Sfht 12pp newsletter single page

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r NewsletteSummer TH E STA B LE S


Latest news on... • Opening of Cornerways, our new Training Centre • Management Restructure • Rosemarie’s Retirement after 21 years • Reception Skills Placement • What our service users have been doing • Summer Fayre Saturday 26 July

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


Jan Mills, CEO

WELCOME to THE STABLES Newsletter Summer 2014 It is hard to believe that we are already half-way through the year. Life is so busy in the Stable Family Home Trust – there is always so much going on – the people we support have very busy lives! We held our Annual Family members’ meeting in April and this was fairly well attended. It gave us the opportunity to meet with family members and carers; to talk about changes within the Trust and plans for the future and enabled them to raise any issues that were concerning them. This last year has been financially challenging and we have had to implement a number of measures to ensure we maintain our long term sustainability; this included a full management re-structure. We are now confident that we have a solid management infrastructure in place to enable growth and development of our services. We are always very grateful for the support of our families and friends and we were delighted to receive a very generous donation from a family member. As it was unrestricted, we are

able to choose how we use the donation and we hope to use part of it in developing a new service. We do not use donated monies for our core business, which is funded by the fees paid for our services. We use donated monies for the many projects to improve and develop our homes and services and to directly benefit the people we support. This helps us to deliver those ‘extraordinary moments’. We have already held or taken part in a number of Fundraising events this year - you will be able to read about these and see the photographs in the Newsletter. Our big event – the Summer Fayre – will be taking place on Saturday 26th July. This is our main event of the year. Please come and bring your families and friends – we can promise you a brilliant family day with exceptional food, entertainment and fun! As always, thank you so much for your ongoing support that makes such a difference in the lives of the people we support. Jan Mills, CEO

What’s On u r o d y i a r r y Summer 2014 Dates fo

26 th July

Summer Fayre 12 noon - 4pm

At The Stables Bisterne. Commemorating those who fought in both World Wars. A wide variety of stalls, delicious food, great entertainment - something for all the family. Do join us!

17th - 31st Bisterne Scarecrow Competition August Lots of amazing scarecrow creations on display

throughout the village and at The Stables – not be missed

20 th Sept Ringwood Carnival 2014 Come and see our service users taking part in the parade through Ringwood- starts at 2 p.m. Their theme is “Carnival Peacocks” Other events are being planned so do check regularly on our website www.sfht.org.uk for the latest updates on all that is happening at The Stable Family Home Trust.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Spring 2014

t: 01425 t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Reception Skills Horse, Cycle Replacement Ride or Walk


Susie Lew

We are currently planning to run a skills placement programme for service users to get the application form Paul Harford completing his opportunity to learn administration skills, whilst covering the main reception, including meeting and greeting visitors, keeping the notice boards up to date, shredding, envelope filling, customer care and dealing with any complaints. The service users who have shown an interest in this placement have attended a meeting and received an application form – and will be invited to an interview in the near future to decide who the first 3 service users will be. The first 12 week placement will involve 3 service users in administration tasks and will be run on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays from 2pm – 4pm. People will be supported during the 2 hour sessions by Mary Hindmarch, Julie Drysdale or Bex Green. When this 12 week placement comes to an end, the next placement will begin. We are planning to add that the skills learnt to client CVs and hope that this will give the service users’ more opportunity to find work in the local community. Bex Green

Farewell & Good Luck to Umid We are sorry to say goodbye to Umid Madaliyev who has worked at the SFHT for the past seven years – most recently as Residential Manager at Pinehaven. We wish him luck for the future in his new career in medicine.

CORNER WAYS Cornerways is our new Training Centre which will offer individualised learning skills and programmes for work related opportunities for people with a learning disability. People preparing to leave residential care will have the opportunity to practice independent living skills for their future such as:

travel • relationships • money computer skills • cooking The courses will provide accredited learning using the ASDAN preparatory programme focussing on the individual service user to ensure that we can meet their learning needs. The learning groups will be small to encourage individualised, activity based learning.

