NEXT WAVE magazine February 2013

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The Voice of Apostolic Reformation

Volume 81

Issue 2




THE NEXT WAVE PUBLISHER International Circle of Faith (ICOF)

Fasting and Praying for ICOF … Unity … Dr. Robert Straube

RELIGITICS Vision of Division Tony Perkins

The Next Wave - Contributing Editors David Tait, Lee Bates, Bernie Wade, Dallas Carter, Robert Straube, Barney

Do You See Your Calling? Arthur Burt

Philips, John Rogers, Sanford Wade, Doc Burkhart and other quests. Advertizing Inquiries For more information about advertising email or call 502.410.4263

I HATE FASTING… Steve Murrell

The Church Looks Like the World Ted Dones

Editorial Submissions We welcome submissions and editorials but assume no responsibility for the return of unsolicited submissions. Please send photos, articles, and documents to P.O. Box 72, Sulphur, KY 40070 Electronic submissions to:

Satan Let me Refresh Your Memory Derrick and Angela Day

THE NEXT WAVE MAGAZINE P.O. Box 72 Sulphur, KY 40070 502.410.4263

IN HONOR OF Dr. KING Bishop Derrick Day

ICOF Chaplaincy Dr. Barney Phillips A CALL TO PRAYER 2

Fasting and Praying for ICOF,

strange to the Old or the New

the Church, and Global Unity

Testament. It was not something strange in the early Christian Church

By Dr. Robert Straube

and it was also not something strange in the time of the Reformation and in the centuries thereafter. Moses, Elijah, Ezekiel and Daniel fasted and prayed. Jesus fasted for 40 days. Paul and the early Christians fasted. In the early Christian Church they fasted on Wednesdays and Fridays. Martin Luther was criticized because he fasted too much. John Calvin fasted and prayed until most of Geneva turned to

Fasting is a laudable practice and we

God. John Knox fasted and prayed and

have reason to lament that it is generally

the wicked Queen Mary said she feared

neglected among Christians, even in

no weapon like she feared John Knox's

ICOF. As a whole ministry, I wonder

prayers. Jonathan Edwards who was

whether we have ever fasted? I wonder

God's instrument in the revival in New

whether it has even occurred to us that

England, fasted and prayed. John

we ought to be considering the question

Wesley fasted twice a week. Charles

of fasting? The fact is, is it not, that this

Finney, one of the greatest spiritual

whole subject seems to have dropped

leaders in history, was a man who fasted

right out of our lives and right out of our

and prayed. D L Moody was not

whole Christian thinking. It was not

unfamiliar with fasting and praying.

Christ's intention to reject or despise fasting... it was His intention to restore proper fasting. To fast and pray is something strange to many Christians today. But it is not


A. What does it mean to fast and

humiliation (Lev.23:27).


7. In its essence, fasting means 1. To fast means to put God

that we tear our hearts before

first. There are times when we

God, confess our sins and turn to

have to eat and drink and sleep

the Lord anew (Joel 2:12-13).

and enjoy the blessings of a home

8. The Lord also intended fasting

life; but there are also times when

to sometimes have an element of

we have to turn our backs on it

happiness and joy (Zech.8:19).

and seek God's face in times of

In Isaiah 58:6-7 we find the

fasting and praying.

attitude we should have whilst

2. Fasting is an attitude of the

fasting and praying, which results

heart in which we interrupt our

in the blessings promised in

normal life to pray for a specific

Isaiah 58:8-14.

matter or cause. 3. Fasting also means perseverance in prayer. It means to be earnest with God; to pray until you have found the answer be it yes or no or wait a while. 4. Fasting is an effective way to remove obstacles and burdens to pray purposefully and with your attention. 5. Fasting can also be a sign of

The Lord Jesus set only one condition to

sadness or mourning but it also

fasting and that is sincerity. He does not

contains an element of firmness.

forbid it anywhere and neither does He

6. In the Old Testament they

say that it is unnecessary to fast and

often fasted as a sign of

pray. In Matthew 6:16-18 Jesus gives certain prescriptions for fasting. 4

Fasting and praying is a more

defeat at Ai to find out what went

intense form of praying. It could be


that we at ICOF have been praying for a

3. Fasting and praying can help to

certain matter for years without an

bring us into a position of victory

answer. There is but one alternative: fast

over sin.

and pray. Fasting and praying always lead to more personal sanctification and

4. We can obtain heavenly

God listens to a prayer from a pure

wisdom and revelation through

heart. Fasting and praying also stresses

fasting and prayer (Jer.33:3;

our seriousness about a matter before

Dan.9:2-3; 9:21-22; 10:2-3)

God. Some situations demand that we,

5. Many often experience a

as intercessors should fast and pray.

blessing when we fast and pray

There is sufficient evidence of what

for them (e.g. unsaved people or

effect fasting and prayer has had in the

people in some or other crisis)

course of the history of many countries

6. In history, revival was often

and many other situations.

given in answer to fasting and

B. What can we gain


through fasting and

We find in Esther 4 that a nation


was saved because of fasting and

1. We gain help in

prayer. God saved Nineveh

times of need

because the inhabitants fasted,

(Josh.7:6; Judges

prayed and repented (Jonah 2

20:26; Ezra 8:21-23)

and 3)

In the past, fasting brought deliverance in times of

7. Look at the blessings promised

crisis and for specific situations.

in Isaiah 58:8-14 that follow true fasting and prayer.

2. It helps us to find out what is wrong. Sometimes we have to fast

8. Fasting keeps us humble

and pray like Joshua and the


elder after they had suffered

9. Fasting chastises the body and 5

helps us to gain control over our

• Don't allow fasting to be only external

bodies (1 Cor.9:27; 1 Cor.6:13-

• Don't allow fasting to become a new


law in your life. Many people are afraid to fast, but as long as there are no medical reasons why you should not fast, there is no danger. It is even good for your body. The second and third days are normally slightly difficult because of the changes the body has to make and due to the

C. Different forms of fasting

toxic substances your body secretes but

1. An ordinary fast: when you

things do become better after that. If

take no solids for a certain period

you have never fasted before it would

and drink only water.

not be wise to fast and pray for more

2. A complete fast: to take no

than 36 hours. You can always extend

water or any other form of food

the period as you become more familiar

for a certain period.

with fasting and praying.

3. A partial fast: to omit certain

Don't try to prove something to others

foods for a certain period (e.g.

by fasting or try to set a record.

sweets) and/or to eat and drink

Fasting is a very intimate matter

less. During a partial fast

between you and the Lord. Allow the

someone might decide to eat

Holy Spirit to lead you as to how long

bread and drink water only.

you should fast and pray. Somebody on a normal fast can fast for quite some

D. The don'ts of fasting

time (up to 21 days) without risk. In

• Don't fast to earn God's blessings

recent times many thousands of people have fasted for 40 days. But the latter

• Don't fast as a substitute to obedience

should only be done on commission of

• Don't fast to impress others

the Lord.


to normal slowly. It is normally a good time to break the habit of overeating, if you have a problem with it. 6. The body excretes an excessive amount of toxic waste during the first three days. Shower or bath regularly and brush your teeth more than usual because you may E. Practical guidelines for fasting

have foul smelling breath,

and prayer.

especially during the first three days.

1. If you have never fasted before you should not fast for more than

7. Try to find as much time for

24-36 hours initially.

prayer as possible. Normally you do not need to stop your normal

2. Stop taking fluids containing

activities. You can fast even

caffeine the previous day. The

though you work a full day. You

withdrawal of caffeine normally

can even indulge in light forms of

causes headaches.

sport and exercise. You can for

3. People used to taking a lot of

instance use the times that you

sugar find fasting very difficult.

would be eating for prayer and

Keep up your fast though and

put as much time as possible

when you have completed it you

aside for fellowship with the

should try using less sugar.


