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The Voice of Apostolic Reformation


a person who is devoted to or guided by something

Welcome to the Next Wave Dr. Bernie Wade

SPECIAL INSERT: Fivefold Roundtable

THE NEXT WAVE The Blind Side Lea Bates

PUBLISHER International Circle of Faith (ICOF) The Next Wave - Contributing Editors

Whose Side are You On?

David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade,

- Dr. Robert Straube

Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Barney


Philips, John Rogers, Sanford Wade, Doc Burkhart Advertizing Inquiries For more information about advertising email or call

Lordship - A Stumbling Stone



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proponents of the last wave will radically oppose:


 

By Bernie L. Wade, Thd.

Anyone not part of their group. Attempts toward restoration of the tenets of the original Apostles and the New Testament Church especially fivefold ministry, the operation of the gift of the Spirit and baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Opponents of ecumenicalism  Attempts to update, alter or remove religious traditions, icons, creeds or other works of men accepted by many as ‘orthodox’.  Those who are not Politically correct  Those who believe the bible is literally the word of God.  Those who believe in creation, sanctity of life,

Since the passage of time left the followers of Jesus Christ without the original Apostles there has been a concerted effort to reproduce the Church without the tenets of doctrine of the Apostles. Throughout history there  have been waves of the Holy Spirit that resulted in attempts at restoration or reformation of the Church to return it to the original doctrine of the Apostles of Jesus Christ. We refer to this as Apostolic Reformation. Movements of Apostolic Reformation have happened repeatedly since the time of John Wycliffe. In the last Century there was an Apostolic Reformation that birthed the Pentecostal Movement. Dr. Daniel Joseph, Bishop Joseph Rankin and abstinence and general Dr. Bernie L. Wade, President of morality based on the International Circle of Faith Global with It is our expectation that we Bible. other ministers Nigeria West Africa are on the verge of yet another wave of the Spirit. We refer to Like Balaam, the Prophets (profits) of this as The Next Wave. Following is Baal will continue to take rewards to what we expect to see from this wave of soothsay against The Next Wave, the Holy Spirit. posture to control the free flow of the spirit of God with systems, structures, The Next Wave will be as radically groups, titles and clergy that seek the different as the last wave. The approval of the laity or the imprimatur of opposition will come from the recipients the papacy. of the last wave. Among the things the 4

In spite of the opposition, The Next Wave will move away from the traditions of men and focus on the Revelation of Jesus Christ and the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teaching of the New Testament church and the Apostles of Jesus Christ. The next wave will have little interest in superficial events and pseudo ‘outpourings’ opting for a real and sustaining manifestation of the power of God. Many mega churches and movements will move further into alignment with the State Church system. The State approved church will continue to promote reunification in a manner that will surprise perhaps even shock the uninitiated.

larger task and role as there will be even more need. The Next Wave will put less emphasis on titles, attire and bling choosing to focus their energies on relationship. Denominations will continue to become less relevant which will create great opportunity to those who are Kingdom minded. However, at the same time it will create terrible vulnerability to the body from pretenders. This will make the role of true Apostles and the true Prophets even more important. The next wave will be a true restoration of fivefold and restore the proper place of the Apostle and Prophet. The earmark of this wave is going to be humility and genuine love. This humility will be brought through prayer and fasting.

The Catholic Church will make 'concessions' that have seemed to be immovable objects in the past, moving the ecumenical movement full cycle and achieving the goal set for it by Vatican II framers, uniting former Protestant groups with the 'Mother' church.

Global calamity is going to drive the Bride of Christ to her knees, literally. This will birth both global revival at unprecedented levels and global persecution of Christians such as we have not seen since the days of the old Roman Empire at the time of the original Apostles. This persecution is going to cause the Church to cry out for God to come and get His Bride.

Globally, a billion or more people will have a real and genuine encounter with Jesus Christ. This will be a great time for pastors, evangelists and teachers. There will be an unfathomable growth in the house church and small church environment giving teachers an even


The Next Wave will seek true prophetic vision and move away the ministry of Jannes and Jambres who opposed Moses. This will turn the Church from spiritualism and soothsayers who have invaded the Bride in hordes under the guise of 'prophets' and self proclaimed apostles.

There will be a holy boldness come over the church that will impact every segment of society. The Bride will wake up, get up, cleanse herself and prepare for the coming of her Groom. Will this be the last wave? Only God knows. WELCOME TO THE NEXT WAVE!

The Next Wave will expect the Biblical requirement of all of the fivefold which will include the Biblical standards of holding prophets accountable for their predictions. This will leave most of the so called prophets on the outside of The Next Wave.

Dr. Bernie Wade is the President of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network. A Global body of believers served by more than 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 million constituents. This is considered the largest Apostolic body of believers in the world.

The opposition to the Next Wave will make the opposition against previous restoration movements seem frail. There will be a level of demonstration and power coming from the Apostolic that will genuinely compare to the New Testament Apostles but will seem even more powerful because of the stark difference between the New Testament church and what professes to be the Church today. The 29th Chapter of the Book of Acts will be written. Many of the leading fivefold ministers will come from Asia, Africa and Oceana. There will be a level of anointed come to music that will produce a host of Spirit filled musicians and singers like has not been seen since David assembled his great choir. These musicians and singers will renew a focus on true worship rather than offering entertainment. 6

The movie “The Blind Side”, staring Sandra Bullock told a tale of a family who took in a homeless child and helped him realize his full potential. In the turn of events of the story the young man was able to see his blind side (the side he couldn’t see) and improve his character. In the mean time, the family’s blind side was revealed too. In a scene in the movie the mother had completed Thanksgiving dinner and called the family to come and eat. Being engrossed in their annual football game festivities they prepared their plates and returned to the living room to watch the game. That is, all except Michael, the young man they had taken into their family. Michael sat at the dining room table alone eating his Thanksgiving meal. Leigh Ann, the mother, realized her own blind side of not encouraging family time to be one of fellowship together. She immediately called the family together to eat in the dining room.

The Blind Side By: Lea Bates Luk 18:18 Now a certain ruler asked Him, saying, "Good Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?" 19 So Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God. 20 You know the commandments: 'DO NOT COMMIT ADULTERY,' 'DO NOT MURDER,' 'DO NOT STEAL,' 'DO NOT BEAR FALSE WITNESS,' 'HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER.' " 21 And he said, "All these things I have kept from my youth." 22 So when Jesus heard these things, He said to him, "You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 23 But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich. When Jesus spoke to this rich ruler he was exposing the man’s violation of the law of God (the Ten Commandments). Just in this lesson alone there were 2 violations of the Ten Commandments. However, another thought occurred to me. Jesus exposed a blind side about this man that the ruler had no idea that he had. It was up to this man to accept or reject it.

What does this story in Luke and the movie, The Blind Side, have in common, you might ask. They have in common 2 things: We all have a blind side that others see in us that we don’t; and when it is exposed we chose whether to accept it and do something about it…or not. Jesus pointed out the ruler’s blind side that was preventing him from 7

entering the Kingdom of Heaven. The rich ruler loved his money more than he loved the idea of putting God first in his life. Thus the 2 commandments he broke were the first and the last Commandments of God.

not criticism meant for condemnation, but is merely meant to convict ones soul and turn them back to their Father. If we reject the truth of our blind side we are rejecting the only One who can save our souls from darkness. We remain bound to a stronghold that rules us instead of allowing God to rule in our lives. It is only the convicting power of the Holy Spirit that can reveal these truths to us.

