2024 National Schools of Character Digital Yearbook

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Character.org welcomes you to our 2024 National School of Character Digital Yearbook!

Each of these 73 schools has put in place a comprehensive approach to help students understand, care about, and consistently practice the character strengths that will help them flourish in school, in relationships, in the workplace, and as citizens.

The National Schools of Character program has impacted over three million students, staff, parents, and community members. The schools and districts that apply must meet the rigorous standards articulated in Character.org’s 11 Principles Framework for Schools: A Guide to Cultivating a Culture of Character.

I invite you to contact our Schools of Character team to learn more about how your school can participate.

Lori Soifer, Director, Schools of Character lori@character.org

Diana Dodson, Director, Promising Practices diana@character.org

Tamra Nast, Director, Training and Coaching tamra@character.org

We look forward to hearing from you!

Dr. Arthur Schwartz

President, Character.org

About Character.org: Our mission is to cultivate the importance of character throughout society. Founded in 1993, we empower people of all ages to practice and model core values that shape our hearts, minds, and choices. Our vision is a future where people everywhere -- in our classrooms, board rooms, and living rooms -- are more ethical, civic-minded, and caring.

Applegarth Elementary School

Monroe Township, New Jersey

This first-time National School of Character began its character journey in 2018. Their heartfelt video features teachers talking about the school’s core values as well as an amazing service-learning project with the Monroe Township Senior Center where students interviewed seniors on their life stories and then compiled each biography into a book titled Monroe’s Marvels.

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Beverly Elementary

Beverly Hills, Michigan

Meet Beverly Elementary, a three-time National School of Character! This school has been working on including more student voice within their character initiative and they have been eager contributors! One 5th grader shared, “I’ve been doing my job, being safe, honest, respectful, and I’ve been a role model to the younger kids.” Check out their video to learn about the Beverly Pledge, the heartbeat of the school. The video also features one parent sharing how her children – even as first graders – were using words such as integrity and compassion to explain their choices and behavior.

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Blevins Elementary

Eureka, Missouri

s s ex p , ws practice, how teachers and staff members are encouraged to write something positive about a student that connects to one or more of the school’s core values.

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Tefforts to integrate service-learning experiences across academic subjects and each grade level. Check out their video to learn from teachers and students about how Cambridge uses Morning Meetings to foster character.

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Child Family Center

Millville, New Jersey

This first-time National School of Character proves that even preschoolers can understand and practice being respectful, kind, and responsible. The Center has worked hard to integrate their core values into their Creative Curriculum, a research-based approach that emphasizes how children have the ability to organically learn through constructive play. Learn how the Center’s core values have been woven into their ROAR touchstone.

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Z l the students learn about is tied to one of the school s core values. Their video highlights how the staff is deeply invested in embedding character into every aspect of school life.

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This FOUR-time National School of Character is dedicated to educating the “mind, body & will” of all their students (PreK12). One national evaluator noted that “The world has changed in many ways in the past three decades, but CPA’s focus on character development has remained a steadfast priority!” Check out their video to learn more about the power of being a Peace Builder!

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Cornerstone Schools of Alabama High School

Birmingham, Alabama

e that character is who you are as a person…the direction you take, the things you think about, and what is in your heart.”

At the heart of Cornerstone’s character initiative are the school’s core values of Love, Respect, Integrity, Responsibility, and Perseverance. Each year students sets personal goals for each of the five core values and throughout the school year are offered opportunities to selfassess their progress

Denbo-Crichton Elementary School

Browns Mills, New Jersey

One of our national evaluators commended this first-time National School of Character for “establishing its identity as the mighty Denbo-Crichton Wolfpack and for diligently working to create a strong and intentional character initiative.” Click on their video to learn more about their “Worry Stones” service-learning project that involves local hospitals and the wider community.

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teachers consistently model the school’s core values. The dedicated staff continue to focus on ways to foster character through the curriculum and student leadership activities.