4. Don't fast without fluids for

8. When you fast and pray it is

longer than three days.

best to break with your normal routine and go aside to pray in a

5. When you break your fast start

quiet spot.

by eating something light. Don't

9. The normal items you would

eat a large plate of food. Get back


need during fasting and prayer

should rather not fast. Consult

are a Bible, pen, note book, and

your doctor if you have any doubt

perhaps a spiritual book that you

about it.

are reading at that point in time.

13. If you have fasted for

Make notes about that which the

guidance from the Lord and

Lord lays upon your heart. Write

experience that you have received

new thoughts down. Don't rely on

guidance do not be hasty. Wait

your memory, write them down.

until the fast is over, especially if

10. Don't fast while working with

you are fasting for a long period.

a demon possessed or bound

It will give you a better

person. Fast and pray before the

perspective on the matter.

time. When you

14. Fasting is a

are working

matter between you

with such a case

and the Lord,

you will need

therefore don't copy




15. Drink

11. ICOF

plenty of water

members can

while you fast.

fast together. It is a good idea to have other believers fast and pray

16. When you have fasted for

with you. You can encourage each

more than three days it is

other and it is encouraging to

important to remember to:

know that the whole ministry is

a. start eating small

praying for the same matter.

portions of food

12. If there are medical reasons

b. eat slowly

why you cannot fast don't feel

c. chew your food well

guilty about it and do not be willful. Diabetics and people

d. stop eating if you

suffering from a heart disorder 8

experience discomfort


e. wait for the feeling of

G. Go aside for a day

discomfort to disappear before

Many people want to go aside and be

eating again

alone with God for a day. The question

f. don't do too much too

is: “What do I do all day?� The following


are a few ideas on how to schedule such a day. You can see if it will work for you

F. When should we fast?

for yourself. Remember these are only

1. We should fast when the Holy

ideas to stimulate you. The important

Spirit lays it on our hearts (Luke 4:1-2)

thing is to fill the day as it suits you.

2. When an individual has a

1. You can start by going aside for

particular need, for

only a morning or an


afternoon or an evening. If you can fill

a. if someone

in half a day you can

asks the

extend the period.

Lord's Will in a particular

2. Get a notebook, a


Bible, a pen and if you want to a good spiritual

b. for your own preparation for a

book. Pick a quiet place without

certain task;

telephones where you can be

c. in times of heavy attacks or

undisturbed. Decide for how long

temptations of the evil one

you want to be busy and try to stick to it.

d. when the individual feels that he should make more time for the Lord

3. Start your time with the Lord

to replenish his spiritual strength

with exaltation, worship and just being quiet in the presence of the

e. when we are confronted with


specific strongholds of the evil


4. If your mind starts wandering

and take a hard look at your own

and you think of everything you

relationship with the Lord. After

have to do, write it down on a

this you can pray for your

sheet of paper. In doing so you

personal needs or for specific matters. This can be followed by intercession. It is very important not to be in a hurry. The emphasis should be on fellowship with the Lord. 7. You have perhaps set this time

ensure that you will not forget

aside to pray for certain matters

and can pay attention to it later.

specifically or to seek the Lord's guidance. In that case make time

5. Select a book from the Bible

to pray specifically for that.

and start reading it from the beginning. For example you can

8. Vary your time with Bible

start reading Psalm 1, or you can

study and prayer. Also take time

take a book like Ephesians. Don't

to read a few chapters of a

be in a hurry. Take it verse by

spiritual book.

verse; ask the Lord what He

9. You may even sleep for a while

wants to teach you from that

if you feel like it. At the end of the

verse, reflect on the verse, and

day you will be revived and ready

then pray about it. When you

to get to work again. If possible, it

have finished with that verse,

is also a good idea to listen to

carry on and do the same with the

some Christian music from time

next one. Write down the

to time.

important things that the Lord is saying to you in your notebook. 6. After 30-60 minutes of Bible study you can go into direct prayer. Take time for confession 10

10. When ICOF, as a group, are

these are the areas the enemy can touch

withdrawing (going aside) for a

and slow us down; but, can we not first

day at the same time, you can

tackle these issues first with prayer and

follow the above guidelines and

fasting, in unity and faith that our God

get together, maybe every three -

can, and will supply all our needs?

four hours, or at a specified time

ICOF cannot supply what we haven’t

in the AM and /or PM and share

petitioned God for first. Then He is

what you have experienced, and

faithful to hear us and supply all our

also pray together.


Dr. Robert Straube is President of ICOF CSU (International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities). He also serves as Assistant Presiding Bishop of ICOF Ministerial Associations. His is the author of a plethora of books and is part of the Editorial team of Next Wave magazine.

ICOF has been called to accomplish a huge, global vision, which the Lord has set before us. If we are standing in agreement with God, prayer and fasting need to become a foundational staple in our ministry lives if we are to see this vision fulfilled. Even with all the good reports and testimonies, I hear more complaining about circumstances having to do with money, schools, food, humanitarian aid, sickness and many other ministry needs. Those things will always be with us, for



Fasting and praying are Bible-based disciplines that are appropriate for all believers of all ages throughout all centuries in all parts of the world.

The Power of Prayer and Fasting By Marilyn Hickey Guest Columnist

Through the years, I have learned that many people in the church have never been taught about fasting and prayer, and many have therefore never fasted and prayed. As a result, they don't know why fasting and praying are important, what the Bible teaches about fasting, or how to fast. To many, fasting sounds like drudgery -- or a form of religious works. To others, fasting sounds extremely difficult. People tend to stand in awe at reports of those who have fasted for several weeks. When I hear about such fasts, I no doubt think what they think: If I fasted that long, I'd die! I couldn't possibly do that! – "Fasting and prayer? Didn't those go out of style decades ago?" The woman who said this to me was a godly woman, a woman who had been in the church all her life, and a woman intent on obeying the Lord. She knew her Bible. She was very serious in her questions. Yet for some reason, she had concluded -at least subconsciously -- that fasting and prayer were no longer intended for believers in today's world. The truth is, fasting and prayer are for today! In fact, now more than ever!

Let me assure you at the outset of this book that I am not advocating prolonged periods of fasting for every believer. A fast can be as short as one meal. Neither do I advocate fasting and praying for the mere sake of saying with self-righteousness, "I have fasted and prayed about this." I do

The combination of fasting and praying is not a fad or a novelty approach to spiritual discipline. Fasting and praying are not part of a human-engineered method or plan. They are not the means to manipulate a situation or to create a circumstance.


not advocate fasting so that the hungry in a foreign nation might have the food you would have eaten that day -- which is highly unlikely. I do not advocate fasting apart from prayer.

the realm of a very practical area of life, such as a relationship or finances. What I have seen repeatedly through the yearsnot only in the Scriptures but in countless personal stories that others have told me -is that periods of fasting and prayer produce great spiritual results, many of which fall into the realm of a breakthrough. What wasn't a reality . . . suddenly was. What hadn't worked . . . suddenly did. The unwanted situation or object that was there . . . suddenly wasn't there. The relationship that was unloving . . . suddenly was loving. The job that hadn't materialized . . . suddenly did.

