The Next Wave magazine - February 2012

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The Voice of Global Apostolic Reformation

February 2012

International Circle of Faith 40,000 Ministers with 11 Million Constituents

Christian Burnout

Inside: Ministry of Helps Supernatural “Grace Thing!” Azusa Street Prophecy Missions Trip Totally Fruitless’

4 Ways to Avoid Burn Out



There is a well known preachers that boast of working eighteen hour days supernaturally. I feel sorry for his wife and children they are forced to live with this egomaniac. If you cannot overBurnout amongst ministers is more common than we may re- see your own house how can alize. In many cases ministers you oversee the house of God? have become experts in cover up and maintaining their burn God is raising up leaders who are not religious, care not for out. the opinion of men and are not in competition mode with Like headless chickens they other ministers. run around attempting to do what God has not specifically The Next wave is here! instructed them to do. Ambition and good ideas coupled with motivation from ego propels them to seek to achieve James, great things ‘for’ God. Friend, God does not need your advice, good ideas and efforts. preacher told a friend of mine that if we live in the Spirit we will never become tired. My friend pointed out that Jesus became weary. The preacher responded, “He didn’t ever notice that verse.” My friend agreed that most people overlook scripture and invent fanciful ideas.

THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly

publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

CONTENTS Page 3-4 Christian Burnout Page 6 4 Ways to Avoid Burn Out Page 8 William J. Seymour Page 9-10 Ministry of Helps Page 11-12 Azusa Street Prophecy Page 14 Miracle Provision Page 15 Growth of God’s Kingdom Page 17-19 Supernatural “Grace Thing!” Page 20 Missions Trip Totally Fruitless’ Page 21 Sharing Life In Church And Facebook Page 23 Prophets, Playwrights and Shepherds Page 25-26 Is your church a cult? Page 28-29 Stages of Persecution Page 29 The Religious Spirit Page 30-31 SLOW PC Page 32 Difference Between Preaching & Teaching Page 33-38 Spiritual Warfare Error Page 39 10 Basic Blessings Page 40 The Universe That Praises God Page 41 Interview with Gary Linton Page 42 Europe’s Evangelicals Page 43 Twelver Shiites Page 44 Persecution Watch Page 49 Humor



is the voice of Apostolic Reformation (Apostolic Restoration). Since the time of John Wycliffe there has been an interest of true believers in returning the Church to the tenets taught by the original Apostles and held by the New Testament Church. This Apostolic Reformation has seen many waves of the Holy Spirit. The last prominent wave of Apostolic Reformation was in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. It is our expectation that we are in another wave of Apostolic Reformation. The Next Wave is published by International Circle of Faith Global Network. To receive a complimentary copy of The Next Wave each month register your email on our website.

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Christian Burnout by Al Boyce


t a recent men's Bible study, a brother in Christ was praying out loud for various things -- health issues, ministries and the like. Out of the blue he began praying that the Lord relieve the stress that my wife and I are feeling about our homeless ministry.

anyone. We leave that entirely up to God. So we don't have to be disappointed if people stay in the woods, or if they go back to drinking and taking drugs. We see our role as just loving them, introducing them to Jesus

a high-pressure job than if they fly a sign on the freeway? "Sometimes I feel like

I felt my head jerk as I thought, "Hey, what is he talking about? We are incredibly blessed by this ministry. In fact, the more we do, the less stressful it seems." As the Bible study was ending, I took this man aside. "Hey, thanks for the prayer," I said, "but really, we aren't stressed at all." "Yes, you are," he said, smiling in a patronizing way. "No," I said. "You don't understand. I know it looks like we do an overwhelming amount of stuff, but God blesses it in amazing ways. We spend every day with our mouths open in wonder. We wake up every morning wondering what miracles we will see. We are happy, energized, excited. What part of that sounds like stress." He raised his hand in the face of this tirade, then said patiently, "I'm not saying there aren't some positives. But I know from just one day serving with our prison ministry how beaten down I get. It's perfectly understandable for you to feel that way." Obviously, I thought, I'm not explaining myself very well. I certainly don't want people thinking that outreach is some arduous, painful duty. "Okay," I ventured. "Maybe we aren't stressed because we aren't trying to FIX

and nurturing the relationship between them and Christ." "Besides," I continued. "We don't have the slightest idea of what it would mean to 'fix' them in the first place. Are they really better off in an apartment than in a camp? Are their lives better if they work at 3

someone selling the deed to a condemned property. Here we are in a Bible study learning that we should give up our dependence on material things. How can I turn around and tell the homeless they need to get what I want to give up?" At this point, the man seemed to lose steam. He actually looked a little perplexed; a little sad. In fact, he looked the way I imagine the rich young ruler looked in Mark 10:21-23:

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." At this the man's face fell. He went away sad, because he had great wealth. Jesus looked around and said to his disciples, "How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God!" I went on to remind him that Jesus says in Matthew 11:30 "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." So if what we are carrying seems heavy, maybe it isn't from God. My Christian brother looked at me almost with resentment and said, "Well, maybe someday I'll be where you are, but not yet." For all my talk about not trying to "fix" anyone, I felt deflated to know that I had somehow failed to reach this man. True, I might have persuaded him (with great difficulty) that my wife and I were perfectly happy with our ministry. But I had failed to infuse him with the enthusiasm for doing God's work. I wondered why it was that this man felt "beaten down" by sharing the Gospel with prison inmates. And why was he so ready to project his sense of burnout onto others?

ing. She attaches the notes, which include personal comments and scripture, to plastic bags we will later fill with food. We visit three grocery stores and pick up food that would otherwise be thrown away. We put a main dish, dessert and bread into each bag and bring what is left to a local resource center. Then we personally deliver the bags and notes to homeless camps. At the camps, we pick up those homeless men and women who want to attend our church (this number has ranged from one to 18 at our most recent service). We sit with them at church, introduce them to others there, and then bring them to our home for lunch and fellowship. After lunch, some use our telephone to call loved ones. Others use the Internet and newspaper to look for jobs. Then we drive them back to their camps. Every weekday morning we bring the

teers at a local motel that provides rooms so the homeless may take showers and get lunch. We pray with them, offer them encouragement, and sometimes provide transportation. Throughout the week we are available to help the homeless get to doctors appointments and to pick up food and clothing donations. Every Thursday night we meet with up to 20 homeless for dinner and a Bible study. Once a month on Saturday, we join our church in providing food and prayer to about 100 homeless in a downtown area. Underlying and shoring up our work for God are some important components: We read the Bible and do devotionals every day. We participate in our church's home group program. We try to mentor other Christians who are interested in doing more for God. Where do we find the time? Honestly‌I don't know. But here are some things we don't do: We watch very little television -- maybe four hours a week. We don't play video games. We only go out to the movies every couple of months. We eat almost every dinner at home. We don't work out or play sports (other than occasional walks). We don't travel very much.

I went on to remind him that Jesus says in Matthew 11:30 "my yoke is easy and my burden is light." So if what we are carrying seems heavy, maybe it isn't from God.

For those of you who have read this far, I'll provide a little exercise. I'll give you details of what my wife and I do each week (in addition to my fulltime job and her fulltime home-schooling and other activities) so you can see what the outside world sees. Every Sunday morning, my wife writes notes to 20 or more homeless men and women we have the blessing of know-

three homeless people currently living in our home to their fulltime jobs a few miles away. We have set up bank accounts for them, cash their checks and help them manage their money as they prepare to get apartments. On Monday night, we bring two homeless people to their Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. On Tuesday one, or both of us, volun-

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I guess to most people, this looks pretty insane, but I promise we are not stressed out. And we get to see God and His miracles every day. I think that's a pretty fair trade. About the Author

Al Boyce is a former writer and reporter for The Associated Press. He lives in Raleigh, NC, where he now writes for God.

Article Source: Faith Writers

“It is our expectation that we are on the verge of yet another wave of the Spirit. We refer to this as The Next Wave. The Next Wave will be as radically different as the last wave. The opposition will come from the recipients of the last wave.� Dr. Bernie L. Wade, President International Circle of Faith

4 Ways to Avoid

Burn Out E

by Tim Peters

veryone from politicians to American Idols have something to say about burnout. Congressman Bill Owens, from Upstate New York, once said: “Leadership is an active role; `lead` is a verb. But the leader who tries to do it all is headed for burnout, and in a powerful hurry.” Singer Kelly Clarkson, on the other hand, had a more lighthearted outlook – “God will never give you anything you can’t handle, so don’t stress.” I prefer a more proactive approach to avoiding burnout.

1. Spend Time with God Daily

Make your daily time with God a priority Give yourself unhurried time to re-


flect and listen. The goal is to be restored by God.

2. Move Your Body

Exercise on a regular basis.Check out the benefits according to the experts at the Mayo Clinic: My personal goal is to lift weights four times a week and run at least four times. Honestly, I can say many days exercising helps me remain sane.

3. Proactively Connect

Relax with friends/loved ones to recharge. Keep regularly scheduled appointments or once-in-a-while check-ins with a Counselor (Make an appointment before it’s an emergency). Stay accountable to other Christians through Small Groups. Seek out a more mature and wise mentor.

4. Set Up Boundaries

Keep reasonable work hours. Manage relationships by spending time with people who encourage you – not just those you have to encourage. Finally, take some advice from renowned researcher, and author of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), the most widely used research measure in the field of burnout. Professor Christina Maslach advises, “Humor is a great way to relieve stress.” I couldn’t agree more.

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THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

William J. Seymour William Joseph Seymour (May 2, 1870 - September 28, 1922) was an African American minister, and CONSIDERED an initiator of the MODERN Pentecostal movement. Acts as occurring from the day of the Feast of Pentecost onwards. It is believed, Charles Harrison Mason, founder of the Church of God in Christ, received the Holy Spirit at the revival.


Seymour was born the son of former slaves in Centerville, Louisiana. As a grown man he became a student at a newly formed bible school founded by Charles Parham in Houston, TX in 1905. It was here that he learned the major tenets of the Holiness Movement. He developed a belief in glossolalia ("speaking in tongues") as a confirmation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. He later moved to Los Angeles to minister in churches. As a consequence of his new found Pentecostal doctrine he was removed from the parish where he had been appointed. Looking for a place to continue his work, he found a run-down building in downtown Los Angeles located on Azusa Street. Seymour died of a heart attack in 1922.

Azusa Street Revival

From his base on Azusa Street he began to preach his doctrinal beliefs. Seymour not only rejected the existing racial barriers in favor of "unity in Christ", he also rejected the then almost-universal barriers to women in any form of church leadership. This revival meeting extended from 1906 until

Most of the current charismatic groups can claim some lineage linking them to the Azusa Street Revival and William Seymour. While the movement was largely to fracture along racial lines within a decade, the splits were in some ways perhaps less deep than the vast divide that seems often to separate many white religious denominations from their black counterparts. Probably the deepest split in the Pentecostal movement today is not racial, but rather between Trinitarian and Oneness theologies. 1909, and became known as the Azusa Street Revival. It became the subject of intense investigation by more mainstream Protestants. Some left feeling that Seymour's views were heresy, while others accepted his teachings and returned to their own congregations to expound them. The resulting movement became widely known as "Pentecostalism", likening it to the manifestations of the Holy Spirit recorded as occurring in the first two chapters of 8

While there had been similar religious movements in the past (the Cane Ridge, Kentucky religious movement a century before in the Second Great Awakening being one such example), the current worldwide Pentecostal and charismatic movements are generally agreed to have been in part outgrowths of Seymour's ministry and the Azusa Street Revival.

Ministry of Helps By James Peter Jandu Extracts from FREE ebook ‘Ministry of Helps’


Email: to receive a copy.

hat sort of personal grief would trigger a 42-yearold pastor to ditch his family, his calling and even go as far as to commit suicide? Members of a church had to ponder that question following the suicide of their pastor in his parked car. This is a true story and depression amongst pastors is not uncommon. It is believed amongst those who counsel pastors that the Christian culture, especially amongst evangelicals, creates the ideal setting for depression. Pastors endure the pain in silence, reluctant or incapable of seeking help or even just have a discussion about it. It is not uncommon for some to eventually leave the ministry. Maybe you are thinking, “My pastor is different!” Appearances can be deceiving. Pastoral work is a high-profile, highstress profession with all too often almost unattainable expectations. This becomes the perfect environment for depression. "We set the bar so high that most pastors can't achieve that" H.B. London, Vice president for pastoral ministries.

"And because most pastors are peoplepleasers, they get frustrated and feel they can't live up to that." When pastors

•90 percent feel they’re inadequately trained to cope with ministry demands. •80 percent of pastors say they have insufficient time with their spouse. •56 percent of pastors’ wives say that they have no close friends.

fail to live up to demands imposed by themselves or others they often "turn their frustration back on themselves… [They] turn their frustration back on themselves" Fred Smoot, executive director of Emory Clergy Care Here are some statistics to ponder over. Statistics on Suffering Pastors: •80 percent believe that pastoral ministry affects their families negatively. •30 percent say that being in ministry is an outright hazard to their family. •75 percent report they’ve had a significant stress-related crisis once in their ministry. •50 percent feel unable to meet the needs of the job. 9

•45.5 percent of pastors say that they’ve experienced depression or burnout to the extent that they needed to take a leave of absence from ministry. •70 percent do not have someone they consider a close friend. Those in ministry are equally likely to have their marriage end in divorce as general church members. The clergy has the second highest divorce rate among all professions. (Source: Pastors at Greater Risk, by H. B. London and Neil Wiseman)

Martin Luther’s sacristy prayer sums up well the prayer of many Pastors: “Lord God, You have appointed me as a Bishop and Pastor in Your Church, but you see how unsuited I am to meet so great and difficult task. If I had lacked your help, I would have ruined everything long ago. Therefore, I call upon you: I wish to devote my mouth and my heart to you; I shall teach the people. I

myself will learn and ponder diligently upon your Word. Use me as your instrument — but do not forsake me, for if ever I should be on my own, I would easily wreck it all.”

the boat was covered with the waves. But He was asleep. 25Then His disciples came to Him and awoke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” (Matthew 8:23-26).

