eggs.”

He points out that chicken fancying is not just an old people’s pastime, but suitable for all ages – and is a relatively cheap. “Incubators are not expensive, and the kids get excited when they see a chicken pop out, and they can be responsible for feeding them and keeping them warm.”

For more information about the Nelson Poultry & Pigeon Association, phone Tania Holmwood on ph 027 285 2120, or visit the association’s Facebook page.

Red mites are a very common poultry parasite that can severely affect bird health. They breed very rapidy, so prevention and early detection are key to limiting mite numbers. Large infestations lead to stress, decreased egg production and can kill birds. The Rural Service Centre stocks a range of products and veterinary treatments that will kill mites before they have a chance to reproduce and harm chickens. Exzolt is a very effective parasiticide for chickens that eliminates 99% of Poultry Red Mites and Northern Fowl Mites. The clinic will dispense Exzolt in small quantities and eggs can still be eaten. Plus Exzolt is easily added to poultry drinking water. Use in conjunction with Smite Pro Red Mite Eliminator Spray, Poultry Shield & Smite DE Powder.

Peter May with his prizewinning black Australorp. Photo: Jo Richards.


Celebrating Matariki

Tākaka Primary School (TPS) hall was packed out for last Wednesday evening’s Matariki celebration concert, with latecomers having to enjoy the show from the foyer doorway.

“TPS celebrates Matariki each year by bringing the school community together to reflect on the past year, celebrate the present, and think about the year ahead,” says principal Corinne Rowe.

“The purpose of the performance for our learners is to develop their understanding of Matariki, a special celebration for us in Aotearoa, New Zealand. The tamariki then get to share their learning and continue to grow our community's understanding through waiata, dance, and performance.”

The costumed young performers dazzled the crowd with a combination of drama, song, and choreography, enhanced with audiovisual projections behind them. Every young learner appeared to have a role, this year focused on our native flora and fauna, with “birds” flitting constantly around the action on stage.

“One of our school qualities is kaitiakitanga or guardianship; the performance had a strong theme around the importance of us being kaitiaki to our environment, and how to look after it for future generations,” Corinne explains.

She is very happy with the event, stating that the children did themselves, their whānau and the school proud.

A striking audio-visual display enhanced the presentation at Tākaka Primary School's concert. Photos: Alistair Hughes.
Costumes reflected all aspects of our natural world and culture. A
week's Tākaka Primary School Matariki concert.
“It is our hope that this year’s Matariki will lead us all toward new beginnings, good health, and wellness.”

Celebrating Matariki

• New Phlebotomy Chair – arrived this month. With thanks to the Golden Bay Community Trust for part-funding this new chair and the Richard and Judy Herzig donation that covered the rest.

• District Nursing Team – There have been 350 visits last month which is an all-time high in monthly visits for this service. This reflects an increase in non-ACC complex wounds, ACC funded wounds, and oncology visits. The district nurse team provide a very important and highly appreciated community nursing service, and we are lucky to have such a qualified and capable group of nurses working in this area.

• Fees – while we are still one of the lower cost practices in the Nelson region, please note from 1 July our fees have increased slightly. This is due to increased costs for medical supplies and staff costs. Also please note there is an afterhours fee on top of the consultation fee at weekends.

• X-ray services – Please note that we can currently x-ray limbs in Golden Bay because some of our nurses are trained to do this. But other x-rays still necessitate a trip to Nelson.

• Donated garden bark – Grateful thanks for this recent donation of garden bark from the Golden Bay Lions Club. It was quickly and efficiently spread by the young team from the Collingwood Puma Sports Club.

• Midwives - We currently have four midwives supporting women and their whānau to birth in Golden Bay. Our new midwife Rachel Williams joins Callie Lamont, Janet Zrinyi and Rachael Peek. You can book for antenatal, birth and postnatal care on 0800 82 52 69.

• Well Child Services – If you have children 0-5years, Kendall and Kelly are our well child nurses and provide all the health checks and immunisation for this age group. If you have questions or want to know more, ring 525 0060 and request a call back.