For more information about our

training programmes

contact Susie Lewis, Team Leader Education & Skills Co-ordinator at The Stable Family Home Trust m: 07760 762633 or e: susanlewis@sfht.org.uk

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


Love in the War It had been eagerly awaited, but the night finally arrived for the one off performance of ‘Love in the War’, a specially written production to commemorate the 100 year anniversary of World War One, at Greyfriar’s in Ringwood on Tuesday 27th May. This heart-warming sing along production which follows the lives of Carley and James - who were separated when James went to fight in the war – had a happy ending when James and his fellow soldiers returned from the war and he married Carley surrounded by all of their friends. Our clients had put a huge amount of time and work into rehearsing their show, along with the dedicated support from co-writers Drama Instructor Sam Bolter and volunteer Libby Bellhouse, and their combined efforts have made this production a huge success. Our cast of Carley Webb, James Suttle, Charlaine Scott, Leigh Pedder, George Collins, Anjuli Hebburn, Ben Lale, Heather Wiles, Joey Hastings, Sarah Hawkridge, Alan Wilkinson and Jamie Westrop gave a fantastic performance - with a touch of comedy from

support worker Matt Maden in his rendition of ‘Flash, Bang, Wallop’- and were overwhelmed at the support they received from the audience on the night in joining in with their songs and also giving them a well-deserved standing ovation at the end of the show. Praise must also go to everyone involved in making the props and costumes and to David Mowinski for his technical support, and to staff and volunteers who helped on the night for the success of the evening. We are already looking forward to our fabulous SFHT drama group’s next performance! Bex Green


Day Service Activities Another busy day in the life of our Day Services here at the Stables Paul Moate

Life Skills Group

an Pete Westm in ard working h the garden

Nat & B


Helen & Joanna

Life Skil

ls Group


THE STABLES Newsletter

Summer 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

The Stables Open Garden

with the

National Garden Schem


For the third year runnin g The Stable Family Ho me Trust opened its ga conjunction with the Na rdens in tional Garden Scheme . After very unsettled we ather during the week leading up to our Open event we were blessed Garden with dry and mainly su nn y co nd itio ns ov er the week-end of 24th/25th May. Satur day had a cloudy start but by the time we had were ready to open the set up and sun came out and with it came the people. 98 visited us on Saturday pe ople and made lots of posit ive comments about the and were very intereste ga rden d in the work of our ch arity. It was a steady the afternoon and we flo w du ring felt pleased that peop le had made an effort to su pp ort us. Sunday dawned a brigh t, sunny day and we ha d alr ea dy an tic ipa would have a busy day ted that we – and we did! 226 peop le visited us during the and in the first half ho afternoon ur of opening on Sund ay we ha d as ma ny people in the garden as we had for the whole of Saturday aftern oon. People were literal flocking in and the car ly park was stretched to capacity and overflow spaces. I have never see ing int o other n the tea room so busy, at one point the queue snaking through the Re was ception area into the co urtyard but everyone wa humoured and patient. s good



Work b y Joan ne Gru bb


We had a great team for the two days – Staff members - Barba ra White, Wendy Wells , Rosemarie James, David Mowinski, Val Sm ith, Mary Hindmarch, Ba rry Daniel, Alison Smith . Volunteers - Pam Pitma n, Carolyne Chapman, Do ree n Julian, Rose Lavender, Karen Thompson, Pete Thompson, Gemma Da niel, Jean Longley Service Users - Andre w Buckingham, Nick Pe rry, Simon Frigot Thanks to everyone for all their hard work, no t only over the two days weeks leading up to the but in the Open Garden to ensure that we had lots of int items to sell and delic eresting ious cream teas and ca kes to eat. We raised £3,734 bu t there will be some exp enses to be deducted. agreed that our propo It has been rtion of the funds (NGS tak e a sh are ) rai sed will be restricted to su from this event pport the garden/car pa rk wall renovation. Finally, thank you to eve ryone who came along and supported the eve it was great to see yo nt, u. Marion Davies

at events, please contact: for more details on these gre 425 485090 or Marion Davies on 01 rg.uk email:



Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


ROSEMARIE’S 21 EXTRAORDINARY AND INSPIRING YEARS Marion met with Rosemarie James to talk to her about her 21 extraordinary years with The Stable Family Home Trust. Rosemarie speaks here about how things grew from very small beginnings to the outstanding pottery classes she now runs at The Stables. “How can I sum up 21 years in such a short space, from a tiny department where 8 people squeezed round one table and everything was slip cast, low fired and porous, through our expansion in terms of space and ideas, to our current smaller but much used area today? When I came to The Stables pottery was all from moulds. The Easter bonnets, Toby jugs and nativity sets were rapidly dispensed with. Plain bowls, vases, plates etc. took their place and at least allowed for freer decoration. My first project was making tiny cottages from small balls of clay. Today that same idea has led to the fairy houses which Julie’s group makes – charming and lively. With space came the possibility of more handwork – vases, dishes, plant pots. Hand work became ever more popular and I realised that garden pots were the thing. Here the freedom, spontaneity and rustic qualities our guys bring are a strength and the greater size is easier to work. The results are lively and unique and appeal to many buyers. Although this is not our prime aim, it’s very satisfying to all of us and gives a great sense of individual achievement to know that we probably earn more than the material costs of the pottery during a year. More importantly, hopefully we work together and are inspired and challenged. Oh boy! We’re often challenged! Service users, volunteers and staff from several areas all share facilities and inspire each other. This interaction benefits us all. Together we solve problems, develop ideas. We need each other. Without Mike I’d never get large, heavy, fragile pieces into the kiln. Without teamwork from all sides the experiences we share would be much poorer. So, this “few words to sum up my time here” developed in an unexpected way as I’ve written it. I could recall so many times with individuals but the threads behind it, keeping everything together, are the joys and sorrows we’ve shared over so many years.”

Cathy’s elephant - What a beauty! Working in the Pottery Studio

We all wish Rosemarie a long, happy and healthy retirement – we will miss her very much.

THE DRAGON WATER FEATURE - WHAT A CHALLENGE! The dragon water feature was a huge project, taking many, many months of evening work. I had wanted to involve the group who had asked me to do it but it was technically the most difficult thing I had ever done. Together with a friend it was assembled piece by piece. Richard Tatem, then living in the Stables flat, used to come down to the pottery in the evenings to chat and make buckets of coils for me. At no time could we see it as a whole – one wing took up the whole table. The body was made and remade, as was the head. Mike and Mark lowered the head into the kiln onto a specially built stand, with barely an inch to spare on either side. Ray, a volunteer, helped me to fix it to the wall – two metal stakes and glue from a specialist supplier. Then we found it impossible to accurately line up wing skin and ribs and I had to remake the ribs, hoping they would fit next time. Lesson learnt – skin and ribs need to be made in sections together – not that I ever intend to take on another! The dragon was finally given my Hebrew name – Yedida, meaning beloved one. She inspired the dragon egg pots, some with baby dragons, which several of the potters have since made.


THE STABLES Newsletter

Summer 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk


A Fond Farewell

Rosemarie James

Colleagues, friends and family gathered together on a warm, sunny Friday evening to say goodbye and thank you to Rosemarie James. A delicious buffet with Pimms was arranged in the garden and Hallam Mills, Chair of the Trustees presented Rosemarie with a retirement gift from us all. Chatting to Hallam Mills Ben working on his rhubarb forcer

Rosema rie acce pting h er retire ment gif t

One of the pottery group outings

A dragon in the making! Warwick - A happy moment

Julian’s rhubarb forcer

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


New Forest Rotary Club



What a great day we had at the New Forest Rotary Club Horse, Cycle and Walk Sponsored event. The sun shone, the horses gleamed, the cycles glistened and the walkers limbered up in the beautiful May sunshine – all 400 of us raring to go to raise funds for our chosen charities. In the case of our team of 18, all raising funds for The Stable Family Home Trust.

Than for manning ks to Jan the stand

Colin Parrish and his wife, Glenda, supported Ben Lale (Pinehaven) to cycle the route and Ben raised £169.20 plus some Gift Aid for the SFHT. They got round the route in record time as Colin had an electric bike and the others had to keep up with him. I saw them hurtling towards the finish just as we walkers were starting out! Colin Parrish tells me that the best bit for Ben was the ice cream van at the finish!

