The Next Wave - May 2012

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The Voice of Global Apostolic Reformation

May 2012

International Circle of Faith 40,000 Ministers with 11 Million Constituents

When Preachers

Fall Inside: A scandalous gospel Smith Wigglesworth's Vision Building an Effective Giving Web Page Describing the Fivefold Ministry

My Church Needs Money

Editorial gospel is the life-permeating, world-altering, universe-changing truth. It has more facets than a diamond. It's depths man will never exhaust.” ― C.J. Mahaney


ften people are of the opinion that shouting out against sin is a sign of holiness. Empty glasses make the loudest noise. People often shout about what they quietly hide within. Condemnation is the result.

I hope this issue renews your mind. I pray it leads to a fresh perspective of the ways of God. It is about His ways and not ours. It is not about our definitions of His ways. The majority of Christians do not believe in the finished work, rather they believe in additional works. Your sins are not being recorded or documented. Many Christans sound like an old testament prophet on steroids. Counting other peoples sins does not make you a saint. James Peter Jandu, Editor

THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

CONTENTS When Preachers Fall


A scandalous gospel




Crossing the Jordan


My Church Needs Money


Smith Wigglesworth's Vision


Staff Meetings? Freshen Up!


John G. Lake


Misusing The Sword


The Other Brother


Describing the Fivefold Ministry


My Pentecostal Mother


What Is Church?


Effective Giving Web Page


A Call to Commitment


Courage to be Yourself


Church growth conference



“Never be content with your current grasp of the gospel. The


Persecution Watch






NEXT WAVE is the voice of Apostolic Reformation (Apostolic Restoration). Since the time of John Wycliffe there has been an interest of true believers in returning the Church to the tenets taught by the original Apostles and held by the New Testament Church. This Apostolic Reformation has seen many waves of the Holy Spirit. The last prominent wave of Apostolic Reformation was in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. It is our expectation that we are in another wave of Apostolic Reformation. The Next Wave is published by International Circle of Faith Global Network. To receive a complimentary copy of The Next Wave each month register your email on our website.

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James Peter Jandu

“…though a righteous man falls seven times, he rises again…” (Proverbs 24:16)


t is said that the Church is the only army that executes it’s wounded. Christians can often be ruthless and brutal when dealing individuals who has committed a sin and repented, all in the name of a loving God. Why do we expect leaders to be perfect when we know they cannot be? Leaders are prone to error for a variety of reasons. Pressure can be a common reason. Whatever the cause, our response should be seasoned with grace.

Rather than supporting a person that falls we participate in condemning. Lies and rumors are viciously spread unchecked. Razor sharp daggers appear hastily out of thin air to stab the heart just to make sure their death is unquestionable. Character assassination becomes the agenda as the attempt to belittle the perpetrator gains momentum. When an individual of notoriety falls should we affirm the secular media response or the Word of God. Secular media desires scandalous news stories and will exaggerate, distort and lie about any incident that occurred. Should Christians engage in malicious talk? Do you ultimately desire truth or gossip?

A. Professional counseling “Professional counseling” is commonly the suggested antidote for moral failure. For ‘minor sins’ we look to Jesus, but for the so called ‘major sins’ we need the professional heavy weights – the spiritual police force! Teachings about accountability partners, submitting to authority and church covering are commonly accepted with virtually no resistance. It is a common scenario repeated throughout history. Once a preacher fails morally, a self appointed advisory team remove the person from ministry and subject them to a season of “counseling.” In their striving to avoid plummeting into the ditch of justifying sin countless individuals fall into the other ditch of condemning sin. Sin has already been condemned in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:3). The word ‘restoration’ will no doubt be raised in any discussion on this matter. My questions are: How long does it take to repent? How long does it take to be restored? The problems arise when people give definitions to these words that are not as graceful as the Bible. One says it means one thing another claim’s it means something else. 1

What does the Bible say? The blood of Jesus is sufficiently powerful to restore in an instant. B. The teaching and response of Jesus How did Jesus deal with those who sinned? In John 8:3-11 the teachers of the law and the Pharisee brought a woman caught in the act of adultery and presented her to Jesus. Jesus’ initial response is revealing, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” Then He annihilates the doctrines of the theology graduates that had assembled. Just imagine this solemn assembly as The Master Teacher gracefully takes charge of the proceedings. There was no extended counseling or prayer of deliverance! Just the uncomplicated words, “Then neither do I condemn you, go now and sin no more.” Pure undiluted grace from the lips of The Master. I can perceive the response in the modern church. Would we respond in the same manner as Jesus? C. Common responses The majority of Christians I meet have not received a revelation of grace. They walk in a spirit of con-

demnation. They condemn others because they feel condemned. Condemned people condemn others. How do we condemn people? We stone them by our words, actions and thoughts. Some even use the scriptures to stone while seated on their self righteous high horse gawking intimidating with piercing eyes that attempt to scrutinize the victims every move hunting for fresh gossip.

you yourself have not forgiven the person. You cannot quench your thirst for vengeance by drinking poison expecting the other person dies.

Careless thoughts and comments betray and expose our self righteousness.

D. Grace solution We fail to recognize that the root of sin is the absence of grace. “For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God's abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ” (Romans 5:17)

"I would never do such a thing myself"

When grace is abounding sin has no do-

“So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don't fall!”(I Corinthians 10:12). "We can never trust them again" “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3:5). “We can’t allow this type of behaviour in the church. They should NEVER be allowed to preach again!” If you have aught good to utter then utter nothing. It is disgraceful that some Christians delight when others fall. This exposes their true character. How can you say you love God, who you cannot see, yet not love your fallen comrade who you can see? Some respond by saying they feel hurt and offended? Weak people get offended. In any case you are to “forgive those that trespass against you”. Our response when one fails lays bare the condition of our heart. Do we seek to join the lynch mob and be agents of gossip, make false accusations and spreading rumors? How would you respond? The truth of the matter is that you attack and seek to destroy the person because

minion. Our approach should be graceful. The cure is a fresh encounter with Jesus. It’s one thing to proclaim, “Jesus is the answer” but then turn around and trust in manmade solutions to spiritual problems. Sin is not a trivial matter and so it does not need your efforts to deal with it, it requires His effort. What God does produces lasting transformation. The root cause of the problem should be identified and the ONLY solution applied – Jesus. No point proclaiming Jesus is the answer and then turning to our own methods derived from our own twisted logic. Grace is God’s idea. It succeeds to produce genuine change. 2

Regardless of what is said to some people, they will cling to their old rugged attitude! The word ‘grace’ is not in their dictionary. E. Have you sinned? Whenever I confront condemning Christians they become very hostile when I point out their sins. The words of Jesus ring loud and clear, “If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone...” Shame these words often fall on deaf ears. Paul lists sinful behaviors to the Corinthian church. Then he says, “and all this describes what some of YOU were” (I Corinthians 6:11).We fail to remember our own filthy history and what God did for us. Instead we become pharisaical, excessively and hypocritically pious with a sickening sanctimonious attitude. If you have lusted in your heart then YOU have committed adultery. Just because no one knew it you justify yourself while condemning others. It maybe you have not done the physical act because you lack opportunity (or no one would want to do it with you!). You desire that God show you grace yet you condemn others. “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31) “Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3) God forbid if you failed morally, but if you did how would you like to be treated? If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Your response to the failing of others is revealing. The attitude God has is vastly distinct to that of multitudes. What if God treated you in the way you treat others? What if He never gave you an-

other chance? The truth is, God is not a God of a second chance. He foreknew you would sin and when He accepts you He accepts all your future failings. We live off that one change that is eternal. The prodigal son was not relegated to the seat of a second class citizen. He was restored to his original position of nobility. The senior brother, like numerous Christians, could not comprehend and appreciate the father’s response. This is identical to the think of religious Christians. The mercies of God endure forever! “Clara Barton, founder of the American Red Cross, was reminded one day of a vicious deed that someone had done to her years before. But she acted as if she had never even heard of the incident. "Don't you remember it?" her friend asked. "No." Came Barton's reply, "I distinctly remember forgetting it." Luis Palau, Experiencing God's Forgiveness, Multnomah Press, 1985. General Oglethorpe once said to John Wesley, "I never forgive and I never forget." To which Wesley replied, "Then, Sir, I hope you never sin." Sen. Mark Hatfield recounts the following history: James Garfield was a lay preacher and principal of his denominational college. They say

A scandalous gospel By Paul Anderson-Walsh If this was the response - "Away with such a fellow from the earth! For he should not be allowed to live", what do you think that the 'crime' must have been…? Murder? something worse? Would it surprise you to know that it was the response of the Jews to the

he was ambidextrous and could simultaneously write Greek, with one hand and Latin with the other. In l880, he was elected president of the United States, but after only six months in office, he was shot in the back with a revolver. He never lost consciousness. At the hospital, the doctor probed the wound with his little finger to seek the bullet. He couldn't find it, so he tried a silvertipped probe. Still he couldn't locate the bullet. They took Garfield back to Washington, D.C. Despite the summer heat, they tried to keep him comfortable. He was growing very weak. Teams of doctors tried to locate the bullet, probing the wound over and over. In desperation they asked Alexander Graham Bell, who was working on a little device called the telephone, to see if he could locate the metal inside the president's body. He came, he sought, and he too failed. The president hung on through July, through August, but in September he finally died - not from the wound, but from infection. The repeated probing, which the physicians thought would help the man, eventually, killed him. So it is with people who dwell too long on their sin and refuse to release it to God.

haved unkindly towards you. “At one point early in Julius Caesar's political career, feelings ran so high against him that he thought it best to leave Rome. He sailed for the Aegean island of Rhodes, but en route the ship was attacked by pirates and Caesar was captured. The pirates demanded a ransom of 12,000 gold pieces, and Caesar's staff was sent away to arrange the payment. Caesar spent almost 40 days with his captors, jokingly telling the pirates on several occasions that he would someday capture and crucify them to a man. The kidnappers were greatly amused, but when the ransom was paid and Caesar was freed, the first thing he did was gather a fleet and pursue the pirates. They were captured and crucified ... to a man! Such was the Romans' attitude toward crucifixion. It was to be reserved for the worst of criminals, a means of showing extreme contempt for the condemned. The suffering and humiliation of a Roman crucifixion were unequaled.” Today in the Word, November 23, 1992.

