10 ideal ways to keep calm and work successfully towards your goal

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10 Ideal Ways to Keep Calm and Work Successfully towards your Goal Be it academics or otherwise, we all set goals and work towards them. Goals demand a lot of focus, dedication, attention, persistence, discipline, hard and smart work. There is no way one can skip any of these. Like a wise man once said, there are no shortcuts to success and no substitutes for hard work. But that doesn’t mean one has to stress over it and sulk under pressure. If you practice some very simple ways to keep calm, you can go all the way and achieve your goals successfully: •

Eat Right

It is very important to stay healthy and strong. This improves your immune system and reduces the risk of fever and other viral illnesses. It helps you focus. Avoid junk food and consume green and leafy vegetables. •

Sleep Well

Many students forego sleep thinking they’re saving time to study. This is a very wrong notion. Your body requires 7-8 hours of sleep everyday to keep you mentally sound. Sufficient sleep boosts memory and helps you stay stable and energetic. Lack of sleep causes headache and other issues which will only distract you from your goal. •

Plan it Out

Make a time table. While some people remember, some prefer to write it down. Write down all the things you should do or chapters you should study, diagrams to practice and such. Allot good time for breaks. Don’t study continuously for hours. Allot time according to your abilities and habits rather than what your friends are doing. •

Stick to the Plan

Simply planning will get you nowhere. It is necessary to follow up with the time table. Avoid making excuses to skip the things already planned. Avoid distractions like mobile phones, TV, Video Games during study time. •

Healthy Habits

Practice yoga and meditation. This helps you in feeling fresh physically and mentally. Meditation helps you concentrate better and clears your mind. It helps you get rid of distractions and helps your concentration power. All you need to do is set 20-30 minutes aside every day.

Talk to people

Don’t stay isolated. Talk to friends and family about how you’re feeling. This is a great stress reliever and helps you get rid of unnecessary pressure. •

Do something you enjoy

Do not push your hobbies away just because you have exams on mind. Let’s say you play guitar and that makes you happy, take out some time and play guitar regularly. It helps you in staying calm and composed. Staying happy is very important. It helps you concentrate on your exams better. •

Don’t compare and stress

Do not check up with your friends, comparing and stressing over it. Everyone has their own pace and different ways of achieving, let’s say, a same goal. This doesn’t mean you should do what they’re doing. You must stick to your comfort, habits and pace. •

Go out

Be it for a walk or maybe to play, indulging in outdoor activities can help you stay fit and sharp. Fresh air always helps. It calms your mind and relieves you of stress. It will help you forget all the tension and makes you feel peaceful. •


Whenever you’re stuck with something, sit back and breathe. When you feel like you’re losing focus, sit back and breathe. Even when there is a minute left before your exams start, don’t panic. Take deep breaths instead. Whatever the problem is, taking deep breaths help you move a notch away from the problem. So, follow these simple habits to keep yourself calm during stressful situations. We all have goals and we’re all trying to achieve them. It’s wise to keep cool and stay focused. Good luck!

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