KEY REASONS TO FAST AND PRAY I do, however, encourage every believer to fast and pray for two very important reasons: 1. The Scriptures Teach Us to Fast and Pray The Bible has a great deal to say about both fasting and praying, including commands to fast and pray. The Bible also gives us examples of people who fasted and prayed, using different types of fasts for different reasons, all of which are very positive results. Jesus fasted and prayed. Jesus' disciples fasted and prayed after the Resurrection. Many of the Old Testament heroes and heroines of the faith fasted and prayed. The followers of John the Baptist fasted and prayed. Many people in the early church fasted and prayed. What the Scriptures have taught us directly and by the examples of the saints is surely something we are to do.

The very simple and direct conclusions I draw are these: First, if the Bible teaches us to do something, I want to do it. I want to obey the Lord in every way that He commands me to obey Him. And second, if fasting and praying are means to a breakthrough that God has for me, I want to undertake those disciplines so I might experience that breakthrough! Every person I know needs a breakthrough in some area of his or her life. I am no exception. I need breakthroughs all the time -- it may be a breakthrough in understanding a situation, a breakthrough answer to a problem, a breakthrough idea, a breakthrough insight, a breakthrough in financial or material provision, a breakthrough in health. If you have any

2. Fasting and Prayer Put You into the Best Possible Position for a Breakthrough That breakthrough might be in the realm of the spirit. It may be in the realm of your emotions or personal habits. It may be in 14

need in your life, you need a breakthrough from God to meet that need! Fasting and prayer break the yoke of bondage and bring about a release of God's presence, power, and provision.

Word." Through the years, the Lord has confirmed that word to me a number of times, but this was my initial call to take the message of God's Word to the whole earth, and it came as the result of one day of prayer and fasting.

I certainly have seen this borne out in the course of my ministry.

The breakthrough that you may need in your life is a sense of God's direction -- not only for today and tomorrow, but for the broad scope of your life. If you long to know God's purpose for you on this earth, I strongly encourage you to seek God in prayer and fasting.

When I was forty-two years old, I went to an Assemblies of God camp in Alexandria, Minnesota, to speak for a women's retreat. The first two days of the retreat went very well, and then I had one day in between the first retreat and the second -so many women had registered, the camp could not host all of the women at the same time. I took that day in this lovely place in Minnesota to enjoy the lakes and trees -- it was a gorgeous environment -- and to fast and pray about God's will for my life. I felt as if I was doing a lot of good things, but I also thought I might miss God's best for me. I longed to hear from God and to receive a revelation from Him about my life.

THE PRINCIPLES OF BIBLICAL FASTING There are two main overriding principles related to prayer and fasting in the Bible. First, biblical fasting is going without food. The noun translated "fast" or "a fasting" is tsom in the Hebrew and nesteia in the Greek language. It means the voluntary abstinence from food. The literal Hebrew translation would be "not to eat." The literal Greek means "no food." I know people who say they go without television or movies, and they call these "fasting" times. I'm not opposed to that definition of fasting-fasting does imply that we are giving up one thing in

In that day of fasting and prayer, God spoke to me words from Isaiah 11:9: "I have called you to cover the earth with the 15

order to replace it with something else, and in the Bible sense, specifically to replace it with prayer. But in the main, I believe fasting has to do with our abstaining from food. Second, biblical fasting is linked with serious seasons of prayer. The more seriously we approach prayer and fasting, the more serious the results we will experience.

am opposed to is making the losing of weight your primary goal in a season of spiritual fasting and prayer. To have weight loss as a goal makes your fasting a diet plan, not a time of genuine fasting and prayer. If losing weight is your purpose in fasting, you will be missing out on the full reason for fasting, and you likely will be concerned only with what you don't eat rather than with what you are led to pray. Now there's certainly an issue of food that is associated with many seasons of prayer and fasting, and let me quickly add this: control of eating is a valid reason to fast. The purpose is not the number of pounds you might lose during a fast, but rather, trusting God to help you regain mastery over food during a fast. Jesus said, "The spirit is . . . willing, but the flesh is weak" (Matt. 26:41). Fasting is a means of bringing the flesh into submission to the Lord so He can strengthen us in our mastery over our own selves. Fasting in the flesh makes us stronger to stand against the temptations of the flesh. Those temptations very often deal with food.

I sometimes hear people say, "I'm giving up chocolate" and they regard this as a type of fasting. I think this is a rather frivolous approach. The first and foremost purpose of a biblical or spiritual fast is to get a breakthrough on a particular matter that one lifts up to the Lord in prayer. A spiritual fast involves our hearts and the way in which we relate to and trust God. It relates to discerning and receiving strength to follow through on what God might reveal to us about circumstances in our lives or a direction we are to take.

Abstaining from food is often God's way of showing that His desire for us is that we regain mastery over all things associated with our flesh in order to subdue our flesh and elevate our emphasis on spiritual matters. God's promise is to help us as we overcome the flesh and put all carnal temptations into subjection.

I am not against people fasting in order to lose weight. Many people fast to lose weight or maintain their weight. What I


We are wise to recognize that food was the enticement the devil used to cause Eve and Adam to sin in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 2 the Lord God told Adam and Eve that they could eat freely of every tree in the garden of Eden, "but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die" (Gen. 2:17). God did not tell Adam and Eve to refrain from touching a particular animal or smelling a particular flower or swimming in a certain stream. He told them to refrain from taking a particular fruit into their bodies-one type of fruit out of all the many types He had made available to them.

Adam and Eve had a choice to make about this one tree. God told them to abstain from eating from its fruit because He did not want His beloved creation to have knowledge of evil. He had already given them a full knowledge of everything He called "good."He wanted to spare them the heartache of knowing evil. That's true for us today as Christians. God calls us to pursue only what is good. Paul wrote to the Philippians: "Whatsoever things are true . . . honest . . . just . . . pure . . . lovely . . . of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things" (Phil. 4:8). God desires only good for His children. He tells us in His Word, "Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good" (Rom. 12:21).

God had given Adam and Eve authority over all things that He had created-every bird, fish, beast of the field, and over "every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat" (Gen. 1:29). God did not prohibit Adam and Eve from interacting with any part of God's creation when He commanded them to be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, and subdue it-except for this one tree and its fruit. They were not to eat of a particular tree, what God described to them as the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil."

Even as God calls us away from evil and toward good, He gives us a choice. So many of the problems we have in our world today are the result of men and women making the wrong choices. They have knowingly and unknowingly chosen what is evil. And the end result is the same for us as it was for Adam and Eve: death and all forms of sin that lead to death (see Rom. 6:23).

Why did God set apart this one tree and its fruit? God was giving Adam and Eve free will and the ability to make choices and decisions. Free will isn't really free if a person has no choice.


Let me point out to you two results from the disastrous choice that Adam and Eve made about the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

presented in the most tempting ways in stores, restaurants, and on menus. The devil says the same thing to us he said to Eve:"Has God really said you can't have a bite of this?" A woman once said to me, "If there's a piece of pie in my house, it calls out to me. It says to me, even in the middle of night, 'Eat me. Come eat me.' I can't resist." Now I'm certainly not linking the devil to a piece of pie, but I am saying this: the devil will always call your attention repeatedly to the thing that is harmful for you, but he will do it in a way that makes you feel deprived if you don't indulge in eating, drinking, or partaking of what is harmful. The implication of the devil is always: "This is so good. Has God really said you can't have any of this good thing?"