We can conclude then that maybe Pastors could do with loyal assistance, not from those who believe their help is a favor deserving a lot of recognition, but from those who believe it is their responsibility and God given duty to assist their Pastor.

Jesus did not row the boat and then minister to multitudes. He would have been too tired. It was His disciples that sailed the ship. Jesus slept (rested)!

1.The role of the Pastor is to equip the Christian for the work of the ministry “And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12). The lay members are to do the work (ministry work). The responsibility is not for the apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip YOU for the work of the ministry. Too often Pastors are left to do the work of the ministry.

2.Jesus had helpers. Jesus had helpers in His ministry •He had a treasurer •All his disciples assisted Him Who was sent out? “These twelve Jesus sent out and commanded them, saying: “Do not go into the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter a city of the Samaritans. 6“But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. 7“And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’” (Matthew 10:5-8). Jesus knew that more could be achieved if all twelve went and not just Himself. He appointed and sent others. It was not a one man ministry. Who rowed the boat? Why was Jesus asleep? “Now when He got into a boat, His disciples followed Him. 24And suddenly a great tempest arose on the sea, so that

Many Christians expect their Pastor to row the boat, sing and preach at the same time! No! The Pastor is called to preach, teach and heal the sick. Get off your lazy bum and do something productive instead of complaining day and night. Who gave the food out? “When it was evening, His disciples came to Him, saying, “This is a deserted place, and the hour is already late. Send the multitudes away, that they may go into the villages and buy themselves food.” 16But Jesus said to them, “They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.” 17And they said to Him, “We have here only five loaves and two fish.” 18He said, “Bring them here to Me.” 19Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes. 20So they all ate and were filled, and they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments that remained. 21Now those who had eaten were about five thousand men, besides women and children” (Mark 14:12-16). Notice it was not Jesus who did the work of distributing the food. “Now on the first day of Unleavened Bread, when they killed the Passover lamb, His disciples said to Him, “Where do You want us to go and prepare, that You may eat the Passover?” 13And He sent out two of His disciples and said to them, “Go into the city, and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water; follow him. 14“Wherever he goes in, say to the master of the house, ‘The Teacher says, “Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples?” ’ 15“Then he will show you a large upper room, furnished and prepared; there make ready for us.” 16So His disciples went out, and came 10

into the city, and found it just as He had said to them; and they prepared the Passover” (Mark 14:12-16). Jesus knew that more could be achieved if others did their part. Moses had helpers

4. Moses needed help (Numbers 11:10-17)

“I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take of the Spirit that is on you and put the Spirit on them. They will help you carry the burden of the people so that you will not have to carry it alone.” (Numbers 11:10-17 ) Moses had assistants. “So Moses and his assistant Joshua set out, and Moses climbed up the mountain of God.” (Exodus 24:13) When Moses hands were lifted they won the battle “As long as Moses held up the staff in his hand, the Israelites had the advantage. But whenever he dropped his hand, the Amalekites gained the advantage. Moses' arms soon became so tired he could no longer hold them up. So Aaron and Hur found a stone for him to sit on. Then they stood on each side of Moses, holding up his hands. So his hands held steady until sunset.”(Exodus 17:11-12) Moses had a congregation that numbered millions. There is no way he could manage them alone. Even a small congregation can be just as difficult to manage.

4. The Apostles had helpers (Acts 6:1-7)

The apostle selected seven men full of the Holy Spirit to do the daily work while they gave themselves to the word of God and prayer. “So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, "It is not right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables” (Acts 6:2). It is not right that Pastors are burdened with unnecessary duties. Release your Pastor from daily duties so time can be given to the Word of God and prayer.

100 Year Old Azusa Street

Prophecy Around 1910 William J Seymour prophesied that in about 100 years time a great revival would break out that was greater that the Azusa Street Revival. He went on to say that it would not be located in one place but in many places around the world. Many believe this prophecy is about to be fulfilled. Some believe it is already being fulfilled.


once when Seymour prayed for a man who had one arm completely missing. Right in front of the eyes of the congregation the arm grew back including complete fingers. These and other eye witness stories have been compiled into a book. The writing of this book was prophesied 40 years ago… and here begins another interesting set of event.

hose of you who are not familiar with the Azusa Street Revival would do well to research this great event in the history of Christianity. It was on April 14th, 1906 that William J Seymour and his band of believers had their first meeting on 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles CA. William J Seymour received his baptism in the Holy Spirit a couple of days earlier, and the story hit the Los Angeles Times on the 18th of April 1906. The little mission locted on 312 Azusa Street, Los Angeles, California became the scene of the modern outpouring of the Holy Spirit just like in Acts 2 and in the Unicoi Mountains. But this time it spread like wildfire all over the world. Today there are over 470 million Pentecostal/Charismatic believers around the world. Great miracles took place including

Meet Tom Welchel

Tom Welchel lived a criminal lifestyle. As a young man his mother took him to all the great revivals—tent revivals. He attended revivals by Branham, Cole, Allen, and Roberts. He showed little interest and as far as he was concerned, “she just wanted to punish me…” When I saw William Branham in 1954, he was only 11 years old. He witnessed the famous halo that appeared on top of William Branham’s head when he was in Houston. He comments, “I was glad I was sitting way in the back—scared the tullies out of me. That was one man I didn’t want to get close to.”

William Joseph Seymour (May 2, 1870 - September 28, 1922)


Later on in life he accepted the Lord Jesus. Once when he arrived at the Pisgah community, a Sister Goldie introduced Tom to many of her friends— Azusa Saints who had moved to Pisgah. In 1960, Tom would meet many whose lives were touched and changed by

Azusa. These were the children and youth of the Azusa Street Revival, now retired or near retirement. For six years, Tom would literally sit at the feet of these Saints and listen over and over again to their stories about the Azusa Street Revival and its impact on their lives.

said that he wanted to get the Azusa Street Saints to come down to the convention and tell their stories. Well, they only had time for about three of them. Jean Darnell was coming to Pisgah to get some envelopes I had finished, and stopped by to see some of the ladies who were to tell their stories. During conversations, several of the ladies told Jean, “If you ever want to get the whole story, go talk to Brother Tommy over there at the Herald of Hope, because he knows every one of the Saints’ stories and can tell ’um better and more accurately than we can.” That’s exactly where Pastor Darnell headed next.

Writing book prophesied

Then came a prophesy about the writing of a certain book. Here’s Tom’s story in his own words about an amazing prophecy: The woman that prophesied to me was Jean Darnell. She is the woman who took over for Aimee SempleMcPherson when she died in 1944. At Pisgah, they had this publication called the Herald of Hope, and there was quite a large mailing list of about a quarter of a million names or more. If Jean was going to appear in some town, she would call Brother Smith and he would call me into his office and let me know what Jean needed. Then I would go and get that city’s mailing list and some surrounding towns and with the envelopes Jean would send, I would print addresses for her. It just so happens that one time there was going to be an international con-

Tom Welchel

vention of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship in 1966, which was the 60th anniversary of Azusa, and it

Tom Welchel lived a criminal lifestyle. As a young man his mother took him to all the great revivals— tent revivals. He attended revivals by Branham, Cole, Allen, and Roberts.

was to be held at Angelus Temple. Demos Shakerien, the founder of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship, had come to Brother Smith, who was a member of the board of Pisgah. He

Jean Darnell came to the Herald of Hope office and when she saw me, she just looked at me and said, “Brother Tommy, come over here, I have a word from the Lord for you. The Lord is showing me that all these stories that the Azusa Street Saints have been telling you and you have been learning and memorizing will someday will be put into a book.” I thanked her for her kind words, thought about what she had said, and then hid her words in my heart. I’m not one that goes and starts trying to make God’s prophecies come to pass. If it’s prophesied to me, I just never forget ‘em; I never do forget, but I let God take care of it. He will work the timing out. What is it now, 40 years later? He’s working it out for the 100-year anniversary. Those involved in the Azusa Stories Project are convinced that They Told Me Their Stories is a vital part in preparing the people of God to make preparation for that outpouring and Glory. We are committed to finding a way to send out one million books in preparation for God's visitation.


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Hudson Taylor


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Miracle Provision M

any years ago our associate (in World Opportunities) and his wife joined us in the purchase of 10 acres of land (5 acres each) about 50 miles from Los Angeles in Palmdale. We were encouraged by several friends that this would be a good investment for our retirement being that it was very close to where they were going to build a larger International airport. We scraped together the dollars needed, made the purchase and then watched and even prayed for years waiting for it to become valuable. That day never came. In recent years the property was just worthless desert land. After our associate and his wife passed on we contacted their son, about 5 years ago, and suggested that we give the property to a Christian mission that shared with us that they were looking in that area for property to build a camp. He agreed and we offered the property, as a donation, to a Hispanic ministry.

Ken and Dottie Phillips family and why the people in his church had houses but there was no house for the church so His children could come to worship Him. The next morning he talked to most of the leadership in his church and they all agreed they needed facilities for a church.

Authors and Christian Missionaries

We share this with you because it is just one example, of many, as to how God works when we give out time, talent and resources to Him. God wanted us over 40 years ago to buy that property but not for our retirement. He wanted in His perfect timing to have that property for this Hispanic ministry to worship on and to honor Him. What a profitable investment it turned out to be! It was an investment with eternal values.

The mission's leader response was overwhelming and they told us that they had been praying for several years for property in Palmdale. I reminded him that there were no roads, no water or electricity. It was just desert land. He went to find the property and came back and told us that it was perfect for what they wanted and was so grateful that God had answered their prayers.

It seems that almost every day we receive reports of similar type miracles where God uses people to meet the needs of others. One example is that for several years now we have been communicating with a pastor in Pakistan who gets our daily devotionals. We have helped him with his sermons, establishing a youth program and several other issues he has faced. Basically we had become a mentor to this dear dedicated pastor.

Today this property is a camp ground for Hispanic youth, adults and families. In addition a church has been planted on the property and meets every week with about 400 people attending.

God had spoken to him, like a voice from heaven, telling him to find a facility to house their people on Sundays to worship. He told us that the voice asked him why he had his house for his 14

They were meeting in a park and only if the weather was good. But no one knew how to get the building needed. The pastor shared with us that the people in the church were very poor and none of them had buildings. Our response was very simple. We suggested that he get every person in his church to pray three times a day that God would provide facilities for a church building. We also suggested that everyone in the church ask every person they talked to every day if they knew anyone that could help them get these new facilities. We told them that we would pray with them and that at God's perfect timing He would give His response. And just yesterday we received an email telling us that God had answered their prayers. This church has been meeting for over 5 years in an open field and now over 400 attend regularly. One of the men that attended the church asked a friend about a building sitting empty in the center of town. The building was given at no charge for this church to meet in until they found another facility. Ken and Dottie Phillips World Bible Society | P. O. Box 5000 | Costa Mesa | CA | 92628

Growth Of God’s Kingdom Written with Christian Love by Bishop Sanford Wade


here does the church go from here? I am sure there are many answers being thought of and spoken of concerning this issue. The answer should be we go back and build for the now and future upon the foundation of the apostles and the prophets. Jesus Christ, himself being the chief cornerstone. I Corinthians 3:11, Ephesians 2:20. Many years ago, God called me to open a church in a rural area of Ohio. He led me to the building and confirmed by His spirit that this was to be the location for his work. The building was an old super market. It was in very bad shape. It took a lot of hard work and prayer to make it into a presentable church building. I received help in the remodelling of the building from several people who did not plan on being a part of the work God had called me to. Some of them were not Christians and some of them were. All of them were blessed by God for their efforts in remodelling the structure.

“We found that many of our early teachings in our lives were not bible based. Those we had to throw out. We did not wish to hinder God's work with the traditions of men”

When we had our first meeting in the building, there were five people present; my loving wife, our two small sons, one sister named Bobbie Cooper and me. I didn’t think of it at the time, but five is God's number for grace. He certainly showered his grace upon the undertaking. Within six months there were over one hundred people gathering to worship God at the place of his choosing. My wife and I did extensive bible study to be sure that we taught only what was in the Word of the Lord. We found that many of our early teachings in our lives were not bible based. Those we had to throw out. We did not wish to hinder God's work with the traditions of men. To that extent, we had nightly prayer meetings between three am and five am. We chose these hours so as not to be interrupted by phone calls, people coming to see us or by the children. We carried our requests to our Heavenly Father nightly. We prayed for those who had never known God, and for those who were far from him. (See last month’s magazine for reference to 15

‘far from Him’). We prayed for the children of God who were fighting a daily battle to press on to the mark of perfection. God heard and he answered our prayers. Many of those we prayed for came to know Jesus or returned to Him. Not all of them were a part of the work God had started through our efforts. Many were in nearby churches, but all were in the Kingdom of God. Praise the Lord! The children of God grew stronger in their walk with Him. We were blessed with many new witnesses. Miracles were common place among us. The gifts of the spirit were manifested. Cars were stopped in the street as they passed the building. God was reaching out to the lost. What was the secret to the success of the work? It was built upon the right foundation. It was reinforced by prayer and do not let me forget fasting. We did all that we could to make the vessels ready for God to use. I have lived my life with the goal of being a vessel that God can use. I feel that if I work to make the vessel worth, God will provide the words I need when I need them to help his people along the way. My wife was a great help in that work and others that followed. She was a great help meet to me right up to the time of her going home to be with Jesus on July 8th of this year. That work is still in operation today. We left it with another minister when God called us to another state to work for the Kingdom of God. That however is another praise for God to be shared at a later date. We must build our work for the Lord upon the foundation that has already been laid. If we wish to see it prosper, we will water it with prayer and fasting and the word of God. Having done so, by faith it will then prosper. We will show our faith by our works and God will show his pleasure in them. All can be a part of the growth of God's kingdom through prayer and fasting and the sharing of God's word.


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We are here for you!