If you need emergency care call 111. Same day or routine health care, give us a call, 03 525 0060

Collingwood Area School has celebrated Matariki with students and whānau for many years, and this time was a
Collingwood Area School students shared in some successful porotiti making as part of their Matariki celebrations. Photos: Joyce Wyllie.
creative day of craft and learning activities. In the spirit of "Matariki heri kai", a team prepared a feast and food was shared and eaten together.
A day of craft and learning activities: students make flax stars.
Kai time: a feast was shared by the school community.

Golden Bay Netball Club


This Saturday 6th July at the Rec Park Gym

4pm - Yr 7&8 Final

5pm - B Grade Final

6pm - A Grade Final

7pm - Prizegiving in the Rec Park Clubrooms


Wow, the year is sure moving fast! And with June behind us we are officially halfway through the academic year. During June, we welcomed lots of visitors into our school through both sports and arts. The two major events the month were the annual Lip Sync and the Queen Charlotte College Sports Exchange.

This year it was Queen Charlotte's turn to visit us for two days of friendly competition. After welcoming them into the school with a pōwhiri, we got straight into the games which continued into the afternoon. After some downtime both school teams had dinner together and played some games. Day two was as entertaining as the first, with a very tight schedule all morning. We finished off with some lunch before Queen Charlotte's team made the trip back home. Not only did Golden Bay’s team win for the first time in many years, but there were lots of friendships made as well as the overall event having a big sense of community between the two groups. This year’s Lip Sync was another hit. This year's overall winners were the Langford Legends, who showcased a number of their greatest hits from the past few years. Another huge thanks to all who came out and supported the school, to all the students who put in lots of time and effort performing and supporting, and to Ms Stark who put it all together.

Daniel Bruning - Diggs 027 307 8774


Tough day for Bay's rugby sides

Collingwood v Stoke Stoke came into the match sitting at the top of the table, while Collingwood knew anything less than their A game would result in a very difficult afternoon.

Collingwood, buoyed by their last-minute victory over local rivals Tākaka in the previous round, were playing for pride, while the latter were hoping to cement a semi-final spot.

Tākaka v Waimea Old Boys

Given home advantage and their position in the table, Tākaka were arguably favourites in the tie – and they will probably still be wondering how they didn’t win it.

As they seek an explanation, they may look to a decision by the referee not to red card the Waimea player who clearly spear-tackled Tākaka’s Justin Davis less than 10 minutes into the match. Or they may regret going for touch in the final minute rather than kick the penalty, which would have sealed the victory.

Things started well for the home side. With a quarter of an hour played, they put the first seven points on the board, thanks to a mazy run by Justin Davis, who, seemingly recovered from the earlier tackle, streaked across a good 50 metres of turf, weaving his way around several Old Boys before grounding the ball directly between the posts. It presented Riley Oakden with one of his easiest conversion kicks, and he made no mistake. Around 15 minutes later, the kicker added a further three points, following a penalty award, to put his side into a 10-0 lead.

The momentum then began to swing in the visitors’ favour, as they pressured the Tākaka defence and crept ever closer to the try line. In their effort to repel the attackers, the home side conceded a penalty, and, from the resulting scrum, Waimea forced their way over the line.

It was then the visitors’ turn to be punished for indiscipline; a penalty was awarded that Riley Oakden successfully kicked to bank another three points and move the half-time score to 13-5.

After the break, it was Waimea who drew first blood, with a try after five minutes. A few minutes later, Tākaka’s Alex Oakden replied with a try of his own, which his brother converted. The home side now led 20-10 with 30 minutes left to play. For 25 of those minutes Tākaka held on, even as the visitors narrowed the deficit to a mere three points. But just after entering the final five minutes, Waimea added a converted try to take the score to 20-22 and lead for the first time in the match.

Then came the big moment: Tākaka were awarded a kickable penalty in the final minute of the game but opted for touch and the chance of a try. From the lineout, possession – and the game – was lost.

Final score: Tākaka 20, Waimea Old Boys 22.

Commenting on the match, Tākaka coach Steve Hambrook said: “Full credit to Waimea; we lost players [to injury]. It’s tough this time of the season.”

Explaining his decision not to issue a red card for the spear tackle, the referee said he believed “there was no malice” in the action.