Edgewood School

Greenfield, Wisconsin

This two-time National School of Character has produced a heart-thumping video that features the voices of students, parents, and staff. The video captures the different strategies the school uses to integrate character into their school culture. One segment features two third grade students talking about how one book they read in class taught them about the power of positive self-talk.

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s norms and behaviors. The staff has also worked extremely hard to reexamine the use and frequency of extrinsic rewards. Today, the school uses personalized learning practices across the campus to increase student intrinsic motivation. School Website

Greenwood Elementary

Hamiliton, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character strives to integrate a range of resources into their comprehensive character initiative. The staff, for example, uses the Character Strong curriculum, Responsive Classroom approach, as well as Routes to Resilience and Zones of Regulation lessons. The school’s core values are also deeply woven into their restorative practices. Greenwood also works with the School Transformation Project at Rutgers University to use data to strengthen their commitment to create a vibrant “culture of character.”

Hancock Place High School

Saint Louis, Missouri

This is the second time Hancock Place High School has been recognized as a National School of Character. The school has recently incorporated HOWLs, an assessment process whereby students self-evaluate their “habits of work and learning.” In addition, during Advisory, students are using journals to reflect on the schools three core values of respect, honesty, and responsibility. These initiatives focus on the school’s commitment to promoting self-motivation rather than relying on recognition programs or material rewards.

Hancock Place Middle School

Saint Louis, Missouri

At the beginning of the new year, the staff organizes their Core Values Kickoff to help all stakeholders (students, staff, and families) learn and care about the school’s motto– Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Responsible. Throughout the first week, the kickoff continues as teachers use community circles to help students understand more deeply what these values look and sound like. The kickoff concludes with a school-wide assembly that celebrates how the core values serve as the beating heart of the school.

School’s Website

Harmony School of Achievement

Houston, Texas

The school’s touchstone, HEART- honesty, encouragement, accountability, respect, and thoughtfulness, is at the center of the school’s character efforts. Parents and caregivers are also encouraged to model and reinforce HEART at home. HEART is used in hiring new staff and has been integrated into the student behavior system as well as woven into all classroombased and school-wide service-learning experiences.

School’s Website

Harmony School of Enrichment

Houston, Texas

This first-time National School of Character uses the touchstone HEROES of honesty, empathy, respect, openmindedness, encouragement, selflessness as the foundation for their character initiative. During the school’s HEROES Huddle time (morning meeting) students and teachers discuss core values, share their cultural differences, and learn about each other as individuals. Listen to how one teacher explains the benefits of being at a school that emphasizes character as well as academics.

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Harmony School of Excellence

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The students and staff at this first-time National School of Character are proud to be HAWKS (honesty, acceptance, wisdom, kindness, and service). The school must be doing something right. Harmony School of Excellence boasts a 100% college acceptance rate of graduating seniors with 64% being the first in their family to attend college--more than double the national average. Watch their video to learn more about their secret sauce.

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Harmony School of Fine Arts and Technology



This first time National School of Character believes in their ARISE touchstone, which stands for accountability, respect, integrity, service, and empathy. A parent shared with us that her child “understands and applies these core values as everyday tools to help him be a better person. As a parent, I could not be more grateful.” Check out their video to learn how ARISE is integrated into the school’s culture and curriculum.

Harmony School of Innovation

Brownsville, Texas

The staff, students, and families of this first-time National School of Character came together to create PRIDE, their school’s touchstone. Students at the school are encouraged to be positive, reflective, involved, determined, and empathetic. Want to learn how one student thinks about when she hears the phrase “for the PRIDE of it”? Check out their video.

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Harmony School of Innovation

A staff member shared with us that the school’s character initiative “has had a profound positive impact on my professional life and personal growth.” The staff of this firsttime National School of Character has worked tirelessly to integrate their TIGERS touchstone into their school culture and curriculum, ranging from staff development, weekly newsletters to parents and families, and especially how critical it is for staff to consistently model good character.