Our Supernatural “Grace-Thing!” By Alan Pateman

“Yet grace (God's unmerited favor) was given to each of us individually [not indiscriminately, but in different ways] in proportion to the measure of Christ's [rich and bounteous] gift” (Ephesians 4:7 AMP).


tians), the same applies to whatever we receive from God – it is by grace. This means that when He gives something to us by grace – we don’t receive the glory for it and nor does He have to override our free will to give it to us. It is only possible to receive such a free gift of grace by faith: not of ourselves; “ is a gift of God: Not of works, least anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them,” (Ephesians 2 v 8-10).

here is much attention given to this subject of Grace; it gets different types of press: good, bad, indifferent and confused! So let’s investigate it a little and focus more on what grace IS rather than what grace is not! Let’s start with the fact that the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ altered mankind’s relationship with God forever. It was grace that caused God to make a personal sacrifice and then offer the “fruit” of that sacrifice directly to us! This makes grace much more than a mere “free-gift” and can be defined by using this simple illustration. Let’s just say that one day while minding our own business someone came up to us and pushed something into our hands saying, “Here are the keys to my Rolls Royce!” This would be a pretty large gift to most people! BUT let’s also say that our normal circumstances meant that we could already purchase this gift if we had chosen to, making the Rolls Royce – a handsome “gift” but NOT a “gift of grace.” On the other hand when it is totally “impossible” for us to obtain this type of “gift” through our own efforts, only then it can be considered a “gift of grace” with no possible way of returning the favor. Then all that is left to say is “Thank you,” and accept the gift! What this illustrates mostly is that we can never “earn” grace! If God had not given us salvation, could we have obtained it any other way? No, impossible!

This is why Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life, no one doth come unto the Father, if not through me” (John 14:6 Young's Literal Translation). There are no alternatives! If salvation was possible by any other means other than “grace,” then perhaps “Krishna’s” idea, that there are “many” ways to God, could be true and then several world religions would work! But according to the Bible there is only “one” way to God. His name is Jesus of Nazareth. His death and resurrection alone have made “grace” available to us. This covers more than “forgiveness” of sins and the “new birth,” (when we were “born again” and became Chris17

Grace can be seen as undeserved and supernatural favor as in the Old Testament. Joseph was someone who experienced “supernatural” favor; “But the LORD was with Joseph, and showed him mercy, and gave him favor (chen) in the sight of the keeper of the prison” (Genesis 39:21). This tiny Hebrew word chen (pronounced khane); #H2580 in Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance; fundamentally means; graciousness, kindness, favor, beauty, pleasant, precious. And then in close relation the word chânan (pronounced khaw-nan) means; to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior; to show favor and to have mercy. However grace is much more than this of course especially in the New Testament. But first we must look in the Old Testament where chen, “favor,” is the unmerited favor of a superior to an inferior. In the case of God to man; chen is demonstrated usually in temporal, though also occasionally in spiritual

blessings; within deliverance in both physical and spiritual senses (Jeremiah 31:2; Exodus 33:19). Also in the Old Testament, chesed; “Loving-Kindness,” is the firm loving-kindness expressed between related people and particularly in the covenants into which God entered with His people and which His chesed firmly guaranteed (11 Samuel 7:15; Exodus 20:6). “But my mercy (chesed) shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee” (2 Samuel 7:15). Moving on into the New Testament Greek literature gave charis the following meanings: a) One that causes attractiveness, such as grace of appearance or speech. b) Favorable regard felt toward a person. c) A favor. d) Gratitude. d) It was used adverbially in phrases such as “for the sake of a thing,” charin tinos. This little Greek word χαρις charis (pronounced khar'ece), used in the New Testament “...the law was given by Moses, but grace (charis) and truth came by Jesus Christ” (John 1: 17) Strong’s #G5485 “graciousness - divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life; gratitude, acceptable, benefit, favour, gift, grace, joy, liberality, pleasure, thankworthy.”

meaning of grace in Christ. The New Testament offers grace to all, in contrast to the Old Testament which generally restricted grace to God’s elect people, Israel. Grace in its fullest definition is “God’s unmerited favor in the gift of His Son, who offers salvation to all and who gives to all those who receive Him as their personal Savior, added grace for this life and hope for the future.”

love for Jesus, who has so graciously done it all for him. Since God has accomplished this in Christ Jesus, it is a matter of grace, rather than self-effort. Man has nothing of which he can boast. Those things in which he does boast are his cardinal sins—pride, personal achievement, self-importance and rebellion toward God’s ways. Every route to self-exaltation and ‘self-salvation’ for man is effectively sealed!

Important to remember is that God’s sovereign grace is not arbitrary (ran-

No grounds for bartering exist between him and God where God must do His part and man his. No, it is all God’s work! God took the initiative, He made the plans, He initiated them and completed them. God saved man, who was deep in sin, without his suggestions, efforts or help at all. Salvation is entirely due to God’s grace. No religious, idealistic, political or philosophical ideas or deeds will take you to God. No rituals, ceremonies, pilgrimages, fasts, donations or other so called good deeds or religious habits will bring you nearer to Him.

The Apostle Paul was the principal humaninstrument to convey the fullest meaning of grace in Christ. The New Testament offers grace to all, in contrast to the Old Testament which generally restricted grace to God’s elect people, Israel.

Although it was not until the coming of Christ that grace took on its fullest meaning. His self-sacrifice was grace itself (2 Corinthians 8:9) and absolutely free (Romans 6:14; 5:15-18; Ephesians 1:7: 2:8-9). When it is received by the believer, it governs his or her spiritual life by compounding favour upon favour. It equips, strengthens, and controls all phases of the believer’s life (2 Corinthians 8:6-7; Colossians 4:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:16; 2 Timothy 2:1). Consequently, the Christian gives thanks (charis) to God for the riches of grace in His unspeakable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15). The Apostle Paul was the principal human instrument to convey the fullest

dom or by chance). In order to “receive it,” man must “believe.” In order to “enjoy it,” the believer must be “obedient.” Grace also provides the following: acceptance (Romans 3:24), enablement (Colossians 1:29), a new position (1 Peter 2:5, 9), and an inheritance (Ephesians 1:3, 14). Then at least three motives are indicated in the New Testament as to why God “acts” in grace, especially in salvation. He does it to: express His love (Ephesians 2:4; John 3:16), to display His grace in the ages to come (Ephesians 2:7), and so that redeemed man will produce good works (Ephesians 2:10). This concludes that sovereign grace is always purposeful; the life that is “under grace” is a life of good works. Here I want to quote Ulf Ekman from his book “Doctrine” which is very fitting here: “Man now enjoys a position in Christ before God as though he had never transgressed. He has no sense of guilt, shame or lack, only an overwhelming consciousness of having ‘come home,’ along with gratitude and 18

God will only accept your admission that you can do nothing, that you are spiritually bankrupt. Then, as you receive by faith, His gift, His grace and all that He has done for you in Christ Jesus, you will be saved. Your sins will be forgiven as you are cleansed in the blood of Jesus. Then the Spirit of God will come to you and you will be born again. You will become a child of God and find peace with Him. Then you will be a Christian who, by faith in Christ Jesus, is pardoned, forgiven and justified by grace: * Ulf Ekman Paul wrote, “...know that a man is not justified by observing the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in Christ and not by observing the law, because observing the law no-one will be justified” (Galatians 2:16 NIV). We have discovered the grace of God is

Quotes so much more than mere charis and is sourced both in God the Father and in His Son, Jesus (Rom 5:15; 1 Cor 1:12; Gal 1:3, 6; 2 Thess 1:12) and therefore we must reject any confidence that we may have in ourselves, recognizing that we are incapable of pleasing God on our own and must entrust ourselves completely to Him. On the other hand grace is “active” and is what we need in order to “operate” in God, with God and for Him. As Paul wrote to Timothy; “...I would remind you to stir up (rekindle the embers of, fan the flame of, and keep burning) the [gracious] gift of God, [the inner fire] that is in you by means of the laying on of my hands... ” (2 Tim 1:6). Something we must prize and value because this grace (call or gift) of God should be the motivation power for our whole life and work. We are saved by grace and called into grace. Grace is more than particular gifts of the Spirit, it is more like the hand of God coming upon someone’s life to single them out for the particular work or area of ministry. Finally, we may have looked at charis but the word for “gift” is charisma... and these two words come from one another: charis meaning “grace” and ma meaning “thing;” literally translating not merely as “gift” but as “grace thing” or “thing of grace!” So when the New Testament talks about “spiritual gifts” it is talking about the “expression or manifestation” of the grace of God in our lives. Now on the other hand there is charismata which is plural for charisma which are the gifts of the Holy Spirit to the entire body of Christ; and made available to each and every member. We could call them “bodygifts” and these are manifested through specific or chosen individuals

as the Spirit determines - as seen in 1 Cor 12: 7, 11. These gifts operate occasionally and are used to meet specific needs as the Spirit directs. We see this again in 1 Peter 4:10, “As each of you has received a gift (a particular spiritual talent, a gracious divine endowment), employ it for one another as [befits] good trustees of God's manysided grace [faithful stewards of the extremely diverse powers and gifts granted to Christians by unmerited favor]” (AMP). To close; every believer needs to be open to these “gifts” of the Holy Spirit in their lives and learn how to operate in the power and authority of these gifts. Because we are not only “called BY grace” and “called INTO grace” just as we see that Paul the apostle was not only given “grace” but specifically given “a grace” with which his whole life was controlled and directed. Not by mere graciousness (charis) but by (charisma) the “authority” of that grace (specific gift, grace-thing) given him by God. This applies to us. We must constantly submit our lives to the grace of God. Not just the divine favour of God over our lives but also to His choice of gifting – grace thing – that He chose for us to “operate” in. Grace is often times made synonymous with “we can do whatever we want and get away with it” but of course this is erroneous. Alan Pateman Ministries International www.alanpateman * Ekman, Ulf. Doctrine. Uppsala, Sweden: Published by Word of Life Publications. Copyright © Sweden 1995, Copyright © England 1996 (p.185)

"The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve." 19

John Stott

“ Lord says, Slow down, and rest in Me. All your activity and efforts interfere with My work in your life and slow down My ministry through you, when it is my desire in this time to accelerate. I have poured my love into you by the Holy Spirit, yes the Spirit of Truth.” "Unless the LORD builds the house, its builders labor in vain" ( Psalms 127:1)

"But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect. No, I worked harder than all of them YET NOT I, BUT THE GRACE OF GOD that was with me." (I Cor 15:10) “No human being was ever destined by God to crawl in shame or to cower in fear.”

Dr T.L. Osborn

“God made nothing inferior. He is first class all the way. He created you unique. You are exceptional, one of a kind.”

Dr T.L. Osborn

“One of the myths about Satan is that sin gives him the "right" to attack us. Satan has no rights, he was striped & defeated.Ignorance, unbelief & tradition are means that allow us to yeild to his torment.”

Ted Nelson

“Since God doesn't respond to our failures by condemnation, neither do we. Instead, we go forward to victory because of Jesus!”

Peter Youngren

Missions Trip to Antarctica ‘Totally Fruitless’ By James Peter Jandu

When in the vineyard of the Lord we are to be guided by the Lord. Not all good ideas are God ideas. Simply having zeal is not sufficient. “It is not good to have zeal without knowledge, nor to be hasty and miss the way” (Proverbs 19:2).

the boat and all we could see was a white, icy wasteland. Even the scientific outpost was unmanned.” The team of 14 huddled for eight days and waited for the boat to return, reading aloud from the Bible and occasionally sending search parties to look for possible converts. They survived on

Countless Christians have run ahead of the Lord, only to be disappointed and frustrated. Often they have burnt out chasing their own ambitions “for the Lord.” Countless Christians have run ahead of the Lord, only to be disappointed and frustrated. Often they have burnt out chasing their own ambitions “for the Lord.”

penguin meat and stayed warm by crawling inside the still-warm corpse of a large seal.

Maybe this true story illustrates that:

The group made it home, chilled but safe, and had to give the church their disappointing report.

ALBANY, New York — Taking literally the Bible’s injunction to spread the gospel to the uttermost parts of the world, a

“Next time we’ll at least construct a building in case poor children move to that continent some day and need

“It was a total waste,” said John Alder, who held garage sales and sold his RV so he and his wife could go. group of adults from Albany, New York, went on a short-term missions trip to Antarctica but were disappointed by what they didn’t find: people. “It was a total waste,” said John Alder, who held garage sales and sold his RV so he and his wife could go. “We got off

shelter,” said the team’s leader. “Of course, that means we’d have to find wood.” Where there is a true vision there is provision. Where God guides He provides. 20

Quotes James Peter Jandu:

“The things we achieve are not the result of our human efforts, but the call of God on our life. You cannot achieve more than what God has ordained for you. Landscape view of scripture reveals that God orchestrates events and circumstances for His ultimate divine purpose. “I have lived, Sir, a long time, & the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God Governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid?” (Benjamin Franklin) – Our prayer is not, “Lord, bless what I do” It is, “Lord Let me only do what you bless.” – God won’t bless your mess.” “When I see pain & suffering taking place around the world it moves me tremendously. Yet I know that purely emotional & knee jerk reactions based on mans wisdom are not the answer. Good ideas are not always God ideas. Atrocities are not only taking place in one country & just one people group, there is suffering globally on a scale no human can change. Allow God to lead you. Don’t engage in a battle He did not call you into. Don’t just look for a cause to engage in. When God calls & gifts specific people tremendous results occur. Be encouraged.”

Sharing Life In Church And Facebook I

By Brittany Smith

n an age dominated by technology, having church online seems like the natural progression of things. Liberty University recently threw its hat into the virtual ring with a church service held via Facebook.

He spoke on The Janet Mefferd Show Monday about online/virtual churches. During the radio show he said online churches basically reduce “the entire live worship experience to an on your desktop or on your laptop medium.” Svigel also wrote extensively about this growing trend in a blog post. “Before any evangelical could end up careening over the cliff into legitimising an exclusively online church, his or her evangelical tradition had to have taken four wrong turns,” he said.

Johnnie Moore, vice president for Executive Projects at Liberty, said it was the first time students on campus had the chance to join Liberty’s online students in a worship service where they could all participate.