Enjoying the fall of a preacher is not a godly attitude, even if he has be-

It seems that some Christians enjoy crucifying fallen preachers with harsh words. The brutality is uncontaminated evil. What has your response been to ‘fallen’ preachers?

Apostle Paul telling them that he (God) said to me, “Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles.'" That was his crime. In response to which

the cheek to say that salvation is by grace not race ; that salvation is inclusive not exclusive that dare I say it, they're included...

Roger Thompson

"Away with such a fellow from the earth! For he should not be allowed to live" a group of 40 deeply religious men take a vow not to eat or drink until Paul is killed, all because he had 3

DUELING By Dr. Bernie L. Wade


was held toward one another gradually deteriorated to one of contempt? I would like to pretend that this attitude while prevalent in the world it is not in the church. However, that would not be true. Men and women who call themselves followers of Jesus Christ for some reason feel quite comfortable hurling insult at their fellow believer.

t one time it was legal for men to take up arms to settle arguments. This was called dueling. When a man refused to apologize for an insult he could face being challenged to a duel. While this is viewed from our modern vantage point as extreme, it was not without merit. A man was expected to be accountable for his actions, attitude and what he said. He was also responsible for what his wife and/or children might say. In the American West, if a man carried a gun and hurled insults he might well be called upon to use the gun to defend his actions. This made men conduct themselves in a more civil manner.

While I am not advocating we return to dueling or gun fighting, I am appalled at our culture and how we have allowed people who have some public forum to insult others. Notice, we are not talking about perfect people. There is a forum for people who make mistakes or misspeak; it is call an apology. As Christians we are to ask forgiveness for impasses we make against our fellow man. Syndicated talk show host Rush Limbaugh recently demonstrated that even American’s number 1 talk show host (a man who claims to be right 97% of the time) apologized for an insult he hurled during his program. However, there are a plethora of

people who NEVER find the time or place to use such courtesy. These are not held to the same standards as the rest. While President Obama chided the insult made by Mr. Limbaugh, he ignored similar insults made by his major campaign donor and political hack, Bill Maher. Maher has hurled out personal insults on a variety of American citizen’s including Tim Tebow and Bristol Palin. He has also insulted Jesus Christ and Christians. However, Jesus Christ (like he did to Pontius Pilate) did not respond. Where has the carefulness gone in the people of America? Why has our general attitude of respect that 4

I hear the words of Apostle John, “Brethren, these things should not be!” Let me encourage all of us to be careful what we say. Our children sing a song, “Oh, be careful little tongue what you say.” The song continues, “For the Father up above is looking down in love…” The bottom line, God is watching and listening and whether Bill Maher ever apologizes to the world for his terrible example as a human being, there will be a day of reckoning for all of us. There is coming a day when we will all have to stand before the King of all the earth and account for what we have done in this life, including what we say. Together let’s work to having a right spirit and not let our mouth sin against either our brother or our God.


JORDAN Gary Wilkerson We all have a high calling from the Lord. At some stage of our lives, He sets before us a preordained plan we are to fulfill. God promises that if we act in faith, He will bring that plan to completion. Yet this is not always easy. As everyone who has walked with Jesus for any length of time knows, following His calling means we will encounter obstacles. One of the most common obstacles is the skeptic's voice. As we seek to cross the Jordan River into the Promised Land, we will hear every kind of voice telling us not to go. Joshua heard these voices as God stirred him to lead Israel to cross over the Jordan. The crossing held all the promise of God's future glory for His people on the earth. You can be sure there was no way they would make that crossing without

hearing the shrill voices of skeptics trying to dissuade them. Our God wants to obliterate every skeptical voice that would keep

us from obeying His direction. Whenever He asks us to take a step of faith, He is leading us to "cross over" to a measure of trust in Him we have never had before. When the priests carrying the ark stepped into the rushing river, God supernaturally parted the water. After that, every evil thing 5

the skeptics had predicted was turned into good for God's people. When the people came to a great fortified city occupied by their enemy, they marched around it and the impenetrable walls came tumbling down. Are you willing to step into the river? God may be saying, "If you'll just commit to putting your toe in, you will see Me part the water for you. I will carry you across to the other side. I have already laid out My plans for you and I will see them through to fulfillment." I urge you: Trust God to lead you across your Jordan. Let Him silence the voice of the skeptic. His plan for you won't be defeated- He is faithful! Š 2012 World Challenge - a registered trademark of David Wilkerson.

Bishop Bernie L. Wade, ICOF President The Mission of ICOF is to provide: Unprecedented unity to the body of Christ Communion of like-minded churches, ministries, education and charitable organizations Fellowship connection for church leaders and ascension Resources for training and equipping Mentoring relationships for ministry development Apostolic Covering for structure, order and protocol

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MONEY Have you ever heard anyone say: “my church is always asking for money? I wish I could belong to a church that never needed any money.” Surely they don’t mean that. Any church that is alive needs money. Only dead churches do not call on their members for support. If anyone should accuse your church of always needing and calling for money, regard it as a compliment. Invite this person to rejoice with you that you both belong to a live, going concern of Jesus Christ rather than a dead, stagnant organization from which the glory of Christ has departed. One father was complaining to an-

other father replied. “My son doesn’t cost me a cent. I haven’t spent a dime on him in over two years, but I sure wish could. “Why doesn’t he cost you anything?” Asked the first father. The second father replied, “A little over two years ago he died.”

other that his son cost him a great deal of money – for books, clothes, lunch, allowance, and tuition. “It’s strange that you feel that, “the

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A church that is alive needs the liberal sacrificial support of those who belong to that local body of believers. Only a dead church demands no sacrifice.

“It is our expectation that we are on the verge of yet another wave of the Spirit. We refer to this as The Next Wave. The Next Wave will be as radically different as the last wave. The opposition will come from the recipients of the last wave.� Dr. Bernie L. Wade, President International Circle of Faith



his account comes from Lester Sumrall's book - Pioneers of Faith. Sumrall relates how he met Smith Wigglesworth during the dark days of World War II and gives the following account:

looked at me and said, 'I will not see it, but you shall see it. The Lord says that I must go on to my reward, but that you will see the mighty works that He will do upon the earth in the last days.'

"... Shutting his eyes again, he said, 'I see the greatest revival in the history of mankind coming to Planet earth, maybe as never before. And I see every form of disease healed. I see whole hospitals emptied with no one there. Even the doctors are running down the streets shouting.'

"... The idea that I would get to see this revival was almost overwhelming. And in the last decade or so, I believe we have seen this revival begin to sweep the earth. We have seen amazing moves of God in Africa... Recently, I was in China and met with the underground church. I was told there are at least forty-five million Full Gospel Christians in China. I discovered a depth of prayer and integrity there that I have not felt anywhere else in the world... So I believe we are seeing Wigglesworth's prophecy begin to be fulfilled. We are seeing the first stages of it."

"He told me that there would be untold numbers of uncountable multitudes that would be saved. No man will say 'so many, so many,' because nobody will be able to count those who come to Jesus. No disease will be able to stand before God's people... 'It will be a world-

wide situation, not local,' he said, 'a worldwide thrust of God's power and God's anointing upon mankind.' "Then he opened his eyes and

"There are two kinds of faith. There is the natural faith. But the supernatural faith is the gift of God." Smith Wigglesworth 9

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THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

Stale Staff Meetings?

Freshen Up! Cheryl Lewis


*A video recap of the most recent event is played to celebrate a ministry’s success (and the WIN of that is always celebrating fresh evidence of honoring our mission, which is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ).

his week, I commented on Twitter that, though it was surely odd, I was excited about heading to our ministry staff meeting. Someone asked why. So, that morning, I paid close attention during the meeting to see just what it is that leaves me eager to attend.

I chuckled as I walked toward the theater where we were meeting, because it reminded me of one of those Rapture scenes you used to see in paintings. Everyone was headed in the same direction, with smiles on their faces, and seemed genuinely happy to be together and excited about what’s just ahead. I know that might sound a bit dramatic, but it was the image that popped into my mind. So, why do we want to go to something that is chronically mundane in other organizations? I noticed a few appealing elements that our meeting included and, yes, there are several that smaller environments would have a tough time duplicating. Among those are the big screens and fancy technology – but there are simpler ways to achieve the same goal of celebrating employees and keeping them on

mission. That bottom line is ultimately a win. *As employees arrive, there are nametags. Not worth mentioning, right? Yet it’s satisfying to find your name. Even after a year, I’m still thrilled to be included as staff. That sounds silly, doesn’t it? But it’s nice for that delight to be part of my reality. Also, honoring others by calling them by name is always a win – so the nametags in a large, continually changing organization help old brains like mine. *New employees or milestones are scrolling on the screens for all to celebrate. Cool to catch up! *Breakfast is served. Tables are nicely set with mints, lesson notes & pens. (Hey, a little bit of pampering and acknowledgement goes a long way!) 11

*The sense that we’re firmly on the cutting edge of innovation is always exciting, whether that is technology, programming, dynamic staff or guest speakers. *Announcements are made by an engaging (and often funny) host. Today, it was the lead pastor of one of our local churches. Laughing in staff meeting is golden. *New hires, guests, birthdays and anniversaries are individually recognized and celebrated. Showing individuals you feel they are special is a great habit. *Event announcements and organizational updates keep everyone informed about what’s on the horizon – even the behind-the-scenes, notyet-for-public-consumption stuff. Don’t keep your staff guessing. I, for one, love that about North Point. *There is often a fun or surprise element. Today, they had taped gift

certificates under the chairs of three lucky employees. Even the suspense of maybe winning was fun. *Strategic partner churches tune in live. It’s a win to include select, exterior audiences who want to learn, benefit, stay informed and be included. * Our staff meetings have honestto-goodness teaching. Attractive, printed outlines are provided (with fill-in-the-blank statements to keep staff engaged in learning). I don’t know why this is so appealing, but it just feels nice to see excellence and effort in every gathering, no matter how ordinary. It’s also helpful to capture relevant information without having to show up with an armful of supplies. *Andy Stanley. Need I say more? (No, but I will.) Andy has extraordi-

nary clarity and his ability to articulate what matters, in a way that inspires others to contribute their best, drives the difference between an average workforce and one that will move mountains to achieve mission and vision. Can that be taught? Well, Catalyst One Day, Drive and lots of other conferences certainly try. I hope this helps. Granted, we have smaller, ministry-specific meetings that involve less fanfare. However, even those tend to be fun. I work in our middle-school ministry and it’s not at all uncommon for someone to bat a beach ball around or break out the Nerf blaster. We are hired to think like middle schoolers! No matter what your environment, loosen up and enjoy work. The bottom line for me, I suppose, is that it doesn’t feel like we’re having a staff meeting when we get our

entire staff together – it is more like a staff event… and a FUN, useful one. Next time you’re in town, I hope you’ll join us as my guest. About Cheryl Lewis Cheryl Lewis is a multi-church communications specialist on staff with North Point Ministries. As a ghostwriter, she has co-written seven books. She and her husband, Jim, live in Alpharetta, Georgia. You can catch her at, Facebook and Twitter: @getaclewis.