T ir character initiative around their PRIDE touchstone which stands for positivity, respect, integrity, determination, and empathy. One 11th grader shared, “These values have not only contributed to my academic success but have also prepared me for a future where character and empathy are as vital as knowledge.” Check out their video to learn what staff and students say about how the school prioritizes their touchstone in ways that extend far beyond the classroom.

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Harmony School of Innovation Sugar

Land, Texas

The school s mascot, the MUSTANG, serves as this school’s character touchstone standing for motivation, understanding, service, teamwork, accountability, nobility, and guidance. A first-time National School of Character, the school has completely changed its approach to behavioral issues, focusing today on restorative practices. The school has embraced the perspective that education is not just about imparting knowledge but shaping the minds and hearts of students.

School’s Website

Harmony Science Academy

Garland, Texas

At the heart of this school’s character initiative stands a shared vision and a collective effort of all stakeholders to cultivate a culture where character is not just taught but lived and modeled every day. The school’s video features the school principal, teachers, and staff members reflecting on their journey to become a firsttime National School of Character. The video captures the transformational process that many schools go through when deciding that fostering character should be at the heart of the school’s mission.

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Harmony Science Academy


Prairie, Texas

This school used the 11 Principles as a roadmap to create a “nurturing, stimulating, and inclusive environment” while embracing HEART as their touchstone, which stands for honor, empathy, achievement, responsibility, and teamwork. The school has also integrated the Character Strong curriculum as well as Community Circles and house activities. At the heart of their character initiative is a commitment to invite all stakeholders (staff, students, families) to share constructive feedback on how to create a strong and enduring “culture of character.”

Harmony Science Academy

Houston, Texas

The touchstone for this first-time National School of Character is SPIRIT, which stands self-discipline, perseverance, integrity, respect, intellectual creativity, and thoughtfulness. Students are encouraged to write in their journals about current challenges, failures, difficulties, and which core values they can practice to persevere during those storms of life. The school’s video features student voices reflecting on the one core value that they will use whatever they do or wherever they go.

Haynes-Inman Education Center

Jamestown, North Carolina

This second-time National School of Character supports and teaches children and teens with significant disabilities.

As Principal Kevin Carr points out, “Dignity and respect are not add-ons at this school but are built into everything we do.” Watch their inspiring video to learn how HaynesInman taps into the gifts and talents of their students.

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Hiram Neuwoehner High School

Saint Louis, Missouri

Hiram Neuwoehner High School is a three-time National School of Character! Relationships are a priority in this unique setting where all students receive special education services. The school has dedicated enormous time and resources to help students build character by learning and practicing a common language: Be Safe. Be peaceful. Be cooperative. Be kind. The school is composed of five Learning Communities and each semester students in each community implements a service-learning project that’s aligned with their curriculum.

School’s Website

Howard Early Childhood Center

This two-time National School of Character is a place where every PreK-K student knows what it means to “use our thinking heads, feeling hearts, and helping hands by showing integrity, compassion, and service.” During the national site visit, kindergarten students enthusiastically sang this touchstone as a song during their interview, and it is beautifully displayed in the cafeteria on a mural created by a custodian. Watch their video to learn how the staff has created a caring environment where all students are encouraged to practice acts of compassion and empathy.

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“Great Characters Have Strong Positive Energy!” That s the expression used by everyone at this first-time National School of Character. The school’s core beliefs – goal oriented, collaboration, perseverance, holism, service, and equity – are part of morning announcements, the academic curriculum, and service-learning projects. A teacher shared with us that “At Imagine Madison character is a priority alongside academics.”

School’s Website

trustworthiness, caring, and citizenship). The school has received numerous Promising Practices awards, including several that focus on ways that the school provide leadership opportunities for their students.

