Champion Life Magazine Spring/Summer 2010

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Cham pion L ife Magaz i movin ne is g onlin e page 2

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I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.


6 8 Finding Yes in No by Kevin Gerald

1 6 Every Church Has a Culture by Kevin Gerald

2 2 The Perhaps Paradox by Steven Furtick



16 culture



—John 10:10 (NIV)

6 Champions Foundation Update 1 2 Wisdom for Life 2 1 Quench the Thirst IN EVERY ISSUE











3 Let’s Talk

Champion Life Magazine purposes to equip people to live successful Christian lives.

1 4 Champion Finds 2 6 Real Life Champions

Cham pion Magazin Life e is movin g onlin e page 2

2 8 K. Wise

Spring/Summer 2010



E xecutive Pub lish ers Kevin Gerald & Sheila Gerald

E DITO R-IN-CHI E F Jodi Gerald-Cameron

S enior P roje c t Manager Art Dire c tor

Jen Mueller

Adam Welch, Hemisphere Design

Mark etin g & Communic ations Contr ib ut in g E d itors

Tinia Nelson

Abbie Buck, Leslie Powell, Andrea

Dashiell, Elizabeth Quick, Raelynn Poulin & Andy MacDonald Contr ib ut in g P h otograph y Contr ib ut in g Grap h ic Design Contr ib ut in g Wr iters

J. Hobson Photography

Venessa Koehn & Mickey Elliott

Erik Van Alstine, Kevin Gerald, Steven

Furtick, Sue Kahawaii, Larry Ward, April Briggs & Dave Rich Distr ib ut ion


Kim Ludwick

Champion Life Magazine is produced by Kevin Gerald

Communications (KGC). KGC is a department of Champions Centre in Tacoma | Bellevue, WA, a non-profit organization.

To S ub scrib e Phone: (toll-free) 888-935-6914

To S ponsor

If you are a business who would like to partner with

our magazine through distribution or sponsorship please contact us at: 253-475-6454 x361


Let us know. We welcome your

feedback. Please write us at:

Mail Champion Life Editorial 1819 E. 72nd St. Tacoma, WA 98404

Produced by Champions Centre Publishing Š 2010. All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without expressed written permission is prohibited and a violation of applicable laws.

2010 copyright Printed by Capitol City Press

Life. Vitality. Enjoyment. Adventure. What does a fulfilled life look like to you? Do you dream of owning your own home one day? Or getting married to the person of your dreams? Or traveling around the world? When I look at my life, I realize that I make a choice every day to live my best life possible. Sure, there are things I cannot control that may happen, but I have the opportunity to live my life to the fullest just by making a simple decision every morning. I choose to make life great.

Let’s talk

In this double issue of Champion Life Magazine we want to take you on a journey of what life is really all about. In the Bible, Jesus told us that He came to bring us life—life to the full. God doesn’t want us to live a mediocre life, He wants us to live an abundant life because He is a good God. We often diminish the goodness of God with limited thinking. Sometimes we tell ourselves, “If God is good, all of life must say yes. If God or circumstances say no, God doesn’t care about me.” We look at the “No’s” and conclude that either God isn’t fully good, or if he is good, he isn’t fully good to us. My article “In No and Not Yet,” (page 8) talks about how we need to realize that unanswered prayer is sometimes God’s way of sparing us the pain of unintended consequences. Our new friend Steven Furtick from North Carolina, who will be with us this August at TC2010: A Summer Conference for Everyone, brings another unique perspective of God in “The Perhaps Paradox” (page 22). He is a great leader who is making a difference for God on the other side of the country. God really does want us to live our best life possible. We have the opportunity as Christians to help everyone else realize this truth by the culture we create in our churches. I talk about how important creating culture is on page 16 with an excerpt from my book “Every Church has a Culture: By Design or Default.” Speaking of church culture, we like hearing from you. New in this issue, check out what other readers are saying about how CLM is affecting their lives on page 4. Also, you can read about two incredible real life champion stories—from one extreme to another—of how God’s grace is sufficient for everyone (page 26). I encourage you to take time during this season to ask yourself what a fulfilled life looks like for you. Then, put action to your plans. You can live your best life!

P.S. Look for the Oxygen Magazine insert or check it out online for more great articles and information on Oxygen: Women’s Conference in May.

Spring/Summer 2010



YOU TO US Winter Issue Pastor Kevin’s article on vision was awesome. Most of us know the Bible tells us, without a vision people perish. But, he brought to life the story of Nehemiah and showed us how we should consider the plan and purpose of

Champions Centre Tweets Here are some of the online tweets we’ve seen about Champions Centre lately in 140 characters or less. Join the conversation at

God and then discern how our purpose is connected to it. Great wisdom and insight from Pastor Kevin. — Chris D.

I have loved the Magazine! Every time

Wherever u r I hope u go to church this wk end. Don’t go just to see what u can get out of it, Go to honor God and be with his ppl. — @kevingerald

I get a new issue of CLM I sit (or stand right there at my kitchen counter) and dive right in — reading it cover to cover. I'm just always so impressed, but also inspired by the real life stories of

Another great night at #CLG Man do I look forward to this every week. Cultivating great relationships and learning a lot from @kevingerald — @Andizzlem

people whose lives have been healed,

Live Streaming I found myself several weeks ago sitting in a McDonald’s 2000 miles away from home on a Sunday morning, missing my family and my church. I rarely have to be away from home on weekends, but this weekend was an exception. I can't tell you how encouraging and uplifting it was to join our 11:30 service via the web.

restored and saved by our awesome God. I especially loved Sheila's message of "Speak Up". I realized that the call to leadership is FOR OTHERS. So many people in my world

Thoughts affect the way do life, a powerful Force Creating my FutureForces that Form Your Future @ KevinGerald-Good Read @ Doctor's Office — @catasuprema

are counting on my encouragement, smile and mentoring. Thank you for the virtual mentoring that happens through this resource. I'm leading stronger because of it. — Shari D.