A group of 14 from Chapter 2 (now The Impressive Group), the graphic design team who have been working on our newsletter/Friends leaflet and a team from Rocket Digital Media. Four cyclists and the rest walkers and we look forward to receiving their sponsorship in due course. They tell me that they really enjoyed the event – including a grandchild in a pushchair! I managed to raise £125 plus Gift Aid and was supported by a friend, Angela Shammas. Hopefully, there will also be an additional donation from New Forest Rotary Club in due course. It was a great experience to see so many horses and riders, cyclists and walkers all taking part and it was great fun too – even when I managed to follow the wrong route for two miles and get my foot stuck in boggy ground! I would highly recommend this event and next year I hope that more of us will take part and raise lots of £££’s for our charity. Well done New Forest Rotary Club for organising such a great event and to those people who took part on behalf of the SFHT – and to Jan for manning our information stand. I hope that you enjoy the photos of our great day in the New Forest raising funds for the SFHT. Marion Davies, Head of Fundraising


THE STABLES Newsletter

Summer 2014

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

Dom Care News Domiciliary Care continues to thrive – we have a client who has moved from Residential Care to Dom care, we are celebrating a recent house move and looking forward to assisting with preparations for a wedding!

ab The b the out be est thi ing fla ng our t is mu here i s th last ch b a lovi place a igger t t ng t han n d h w and e pea e’re quie ce t!

ing maz , It’s a my flat to n i g ant n w i I v li hat time! do w ee I can y own fr in m

Laura Thomas move d from a flat at the Stables to independe nt living in her own home. She share s with another client and is very mu ch enjoying life in Ringwood.

We celebrate with Nicole Thornycroft as she prepares to marry her fiancé John Fitz-Simmons in September. We wish them well during this exciting time of preparation and wish them a lifetime of happiness!

of many After a detailed search a, Tanya Kiff are al properties in the loc a new flat d ure sec rn and Alex Hatho s. They love living which suits their need nt. in their new environme

We say goodbye to our Student Ginnie Reynolds who has been working on placement in Dom Care since January. “I have thoroughly enjoyed working with an amazing team to develop my learning experiences and I will miss the privilege of supporting the fantastic clients.” Marion Davie s

Management Restructure For many years the management structure of the Stable Family Home Trust has been very flat. This has worked well, particularly when the organisation was smaller. But as the Trust has grown in the scope of services it delivers and the number of staff, I found the number of people I was directly line managing became unmanageable. Colin Waters joined us two years ago as Director of Operations and Senior Leadership team was developed comprising Colin, myself and Nathan Andrews, (Head of HR and Administration).

DAVID MOWINSKI - Service Manager, Day Services BEN SWAN - Service Manager, Health, Welfare & Complex Support Needs These Service Managers will be supported by staff teams with Team Leaders and Senior Support Workers. The Team Leader is a new role to provide support to managers in their extended roles and to provide support and supervision to staff on a day to day basis. This also offers more career opportunities within the Trust. We have a low staff turnover and we want this to continue as we develop people, equip them with new skills and offer a career path within the organisation.

We completed our restructure in April and this was implemented from May this year. It is early days, but we believe we now have a strong management structure and team with the experience and skills to lead Over the past year there have been changes to other management roles within the Trust: us into the future. I am now leading on QA and Colin is leading on Health and Safety. There are six Service Managers:

TERESA HUNT now manages the Bank staff as well as the Volunteers this has helped us reduce our use of Agency staff to almost nil.

MANDY HARRIS - Service Manager, Domiciliary Support

SAM ATTER is now the Senior Finance Officer, taking on production of accounts and budgets.

JO GIBBS - Service Manager, Stables Flat (with capacity to add a new service)

All these changes have enabled us to make savings and have a more efficient and streamlined management structure.