School’s Website

Imagine School at South Vero

Vero Beach, Florida

This two-time National School of Character has recently embraced the Character Strong program as integral to fostering courage, perseverance, honesty, respect, gratitude, kindness, responsibility, cooperation, creativity, and empathy. We asked a seventh-grade student about the school’s core values and she said, “It's more than just a set of rules. It's a way of life that shapes our entire school community. They are not just words; they're actions that guide our daily interactions.” We also spoke to a parent who shared, “It's heartening to see my child internalize concepts like respect, responsibility, and kindness.”

The staff at this two-time National School of Character truly believe that educating children extends far beyond textbooks and tests. One teacher shared with us, “In an era where academic achievements often take precedence, our school recognizes the profound importance of nurturing not only the minds but also the hearts of our students.” Imagine-West Melbourne has also developed a strong Student Mentor Program, where older students experience what it means to take on responsibility and practice empathy.

School’s Website

Imagine School at Town Center

T e ch he y, p g , partnerships with parents as well as the community.” One parent also shared, “The character initiative at Imagine is one of the biggest reasons I chose for my children to attend the school.” Check out the school’s video to learn more.

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James A.McDivitt Elementary School

Old Bridge, New Jersey

active character initiative for over 23 years! The school works closely with the New Jersey Alliance for Social Emotional and Character Development (NJASECD) and continues to serve as a beacon of light to schools everywhere. As one proud parent reports, “This is the best school in town. If there is an example of amazing character, McDivitt is it.” Check out their video to learn more about the school’s heartbeat mantra “Be Kind.”

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James H. Ross Elementary School League City,


This two-time National School of Character is celebrating its 60th year as a school community. The school is always looking for ways to integrate character into their school culture. The staff recently created a WILL vs. SKILL protocol to address student motivation, post-Covid. The school uses the six pillars of character from Character Counts! and when we asked a third grader about those pillars she told us: “You know how buildings need a big foundation? Our character pillars are what holds Ross up!”

School’s Website

John E. Dwyer

The students at this two-time National School of Character learn about and practice the core values of respect, responsibility, and integrity. These values are integrated into the classroom culture, curriculum, and all sports and extracurricular activities. The school recently introduced a “character pledge” that was written by a student and voted on by the entire student body. Dwyer welcomes students from all over the world who speak different languages. Watch the video to hear how one student reflects on how character is infused into all aspects of the school culture.

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John F. Kennedy School

Newark, New Jersey

This National School of Character is a district-wide secondary special education school with a truly virbrant characterfocused community. The rallying cry that serves as the beating heart of the school is “Be Caring, Be Committed, and Be Courageous.” As the school wrote in their application, “Reflection is a cornerstone of internalizing our core values.”

The school recently created their “Dolphin Buddy Program” to ensure that every student has an adult in the building they know cares about them. Watch this warm and heartfelt video to learn more about their character journey.

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John H. West Elementary School

Bethpage, New York

into their PRIDE touchstone: be positive, respectful, inclusive, dedicated, and empowered. The school has recently integrated “Competent Kids, Caring Communities,” an SEL curriculum that uses role plays for students to learn what it means to be part of a caring community. One fifth grader shared with us that “PRIDE helps show us how to be the best person we can be!”

School’s Website

Joseph S. Stackhouse Elementary School

Brown Mills, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character has an inspiring school pledge: “I will be respectful by being kind to myself and others. I will show integrity by making good choices. I will be responsible by doing what is expected of me. I will persevere by trying even when it is hard. I will show service by helping others. Make it a great day or not, the choice is mine.” The school has developed a close connection to the community, especially their activities to honor those in the military as well as veterans. Watch this video to learn more about what makes the heart of this school extraordinary.

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Kentucky Trail Elementary School

Belton, Missouri

principles are equity, perseverance, integrity, and critical thinking. A fourth-grade student shared with us that her favorite core value is perseverance. She added, “I use perseverance every day. When something is hard, I keep trying until I get it right.” The school’s video beautifully captures how the staff has come together to foster and model character for their students.