My cousin a year out of prison came to church 2nite and gave his heart to God. This has me in tears God u are so good. #invite — @tramsdell

The worship and the Word gave me an incredible lift that propelled me thru the

The writers and Real Life Champions

next week. The one downside was not

of CLM inspire me to give [my dreams]

being able to sing along during worship,

a voice... to get off [my] backside and

but being able to eat a Mac wrap and

do something great for the kingdom of

down a Diet Coke during Pastor's message

God. — Rachel B.

made up for it. Thank you Champions Centre for offering this option for out of town friends. — Chuck Z.

Each issue of Champion Life Magazine reminds me of so many of God’s

Putting into action what we discussed at CLG last night: Going to put VALUE on someone today, even if it’s not reciprocated! #ccfan — @JessicaNJones

People from first service saved seats to come back for second... So many guests. @CCTacoma is absolutely buzzing! — @CorianneCo

promises and provides life applicable


I’m active duty Air Force, and I just

wisdom to help move me forward in

want to say thank you for live streaming

numerous areas of my life. In the most

Champion Centre, so that no matter where

recent issue, I loved the article, “Speak

I am in the world, my church home and

Up” by Pastor Sheila, especially when

family are with me. Pastor Kevin & Sheila,

she talks about not speaking about the

God bless, and thank you so much for all

mountain unless we are “COMMANDING”

your support and honor you give to our

it — how powerful is that? That one

nation’s military. — Roger K.

nugget is enough to get me fired up to


Champion Life Magazine

conquer my day! — Mary A.

We want to hear from you!

Do you have feedback or a story to share? CLM welcomes your comments. Please write us at: Mail: Champion Life Editorial 1819 E. 72nd St. Tacoma, WA 98404

Girls in the Forever Home in South Africa sharing an afternoon off from preschool.

“There are hurting people all

Champions Foundation is at an exciting place

around us who need help, who

South Africa is celebrating its fourth birthday

need encouragement, and who

in its history. Our Champions Forever Home in in November, and our Justice Project teams are approaching their third full year of making a

need someone to care. There

difference locally. From adopting AIDS orphans

are opportunities to transform

and volunteering with soup kitchens and

culture, break down barriers,

on the other side of the world, to supporting empowerment and education programs, we are changing lives on a daily basis. Celebrate Recovery

and build a brighter tomorrow

was launched just a year ago, but already we have

for future generations. We

and hope for their hurts, hang-ups and addictions.

seen hundreds of people come and find healing

invite you to join with us and imagine the possibilities!”

— Sheila Gerald 253.475.6454 x135



Champion Life Magazine

The Champions Foundation is a non-profit organization whose mission is to inspire faith, hope, compassion and education in our community and in the world. Our message is simple… every one of us can make a small difference, but together we can achieve great things. Whether it’s donating a few hours a month, or contributing financially, people are finding themselves experiencing the joy that comes when we give with love. Love delivers hope, and hope brings change. We invite you to be part of all that the Champions Foundation is achieving.

Initiatives The Champions Foundation is celebrating all the ways in which we have been able to impact lives around the globe. Through our initiatives of faith, hope, compassion and education, we are reaching out to supply both practical needs as well as spiritual support.

The Champions Foundation continues to form partnerships and expand to meet the needs of people everywhere.

COMPASSION CHAMPIONS FOREVER HOME in Johannesburg, South Africa is providing a permanent home to HIV/ AIDS orphaned or abandoned children. There are an estimated 4 million children in this region alone who have no place to call home. The Forever Home offers not only shelter, but a loving home and environment, compassion, education, and full medical care to

Volunteers from the Justice Project head into downtown Seattle to feed homeless men and women.

We believe that education is the practical tool that brings about the greatest good. Through sponsorships and scholarships we are providing schooling opportunities at the American English Academy in Bulgaria, Wisdom for Life Leadership School in Manila, Philippines, and Wisdom for Life Leadership School in Tacoma, WA.

Outreach Media promotes television programs that reach millions of people weekly with the gospel message. And our support of affiliated churches also helps to provide faith opportunities literally around the world to hundreds of thousands of people weekly.



those who come to live there.


Soldier and Champions Centre Member in Iraq greets a child from an orphanage who received school supplies donated by Champions Foundation.

Champions Foundation supports Philippines Pastor Ancho Buenaventura with humanitarian aid after a flood.

THE JUSTICE PROJECT is the umbrella under which our locally based programs operate. Through alliances and partnerships with other organizations, we are actively seeking to fulfill Jesus’ command that we love our neighbors. Operation Blessing, JAM Street, and Street Teams are a few of the projects we offer, in addition to partnering with Habitat for Humanity, the Tacoma Rescue Mission, Greater Lakes, and Lakewood Area Shelter Association. It's about bringing hope to the community.