Usually the university, located in Lynchthat if the Apostle Paul were alive today burg, Virginia, holds a Wednesday night he would find a way to bring the Gospel He highlights those “wrong turns" throughout the post, and also talks exservice in the basketball arena or in a to Facebook. tensively about what he calls, “Fan-ifinearby Baptist church. But last week, cation,” or turning the both venues had conflicts. So, instead “What is Facebook, after all? It’s a community. What is congregation into an audience.” This keeps of leaving the almost 5,000 people who at- church, after all? It’s a community. For us, doing church churches from having tend the worship on Facebook isn’t innovative. It’s intuitive. Church and a full-bodied ministry no one is in service hanging, Facebook are places where we share in life together, because contact with anyone school officials held learn about one another, encourage each other, laugh else. He writes that a service on the social networking site. together and live our lives in some kind of ramshackle there is no way to promote historical realiharmony with one another.” ties or strengthen In a recent post for people’s "theological CNN’s religion blog, convictions” in this type of setting. Moore explained the reasoning behind Moore noted that for their Facebook the virtual service. He compared FaceLiberty’s online broadcast is part of a broadcast, groups of students and book to church asking, “What is Facegrowing trend cropping up across the dorms came together to watch it. It book, after all? It’s a community. What nation. An online church is usually de“wasn’t just a TV presentation.” He said is church, after all? It’s a community. fined by not having a physical building people were still able to participate in For us, doing church on Facebook isn’t where worshippers attend, though innovative. It’s intuitive. Church and many churches, including, church together, “We’re using Facebook, already a place for community, to Facebook are places where we share in offer online church in addition to servcatalyse further community." life together, learn about one another, ices held at physical locations. encourage each other, laugh together and live our lives in some kind of ramEven though it’s nice to have the option The recent broadcast served as a test for the campus, to see what the reshackle harmony with one another.” not have to leave your house on a SunAbout 200 people physically gathered day morning, some see online churches sponse would be, and as they move forward they hope to start broadcasting all for the service on location, and then as a serious theological issue. Dr their services online beginning in the broadcast it via Facebook to other stuMichael Svigel of Dallas Theological spring. dents on campus and locations around Seminary wrote in a recent blog, “virthe world. Moore says he is convinced tual church is anti-church”. Source: Christian Today


International Circle of Faith US-Synod

Headquarters: Birmingham, Alabama USA

Tel: 205.356.1883

Apostle, Dr. Chellee F. Barber Th.D. Presiding Bishop

Bishop Dr. Leonard D. Barber

Quotes “Burnout is nature's way of telling you, you've been going through the motions your soul has departed; you're a zombie, a member of the walking dead, a sleepwalker. False optimism is like administrating stimulants to an exhausted nervous system.� Sam Keen

Prophets, Playwrights and Shepherds


by Sydney Avey gangs. No one can control them." Sacks on't these times just cry out for a concludes that governments can't Jeremiah, a man with God's change lives, only religion can do that words in his mouth? Wouldn't we "not as doctrine but as a shaper of bewelcome a Shakespeare with the wit havior, a tutor in morality, an ongoing and wisdom to fence with human foible? How about a Moses with a man- seminar in self-restraint and pursuit of the common good." Sacks calls us to date to move his people to a place of return to our Judeo-Christian heritage. prosperity? I'm looking for prophets who can state clearly, "this is what you are doing wrong and this is what you need to do to turn it around." I'm watching for playwrights who can do justice to the world stage. I'm waiting for that shepherd who can part the seas that rage before us. I'm listening for their voices, and I'm hearing a few. When violence reminiscent of the sixties sci-fi novella A Clockwork Orange raged in London, Britain's chief rabbi, Lord Jonathan Sacks, laid the blame squarely at the feet of moral decline. He finds it indefensible that we have placed the entire child-rearing burden on mostly single mothers. "By the time boys are in their early teens they are physically stronger than their mothers. Having no fathers, they are socialized in

Shepherds are more difficult to identify. Certainly some leaders are surfacing, people who have pledged to spend their vast fortunes down to the last penny to solve world problems. Bill Gates is tackling hunger. Warren Buffet is making strategic investments in the stalled U.S. economy hoping the right jumpstart will get the engine going again. There are others, but none who can roust the oppressors with convincing plagues on their houses or offer heart transplants to the oppressed who want for faith, hope and courage. Only the Good Shepherd can do that. We may find ourselves with an enemy at our backs and a seawall in our face before we recognize him. Sydney Avey writes and blogs in the Sierra Nevada Foothills.

I'm looking for prophets who can state clearly, "this is what you are doing wrong and this is what you need to do to turn it around. 23

Quotes “Burnout leads to accidents, arguments, breaks relationships and costs the bottom line.”

Ellen Kossek

“The No. 1 cause of burnout is doing the same thing over and over again and not seeing results. You need to do something different, whether it's increase your weights or do a different exercise.”

Steve Kaczmarski

“In dealing with those who are undergoing great suffering, if you feel "burnout" setting in, if you feel demoralized and exhausted, it is best, for the sake of everyone, to withdraw and restore yourself. The point is to have a long-term perspective.”

Dalai Lama

“Sometimes the most urgent thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest”

Ashleigh Brilliant

“What is my life if I am no longer useful to others.”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

“The triumphant Christian does not fight for victory; he celebrates a victory already won.”

Captain Reginald Wallis

Holy Convocation Restoration Assembly 1238 Center Point Pkwy Birmingham, Alabama

Headquarters: Birmingham, Alabama USA Email:

PO. Box 611380 Birmingham, Alabama 35261

August 2nd - 4th 2012

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Is your church a cult? Part TWO

Cultic Churches By James Peter Jandu

“There's a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path” The Matrix

Just because a person is in front of you doesn't necessarily mean they're leading you. They could be blocking you. Learn to discern! Source Unknown

The cultic nature of a church almost always stems from the Pastor. Here are a few tell-tale signs:

Cultic Pastors preach to 'beat' people.

However, they do it in a very cunning manner. They preach 'at' people without mentioning names, convinced themselves they are only attempting to assist members to obey the Bible. Frequently they are taking their personal hurts, pains and frustration out on the congregation through their preaching. “You do not lead by hitting people over the head. That's assault, not leadership” Dwight D. Eisenhower

They demolish people instead of building them. When you are being used by God He will use you to build His Church.

Cultic Pastors use favoritism to their own advantage For example they treat 'financially rich Christians with more attention and promote them quicker and more easily. It is not uncommon for wealthy people to be able to ‘buy’ the pulpit – even when they cannot preach or teach so save their Chihuahua. There is rivalry, favoritism and system of rewards & punishments to ensure loyalty to the leader.

Cultic Pastors assume all their doctrines are correct.

Friend, no one knows all the truth. Everyone preaches some error. God has not given all the truth to one church or denomination and certainly not to you. A little humility will go a long way to earn you respect.

Cultic Pastors are insecure.

They constantly need to speak about how great their preaching was and how great 'their' church is. I meet many Pastors who cannot stop talking about what ‘they’ are doing for the Lord.

Cultic Pastors dislike it intensely when an individual leaves 'their' church. They believe they ‘own’ the people, often stressing 'they' are ‘The Pastor’. These are all control techniques. The leaders are more concerned about the loyalty of the people than loyalty to the people. Try leaving a cultic church and your name will be dragged through dirt. If someone wants to leave your church assist them, this way everyone is a winner.

Cultic Pastors abhor being challenged.

Talk about ‘stirring up a hornets' nest’ just attempt to challenge a cultic Pastor 25

and you will experience their true colors. If you question them you are "rebellious" and "a trouble maker." The leader is paranoid and afraid of outsiders. Anyone who identifies potential problems is viewed as a threat. They are marginalized, stigmatized and cast out of the system. They also resist change, always an evidence of insecurity.

Cultic Pastors are very competitive.

Two Prophets meet each other. This is what they say, “You are fine. How am I?” Two competitive Pastors meet each other and they say, “How many in your church?” “We are doing this…” “We baptised 15 people” and “We are really busy for the Lord!” Their events must be bigger and better than others. The conversation is a subtle game of belittling the other through highlighting their own self importance and achievements -Time to change the channel. Here is a suggestion. Go out of your way to assist other Pastors. Talk less about yourself and more about others.

Cultic Pastors are threatened by difference in style, doctrine or methods. This is especially true if they feel the

person is better at teaching and preaching than they are. Again this is due to insecurity. Cultic Pastors also associate almost exclusively with those with a similar style, doctrine and methods. Fear of contamination and change lock them into a limited circle of association. Unlocking this stronghold would in actual fact enhance their ministry.

Cultic Pastors are constantly scheming to attract members from other churches. They are only interested in 'bums on seats.' They care not whose bum it is,

In these churches the prayer, praise and worship is usually full of anguish and pain instead of thanksgiving and praise. You feel like you are at a funeral service rather than a celebration service! Just glance at their faces when they do the slow worship song and if they look like they are sufferings from constipation then you are in a church that most likely is guilty of some of the tell-tale signs I mentioned previously. In many cultic churches there is a consistent out flow of people. God directs people to leave. In real churches God leads people to go there. It is also true that in a healthy church people will be directed to attend and while a few will be directed to leave.

Ask yourself, “What if following God was interesting and inclusive, upbeat and down to earth, dynamic and dramatic, open and honest...We should ask our self, “What if churches were simply...different?” any bum will do – large, small, saggy and even those that appear to have been pelted by stones causing widespread dents.

Cultic Pastors exploit people as ‘pawns’ to build their own kingdom This type of church is just a house of slavery. The leaders should serve the people and vice versa.

Cultic Pastors ‘demand’ financial contributions.

Contributions are made under compulsion instead of willingly. There is always a strong emphasis on finances. Granted, that this is often due to a sincere desire to have a large ministry, though not an excuse to permit such gimmicks. I have attended numerous churches where the Pastor felt uncomfortable around me. Usually they were insecure Pastors. I have been to others churches and we had a great time with down to earth pastors who had no hidden agenda's or insecurities.


Through biblical mind renewal a Pastor can be transformed from cultic thought patterns to graceful thought patterns. This can be a slow painful experience, a process that not many Pastors are willing to undergo. Ask yourself, “What if following God was interesting and inclusive, upbeat and down to earth, dynamic and dramatic, open and honest, excellent and engaging, creative, loving, informal, relevant, understandable, not judgmental and not a waste of your time and an experience that made you laugh out loud. A life journey where you actually learnt something useful, made new friends, had space to explore faith at your own pace and an experience that actually caused you to want to tell others about it...” What?! Tell others about ...God? As crazy as it sounds, learning from a graceful church you just might find yourself doing that very thing because graceful churches are “an experience with a difference.” We should ask our self, “What if churches were simply...different?” In the Next issue I will deal with part three – ‘Pastor’s Don’t kill your church! 26

Kevin West Huntington, WV, USA

“One aspect you can count on in 2012 is the "rough ways are going to be made smooth" the revelation of the authentic gospel is increasing in the earth.” Suddenly! Suddenly! Suddenly! The bible is full of them. You are a candidate for the suddenly! Get ready it can all change Suddenly!!!!! Do you feel like a friend of God, or somebody that is waiting on orders from a master to carry out the tasks of life? HE calls you friend! If you don't think something great is happening in the spirit you're gonna miss it. We're crossing the threshold of the greatest of times. Now is the time to step.

Quote “Cease working for God. Let God work for you, through you you and in you. It's not what you can do for Him, it's what He can do for you through you & in you. Don't permit anyone to frenzy you into action. The Holy Spirit will escort you into your purpose. No shortcuts to God's purpose and timing for you that’s destined and designed with split second precision without consulting you at any stage. Since when did God require your assistance, advice & ideas? Relax, calm down, loosen up & chill out, your heavenly Father has everything under control. He’s never in a hurry, yet He’s always on time!” James Peter Jandu 27

Stages of


By Dallas Carter and his friends lying and saying the victim started it. If the victim is a despised individual or a member of a despised group, the victim is perceived to be a bully by the authorities and the surrounding culture. The true bully makes the victim look like the bully by propagating conspiracy theories.

s I am thinking this Memorial Day about the sacrifices that are made to protect our freedom, I was pondering how a free people can become enslaved. I am particularly following the growing attacks on the religious freedom of Christians. I have observed a seven step pattern of emerging persecution. Each of these phases is cumulative. Each phase continues to be manifest even as a culture moves into the next phase. (I.E they are still ridiculing even as they plot genocide.) This article uses the plight of Evangelical Christians to illustrate how persecution develops, but it is applicable to the persecution of any group. The seven stages of persecution are: 1.Demonization Through Ridicule 2.Picking the Fight 3.Propagating Conspiracy Theories 4.Official Thuggery 5.Systematic Persecution 6.Extreme Systematic Persecution 7.Genocide Demonization through Ridicule A conspiracy to disenfranchise a people-group first strives to create a negative perception of that group by ridiculing that group. Members of that group are subjected to negative stereotypes and made the butt of jokes. Although the disenfranchisement of Christians is the ultimate goal, at this point nothing is put out into the mainstream that argued for any restriction on rights. From the 1920's through the 1970's Evangelical Christians were often ridiculed.

Picking the Fight

In 1983, police raided and padlocked Faith Baptist Church in Louisville, Ne-

Propagating Conspiracy Theories

braska. The state maintained that it had a monopoly on education. The heavy handed tactics of the government galvanized Christians to stand up. Evangelicals believed the state to be a threat to religious liberty and organized politically to counter that threat. Group like thew Moral Majority proliferated. The Politicization of Evangelicalism became known as the Religious Right. The power of the Religious Right culminated with the candidacy of Pat Robertson for President in 1988. Fights are picked in culture wars to test the waters. There was a huge outcry against the government intrusion into the church. The government backed down because they realized continued attacks would result in revolution. Those who wished to destroy the freedom of Evangelical Christians realized they must poisoned minds against Christians. During this phase, laws are twisted to create an atmosphere of hostility against Christians. The purpose of picking a fight is so that the victim can be painted as an aggressor. It is similar to a bully picking a fight 28

Would be persecutors responded by denying that it was the state that was the threat. They argued instead that Evangelical Christians were a threat. In the 1990's Hillary Clinton began her conspiracy theories. She repeatedly asserted that there was a “vast right wing conspiracy.� She persisted in this to the point where she had her husband, President Clinton, commission an FBI investigation into whether there was a conspiracy to engage in abortion clinic violence. In spite of the exoneration of Evangelical Christians as the outcome of the investigation, conspiracy theories that allege that Evangelical Christians are out to set up a theocratic dictatorship abound. At this point, there have only been isolated incidents of persecution; mostly in the form of anti-Christian discrimination. While Christians at that time were rightly concerned about government attacks on religious freedom, the attacks were done primarily to provoke a fight so that the conspiracy theories could be launched. The purpose of the conspiracy theories is to change public perception about a group so that government attacks against that will not be seen as tyranny but as justified measures necessary to protect citizens. Paint the church as a bully, so when the church gets victimized no one will give them the sympathy due to victims, but

will regard them as deserving the thuggery.

