The Next Wave Magazine April 2012

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The Voice of Global Apostolic Reformation

April 2012

International Circle of Faith 40,000 Ministers with 11 Million Constituents

Why Women are Leaving the Church INSIDE: End of Morality? Establishing Ministries Leadership Development Confidence in the flesh

InterviewS Dr Alan Pateman & Dr Peter Gammons

Editorial TRUTH


T always astonishes me how ministers can reach the conclusion that that they have arrived and that they preach the “full” gospel. The gospel truth is we see in part and know in part. It is easy to claim you are willing to change your beliefs, but I have found that people resist what God desires to reveal. The good news is that irresistible grace is able to overcome your resistance and He that began a good work in you is able to finish it. He is able to present you faultless before His presence.

standing of truth is advanced as His Spirit decides to reveal Himself to us; He reveals His ways. The Apostle Paul spoke of revelations he received, this shows a progression in his understanding. Truth becomes deeper, it has no end. God is truth, He has no end. Enjoy your journey in truth! James Peter Jandu, Editor

THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

CONTENTS A Word for the Weary Prayer The Right Key Leadership Development Interview Alan Pateman Interview Peter Gammons Call to Commitment Interview Dr Tembi Women Leaving Church Confidence in the flesh Establishing Ministries God's Powerful Army Spiritual Warfare Prophet Matt Holland Sermon Impact End of Morality? Religitics Persecution Watch

1-2 2 3 5 7-8 10 12-13 14-15 15 - 16 19 20-23 25-26 27 29 30 32 33 34-35



As we journey our under-



NEXT WAVE is the voice of Apostolic Reformation (Apostolic Restoration). Since the time of John Wycliffe there has been an interest of true believers in returning the Church to the tenets taught by the original Apostles and held by the New Testament Church. This Apostolic Reformation has seen many waves of the Holy Spirit. The last prominent wave of Apostolic Reformation was in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s. It is our expectation that we are in another wave of Apostolic Reformation. The Next Wave is published by International Circle of Faith Global Network. To receive a complimentary copy of The Next Wave each month register your email on our website.

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A Word for the

Weary “God Will Finish What He Started!” By J. Lee Grady

The devil is busy trying to abort God’s promises. Hang on and keep believing. Here’s a trivia question: Which building project took the longest to complete?• The construction of the Pentagon. The carving of Mount Rushmore The digging of the Panama Canal. The building of the Empire State Building.

The carving and assembling of the Statue of Liberty. The answer is C. It took 31 years to dig the Panama Canal, mainly because that superhuman task was started and stopped several times due to floods, mudslides, unexpected costs (the total bill for the United States was $375 million in 1914) and a horrific death toll (20,000 French workers and 6,000 Americans died on the job site.) The moral of that story: Expect delays when you cut a 50-mile-long canal to connect two oceans. 1

I’m not attempting to move millions of tons of earth to make room for cargo ships. My ministry assignment is different. But I still feel overwhelmed at times by the task. God calls each of us to join Him in His work, but accomplishing anything spiritual (such as building a church, winning the lost, or influencing culture for Christ) is impossible in human terms. We can’t accomplish anything for God without supernatural faith. God gives us a promise—that’s the easy part. Then He reveals His strategies, works miracles and

sends provision. Working with God is exhilarating when these things happen. But faith is also warfare. The devil hurls doubts and obsta-

This is God’s promise to all who are called to labor with Him. He does not tell you to begin something and

Many of God’s servants today are weary. Budgets have been tight, resistance is strong and trends are negative. cles in our direction. There are battles and, sometimes, casualties. These are the times we are tempted to quit. Zerubbabel and Joshua, the two men commissioned to rebuild Solomon’s temple, struggled with intense discouragement as they looked at the ruins of Jerusalem. The task was overwhelming, the cost was prohibitive, the workers were dismayed and their enemies were fierce. They started the work in earnest, but they heard a familiar voice that whispered: “You’ll never finish this. God is going to abandon you in the middle of this project.” Fortunately, just when Zerubbabel and Joshua were about to throw in the towel, the prophet Haggai showed up with a refreshing announcement. He told them: “'But now take courage … and work; for I am with you,' declares the Lord” (Hag. 2:4, NASB). The Lord also promised He would see the building project to completion. He said: “The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former … and in this place I will give peace” (v. 9). Those powerful prophetic promises propelled Zerubbabel and Joshua forward. The words invigorated their weary faith and steeled their determination. Their passion was refueled. They returned to the work, even though it seemed impossible. In the end, God’s glorious house arose from an ash heap.

then leave you halfway through it. God is a wise builder and an expert craftsman. He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. He finishes what He starts. The apostle Paul knew this when he wrote: “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6). The Message Bible says it this way: “There has never been the slightest doubt in my mind that the God who started this great work in you would keep at it and bring it to a flourishing finish on the very day Christ Jesus appears.” Many of God’s servants today are weary. Budgets have been tight, resistance is strong and trends are negative. The devil is busy trying to abort God’s promises. You may have been tempted even this week to resign from your assignment. But I want to encourage you with the words of Haggai: “Take courage! The Lord is with you!” Regardless of what you lack, the Lord’s mighty presence is all you need to finish the task. Hang on to Him and keep believing. J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma. Note: In case you are curious about the other projects mentioned in the trivia question, here are the answers: A. The Pentagon, the world’s largest office building, was built in 16 months. B. Mount Rushmore was carved in 14 years. D. The Empire State Building was completed in 1 year and 45 days. E. The Statue of Liberty was carved and assembled over a 10-year period.



Prayer by Ryan Rockich

Do your prayers sound something like "Dear God, I come to you, as humbly as I know how, asking you to please forgive me for (fill in the blank) and anything else that I may have forgotten that has displeased you, Lord. I thank you for cleansing me right now and I receive it in Jesus name ..." Sounds so good doesn't it? Ever ask yourself what that confession gets you? How often and how many times you need to do it to be "right with God"? My question is: if we have all been baptized in Jesus' death (and raised in His resurrection), why do we feel the need to take spiritual showers everyday as if sprinkling our confessions on the altar will appease God for whatever arbitrary length of time (usually until we feel guilty enough to repeat the ritual), and we can "restore fellowship" with Him. Didn't Jesus do that?? Guys, receiving forgiveness of sin under the new covenant is kinda like "Fresh Step" kitty litter. Fresh grace and mercy with every step! We are cleansed as we walk. Walk in the light as He is in the light!

The Right Key by Ryan Rockich

QUESTION: Ever have a key seem to fit perfectly into a lock, but, no matter which direction or how hard you strain trying to turn it, nothing happens? Then, in your frustration, instead of removing the wrong key and trying another one (as you are QUITE certain you have the right key), you twist it once more with all your might, only to break said key off in the lock? I believe there is living, in the world today, an entire population of frustrated, disenfranchised, exhausted believers that have been turning a key that seems right - the only key they've ever known - but not getting the desired results. This key is the key of man-made RELIGION. Some will simply stare blankly at the lock, wondering why things aren't working out like they thought. "Maybe there is something wrong with the lock cylinder and I'm not turning the key in JUST the right way." Then there are those who, in their pride, instead of understanding the inherent fault with the key and realizing they have made the wrong selection, will make excuses for the key. "Maybe the key is worn and not hitting all the tumblers anymore."

I believe there is living, in the world today, an entire population of frustrated, disenfranchised, exhausted believers that have been turning a key that seems right - the only key they've ever known - but not getting the desired results. Accordingly, they will take the faulty key to the locksmith and have him issue them a shiny new key (that, after the pattern of the first, is just as faulty as the original one, but with a better grip on the end so it will turn more easily. Still others will walk around with the jagged edges of broken keys jutting out of their locks; and be-

** Dearly beloved, may I say that the ONLY KEY that will ever pop open the lock and set you free is that of TRUTH. The true, unvarnished, untainted truth of the Lord Jesus by His Spirit, and NOT that of a weak and impotent mixed up gospel intermingled with bits and pieces of Greek philosophy and Jewish law.** Only remember: it takes TWO people to tell the truth; one to speak and one to listen. (Henry David Thoreau). May the Spirit of truth lead you into all truth.

lieving that all hope is gone, will give up on alternate keys entirely. 3

Bishop Bernie L. Wade, ICOF President The Mission of ICOF is to provide: Unprecedented unity to the body of Christ Communion of like-minded churches, ministries, education and charitable organizations Fellowship connection for church leaders and ascension Resources for training and equipping Mentoring relationships for ministry development Apostolic Covering for structure, order and protocol