Spring/Summer 2010





by Kevin Gerald



Champion Life Magazine


hate traffic. I suspect you feel the same way. Every day, millions of us get into our cars and get out there on the road of life, going this way and that, stopping, starting, stopping, and starting again, in an effort to reach our destinations. Some days, it feels like I'm doing a lot more stopping than starting! But I'm also amazed at traffic. With so many of us out there, everyone going a different direction, it seems like crashes are inevitable. So many decisions to make, in so little time. Turn left here, merge into the right lane, speed up and get ahead of that car. I've also found that my wife Sheila is really good at directing me from the passenger's seat. Whether it be red lights, green lights, merge lanes and carpool lanes, speed limit signs, or Sheila's finger-pointing, all of these rules of the road help us get from here to there as safely and quickly as possible. When it comes to traffic, the star of the show is the traffic light. At every crossroad, bright signals of green beckon us to come on through, and even brighter signals of red warn us to stop. Sometimes, I interpret the yellow ones as "drive fast and get through the intersection." We all love the green lights, but none of us like the red ones. But I ask you: are the red lights bad? Are they a sign that the Department of Transportation hates you, has it in for you, and wants to make your life miserable? Some think so. But if you reflect for a moment, you'll be thankful for the red ones, too. Imagine a world where no light ever turned red. We'd be crashing in to each other left and right. I wouldn't dare leave the house to drive because it could get me killed. If all of us are going to get where we want to go, all of us have to sit at red lights. That's just the way things are with traffic. These traffic truths apply to spiritual roads as well. As we drive the road of purpose and make our way to a better life, we run into red lights. We even find a few detour signs. And sometimes the road is closed altogether. Is a spiritual red light a good thing? Is a detour sign acceptable? When you run in to a closed road, do you quietly simmer against the Heavenly Guidance System? Do you blame God for delaying you, or question His goodness, because you have to make a series of stops? I hope not.

Spring/Summer 2010



I love the movie Bruce Almighty, the story of a frustrated middle-aged reporter played by Jim Carrey who blamed God for his "red lights"—a missed promotion, an unfulfilling career. To teach Bruce a lesson, God, played fantastically by Morgan Freeman, gave Bruce a temporary taste of all his powers and responsibilities, one of which was answering thousand of prayers via the Yahweh email system. To simplify things, Bruce "selects all" and gives everyone a yes answer. "Yes to all!" he exults. "There you go. Now everybody's happy." But it didn't turn out like Bruce intended. Everyone wins the lottery, which means that no one wins much. Answered prayers for all created more problems than it solved. In the end, the people were rioting in the streets, just like they would be if all traffic signals were all green all the time. Unanswered prayer is sometimes God's way of sparing us the pain of unintended consequences.

It reminds me of the lyrics of Garth Brooks’ song, Unanswered Prayers: She was the one that I'd wanted for all times And each night I'd spend prayin' that God would make her mine And if he'd only grant me this wish I wished back then I'd never ask for anything again Sometimes I thank God for unanswered prayers Remember when your talkin’ to the man upstairs That just because he may not answer doesn't mean he don't care Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers The point is, sometimes red lights in the form of unanswered prayers are just the thing to keep you safely moving down the road of purpose. God is good in the red lights and the green. He's in the yes answers,

I often encounter people in a place of desperation,

the no answers, and the just wait longer answers.

begging for God to bring back a wife or husband,

And if we're going to keep ourselves from constantly

begging for God to wave a magic wand and make

questioning His goodness, we've got to take a wiser

life's pain and hardship go away. Or they got turned

look at the red lights of "no" and "not yet" that flash

down for a business loan, and are feeling dejected

in our journey of life. Sure, much of the time we get

and defeated, questioning whether God's favor is on

green lights of favor and we cruise along at full speed.

their lives. And I don't often see God rush in and give

But there are times when traffic builds up, when

them the green light of the answer they wished for.

it seems that all we see is a long line of red. These

What I want you to realize is that this might just be

are tempting times when we often question God's

God's mercy in action, because the Yes answer may

goodness. We often diminish the goodness of God

be the wrong answer. The green light would put you

with limited thinking. "Yes is always good, and no is

right into a collision of a marriage or a train wreck

always bad," we simplistically tell ourselves. "If God is

of a business deal, instead of enabling you to safely

good, all of life must say yes. If God or circumstances

progress along, and God isn't into creating wreckage

say no, God isn't good. He doesn't care about me. He

with your life!

isn't interested in my plea for help." We look at the

sometimes red lights are just the thing to keep you safely moving down the road of purpose



Champion Life Magazine

red lights and conclude that either God isn't fully good, or if He is good, He isn't fully good to us. Most Christians won't go so far to say that God is not good. But they allow life's circumstances to diminish their sense of his goodness. They learn to expect little from God. They don't expect answer to prayer. They don't ask of God because they feel that their little requests would be bothering Him. "God, I don't ask you for much," is the

Real Life Application

saying no for a bigger yes Every time we make a decision, we say yes to one thing and no to another. Yes to a burger and fries is no to a trim stomach. Yes to driving north is no to driving south. Yes and no are the two sides of one coin of decision.

start of every prayer, as if God has a goodness quota and

We make decisions by evaluating options and

there's a shortage of His goodness. It's vital that we fight

choosing the one we think pays off most. This is

off thoughts like these that exalt themselves against the

why good decisions require a constant sense of

knowledge of God. Now's the time to realize that God is

the bigger yes. For instance, when we have the

bigger and better than the boxes we put Him in!

bigger yes of a fit body in mind, we can say no to

When the traffic, stop lights, and frustrations mount, will you remember that God is always good, all the time? Can

the urge for a burger and fries. But without that bigger yes in mind, fast food wins.

you say, as David did in Psalm 23, that surely goodness

I've been leading a personal finance workshop at

will follow you all the days of your life? Can you say

Champions Centre for several years now, called

confidently, "No good thing does He withhold from

Breaking Free. It's been so effective in changing

those whose walk is blameless"? Can you feel confident

behavior that we made it into a DVD program

that "in all things God works for the good of those who

that is currently being used on multiple campuses

love Him"? That His will is always "good, pleasing and

and in our small groups. Right from the start,

perfect?" It's easy to say this when we're speeding along

participants invest 15 minutes to create their own

in a life of bliss. But what about when the light turns red,

personal "Dream To-Do List." They fill a page

or when we run into a detour and road-closed signs?

of writing to complete this sentence: "If I knew

That's when the rubber meets the road, and the test is on.