In a testament to their commitment – and their physio – Collingwood managed to name a solid starting XV that included players who, at the end of last week’s encounter, had looked like their season was over.

This week’s contest revealed a stark contrast in style. Stoke were fast and quick to turn defence into attack, scoring two tries in the opening 25 minutes after intercepting the ball during Collingwood offensive plays. Meanwhile, the home side did what they do best, their forwards pressurising the opposition defence and grinding relentlessly towards the line. It was with such a characteristic play that Will Curnow registered the home side’s first try with 28 minutes gone. Liam Miller added a further two points with a tidy conversion. Two minutes later, however, the visitors restored their lead with a converted try to take the half-time score to 7-19.

A few minutes into the second half, Stoke extended their lead by a further seven points but, driven on by their experienced players, the “Black and Gold” took the fight to Stoke, probing the visitor’s defence. Following several attacking phases, captain Shawn Iorns finally broke through to get the ball over the line. Another accurate kick from Miller narrowed the gap to 14-26, but Stoke added one more try and conversion before the final whistle blew.

Final score: Collingwood 14, Stoke 33.

Speaking after the match, coach Graeme Miller praised his squad for defending well and producing some good forward play, saying that his team had to be "on top of the game today”, before congratulating the visitors, “Well done to Stoke."

Both Golden Bay senior sides were at home for last Saturday’s penultimate round of fixtures in Tasman Rugby’s Division 2 competition.
GBHS Bulletin
Golden Bay High School's Ki O Rahi teams. Photo: Supplied.
Tākaka look to stop an attack by Waimea Old Boys in Saturday's match at the Rec Park. Photo: Jo Richards.
Tākaka's Ryan Gray looks to evade a tackle. Photo: Jo Richards.


18 June. 5th Daisy (Par): J Rutherford -1. Closest to pin: 3/12 C Gilbert.

19 June. Stableford: R Miller 34, C Hadler 33, G Allen 33. Closest to pin: 3/12 R Miller, 4/13 R Miller, 8/17 G Rowe, 9/18 C Hadler. Twos: P Solly, R Dyce. Best gross: D Win.

22 June. Tui Cup: M Dixon bt G Allen.

25 June. Ecletic Stableford: C Gilbert and M Solly 18. Closest to pin: 3/12 B Miller.

26 June. Stableford: R Tait 39, M Dixon 36, S Kerr 32. Closest to pin: 3/12 P Solly, 4/13 R Tait, 8/17 G Rowe, 9/18 S Rutherford. Twos: W Collie. Best gross: R Tait.

29 June. Matchplay Pairs: R Young and N Gardiner bt Rex Heuvel and R Miller. Stableford: G Ryan 40, M Dixon 35, J Riordan 33. Closest to pin: 3/12 W Dobbie, 4/13 N Moore, 8/17 N Moore, 9/18 J Thomason. Twos: R Miller. Happy wanderer: B Topine. Best gross: N Moore 73. BRIDGE

26 June. Patons Rock Individual Session 6. N/S: E Bradshaw/R McDonald 62%; A Mace/H Curtis 58%; Janine Hannan & Jude Edmondson 45%. E/W: B Burdett/A Telford 66.50%; J Harper/R Smith 56%; J Kingston/C Webster 54%. H/cap: N/S: E Bradshaw/R McDonald 60.12%; A Mace/H Curtis 55.70%; Janine Hannan & Jude Edmondson 48.43%. E/W: B Burdett/A Telford 63.75%; J Harper/R Smith 55.77%; J Kingston/C Webster 52.49%.

28 June. Friday Champs Session 7. C Mead/K Van Der Struys 65.28%; S &J Zindel 58.73%; E Bradshaw/L Scurr54.76%. H/cap: C Mead/K Van Der Struys 62.90%; S &J Zindel 58.73%; P Jayne/L Field 53.01%








Motupipi Indoor Bowling Club held their annual tournament recently with a day of progressive 8 bowl pairs. A very active day with many laughs and fun times shared. Visitors from Motueka and Rockville clubs joined with us. With generous donations from NBS, and members, there was a good selection of raffles and spot prizes. Thank you all. Pictured above are prize-winners from the day, from left, Don Gardiner, Jennie Morris, Reuben Marshall, Pam Delany, Murray Marshall, and Karen Goodall. Photo: Submitted.