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Embrace a Leadership

Development Process By Dave DeVries J. Oswald Sanders describes the process of qualifying as spiritual leaders: Spiritual leaders are not made by election or appointment, by men or any combination of men, nor by conferences or synods. Only God can make them. Simply holding a position of importance does not constitute one a leader, nor do taking courses in leadership or resolving to become a leader. The only method is that of qualifying to be a leader. Religious position can be conferred by bishops and boards, but not spiritual authority, which is the prime essential of Christian leadership. That comes often unsought to those who in earlier life have proved themselves worthy of it by spirituality, discipline, ability, and diligence, men who have heeded the command: “Do you seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them.” and instead have sought first the kingdom of God {and His righteousness}. Spiritual leadership is a thing of the Spirit and is conferred by God alone. When His searching eye alights on a man who has qualified, He anoints him with His Spirit and separates him to his distinctive ministry… (Sanders, Spiritual Leadership, pp 18-19) In every generation God’s people

are given the opportunity to respond to His invitation to be a distinct people used to demonstrate and proclaim hope in the midst of their generations’ present crisis. In each generation, God calls out individuals who will take up the reins of leadership. On my sabbatical in 2000, I sensed the need to intentionally develop spiritually qualified board members. It seemed that every year as we sought nominations for board members, I was pulling teeth to get anyone to serve. In the fall of 2000, I invited six men to join me in a monthly four hour training session. We shared a meal together and prayed for one another. We also discussed an assigned book and I taught a lesson on spiritual leadership. This process bonded us together and was invaluable in preparing two of these men to serve as deacons and one to serve as an elder the following year. I realized that I had to be involved first hand in the leadership formation process at our church. And yet, I can’t be the only one concerned about leadership development. As we continue to grow as a church, all leaders must embrace the responsibility for leadership multiplication. Just as all disciples

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of Jesus ought to be disciple-makers, so all leaders ought to be mentoring leaders. Paul told Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:2, “The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.” This process of leadership multiplication won’t just happen in your church. Spiritual leaders are developed over a lifetime and they need the input of godly leaders on the one hand, while continuing to invest in the mentoring of the next generation of church leadership. An intentional process of leadership development that strengthens the local church’s leadership base must be initiated with non-leaders who are faithful followers of Jesus. And this process must continue through identifiable phases that equip emerging leaders with ongoing ministry assignments and responsibilities. Learning to lead won’t happen in the classroom, but in the context of ministry. Commit yourself to the process of both developing as a leader, and developing others to lead!

“It is our expectation that we are on the verge of yet another wave of the Spirit. We refer to this as The Next Wave. The Next Wave will be as radically different as the last wave. The opposition will come from the recipients of the last wave.� Dr. Bernie L. Wade, President International Circle of Faith

Interview with

Apostle Dr. Alan Pateman

Dr. Alan Pateman of “Alan Pateman Ministries International” (APMI), has a far-reaching ministry and has been used instrumentally by the Lord in over 40 nations. He is also the Founder and Overseer (Bishop) of an Apostolic Network called “Connecting for Excellence,” connecting leaders for divine opportunities and building lasting relationships. Alan desires to see God’s elect trained for the purposes that they were born to achieve. Therefore he founded “LifeStyle International Christian University,” designed for international correspondence students as well as extension campuses. Offering future leaders, pastors and others the opportunity to become part of a global network. Also known as a successful Author / Publisher Dr. Alan has published many written works, such as numerous books, (plus ebooks), university curriculums, teaching manuals, including his popular bi-weekly articles on the Internet, called “Truth for the Journey” that reaches a global audience. Apostle Alan along with his wife Jenny and three children at present reside in Florence, Italy and travel out from their apostolic company.

What do you see God doing on the earth today?

looking to as a spiritual leader/father.

Well we are certainly in the age of the Apostolic. It is time for the whole Body of Christ to experience the authority and anointing of apos-

True spiritual fathers, value “relationships” over and above, performance, rules or rigid structures. They have godly character that is mani-

It is time for the whole Body of Christ to experience the authority and anointing of apostles, just as it was in the Book of Acts. To see the Church rise to its full potential and built according to the New Testament pattern tles, just as it was in the Book of Acts. To see the Church rise to its full potential and built according to the New Testament pattern, we all as individuals must rise in vision and faith. Some are calling this the Apostolic Reformation. Remember, the five ascension gifts are not optional extras but essential imperatives, ordained by God for the Church. Included in this answer I want to add that it is detrimental that spiritual sons recognize their need for spiritual fathers (Luke 1:17). Many have turned away from such a message due to more recent scandals in the church, which utilized this particular concept. Nevertheless, this truth out-lives any particular church-politics of the moment! I will briefly qualify this (for want of column space!) by saying this: as leaders we all need a relationship of openness, transparency and honesty, with someone to whom we are 7

fested in a life of humility and love. That is demonstrated within their relationships, family life, and/or marriage. Who have been your ministry influences and why? To be honest there have been many who have influenced me over the years, especially as life is “seasonal.” In other words, at different seasons there have been different influences that have helped me to grow and develop. In the 80's it was John Wimber of the Vineyard movement; a forerunner of the “Toronto blessings” and the “Todd Bentley / Lakeland movement.” Of course all had their good and bad aspects. However as one has matured, it is now that I look for “stability & maturity” rather than the flamboyant ‘quick-fix’ or signs and wonders! (Of course we need real signs and wonders). There are such people as

Reinhard Bonnke for example, who have organizations with the necessary infrastructure to be able to sustain and handle all that God has wanted to do and continues to do through his particular ministry.

have a rebellious / independent spirit. Willing to “usurp” others in order to gain prominence. This is the spirit of Lucifer and NOT the Holy Spirit. In addition many are given to increasing levels of “NAR-

In addition many are given to increasing levels of “NARCISSISM” (inflated self-importance, egotism, vanity, and conceit) Then there is the likes of Ulf Ekman of Sweden. Apostolically speaking Ulf has possessed much understanding and insight over the years, concerning the apostolic church. He’s had much influence bilaterally and for decades has diligently developed countless leaders, pioneered internationally, along with extensive church planting (this exclude all the other things that he does as well), all of which has certainly qualified him as a stalwart leader of leaders. What would you say to up and coming ministers of the gospel?

CISSISM” (inflated self-importance, egotism, vanity, and conceit). What are the changes you have seen in the church over the years? Let me simply answer this by saying that many have accepted the lovegospel rather than the gospel-oftruth! In addition to this and perhaps more critically so – many have accepted the role of “charismatic-witchcraft” within the church, as being the genuine article when it comes to the prophetic. As a result of this it is not hard to ascertain that multitudes are struggling to find their way forward. It is

My desire for all up and coming ministers is for them to focus on their individual “life styles,” including marriage! Simply because they will not have the capacity to sustain the anointing or any God given vision that is upon their lives, with any skeletons lurking in the cupboard! What else is exceedingly paramount is that they remain accountable to spiritual authority. Accountability and spirituality go hand in hand. However the converse is often true as many leaders today 8

fact that people tend to chase the latest “movements” rather than Jesus. Please share a testimony that you feel will bless the readers. I want to encourage everyone to allow God to take hold of your lives regardless of your background circumstances. Allow God to place a seed that will germinate and produce a future. Your destiny is “in” the seed. For instance at 27 years of age I could not read or write and then God called me to preach, through a dramatic conversion. I’m living proof that God can take the foolish things to confound the wise! Then someone out of the blue prophesied to me: “ye shall go therefore into all the world," and many said that it would be impossible for someone like me who was uneducated and demonized. But if God is FOR you who can be against you? Up to this date I have travelled to over 40 different countries, preaching the gospel; founded a university with correspondence courses, authored many books and curriculums, etc. Let us have faith in God and His ability!

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THE NEXT WAVE is a monthly publication of the International Circle of Faith (ICOF) Global Network and is distributed globally to Churches, ministries and Christian organizations.

Interview with

Dr Peter gammons What do you see God doing on the earth today? Setting up His Kingdom. God never intended sickness, pain, heartache, guilt etc and though Christ plans to illuminate these things from our lives.

As a young man Dr Peter Gammons received a dramatic call to ‘Take My healing message and my healing power to the world.’ Since that time, over 35 years ago, he has shared Christ with more than 100 million people across the globe and spoken to the largest crowds in history, with up to 4 million people in a single service. He has also become a friend and adviser to Presidents, Prime Ministers and world leaders. Dr Gammons daily television broadcasts are seen in over 200 nations of the world.

What would you say to up and coming ministers of the gospel? 1. Choose your mentors wisely. 2. Be the real thing. (There’s too many flakes and fakes around today)

“Whilst we are seeing churches growing, the emphasis on world evangelism seems to have taken a backward place” Who have been your ministry influences and why? T.L. Osborn was my spiritual Dad. He and Daisy taught me so much.

What are the changes you have seen in the church over the years? Most of them do not impress me. Whilst we are seeing churches growing, the emphasis on world evangelism seems to have taken a backward place. Jesus only gave us one commission - to preach the Gospel to every creature. As Oswald J. Smith put it, “God only had one Son and He made Him a missionary.”