1. Diverted Attention First, Eve listened to what the devil had to say to her about the fruit itself. The devil diverted her attention from whatever it was that Eve was doing. He called her attention to the tree and its fruit. The Bible tells us the devil came to her in the guise of a beautiful and subtle serpent and said to her, "Hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?" (Gen. 3:1). There's no indication that Eve had given much thought to the tree before the devil asked her this question. There's no record that she longed for it or had any curiosity about it. She certainly didn't crave it, because she had never tasted it!

Never forget that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the knowledge of good and evil. There was an element of good in that fruit, not just evil. The devil told Eve specifically that the fruit of the tree was "good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes" (Gen. 3:6). All Eve had to do was look to see that the fruit was pleasant. She made a bad assumption, however, that what was visually pleasant would also be "good for food." In that, the devil was very wrong!

In many ways, the devil uses this same tactic today. He calls our attention to how beautiful and refreshing certain foods and beverages appear. It's difficult to go through a day without seeing enticing food and beverage commercials on billboards, on television, and in magazines. Foods are

What about us? There's an element of good in foods and substances that are ultimately bad for us, even if it's just the good appearance, smell, or taste. Have you


ever noticed how beautiful all the colored and distinctly shaped bottles look in a bar? Those bottles always seem lighted in just the right way to make them look very special, very festive, very appealing. Many foods are pleasant to the eyes. Many drinks are presented in ways that make them appear pleasing. We buy into the lie that what is pleasing is also nutritious and beneficial.

Our answer must be a firm "Yes! God has called me to fast. He has called me to give my full attention to Him and to His commandments. He has called me to obey Him fully in all things. And God has called me to say no to you, devil!" 2. Temptations Toward False Benefits Eve listened to what the devil had to say to her about the benefits of eating what God had prohibited. The devil always points out the would-be and usually short-term benefits of sin. Many substances that are ultimately harmful for us taste good or feel good or bring pleasure. In some cases, the partaking of the substance makes us feel like adults, feel accepted by others, or feel more powerful and in greater control. Some people say about certain foods and substances that they "give me quick energy," "make me more alert," or "help me relax."

Fasting calls us to turn away from food. Fasting calls us to divert our attention back to the things of God and His commandments. Fasting calls us to face and overcome the devil's call: "Has God really said you can't have this?" Fasting calls us to abstain from all things harmful for us, and in most cases, from all food for a period of time. The devil's insistent question is likely to become very loud in our minds as we begin a fast: "Has God really said you can't eat? Not anything? Not the things you love the most? Has God really called you to fast- to abstain totally from this thing that you have labeled as 'good'?"

The devil told Eve that the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would make her wise-she would be as a "god," knowing good and evil. In the short term, the devil was right. Eve suddenly had a knowledge of evil. She really knew in her own experience as a human being that evil existed. This was the first time in her life she had ever known the contrast-up to that point, all things had been good. What the devil failed to mention to Eve was the ultimate consequence that God had associated with eating of this fruit: 19

consequences, what is godly and what is ungodly. I am much more discerning about what lines up with God's commandments and what falls into the category of 'man's commands.'" I asked him what happened after he stopped fasting. He laughed and said, "I am still very clear on these things, but there's also a time after I end fasting that the whole world seems more vivid and more colorful than ever before. I can distinguish tastes again. The sky seems bluer than before. The air seems crisper in the mountains. All of my senses seem to be heightened toward what is God's creation-which is always good- and what is man's invention-which very often has an element of evil to it."

"You shall surely die." The devil failed to mention any downside to her disobedience. In fact, he dismissed God's consequences with a sarcastic question. The devil comes at us the same way. The devil never tells us that drinking alcohol can make a person an alcoholic. He never tells a person that smoking cigarettes can cause him or her to have lung cancer. He never tells a person that eating too much of the wrong foods can lead to chronic illness and premature death. The devil points out only short-term benefits, never long-term disasters.

Those who fast often experience greater discernment of good and evil. In fact, it seems to be a major by-product of fasting. God seems to give us an opportunity as we fast to take a look again at our lives and the world around us and to discern what is good and what is evil.

When we fast, we are suddenly aware once again of what is good and evil. We have a heightened awareness not only of God's goodness and of God's commandments, but of the evil that abounds in the world around us. A man once said to me about fasting, "It seems that when I fast the world seems much more black and white, at least for a period of time. I see right and wrong much more clearly. I see good and bad, blessings and cursings, benefits and negative 20


judgment through fasting and prayer. Of course that will never happen unless God’s people get more concerned about the next generation than their next meal

I Hate Fasting But I Do It Anyway, Here’s Why… by Steve Murrell

2. Fasting releases prophetic strategies for victory. The Moabites, Amonites, and several other hostile nations were arrayed against Israel. (See 2 Chr 20:1-30.) King Jehoshaphat called for a fast. You know you are in a desperate situation when a guy nicknamed J-PHAT calls for a fast. During the fast, a prophetic word was given that laid out God’s strategy for their battle. “No swords. No shields. No spears. Get your tambourines ready, we’re going to war!” I’m sure there were some battle-hardened warriors who thought that word was way off. After all, “We’ve never fought a battle like that before.” As always, God knew best. If we are willing to skip a few meals, we may receive prophetic strategies to influence our cities for God’s glory. They may be new and untried strategies, but if they are from God, we can be confident they will work.

I hate fasting but, I do it anyway. For as long as I remember I have started my year with a week of prayer, fasting and consecration. Here’s a blog I wrote a few years ago that explains why I fast… When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to men that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Jesus said that our heavenly Father rewards fasting. Following are seven rewards of fasting: 1. Fasting turns back God’s wrath and judgment.

3. Fasting activates people and provision for God’s work.

Moses recorded that God was angry enough to destroy Aaron and the children of Israel because of their gold cow idol (Dt 9:18-20). But, as we know, God’s wrath was turned back after Moses fasted and prayed. There has been much said and written the past few years about God’s wrath and judgment on different nations. I’m convinced that Christians can turn back God’s

Nehemiah’s building project was preceded by corporate fasting. Would it have been as successful without the fasting? I don’t think so. In 1984, God opened the door for our fledgling Manila church to have its own (rented) building in Manila’s crowded University-Belt as we fasted and prayed. Each time our church has expanded to a new building 22

to own or rent, a vital part of our fundraising strategy has been prayer and fasting.

Probably. The real question is: Would they have been sensitive enough to hear the Holy Spirit speak if they had not fasted? Maybe. Maybe not. Are you seeking God for a new direction in your life or ministry? Good time to fast.

4. Fasting releases wisdom and favor.

6. Fasting breaks demonic strongholds. On one occasion, the disciples unsuccessfully attempted to cast out a demon. When they asked Jesus why they had failed, He responded: this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting (Matt 17:21). This seems to indicate that there are certain demonic situations that, for one reason or another, can only be defeated through fasting. Isaiah said that true fasting will loose chains . . . untie the cords of yoke . . . set the oppressed free and break every yoke (Is 58:6). Have you ever encountered a stubborn demonic situation? Maybe it’s the kind that only goes out by prayer and fasting.

Daniel and his friends went on a partial fast (vegetables and water only). At the end of the fast, they were compared with the rest of the young men of Babylon. The results are recorded in Daniel 1:20. In every matter of wisdom and understanding about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and enchanters in his whole kingdom. Would you like to be ten times better than your competitors? Just lay off the pizza for a few days and seek God wholeheartedly.

7. Fasting increases spiritual power. Luke records that Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit and that He was led by the Spirit.

5. Fasting clarifies and redirects callings and ministries.

After His forty day fast, He returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit (Lk 4:1,14). How many Christians do you know who are full of the Spirit and led by the Spirit, but do not walk in the power of the Spirit? Need more power? Spiritual power is one of the rewards of fasting.