Disclaimer: These are just my musings and don’t reflect any official North Point thoughts about staff meetings. Especially the Rapture comment – chalk that up to my quirky, random mind. I’m certain the Rapture will be way more joyous than filing into a room filled with colleagues – no matter how fun and brilliant they are.

John G. Lake I

f there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of "God in man," it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven's power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth with this type of spiritual understanding. If we would just grasp the reality of our position through Jesus Christ, as Lake did, every nation would ring with the

praises of God. Was responsible for raising over 1,000,000 converts, 625 churches and 1,250 preachers in five years of ministry. Because of his resurrection revelation, had a deadly plague germ die in his hand, yet at the start of his ministry thought one could only be healed in Dr. Dowie's Healing Home. Had such an incredible healing ministry, that according to statistics, the U.S. Government declared his city, Spokane, Washington, to be the healthiest city in America. John G. Lake was known as God's "Apostle to Africa". Born in Canada 12

in 1870, his family soon relocated to the United States, where he grew up. His healing and preaching ministry spanned the years 1898 (when he saw his wife instantly healed under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie) until his death in 1935. In 1908, God sent him to Africa, where his anointed miracle ministry resulted in what has been described as "the most extensive and powerful missionary movement in all Africa." As Gordon Lindsay wrote, "during that time he spent five history-making years in South Africa, engaged in a ministry which in some respects rivaled that of the Early Church." Upon his return to America, Lake established a ministry in Spokane, Washington which resulted in no less than 100,000 astounding miracles of healing within the space of five or six years. He then established a similar work in Portland, Oregon, which also attracted widespread attention.

consciousness of God, like I felt the disciples of Jesus and the primitive church had possessed... Shortly after my entrance into the ministry of healing, while attending a service where the necessity for the Baptism of the Spirit was presented, as I knelt in prayer and reconsecration to God, an anointing of the Spirit came upon me. Waves of Holy Glory passed through my being, and I was lifted into a new realm of God's

and my own soul's need. My soul was demanding a greater entrance into God, His love, Presence, and Power. And then one day an old man strolled into my office, sat down, and in the next half hour, he revealed more of the knowledge of God to my soul than I had ever known before. When he left I said, '... God, if that is what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues does, I am going to possess it.' Oh the wonder of God, that was then revealed to my heart!..."

Had such an incredible healing ministry, that John G. Lake according to statistics, the Crusade Meeting held in a big tent. U.S. Government declared his "Finally I was led to aside certain city, Spokane, Washington, to set hours of the day that I dedicated to God, be the healthiest city in as times of meditation, and prayer. America. Thus a number of

Like Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake had already experienced mighty breakthroughs, powerful anointings and a real calling from God for many years before Azusa Street and the Pentecostal Revival. The following is a condensed account of the spiritual hunger and preparation that Lake was taken through by God, near the beginning of the most anointed period of his ministry. (Taken from the book, 'John G. Lake - Apostle to Africa', compiled by Gordon Lindsay, and told in Lake's own words): "Eight years passed after God revealed Jesus the Healer to me. I had been practicing the ministry of healing. During that eight years every answer to prayer, every miraculous touch of God, every response of my own soul to the Spirit had created within me a more intense longing for an intimacy and a

presence and power. After this, answers to prayer were frequent and miracles of healing occurred from time to time. I felt myself on the borderland of a great spiritual realm, but was unable to enter in fully, so my nature was not satisfied with the attainment..." (Pg 16). "Hundreds, and hundreds of people were healed by the power of God during these ten years. But at the end of that ten years, I believe I was the hungriest man for God that ever lived. There was such a hunger for God that as I left my offices in Chicago, and walked down the street, my soul would break out, and I would cry, 'Oh God!' I have had people stop and look at me, and wonder. It was the yearning passion of my soul, asking for God in a greater measure than I knew. But my friends would say, 'Mr. Lake, you have a beautiful Baptism of the Holy Ghost.' Yes, it was nice as far as it went, but it was not answering the cry of my heart. I was growing up into a larger understanding of God, 13

months passed, until one morning as I knelt praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke within my spirit, and said, "Be patient until autumn." My heart rejoiced in this encouragement and I continued my practice of meditation and prayer as formerly. It became easy for me to detach myself from the course of life, so that while my hands and mind were engaged in the common affairs of every day, my spirit maintained its attitude of communion with God... I said, 'God, if you will baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and give me the power of God, nothing shall be permitted to stand before me and a hundred-fold obedience.' "I prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for nine months, and if a man ever prayed honestly, and sincerely in the faith, I did. Finally one day I was ready to throw up my hands, and quit. I said, 'Lord, it may be for others, but it is not for me. You just cannot give it to me.' I did not blame God. One night a gentleman by the name of Pierce said, 'Mr. Lake, I have been wishing for a long time

you would come over, and we would spend a night in prayer together. We have been praying for the Baptism for a whole year and there is not one of us baptized yet. Brother, I do not believe that you are either, so we can pray for one another." I was so hungry to pray, so I went with all intentions of praying for the rest, but I had not been praying five minutes until the light of God began to shine around me, I found myself in a center of an arc of light ten feet in diameter, the whitest light in all the universe. So white! Oh how it spoke of purity. The remembrance of that whiteness, that wonderful whiteness, has been the ideal that has stood before my soul, of the purity of the nature of God ever since. "Then a Voice began to talk to me out of that light. There was no form. And the Voice began to remind me of this incident, and that incident of disobedience to my parents, from a child; of my obstinacy, and dozens of instances when God brought me up to the line of absolutely putting my body, soul, and spirit upon the altar forever. I had my body upon the altar for ten years, and I had been a minister of the Gospel. But when the Lord comes, He opens to the soul the depths that have never been touched in your life. Do you know that after I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, things opened up in the depths of my nature that had remained untouched in all my life, and that which was shadowy, distant, and hazy became real. God got up close and let His light shine into me. "Shortly after this experience, one afternoon a brother minister called, and invited me to accompany him to visit a lady who was sick. Arriving at the home we found the lady in a wheel chair. All her joints were set with inflammatory rheumatism. She had been in the condition for ten years...While my friend was conversing with her, preparing her to be prayed with, that she might be healed, I sat in a deep chair on the opposite side of a large room. My

power of God to multitudes.

soul was crying out to God in a yearning too deep for words, when suddenly it seemed to me, that I had passed under a shower of warm tropical rain, which was not falling upon me, but through me. My spirit, and soul and body under this influence soothed into such a deep still calm, as I had never known. My brain, which had always been so active, became perfectly still. An awe of the presence of God settled over me. I knew it was God. "Some moments passed; I do not know how many. The Spirit said, 'I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. You are now Baptized in the Holy Spirit.' Then currents of power began to rush through my being from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The shocks of power increased in rapidity, and voltage. As these currents of power would pass through me, they seemed to come upon my head, rush through my body, and through my feet into the floor... Even at this late date, the awe of that hour rests upon my soul. My experience has truly been as Jesus said that He shall be within you 'a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.' That never-ceasing fountain has flowed through my spirit, soul, and body day, and night, bringing salvation, and healing, and the Baptism of the Spirit in the 14

"Shortly after my Baptism in the Holy Spirit, a working of the Spirit commenced in me, that seemed to have for it's purpose the revelation of the nature of Jesus Christ to me and in me. Through this tuition and remolding of the Spirit a great tenderness for mankind was to awaken in my soul. I saw mankind through new eyes. They seemed to me as wandering sheep, having strayed far, in the midst of confusion, groping and wandering hither and thither. They had no definite aim and did not seem to understand what the difficulty was or how to return to God. The desire to proclaim the message of Christ, and demonstrate His power to save and bless, grew in my soul until my life was swayed by this overwhelming passion." (Pg 16-20). "I found that my life began to manifest in the varied range of the gifts of the Spirit. I spoke in tongues by the power of God, and God flowed through me with a new force. Healings were of a more powerful order. Oh, God lived in me; God manifested in me; God spoke through me. My spirit was energized. I had a new comprehension of God's will, a new discernment of spirit, and a new revelation of God in me. "Then a new wonder manifested. My nature became so sensitized, that I could lay hands on any man, or woman, and tell what organ was diseased, and to what extent, and all about it. I tested it. I went into hospitals where physicians could not diagnose a case, touched a patient, and instantly I knew the organ that was diseased, its extent, condition, and location. And one day it passed away. A child plays with a toy, and his joy is so wonderful, he sometimes forgets to eat." Before obeying the call into full-time ministry, Lake felt the need to dispose of his very successful business interests. He sold everything, giving the money to God's work,

and embarked on full-time ministry with a heart full of the fire of God. Soon afterward, when he was ministering in a city in Northern Illinois, God spoke to him clearly and distinctly: "Go to Indianapolis. Prepare for winter campaign. Get a large hall. In the Spring you will go to Africa." John G. Lake continues: "One morning when I came down to breakfast, I found my appetite had disappeared. I could not eat. I went about my work as usual. At dinner I had no desire to eat, and no more in the evening. This went on till the third day. But toward the evening of the third day, an overwhelming desire to pray took possession of me. I wanted only to be alone to pray. Prayer flowed from my soul like a stream. I could not cease praying. As soon as it was possible to get to

a place of seclusion, I would kneel to pour out my heart to God for hours. Whatever I was doing, that stream of prayer continued flowing from my soul ... On the night of the sixth day of this fast, that the Lord had laid on me, while in the act of washing my hands, the Spirit said, 'How long have you been praying to cast out demons?' and I replied, 'Lord a long time.' And the Spirit said, 'From henceforth, thou shalt cast out demons.' I arose and praised God." (Pg 21). An opportunity to test this newly-given anointing to cast out demons came the following Sunday, when a violently insane man was brought to Lake, who commanded the demon to come out of him in Jesus' name. The man was instantly delivered, and two days later was released from the institution that he had been confined in.