Photo: Dr Gammons ministers to the crowd of over 4 million people in Manila, Philippines which stretched for up to 6 miles. 10

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ommitment is the state of being obligated or bound by intellectual conviction, emotional ties, and spiritual union. It is a decisive moral choice that involves the whole person body, soul, and spirit in the definite course of action to follow the Lord. A commitment is something which has been pledged or guaranteed by covenant. Since God's New Covenant was initiated and guaranteed by him, our covenant commitment is to say a thorough "yes" which ratifies this blood covenant in our personal lives.

The word "commit" comes to us from the Latin committere, meaning: "to connect, entrust, to send with." Until the time of definite commitment, we are aimless and unattached. But through commitment we are solidly tied to Christ, the rock and the covenant. We are fixed and established from the inside out. Commitment could be compared to the engaging of gears; once the connection is made, His leading will cause us to move forward. Then we become ready to make solid progress for we have taken hold.

Neither let the son of the stranger, that hath joined himself to the Lord speak, saying, The Lord hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith the Lord unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off. (Isa. 56:3 5) Their children also shall be as afore-


time, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them. And their nobles shall be of themselves, and their governor shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to draw near, and he shall approach unto me: for who is this that engaged his heart to approach unto me? saith the Lord. And ye shall be my people, and I will be your God. (Jer. 30:20 22)

THE RESULTS OF COMMITMENT Before engaging our hearts with God we were as vulnerable to change as tumbleweed is to the winds. But commitment anchors us solidly in the Lord and produces steadfastness of character. Until a commitment has been made, we do not profit from experiences in the same way as we do once everything is related to the Lord. We may suffer, but suffering does not build character unless that basic spiritual connection is there is to give us access to God's resources and to keep us morally bound to follow through with our choices. The Greek uses three major words to describe this character quality of steadfastness. Each one adds a useful shade of meaning. 1. Steadfastness is an unwavering moral certainty based on ratification of God's covenant (bebaios). Our moral lives are stabilized because our decisions are now related to our covenant relationships with God. We have been established and other pulls are not as strong as those of the everlasting covenant. We are sure of who we are and of who God is in relation to us. For this reason we are firm in our convictions. For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. (Heb.

6:16) Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein. (Heb. 13:9) 2. Steadfastness is a settling upon the solid basis of Christ (hedraios). We are no longer running here and there looking for a fixed center around which to build our lives, because we have found it. Now we can put our weight down upon the Lord and be constant in our affections. This Greek word comes from the word for chair and speaks of both security and moral fixity. Our restlessness born of unsureness is over; we can afford to relax. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord. (I Cor. 15:58) If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled [steadfast], and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard, and which was preached to every creature which is under heaven; whereof I Paul am made a minister. (Col. 1:23) 3. Steadfastness is the crystallization of our convictions, making us firm and constant because of an inner strengthening (stereos). We are no longer as "unstable as water" because inwardly we have been solidified. Our questions and issues have been settled and the struggle and quandary is over. We have developed a firm resistance to contrary pulls. Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. (1 Pet. 5:9) 13

HOW A COMMITMENT IS MADE An initial commitment is accomplished through our participation in conversion initiation, for it is in laying these foundations that we commit ourselves to the lordship of Christ (Acts 2:32 47, etc.). Continuing commitment has to do with the practical management of our bodies, emotions, wills, and spirits. If He is indeed Lord we do what He wills instead of pleasing ourselves. Paul talked about our deliberate acts of commitment in terms used for worship; we are giving Him ourselves as "living sacrifices." 1. We present our bodies to God to make them available for His use. (Rom. 12:1) This word "present" (paristemi) means: "to have in readiness, to provide, to place at the disposal of." But it also has religious overtones in that we dedicate, consecrate, or devote ourselves to God as a deliberate act of worship. 2. We offer ourselves and our service to God as an act of sacrifice. (12:1) Sacrifice means offering to God something we value and know He values. Becoming a living sacrifice to God demands healthy self respect to give us the confidence that He will receive us as an acceptable offering. 3. Our self presentation to God is considered our reasonable service. (12:1) In light of what God has done for us, what less can we do in response? We continue to serve God as intelligent worshipers as we serve one another.

Interview with

Bishop Dr. Tembi Alfred Tembi What do you see God doing on the earth today?

Revival Gospel Ministries ICOF Bishop Cameron

Founder/ President of Revival Gospel Ministries Cameroon

Director General Revival Gospel Radio Buea.

Ph D Communications Cornerstone University Jerusalem Israel. D.D. ICOF USA.

a.I see a greater manifestation of the prophecy of Joel 2:25-28 being fulfilled and a greater manifestation of the Spirit of God that was poured down on the day of Pentecost. I see many sons and daughters of Zion accepting the call into full time ministry. I see God restoring to the church the apostolic and prophetic gifts which were kind of eaten up by the cankerworm, caterpillars and locust of ease and complacency. There is a resurgence of the five fold apostolic ministry and message especially in Africa. Miracles of salvation healing and deliverance are a practical reality. b.I see God restoring the prosperity of the church. Gone are the days when poverty used to be synonymised to the church. “As poor as a church rat” was a common adage. Despite the global economic crunch and gross darkness filling the earth, the church is being commanded to arise and shine for her light is come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon her. Isaiah 60: 1- 2, 13. I see the mountain of the Lord’s house being lifted up above all other mountains and all the nations running to it and a law coming out from Zion. Isaiah 2:2 c.I see the second coming of our Lord Jesus very near. Every socio cultural, political, economic and geographic event is focused on Israel. d.I see God preparing the wedding feast of the lamb in a more precise and urgent manner. The mansions of heaven are being renovated, the 14

streets are being swept clean and clear. The heavenly choirs on their last final rehearsals. The wise virgins have their lamps full of oil and burning high with vats full of spare oil. While the foolish virgins are sleeping and snoring with no spare oil. Awake awake! The mid night call may take you unawares.

Who have been your ministry influences and why? One of those who influenced my life and ministry tremendously is Professor Zach Fomum From whom i heard the gospel clearly for the first time during one of his city wide crusades. He taught me to how to live a selfless and sin free life. He also taught me the cost of discipleship and prayers. His prayer and fasting life was exemplary. Another person who has influenced my life extraordinarily is the evangelist Billy Graham. His humility and integrity are examples to emulate. He sponsored my training in evangelism during Amsterdam 86.

What would you say to up and coming ministers of the gospel? Permit me to first of all appreciation them for accepting the call of the master. They should learn to be on the cutting edge of leadership. They should learn not only to be correct but also to be current. One can be correct and not current as such become irrelevant in the vine yard. Let

them take note of the fact we ministers shall be judged more severely than others. I will love to give all up coming ministers this one word WATCH. Watch your: • W= ways • A= attitudes • T= tongue • C= character • H= habits Watch and pray, watch! there is an adversary. Watch! The end of all things is near. Watch your reward is at hand. Your salvation is nearer now than when you first believe. The up coming minister should also: a. Avoid a judgmental spirit. b. Have a mentor. c. Submit to authority in order to

have authority. You can never have authority unless you are under authority. d. He should note that Miracles do not save a sinner. The of Jesus Christ saves. e. He should major on God’s Word and all other things will fall into place.

What are the changes you have seen in the church over the years? I have noticed over my 25 years of service in the vine yard a lot of changes, some of them Positive and others negative.

a. I have noticed a dramatic Revival in the African and south American church. There is an influx of youths into the church with fervour and zeal making the church very vibrant and exciting. There is an ardent desire for God in these continents. Churches have an average attendance of hundreds of thousands on Sundays. b. The reverse is seen in Europe. I was shocked to see large cathedrals being used as touristic centres in Europe. America on the other hand is being ravaged with materialism. Despite all these there is still hop for America; God is not unjust to forget the labour of love of their founding fathers. I have also seen some churches becoming very worldly and the world becoming churchy.

Why Women are Leaving the Church

Jaimie Bowman is a ministry leader and pastor's wife, with a passion for sharing God's Word. She holds a Master's Degree in Church Leadership and is also a Licensed Minister. Jaimie, her husband Martin and two sons reside in the Los Angeles area. Jaimie can be found blogging at and, where she shares her adventures of ministry and motherhood.

By Jaimie Bowman In August of 2011, the Barna Group released the results of a research study conducted about Women and Faith. In their research, they found that since 1991, church attendance by women has dropped 11% and weekly Bible reading has plummeted by 10% – to just 4 out of 10 women. The saddest statistic was this: “The only religious behavior that increased among women in the last 20 years was becoming unchurched.” That statistic was raised by 17%. However, there was an increase in

women who say that Jesus Christ is their personal Lord and Savior – an increase from 38% in 1991 to 44% in 2011.

working with women in ministry for 15 years, these are a few of the reasons I believe women are leaving the church:

While the same study was conducted on men as well, the findings were not as drastic as the women’s statistics.