Paul, Barnabas, and a few other Antioch church leaders were me eating together, and while they were worshipping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said: set apart for me Barnabas . . .(Acts 13:1-3). While they were fasting, the Holy Spirit spoke. Would He have spoken this new direction even if they had not fasted?

——————————— 23


Laymon Hornsby. He has been faithfully studying, preaching, and teaching the uncompromised Word of God for nearly seven years. In addition to his labor in the Kingdom of God, Derrick is also a consultant in software engineering, a former columnist with the Norfolk, Virginia New Journal and Guide, and a former radio talk-show host at WNIS News Radio in Norfolk, Virginia. He is a native of Detroit, MI.


Angela Day is an anointed teacher and expounder of the uncompromised Word of God. Angela is a graduate of Lamar University (B.B.A.) and the University of Phoenix (M.B.A.). She is the author of The Fasting Journal, several children’s books and is currently working on her first novel. Angela is a native of Crockett, TX.

By Derrick and Angela Day

Bishop Derrick Day and his lovely wife Angela have combined their considerable talents to bring to you a book that will help you and those to whom you minister with their walk with God. The Day’s are not merely writers; these folks live what they write, or (as we like to say) walk the walk!

Derrick and Angela are the proud parents of five sons, Donovan, Troy, Zachary, Derrick II (Deucie), and Anthony. The boys keep them young at heart and gray in the hair! In Satan, Let Me Refresh Your Memory they bring us an uplifting look at the rightful place of the believer. Here are some excerpts. We ascribe to Satan more power than he deserves. Truth is, the power he wields is inferior to the power imparted to us by Jesus Christ. This book seeks to inform the children of God of the power given to them by their Heavenly Father and to equip them with tools to remind the devil of what the Word of God has to say about him.

Derrick Day is the founder and Pastor of Agape Dominion Outreach and Founding Bishop of Kingdom Covenant, a ministry governance and church planting organization. He serves as the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Chairman of North America. He is also a former Associate Pastor of His Kingdom Manifested Ministries in Centerton, Arkansas under Pastor


This book is intended for the Citizen of the Kingdom of God – the born-again, blood-washed, Jesus-loving believer. It is intended to introduce the new believer to the fact that Satan is powerless in the face of God’s glorious power and the dominion the Lord has endowed in His children.

Do you think you’re ready to refresh the devil’s memory? Do you think you need more time to prepare? In either case, read on…and thank God for preparing you for “a time such as this!”

Likewise, for the mature believer, it will serve as a reminder of the power available to them and the boldness that power will give them. This book is also useful for the non-believer. Through these words, it is our hope the Holy Spirit minister to those who do not know God but feel they have reached the end of their ability to navigate life as they know it. Hopefully, the words on these pages will quicken a hunger and thirst for the Living Word of God!

For more information about the book


day. • Mid Day - Before or after lunch take time to pray wherever you are. Encourage those around you to pray with you (co-workers, peers, clients, etc.) • Evening - pray with you family, your friends, neighbors, etc. Encourage places of business, church buildings, malls, etc. to designate a place for daily prayer. Pray for God to give us space for REPENTACE! Pray for your family, friends and others who are not committed to Jesus Christ. Pray for healing, renewal, deliverance and more. Prayer is communication. The key thing is to STOP what you are doing. Take time to find a quiet place where you can communicate with God. We are not directing you how long to pray. Rather we are leaving that up to the individual or the group, but by all means - PRAY!

In a recent weekly Executive Session we discussed how the enemies of the cross seem more committed to prayer to their false deities than followers of Jesus Christ demonstrate. In discussing the challenges, understanding that there has been some 2000 years since the advent of Jesus Christ's earthly ministry, we concluded that there is no organized effort to call the people of God to daily prayer. Granted, there have been and remain efforts to such as the national day of prayer but this is only to direct us to prayer one day per year. Thus, It is our expectation to see a global 'Call to Prayer' where Biblical Christians (followers of Jesus Christ) would commit to pray on a daily basis.

Posture - in Scripture we find people praying in a variety of postures kneeling, standing, laying prostrate, etc. All of these are acceptable. IF you would like to connect with others who are praying in like manner please feel free to email: JOIN THE CALL TO PRAYER Just tell us,

Here is our challenge: Prayer - 3 times a day. We are asking every follower of Jesus Christ to commit to prayer three times each day. This is a commitment to daily prayer for the rest of our lives. This prayer time can be anytime during the day but we are suggesting the following: • Morning - Pray by yourself, with your family or those where you work or go to school. This will help set the tone for the 27


faith. What a ludicrous statement and how utterly un-Biblical! Paul had more faith than most of us and he never stopped going through trials. We talk faith and prosperity while the church around the world grows in not merely number, but in depth and maturity. They see miracles and God's power; they sense His presence.

A BURDEN -Michael Carl.

'Have you ever wondered how we can have million dollar church buildings and pack-in huge crowds on Sunday, but have no power in our witness? Do you wonder how about half of the people in this country claim to have had a born again experience and how the churches are having so little of an impact? Have you been amazed at the fact that American society is becoming increasingly antagonistic to the church. How can this be? The answer seems to be that it's because the pastors in the pulpits have sold out to the 'Seeker Sensitive' movement. We've opted for programs, lights, smoke machines, stage props, and the prosperity Gospel.

How? They've learned to persevere through trials. A Charismatic Episcopal Church Bishop in Pakistan had a Muslim slit his throat, throw him off of a bus and leave him for dead just because the Bishop was a Christian. But the Bishop's ministry grows and he sees the fruit. Christians in other parts of the world weep for revival in the American church. What does that say about us? It means that we are weak and selfabsorbed. I heard another television preacher turn the tables and suggest that a preacher who focused on subjects like F. F. Bruce's The Hard Sayings of Jesus was not preaching the Gospel and ignoring the truth of the Word! 'They didn't want to hear that' he claimed!

Pastors preach the Gospel of SelfFulfillment and talk about how we're destined to reign. Our pulpits echo with: 'God wants you to be happy' and 窶郎ou can have your best life now'. We have major tele-preachers holding 'camp meetings' where the 'preacher' shouts, 'Let's celebrate you!' I heard a preacher say once that if you have trials in your life, then you don't have enough

What utter disregard for the truth! Jesus said, '"The Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head,"' and told His followers of His coming arrest, trial, torture and crucifixion. This means we're deceived 29

and taken with greed. There are no tears for revival and the only One weeping is Jesus. He bled and died for us and we proclaim that the Gospel is a means to prosperity, power and influence. Church services look more like pop concerts and the preaching is only a babbling collection of selfabsorbed slogans and how God wants us to be happy! No, God wants us to be holy!


Dr. Teddy Dones launched an amazing new network! Fivefold Connection. FIVEFOLD CONNECTION is like Facebook without the distraction of unwanted content allowed on Facebook. Dr. Dones is an alumnus of International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities (ICOF CSU). Looking at the success of social media, he has had a burden to create a place where those who enjoy social media can interact without the rudiments of the world dominating the conversation.

Where is the message of repentance? Where is the '"If anyone would come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me"'? Folks, the message of the cross is foolishness and offensive to the world. Can you imagine Elijah having a chat with the wicked King Ahab about how we can 'Coexist'? Or, do you think John the Baptist should have opened a dialogue with Herod about tolerance? No, those mighty men of God were sent to confront the leaders of their time about the sin in the society! Why is it that our evangelicals spend their time trying to 33333cozy up and make nice with our politicians while there are souls perishing hourly and going into a Christless eternity?

