The Secret Catholic Insider’s Guide to The Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ

Page 44

Sr Mary Jacinta’s Story

WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE MEMORIES OF YOUR LIFE SO FAR IN THE CONVENT? I have several, but the Holy Week celebration in the monastery beginning with Holy Thursday is one of my favorites. We have the washing of the feet, “the mandatum”, when the prioress kisses the feet of each Sister as two sister-helpers assist in the washing of the feet. I found this tradition the most moving and unforgettable memory because it is such a deep expression of Our Lord’s humility. Jesus, although Lord and Master, stooped down so low to wash his creature’s feet. It is also a beautiful expression for those who are in a leadership position like a prioress to be the “servant of all”, just like Our Lord who came to serve and not to be served. What a great lesson of humility! My other favorite memory is the spirit of Advent in the monastery. Although we are busy filling up orders in the soap and candle departments, it’s a different type of busyness than the world since we always try to keep in mind the meaning of what we are preparing for as we work. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT CONVENT LIFE IS SO ATTRACTIVE TO SO MANY YOUNG CATHOLICS? I think from my own experience that young people are looking for truth, beauty and goodness which define who God is: all Truth, Good and Beautiful. When you find a Community that is faithful to their Charism and the Spirit of their Founder and a Community that knows what they are really about and try to live authentically their religious vocation in spite of our own human limitations in true fraternal charity and the spirit of joy, then for me that is very attractive. 44 Regina Magazine | Dominican Nuns of Summit, NJ

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