I couldn't fail, and had all the time and money I

Remember that God is good, even when He says, "Not

needed, I would..."

now." He's good, even when he tells us, "Not here." And,

Why do we do this? To help them cement a

He's good when he warns us, "Not yet." I pray that you

bigger yes in mind. Managing money is a constant

pass the test and continue to honor God by finding a

challenge that requires saying no every day.

higher yes in the not now's, not here's, and not yet's of life.

Without a bigger yes, we lose sight of priorities and "cast off restraint."1 But when we have a bigger yes in mind, saying no is a snap.

Erik Van Alstine is the author of Champions Centre's most popular discipleship program, Breaking Free: Financial Strategies that Transform Debt Into Wealth. He's also

Kevin Gerald is the lead

a learning entrepreneur,

pastor of Champions Centre in Tacoma and Bellevue, WA. For great resources from Kevin,

teaching pastor at Champions Centre, husband of twenty years, and father of six. Reach Erik at:


Proverbs 29:18 "Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint." 1

Spring/Summer 2010




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Alumni Spe


Madeline Ale xander

I am truly p assionate ab out helping barriers so people bre that they ca ak through n go forward their God-g and really ac iven purpo hieve se , and fulfill w them to do hat God has . Coming to given W FL definite all the diffe ly helped m rent pieces e p o ut f my business together, an and ministr d it helped y m p lan e develop a truly go ou clear vision t into the m so ar I ke could tplace and think there help people ’s really any . I don’t one way to just a mix o d escribe the f absolutely classes. It’s everything you need. The internsh ip was a gre at experien an opportu ce because nity to put it offered my skills in still in scho to practice ol, and pro w h ile v I was id ed valuable from the p feedback an eople arou d n d input me. For tho feel called se of you w to be a pas h o to m r or some o ay not church work ther form o er, and inst f traditional ead you fee marketplace l called out , Wisdom F into the or Life is de will still equ finitely a pla ip you for yo ce that ur role. I’m what I did super excite at Wisdom d that F o r Life and C enabled m hampions C e to go imm e n tre also e d iately into L Texas and co akewood C ntribute in h u rc a h in great way to Osteen and Joel and V all that they ic to ’r ria e doing in the world. Houston an d around

The Power Coach™ www.mad elinealexan

Kevin Lewis

I am passio nate about seeing you God, have ng people a passion fo come to kn r God, and se ow My passion eing their liv is to see yo es change. ung people high schoo h av e passion. I l and was fa graduated ced with th to a four ye e decision ar seminary of either go co lle WFL becau ge or atten ing se I wanted ding WFL. I chose to not only have the op le ar n, but wante portunity to d also to apply what real life min I learned ri istry. ght away in Work ethic is huge at th e school, an the very st d you’ll lear art of your n that from cl as ses. Internsh than just a ip is so mu structured ch more ti m e where you time for yo clock in an u to apply d al out. It’s a l th ose things in the class. that you ar I would tell e le an arning ybody to g It’s opened o to Wisdo up doors o m f F o o p r Life. portunity in ministry, bu my life, not t business o o p n p ly o rtunities as in I do now, I view it as an well. In eve rything opportunit myself, but y — not only to better o to better ther people I mean — it , and the ki ’s just incre ngdom of G dible. od. Spring/Summer 2010



CHaMPION Finds finds champion

Bringing Honor Back Honor can do a lot of things: it can encourage, build up, applaud… but one thing it should never do is disappear! Learn today, how to bring honor back into your life.

Be Brave Now

Sign up for a free subscription

go online to find a wealt h of resources, including mp3s of messa ges and free video downloads from K evin Gerald.

Champion Life Magazine

Champion Life Magazine by Kevin Gerald Communications and will equip you to live a successful Christian life! Look for the online version of CLM at

Sometimes life’s biggest and best opportunities require us to be brave. This two part series will help you to be brave as you confidently step into the next chapter in your life. Life may be uncertain, but God is always certain.

What Do You Want… REALLY? Have you noticed in scripture knowing what you want is encouraged? Jesus asked several people, “What do you want?” In this powerful message series, Kevin will help you discern what you really want in life and show you how to get it.


ld.T at KevinGera lf e s r ou y e c r resou

253.475.6454 ext. 361 888.935.6914

You can be intentional about creating the right God-given culture for your church. This book is intended to help both pastors and members engage in the never-ending process of creating a purposeful church culture. You can create a culture that supports and champions the message you want to communicate to your city.

Every Church has a Culture

Check out Kevin Gerald’s FREE Podcast now available through iTunes. Search for “Kevin Gerald” or “Champions Centre” in the iTunes Store. Video streaming and MP3 downloads are also available on


Your life is God’s gift to you. What you do with your life is your gift to God. - Unknown

Vision Be encouraged as you learn how to communicate your dreams and then work toward making them happen. Plans may adjust, but a God-honoring vision should always remain!

Armor Life can be a battlefield, so don’t get caught unprepared! You wouldn’t go to war without your protective armor, yet so many of us forget to put on the armor that God has provided for us to help guard our hearts and our minds in our everyday lives.



Spring/Summer 2010

an excerpt from


church has a


by design or default By Kevin Gerald



Champion Life Magazine


he pastor standing in front of me was angry. "All this talk of culture makes me nervous," he said. Needless to say, my message about the need to intentionally design the culture of our churches had struck a nerve in him. He continued, "At our church we preach the same unchanging gospel that was preached in the early church. And if it was good enough for them, it's good enough for me."

His defensive words sounded familiar. As a second-

younger families whose children grew hungry and

generation pastor, growing up in a denomination

tired before the late dismissal. But their "voice of

that took great pride in its allegiance to the old

reason" argued, "The service time was fine when my

paths, I knew that voice of reason well. I thought,

children were small, so it should be good enough for

how can I help this sincere, hardworking, fully

the next generation."

committed pastor know that his church already has a culture? The question was not whether he wanted a culture that was unique to his congregation; the question was (as Dr. Phil would say), "How's that working for you?"