Trust is a necessity in our walk with Jesus Christ. This true relationship with him requires our blind sides to be exposed so we can grow in our relationship and our faith in Him. Trust is a requirement in every relationship, and with that trust is the willingness to allow our blind sides to be revealed. Through this willingness comes repentance which allows us to press into the mark of the high calling of Christ Jesus. Jesus’ methods were simple when he taught. He revealed the blind sides of people’s thoughts and actions through comparison of the law and then loved them through it. Now that, my friends, is the Father heart of God.

So when words are spoken, in love, it’s always best to pray before one takes offense. See if God may be revealing a blind side to you. Thank Him for the revelation and ask Him to help you overcome it. He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleans us of all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

In our lives as we walk with God, He will reveal to us through the Holy Spirit our blind sides. He points out areas in our lives that need to come back into alignment with His Word. He’ll use sermons, life lessons, or words spoken by a friend to reconnect us back to Him. In order to receive what may seem as harsh reality one must have a repentant heart. Also, one must be able to trust that what is being revealed to them is



After the former mentality was firmly established, the credit card industry was launched which capitalized more on greeds than needs. The idea of instant gratification became the rule of thumb in many arenas. Paying cash for purchases is unusual and the ease of running up exorbitant credit card debt has forced many into bankruptcy.

Materialism: A Paper "god" Running Out of Gas! By Dr. Charles Solomon

Those who build considerable equity in a home mortgage are regularly taunted with the idea of taking an equity loan with no closing costs to consolidate high interest credit card debt which they have amassed, financing current expenses over the term of the loan. Thus, the cycle continues unabated. With many, the idea of paying off the mortgage is not even considered, except to

"The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Prov. 22:7). Over the past half century, we have developed a lifestyle where we buy things we can't afford with money we don't have and with deferred payments, while establishing a family budget that is largely based on servicing debt. It is the rule rather than the exception to have a house payment and car payment as a minimum. The price and size of the house are usually determined by the payment that the salary will cover, without exceeding a certain percentage of the monthly salary. This dictates that the set salary must be maintained over the term of the loan. In a continually expanding economy, such a rationale is workable; however, over a period of years, there can be "crunch times" (such as are upon us!) where contractions may occur, which can apply stress to the borrower. In years gone by, families lived on a cash basis, only buying that for which they could pay out of current income; the lifestyle was determined by the money available-not that for which their credit would qualify them.

refinance or to sell the home and progress to one with larger principal. Thus, a person 50 or 60 years of age will sometimes get a 30 year loan! The borrower becomes a servant to the lender(s), with life decisions being made (or forced) that are based on debt which must be serviced [feeding the monster] (Prov. 22:7). This being the case, such a


person has done involuntary obeisance to the false god of materialism-a paper god that can never be satisfied.

churches and picked up food baskets in a Mercedes. When materialism is providing the needs and many of the greeds, such as we find common in the West, it very subtly becomes a substitute god-one that is insatiable, unpredictable, and capricious, though it be but a paper god. Obviously, such a pervasive societal trend cannot be reversed overnight. Indeed, such an ingrained identity based on the paper god of materialism can only be conquered by shifting to the one true God and finding identity and meaning in Him.

With an entire society built on being servants to lenders, most are forced to play by the 'golden rule'--he who has the gold makes the rules! Almost all businesses are run on a line of credit of some sort, with precious few being run without borrowing money for operating expenses, as well as for capital improvements.

Before there will be the willingness to make such a change, it will probably require a major disruption in the life and economy (such as greatly inflated oil prices) that the paper god cannot overcome. Having been slaves to the system and covertly serving a paper god, it will take divine intervention to effect such a transition. Barring that, the stage will be set for a dictatorship to bring order out of chaos, if there is a broad failure of the paper god to continue to service the system.

An executive making a large salary will generally adjust his/her lifestyle to match the salary. A sudden downturn in the economy or the loss of the position because of the ubiquitous mergers and shifting of management personnel can wreak havoc with the family budget, if not force bankruptcy. Those in the family, not just the executive, will usually develop an identity made possible by such a salary. A major downward adjustment can be a decided blow to the identity; an identity based on money and things must fluctuate with the economy. In Denver, during the oil crunch of the 1980's, there were cases where such families went to the back door of

The extra demands that are presently being placed on the financial system combine to place pressure on lives and families that may already be near the breaking point due to having been built on the shifting sands of the flesh. These pressures include the cost of war preparations; financing a war and rebuilding all that we have destroyed; damage inflicted by terrorism to 11

installations; and the downturn of the economy caused by war jitters, oil prices, unemployment, natural disasters, and rolling back of salaries. With a preponderance of our population stretched to the limit with debt, such assaults on the economy could make bankruptcy and foreclosures a common occurrence. In such a scenario, it is inevitable that there will be a drastic increase in suicides, as well.

in the Lord Jesus Christ by having revealed to us, one by one, our death and resurrection with Him, will we be able to transcend the world system and have victory over false gods to which our flesh has become accustomed (Rom. 6:6-14; 2 Cor. 2:14).

Only so will revival begin to spread across our country such that the enemies of the Cross will begin to be pushed back to the glory of our Lord (Phil. 3:18). When the flesh has been satiated with materialism, the identity and lifestyle are dictated by its demands. The expanding economy, to which we have become accustomed in the last half century, has accommodated its continuation with the last two generations knowing nothing else other than minor recessions. The present oil crisis, itself, can have just such effect as was mentioned above.

The identities of the individual, the church, and the nation, have been based with few exceptions, on the profferings of the world system. The only answer is for these to come under the influence of the Cross of Christ, such that a resurrection life identity may be manifested (Luke 9:23, Gal. 2:20). When that quality of devotion becomes a significant percentage of believers, there will be repentance on the part of the church, which can have a major impact on the nation. Radical Christian living must become the rule rather than the exception, if societal trends, not just financial, are to be reversed and the God of the universe is to take precedence over the paper god of materialism. Only as we find our identity

Since long distance commutes have been feasible, the property values at a distance from cities and the workplace have greatly escalated, with only those able to work locally or by computer avoiding commuting. Not only in travel


to work, but also in leisure time activities, driving great distances has been commonplace, as has attendance at many mega churches.

this becomes commonplace, the need for spiritual counseling will multiply exponentially! Since most churches are not even equipped to do it presently, the additional demand can also overstress churches.

Since the almost unlimited consumption of oil (our lifeblood as a nation) has been greatly curtailed, it will have the effect of shrinking the economy. Since a great percentage of our population has become accustomed to using almost all of their income each month, the major increase in fuel prices means that many will have nothing left at the end of their money! Many will not be able to reduce spending or obtain additional income to cover the deficit. If a way is found to do so, it can be at the expense of family time which will negatively impact relationships. If the family already tends toward being dysfunctional, the additional financial down pressure can bring many families to the breaking point.

On another dimension, distance commutes to mega churches will become increasingly burdensome, which will negatively impact such churches, as well as tax community churches. The former will have surplus staff and the latter will have insufficient staff to cope with an influx of those making lifestyle adjustments, with house churches becoming more common.