Official Thuggery

As public perception of a group become more negative, and particularly when that negative perception is accompanied with a growing feeling that the group is a threat, an environment is created that is favorable to official thuggery. This is where America is at concerning the persecutions of Christians. Police will routinely make illegal arrest in an attempt to stop Christian activity. The isolated attacks become more frequent, and part of a pervasive culture of hostility and Anti-Christian sentiment. I call this official thuggery because persecution is not systematically part of the law.

Systematic Persecution

Eventually Anti-Christian bias becomes part of the law of the land. A key difference between systematic persecution and official thuggery is that there is legal recourse against official thuggery. Official thuggery becomes systematic persecution when either the law is changed to take away those legal re-

courses or a society becomes so lawless that there is no rule of law. In Europe there is systematic persecution of Christians. Systematic persecution can be with a velvet glove or with an iron fist. Velvet glove persecution target culturally undesirable activities of a persecuted group and uses political tools. This is where the European Union is right now. Christians are currently targeted only at the point where the Christian faith conflicts with the predominant culture. Punishment varies from discrimination to fines and imprisonment. Christians in Europe rarely suffer violence, and Christians who are willing to compromise their faith can get along in such a society temporarily. Extreme Systematic Persecution Systematic Persecution becomes more extreme in one or both of two ways. When persecution goes from political to violent, and when persecution targets not just culturally undesirable activities but also targets the very existence of a group. Communist and Islamist countries engage in extreme systematic persecution of Christian. Christians

routinely suffer violence, and suffer regardless of attempts to fit into society. Christians are not targeted because of what they do, but who they are. This is what is typically thought of when the topic of persecution is brought up.


The most extreme form of systematic persecution happens when the persecutors attempt to wipe out a group from off of the face of the earth. The seven phases of persecution are like various stages of life of a persecuting spirit: One inevitable leads to the other if the persecution is not confronted. My ministry experience includes 4 years as associate pastor, 8 years blogging. I am currently leading a house church. In addition to ministry experience, I have nine years of Information Technology that includes eight years of Web design. I am currently working on a Christian social networking site that would facilitate Christians connecting to their local Christian community.

The Religious Spirit Mark 8:15 "Be careful," Jesus warned them. "Watch out for the yeast of the Pharisees and that of Herod." Yeast works its way through the dough. Jesus was warning His disciples not to allow the yeast or religious influences of the Pharisees to be mixed with their beliefs. Jesus called the Pharisees hypocrites because they followed their own rules that they added to scripture publicly and expected others to follow them privately. They elevated the rules over the ruler that being God. They worshiped their traditions not God� (Mark 7:8). You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men. Paul warned the early church about the religious spirit mixing with the new church when some of the Jews were teaching that Christian converts must be circumcised to be real believers. They were trying to tie Christianity and the salvation work of the cross, the new covenant, to the old law of the Bible, the old covenant. Jesus came to replace the old covenant

by Steve Countryman

with the new covenant.

Sorry fact is that today's church has been saturated with the religious spirit. Understand that the religious spirit is not of heaven but from hell. It does not benefit, support, or build up a church, but rather makes the church powerless and ineffective. And it does all this damage in the name of righteousness and religion. It presents itself as knowledgeable and holy while in reality it is a prideful and haute spirit. Just as the Pharisees of the Bible tried to trap Jesus by his words and deeds the religious spirit works through today’s church much the same way. It will always rise up to challenge any good work that is started. "That will never work." "We have never done anything like that here before." "You know that the pastor won't go for that." "Why waste your time doing something so worthless." "That is going to interfere with the other church programs." "Where did you get such a silly idea?" "This church will never support such 29

thinking." It has been said that Christians shoot their wounded but it would be more accurate to say that they chew up and spit out their wounded. The religious spirit works in different ways to infiltrate the church. It will use compromise, tolerance and diversity to conceal its true motives. Getting caught up in speaking Christianese is part of how it works. Speaking Christianese is the ability to make a statement that others have repeated as if it were scripture. None of these are bible based but are lies from hell. These are designed to bring harm and hurt not healing and deliverance. When believers start using such phrases they allow the yeast to spread. My name is Steve and I was born and raised in a good Christian home in Phoenix Arizona. In 2004 God spoke to me to let me know that He would start sharing things with me that I would share with others. Little did I know how powerful and meaningful those things would be! Article Source:



s 2012 approached Pastor Bob was keen to write an article for the January issue of the church newsletter. Pastor Bob walked towards his computer. He pressed the button to switch it on and swiftly turned around towards the kitchen to make a cup of tea. You see, Pastor Bob’s computer was old. It was a 1991 model and he had owned it ever since. It took five minutes and 21 seconds to full switch on to the point it was ready to use. This ancient machine, laden with viruses operated so slowly that when he pressed the extra stiff keyboard the letters would appear on the screen seven seconds later. Matters were made worse by the fact he loved to write long winded articles. Pastor Bob hated change. He loved the old and claimed it was better than the new, always speaking of the good old days. Like Pastor Bob many churches are trapped in the past. In one country it could be Saturday 1 pm, while at the exact same time it could be 1pm Friday in another. Both are living in the present. The only difference is one has entered a new day.

by James Peter Jandu

song and music. Here is an extract from, “Rebranding Xtianity”:

Everything in society adapts and changes, except the majority of Christianity.

Maintaining the same style is common in churches. Imagine someone dressed in 1920’s style in the 21st century? The average person can concentrate for twenty minutes. Most sermons are at least forty minutes in length. Now this does not mean we cannot preach or teach longer than twenty minutes. It means that if we do, we better be able to deliver the goods. By this I do not mean multi tasking while you preach raving and ranting at full volumn, swallowing the microphone, hyperventilating and speaking at the same time, waving your hands like you just don’t care, while scolding the congregation for not being good enough. Friend, adapt to the needs of your congregation. Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Learn to know when the Spirit is saying “finish.” Do the songs in churches sound too modern? So did the old songs you sing today when they were first released. I would agree that the wording should always be biblical in content, but maybe we should consider a variety of styles in 30

Everything in society adapts and changes, except the majority of Christianity. We still meet in 16th century buildings, sitting in18th century pews, singing 19th century songs. A minority in Christendom has always been adapting and re-branding to fit the times and culture without diluting the message. However, many of the once ‘new’ churches of the 90’s and turn of the century are now out of date. There are numerous reasons why people don't change. Here are a few:

1. Fear: of hell, what others will say, of compromise

2. Old age: Too old in age to risk a new path.

3. Pride: having to admit they were wrong

4. Comfort zones: They feel comfortable where they are. Change can be uncomfortable.

5. Faithfulness to tradition: traditions are worshipped above God.

6. Financial loss: Change could incur financial loss.

Those who suffer from the fear of new things have a fear of those who appear different. Often these ‘different people’ are sent by God to shift you. I know this from personal experiences and having been through many stages and phases in my Christ walk. I have believed all types of weird and not so wonderful doctrines. We live and learn. However, it is abiding in Him and accurate knowledge of the truth that sets us free. It

amazes me how Christians often don’t develop in their understanding of the gospel message.

God loves new things!

(Joel 1:10) “The field is wasted; the land mourns, for the grain is wasted. The new wine is dried up, the oil tree droops.” Just when you think you know it all, have arrived or are searching for something – then God comes with a new thing - something new to me, not new to Him. This is my experience of God. My Christian life is extremely exciting. Every year The Lord Jesus does something radically new. Things are so fresh and new. How can following Jesus be old and dry? God is full of new things! I once read a testimony of a Christian who claimed they were taken to heaven and there he saw angels circling the Throne of God. One angel came to him and told him that they had been circling the throne for millions of years and each time they went round they saw something new that they had never seen before. That is the God we serve! God loves new things. God loves new things so much that the body of Jesus was even laid in a new tomb.

International Circle of faith A Global Network

“And laid it in his NEW tomb, which he had cut out in the rock. And rolling a great stone to the door of the tomb, he departed” (Mat 27:60) “Behold, the former things have come to pass, and I declare new things before they happen, I cause you to hear. Sing a NEW song to Jehovah…” (Isa 42:9-10)

Bishop Dilshad Bhatti - ICOF Pakistan

“Behold, I will do a NEW thing; now it shall sprout. Shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert” (Isaiah 43:19) Even though many Christians are praying for ‘revival’ they will miss it because it did not come the way they thought it would. They limited the Holy One of Israel.

Are you prepared for the Next Wave?

ICOF Ghana 31

The Difference Between

Preaching And Teaching by Greg Baker


hat, if any, is the difference between preaching and teaching? Some preachers teach and some teachers preach. Is a lecture more preaching or a speech more teaching? I am a pastor with nearly 20 years of preaching experience. I will attempt to explain the difference. As a pastor, the difference is vital. I do teach. There is no doubt about that. But I am first and foremost a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The truth is I do public speaking 57 times a week. Half of which is preaching and half of which is teaching. Here is the difference in a nutshell and a more detailed explanation to follow:

desires. The Bible speaks of this when it states: Proverbs 18:1 Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom. Desire is what drives us. It is what makes an artist successful, what drives a business owner to success, an ath-

this. As a pastor, I have discovered that preaching is a tremendous tool to help instill godly desires in people.


Also as a Pastor, I believe that certain truths need to be ingrained in a person's understanding in order to perform those truths well. This is accomplished through teaching. While preaching can create a desire to do something that a person does not fully understand this can be both good and bad, depending on the desire teaching attempts to reason with a person's mind.

Preaching Is trying to affect a person's thinking by appealing to a person's heart. Teaching is trying to affect a person's heart by appealing to their thinking.

Preaching Is trying to affect a person's thinking by appealing to a person's heart. Teaching is trying to affect a person's heart by appealing to their thinking.


As a preacher, I believe that certain truths need to be acted upon immediately. It just may save a person's marriage, prevent a teenager from becoming an addict, and help nudge a person from falling into sin. A sermon, therefore, is an appeal to the heart, the emotions, and the soul of a person. There is a lot of passion in preaching. It is designed that way on purpose. It seeks to fire the emotional drive of a person which is often the source of our

lete to be a star, a child to get straight A's. Preaching is meant to fuel good desires. To instill desires in young people to be pure before marriage, to build desires in married couples to have a stronger marriage, to encourage godly and holy desires! This is what preaching sets out to do. Many, many people can point to a sermon as the turning point in their desires, the foundation of their decisions to stop a particular sin, to start some service for God, or to live a better life. In secular circles, this is known as motivational speaking. It is preaching, just not on godly topics. Politicians will often preach in their speeches. They are trying to get people to vote for them or some agenda, and they appeal to a person's emotions and desires to achieve 32

Teaching presents the evidence, is rarely emotional, appeals to the intellect, and provides a person with many different angles of understanding. It usually does not accomplish quick changes in a person's behavior, like preaching can, but it begins to allow for a solid foundation upon which behavior is directed. Many things need to be taught in order for them to be done or implemented well. Without teaching on the mechanics, the why's, where's, when's, and how's, the foundation of a passionate Christian is easily eroded. Jesus did both. He taught and He preached. Article Source: WRITERS

The Strategic Level

Spiritual Warfare Error By James Peter Jandu

"We do not win lost souls by interceding and struggling in prayer to defeat evil spirits and to bring down satans strongholds in their lives. We win over the principalities of darkness by giving to people the delivering truths of the Gospel. That is the power that brings salvation to the lost"

T.L. Osborn

(It is claimed that T.L. Osborn has led more people to Christ than any other person over a 50 year period of mass crusades.)

There are multitudes that have fallen victim to the spiritual warfare virus spreading viciously through the Christian world. Christians are being made to focus more on what the fallen kingdom of darkness is doing than on what Christ has done, is doing and will do. Some Christians I have met who accept the spiritual warfare concept have become nervous wrecks as a result of meditating on demons instead of the Word of God. Often I have seen that they suffer much depression. Focusing on darkness can never be healthy. Whatever you focus on will come towards you. If you choose to focus on demons you will soon begin to hear the door creak at home! These people are often easily offended and become hostile towards those who stand against their delusional notions.

Are we to pray for the world? We are not to pray for revival. We are the outcome of revival. God sent revival on the day of Pentecost and He has not

taken it back since! No one is saved directly by the prayers of others. Each person has to pray their own prayer. You cannot pray it for them. We cannot pray ‘for’ the world. Jesus did not pray for the world. He preached to them. “I pray for them: I pray NOT for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine” (John 17:9 KJV). “Then He said to His disciples, the harvest truly is great, but the workers few. (v38) Pray then that the Lord of the harvest may send out workers into His harvest” (Mat 9:38 LITV). We are to pray the Lord will send out laborers to preach the Gospel and not to pray for the world to be saved. We can pray about the world to get direction

People are saved through the ‘foolishness’ of preaching, not the foolishness of peoples foolish prayers. from the Lord. We are not to pray for the world. People are saved through the ‘foolishness’ of preaching, not the foolishness of peoples foolish prayers. The context of the above verses reveals that the shortage is for workers. Preaching is the work we are called to do and if we do it the Lord will work with us. (Mar 16:20 LITV) “And going out, they preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the Word through the miraculous signs following after.” 33

The Lord will always work with the Word. The Word works. Faith without works is dead.