It had been years since the classrooms had been painted; the outwardly beautiful stone building had a musty smell within-almost like the smell of formaldehyde. When Pastor Jeff presented a budget for some paint and building renovations, the plans

I wanted him to understand that every congregation

were turned down. The voting members of this

of believers emanates a pattern of behaviors that

congregation simply were not interested in spending

communicates their beliefs to others. These social

the money on aesthetic improvements. They couldn't

forms, rituals, and methods form a culture that is

see how the building improvements would help

unique to their social group. Even though churches

create a church culture that attracted young families.

are established on the central beliefs in the Word of God, there are hundreds of thousands of churches because people cluster together who share similar attitudes, values, goals, and practices based on what they believe is important to them in God's Word. Church culture is most often created by default. It

So many evangelistic ideas that Pastor Jeff had were voted down that eventually he resigned from the church and took a job as a construction carpenter. This large church that is capable of holding hundreds of worshippers continues to shelter about seventy people who are wealthy enough to keep the utilities

may come into existence through the life patterns

paid for their own use. This is a good example

and inherited habits of its founders, and continue

of church culture by default. The church existed

without much thought or consideration of whether

because it was deeply rooted in traditions that were

or not some changes ought to be made. Typically

meant for another time and another place.

a church's culture is rooted in dated traditions and methodologies that appear too sacred to question or require too much effort to update with more relevant practices. As a result, most churches crystallize cultures that memorialize the past and focus their energy into preserving the methods of a previous generation, instead of purposefully serving the needs of the current mission. For example, Jeff and Sue (not their real names) were pastors of a longstanding traditional church in an older neighborhood that was beginning to fill with young couples. The small membership of the church was comprised mostly of senior adults who had been there longer than Pastor Jeff. Their tradition was to begin at 11 :00 a.m. and dismiss by 12:45 p.m. Pastor Jeff suggested to the members that the service times begin at 10:15 a.m. in order to

the culture strengthens the impact of the message

dismiss before noon, so that they could facilitate the

Spring/Summer 2010



Culture Possibilities • It is possible to design a culture that supports and

Seven Practices of Culture by Design When a church culture supports and champions

champions the message you want to communicate

the message that its leaders want to bring to the

to your city.

community, the culture strengthens the impact of the

• It is possible to create a culture that doesn't contradict your everyday lifestyle but compliments all that you do. • It is possible to create a life-generating church culture that exists on purpose with a culture by design.

message and a synergism attracts newcomers to the vitality of the church's light. I recognize seven practices that have helped us to build our church. These practices can assist you and your church leaders in creating a church culture by design. Here are a few of the seven practices that are covered in this book:

I am confident of this because I have seen the fruit of leading by design at our church in Tacoma, Washington.

• Define the attitudes and design the atmosphere that will attract people to God. It's a weighty, but true

Since 1993, we have continued to add enthusiastic

reality that how God's people represent His kingdom

members, who love worshipping and serving the Lord

can cause others to see God in a negative or positive

together, at a rate of five hundred to six hundred per year.

manner. Packaging does matter. This is an important concept for church leaders to embrace. The right

Choosing to design our culture, rather than allowing

packaging can make the gospel message and your

an inherited culture to define us, makes it necessary to

church much more attractive to the very people you

consistently and frequently evaluate, and sometimes

are trying to reach.

overhaul, programs to determine whether or not they support the culture our leadership is consciously

• Define your church "Missions and Values" to form a

striving to create. In other words, our programs and

constant compass that church members can refer to.

practices should be centered on our culture rather than

Without first defining the mission and values for the

culture centering on the programs.

organization, any effort to create a church culture will result in confusion and conflict for the members of the volunteer and leadership teams. • Create the culture of a life-giving platform. The platform ministries (teaching, singing, musicians) are not more important than other ministries, but they

The right packaging can make the gospel message more attractive to the people you want to reach.

are the most visible, which makes them the greatest influences in the church. Without a doubt, nothing is as important to the growth and health of the church as a life-giving, love-generating platform throughout your church services. • Create the culture of corporate competence. All churches have both a spiritual body and a corporate structure. We have made some wrong administration and staff decisions in my time as a pastor, but I have never valued corporate competence any more than I do today. If anything, the journey has made me more aware of the vital connection between corporate competence and the success of a church in its mission.



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healthy church, you should be able to look around and see happy men and women thriving side by side in every area. A lot of great foundational books have been written for church leaders that expound on spiritual truths or character development. This is not one of those books. These seven practices of creating a church culture are more like pillars than a foundation. However, when placed on a solid foundation, they support the work of ministry by helping to create a culture that complements, instead of contradicts, what the church leaders want

church culture

ault by design or def


has a

by design or de


e to


church and places a high value on the roles they play. In a

s a culture |



both men and women. A gender friendly culture has an abundant appreciation of both men and women in the

to do. I want to help you define a church culture that exists on purpose–a culture by design.


“Every Church has a Culture: By

ha every chruch


a ”

• Create a culture that embraces the contribution of

Design or Default” is available online at



Quench the Thirst by Larry Ward

be adventurous The countdown begins 10, 9, 8, 7, pencils are tapping, 6, 5, anxiety builds, 4, and the excitement is overflowing 3, 2, and 1. The bell rings and it is the official start of summer! While the children celebrate, and the teachers feel relieved, the parents are faced with 2 months of trying to figure out what to do. For those of you who feel the onset of the “Ididnotplananythingforthesummerblues,” we have compiled a top 10 list of things to engage in with your children over the summer.

10. Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium

The park is a popular destination for two million people each year. Forests, beaches and spectacular views offer many possibilities for recreation, education and communing with nature.

9. Lake Chelan

In central Washington State, nestled in the North Cascades National Forest, this pristine, glacierfed lake encompasses the communities of Chelan, Manson & Stehekin.

8. Pike Place Market

Founded in 1930, this open air market located in Seattle is known for throwing fish that customers have purchased, before they are wrapped.

7. Mount Rainier

With five developed areas: Longmire, Paradise, Ohanapecosh, Sunrise, and Carbon/Mowich, there are great campgrounds, picnic areas and hotels which can readily serve as a base for exploring the rest of the park.

6. Ocean Shores

A friendly, affordable community surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and Grays Harbor. There are two fresh water lakes, twenty three miles of canals, great beaches, and many natural areas.

5. Oregon Zoo

Just outside of downtown Portland, Oregon, it is the oldest zoological park west of the Mississippi. About 200 species make their home here, including elephants, rhinos, monkeys and giraffes.

4. Pacific Science Center

Just a few minutes away in Seattle Center, you're sure to have a great time in their six acres of hands-on science fun. Highlights include their Tropical Butterfly House and Science Demonstration Stage shows.

3. Wild Waves

Located in Federal Way one ticket includes admission to both the water park and the adjacent amusement park.

2. Great Wolf Lodge

Featuring an indoor water park and huge arcade, the lodge also boasts a variety of activities for kids of all ages, including on-site restaurants, fitness center, and spa.

1. Champions Centre

The number one destination for summer fun is Champions Centre’s Children’s Ministry! We offer a wide variety of age relevant, cutting edge, life applicable lessons that will help equip your children to live successful Christian lives. We offer two major summer, events, the TC2010 Conference* for everyone and Champion Kidz summer camp. Our Children’s Ministry is a place where a kid can be a kid and learn about God’s fantastic plan for their future. *For more information on All Access August: 253.475.6454 x403

Larry Ward is the Children’s Pastor at Champions Centre.

Spring/Summer 2010



by Steven Furtick



hen I was 16, God gave me a vision to start a powerful church and change a city. For the next 10 years, God continued to stir the dream that would become Elevation Church in my imagination. Seven families decided to risk it all by moving to Charlotte, NC, with me in 2005 to make this vision



Champion Life Magazine

a reality. They quit their jobs. They

In 1 Samuel 14, Jonathan, the son of

God was with them, and Jonathan

had no financial backing, just a

King Saul, had become absolutely

hoped that reality would be enough

belief that perhaps God would act

aggravated with the despondency

to motivate his armor bearer

on their behalf.

of God’s people.

to block for him in what would

The audacious faith and radical

They were locked in on the

sacrifice of those seven families

losing side of a battle against the

has now expanded exponentially,

Philistines, and Jonathan couldn’t

growing Elevation Church to more

stand to see his people waste

than 6,000 people in regular

another moment shrinking back

attendance over a span of just 4

under rocks and hiding in caves. So

years. More than 7,000 people have

he made a move; his aggravation

“Come, let’s go over to the outpost

publicly professed faith in Christ

became the axis of an audacious

of those uncircumcised fellows.

since our opening day. And we’re

act of faith. Because none of

Perhaps the Lord will act in our

just getting started. Sometimes

the other leaders were taking

behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord

when I consider the rate at which

charge, Jonathan stepped out and

from saving, whether by many or

God has multiplied this ministry, I

spoke up to his armor bearer. He

by few.”

feel like I’m living in a warp-speed

divulged a battle plan that was

(1 Samuel 14:6)

dream world. But the story is real,

potentially God-inspired, and most

and our city is feeling the impact.

certainly hair-brained. The strategy

We are living in the middle of a move of God. I want you to be able

was basic, and unlikely to yield promising results.

otherwise be a suicide mission. All Jonathan had to do was persuade his bodyguard. Here’s an excerpt from his motivational speech. (It had to be good, because the odds were bad.) Listen in:

Isn’t Jonathan sending the ultimate mixed message? If you’re trying to convince me to join you in an initiative this dangerous, you’ve got

to say the same about your life.

These two young men openly

to do better than: perhaps the Lord

Your family. Your ministry. Your

approached the enemy outpost. If

will act on our behalf. Perhaps?

calling. I want you to live in the

they got a go-ahead sign from God,

Perhaps? Jonathan seems to be

middle of a move of God.

they would attack. Outnumbered.

speaking out of both sides of his

Outmanned. Under resourced. But

mouth. In one singular breath he

“Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised fellows. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” (1 Samuel 14:6) Spring/Summer 2010



every extraordinary move of God begins with an ordinary act of obedience verify this, and would probably

children’s ministry doubled in size.

provide a few auxiliary examples

We declared it children’s ministry

that I have conveniently forgotten.

Pentecost. A veritable revival.

Selective memory can be a reliable

We had to call in the emergency

ally in the fight of faith. I used to

children’s ministry back-up team

stand up in front of our core team

to accommodate the massive tidal

and spit vision like a madman. I’d

wave of supernatural blessing.

But perhaps Jonathan isn’t

tell them about the thousands of

Later, I learned that one couple

schizophrenic. Perhaps true faith

people who were far from God in

with five kids showed up, resulting

always feels this way. On one

our city, and how we were perfectly

in a net gain of 100%. That didn’t

hand, I know that God is able to

positioned to reach them. I’d paint

stop me from telling the team:

do anything. On the other hand, I

a portrait of thousands of people

We’re growing. The groundswell

think He’s willing to do this specific

worshiping Jesus, united under

has begun. We’re gonna take this

thing. But I can’t be completely

the vision of our church. It was a


sure. I know God can. And I’m

challenging portrait to paint, since

pretty sure He will. That’s where

every Sunday night I was looking

audacious faith comes in. Audacity

at the familiar faces of people who

isn’t the absence of uncertainty and

were there the week before. And

ambiguity. Audacity is believing

the week before that. On really

that God’s promise is bigger than

good nights, there were more

my perhaps.

than two first-time guests. I think

communicates two polar positions: - Nothing can hinder the Lord - Perhaps the Lord will act At first glance, this seems like spiritual schizophrenia.