As has been the case in recent years, the trend of adult children returning to live with their parents can accelerate with the added feature of bringing their families with them! The cost of distance commuting and the inability to find work closer to home may mean that the younger families will be unable to support a separate dwelling.

With the likely demographic shift described above, a significant percentage of our population could be adjusting to a lifestyle which is not friendly to self-centered expectations! Those individuals/families currently living on the edge could easily be pushed over the brink.

When that is the case, two or more families forced to share the same home will generate tension in relationships, which can reach the breaking point. As

With such a scenario, it is obvious that some of those becoming have-nots could be tempted to take from those 13

who have; thus, drastically increasing such things as burglary, stealing gasoline, etc. Unsettled people can easily precipitate further unsettled conditions in society.

between families and the effect on church budgets. Self-centered living has never been scriptural, but it has become the norm in today's society with Christian families not escaping it. Only the Church can minister to this malady, but the 'physician' must first heal itself, since it has fallen victim to the same trend.

A forced return to community living, as opposed to bedroom communities in proximity to cities, can cause unrest in society as a whole. Since this would undoubtedly be characterized by lowering the income of many, the financial pressures will be exacerbated.

The Cross is the only answer; but its teaching is in short supply, even among sound evangelical churches. While the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross is commonly taught with its emphasis on justification, the Cross for the believer (Rom. 6, Gal. 2:20), or deeper life sanctification, is very uncommon since it runs counter to the self-life.

Since the prognosticators do not see a return to comfortable living in the predictable future and with ample supplies of reasonably priced oil a distant prospect, the Church must gear up for a major role in such a paradigm shift. Business as usual will not suffice when the remainder of society is forced to abandon business as usual!

I have found that believers are not open to the crucified life (Col. 3:1-9) so long as the self-life can cope. When the selflife is curtailed, the Cross for the believer may become appealing! The same is true of the Church which has fallen prey to marketing church growth and other fads which run counter to a Christ-centered and Cross-centered approach to life and ministry.

Self-centered living has never been scriptural, but it has become the norm in today's society with Christian families not escaping it.

The negative impact of the fuel crunch can be used of God to prepare both the believer and church leadership for the return of the role of the Cross in living and ministry (Gal. 6:12-15). However, it does not promise to be an easy transition from the flesh to the Spirit.

While the Church has the answer, few indeed are those which are prepared for such an influx of human need-financial shortfall resulting in massive interpersonal conflicts within and



Lordship – a stumbling stone

Lord expresses himself in no obscure terms when it comes to the building of the Church and the formulating of its protocol. “I will build”. . . That is, He will not leave it to our good will, to our religious ambitions to formulate the testimony which is to represent Heaven.

By: Lars Wilderberg The Sermon on the Mount delivers Kingdom ethics. The Sermon on the Mount delivers simple instructions on how to live. The Sermon on the Mount is Kingdom protocol for Kingdom presence. The Sermon on the Mount delivers a Kingdom statement regarding the Sovereign Lordship of Jesus Christ: “Not everyone who says to Me, Lord! Lord! shall enter the kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in Heaven.”

An entering the Kingdom of Heaven is solely based on a doing of His will – consisting of repentance, of faith which brings a new birth and then of consistent obedience to protocol which is a living according to the will of the Father. Where do we err?? Why the obvious hazard of a “I never knew you” delivered amidst our religious fervor? Why the obvious danger of a “Depart from Me” delivered even as we have had wonderful seasons of worship together with the very best musical backing followed by stirring preaching by renowned and esteemed men. Where do we err?? The Lord Jesus tags a most delicate description to the “Depart” – “you workers of lawlessness”. Anomia – Greek for a situation, a state without law, without protocol. He could have said, “You act without heavenly protocol. Your speaking may be doctrinally right, your miracles seem to support mercy and goodness – but your show is not based on the proper and necessary inner submission to the protocol of Heaven, to the sovereign lordship of Jesus Christ.

“Many will say to Me in that day, Lord! Lord! Did we not prophesy in Your name, and through Your name throw out demons, and through Your name do many wonderful works?” Neither words – words based on doctrines or formulated as truisms, nor miracles – even miracles done in the name of the Lord constitute an authentic adherence or belonging to the Kingdom of Heaven. Our dealings as to personal beliefs and conduct, our dealings as to corporate expressions of faith and testimony comes to conundrum and collapse in the light of possible errors in our midst. The

The Lord does not leave the matter of constructing and establishing the 16

testimony to the Church – His is a Sovereign Lordship. The entering into the Kingdom of Heaven is solely based on a practically expressed doing of the will of the Lord. Our entering – yours and mine – is based on our willingness to do. . . The entering into the Kingdom of Heaven, our neighbors' entering, even our enemies’ entering, the entering of theirs depends on our obedience in practical expressions. And the obedience must rely on, relate to the work of the Holy Spirit in our innermost being.

possibility of this reality – as well as the remedy – for the sake of a recovering of a proper testimony regarding the Kingdom of God.

If the gatherings of the Church appropriate a format which finds its source in the Anomia of this present age – even including excellent preaching accompanied by signs and wonders, the obvious hazard stands prophetically solid in our midst – “this is not mine, I never built it, it does not represent me, leave to enter the darkness which inspired it”. Strong medicine? Tasting extremely bad? It is not comfortable to write these words – tears are at hand at every stroke of the keyboard. But, we must consider this part of reality – especially as we look at and pray for the present state of the Church, a straying Church, a Church eager to perform, eager to find new protocols as to expression and testimony. We must consider the




and sound the alarm, to awaken the silent majority to be proactive in their spheres of influence. We must This invitation is for: the divinely encourage the righteous everywhere not appointed drum majors of to vote along racial or political lines; but righteousness, the intercessors who can rather, to vote for candidates who are touch heaven, and those who have willing to take a stand for righteousness. refused to be pimped by selected Civil For several millenniums the righteous Rights leaders designated to promote have, historically and categorically, genocide and dysfunction in minority rejected the pseudo-scientific communities. dysfunction of the Greco-Roman legacy of infanticide and sexual perversion The righteous are not (incest, pedophile, homosexuality, partisan politicians or sadomasochism, etc,) found citizens; but rather upholders throughout Western European of the divine constitution in culture. However, propaganda all facets of life’s endeavors. through the media, music, We are looking for best entertainment, and our nation’s practices and effective educational systems have remethods to reach the soul of socialized the current American our nation in order to psyche, to be akin to, and mirror produce repentant hearts Bishop Clarence Harris that of Sodom and Gomorrah; and lasting change in all its therefore, strategies and plans social institutions (family, education, must be used through new media government, economics, and religion). technology and at the grass roots level in order for godly systemic changes to America is in the midst of a major occur. If not, the only other option that spiritual, economic, political, religious, we may all be confronted with might be and social war, which contends for the divine retribution. souls of men. Most Americans have succumbed (to the detriment of our Many righteous African Americans have nation) to the globalist strategy of “divide individually refused to succumb to the and conquer.” Unfortunately, this has media-created Black political and split our nation down the middle on religious “pimps” (who have been for almost every front by entrenched lines decades, parading in their communities of demarcation concerning race, to propagate unrighteousness, economics, and politics. Our prayer is genocide, and dysfunctional families)'. that the silent righteous majority will WE NEED YOUR HELP! We believe stand up, and make a difference in their that the solution to America’s dilemma communities, regardless of the outcome may start with the individual and his of the pending 2012 national elections. family... then the church, and finally his community. If we can make individuals We are seeking those who could whole, get them to repent and be healed suggest and implement effective of their psychological, social, economic, strategies on how to blow the trumpet, 19

different wings working together to divide and conquer the malleable unsuspecting masses (along racial, political, religious, and economic lines) in order to fulfill their preconceived global agendas.

and spiritual afflictions, then their world, and our nation, will be made right. If you plan on attending… please bring with you media contacts, technological systems, and possible strategic plans to spread the word and sound the alarm.


