Channel 3 Consulting ADASS Spring Seminar 2024 handout

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Stuart Lindsay

Adult social care

Stuart Lindsay

Nyasha Fumhanda

Social worker


Emma Garland

Adult social care


Dharmesh Patel

Digital Social Care

Dharmesh Patel

Ralph Cook

Adult social care

Ralph Cook

Leo Jones

Children’s social care


Pete Tickle

Digital transformation


Carine Lewis

Adult social care


Manpreet Singh Rakhra GP


Headline sponsor

ADASS Spring Seminar 2024 24 TH – 26 TH APRIL
digital social
experts Better care. Better digital. Better lives.

Channel 3 Consulting is a specialist digital health and social care consultancy that works with clients to deliver better lives and better care. We work across the entire change journey, from strategy development through to delivery of sustainable change and impact.

Our current focus is supporting social care to move from the current model focused on crisis towards a future prevention model. Whilst this will require effort, it will ensure a sustainable future.

National challenges and digital responses: What we are seeing

The four key challenges facing health and care have created a model that is unsustainable. These challenges are set to continue or worsen in the coming years. The sector cannot continue to do more of the same. Digital presents the key opportunity to unlock a new preventative and more sustainable model of health and care.

Opportunities for digital are not addressing these challenges

Current digital activity is often tactical, fragmented, being delivered in silos and at small scale, driven by national funding, focused on the technology not the transformation, and lacking clear line of sight to addressing the core challenges facing the system. This needs to change as it is undermining confidence in and impact of digital interventions.

Read more about digital’s role in supporting the key ADASS Spring Seminar themes on our website:

Nottinghamshire County Council (NCC) identified the need for change in their model of social care to address rising demand and costs of long-term care. Traditional approaches to managing demand and costs had already been explored in depth. They recognised that to address the challenges, traditional approaches would not get them to where they needed to be. They required a new and disruptive approach, and digital was the key.

NCC appointed Channel 3 to extensively engage with corporate, adult social care (ASC) and health frontline staff and managers to first understand their current state.

We then worked together to develop a detailed vision and ambition for the front door and crisis prevention, delivery roadmap, outline of resources and an investment case for a digitally-enabled future.

The specific challenge was to help identify digital opportunities to address increasing demand and costs at the front door and within long term adult social care services.

Working closely with frontline teams, over an 8-week period we:

Developed an evidenced, prioritised plan and investment case that enabled NCC to confidently move to implementation

Identified £2.3m of savings over 4 years in delivering TEC at scale

Delivered a plan for a 20%-40% reduction in demand at the front door through digital interventions

Helped deliver consensus across corporate and ASC in the solution that enabled NCC to move to implementation

Channel 3 worked in partnership with NCC to reframe the council's vision for social care. We engaged frontline staff and built energy and enthusiasm into the change journey to move from a crisis model to a preventative one. This created the conditions to move seamlessly into the implementation phase.

Other health and social care organisations we have supported

Case study: From crisis to prevention
lives. Better care.

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