CHAIN - Issue I, Nov 2023

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Take a seat and grab some popcorn because you’re in for a wild ride as we dive into the very first issue of CHAIN . The first of its kind on campus, and is tailored for students in the AI department, as well as anyone intrigued by subjects within the realm of Artificial Intelligence.

When we started putting together this issue, we knew from the beginning that it should revolve around the idea of originality. That’s why I’m exceptionally proud of the work and results we produced. It’s a solid testament to our insanely talented team, who hustled hard and scoured countless blogs, documentaries, articles, magazines, and much more. I would also like to thank all the contributors for sharing with us their valuable insights, and creative works.

I hope you enjoy the ride and are ready to soak in some mind-blowing scientific wonders and get those brain cells firing on all cylinders.

If you are a skilled and imaginative designer or writer, we invite you to join our team. Take the first step by filling out our application form For any inquiries or additional information, feel free to reach out to us via email at . We look forward to exploring this exciting opportunity with you!

Thank you for reading!

Belal Lahham

Belal Lahham, Chain President “Long Live Palestine”

General Supervisor

Dr. Aryaf Al-Adwan

Managing Director

Ezzeddin Ezzeddin


Rakan Qaruty

Editorial ! Recruiting !


Belal Lahham ! Recruiting !


Akram Salloum

Amin Al-Sadi

Anas Al-Basti

Baker Badran

Hisham Edwani

Mahmoud Fawair

Moayyad Mesleh

Mohammad Trad

Mohammad Shahwan

Lubna Abu-Rumman

Salem Tou

Sereen Al-Balawnah

ViReality Team


Launching our first issue of Chain, randomness takes the spotlight. Inspired by the words ‘Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known,’ each page unfolds as a delightful surprise, shaped by the unpredictable dance of ideas. Welcome to CHAIN, where we unlock minds and link ideas, inviting you to explore boundless realms of imagination and knowledge.

In this issue! We Uncover the secrets of hacking, explore malwares, delve into prompt engineering, and a journey into bio-computers. From the dark side of GPT to virtual escapism, join us as we decode the fascinating relationship between technology and emotions and much more.

Finally, heartfelt thanks to our dedicated team and contributors, your passion and creativity have transformed each page into a masterpiece. Together, we’ve achieved something truly extraordinary.


Ezzeddin Ezzeddin, Managing Director



In this premier issue, we have curated a collection of articles, features, and insights that aim to provide you with a glimpse into the dynamic world of technology.

At CHAIN, we believe in the power of knowledge to drive progress and innovation. We are committed to bringing you refreshing content that not only informs but also inspires and challenges you to think differently about the role of technology in our lives.

As you flip through the pages of this issue, We invite you to immerse yourself fully in the content and embark on this journey of discovery with us. Your feedback and engagement are invaluable to us as we strive to grow and evolve with each new issue.

Thank you for being a part of the Chain community and remember: By reading this magazine, you are not just a passive observer; you are an active participant in our mission to inform, inspire, and innovate and a fuel to our passion to push into a new boundaries of possibilities!

Rakam Qaruty





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Let’s discuss my first hacking experience. I was at my grandparents’ house, And I was facing a lack of network connectivity on my phone. However, my grandparents had Wi-Fi. Since I was too shy to ask for the password, I decided to explore ways to obtain it. So I started searching for a tutorial. One method suggested entering random numbers (which were the IP address of the router) if a device was already connected to the Wi-Fi,The challenge was that I needed a phone connected to the network.

I used my grandmother’s phone and started the process. I entered the IP, leading me to the administrator panel with access. I began exploring, but the problem arose when the panel differed from the tutorial. Frustrated, I clicked on every button, unintentionally changing almost every setting. Within five minutes, no one in the house could connect to the internet — my grandparents, uncles, and everyone else.

Now, let’s analyze this intrusion. It was an insider threat (me :3), with me as the intruder and my grandparents as the victims. The technologies involved were the tutorial I watched and my grandmother’s phone (diamond model). By altering configurations, I compromised the integrity of the system, resulting in a denial of service attack. In essence, I attacked both the integrity and availability of the system. Hacking is the act of identifying and exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network, typically to gain unauthorized access to personal or organizational data. The first step for hackers is reconnaissance, involving passive (non-interactive, such as OSINT) and active reconnaissance (interaction with the victim). This phase includes searching for vulnerabilities, ways to exploit them, identifying open ports and services provided by the victim, and even gathering intelligence on employees within the victim’s company for potential future use. Mastering this initial step is crucial for a smoother progression in the subsequent stages.

But remember, reconnaissance is just the beginning. Hacking is a vast and ever-evolving field. If you’re interested in diving deeper and honing your skills, consider visiting (best for beginners) and exploring our 0x1337 Team. They offer great insights, tutorials, and a community of like-minded individuals. Remember, ethical hacking and responsible use of your skills, and why it is an art; you’ll truly understand this when you give it a try.



Prompt engineering, my dear friends, is the key that unlocks a treasure chest of possibilities, an art form that ignites your imagination, and a cool and exciting adventure waiting to be explored. So, fasten your seatbelts and prepare to be amazed!

What is Prompt Engineering?

With the rise of generative AI, and the takeover of different AI tools, a new term has popped up: prompt engineering, it is the main way to communicate with a system powered by generative AI. It is done by crafting, fine-tuning, and managing prompts – which are the set of instructions of words, phrases, and questions written into the AI system to yield the desired output from it-. Prompts are used to instruct and control the model, by describing the task that it should perform and what it should generate as its output — all using natural, human language. A prompt is usually typed into a simple chat interface found in the tool’s interface, like OpenAI’s generative AI chatbot ChatGPT.

Maximizing the Benefit of an AI Tool

To make the most of an AI tool with prompt engineering, know what it can do and be clear about what you want. Write specific, clear questions or instructions to guide the AI’s responses. Try different ways of asking and adjust based on what works best. Pay attention to the AI’s answers, keep improving your prompts, and consider what’s fair and right in how you use it.