The GBAFC Pumas have been blown away by the support from the community and the amazing businesses and individuals that have helped get the team to the Christchurch international Cup! Along with the raffle prize donations they also received funding through the 'Sponsor a Puma' or 'Hire the Pumas'.

A huge thank you to the following: Anatoki Salmon Farm, Jan Stark, Dave - local legend! Heavy Diesel Mechanics, Admirals Motor Inn Nelson, Orange Mechanical, Pipeworx, Glasgow Harley, The Mussel Inn, K Real Estate, Pupu Plumbing, Phil & Savannah Smith, GB Lions Club, Simon - TG Couriers, NBS, The Top Shop Cafe, Aydee & the team - Wholemeal Cafe, Darren & Jackie Clarke, Molly B’s, Golden Bay Associated Football Club & Committee. Tournament 7-9th July, keep an eye on Facebook for updates from the team!

On home turf: Collingwood mount a late push against table-toppers Stoke last Saturday. Photo: Charlotte Richards.
The Stoke defence was given a good test by the Collingwood forwards. Photo: Charlotte Richards.

Records set at River Inn Moonlight Hunt

1st Heaviest Hind: Jen McKreth 59.8kg. 2nd Heaviest Hind: Mark Bruning 56.5kg. 3rd Heaviest Hind: Zodie McKay 55.4kg. 1st Heaviest Stag: Ryan Brooks 120.2kg 2nd Heaviest Stag: Patrick Bruning 98.4kg. 3rd Heaviest Stag: Sam Brooks 94.7kg. Most Goats: Aaron Lockwood, 45. 1st Heaviest Fallow Stag: Peter Downing 47.8kg. 2nd Heaviest Fallow Stag: Mark Soper 47.4kg. 3rd Heaviest Fallow Stag: Dylan Ray 47kg. 1st Fallow Hind: Liam and Amber 35.9kg. 2nd Fallow Hind: Kyle Baigent 33.6kg. 3rd Fallow Hind: Nick Nalder 33.0kg. Most Pigs: Ryan Hobbs and Ashley Stevens, 4. Local's Heaviest Boar: Harley Rae 64.6kg. Pie Contest: 1st Monique Cameron (comments: Muddy fallow wild nice pastry flavourful beautiful sweet onions). 2nd: Becky Netto. 3rd: Gabrielle Irvine. 4th: Stacey Sixtus.

Women's Carry: Mikaela Gardiner. Men's Carry: Ash Reilly. 1st Heaviest Boar: Jeremy Efferson 70.3kg. 2nd Heaviest Boar: Harley Rae 64.6kg. 3rd Heaviest Boar: Jeremy Efferson 62.1kg. 1st Heaviest Sow: Jodi and Mikayla 48.8kg. Average Pig: Blair Crawford and Shem Chamberlain. Biggest Tusks: Blair Crawford and Shem Chamberlain.

Kids Carry: Reily Stevens, Hunter Austin. 1st Heaviest Hare: Toby Downing 4.4kg. 2nd Heaviest Hare: Ryder McKay 4.1kg. 3rd Heaviest Hare: Charlie Nalder 4kg. 1st Heaviest Possum: Reily Stevens 5.2kg. 2nd Heaviest Possum: Hunter Austin 5.1kg. 3rd Heaviest Possum: Reily Stevens 4.8kg. 1st Heaviest Herring: Ryder McKay 0.4kg. 1st Heaviest Goat: Boston Winter 31.6kg. 2nd Heaviest Goat: Braxton Hoskins 31.3kg. Most Hares: Ryder McKay, 22. Most Possums: Hunter Austin, 22.

Photo: Joyce
largee crowd gathered
weigh-in and auction. Photo: Joyce Wyllie.
Getting set for the hare carry competition at the River Inn on Sunday afternoon. Photo: Supplied.


AORERE Futures Trust AGM will be held on Saturday 6 July in the Anglican Church Hall, Collingwood at 2pm. Public welcome.

PURAMAHOI Hall AGM, Friday 12 July, 7pm at the Puramahoi Hall. Queries to Brian Nesbit ph 027 556 0686.