Warfare praise and worship evangelism scam

Praise and worship does not cause God to draw men to Him (unless the unbeliever is present to hear the verbal praise and worship and only if it contains a salvation/faith message). Believers are often told that if they ‘lift Jesus up’ in praise God will then draw people to Him. This is unbiblical, gives a false hope and is one of the most foolish beliefs preached in churches. The verse usually used to support this idea is taken out of context. The very next verse explains what ‘lifted up’ meant in context. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all to Myself. (v33) But He said this, signifying by what kind of death He was about to die” (John 12:32-33 LITV). “And even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up” (John 3:14 LITV). The phrase ‘lifted up’ referred to Jesus being lifted up on the cross as the serpent was lifted up on the pole in the wilderness. When we speak and praise in tongues it is not to war against demon’s who have already been defeated. Tongues are for speaking to God, not demons. The purpose of praise and worship is not to appease an angry God.

The militant warfare prayer scam There is a serious misunderstanding

today about what spiritual warfare is. The common definition is that we are to ‘battle in prayer’ with demonic forces who rule over nations and its provinces in our efforts to evangelize the world. The facts of redemption reject this false delusional notion. There are no demons hovering in the air over villages, towns, cities, nations or continents. The gospels never record Jesus begging God for blessings and certainly not battling demonic beings to dethrone them from their place of influence in the heavenly realm prior to preaching in a certain city. He just went and preached the all sufficient good news of the Kingdom – nothing added, nothing taken away – just pure good news. Like Jesus, the disciples only dealt with demons in connection with individual people. We are commissioned to cast out demons in individual people (Matthew 10:1). (Mark 16:17 LITV) “And miraculous signs will follow to those believing these things: they will cast out demons in My name…” The words ‘cast out’ are translated from the Greek word ekballo. It is a combination of the words ek and ballo. Ek means out and ballo means to throw. Combined it means to, ‘throw out, to evict, to drive out or to expel’. We are licensed to cast demons out as our master did. (Matthew 8:16 LITV) “…He cast out the spirits by a word…” The word ekballo is used here. It means to forcibly throw out. This phrase is used a number of times and shows that Jesus literally tossed out demons out of people’s lives. The New Testament seldom uses words like ‘war’ and ‘warfare’ and even when it does it is never once used in connection with the word ‘devil’ or ‘satan.’ We are never instructed to go in search of devils and attack them. (2 Corinthians 10:3 KJV) “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh” The word ‘walk’ here originates from the Greek word peripateo. It means to walk around or to habitually live and carry on in one general territory. The picture painted is one of a person who has been on that path for so long that

they know it inside out and could walk that path blindfolded. This verse refers to our expertise of walking in our humanity and doing everything according to the flesh. However, when it comes to dealing with spiritual enemies they must be dealt with using spiritual weapons and not fleshy concepts and methods. Much of what takes place in the spiritual warfare movement is the work of the flesh.

However, they are defeated enemies. We are in ‘warfare’ but not in the way some understand us to be. This evil has been defeated. You will notice the rarity of demon expulsion in the book of Acts - early post resurrection church history. (2 Corinthians 10:4 LITV) “For the weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, but powerful to God to the demolishing of strongholds”

Some in the spiritual warfare moveThe word ‘warfare’ is from the Greek ment have gone to ludicrous extremes word stratos. It is from this verse that to practice their nonsensical doctrines. the word strategy originates. The word These have included from flying in heliin II Corinthians 10:4 then refers to the copters tools of our pouring oil strategy are Some in the spiritual warfare over cities not fleshly. to taking movement have gone to ludicrous This verse 20,000 refers to our extremes to practice their Christians strategy not a nonsensical doctrines. to the his‘war against toric City demons’. The where the strategy is to false goddess Diana was worship, as demolish strongholds in the minds of mentioned in the Book of Acts, to depeople by using His Word to dismantle throne that demon spirit so that Muslim wrong thinking. in the 10/40 window could be saved. One preacher actually requested to be It is unbiblical to pray, “Lord rend the taken to the tallest building in the city heavens” (Isaiah 64) and “Lord, pour in which he was preaching so that he out your Spirit.” He has already done could dethrone the demons over that this in AD33 on the day of Pentecost. city before he preaches. Others do prayer walks. Prayer walking is an inJesus never prayed ‘warfare’ prayers vention that originates from the stupidagainst demons over cities. When He ity and shallowness of peoples did encounter demons they froze in fear understanding of prayer. If I was to before Him. Do they freeze in fear bemention the preachers that did the/se fore you? Most in the spiritual warfare things you would be surprised to know movement have never cast out a that they are well known. I am sure the demon, nor could they. Yet they supposdemons responded by laughing beedly battle against demons in prayer. cause they have the recollection of Many, if they were confronted by a debeing totally whipped by Jesus still monized person, would freeze in fear to branded in their memory. These fancithe point that had they been wearing a ful and comical practices are ridiculous nappy (diaper) it would have needed to and not taught in scripture. be changed. The common, but mistaken, response would be to start bindIt is a fact that evil spirits are still in this ing demons and aggressively speaking world. in tongues. (Eph 6:12 KJV) “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” The word ‘against’ here is a translated from the word pros in Greek. It means towards, a sense of closeness, face to face and close contact. There are spirits close to us in our towns and cities. 34

Scripture verses are stretched and misconstrued to teach false ideologies within the ‘spiritual warfare movement.’ A famous verse that is quoted is Ephesians 6:12. (Ephesians 6:12 KJV) “For we WRESTLE not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

A better translation for the word wrestle would be ‘struggle.’ The ISV version actually uses this word. The original Greek implies the meaning, ‘endure for a while.’ W.E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words states that the word, ‘wrestle’ means ‘sway.’ The word ‘wrestle’ originates from the Greek word pale. It refers to struggling, wrestling or hand-to-hand combat. Situated in the centre of most large ancient cities there was usually a huge palace for combat sports. It was known as the Palastra. Three kinds of combat athletes took part in the Palastra – boxers, wrestlers and pankratists. These were extremely violent sports. Let take a brief look at these three ‘sports’ in order to understand the word ‘wrestle’ Boxing - This was not like boxing as we know it today. The fighter had to wear helmets. Few boxers ever lived to retire from boxing. The majority died in the ring. The boxer wore heavy gloves ribbed with steel and spiked nails. Occasionally the steel wrapped around the gloves would be serrated, like the blade of a hunting knife, so that it made deep gashes in the other fighter’s skin. Most fights resulted in faces, noses and ears being totally deformed. There were no rules and no rounds. They fought until one died or surrendered. Wrestlers - Most wrestlers fought till death rather than surrender. The common way to get someone to surrender was to strangle them. It was acceptable to choke your opponent, break fingers and ribs, gouge out eyes and whatever else you could think off. Pankratists – This word meant all powerful. In this event you were permitted to do anything imaginable to your opponent including breaking legs. This is what the apostle Paul had in mind when he used the word pale. The readers of his epistle would have been familiar with this word and knew what it referred to. The resisting against demonic opponents can be a brutal battle. However, the battle is in our minds not in the skies over our towns and cities. (Eph 6:12 ISV) “For our struggle is not against a human opponent, but against

rulers, against authorities, against cosmic powers in the darkness around us, against evil spiritual forces in the heavenly realm.” A vast difference exists between ‘wrestling’ evil forces in the ‘air’ and wrestling them in our minds. There is a struggle as the defeated kingdom of darkness makes weak attempts to sway us in our mind and from demonstrating the totally victory we have through the redemptive work of Jesus the Christ. The spiritual warfare movement attempts to refocus our attention onto defeated demonic forces rather than on the lost world in need of salvation. It causes many to attempt to do what Christ Jesus has already done, namely defeat evil and its kingdom. “Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to STAND against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withSTAND in the evil day, and having done all, to STAND. STAND therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness” (Ephesians 6:11-14 KJV) In four verses the Apostle Paul mentions the word stand four times. Our response to evil is to STAND and not be swayed by darts of the enemy, every wind of doctrine or the spiritual climate of the world. We are not told to attack but to stand. Some Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW) proponents have stated that Daniel wrestled a demonic spirit known as the prince of Persia. Daniel had no authority over demons like a new covenant believer has. We have a higher spiritual position than he had. SLSW teachers refuse to admit that their teaching focuses on the devil more than God. This is just a verbal claim. The truth is that we need not go around looking for him nor hardly mention the devil because he has been so defeated. (Col 2:15 KJV) “And having SPOLIED principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over 35

them in it.” The word spoiled here would better be translated ‘disarmed.’ The ISV version reads: (Col 2:15 ISV) “And when He had DISARMED the rulers and the authorities…” Jesus totally destroyed the power of satan and openly declared this throughout the universe to every angel and fallen angel. His triumph was total and complete. The original meaning means ‘to bring to nought.’ Satan has been brought to nought! Six is the number of man, seven the number of Jesus, eight the number of God and zero is the number of satan! The LITV reads, (Col 2:15 LITV) “having STRIPPED the rulers and the authorities …” In ancient times when one king defeated another king he would bind the defeated king and parade him naked through his own kingdom so that everyone can see that there is a new king reigning. This is what Jesus did with satan. The entire universe recognizes that satan is defeated. However, most of the church has not yet read the email about this defeat. If satan has been disarmed, stripped and brought to zero then what are people attempting to do to him through so called ‘militant prayer’? What else could you do to him that Jesus has not already done in your name as if you had personally whipped the devil? (Col 2:15 ISV) “And when He had disarmed the rulers and the authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in the cross.” (Col 2:15 LITV) “having stripped the rulers and the authorities, He made a show of them in public, triumphing over them in it” (Col 2:15 CEV) “There Christ defeated all powers and forces. He let the whole world see them being led away as prisoners when He celebrated His victory.”

After the defeat of satan there was a celebration in the Kingdom of God. Paul was not there in person, but through revelation He was in attendance, with front row seats, at the celebration. Have you attended by revelation knowledge and seen satan led away in humiliation or do you still view him as powerful and undefeated? (Heb 2:14 KJV) “Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy him that HAD the power of death, that is, the devil.” Notice the word ‘had’, it is past tense. The loser does not have it anymore! We now have the victory. The ultimate loser, satan, has been growing weaker and weaker ever since he was thrown out of heaven. This loser cannot add to himself, he cannot create. All he can do is con someone into assisting him. All we have to do is preach to one person and when they receive salvation satan loses that person. We have already been given the victory through our Master Jesus the anointed one. There is no need to ‘replay’ the game if we have the victory. (1Co 15:57 ISV) “But thanks be to God, who GIVES US the VICTORY through our Lord Jesus Christ!” True Spiritual warfare is not ‘warfare prayer’ against demonic beings. It is the commission given by Jesus to us to preach the gospel to an unsaved world that is in darkness and occasionally hostile in their resistance. There is no power in prayer itself. The gospel is the power of God that brings salvation. (Rom 1:16 ISV) “For I am not ashamed of the GOSPEL, because it is God's power for the salvation of everyone who believes, of the Jew first and of the Greek as well.” The only weapon mentioned in Ephesians 6 is the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. We are to go about proclaiming and enforcing the victory of Christ using the Sword of the Spirit. It is often mistakenly said that the

church marches forward on its knees. We are to fight on our FEET not on our KNEES. (Eph 6:15 ISV) “and having put shoes on your FEET so that you are ready to proclaim the gospel of peace.” The Gospel still begins with GO. Jesus’ command was, ‘”Go and Preach” not “Stay and Pray.” (Rom 10:15 ISV) “And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the FEET of those who bring the good news!” I have heard people boasting about how bruised their knees were from praying so much. One preacher boasted about his not being into theology but into knee-logy. Friend, get off your knees and get on your beautiful feet and go preach! He does not need your ugly, bruised knees but your beautiful feet that can carry the gospel to a lost, hurt and dying world. We are never told to pray for the world. Even Jesus did not pray for the world. (John 17:9 KJV) “I pray for them: I pray NOT for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.” Do you pray for the world? Nobody is saved by your prayers. They are saved by hearing the Word and responding positively to it by praying a prayer of acceptance. The need is for more workers to go into the harvest. That is our prayer. (Mat 9:37 LITV) “Then He said to His disciples, The harvest truly is great, but the workers few.” (Mat 9:38 LITV) “Pray then that the Lord of the harvest may send out workers into His harvest.” Our prayer is for the Lord to show us the need for us to do the work of an evangelist. In the original text the word ‘send’ means ‘force out or cast out.’ We are to be cast into the field and commanded to preach them in not pray them in. Jesus never went about battling with demons. They fell at His feet. He only went about doing good and preaching everywhere. 36

(Act 10:38 ISV) “God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, and He went around doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, because God was with him.” This is all we have to do – nothing more, nothing less. Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare teachers have made people become devil-conscious. A great number of Christians are laboring hard trying to defeat an already defeated enemy. We are not to be wrestling demons but resting in the finished work of Christ.

What is spiritual warfare?

Is there such a thing as spiritual warfare? Yes, there is a legitimate spiritual warfare but it is not what is commonly taught today. So what is spiritual warfare? It is:

Casting down negative thoughts. Most

attacks from the devil will be in the mind. Meditating day and night on the things of God to prepare us for reaching the lost. Raising finances to use for the mission and sustaining the financial needs. Giving to ministries. Paying for them not just praying for them. -Contending with red tape to get visas, licenses etc to get the gospel out. -Endeavoring to obtain licenses to broadcast the gospel via television and radio. Persuading people to accept Christ. -Resisting everything that comes from satan, including sin, sickness and poverty. -Resisting the devil. Resisting the occasional temptations. -Remaining in faith by fighting the good fight of faith. -Healing the sick and teaching others how live in divine health. -Relieving poverty by giving to those in

need. -Teaching the principles of prosperity to combat a poverty mentality.

-Confronting publicly the enemy face to

face in the lives of individual people. It is not just praying in your secret place. It is in the WORLD and not in the HEAVENLIES. Proclaiming the truth. The TRUTH sets people free.