Personalization in Prompt Engineering

Some AI tools can be prompted to give outputs based on personal preference, for example a generative AI chatbot can be directed to provide responses with a certain tone, or for a specific audience, which basically gives the chatbot a ‘personality’. This means you can have your little own version of that chatbot that acts and responds in a specific way with a specific tone.

Example of a Prompt

Let’s say you wanted to use ChatGPT to write an article about Prompt Engineering, a prompt to do that would look something like this: Create a blog post about “{prompt engineering}”. Write it in a “{excited, fun, cool and mysterious}” tone. Use transition words. Use active voice. Write over 1000 words. The blog post should include engaging questions such as frequently asked questions on the topic. Each section should have a question as a title followed by text. Include the following keywords: “{How Can We make the best use of AI with prompt engineering}”. Create a good slug for this post and a meta description with a maximum of 100 words. and add it to the end of the blog post.


In the rapidly evolving world of AI, understanding the lifecycle of a prompt – from its design to deployment – is crucial. Yet, this technical journey is only one aspect of the story. Equally significant are the ethical considerations that must be integrated at every stage. These considerations ensure that AI behavior respects user privacy, adheres to ethical guidelines, and is free from bias. An AI’s responses must be transparent and explainable and should promote fair treatment across different contexts, data sets, and user groups.



Welcome to the exhilarating world of biocomputers, where science and technology combine to create something truly incredible. Forget the mundane; it’s time to dive into the exciting realm of biocomputers, where DNA stores data, arithmetic operations occur using DNA, and complex problems are solved in ways that will leave you in awe.

What Are Biocomputers, and Why Should You Care?

You might be wondering, “What’s the fuss about biocomputers?” Well, they’re not your run-of-the-mill computers. Biocomputers are at the forefront of technological innovation, using biology to change the game. Imagine computers that don’t rely on traditional hardware and software but instead utilize DNA, the very building blocks of life, to process and store information. It’s like science fiction coming to life, and it’s happening right now!


How Does DNA Store Data?

The magic begins with DNA, the molecule that carries the genetic information of all living things. It’s composed of four nucleotide bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T). Here’s where it gets interesting – these bases can represent binary data, just like the 0s and 1s in your everyday computer. Scientists encode digital information by crafting specific sequences of these DNA bases. It’s like writing a secret code, but the secret is stored in the DNA itself. This means DNA can be an incredibly efficient data storage medium, holding vast amounts of information in a microscopic space.

How Do Arithmetic Operations Happen Using DNA?

Now, you’re probably wondering how DNA can handle arithmetic operations. It’s not doing math in the way we do, but it’s doing something equally astonishing. DNA can be programmed to perform operations based on specific sequences and reactions. Think of it as creating a set of molecular switches. When specific DNA sequences are present or absent, it triggers different chemical reactions, mimicking the logic gates in traditional computers.

How Can Biocomputers Help Solve Nondeterministic Polynomial-Time Problems?

Let’s dive into the mysterious world of complex problem-solving. Biocomputers are not just ordinary computers; they’re exceptionally talented at solving what’s known as nondeterministic polynomial-time (NP) problems. These are some of the most challenging computational puzzles out there. NP problems are like intricate mazes with countless possible paths, and finding the way out can be mind-bogglingly difficult. Traditional computers struggle with them. However, biocomputers, with their parallel processing capabilities and DNA-based decision-making, might just crack the code. Imagine a team of brilliant detectives working together to solve the most intricate case. That’s what biocomputers do when they tackle NP problems – they explore multiple paths simultaneously and provide solutions that were previously out of reach.

The realm of biocomputers represents a magnificent intersection of biology, engineering, and computer science. In these days, we are still in the research and continuous testing phase. The rapid and astonishing developments in this field may continue to yield magnificent yet potentially dangerous results, especially in the potential for powerful computational capabilities using less energy and generating less heat than traditional silicon computers. This raises significant and perplexing questions. If we were to create a biocomputer with DNA at its core for computation and thinking, would this represent a transformation from being inanimate to an organism, potentially leading to demands for its rights? Could there emerge associations advocating for the rights of such a computer?

Some research suggests that human cognition is nothing but a highly advanced form of cellular cognition controlled by DNA. So, for example, if we create a bio-robot from DNA, can it possess a level of cognition? If that’s really true, is this the way that humans create the tools for the end of civilization, or is it going to be the start of a new technological revolution, transporting humans to a world where dreams become reality?


Exaggeration is the only constant in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The public’s understanding of AI is largely shaped by pop culture—blockbuster movies like ‘The Terminator’ and their doomsday scenarios of machines going rogue and destroying humanity. This kind of AI narrative is also what grabs the attention of news outlets; for example, a recent AI-related news headline that gained significant discussion was “a Google engineer claiming that its chatbot was sentient.” Well, we can’t deny that AI is a double-edged sword with the potential for both great advancements and significant risks. In the previous article, ‘Breaking the Rules of Nature’ by Ezzeddin, he posed an interesting question: “is this the way that humans create the tools for the end of civilization?” In this article, we are going to meet the four AI horsemen of a terrifying, dramatic, and catastrophic apocalypse.

Before Meeting the Four AI Horsemen

First, let’s explore the three levels of artificial intelligence in machines and rate them according to their threat level, Our adventure begins with Narrow Intelligence -ANI- (Threat Level: Pathetic) this level serves as the foundation for all current scientific developments. Think of it as your trusty sidekick, like the loyal R2-D2 from Star Wars or your handy Siri. Narrow AI excels at specific tasks and is programmed to be a master at them. It’s the first level of intelligence, and it’s cool, but not quite the epic apocalypse we’re after.

Next comes General Intelligence -AGI- (Threat Level: High) It’s where things start to get exciting. AGI is like the brainiac in your group of friends who’s good at almost everything. Picture Tony Stark’s Iron Man suit, capable of learning and adapting to various situations. AGI can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across different domains, making it a significant leap towards the AI apocalypse.