KEVIN FORWARD - Service Manager, Pinehaven (with capacity to add a Jan Mills - CEO new, small service) MARK WELLS - Service Manager, Abbotsford & Harleith

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


Management Resumes Jo Gibbs, Service Manager, Stables Flat I joined the SFHT staff team in 2000 as a support worker at Abbotsford, which is where I discovered my passion for supporting people with learning disabilities. My career quickly progressed when the opportunity arose for me to become a Person Centred Planning coordinator for the Trust. This role enabled me to work with all staff teams and service users on how to support people in achieving their life long ambitions and goals. As my time at the Stables progressed I began having more involvement in the Day Service where I was heavily involved in annual reviews and liaising with families, carers and social workers to ensure we were delivering the best levels of support.

noisy and unpredictable…. but loved every minute of it. I was quick to realise my initial expectations of the job being 80% woodwork and 20% care to the reversal of being 80% care and 20% woodwork. I soon discovered what a caring staff team the organisation had employed unfortunately practical skills and maintenance did not come high on job specifications for the people employed. I found myself being more of an integral role within the organisation and when the post of Assistant Day Service Manager became available I applied. Soon after this promotion the Day Service Manager was no longer able to work and I became responsible for the running of the Day Service. Throughout my time working for the organisation I have received immense support from my staff team and the service users that has enabled the growth of the Day Service but still managed to keep the high standard and ethos that makes me proud to say I work here.

In 2009 I took on the management of Abbotsford whilst their registered manager was on Maternity leave. I thoroughly enjoyed this post and it was great to be working back in the home where I started my SFHT journey. In 2010 I was offered the position of residential manager at Harleith where I stayed and embraced my time up until the recent restructure of the management team in May 2014. I have learnt a huge amount during my time at SFHT and have had the privilege of working alongside some great staff teams and service users.

Ben Swan, Service Manager, Health, Welfare and Complex Support Needs

I look forward to the next chapter of my career and I am thankful for the warm welcomes that all at the Stables Flat have offered me. I am excited about the future plans that I have been asked to be involved in and hope to continue working for the Trust for many more years to come.

In May 2014 I hit 25 years of un-broken service with the Stable Family Home Trust. I began my career at SFHT at Harleith as a support worker however I nearly fell at the first hurdle as the then director thought my hair was too long, 25 years later I am now sporting a considerably shorter cut! I supported SFHT’s first domiciliary care service at Forge Cottage where I supported three service users in their own home and alongside acted as on-call cover. Much as I enjoyed working within the residential service I felt that my vocation was within day service.

Kevin Forward, Service Manager, Pinehaven I first joined SFHT in January 2001 as the catering instructor for the Day Service, supporting a client group to produce the lunches for the Day Service lunches. When established I took on the additional role of residential support worker at the Stable flat to gain experience of working procedures and support. There I learnt about the daily running of a residential setting; legislation, policy and procedures. Being eager to progress my career I worked closely alongside the then Registered Manager and studied for relevant qualifications to enable me to further my career and progress to a managerial position when the opportunity arose. I gained experience and studied for my Registered Managers Award. In July 2004 I gained my registration as manager at the Stables Flat. In June 2007 I combined my role of manager at the flat with the post of Project Manager until March 2009. I then took on the additional responsibility of overseeing the residential Homes in Southbourne in the managers’ absence. In the meantime I worked alongside professionals with a major refurbishment of The Stables Flat, adding another bedroom, more bathrooms, creation of a utility room and office and a general improvement to the kitchen and dining room. I took time out from the Flat to manage Harleith for a year and later managed the Domiciliary service temporarily, covering Mandy’s maternity leave for 6 months. On my return to the Stables Flat I took on the additional role of lead in Safeguarding, collating monthly audits from the other departments and facilitating the staff training. Now entering my 14th year with the Trust, in May 2014 I started my new role as Service Manager for Pinehaven where I manage the home and am also planning to establish and support a new service in the Southbourne area.

David Mowinski, Service Manager, Day Services In August 2000 I saw an advert in the paper for a woodwork instructor for The Stable Family Home Trust. Having previously spent a considerable amount of time in London as a carpenter and teaching adult education in Harrow and in Christchurch, I thought I was suitable for the post and applied. I had no previous experience of working in the area of Learning Disabilities but had some experience in voluntary work in the social care sector working with children. My interview quickly made me realise my lack of experience in this field as I thought I would use some of my magic skills on a simple card trick asking a service user to remember a card and then me finding this card in amongst the pack. Unfortunately when I asked the service user “is this your card?” they replied “I dunno!”. I soon got accustomed to the honesty and openness of the people we support and found the job challenging, exhausting,