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Ladue Early Childhood Center

Saint Louis, Missouri

This two-time National School of Character is the proud recipient of 16 Promising Practices! The school uses the ‘Mighty Oaks’ as the guiding touchstone: We are One school family. We are Accepting. We are Kind. When we Stick together, we have a good time. A staff member shared with us that, “Care shines through this building every day and because of my time at Ladue, I have become a more caring person.” Watch this video to learn more about the Mighty Oaks way!

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Lakeside Middle School

Millville, New Jersey

This first-time National School of Character has embraced teamwork, accountability, diversity, and perseverance to guide their school culture. As the school wrote in their application, “By adhering to these principles, we've witnessed positive changes in our school culture, resulting in more responsible, compassionate, and resilient students.” The school recently implemented the “You’ve Been Struck” initiative. Using a digital form, staff and students provide a brief narrative on why they thought it was important to recognize someone for modeling one of the school’s core values. Recipients then receive a “bolt” with that personalized, uplifting message.

School’s Website

Lakeview Elementary School

Denville, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character remains fiercely committed to the character development of their students and their PRIDE touchstone (perseverance, respect, integrity, diversity, and excellence). We also want to recognized how members of the Lakeview staff are dedicated to mentoring schools across New Jersey and beyond who have expressed interest in developing their own character initiative. The school’s video begins with two staff members expressing how “everything came together” when the staff began to implement the 11 Principles.

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Langtree Elementary School

Hamilton New Jersey

Larson Middle School

Troy, Michigan

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Lindbergh High School

Saint Louis Missouri

Thi y g to enhance and strengthen its character-centered practices. The core values of integrity, kindness, respect, and responsibility are the foundation of the school’s character initiative. This past year the school invited every student to articulate in writing the positive legacy they are going to leave behind when they graduate from high school. The staff is also proud of its outreach efforts, as they host and work with school leaders, including a delegation from Singapore. Check out the video to learn more about the school’s commitment to character.

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Marshall Hill Elementary

West Milford, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character continues to align with their district’s unified mantra: Be Here. Be Safe. Be Honest. Be Respectful. Set Goals. Let Go and Move On. Each year the staff at Marshall Hill also chooses a theme that’s unique to their school. This year, students were encouraged to “Reach for the Stars!” by setting goals for the school year and beyond. The principal also started this year with a “North Star” recognition to acknowledge teachers and staff who have modeled leadership, kindness, and camaraderie.

Meyer Middle School

River Falls, Wisconsin

This two-time National School of Character uses their “The Wildcat Way” touchstone to teach courage, citizenship, compassion, cooperation, respect, responsibility, honesty, perseverance, and positive attitude. Two of our national evaluators noted that during a site visit they were “deeply touched by the stories and examples shared by parents, community members, and students. One parent shared, with heartfelt emotion, how her daughter has ”grown and changed during her three years at Meyer.” In the video, listen to one teacher describe how her students feel good about themselves when they volunteer to help others.

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Nance Elementary School


Louis, Missouri

This first-time National School of Character is named for St. Louis civic rights leader Earl Nance, Sr. In 2020, stakeholders came together to identify the school’s core values and soon after the “Nance Knights Have HEART” became the school’s touchstone (honesty, empathy, accountability, respect, and tenacity.) The school’s video features students talking about how proud they are of their school’s accomplishment.

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Nicholas S. La Corte Peterstown School No. 3

Elizabeth, New Jersey

lo p y nt and immediately felt.” The school’s video features current students – and several who graduated a few years ago –sharing what they love about being at School No. 3.

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Northside Middle School

Northport, Alabama

This first-time National School of Character began their RAMS Way character journey with a mission statement and behavior matrix to help students demonstrate the school’s touchstone to be respectful, accountable, motivated, and self-controlled. As their leadership team wrote in their application, the school began working with The Hope Institute and using the 11 Principles “to see where we are, set goals to where we want to go, and given us steps to follow while [The Hope Institute] fully supported us as we continue on our journey.” Watch their school video that captures photos of students practicing the RAMS Way!