The following are some of the contributing factors towards the destruction of America. Each has had an acute impact on its minority population: 

Pitting minorities against one another to eventually destroy each group and undermine our nation as a whole seems to be a current and thus far effective strategy. The Destruction of the Orchestrated immigration conflicts Black, Hispanic, and and dependent social programs Native American families have been used to justify through social programs, government’s intrusive actions, to abortion, alcohol, deceive, and manipulate the public imported drugs & to advocate civil liberties. Also, as weapons, violence, the a result of seemingly many media, entertainment, orchestrated social crisis’s have educational deficiency, compel the populace, out of fear incarceration, and high and co-dependency, to consent to unemployment. unconstitutional authority, and crisis Dr. Cindye Coates - ICOF The Destruction of the VP of Political Affairs management. business and entrepreneur welcoming Dr. Broun to  The destruction and Washington, DC. sector through taxation, incarceration of minority males to intrusive regulations, banking fraud, destroy their families, their economic government agencies, and base, take their homes, and deprive transnational corporations. them of their voting status (as The Destruction of the biblical felons). nuclear family through the promotion  The Destruction of minorities (Black of narcissistic same sex marriage, females) through the escalating sexual additions, divorce, fatherless AIDS epidemic. homes, teen pregnancy, and  Destruction of the unborn minority existentialist apostate preachers. children through Infanticide The Destruction of the wealth of (abortion). most minorities and America’s  The Destruction and promotion of middle class through the American dysfunction of children through the home foreclosure crisis by banks, music and entertainment industries. investment firms, and government Of course, this list is not complete; however, agencies. your input and prepared solutions would be The Destruction of America by past greatly appreciated at our prayer breakfast. and present administrations through Please be prepared to have a round table a globalist agenda. Many are coming discussion and action plan immediately after to realizing that top Republican and our breakfast. Time is short and our nation the top Democrats of both parties is hemorrhaging … Can you help stop the are of the same bird. They are just bleeding? 20


environments, products, skills and business acumen. This in turn means improving local education of all those wishing to have a business as well as being supported by an educated local staff that are also able to communicate with the world and be respected for their positions and concerns for their nations and families and friends. This means working within their countries, spreading goodwill to the rest of the world while enhancing the well-being of all they contact.

International Circle of Faith Business & Development There is a need for all people of this world to be as self-sufficient as possible and it is toward this goal that ICOF is headed through use of its “Development Division”.

International Circle of Faith Global Union is committed to helping our members and partners. Realizing that most churches and ministries need additional resources to accomplish their mission and at the same time lack the wherewithal to have their own development team, ICOF has committed, time, talent and resources to assist in the area of general development. This commitment includes but is not limited to:

One of the major difficulties facing individual and governmental development is that, even though all people are created equal, our societal set-up’s have been already shaped by our predecessors and “change” becomes the challenge to many.

A. Developing qualified and sustainable business proposals B. Attracting qualified investors to these projects. C. Advice and direction for churches and ministries. D. Unique and innovative solutions for missions and missionaries.

For ICOF to bring direction to all, a start must be made to bring all to belief in Jesus Christ and what He foresaw as future needs of societies, including enrichment of each other in all things. This enrichment can take on many forms and ICOF has taken a gigantic step to meet the challenge through its “Development Division”.

John Rogers, PhD., serves as Sr. VP of Development with ICOF Global

This Development Division includes support to assist in establishing new businesses of all kinds throughout the world that must be keyed to local 22

= 23




the truth that His plans for us are to prosper us and not to harm us, to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Sometimes the words of the enemy seem to scream louder to tell us we are not worthy; that we are forever to be imprisoned in the chambers of our mind -- no way out -- with no hope of ever experiencing a normal life that we perceive others to have. Somewhere in the recesses of our minds we were dealt a blow that halted any hope‌that erased the meaning of faith or truth.

(Excerpts from Lea Bates book, Before I Knew Him)

Jeremiah 1:5 (KJV) Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. 6 Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! behold, I cannot speak: for I am a child. 7 But the LORD said unto me, Say not, I am a child: for thou shalt go to all that I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak. 8 Be not afraid of their faces: for I am with thee to deliver thee, saith the LORD. 9 Then the LORD put forth his hand, and touched my mouth. And the LORD said unto me, Behold, I have put my words in thy mouth.

My friend, this story is a living testimony of how God took a broken vessel with no hope for a future and turned it around for His Glory. It is written to encourage anyone who struggles with the pain of their past. May they learn that they too can be set free from the chains that hold them back from living the life that God has planned for them. I give the utmost praise to God for the ability to write, and especially for the opportunity to write my story of how God took this vessel and raised her out of the ashes and gave her beauty. He created in her a heart of joy and a

It’s hard for us to conceive sometimes, especially when we see ourselves as failures that God loves us and cares completely about us. We struggle with 27

mantle of praise for her heaviness, so she might be called a tree of righteousness…so that He might be glorified (Isaiah 61:3).

Hard to believe But I know it’s true That before you formed me You said ‘I knew you.’ You ordained my purpose While in the womb of my mother ‘This child’s life will touch many With a love for her brother. ‘First I’ll raise her and teach her And show her some things Then I’ll bring her to me On eagles’ wings.’ So when going through life With its ups and its downs Remember His strength Remember the crown. My strength comes through faith In my Savior’s sweet love Through obedience we receive The crown of life from above. I’ll fear not for He keeps me In the palm of His hand Where no man can snatch me It’s all part of His plan. For yes, He made plans For you and for me But it wasn’t about us But the One on the tree.



The very act of bringing a cruise ship to Haiti is a large part of our mission. As one of the only nations in the Caribbean without a tourism industry, our assistance and efforts will show the world that Haiti is “tourism ready” and be the first step in breathing new life into their economy. Ours ship will be the first to dock in Haiti in more than a quarter century!

It is with tremendous excitement that we offer the 5th Cruise with a Cause missions cruise—this time to Port au Prince, Haiti! You’ll join together in a common cause with fellow believers to reach others in need, help a hurting nation and change your eternal perspective in the process. We have seen countless times as families from different social, racial and economic backgrounds unite to become the family of God in spreading love and sharing the gospel with those in need. This is unlike any other experience cruise or mission available!

During our cruise to Haiti you’ll have days to rest, along with all the famous food and fun from a Carnival cruise ship experience. You’ll hear from our diverse lineup of Christian speakers, artists and leaders. There will be more than 80 concerts and conferences! Adults, singles, students, children, men, women, and couples will all be encouraged by the worship, teaching and missions training available onboard the ship.