Collingwood sub-branch of the Golden Bay RSA invites members and prospective members to the Annual General Meeting to be held at the Collingwood Fire Station on Tuesday 9 July at 7pm

Anyone interested in becoming our Secretary please contact Paddy Gillooly on 03 524 8257.

P. Gillooly, President Collingwood RSA

ORGANISATIONS may have their committee members’ names printed in this column for free if emailed to admin@

PUBLIC NOTICES / Pānui a whānui

“ALL things big and beautiful: tales of kakapo, great white sharks and takahe”, a presentation by zoologist Alison Balance, natural history writer and well-known broadcaster. Senior Citizens’ Hall, Friday 12 July, 10.30am. All welcome. Non-U3A members, a gold coin please. Supported with funding from TDC Community Grant.

GOLDEN Bay Kindergarten would like to thank the following businesses/organisations for their generous contributions towards our raffle fundraiser: NPD, Paper Plus, Pohutakawa Gallery, Artisans, Wholemeal Café, Dangerous Kitchen, Quiet Revolution, Golden Bay Pharmacy, Monza Gallery, FreshChoice, Good as Gold Café, Lindsays, Roots Bar, Goodness2Go, ITM, Earth Gems, The Flower Shed, Village Theatre, Hammer Hardware, Organic shop, Kiwi Distillery, NBS and Police.

NARCOTICS Anonymous Golden Bay meeting, Mondays 6pm, 42 Commercial Street, hall behind church. All welcome.

GB Animal Welfare Society Inc (ex-SPCA). Ph Carol Wells 525 9494, 8am-5pm weekdays.

MONEY online. Any passion, hobby, or interest, unlimited earnings, free starter membership, visit for more info.

ALCOHOLICS Anonymous, open meeting, all welcome. Thursdays 7pm, 94 Commercial Street. Hall behind the Catholic Church. Ph 0800 229 6757.

FRESH FM needs your help. Are you willing to host a fundraising event to support local radio? Or help run one? Check out our website We’re a Charitable Trust – a $30 donation (that can be made on our website) is tax deductible.

GB WEEKLY: Stitch ‘n Sew, Tākaka is our agent or you can email us: (preferred). Office hours are Monday-Wednesday, 9am-5pm. Ph 027 525 8679.

TRADES AND SERVICES / Mahi a ratonga

Abel Tasman Accounting Limited Xero Certified, Public Practice CA. Taxation services and general business support for clients of all shapes and sizes. Available evenings and weekends. Ph Bronwyn 027 268 4010,

ACCOUNTANT and tax advisor. All Inland Revenue returns filed for big and small businesses and individuals. Self-employed and rental property reports prepared. Day and evening appointments available. Ph Susan Ayton Shaw 929 7507 or email

ACCOUNTANT. Long-standing market leader with unbeatable professional qualifications and experience. Warn & Associates, ph 525 9919.

ARBORIST, qualified, ph Jack Stevens 021 211 5580.

ARCHITECT services. Building and resource consents. Residential, commercial and industrial. Chris Pyemont Architects, ph 021 0278 4729.

ARCHITECTURAL design, residential housing. Ph Peter Fersterer 525 8132.

CARS wanted. Will pick up for free (some conditions apply). Motueka Auto Parts. Ph 03 528 9576.

CHIMNEY cleaning, handyman. Ph Ry South 022 513 3947.

CHIMNEY sweep and firebox maintenance. GB Chimney Cleaning ph 027 458 7679.

CLEANER. AJ's Cleaning Services. Visit for more information.

COURIERS. TG Couriers delivering between Golden Bay and Nelson five days a week. Ph 027 717 7188.

ELEMENTAL Design and Build: New builds, renos, refits, alterations. Environmentally-conscious builders specialising in natural builds., ph 022 087 6396,

FLORIST, local florist for flowers for all occasions, call now and place your order 027 758 1138 or online www. Teresa Brough Designer Florist.

FREEVIEW TV, radio, HiFi, WiFi, electronics. Ph 027 246 2432. FRUIT pruning, sustainable property advice and management, edible landscaping, soil testing, garden mentoring. Sol Morgan, GroWise Consultancy, ph 027 514 9112.