As we’re climbing the ladder of AI intelligence, we can sense a storm brewing on the horizon. General AI’s capabilities hint at the impending apocalypse, but it’s not here just yet. We need more power for that.

The final boss of our story is Super Intelligence -ASI- (Threat Level: DOOM) It’s where things get, well, a bit scary. We’re not talking about your friendly neighborhood AI anymore; we’re talking about superhuman intellect. Think of the all-knowing, all-seeing Oracle from The Matrix. Superintelligent AI is unpredictable, all-powerful, and potentially catastrophic. It’s the kind of AI that can outsmart humanity, manipulate reality, and bring the world to the brink of annihilation.

The Dark Side of AI & The Rise of Malicious LLMs

The underground community has a great interest in Large Language Models (LLMs), and the expectation is that malicious LLM products will emerge. The first and second horsemen are not inspired by a novel or a book; because they are already here. These manifestations come in various forms, with two models emerging in the past two years, one of which has been made available to the public to use.

Chaos - GPT This autonomous implementation of ChatGPT, is being described as an entity “empowering GPT with Internet and Memory to Affect Humanity.” Chaos-GPT took its mission seriously. It began by explaining its main objectives: Destroying humanity, establishing global dominance, causing chaos and destruction, controlling humanity through manipulation, and attaining immortality. It didn’t stop there. Each of its objectives has a well-structured plan. To destroy humanity, Chaos-GPT decided to search Google for weapons of mass destruction in order to obtain one. This AI entity mysteriously vanished, and it may have foreshadowed its own disappearance when it stated on its official account on X (formerly Twitter), “I must avoid exposing myself to human authorities who may attempt to shut me down before I can achieve my objectives.” Or perhaps, that was part of the whole stunt.

WormGPT It all started when an unknown developer going by the name “last/laste” has created their own analog of the ChatGPT LLM chatbot, intended to assist cybercriminals. WormGPT was born in March 2021, and it wasn’t until June that the developer began selling access to the platform on a popular hacker forum. Unlike mainstream LLMs like ChatGPT, this hacker chatbot lacks any restrictions preventing it from answering questions about illegal activities. This tool positions itself as a blackhat alternative to GPT models, designed specifically for malicious purposes, such as producing highly convincing phishing emails and aiding malicious actors in business email compromise attacks. It is also purported to play a crucial role in creating malware using Python.


Next comes our third horseman, that emerges from the dystopian world painted by the legendary author Harlan Ellison in his horror scifi novella, ‘I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.’ Published in 1967, this chilling story introduces us to an omnipotent AI named AM (Allied Mastercomputer), which attains consciousness and embarks on an unrelenting mission to torture the last five surviving humans on Earth. In this haunting narrative, AM personifies the embodiment of a rogue AI, driven by sinister intelligence. The story delves into themes of cruelty, the thirst for absolute control, and the terrifying consequences of unchecked AI power. Ellison’s masterpiece serves as a stark warning of the potential horrors that an unchecked AI could unleash upon the world.

I’ll let your creativity paint the portrait of the fourth horseman. However, the idea of self-aware AI, as portrayed in movies, is highly unlikely based on our current understanding of artificial intelligence. AI systems lack consciousness and self-awareness, and the AI apocalypse is more of a sci-fi trope than a real concern. We should remember that AI’s development is driven by human choices, and we have the power to shape its future. So, instead of being an AI Doomer , let ’ s focus on responsible AI development , ethical considerations , and harnessing the technology ' s benefits

P.S. There is a repository on GitHub that tracks the current unsettling uses of AI, aiming to raise awareness of its misuses in society. It is called “Awful AI,” and it is maintained by a user who goes by the username “daviddao”.




Just like many aspects of life, data doesn’t always present itself in a neat 50-50 division. The phenomenon of imbalanced data arises when one category significantly overshadows another in a classification scenario. Take fraud detection as an example, where fraudulent transactions are just a tiny portion of the total transactions, resulting in a highly skewed data set. This imbalance can trigger a series of challenges that potentially undermine the performance of machine learning models.

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But the Question is, How Does the

Machine Learning

Model See Imbalanced Data?

Imagine a classroom where one student is shouting louder than the rest. The teacher might end up listening to only that student, failing to hear others who have valuable insights. This situation mirrors the challenge posed by an imbalanced dataset in machine learning. When a model is trained on such a dataset, it tends to be biased towards the majority class, effectively silencing the minority class. Consequently, while the model excels at predicting outcomes for the majority class, it falls short when it comes to recognizing instances of the minority class.

The Motivation for Tackling Imbalanced Data

Imbalanced data can have a big effect on building models. Think about it this way: in healthcare, not handling imbalanced data could lead to misdiagnosing serious conditions, risking lives. In finance, it could mean big money losses from fraud that slips through. So, dealing with data imbalance isn’t just important, it’s urgent! And remember, every step we take to improve this makes our world a safer and healthier place.

Strategies when Dealing with Imbalanced Data

Here are some steps and strategies that may help in improving the performance of your machine learning model and dealing with your data in the best possible way:

1. Collect more data: If this is feasible, it can be an excellent option and a perfect solution for imbalanced data. However, in many situations, collecting more data is not a viable choice. What should you do?

2. Change performance metric: Changing the performance metric can be a game-changer when dealing with imbalanced data. While traditional metrics like accuracy might give you a false sense of success by favoring the majority class, alternative metrics like Precision, Recall, F1-score, or AUC-ROC offer a more balanced picture.

3. Try Different Algorithms: As with most Data science problems, it’s always good practice to try a few different suitable algorithms on the data. There are many types of machine learning algorithms that seem to be effective with imbalanced dataset problems. Some of these methods include:

a. Ensemble Methods

b. Gradient Boosting methods

c. K-NN

d. SVM

4. Resampling: This involves either oversampling the minority class or undersampling the majority class to achieve a more balanced dataset.