Women have been hurt

So why are more women professing to be believers, yet not involved- or even attending- their local churches? After pouring through the many comments from this study, and reflecting on my own experience in 15

Let’s face it, women are relational. If a woman has been hurt by someone in the church, she is less likely to get involved again. Many women will stop going to church all together. In addition, with the rise of technology, women are communicating online more than ever. Dr. Larry Rosen, who is an expert in technological psychology, recently shared on a radio program that with

the rise of online communication, many people are connecting less in person. Online relationships often replace personal contact. This may also make women stay away from church; they simply just don’t see the need, as they are in contact with their friends in other ways.

Women feel overworked at church If a woman is working all week long, and then feels the pressure to give more of her time and effort at church, she may feel it is easier just to stay home. Some women give and give and give, feeling guilty if they say no, and eventually they get extremely burned out in ministry and don’t have anything left to give. It is the church’s responsibility to give volunteers times and seasons to rest, as well as make sure that one person isn’t doing 10 different jobs. Small churches in particular need more help, but it should never be at the expense of an overworked volunteer.

Some men are not spiritually leading their wives Many women want to go to church, but their husbands don’t. I personally know of many, many women in this situation. Maybe the woman married an unbeliever, or maybe she & her husband have different styles of worshipping. Either way, if a woman feels she has to beg and plead with her husband to go to church, she may just give up altogether. I cannot tell you the many conversations I have had with brokenhearted wives who show up at church alone. It takes a lot of strength to continue going to church, especially with your children, without the support of your spouse. Men, it’s time to step up.

Women are frustrated

Maybe they have leadership gifts, yet feel their gifts are not valued by their church. They are continually told that their role should be something else. They are not encouraged, and so they don’t feel valued. Many times these women are leaders in their communities, yet are not given the same opportunities in their churches. One commenter said, “The fact that many churches and parachurch organizations emphasize males as automatic leaders (an unbiblical view) and bar women from leadership roles (including that of pastor) also are turning more women off. If we want to keep from losing women, perhaps we need to take a fresh look at scripture and how Jesus treated women and adjust accordingly.”

Women are busy Society has told families that other things are more important than church, and we have believed it. We will sign our kids up for after school classes, multiple sports, playdates, etc.. and pretty soon we have crowded out time for church. It is just not a priority anymore. However, children need to see families place a priority on church once again. Children need to see their parents place an importance on going to church together, on worshipping together, on fellowshipping with other believers together. Kids need the consistency of learning about God as a family, even if they go to Christian school. Christian school is not church. Home school is also not church.

A lack of childcare or Sunday School This is probably the #1 thing moms are most concerned about when visiting a church. If the children’s ministry is low-functioning, or barely there, moms will be less likely to return. However, this should not be an excuse for not going to church. 16

There are other churches out there with tremendous kids’ programs – find one. This is of particular importance for single mothers, who need good quality children’s ministry so they can relax and be fed when they attend church – which may be the only break they have.

Some women don’t think they need church This is classic. Women are professional “know it all’s” (I’m one myself), and if we’ve grown up in the church or participated in XX number of Bible studies or retreats, we think we know it all. We make up excuses as to why we don’t need to go to church anymore. This is a sinful mentality – a consumerist mentality. This is a person who says, “I go to church for what I get out of it. Since I don’t get anything out of it, I won’t go.” Instead, we should have the attitude that we are a part of the Body of Christ, and the Body is less effective when even one of it’s members is missing. This is the beginning of a hardened heart – one that thinks it doesn’t need what Christ has commanded. I fully understand that there are “house churches” and missional communities that may not fit the traditional church model. The point is that we are all to be in community with one another, on a regular basis, in a place where we can weekly be fed spiritually and serve others, using our spiritual gifts. It is my hope that by examining this list, church leaders can identify weaknesses which can begin to be addressed. Rather than over-generalizing most women as “uninterested” in church, let’s look at the specific reasons why these women are leaving and not coming back. Maybe by addressing even one of these issues in our own churches, we will begin to gain the trust of these women back and be able to reach their families.


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ICOF sponsors conferences, breakout sessions and workshops oriented toward women and women in ministry. This continues our theme of ministering to the ministers. Women in ICOF leadership roles plan and direct these meetings.

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We are here for you!


Confidence in the

James Peter Jandu

Flesh by Ryan Rockich CITATIONS FOR MISQUOTATIONS: Have you ever been warned of the dangers of putting "CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FLESH"? (Be careful! If you give it an inch, it will take a mile! If you give the Devil a ride, he will want to drive!) If so, read on... First let's look at where this saying comes from. In Philippians 3 starting in verse 2 it says: "Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision. 3. For we are the circumcision, which worship God in the spirit, and rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no *confidence in the flesh*. (KJV) Now here is where we need to keep reading in order to understand what Paul is really saying. Let's continue in this passage again using the New Living Translation for sake of readability... "Watch out for those dogs, those people who do evil, those mutilators who say you must be circumcised to be saved. For we who worship by the Spirit of God are the ones who are truly circumcised. **We rely on what Christ Jesus has done for us. We put no confidence in human effort**, Though I could have confidence in my own effort if anyone could. Indeed, if others have reason for confidence in their own efforts, I have even more! I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pureblooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin—a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I


was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law. I was so zealous that I harshly persecuted the church. And as for righteousness, I obeyed the law without fault. I (Paul) once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ and become one with him. **I no longer count on my own righteousness through obeying the law; rather, I become righteous through faith in Christ**. For God's way of making us right with himself depends on faith." Now there are those that would take all this and say, "SEE? That's why, when you're up against temptation, you can't trust your flesh to do the right thing! Don't even put or allow yourself to remain in that situation. You WILL end up sinning!" Unfortunately, it is at this point that we have to issue the CITATION. My friends, as true as that statement may be, it is not what this passage of scripture is saying. Clearly, Paul is exhorting us not to trust in any effort of our own (like a Pharisee), but rather to trust only in the imputed righteousness of Christ FOR OUR SALVATION. GROW IN GRACE AND CLARITY! 19

“Jesus was killed for challenging the religious thinking of His day. The death of the cross was so horrible and shameful that it was scarcely mentioned in polite Roman society. His death and resurrection demands challenging questions are asked without have to mince words. The magnitude of the issue demands a raw approach that will offend the religious mind.” “Numerous artificial Christians trapped on the treadmill of never ending religious duties that have to be done for God. They fear leaping off lest they lose their salvation and so they continue maintaining their salvation by good works. Yet, concealed deep in their mind is dissatisfaction with religious Christianity, whilst at the same time they maintain an image of a zealous believer on ‘fire for the Lord.” “Salvation has been designed in such a way that to receive it and live it there is no contribution required from the recipient. God takes full credit.” “The concept of grace is unknown among the cults and false religions invented by man. Those who practice these false religions seek to merit or earn the right to obtain or maintain salvation. However, true biblical Christianity is in a class all by itself.”

Establishing Ministries in the Church Dr. Barney Phillips has developed over the past decade to be a communicator, networker, missionary, humanitarian, and teacher of Church government and foundational truths. Regarded as an advisory to ministries and churches, he has traveled internationally helping in oversight and support to Leadership in the Body of Christ.

If the Church is going to successfully establish a diversity of ministry, then she must understand and be aware of certain critical conditions. It is essential that the leaders in the Church do not Arbitrarily seek to implement change until they understand these foundational requirements

1. Father/Son Order A diversified ministry can only become properly instituted within a church that is in father/son order. The order of ministry in the Bible was always from father to son. Unless we are connected to a ministry father, we have no biblical right to ministry or to foster ministry sons. In recent years as the truth of father/son order has permeated various Christian circles, many counterfeits have arisen. Father/son order is not about having a human mediator, a spiritual coach, or even a mentor. Unfortunately, many have taught a perversion of this order in an effort to increase personal control or gain financial advantage instead of extending their heavenly vision through successive generations. The order of God within His Kingdom is the order of father to son. If we are ever to find our way out of religious Babylon (confusion), the Church must discover the ministry order of the kingdom. The present church system is patterned after political, social, and business models

Dr. Barney Phillips

Barney and his wife Sarah enjoy their time together with their two children Joshua and Victory at their home in Phoenix, Arizona. A graduate of Global Evangelical Christian Collage & Seminary with a Master’s degree in Church administration doctorate in communications , Inter-

of Man and not after the biblical order. Leadership is chosen via a voting process or by an in-house promotion system and not according to proper order. As a result, authority does not flow from God, but from man. Proper father/son order is a requirement for implementing a plural, diversity, or multiplicity of ministry.