In April 1908, Lake and his family left for South Africa. Though they had no visible means of support, they were miraculously provided for every step of the way. And thus began a tremendous Revival, with mighty healings, miracles and deliverances, which was to profoundly impact the African continent for years to come, even long after Lake was gone. In 1913, following the tragic death of his wife, Lake returned to America, but by this time the torch had also been passed on to Elias Letwaba and others in Africa, and the work went on there, in great power. Lake continued his ministry in North America until his death in 1935, and like Smith Wigglesworth, he fought an outstanding fight and ran a great race, right to the very end.


The Sword I

by James Peter Jandu

N the movie The Book of Eli, Eli possesses the last known copy of the Bible. He arrives at a town where Carnegie, a crime boss, is searching for a copy of the Bible so that he can have power over people. Eli is not willing to hand over the world’s last copy of the KJV Bible to a control freak. One of Carnegie’s men asks why they are being so pressured just to get a book. In answer, Carnegie exposes his evil intentions: “It’s not a book! It’s a weapon. A weapon aimed right at the hearts and minds of the weak and the desperate. It will give us control of them. If we want to rule more than one small town, we have to have it.

People will come from all over, they’ll do exactly what I tell ‘em if the words are from the book. It’s happened before and it’ll happen again. All we need is that book.” Throughout history the ancient writing we know as the Bible have been

used to control and manipulate people. In some cases the intentions are good. People have assumed God gave us the Bible as a rigid guideline on how to live – a kind off 15

manual for Holy Living. If this is your view you have missed the point. And if you are a preacher, you are dangerous to the well being of mankind. When the Bible is handled incorrectly it is unreservedly deadly. Nestled within its text can be found the law. We are clearly told that it ministers death (II Cor 3:7). For centuries individuals have been hell bent on taking selective verses out of the Bible to manage and control others. Their weapons are fear and condemnation. Just like Peter used a sword to cut of the ear of the soldier, preachers also often cut of the ear of listener by mususe of the Sword of the Spirit.

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et’s talk about the Prodigal Son. For most of us this is a very familiar story. A son that leaves the family to pursue his own way. Like many children he goes into the world and forgets (or disregards) all that he learned at home in his pursuit of the things of the world. When his money is gone so are his friends. Eventually he hits bottom.

is saying to the faithful, ALL THAT I HAVE IS YOURS!” While I often hear reference to the Prodigal Son, little attention is given to the faithfulness of The Other Brother. As it was then, so it is today.

whom they are not married. We have seen men working that which is unseemly with other men, men (claiming to be pastors) ‘coming out’ on Sunday mornings and so many other extreme perversions and general manifestations of the flesh that is no longer astonishing. What used to be called out as sin is now generally explained away and we are told to remember Grace. Like those in the time of Apostle Paul we now see lasciviousness being called Grace.


Thankfully, he comes to his senses and decides to return home. When he returns the father welcomes him with open arms, throws a feast in his honor and clothes him with fine new clothing and puts a ring on his finger showing his restored place in the family. Wow! What a reception for someone who didn’t do what was right. The father was delighted that his son had returned and he demonstrated his delight publicly. However, there was another son. This son was the faithful one. He stayed home and helped his father when the younger brother ‘lost his way’. While the younger brother squandered all that he had on wine, women and song, the older brother; who we will call The Other Brother, was steadfast, faithful and keep the family’s interests moving forward. The Other Brother was unhappy that the younger brother was celebrated even though he had been unfaithful. When he mentions this to his father the father says succinctly, “ALL THAT I HAVE IS YOURS!” What a promise! What a blessings! What a reward for faithfulness. Today, God

Too often we are intimidated by what I would call the “Hollywood Syndrome” that has invaded the church. Consider a plethora of Congregations and the corresponding ministers (or ministers and the corresponding congregations if you will) that seem to have it all together. These are often large, megachurches with multi- million dollar budgets. Their buildings are often elaborate, putting most resorts or country clubs to shame. To this environment the mixed multitude comes in the symbalance of worship. The ministers (men and women of names) come and offer their presence and performance to the assembled throngs. This we have come to know as church in the modern world. The environment of this religious country clubs attracts and produces the strangest manifestations. We have men and women claiming to be ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who sleep with people to 17

I often have good men and women of God (the Other Brother if you will); faithful people who are committed to the things of God find themselves intimidated by the prosperity of these self proclaimed ministers. I want to speak directly to these “Other Brothers” who have heard the call to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ and remained steadfast. DO NOT BE INTIMIDATED. Do not try to be like these who defile the name of Jesus Christ in their endless manifestation of flesh. Remember you are The Other Brother. The promise that God has made to you is “ALL THAT I HAVE IS YOURS!” Don’t be bothered by those who are making a mockery of the things of God. Remain steadfast and faithful. Proclaim righteousness and truth and God will take care of the rest. Remember: ALL THAT GOD HAS IS YOURS!

QUOTES “People could be built far greater in the Lord and be more wonderfully established if they would move out sometimes and think over the graces of the Lord.”

Smith Wigglesworth, often referred to as ‘the Apostle of Faith,’ was one of the pioneers of the Pentecostal revival that occurred a century ago.

Without human refinement and education he was able to tap into the infinite resources of God to bring

“Perfect love will never want the preeminence in everything, it will never want to take the place of another, it will always be willing to take the back seat.”

divine grace to multitudes.

Thousands came to Christian faith in his meetings, hundreds were healed of serious illnesses and diseases as supernatural signs followed his ministry.

“"If you think the power comes from you you make a great mistake."

Describing the

Fivefold Ministry Dr Barney Phillips ness of His Body. For this to happen requires the coming together of the various gifts given to individual members within the church. If they do not come together, and if all those with rule do not govern in the office given them, then we will witness only a portion of Christ.

Dr. Barney Phillips has developed over the last decade as a communicator, networker, missionary, humanitarian and teacher of Church government and foundational truths. Regarded as an advisory to ministries and churches, he has traveled internationally helping in oversight, and support to Leadership in the Body of Christ. Barney and his wife Sarah manage their time together with their two children Joshua and Victory at their home in Phoenix, Arizona. Licensed and ordained with Living Water International Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona. A graduate of Global Evangelical Christian Collage & Seminary , International Circle of Faith College with a doctoral degree in Theology, Master’s degree in Church administration and educated in nonprofit management & development. Dr. Phillips is the Executive Director of I support, a Christian Nonprofit Charity.

The apostle governs. The prophet guides—points the way. The evangelist gathers. The pastor/shepherd guards or cares for the sheep. The teacher grounds or establishes. But under traditional religious organization, the pastor or bishop acts as the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. He ascribes all aspects of the fivefold ministry to himself and thus dwells among his

people as an earthly representative of God. Although it would not likely be admitted, he often becomes the mediator between God and the local church. Wherefore he saith, when he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.) (Ephesians 4:8-10). Jesus transposed His person into the Body of Christ in the form of gifts to men. He gifted men with facets of Himself. He had the Spirit without measure, but He gives the Spirit by measure, thus we have a portion of Him in His gifting to us. The only way that Jesus can be completely manifest is in the full19

The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. (Psalm 68:17). In God’s system, there is a manyfaceted ministry universally made up of a multiple of ministers. Whereas in the Episcopal system, it is often assumed that whoever is the leader, in other words the pastor of the church, represents the totality of deity as to government for the entire congregation. This caste system of pastor (whether a saint or appointed by a church board) divides the Body of Christ. When meeting other Christians, where they attend church is a question that often takes precedence over whom they are in God. We classify people (Like the Titanic Class distinction) according to titles or the name of their Church and, thus, rarely relate to them according to what their purpose is or the vision

that God has given them. People feel comfortable when they feel they have things figured out. The natural mind desires the security of titles. It is normal for us to categorize and pigeonhole others. On the other hand, the spiritual mind is not impressed by titles but is moved by the witness and the power of the Holy Spirit. Many may be confused in establishing a multiplicity of ministry, for it is not the way they have been accustomed to seeing the Church operate. This is why it is wise not to get ahead of the Holy Spirit in trying to establish a multiplicity. People need

to minister in the areas that are lacking. Just as no saint is an island in Christianity, so no local church is an island that has no need of any other part of the greater Body of Christ. We need relationship among the saints, and we also relationship among churches. This helps keep a church from becoming ingrown and self-focused, and equally important allows the unique position and vision of each individual church to be benefited by the others. Each local church has a unique purpose and position in the overall plan of God. The Church for the most part has not recognized