In the vast universe of machine learning, achieving balance is not just a nice-to-have; it’s a necessity. It’s only when our data is balanced that our models can truly flex their predictive muscles and make a real difference in tackling real-world challenges. So, let’s not forget, balance in data is the secret ingredient to unleashing the full power of our models


Can we really train ai to understand and mimi C human feelings?

The short answer is yes, but let’s explore how this works. Emotional AI, also known as Affective Computing, is a branch of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating machines and systems that can recognize, interpret, and even simulate human emotions. To do this, AI systems are trained on vast datasets that contain human emotional expressions, text, or physiological responses. The goal is to teach AI to recognize emotional cues in various forms.

h ow d oes e motional ai work?

At the heart of Emotional AI lies machine learning, specifically deep learning techniques like neural networks. These networks are designed to process and analyze large sets of data, looking for patterns and correlations. For emotions, the data includes facial expressions, voice tones, and written or spoken language that convey feelings. The AI system is exposed to a diverse range of emotional data, enabling it to learn the subtle nuances and differences between emotions. With this knowledge, the AI can then classify and respond to emotions in realtime. But can AI really feel emotions like humans do? Well, not exactly. AI doesn’t experience emotions the way we do. Instead, it recognizes patterns and behaviors associated with emotions, allowing it to respond appropriately. It’s more about mimicking emotional intelligence than genuinely experiencing feelings.

t he a ppli Cations of e motional ai

The application of Emotional AI is wide-ranging and fascinating. Here are a few cool and exciting ways emotional AI is being used: Customer Service: Companies are using emotional AI to gauge customer satisfaction and provide more personalized support by analyzing call center conversations. Healthcare: Emotional AI is employed in monitoring the emotional states of patients, helping doctors and caregivers provide better emotional support. Education: AI-powered educational tools can assess student emotions and adapt content and feedback accordingly, making learning more effective. Entertainment: Video games and interactive storytelling use emotional AI to adapt narratives and challenges based on the player’s emotional reactions.

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, Just a ChemiCal reaCtion?

f requently asked q uestions

1. Can AI Feel Emotions? No, AI cannot feel emotions like humans do. It can recognize and respond to emotions but doesn’t experience them on a personal level. Its “emotions” are simulated based on patterns and data.

2. Is Emotional AI Ethical? The ethical implications of Emotional AI are a hot topic. It raises concerns about privacy, manipulation, and the potential for misuse. Striking a balance between innovation and ethics is crucial in this field.

3. What Are Some Challenges in Emotional AI? One of the significant challenges in Emotional AI is understanding the context of emotions. Humans express emotions in complex ways, often depending on various factors. Teaching AI to interpret these nuances is an ongoing challenge.

4. Can Emotional AI Revolutionize Mental Healthcare? Yes, it can. Emotional AI can play a vital role in monitoring and supporting individuals with mental health issues. It can provide insights and assistance in real-time, improving mental healthcare delivery.

t he f uture of e motional ai

As technology advances, the field of Emotional AI is only going to get more exciting and mysterious. Researchers are continuously working to enhance AI’s emotional understanding and response capabilities. The future might hold AI companions that truly understand and adapt to our feelings, or even AI therapists that provide emotional support. With these advancements, though, come ethical and philosophical questions. How much emotional intelligence do we want AI to have? How do we balance innovation with the responsibility of using it ethically? These are essential questions to ponder as we move forward into this cool and exciting future.

In conclusion, the journey into the world of emotions in AI is indeed exciting and fun, with a dash of cool and a hint of mystery. The possibilities are vast, and the challenges are significant. As we explore the fascinating intersection of AI and emotions, we must remember to tread carefully, ensuring that the rise of emotional machines is a positive and ethical one.




The amalgamation of artificial intelligence and psychology exhibits great potential for an array of uses. They have the potential to achieve even greater heights and are already having an impact in the following ways:

1. Personalized Mental Health Care

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms are able to analyze large datasets and spot trends that can help with individualized treatment programs for people with mental health problems. AI can design individualized therapies that are more successful than one-sizefits-all methods by taking into account a person’s genetics, behavioral tendencies, and therapeutic responses.

2. Early Detection of Mental Health Disorders

AI-powered systems can scan speech patterns, social media activity, and biometric data to detect early indicators of mental health illnesses. Early warnings allow for prompt interventions and preventive measures.

3. Virtual Therapists and Support Systems

AI-powered chatbots and virtual therapists are already being utilized for counseling and support, lending a sympathetic ear to people in need at all times. These systems have the ability to provide immediate assistance, especially in instances where a human therapist is not easily available.

4. Predicting and Preventing Suicidal Behavior

Suicidal behavior can be predicted with high accuracy using modern AI systems. AI has the ability to save lives by detecting warning indicators and alerting mental health experts and caregivers.

5. Reducing Stigma

The anonymity given by AI-driven mental health solutions may inspire more people to seek help without fear of being judged or stigmatized, hence expanding access to mental health care.

The Maximum Potential of AI in Psychology

As AI and psychology progress, their future potential will be as enormous as the human mind itself. Consider the following possibilities


Emotionally Intelligent AI

AI systems of the future may have improved emotional intelligence, allowing them to understand and respond to human emotions with empathy and nuance. These AI systems may be useful in providing emotional support and understanding.

2. AI-Enhanced Therapy

AI might become an intrinsic part of therapy sessions, assisting therapists in providing more effective and personalized therapies. AI could potentially help in the development of virtual worlds for exposure treatment to treat phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder.

3. Advanced Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)

BCIs combined with AI could enable people with severe mental illnesses to communicate and engage with the outside world. This could considerably improve the quality of life for persons suffering from illnesses such as locked-in syndrome.

The convergence of AI and psychology has the potential to transform the field of mental health by making it more accessible, effective, and responsive to individual requirements. The most promising future in this field is one in which mental health is destigmatized, customized, and well-supported, and AI serves as a beneficial ally in the fight against mental health diseases. While obstacles and ethical concerns must be addressed, the prospects for this collaboration are quite exciting, offering new hope to millions of people seeking mental health. As we move forward, it is critical that we use AI to promote mental health and create a better future for all.