Haiti is a nation full of need and filled with opportunities. They sit at a turning point both spiritually and economically. Our mission isn’t to offer handouts, but a loving hand up—and their government has given us very special sanctions and protection, allowing us to go places and help in ways unavailable to other mission efforts in Haiti. Teams of volunteer missionaries will visit schools and orphanages; do construction and renewal projects to rebuild areas devastated by the earthquake; provide aid in medical clinics and deliver medical supplies; visit with locals in the streets and tent cities; and help us host an evening evangelism outreach festival for almost 100,000 locals. We’ll share the Gospel to everyone we meet all along the way!

Please consider joining your favorite Christian personalities and over 3,000 other Believers this June 1-6, 2013 for the largest foreign mission ever! We’ll be serving shoulder to shoulder to help lives and save souls. It’s an experience you’ll remember the rest of your life!

Matthew Dunnaway


Go to Joshua 5. I've seen a vision of God doing a cleansing work in the Church, as He did with Joshua in the Promised

By Dr. Robert Straube

Land through circumcision. He's looking for a Joshua-type people at this time. He's saying, "Come out! Moses is

After all of the years and all of the towns

dead, but I want you to go into the

I have been in, I can't help but notice all

Promised Land. I don't want you to hold

of the churches in every town. And

back anymore; I don't want you to look

when I asked God, "Why all the

at the past and say, `But God, you really

churches, Lord?" I get the distinct

were there, and your presence did some

feeling that He has been seeking a

things. . .' But God is saying, ‘Moses is

church, a people, who want Him more

dead, and Moses has served

than anything else; who

My purpose, but it's time for

want to walk with Him in

Joshua to rise up and go in.’”

obedience, not trying to convince Him to walk

God speaks in spiritual

with them. And after all

terms, and He is moving my

that I've seen and heard

spirit. As we hear and obey,

through the years, I know

it will not only be spiritually

that I have heard the Lord

manifested, but physically

clearly in my spirit, and I

manifested as well. I want

am just now able to get it into my head,

you to hear God speaking spiritually, to

in my heart and out of my mouth after

your spirit, and I want you to hear what

all of these years. He desires a people

He has to say to you and go out and obey

who will walk with Him, and He wants

according to what He is showing you.

that probably more than you do. He

God has shown me that there is a time of

wants a Church who will walk with Him.

coming out in Southern Illinois, a time

He wants His Bride to walk with Him.

of testing, a time of proving, a time of

So, the Lord has spoken a clear word to

separation. And now there's a time of

my Spirit, and if I can get this out, it will

people dying in the wilderness, they are

be great.

literally going to die there. You are 31

going to have to decide if you're going to

me." Usually this is asked when

die in the wilderness or go into the

circumstances get tough and they begin

Promised Land. God is saying, "Go on

to question whether they really heard


from God to be where they are.

Joshua did some things going into the

I remember a time years ago when I was

Promised Land that most people totally

invited to go on an overseas trip, a

read past, that is -- except for two times

missionary journey. Well, I was excited

-- before he moved he heard from God.

and I began praying about the details of

Every time, he would get alone with God

the trip . . . finances, the message I was

and receive directions from Him, except

to give, etc. Then the Lord said to me,

for the two times. Once was at the battle

"Wait a minute. I didn't tell you that I

of Ai, and the second was the

wanted you to go!" I said,

time of Achan sinning. If they

“Lord, you're right!" And I

would have taken the time to

went to a quiet place and

get with the Lord like other

sought His will and

times, Achan's sin would have

direction, a clear word

been exposed, and they would

from Him. We don't have

not have been defeated.

enough Christians getting

However, after being defeated

a clear word from the Lord.

they sought the Lord, repented

We think that's the pastor's

against Achan, and gained victory over

job or the preacher's, prophet's or

Ai. God is the God of second chances.

apostle's job. Have you ever bought

God is saying as you go into the

something and later wished you had

Promised Land, that new territory; seek

never bought it? If we would have

Him before you make any moves. Then

sought God first we may have not

when it gets tough, you can rest and say,

bought it. The reason we don't is that

"God told me to be here," and that will

we think we already know the answer.

bring peace to your hearts.

We don't want to confer; we just want to go ahead and talk ourselves into the

I've spoken with a lot of people and

reason why it is His will for us to have it.

heard, "I don't know where God wants

If we get a clear word from God, then it 32

doesn't matter what difficulties you run

made that very plain in Matthew 16:18-

into. You can be at peace because you

19, ". . . I will build My church . . ." So,

know God sent you and He will provide

the question is whether you're on His

for your needs.

side or not.

You all know about the battle of Jericho.

And we are so preoccupied most of the

But what is so neat about it is what

time with other people and how we

happened before the battle, and it is

compare with them, rather than what

probably one of the best illustrations of

God is saying to us. I've heard people

this in the Bible. In Joshua 5:13, we'll

say, "We looked at some of the other

look at the rest of the story later, but

churches, and we're better than them . . .

first look at what was

we looked at other

asked and the answer

churches and we're not

(verse 14). He said,

as good as they. . ."

"No!" Wrong answer?

What does that mean?

No, wrong question.

It means our hearts are

Lord, whose side are

far from Him . . . that's

you on? Are you for us

sin! Remember when

or for them? You see,

Jesus spoke to Peter

He is not on YOUR

and asked him three

side; you had better be

times if he loved Him?

on His side. (Verse 14 again): "I'm not

(2 times - Love me? Feed My sheep . . .

here to take sides, I'm here as the

3rd time — Lord you know all things,

commander, I'm here as God. You had

and you know I love you. . . Feed My

better learn to hear from Me, and quit

Sheep). The Lord told Him three times

concerning yourself with whose side I'm

what He wanted Peter to do. It was

on, and concern yourself with whose

simple, not hard: "Feed My Sheep."

side you're on." I've heard, "God we're

This is the same Peter who got the right

going to build this church for you, now

answer earlier and Jesus said, "Upon

you come on down here and help us."

this rock I will build My church." But

There is not a man here or on this earth

this time, after being told to feed the

who can build a church for God. Jesus

Lord's sheep three times, do you know 33

what Peter does? He turns around and

3. Not only get in the middle, but

sees John and says, "Well, Lord, what

get shorn now and again. And

about him?" Jesus said, "If I will that

that's good, because you know

He remains alive until I come what is

what happens when you get

that to you?" Again, wrong question . . .!

shorn? Others get clothed!

If you want to be in My will, then feed

Otherwise you're a sheep with a

My sheep. Don't worry about how I'm

lot of wool. That's not good. You

using someone else.

collect bugs and get matted and your wool is no longer of any

There are some things you need to do if

good use. As God gives to you,

you want to become and remain good

you need to give to others.


My point is: we're too

1. Get under a

concerned about

shepherd. You

others and how God

can't be good

is using them.

sheep if you're

Concern yourselves

not under a

with how God is

shepherd. It's

speaking to you and

very scriptural.

using you -- what

You may say,

you're going to do --

"Well, a shepherd has hurt me."

not what side God is on, but which side

Well, wait until a wolf has

you are on!

mangled you! Just get out there on your own for a while and see

The current restoration of God's Church

how quickly the wolves come

is bigger than you, bigger than your state

after you.

or America. Go to Ezekiel 36:16-19. This is an example of God restoring His

2. Get right in the middle of the

Church. God started the Church in Acts

flock. Wolves attack stragglers,

as one church and then scattered them

those who aren't very involved.

when they started to become unclean. Then the world looked at the church and


said, "Hmmm, That must be who God

this time of restoration. Look at Verse

is‌" God said, "I'm not going to have

24, this is the first step of restoration.

that anymore� and scattered the Church

God's bringing us together. That's why

(Verses 21-25). God's concern is not for

the enemy is causing us to choose sides,

the Church, but for His Holy name . . .

trying to cause us to divide. It always

for His sake. The restoration is going to

amazes me that people come out of one

happen whether you want it or not. God

church to "go on with God," and then

is saying, "I am coming back to the

pretty soon they divide again, and then

Church before I come back for the

again. That's not saying that there isn't

Church!" Ready or

a division that is of

not, here I come!