-Sowing the miracle SEED of the Word

(Luke 8:11) into people. We are called to be seed sower. (Luke 8:5-8), not prayer warriors. (Taken from notes from T.L. Osborn)

where satan has blinded the mind. The kingdom of darkness has a strong hold on people in their thoughts not over their cities and nations. (2 Corinthians 4:4 ISV) “In their case, the god of this world has BLINDED THE MINDS of those who do not believe to keep them from seeing [hearing, receiving] the light of the GLORIUS GOSPEL of Christ, who is the image of God.” Evil does not want people to hear the gospel so it has deceived Christians into spending time on their knees instead of on their feet preaching the gospel and letting the light shine. You are the light of the world (see Matthew 4:6; 5:14-16; 10:27; 2 Corinthians 4:6; Eph. 5:8).

SOW seeds and reap the harvest. A farmer does not pray for a good harvest. He has to sow seeds. People are born again by the incorruptible seed the Word of God. Christians do not need to pray for a harvest. They only have to sow seeds. (1Peter 1:23 KJV) “Being born again, not of corruptible SEED, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God...” (1 John 3:9 ISV) “No one who has been born from God practices sin, because God's SEED abides in him. Indeed, he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born from God.” Salvation faith comes to them when they HEAR the Word. They can only hear the Word when someone who is sent goes. Our prayer should not be, “Here am I Lord, send someone else.”

Spiritual warfare is all these and many other temporary difficulties that conChristians are either attempting to pray front us as we go about sharing the down the victory they already have, or good news that the captives are free! they are trying to pray down ruling spirWe are not trying to set them free and its that cannot be pulled down before (Rom 10:14 ISV) “How, then, can peoopen the jail doors. The jail doors have the appointed time when Adam’s lease ple call on someone they have not bealready been opened, but the captives runs out. We cannot dispel the devil lieved? And how can they believe in are still sitting in jails when the doors and his demons from the earth, or cast someone they have not heard about? are open. We are to telling people the them into the abyss before their time of And how can they hear without somedoors are open and they can walk out final judgment (Revelations 20:3). It one preaching?” into a new free life in Christ Jesus. We should not bother us that spirits from are not to pray for these (Rom 10:15 ISV) “And doors to open. The scriphow can they preach untural prayer would be that they are sent? As it is All we are required to do is preach the gospel less we pray that the Lord show written, "How beautiful and make disciples. We are given no other us opportunities to speak are the feet of those who the Word of God and proinstruction. Is the gospel so weak that it is not bring the good news!” claim that Jesus has died enough just to go into a city and preach it, but It is tragic that people beand forgiven the sins of the world. rather have to first add to it by first wrestling lieve that it is not enough to just preach the gospel demons? It is crucial that we fully and that they need to add comprehend that the their warfare prayer to it. strongholds mentioned in scripture are the kingdom of darkness are still here. In His last instructions to His disciples not in the heavenly realm but in the You can try pulling down demons until instructed them to go into all the world minds of people. you go blue in the face, yet they will still and preach the gospel. This is known be around. The best thing you can do is as the great commission. Sadly it has (2 Corinthians 10:4 LITV) “For the go and preach the gospel. Find somebecome the great omission. weapons of our warfare are not fleshly, one who knows not the gospel and but powerful to God to the demolishing present the gospel to them. Only the All we are required to do is preach the of strongholds” Word changes people not someone gospel and make disciples. We are else’s prayers. As the Word of God pregiven no other instruction. Is the gospel Where are these strongholds? In the vails the operations of evil will dwindle. so weak that it is not enough just to go skies over cities and nations? into a city and preach it, but rather (Act 19:20 KJV) “So mightily grew the have to first add to it by first wrestling (2 Corinthians 10:5 LITV) “The demolWord of God and prevailed.” demons? There is no need for YOU to ishing of arguments and every high battle with demons over cities. Jesus thing lifting up itself against the knowlThere is NOTHING for you to do except Christ already did that for YOU in HIS edge of God, and bringing into captivity to prepare yourself through prayer and name and now that victory is identified every thought into the obedience of the Word so that you can PREACH the with YOUR name. Christ” powerful gospel that is loaded with good SEED. The ground has already Often people pray with such intensity Strongholds are in the minds of people been ploughed. We just have to GO and that their faces become contorted and 37

their eyes are shut extremely tight. In their confused effort to ‘reach’ and ‘touch’ God they believe they have to do this. We do not need to pray with such intensity that our sweat turns into drops of blood. Jesus has already done this so we do not have to. Actually, when He did that it was the first time He shed blood for us. He first became sin for us in the garden. You do not need to shed your blood for anyone. Did Jesus and His disciples conduct prayer walks? Did they do ‘strategic level spiritual warfare’ over cities before going there to preach? Read the gospels and the Acts of the Apostles and see for yourself. You will clearly see that they went about preaching in every village and city demonstrating the power of God and thus bringing the Kingdom with them through signs and wonder. The truth is that because Christians today do not walk in that level of dominion they substitute it with prayer. Those who do not want to obey instead pray humanistic prayers.

Prayer is such a wonderful time of communing with our God and should never be contaminated by communicating with demons or entertaining thoughts of their activities.

Quotes “Your walk with Christ is a journey, filled with phases and experiences all geared to progress you in maturity. This journey WILL be filled with ups and downs, rough times and smooth times. It's during these rough times, when you may even have flesh fits, that Christians will judge you ruthlessly. Without understanding your experiences, past, hurts and purpose in God they will condemn without mercy as if representing God. During these times you have my permission to slap the taste out of their sanctimonious face. Remember, my God loves you, cares dearly for you and is on your side.” James Peter Jandu

"Remember this, while there is a great need for spiritual fathers there is great responsibility on both ends. Fathers have to be willing to 'take a bullet' for their sons. Sons have to be willing to follow direction. Those who are unwilling to be fathered will never have value in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ."

God wants you, others and Him to be the focus of your prayer. He desires to speak with you and show you how much He loves you. God is dialing our number, but the phone is engaged because many are busy talking to imaginary powerful demonic forces.

Bishop Bernie L Wade

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10 Basic Blessings You Should Be Thankful For By J.Lee Grady Here’s a list of 10 blessings that many people in the world don’t have. Go over this list and then see if you still have anything to gripe about.

comes at least this high.

8. Did you go to school? Nearly a billion

people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. Enrolment data shows that about 72 million children of primary school age in the developing world were not in school in 2005 (and 57 percent of them were girls).

1. Got clean water? The next time you

uncap a bottle of water or grab a drink from the tap, remember that one in eight people in the world (that’s 884 million people) lack access to clean water supplies. Millions of women around the world spend several hours a day collecting water. When you take a five-minute shower, you use more water than a typical person in a developing country uses in a whole day.

2. Do you have a bathroom? About 40

percent of the world's population (2.6 billion people) do not have toilets. Lack of sanitation facilities spreads disease and is a major reason why more than 2 million people die annually of diarrhea.

3. How’s your electricity? The power in

my house might be interrupted briefly three times a year because of Florida storms; but 1.6 billion people—a• quarter of humanity—live without any electricity. And, because of unreliable infrastructure, at least 2 billion people on earth don’t have any light at night.

4. Got a roof over your head? One bil-

lion people live in slums. That's almost one-sixth of the world’s population. Of this total, 640 million children live without adequate shelter; they live in cardboard boxes, tin-roofed shacks, one-room mud huts or filthy, crowded tenements. It’s been estimated that 1.4 billion people will live in slums by 2020. Meanwhile here in the United States, between 2.3 to 2.5 million people are classified as homeless.

5. Is there food on your table? In the

United States we are battling an obesity

9. Are you generally healthy? Americans

epidemic. Yet according to UNICEF, 22,000 children die each day due to poverty. Approximately 790 million people in the developing world are chronically undernourished, and almost 28 percent of all children in developing countries are estimated to be underweight or stunted.

6. Got a stove? In developing countries,

some 2.5 billion people use fuel wood, charcoal or animal dung to meet their energy needs for cooking. In sub-Saharan Africa, more than 80 percent of the population depends on these crude, traditional means for cooking, as do over half of the populations of India and China. The really sad part: Indoor air pollution resulting from the use of solid fuels claims the lives of 1.5 million people each year, more than half of them below the age of 5.

7. Got regular income? You may have

had to take a pay cut during the recession. But keep in mind that at least 80 percent of humanity lives on less than $10 a day. The world's average income is about $7,000 a year. Still, only about 19 percent of the world's population lives in countries with per capita in39

face illness like people in other nations—and more than 12 million Americans are battling cancer in any given year. But many of us have access to health care. In the developing world, more than 2.2 million children die each year because they are not immunized. An estimated 40 million people in developing countries are living with HIV/AIDS. Every year there are 350– 500 million cases of malaria, with 1 million fatalities, mostly in Africa.

10. Are you free to worship God? More

than 400 Christians die for their faith every day around the world, and most of these believers suffer in Islamic countries—although the top hot spot for Christian persecution, according to Open Doors International, is the atheist regime of North Korea. In these tough economic times you may feel the urge to complain. Be thankful instead! God calls us to live above this negativity. When we give thanks in all things, God gives us a supernatural attitude adjustment. When we thank God for all He has given us, acknowledging that we don’t deserve His goodness, our grumbling melts into gratitude and our impatience turns to praise. J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma

The Universe That Praises God by Anugrah Kumar

Pastor Louie Giglio left the delegates at the Desiring God National Conference in Minnesota astonished Friday night as he played audio tapes containing sounds of heavenly bodies that had both rhythm and melody “to praise their Creator”. Speaking on the theme of this year’s Desiring God annual conference, “Finish the Mission: For the Joy of All Peoples, Bringing the Gospel to the Unreached and Unengaged,” the Passion Movement founder showed just a glimpse of God’s greatness to stress that the call for mission can be understood best in light of the One who is calling. “I am perplexed why the universe is so big,” Giglio, pastor of Passion City Church in Atlanta, said at the opening session of the three-day conference in Minneapolis. “It’s way too big if it’s a place just for you and me. It is oversized.” Giglio showed pictures of galaxies millions of light years away from us to show the unimaginable expanse of the universe. Astronomers, he said, struggle with the purpose and function of the universe. But the universe, he added, “is doing what it is made to do… It is praising God in a staggering magnitude.” Giglio, also a song writer, then played the sounds recorded with highly advanced electromagnetic telescope programmes by scientists. One sounded like a percussion instrument, and the other like the church organ. Then he played the whale sound under the water.

When Giglio played the tapes together, “un-doctored and unedited,” it sounded like a symphony. That’s what it is, he said, “the symphony of God’s praise from all creation.” He then led the audience to sing Chris Tomlin’s “How great is our God” with the “symphony of the universe” playing in the background. The pastor said the psalmist also talked about the sun, the moon and the stars praising God. That was not just poetic, he said. “Stars also sing.” “What blows my mind is that Scriptures says God spoke and the universe came into being… So God, by His voice, made a universe,” he said, adding that He is the one who is asking, “Who shall we send, and who will go for us? … He wants to know … The galaxy-breathing God would like to know.” Giglio also said God didn’t need us. “God is a God who doesn’t need anything or anyone. He is big and powerful … and amazing, and He is asking the question [“Who shall go…?”]. And that’s why it’s crazy ... He didn’t ask … Einstein … to help create the universe. He made it just the way He wanted.” But God is “choosing to invite you into His glorious plan… God is on the move… He is going to do it,” Giglio said. “It’s more of, ‘This is what I am doing, and I would like for you to come and be part of it.’ He is going to all the unreached people of the world.” The pastor concluded that if we realised who God is, we would not continue to do our own thing, which is “trivial nothing” in comparison with God’s global purposes. “Would you say tonight, ‘Here, I am, send me?’” Source: Christian Today


Quote “It amazes me that there are those in the body of Christ who want you to believe that they are a Prophet and don't know whats going on around them, in the nation or in the world... Someone is not a Prophet because they are allowed to stand up in the Church and give someone a word that never comes to pass or know something about someone that everybody goes though in this life. The danger to have never been in the presence of a true Prophet is you may not know when you are in the presence of a false one. I believe that when you been around true Prophets you will never accept a false one! Let's get real Church. This is not the time to continue to lie to ourselves and accept these false prophets in our churches because we don't want to judge them. Pastor's, judge these false prophets because when you don't you have failed the congregants that God has entrusted to you and you are giving a license to these false prophets to continue to wreak havoc in the Body of Christ.” Paul Sherrill

Ellicott City, Maryland, USA

Interview with Gary Linton TNW: What do you see God doing on the earth today?

have words of eternal life’” (John 6:6768 NASB).

GL: Getting leaders back to the founda-

TNW: Please share a testimony that you

tions of the faith so they will be ready for the end time revival God desires. He is doing so by “Removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain” (Hebrews 12:27 KJV).

feel will bless the readers.


A. Personal Testimony:

TNW: Who have been your ministry influences and why?

GL: Dr. Paul E. Paino, who went to be

with the Lord in the fall of 2005, was the founder and overseer of Calvary Ministries International. Dr. Paino was a pioneer and spiritual father to hundreds of pastors and church leaders around the world - and his teachings still inspire today. Why? Dr. Paino was my mentor and spiritual father in ministry.

people don’t need cute stories and anecdotes – what they need is the Word of God.

TNW: What would you say to up and

GL: Over the last decade or so much of

coming ministers of the gospel?