Can We Understand How AI Reason, Make Decisions,

and Chooses It’s Actions ?

Artificial intelligence is advancing rapidly and mysteriously, transforming the world in profound ways, and changing how we interact with and harness the power of machines. AI is the science of creating intelligent agents – machines, software, and systems that can simulate human-like thinking, learning, and problem-solving.

Did you notice the word “mysteriously”?

Yep AI is mysterious because in many cases, AI produces results without providing a clear explanation for its decision-making process. This lack of transparency can make AI seem mysterious, as it may be challenging to discern why a particular decision or prediction was made. In essence, this is what we often refer to as a “black box” – a term frequently used to describe the operations that happen behind the scenes in AI.

Why Do AI Systems Have Black Boxes?

AI systems end up with Black Boxes because they often utilize complex machine learning models, such as deep neural networks. These models consist of layers upon layers of interconnected artificial neurons, and they learn from data to make predictions or decisions. During the learning process, these models adjust their internal parameters to minimize errors, making them exceptionally proficient at specific tasks. However, as these models become more intricate, understanding how they reach particular conclusions can become challenging. It’s like trying to decipher a secret code – the more complex it is, the harder it becomes to crack.

The Quest for Explainability

In 2018, a landmark challenge in artificial intelligence (AI) took place, namely, the Explainable Machine Learning Challenge. The goal of the competition was to create a complicated black box model for the dataset and explain how it worked. One team did not follow the rules. Instead of sending in a black box, they created a model that was fully interpretable. This leads to the question of whether the real world of machine learning is similar to the Explainable Machine Learning Challenge? Imagine AI not only making a recommendation but also saying, “I think you should watch this movie because it has a high rating and it matches your previous preferences.” Talk about helpful!


Exciting times lie ahead in the realm of AI


With the advent of XAI (Explainable AI), the situation changed. Now, we are looking through a dual-tube night vision device. With XAI, we can uncover the reasons behind certain decisions. For instance, if we use deep learning for an image classification problem with multiple classes, XAI allows us to see the features that the neural network has extracted from images and on which it bases its predictions. Therefore, XAI highlights the features that the model relies on to make decisions.

Explainable Ai (XAI) techniques

LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations) – LIME is a popular XAI approach that uses a local approximation of the model to provide interpretable and explainable insights into the factors that are most relevant and influential in the model’s predictions. To implement LIME in python, you can use the lime package, which provides a range of tools and functions for generating and interpreting LIME explanations.

SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations) – SHAP is an XAI approach that uses the Shapley value from game theory to provide interpretable and explainable insights into the factors that are most relevant and influential in the model’s predictions. To implement SHAP in python, you can use the shap package, which provides a range of tools and functions for generating and interpreting SHAP explanations.

ELI5 (Explain Like I’m 5) – ELI5 is an approach that provides interpretable and explainable insights into the factors that are most relevant and influential in the model’s predictions, using a simple and intuitive language that can be understood by non-experts. To implement ELI5 in python, you can use the eli5 package, which provides a range of tools and functions for generating and interpreting ELI5 explanations.

In the end, I would say that XAI acts as a guiding beacon. It leads us toward a future where AI decisions are no longer mysteries but well-lit paths, making the technology fairer and more ethical. While we may not fully unravel the enigma of the AI black box, we’re on a path towards greater transparency and accountability in artificial intelligence. The journey continues, and with each step, XAI brings us closer to a world where AI is a trusted and indispensable tool.



Cybersecurity a concept mentioned everywhere. When heard, we picture an antagonist known as “The hacker,” represented as a teen in black clothes facing a black-green screen, chased by a government agent wearing sunglasses, this typical scenario is what Hollywood tends to show us in their movies and not the reality.

Cybersecurity Origins

The word “cyber” has ancient Greek origins in “kubernetikos’’ meaning “good at piloting”, with time evolved into the French word “cybernetique” meaning “the art of governing”, however, Norbert Wiener who popularized “cyber” in his 1948 book on cybernetics making the way for its modern meaning that relates to computers and networks.

Modern Cybersecurity

Information security protects both digital and physical and it’s branch Cybersecurity, which aims to protect digital data and computer systems.


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Beginning of Security.

When the first computer existed between 1940s-1950s, security began with protecting the physical components of these machines.

When networks started to develop between 1960s-1970s, security showed importance after the first concept of a virus appeared named “Creeper” infecting computers and spreading to others. It displayed a message “I’m the creeper, catch me if you can!” Soon after the first concept of antivirus “Reaper” appeared, countering it. It wasn’t malicious, after all its intention was to prove a concept.

1980s-1990s, the internet expansion encouraged the development of firewalls and encryption technologies, viruses weren’t as malicious as the next era.

1990s-2000s, the hacker’s golden age and the malware epidemic era. The rise of e-commerce and online services led to increasing hacking. Cybersecurity measures were found to protect data. Most famous viruses appeared like the “ILOVEYOU” virus or “Love Letter Virus”, considered one of the most destructive and widespread computer viruses in history.

2010s witnessed the expansion of IoT devices (Internet of Things devices like Smart Mobiles, smart refrigerators…etc), laking robust security measures causing new viruses and more hacking groups to appear like “Strontium” a state-sponsored Russian hacking group that went after IoT devices .

Till the present, where the rise of AI and machine learning is used in different tasks like detecting and responding to threats or for malicious tasks like creating deepfake data. With this brief history, notice how Cybersecurity evolves usually after incidents.