2. A Church Founded on Set Ministry In each local church that is in proper order, God has set a minister to establish and oversee the work. This minister, usually called the pastor, is not the owner of the church. He is not necessarily the wisest or most spiritual of all the members (although many create that pedestal for themselves), in the congregation. In fact, the pastor’s spiritual gifting in certain areas may not even approach that of much faithful sainthood; however, God ordains his position of authority. Set ministry is a ministry of leadership. Set ministry knows its destiny and purpose and is able to define it as a clear godly vision that directs the church. It is responsible for the effective operation of the church and establishes the church upon the government of God and not upon that of man. Set ministry is responsible for how and what the church is taught, which requires 20

national Circle of Faith College with a doctoral degree in Theology, educated in nonprofit management & development. Dr. Phillips is the Founder of Acts International Missions and currently serves as executive director for I Support USA a 501c3 nonprofit charity.

sound doctrine and grounding in truth. The set minister cannot be all things to all people; he must not view himself or be viewed as the repository of all knowledge or the one who has the answer to every need in every situation. He is, however, the only one, because of the position entrusted to his care, which can minister an ORDER, which will complete God’s vision for a particular local body. In his position as the set minister, he must institute proper order to establish and oversee the work of the local church. More than any other single task, it is bringing the church into proper father/son order that must define his ministry. Ministries without divine order tend to define themselves by size, influence, or gifting. Many in ministry find themselves consistently reacting to “problems”. Sometimes a minister may find himself in the position of continually putting out fires within the church. No sooner does he deal with one situation than another arises. This creates a position of stress that opposes the peace of God. The Ministry oftentimes finds itself continually reacting (having to act again) because it defaults in its responsibility to set proper father/son order throughout the generations of the church. Learning to respond

and establish an order within the church that allows response to the spirit rather than reaction to opposition is one of the primary responsibilities of the set ministry. Set ministry is responsible for the training of ministry and the completion of church order, which requires the establishment of biblical father/son order. It is also responsible for accommodating the ministry move of the sprit throughout the body, which requires the establishment of a multiplicity of ministry. And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondarily prophets, thirdly teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, diversities of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But covet earnestly the best gifts: and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way. (1Cor 12:28-31) God sets ministry in the church. This does not come by voting or appointment of men. In the setting of this ministry, there is an order: first… secondly… thirdly… after that. The apostolic will always be first. Whether the set ministry has a teacher gifting, a prophetic gifting, or some other gifting, as set ministry, they do the work of an apostle. They are the ones set in a specific place to lay the foundations and establish the work for which God has called them. But now hath God set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him. (1 Cor 12:18) God sets both the ministry and the members of the body. If the churches better understood this fact, they would not be so eager to gather anyone they could in their midst, but would look for those whom the lord has brought for his purpose. It is a surprise to many

pastors that not everyone belongs in their church. The reason this is not usually understood is that few local churches have a ministry order or biblical vision that would make this apparent. The ministry and the people are frustrated because the church is not in proper order.

3. Attracting Church Members Most churches do not teach those seeking prospective membership how to properly look for a local church. Churches often think and act with a department store mentality looking to attract customers. “We have the best music, anointed preaching, a beautiful building; great activities for all ages-please come and join us. You’ll be glad you did!” Some are so hungry for warm bodies to fill the pews and add funding to the coffers that are willing to, and indeed do, seek anyone who will agree to a few minimal requests. This is called “saving the lost and ministering to their need. “Has the average church even considered the possibility that not everyone belongs in his or her specific local church? Does not God have a unique call and purpose for each local church? Can there be some people who He would send to one church that he may not send to another? Are not specific people sent to a certain local church dependent upon God’s purpose and the vision of that church? Indeed, there is a place in God’s Church for every hungering person, but does He indiscriminately assign people to local churches without taking into account His purpose for them and His vision for the Body? Is it God or man who adds to the Church? Of course, if the local church does not have a well-defined vision, how would it know who should be part of the work? Religion has often made it easy to enter the church but difficult to 21

leave. Would it not be better for it to be difficult to enter and easy to leave? By being difficult to enter, we are not speaking about being exclusive or putting extensive demands upon people seeking a church. Rather, we are referring to giving them a proper understanding about the purpose and vision of the local church and teaching them how to allow the Spirit to direct them into their place and purpose. Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation (Numbers 27:16). Moses understood that God sets the ministry over the people. The one who was to take the place of Moses was Joshua, Moses’ ministry son. Joshua was someone on whom Moses could place a portion of his spirit. This is an example of generational ministry. If set ministry is primarily concerned about its own ministry, it will force the saints to become servants to the pastor, rather than helping the saints find and develop their ministry. This is why pastorates never become generational. In other words, their vision (if they have one) for the most part ends with their leaving. If, however, they have raised ministry sons, then those sons will be able to carry on the vision. The church then has the potential to become a spiritual family and not just a gathering of likeminded people who love Jesus. Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him. (Hos 8:3). For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: (Titus 1:5). Set ministry establishes order and ordains local leadership. The hand of God through Paul set Titus over the work in Crete to bring order to

the church. We have no biblical record that the apostle Paul was ever in Colosse, and only a brief account of and unplanned visit to Crete, yet the rule of his ministry spread to these and other places primarily because of his ministry sons. And the rest will I set in order when I come. (1Cor 11:34b) Paul was the set ministry over the churches entrusted into his care. As such, he established and maintained order in those settings. It was not by virtue of his education, denominational affiliation, or by the election of the local church membership that held his authority to rule in these churches-he was ordained by God. But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me (Gal 2:7a). Beside those things that are without, that which cometh upon me daily, the care of all the churches (2Cor 11:28) . If I be not an apostle unto others, yet doubtless I am to you: for the seal of mine apostleship are ye in the Lord (1 Cor 9:2). As set ministry over certain locals, Paul exercised rule. This rule cannot be granted by man or ordained through education, but only comes from the Lord. Many in ministry exert authority over others by virtue of the office they hold, but only set ministry in proper order can fully exercise the measure of rule given by the spirit and extend that rule to sons.

4. Proper Vision The importance of a well-defined vision from God cannot be overstated. It is essential. It is impossible to give a clear godly direction to a local church without proper ministry vision. If the set

ministry cannot see the vision of the Lord for their settings, they will never be able to complete ministry or pass on inheritance. Lack of biblical vision is why so many ministers stay in the pulpit until they die or retire. Because they do not have a proper ministry vision, they are never quite sure when or if their ministry is completed. If a ministry does not have a clear vision, it cannot say what is required to complete that vision. In order to have a proper ministry vision, a ministry father is needed from whom vision can be drawn and then that vision should be passed onto others. In organizational structures, a proper ministry vision is not required because the propagation and control of the organization become the vision and its implementation. In the case of independent churches, the doctrine and aspirations of the pastor often become the vision. This is why most churches state their vision in broad and unspecific terms such as “God has called us to bring the gospel to this city, “or “The Lord will use us as a refuge for the lost and a ministry to reach the world.”These are nice sentiments and may even be promises from God, but these types of statements are not ministry visions. Not having a well-defined ministry vision from God is fiduciary evidence that the direction of the work is from man and not God. According to church growth specialist, among the top reasons for joining a local church are location, preaching abilities of the pastor, family programs, amenities of the church facilities, similarities to other churches attended, and doctrinal beliefs. Many people use this criterion in choosing a church, but there are others of far greater importance. For example, “What is the vision of this church, and is God’s voice speaking to me in agreement with that vision?” It is proper vision that brings unity, purpose, direction, and ministry. We can gather people to22

gether for all sorts of peripheral reasons, but only proper ministry vision can provide the suitable foundation for connecting Christians in a local body.

5. Understanding the Corporate Body “Salvation” carried to the entire world requires this manifestation. Without understanding the corporate man, it is impossible to comprehend ministry or what the Lord is doing in our day. Consequently, many people think that God’s purpose today is for His Church to reach as many lost souls as possible before the rapture and horrendous unleashing of the tribulation upon the earth. They have never understood that what God is doing in this day is not found in his desire to release wrath on the earth but in bringing forth the manifestation of His Body-the new man. There is a misconception in much of Christianity that God deals primarily with individuals- His highest purpose being to save individuals from their sin. Although He desires to save individuals, it is really the salvation and manifestation of His Body or the corporate man that is in the ultimate purpose of God. Jesus cannot return without the manifestation of his Body. The ministry of the corporate man can essentially be accomplished only through a multiplicity of Ministry. And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is My son, even My firstborn (Exodus 4:22 emphasis added). For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten thee? And again, I will be to him a Father, and he shall be to me a Son? (Hebrews 1:5, emphasis added) He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be My son

(Revelation 21:7, emphasis added). God’s dealing with man is progressive and corporate. God dealt with Israel—not just Israelites; likewise, God deals with the Church—not just saints, and God will deal with those who are “the Christ”—not just Christians. The ministry and purpose of God to man is always from father to a son and is progressive and corporate. Israel hath sinned, and they have also transgressed My covenant (Joshua 7:11a). The LORD said also unto me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? (Jeremiah 3:6a) Israel hath cast off the thing that is good: the enemy shall pursue him (Hosea 8:3). He is not just the God of the Israelites, but also God of Israel; and in His plan, He deals with them corporately and not individually. Individually, there were Israelites who followed God as well as those who turned from him, but God dealt with Israel corporately. In our day, He continues to deal with His people corporately, something much of the church has yet to understand.