God. There is only one

Revival, through

division of God, and

the restoration of

that is the Word of God

the Fivefold

dividing between the

ministry, is coming

Spirit and the soul. If

back to the Church.

soulish minded people

No one can stop

go by their own mind,

Him. It will happen

by their own will and

in spite of anyone or anything. If you

their own emotions, then when the

want to be part of the revival of the

Word of God enters in, it will divide

Church, then you need to pray, read the

those people who are soulish from those

Word, and be obedient. Be on His side

who are of the Spirit (the wheat from the

and do what He has called you to do.

chaff). That is the only division that is of

Don't worry about everyone else. I want

God. Any other divisions that try to

you to have a revival vision of the

divide a church, a people who truly love

Church. It’s bigger than your four walls

God and are walking by the Spirit, is of

(verse 23). When the Church really

the enemy trying to cause division. It's

worships God,

okay if you go to a different church than

the nations will know that He is real!

someone else as long as you are not divided in your spirits. The enemy's

Now, there are several things that are

whole plan is to try to get us to think

happening and are going to happen in 35

that we're better than someone else.

are clean! However, there is a

That's pride. And if God does move in

regeneration process, a washing. Jesus

your midst, and you get proud of it, then

is the Word and He is washing His

He'll stop!

Church. God is intensifying the washing right now. I know of people who are

God has currently been bringing people

seeing the Word more clearly than ever

together for a few years now. I believe


He is moving into step two now (verse 25). God is doing a cleansing process in

God is doing some scrubbing. He wants

His Church right now. I want you to

to get the religious spirit out of His

know something: He

Church! He is shining

is talking to the House

more of His light in His

of Israel here. He isn't

Church, exposing

talking to the world, is

manmade doctrines

He? He's talking to His

and sin. There's no

Church and saying, "I

reason to get upset

am going to clean My

about all the sin we're

Church." There are

seeing in the Church.

two cleansings of the

Listen: the sin has

Church: First, of course, the cleansing

always been there, the washing is what

in the Blood; and second, a cleansing by

is exposing them and bringing them to

the Water. The Water is the Word. He

the surface. God wasn't any more upset

said He's going to cleanse her by the

about it ten - twenty years ago than He

washing water of the Word (Ephesians

is now. He has already done the "once

5). Our spirit is revived, given life and

and for all" process with Jesus on the

cleansed by the Blood. That's a once-

Cross for all our sins -- He's already

and-for-all cleansing. People say that

taken the punishment for it -- the price

Hebrews says it's not a once and for all

has been paid. What are the results of

cleansing, but a thorough study of

His cleansing process (verse 26)? He

Hebrews shows that it is a once and for

wants our minds to line up with our

all cleansing. It says Jesus did it once

changed hearts.

for all. Once the Blood cleanses you, you 36

I remember praying to God one time

the Church. You know that this work is

and confessed, "I don't want to read my

complete in you when you can look back

Bible today." He already knew that. He

at the time you took hold of the

wasn't surprised. I just wanted to speak

Promised Land, and you no longer think

honestly to the Lord. Most people

of what you gave up or sacrificed for it,

couldn't do that; they just want to pray

when you no longer say or think about

their churchly prayers. I just can't do

what could have been had you stayed in

that, because I figure that He already

the wilderness.

knows anyway. I

(Verse 27) There is

guess I was too

coming an outpouring

stupid to know that

of the Holy Spirit that

I was supposed to

we have never seen

cover something up

before. It's not here

because I knew He

yet. You can say that

knew! So when I

the manifested Spirit of

would talk to Him I

God is in your services,

would say, "I don't

but it is not as fully

want to pray today,

here yet. We have just

and I want you to

seen a tiny token of it.

know that. But I want YOUR want to

It is flat compared to what God is going

pray. I want the desire to pray, even

to do. If God be among us, where be His

though I don't want to pray right now.

miracles. Every time God was in Israel

And I don't feel like reading my Bible

there were miracles. There were

right now because it seems like every

supernatural things happening. People

time I open it up it's like I already read

today roll in for a service and then they

that part before. I just want you to know

roll back out, week after week. Let's not

that. Please put a renewed desire within

fool ourselves and say that God is truly

me to read, with renewed revelation."

among us as He desires to be. But He is

That's the new heart speaking against

coming with an outpouring of His Spirit

the old. He actually begins to change

as the world has never seen. It is

your desires. That is what He is doing to


prophesied throughout Scripture that

all belongs to God anyway. But first

the latter temple will be greater than the

there must be a heart change, a

former. Greater than the Book of Acts . .

cleansing and a restoration.

. it's coming soon. Now is the time!

Can you imagine that if all the money

(Verse 28-29) THEN! When? After all

that went into TV evangelism went into

that God said He would do prior to this

real missions? Millions a week go into

verse is done. This is not only

buying air time for Christian TV, and

spiritually, but physically as well. I

many say that it’s for evangelism. There

believe God is going to restore

may be a few, but I say that most people

spiritually to the

don't watch Christian

Church abundantly

TV, even more so

and more. I also

among the lost.

believe He is going

Pouring money into

to touch His Church

anything that is not

abundantly in the

reaching people for

physical realm as

God is absurd.

well. Through His

(Verse 30-32) What

purification, He will

gets to me is that we

restore finances,

are so good at slipping

health, etc., only as He purges and

into works, and what He says is that we

changes and restores the heart of His

ought to be ashamed and confounded as

Church, our hearts. Have you ever

to our own ways. God says He's not

experienced having some money, using

doing this because we deserve it, for if "I

it or spending it, and then when you no

give you what you deserve, I'd give you

longer had it found yourself thinking,

hell." Instead He chooses to give us

"Man! Why did I spend it like that? If I

grace. Grace is totally unmerited,

ever get it again I'll use it differently."

undeserved favor. Total favor in the

Well, I believe God is going to bring

sight of God is totally unmerited. Our

wealth back to His Church. I believe

prayer time, Bible study time, all our

we'll see people giving as much as 5o%

righteousness is as filthy rags. It is

or more to the Church in their tithes. It 38

totally by grace! You know what we do?