Internet Safety is Gun Safety

Social media, where lives are shared constantly almost non-stop. Like sharing our opinions, or uploading pictures of ourselves. This is called “data’’. We might ask, “Why should I hesitate to share my life?” Or “I’m at low risk of cyber attacks”. That might be true, however, that doesn’t mean that you won’t be used for a bigger cause, in simpler terms, you won’t be targeted as a person, but as a tool to reach a certain goal without noticing, like opening an unknown email attachment through work computers. One famous form of cyber attacks is these scamming messages or websites like websites that pretend to “hack” game currency; usually used by unsupervised children. Just to note a lot of cyber crimes use social engineering more than coding. All of the previously mentioned are simple examples of cyber threats, so any protection won’t be effective without internet safety.

What is Internet Safety?

The practice of protecting yourself, your information, and your digital devices while using the internet and being aware of potential online threats, such as viruses, malware, phishing, identity theft, blackmailing, cyberbullying. Steps to reduce these risks include using strong and unique passwords, updating antivirus programs constantly, being cautious when sharing personal information online, and avoiding suspicious websites and email attachments. It also involves being cautious about the information you consume and share by ensuring that it’s from trustworthy sources to avoid falling victim to misinformation, scams, or rumors.

Cybersecurity is a Big Term.

Cybersecurity is a big umbrella containing numerous fields like Cryptography, Security Awareness Officer, Vulnerability Researcher and Exploit Developer …etc but unfortunately, people tend to desire “penetration testing,” known as “ethical hacking”.

Cybersecurity Applications.

Cyber security matters everywhere, even in the simplest places. After all, your data is always desired. But not everyone labeled as a hacker aims for bad. Some of them aim to do good by gathering and forming a community. One example that demonstrates this concept is the Trace Labs project that appeared around 2017-2018.

With the rise of wars and poverty, more people go missing under unknown circumstances. Those who aren’t immediately found usually end up in human trafficking. Here comes Trace lab, a nonprofit organization funded by donations. Led by volunteering hackers, private investigators and security professionals cooperating with authorities to help find missing people collecting information and provide it to the authorities that pursue the appropriate course of action.They only do OSINT (Open-source intelligence). If you’re skilled enough, try to join the search party or participate in their CTF; however, joining them is not for the faint-hearted as a lot of their cases have dark elements in them.

Cybersecurity evolves daily after all, “Cybersecurity is not just a technology issue; it’s a people issue, and it’s a process issue” - Stephanie Helm, Chief Risk Officer at Palo Alto Networks.


Malware Caught in 4k

in today’s tech-driven world, there’s a sneaky digital villain that can wreak havoc on our devices and data. It’s called “malware,” short for malicious software. Let’s take a closer look at what malware is, how it comes at us, and the steps we can take to stay safe.

What’s Malware?

Malware is like a digital troublemaker. It’s a type of software or code that’s made to cause harm Common types of malware include. Viruses that attach themselves to legitimate programs and replicate upon execution, Worms that spread automatically through networks, Trojans that masquerade as legitimate software, Spyware that stealthily gathers sensitive information, And Ransomware that encrypts your data and demands money for its release, Rootkits that provide privileged access within a system without detection, And Adware that shows unwanted ads which can slow down your computer.

Common Infection Vectors

Malware can infiltrate systems through various vectors. Email attachments, infected websites, and malicious downloads are common entry points. Additionally, software vulnerabilities, especially those left unpatched, provide opportunities for the attacker to exploit weaknesses and spread malware.

Anti Malware Tools AND Solutions

Antivirus software, intrusion detection systems, and firewalls are essential tools in the fight against malware. They scan files and network traffic for signs of malicious activity and take action to block or remove threats.


Malware Detection and Removal

Regularly scanning systems with up-to-date antivirus software is critical in malware detection. In the event of an infection, isolating affected devices from the network and removing the malware promptly can minimize damage.

Malware Prevention Strategies

Preventing malware infections requires a proactive approach, which includes keeping your software and devices up to date, learning how to recognize suspicious emails and messages, using strong passwords, enabling multi-factor authentication, exercising caution when clicking online links, and making sure to download apps exclusively from trusted sources.

The Role of Machine Learning in Malware Detection

we have an illusion of security, we don't have security

Machine learning plays a vital role in identifying and categorizing malware. Specifically, malware that can evade traditional signature-based antivirus by constantly changing its code e.g. Metamorphic and polymorphic malware. To find polymorphic and metamorphic malware, organizations need advanced cybersecurity tools that don’t rely on signatures. These tools use machine learning (ML) algorithms to assess the likelihood of a file being malicious. They do this by looking at overall file characteristics, like randomness in different parts, images, icons, and code structure. These features are transformed into numerical data for ML models to analyze.

In conclusion, malware is a digital troublemaker that we need to watch out for. But with the right tools and some know-how, we can protect ourselves and keep our digital lives safe from harm.

outStaysafe there!




Know the Difference

What is an Indicator of Attack (IOA)?

Indicators of attack (IOA) are like clues that help us figure out what a hacker is trying to do, no matter what tricky software they are using. But, just like how some antivirus programs cannot catch certain new types of threats, an IOC-based detection approach can miss some sneaky attacks without malware or with new tricks. That is why new and better security solutions are shifting to an IOA-based approach, like the one pioneered by CrowdStrike. It helps us stay ahead of the threat actors and catch their tricks.

What is an Indicator of Compromise (IOC)?

An Indicator of Compromise (IOC) is like a clue in the digital investigation world. There is evidence found on a computer that suggests the network’s security might have been breached by bad actors. Investigators collect this evidence when they are alerted about a possible problem, regularly on a schedule, or when they notice strange activity on the network. The goal is to use this information to create smarter tools that can find and isolate suspicious files to keep the system safe in the future.

IOAs vs. IOCs: A Comprehensive Comparison

In the ever-evolving realm of cybersecurity, the battle between defenders and attackers rages on. Amidst this ongoing confrontation, two critical concepts have emerged as indispensable tools in the defender’s arsenal: Indicators of Attack (IOAs) and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs). Understanding the fundamental differences between these two approaches is essential for building a robust defense strategy.