Dr. Dones and his wife Janet are the leaders of Messengers of Fire a powerful ministry located in the Ohio valley (USA) but doing ministry all over the world. Join Fivefold Connection for FREE!


ICOF members have united over 50,000 ministers representing more than 25 Million constituents, several hundred colleges, universities and other Christian schools, orphanages & feeding programs, humanitarian aid organizations, chaplains and other charities.



that he is committed to continuing his push for big, centralized, and expensive government. And paramount to that push is a highly controversial vision that includes everything from unlimited entitlements and gun bans to illegal immigration to special rights based on sexual behavior. "Our journey is not complete," the President said, "until our gay brothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law--for if we are truly created equal, then surely the love we commit to one another must be equal as well." In these instances, a speech that could have built bridges only widened the gaps.

A Vision of Division By Tony Perkins _____ Of the two enduring themes of Barack Obama's first inauguration, one remains: change. The "hope" that propelled more than a million and a half people to Washington four years ago, has dimmed--replaced, as we watched yesterday, by the promise of more strident and aggressive liberalism. When the President put his hand on Abraham Lincoln's Bible and swore to uphold the office, he did so as the leader of a deeply divided nation. And although his inaugural speech contained several noble themes--unity was not one of them. As he launched into his vision for a second term, his premise was not "We, the People," but "We, Some of the People." Gone was the inspirational rhetoric of four years ago--and in its place was a profoundly political and partisan warning. "We have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action."

To many, the President's combative tone was a striking contrast to the uplifting vision cast barely two miles away from where the President stood. There, 50 years ago, in the midst of one of the greatest injustices of our time, the

With every reinvention of the Founder's ideals, President Obama made it clear 33

Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. spoke not of division--but of hope. "With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day." Dr. King, whose legacy Americans honored yesterday, sought to "conduct our struggle"--not with hostility--but "on the high plane of dignity and discipline."

built upon. Let us be, as Dr. King said, "those creative dissenters who will call our beloved nation to a higher destiny. To a new plateau of compassion, to a more noble expression of humanness."

There Is Life after 40

As we enter these next four years, let that be our call. The President agrees with you and me on very little. However, that does not absolve us of our duty as Christians to pray for him as Paul instructed I Timothy 2:1. "Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence." Paul understood that God can use even those who are against Him to accomplish great things. Proverbs says the Lord can turn the hearts of kings like He turns the rivers of waters.

While yesterday's festivities still dominate the news, pro-lifers awoke today remembering that 40 years ago, America was inaugurating something else: a new era of abortion-on-demand. Four decades ago, the nation's eyes were on the Supreme Court, where the decision of seven unelected men in Roe v. Wade led to the largest loss of life in human history. One generation and 55 million abortions later, the debate is as fierce today as it was in 1973. There are some, like Time magazine, who insist that pro-lifers have been losing ever since the war on the womb began. And then there are others, who will stand on

As Christians in America, I think we have an even greater reason to pray. We are a government of the people, by the people and for the people. That means we are the government. Our leaders are not given to us by birth or other means--we elect them. And as Americans, we bear a higher level of responsibility for what they do. Just as God's word compels us to pray for this President, it compels us to actively oppose the policies that run counter to the transcendent truths our country was 34

the National Mall this Friday, in a crush of hundreds of thousands of protestors for the March for Life, and recognize that the culture, despite what the media says, is changing.

abortion policy, an unprecedented number of states are chipping away at Roe's influence. In just two years, states have signed into law an unprecedented 135 pro-life measures requiring ultrasounds, abortion waiting periods, ambulatory safety standards, parental notification, and limitations on abortions after 20 weeks. Others defunded Planned Parenthood. Still more required abortion doctors to have hospital admitting policies. In four states, only one abortion clinic remains. These are not the signs of a dying movement; these are the signs of a movement saving the dying! As Anna Higgins and I wrote in USA Today, we look forward to time when this grave error will be corrected--and we can build a culture in which all human life is protected and treasured. As the world will see in the determined faces of young marchers this Friday, the next 40 years hold great promise for that goal.

In the face of the most aggressive, proabortion administration in history, more Americans are rallying to the defense of the unborn than ever before. According to a Gallup poll, the number of people who identify themselves as "pro-choice" is at its lowest point ever: 41%, a 10percent drop in the past five years. Just last week, a Marist poll confirmed what state leaders have already recognized: 83% of Americans support significant restrictions on abortion, 60% believe it to be morally wrong, and just 11% feel, as President Obama does, that abortion should be allowed for any reason, at any time. While the Left is desperate to write our movement's obituary, the fact remains that Roe v. Wade is losing its grip on more American hearts, minds-and, more importantly--state legislation.

It's Time to Pray Our Respects

As President Obama continues his march toward conscience-killing, taxpayer-funded, freedom-restricting, 35

generation to protect life. In the meantime, I encourage you to pray, as I did, for boldness and unity among these many members of character.

Tony Perkins is President of the Washington, D.C.based Family Research Council. He is a former member of the Louisiana legislature where he served for eight years, and he is recognized as a legislative pioneer for authoring measures like the nation's first Covenant Marriage law. Although he had no opposition for re-election, he kept his pledge to serve only two terms and left office at the completion of his term in 2004.

Earlier today, at the Capitol, I had the privilege of opening the first session of the Republican Study Committee in prayer. As some of you know, the RSC is the largest caucus of House conservatives, and its leaders have included some of our strongest allies for life, faith, family, and freedom--Reps. Jim Jordan, Jeb Hensarling, Tom Price, and now-Governor Mike Pence. The RSC's newest chairman is a man I know well, Congressman Steve Scalise of Louisiana. Steve and I were elected at the same time in the Louisiana legislature and served together through some of the state's stormy economic times. His leadership over the next two years will be crucial, when the road to protect America's ideals is rockiest.

Unfortunately, most people don't realize the tremendous burden on these conservatives and their families, which is one reason I feel called to pray for the RSC--not just today, but every day. Under this administration, there will be no easy days, but I believe that on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, God can use this body to lead a new 36


through them, they are just a vessel He is using for His kingdom purposes – that is His sovereign and divine right!


Sadly, some people trade on the miraculous: They state that if you do certain things such as pray more, fast more, worship more, read the word more etc. that we can move the hand of God by our works. God’s gifting is nothing to do with man’s performance – that is works! The manifestation of the miraculous and supernatural through a man does not relate to a wonderful man, it is our wonderful God displaying His awesome power through them. The power is OF God, working THROUGH the man, TO the glory of God for kingdom purposes and God’s glory.

By Arthur Burt

The Church of Jesus Christ consists of gifted people but there is something about the miraculous that is so attractive to mankind – of course! It is the supernatural hand of God extending His power, for His glory, through an earthen vessel for the extension of His kingdom, and not man’s glory or kingdom.

Do I understand what worship really is? It is not just a physical posture of kneeling or singing, it is in ALL that I do in everyday life. It is the choice of my heart. My life and my body are God’s temple. With each new day I present myself to the Lord, in all that I undertake daily in spirit and in truth. This is true worship as I venture in to the world and the workplace, secular or Christian, working, eating, relating to the whatever and the whosoever in stewardship of all He has given me of earth’s temporal blessings, but also demonstrating from the divine deposit of “Christ in me” a lifestyle that glorifies God in the ordinary or the extraordinary, as He directs.