THE STABLES Newsletter

Summer 2014

In the mid 90’s I took up a role within day service which saw me engaged in several different roles over the years including gardener, sports coordinator, and personal relationships group leader having gained my counselling qualification which the trust had supported me through. As the day service started to grow it was felt that there was a need for an assistant manager, I applied for this post and was fortunate enough to be successful. The trust supported me to achieve my NVQ 4 in Leadership and Management. Over the coming years the service grew exponentially, in fact doubled in size, and the need for two managers became necessary. I was delighted to be promoted to day service manager with the special responsibility of welfare. Over the past 5 years we have seen a big increase in referrals for individuals who have a dual diagnosis of learning disability and mental health difficulties; this is an area of special interest for me which I have self –studied over many years. I am endlessly proud of the staff team who make the service what it is and have adapted to expertly support this new client group with enthusiasm and care.

Mandy Harris, Service Manager Ever since I left School I knew I always wanted to work with people and make a difference. In 1998-2001 I worked for Dorset Scope in a respite unit for a children with physical and learning disabilities. I started as a support worker and was able to progress to team leader as I was completing Advance Diploma in Welfare Studies. I really enjoyed my time here and learnt a lot about learning and physical disabilities making and I realised this was the area I wanted to work in. I joined the SFHT as a support worker in 2001, working in Abbottsford. I was very fortunate to have Mark Wells as my line Manager who was able to support me to develop my knowledge and skills in care to progress both professionally and personally. During my time as a support worker in Abbottsford I was able to complete NVQ 4 in care. In September 2004 I became the Registered Manager for Forge Cottage at SFHT, which was a Residential Home for 3 adults with Learning Disabilities. This home was near to being closed down by CSCI now better known as CQC. My role was to bring it back up to standard whilst SFHT decided what the future was for the small residential home. I thoroughly enjoyed this challenge and making a difference was certainly something I knew I wanted to do. I was even able to complete my Registered Managers Award during this time, increasing my knowledge as well

t: 01425 478043 www.sfht.org.uk

as my skills. So When Jan Mills joined SFHT with the aspiration that we could enable people to lead ordinary lives and live in their own homes I knew it was something I wanted to do. In October 2005 I de-registered Forge Cottage and SFHT became a provider of Domiciliary Care. We started out supporting just 4 people and 9 years later we support 22 people. Next year will be our 10 year anniversary. Where has this time gone? I am so grateful for the opportunity and learning curve that I have been provided with. I can truly say that no day is ever the same in Dom Care and yes, it is a challenge, but I love every minute.

Mark Wells, Service Manager, Abbotsford & Harleith I have been back working with the Trust as Manager at Abbotsford since May 2013. I originally started working for the Trust in May 2001 as Registered Manager at Abbotsford. Over the years the homes and Trust have been through many changes and improvements, firstly NCSC then CSCI and now CQC. During my time with the Trust I have been able to develop my managerial skills both practically and academically, completing my NVQ Registered Manager award and all other mandatory training that is required to be a Registered Manager. In Jan 2007 I left the Trust to explore the wider field in the private sector of the care industry. Whilst working for these private companies I completed my NVQ4 in Health & Social Care, Management Training and training qualification to enable me to deliver Mental Capacity Training and Safeguarding Training to staff teams. However, moving to the private sector was not the happiest of employment moves I have made and with hindsight should have never left the Trust. This move however opened my eyes to how the Trusts ethos and high standards supports our people to live satisfying and enriched lives compared to other people living in private sector care homes.

to be involved! I also participate in the Communications meetings and have been nominated to be a representative in the Quality Assurance group. I consider myself extremely privileged to have found SFHT. I have been offered remarkable opportunities and am able to utilise my admin skills in a warm and friendly environment – amongst an amazing client group - within the beautiful Stables’ grounds.

Sam Atter, Senior Finance Officer I have been working with the SFHT since June 2007 and have recently been appointed to the position of Senior Finance Officer. I have grown and developed my professional skills within finance over the last 7 years and my new role provides support and up-todate financial information to the Senior Leadership Team and Board of Trustees. I also want to help the managers develop their understanding of financial processes. I really enjoy my job and have appreciated the opportunity to develop within the organisation. The best part of what I do is the interaction I have with the service users and the knowledge that what I do can help them understand more about their money.