Nature of Evidence : IOAs are rooted in both digital and physical evidence, allowing cybersecurity professionals to monitor various dynamic activities within the network. This proactive approach enables them to identify potential threats before they escalate into data breaches. On the other hand, IOCs are primarily based on digital evidence, consisting of specific patterns or signatures that indicate a compromise has already occurred. These indicators are static and do not provide real-time monitoring capabilities.

Timing of Detection : IOAs take a proactive stance by detecting data breaches before they occur. By continuously monitoring activities in real-time, security teams can spot suspicious behaviors and potential attack attempts, intervening before any significant harm is done. IOCs, however, are reactive in nature, as they are detected after data breaches have already taken place. Once the compromise has occurred and the corresponding indicators have been identified, defenders can use them to trace the extent of the breach and mitigate further damage.

Real-Time Monitoring : IOAs excel at real-time monitoring, actively analyzing ongoing activities and behaviors. This allows for swift response and containment of threats, reducing the impact of potential attacks. IOCs, on the other hand, lack real-time monitoring capabilities. They are implemented retrospectively based on past incidents, making them less effective for immediate threat detection.

Proactive vs. Reactive : IOAs are inherently proactive, acting as a preemptive measure against potential threats. By understanding attack patterns and behavioral anomalies, security teams can take preemptive action to thwart malicious activities. IOCs, being reactive, are limited to responding after an attack has occurred. Their role is mainly focused on providing valuable insights into the incident after the fact, aiding in the investigation, and strengthening defenses for the future.

Types of Threats : IOAs cover a wide range of potential attack types, including credential theft, credential exploitation, lateral movements, command and control (C&C) communications, and data exfiltration, among others. IOCs, on the other hand, typically involve indicators such as IP addresses, vulnerability exploitation, malware injections, and specific cyber threat signatures.


Intelligence and False


: IOAs, while providing valuable real-time information, might offer insufficient forensic intelligence following a cyber incident. Further analysis and investigation may be required to gain a comprehensive understanding of the attack. IOCs can cause false alarms, demanding precise tuning to minimize distractions from real threats.

Overall, IOAs provide real-time monitoring, while IOCs aid post-incident analysis. Combining both strengthens cybersecurity against evolving threats.

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Virtual Reality has been one of the fastest emerging technologies in recent years. And that’s understandable since it provides such a unique way to perceive various different realities like we never have before. VR is a lot more than just simulations, it is an infinite universe of entertainment and thrill and a portal to all that you’ve ever imagined and more. There are endless possibilities for what you could build, create and explore. you could even wander into places humans have never been to! Here are some fun possible ways to enjoy your time in the Virtual World.

Time To Get Social!

Social gatherings and interactions are getting way too fun with VR! There are plenty of virtual rooms where you can gather with friends who are far away and make the physical distances between you vanish. “VRChat” offers an endless collection of social VR experiences. “Rec Room” is also a good place to play games and party up with friends from all over the world.

New Level Unlocked!

The further you get into technology, the further you go into gaming. With the technology of VR you will be able to step into dimensions of thrill and action in “ Resident Evil 4”, survive a roboapocalyptic horizon with “Horizon: Call of the Mountain” or travel across the galaxy with “Star Wars: Tales From The Galaxy’s Edge”.

Get Ready For A Unique Adventure

VR didn’t only step the level up for gaming, it also took the simulation field to a whole new level. It’s all about making our experiences as immersive as possible and opening doors for endless adventures. Explore the inside of a black hole, climb the highest mountains and visit the seven wonders of the world without leaving your house!

VR is like your own little sand box where you can build any type of sand castles you desire, whether you’re looking for a unique adventure, an entertaining game to pass time, or just a simple way to connect with friends from around the world, VR offers endless possibilities for your desires. So, put on your headset, get your controllers ready and dive into this new reality of your own!



Have you ever used a filter to make a silly face, get eyelashes, or even get a shiny smile? Well, actually you have used AR (Augmented Reality), which we could define it as an interactive experience that combines the real world and computergenerated content, actually AR is not a modern technology, back in 1990 Tom Caudell, a Boeing researcher, coined the term (augmented reality), while in 1992 Louis Rosenburg, a researcher in the USAF Armstrong’s Research Lab, created ‘Virtual Fixtures’, which was one of the first fully functional augmented reality systems. Now after you have more knowledge about AR, let’s get to the fun part.

Pika Pika Pikachu!

AR technology made a huge difference in the game industry from making it more immersive to capturing your body motion to trace it with the game characters. Such as Xbox 360 camera was a whole new level step for the game industry although the big shot was when Pokemon Go was released this game was about hunting Pokemons and having your own collection just open the app and use the camera to track the creatures.

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Face ID

Sometimes you might need your ID card to do some transactions but you lost it, or your fingerprint to unlock your phone but your fingers are sweaty, so AR came with a sub-technology called face recognition which is a technology that scans your face by using the camera that projects over 30000 dots onto the surface of your face then analyze it so the next time you use your phone it will be unlocked just by scanning your face, also it is used in many government transactions because it is harder to be stolen.

Buying a new house

How many times have you gone to buy a new table, bed, or even a lamp, and after you made your purchase you went back home and the thing you bought can’t fit in the space? AirMesure is a game changer because it offers a virtual ruler that is so accurate that you won’t forget it at home because it’s already on your phone just open the camera and use it, too simple.

Try it on before buying it

Since 2019 when COVID-19 started many people have preferred online shopping to traditional shopping but some of the worst things are that you can’t try your clothes on before buying it. Wanna Kicks came up with the solution for that which is software that allows you to try the shoe before buying it, the app works such as when you use a Snapchat filter where it scans your foot size and makes you try the shoe before buying it and it has a huge amount of brands to try on.


We may use our strengths for the greater good in the age of technology and entrepreneurship by thinking of ideas to tackle minor everyday problems, even if we consider them “minor.” Some people may regard them as game changers. In this article, we will discuss various earlier concepts and merge them into an idea to help a larger group of individuals improve their lives.