Churches have sometimes become gnarled and ingrown because they have been exposed to only one facet of the ministry. time, preparation, and teaching. A pastor should never try to bring forth a plurality of ministry out of frustration or burnout because of present situations, but only by the witness of the Holy Spirit with a clear understanding and patience to allow God to prepare both him and the people. Churches have sometimes become gnarled and ingrown because they have been exposed to only one facet of the ministry. Instead of having the fullness of God dwelling among them, they have a mere onefifth of Him or less, or have an improper mixture of ministry. They have not seen the other characteristics of God, which come through gifted men and women, manifesting the many facets of Him, where His character, power, vision, love, will, and purpose are thus understood. The set ministry is obligated from time to time to bring in those gifted

this, because it is uninformed about its true purpose and power. For the most part, all local churches are thought of as playing the same part in God’s plan and only seldom are thought of as having their own uniqueness and special purpose. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. (1 Cor 12:28). Government, direction and establishment God sets an order in each local church, and there is a purpose for each church. If the pastor and church ministry do not properly understand who they are to the local church, the saints within the church will not properly understand or manifest who they are to the community. A multiplicity will bring this clarity. 20

Quotes “You may possess only a small light, but uncover it, let it shine, use it in order to bring more light and understanding to the hearts and minds of men and women. Give them not Hell, but hope and courage. Do not push them deeper into their theological despair, but preach the kindness and everlasting love of God.” John Murray “Dead fish float with the tide; live ones swim against it.” Thomas Whittemore “A belief in God's universal love to all his creatures, and that He will finally restore all of them that are miserable to happiness, is a polar truth. . . It establishes the equality of [humanity].” Benjamin Rush “In 1 Corinthians 15 we read of the consummation of His purpose—that is, the finality, the conclusion of that purpose, when Jesus Himself having subjected all things unto Himself is Himself also subjected unto the Father, that God may be all in all. There will not be a dissenting voice nor rebellious heart. The will of God has been received, and as a result of the will of God having been received there is no longer a necessity for a Savior, and Jesus Christ in His capacity of Savior of the world has been completed. His mission is completed. John G. Lake "The Habitation of God" (p 183)


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We are here for you!

My Pentecostal


Surprise In Heaven

By Ken Horn

My mother’s last several years of life were not pleasant. Strokes left her increasingly incapacitated. Following the strokes, Alzheimer’s disease gradually stole away the woman we had known. But in the midst of her trials, my mother struggled to give what she could to the body of Christ. My Spirit-filled mother was an encourager. Long active in her Women’s Ministries group, she found ways to touch people’s lives that others missed --like sending dozens of cards with personal words of encouragement each month. After her strokes, the cards didn’t always make sense. She didn’t even get her own name right sometimes. But the message was still clear. She cared, and she was praying. And, yes, she could still pray. Even when it became difficult for her to compose a sentence of conversation, somehow her prayers made sense. And something else-she still prayed in the Spirit. Long after her ability to communicate was gone, she would still pray in the

heavenly language I had heard her use since she was first baptized in the Holy Spirit. The weaknesses of body and mind, though debilitating, cannot compete with the influence of God’s Holy Spirit in a believer’s soul. When it seems to us loved ones have ceased to be who they used to be, God says that isn’t so. Yes, the body and mind are worn out. But this is still a child of the King. This is still one in whom the Holy Spirit dwells. If your mother, or other loved one, is in this situation today, realize this. Jesus said, “No one can snatch them out of my hand. … No one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand” (John 10:28,29, NIV). Neither stroke nor Alzheimer’s, or even death, shall be able to separate them from the love of God (Romans 8:35-39).

I was shocked, confused, bewildered as I entered Heaven's door, not by the beauty of it all, nor the lights or its decor. But it was the folks in Heaven who made me sputter and gasp.... the thieves, the liars, the sinners, the alcoholics, the trash. There stood the kid from seventh grade who swiped my lunch money twice.Next to him was my old neighbor who never said anything nice. Herb, who I always thought was rotting away in hell, was sitting pretty on cloud nine looking incredibly well. I nudged Jesus, "What's the deal? I would love to hear Your take. How'd all these sinners get up here? You must've made a mistake."

Ken Horn is editor of the Pentecostal Evangel

“The cross was not God mutilating Jesus the way that He WANTED to mutilate you. But that's what we think” - Jeff Turner 22

"And why's everyone so quiet, so somber? Give me a clue." "Hush child," said He, "they're all in shock, No one thought they'd be seeing you."

Quotes “Religion produces very narrow, controlling people who demand others think and act exactly the way they do” Chip Ingram “Too many church leaders suffer from spiritual short-man syndrome in ministry. These will be the ones out there trying to make their organization out to be the BBD (bigger, better deal). Nothing wrong with being first class in what you do, but a church doesn't run on AMBITION.” Ryan Rockich

What Is

Church? By Lea Bates


uch has been said about the definition of church and what its meaning really is. Many scholars and theologians and saints have debated this subject. Is it about a building? Is it about believers spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ to others? Could it be that it is about us believing according to Romans 10:9-10 that as we believe in our hearts that Christ was raised from the dead and that He existed. Just what is the church and how does it apply to us?

In Bishop Bernie Wades book, “How to Be a Christian Without Going to Church” he breaks down the historical account of the New Testament church and brings the concept of people gathering together for the purpose of encouragement and fellowship remembering the sacrifice Christ made so we could be free from our sins. As he sums up his logical theories at the end of the book, he challenges the believer into thinking outside the box. This box he describes is one made of brick and mortar, with relics of tradition on the walls and in the ceremonies it contains; but he takes us outside of this box into the work of a true believer. For the true believer understands kingdom principles and knows that the real church was not

built by human hands…but through the faith one holds in their heart. As I closed in on the last page of this interesting and factual book my mind was swimming with facts that I wanted to share. The Holy Spirit had me stirred in different directions that left my mind rambling with an itch to shout out these newfound revelations. Therefore I will spare you my re-inventing what Bishop Wade has so eloquently proved in his writing, but will share what the Holy Spirit gave me while I read this book.

Should We Gather? Hebrews 10:25: Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, 24

as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. How do you take this scripture to mean? Do you see it as the scriptural defense to reason why one should be in a church building? Or could you possibly see it as how necessary it is for us to have the comfort and encouragement of fellow believers, the Ecclesia. Now let’s throw a curve into this scripture stated by my instructor in Christ, Bishop Dr. Bernie Wade: “Consider this, “If all the churches were locked shut or were destroyed tomorrow would that force you to stop being a Christian?”” Bishop Wade goes on to reason that although this question is seldom

thought of, its truth is a reality for people in some countries. However, what would be your reaction if we were no longer allowed to meet in public places? What if we faced persecution for meeting together; would you remain a Christian? The Apostle Paul encouraged the believers, according the Clarks Commentary, not to give up meeting together because they were under heavy persecution. Some people had stopped meeting because of their fear of being caught and sentenced to death. This scripture along with 1 Thessalonians 2:1, therefore encourages us to continue to meet together regardless of whether we meet in a community building or in the home of a fellow believer…we are still Christians either way.

Apostasy? The question still remains: where would you place your faith should you not be able to meet publicly? Would you still meet in the home of a fellow believer if you knew your life would be at stake if you were found out? Should you make the decision to ‘fall away’ would that not be considered apostasy? Hebrews 10:26-27 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, 27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. I don’t believe Paul was talking about the casual backslider in this scripture; but he was talking about those who turn away from Christ and the blood that was atoned for their sins, there would be no remedy…just a fearful judgment and fiery indignation. Jesus even stated in the Book of Mark Chapter fourteen, that he would destroy the church built with human hands and in three days he would build another one (v. 58)…for the kingdom of God is not in a church made with human hands it

is within us.

Is Christ Divided? So saints, let me ask you another question: Is someone still a Christian just because they don't go to church? Are they a Christian just because they don't go to YOUR church? If you agree with these statements then there is another question that Bishop Wade proposed in his book: "Is Christ divided?" 1Corinthians 13:1: Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. We weren't meant to be divided into different sects or denominations we were meant to be in Lord, one faith, one baptism keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-5). Even Paul in Galatians 3 had to bring this body of believers to reality by asking them why they were falling for the works of men (the flesh) instead of acting in faith, in unity. Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Salvation is free and praise God for this, but there are some out there who cannot come to a place of worship who needs the body to come see them. There are those out there who suffer things greater than we'll ever know who need encouragement. There are those in darkness who need a light to be brought into their darkness. Don't go to church...BE THE CHURCH! Just where is the kingdom of God? Mar 12:28-34: Then one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, perceiving that He had answered them well, asked Him, "Which is the first com25

mandment of all?" 29 Jesus answered him, "The first of all the commandments is: 'HEAR, O ISRAEL, THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE. 30 AND YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, WITH ALL YOUR MIND, AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.' This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: 'YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.' There is no other commandment greater than these." 32 So the scribe said to Him, "Well said, Teacher. You have spoken the truth, for there is one God, and there is no other but He. 33 And to love Him with all the heart, with all the understanding, with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love one's neighbor as oneself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices." 34 Now when Jesus saw that he answered wisely, He said to him, "You are not far from the kingdom of God." But after that no one dared question Him. After a drilling from the hardhearted Sadducees, Jesus was questioned by a young scribe concerning the greatest commandment. Jesus’s answer rang loudly in the heart of the scribe. So loudly in fact that as he repeated what was said back to Jesus it penetrated into this man’s soul. Jesus’ answer surely blessed him as He told him “You are not far from the kingdom of God.” Perhaps other thoughts went through his mind as he looked around from his place where he stood. What is this kingdom? Is it a grand palace that is close by? Is it a place in this heaven that I hear the priests talk about? Just what is this ‘kingdom of God’ that he speaks of? He said I wasn’t far from it…so it must be near, and if I keep these commandments then I am close to it. So, could it be that when Jesus said “thy kingdom come, on earth as it is

in heaven” (Matthew 6:10b) that he talked about bringing the realities of the Power of God to the earth? If this is true then there is no excuse for living a less than holy life while we dwell here on earth (1 Peter 1:15-16). We are to rid ourselves of the ways of the world and our worldly lifestyle. When one embraces this concept we see that the kingdom of God IS near…as near as in our hearts and we are expected to live this kingdom lifestyle. The kingdom of God doesn’t reside in a building called the church. It resides in us…Holy and acceptable unto God… Romans 12:1-2: I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. “We need to understand that this

reality of the kingdom is for us in the here and now.” – David Tait

In Conclusion Of course the gathering together and being the church is necessary. It is just as necessary as being the church at home, in the work place, or in the market place. It’s the place for spiritual growth and nourishment. It’s the place where gifts are discovered and encouraged. It’s the place where one learns to be the church and then learns how to take it into the world to teach and disciple others. Although these may seem as ramblings to some, if they are broken down, they are nuggets that can be slowly digested as food for one’s soul. The church was never intended to be about a building, it was about the kingdom of God within us, it is about community living and giving. It’s about LOVE! It’s not about what demonization you belong to, but it IS about Kingdom


living…holiness…to be set apart…not by buildings and denominations, but apart from the world. I don’t want to take any questions asked here light heartedly thinking we could never be a nation where we weren’t free to openly worship and talk about Jesus Christ. Some of us already know what it’s like to face persecution from people we love. When it comes down to the wire…where will your faith lie? What will you say? Where will your church be? “Church, the day draws near that childish thinking will perish and one will draw from the meat of the Word. For unto this your lamps remain full.” – Lea Bates 1Co 13:12-13: For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. 13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Building an Effective