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i t heartbeat of the school. Our national evaluators shared, “Nottingham is a special place with a special student population served by a special group of staff members dedicated to providing the best for their students.”

School’s Website

Oakdale Elementary School

Tuscaloosa, Alabama

This first-time National School of Character realized that character was the missing link to their success. The school is part of The Hope Institute and as they wrote in their application, “The 11 Principles has been a catalyst for change when looking at our school improvement plan.” The touchstone SOAR embraces the school’s core values (selfconfidence, optimistic, accountable, respect). Watch the school’s video to learn more about the school motto and their inspiring school pledge.

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Oakview Elementary School

compassion and community engagement. Ranging from service projects related to December’s character trait of generosity, to working with the Ronald McDonald House on the school’s Birthday in a Box project, the entire staff believes in service as a teaching strategy to embed character into the curriculum and school culture. The staff mantra -- "Every Student. Every Day. Whatever It Takes" –serves as a constant reminder of the school’s mission to reach and inspire every student.

School’s Website

Pemberton Early Childhood Education Center

Pemberton, New Jersey

The staff at this two-time National School of Character uses preschool-friendly phrases to model and teach respect, responsibility, integrity, perseverance, and service. These values are also woven into the school pledge: I take care of myself, I take care of others, and I take care of my school. One parent shared with us that her son “learned so much about the school’s core values.” She added, “These core values are lifelong traits that will last forevermore with all the children who attend PECEC.” Watch the video and learn how character serves as the heartbeat of the school.

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Plainedge Middle School

Bethpage, New York

A first-time National School of Character, the school’s touchstone is PRIDE (positivity, respect, inclusivity, dedication, and empowerment). One teacher shared with us that since embedding the core values into the school culture she has seen “a higher level of excitement and motivation in my students.” Check out the school’s video to learn how Plainedge PRIDE is modeled and emphasized not just in the classroom and hallways but on the courts and fields, afterschool activities, and all service-learning projects.

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A f es are ne p r in ve way g hat he learns about in school.” Check out the school’s video that features the voices of students, parents, and staff sharing how the school’s core values are more than just words and more than just a program.

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River City Science Academy

Middle-High Jacksonville, Florida

This school has been steadily building their character initiative using the 11 Principles Framework and is now a National School of Character for the first time! With a strong belief that education should be about more than just academic excellence, stakeholders work to help shape responsible, empathetic, and ethical citizens who are ready to thrive in a fast-evolving world. One staff leader shared, “I dreamt of creating a school where every child could learn and thrive, and the dedication to this initiative makes that a reality.” Watch to see how this school's character journey has changed lives.

Riverview Elementary School

Denville, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character is a shining example of a school that remains strongly dedicated to continued growth. Since their first recognition in 2019, the emphasis has shifted from teaching students about the school’s core values to providing more opportunities to live them. The school’s touchstone is ROCKETS (respect, optimism, compassion, kindness, empathy, and team play). Additionally students are encouraged to creatively teach ROCKETS to their peers. One 5th grade student shared, “Each grade level puts on assemblies where we teach kids what a core value means to us. It makes me feel good. I feel like a leader and that I can do anything.”

trait that’s important to them. Most significantly, one student shared with our evaluators that his teachers here are very different from the teachers he had been accustomed to. He added, “My teachers are incredibly kind, respectful, and caring.”

School of Science and Technology

Corpus Christi, Texas

This two-time National School of Character wrote in their application that “our school’s character journey is not a destination but a continuous evolution.” Embedding caring, honesty, integrity, leadership, and dedication continue to serve as the cornerstone of their character initiative. The staff researches new age-appropriate ways that students can practice and reflect on their character growth. Service-learning and student leadership is strongly emphasized, and students in the upper grades are also encouraged to serve as role models. Congratulations SST-CC for equipping your students with the character traits that will enable them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Smallwood Drive Elementary School Amhurst,

New York

ensure that students are offered opportunities to practice, reflect, and internalize the enduring spirit of the theme. Check out the school’s video to see how everyone is striving to be a “champion for character.”