The gift is never about the vessel God chooses to use, but many miss this important fact. The Spirit of God “divides His gifts severally as He wills,” 1 Corinthians 12:4-12. We are all gifted in the Body of Christ, we all have function in our ordinary lives. When we recognize our calling, we also recognize God’s unction on our function, it is all of Him. Do I recognize my gift or seek another’s? There are no superior individuals. If God chooses a person to display His miraculous gift

Is it a challenge or a joyous choice to me?…..”Whether you eat, drink or


whatsoever you do, DO ALL to the glory of God,” 1 Corinthians 10:31 It is a lifestyle.

When our lives are “hidden in Christ” then His gift in us will manifest, maybe not to the world like a Heidi Baker, but that should not concern us if that is not our calling. My prayer is, “Lord, help me to be what You have called me to be, rest in You and operate in my function.” Many have wrongly thought that being a preacher is “arriving”, but letting Christ live in me is the goal, letting God be true and seeing all else as “filthy rags.”

Our Lord Jesus had the highest position in the kingdom as the Son of God, yet He taught and demonstrated that it was important to be the servant of all – He took a towel and washed the disciple’s feet, knowing who He was and where He had come from, John 13:3 – 5. Have you washed anyone’s feet lately?….not literally but in the mundane, everyday tasks of servanthood. God sees. I can glorify God with an ordinary life. As the hymn writer so beautifully put it, “Let our ordered lives confess the beauty of Thy peace.”

Am I so enchanted by some revelation yet so unchanged in my personal life and walk with the Lord, (quoted from Oswald Chambers). God seeks to change me, not others, by replacing me with the life of His dear Son, “Christ in me.” If I am unchanged I am without excuse, because Jesus finished the work on Calvary. It is my choice to allow Him to live His life in me. Several verses in Deuteronomy 16 declare that “there is a place that the Lord thy God shall choose, to place His name there.” If I allow Him to place His name on every area of my heart and life and give Him full sway, there is a Royal Exchange that takes place in my heart of His rest and full release.

If what I do in life does not come from my rest in Jesus then I am on a treadmill of performance – trying to do good works and earn validation. A wheel does not go round to become a wheel, it goes round because it is a wheel! Not all Believers attend Bible Schools but we are all in the School of the Spirit and He is teaching us to allow Him to access every moment, every situation of our daily life that Christ may effectually live His life through us spontaneously, which directs and connects us to people.

Arthur Burt has been taking the message God gave him on “The revelation of the glory of God” to the body of Christ worldwide for almost 50 years, emphasizing that God will not give His glory to another



1 Thessalonians 4:3-6 Amplified Bible (AMP) 3 For this is the will of God, that you should be consecrated (separated and set apart for pure and holy living): that you should abstain and shrink from all sexual vice, 4 That each one of you should know how to [a]possess (control, manage) his own [b]body in consecration (purity, separated from things profane) and honor, 5 Not [to be used] in the passion of lust like the heathen, who are ignorant of the true God and have no knowledge of His will, 6 That no man transgress and overreach his brother and defraud him in this matter or defraud his brother in business. For the Lord is an avenger in all these things, as we have already warned you solemnly and [c]told you plainly.

By Apostle Ted Dones

We are at a place in time where the church looks just like the world and the reason it does is because we have changed what the Word says, instead of doing what it tells us to do. We do what we want to do and then say, it really doesn't mean that we have to do it. If that is true why did God say this? Just something to think about?


addressed symptoms without treating the root cause.

In Honor of Dr. King By Derrick Day

Dr. King studied the successful employment nonviolent resistance of Mahatma Gandhi in the liberation of India. Mr. Gandhi, in turn, derived his strategy by studying the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus, while a King in command of the heavenly army, withstood insults, beatings and, ultimately, crucifixion without resistance of any kind. As a result, Jesus changed the entire world!

Today we observe the birthday of a great American, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. It is clear the nation owes him a debt of gratitude for what his accomplishments in the realm of social justice and equality. However, I would like to speak briefly regarding Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the man of God.

Today, the country (indeed, the world) is plagued with all manner of social ills. In spite of Dr. King’s efforts, racial inequality is still an issue. There are violent political disagreements. Proposed changes to the social order (e.g., homosexual “marriage”) threaten the very fabric of our nation. Hunger, poverty, and physical illness still pose serious problems. But, like Dr. King, we must come to the realization that the root of the problems are spiritual and, likewise, the change must be spiritual.

Dr. King understood something the Body of Christ misses today: that if you want to change the social fabric of a nation, you must first change the hearts and minds of that nation. He understood that what plagued America was a spiritual problem and that it required a spiritual solution. There were other civil rights pioneers that proffered solutions to racial inequalities. Booker T. Washington believed that social change would follow addressing economic disparities. W.E.B. DuBois believed the path to change lie in education and political empowerment. Rosa Parks and Bayard Rustin thought that embracing socialism was the means to that end. All of these efforts were doomed to fail because they

The reason why the Civil Rights Movement was successful is that it had the Church as its power-base. It was only when the Church and its leadership stepped up and stepped in that the Movement gained traction. Â Similarly, it is high time that the Church steps up and asserts itself to impact 40

the world with the will, culture and intent of the Kingdom of God. Dr. King understood the Church was the world’s spiritual trauma center and rehabilitation facility and sought to engage it to treat and correct social injustice.

Derrick Day is the founder and Pastor of Agape Dominion Outreach Ministries based in Surprise, AZ. He is a former associate Pastor with His Kingdom Manifested Ministries under the leadership of Pastor Laymon Hornsby. Derrick is married to the lovely Angela and they are the proud parents of 5 sons. The boys keep them young-at-heart but grey-inthe-hair!

Romans 8:19 declares that “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.” In other words, the whole world is waiting for God’s people — the church — to stand up and speak out against the ailments of the world. Jesus, Himself, said it best: For verily I say unto you , That whatsoever you shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that these things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. (Mark 11:23)

Derrick also serves as Founder and Bishop of Kingdom Covenant International, a ministry governance organization dedicated to planting churches and grooming leaders to make disciples, mature believers, and multiply ministries. He also serves as the Chairman of the Fivefold Roundtable for North American for the International Circle of Faith (ICOF).

The problem today is that we — the Body of Christ — are reluctant to speak up. But it is when we speak God’s Word to the situations of the day — then standing in faith that we have what we speak — that we begin to see change! Dr. King was a mighty drum major for justice but, first, he was a mighty man of God. He understood the power of speaking to the mountain. Today, we need to pick up where he left off — see the problem and then SPEAK GOD’S WORD to the problem! © 2012 – Derrick Day ( 41


Christian Greetings, We welcome you to the International Circle of Faith Global Missions Department. Our missions department exists to aid our network of established ministries and churches in a holistically approach of restoration of body soul & spirit; to extend the church beyond the traditional parameters of the edifice complex.

International Circle of Faith Colleges, Seminaries and Universities is available to serve your Christian education needs. ICOF CSU is a network of Christian Education professionals, bible colleges, Christian seminaries, Christian universities, and other Christian education institutions. for more information visit us online. or

We are dedicated to community and family development by helping meet the needs of the citizens and communities we are called to serve. We must focus on the needs of an ever growing population in our communities, cities and Nation. Every day, individuals and families who are at risk of homelessness, hunger and other life crises in our communities go unnoticed by society at large. We are the body of Christ and it is our mandate to help those who need our help the most? ICOF Missions focus: 1. The Gospel of Jesus Christ 2. Humanitarian 3. Business and Economic development

Updated ICOF Membership Cards are now available. ICOF Members write to to receive yours. 43

to do so by the prison Warden they did not hesitate. We took along with us the word of God, some clothing’s and shoes for male and female and some bread, salt, soap that we shared to the inmates. The Prison has 8 cells and we were divided in twos, so we can Minister to the cells. Before Ministering the word of God the whole prison was filled with praises as the prisoners sang to praise God by so doing the presence of God was real all over the prison premises. So we share the word of God and the goods we had with us. The presence of God was too much that even for us to leave the prison premises was as if we should not leave.