Giving Web Page By Mark Brooks

If you don’t have a giving page as a part of your website, stop reading this now and call your web master to set one up! If you already have a giving page, then read on. I have been studying the top 100 churches in America in terms of attendance and the top 100 fastest growing churches in America. As always I look at the stewardship side of their web sites, since I am The Stewardship Coach. What I have found is, at the same time, alarming and encouraging. Frankly, some of the large churches have some of the worst sites overall, including some of the hardest to find giving portals. Is it that we are afraid to ask for money that we make finding a giving link difficult? As I have written before, the first rule of thumb about your giving site is to make it easy to find and easy to navigate. That one lesson will generate loads of cash coming your way. Let’s talk about some steps that you take within your giving page to make it effective. The following are

my dos and don’ts when it comes to a giving page. Let’s start with the list of dos. I have listed the things you should do and samples of each that you can look at from real live churches doing an excellent job with their giving page. When it comes to your giving page… • Do make it easy to find and easy to navigate. Community Bible Church of San Antonio, TX • Do provide inspiring stories of how giving makes a difference. Video stories are great. See Elevation Church for the best example. 27

• Do provide multiple options in how people can give. See Crossroads php • Do list an FAQ page to answer common questions. Potential Church in Florida has one of the best giving sites. Check out there FAQ page • Do list a series on giving. Andy Stanley has an incredible series called Balanced that you link to from their giving page. www.north- • Do allow people to manage their own account and see their giving history. Check out Eagle Brook Church in MN /page.asp?page_id=164379 • Consider an estate seminar page. If your church is in a highly Sr. Adult area like Christ Church of the Valley in AZ then consider this Those are just a few of the key things that I would consider on my site. While the above sites in general do an excellent job with their giving web pages, there are others that make terrible mistakes. To avoid embarrassing anyone, I won’t provide links, but I will list what I consider my don’ts. Please don’t… • Not have a giving site! • Make me get a magnifying glass to find how to link to the giving page.

• Don’t tell people who want to use debit or credit cards how much you end up being charged when they use those options! It is less than 3%, so get over it! • If you are going to list your budget, make sure it is the right year! • Don’t list last year’s Christmas offering! • Don’t have data that is out-dated! Those are some of the biggest mistakes that I found. Amazingly some of these mistakes were made by some of the largest churches in America. Having an effective giving page is not that difficult. While it might take time and cost you a bit of money, it will in the long run pay off for you. If I were to go to your church website, what would I find? Quick, go look for yourself. It might be time to call your webmaster! Source: The Charis Group


Mystery Worshippers The only clue they have been there at all is the Mystery Worshipper calling card, dropped discreetly into the collection plate. Since ancient times (ok, 1998), Ship of Fools has been sending Mystery Worshippers to churches worldwide. Travelling incognito, they ask those questions which go to the heart of church life: How long was the sermon? How hard the pew? How cold was the coffee? How warm the welcome? Mystery Worshipper: St Hilda. The church: Victory Church, Wales. Denomination: Independent Pentecostal. The building: The building is a disused industrial building that was converted into a church about 18 months ago. It is part brick, part steel, with the addition of the Victory Church logo above the entrance. Inside the worship area, it is the most basic, unadorned church I have ever seen. Grey walls, with a stage and overhead screen at one end. The one element of decoration was a wooden cross draped with a purple stole on the stage. The church: The founding pastor, the Revd Richard Taylor, is a director of Victory Outreach UK, which provides Christian homes for recover-

ing addicts and people released from prison. The church does have a heart for working with young adults, and runs a group called Engage for the 17-30 age group. The neighbourhood: Cwmbran is a new town (a planned community constructed in a previously undeveloped area). It was established in 1949 to provide employment opportunities for the South Wales valleys. As a result there is a typical 1960s style shopping centre, with a particularly ugly tower block nearby. The church is situated out of the town centre, behind the (relatively) new retail park in a confusing maze of roads and roundabouts that nearly made me late for the service. The cast: The Revd Kenny Brandie, lead pastor, led the opening part of 29

the service. The Revd Richard Taylor, preaching pastor, preached. The date & time: 21 August 2011, 11.00am. What was the name of the service? Bible Teaching and Communion. How full was the building? Comfortably full, i.e. there was room to raise your hands during worship without putting anyone's eye out! I would estimate there were 150 people attending (I do wish churches would announce the attendance during the service; it would make a Mystery Worshipper's life much easier). Did anyone welcome you personally? As I entered, I was greeted by a number of young men who shook

my hand, wished me a good morning, and asked if I was all right. The latter comment slightly worried me, making me concerned I was looking ill. That's not to mention the young man who came and asked my name and home town, so that later other first time attendees and I were made to put our hands up so the whole church could welcome us. There were other church members who greeted me at various points in the service. Was your pew comfortable? Standard plastic stacking chair. Not uncomfortable. How would you describe the pre-service atmosphere? Fairly noisy – lots of people chatting with their friends. What were the exact opening words of the service? "Good morning and welcome to Victory Church. I'm Pastor Kenny." What books did the congregation use during the service? No books, though most of the congregation brought their own Bibles. What musical instruments were played? Piano, electric guitars, drums, plus I think I glimpsed a saxophone tucked away at the back.

description here. The worship band were very good and well rehearsed, and the congregation joined in the singing with enthusiasm, clapping and raising their hands. There was about 20 minutes of singing, followed by the sermon, which was followed by a very pared back communion, with the opportunity to ask for prayer for healing, followed by some final songs. Exactly how long was the sermon? 48 minutes. On a scale of 1-10, how good was the preacher? 8 – Pastor Taylor probably gets an extra point for being Welsh, and it was a pleasure to hear a good oldfashioned pulpit-thumping Pentecostal sermon after so many years. Also it was good to hear the response from the congregation at various points. In a nutshell, what was the sermon about? Richard Taylor was in the middle of a series "Discovering Christ Through John" and preached on Jesus healing the blind (John 9). He used the

ple were really open to God working in their lives, which was quite infectious. And which part was like being in... er... the other place? Somehow I've never thought of heaven as being grey! The dark grey walls, chairs and carpet allied with the black and red backdrop on the stage did bring "the other place" to mind for me. What happened when you hung around after the service looking lost? After the service although I stood in a very prominent position at the back of church, no one seemed to notice me. In the end I moved into the foyer, where a pleasant woman spoke to me briefly. Then I got chatting to another woman in the queue for tea and coffee. How would you describe the afterservice coffee? Big disappointment! There was a tea and coffee bar, which also served some delicious-looking cakes. But you had to pay! In the interests of research I paid my £1.20 and received a very indifferent paper cup of tea, and rather wished I hadn't bothered.

There was a tea and coffee bar, which also served some delicious-looking cakes. But you had to pay! In the How would you feel about this church your interests ofresearch I paid my £1.20 making regular (where 10 = ecand received a very indifferent paper static, 0 = terminal)? 10 – There's an amazing cup of tea, and rather wished I buzz about Victory church at the moment, and I'd hadn't bothered. like to be around to see

Did anything distract you? The one advantage of the industrial aesthetic of the worship area was that there were few distractions. However, at one point I noticed something shining at the front of the church. Sadly it was not a vision, but the sparkly top adorning one of the singers in the worship team.

Was the worship stiff-upper-lip, happy clappy, or what? I think happy clappy is an adequate

various events in the Bible story to bring out teaching points on how to live our lives. For example, the blind man refusing to alter his testimony about his healing was a reminder to us never to change our testimony about Jesus. Which part of the service was like being in heaven? The worship was great, but the main thing was a feeling that peo30

what happens next, but I'd bring my own flask of tea if I did! Did the service make you feel glad to be a Christian? You bet. What one thing will you remember about all this in seven days' time? Richard Taylor's a pretty charismatic guy. I won't forget him in a hurry.



spiritual and moral commitment gives us a basis from which to control and determine the direction of our emotions. We are no longer at the mercy of external pulls and pressures once we have established an inner center. Three major manifestations of well anchored emotional energy can be seen in daily conduct, especially under a testing. 1. Commitment produces emotional stability.

The roller coaster kind of life is over; we can begin to count on ourselves to be predictable and dependable. We find it possible to hold steady and remain firm in situations that used to shake us. We do not find each crisis of life an occasion to question our salvation, but we are

able to consider our redemption a settled business transaction. We have received an anointing to be constant both in our relationship to God and to others. Now he which stablisheth us with you in Christ, and hath anointed us, is God. (2 Cor. 1:21) Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving. (Col. 2:7) 2. Commitment enables us to stop going to extremes and settle into a balance. Once we find ourselves fixed upon a solid foundation and currently in touch with the life of the Spirit, we no longer go from one extreme to another. Our mood swings begin to 31

level out. We do not spend as much time on mountain peaks or in depressing valleys. More and more we count on Christ as the center of our lives and the undergirding on which to build. Our hearts are fixed in trust and in desire upon the Lord, and it takes an increasingly great blow to move us even temporarily. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he sees his desire upon his enemies. (Ps. 112:7 8) 3. Commitment so fixes us upon the center and grants us an inner sureness that we have plenty of emotional margin to be gracious and poised.