GOLDEN BAY DIGGER HIRE 1.7 tonne. Ph 027 713 0684.

GOLDEN BAY ROOFING Maintenance, leaks, repairs and roofing supplies. Licensed Roofer. Ph 027 395 0037.

GOLDEN Bay Storage, Tā kaka. Dry, safe, secure, alarmed, insurance approved. Furniture trailer available. Ph Marg 027 222 5499,

WINDOW cleaning,, ph 027 690 0769.

anxiety, busy life. For overall body wellness. Ph Alvina for appointments 027 531 6426.

MASSAGE. Ph Willem 022 134 1726.

MASSAGE. Ph Paul Frika 027 772 7334. 30 years of experience.

HEAT pump installation, sales and servicing. Ph Dave McKay 027 404 4740, 525 8538.

KRW Contracting. Tiling, Ardex licensed waterproofing applicator, blocklaying and bricklaying. Ph Ken 021 307 019. No job too big, no job too small.

LAWN mowing and garden maintenance. ProMow Services NZ ph 027 458 7679.

LAWNMOWING. Pākawau, Bainham, Tākaka to Wainui. Ph N Shaw 525 7597, 027 212 4020.

LAWNMOWING,, ph 027 690 0769.

MOHUA Glass and Glazing. Ph 027 410 9105, mohuaglass@

PAINTING and interior, exterior plastering. Licensed qualified local tradesman. Ph CM Coatings 027 222 0507.

PENINSULA Plasterers for all your interior plastering needs. No job too small. Quality assured. 20+ years’ experience. For a free quote ph Craig 027 472 4376.

SEPTIC TANKS EMPTIED. Ph Shane 027 647 4913.


STUMP grinding specialist. Tree care and property maintenance. Ph Carl 027 263 5353.

TĀKAKA Garden Services, for all your lawn and garden needs. Ph 027 525 8006 or 525 8806.

TILER. Professional wall and floor tiling and design. Wayne Robinson Tiling. Ph 027 576 1620.

WINDOW cleaning. Ph Willem 022 134 1726.

Lolly Dadley-Moore RCST, PACT

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy


Can address pain, injury, trauma, life transitions. Pivotal for immunity health and post viral syndrome. Working with individuals, children and babies. Ph 027 338 9504 ꟾ HEALTH

Intrinsic Intelligence Massage

Remedial - Therapeutic - Deep Tissue Myofascial Release

Samantha Specht - Ph 022 044 3323

D p Mass MSTM

EATING OUT / Kai wahi kē

ANATOKI SALMON fishing and café. Catch your own lunch or order from the menu. Open every day from 10am-4pm. www.

COLLINGWOOD TAVERN. Open 7 days, 11am till late. Catering and large group bookings available. Ph 524 8160.

COURTHOUSE CAFÉ, Collingwood. Open 7 days, 8am-3pm. Saturday evening is dine-in curry night, 5pm-8pm. Ph 524 8194.

DANGEROUS KITCHEN. Open Wednesday-Saturday, 9am8pm. For bookings and takeaways ph 525 8686.

DE-LISH DELICATESSEN . Sumptuous, delicious food. Lunches, catering, coffee, chocolate, cheeses and epicure items. Weekdays from 6.30am. Ph 525 7111.

GOOD AS GOLD CAFÉ, Tākaka. Open Monday-Friday, 7am4pm. Ph 525 8193.

MOLLY B’S, Pōhara. Open 5 days from 9am, weekend brunch 9-11am. Monday and Tuesday open from 3pm. Ph 525 7678.

NIKAU BAR AND CAFÉ, Pōhara. Open 7 days, 8.30am to late. Bookings ph 03 970 3992. Live music most Wednesday and Saturday nights.

O’SHA. Open Tuesday-Sunday, lunch 11.30am-2.30pm and dinner 5-8.30pm. Ph 525 6117.

THE MUSSEL INN. Open 7 days from 11am.

THE WHOLEMEAL CAFÉ. Open 7.30am-3pm daily.