Think it not strange that the only recorded prayer that Jesus ever prayed in reference to the church was that THEY would be ONE! And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.(Colossians3:10-11, emphasis added) Having abolished in his flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances; for to make in himself of twain one new man, so making peace; And that he might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: (Ephesians 2:15-16, emphasis added)

When Adam, the son of God (see Lk 3:38), sinned, God gathered a people, the Israelites, under the law, and called them “My son”. Salvation (that the law could not bring because of the weakness of flesh) was brought to man through another Son of God. God Called Jesus “My Son” when Jesus was brought forth into ministry. Jesus saved mankind, but it will be another son whom Jesus calls “My son” (see Rev. 21:7), who will manifest in earth the salvation and manifestations of the Savior.

And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love. (Ephesians 4:11-16, emphasis added)

A multifaceted, diversity of ministry will only make sense to those who understand that God’s dealing with man in this day is corporate.

It is the Lord, who is Jesus, and His Christ, who is the corporate man, the new man who will manifest Jesus. The Lord and His Christ will 23

rule the Kingdom. The saints are the Christ (anointed) of God. We are to be the Body of Christ or Christ’s Body with Jesus as the head. We are anointed ones (Christs) who manifest the head to the entire world. The kings of the earth stood up, and the rulers were gathered together against the Lord, and against His Christ. [The corporate man] (Acts 4:26, emphasis added) And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever. (Revelations 11:15, emphasis added). The order of ministry within this Body is from father to son and is a diversity of ministry. If we understand ministry only in an individual context, rather than corporately, we will never implement a multifaceted, diversity of ministry, which is the Kingdom order of ministry. And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night. (Revelations 12:10, emphasis added). This new man, the corporate man is manifested as the Body of Christ— not individually as Christians, but corporately as a singular Body. “Til we all come…. Unto a perfect man”; we (plural) become a (singular) man. There is one body, and one Spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling (Ephesians 4:4, emphasis added). But now we are many members, yet one body (1 Corinthians 12:20)

International Circle of Faith US-Synod

Headquarters: Birmingham, Alabama USA

Tel: 205.356.1883 Apostle, Dr. Chellee F. Barber Th.D. Presiding Bishop

Bishop Dr. Leonard D. Barber

Quotes “Man trusts in his own goodness. Religion is the evidence. This trust in self is camouflaged by religious rules, regulations, jargon and rituals – all apparently done in the name of God to appear godly and sanctimonious.” James Peter Jandu

GOD's POWERFUL ARMY by David Wilkerson


omething very powerful and awesome is going on in the world today -something beyond human comprehension-something that will affect the whole world in these last days. God is preparing a small but powerful army of Christians, the most dedicated army on the face of the earth. The Lord will come forth to command them to do exploits; He is going to close out the ages with a pure, devoted, fearless remnant. All my life I have heard stories about our godly forefathers who hated sin. These men and women knew God's voice and spent hours, even days, in fasting and prayer. They prayed unceasingly

The denominational church system appears to be in the throes of death. and had the power and ability to successfully stand up against immorality in their day. These forefathers have long since passed on. But God is in the process of raising up another army and this time His warriors will not be made up only of elderly, grayhaired fathers and mothers of Zion. This new army will be composed of both new and seasoned 25

believers, both young and old, ordinary Christians who lay hold of God! A whole new realm of ministry is about to come forth! The denominational church system appears to be in the throes of death. It has almost no influence in the secular world, no mighty power in Christ. Some accuse me of being "hard" on pastors. But I am in touch with many godly pastors who grieve

as I do over the backsliding in the ministry today. There is a holy remnant of godly pastors in the land, and I thank God for every one of them. Yet, it is still a fact that more and more ministers are racing down the road of compromise. The Bible warns that we are not to fret! God has a plan and it is being manifested. It is put forth plainly in Scripture, mostly in the first four chapters of First Samuel.

Try to imagine the scene: Hannah was at the temple every day, on her knees before the altar, crushed and broken because she was childless. As she wept, her adversary-her husband's other wife - made fun of her. "And her rival also provoked her severely, to make her miserable, because the Lord had closed her womb" (1 Samuel 1:6).

The prophet Samuel is a type of God's last-days remnant. The Lord chose him amid the worst of times and hid him away in training until it was time to bring forth His new thing. God told Samuel, "Behold, I will do something in Israel at which both ears of everyone who hears it will tingle" (1 Samuel 3:11). What would so amaze and startle all who heard it? It was the judgment of God on the backslidden religious system and the raising up, training and anointing of a new, holy remnant!

When Hannah was praying, she was filled with grief, burdened for the birth of a son. All she could do was move her lips because of her groaning in the Spirit. She prayed, "If You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and . . . will give Your maidservant a male child, then I will give him to the Lord all the days of his life" (1 Samuel 1:11).

What God did in Samuel's day, He does in every generation. Indeed, in every generation there has been a remnant, a praying people after His own heart.

Here are two distinguishing marks of God's holy remnant:

BIRTH OF the LASTDAYS REMNANT The prophet Samuel is a type of the last-days holy remnant-a prepared body of believers that rises out of the ruins of the old, decadent church. Hannah, Samuel's mother, birthed her son through bitter tears and much prayer. "And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish" (1 Samuel 1:10).

Note what happened to Hannah as she prayed: "And it happened, as she continued praying before the Lord, that Eli watched her mouth. Now Hannah spoke in her heart; only her lips moved, but her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli thought she was drunk. So Eli said to her, 'How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away from you!'" (1 Samuel 1:12-14). Eli and his sons represent the dying, corrupt church that has forsaken the Lord's way. Eli was so out of touch-so dead in his spirit-he thought Hannah was drunk!

There are three important things I want to point out from this passage: * First, the remnant that Samuel represents is born in grief and intercession. * Second, those who pray and grieve after God's heart will be provoked by adversaries. * And third, God's remnant is always going to be misunderstood! 26

* They pray like Hannah. Their burden is deep and their heart is stirred because of the wickedness in God's house. * Like Hannah, they give themselves to prayer every day of their lives. God wants to make you like that. He wants you to be able to touch Him and hear from Him. He wants to give you a ministry to others who will come to you with their burdens and trials. And as you pray for them, His Word will come forth!


Spiritual Warfare by Ryan Rockich Ever hear anyone say "1 can put 1000 to flight, 2, 10,000" implying that "spiritual warfare" against demons can be waged more effectively with a group of believers? If so, read on... The passage of scripture that this saying comes from is Deuteronomy 32:30 where it says: "How could one have chased a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the LORD had given them up? So, if we were to take this equation of multiplied effectiveness in prayer out to scale, it would look something like: 1 can put 1,000 to flight. 2 can put 10,000 to flight. 3 can put 100,000 to flight. 4 can put 1,000,000 to flight. 5 can put 10,000,000 to flight. 6 can put 100,000,000 to flight. 7 can put 1,000,000,000 to flight. Right? WRONG. Maybe you're asking, "What's the problem, Ryan? This seems plausible enough."

The problem is that this passage was actually talking about God giving Israel OVER to their enemies! V.21 says: "They (Israel) have made me jealous with what is no god; they have provoked me to anger with their idols. So I will make them jealous with those who are no people; I will provoke them to anger with a foolish nation. So we see God CURSING the troops of Israel, NOT BLESSING them because v.16 "They stirred him (God) to jealousy with strange gods; with abominations they provoked him to anger." He took "those who were no people", a weaker nation, and let them put to flight his great nation, the "fat, stout and sleek" Israel. Can I tell you something, friends? JESUS stormed the enemy's camp over 2000 years ago! It is FINISHED. Satan is a DEFEATED foe and you had NO HAND in it! The battle is in your mind. Don't get caught up in imaginary spiritual war games, Church! Fight the good fight of FAITH! GROW IN GRACE AND CLARITY

Quotes James Peter Jandu www.jamespetermin

“Anytime you introduce rewards and punishments and make those the reason to obey God, you are no longer talking about grace. Though most Christians believe they believe in grace they actually do not believe in grace.” “The body of Christ is basically divided into two groups: Those who emphasize grace (what God does) and those who emphasize works (what we do). One group states that everything is totally up to God. They say, “Everything is determined by the sovereignty of God. It’s whatever He chooses.” The other group says, “No, you have to do this and that, and this and that.” “One ditch claims we are to live 100% holy by our will ‘depending’ on God’, which it is claim is technically possible, even though NO One has ever achieved this except Christ Jesus. We are to strive for perfect holiness. The other ditch that claims there is no such thing as sin, there are no rules we can live as we want sinning without any consequences. In order to avoid one ditch Christians often swerve into the other ditch.”