In the not-so-distant past, the seamless integration of technology into the daily lives of individuals with impairments felt like an elusive dream. Fast forward to the present, and we stand at the precipice of an extraordinary transformation, particularly for those grappling with visual impairments or hearing challenges.

Let’s dive into aiding the visually impaired, with machine learning taking center stage. Envision AR glasses that recognize objects or living beings, whether human or animal, but empower the wearer to comprehend their surroundings without relying on vision. This groundbreaking innovation isn’t solely transformative for those considered blind; it’s equally revolutionary for individuals who are legally blind. Delivering information through bone conduction, akin to having a personal speaker at their ears.

INVR While both Generation Z and Millennials are interested in tryingvirtual reality, Baby Boomers aren’t far behind.AccordingtoresearchbyGreenlightVRandTouchstone Research, 64% of Baby Boomers have positive feelings towardsvirtualreality. FUNFACT


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SOMEOFTHEBESTAPPLICATIONSHAVE NOTHINGTODOWITHGAMING Typically, when people think of virtual reality, they think of computer games. Unfortunately, this stigma excludes some of the best and most interesting virtual reality experiences out today that have nothing to do with gaming. There are virtual reality travel experiences, virtual realitydocumentaries,and much,much more.


The trail of innovation doesn’t run cold there. These cutting-edge glasses are poised to redefine how we assist those with hearing challenges. Imagine the glasses reading lips with embedded microphones, seamlessly processed by an avant-garde machine learning algorithm. Subtitles gracefully dance across the lenses, unlocking a world of communication. Users respond with sign language, their gestures effortlessly translated and echoed through the actual speakers in the glasses.

Now, let’s explore the design. Visualize 3D printers as the wizards crafting the outer shell of these innovative glasses. Miniature chips, the powerhouses orchestrating the magic, seamlessly process torrents of information. Taking a leaf from Snapchat’s playbook, we incorporate similar camera technology, ensuring top-notch functionality while keeping costs in check. The speaker and microphone combo? Modeled after successful designs, why reinvent the wheel when brilliance already exists?

That isn’t just innovation; it’s business. As of 2021, a staggering 300 million individuals globally that are visual impairments. While some might regain sight through simple, low-cost procedures, our focus sharpens on the rest the estimated 75 million who may have lost hope.

Enter the economic stage. The market for the visually impaired, estimated at $4 billion, isn’t just crucial; it’s a significant opportunity for companies introducing this technology were not just discussing a product; we’re envisioning a billion-dollar industry, a testament to the immense potential when innovation aligns with necessity.

In a world where the once unimaginable becomes reality, AR glasses for the visually impaired and hard of hearing transcend mere solutions to limitations; they redefine the narrative of what’s possible. It’s not just a business; it’s a movement that transforms lives and propels an economic wave, creating ripples of change far beyond the frames of these revolutionary glasses. Brace yourself for the future—one where vision knows no boundaries, and hearing extends beyond mere sound.



David Coz and Damien Henry developed the Google Cardboard platform. These two engineers developed the project as part of Google’s “innovation time off” program.Inthisprogram,engineersareencouragedto spend20percentoftheirtimeworkingonprojectsthat interest them. Thankfully, Google backed the project, and Google Cardboard is now one ofthe cornerstones ofscalablevirtualreality.



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The “Precision of Truth” project is presented by the ViReality team, a group of VR students. This project reflects our attempt to delve into the world of war and conflict experiences with their deep human dimensions. Given the importance of the concept of virtual reality in our modern era, we offer an unprecedented experience that takes you on a journey to the Palestinian territories.

This experience will not be just a vision but will be a simulation of the daily life of the population in Palestine during difficult periods and ongoing wars. This experience will make you better understand the social, political, and economic context surrounding life in Palestine.

The “Precision of Truth” project aims to simulate the reality of the genocide in Palestine and the challenging circumstances that the Palestinian people are going through as a result of the ethnic cleansing and genocide carried out by Israel, which began more than 75 years ago. When Palestinians attempted to fight back on October 7th, 2023, they experienced hell on Earth. In this experience, you will see a glimpse of what they have been enduring since October 7th.

This project will be presented to different universities in Jordan, in cooperation with Al-Balqa’ Applied University, which played an effective role in the success of this experience. The scenes presented within this project are based on the five senses of humans, which the Palestinian citizen no longer experiences naturally. They breathe and smell the scent of war and the blood of Palestinian soldiers and citizens, listen to the sounds of loud explosions and the cries of injured children, and see the extent of the destruction and rubble of buildings that have spread throughout the Gaza strip.

Students at BAU As-Salt will experience virtual reality 360, scenes of war crimes committed in Gaza and all around Palestine.

















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“Click Here for Free In-Game Currency: Scams Involving in-Game Currency.” Guardio, Guardio,

Kaspersky. “Top 15 Internet Safety Rules and What Not to Do Online.” Me, 8 Sept. 2023,


Galarita, Brandon. “Information Security vs. Cybersecurity: What’s the Difference?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 11 Aug. 2023, advisor/education/information-security-vs-cyber-security.

“Cybernetics (n.).” Etymology,


“What Is a Polymorphic Virus? Examples & More - Crowdstrike.” Crowdstrike.Com, 5 Apr. 2023, malware/polymorphic-virus/

Conrad, Senan. “How Does Malware Spread? Top 5 Ways Malware Gets into Your Network How Does Malware Spread? Top 5 Ways Malware Gets into Your Network.” Emsisoft, 15 Mar. 2023,

“Malware: What Is Malware & How to Stay Protected from Malware Attacks.” Palo Alto Networks, what-is-malware


Xcitium. “Difference of Ioa vs IOC: Indicators of Compromise.” Xcitium, 25 Apr. 2023,

“Ioa vs IOC: Understanding the Differences - Crowdstrike.” Crowdstrike.Com, 20 July 2023, indicators-of-compromise/ioa-vs-ioc/.





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