ZATORI restaurant open Friday only from 5pm. Amazing tapas, sweets, great wine list, big log fire and fabulous service. Also, if you have any celebrations or events coming up please talk to us about catering and private use of Zatori. To book for dinner please txt 022 548 3105 or any inquiries email

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Ask us about our no-cost initial Physio assessment Call 0800 749 739 for info or an appointment today

FOR SALE / Hei hokohoko

FIREWOOD, good selection. Ph Bay Firewood 027 769 6348.

LOST AND FOUND / Ngaronga/Kitenga

LOST. Koala with baby lost at Patons Rock beach reserve. Ph 022 076 0242.

FOUND. Water canister, Milnthorpe. Ph 022 076 0242.

WANTED / Hiahia

REBOUNDER, in good condition. Milk kefir bugs, and kombucha scoby. Ph 022 356 6832. Thanks.


SELF-CONTAINED unit for rent, Rockville. Ph 022 095 1917.


GOLDEN Bay Anglican Parish warmly invites you to join them on Sunday, 10am at Tākaka or 4.45pm at Collingwood (starting with a cuppa). Fellowship gatherings (fellowship, songs, prayer and bible study) held fortnightly, 14 and 28 July; traditional services (with a speaker) held on alternate fortnights, 7 and 21 July.

SACRED Heart Catholic faith community winter timetable: Mass, 4pm, 1st and 3rd Sundays of month. Service of the Word, 9.30am, 2nd Sunday of month. All warmly welcome.

ST Andrews Presbyterian Church extends a warm welcome to join us at 10am for a time of worship and fellowship.

UPCOMING EVENTS / Mea pakiri haere


BADMINTON, REC PARK CENTRE, 7.30-9.30pm. All welcome. Ph Kerry 027 525 7007.


BOARD GAMING AT ONEKAKA HALL. 12.30pm to 5pm. All ages welcome. See the Facebook group "Board Gaming in Golden Bay", or ph Karen 022 655 9725.


BALFOLK DANCE WORKSHOPS. Learn old folk dances made new, with live music. Mondays 1.30-3pm, Senior Citizens' Hall, 94A Commercial St, Tākaka. Koha appreciated.

TĀ KAKA LIBRARY JIGSAW SWAP. Bring a puzzle, take a puzzle. Monday 8 July – Saturday 20 July.


GB WEEKLY DEADLINE: noon on Tuesdays. Late fees apply until 4pm Tuesdays, if space is available. Stitch ‘n Sew is our agent in Tākaka. Or you can email us: or phone us 027 525 8679.


O NEKAKA PLAYGROUP, all welcome, Wednesdays 10am12.30pm, Onekaka Hall.


GOLDEN BAY SENIOR CITIZENS MID-WINTER LUNCH will be held at Molly B's Pōhara at 12.30pm on Thursday 11 July. Numbers attending to 525 9242 by 10 July.

DAYTIME BADMINTON, Rec Park Centre, 9-11am. All welcome. Ph Kerry 027 525 7007.


LIVING IN WISDOM. Presentation/discussion with theosophist John Vorstermans. Sustainable Living Centre, 7pm, $2, all welcome.

UPCOMING EVENTS / Mea pakiri haere


WORKSHOP: SENSORY PROCESSING IN MENTAL HEALTH, 1-4pm, Saturday 20 July, Golden Bay Community Services Hall, $95/$60. Contact

MOHUA REPAIR CAFÉ. Sunday 14 July, 2-5pm at Mohua Social Services meeting room. Our first event!

The Mussel Inn Coming Up...

Every Monday night at 7pm:

Cocktail Evening


Come along to a gathering and learn about ways you can support your family and local community in an emergency event. Collingwood Hall Monday 15 July at 5pm. We’ll share information about: Local Emergency Management arrangements; ways you can prepare yourself, family, animals and community; volunteering in Civil Defence Centres during an emergency event; Community Emergency Preparedness Planning. Wednesday 10 July 6.30pm onwards 822 Abel Tasman Drive Pohara, ph 03

Roots Gig Guide

Pohara Hall

Twilight Market

Friday 12th July 5pm - 7pm

Book your site for only $10 0272639220 - poharahall@gmail com Raising funds for hall upgrades

Friday 5th July

4:00 Despicable Me 4 (PG) Final

7:30 The Bikeriders (R13)

Saturday 6th 4:00: Ka Whawhai Tonu: Struggle Without End (M) Final

7:30: Origin (M) Final

Sunday 7th

Due to Scheduled power cut, afternoon film will start later

5:15: The Road to Patagonia (E) 7:30: The Bikeriders (R13) WedneSday 10th School Holidays

2:00: The Gruffalo, The Snail & the Whale (G) 5:30: Robot Dreams (G) Encore

SINGALONG ‘ROUND THE PIANO with Craig Denham. All welcome.