THE FUNCTION OF POISE Poise is essentially a means of preserving our inner balance. Elaborate inner mechanisms work together to offset any pulls away from our fixed center and to deal with any threats of invasion. Poise keeps us flexible enough to adjust to constant outer change without requiring inner disruption. It enables us to roll with things as they come our way by continually restoring us to center and keeping us right side up as we are tumbled and tossed. 1. Poise maintains the freedom of our will. We are not forced to react, but we can choose how to adapt to situations and pressures. God has given us a free will and the means for remaining free. We can take our time and make our moves with deliberation. Nevertheless he that standeth stedfast in his heart, having no necessity, but hath power over his own will, and hath so decreed in his heart that he will keep his virgin, doeth well. ( 1 Cor. 7:37) 2. Poise prevents us from being moved away from our moorings. We are anchored to Christ by the indwelling Spirit. The winds may blow and rains may drench us, but we are not swept off balance. We are kept in touch with our center and source. For this reason, we always have sufficient resources to cope flexibly, neither breaking nor collapsing (1 Cor. 15:58).

3. Poise allows us to decide to stay put. We live in an age not only of mobility but of restlessness. When people run out of what to do or face a blank wall, they move to another place rather than discover God's sufficiency in the situation. Now that we are fixed upon Christ, we do not have to run; we can make an investment in permanence (Col. 1:23). 4. Poise keeps us established in the truth. Both the inner work of the Spirit of truth and our interaction with fellow believers enables us to continue on the same basis of truth upon which we began. The truth within us individually is reinforced by the on center local church which is a bulwark and mainstay of the truth. But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground [stability] of the truth. (1 Tim. 3:15) Poise is our inner ability to continue returning to our center in Christ. It is an adaptability which keeps us in control of our reactions. The word "poise" came into our language through the Middle English poisen from the Latin verb pensare: "to think, weigh, ponder, consider, or deliberate." In other words we are not forced into surface reactions or emotionally loaded words. We have an inner cushion which allows us to actively decide how we will deal with people and situations.

Nature gives us two excellent illustrations of steadfastness and poise. The first comes from the field of biology. Whether it be one cell or many, we find life maintained by homeostasis. Homeostasis is the tendency toward maintenance of a relatively stable internal environment through a series of interacting physiological processes. If imbalance occurs or something threatens to invade, this disruption releases the balancing chemistry to offset it. The need is met and the cell continues without disruption. The second illustration in nature is seen best in the delicate mechanisms found in our inner ears which enable us to maintain our sense of equilibrium. Equilibrium originally meant to make things of equal balance. It now refers to our natural sense both of balance and of position. These elaborate mechanisms in the inner ear work closely with our sense of movement. When we are thrown off balance, our senses let us know and we are enabled to regain our equilibrium. The Holy Spirit likewise lets us know when we get off balance in our walk with the Lord. He alerts us to our condition and leads us back to center. 1. He alerts us to doctrinal error or sidepaths. (Isa. 30:21) 2. He convicts us of moral departure. (Prov. 1:23) 3. He reveals to us our mental discrepancies from God's truth. (Phil. 3:15)

“God must be accomplishing a design invariable and without the shadow of turning, the design to save every one of us everlastingly.� Florence Nightingale 32

SoJo Ministries is an anointed husband and wife team who were both born in Delaware and began their journey over 10 years ago when the Lord placed them together with a seed of music in their hearts. Sophia & Joe sing and record all of the Lead and Background vocals. Joe produces and composes all the musical tracks and together, Sophia and Joe write and arrange original songs that are inspired from their true life testimonies as a married couple, and from their individual

daily trials walking the narrow road to Eternity! SoJo Ministries has a very diverse style that ministers to all ethnic backgrounds, generations, the saved and unsaved. Music is the voice that communicates to every genre, age group and social status. Their mission is to touch hearts, minds, and souls with ministering songs that will inspire and encourage the hopeless, cheer broken hearts, spread joy, give words of 33

strength to the faint of heart and be humble vessels of the Lord to help heal the Nations one song at a time. Many are called but few are chosen. Please visit our website at SoJo Ministries will be releasing their first single entitled “Rejoice!� in April 2012 through all digital media outlets for download. May the God’s blessings be with you always! Sophia and Joe Yancey SoJo Ministries

IT TAKES COURAGE TO BE YOURSELF We read a great deal about the "identity crisis" experienced by most as a transition during adolescence. Through the identity crisis the young person gains social independence from home and begins to discover his own goals and aspirations in life. In my opinion, most Christians also experience an "integrity crisis" through which they find themselves in Christ and opposed to the system of this world. The integrity crisis can take place at any age. It comes about after a thoroughgoing commitment has been made to the Lord and this commitment is allowed to be tested. The test always involves some form of social pressure to conform which violates Christian conscience. We are then forced to choose whether to be true to our own commitment or whether we will compromise in order to retain social approval. Once we have committed our lives to Christ, we can be sure that sooner or later He will set up such circumstances to test us, for this is not an experience reserved for special saints but it is a normal part of Christian experience.

in the Old Testament and during the days of the martyrs, but more often it is simply the pressure of social disapproval. The cost of sticking with our commitments is often separation from close and dear friends and at times even from relatives. What God is requiring of us at such times of testing is a deliberate ordering of our priorities so as to confess Him as more important than any other relationship. This is what Jesus was talking about: If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple. (Luke 14:26 27)

Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. (2 Tim. 3: 12)

Persecution may involve physical or mental punishment as it often did

Some people misinterpret this passage and become needlessly offensive toward their families. But the parable of the tower in verses 28 30 illustrates the principle of the cross as Jesus is using it here. It simply means to count the cost and decide once and for all that nothing is worth compromising our commitments to God. We will remain true to ourselves by carrying out all our vows and commitments. 34

Quotes “The Holy Spirit establishes the righteousness of heaven in the midst of the unrighteousness of earth, and will not stop or stay until all that is dead has been brought back to life and a new world has come into being.” Karl Barth “Grace is God acting in your life to accomplish what you cannot do on your own.” Dallas Willard “There are not superstars in Christianity except Jesus. You can't make Christ look wonderful and yourself look clever at the same time.” Pastor Jim Cymbala “It is the work that God does through us that counts, not what we do for him.” Oswald Chambers “The greatest freedom is having nothing to prove.” R. T. Kendall

Church growth conference helps pastors feel like miserable failures

PEORIA, Ill. — The “Bigger Church, Bigger Impact” conference wrapped on Friday, leaving participants feeling drained and dejected. “I came here thinking my church was doing all right. Now I see we’re so dinky and dumb, it’s not even funny,” says pastor Steve Irvine of Reno, Nev., who went to his hotel room and cried after each session. Several faith-filled conference speakers shared how they grew their churches to tens of thousands of members with various ministry techniques. In the foyer afterward, many participants wore tight grins. Some broke down on the spot. After paying $400 to attend the conference, pastor Ryan Delacourt of Eugene, Ore., left feeling “about three tons worse” than when he came. “I don’t know why I go to these things,” he says, noting that his church has been trying to break the 100-member mark for twelve years. After the conference some pastors hit the local Cracker Barrel restaurant to commiserate. Some vowed not to return. “If I want to be this depressed again, I’ll rent Apocalypse Now, or read my e-mails,” quipped one.


“Unfortunately, one of the things I’ve learned is that many Christians never let the Bible get in the way of what they believe. A recent Barna Survey reveals that for the first time, most Americans now depend upon their own logic, tradition, or experience to formulate beliefs. Few actually take the Word of God as the basis of their beliefs. The result is what Jesus spoke about in Mark 7:13: “Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition.” Most Christians today aren’t aware that their “old-time religion” is polluted with many traditions that void the power of God’s Word.” (AWMI)

“It is a mistake to look to the Bible to close a discussion; the Bible seeks to open one.” William Sloane Coffin 36


EU called to act on corruption Christian campaigners have delivered 10,000 calls to action on corruption to the European Union. Representatives of Micah Challenge, Mission-Net, Tearfund and Exposed presented the postcards to EU decision-makers in Brussels on Wednesday. The postcards had messages written on them from supporters across 22 member states urging the EU to pass strong laws that would force oil, gas and mining companies on the European Stock Exchanges to publish what they pay goverments for access to the natural resources.

act now and ensure money ends up in right places.” Many of the postcards were signed by young Christians from across Europe who attended the Mission-Net Conference in Erfurt, Germany, last December. Evi Rodemann, Director of MissionNet, argues that the impact of

said. “The evidence is strong. If all payments were made public, revenue would be sufficient to meet the Millennium Development Goals and provide everyone living with HIV with vital drugs for over 30 years.” Churches in Denmark, Germany, the UK, France, Portugal are among those supporting the campaign.

European Parliament “Christians across the world isThecurrently considering legislation on financial are uniting in action to transparency and accountability. A decision is shine a light on corruption. expected in the next few This is what these 10,000 months. The campaign groups messages symbolise," said the legislation would

Joel Edwards, the International Director of Micah Challenge, said: “This is a scandal of our times and EU leaders have a responsibility to ensure corruption does not blight the lives of the poor across the world.

“Some 3.5 billion people live in countries which are rich in oil, gas and mineral resources. Tragically, money from these areas often doesn’t benefit the poor communities who live nearby. EU leaders have to

changing the law would be significant enough to meet the Millennium Development Goals, set by world leaders in 2000 to eradicate extreme poverty within a 15-year time frame. “Christians across the world are uniting in action to shine a light on corruption. This is what these 10,000 messages symbolise," she 37

enable churches to hold governments to account and ensure that revenue was being spent to help achieve the MDGs.