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PROPHET MATT HOLLAND He was probably the most unpolished and the least imposing little man for a preacher that you could possibly imagine. I'll never forget him as long as I live. The last time I saw him was probably around 1963 in Biloxi, MS. Nothing of his demeanor was impressive in the least. One day God spoke to Prophet Matt to go to Los Angles, California. The Prophet did not have a dollar. Never mind, by faith he packed his suit case and sat on his front porch and waited. It wasn't too long before his brother Hiram came by and told him that the Lord had told him to come by to pick him up to take him to the bus station. At the bus station he inquired what a ticket would cost to go one way to Los Angeles. He was told by the ticket agent that it would cost $77.00. He was told that the bus would be leaving for Los Angles that if he was going to go that he should buy the ticket shortly. Prophet thanked the agent and sat on his suitcase on the sidewalk. Shortly, a big limousine drove up with "suicide doors." The dignified gentleman got out and called to him saying, "Sir, for some reason, I am suppose to give you this $77.00. With that, Prophet bought his ticket to Los Angles. It was a long ride but just before he got to Los Angles while he was still out in the desert in the wee hours of the dark morning he demanded that the bus driver let him off who reluctantly complied. There he sat

Quote “My observation has resulted in my concluding

in the cold darkness of the desert and waited.

that the vast majority of

Shortly, the headlights of a car lighted on him from a side road as it turned on to where he was sitting on his suitcase. The car drove on past him. It wasn't long until the brake lights came on. The car backed up to where Prophet sat. The driver asked, "Are you the man that I am supposed to pick up?" Prophet responded, "I don't know, who are you looking for?"

Christians live by an Old

The man told Prophet that he was the pastor of a church on a nearby Indian reservation that God had woke him up and told him to go pick up the first man you see on a highway and that we would have a heaven born revival. Prophet said, "I'm the man you are looking for." To make a long story short, that revival produced over 100 souls receiving the Holy Ghost. There is no limit what God can do with a small, unassuming, uneducated man whose entire dependence is upon Him. I just learned the rest of the story today. My friend, said that a few years ago he had an insurance lead in Baton Rouge. He told the people to whom he was selling insurance that story. Their name was also Holland and once knew God but was backslid. They said that this Matt Holland was their uncle and that they knew the story and remembered when it happened.

Testament mentality, in most cases it is concealed with selected New Covenant words, phrases and concepts. Only the Spirit of God can reveal these errors to an individual trapped in this way of thinking. Until then they will be baffled by grace and convinced of their own human logic� James Peter Jandu www.jamespetermin


How to Give Your Sermon Quotes Conclusion More

“The Gospels are Old

Impact We spend hours working on our sermons, in particular, making sure we grab the congregation’s attention at the start. Yet, far too many of us simply trail off at the end. We never press the congregation for a decision. A sermon without a conclusion is a message without a purpose. Here are a few ways Pastor Rick makes sermon conclusions more effective – – Always point back to Christ. Offer an opportunity to receive Christ and expect people to respond. – End with emotional intensity. Preach through the head to the heart. Once you’ve informed their minds, you must touch their emotions and challenge their wills. Your conclusion should be the emotional high point of the sermon. – Ask for a specific response. Nothing becomes dynamic until it becomes specific. The goal of the sermon should be to storm the citadel of the will and capture it for Jesus Christ. Here are some ways to do that: ■Use an argument. Anticipate the objections the audience might have and logically refute them.

Covenant, though they

occasionally speak of the New Covenant and even then only by the lips of Jesus. Though they were written many years after new

■Use a warning. Warn them of the consequences of disobedience. ■Use indirect conviction. A good example is the story of Nathan and David (2 Samuel 12). ■Use compassion. Express God’s love and concern for them and others. ■Use vision. Paint a picture of what is possible if they obey God. Help them to have faith. ■Use encouragement. Tell them they can do this with God’s power. ■Make it personal. The person listening should feel like you are only talking to him or her. ■Restate your major points forcefully. You reinforce the truth by summarizing it. ■Use a compelling illustration. This helps to make the message memorable. ■Use a piercing question. This engages people in processing and applying the message. ■Use surprise. The best conclusions sneak up on congregations rather than being obvious and expected.

covenant revelation was given they purposely exclude teaching the main concepts of the new covenant. For this reason they need to be handled skillfully when being utilized to teach from. The consequences of Calvary are enormous! Jesus forever changed the way God relates to man. We must handle the gospels in light of this redemption fact. I am constantly shocked at how the majority of the Christians fail to understand the colossal difference between the Old and New Testaments. Many people think that the only difference is a blank page in the middle!” James Peter Jandu www.jamespetermin


Quotes “The surest way to be deceived is to consider oneself cleverer than others.” Francois Rochefoucauld

“Holy Spirit convicts (convinces) the sinner of their sin, the Holy Spirit convicts (convinces) the redeemed of their righteousness in Him.” Kevin West

“If your a leader where the buck stops with you, then you lose the freedom of deflecting conflicts and criticisms to others.” Kevin West

Kevin West 31


End of Morality? James Peter Jandu "For Christ is the end of the Law for righteousness to everyone that believeth" (Rom. 10:4). It is clear that in Paul’s writings he is emphasizing the termination of the Law system. “For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace…?” (Romans 6:14-15) His twice repeated statements that the believer is not under Law but under grace would seem to validate this. He goes on to unmistakably establish this fact.

“Followers of Christ have done tremendous good on the earth. Some of the most genuine individuals I know are followers of Christ. Yet, religious Christianity is the greatest fraud the world has ever encountered. True Christianity is a force to be reckoned with. Although the media love to portray Christianity as a dying movement, it is in fact growing at an alarming rate. Indeed, Pentecostalism on its own is believed by some to be the fastest-growing faith in the world, if measured by conversions as opposed to births. Some of the most rapid growth is occurring where persecution is the most intense. For example, despite extreme persecution, there are reportedly as many as 28,000 new converts a day in communist China. Though Christianity has done a great deal of good on the earth, there are far too many of its spoke persons that seem to suffer from a common condition – verbal diarrhea.” Quote from book - Rebranding Xtianity “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident” Arthur Schopenhauer, German philosopher (1788 - 1860)

"A truth's initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn't the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn't flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic." Dresden James

The abolishing of the Law system does not eradicate morality, or what is right or wrong. If we were to abolish the police department, things would still be either right or wrong. Human nature being what it is, the result of such action would be catastrophic. Why is it that abolishing of the Old covenant Law is not disastrous for the believer in Christ? The simple answer is that the believer must consider his old sinful nature to have died with Christ, so that he is dead to sin and therefore freed from sin (Rom. 6:2,7), and has been raised from the dead to walk in newness of life. 32

Religitics Iran’s President Believes That The Mahdi

The Moslem Messiah Is Coming Very Soon Messiah as foretold in Bible prophecy.

Iranian President Ahmadinejad is a Shiite Moslem that believes that the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, is coming into this world very soon and that Messiah will be the twelfth Imam who comes as the final Imam and the savior of the world. Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi, the twelfth Imam, and the Moslem Messiah will come to this earth following a catastrophic event, and event like a nuclear attack on the Jewish state of Israel. Prophetic Prospective on the News Islamic eschatology states that the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, is coming and it could be very soon which has an interesting correlation with the soon coming of the true

The Islamic faith has an eschatology, that’s the study of the end times, and this eschatology has the Moslem Messiah, the Mahdi, appearing on the world scene to be the final savior of mankind. The Shiite Moslems believe that the twelfth Imam gone from this world for hundreds of years will reappear and come out of Iran. The Iranian President Ahmadinejad believes that he is the forerunner of the Mahdi and if he can cause a catastrophic event to happen, like a nuclear attack on Israel, that the Mahdi will appear and in fact will appear in the very near future. About 85% of the entire Shiite Moslem world agrees with Ahmadinejad and they believe the Moslem Messiah will come to this world to set the world in order for the caliphate. Now the caliphate is 33

a worldwide Islamic kingdom which will also be put in place by the Mahdi. The ancient Jewish prophets, the true spokesmen for the true God of the Bible wrote how this would all play out. Zechariah wrote of the return of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah, to the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem (Zechariah 14:4). John wrote in Revelation 19 that this Messiah would return after the seven year Tribulation period where judgment will have been unleashed on the earth and earthdwellers. When Jesus returns He will build a temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem where He will rule and reign forever (Zechariah 1:16, Zechariah 6:12-13). Moslem eschatology has the Mahdi, the Moslem Messiah, coming back in the near future. But the truth be known, the true Messiah Jesus Christ will come in the near future. Bible prophecy will be fulfilled.

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Persecution Watch Fires of Holy Ghost Revival Burning in China by Dennis Balcome


recently was invited to speak in an official “Three-Self Patriotic Church” in Wuchang, which is in Wuhan in central China. Wuhan, the capital of Hubei, is actually made up of three cities (Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang), and is the most populous city in Central China with a population of about 9.8 million. There are several hundred official churches registered with the Religious Affairs Bureau and without a doubt several thousand house churches.