Photo Competition The subject is

‘Around the Stable Family Home Trust’ Full details will be available on the Information Stand at the

In November 2010 I resigned as Manager from the Care provider I was working for and went to work for myself setting up a home maintenance and decorating business. Although not planned this led back to The Stable Family Home Trust. During my time being self-employed I kept myself up to date with all things to do with Care by working on the bank as senior support worker undertaking all the mandatory training.

Summer Fayre on Saturday 26th July

I have now been back with the Trust for a year and I’m still enjoying coming to work and now with the new restructuring of the Management Team in place it will give me a chance to learn new skills and develop my career further.

Entry to the competition is FREE

Teresa Hunt, Volunteer & Staffing Resource Manager I joined SFHT in 2006 as Receptionist and HR Admin Assistant. In 2007 I was appointed as Volunteer Co-Ordinator. It took a few months to establish this role, but once it was recognised, I was approached with various requests for volunteer support. This gave me the opportunity to co-ordinate the volunteer team and engage with individual members. I have always undertaken recruitment of prospective volunteers, which enables me to establish an early rapport; to ascertain their skills and availability in order to signpost them to suitable areas of support. One of my main aims is to ensure that volunteers feel supported, appreciated and recognised for all the fantastic support and help that they bring. In 2010 I was promoted to Volunteer Manager. At this time the government was offering a bursary for NVQ4 in the Management of Volunteers, for which I was eligible. I achieved this qualification in April 2011.

Register at the Summer Fayre to take part in our Photo Competition. We would love to see entries from service users, staff, volunteers and the general public

so get snapping away and you could win one of the following prizes...

Service Users Prize

£20 Cash

Staff, Volunteers & General Public Prize

6 Bottles of Wine

In 2013, the Trust decided to centralise the Bank Staff team, providing them with an opportunity to work across the services, covering Domiciliary Care, Residential Homes and Day Service. This would also reduce the need for agency staff and avoid their high costs. We undertook a recruitment drive to build a solid team of Bank Support Workers with an appointed person to support and manage them. I thought this would be a real challenge! It is essential that any member, employed or volunteering, within the Trust should feel supported – so my objective was to extend this support to the Bank Staff team. It has again taken time to establish this new role, but over the past 10 months I have managed to achieve this goal. As I find so much pleasure and reward working for SFHT I have become involved in other capacities. I chair the Events Committee and we meet every six weeks to organise and plan events. Our main annual fundraising and promotional events are our Summer and Christmas Fayres - which are very exciting projects in which

Supporting people with a learning disability to lead ordinary lives with some extraordinary moments


t s u r T e m o H y l Stable Fami

e r y a F r e Summ 0pm .0 4 to m p 0 .0 2 1 th ly 2014, e BH243BN Saturday 26 Ju ood, Hampshir rne, Ringw te is B , s le b ta S e Th rformance ance & Drama pe D T H SF * ic us m ve Entertainment- *Li ries & cakes Refreshments-

past Delicious lunches, -* om Ro a Te T FH *S ade ome-made lemon H s* m ea Cr e Ic * * Beer tent

porium Courtyard Craft Em ork * Je * Pottery * Woodw


* Photography Co

wellery* Vintage



Activitiesoot Out ting * Football Sh in Pa ce Fa * le st *Bouncy Ca & Open Auction Tombola * Sile * Hook-a-Duck ** * Grand Raffle


…& much more! s… ea id ft gi t ea gr stalls with Internal & External raw cky programme D lu ee fr h it w g n ki £1 Car Par Grand Raffle Draw

now and on (Tickets available

the day)

0o Break for two * £5 l te o H t h ig n 2 * 00 cash

f gift vouchers

Prizes: £2

The Stable Family Home Trust The Stables, Bisterne, Ringwood, Hampshire BH24 3BN tel: 01425 478043 fax: 01425 461076 email: reception@sfht.org.uk


Private company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales No. 4421606 Reg. Charity No. 1093672

01425 478043lives www.sfht.org.uk Supporting people with a learning disability to t:lead ordinary with some extraordinary moments

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