Bishop Dr Stephen Munga, from Tanzania, who was part of the Brussels delegation, said: “Local communities should be able to hold their governments to account on these issues, which will improve their lives. That’s what this campaign is all about.”

Judge rules human rights don't apply to Christian Facebook case A Christian demoted by employers over comments he made about gay marriage on his Facebook page has been told he cannot appeal to human rights arguments in his defence. Disciplinary action was taken against Adrian Smith, a housing manager at Trafford Housing Trust (THT), last year over an exchange on Facebook relating to gay marriage. In February last year, Mr Smith posted a link to a BBC news story entitled “Gay church marriages get go ahead”, and added his own comment, “an equality too far”. One colleague responded by asking him if his comment meant that he did not approve of gay marriages, to which Mr Smith replied: “I don’t understand why people who have no faith and don’t believe in Christ would want to get hitched in church. The Bible is quite specific that marriage is for men and women. If the state wants to offer civil marriage to the same sex then that is up to the state; but the state shouldn’t impose its rules on places of faith and conscience." The colleague brought the comments to the attention of THT, which decided to discipline Mr Smith despite the comments being made on his personal Facebook page, outside of working hours. He was subsequently demoted from

his position as housing manager and his salary was reduced by 40 per cent. His appeal against the decision was unsuccessful. District Judge Charles Khan at Manchester County Court ruled this morning that Mr Smith's legal challenge cannot rely on his human rights. Although Mr Smith will continue his legal action, he will have to do so on the grounds of breach of contract. The case is likely to be heard in the summer. It is being financed by The Christian Institute, a national charity that defends the religious liberty of Christians. A spokesman said: “This ruling, while not fatal to Mr Smith’s case, is deeply concerning. It reinforces the widely-held perception that Christians are not afforded the same human rights as others. “If the shoe were on the other foot, if an employee had been disciplined for advocating gay marriage, it is inconceivable that human rights arguments wouldn’t apply. “This ruling is particularly relevant at the present time, as the Government is planning to redefine marriage. Many people who believe in traditional marriage are worried that they will be penalised for their beliefs.” 38

Quotes “God will give absolute justice, which is the only good thing. He will spare nothing to bring his children back to himself, their sole well-being, whether he achieve it here—or there” George MacDonald “Primates often have trouble imagining a universe not run by an angry alpha male.” Unknown Love does not dominate,it cultivates.” Anonymous “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.” Abraham Lincoln

Archbishop calls for protection of homosexuals The Archbishop of Canterbury suggested laws criminalising homosexuality could be open to "appalling abuse"

racial discrimination." Dr Williams emphasised that concern for protection of gays and lesbians from violence and

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, has called upon nations to respect the human rights of homosexuals in countries where they are often targeted for violence, as he suggested that anti-gay legislation is akin to racial discrimination. In an address to members of the World Council of Churches in Geneva, Dr Williams said that laws specifically targeting gays and lesbians were equivalent to racial discrimination. "Many societies would now recognise that legal interference with some sorts of consensual sexual conduct can be both unworkable and open to appalling abuse (intimidation and blackmail)," Dr Williams said. "The existence of laws discriminating against sexual minorities as such can have no justification in societies that are serious about law itself. "Such laws reflect a refusal to recognise that minorities belong, and they are indeed comparable to

being homosexual. In most Muslim countries the existence of homosexuality is not openly acknowledged and gay individuals can be sentenced to prison or corporal punishment, and even capital punishment in some cases. The same is the case in African countries that are not mostly Muslim, like Cameroon, which is 40 per cent Christian. Uganda, which is 85 per cent Christian, only recently considered the death penalty for homosexuals.

intimidation did not imply approval of homosexual behaviour on moral grounds. "This concern for protection from violence and intimidation can be held without prejudging any moral question; religion and culture have their own arguments on these matters. "But a culture that argues about such things is a culture that is able to find a language in common. "Criminalise a minority and there is no chance of such a language in common or of any properly civil or civic discussion." Reports coming from multiple countries in the Middle East and Africa describe egregious violations of human rights of people accused of 39

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Navi Pillay, said in a recent report that homosexuals and bisexuals face execution in at least five countries and 76 nations had laws criminalising gay sex, Reuters reported. They also accounted disproportionately for torture cases in jails around the globe. Most African Christian churches remain sharply opposed to homosexuality, while the global Anglican Communion is in turmoil over the issue. Traditionalists are strongly opposed to the ordination of gay clergy and the blessing of same-sex relationships, whereas liberals have been urging tolerance and change.

Persecution Watch Prayer Meeting Attacked in New Delhi On March 12, Hindu extremists allegedly from the Bajrang Dal attacked a prayer meeting in the heart of the national capital, Kalkaji, New Delhi threatening Christians of dire consequence if they regularly meet for prayer meetings in future. According to information reaching EFI, Mr. Jagdish Dey from Apostolic Faith Church (AFC) was conducting a prayer meeting at the residence of one church member attended by six ladies and few children when the extremists stood at the door of the house and started taking pictures. Right after the final prayer was over, the extremists forcefully entered into the house, claiming to be of Bajrang Dal outfit, dragged Mr. Dey out on the street, where about 30 armed extremists awaited outside to beat him up. However, the Christian ladies came out, surrounded Mr. Dey and defended him. Thereafter, the extremists alerted the police who soon arrived on the spot and took Mr. Dey to the police station. On hearing the incident, area leaders of AFC, Pastor Bobby Chpellappan and Rev. Jobby Prasannan rushed to the police station . However, the extremists had brought in false allegations against the Christians claiming that they conducted prayer meetings to desecrate idols and make derogative remarks about their gods and goddess. In the meantime, about 50 extremists massed up at the police station, threatened to hurt the Christians and pressurized the police to take actions against them.

Under pressure, the police took in writing from Mr. Dey that he will stop conducting house prayer meetings in future. Speaking to EFI, Rev. Chellappan said, "It was a false allegation against us. We do not talk about other people's religion nor teach people to talk ill against any other faith." Adding that, "tension still prevails in the area and Christians were stopped from going to the prayer meetings and they were even restricted from using the public water pump. About six Christain families reside in the area. "All these Christian families live on rent and the extremists are even compelling the landlords to chase the Christians out from their rented houses." reported co-pastor Rev. Jobby Prasannan. In a similar incident the next day, the extremists forcefully entered into the ladies prayer meeting conducted by Pastor Blessy Bobby from the Apostolic Faith Church and left. One of the observer lady later mentioned, " Why should the men enter the women's prayer meeting which was meant only for women." As of latest, Delhi Minority Commission member A.C. Michael visited the Apostolic Faith Church and encouraged people assuring them that government will take necessary actions to protect the rights of Christians in the region. Further as they visited the police station and talked to the SHO in40

charge inquiring about the incident, they came to know that police have not recorded any FIR so far. The matter is still pending further investigation. Please pray for Rev Chellappan and all the church members that they will stand strong in the Lord amid persecutions. Kindly pray for justice, God's intervention and protection upon them.

An Appeal to write to Authorities As concerned people, kindly write to the Chief Minister of Delhi appealing her to safe guard the rights of the minority communities and to provide protection to churches against attacks and to take immediate action against the perpetrators of violence. Smt. Sheila Dikshit Chief Minister of Delhi 3, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi - 110011 Email: (O) Tel: (011) 23392020; 23392030 (O) Fax: (011) 23392111 (R) Tel: (011) 23018716 ; 23018717

IMPORTANT NOTICE As a safety precaution we advise that you do not mention ICOF or The Next Wave should you decide to make contact with above authorities.

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"It is not faith and works; it is not faith or works; it is faith that works" Anonymous 41

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." Dresden James "Experience supplies painful proof that traditions once called into being are first called useful, then they become necessary. At last they are too often made idols, and all must bow down to themor be punished� J. C. Ryle

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Prayer Meeting Pastor Rebecca Goins of the ICOF US Synod leads a weekly prayer meeting via Skype. This meeting is held live every Tuesday 10.00 AM EST For more information: Email: Skype: rebecca_goins22

“Humility is a paradox. The moment you think you've finally found it, you've lost it. There has yet to be written a book intitled, "Humility and How I Achieved It." And yet, God expects (and rewards) an attitude of servant-like humility in His followers.” “Never get so busy doing the work of the kingdom that you forget who the King is.” “No one can ignore Jesus forever.” 43

Quotes “The world needs to see Christians burning, not with self-righteous fury at the sliding morals in our country, but with passion for God.” ― Kevin DeYoung “The main thing between you and God is not so much your sins; it's your damnable good works. ” ― John H. Gerstner “God's answers are wiser than our prayers.” Unknown

ROUNDTABLE withDr. Robert Straube ONLINE

Dr. Robert Straube, PhD, President ICOFCSU. Dr. Straube also serves as President of Christian Multiversity, Fivefold Apostle and Chief of Staff for ICOF President Bernie L. Wade. A new forum I would like to highlight and introduce is the newly formed Presidents’ Roundtable; a group of Christian leaders involved in higher educational leadership. The Presidents’ Roundtable is a monthly get-together of men and women who collaborate to further advance Biblical education systems and structures, endeavor to find solutions to the challenges they are facing, and offer cutting edge, innovative ideas to better serve their students, staff and community. This is the forum where educational leaders can help one another rise above the obstacles they may be encountering and offer a different perspective, or a new twist. Sign-up is now in progress for the Presidents’ Roundtable, hosted by Dr. Robert Straube at Once we register those professionals who desire to participate, we will announce the date, time and on-line location for the forum.

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Reasons churches don't ask clown ministries to return: 1. They force people to smile during the 8 am service. 2. It's hard to say with dignity, "The sermon today will be given by Brother Umpa-Doody." 3. Whoopee cushions inevitably appear under pew cushions 4. Sermons take a lot longer when they are in pantomime. 5. Many denominations do not recognizeReasons Churches Don't Ask Clown Ministries to Return seltzer water baptism. 6. Dribble glasses used during the communion service. 7. They have to pay janitors extra to get all of the silly string off the ceiling. 8. The kids pop their balloons during closing prayer.


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