Without cause you have received, so

You know what dead works are? Let me

without cause, give. A way for us to

give you a definition of dead works:

operate in grace is to give and expect

dead works are the things we think we

nothing in return. The opposite of sin is

ought to be doing to get closer to God,

not righteousness. The Word says that

but never get around to it. Read my

where sin abounds, grace abounds much

Bible. . . Pray more. . . Spend more time

more (Romans 5:20). The opposite of

with God. . . I'm going to . . . going to . . .

sin is grace.

and you never do . . . these are dead

In the Old Testament the bloodshed was

works. We say we're going to do more

not enough, there was another thing

for God, but we never do get around to

they did with it; they

it. Dead works are an

sprinkled it. Once

attempt to get God to

you become a

be in our debt. We

Christian, when you

pray so now you're

sin you do not have

going to have to do

to outwardly confess

this . . . and that. We

your sins to be

spend and waste most

forgiven for them.

of our time trying to

When you were saved you were forgiven

get God to do what we want Him to do

for all sin. That is Scripture. When we

for us. IF He gives us anything or

confessed Jesus as our Lord and Savior,

answers our prayers, it’s by unmerited

that He died for our sins and paid for

grace -- unmerited and undeserved.

our punishment, we received complete

There's a Scripture which says, ". . .

forgiveness from all our sins, because we

freely you have received . . . freely give"

confessed by our acceptance of His gift

(Matthew l0:8). That word "freely" is

of salvation that we have sinned and

translated only one other place in the

fallen short. Our thinking that we have

Word, in the Greek, but it's translated

to outwardly confess our sins is works,

"without cause." It was used by Jesus

that we do something to receive

when He said, "they hated me without

something. I'm not talking about

cause." Let me put it to you this way:

someone who openly confesses so that 39

they may be held accountable by those

(Verse 33) God is going to enable you to

who heard the confession (a principle I'll

dwell in the cities. I've heard people say

cover at another time). A believer has

that it would be a miracle if He got

already been forgiven their sins, through

everyone together. I think it would be a

salvation, and has already been forgiven.

miracle if He got us all together and we stayed together. So, here God is saying

So what purpose does confession serve

that not only is He going to bring us

in the life of the believer? It is the

together, but He's going to enable us to

sprinkling of the blood that cleanses the

dwell together.

conscience. If I as a believer sin and I come to God and

(Verse 34-35) When

say I'm sorry and

God tills it can hurt,

apply the blood,

because the ground

then my conscience

has become so hard

is cleansed. Now I

and dry, and His plow

can go on and serve

is true and sharp. The

God in grace, and

word "they" in verse 35

not of works. And if

means “the world,� and

I don't learn to

when God brings His

sprinkle the Blood, then when I sin I'll

Church back from the ruins the world

try to pray more, or read my Bible more,

will say, "That was the most desolate

or give more - perform some sort of

place. Do you remember all the stuff

works, dead works. God wants a Holy

they went through back in the nineties

remnant; God wants to bring us to the

and early two thousands? Boy, that was

point that we walk in His grace, not our

the most desolate, dead, dry, shriveled-

works, understanding that it's not

up, dry church, and look at them now!"

deserved, without cause.

(Verse 36) "I, the Lord, have spoken and I will do it!" Does it look as if there's any

God is going to restore His Church. The

doubt about this happening? No! "I

point is that we need to get in there,

spoke it; I will do it!" So, where does

receive His grace, His mercy, let Him

prayer fit in?

minister to us however He wants to.


(Verse 37) "I'll let them ask Me to do it."

for us. Prayer doesn't move God toward

He already said He was going to do it in

us, it moves us toward Him. It's not

the previous verse, but He's giving us

twisting His arm to get Him to do it.

the privilege of asking Him to do it for

Restoration is coming because He said

us. But He's going to do it. He

He would do it. My place is to agree

promised! Prayer becomes a privilege.

with Him and find my place in His

Prayer is not conquering God's


reluctance, prayer is laying hold of His

(Ezekiel 37:1-3) Can

will, His Word. There is

this church live? (Verse

a parable that Jesus

4-6) When you hear a

gave, and my heart has

lot of noise, know that

been broken by what I

it's the Lord putting

have heard many

the bones back

preachers say about it. It

together again. You

is from Luke 18, the

can't put bones back

wicked judge. Let me lay

together without

this out, right now: God

making a lot of noise. And the breath, of

is not a wicked judge. The parable is of

course, is the Spirit of God. You see,

the widow who comes to the judge over

God is going to bring us back together

and over again and the judge finally

again, clean us up, give us His desires;

gives in to her to stop her from

but there is no life until we have His

bothering him. God is not a wicked

breath within us, His Spirit. We can

judge, and prayer does not coerce or

come together as Church, you can cover

bother God. The parable is to show that

yourself with the Word, and you can

God answers His people quickly, yet this

begin to get closer in relationship, all

parable has been used to teach

important. But if God doesn't breathe in

persistence in prayer. In other words,

it, if He doesn't give it life through His

pestering God. Prayer does not bother

Spirit, then it is meaningless.

God, and He is not the wicked judge.

(Verse 9-11) The whole Church!

Prayer is simply laying hold of God's will and what He said He was already doing


(Verse 12-16) Let me tell you something

wants His church to be a light in the

about who these two sticks are. One is

dark places. You can't be a light if you

Judah. What does Judah mean? Praise

don't have the juice. You might as well

in Spirit. The other is Joseph, meaning,

go on to heaven and get out of the way of

“increase through truth.� Notice that

those who will beam the light of the

you have a stick that means truth and

Lord. The only reason God gives us the

one that means praise in spirit. God

Baptism in the Holy Spirit is for us to be

tells us how to worship, in Spirit and in

the light, to have power, to dispel

truth. Some churches only take up one

darkness and show the way. God,

of the sticks.

forgive us for changing

Pentecostals picked up

what you intended to be

Joseph's stick, but not

a powerful witness, and

Judah's. Some think that

was turned into a

the evidence is speaking

powerless witness. One

in tongues, but the

of Satan's greatest

Scripture says that the

victories was deceiving

evidence is in power and

us to turn the light

boldness to be a witness. I don't care if

inward and not outward. God forgive

you speak in tongues; if you don't


witness in power and boldness, you

Most Baptists have a lot of truth (the

don't have it.

stick of Judah) and not much Spirit.

Jesus said that we shall receive power by

Truth without Spirit is dead. God wants

the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and that

Spirit and truth (verse 17). God does a

we shall be His witnesses. If you say

miracle here and says that they're going

that you have it and don't have the

to become one.

power to witness, then you have been

(Verse 18-19) Notice whose hand the

deceived. If you can pray in tongues but

stick is in? Take a stick, put it on the

not win this area for Christ, you might as

ground, and see how much it can do by

well shut down, lie down and die and go

itself. That's us. If we get out of the

on to the Lord, because you won't be

hand of God, we can't do anything.

able to do one thing for the Lord. God 42

(Verse 20-22) You see there're only two

God! The restoration is coming whether

kingdoms: light and darkness. But

you're in it or not. This is why I have

what we did was take the kingdom of

been brought to this area, to find a

light and divided it . . . against each

church, a people, who want to move on

other. God says that we're not going to

with the Lord, saying, "Yes, Lord! Bring

do that anymore. (Verse 23-24) When

us together. Cleanse us. Set us upon the

He talks about David

truth. Breathe your

He is talking about

Spirit within us. We

Jesus Christ, who is

will be your light unto

the root and the

the nations!"

offspring, as spoken

But I want to show

of in Revelation.

you why your focus

(Verse 25-28) God is

needs to be turned

going to restore His

outward instead of inward. The entire

Church and show the world His bride.

reason is that you'll be gripped with a

THEN every person will be confronted

burden for people like you've never had

with the Gospel. Most people are now

before. We'll be able to see into people

confronted with someone's religion, not

with the truth, and with Spiritual eyes,

with the Gospel. When God restores His

and not the faรงade they put out. We'll

Church the world will be confronted

see their hurts, their pain, and we'll have

with Jesus, moving in a people, alive!

a genuine burden for them. I want you

Then on judgment day He's going to say,

to understand something: God is doing

"You saw Me. I showed Myself to the

something all over the world, but He

world and you rejected Me."

wants, right here, a people called by His

What's the purpose of bringing us


together? For cleansing us with His

We read several times where He said,

Word? For breathing His Spirit into us?

