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How do Sample Papers help you in NEET Preparation? Competitive examinations like NEET require much more than simply memorizing concepts and practicing related questions. This is due to the fact that they rarely consist of questions that are straightforward in nature. The questions are mostly application based which require implementation of multiple concepts. In a situation like such, it is best to rely on test series. At our NEET coaching centers in Bangalore, we focus on practice just as much as on imparting knowledge to our students. Our aim is to strengthen the concept knowledge by sufficient practice through regular mock tests and previous years’ question papers. Efficient doubt clearing sessions are conducted by our faculty in order to make sure there’s no stone unturned in the preparation process. This is because the questions are very rarely straightforward in nature. They are always application based and require implementation of multiple concepts. In such a scenario, opting for a test series is always a good idea. Solving NEET sample papers helps the students in scoring good marks in the final entrance exam. This is how solving test papers can help in cracking the NEET 2017. There are innumerous ways sample papers increase your chances of success in competitive exams like NEET. Below are a few significant reasons why you should go for it; 1. Better familiarity with test environment When you have sample papers with you, you can create a pseudo environment for your NEET preparations this year. To make this happen, you will have to follow the exact instructions like you would in the examination hall while setting the stopwatch for three hours later. During the initial few times, you might notice that the time will run out before you are able to finish the paper. However, this will give you a clearer picture of the real exam environment. Using this you can determine how much time you take to go through each section and which sections you need to work on. 2. Increased focus It is easy to get distracted in stressful situations. Since your brain tries to be extra sensitive to distractions, you must shut down all the unnecessary stuff out of your head and put your concentration onto the task at hand. This holds true for when you are practicing mock exams as well. Once you decide to focus on what is important at the given moment of time, there will be no holding you back on the exam day. 3. Understanding time bound Time is virtue. When it comes to examinations like National Eligibility Entrance Test, it becomes even more vital. With each question to be solved in under a minute, you might not realize when the time gets over. Hence, your preparation must be robust. As you must have heard that practice makes a man perfect, competitive exams are no exception. The more you practice, the better you will learn about time management on the final day. Charaka focuses on the importance of practice and imparts the same into the students, making it one of the best coachings for NEET in Bangalore.

4. Opportunity to strategize Since solving NEET sample papers will give you an idea about the length of the actual examination, it could provide you with an opportunity to design a strategy for solving the paper maximizing your score. Solving mock tests is a great way to measure your performance from time to time. With ample resources available at your disposal both online and offline, it has become easier than ever to assess yourself. 5. Knowledge of exam pattern The most important part of appearing for any examination is to have complete information about the exam pattern. This would consist of the question paper structure, type of questions, marking scheme, and the allotted time for each section. Knowing the pattern would help in determining the distribution and arrangement of questions and level of difficulty of the same. For more details: CCME Bangalore Center: No.824, 2nd Floor, 1st Block, HRBR Layout (Service Road), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 560016 Contact us @ 7899180306, 7899185151 Website: http://www.charakalearning.com

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