A. Hide the Word deep within your heart (Psalms 37:31). Nothing will help you in your ministry and personal life more then the memorization of scripture. B. Study to maintain sound doctrine (2 Timothy 2:15 & 4:3). It seems that so much of our world (even church world) is straying from the fundamentals of the gospel more than ever before. C.Preach the Word. We are to feed our people the Word. Paul admonishes pastors to “Preach the word” (2 Timothy 4:2 NASB). And again, “Feed the church of God” (Acts 20:28 KJV). Peter said, “The elders which are among you I exhort… Feed the flock of God which is among you” (1 Peter 5:1-2 KJV). Your

TNW: What are the changes you have seen in the church over the years?

the church has become so user friendly in an attempt to attract people that it has forgotten its purpose. The church's overall purpose is to minister God's truth to a lost world. His truth will draw those who long for it but at the same time will repel those who want their ears tickled. Jesus drew great crowds but the truth He conveyed often scattered the majority. We read in the gospel of John, “Many of His disciples, when they heard this said, ‘This is a difficult statement; who can listen to it?’ As a result of this many of His disciples withdrew and were not walking with Him anymore” (John 6:60 and 66 NASB). However, the faithful remained. “So Jesus said to the twelve, ‘You do not want to go away also, do you?’ Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You 41

I made a commitment to the Lord at an early age but didn't go on to live for Him. I went into the Army at seventeen years of age (1972). It wasn't long until I began using and eventually selling drugs. In 1974 I was arrested for trafficking drugs and in April 1975 was incarcerated with a five years sentence. I had only been in prison for a couple weeks when the Lord miraculously made Himself real to me again and I have been living for Him ever since. I went from a freshman in high school through the Army, drug culture, and fourteen months of prison to attending bible college six years later. I immediately developed a hunger for God's Word and began devouring it. Shortly after starting bible college I began memorizing scripture. I originally went through the Navigators memorization course. Upon completion of it, I began to put books of the bible together. Since those beginning days I have memorized 1 John, Romans, Hebrews (1-6), Ephesians, and James along with continuing to memorize miscellaneous verses throughout the bible. I began full time ministry since 1977. I have been involved in everything from youth ministry, starting para church organizations, church planting and am currently operating a church planting and pastoral assistance website, with my wife Kim, helping pastors, ministers and church leaders pursue their call to ministry.

Religitics A Code Of Conduct For Europe’s Evangelicals A new code of conduct has been published to help Christians in Europe engage confidently but respectfully in the public arena. The code was drawn up by Pablo Martinez, of the Spanish Evangelical Alliance, and made public for the first time at the European Evangelical Alliance’s General Assembly in Germany last week. Martinez, a Bible teacher and psychiatrist, said he wanted to provide a biblical rationale for how evangelicals engage in the public arena. “We believe this is a balanced and thoroughly biblical approach, having Christ as the central point of reference.” He said.

states. “We will especially love those that society marginalises, care deeply for them and dare to challenge the injustices that oppress.” The code asks that Christians act in the public arena with courage, humility, integrity and a commitment to the truth. “Our political ideas and actions must

The code goes on to encourage Christians to act with wisdom and suggests that they will be better heard when they are professional and relevant. “Politicians do not have to listen to us.” Christians are told. “Rather, by building good relationships and providing excellent, relevant and wise ideas and information, presented professionally, we trust that some will wish to listen.”

“The European Evangelical Alliance based its socio-political approach on the belief that we can be radical and faithful to the whole of Scripture without being extremist, soft or liberal and at the same time engage in unavoidable confrontations in a relational and respectful way.”

“The purpose is to give a biblical basis and a practical guide to honour Christ and incarnate the Gospel at all times.” The code of conduct starts with a call to Christians to speak and act out of love. “We will seek to build genuine relationships with all in the public arena, including those who disagree with us.” It

be based on all of Scripture.” It says. “We must not use the Bible to confirm our pre-formed ideas. Rather, we will study with Christians of different political philosophies to ensure that our ideas are truly biblical. “We will work to ensure we reflect the breadth of God’s concerns, not just focusing on one of two issues.”

“The European Evangelical Alliance based its socio-political approach on the belief that we can be radical and faithful to the whole of Scripture without being extremist, soft or liberal and at the same time engage in unavoidable confrontations in a relational and respectful way.” He said. Source: Christian Today

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Jiri Unger, EEA President and General Secretary of the Czech Evangelical Alliance said that striking a balance was vital if evangelicals were to avoid the traps of “unhelpful fearfulness, anger or compromise”.

Twelver Shiites: Irrational, Irresponsible, Irreversible by Kevin Probst There is an explanation why all diplomatic efforts to persuade Iran to abandon its nuclear ambitions have failed. The fact that the Shiite culture has no respect for women and our Secretary of State is a female (Hillary Clinton) makes it very difficult to negotiate with irrationality rooted in religious radicalism. Iranian president Ahmadinejad has used the United Nations as his bully pulpit to make shockingly irresponsible statements depicting Israelis as being “deceitful” criminals and murderers. The irreversible attitude of Ahmadinejad and his fellow Twelvers can be explained by their theology. Islam is divided into two basic denominations; the Sunni and the Shia. About ninety percent of all Muslims are Sunni; the remaining ten percent are Shia. The division can be traced back to the death of Mohammed in AD 632. The Sunnis believe that the legitimate head of Islam should be elected from certified clerics. The Sunnies chose Abu Bakr, Mohammed’s close friend, to be the first Caliph of the Islamic nation. The Shiites believed that the Islamic leader is passed on genetically through the family tree with the blessing of Allah. They chose Mohammed’s cousin and son-in-law, Ali. The Shiites have a very strong presence in both Iran and Iraq. The largest faction of the Shias is those who call themselves Twelvers. The Twelvers teach that there were a total of twelve Imams beginning with Ali. The last Imam was Mahmoud alMahdi who mysteriously disappeared in AD 874. Twelvers, like Ahmadinejad, believe that the 12th Imam will return again but not until the world has delved into a state of total upheaval. Iran’s president believes he is chosen to create that chaos. When the Imam appears he will issue in an era of peace and justice. He will be accompanied by Jesus Christ who will serve as his right

hand man. All efforts to negotiate or reason with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are fruitless. He is insanely obsessed with his perceived role as the Muslim John the Baptist. If Iran is prevented from making and using a nuclear weapon they must be stopped by military force. If Ahmadinejad believes the 12th Imam will appear in the next year or two why would he make any concessions? The irony of it all is that when the bombs started falling on Iran their Shiite ruler will rejoice because he will be convinced that he has completed his mission to create chaos. He will gloat that he has succeeded in rolling out the red carpet for the 12th Imam. The Shia believes that certain conditions will precede the coming of the 12th Imam. Besides an atmosphere of chaos, they also teach that there will be a great battle near the holy city of Mecca. This battle will provoke a final confrontation against multitudes of Christians and Jews. The Mahdi will win that war and capture Istanbul, Turkey. He will then become ruler of a vast Islamic empire and rule for a period of seven years. During this period the Dajjal will reveal himself. He is the Islamic equivalent to the Antichrist. He has the word “Infidel” tattooed on his forehead. He will be a great deceiver and will lead an army of 70,000 Jews and they will be annihilated when Jesus descends from heaven and destroys them with the breath of his wrath. Ahmadinejad has stated that Allah has raised him up to wipe Israel “off the map.” He believes he has been commissioned by the Imam to provoke a battle that will engulf the civilizations of the earth. What better way to do that 43

than to make an atomic weapon and use it, either against Israel or the United States. After addressing the United Nations in 2005 Ahmadinejad shared this statement, “When I started to say ‘In the name of God the almighty and merciful,’ he saw a light around me, and I was placed inside this aura. I felt it myself. I felt the atmosphere suddenly change, and for those 27 or 28 minutes, the leaders of the world did not blink…And they were rapt. It seemed as if a hand was holding them there and had opened their eyes to receive the message from the Islamic Republic.” Americans underestimate this man to their own peril. He has primarily targeted America and Israel. He is insane with religious zeal. He is consumed by totalitarian ideology that insists that Islam rule the world. This can’t happen until Christians and Jews are annihilated. He has a mystical belief that he is chosen to perform this dastardly deed. Hitler was consumed and he was ignored. Ahmadinejad is consumed and he must not be ignored.


1. 2. Ahmadinejads’ Mission and Mysticism by Daniel Piper 3. Iran Nuclear Sanctions: Ahmadinejad says they won’t bite. 4. Christian Science Monitor. Scott Peterson 5. Apocalyptic Beliefs of Twelver Muslims by David W. Thornton About Kevin Probst

Kevin Probst lives in Columbus, Georgia. He is a teacher of history and apologetics at Calvary Christian School, and an associate pastor. Kevin has a BA in Religion and Ministry, BA in History, MA in Secondary Education and an ED.S. in Administration and Supervision. Kevin writes on a variety of subjects, but his primary focus is theology, apologetics and politics.

Persecution Watch Most blasphemy cases in Pakistan are false, says Muslim lawyer A Muslim lawyer in Pakistan estimates that around 95 per cent of the prosecutions for insulting the Prophet Muhammad or the Koran have no basis. The lawyer spoke to Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) but cannot be named for security reasons. He echoed the claims of many aid groups who warn that the country's blasphemy laws are being misused to carry out personal vendettas. He told ACN that the accused are mostly poor people who have "no status in society" and are unable to defend themselves. Although he is a Muslim, the lawyer has taken on cases involving Christians and says he and his family have received threats from radicals for representing Christians, Muslims and other people accused of blasphemy. Despite the risk to his life, he does not charge legal fees for blasphemy cases, instead saying that he sees it as his "duty to protect poor and innocent people from injustice”. He added that it was his way of fulfilling his "promise to help defenceless people". Human rights groups have long warned that Pakistan's blasphemy laws are being misused to harass and discriminate against Christians. Christians make up only around 3 per cent of the population in the majorityMuslim country and often have no choice but to take up the lowliest and

least paid forms of employment. In addition to grinding poverty, Christians are frequently attacked, beaten, raped and killed for their faith, often

been in prison for the last year after being sentenced to death for blasphemy. She is appealing the judgement.

People accused of blasphemy face the terrifying prospect of radicals grouping together in their neighbourhood to attack them or their family.

within the context of a blasphemy allegation. The lawyer told ACN that "massive workloads" meant that allegations of blasphemy are often not properly investigated by the police or the courts. Pakistani law gives just 14 days for evidence to be compiled. If the evidence suggests guilt, then the accused is arrested and detained. People accused of blasphemy face the terrifying prospect of radicals grouping together in their neighbourhood to attack them or their family. Family members often go into hiding, while the accused must take the stand in court alone. It is not uncommon for dozens of radicals to turn up inside the court to support the prosecution and intimidate the defence's witnesses. One Christian woman, Asia Bibi, has 44

ACN is among the organisations raising awareness of the plight of Christians in Pakistan. In July, ACN UK Director Neville KyrkeSmith was among those who submitted a petition at London’s 10 Downing Street calling for action to protect Christians and other minorities in Pakistan. He said at the time: “We are at one with those who are persecuted in Pakistan and all those who suffer in connection with the blasphemy laws. “Please help us to change these blasphemous blasphemy laws which lead to killings. “We ask the government of David Cameron to ensure that religious rights are included in any and every discussion with other countries

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Special Event

Restoration Assembly March 8th -10th 2012 Birmingham Alabama Host: Apostle C. Filesa RobertsBarber WWW.RESTORATIONASSEMBLY.ORG

ICOF US SYNOD MID ATLANTIC REGIONAL Historic Fredricksburg, VA July 13th - 14th 2012 Host: Bishop-Elect Shawn Davies


Prayer Meeting


Pastor Rebecca Goins of the ICOF US Synod leads a weekly prayer meeting via Skype. This meeting is held live every Tuesday 10.00 AM EST For more information: Email: Skype: rebecca_goins22

Quotes “Paul forewarned us: “The time will come when they [the people in the church] will not endure [tolerate] sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires; and will turn away their ears from the truth, and will turn aside to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Emphasis mine... When “Christians” turn to popular teachers who tickle their ears with messages on self-esteem and self-improvement, they are also turning them away from God’s Word…

Apostle Leonard D. Barber

Without a steady diet of the Word of God, people will not hear Sound Doctrine and therefore be unable to discern truth from error and not know if they are following Jesus Christ” Paul Sherrill

Ellicott City, Maryland, USA


ROUNDTABLE withDr. Robert Straube ONLINE

Dr. Robert Straube, PhD, President ICOFCSU. Dr. Straube also serves as President of Christian Multiversity, Fivefold Apostle and Chief of Staff for ICOF President Bernie L. Wade. A new forum I would like to highlight and introduce is the newly formed Presidents’ Roundtable; a group of Christian leaders involved in higher educational leadership. The Presidents’ Roundtable is a monthly get-together of men and women who collaborate to further advance Biblical education systems and structures, endeavor to find solutions to the challenges they are facing, and offer cutting edge, innovative ideas to better serve their students, staff and community. This is the forum where educational leaders can help one another rise above the obstacles they may be encountering and offer a different perspective, or a new twist.

Sign-up is now in progress for the Presidents’ Roundtable, hosted by Dr. Robert Straube at Once we register those professionals who desire to participate, we will announce the date, time and on-line location for the forum.

Available as e-book or paperback

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"The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people."

Three Hymns

One Sunday a pastor told the congregation that the church needed some extra money and asked the people to prayerfully consider giving a little extra in the offering plate. He said that whoever gave the most would be able to pick out three hymns. After the offering plates were passed, the pastor glanced down and noticed that someone had placed a $1,000 bill in the offering. He was so excited that he immediately shared his joy with his congregation and said he'd like to personally thank the person who placed the money in the plate. A very quiet, elderly, saintly lady all the way in the back shyly raised her hand. The pastor asked her to come to the front. Slowly she made her way to the pastor. He told her how wonderful it was that she gave so much and in thanksgiving asked her to pick out three hymns. Her eyes brightened as she looked over the congregation, pointed to the three handsomest men in the building and said, "I'll take him and him and him!"

Gilbert K. Chesterton

Good News / Bad News For A Pastor Author Unknown

Good News: You baptised seven people today in the river. Bad News: You lost two of them in the swift current. Good News: The women's group voted to send you a get-well card. Bad News: The vote passed by 31-30. Good News: The pastor-parish relations committee accepted your job description the way you wrote it. Bad News: They were so inspired by it that they asked the bishop to send a new minister capable of filling the position.

Good News: The trustees finally voted to add more church parking. Bad News: They are going to blacktop the front lawn of the parsonage. Good News: Church attendance rose dramatically the last three weeks. Bad News: You were on vacation. Good News: Your biggest critic just left your community. Bad News: He has been appointed as your conference bishop. Good News: The youth of the church came to your house for a visit. Bad News: It was in the middle of the night and they were armed with toilet paper and shaving cream.

Good News: The Church Council has agreed to send you to the Holy Land for study. Bad News: They are waiting for war to break out before sending you. 49

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