"They shall be My people, and I will be

For setting us upon His truth? So that

their God." That's all God ever wanted,

the nations will know He is Lord! We've

was a people He could truly call His

seen this throughout the Scriptures . . .

own. He wants it so much that He sent

so the world will know that He is really 43

His Son so He could have a people. That's why we have had, from the beginning, even before we were saved, the desire to worship something. Whether it was a car, drugs, a boy or girl, something in our desires causes us to want it more than anything. It wasn't until we truly knew Jesus that our desire to worship was pointed in the right direction. God placed the desire to worship in our created bodies, minds and spirits, so we could fellowship with Him. And until we were saved by His grace through the Blood of Jesus, we gave in to our fleshly desires. Not any longer! Don't ask God whose side is He on anymore. He is not here to be asked that question. Get on His side. Get in on what He is going to do here. Just say, “Lord, whether it’s five or five thousand of us, we’re going to follow you.”

Dr. Robert Straube is the President of International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU).



longer than anticipated, learn to build margin into your planning.

By: Doc Burkhart

2. Learn to say no. Contrary to your perception, you are not indispensable. 3. Cut down on the activities as they have a way of self-perpetuating; of multiplying. 4. Practice simplicity and contentment. Choose to live with less. 5. Get less done but do the right things. Assess all your activities as to their spiritual authenticity. 6. Decide to live the life of Jesus… whatever the cost:

Each page in a book has a margin. You wouldn't be able to read the print if it ran to the edges of the paper because it would offend your sense of proportion. In similar fashion, our lives also need margins. They need proportion. Margin is:  

"The gap between rest and exhaustion… "The leeway we once had between ourselves and our limits… "Something held in reserve for contingencies or unanticipated situations… "

"Let your sweet reasonableness, your forbearance, your being satisfied with less than your due, become known to all men… Stop worrying about even one thing, but in everything… let your requests… be made known in the presence of God, and the peace of God… shall mount guard over your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-6)

If you are running thin on margin these days, my guess is you are on overload in at least some of the following areas:     

Too many commitments. Too much competition. Too much debt. Too many expectations. Too much ministry.

Here are six steps we can take to insure margin is built into our lives: 1. Learn to expect the unexpected. Because most everything takes 46

become stronger, and the lives of each member become ready to empower their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us and be a part of our efforts in doing our part to improve our ever increasing poverty rate, degeneration of values and overall quality of Life; by focusing on the needs and solutions for all these areas including the neglect of our Nation's children. We are purposed to impact the preservation and restoration of the family. We hold that the Church was patterned after the family.

Christian Greetings, We welcome you to the International Circle of Faith Global Missions Department. Our missions department exists to aid our network of established ministries and churches in a holistically approach of restoration of body soul & spirit; to extend the church beyond the traditional parameters of the edifice complex. We are dedicated to community and family development by helping meet the needs of the citizens and communities we are called to serve. We must focus on the needs of an ever growing population in our communities, cities and Nation. Every day, individuals and families who are at risk of homelessness, hunger and other life crises in our communities go unnoticed by society at large. We are the body of Christ and it is our mandate to help those who need our help the most?

We are a mission’s resource network; partnering with churches, organizations, agencies and nonprofits and faith based communities to achieve our mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man woman and child.

Africa Our past and present missions include: Drilling water wells, free medical services and in current development of Agriculture &Housing.


ICOF Missions focus: 1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. Humanitarian 3. Business and Economic development

In partnership with ICOF CSU we have started the Patrick Song Academy English School, to help young Indian children to speak English, so they can function in elementary and secondary education.

We believe that by assisting those in need– physically, mentally, and spiritually – and helping them to reach their full potential, our communities 47

ICOF Medical missions in conjunction with Project Eye Openers, reaches the

Senior Citizens

ICOF Home Missions offers personal interactions for the elderly. Providing a much-needed ministry for older people to receive care and human concern. With the baby boomer generation fast approaching their senior years, a swelling tide of concern for the many that will need support and assistance is evident by the many senior citizen charity groups that continue to organize throughout the country. ICOF Home Missions division offers opportunities for any person to donate time and important resources to this growing challenge.

poorest, most vulnerable patients, who may not be aware about eye care and free medical camps services. While Project Eye Openers current outreach teams provide free medical services and eye examinations to approximately 400 plus patients in each Village per Medical Camp outing, their ultimate goal is to eliminate obstacles by providing pre-screenings through our Mobile Medical Camps.


Holistic Family Restoration. A long term priority is to under-served communities. The goal is to lead individuals and families in need towards a better life, improved happiness and inner peace in addition to rebuilding their material lives or improving their living and an educational condition with the power of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ ….body, soul & Spirit.

Evangelism: We have a program called “Project Logos “The program consists of sending bibles to Pakistan translated into their native language. Medical Missions: Through ICOF Medical Missions “Physicians with a cause” provide free medical camps and sharing of the gospel, throughout remote villages in Pakistan.

A hundred years from now it will not matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or what kind of House you live in, but the world will be a better place because you made a difference in the lives of others”.

USA We also are focused on Church Home Missions in the USA. Through Community Enhancement that acts as a safety net for individuals and families in need, ICOF Global Missions works to strengthen and enhance communities by working with varies other agencies, churches, non profits within the Faith Based communities already in existence. We are committed to our Senior citizens community including information and referral, food distribution and collaborations with the faith community.

Dr. Barney Phillips ICOF VP of Missions


spirits. DOOR TO DOOR EVANGELISM: The Evangelistic team harvested 7 Souls last week by the Lord. We are glad the harvest is great and the Lord is at work by His Holy Spirit. PRAISE/WORSHIP CHOIR CONFERENCE: We look forward having Choirs and Singers from our churches during time in August 29th to 30th for Praise and Worship conference. Preparations started towards this, your prayers are important for events success.

KENYA VICTORY PRAISE Blessings and greetings from your Friends and ministry in Kenya, Africa in Christ Jesus! It's a blessing to share His Word and Testimony..... SUNDAY SERVICE: The Lord blessed the Service with great teachings of the great Man of Valor for God's purpose. We had 14 Souls come to Christ in Bungoma Central assembly. 6 Souls came to the Lord in Nasyanda Assembly. The prayer sessions were so good with great flow of the Holy Spirit. We did not lay hand but we had several healed from Malaria, eyes problems, arthritis and others. We also had one prayed for deliverance from familiar

BROTHER BUSHEBI'S TRIPS AROUND: There is always a need for Bishop Bushebi moving to churches in this region for teachings and revival. The last several Sundays, he's been in about 5 churches and the Lord has been using him more in the work. Thanks for your prayers enabling us move forth by the Lord's mercy.


AUGUST 14th - 7 PM

ICOF CSU Graduation


October 17th ICOF CSU Zambia


Host: Dr. Charles Mwape



Email for more information:

GATHERING OF EAGLES ACCRA GHANA. 8th to 10th of November 2012. Bishop Freeson (ICOF Bishop of Ghana)








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