I’ve spoken out of both sides of my mouth on many occasions about the plans God has placed in my heart. My wife Holly would

our first-time guest welcoming team outnumbered our firsttime guests roughly twenty to one. One of the highlights of our early meetings was the night our

Then I’d go home, and my perhaps would come smashing down like a sledgehammer. I’d ask Holly whether I’d made a mistake moving to a big city like Charlotte when I was really just a small town kid at heart. She’d say no and I’d ask how she knew. She’d say she just did and I’d continue the interrogation: How do you just know? She’d remind me that God had made me a promise and surrounded me with a good team; that He had given me a powerful vision and gifted me in unique ways. And we could do this. We would do this. God is able. This is going to work. Perhaps. I can’t count the number of times God has called me to take a step of obedience that seemed somewhat farfetched at the time. I’d stand up the next week, in



front of the same audience and Champion Life Magazine

pronounce it again. And again. And again. And I resolved to do so until my promise started to outgrow my perhaps. I can’t count the number of times God has called me to take a step of obedience that seemed somewhat farfetched at the time. But when I got to the place where He told me to go, I found things just as Jesus told me they would be. Every extraordinary move of God begins with an ordinary act of obedience. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do for a living. Every life contains the opportunity for God to move greatly on your behalf. But it all begins with a perhaps.

Ste ve n F urtick

Steven Furtick is the lead pastor of Elevation Church, in Charlotte, North Carolina. For the past three years, Elevation Church has been named one of the “10 fastest growing churches in America” by Outreach Magazine. The heart of Pastor Steven's message is twofold: living with revolutionary faith and approaching every experience from a visionary perspective. In his book, Sun Stand Still, he challenges readers to activate an audacious faith by seizing a vision for their life that only God can accomplish! His unique passion for seeing God's purposes fulfilled is igniting a fire in Charlotte and beyond. He resides in the Charlotte area with his wife, Holly, and two sons Elijah and Graham.

s rigg

B ril AP

My name is April Briggs. I was born and raised in Gainesville, Virginia. At the age of five my parents separated, and though I was young, I remember it so clearly. My mom took me to church during that time, and my life was forever changed. I so loved going to church! Not only did we

place, as well. I’ve been a stylist for fifteen years and was blessed to have a Christian employer the last two years. God used my relationship with my employer to build a bridge to the church, and many lives have been im-

ior, and memorized the memory verse every week and then said it on the stage in front

how He connects people to the Body.

asked him to come in, and that night he accepted Jesus as his Savior. My parents ended up getting back together, and our family has been serving God to this day! I tell you all of that to say that the church had impacted my life from an early age in such a way that my passion to serve and build God’s Kingdom is very strong!

Champion Life Magazine

enced God do amazing things in the work-

pacted because of that employment. All I can

wanted to wait in the car. One of the elders


By trade I am a hair stylist, and I have experi-

say is God is amazing, and He’s so creative in

of the congregation, but we also got candy!


ful for the Body of Christ!

learn about God and that Jesus was our Sav-

One week my Dad took me to church, and he

Si nc e th e ve ry me nt ion of mo vin g to Se at tle , R ob an d I ha ve fe lt Go d’s ha nd gu ide an d dir ec t us on th is jou rn ey .

because of the dedication of those who have served in the children’s ministry. I’m so thank-

My husband and I have served in the church

That being said, God connected me to Champions Centre through a member of the teaching team who spoke at our church in Virginia. I was seeking out ideas for the women’s ministry we were getting started and began listening to Pastor Kevin’s messages. I wanted to visit and attend the women’s conference for over five years, but it wasn’t until my in-laws moved here a little over a year ago due to a job loss that a door was opened for me to come and attend the Oxygen Women’s Conference. The day before I

for our entire marriage and have benefitted

left Virginia to come to the conference, I was

greatly from the godly principles exampled

earnestly seeking God for direction. So many

and taught in the church. We have five

things were going on in our lives—we had to

children; Ian-12 years, Chloe-10 years, Luke-7

sell our house because the mortgage went

years, and twins Emma and Owen-4. Our

up, my husband’s job contract was ending,

children have grown in their relationship with

and we could really feel God shifting things

God and in their understanding of the Word

in our lives. I never dreamed it would be mov-

REAL LIFE CHaMPIONs Real life champions


be closer to family and to provide better medi-

ing to Seattle attending Champions Centre! The first day of the conference, at the hotel, before I ever even walked through the doors of the Church building, I felt like God spoke to my heart and said, “You’re going to be here.” I have never felt more at home than I

My first encounter with alcohol happened when I was 10 years of age. My parents had just gone through a divorce and I was given alcohol by an adult who thought it would be fun to see me get drunk.

cal care for my wife. Not long after returning to Washington, I got into an accident while drunk. I remember that night getting down on my knees and asking

God for help once again. Soon after that, I met a woman at work who gave me a Bible. After some hesitation, I did eventually begin to read

did with the ladies from Champions Centre;

Shortly after, my dad disappeared from my

so it was really amazing and overwhelming!

life, and alcohol had made an impression on

it, and I saw in my life that I began to change.

me that would control my life for the next

Now I did not go to bed one night and wake

Since the very mention of moving to Seattle,

20 years. By the time I was 16 my mom was

up a new person. I had to begin making new

Rob and I have felt God’s hand guide and

remarried to a man that was an alcoholic as

choices for my life. My wife died a short time

direct us on this journey. And a journey it

well, so I never had any boundaries put on me

later, and I began to rebuild my life one day at

has been! I moved out here with the kids in

about my drinking as it was the norm. I gradu-

a time.