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Sperreng Middle School

Saint Louis, Missouri

The cornerstone of this three-time National School of Character is the school’s TAKEFLIGHT mindset (trustworthy, ambitious, kind, empathetic, friendly, loyal, integrity, generous, hard-working, and tolerant). One staff member we interviewed shared, “Throughout my years of teaching at Sperreng, I have witnessed the evolution of our values, especially how students now learn them and how they are now integrated into our curriculum.” The school now uses the Character Strong curriculum and the staff have also introduced circle discussions to encourage students to critically reflect on their character values. Watch their video to learn how they prepare all students with character life skills.

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Stony Brook School

North Plainfield, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character is commended for being a place where their CARD touchstone (caring, appreciation, respect, and determination) is intentionally infused into every facet of school life, shaping behaviors, policies, and interactions. One staff member we interviewed during our site visit shared that she is “proud to be part of a school organization where these values are not mere aspirations but integral to our educational philosophy. Our school stands as a testament to how character development can be integrated into every aspect of a student's learning day and curriculum.”

Stony Brook School

Rockaway, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character’s mantra of “Be Kind, Be Fair, Be Respectful, and Be Your Best” is the heart of their character initiative. The school’s mascot is the Dolphin and several years ago the staff introduced the “The Golden Reef” to help keep everyone on the path to success. Staff members remind students to “Stay on the Golden Reef.” Student leadership is also encouraged. For example, 3rd grade Dolphin Patrol is tasked with noting positive behaviors in classmates, and 5th graders help younger students learn about being their Dolphin Best. Watch their video to learn how Stony Brook celebrates their character practices.

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Th ed de s wh nd fu s, ca s

recite the Pledge of Allegiance, as well as the district’s “Ethics Pledge” and “No Bullying Pledge.” These daily reminders help reinforce that all students can make positive choices and stand up for the school’s core values.

School’s Website

Tracey Magnet School

Norwalk, Connecticut

This two-time National School of Character is firmly committed to advancing its character initiative through their PRINT touchstone (problem solving/perseverance, respect, integrity, neighborly, and talking responsibility.) One staff member shared with us during a site visit, “The greatest change I have seen in our school’s culture and climate since the implementation of our character initiative is how much our core values are engraved in everything we do. From the teachers to the students, the language is second nature now.” Championing student voice, check out the school’s video to hear students talk about their favorite part of PRINT.

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Truman Middle School

Saint Louis, Missouri

This two-time National School of Character teaches respect, responsibility, ownership, and kindness as the heart of its character initiative. The staff’s commitment to character starts with the principal and assistant principal who have both received character education certifications from the University of Missouri. Staff have also implemented the Character Strong curriculum through a Flyer Time class. One new project is an opportunity for every student to create their own “All About Me” visual presentation that highlights their range of hobbies and interests. Watch the school’s video where students ask each other, “What do you love about Truman?”

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Wilckens STEAM Academy at Hillcrest

Belton, Missouri

school culture that emphasizes connections across grade levels for both students and staff through family groups. The school has also strengthened its connections to the community through service and project-based learning. The school has embraced the districtwide EPIC touchstone: equity, perseverance, integrity, and critical thinking. The school’s video highlights what makes Wilckens STEAM Academy a special place to work, learn, and grow.

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Woodcrest Elementary School

Cherry Hill, New Jersey

This two-time National School of Character has also received recognition from Character.org for their Promising Practices. The school focuses on teaching respect, responsibility, citizenship, integrity, kindness, and accountability. Students are recognized for demonstrating one or more of the core values through the school’s Shining Sharks initiative and Bucket Filler morning shoutouts. Each morning students and staff repeat the school’s character pledge: “I pledge to be respectful of others and responsible for my words and actions and to show integrity to stand up for myself and for others.”

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