The pastor, Rev. Xu, then spoke to me about the situation with Christianity in China. He said, “In the West you are now putting emphasis on the cell church, or house church movement and many think the only way to reach China is through support of the house church movement. But after studying Christianity in China for many decades, I have come to the conclusion that China will be reached not only through house churches, but through large open churches preaching the gospel.” I asked Rev. Xu, “Why do you say that?” He pointed to a large modern building of more than 40 floors, which you see everywhere in Chinese cities, and he said, “In this building there is probably one or

several house churches. But other than the people who attend these house churches, who knows about their existence? How many sinners will they be able to reach and bring to Christ say over the period of 10 years? Perhaps it will be a few hundred or a few thousand. "But look at my church. Every Sunday we have over 6,000 come to our meetings, many for the first time. They see a church building and attend out of curiosity, an interest in religion or at the invitation of a member. We have choirs, instrumental music, good preaching, Sunday Schools, youth ministry, divine healing meetings, prayer meetings, Bible Seminary and so on. Every month we reach countless thousands of people. Thus the key to reaching China is through ministry originating in large Spirit-filled open churches.” 34

I immediately thought of a conference for the “Simple Church” I attended in Dallas several years ago. I was asked to speak on the house church in China. They had all read a book named Pagan Christianity. The book basically states that because almost everything we know in Christianity has pagan origins, we thus should leave the “institutional church” and only meet in our homes in small groups in which anyone who desires can share (1 Cor. 14:26). All other things in Christianity are wrong: church building, clergy, choirs, Bible Schools, Sunday Schools, worship teams, youth groups, tithing, communion services, baptismal services, pulpit preaching, etc. It would seem the authors have something against the “church” as we know it today. But I can totally agree with one of the basic premises of the book, which is, “the church is not a building we go to or have meetings in, but the church is people, the Body of Christ.” Having said that, in at least the Asian context, the church building is extremely useful and even vital to the development and growth of the “church, the body of Christ.” Our Hong Kong church, Revival Christian Church, is a converted movie theater of 15,000 square feet. Almost every part of the build-

ing is being used every day by our congregation and other groups. Every month literally thousands will be ministered to in this building. For decades we have experienced mighty revival in China, but it was mostly in the rural house churches. This has resulted in close to a hundred-fold increase in Chinese believers in the past 60 years. Now this revival is sweeping many large official churches often referred to as Three-Self churches. Also many congregations now meet in non-official but registered church buildings. These are basically house church fellowships that due to a recent relaxation in policy have been able to build their own church buildings. During the first 25 years of China’s open door policy (starting in 1978) few house church leaders, believers and overseas Christian workers or missionaries wanted anything to do with the Three-Self churches. They called them the “harlot church” and Christians attending these churches were considered to be compromisers and the preachers as betrayers of Christ. After I attended some of these at the invitation of the pastor to preach and teach on the Holy Spirit and revival, I was told by one leading house church leader a few years ago, “You cannot even be saved if you set your foot in a ThreeSelf Church.” This same leader was lamenting that his house church was in decline, young people were no longer praying or preaching as they did in the Cultural Revolution and the first two decades of the open door policy, and they were longing for the “old time religion” and the return of the past glories. However, he failed to see that many official churches that were in every part of that area (Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province), were packed with young people who were baptized in the Holy Spirit, praying in tongues and prophesying, and every service was lively with instruments, dancing and New Testament style worship. These churches were

exploding with growth, conducing Sunday Schools, youth ministry, divine healing taking place in every meeting and powerful Biblical preaching by Spirit-filled ministers. It is truly time of revival, and at the present rate of church growth within in 30 years we will probably see the numbers of Christians increase from 20 to 30 percent of the population. It now stands about 9 percent. While RCMI still focuses on ministering to house church groups in providing Bibles, Christian teaching materials and conducing training sessions both in mainland China and Hong Kong, we increasingly have open doors to the official churches. We still continue to conduct Bible Schools where we train workers. However we now have open doors to train in open churches. Since I gave the leadership of our local Hong Kong church and local ministry to Samuel and Sharon Lau (note: the son-in-law & daughter of Pastor Dennis, now co-senior pastors of Revival Christian Church, Kwai Fong) in 2003, I have been dedicating the vast majority of my time to ministry in mainland China. While we have heard no policy statement from official religious organizations, there seems to have been a marked change in policy during the past year or so. Evangelical and Spirit-filled leaders are taking over official churches, and have liberty to preach whatever they want. Many of these churches are developing worship teams, Sunday Schools, youth groups and are actually very active in evangelism and church planting. I have had the opportunity to preach and share in many of these official churches. At the same time, many house church fellowships, through contacts with various government officials, have applied to and been given permission to build large church buildings, some more than 35

12 floors high. One floor will be a large meeting hall that can accommodate a congregation of up to 1,000, and they will have multiple meetings on the weekends. Other floors will be used for a Bible College, dormitories for students, offices and canteen. I am often invited to minister and without exception the preaching will focus on being baptized in the Holy Spirit, revival, biblical worship and praise, and missions. Also many will give their lives to Christ and become Christians after we speak. We still greatly need teams to visit Hong Kong to help us to take in and distribute desperately needed Bibles and Christian books to China. This is because some of the Study Bibles and teaching books (such as Shepherd’s Staff) are not available for sale in China. However, with offerings given for Bibles we can through our contacts in the official churches purchase large amounts of Bibles. The Christians always appreciate this for they are officially printed by Amity and The Chinese Christian Council, and possession of them will never result in any problem. I also appeal for overseas workers to come to HK to work with our ministry, learn the Chinese language and eventfully go to China to serve the Lord. While China has no such thing as a missionary visa, countless thousands of missionaries are already in China doing various ministries. But we need tens of thousands more if we are to bring in this last harvest. We are living in the time of opening doors, not closing doors. Dennis Balcome is the founder of Revival Chinese Ministries International and a sought-after speaker around the world. He speaks fluent Cantonese and Mandarin. He is currently involved in ministering to the Chinese as well as non-Chinese throughout Asia.

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I will be in the USA March 13th - 5th June 2012

ICOF US SYNOD MID ATLANTIC REGIONAL Historic Fredricksburg, VA July 13th - 14th 2012 Host: Bishop-Elect Shawn Davies


Prayer Meeting


Pastor Rebecca Goins of the ICOF US Synod leads a weekly prayer meeting via Skype. This meeting is held live every Tuesday 10.00 AM EST For more information: Email: Skype: rebecca_goins22

Quotes "Free grace can go into the gutter, and bring up a jewel" Charles H. Spurgeon “Condemnation has no benefits. It only produces casualties” James Peter Jandu “Ever wonder why God ever allowed anything bad to happen from the start? I mean, after all, YOU didn't choose to be born into this world and be subjected to it. Right? Romans 8:20-21 Against its will, all creation was subjected to being in a state of depravity. God did this in eager hope and expectation because He knew the creation itself would be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God. Apostle Leonard D. Barber


Just trust God. He knows what He's doing ... AND why.” Ryan Rockich

ROUNDTABLE withDr. Robert Straube ONLINE

Dr. Robert Straube, PhD, President ICOFCSU. Dr. Straube also serves as President of Christian Multiversity, Fivefold Apostle and Chief of Staff for ICOF President Bernie L. Wade. A new forum I would like to highlight and introduce is the newly formed Presidents’ Roundtable; a group of Christian leaders involved in higher educational leadership. The Presidents’ Roundtable is a monthly get-together of men and women who collaborate to further advance Biblical education systems and structures, endeavor to find solutions to the challenges they are facing, and offer cutting edge, innovative ideas to better serve their students, staff and community. This is the forum where educational leaders can help one another rise above the obstacles they may be encountering and offer a different perspective, or a new twist. Sign-up is now in progress for the Presidents’ Roundtable, hosted by Dr. Robert Straube at Once we register those professionals who desire to participate, we will announce the date, time and on-line location for the forum.

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Humor Last Wednesday night as I left a prayer meeting at our church, I desperately gave myself a personal TSA pat down. I was looking for my keys. They were not in my pockets. A quick search in the meeting room revealed nothing. Suddenly I realized, I must have left them in the car, so I Headed for the parking lot. My wife has scolded me many times for leaving the keys in the ignition. My theory is the ignition is The best place not to lose them. Her theory is that the car will be stolen. As I burst through the doors of the church, I came to a Terrifying conclusion. Her theory was right. The parking lot was Empty. I immediately called the police. I gave them my location, confessed that I had left my keys in the car, and that it had been stolen. Then I made the most difficult call of all, "Honey," I stammered. I always call her "honey" in times like these. "I left my keys in the car, and It has been stolen." There was a period of silence. I thought the phone had been dropped, But then I heard her voice. “You Idiot” she barked, "I dropped you off!" Now it was my time to be silent. Embarrassed, I said, "Well, come and get me." She then retorted, "I will, as soon as I convince this Policeman that I have not stolen your car!”

WARNING BEWARE OF TERRORIST GROUPS IN CHURCH Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches.. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Lucifer Bin Workin, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.. However, there have been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church.. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whomever and whatever comes along. Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ, to return. NO CHURCH IS EXEMPT! (However, you can spot them if you bin lookin and bin goin!) 40

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