September of 2009, and my husband stayed

ated high school and later was married at the

back in Virginia while looking for a job here

age of 20. I had a great job, but soon after we

in Seattle. After a five-month period, we

married, I was introduced to cocaine.

really felt it was time for him to just come

There were many times that the guilt and shame would begin to set in, but as I began to walk forward, I continually encouraged myself

out here. We battled over this decision and

Over the next 10 years, the drinking and drug

with God’s Word. Today I am remarried to my

almost went back to Virginia, but again we

use grew, but I always told myself that I didn’t

wonderful wife Terri, and I am planted in a

agreed God was asking us to step out of

have a problem because I had never missed a

wonderful church, Champions Centre. My wife

the boat in faith and trust Him to provide. I

day of work. In 1990, my wife lost a full-term

and I have found our fit through supporting

literally fasted and prayed specifically for a

pregnancy to an amniotic embolism. She went

Champions Foundation. Through God’s grace

job for my husband, and the very last day of

into a coma, and the next few years were

we were able to contribute substantially to

the fast, he got a call about a job! Coming

spent caring for her at home. During that time,

making the Champions Forever Home in South

from Virginia, we were expecting at least a

I never missed a day of work or a day of drink-

Africa a reality. We have enjoyed taking several

$20,000 pay cut, but this job turned out to

ing and drugging. I now had all the drugs I

trips over there and have developed relation-

be a RAISE, paying more than he had been

needed because I was a caregiver for someone

ships with the kids. Although my journey of

making in Virginia!

without a voice.

sobriety has not been without temptation,

Our new church family here at Champions

By 1996, I began to talk to God, asking Him

Centre has been so supportive and en-

that if He was real then could He please help

through God I have overcome the guilt and

couraging. We have never felt so blessed

me out. I remember one night lying in bed

and look forward to the awesome things

working out a plan to commit suicide, but

God has in store for all of us at Champions

lucky for me I passed out before I was able to


follow through with it. It was a difficult time, as

pain of my past.

I was just finishing up with some legal battles. I decided to move back to Washington state to

s not s o b r ie t y h a f o y e n r u y jo have A lt h o u g h m ough God I r h t , n io t a t tempt . b e e n w it h o u of my past in a p d n a t h e g u il overcome t

Spring/Summer 2010



k.WISE The Spirit of Life vs. The Spirit of Religion Many people believe that in order to have a relationship with God, they have to become religious. In today’s society there are many different religions and many of them are steeped in rules and appearances that are not life giving. God wants a relationship with us with the understanding that we don’t need to get good to get God; we get God to get good. Jesus Himself received criticism from organized religious groups in His day, mainly from the Pharisees and the Sadducees. These religious leaders criticized Him for healing people; for setting them free from guilt and shame; for providing hope to the hopeless; and for preaching the good news of the gospel. All in the name of religion and self-righteousness, these groups oppressed people with their laws; condemned people for their sins; blamed people for their shortcomings; and burdened people with their rules. Unfortunately, this kind of religious spirit still exists today. It is an enemy to the kind of life God wants for us because Jesus was on a different mission: He came that we may have life, and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). His spirit was life giving. A life-giving spirit and a religious spirit are different. Here are a few differences:



A religious spirit takes the life out of living. The religious spirit assumes that God wants us to withdraw from a social life, laughter, good music, movies, career ambitions, and all things good. In reality, it is life giving to socialize with family and friends—we were created for community. The Bible clearly says, “Then I realized that it is good and proper for a man to eat and drink and to find satisfaction in his toilsome labor under the sun during the few days of life God has given him, for this is his lot. Moreover, when God gives any man wealth and possessions, and enables him to enjoy them, to accept his lot and be happy in his work—this is a gift of God” Champion Life Magazine

(Ecclesiastes 5:18-19). Thankfully, we don’t have to choose between enjoying life and pleasing God! A religious spirit is rule oriented. When we drive around town there are certain rules and laws that have been put in place that keep us safe during our travels; one of them is driving within the yellow lines. To have a successful marriage couples must stay within certain “yellow lines.” Unfortunately, Christians often take the guidelines or “yellow lines” God has created for us and turn them into religious rules. It is our faith in God that pleases Him. God wants us to make choices based on our faith in Him and He provides us with grace along the way. If we were without choices in life and all just lived by the same set of rules, our faith would have no room to grow. When our faith grows, it is a life-giving force for our spirit. A religious spirit demoralizes humanity. To demoralize means to lower the morale of, or to weaken the spirit, courage and confidence of a person. It was the practice of the religious leaders of Jesus’ day to remind people of how unworthy they were to be loved by God. But Jesus told His followers, “You are the light of the world… the salt of the earth… don’t let your hearts be troubled… my yoke is easy, my burden is light.”1 God wants you to feel good about who you are in Him. A religious spirit has a dated perspective of God. A religious spirit struggles with the contemporary, modern style of Christianity today. It is stuck in the good ol’ days of singing out of hymnals, or wearing robes, and all things old fashioned. The greatness of the Gospel is its relevance to all generations and cultures of people. Our God is the God of yesterday, today and forever. He is eternal. In Him you will find a spirit of life. 1

Matthew 5:13-14; John 14:1, 27; Matthew 11:30

Steven Furtick, p. 24 »


"Challenges make life interesting, however, overcoming them is what makes life meaningful." »

Mark Twain

"May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God."

Kevin Gerald, p. 10

Ephesians 3:17-19 (NLT)



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