ICOF CHAPLAINCY CAMEROON REPORT A report written by chaplain Natibe ETUBE SAMPSON on the visit to the BUEA CENTRAL PRISON AND THE HOTPEC ORPHANAGE MILE 14 DIRSANDA. On the 3rd of September 2011 chaplain NATIBE ETUBE SAMPSON with twelve members of the Christian Missionary Assembly (C.M.A) visited the Buea central prison. We arrived the Prison premises at 11.25a.m. God in His infinite mercy worked in a wonderful way, because before our arrival the prisoners were out of their various cells which under normal circumstances to bring them back to the cell while it is not yet time for them to do so is difficult but through Divine intervention as they were ask




From the prison we move to the HOTPEC ORPHANAGE where we were highly blessed. What really blesses us was the amazing fact that we met those children fasting, you cannot imagine that children as small as three years were fastening praying for the nation, Africa and the world at large and for themselves.

blessed. These orphans has taken upon themselves to be fasting every 1st Saturday of the month. In fact it is so fascinating to see what God is doing in the life that orphanage. We thank God for according us journey mercies as he took us to to and fro without any difficulties and we also bless Him for all those who made available their cars for the service of the Lord.

We presented some clothing and some bread that we took along to the orphanage. We also had a good time there in the orphanage in the presence of God as we together sing praises and worship God. Before we left the orphanage those children prayed for us honestly and we were



We believe that by assisting those in need– physically, mentally, and spiritually – and helping them to reach their full potential, our communities become stronger, and the lives of each member become ready to empower their world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help us and be a part of our efforts in doing our part to improve our ever increasing poverty rate, degeneration of values and overall quality of Life; by focusing on the needs and solutions for all these areas including the neglect of our Nation's children. We are purposed to impact the preservation and restoration of the family. We hold that the Church was patterned after the family.

Africa Our past and present missions include: Drilling water wells, free medical services and in current development of Agriculture &Housing. India In partnership with ICOF CSU we have started the Patrick Song Academy English School, to help young Indian children to speak English, so they can function in elementary and secondary education. ICOF Medical missions in conjunction with Project Eye Openers, reaches the poorest, most vulnerable patients, who may not be aware about eye care and free medical camps services. While Project Eye Openers current outreach teams provide free medical services and eye examinations to approximately 400 plus patients in each Village per Medical Camp outing, their ultimate goal is to eliminate obstacles by providing pre-screenings through our Mobile Medical Camps.

We are a mission’s resource network; partnering with churches, organizations, agencies and nonprofits and faith based communities to achieve our mission to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every man woman and child.

Pakistan Evangelism: We have a program called “Project Logos “The program consists of sending bibles to Pakistan translated into their native language. Medical Missions: Through ICOF Medical Missions “Physicians with a


cause� provide free medical camps and sharing of the gospel, throughout remote villages in Pakistan.

charity groups that continue to organize throughout the country. ICOF Home Missions division offers opportunities for any person to donate time and important resources to this growing challenge.

USA Holistic Family Restoration. We also are focused on Church Home Missions in the USA. Through Community Enhancement that acts as a safety net for individuals and families in need, ICOF Global Missions works to strengthen and enhance communities by working with varies other agencies, churches, non profits within the Faith Based communities already in existence. We are committed to our Senior citizens community including information and referral, food distribution and collaborations with the faith community.

A long term priority is to under-served communities. The goal is to lead individuals and families in need towards a better life, improved happiness and inner peace in addition to rebuilding their material lives or improving their living and an educational condition with the power of the whole Gospel of Jesus Christ ‌.body, soul & Spirit. A hundred years from now it will not matter how much money you have, what kind of car you drive or what kind of House you live in, but the world will be a better place because you made a difference in the lives of others�.

Senior Citizens ICOF Home Missions offers personal interactions for the elderly. Providing a much-needed ministry for older people to receive care and human concern. With the baby boomer generation fast approaching their senior years, a swelling tide of concern for the many that will need support and assistance is evident by the many senior citizen

Dr. Barney Phillips ICOF VP of Missions



ICOF CSU INTERNSHIPS ICOF CSU offers internships to students. This program is designed to help the student develop their ministry while working hands on with ICOF in a variety of areas. The student will receive an ICOF CSU degree or credit toward their degree. Available internships for the 2013-2014 academic year are in the following areas: SOCIAL MEDIA GRAPHIC DESIGN GRAPHIC LAYOUT TEACHING WRITING NON PROFIT MANAGEMENT BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT MISSIONS GRANT WRITING INTERNET TECHONOLOGY ADMINISTRATION CHURCH MANAGEMENT MINISTRY MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE/EVENT MANAGEMENT PASTORING PREACHING PROPHECY FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT:

Social Media Director

Key Skills: : Highly proficient with social networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Linked-In, Digg, foursquare, Google+, and/or Flickr. Send your resume to:


Hi Friends - just letting you know about Revival School in New Zealand this year. Dr. Pete and Rosalie Mitchell of Radikal Kingdom Ministries International are on Staff for Revival School this year for the full school, so if you can make it plan to be there, if you can't please pray for us and our ministry and please also pray for Revival School Aotearoa.

We are Ministering in the North Island New Zealand over February and South Island during March and April and March is filling up fast, so please check out web site for details the Link is Below.

http://www.radikalkingdomministri 50

the Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ in Girard, in his youth he was a member of the Bloomfield Baptist Church where he was baptised. Ken loved his son, Joshua and his family. He also enjoyed music, fishing, hunting, the outdoors and motorcycles.

KENNETH ANDERS As we went to press with this issue of Next Wave magazine, we received the new of the home going of our friend, Ken Anders.

Ken is survived by his wife, Sharon Anders of Girard; son, Joshua Michael Anders of Bearsdstown, IL; mother, Debra K. Anders of Winchester, IL; 3 brothers, Robert Anders of Union, MO, Timothy Anders of Springfield, IL and James Anders of Olathe, KS, as well as several aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his father, Rev. Kenneth Anders in 1999; grandparents, Earl and Lillie Kells and Clarence and Edna Anders.

Ken was a vital part of the ICOF team for many years. He was our ‘go to’ guy for internet, web site and related problems during those years. We remain thankful that God sent him into our lives. Pray for his family.

Kenneth G. "Ken" Anders Jr.

Funeral Information

November 09, 1973 January 24, 2013

Visitation will be held from 4:00 to 7:00pm, Tuesday, January 29, 2013 at the First Christian Church in Girard where funeral services will be conducted Wednesday, January 30, 2013 at 1:00 pm at the church with Rev's. Wilbur Mouser and Craig Anders officiating.

Kenneth George "Ken" Anders Jr. 39, of Girard, passed away Thursday, January 24, 2013 in Durant, OK as a result of a truck accident. Ken was born on November 9, 1973 to Rev. Kenneth and Debra (Kells) Anders in Jacksonville, IL. He was a 1991 graduate of Winchester High School. On March 22, 2001 Ken married Sharon Mouser in Girard, IL.

Donations Information

Ken was an over the road truck driver for E Transport Carrier, Inc. in Staunton, IL. He loved preaching, playing, singing and writing gospel music and was a member of

Memorials are suggested to the Joshua Anders Education Fund. 51


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