Sat 6th ROB JOASS & THE HOBNAIL TRIOCeltic country folk. 8pm, $15 door.

Sun 7th OPEN from 4pm (power cut day)

Thu 11th ACID ON THE MICROPHONE. 7.30pm. All welcome.

Wed 17th AYA AND THE BUTTERFLY - A child’s journey back to happiness with puppetry, music and more. $10 tix @ undertheradar.

Thu 18th QUIZ - 7.30pm. All welcome.


Sun 25th THE HOT POTATO BAND - 11-piece larger-than-life brass collective from Sydney. $35 tickets @ utr.

For more details see

WINTER MARKET: 1st SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH 6 July, 3 August, 7 September Then back to weekly from 5 October 2024

Friday: Southwesterlies freshening for a time in western areas. Mainly fine. Frosts in sheltered areas

Saturday: Fresh southwesterlies about Farewell, lighter winds elsewhere. A few snow showers over Kahurangi, fine and cloudy intervals elsewhere

Sunday: Southwesterlies, fresh for a time in exposed areas. Cloud and a few showers over Kahurangi, mainly fine elsewhere

Monday: Fresh southwesterlies in western areas, lighter winds elsewhere. Mainly fine. Frosts in sheltered areas

Tuesday: Light winds, tending easterly. Some cloudy areas about the ranges, otherwise fine. Frosty at first



The titles are imminent and there are still some outstanding lots available

Located in a prime position above popular Pohara, walk down to the beach and grab a coffee on the way What would you do here? The perfect location for a holiday home

James Mackay 027 359 0892 or your dream permanent home

Give James a call now for all the information on the remaining lots


Buxton Lane, TAKAKA


Located in the CBD and the only dedicated plumbing supply store in the area This established business has a full range of plumbing supplies and a secure lease until 2033 A full info pack is available to genuine purchasers Contact me today

James Mackay 027 359 0892


shed, 6-bay shed & a cosy home to sweeten the deal Patons Rock Beach is only 2km

away Bring the kids, the animals and your boat – it is time to start living! The time to move is now

Open Sun, 7th|1:00-1:30pm

Jana McConnon 021 245 2197

Paul McConnon 027 504 2872

513 A



This delightful, private home is on just over 1600sqm of gardens Plenty of space for cars/caravan/boat & double garage Large, covered entertainment area ideal for family gatherings & outdoor living You must view to see all it has to offer

Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840

This substantial family home has been thoughtfully designed to take full effect of the sun and lovely rural views The separate garage provides plenty of storage for all the toys A central location close to Takaka and Pohara Call me today

James Mackay 027 359 0892

Discover the rural lifestyle in this family home on 3 6 ha of pristine land Featuring a rumpus room, study & sep laundry Outside, there are two large sheds & fenced paddocks for livestock & stunning views complete the package Call now for more information

James Mackay 027 359 0892

25 Motupipi Street, TAKAKA


Centrally located iconic accommodation Deceptively spacious & licenced for 28 pax With a fully self-contained separate owners’ accommodation It is YHA approved Call me for all of the information and to view

Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840

221 Patons Rock Rd, PATONS ROCK


This modern beachside home is the perfect addition to your family, a place to create long lasting memories Excellent sea views and positioned just across the road to Patons Rock beach Call us today for more information

Jana McConnon 021 245 2197

Paul McConnon 027 504 2872

618a Abel Tasman Dr, CLIFTON


Looking for a modern home to enjoy? This vacant property is ready for its new owners With all the mod cons of a newer build, and a private back section The location is superior with Pohara beach & Motupipi School nearby See you Sunday

Belinda J Barnes 021 236 2840

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